from the Cuban assembly Judge Stearns asked If Mr. Williamson (SPECIAL SOTIf’R*. CURRENCY LEGISLATION. gallon military SPECIAL NOTICES. which went to Washington In Deoemter TRANSFERABLE MILEAGE. knew anything a practice com SHALL FOX IX MAINE. mu, WILL HELP. nod has returned to Cuba. of in 1 Msb- recently plained Bangor where disclosure NOTICE. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Republican Members mt Congress The late Ueo.Callxto Garcia told Presi- LEGISLATIVE com miss loners were called In flora *ur dent that sum would be suffic- The 'Committee on Affairs will rive a Ing Plans for Future. McKinley Tlw ( ommitle* on Judiciary Legal Assool rounding towns to hsar case*. Mr. Wil- g” Home lu in lta room at the btate House ient. The correspondent of the hearing* In IM room at tlia State hearing fmbllcn Augusta, at«*d Press learns that the delegation liamson said he knew of no such practice. Augasia aa follow*: p u 8.—Ths Republi- •>«'** Washington, February was examined Mr. Porter for the Pres- «f Mesisiir** at Tuesday, Feb 7. |*» at ‘. Thursday. March 2,1899. at £30 o’clock p. m. by Supporters Work in A letter was read by Judge Smith cf Acts to remedy"2, Seven. 1 can imdbber* of the House of Cuban in Disband- a was submitted No. «« Oo aeyeral proposed I of Over- Watrrville and Winslow Have Representa- I/adfr io Assist ident ana that report B*1 On an aot to create a Hoard the committee from Judge T. W. Voee of delect. In tbe Aintr»b»" p seers of the tives In next caucus to determine which has not yet been mnde public al 2.30 o clock J w. I of the Poor In the Workhouse tonight Earnest. Thursday Feu. 2 1(99 Tbs In It, as to Bangor. Judge Voee wrote that it had amendment to an Act City of Portland. a course In to framing figures given supplied No 77 On a propo»ed lawn. upon of action regard Press of DUetaPW. ing Army. lhe correepondent of the Associated coroe to his knowledge that a proposition reUHng totirn .SlSmtmen. C«je LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. 1 nanclal legllatlons most of the prominent here called for as lbs today $67,000,000 bad been made to a Bangor disclosure on the side of the first estimate of tbs delegation; but the ■SS8BS will rive a figures Republican j’SJSurT^^•»wSiSfa k 11 * The Committee on i.egal Affairs less and commissioner by an that the aud m g House Reed delegates said they would take attorney ureCommfesloi.crs and abolishing£.r imprison-j* or[9o£ public heai mg m lu room at the State chamber being preeent. Speaker LEGISLATURE AT LAST HAS REAL court* of Disclosure, In Augusta, BT STATE tetera* a letter to aoknowlsdgsd they oould hardly sxpeot com mine loner Would get the attorney'* for debt INVESTIGATION MADE did not attend, having prsv lonely made writes tlmn ment _ better for the Cuban privates Tuesday. Feb. », 1899, at £30 o’clock p. m. pay FIGHT OS ITS HASDS. business 11 he would hold the debtors another engagement. the Americans privates get, whloh Is $13 notice. No. M. On an act to amend section 17 of BOARD OF HEALTH. XrKISLEY. The commissioner declined and another legislative of the (KKSIDEST a month or 48 cent of tbelr figures, chapter 18 of the Kevised statute* relative to General Urosvenor chairman per will give a American basis would mean commissioner gets that attorney's busi- Tbecommlttee on Judiciary public clearing snow from the sidewalks in clties.l and Mt. Ren nett of New and the at the State House In Au- caucus, presided, As the sum to hearing touts room March 1899. at 2 30 o’clock p. m. $0,000,000 for private*. ness. 1**9. at o’clock p. Wtduesday. l. as to snooted gusta Tuesday. Feb. 7, *:» York, was chosen secretary be Is worth more than $4,000,000 The Abase tf the Dlirloinre ( omtnla. section 1 of t 201 No. 64 On a o' P. II. Gillen and 30 paid That Indicates, said Judge .Smith, that iil on an act U) amend bapier petition After Consultation Local lie Will Be 6lad to and sliver oearly half of the ISM to section 3» of chapter with Pbysl- Mr. Hooker, resigned. lay* Cooperate In Spanish here, of the and special law* of relating others lor amendment Representative basis •tonrr Law t»et« «n Airing In Ihe there is a commissioner down there who private in relation to the Henderson of Iowa the following amount calculated on the American to Brldgton ( abler Village 79 of the Revised Statutes clanB Annonncement That (Small presented Will VUIt Uca. Brooke at Havana— Corporation_ practice of resolution which served as a text for all Is to be realised by the Cubans. House— Alreree llrpnrt nn Morey will agree in advance to hold debtors. law.___ Pox Kxlated Waa Authorised**State* 13,000.000 To Be Dlatrlknted Among the letter to notice. the discussion of the evening: Immediately after writing Bill. I for legislative NOTICE. General ad- Insurance suppose proceedings impeach• LEGISLATIVE ment Dr. Smith. Keeolved tbet a committee of eleven Cuban*. President McKinley, Gomes by ■tent would lie in such case, observed The Committee on Legal Affair* will give * House of Repre- dressed the following letter to Mr. Porter: Th. umlwrl.nd Coaly l>*l»H»tlon will glv» members of the present TO THE bearina n Its room at the Stale House (ummltiee of the frfvth 1.— Hon. Robert P. Porter: [STKCIAL THEM.] Stearns a public hearing 1“ Hie loom of the Augusta, Fabrurmy 3.—A apoclal to the sentatives who are members Reined Ion, Santa Clara, February Judge Wednesday, Feb. 15. l»99, at -90 visit has £ublloAugnsia, on Legal Affairs at the Slate House In Augusta shall be by the chair- Maximo Dear rilr:—Your enlightened Augusta, February -.—'l'bere Is a great C W. Hussey, of Watervllle, d» o’clock p. m. Kennebec Journal from Watarrllle aaya Congress appointed (▼la Havana, February 8).—Gen Esq., on of this for the or our and what we have spoken en- — On an act for the better protec- man eaucns, purpose pHth; of forces in of law. said No. JJv that email exltta la that and Gomez, toe coin mender-In-chief of the so that lining up anticipation fended the Mr. Hussey that seamen. Feb. 9. 1899. at 10 o’clock p. m. pox otty legislation and sub- courages me to go to Havana, by tion of ship-master* and Thursday. considering monetary to tbe oaaea of a Re- Cuban • In with General Brooke, I may a light over the proposition make did not to for debt, but be- act to fix the compensation of the Winslow. Numerous anapleloua mitting their reoomendatloos to a army, placed hlmaalf qua rely conferring people go jail On an of for said countv. of aid in directing the unsettled affairs books of Main* trans- cause of court. If LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Register of Probate nature haring been fonnd by loeal publican caucus at the first session poMtlon today an a native ally of the mileage railways they were.In contempt to this Re kind enough to say to the 66th Congress, with authority country. ferable so that our courts alnt to tail The Committee on Judiciary will give a public President C. D. Smith, M. United btates In the work of any i»*r*on may present he respected, pray, legislative notice. physlolans, oonfar with a like committee from the government President McKinley that 1 am grateful in Its room at the State House in book and have the ac- hearing one of the state board of health was the reconstruct ion of Cuba. Ae a reeult for his kind snch a coupons me what we are to do? asked Mr. llus on ture will a D., Senate. The discussion on this resolution regards. as follows __ Trie Committee Agricu give Augusta w more Robert Por- I shall do all In power to maintain the conductor. This morning who also described how he went from Wednesday. Feb. &. lf»» at 8.80 o’clock r. M. hearing at the rooms of the Board of Agrlcul- summoned Wedneeday. He decided that proceeded with much animation for of the oonfurenoe which Mr. my cepted by sej, to the consti- No. 69 On an act to preve.it the use of Trading lUU " than an hoar. There was but little differ- public order, helping Gardiner of who to and an that the cases were sufficiently auspicious to ter, the oommltaloner, haa had with Gen. apply Representative Patten, county county arranged and similar devices. W ednesday, February 8th. on main that tution of the so that Cuba, may Stamp# ence of opinion the point, republic the lirst and others In- he TO. On an aot to the sale of Paris be and turned the matter the latter cabled to President and thus Introduced bill, persons against whom had claim* No. relating On a petitiou of W. H. Tobey and other direc- quarantined It would be futile to attempt financial Gomel, be really free aod Independent, Uroen and other poisonous preparations. him wish called a and there was could before the disclosure com- tors of the North Berwick Agricultural Asso- over to A. U. of the at this late In the McKinley this afternoon assuring carrying out President McKlnley'a terested, meeting appear Feb. 14,1899 at 2.80 o'clock P. M. Secretary Young legislation day present Tuesday. ciation asking for an appropriation in aid of and own. of about 2b or 30 members who missioners with He was able an act to the of state who inode an see don. of his Id disbanding the my a session despatch. No, n. On regulate practice the same. board Inrestlgatlon co-operation Medicine and Dentistry. When the vote was taken It was little Respectfully yonrs, the to be taken. In of cases a ▼etarlnary Surgery, Wednesday. Feb. I5lh After a consultation with Z Cuban and In distributing among discussed steps to dispose 13 ws: Kevised btatutes a on hen pieseuL ba the essential twice a man to wa establishing bounty and that a raoclnatlon has Gen. Gomez also telegraphed to Major will prepared embodying subjecting arrest, Thursday. Jan. 26. hawks. caaee, general Havana. of the Vermont set and on this On resolve In favor of the Temporary Home A. PUKR1NTON. Sec’y. been ordered. Wlnalow authorities hare O’BRIEN GOT BIG END OF PURSE. General Rruoke saylug he would accept features wrong. _J. IN ADAMS for Womeu and Children at Deering. All the letter’s Invitation to to Havana. SOMETHING TANGIBLE measure the dgbt will l» made. It was The Judiciary committee also considered also ordered general raoclnatlon. the February 8.—Jack go Jau. 26. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Hartford, Conn., Introduced Thursday, to The suotws* of Mr. Porter’s mission CASE said this morning that 50 or 00 members the bill by Mr. Belleau of Friend- oases are quarantined. There are said Bonner received the decision In the fight On petition lu favor of tbe Home for The Committee on Judiciary wlU give a public with Dick O’Brien tonight, but O’Brieo the of the New ii —Light has at of the House bud already entered In the Lewiston, raising the age under which less at iu its room at tbe btate House in be four In Wlnalow. greatly simplifies returning York, February Boys Deering. hearing end of too The received the big pure* the of last been thrown on the mysterious Adams Petitions are being general- boys may be sent to the State Hefon.i Thursday. Feb. 2. Aiuusta. STATEMENT FHOM DR. SMITH. rounds military Cubana to pursuits peace. campaign. 14, 1899 at 2.30 o’clock P. M. men were matched to go twenty case. District Attoruev Gard- In favor of St. Elizabeth’s Roman Tuesday, l’eby. In view of Gen. Gomez’ polronlng circulated in the stale ami letters have sohool from 16 to 18 year*. Superinten- On petition No. 125 On an order the at 168 Bonner refused to weigh supposed prior ner said he was of the that ly of Portland. directing Judiciary In to the email pox onset at fK>und«. today opinion Cathode Orphan Asylum Committee to into the of so regard in. He looked an If he would the attitude of towards the to also been prepared to explain the pur- dent Wentworth opposed tpe bill. H** pBf0rd,f- inquire expediency tip hostility United, the person guilty of sending the poison aniei dime the statutes as t«» con- Dr. Charles D Smith of this at H 1, HIX. Sec y. public require WatsrrUlo, scales at 17U. O’Brien was weight. Mr. Porter came here clothed with Barnet and to Cornish was a moral of the movement. The travelling said that the admission of boys 17 and or works to Indem- Stales, per- pose tractor* upon public private of the state board of health, O'Brien received $1*00 and Bonner $300. and that be would be able to adduce for necessarily olty, president abeolute authority and the tender of the vert. men are interested as was explained In to- 18 year* would oontaahnate the younger LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. nify municipalities x(tenses The was an even to the the that would lead to Incurred on account ol of their un- said last to the PRESS: fight thing up evidence at inquest pauperism night wan a'verbal ulti- PKk->r\ but they are not alone In boys. will nineteenth round with both men strong 13,000,000 practically the arrest of two and three per- day's The Commit!** ou Judlcisry give1* public paid woikmen. “The (act that the cases were of a sus- pernaps Au- Bonner’s left was closed and no evi- Col. Fred Atwood of on** heariug tn Us room at the State House in Wednesday. Feby. 2i. 1899 at 2.30 o’olock P. M. eje nearly matum. Hail It not been accepted sons. He said be had the necessary Wlgtorpovt, si*, nature was Dr, F. few marks. Several No. 130 On an aot to amend paragraph picions recognized by O'Brieo had but more overture# would have been made. dence for this. On the other hand, the railroads will of Cho trustees, told the committee how O’clock F. M. .55 revlecd gU*uesday. Feb. 7. 1899 at 2 39 o section of chapter 86 of the C. Thayer of Waterrllle, who summoned seconds before the olose of the 19th round The conference took place at the house For ihe past three days Col. Gardiner E. Srgent aud to trustee make an active opposition, claiming the Institution had been changed from a No. 67. On Petition of William statutes relating processes._ Bo’ uer oaught O'Brien on the point of here occupied by the Cuban general at has been a Investigation Vte Hebron VNaier iouj- me to oonsult with the board of health of making personal others to Incorporate the Jaw with a right hand swing and his sinew coming to town. that the business in Maine does not war- prison of cells to an Industrie school LEGISLATIVE NO I ICE. that 1 went down and saw the oases, He headquarters pany.____ oily. O’Brien stayed down wren seconds. When Mr. Porter arrived heir last eve Barnet and In now oonvlnoad that the rant the radical reduction In fares which when* young boys taken from improper E. The Committee on Railroads Telegraph and both at Waterrllle and Wlnsluw and oon- arose and another in the same place two were con- LEGISLATIVE NOTH got jd*athofthe Intimately (be bill woald bring about, because a surroundings were moulded into will a in its and went a little harder. As Sara tbe good Expres'-* give public hearing wore of so a down Goo sales Quesada. the special com mis nected. An investigation relative to will give a pub- State llousa !u on oludsd they suspicious of books at citizens. As to discretion to the The Committee on Judiciary room at the Augusta Austin, the rsferee, began to count Chief of the Cuhau at the cam has convinced system transferable mileage glrlng W.lnaa mu tsi wlupruflf nilJAntTl- sloner Junta Washing- handwriting in lu hi room al the Male House lu thalr llhinif lie bearlug Feu. at 2 o oiock p. m. VUK> It about. For I Tersely. Legislation, __ Augusta. yet bring 2.30 o’clock M... Cuba since he was last here. In .Septem- mercury. Thursday. Feby. 23, 1899 at F. It Is said that on the Maine Cen- NO INTENTION OF DISCIPLINING He alsj laid stress on the foci that Instance THE MOREV RILL. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. No. i.m. On a" act to regulate the fire Uspart- SPECIAL NOTICES. ber. some were where was THE WYANDOTTE .^OLD. in order to meet modern uondltlons, meut of the City of Portland.__ MILKS. people asking tral The insurance committee listened this Railroads, Trlcgrapha, anti Kx presses. AO I Ii E. Cuba's promised liberty. 2.—The old the road must make as It has been mak- LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. LEGISLATIVE Washington, February a.