Issue 1 November 2001 newsletter

supported by the DG Research of the European Union Structural Assessment Monitoring and Control

content Building the SAMCO Network Structural Assessment, Monitoring and It is intended to keep this network as g Building the SAMCO Control has gained importance in our open as possible to enable interested Network complex technical environment. The parties to join and contribute, but in page 1 European Union appreciates the particular benefit from the activities. The annual workshops will provide a good g development and supports activities in Samco Kick-Off these fields for the benefit of society. forum for discussion and new relations. Meeting in Assisi The invitation to join is open to anybody The SAMCO Network is established to page 2 worldwide. Just send an e-mail to concentrate the knowledge and to [email protected], with your co-ordinates, g stimulate further development. A In Preparation: and we will keep you informed. SAMCO Database database is being created to provide raw You are invited to join this network as a page 3 data, free of charge, to researchers and a help desk will exist to answer queries member, which will provide you with free g News of the on the subject. The End Users Forum access to all the available information, Profession & Practice will help to bridge the gap between the contacts to the key European players in page 3-4 developers and users of new this field and the chance to participate in future research projects. This invitation g technologies in the field. Ambient Vibration targets owners of structures, as well as The purpose of this letter is to attract Testing of Europa- operators, maintenance crews, your interest in becoming a member of Bridge with BRIMOS consultants, designers and teachers. this Network. Details about the network g Risk Management of can be found enclosed with this letter or Your Network Co-ordinator Latent Defects at the web page Helmut Wenzel g A Glance at the World page 4-5 g Earthquakes happen eyerywhere and any time SAMCO offers g Bridge Collapses – A short review of the last you for free: 5 months g Company Profile g Raw data page 6 g Benchmark tests g VCE g New codes and g News in Brief standards page 7 g Centre of knowledge g SAMCO Quiz page 7 g State of the art technology g Notable Dates page 8

published by


SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001

SAMCO Kick-Off Meeting in Assisi

th On the 5 of October the participants of FE FIAT Engineering SpA SAMCO met at the Kick-Off Meeting in GEOCISA Geoctecnica y Cimientos, Assisi, . S.A. 1997 a momentous earthquake took TRL TRL Limited place in Assisi claiming many victims. RAMBOLL Ramboll, Hannemann & Against this historical background the Hojlund A/S conference venue Assisi gave SAMCO SPEA Spea Ingegneria Europea S.p.A. and thus the Kick-Off Meeting a spezial relevance. 26 Participants of 19 different AUTOS Autostrade Concessioni e organisations coming from 10 different Construzioni Autostrade S.p.A. countries joined the meeting. Following the partners presentations, many other essential items were Initially the coordinator outlined the discussed. For example, the members of motivation, history and all aspects of the the Steering Committee have been practical work of SAMCO. Next a decided. The Steering Committee will be presentation was devoted to special responsible for the scientific, networking sections of the SAMCO network, with and dissemination progress in the consideration of the expected Network. development. The session was continued with the partners presentation. The The selection of members has also been following partners presented their discussed in depth. According to an organisations and their prospective scope agreement with the Scientific Officer, 25 of duties within SAMCO: members should be selected within the first 3 months of the contract (before VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers Christmas). Holding GmbH Furthermore the establishment of a AUTH Aristotle University of summer academy was discussed, which Thessaloniki Research Committee looks like an attractive chance to generate JRC Joint Research Centre of the additional funds for the Network. It was European Commission expressed that there seems to be a EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for demand for education in the field of the Materials Testing and Research network, which comes from practising UNIPV Universita Degli Studi Di Pavia engineers in particular. BRE Building Research Establishment Other items, like the establishment of the Limited database, the setting-up of the End User LCPC Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Forum, the organisation of the thematic Chaussees groups and the possibilities of international collaboration, were BAM Federal Institute for Materials discussed as well. An introduction was Research and Testing also given to the benchmark tests and a BYTP Bouygues Travaux Publics complete overlook on the activities of the LMS LMS International NV bridge management. DMI Danish Maritime Institute Although many issues could only be Arsenal Österreichisches Forschungs- touched on briefly, the Meeting contributed nevertheless, to a mood of und Prüfzentrum Arsenal GesmbH enthusiasm for the project. The Meeting BAST Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen of Assisi was concluded with the motto: SAMCO is a chance. Let`s take it! © VCE

