
© Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention


TRANSPORT & MOBILITY CONFLICT MAP Activity of the EUSALP Action Group 4 Mobility

80 million people, 7 countries, 48 regions, mountains and plains addressing together common challenges and opportunities Road traffic / © Hannes Schlosser, Alpine Convention as recreation area / © Alessandro Cristofoletti, Alpine Convention


The Alps are an extremely sensitive environment located in EUSALP Action the heart of the European continent. Special geographical Group 4 Mobility (AG4) features cause particular constraints regarding connectivity, accessibility and transport infrastructure. Transport is one of To promote inter-modality and interoperability the main causes of climate change – almost thirty percent in passenger and freight transport. of all greenhouse gases in the Alps can be attributed to The AG4 offers a platform to coordinate and harmonise transport – and both passenger and freight traffic volumes the activities of Alpine regions and countries for a sustain- are rising continuously. Road transport in particular causes able transport and mobility system. Its mission is to build a negative externalities such as air pollution, noise and traffic common understanding of transport policy and mobility, to congestion. This makes mobility one of the biggest define common objectives and to launch specific activities challenges for the social, economic and ecological and projects. development of the Alpine regions. A coordinated approach giving way to a coherent strategy is re- In order to address the most important challenges and quired to tackle these challenges in order to ensure a opportunities concerning mobility in the Alpine Region, the sustainable development for the Alps. AG4 works towards the following objectives: ›› To promote inter-modality and interoperability in pas- The Vienna Declaration of the UNECE Conference on senger and freight transport in particular by removing Transport and the Environment (Vienna 1997) defined infrastructure bottlenecks, bridging missing links, mod- “sensitive areas” as a field of action requiring sus- ernizing infrastructure as well as coordinating timetables tainable transport development. Sensitive areas are and interconnecting transport information. valuable for different reasons. These areas include rare ›› To support modal shift from road to rail. In order to tackle landscapes and habitats, unspoiled areas, intact cultural environmental and social challenges caused by exces- historic landscapes and nature protection zones. These sive traffic flows of freight and passenger transport the areas are valuable because of their material advantag- AG4 promotes the harmonization and implementation of es, such as contribution to the purification of water and modal shift policies with a focus on toll systems. air, maintain biodiversity, protection against dangers, ›› To develop cooperation and greater integration between alleviation of climatic impacts, like for example floods etc. the existing bodies and structures in the field of trans- There are also non-material benefits, for example stress port to avoid duplications of work and to encourage the reduction, leisure time recreation and enjoyment of alignment of funding. Strong links have already been es- nature, sense of identity and home, etc. for the individual tablished with the Alpine Convention, the Suivi de Zurich and society as a whole (T&E 2005). The Alpine Region Process, as well as the iMONITRAF! Network. and their traffic corridors of international relevance are sensitive areas regarding all kind of traffic ›› EUSALP Action Group 4 Mobility (AG4) emissions. Europa Bridge / © Rosel Eckstein_pixelio.de


The aim of the CONFLICT MAP is to identify the most impor- and civil society organizations were invited to bring forward tant challenges and conflicts of transport and mobility in the concrete examples of conflicts and measures in the field of Alpine Region and to visualize them by means of concrete transport and mobility in their region/state. Based on these examples. The development of the CONFLICT MAP is part inputs, nine core topics were identified. Amongst them: air of the activity on public acceptance of modal shift of the and noise pollution, the impact of transport infrastructure AG4 Work Plan and pursues the aim of informing the wider on landscape and nature, connectivity and accessibility, public about the complexity and importance of the topic on increasing transport volumes leading to congestion, sustain- transport and mobility in the Alpine Region. able transport infrastructure, social conflicts caused by the lack of stakeholder involvement, traffic caused by tourism in In order to identify the main challenges and conflicts related the Alpine Region as well as common measures to support to transport and mobility in the Alpine Region, the members modal shift. of the AG4, amongst them representatives of regional and national public administrations, as well as stakeholders




The CONFLICT MAP is an interactive tool which can be the regional and national borders to tackle these issues. further developed to include additional examples brought Moreover, the visualization of the conflicts and challenges forward by stakeholders and interested parties in the Alpine provides an insight into the complexity of the topic which Region. A comprehensive map allows the AG4 to identify lies mainly in the difficulty to find the right balance between shared conflicts and challenges along different areas of the sustainable social, economic and ecological development of Alpine territory and to develop a common approach beyond the Alpine Region, part of the role of the AG4. # AIRQUALITY SENSITIVEALPS Why the Alpine Environment faces over-propor- tional impacts from traffic-induced air pollution.