—Great Interest said Mr. Philadelphia. February afternoon to a discussion of Representa- Committee on Railroads, Telegraphs, and “The answer to this,’’ Porter, The has been all the single turr>'ted monitor Wyandotte, which ing, extensive improvements in Us road will give a hearing In the The Company on Kallroad'. Telegraphs and The Committee on Military Affairs will give expressed day throughout “Is that Cnt>a now ban commercial and tive Morey’s bill for the repeal of the Expresses public news- was for sale the at. ou s In its room its room at the Hiaie House war in the reiterated put up by government Than there are several Kallrna-i Commissioner'’ office, Augusta, Kxi ressi will give public hearings a public heariug In department industrial liberty and that President bed. expensive arbitration clause of the Are insurance F. M. ms loliows: that severe action was medi- three months ago. has been sold ti Weduesdav. Feb. 8. 0*99 at 2 o'clock at the Slate House in Augusta in Augusta, paper report* has directed ms, in framing which must soon be erected, of the McKinley for stations was the On an Act amendatory to the charter at 2 o’clock m. I uetday. Feb. 21,1899, at 2.30 o’clock P. \1. tated the war and the (Ad- Charles U Davis of this city #12,631.62 law. Mr. Morey only speaker in Wednesday. Feb. 15. 1899. p. by department Ihe Cuban tariff, to make no discrimi- for which Windham aud Harrison Railway Somerset No. 17. On an act to establish a Naval Reserve A naval board had her at Including thar at Brunswick Westbrook. On an act relHtiug tojthe Frankllu, ministration in the cuee of General Miles, favor of the United htates in appraised $J,- favor of the He said that if the same. National liuard of the State of nations In proposition. Company and to extend and Kennebec Railway Company, as a part o! the who hus been in numerous recent 200 and Healed prop* sals were solicited. the contracts have been let. When lion. H. Secretary. quoted thv manner that £puiu favored herself. the committee did not favor the CHARLES HKUMMIV, On an act to extend the charter of the Kenne- Maine. the of Tbe wo- the second repeal, interviews as condemning quality I ;ba la free to in the Wyundotte highest P. W’esoott of Portland was here bec and t rankliu today buy cheapest George be an amendment Railway. ii.eat furnished the administration by priced monitor of th<-se constructed un- suggest provid- notice. market. People are returning to the he talked with Mr. Mauler v^ould legislative Thursday. Feb. 16, 1899, at 2 o’clock p. m. oontraotora the war aod maintain- der the act of April 17, 1862, the original yesterday, fur an from ths decision of th** during of peace and our military govern- ing appeal will a and extend an act to In- evidence In reserve which pursuits «ost of the hull and being and the railroad attorneys and it Is sold The Committee on Judiciary Rive pub- On an act to revive ing tha* he had ment to the govern machinery arbitrators to the courts. In the most State House lu Railroad Com- will give way city lic hearing in its room at the corporate the Fassaduukeag would substantiate his oharge that #0*3,327.84. that the two cent ratj was one of the meat as fast as possible. trivial matters, said Mr. Mor*n * for the extension of the court martial, a court of or to Coptic Hong Koog Are people have the other purposes. _ petition CONSTIPATION Inquiry, erties had fought for. The first so far. Shore Line 1 lectrlc Kallroad. they Yokohuinu, via Honolulu today, bringing of to ths courts. lantic the sending of General Milt's to the com- Mr. Porter then out, right appeal K. M Goodall and others for SOMETHINC NEW. problem. pointed a number of and oUlcers LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. on a petition of of a large army navy THE DISCLOSURE PROCESS. Those who spoke In opposition were mand department. was the disbandment of the Cuban army authority to build a street railroad fioni ttldde- s Liver Pilte are a from the the of Mr. C. Affair* will Rive a Dr. Halloek Vegetable Philippines. Among pas- Hot) Seth M. Carter Lewiston, The Committee on Legal ford to York Beach. for the and the return of the Cuban soldiers to Maine made some House in purely Vegetable Combination keening was Lieut. C. G. Calkins, who lawyers vigorous F. Fletcher of the Insurance hearing lu Us room at the State TODAY. was the specific mission sengers department. public Bowels In Natural Motion. C.causing the Sys- WILL BE ARRAIGNED work. This on be- Tuesday. Feb. 21, 1899, at -.30 o'clock stood on the bridge with Admiral Dewey comments today the proceedings Representative Fuller of Auburn, Mr. Augusta, NOTICE tem of ill Impurities, and a Positive Cure for which had brought Mr. Porter to Heme m LEGISLATIVE a.—Frank Parks, during the bombardment of Munlln. commissioners. The mat- Bird of Rockland and T. A. Coe of Ban- p Constipation. Jaundice. Disorders of the stom- KiUery. February dios and In which President ex fore disclosure So. act to 1* corporate Portland The Committee on Railroad*. Telegraph* McKinley the the 4i.—Onau ach. and Kindred Diseases, and a Positive (Hire in on a of commit- gor. Immediately after hearing, Chancellor's Association. and will give public hearings In hi confined Alfred jail charge pec ted Gen. Gomez's aid. ter came before the judtolary Past ___ Expresses for either lour standing lealled Ooininittee*hy4 a unanimous vote decided room at the State House iu Augusta as follows: Constipation, the death of Mrs. The Cuban cominander-lu-oblef replied OFF FOB PHILIPPINES. One was a bill to Chronic, or temporary (called Acute); Bilious- murder in causing tee in two forms. "pre- to make an adverse report on the bilk LEUUUTIVE NOTICE. ai 2 o'clock m. that he was and willing to give Wednesday, Feb. 8, 18899. p. ness. Sick and Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Tarlton of this will be In ready New York 2. —The United commissioners from do- town, arraigned but asked how he could February vent disclosure Telecrapn. ami act to the Cumberland ostiveness. Sour Stomach. Loss of Appeibe. the aid required, IN COMMITTEE ROOMS. Tbe Committee on KaUroads, On an incorporate States transport Gherman, dressed In their own cities and If* < Coated Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Alfred tomorrow. do so. ing business outside will gt.e a public bearing In and Oxford Kallroad ompany. Tongue, her in new Expren.es Be “Heartburn.*’ Pain and Dis- that Presi- bunting, sides glistening A matter cf Portland Interest presented room at the state House ttt Augusta, as fol- at 2 o’clock m. Windy Idlings, To this, Mr. Porter replied towns. The other wa-< nn order directing Thursday, Feb. 9. 1899. p. and kindred her siren screeching, her decks tress After Bating, deraugements will curr » would be to have paint, to the Huance committee was the effect the Or. Halls Cough Syrnp dent glad to into the expe- today Feb. 8. ls*.*9. at 2 o’clock p. m On au act to carry into provisions oi the Liver, stomach and Bowels. McKinley alive with soldiers, bound for the Philip- the committee inquire Wednesday. laws oougti or cold at ouoe. Don’t neglect >our him go to Havana and co-operate with in favor of the St. Elizabeth to the of chapter250 of tlie private and special Dr. Hallock’a Vegetable Liver PilU arc drew out from her at tbe fool the law so as to resolve on an net ’o tiximnd an act Incorporate vastly it rosy give you serious trouble. Brooke in the Cubans pines, pier diency of amending pro- of iwd. and also of chapter 193 of the private different from any other Liver or Bowel Pill, cough, Gen. disbanding Bootbbay Railroad Company. of Pacific street, Brooklyn, at 4.30 o'clock and to Roman Catholic Orphan asylum of Port- and laws of 1895. for the cure where others fall. Price 10c. a and over the |3.000,000 appropri- hibit Imprisonment for debt give (Hi an act to incorporate tne Lincoln, Lake- special providing and they naying this afternoon. a railroad from Van Buren to Carl and best land. Rev. Fathers McDonough of Port- ville and Winu Telephone Company. building package at all druggists. Cheapest ated for that purpose. to judges of probate the j>ower of the dis- bou. cathartic remedy made. Our 10c size as large was too On nu act requ ng persons, associations and Gen. Gomez said the amount land. Heekenger of Brunswick and an to the charter of tne Os- cents. closure ooininiseloueis. The committee or street cars to on act amend as others tha; sell for 25 was his fault and he JUDGE CAMPBELL. corooratious <>wuing operating small, bat that not w Valley Telegraph and Telephone Co. II can not you we will Dougherty of Augusta advocated the lor the protection of employees. sipee your druggist supply would make It as far as did not act on ths subject. provide On an act to the Wiuthrop Tele- full sized of mall if go possible. 2.—Leonard K. Ou an act to require Mreet Railroad Co. to Incorporate send one package pills by Rockland, February claims of rhe institution aou the commit- Co. adv. out and address Halloek The Cuban general then assured Capt. Hon. Wlmon S. Browu of Wntervllle motor men. graph and Telephone you will out this has been ol proteci ___ Box Boston, Mass. of his feeling to Gen. Campbell appointed judge tee will recommend an appropriation of Drug Co.. 1219, Campbell good was the first speaker He »ald that bis NOTICE. Tu&F2awtf :.iYB and ths was the court thus a LEG IS L ATIV E NOTICE. LEGISLATIVE jau3 iirooke, formal compact pre- police here, ending short $1000 annually. observation hod been that the chapter of on Education will give a pub- sented to Gomez by Mr. Porter and was The Committee on Railroads, Telegiaphs and The Committee contest for the honor. The Lewiston hospital of the Sisters of the office o! the of to Gen. statutes entitled one for the pro- will a hearing lu Us lic hearing in Superintendent assented by Gomez. the Bxpresse' give public ou TUB » was a dele- as foi- Schools, at the st»te House lu Augusta, BREATHE the Is as follows: a Chanty represented by large at the State House in Augusta, In brief, compact tection of debtors should be called 1 uesdav, Feb. 7, 1W*9. at 2 o’clock P. M. THE WEATHER poor Loom»w*: First—Ihe Cuban officers in each prov- gation headed by tho venerable Dr. On a resolve in tavor of Dexter Normal School Dn§t All Winter. for their persecution. Mr. Brown Wednesday. F*b. 15. 189.' it J o’clock p. m.. ince shall assist the American officers iu chapter Tuesday. Feb. 7. at 2 o’clock F. M Alonso Carte ion. The hospital asks for Ou au act relatiug to the charter of the WTs- 1899, NATIONAL BANK ii. Ki DRUG- said that under the law, while he ot Normal school. CHAPMAN Lrl |lvr your d*. distributing the funds. present ( On a resolve In f tvor Calais casset ami Quebec Railroad _...... _..... !\t HI.. $6000 annually. Feb. 7. 1H99. at 2 o’clock P M GET. and AKT .QUAKE., 3eoond—That these officers shall at ouco On au act to extend tne r ghts. powers and Tuesday. of Portland, Maine. resolve in isvor **f Houlton Normal School. at some convenient and de- Htetson anti Mr. Beal of Ban- of the Franklin, Somerset and Keu- On a meet point closure commissioners he wus surpiised Speaker privileges Feb. 7. 1899. at 2 o’clock F. M. A MIDWINTER BEATING. how when and where the naviuents nebec Railroad Co. luesday, in favor of the appropriation An ...... lira In fivnr a! IkMiiforth Normal it seemed to gor appeared to the Fatten, Alle- We not to Injure the finest fabrics. be made and other de- at some of their doing*, On au act Incorpoate guarantee are to arrange any of for the Chil- school. __ $1000 annually Bangor aud Northern Railroad t o. .. that the was often to entaugl* gash 2 o’clock I*. M. tails. him object Tuesday. Feb. 7, 1899. at Feres: City Dje House and dren's Home. tArllAL, CflQTFR'Q auui to man so On a resolve In favor of Fresque Isle Noimal 4IUU.UUU.UU TUOItn O Third—That the paid eaofc a man and get him into jail that hie ■ rcikiiiTV siMm Caroel Wo ks- Nailing ► tial! not be as part payment of The case of the neglected Portland School. regarded wife or his children should raise thf Feb. 7. 1899. at 2 o’clock P. M Preble 8t., Preble Hpuae. or due for service rendered, on The Committee on Military Affairs will give h Tuesday. 13 opp -alary wagt« dam was argued before the committee resolve In favor of Newport Normal and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 of the to the debt and the cost. The hearing in its room at the Mate House in On a Surplus ty-Knl Gloves cleansed every day. but to facilitate tbe disbandment money pay public school. shore fisheries by Senator Drummond this Aucusla. Tuesday, Feb. Tin, I8J9, at 2.30 o’clock army as a relief of suffering and as an profession, said Mr Brown, is called Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1-99, at 2 o’oloek P M. Solicit* the account* of Bank«.!Qer- legal Mr. Drummond is the cham- p. m. aid in the people to work. and he that afternoon. On the report of the Coumileelon to report on and getting an honorable one, thought No. 3. On resolve reco me ..ling additional canttle Firms, Corporation* Cubans shall surrender FAIR Portland and he Fourth—The of the clam, easily Normal Sohools. te so amended that the pion compensation to be paid the Adjutant General Individuals, and is to fur- r---1 Cuban or to the law should order of the Committee ou Education. prepared heir arms to the assembly I______dbnunittee that the same tor unusual services rendere t. By the best facilities be onvinced the Dish it* patrons .ts intention of the legislature should Tuesday. Feb. ‘21. 1899. at j.30 o’clock p. in. j representatives. foi bs NOTICE. accommodations. on distribution Washington, February 2.—Forecast should given the Portland No. 14.—On resolve to reimburse thr* city of LEUI8I.ATIVE and liberal Fifth—Tbe committee carried oul and the performances under protection for soldiers who served in late war use Its beet endeavors to distribute (or New clam as i§ accorded the clams resident in Fortlaud Committee of Education will give a pub- -hall Fr'day Knglaodi Uecerallj law The that all this stopped. With lu the office ot the it among the population so may to fresh the flats of other sections of the state. Spain._— lic hearing Superintendent fair; light easterly winds, chairman of the com- at th State House in Augusta, ou Interest Paid on secure work. Judge Stearns, NOTICE. of Schools, Deposits. the force of Mr.Drummond's LEGISLATIVE Friday, Feb. 10. 1899. at <>ne o’clock P. M. Sixth—That the 98.000,000 shall be Boston, February 2.—Forocast for mittee, said that It had been suggested Recognizing on Affairs will a of A. B. Stantlal and 44 others order of Gen. the committee will report the Committee Legal give On the petition DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. plaoed subject to the Boston and for Fail la that were argument at the Mate House In to Froe SPECIAL vicinity Friday) argument young lawyers blie hearing In its room to amend the law regard High ifrooke and that action In the matter bill to the Forest bivalves a Schools. collection cases under giving City rTAeAugusta. Interviews and Invited. -ball be immediate. weather, slowly rising temperature dependent upon at one o’clock P. M. Correspondence of llfa No. 38.—Tnursdav, Leb. 10, 1899. 2.30 Friday. Feb. 10. 1893, at What do to new lease 3 of 216 of Lien. Gomez was tended a public, recep- variable the disclosure law. you say o’clock p. m ou au act relating to weights and On an act to amend Section Chapter winds, becoming easterly. of President. and Mr. Porter waa The petition George A. Welch and measures. the Public Laws of 1893. as ameuaed by Section Cl'I.LEN C. CHAPMAN, tion tin- evening that? asked Judge Stearns. _____ I. 295 of the Public Laws of 1897. those others trawling was for Chapter | among present. Mr. Brown made a reply that against postponed LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. F riday. Feb. 10. 1899. at one o’clock P M I HO M AS H. EATON, Cuhier. l,ueel Weather Report. vigorous I Kenieriios, Province of Santa Clara, a week. On an act for the maintenance of Free High if young lawyers found it necessary to on Affairs will give a DIRECTORS: re bn The Committee Legal Schools in towns having a population of one ary 2.—(via Camajuanl)—Itnmodl Feb. 2.—The local weatbei At the last bearing the ]>etltlon of Geo. hear 111-' in its room at the State House &fver conference Gen. Portland, send poor men to jail in order to get a thousand or more. lately jesterday’s and JJ8 others of Bruuswiek ii Feb. 9, 1899, at 2.30 C CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE. as to the weather are at L. Skolfleld ItubllcAugusta. Thursday, Friday. Feb. 10. 