Cyprus Crisis (38)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R

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Cyprus Crisis (38)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 9, folder “Cyprus Crisis (38)” of the Kissinger- Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 9 of The Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Gerald R. Ford Library 1000 Beal Av,enue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2114 · Withdrawal Sheet for Documents Declassified in Part This· folder contains a document or documents declassified in part under the Remote Archive Capture (RAC) program. Procedures for Initiating a Mandatory Declassification Review (M DR) Request The still classified portions of these RAC documents are eligible for MDR. To file a request follow these steps: 1. Obtain the Presidential Libraries Mandatory Review Request Form (NA Form 14020). 2. Complete Sections I, II, and Ill of NA Form 14020. 3. In Section Ill, for each document requested, simply provide the Executive Standard Document Number (ESDN) in the Document Subject!Title or Correspondents column. The ESDN will be printed on the top and bottom of the document , and written on the declassification authority stamp, and will follow this format: NLF-NSC_I ~CC-5-2-4-3 A Presidential Library Administered by the National Archives an-d Records Administration DEFENSE tNTE:LLtGENCE AGENCY cS~CRIT--- NO FORElGN DISSE~.4 DIA Sj:TUATION REPOR'l'. .·· • uio4 ~!t£: 12 Aug 74 n~£= "(i"lrs EDT ~:ti~Jftt: Cyprus Situation as or 0100 "EDT .,. ~fffef:!C£: Indicom w/EUC0!•1 15005Z AUG 7 4 {.s-/NFD) (.&fNFD) TURKISH AIR ll.CTIVITY: At 0645 hours local (0045 EDT),· two R!'·-o4s took off. from Incirlik A·irbase a."'id 37 F-lOOs loaded v.ri th napalm· and 750-lb bombs were seen ta:<:1ng .for takeo~f. ?nis activity · ·· indicates that the Tu~?l<s are most likely res\ming their drive on Famagusta Cyprus. \ .. -. -· \ J DECLASSIFIED AUTHORITY b.TJ> 9,;? Ok.c'tsiw, qjtzjo?J. BY l.J,, NLF,~DATE ..2/.J.:l{o5. ... LTC Laverty Cyprus Task Force 7680l,'Grey 42 - .- "'• DIA SPOT REPORT SEQUENCE NO. t.4-l3%£cRET ... .. \ . NO fOREfGN OlSSEM . I - 7?. nrqurN CCI.l·klti) n.u,r· Ttn AY E!IR: k S T h \-lU::f~ :r:t1T h~P~~VFU HV ~ ~ TH~ SE~H~TARY ~ I s • '' '" t-t If ,. T W11r·1'! f. r. • t" H • F: A G1. F' b lJ iH'l r. ~ I 1~~1~bZ AU~ 74 ZF~4 F l1 ""r'F G <; T 1\ T n A ~HHl C TU A~>A.t.tibASSY r\ittFN5 FL..f,SH $ ~ r. R E + STATF. t76o13 FXot~ HANt)l..f.: AS IJ~l!HS F.r1. 1t6!')2: t;QS T~~~~ PFOR, CYP, TU, ~R 4 ~ U < J F C r : C Y P ri U ::3 : t1 1: 5 !1 A r. C.: F n R P R HH:: WC N I S T f: R R CF : ,, T H t:. N ~ of) ~; " NUTE ~- CCD, TAK~ COPY TO OFF•LINE FOR P~nCESSING~ ....... -...,, y """'" ~ '-"' · Depa~tmetlt. of State ~tCRE1 l ~o 150Z AjUl 71t ZFF~t CONI'ROT,: 4 0 0 4 FM SECSTATE WASHOC TO AMEMSASSY ANKARA FLASH 8007 BT S S: Q R E T STATE 178616 NOD IS E.O. 11652:GDS TAGS: PFOR, CYP, TU, GR SUBJECTI CYPRUS FOR THE ANBASS~OOR- tYES. ONLY • rRON THe SECRETARY 1. YOU SHOULD SEE ECEVIT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO GIVE Hl~ TliE f'OLL OW t NG ORAL ME SSAG [, <YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN WRITING WITH HJM)t 2. HE SHOULD KNOW THE GREEKS HAVE REQUESTED THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE AIR COVER FOR THE TRANSPORT OF A GREEK DIVISION FROM CRETE TO CYPRUS. WE ARE STRONGLY DIS• COURAGING THE BRITISH FROM DOING SO. IT WOULD,· HOWEVER, . GREATLY STRENGTHEN OUR HAND IF ECEVIT COULD ASSURE US THAT TURKISH FORCES.WOULD NOT MOVE SOUTH OF THE LINE WHICH ECEVIT DESCRIBED TO US EARLIER THIS WEEK AS THE BASIC ZONE. 3. WE ARE TRYING TO BE HELPFUL TO THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT, BUT WE ARE FAST REACHING THE LIMITS OF WHAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO SUPPO~T DOMESTICALlY. WE ARE SYMPATHETIC TO THE TURKISH POSITION, SUT THE CONTINUATION OF MILITARY OPERATIONS PUTS US IN AN INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT POSITION. '• ECEVIT SHOULD ALSO KNOW THAT MAVROS HAO ASKED TO VJStT US EARLIER THIS MONTH BEFORE THE GENEVA CONFERENCE, BUT I WAS NOT ABLE TO SEE HIM THEN. I HAVE, THEREFORE, NOW INVITED THE GREEK FOREIGN MINISTER TO COME TO WASHINGTON rOn OtSCUSStONS WITH ME. I WOULD BE PLEASED tF GUNES COULO ALSO VISIT WASHINGTON, ALTHOUGH EVEN MORE PLEASED tf' ECEVIT HIMSELF CAME. tL..L )7 • • / \ ~::,~~·':!"':Fff;;'fi~~ j:{!','•. ';;;.:..t:,..·~;,:;. ... '-···· ~'.f!ll.3/31tJ'( (tj __~;. :::;.:;:,.