The Alpine Region is located at major cles per year in 1990 to over 5.5 mio. ical features (e.g. altitude, inversion European crossroads linking Europe vehicles per year in 2010. effect). Thus, some regions in the Alps from South to North and from East Although vehicle technology has face similar air quality problems as to West. With globalisation and an improved significantly in the same pe- major urban areas, however with an increased European integration, riod, these increasing traffic volumes additional challenge: they do not only traffic volumes through the Alps have lead to severe air pollution in the Alps. have to consider the well-being of their increased considerably over the last This is due to the high sensitivity of the citizens but also face the challenge to 20 years. In freight transport only, the Alpine environment: one truck cross- maintain a good environmental quality five major trans-Alpine transit corridors ing the Alps has the same impact as as a main feature for Alpine tourism. have seen an increase by over 70% three trucks in a “flat” area, due to from about 3 Mio. heavy goods vehi- specific topographic and meteorolog-

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South : How to find a balance between accessibility and good air quality is located along the Brenner corridor and is crossed by both the Brenner Tyrol: Drastic air pollution requires drastic measures motorway as well as an international railway line Air quality limits as set by relevant EU legislation have been from North to South. With respect to passenger exceeded in the lower Inn valley over the last years. Despite transport, the region profits from this good ac- a downward trend due to counter measures imposed by the cessibility as tourists can easily reach the popu- Land of Tyrol (permanent speed limit for all vehicles of 100 lar tourism regions of South Tyrol as well as the km/h since 2014 and a sectoral driving ban for polluting HGV city of Bolzano by car. On the other hand, the since November 2016) Vomp remains the measuring station high concentration of road and rail traffic in the with the highest levels of NO2 in . Challenges remain main valley lead to high air pollution; monitoring to improve air quality, and residents and interest groups stations in South Tyrol have measured some of in the Inn valley demand stricter measures to reduce the the highest levels in the overall Alpine Region. number of HGV on the roads. An effective reduction of HGV will however only be possible through common actions of ›› see conflict #TourismTraffic all Alpine transit regions and the harmonisation of relevant measures has thus become one major objective for the EUSALP Action Group on mobility. Grenoble/Chamonix: Heavy air pollution ›› see conflict #CommonMeasures Since 2016 repeated severe air pollution was measured in both locations, caused by industri- al activity and wood heating as well as traffic. In the long term, pollutant emissions (even if they are invisible) have significant consequences for nature and mankind. # NOISEREDUCTION TRADE-OFFS A future-proof Alpine mobility depends on effective noise reduction.

Increasing freight and passenger titude regions. While modal shift from increase in rail freight volumes needs transport volumes on road and rail lead road to rail is a very effective policy to be carefully planned and embed- to high noise pollution in the narrow Al- to reduce air pollution, the effects ded. Major transit regions have thus pine valleys. The topographic features regarding noise are more ambivalent: developed several accompanying aggravate the noise impacts: the am- while some of the (transit) motorways measures, reaching from the construc- phitheatre effect leads to high noise were deliberately constructed outside tion of environmental infrastructures propagation, so that noise generated of settlement areas, rail tracks mostly to the promotion of low-noise rolling in the valleys can also affect higher-al- cross those settlement areas and an stock and material.

Here you can download Piedmont: Freight transport rail corridor the technical data sheet with increasing volumes The Novara – Borgomanero – Domodossola railway line is currently a highly frequented freight path and will be further improved in the next years. The freight trains cause already now some critical noise impacts in specified areas where buildings are very close to the rail tracks, but in a perspective of increasing freight traffic, this kind of impact is expected to be more and more important.

Carinthia: Noise problems in Trentino: Stakeholder involvement Alpine metropoles to develop effective solutions The Region “Kärntner Zentralraum” The town of Trento lies in the narrow is located between the main cities Adige valley and is crossed by highly of the Carinthia region - Klagenfurt frequented railway lines, included the and Villach. The rail connection be- international freight and passenger tween Klagenfurt and Villach is part North to South line. The public admin- of the Baltic Adriatic Corridor and, istration, together with the rail infra- already today, presents a bottle- structure companies, is monitoring the neck along this corridor as capac- situation and looking for solutions; a ities also have to be reserved for lot of noise barriers have been already passenger transport. Due to a high installed. population density in the Kärntner Zentalraum, the rail connection ›› see conflict #AvoidingSocialConflicts leads to high noise impacts. # BALANCING NATURE&LANDSCAPE Finding a good balance between preservation and further development needs.