1899, at one o'clock P. M. CULLEN Gome* wrote the following letter to Pres- bureau records living, they should got into another busi- o’clock id. p. On an act to amend Section 6 and 119, Chapter PERLEV P. BURNHAM. gent In was considered, oonoerning the use oi au act amendatory to ( hauler ito E. M. STEADMAN. McKinley, Spanish: follows: ness. No. 28.—on II, o the Revised Statutes, relative to the man* "Ail act to the Republic of Cuba, nets and seines in Casco bay in tho of act levs, eutitled, regulate uer the of common school funds. BRICE M. EDWARDS. JAMES F. HAWKES same view was taken by F. W. purse of assesmeut of the 8 a. m.—Barometer, 80.192; Tbermom 'J he praotloe ol medicine and surgery._ Feb. 1899. at one o'clock P. M. Headquarters Army, of Brunswick ami Friday. 10, HENRY S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. MARKS ’99. Dew 91 of Watcrviile, who as a vicinity Harspwell. On an to amend Section 108, Chapter 11, Remedies, February 1, ettr, 9; Point, 7; Humidity, Clark, Esq., NO I I« E. act My Mamma gl.os ma This would make it unlawful to use purse LEGISLATIVE Revised Statutes. In relation to ihe qualifica- A0AM P- LEIGHTON. President Washington: 0; Weather,’ clear denounced the ; McKinley, Wind, W; Velocity, young lawyer, vigorously Now oomes remon will a tions for admission to Normal 11 WAFtfist, BROWN’S INSTANT RELIEF. 1 and drag seines. The Cunimittee on Library give public necessary ]ei It has been a to confer under the present law as per- Feb. 9 Schools. great pleasure 8 m.—Barometer, 30.180; Tliermom practices strunces from Alvah Jackson and 317 hearing in senate Chamber. Thursday. For Colds, Collo. Cholsra Mr. in- p. tb M. Coughs, with your commissioner Porter, to law- Robinson and at 7 3o p. m.. on an act to provide for the est Friday. Feb. 10, 1899, at one o’clock P. Sol* eter, 21; Dew Point, (5; Humidity nicious and detrimental young others, and from Joshua school* Morbus, Dyssntsry, Croup, troduced friend and I am llshmeut aud maintenance of free publii On an act relative to grouping common by my Quesada to them. others the RkolUeld proposition, Dlphtharla, ato. with 17; Wind, W; Velocity, 3; Weather who were parties against libraries in cities aud towus aud for me pur in schoul classes Throat, now aware of and pleased your yers would In favor clear. of claiming that it operate chase oi books latlons. out ot the moin-j By order of'the Committee on Education. IT RIAL NICE TO TAKE. wishes In a short time I shall go to J. S. Williamson. Esq., Augnsta wa by pla SEE OUR I THINK IS of larger fishermen against the small, and raised aud collected from the licensing of dogs and oonler with Gen. Ifrooke so Mean Maxi the com Havana Daily Thermometer, 10; of the that disclosure create n Ihere will bean- order committee. TAXATION. Woswat Menus Oo., Horny. M» opinion monopoly. Fer rirpu*! by that will well. mum Minimum Ther everything go Following Thermometer, 23; were a oonvenianoe and while other 10th. C. W. TEEL, bec’y. in missioners hearing February The Committee on laxa’lon will give a public your advice. I willingly oo-operate 8;Max. 10SW alter a bear- Jail. 3L : mometer, Velocity Wind, of the law which ht The legal affairs oomruitee Augusta, 1880._'» hearing at the Board of Assessors’Rooms on Footwear. tbs work of reconstructing Cuba. there wove features Heavy Total Precipitation, 0. ing at which ex-Senator Marston appeared Tuesday. February 7. at 2 p. m. as burdensome, evils com LEGISLATIVE NOTICE* (Signed) regarded In to the plan voted to report On petition of Mary .Sawyer 1 ho in as and Just the thing for tble aeason Maximo General. opposition The c ommittee on Affairs will give t others that women be from of the for Tuesday, Psb. 7th, Gomez, of did not exist so far as Kenne ou the bill creating a town Legal praying exempted year, for plained adversely in its at the State lions* Is the Lsst Today Gen. Goiuez is preparing ths hearlug room taxation. llsy. Heather Observation. be© county was concerned. council in Hkowhegan. u 2.3t to Havana. The whole attitude of fiubiicAugusta. Tuesday. Feb. 14. 1888, at CHARLES A. JORDAN. Seo’y. men, Women and Children. trip o’clock p. in. ! t Achlsiements! tbe old fighter is much more cordial than The agricultural department, weatbei No. 30.—On nn act to amend the charter Oi MsgnlHoe LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. ▲Iso a full line of was anticipated by Mr. Porter, lie told takei the Foril&ud Marine bureau for yesterday, Frebruury 2, Society. S III Como the latter he was to receive the The Committee on will a the People proud Judiciary give pub- President at 8 p. id.,meridian time, the observutloi in its rooms at the state House in speelal commissioner of the LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. lic hearing GOODS. More This Week Than Last! Augusta, RUBBER and he is evidently much gratified with for each section being given In this order The Committee on Judiciary will « it;. at 2.80 o’clock solution of the give 1 hursday, February 1899, p.m If tlisy were not satis- the prospect of the early direction of wind, state ol in its room to CHOICE ASSORTMENT. Temperature, public hearing at the State House No. 93. On an act regulate the appoint' lied they would not bring disbandment problem. In Augusta ment and of Receivers of Corporations. weather: powers REASONABLE PRICES. lltelr friends. His patrons The money will be sent on Commission- Thursday. February 9, 1899, at 9 30 o'clock p. in No. 94 On an act relating to returns by For New crowds going er Porter’s order to Gen. ifrooke and Boston, 26 degrees, S, clear; No. 49. On au act in relation to tile admis- elgu and Domestic Corporations. are his best advertlsouienU. The his wonderful be as distri- York, 28degrees, S, cluody; Philadelphia sion ot women to the practice of law. No. 92. Ou au;act relating to Mortgages bj to see] him Is good evidence of will paid out called for, by the of oldy ; Washington, 80 d» Corporations. success. Thousands testify to accuracy bution through subcommittees of Cuban 28 degrees, NK, LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. No 112. On an act to further regulate th« Ills predictions. and American officers in the various grees, NK, clear, Albany,28 degrees. NK and control of Rualnesk l*rol. Delano calls full name, advises 28 I The Committee on Financial Affairs will Corpora your I} clear! Buffalo, degrees, W, oloudy; give organization difficulties, removes an provinces. he hearings as follows ttons. business, assists In ail 20 NK, clear; Chicago pul and tells you every As agreed upon at yesterday's confer- Ditrolt. degress, T rube Feb. 9. February 21. l»#0. at 2.30 o'clock |>. at obstacles from your path, St. Absolutely Thursday, Tuesday. unites the ence the entire amount will be In Span- 16 degrees. NK, oiear; Paul, mlssini Ou an order in favor of the Maine School foi Ko 122, ou au set to prorlde that uo aottoi ihlug you wish to know, separated, royal —8 NW and about marriage with tne on® leh silver. -; Huron, Dak., degrees, the DeaL shall be maintained against iransportausti brings speedy W more delicious and wholesome loss of life oi of choice. A short Uine only. Sittings**- At the 00 It amount to p eddy; Bismarck, —12 deirees, Makes the food Thursday, F'eb. 9. companies (or negligence causlug your «* rutlo of will o a to 8. Per lore 68 .8 Ou Resolve In (aver of Maine Eye aud Eat properly, or Injury to ibe same, nulesi wrlltei to 8.8o dally- Sunday $5,200,000 or nearly 9100 for each man in clear; Jacksonville, degrees, WL shall be hi Perk tit. Madame Delano in InArmanr. notice o» the loss, claim, etc., glvei attendance^ tbe Cuban as estimated tbe dele- oloudy. _ fob2 dill#*#* army by Fer order, 1L 1.11 LX., bec y. withiu sixty days of ihe occurrence. Urn J J1-Ul-»-X- -= the PROBATE NOTICE*. EDUCATION COMMITTEE AT FARM. rntlfloatlon of the treaty and the ac Other speaker* wore Poet master Henry TNI DAILT PIIII TAKR PHILIPI’IUS. neptanoe by this country of the oeaslor A. lhomas and Rev. Dr, John L. Wll* SAYS SHE'S ROT GUILTY TO MRS. PINK HAM 1 NOTON. from (tpaln was not a decarat l on ol brow of Park atrwet church. To All rsrtoa* UtirMtH In Either of Ihn 2.—The He declared that the liacor J. Willis Farmington, February joint principles tferret.arjr Uaer, during the Estates Hereinafter Nimd resolution* and all other reeoltt From Mrs. E. committee on education of the state leg pending evening read a telegram from President Walter Budd, of Pat- tior.e on this subject were rich with and from H. Blanchard, chairman, j McKinley message nOD. George ch ogue, New York. lelature, Cyras i mischief and not to Iw 11 At a Court of Probata held at Portland with ought adopted. F. lloar and Hon. John D. Long in re- Cm always be found At tho period!* arrived here last to visit the Btats eras the business of In and for the Coan'y of Cumberland, on the night | Congress to legislate sponse to a request that should Arrive* Senator One and to follow they Mrs. Prownflwr in •tore* of: Third Tuesday of January In tin* year of our Normal school. The were SjMMUter Says Only the lines marked oat by thf to the young people their view* Safely gentlemen given I present th* Lord. eighteen hundred and ninety nine; *the constitution and the will of the on the of Mr*. Brj>i>, In following lettar, E. W. Roberta j 0* a at the residence of lion I people. question e*p»»*h>n. Senator Congress sweet. following matters having been presente for reception He remarked: A to wai A B. lllfinathf. people who went Hoar wrote: Dover. tell* a familiar uforv of weaknet* and Merrill, *47 th action thereupon hereinafter Indicated, It is Joseph W, Fairbanks, the local school | to free 1 think be trusted tc E. H. Bprague, 406 • * Cuba, may, You a«k me to send a to the and thank* Mr*, • heieby ORDERED: do the message Ruffrring, f’lnkham N G. Fessenden. 626 board, and many prominent ctt-lsens right, just and generous thing lo of the That notice thereof be given to all persons in- " young people Christian Endeavor W. H Jewett. 404 the for complete relief: terested, causing a ol this order to be This forenoin the com Philippine archipelago society of Kastern Massachusetts to be L A. Libby. 460 by ropy taking part joint At 8.36 *• three weeks successively In the p ru., on motion of Mr. Davis, given them ut their In Dear Mho. PiifkHAk:—I think it U r. A. Jelilson, 02(6 Congres street. mittse attended the exercise* of celebration IA INK STATE PRESS and Wl KKLY KA8I daily the Senate went Into executive session. Treinont arraigned for xlruer Chas Ailitofc., 081A < Subllsticd THAT 18 TO LEAVE THEM IS ASAR- Temple, Fetronn j, on the uefore my duty to write ongress street CRN at Portland the Normal introduced to At 6 40 the Senate H. L. Donned 186 AKGU8. paper* published school, being p. m., adjourned. great of territorial I to Congress street. that may at a Probate question expansion. you and tell yon 4. Frederlckson. 16 Inula street. aforesaid. they appear classes room wish could send them all POLICE COl'RT OF ROCHESTER < saldroi Hand. on the Th ird t3e in the assembly by ( HY WITH ALL 1T8 H0RK0K8. I that |* In iuv A. Mtubbs* corner Federal and ourt to be held at what letnnle Hia next, at b»n of the the Addresses IN heart. Hut I suppose they de-ire to make Lydia J. J. Beardworih. 87 India Tuesday of February Prof Pu ring ton. principal. THE HOUS streei and be heard thereon up their Judgment In accordance with K. Pink ham's r. H. Krsklne. 48 Middle street. dork In the forenoon, were made Cbulrman Blanchard and and see cause. by Hirer and Harbor Bill Passed By Big the teaching* of Christ. Let them, llrst, Vegetable L. D. J. Perkins. 2 fciehaug* street, object If luey members of the and Mr ask K P. Dennis, 410 Co aim er dial street other parly, then, themselves whether it Is doing MARY ELDKN. late of Boston In the Wlseoualn Majority. Woman W«i in uosd Spirits and Compound c. H. Cols. Cor. Boyd and Oilord L. who is the local trustee of the Man Declares lllmaelf Op- evil or doing good to make war street and Commonwealth of Fairbanks, upon hat* J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street. County of .Huffolk Washington, ‘A—The river or compel them force to mu bin It Jehrd With the th.rlf-Th. Slaters done for deceased. First Account school. a member* of posed To Kspanslon. Rnl We Can* February ponple by W. L. crane, 76 Fzchange street. Massachusetts, During reception, to us that ws may govern them me. I feel for allowance by Klden Emer- and harbor hill carrying slightly more against I"“l>aw Held as a Wltnrn and Stal like Westman A West. *8 sod 06 Commereiii presented the committee were closeted for wimp wot Avoid Our Responsibilities-* their will. Are son. Administrator the great doctrines of th another woman. Join II. Allen, 881 Vk Congress street. than $30,000,000, pass*«d the House today to Jail. time with Prof. Purrlngton, discussing ApceeH Was a Notable One, declaration of Independence, a* Abraham Dennei&co. <>46 Congrats SAMUEL J. hFOLLETT. late of Brunswick, a vote of 160 to 7. This Is the I hail such dread- G J. Portland street. Petition for License U> sell and the normal by Urgent Lincoln and Charles Lamarr toTa us they Hodgson. 06Vk deceased. the new system of raising T. M. G leadening. Long (aland. Heal Estate, by Ger- any river and harbor bill has were, founded on the law of Christ? If Dover, N. H t.-Mn Lies lo ful headachea convoy presented of which went Washington, February 8.—A notable majority February P. L. Brackett Peaks island. trude K. Admfniatranx ; also «V school standard admission, are, then If ^pollett, ever obtained in the Honee. The bill at- they anybody tempt them Provencher. who waa In J. E. 1116 street. tl Ion for out of the Personal ha* b.*en speech wan made in the Senate today by arraigned through my Harmon. Congress an allowance into operation lust fall This with the prospect of to the J. Whitman & 42* s»hl Gertrude 1 doing good Koebeater late thla on a and II. tsou, Congress street F>tate, presented Mr. Spooner of Wisconsin, iie took for tracted little opposition and every effort of the afternoon charge temple* by a grave question and is still considered people Flllpplne Islands oy forcing If. M. Butler, 68 Pine street. spol ett, widow o( sakl deceased. hie text the regulation to amend It In oor doctrine them, let them ask of murdering Mlu Annla Cox Tuesday on top of my J. II. Vickery, 2*1 Bpring street. MAKY Glome so. the attendance of the nor anti-expansion Important particular**, upon Fit RETT, late ol New ter. affecting themselves If It be lawful to do H. D. McKenzie. cor. rtpring and Clark for nrobutu offered Mr. but not confine failed. The only amendment evil that afternoon was brought bereat&OB o'clock head, that I deceased. Will anti petition a considerable Prof. by Vest did special / ( 48 Portland Tier. inal sohool to degree. good may roine, and If It Is possible that we apt. Long. thereof, presented by Hannah Pickett, declara- adopted today for sur- thla afternoon and taksn In a hack to the nearly went G. W Hunt. 8 Custom house Whan Fix stated his doubt* as to the himself closely to that proposed beyond provisions can do good to that cufrtx titer cl n named. Puringtor. any people by setting Strafford John Cox. 28 Monument square tion of discussed the veys was one out the them an of nount.v Jail. The wiman was in crazy; wnsnl.so F UmLNTINT. M. CURTIS, late of of the new policy. He question striking provisional example Injustice and wrong? J. F Hutchinson. 