~LJJn___ SECREl >t I NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF .THE EXECUTIVE SEC . .. .. S. WE UNDERSTAND THAT KARAMANLIS IS RELEASING THE SUB• STANCE OF MY MOST RECENT ORAL MESSAGE TO HIM. THE SUB• STANCE OF THAT MESSAGE, WHICH IS CONSISTENT WITH THE THOUGHTS ALREADY EXPRESSED TO ECEVIT, WAS AS FOLLOWS: WE HAVE MAOE OUR DISAPPROVAL OF RESUMED TURKISH MILITARY OPERATIONS KNOWN; WE ASSURE YOU (KARAMANLIS) WE WILL EXERT OUR EFFORTS TO PUT A STOP TO THE RENEWED FfGHTINGJ IT IS VITAL WE ALL WORK TOGETHER TO RETURN THE tYPRUS QUESTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE NEGOTIATING TABLE; WE ARE PREPARED TO ENGAGE OURSELVES MORE DIRECTLY IN THE NEGOTIATIONS IF THAT IS THE DESIRE OF THE PARTIES; WE WOULD VALUE YOUR IOEAS AS TO HOW WE MIGHT 6E HELPFUL; I APPEAL TO YOU TO RECONSIDER YOUR DECISION TO WiTHDRAW YOUR MILITARY FORCES FROM NATO; WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO SEE MA V R 0 S I N WASH I NG T0 N. KI SS I NG ER EUR:JGLOW£NSTEIN:S:LSEAGLEDURG£R:ML atl"'·74 21566 S - ~R. £AGL~AURGER EUR - MR. STABLER S/S•O - MR. TWOHIE • . T NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF·THE fXECUTlVE SE =::- I , NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 035083 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . CNational security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL .. CReport DESCRIPTION . re Cyprus Situation CREATION DATE . 08/15/1974 VOLUME . 4 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 033200204 COLLECTION TITLE . NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER. KISSINGER-SCOWCROFT WEST WING OFFICE FILES BOX NUMBER ... 9 FOLDER TITLE . Cyprus Crisis (38) DATE WITHDRAWN . 09/01/2011 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST . HJR NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 035084 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL QNational security restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . <;Report CREATOR'S NAME . Cyprus Task Force DESCRIPTION re situation in Cyprus CREATION DATE 08/15/1974 VOLUME . 3 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID 033200204 COLLECTION TITLE . NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER. KISSINGER-SCOWCROFT WEST WING OFFICE FILES BOX NUMBER ... 9 FOLDER TITLE . .. Cyprus Crisis (38) DATE WITHDRAWN . 09/01/2011 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST HJR Approvea t-Or Kelease LUUt:J/U!:>/L4: NLt--L,UUI::VVUKU-4-"1"~::1-~-:::>. 1 1 TOPSECRE~ ~~ ) CENtRAL INT!LLIG!NOE AOBNCY Ausuat 15, 1974 IHTBLLIGENCE MEMORANDUM ; .. CYPRUS Sttuat~on ~epo~t N~mber 4 (Ae of 0 700 ·EDT) (All times cited are Nicosia tiGa, unleaa other• wise specified.) MILITARY SITUATION 1. According t~ the Turkish Cypriot radio, elements ot the Turkish army have broken throush into the old walled city of Pam~suata. The Turkish community thare has been beaeiged since the invasion in July. · There baa been no confirmation of this elaimi but the leading e~ements of the Turkish column were within miles of the city at dawn. 1i~e . 2, The northern Turkish column alao.resumed ita attack toward the coastal city of Trik~mo at dawn. At. last raport Greek National Guard soldiers ~ere pulling back from positions outside Lefkoniko, 10 miles from the coast, The Turks had reached Lafkoniko last evanins. 3. Ankara r4dio reporta that the Turkteh navy is aupp~rtins the advance toward Trikomo by shelli~S Greek positions on tha coast. The Turkish air force also concentrated their ai~ attacks on the eaatern coast ot the 1a1and this morning--· leaving the Nicosia a~ea alone. · fres;dentia~ Library Review. of DOS .Equities is Requireg ~SA, DIA reviews complete~ • IMPDET ''i'eP SECRE~ I J VVA< s ~~:~. ~10607 9: ~.-. -------.;.--,Approved For Release 2006/0?/24 .:. N,~~~c,~~~~~'?~P~~:~} ~-2-5..:.--.-~--~ _ ; :_ __ -.. :' ·.;~ /.;. Approvea t-Or Kelease LUUt:J/Ut>/L4 : NLt--L,UUt:.VVUKU-4-'Il:1-L-::>. a!l'OP SBCR:B'P : 4. There have been no fu%ther report~ of ~urkiab advances weat of Nicoaia. Despite oceaaional reports of heavy firin& in tkia area, no major offensive appears under way ·there, &eporta of paratroop landinst anct of a cSriva to capture Morphou remain unconfirmed, S. The c.eaae-fi1:e 1:emained in effect in Nicosia over tho evening but, aa uau•l, ecattet"ecl and occasionally heavy fir1n; waa 1:'aportec! ~n th.e cit)' at cSawn. 'l'he aituation crouu4 the Nicosia airport appears unehangad "itb UN forcaa in contro'1 of the airfield but surrounded by Turkish units. ·Th• ICRC claims that: AnkarA haa given assurances that ita forces wiU respect two "neutxal" zones in.Nicoaia, ona beins the Riltol\ Hotel anct the other the Cleopatra Hotel.
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