One of the main features of the Alpine scape, as tourists in the Alps seek the and landscapes and specific mobility Region is its outstanding natural and unique natural surroundings. needs has to be kept – this being only cultural heritage. The Alpine Region The increasing demand for mobility possible by involving relevant stake- forms an area of mountainous habitats constitutes a major challenge for holders and citizens in the planning that is extremely rich in biodiversity preserving the Alpine natural heritage. processes. Trade-offs do not only and resources. A sound environment Transport infrastructures lead to visual occur with respect to mobility needs is essential for underpinning human intrusions as well as habitat loss and but also with respect to other policy activities in the Region and for ensur- landscape fragmentation. Especially aims: for example the construction of ing economic and social wellbeing for for the construction of new infrastruc- noise barriers can also lead to visual its citizens. Alpine tourism in particular tures, a good balance between the intrusions and needs to be carefully depends on an intact nature and land- preservation of natural resources designed.

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South Tyrol: Transport infrastruc- tures and tourism The Brenner corridor lies in a narrow Salzburg: A10 motorway trade-off between noise Alpine valley. Geographical conditions protection and landscape force to build transport infrastructures (mo- To reduce noise impacts of the Tauern motorway (A10), innovative torway, national road, railway) in the valley. noise barriers have been constructed in high-settlement areas. The landscape is shaped by these infra- These noise barriers are specifically high and are curved above structures. To reduce the noise problem a the motorway, so that the surrounding landscapes can no longer noise protections program has been start- be seen by motorway users. Some stakeholders argue that this ed which however has negative impacts form of noise prevention represents a sight obstruction and that for the landscape and thus for tourism. it has a negative impact on tourism, as touristical sights remain undetected while potential visitors pass the region on the motor- ›› see conflict #TourismTraffic way. This example shows the difficulties between different needs ›› see conflict #NoiseReductionTrade-offs in the Alpine region – improving living conditions for local citizens and maintaining a high touristic attractiveness.

Ticino: Melide causeway crossing ›› see conflict #NoiseReductionTrade-offs Lake-Lugano The A2 highway is directly crossing scenic Lake Lugano and is an example of the sig- nificant impact of transport infrastructure on landscape and nature. # CONNECT THEALPS Improving connectivity and accessibility: closing links and providing new solutions for cross-border travel information.

A well connected public transport to improve cross-border services it is services and easily accessible infor- network will become a crucial ele- thus important to identify missing links mation is available at the destination. ment in preserving liveability and in the existing public transport net- One current objective of some Alpine economic activities in remote Alpine work, to identify relevant bottlenecks regions is thus the development of a areas. The Alpine Region suffers from and to improve the quality of services, cross-border travel information tool, an unbalanced demographic trend, especially across borders. High-quality which integrates all available informa- whereby cities and peri-Alpine areas and well-connected public transport tion on public transport services and, grow constantly in population while services are also an important factor in the long term, allows an integrated remote areas suffer from ageing and for tourism mobility: tourists will only ticketing system. depopulation. In order to guarantee leave their car at home and travel to the connectivity within the Region and the Alps by public transport if good

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Tyrol: Connecting remote areas Some remote provinces of Tyrol that are economical­ly Friuli Venezia Giulia: Reactivation of cross-border connections less developed remain poorly and Slovenia are not connected with public transport services. Most nota- connected by public transport. bly, the railway link on the line Venice-Trieste-Ljubljana was cancelled in April For Example there are no 2008, due to different national safety regula­tions. Therefore, the reactivation direct rail connections from of a cross-border connection is a priority to ensure reliable and sustainable Reutte and Lienz to , public transport options, to be achieved through close cooperation with the making travel times by public relevant stake­holders at local and national levels. transport much more time consuming compared to the private car. Thus, the con­ nection of these areas will STRIPE – Developing an integrated travel information system become a priority for future Easily accessible and transparent information on public transport and other public transport development. sustainable mobility services is a crucial precondition for incentivizing modal shift of passenger transport. Especially for journeys crossing national or even regional borders it is however difficult to get information on public transport and other sustainable mobility services in one integrated platform, especially for journeys crossing national or even regional borders. A border crossing, sin- gle information system would make travelling by public transport much easier and more attractive. This should also include additional information services on shared mobility and soft modes, accurate real-time information, informa- tion on tariffs and ticketing as well as the environmental footprint including CO2 emissions and air pollution. Some Alpine regions as well as major public transport providers are currently joining forces in a new project to develop such an integrated platform. # LIMITINGTRAFFIC PEAKS Congestion in the Alps: smart solutions for an optimised capacity use and for limiting safety and environmental impacts.

