Flood Warning Update Issued at 9:30 AM - July 12, 2011 Issued by Forecast Centre

River Basins Currently with Advisories Hay Peace Information in addition to this advisory may be found at: Athabasca High http://www.environment.alberta.ca/forecasting/forecasterscomments Level http://www.environment.alberta.ca/apps/basins

Ft. McMurray High Streamflow Advisory – Stream levels are rising or expected to Peace rise rapidly and no major flooding is expected. Minor flooding in low- River lying areas is possible. Anyone situated close to the streams affected Grande Prairie is advised to be cautious of the rising levels. Beaver

Flood Watch – Stream levels are rising and will approach or may Edmonton exceed bank full. Flooding of areas adjacent to these streams may North occur. Anyone situated close to the river is advised to take Saskatchewan

appropriate precautionary measures. Red Deer Flood Warning – Rising stream levels will result in flooding of areas Red Deer adjacent to the streams affected. Anyone situated close to the river Calgary South Bow Saskatchewan should take appropriate measures to avoid flood damage. Medicine Hat Lethbridge Oldman Milk

Streamflow Advisory Overview for Alberta Advisories apply to streams and their tributaries unless otherwise noted.

 Scattered showers and thundershowers are forecast for the province over the next few days, locally high amounts are possible.  Conditions are being monitored –updates will be issued as required.

Athabasca River Basin Stream High Flood Flood Water Level Advisory Streamflow Watch Warning Status Status Advisory downstream of peaking Unchanged Whitecourt to Athabasca  Athabasca River in the vicinity of Fort falling Unchanged Assiniboine  West Prairie River  falling Downgraded East Prairie River  falling Unchanged


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Media Contact: Communications Division, Alberta Environment Phone: (780) 427-6267 Pager: (780) 671-0549 (24 hours) Fax : (780) 427-1874 Flood Warning Update Issued at 9:30 AM - July 12, 2011 Issued by River Forecast Centre


Athabasca River Basin Stream High Flood Flood Water Level Advisory Streamflow Watch Warning Status Status Advisory  falling Unchanged Swan River  falling Unchanged falling Ended Little falling Ended Paddle River downstream of Paddle Dam  steady Unchanged  rising Unchanged

Peace River Basin Stream High Flood Flood Water Level Advisory Streamflow Watch Warning Status Status Advisory  falling Unchanged Little  peaking Unchanged Simonette River  falling Unchanged Smoky River  falling Unchanged Smoky River at Watino  falling Downgraded at the Town of Peace River  falling Unchanged Peace River downstream of the Town of rising Unchanged Peace River  Peace River in the vicinity of the Town of rising Upgraded Fort Vermilion   peaking Unchanged

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Media Contact: Communications Division, Alberta Environment Phone: (780) 427-6267 Pager: (780) 671-0549 (24 hours) Fax : (780) 427-1874