12 Kim street Freeport, advisability system, support- of deceased. Account for allow of all of for harbor Ask them If they think It would reod charge .Sheriff Hayes. A large crowd of troubled with Peter Tldtns. Forest Avenue. presented his with collected expansion In Its phases, and appropriation Brunswick, Ua., ante Ambrose Executor. ing opinion carefully well In the scripture If the bavlour had citizens Also at the news stands In the Falmouth. by Josaelyn, the ratification of the and inserting a provision for a survey and bad assembled at the depot to get chills, was very data. The visitors left for August a this urged peace treaty added another verse to the of the Prenl**, Congress gquare and I'nited .States ho- HAN'NaH l». UUVEL, litl* ol Pownal, de- parable a view of ah moans an of for the Inner the bnt Mrs. Pro- weak; my left tels. and Grand Trunk and Union It ceased. irst and F Inal Account afternoon. the best of bringing the burning appropriation $10,0U0 Good Samaritan to the effect that the prisoner, Depots. present- reneber can uiso he obtained ot Chisholm Bros., a gem* ed for allowance by ,foliu C. liavla. Ad home harbor. This amendment was Good Samaritan thereafter made a slave did not appear disturbed and was side from my question to the people themselves, proponed by on all train* ol the Maine Central, Grand Trunk lulniatator; also Pc ltloii for Order "f Dls- OF SENATE. the river and harbor commission. of the man who fell thieves and In shoulders to EXECUTIVE SESSION who, he said, could well be trusted on among good spirits, oocasloaally joking with and Cortland A lioebester railroads and of trlbutloii, presented by said Administrator. Saturday, February |J, was set apart compelled him to sdopt the doctrines, the sheriff. — waist ugei ta "» anv of the Boston Trains. WILSON S late de- February 2. —The execu- their sober second thought to do that At the jail she was measured my pain- KAMI, of StAndbdi, Washington, for paying tribute to the memory of the ways and practice* of the Samaritans 1 be ru\ss can also nslound at the following ceased. Petition t«.r License to sell and of the Seimto was mere- and weighed. Hhe was then taken ed me I could not for tive session today which would be fair, just and generous late Mr. Dlngley or Maine. whether he liked them or not. to the terribly. sleep Auburn—G.H. HaekeU. convey Kent Palate. present'd by Frank a continuance of the women'n would a Augusta—J F. H. ly legal argument toward the of the Secretary Long said: department which Is outside of the pain. Plasters help for Pierce, Band, Admirnst rator. with Senator inhabitants Philippine Bath—John.(». Shaw. whloh started Spooner’s the rotary as soon as UURA L. lat<* uf deceased. HEARD ROTH MB Eh. With rvgard to the territorial of the Jail. while, but taken off, the pain Berlin I >'. H.—C 8. BAILF1Y, Gray, in the open Senate. It grew out Archipelago. alls, Clark. Will and |*et|tlun for thereof ami speech United States, it would seem to me that Sheriff Hays* stated that the would be ns bad as ever. Doctors Blddeford—A. M. Burnham. probate of the question of Senator Tillman con- Mr. Spooner spoke for throe hours and woman just that George A Bailey, or some other suit- the word to to Is was Brldgton—A. W. Ingalls. thu statu* of the Filipinos with say your young ponpli arrant*od In Koebeater before Justice medicine, but it gave me no able person, i-e appointed Administrator cerning through his brilliant oratory, fine that should U as to prescribed Brunswick—F. P. Bhaw. cose ces- ability they recognize adding c. t. a., presented l»y Sarah A. Bailey, reference to citizenship In the for and Charlaa F. Wentworth of the oourt. relief. Bangor J. b. Glynn. as a close and astute reaeoner, Arguaieuts Against Expansion the duties and of police widow of said deceased. sion of the islands should be splendid responsibilities tho'goid *• Harbor C. K. Philippine citizen. City Solicitor SL D. Father Now I feel so well and Bootlibay Kcnnlsou. as an advocate and adroitness represented strong, Brownfield— E. I. Frink. WILLIAM KLiH.lt. late of Gray, deceased, accomplished. qualities at C. E. Meeting. In It raises new prubleras our govern- the state In the absence of Solloi- have no more and no Elizabeth-Dyer A Jose. in 11 and for probate thereof, Senator Hoar made a set argument and cleverness at held the care- County headaches, Cape petition repartee, ment of the and for the •> r. Marriner. presented by Frank L. Clark, Executor liberally front authorities in sup- people people, tor Mason of tble city Mrs Provenoher in side, and it is all to quoting ful attention of an num- which can best be met them pain owing Cumberland Mlr.a—11. (1. susra therein rumid. of the contention that they would unusually large by facing port and waa not represented by counsel. She sent I cannot it Camden—Fred Lewis. CYNTHIA P. ill NT. late of deceased ber of Senator* and a audience lu Dr. (’lark and Dr. Lorrlmrr Take by bringing high purposes and hearty your Compound. praise Gray, become citizens and be entitled to all large Oppo- J. H. Gould. tobatc tt reol endeavor to their solution. There Is no a to snow and a W ill ami tor t ine-eagH Coohran of enough. It is wonderful medicine. — petition the rights and privileges as such under the galleries. At the conclusion of bis site Views and Herrctary l.ong and Cornish L.B.K night. presented by George H. F reeman, Fixeeu- reason why, while It may put our them to -IN. (k the constitution. This view was antago- upon Kocbsster, asking defend her. I recommend it to every woman I Deer ins J. anion. tor therein named. speech he received the warm congratula- Senator Hoar Send Messages from country new burdens and risks, aud ex* Deeritng ( enter—A. A. McCone. nized by Senators Platt of Connecticut but they told her that they did not handle know.” MAItAH A SIMPSON, late ol de- tions of of his notable js*nse. It should not result In the larger Damanscotia- M. >1. Gamsge. Gray. and Teller and Nelson many oolleagnes This Point of View criminal cases and did not oars to ceased First Account for al- civilization ol the world. Tbs under- Fairfield—K. 11. Kvans. presented Senator in of the whom was Mr. Tillman of South expansion take her delenee In the lowance Frank L Clark, Adtulnistia- Davis, charge treaty among of the polloe court she Farmington—11. P. White & Ce. by after the Boston, 8.—The 18th anniver- our country means expansion of street, to fcaflle tbs crowd, tbe latter raced tor. expressed the opinion adjourn- Carolina with whom he had had a February pleaded not guilty and waived examina- Fraeport—A. W. Mile hen. sharp our system of education, of our at breakn a it. of of the Senate that a vote would l>e principles tion she was speed after Drivers C. Frye. JOSEPH THOMPSON, late of de- ment tilt In the course of his argu- sary of the founding of the Christian En- of whereupon remanded with- Fr^eourg—A. Gray. personal free government, of additional vehicles lashed tbelr horsts and drove to- T. Whitmore, ceased. F’lrst and Pinal mint presence I secured tomorrow on the resolutions ment. out ball. Fryeburg—J. deavor society was celebrated in Trcmnnt securities to llfcn, liberty and the pursuit ward tbe and for a few minutes It Gardiner —Bussell Bros. for allowance by Frederick H. Cobb, Ad- in the Senate declaratory of the Agnes Provsnohei a sister-in-law of depot pending Mr. Spooner maintained that the United of as well as of our the s W attitude this afternoon and evening happiness commerce lookfd as if bedlam had let loose. Green landing-8. Fifleld. miulslraio country's future toward tbe States had the a* bad Temple by accused woman, who wa* present at the L. J. Lermoud. undoubtedly power and of the distribution of the product* of The transfer of tbe prisoner from tbe Gorham GEORGE 11. GREEN, late of Gorham, de- in ease of the ratification of the been shown In the Senate to nearly 6300 people, representing the shooting, was held In 1600 as a witness N. H.—rt. M. UsmtASsa Filipinos previously our Industry and labor. I would advise, back to tbe was done so ceased. Will and belli ion for probate The first vote will be on the and In default wan train quickly E Ku.**el'. treaty. our own Christian Endeavor Union In Boston tluir.ifnni fhnf ihitr aid nnr naalM tnunh of 1*11 here Gore—F. I. acquire territory beyond domain, and brought that few had tbelr satis- thereof, presented njr /dplia Green, iiacon resolution which will be with Mrs. Prorencher and to persons curiosity Keunebunk—J. II. uus. named probably and *71th that power was Included of cities and towns. time in over what taken the Kxectitrlx therein voted down. A vote will then be taken surrounding regrets they might, fied. Eeunebunkport—C. E. Miller. course the right to govern that territory. wish had been ordered but 10 jail. C. A! GUSTUS H BURBA NK late of Yar more Kev. Francis E. Clark, the founder of otherwise, Tbe remains of Miss Cox were era* Livermote fall* Newman. upon a resolution acceptable, to ths in the misertion that the con J""*pn nunnentan, an Insuranoe UlOlltll. 111.II discussing accept the situation and make the best of agent, t In a white Lewiston—< handler A Winshlu deOt'MSU, that Mr. waa also aimed tbit afternoon, placed .me#- t H offered the was tbe and he bald as a witness In tbe sum ■* count for allow Iwitli majority, probably by seut of the was necessary to the society, special guest, of l.UUK UMIU J— ptenfutsil by governed it, and to remember that they are citizens ntti iii iiupu u»»ri nuu iu> nniuvu uu Sullivan, which it 1* believed will be pierci-e of the •&0U hut as he expected lo furnish Lends Limerick— 8. A. < Grant. W. Jordan, Adtnlnlattatoi. just powers by governing made a ringing address on the topic of not only of their own country and com- Me. When the train reached ho was In Calais, H. Foster, Goi deceased adopted. uniitiu, -1*1. ninwiit'r uuiu luni left Rochester Lisbon--C M SHY 1'AINE, late of ham. iup|mwh»ui monwealth, but of the world, which an of tha the evening—"The Attitude of the Young Soraersworth, Mrs. Heath, aunt Lisbon halls A. M Gerry. Will and for piotmt.* tbcrcol, pr«- assumed by Mr. Platt that a government should be the better for their in it. j petition the living dead went on hoard and la acootu- Mechanic Falls—Merrill ft Hinted Abbott. Executor therein MOSES LIABILITIES. received its from eoiue of the Christian Toward Territorial Expan- girl Deuniog. t>y Cyrus just powers And wheu one thinks how much better FOUND MRI. PROVENOHER QUILTV. panvlng the remains to Calalft. It Is No. Peering—A.C. Noyes. I named. governed, was oorreot. sion of the United States," which was al- the world is mads the Influ- Htraiforn Mi —J. c. Bath, February 2.—A statement of tbo by example. stated that the embalming of the body NoiUi Uuohuagi THOMAS DOOLAN, late ..f West' rook, de- Mr. declared that much of the Coroner's Verdict In Koehestes Bio e Spooner so treated a number of other ence. and work of one true man, it Jury was done care under the ex- Norway—F.i’. First Account or al- assets and liabilities of Galea 0. Moses of by speakers spirit with special A. O. ceased. presented territory the United Statas think of the NoyesCo. 1 acquired by is inspiring to mUhty power Murder Case— Another of Shoot- that the body be lowance >’ Ellen A Doolan and Mary I. been issu'd hie as- Mr. Clark said: Expansion is an alto- Story pectancy may again N. Conway—C. II. Whittaker. this city has just bj had been gained against the will of the for for which all these stand in a Executrices. gether appropriate note to bo struck on good viewed. Old Orchard—Fogg ft Libby. Doolan, Snow & Cook of Port- people whom we now govern, tie ridi- of men like the Christian Ing. et signees, Symonds, the 18th birthday of Christian Endeavor, body great hienn.jnd—A L. Treble. EVA M JORDAN, ai* minor children culed the Ic.ea that distance could affect ICndeavor Union. .1. Kollo and heirs ot * hnrles s Jordan, and hell* land. It will be remembered that Mr. for expansion has been its watchwurd. Rochester, X. U., February 3.—The THE PROVENCHER CASE. Kumford Falls—1. our right to acquire territory. Why All these communications were received Kockiai. I—Punu ft < arr. of Klr.lra t. Jordan, late of Si nth Port Moses to the above on and expansion bas been its business coroner’s In the on the ** Ac... assigned parties was there no objection to the acquisition with cheers although that received from jury Inquest body A. J Huston. land, deceased. F'li-t presented during every day of thcae eighteen years ton Bros. tor allowance John I l.i-comi», Guard August 3D, of lust year. The liabilities of Porto Rloo if there must be so rnuoh seemed to receive the of Annie Coy. housekeeper for Mrs. Proteoehrr Returns to Nomrn- [ Sanford—Traf by of its If our nution enter.) Secretary Long Henry lan also the ut said Guardian to the history. ! fckowbegau—Blxbv ft Buck, Resignation include Portland and Kumford Falls taking Philippines upon most marked demonstration of Prorencher of this who was opposition an age of conquest, and uses the wonder- approval. city, shat at worth With fthertiT Hayes. fcouth Portland—J. F. Mernmaa. presented for acceptance. True, the army of the United Staten •* $3700; Portland National bank, ful victories of 18'. 8 to her Prorenoher's house H. Kicker ft Soft H. LIBBY, et als minor children railroad, whs welcomed to Porto Rico with open simply protect WANTED A POLICY. Tuesday afternoon, W [WALTER gteed for territorial and her lust mOuUi Windham—J. Head, and heirs of Hattie F‘. Linin’, late of $4000, both secured. Total direct liability arms. I he consent of the Porto Ricans conquest brought In a verdict today to tbe effect Sheriff of N. arrived bouth Faria—A P. sturtevaut, License for she will desurvo and Hayes Dover, H., Dueling, deceased Petition for bad not been risked. commercial gain, that South Far la—F A. KhuiUeff. tenured, (343,231.70. Total liability uo- Mrs. Lizzie Prorencher was here forenoon with a warrant is- to sell and convey Real Estate, presented will receive the fate of .•'pain, st the reepon- yesterday South Waterboro—G. C. Dowaa Mr. Racon replied that the circum- to Answer the Ri- Edward L. Libby, Guardian. of a and Our go fie Undertook slble for the dsath. court H by lsoured, $42,4.5.82. were hands just righteous God. housekeeper's The sued from the Rochester police for Saco 1L Kendricks ft Oa stances different because of the ** I JOHN NELSON WHEELER, late of South mother Great is a Doctor's (Ideations and Be- K. 1~ Ere Me. cf Porto as the country, liritam, nmknlnK verdlot was as follows: the arrest of Mrs. Lizzie Provencher far deceased. Petition for License proximity Rloo, presence South Bristol -N. W. Portland, Is It a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Kclec- shlnglng example in all the world's his- Decided That He Didn't Garaaga Real Estate of Spain in either of the West Indian fore l.oug ‘"ihat Miss Aunte Cox came to her the murder of Miss Annie Cox. Tbomaatou— K. Walsh. to sell and convev presented trlo Oil. A out? Use Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tory of the of just and gener- Mui v F:. Wheeler. Administratrix, also inland.* would be inimical to the United advuntnge Want Insurance After All. death lu the house of Prorencher Vtnai 1 iaveu—A. B. \ InaL l> trlo Oil. At ous treatment toward and Henry The nherlff was in consultation for for an Allowance out of the Per your druggists. States subject people a bullet tired W aldoboro—Geo boss. Petition by from a rerolrer lu the Estate, said E. backward races. 