Increasing transport volumes do not during peak holiday travelling times. services as well as to avoid unwanted only lead to environmental problems Resulting congestion leads to a further traffic shifts between corridors, the but also cause congestion, especial- increase of air pollution but also to Alpine regions have implemented ly on the major Alpine corridors. On safety issues, especially on corridors different measures to deal with con- some of these motorways, capacities with . In order to maintain the gestion. are already fully used during regular competitiveness of regional business- working days and come to their limits es which depend on reliable transport

Switzerland: Phase red on the Gotthard corridor Here you can download To guarantee safety in the 16.9 the technical data sheet km long Gotthard road , several innovative safety measures have been intro- duced at the Gotthard tunnel in response to the tragic fire Tyrol: Congestion on the Brenner motorway in the year 2001. The traffic Due to comparatively cheap tolls for heavy goods vehicles on the Brenner control system includes a corridor and cheap fuel prices in Austria (“fuel tourism”) congestion levels “phase red” warning which will caused in particular by road freight transport remains high on motorways in be issued once the number of Tyrol. The situation is aggravated during peak travelling times, as the majority cars entering the Gotthard and of visitors to Tyrol arrive by private car, resulting in severe road congestion on neighbouring San Bernardino the motorways and at the entrance to the main tourism valleys. This leads to tunnel exceeds the rate of an increase in commuting time for residents and increases transport costs 1,000 per hour. At this point, for local businesses. Thus, drastic measures to control the number of HGV Swiss border officials will stop are being taken by the regional government, with block admission systems truck drivers from using the imposed on certain days. routes leading to the tunnels. This measure reduces conges- tion on the Gotthard motorway Piedmont: Increase of level crossing closing which is however only relevant times on the Alpine Rhine Corridor during peak travelling times. The impacts generated by numerous intersections of the railway lines with the local road are already evident. In some particularly busy roads, the pos- sible increase of level crossing closing times, due to increased freight train traffic, may cause heavy traffic road slowdowns and traffic jams with higher local impacts such as acoustic impact and air pollution. It would be neces- sary to map the points of possible conflict and study the most suitable solu- tions to solve the problems, acting both at the territorial level (suppression of level crossings and alternative road construction), and at the technological level (reducing the closing time of the level crossings themselves). # SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURES Sustainable mobility requires appropriate infrastructures: challenges with the construction of modal-shift infrastructures.

Shifting passenger and freight trans- combined transport terminals to sensitive Alpine environment however port to sustainable transport modes facilitate intermodal solutions but leads to some specific challenges, requires the implementation of smart also the further development of major especially regarding impacts on nature incentive systems as well as the railway lines. Some crucial projects and landscape. But also, potential development of high-quality infrastruc- have already been completed, with the social conflicts need to be considered tures. Especially for rail transport, the being one major as all new infrastructures in the narrow further extension of infrastructures is milestone. Other projects like the base Alpine valley have impacts on existing necessary to avoid bottlenecks and tunnels on the Brenner and Lyon-Turin settlement structures and land-use. time losses. For freight transport, this routes are still under development. includes the construction of further Infrastructure development in the

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Intermodal terminals and ports for combined transport The principle of combined transport Base tunnels across the Alps to support modal shift is that long-distance, mainly interna- Cost-intensive large-scale infrastructure tunnel projects are con­ tional transports are subdivided into a sidered fundamental by the EU as well as to cope with long-distance leg on rail (or sea) and a increasing traffic volumes on the transalpine corridors. With the short-distance leg on road for the local construction of tunnels, the impacts on nature and landscape and distribution of goods. The hubs of such noise are reduced to a minimum. At the same time, significant time logistic chains are multimodal terminals savings on long-distance routes are achieved. The Gotthard Base or seaports, mostly at a central location Tunnel is a major railway project in Siwtzerland which opened in within a region. Combined transport 2016 with a route length of 57 km. The Brenner Base Tunnel, when is more sustainable than transport on opening in 2026, will be the longest railway tunnel in the world with a road only. However the time and cost of total length of 64 km between Austria and Italy. The Lyon-Turin­ high- transshipment and still inefficient bun- speed railway line will better connect the two cities and link Italian dling of goods, are obstacles to com- and French rail networks. The core of the project will be a 57 km base bined transport. To guarantee efficient tunnel predicted to open in 2025. multimodal logistic chains, investments in terminal infrastructure and technology ›› see conflict #BalancingNature&Landscape are necessary. ›› see conflict #AvoidingSocialConflicts