PAGE 2 SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001

In Preparation: “Samco Database”! One of the essential targets of Samco is have the possibility to strengthen a information can be gathered in greater the distrubution of data and information technological approach through reference depth. An important criterion for the data about methodologies, projects and tests in projects and demonstration cases in the providers is the possibility to define the the area of structural assessment, database. On the other hand End Users will degree of “sensitivity” of their data: monitoring and control. To achieve this goal be able to obtain an overview of the latest public and free of charge, purchased or a common database will be established, state of the art technology. Research under certain conditions or only by which will provide an overall view of the communities, which will be able to draw raw authorisation from the user. activities and the available data in this field. data free of charge, will also benefit from Through an extendable structure, the The database will not only provide raw data the database. database will be open to further partners, of benchmark and laboratory tests, but also Preparation works have already begun and in order that it´s continuation can be documentation, state of the art reports, the prototype of the database is expected to guaranteed. examples and references, and useful links be implemented in January. However, the collection of the data and hints. But who will benefit from it? With The database will have an open structure requires the definition of certain criteria the help of this database, practising with the possibility for everyone to easily for the selection of relevant data and the engineers, for example, will be able to access data. Of course the structure of the definition of uniform standards. This will compare methodologies. They will even database will be layered so that be the task for the coming weeks! News of the Profession & Practice

Ambient Vibration Testing of Europa-Bridge with BRIMOS The dynamic investigation of the rimos is a method of system B Europa bridge focused essentially on the identification and damage detection for following points: bridges and other important structures. The system is based on measurements Determination of current status of of the dynamic characteristics of fundamental natural frequencies and structures due to ambient vibrations. comparison of the results with the cal- Beside the measurements analytic culated frequencies (system dynamic calculations are carried out. identification). Measurements using very sensitive Determination of measured mode accelerometers lead to the natural shapes of the structural system and frequencies, mode shapes and damping identification of possible differences to values of a structure and make system the predicated shapes. identification and structural integrity Determination of the damping ratios of assessment possible. Comparison of the the system. results gathered by using this method Assessment of the vibration intensity with those of parallel performed bridge with regard to fatigue problems and inspections help to recognize valuable possible damage. information provided by the method. Due to the ambient acceleration VCE also used this method in 1997 to measurements and their analyses the assess the famous Europa Bridge in system behavior could be determined. By Tirol, , assigned by the interpretation of the Alpenstraßen AG. measurements and comparison with the Europa Bridge was built between 1959 computer simulations the and 1963 as the tallest steel box-girder system identification could be bridge in Europe. 820m in length, it is the determined. largest construction on the Kufstein- Brenner Motorway. An important Contact European road traffic connection. 190m above ground, it spans the so called Helmut Wenzel within the . Vienna Consulting Engineers [email protected] 190.0 V

128.0 657.0 © VCE


SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001

Risk Management of Latent Defects

Latent defects in buildings form a As it is essential to receive as broad a considerable fraction of instances of response as possible, the questionnaires disagreement and often litigation between are not electronic and will need to be varying parties. UK Government initiatives received by BRE before the end of have set out to reduce this but the overall November. If you would like to contribute experience of latent defects is not well information, but do not wish to complete a understood, in particular the risk questionnaire, then please e-mail your management options available. A project contribution to Anna Kingsmill-Vellacott at has been set up to help develop the address shown. combined technical and commercial It is intended that the output of the project approaches to the management of risk will provide professionals in construction and associated with latent defects. other industries, as well as their insurers, © Foundation for the Built Environment A project being undertaken by the with guidance and initial risk management Building Research Establishment on tools and options to aid in the effective behalf of the Foundation for the Built management of risk from latent defects. The Environment is currently looking at both review of risk management options available the incidence of, and risk management for latent defects will provide the basis for a options for, latent defects in construction more informed risk management of, and projects. To get the most accurate, in- decisions in respect of, latent defects. depth and up-to-date information, a It is hoped that, as a result of this project, questionnaire has been prepared for combined technical and commercial circulation to as wide an audience as approaches will be developed to manage the possible. If you have something to risk associated with latent defects. contribute to this project, and would like to Contact complete a questionnaire, it can be obtained from the Project Manager, Anna Anna Kingsmill-Vellacott Kingsmill-Vellacott, at BRE. Contact Building Research Establishment Limited © BRE details are [email protected] or [email protected] +44(0) 1923-664925. A Glance at the World Earthquakes happen everywhere and any time Apart from the human tragedies magnitudes of 5.0 or more! in the West of Austria. In Italy 2 earthquakes cause huge damage to Although Europe rarely experiences such earthquakes also took place in November, agriculture and infrastructure. The most powerful incidents, earthquakes take place according to the Quake Info Service. Both endangered areas in the world are situated nonetheless. To mention only the recent in South Italy, with magnitudes of about on the West coast of North- and ones, the Austrian Civil Earthquake 3.4. When we look at Germany and Southamerica, as well as in Japain and the Service reported about 11 seismic neighbouring areas (see below), we can Philippines. The map below, shows the incidents in the last 4 months, with see that many seismic incidents with earthquakes that have occurred during the magnitudes between 1.8 and 5.2. The magnitudes of between 2.5 and 4.0 took last 12 months (since 13.11.2000) with latest earthquakes happened in November place in the last 12 months. The yellow dots in the map show the latest incidents. These occurred in the last 30 days.