1 do not say (hat we some time with Marshal Waiarvllie—W. I>. sotial presented L»y Mary “I thank the Senator for the admis- Old Bob conceived the idea of having hande of Mrs Lizzie Proteuuher. City Sylvester. Spalding. widow of said deceased. should emulate and Westbrook — W. B Booth Wheeler, sion,” Mr. Spooner. England’s example, insured ••several wltnessea were examined In- As Mrs. Provencher offered no by. responded "l'hej colonies in all of the world his life objection ft Wyman. CAROLINE RIGGS, late of Peering, de of Is be sue* acquire parts Woodlurds—Chapman declaration independenoe to | much do asked the cluding the husband of the woman ac- Sheriff to New J B. Mitchell erased. Will and for probate out 1 do say that, whatever is done we "How you weigh®'1 to accompanying Hayes YarmouLhvtUe—A petition he Fobd pended in the West Indies because It is In cused of the murder, Henry Provenoher thereof, by Llndley M. Webb, Easy (gtnnot from our or examining physician. she was handed over to his presented the interests of the United States. escape responsibilities and Mrs. riadle Mrs. Prorenoher’s Hampshire, Executor therein named. We 15 more den Fuse, to scuttle away from our obligations. *1 weigh ’bout poun's my on noon Easy Buy, “No, not our interest*,” replied Mr. mother. custody and he left with her the ABIGAIL BL'TLEIt, late of Portland, de “our which Is must face the future. wife does. 1 he ami for Raoon, public safety great- Inquest was not concluded yester- train over the Portland & Rochester rail Itoilce off Foreclosure. ceased. Will petition probate to These ten millions of people are in a much does she Arabella Butler, er than our interests is affected. "Well, how weigh*” day wee finished this morn thereof, presented by Easy Cook, truer sense than ever before our afternoon,but road. On her arrival at Rochester at CCM BE BLAND, * a. Our interests are included in our neighbors “I ye but she's a lhe F.xecutrlx therein named. dun forgot, whopper, Ing evidence resented was praotl- 1 Whereas Huuiuer L. Harulltou, of Cumber- to and brothers. Shall we civilize them and she was to be and then FI LLER, late of Portland, Easy Eat, national safaty,” said Mr. Spooner. letnmo tell ycr. oally a repetition of the stories told by 2.8U. arraigned, land in the County of Cumberland, by hie AUOr.VflS P. Chrlstlaui/e them:- Shall we give them deed, dated the of deceased. Will aid petition tor piubale The Senator practically admits that tire the various persons connected with the taken to the at Dover. mortgag* 27111 day December, laws so that within "How tall you®” oounty jail thereof, Augustus g Fuller to we want Porto Rico because we need it good justice prevails stlalr as th> A. D., lews, and recorded In CuinberlHiid regis- presented by y appeared In tbe was under Executors therein Easy Digest. tbeir borders f These are more Important "Who—me?” newspapers Mrs. Provencher guard all try or deeds, Vol. rtO« page .4*. conveyed to ine au 1 Richard Webb, In our business III connection with the of the mur- «stions than even tbe ratification of (be "Yes. story the undersigned, car am real estate, situated In named. uaker Mr little made the that there was qu you.” der. night She slept quite well, and ate her Oats point of i Ci.mberlaud In the county of Cumberland, and SARAH A. HARDY, late of Portland, de between the two treaty peace or the disposition of the Lemmo s»m? Does yer know Abo Sevier She very sharp difference It has that Miss breakfast with apparent relish. ap- described as follows, to wit A cet Utu lot or ceased. Will and foi ate islands to which It Is 1 developed Agnes pro At all rases be considered a* the treaty refers. what worked fur ole man Plummer?” petition grocers Porto Rico could Prorencher, alster-ln-law of the woman unconcerned In relation to the parcel ot land situated on Ihebeakue Island In thereof, and that Letters Testamentary for the young people of America* to v peared Executor tn indemnity, a land of some possible accused of the and who waa »a d town of uinb^rland. together with the issue lo t larence 8. Brewsrer. answer these uueslious in some measure | murder, and In- in 2-lb. value us und not a an ever fur 1 ain’t ez charge against her, frequently buildings thereon and bounded as follows, viz: therein named, rese ted Ajfrcda L. pkgs. to detriment, "Waal, I’m sorry, quite with her at the time, olalms to hare ao> by only It is for us to Insist that our country shall In when In Beginning at the sea shore J duiug Una now or Biewsier, under tala will. blighting curse and woe to us—as would ez he is. the woman under of dulged laughter conversation Legatee do what Christ would have us do. These tall j cumpanled threat of Albion 8. and was not a formerly Hamilton, running C. HoDSDON, late of Portland, >e the Philippines. It constitu- old Bob I tidily barm If she did not do so. with the matron. H1KA.M are times in which to live. we The doctor, after weighing and police North W West to the town road, thence along for »i- tional but a of glorious If deceased. F irst Account presented question, question policy. asked: Mine Prorencher says that alter her said road in a Southerly direction to a make | seiae our opportunity; if, us a nation, we measuring his height, Deputy Sheriff Hayes of Dover, son of lowance b> Arthur B. Hoasdon, Admlnis Did not Mr Spooner see the grave dunger? i Ister-in-law had declared her Intentions and stones, thence south W Fast to the sea do our ; if we the golden rule "How old are with trator. Mr. duty apply you?” m to Jailer Hayes, bad a talk her in tbs shore, thence along said sea shore in a North Responding laconically, Spoouer | going her husband's house to shoot late of Portland, de- to the Cubans and the Filipinos, our "Who—me?” easterly course to tue first named ex- DA NIKI. H. JoNRR, Raid he saw the danger. him nud hl> aha police station yesterday forenoon. Shs bounds, for children’s children will look back housekeeper, objected irorn the above one half ceased Will and petition probate Mr. tioar said that he made no distlnc upon "Yes. of courge, you. You are being t<> cepting described lou l Does Coffee going with her but the angry wife a to baok to thereof, William K. Neal. \ tbe expansion of this CbrUt-likt kind as expressed willingness go acre or laud, whh the barn tl>ereon which I have presented by tie took broad ion in the two cases, the examined. I ilireotened to shoot htr If she did not Executor therein named. the of our go. New without and heretoiore sold to Stephen H hamlliou. rrouud that we are not in ut- years greatest glory. a fack. lerame gee Mils Prorencher Hampshire requisition, justified Dat’s Waal, My nleo states that they bounde as follows, viz: Begi ntug at a point KEBI' < 4 M. PIERCE, late of Portland, x with to without Dr. Clark’s address was greeted with said the sooner It was over with the bet ha e Agree i einpting govern any people blrfday comes iu July, an now whut I “iiterej the bouse without observing any on the highway at the corner of land of William deceased Will and petition for pro heir consent. H. M»*nsfi id. thence by said mad to ami that Chester L Orr. or some applause. wants ter at Is how many 1 ken formality, but that Miss Cox received ter It would suit bsr. Northerly thereof git July8 the corne .»: town laid be Ad Resuming. Mr. Spooner said that there Rev. Dr. C. Lonmer, of them although the way. out across mjr other suitable person, appointed Ggo'ge pastor reeoileck. Ain’t dat de p int?” quite pleasantly, He asked her how she to do land to the tbt noe said Annie w. i You ? i was no out of it—that if at the end happened shore, by town way to a nilnlstrator c. t. a., presented by way i remont made an somewhat Temple, anti-expanslou I appeared olartncd at the sud- thence m a direction to the undei said Will if the war an is to be taken, "Yeg.” den the shooting, and she replied* "I went stake, Southerly Pleice. Legatee v If not.dnnk Grain-0—made from C indemnity address which also evoked much apt earonoa. land of a.tld ansfleld, thence bv said Mans- t be taken the consent of lommc sec. Blame ef I know DANIELS t PRESCOTT, late ol Portland, must without enthsiosm. Re said: "Waal, Mrs. Prorencher asked Miss Cox If It to Roohester Intending to kick Annie Cox field’s laud to said road and of pure grains. A lady writes: ‘*Tho it point beginning dr< rased. Final Account presented for al- y y :he we make August stead of was her Intention to lire And whereas ihe conditions of said mortuaice L first time I made Grain-O 1 did not L people. Suppose with Mr. Pror- out of my husband’s house. She refused lowan e liy Estelle K. Prescott, Adminis- Mr announced his REV. DR. LORIMKK’S ADDRESS. has beeu an ■ remains broken, now Spooner apprehen July?” uchsr permanently. Miss Cox replied broken, tratrix. A like it but utter using it for ono don of the of tie said to let me In and reaehed for a revolver therefore by reasou of the breach of the con- policy expansion. What difference would that make?” hat she to return to her home v ^ as follows: expected EKA \RL1N SIMON 1)8, of Portland, per- / week would induce me to / ae was an to the extent of Rev. George Lorimer spoke that was on the table. It was a ditions thereof I claim a foreclosure of said nothing expansionists It’s ez in Calais la about two weeks only o Slxtti Account "Doan’ kt*ow, but jus’ easy.” and that mortgage. •,«ur unsound mind. pre- go ba k to coffee.** It nourishes 2 wanting to do everything possible to ex- The most magnificent panorama of im- yen she was of whether she or I should shoot sented for allowance Thomas L. Talbot, ^ "I’ll put you down at 50. How old is getting ready her trunks question January 16th. A. D.. l*»y by A and feeds the The children 5 end our trade, but he thought that to ao perial expansion that ever dazzled the lor the U uardlan. system. father | Journey. Apparently enepeotlng first. 1 happened to ho a little qulcklr ISAAC II. \\ KBBEK. can driuk it with bene- juire distant und non-asslmilable people Imagination was presented by ftatan to your she added that If Bv G. A. his A. late Portland, de / freely great / •• troulle, Mrs. Provenoher OOKDON, Attorney. JESSIE STEWART, Bout er hunnered an ton and fired first." K fit. It is the sub- 2 >vus the poorest possible means of getting Christ when he offered him all tbe king would not harm her. she would out Janl7,law3wlu ceased will and petition for probate strengthening V,,.. ma U..V" get Beckwith Hums ui vne worm. Aim yei int* aniMer at once, 'lhe The that Mar- thereof, presented by Sidney / stance of ptlre grains. Get a pack- / ; shooting followed. prisoner regrets Deputy )f making a part of oar land tropical declined. To wuny people his rejeotlon Yaas, I does Miss Provenoh/r Stewart, Executor therein named. w from vour follow w seys that afler the shal Paquette of Sornersworth was brought J. iut. .1 Portland, age grocer, Nlundg thousands of miles from our of such an lmjft teem unreason- CHARLES WALKER, to-day empire “Is ho in health?” -booting Mis. I'rovsnchor exclaimed that to the directions in it and good Into tha affair to the extent that he felt deceased. Petition tor Lie use sell and y making you y ihorua, a land whose wore alien, able, and *. w »o people unpatriotic unphllunrhropi “Oh, no. sail, dat. ain’t whar he is. He‘e wa' mau with tha woman who convey Real F.state, preeenud by i.eorge lot of our blood, who wen: foreign to our The scene enacted on the Mount la Ami- In de grid* nail taken bar place that aba could not QHtitutions of a tropical climate in which lug a In these modern times counterpart said ho was 110?” iistrain herself from shooting. met him on the street Wednesday night, JOHN A. WALLACE, et als., minors and be man not work. He Uur dU Thought yen white could there- country stands contemplating Mtea Provencber's as to children ol t harle* W. Wallace, lute of "lie U. Yor didn't ax mo how old he testimony tbe and be appeared to be somewhat under ore considered as superllcial, sentimental tnnt possessions, and the arch-enemy Cox girl's preparation to leave In about Portland, deceased. Second Account md fantastic much of the talk concern- to them and wux when lie died.” the Influence of She Invited hliu i>resell ed for allowance John It. Wood- points urges acquisition two weeks was borne out by thati given liquor. by the annexation of these on his term, uud are in doubt “Well, how old waa ho when ho died?” Guardian. ug permanent many t y Mr. Prorenober before the coroner, to her apartments and hs aocepted the In- bury, ai away islands. whether he is an of light or of ’Bout 40.” to tbe THEODORE WELLS, of Portland. Petition angel j effect thet It was hie Intentlou to vitation. Hs went out and some he the one to the ex ten- bought that his uanic be to Theodore “I am not," said, “thrilled by darkness. No objects “Had he health?” break up In about two changed enjoyed good housekeeping both hot he con- Walter Well* said Theodors about no hauling down the flag s >n of American influence, American weeks, and let liquor and they drank, presented by ingle “Oh. yaas, sah, de health lest man yer bis boy, for whose lake be Wells. Then it has once been raised. It has been commerce or American institution**; no hml maintained a to bis sumed a great deal more of it than she. | •ber seed. home, go mother CHARLOTTE B. WOODMAN. late of Port- muled down In former times. It will be Dne advocates restoring to £paln of the who was anxious and Did he have a lingering disease?" very to hare him live He ilnally became stupid, she took land. deceased. First and Final Account muled down again. Wo will not keep it territory oaptured from her In open war her. with his and for allowance by Allred Baskelil but wa will take it down and no one that I know of denies the “Whut sort tease?” possession of revolver watch, left presented dual in Cuba 1 here woe mure excitement here thle Executor. behind it liberty and an of the United States to Isl- “Whs ho sick him there and wen: out and here, leaving right acquire very long?" afternoon when Llxele Prorenober arrived sleeping ISABELLA C. BAILEY otherwise Ljiowu Dd. this also ands or continent**, ever the na- sah! He off pendent government—1 hope provided Oh, no, dropped mighty on the X SO train from Portland over the looked the door. The watch she pawned a* laa C. Bailey, late of Harpswell, de- any be soon true in the Philippines and tion does not violate her own constitu- sadden Portland and ceased. First and Final Am.uut presented Kuobestar road. A great at Dover to the money to her rail- a this 1 do not consider 1 am in- tional or the natural rights get j>ay lor allowance Arthur Palmer, Aaimn- saying provisions “Heart disease?” ruwd bad gathered at the station, an- by onsistenu" of others. But there is a large party In road fare to Portland was his. Istrator. “No, sah l< Hating a look at tha woman as the was If the ratification of the involved our lund. and one that ADALINE L. TF< K. late of Brunswick, de- treaty Increasing daily attend him?” alien from the owe. bat It that to be “Did the doctors heppened ceased First Account and claim ermanent dominion he said, he would believes these advantages worthless the train at the private sah.” stopued "Know nothing" U h> ilo l.iked Maude's. resented for ailowauct by Warren H. ot vote for it. But he hud not been able and jndeed. Impossible of realization If “Yaas, above tbe station, where a carriage wae • Administrator, also Petition rox o And bt- the to secure them involves any “Well, wliut did they say was tho mat is it that like sister ¥ tick, any hulf-way resting place attempt n welting and In which Mrs Piovoncher Why you your Order of Distribution by Jaxut.« the cession and abandon- act of to tar with him?” presented weeu accepting homage Hpain. was and driven directly to tbe Maude s children so niueh better than THE EXCELLENCE OF STILT Of FIGS L. Doolittle. Agent. their fate and A oi that is not a placed City ing the Islands to this policy expansion poll* “Du didn't say much of nothin. One of (iraoc's? The latter seem to be uiluing. High Sbeilff Heyes wee in vour sister is due not to the and WILLIAM WOOD, lute of Portland, deceased. itter was not rlhe Pres- oy of greed and dishonor, that does not an his in de of tbe only originality thereof, permissible ’em climbed up put year ag charge prisoner and be was accom- /cry bright—more so than the others." Will and petition for probate pre- ent. kind and generous, as he wa.-., place us In the position of repudiating simplicity of the combination, bat also sented William K. Wood and Horace olo man au said dat he wnz dead enough panied by Deputy Sheriff Eugene Hays of Yes, an*, bnt Maude has never by rould not make a treaty the our past that does not weaken the they care and skill with Executors therein n arusd. leaving prln ter bo out down Den de sheriff cut him Farmington, and Asalstaut Marshal Cate to the which it is Andarson, to the the of constitution in our aught her Httle ones to speak piece#. hillppines archipelago lust, oiples government of this Mrs. Provenoher manufactured scientific C. Uuus on fast sped* schedule via Chicago down an put him !u er box I)oau’ thiuk city. hud ex- News. by processes HENRY PEABODY, Judge. avagery und brutality of Spanish rule, laml uml that does not drag us Into the utmost ''Ulcago order huU Iton. Iron Mountain Route, 1>xn» boss pressed willingness to return the A true oopy of the original o have this would militarism and alliances, we dat lie had heart ’reaxe, Think dat known to California Fig Syrup »»n«i Phc fli', *<»nth«ra adflr Co. Summer attempted course, entangling to Kocbester and was pleasant and affable ■ ATTEST: JOSEPH B. KKED. Register. rout* for winter are been to a rule of have no with. But to every he had some sorter trouble wid hi* naik. (Joed Reason. Co. and we wish to travel. For particulars apply to inaugurate anarchy controversy all tbe way up from Portland. She wae only, impress upon Chicago St AC on, 266 St rith ail Us and “while war was or progam that fails to steer clear here! I don’t believe want Washington horrors, plan “Look you iu spirits and once when Hick*—It is that so ail the importance of the * of good looking funny many unpre- purchasing ruel and bitter, anarchy was hell let of this kind stultiUcation and disgrace life insured.” out of the wtndowa of w.w«M»aon«.