Friuli Venezia Giulia: enhancing cooperation among nodes and connections to the TEN-T FVG is rich with multimodal infrastructures, with three ports and four railroad terminals. Yet, the existing infrastructural and administrative­ bottlenecks prevent to exploit their full potential. FVG region is com­ mitted to enhancing cooperation among nodes and their connections to the TEN-T corridors in order to support modal shift to sustainable means of transport. # AVOIDING SOCIALCONFLICTS Why stakeholder involvement is a crucial factor for developing sustainable mobility solutions in the Alps.

The transformation of Alpine mobility railway lines), new services have involvement of stakeholders to find towards more sustainable modes differing impacts on remote regions acceptable solutions. Several smart and services leads to several trade- and not all regions and citizens see ideas on stakeholder involvement and offs: new infrastructures need to be the same need for changes. Thus, the the avoidance of social conflicts have developed which shift environmental development of new infrastructures been developed in the Alpine Region impacts to other areas (e.g. noise and services as well as the prioritisa- in which citizens generally have a impacts from neighbourhoods along tion of projects always needs a careful close relationship to their environment motorways to settlements along communication as well as a close and cultural heritage.

Trentino: Opposition to the southern access routes of the Brenner Base Tunnel In Trentino, different organizations have expressed their opposition Here you can download to the construction of new infrastructures to develop the southern the technical data sheet access routes of the Brenner base tunnel. Actions to face up the conflict are underway, for example involvement of municipalities and the rail infrastructure company responsible for the projects, launch of an Observatory, monitoring of the ongoing activities and the provision of more and transparent information on the project.

›› see conflict #SustainableInfrastructures

Lyon-Turin base tunnel: Public debate Bavaria: Conflicts related and perception of the new base tunnel to infrastructure development From its initial announcement in the 1990s, the construction of the Ly- In Bavaria, major road and rail infrastructures on-Turin segment of the new European high-speed rail network found are currently developed, with the planned fierce opposition from the inhabitants of Susa Valley, Italy, one of the extension of the A8 motorway Munich-Salz- areas to be cut across by such infrastructure as well as, later on, from burg as well as the rail access lines for the inhabitants of the French Maurienne Valley. Local groups have set up Brenner axis. These infrastructure projects manifestations and opposition movements in an organized way and lead to various fears in the population, includ- have thus influenced the planning process in a crucial way. In France, ing an increase in noise pollution, effects on the national government has thus decided in 2009, to prioritise the landscape and nature as well as the loss of project in a specific way: the trans-border section had been specially agricultural land. These fears need to be tak- supervised under the government’s Démarche Grand Chantier (major en up in planning processes through public worksite programme) which underlined, for the public authorities, the involvement processes. exceptional nature of the project. Such an approach had not been seen since the building of the . An observation post ›› see conflict #AirQualitySensitiveAlps was set up to give more body to the approach and to involve local ›› see conflict #NoiseReductionTrade-offs stakeholders and citizens. ›› see conflict #BalancingNature&Landscape

›› see conflict #SustainableInfrastructures # TOURISMTRAFFIC Finding a balance between accessibility for tourists as well as local needs and the environment.

Tourism is a major economic activity Most Alpine regions have recognised At the same time, increasing traffic for the Alpine Region. However, it does the need to develop environmental- volumes can have negative impacts not only lead to positive economic ly-friendly tourism offers to remain on tourism. For example, major impacts but also brings along chal- competitive and to underpin standards touristic destinations are crossed by lenges for preserving the precious of living in rural communities. These motorways and/or railway lines and environmental and cultural heritage can however also bring along trade- an increase in traffic volumes and of the Alps as well as considering offs and social conflicts that need to environmental impacts reduces the specific needs of the local population. be considered in the planning process. attractiveness of these regions.