Incidents in Germany © Earthquakes with magnitudes > 5.0 since 13.11.2000 ©


SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001

Collapsed Ente-os-Rios bridge in Portugal Collapsed Queen Isabella Causeway in Texas Collapsed Queen Isabella Causeway in Texas © © ©

Bridge Collapses – A Short Review of the Last 5 Months

Millions of people trust day after day g In Kerala (India) the 115 year old that the bridge they pass over is stable. Kadalundi railway bridge collapsed in Though in the USA alone, 150 to 200 June. A train was crossing the bridge bridges collapse every year (Geo- when the piers gave way. The first 11 Magazine, February 95). The review of bogies of the train went through safley the last 5 months shows catastrophic but six coaches plunged into the bridge collapses, nearly all with fatal Kadalundi river. More than 200 people Flood caused by Typhoon Toraji consequences. Recent publications were injured, 51 persons lost their lives. © reported about the following cases: (BridgeUpDate, July 01). g At the beginning of March a bridge g Only one month later in July the (Entre-os-Rios) over the Duoro river in Typhoon Toraji swept across Taiwan Portugal collapsed. A bricked pier of the leaving as many as 61 people dead. A metal construction, which was built in flash flooding, caused by the Typhoon, 1886, could not resist the flood of the caused high agricultural losses and Duoro river. Many security standards enourmous damage to infrastructure. were not observed. The 50 metre high The flood knocked down the Hsinyi bridge, a coach with 67 passengers and bridge and Aikuo bridge. The traffic in two cars were swept into the river. More Nantou Country was completely than 70 people died. disrupted. (Der Standard, March 01). (Taiwan Headlines, July 01). Flood caused by Typhoon Toraji © g Fifteen people were injured in April g Eight people were killed in when a bridge construction project on the September in Texas, after four barges central section of the Second Freeway, slammed into a piling of the Queen between Nantou and Changhua Isabella Causeway, the only link (Taiwan), collapsed. Investigators between the village of Port Isabel on the believe that heavy rains the night before mainland and South Padre Island. the accident may have caused one of the Several cars plunged 85 feet into the bridge's cement pillars, which is in the water. At least 13 people were pulled middle of a river bed, to collapse. That from the water. Several of them were may have triggered a domino-like hospitalized. Two spans of the collapse of other portions of the bridge. causeway, the state's longest bridge, (Taiwan Headlines, April 01). collapsed after the pre-dawn crash. (Disasternews, October 01) Collapsed Freeway bridge in Taiwan ©

Model of the collapse of the Kadalundi railway bridge in India Collapsed Kadalundi railway bridge in India © © PAGE 5

SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001 Company Profile Vienna Consulting Engineers

VCE is an independent, high tech oriented consulting firm with its head office in Austria. The company operates in three principal lines of business: g The transportation sector (including bridges, tunnels and railways) g The building and industrial sector (as well as general design and management as well as specialized technological expertise) g The development sector (from research and development to feasibility and environmental studies, financial engineering, to development aid). VCE has major operations in Austria, Taiwan, Korea, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. To date, over 2200 contracts have been successfully completed in 62 countries world-wide with larger, more exciting projects currently under way. The key personnel at VCE consist of experts in many highly specialised fields with long experience records. Close cooperation by the firm with major Austrian universities provides additional expertise to the company when required. VCE has a proud heritage. The firm was founded by Professor K. Wenzel, and has made a major contribution to the technical advancement and aesthetic evolution and refinement of modern bridge design in Austria, and around the world. And since the formation in 1980 of VCE that contribution has expanded to an international level. Since 1960 VCE designs, supervises or During the whole construction time tests bridges of all kind and has accompanying vibration tests were done developed it's expertise to the highest with BRIMOS to check the tension forces Introduce your company possible level. of all cables. So the effective cable force in the text issue of the could be determined. A project example is the Kao Ping Hsi newsletter! bridge (see right) in Taiwan. This building is a cable-stayed bridge with a Contact Please send your company profile to: front part of 330 meters. The bridge deck is 3.20 metres high and 34.50 metres Helmut Wenzel [email protected] broad. The whole conception of the Vienna Consulting Engineers bridge is innovative and sets new [email protected] standards for the bridge construction.


SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001 News in Brief

civil infrastructures. Since 1997, an committed to reducing the impact of Useful Conferences International Workshop on SHM takes place earthquakes on the built and natural every two years in Stanford. Considering environment: geology, seismology, g First International Conference on the increasing activity of the field, it appears geophysics, geotechnical engineering, Bridge Maintenance, Safety and that a similar workshop, could take place in soils and foundatio engineering, structural Management Europe. It was decided to start the process engineering, architecture, social by organising this First European Workshop response, regional planning, emergency The international Association for Bridge on SHM in Paris. It will take place in July response planning, and regulation. For Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) 10-12. 2002, organised by ONERA, ENS- more information: encompasses all aspects of bridge Cachan and LCPC. The purpose of the maintenance, safety, and management. workshop is to assess state-of-the-art Specifically, it deals with: bridge repair and technologies in rehabilitation issues; bridge management g Building for the 21st Century the field and to discuss key issues in systems; needs of bridge owners, financial In December 2001 the Building for the planning, whole life costing and research and development. The workshop is also intended to promote exchange 21st Century conference is planned. Held investment for the future; bridge related in the Queen Elizabeth II Conference safety and risk issues and economic and and cross - fertilisation among many disciplines. For more information: Centre, the purpose of the conference is other implications. The objective of to bring a select group of interested IABMAS is to promote international shm2002 professionals together to share cooperation in the fields of bridge knowledge, experience and ideas. The maintenance, safety, and management for g Urban Earthquake Risk – 7th U.S. conference will assess the state of the the purpose of enhancing the welfare of National Conference on Earthquake art, provide a vision for the future society. The conference will take place in Engineering and help disseminate the information to a Barcelona, on July 14-16, 2002. For more wide audience. The program will attempt information: The Seventh National Conference on to integrate the major important themes Earthquake Engineering, to be held in of technology, liveability and productivity Boston, Massachusetts in 2002, will provide dealing with the main issues facing an opportunity for both researchers and g planners, architects, financiers, First European Workshop on practitioners to share the latest knowledge engineers, designers, building operators Structural Health Monitoring and techniques for understanding and and users. For more information: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is mitigating the effects of earthquakes. promising in the fields of the development Organized by the Earthquake Engineering of smart materials and structures. SHM Research Institute (EERI), this quadrennial has a wide potential of applications, conference will bring together professionals especially for aircraft and aerospace and from the broad range of disciplines SAMCO Quiz

Who knows this bridge? The winners will be published! If you know the answer, send it to [email protected]! The first person, who sends So we shall see who has the best the right answer is the winner! The first three will be published in the next issue. overall view in this field!


SAMCO Newsletter Issue 1 November 2001 Notable Dates

2001 g 21-25. Seventh U.S. National SAMCO related dates Conference on Earthquake DECEMBER Engineering, Boston, MA. prospective g 9–11. Building for the 21st (subject to change) Century-Conference, London, UK SEPTEMBER g 2-5. Fifth European Conference on .2002………………………………… Structural Dynamics - eurodyn 2002, 2002 Munich, Germany. APRIL JANUARY/ FEBRUARY g Steering Committee Meeting at the COMO Congress OCTOBER g 31-2. IMAC Preconference Course Modal Analysis: Theory and st g 9-12. Structural Engineers World g 1 SAMCO workshop at the Application, Los Angeles, CA. Congress, Yokohama, Japan. COMO Congress g 4-7. IMAC-XX: A Conference .2003………………………………… and Exposition on Structural

Dynamics, Los Angeles, CA. JULY g 14-18. SAMCO Summer MARCH Academy, Cambridge, UK. g 11-15. Measurement System Engineering Short Courses, Fort Worth, TX.

APRIL g 7-12. World Conference on Structural Control, Como, Italy. [email protected]

APRIL/ MAY g 28-1. Seismic Conference on Highways and Bridges, Portland, OR. [email protected]


Publisher Managing director Dr. H. Wenzel

Contributions please send to [email protected] Vienna Consulting Engineers Holding GmbH For queries about content in the magazine, please contact Head Office [email protected] Diesterweggasse 1 A-1140 Vienna, Austria SAMCO Newsletter is a newsletter Phone: +43 1 894 60 21 accompanying the Growth Network Fax: +43 1 894 61 70 SAMCO. It is an information and e-mail: [email protected] communication platform for the Web site: participants of SAMCO. It is issued every second month.