- yeng; the City building possessing men are fortunate in courting true and original remedy. As the j nose on earth." every lover of his country ought to I sah, the &o. Pacitlc Co., M Stale 8U “I doan’ b’lebe does, since yor and eeelng great orowd which had the blind of is manufactured In case of our abandonment of the say: “(iet thee behind me, Satan.” oat goddess. genuine Syrup Figs Bokton. Mass. gunter pry inter a man's family history. gathered of curiosity, she remarked ft pain would of oourse re- There is a religious side to it which Wicks—Possibly it Is because she cannot by the Califomhia Fio Syrup Co. decidWvit&Bat L'hlllppioes, Good dav sah.”—Arkansas Traveler. ■ho had not thought so many seert her there, and in case she should specially to this people see them that Fortune to their a of rights appeal assembly; would turn to meet her. Only onoe did yields only, knowledge that fact will CITY REAL ESTATE if we were vas not Auanclally able to accomplish assured that the forceful pos- she show emotion blandishments.—Huston Transcript. assist one in PURC'HASKD FOR CASH. Al Ol'ST t'LOWEK. Not KnllllPtl to It. any whatever, and that avoiding the worthless his purpose, she would And plenty of as- session of the Philippines and the asser- when administrator* aod others de- was ehe greeted her young brother imitations manufactured other Executors, ilstanoe from other nations tion of sovereignty at the of “lie wants a divorce,” said the by par- to sell will find It to their advantage to “It is a faot" says l’rof. European expense lawyer, end inquired for her mother. Her voloe Imagination. siring surprising to their and honor would us ties. The of the Cali- here before selling elsewhere. riendly her. liberty afford "because ho says his wife refuses to eook whs notloed to break high standing apply llnuton, “that lu travels in all perceptibly and then Diet—Liner writes about the re- to undivided estates can sell my parts In conclusion, Mr said that a laraar opportunity for the preaching of filled Bonuy fornia Fig 8trup Co. with the medi- of the for the last ten I Spencer for him.” her eyes with tears. he their shares and realise full world, years, the Word, we have no in the sponsibilities of great wealth, and Hr IKN option prem- “lie’s not outitlod to it,” the After muuh dlooueeion ehe decided not cal profession, and the satisfaction Bll■lllw value. No charges of any have met more people having used we dare not sanction and replied isn't worth a cent. ises; outiage op- to have any couneel. to parties selling. All iulormaliou cheer- ■ ‘‘No man is Hhortly after four which the kind reen s August Flower than The readers of this will be to In this dyspeptic partner. entitled to and about the of genuine of Figs has any paper pleased pression world for the sake of possi o'clock she wee arraigned before Henn Peck—Yes, joy* Syrup fully given. for 1 paru that there is at least one dreaded disease a divorce unless his wife insists Judge to millions of makes A her remedy, dyspepsia, deranged nly saving souls in the other. upon Wentworth and net married life, and he is married.—Nuggets. given families, )al7 DALTON 1*0., 53 Exchange St. eodtf bal science has been able lo cure in all lie when she can’t. pleaded guilty. A : amt stomach, and for us cooking ‘Chicago Post. the name of the a constipation. J luges, and that is catarrh. Hail’s C tarrh Let rememter that religion Las nev* reading of the complaint wae waived and Company guaranty "(I for tourists and or for of the salesmen, < lure is the uuly positive cure known to the ar been udvaaced by alliances with the ■he was committed to Jail at Dover with- Ho Was Cat I p. excellence of its remedy. It is ■ ms office where ledioal fraternity. Catarrh a coostltu state and that her can never bo ball, for the Siting positions, being expansion THE MODKRN WAY out February term of the “Do believe was really so far in advance of all other laxatives, 1 ional disease, requires a constitutional treat oourt. you Cholly ie lies ami genera! bad feelings from facilitated by a policy of national expan- Supreme Jeeeph Hnnneman and M lent. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taseu cut up over being Jilted as he pretended?" it aota on the liver and •nlar habits exist, that Green’s Internally, sion that is not thoroughly in harmony Commends Itself to the well-informed, to A nula Prorenober ware aaoh hold la IS JO kidneys, J cling directly upon the blood and muoous sur- “Yea, I do. He actually neglected to bowels without or weaken- year* svcceesful practice in 3f(tine. is a with what makes far honor and do and and all other wltneseee la ISO aaoh to irritating Eighteen 1‘,'ild Flower grand remedv. It ] sces of the thereby destroying the freedom, pleasantly effectually what was ap- ■ Treated without pain o« system, virtue. others be at the trial. crease his trousers for a week ’—Indian and it does nor p| JkSP||| s not injure the system I Dundation of the disease, and giving the patient However, then, may done In the crudest manner and pear ing them, .not gripe 1 I I III IB detention tro.n_ hubUM-Hf. by frequent formerly Provenoh*r wao Journal. mil is trength by building up ibe constitution and misled by much that is being uttered W hen Mr*. taken from upolls nauseate. In order to its beneficial r II Eu*v ; *afe; no rTiUr. < ure excellent for sour stomachs as well. To cleanse get |A | III nature in dole.* Its work. The and as let us disagreeably the sys Sheriff Huh. on tlssrsateed! or No Ptv. .1 sslstlng pro- published highest wisdom, the olty building by the the came of I Iv I V Lll Indigestion.” Maniple bottles rnucn effects, please remember \ rietors have so faith in its curative is Kndeavorer*, not be deceived. Chris- tern and break up ookls, headaohee, and way to tba depot, o remarkable oc- Jsit About as Bad. ipoldant — free at F. K. Fickett’s. 212 E. that they offer One Hundred Hollars the Danforth, | owers, tianity must expand, we ate set for its fevers without after curred. The train for Dover wMoh leave* Company nJSrt&L.. Dr.C.T.FISK 'V. Stevens’ 107 A )T any case that it falls to cure. Send for list unpleasant effect* "Have you ever been vaocinated?" Portland, McDonough bullet us not for here at 4.BO had been Ms minutes jji MainStebet, Lewiston, Me c f testimonial* triumphs every where, delayed threw shoulder out Mierldan's, 286 and J.E. Uoold use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, This fact the “No, but I once my CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. Congress, Address, F. J. CilENEY ft Toledo. O. k moment suppose that this can be se- tor the party. crowd octalde AH letters answered. Consultation CO., of Made of joint, to hit n tomcat with a wa- for A Co.’s £01 Federal St. Sold by druggists, 75c. mred by the slim and .crooked arts of Syrup Figs. by California Fig the building knew and so whoa tha haek trying SAM FRANCISCO. C.L FREE! Send free pamphlet. ter "—Cleveland Leader. cioM by dealers in all civilized countries Flail'* Family Fills are the best. worldly politics Syrup Ou left the hulltlag by tba way at a back pitcher. iMumtucr. unruKKi At V. B. Mw, Fwtlsali

( No monuitmcL ■nanuinoCT. wtickiLusiomi the Mala* experiment sta Qly in AiMrloa Ua« u many Agricultural polo is of Intanit a, Urn ^ aywactiy.■ LATEST FROM OROM tloa shall analyse samp lee of fond pro- SAUK AS AlUgm aBui/i (japtial anil no ooMw way VERY bo round daots on snls In Mntne, suspected of be- to rtilt It aa iMu tortiy an4 aoooorahmlly aa on tho ing ndoltamted, nt snob times and to Par.ou.Uy Ontdorud Town of tho rc«Hu,t*aola Haftiuad to Nervous Dyspepsia suofe extent as It may determine. And the director of said station. In parson or Well, to Know COLLARETTES. COLLARETTES. COLLARETTES. T* Main Flesh, to Sleep Coolest Request Yet From Down East by dopnty, shall have free access at all Dffring Rill Passed House luder What and Uood wherein WASHINGTON Appetite reasonable hours to any place Digestion .Wean. College. It le suspected any article of tood adul- of Rules. Fur Suspension MT. VERNON ml ALEXANDRIA, We purchased a Manufacturer’s Stock of Collarettes st about 60C Ofl the dollar and propose I • terated with any deleterious or foreign rttopoine at on rout*. to sell it this OK KIT ART'S »'•* PUllailotphla week, MAKE A TEST or exist, and open -*- Ingredient Ingredients Tour, leayo Boston January *3, r»t>- A TABhKTS/ PEI'SI tendering the market price of such cru- raary f and 27, March 13 and 27, common or more WOULD BE MADE INSPECTORS OF said station SBAVDBE WILL BE BBODSHT DP April 3. io and IM. No trouble la more de may take samples, and JAN. misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. of COMMENCING MONDAY, 30, nerve* are to may or fix standard# purity, 8EVEN DAYS, 823. People haring It think their FOOD FOR STATE. adopt II SBIATB TODAY. that ere “o or when such standards Circular of U X Tourist At the Price*: blame and are surprised they quality strength bRLL. Following lbe leal aeat Agent f'snna. K. K., gftt Washington cared by nerve Bioillolnea. are not fixed by statute. Street. Rodion. la lost lhe Lot Sheared One Lot Electric Seal Collar f ot the mischief Then the teeth are Into the law as J. K. GEO. W. One Collarette!, to be looked lifter. put WOOD, BOYD. Coney atomach la the organ — Geo’l Pats. Ass't Uen’l Pass. 89c not have follows: When the director of the experi- Final of the Hospital Agent. Agent. nly ettes, tabs, trimmed 1 Nervous dyspeptics often do According To Provisions of Ac* Pro*; Mage* Bangor Jan m eod-jst long In the stomach, nor ment station learns of violations of the to Pre- with 12 sold any^paln whatever Wood Will Hove To Kntrr Kerrything Being Shaped squirrel tails, Hnltf CO P>(1 usual of Right I perhaps any of the symptoms art he Is to to the of the at OJ.UU I Stole .and Hold report secretary vent a llold-t'p— Matters Acted Y>poa everywhere 5.98, UI,IJ stomach weakness Nervous dyspepsia Any Store In l’p ALMOST ANNEXED. stomach so muoh board of agrlonlture who Is to prosecute Seal and shows Itself not In the Merchants—An Appropriation For Be House and Senate. One Lot Eleotrio In toiua oasas tbe Tbs Is a fine not When Judge McFadden the ae Id n«*arlj »*»tTy onriin. offenders. penalty pretested Aetrachan Combin- All Collarettes that we had in stock are marked Hrnefl* rtf l olverelty ofCoorse Ac- Electrio the heart palpitates and Is Irregular; In exceeding $100 for the first offence hod ItVlCUL TO Tmu nuu*j Hearing annexation report In the House down to two-thirds of their former prices. the are affected; In others Me««nre. ation Collarettei, worth ntbere kidneys companies not exceeding £kJ0 far eaok subsequent February A— The huppieet today, Mr. Leavitt of Kaatport, moved the bowels are constipated, with head- Augusta, Only $2,50 offence. Tbe were that the rules be suspended and the bill aobee; still others ate troubled with loss (spsciAi. to ms rasas.) agricultural experiment men about the Htate Hoons today *5.08 Collarettes at lp:t.98. *0.98 and 7.98 Col" station is to reaelve for Penobscot passed to be rngroeeed. No one objected larettes marked to and h.uh Collar' ».—1 be University taking samples the members of the delegation. IM.98. *8..VJ Augusta, February and the was so 'lhe ettes and making analyses, travelling expen- The resolve $i3fr,000 for action takes, bill marked to 8.1.08. *10.00 and *10.98 Collar" wai described today by a mem- appropriating of Maine will now come In the Senate tomor- ettes marked down to 187.10. ses and $1 for eaoh sample taken, money the Keetern Maine Insane hospital came up made of ber of the House as an Institution of On« Lot Collarette!, recovered from violations tbs to The row. a of law, up on Its passage to be enacted. I learning with headquarter* at Urooo, Electric Seal and trimmed ja, be held as a fund to these Yon will find all desirable Kura in stock. It is an a of pay expenses. laet act w as soon over and the previous SENATE! BUSINESS. law school in Batgor and college all around with Chinchilla, of the ; unusual opiportunity to buy desirable goods at such 'Ihere are meas SOME VIGOROUS OBJECTIONS. paper, signed by the President The statement of burg raise a $1.98 | In Augusta. Phipps Only I low legislation was incredibly prices. the be- Senate and the Speaker of the lions3, peculiar point They say In a memorial ure* pending before lawmakers, The btU will enoountsr vigorous oppo- carried to the Governor wbe attached his to ths that n decision of the •Ids the resolve for the drill hall appro- sition. Tbs powers it confers am so legislature Don't Fail to Attend This Sale. The three Penobscot county an island § in which the University has a Lroad and Its provisions am so draetlo signature. Supreme court In ltft»3 placed priation, committee one am Senators acted as a volunteer which has oeen a of Phlppeburg over particular Interest. For Instance, that mercantile Interests alarmed. part and each got a pen uaed In the In Cumberland Other Islands are of the most Important of the bills now In It Is not because Inferior articles are they county. I Whfn we •»» almo.t Olvm Away II tine, not half name llin ninro As soon as the Governor's la the same >v>»> so that a part of the lli<- value* we are t onir the hands of a committee Is that which aimed at by the measure, but because signing. ponlf L fl Nil I D rr\ expr.s* offertair. mill in- was on the resolve, telephone and tele- town Is In Cumberland county. The “r< Icrtiuf at attempt* to regulate th* quality of It would deal a blow at many processes } nllU Ufll LUl Sffc, #1.50, kind wires bussed with the message selectman want twe legislature to 'ITo™ every food preparation for human which are followed to meet tbe wishes of graph the of and « eold In Maine. Certain preparations for customers and which do not Injure the carrying tidings gladness straighten out the tangle. "_ greet to the Penobscot valley. It is Senator Chamberlain fail a bill horse* and cow* are Dow subject to an- product. Take molasses. Many joy pregen said that Is the sum ever the town of DanmriaoottA to alysis at the experiment station at the customers demand New Or- ftt^UOU largest authorizing the Maine by refund its indebtedness at University. Tbs pending bill make* the leans molasses which Is toned appropriated by legislature maturity. a resolve. That Is remark able. Senator a remon- & the station the add- siugle Reynolds presented M. of LEWSEN director exjierlmant down by having Porto Hloo molasses CO., Another remarkable Is that nearly strance William T. Stud and judge of the purity of “every article used ed to It, the New Orleans being rank In thing signed by ley a of a million dollate was thus 11- others the division of South 538 Street. fur food or drink by man, horeee or cat- flavor. Under tbs bill, as Its meaning quarter against Congress set without a worn of dsatote or a Portland. lie," should the bill beoome a law the le understood by tbs dsalcrs, It would apait or committee hearing. The selectmen and 4'J others of Wood- director of the station, In person by be necessary to put this mixed molasses th* on t he heels of the !passage of the st-ock remonstrate against the addition of deputy, might go Into any store In up In packages bearing a statement of Right resolve oarne the first appropriation bill, any part of Franklin plantation to that state, take samples of ooffeo, tea*, canned the amount of each kind,and that Is hard- t a coincidence which color to the IMWO. corn, oi any other preparation*. Than In molasses. gives It Cura Wlter* Otkere III To Eren Wtlino. PROF. HENRY W. BKCKEK. A. M. ly practicable selling Then, If the statement that it was held back so that Mr. King presented the remonstrance of these would he annly zed and again, Japanese teas am colored In car of flesh and with accumulations aocord not the liangor train deepatohsrs might have 217 citizens of Park against granting thu appetite uualysU did not show them to log. Is this a violation of the aotf The of sour and heartburn. amount the to take gas, rising*, of th* but no fear of oolllalou. i he total Hebron Water company right It Is safe to that Stuurt's Dyspepsia only with the provisions aot, coloring Is not dons to Injurs the teas say water from Hall's Pood In Paris. Tablets will cuie any stomach weakness with regulations established by the di- nor am people dsoelved. Coffees nre sums movement Is now BENSON'S.