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Tyrol: Road congestion caused by seasonal tourism The majority of visitors to Tyrol arrive by private car, resulting in severe road congestion on the motorways and at the entrance to the main tourism valleys. This makes it increasingly challenging for residents to get around and threatens the attractiveness of the mountain regions. Tourists can be encouraged to use public transport by different measures. Offers can include guest cards offering free local public transport when booking accommodation, luggage pick-up services by hotels, or discounts on local tourist attractions when arriving by train. Cooperation between the trans- port and tourism sectors is required to offer such services. Bavaria: Finding a balance ›› see conflict #LimitingTrafficPeaks between local needs ›› see conflict #BalancingNature&Landscape and touristic attractiveness In the Chiemsee region in Bavaria, the local population suffers from leisure and tourism traffic. Many local resi- Carinthia: Major transit corridor crosses dents commute to other cities and face important tourism area increasing travel times in the holiday The tourism region Carinthia - Wörthersee is season. On the other hand, the regions crossed by an international TEN corridor, the Baltic are economically strongly dependent Adriatic Corridor. Rising transport volumes on this on tourism. The further development of railway line reduce the attractiveness of this tour- public transport services is one solution ism region. Building on Good Practices developed to deal with these challenges. in other regions, it will be crucial to deal with this challenge. ›› see conflict #LimitingTrafficPeaks # ACCEPTANCE COMMONMEASURES Development and harmonisation of modal shift measures requires common and coordinated approaches.

Most Alpine countries and regions measures with the aim to improve ative way. Thus, also the development have implemented policies to improve the level-playing-field between road of measures requires common and modal shift and to reduce the en- and rail transport. Uncoordinated coordinated approaches which involve vironmental impacts of freight and approaches however lead to unwant- not only different levels of policy-mak- passenger transport. These measures ed effects like traffic shifts between ing but also relevant stakeholders and reach from regulatory measures like regions or corridors and can also the general public. driving bans or speed limits to pricing influence regional economies in a neg-

Driving bans - Broad effects only through coordinated approaches Here you can download To reduce air pollution, several Alpine regions the technical data sheet have implemented driving bans for high-emitting vehicles. For example on the Brenner motorway, heavy goods vehicles with motor technology EURO 0, I and II are currently prohibited – with an extension to EURO III at the end of 2017. Other corridors have not implemented such measures, Toll+ - Only a harmonised toll system can set with the potential of unwanted traffic shifts. effective incentives All Alpine countries have implemented pricing systems ›› see conflict #AirQualitySensitiveAlps for heavy goods vehicles, however taking different approaches and ambitions. The Swiss HGV fee (LSVA) is the most ambitious pricing approach as it includes Tyrol: Speed limits - A broad application not only infrastructure but also external costs and improves acceptance implements the pricing system on the overall Swiss Speed limits are currently implemented in sever- road network. In other countries, price levels are much al Alpine regions, for example Tyrol has imple- lower as only infrastructure costs are considered in mented a permanent speed limit of 100km/h for the motorway tolls. This leads to unwanted traffic all vehicles on the motorways. While this speed shifts between corridors and to missing incentives to limit found opposition during the implementation switch from road to rail. The Alpine regions have thus phase, it is now broadly accepted. A more sys- developed a proposal for a common pricing system, tematic application of this measure could further known under the name Toll+. This proposal argues for a improve acceptance. harmonised approach for all Alpine corridors. A crucial issue for acceptance of this proposal is however a ›› see conflict #AirQualitySensitiveAlps good solution to deal with potential negative effects for regional transport.

›› see conflict #AirQualitySensitiveAlps The EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is the fourth It is implemented by nine Action Groups under three macro-regional strategy endorsed by the European Council action-oriented pillars: in 2016 with the objective to promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Alpine Region through growth 1. Economic Growth and Innovation and job creation, by improving its attractiveness, competi- 2. Mobility and Connectivity tiveness and connectivity, while at the same time preserv- 3. Environment and Energy ing the environment and ensuring healthy and balanced ecosystems. The Action Group 4 Mobility (AG4) operates under the 2nd pillar ‘Mobility and Connectivity’ and focuses on the promo- 48 regions from five EU member states (Italy, Austria, tion of inter-modality and interoperability in passenger and Germany, France, Slovenia) and two non-EU countries freight transport. In January 2016 the AG4 lead was awarded (Switzerland and Liechtenstein) are gathered under EUSALP, to the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino which representing about 80 million inhabitants. The strategy mandated the task to its member Tyrol for the following involves policymakers, civil society, economic stakeholders, three years. science and citizens. ›› EUSALP - EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

Traffic participants / © Alessandro Cristofoletti, Alpine Convention Rolling highway (ROLA) © Land Tirol Mediamacs.com

Members of the AG4 at the 6th Meeting October 2017 in Bolzano

Get in touch with Action Group 4 Mobility!

Website www.alpine-region.eu

Mail [email protected]

Address European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Office of the Tyrolean Government EUSALP AG4 Leader Herrengasse 1 6020 Innsbruck (AT)

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