—- disease canoer of the stomach. The are The normal school or except rector It would beoome the duty mixed to suit tbs whims of $1,005,799.88. following of flesh himself, together pur- They cure sour stomachs, gas, loss of the Items: well under way. Today Mr. Plummsr u! the secretary of the board of agrtcul- are principal and chases. More than this, how dealers appetite, sleeplessees* palpitation, la a resolve In favor of the Central to the manufacturers or pat WINTER OVERCOATS ami headache. lure prosecute School fund and mill tax, $518,938.12 heartburn, constipation established at Sand for valuable little book on stomach W) Maine Normal school to be Healers. The experiment station la sup- state to know that every package con- Free High schools, 45,6oU. diseases by addressing F A. tituart Co.. Twenty-one academies, 21,000.00 Dexter. The report of t£e commissioners sell ported by funds of the general govern- forms to the label. ‘“Why,” said one AT Marshall, Michigan. All druggists Normal and training schools, 81,000.00 $25 000 each for the estab- use funds for recommending fall-sized packages at 50 wots Prof ment, but It oannot these gentleman today, "no man could fool safe Salaries of public ofilcers, 84,000.00 well-known lishment of normal schools at Hoalton, Benry W. Becker. A. M the the of the bill, so it is provided lor a minute. The law imposed on him Fubllo debt, ft0,00u00 worker and writer of tit. lx»nls. purpose Dexter and Calais. religious that the state shall pay a fee for every an- such burdensome regulations and bolds Interest. 90,000.00 of the Mission Board of the War with Secretary __ to be Spain. 100,000.00 IN THE HOUSE. L--» Uermao Methodist Chu'ch. Chief Clerk alysis. The number off analyser him liable for so many things that he REDUCED Temporary loan, 150,000.00 PRICES. Harbor and Expert Aooountant fur the matte Is entirely within the discretion could hardly conduct his business As Insane state benelloiaries, €8,000.00 Mr. Harris cf Auburn put in a bill t Is the best and Wharf Commission. Public {Secre- f the director. Prof. Wood, toe director a matter of fact, the dealer who sells Railroad and telegraph tax to be punishing by tine nut exoeedlng $100 any tary for the tit. Louis School Patrons' returned to 70 also the pro- does deoelve the towns, 68,468 who uses or in- of the station,ite goods not long pub- * apothecary any drug Association, and the District Conference experiment poor Printing. 35,000.00 POROUS also of the In a of Stewards of the M. K. Church; fessor of agriculture university, lic and the ery of adulteration Is greatly University of Maine, 90.00(.00 gredient oompoundlng prescription Midwinter SalA, an In the work of the Special takes active part tie and President Harris are both mem- overdone. The man who tried to mix Militia fund, 32,951.62 different from those named in It by the PLASTER write on Kpworth League, and to relig- whose bers of the board of agriculture, peas and with coffee would soon physician. ious and eduoational tonics for several ohtokory With the bill 1b a statement which How he found relief is secretary Is the proseouting oflloer under find that he got no orders for coffee. Mr. Deerlng of Sa?o presented a bill magazines. shows toward what the legislature is BtlmnUtfosth* circulation. dispelseoosMtlcn. ar- 20 Per Cent his own words: broad Park from Old Orchard ksr than othsr best told In the bill. That the measure oonfors Then besides the endless confusion due setting off Ocean r*sta mtlarumarlon and iresqui any Discount. of It brother heird me in its expenditure money. • itarnaJ Pt <*«* £> cents. All Dro**i«U. “Home weeks ago my be seen drifting and to Saoo. application. powers upon the director may to the necessity of labeling everything joining It Of iaTra, Bsabury A Jot mod, !» Y., If uuobtalnaiils. say something about Indigestion, and shows that the expenditures of the state of lte pro- Mr. of introduced a a box from his sold ‘Try from the following summary with a minute statement as to Its compo- Manley Augusta From former Prices'on Overcoat now In our taking pocket may very easily exceed the receipts for the any stock; 1 1 and was the of resolve for Lho Maine In- Stuart’s ablets,' did, visions which In opinion gentle- sition, how about the regulations of the carrying $10,509 an to secure an year, leaving the treasury entirely desti- This is unusual opportunity Overcoat relieved Then 1 Investigated would not be for 1899 anil the same for promptly men in position to judge, director of the experiment station. Is one dustrial school the nature of the tablets and became wit tute of cash, as follows: at a very low price. and which would in opera- man a and then cause also $750 for lire escapes. tisfied that they were made of just the practicable to llx standard 1900, providing CATARRH First bill, $1,606,799,38 tbinus and in the propor- tion strike a heavy blow to Maine's busl- to be who does not appropriation Mr. Chase of Portland Introduced a bill lor a ganerous right just right everybody prosecuted culled for by tions to aid in the assimilation of food, Appropriations the divorce law so that divorce nusb inturwiH. live up to It? What effect would it have existing laws thst roust be umendlng 10 < Birr I heartily endorse them in all respects, business if the were for in the second may be granted for drunkenness caused TIUAL. MZK. and 1 keep them constantly on baud." WHAT TUK BILL PHOVIDKS. |on regulations provided bill, 143,850.00 and excessive use of changed at a time when heavy stocks of appropriation by the voluntary The bill mattes it unlawful for any per- ELY'S CREAM BALM, ALLEN & COMPANY TALK WITH were carried t How Is the bill go- Appropriationspending Feb. 1, 480,502.63 opium or other drags. state to goods contains no couaine. sons or corporations within this Mr. of introduced a ing to affect the farmers who color but- Hopkins Deerlng mercury uor any other manufacture, expose for sale, have In pos- Total, $3,169,631.91 that written contract Injurious drug, 204 Middle St. F. H. HAZELTON & Portlani, Me.. ter? The law is not a necessity and It bill providing any MANUFACTURERS CO., sell articles of food the for the it Is absorbed. ei,C0J is the limit cast for Foster, although 57 were ne -e-- Hrst Class American and Foreign Companies preparation; or ation the may see lit t make loans. s iry to elect. Mr. Foster is a sound . .. in any particular; If the package legislature plaoed on the temporary MAN Hojlaci a.ndekhon. Chau. C. Adams. money man, an expunsioiiift anu pro- not the names of to bulkl his drill hall. It seems the Another matter bearing upon the FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS deeis Thus. J. Littljl. lpeodtf label does give fully tect loMst. be a of the suo- all articles contained In any measure- building is to guarantee finances of the state wus the report of the TO fflS TRADE. such as wind and Pain Id the Btomach, Maine in the next war Giddiness, Fullness after meals, Bead ache. able In the preparation; If the ccss of the troops committee appointed to audit the accounts guantlty C u.t >a ellulose. Dizziness, brawniness, Fluihin«s of Heat, to and the of the band music. Here treasurer. This was Los* of on package or label shall purport give quality of the state report haw* niloam Appetite, Coatlvenem, Rlotohes Cotton cellulose is an Interesting mate fraqaantl; the Skin, Cold ChiUk, Disturbed of the states In whioh the prepa- is the Statement of fact which accompa- out and is as follows: Sleep, the name given today rial. Neither alcobel. other, eh! Frightful Dreams and all nervous and benrioe, OOOK to for A rent*. or IS racket* for or if It Is made to appear better supply the year 1*1**. were $1,*54,804.00, making certain amount of moisture, it POWDER asked the conundrum and shook his head. cealed, | become* CONDITION e.-nt- ruay I** Inwl of all **11 h low medicine at n moderate profit. “I know it.” he said. The man or of value than Is; It sjft, elastic and manageable. the Therefore, price,1 sighed. greater for have been Sheridan’s Powder. Othci I nr, your profll mesures adrnlu >• They bnnt«h i*lu and prolong life. war of the 1 The expenditure the year with It dalle union pour urreier quelques of the was no bet- 3000 men in all. The abel- same wool must carry a certain winter will ho |o*t when the tor rgg< <»ne kfivua relief no fuhetltnto. The janitor building which may a the principle this fail awl prlcra Iratlvcs. Accept tains poisonous Ingredients leaving bilsnoe in word H I I* on j #l,S5l,93i.l6, lr very high It assures perfect nraUn list ion of the tvoil N-'te th*- A’lt'H the packet. ter. “Go on wid fool in. he remarked. lion oalled out mcn’from Maine. of grease. Without this it i.« '» cent* yer render such urticle injurious to health, 73,000 ! treasury on December 31* 1ftft. of #154.- proportion element* needed to produce health and form eggs. Il rKKXl'H LE88OK8 FREE. Send to Rip&iss Chemical Co No. 10 Sprtios to fine Mold feed dealer* or mail •%., New York, lur Ut sample* and 1,000 “I’m not the sucker t’ bite at yer bait, As the of property and the ! 723 73, impossible spin and smooth threads P by druggist*. grocers, by M. Professor of the French ttmlumiftiais* r if It contains any antiseptic or preser- protection Dupalet, t can* state —New If can’t K«*t It acud Iona. A*k firm to Mlather Smith. I don what the health and life of the fut ure soldiers of The londeci Indebtedness of the York Ledger. you language h. the Portland school, offers every vative not evident or not known to the as serious lessons free on eve- wor, sor.” 1, 1*”*, was $2,263.uoo, follow*: 1 >>( Meet i'uVLT*Y PaI’ER MAt frr« |student Saturday Spanyiard state will upon the January xp.pnld'. $». Sample if It consist whol- the depend largely 8 A. Custom Uou* M- Bcstou. Maa* ning. The office was too dignified an in- purchaser or consumer; #1,9*4.000, bearing per cent interest; Lost His Nkuip, 1.1>. JuLLNSON boy skill of the officers For private students two lessons will also be or de- knowledge and who bearing 4 per cent interest ; tlls,- dividual to even attempt such a thing up- ly or in part of a diseased, Pithy #150,000. One may, it seems, lose one’s wits with- given as trial. command her forces, it seems wise to ; (JO, bearing 5 per cent interest and #700, For write or call at PROF. on, and the man with the joke passed him or substance, or if It is out losing one’s wit. The late inhumation, composed putrid not foi altogether h tbe facilities needed for due October 1, 1889, presented DP PA LET’S office Saturday at p. in. with his customary “Good morn- the of a diseased provide good llcnri kieilhac, a French dramatic author, ii iii:i>\ i'-i UUi.iK. by only in any part product payment. ing. John!’' His was busy, work in tbe military department in the who had some clever thing tr» typewriter animal or an animal that has died oth- Of tho above bonded indebtedness, #50 always say, SPECIAL. but he twgan: was troubled in liis last days by a «nd loss erwise than university. 000 have been paid during the year 1898, Miss Jones, by slaughter. “Er—by the way. what A drill hall is a necessity In the ollmate the urnount of the same at the be- of memory. One day he exclaimed to a 'he bill then goes on to that leaving In to remodel our stor would a be if he ate his mother provide who getting roady Spaniard a few weeks of drill of the ft trial year 1 ©.**.♦, $2,203.OiAt friend called: of Maine. Only very ginning we tii.d we will Ik* cramped for room fo — Just then the telephone mug A ten»i»orary loan of #100.000 was made “Hurrah, I’ve got my name back! You out of doors. In the a Therefore iu order t OPEN are possible early 2. few weeks. viciously, and Miss Jones skipped away to ! March 2, 1 ©97, which falls due March know ’twhs forgotten. the weather becomes too cold and un- wai reduce our stock and make ready for nu answer it. The at the other end A common is: fall ! 1899. A temporary lean of #100,000 namo"— “party” “Why, nobody forgot your we have decide* expression the remains too 1 n ude 1897. for one year, which \cw spring Guutli of the line was doubtless her beau, for she til late spring ground April 1, “Yes, I did, and I should say that was race was a by making another to 1'iit ilit* price* on all our Wiutei THE BLOUNT answered and staid for 20 min “The human is wet and soft. This is greater paid maturity, pleasantly grow- difficulty quite enough!" can some in ! temporary foau of #’.00,MX), for three Ixooii*. We show genu AND utes The man with the joke than it was when the This was Meilhae’s last He died UOOK CHECK SCKINCi, talking. now University, which was at matui-lty- joke. never before offered bv air NIGHT weaker and wiser.” months, paid bargains ALL and went Into his ing of within a few davs.—Youth’s sighed again private like other colleges, continued in session May 12th, 1*98, a temi»orary loan I Companion. tailor in 1‘ortland for first class custor SIMPLE AND PERFECTLY ADJUSTABLE. office. “I’ll try It on the first one whe That we are for one year was made; *o that in weak- during the summer months. Such a #5;»,uoo work. Price* froiu t?.50 up, accordiug to hLmk calls, uo waiter if he is Fitzsimmons oi growing udditiou to the above bonded indebted II. be not less thuu 65 feet On and after Jim. 1899, deceived imitations. er building should is an Don’t bo by Corbett," he declared. is the nets of #2,203,COO, there outstanding I KLI. OF CHAKOE. Mr. Geo. II. York, well known to th proved by large by 120 feet. The military organization loan of #150.000 of which P. 8. Coold’s Pharmacy, under It was neither. It was a slow going, temporary tailoring trade, can be found with me number ami a tears 3 1-4 per cent in- adult from a cold settled old German, who was used to taking of thin' and includes four companies bund, amount, #100,000 Any suffering; where he would be glad to servo all hi Hotel, will be quiet pale, 4 1-4 cent interest. or t onKies<. Square 250. terest and #50,000 per on the breast, bronchitis, throat lung jokes as he saw lit and not as the origi and about the old customers and friends. emaciated The committee in the presence of troubles of nature, who will call at all nitfht. nator meant Ahem. people. The has no funds available any open University state treasurer, F. hi. rdiups >n destroyed, F. K. Pickett’s, 212 Dauforth, K. W. jansodiw N.M. Perkins & Co., “Good Schonermeiiter,” said of this The tour notes of each, morning. That we are for the erection building. by burning, #25.000 Stevens’, U>7 Portland. McDonough A the man as his caller entered. “Fine growing the loan of April state appropriation is exhausted by pres- representing temporary Sheridan’s. 285 Congress, or .1. h. Goold, morning after the snow. Don’t have wiser be 1, 1897, and one note of #100,000, repre- w. L. CARD. HARDWARE DEALERS, may proved by ent demands, such as heat, light, gas, A Co.’s, 201 Federal St., w ill be presumed DRfAUST,N snow down south in Cuba, do senting the temporary loan of April 1. they? By with a bottle of Boichec's these water, of buildings, supplies for Id4.**, together with registered bond No. sample 8 Free S'. the way, speaking of Cuba, I’ve got a overcoming disorders repairs free of Tailor-Draper, ^ The 424 for bond Na 471 for German syrup, eharge TENNEY the of instruction, etc. $5000; registered question to ask you. What would a Span departments to one son autl M>. Hi TREE STREET. with the use of registered bond No. 472 for $17 Only one bottle given pet iard lx* if he ate his mother and father?” United Slates funds cannot locally bo #28,000; fcbleodtf timely | and to the amo nt of 4-!44. none to children without order from *nrKS 000, coupons EXAMINED l OCV U LI ST And he leaned buck, ready to fire the an- Soott’s used for the erection of buildings. last and have f Y T n Emulsion of Cod- paid during the year; parents. fuff, t ) swer at the first from said , and Optician, sign his victim. The certified to the amount of each of No throat or lung remedy ever had Ophthalmic victim smiled liver Oil with and German slowly. Hypophos- F1KE IN WATKKVILLK. notes, bonds coupons destroyed. such a sale as '» TESTED FREE 153% Congress St., opp. Soldiers' Monument. “Veil, Mr. Schmidt,” Schou- The committee have verified all trust in all of the civilized EYES replied SI—A Are occurred Syrup parts Hours: D a.m. to 0 f.m. which Waterville, February a list of which iu the brauch ermeister, “vrom vat I haf read abend phites gives strength, deposits appears world. Tweuty years ago millions of We hAve made this a special at 11 80 tbl. morning in tbe Mrs. Isaac treasurer’s of our atul can give you glance* dose Spnuiardts, I t ink he vould be bnetty report. bottles were given away, and your drug- business enriches the occu- committee in the examina- of any tick mid his stomach blood, Eatevens on Maine street, The making was marvel- description. yet once!” invigor- building from gists will tell you its success Ah warranted or money re- WATCHES ON INSTALLMENTS. meal tion, received valuable assistance glasses STEPHEN BERRY, And the man who wanted him to Holloway & Co., a. a mar- ous. Jt is the Throat and funded. say ates the nerves and forms pied by the state treasurer and hie efficient clerks. really only WalihtuiT aud Elgin W&tebM. A large stock so that he and Brother, ae a Aab and enddorsed “A canntbul," wight remark ket, Mayo Edward S'. Marshall. Charles F. Daggett, Lung Ifemedv generally phy- of new model Watenes will be sold .tore. Its origin 1. al- All AU and ftaid triumphantly. “No; an orphan, gave fat. general provl.ion C. H. Gilbert, Benjamin W. Bewea, sicians. One 75 cent bottlewill cure or the Jeweler wants at reasonable prices. Styles. $eclr, i to bare been from a defective .love McKENNEY McKE*NKY. W. Job the thing up ns a bad job.—Cincinnati leged John W. Chase, Johu W. Manson, prove ii* value. Sold by aH druggists in 37 Kiim street $oc. mod $i-oo, mil druggists. I Lome to .took and building about J.wS-v faocujn^, tto. Commercial Tribune pide. Committee. this city. Mouamrut Square. janl6dtf JgR SCOTT & BOWN t, Chemists, New York. I *1000; partially Insured. ■mcnumoti. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS* pallty. Now la the time for every public THE HOME. citizen of both town*, for every AND spirited ra&n who desire* that the first adminis- MAINE STATE PRESS. HOMS DKEEHMAKINU. JEFFERSON THEATRE, lessees and Managers. tration of (Greater Portland shall be a THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, CUBA Subwrlptlon list**. The home dress maker make* ^ to generally WICKED. model one, free from everj taint, make To-morrow Nsllarr aa4 IU|lil. Ofly’a MrrM-il Kiinsi, la tHrLT (in advance) $fl per year; $8 ft* tin bis Influence felt at the caucuses that will dresses only for her family, and generally loveal «10 60 cents a moot In land. Warranty mantas; $1.50 a quarter ; •elect candidates for and mem- needs to have designs supplied detail. BANDA HOSSA. mayor To Let a Child Snffer with for It will Th# DAtLT It dolWered mornini by connec- Ave yean. every bers of the olty council. It will be a Hence I advise the use of them In la ■*krJ"* 80 EMINENT ARTISTS-80 at rich. War alone r,,P«?'*b'' carrier anywhere within the city Itmlta a»* tion with their chart and tailor cutting Earache. CUR-I-CAN I httce Seats now on sals. to this if the element low mine a. lasting disgrace city lor preaenl _ tOMIII(l-tl. ti. rtoK's WlwsSrels, Woodford* without extra charge. and Mo da. which care* little whether system, in order to see jum how uew of a lifetime. CBka Daily in advance). at UM the government fW (not Invariably .... KOH .... rich aoll and or In Intricate fashions are compounded. Ilahlfal rllmalr. rate of $7 a year. le good bad In allowed to determine butter Out of nk.ei.cr of troali olfentoevrry I Yon wouldn't attempt to make Nine Times Ten Maine State Press. (Weekly) published any single ward the candidate* thrift* American n de»lr»ble Looker 50 cent* for « nr a without the every Thursday, $ year; psint picture proper a rich Invealmem. K " for 3 months. home or PORTLAND month*; 25 cents MKN. BAOAX'H KMOTIONAL INSAN- to do with- Due to Catarrh. THEATRE. "ZTtJafFi. tools. Don't try dressmaking Caban land* win advance in Persous to leave town for long or RHEUMATISM wishing ITY. out tools necessary to make your work valae at a rate that will aalonUh abort have the address#* of their ELROY’S STOCK CO. periods may as in ai d successful as the world. Million* ot money *!ghU. Mon., Fob. 6 A* bearing on Uen Ragan's claim that y possible. Fe*rn-na Cures No | Commancing. papers changed a* often as desired. table Calarrh, Ihere. Oar regular price THIS AFTKKNOON. HallnfM TaMda, and VV.tlnr>d*>. he wa* insane when he gave You need at least a large cutting ■Ola* Rate*. emotionally It to per acre. Buy The Show Th»t Everybody tioea to Hee. Advertising soft dr‘sniuaker’s shears, a Matter Where la. fa f* *IO HTAR1 AND his testimony before the War Commis- of wood, Intel <•! THE UTRIPIX for An* from *prrlal Ix Daily Faust $1.60 per square, an abundance of quickly sion, made so U*»n. Miles's evidence marking wheel, pins, acre while ihl* Thrilling Story ol tho Civil War. MeDOODLE’S :i FLATS. Three insertion* by At per oppor- ■■A Week; $4.00 for one m»n*h. finished white thread BOSTICK, HV before the couuulMlon and hie interviews basting thread (soft tunity laata. IO acre* will he TONIOHT, TRKBKNTKD or less, $1.00 per square. Every other day ad- with for dark goods and light colored thread of Sump- worth |l 1.000 In 't yean. Bonk one third *e»s titan these rates. newspapers, the New York Kvenlng FAIR. Rife Si Barton’s Comedian-*. vertisements, and Commercial reference*. THE DISTRICT on# Post to a that will not crock for light goods), .S.C., Go Where Crowd Goes. Half *qrar# advertisements $1.00 for publishes the following letter ..Faradiaa Alley the a From Port- Moke checks P. «. order*. Ac., Saturday Mallnea several small for holding materi- writes: Jn.l Frw Lines ..“tHr Reserved Seats on sal* week or $2.60 for one month. prominent citizen of New York, who weight lo THE CUBAN UNO Saturday Night Friday. " CUB-I-CAN payable 30 Evening 25. 3ft. fl«c. Matinee- Ift. 2f»' a of the width of a coir al and thumb tacks, such land. Mr. Where Prion truly lit. at, Prices—is. *‘A square'’ is space complained ae long ago ae last July that pattern (some My CO„ 111 Ame* Building, Bo*lnn. eruh>._1 one inch use on Ha. Keen Introduced Jnst •mu and long. the commissary department wa* not as artists to tack sketching paper little frl>‘,l<1flt addi- Mm*._ AUDITORIUM. Xotices. on first page, one-third are useful, too), and Two nwAjrciAU | Special doing It* duty. drawing board, very son Weeh«: tional. size* of machine nrcdlen aod “War Department, assorted I*w. ■fiRUKiwrnfs and Jur/ion .Safes, $2.00 per fortUnd, M*-. J»n. 8. Office Commissary of bubalstenot*, thread and silks Many women CO: week. Three insertions %'i less, sewing for CUR-I-CAN REMEDY HIGH iqur.ro each 20, 1898. Your valuable remedy tot Washington, July go through life “getting along without” ti.iitl.B.D— per square. “Sir; In tact this minute, rur.il nr 01 fllirunmti.m to my right arm. $1.60 Only today, and feel a sort ul' martyrdom near- and classed pleasurable w»» with for ten we«K«. I POLO Reading Xotieea in nonpareil tyi* have 1 seen your diabolical, infamous, Yon owe It which troubled Friday. Krli. :l, a.SO ..’.luck In so doing. Don’t do It. four would hot lot without It. 16 cents per line each libellous letter ad- ly hare a hottto and with other paid notices. scnrdalou^, false, to and tour to have evsry friends. Yours BONDS yourself family 1 can recommend It to all my GRADE LEWISTON vs PORTLAND. dressed-. I for on .» do not to Insertion. propose thing you can possibly get to make neces- years AdmUaton < ta hmu at beodlefa. let any liar, whatever his or a a A A part Xotlcen In reading matter type. position sary work os as possible, lime »u MERRITT DELANO. AARP Reeuling whatever he to light fffred "'ISSeS) Insertion. society may belong to, should be saved from work whenever and j 15 cents per lino each with terri- M. Jen. a*. emape the just censure that all right- in order that more I orthuid, A R AT ED To Lor Sale and Similar adver- wherever possible, IlLUST READING Haute, Let, minded will him when CUR-I-CAN REMEDY CC. 3’s — people heap upon with one’s and In ble earache. Unitej States 1908-1918, prom — for be spent family — to the tisements, 26 cents per week in advance, he is to be a scandal a may •lentleinen I have been confined proved monger, best sense of this much lie adven- eociety in the, Both ears discharged copiously, house fur the past sis weeks with Hheu- MIMS 40 words or less, no display. Displayed v 111 tier, and a falsifier. This Is bad the United State:. 4*8 WILKIMM’ WORKS abus'd word. It 1* a great he p to wn* deaf. Several of the best nitoUsin. and have had the bet* physicians of 1925, almost — menu under these headlines, aud all adver- enough in itself, but when It goes so far can AT — tist dressmaker to do her work where It doctor* in this to whom I took this cliy aftentllug ins without receiving any la advance, will be charged as to accuse some of the most honorable county relict. After CLK-M AN a few M.ine, 1902-12, 4*8 tisements not paid be left, when necessary, just where It real In using your Portland, men in the auuy or out of It, and allege him failed to do him any good. time* It baa given rue Instant relief, and I First Ptirinh House, •t rates. lies. It wastes time and renders work regular that are have done him Pe-ru-na. Be- recommend It to all suffering from ivoo. 4*8 FRIDAY FEB. they oorrupt, ns you troublesome to have to it desperation 1 gave higblv Saco. Maine, EVENING, 3rd, lu Maine State Pkfss—$1.00 per square more put away Kheum*ii*m. I would not be without your in this letter, then it passes patience, and brief session fore he had finished his fourth bottle, AM o'et "K Adnuss on 60 cent* Tickets for 60 c#uts for aod “clear up” after each valuable If It cost me for first insertion, aud per sqeve status or and the remedy twenty-lire 4*8 s I at #nn*. Short & Frank It. your standing society It. Have a or, at any his had been fully restored Deering, Maine, 1919, Harmon’s, iDseitioo. upon sewing-room, hearing dollars per bottle. Yours respectfully. Cl M. re’s sod Loid's. tinder the ea, P subsequent you belong to oan prove no excuse what dress mail* k'i, Ay rale, make one temporarily while and his general health perfect.” (Sigued) F WILLIAMS optician, to tnbl all communications relating to sub- ever. You must bear the oonsequenoes, Me. Portland Water 4’s jan.’sdiw Adcress making. Pe-ru-na cures catarrh, no matter 4J_’ Congress direct. Portland. Company, 1927, sal advertisement* to Portland und 1 mean you shall. what scriptions Before buying a pattern, consider where It is located. Catarrh often A VCTION nALKv 97 EXCHANO* STRXKT, "In denouncing letter as a tissue am! Portland. Me. Jan. 2, 'HP. Portland Elevator 1908- PORLTSKIKO CO., your the new dress is to answe*, into Company, of In as a liar purpose from tho head the ear, great ClR-M’AN KKMKL»Y CO falsehoods, uenouuclng you decide the material. Th* n select a passes Is provided by 1 Portland, me. upon is often deaf- tientlemen-I have suffered for the last 1919 4*8 F. 0. Bailey k Co Auctioneers. an unmitigated and iufamou> liar, one dress damage done, permanent UNION MUTUAL Policies X By design that, is suited to the goods. eleven years with Hheumatlsrn in my arras ; of Life who stirs the whole with his ness results. Pe-ru-nn, ■ MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF up country Heavy cloths cun be properly made up frequently hy and leg*, which has nearly incapacitated Insurance, via., of 4’s lies ;md and woe to the the and Portland & Rumford Falls, 1927, Hotaeehold Furniture st Auction. brings misery only in styles tbrt «r0 for the most part curing the cause, cures result, me from my duties as pilot on one of the his Feh. 4th at to relatives of soldiers at the front by Fancv ..eslgns with draped effects earacho vanishes. All druggist* sell Portland Hieain Packet Company steamer*. One’s Saturday, a in., wo shall who his as-to plain. After one bottlo of your Cl’It-l-CAN family Providence & Taunton Railway, 1918,0*s ON sell at 46 Exchange St., a lot of household THK PEES8. lies, quote* position alone are su .table tor soft materials. Pe-ru-na. using his I received Instant relief f * an rec- furniture, consisting In part of plush \ arlor give himself character and to sustain it fashion writers do de- highly Never lydud ommend It to all. Respectfully yours. One’s Business West 0’s furniture, lounges, easy chair**, side boards, lies, merely deserves the greater censure. a skirt. Chicago Railway, 1909, FBI FEBRUARY ft. clare: wears circular Signed) CiKO. A. THOMPSON. oak cabinet beds, pictures, tables, sofa, sewing HAY, 1 demand from an for “Everybody you apology your shouldn't Only tali, well- POST OFFICE Quartermaster machine, dinner set. wool and tAj*»stry carpet*, 1 will await the Ever/body PORTLAND One’s Self Jodiet Railway. 1918, 0*8 letter, though willingly forr ed women should ever wear a olrcu- one organ, mattresses, spring bails, and general which you suggest, but ahve a Portland. Me.. Jan. 1. lew. the a substantial uttier household furniture 01 every description. The Boston aldermen are not going to investigation !**■ skirt, and then only wi.cn they ...By guarantee of aad choice lecnritiea. if do not cause that to CUK-1-CAN RKMKDY OO: j febSdtd you investigation .lumber ot other gowns. A circular skirt payment to one's estate, if death X oil the hack hire < be allowed to carry swa^ tJv mini**, 4111J uu uuv iui (ientlemen—It give, me great pleasure to is in the nature of thtngs for dre«s wear, occur. ,! Some citi- infamous falsehoods, 1 ahull bring write to you. Your Llnimeut relieved me without a lijxhi prominent your 1 OFFICE HOURS. the of credit 9 F. O. BAILEY & CO. suit you 1 New York, and prove or ...By higher rating zens have to the coui t* for an against sb irt for rough weather, shopping two applications took sway all applied what 1 now to be. Grippe, which of the possession charge you wear. It« outlines in Chest amt Head In the morning knowledge PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. lniunciion to nruv» nt the payment of the business express grace pain my “1 \vi**h to add th^t if you wero my the I was as well a* ever, llo oiuet • will of Life Insurance gives. dtt iietitMtn awICsMimiti Herdant* and uase, nnd are incompatible with Postmaster’s Office, (Sundays exceptedi 9.00 lug dacSi that much of it never 1 *-him Id make It bu«\necs to ami receive the benefit the same as I value in cash which money, alleging age my rush of business or the hard usage re a. in lo 6 p. ni. buy ...By the j wreak t&v» chastise- did, I remain respectfully. Sdldsrdda *8 Exchange Street. went for hack hire at all. The legislature personally upon you 1 red of the general utility dress. (ashler's office, (Sundays excepted.) *.00 a. becomes due at the end of a stated ment for 1 do not believe (pi (Signed) L. B, BE Kit V. the matter and will you deserve, m. to 6.00 p. u>.: Money order department. 9.00 the sunvrve. < also has taken up period, if policyholder f. aiAiUT. c. w. all km there is within the oontYtifes of this ooun WINTKK SALADS. a. m. to o.oo p. m.: Registry department. 0.00 a. to sorb Alt this may be accomplished by osabs rt adopt some legislation prevent try today anybody else so low and vile as in. to 6.00 p. m. \ Do know what a very attractive the annual of a small scandals in the future. a man wivo HV*W iivvlu* such infamously you General Delhery. (Sundays excepted.) 7.80 CUR-I-CAN REMEDY CO., payment < and a. amount what the false chn^rges against men who are doing salad can be made by using oelery a. m. to 7.oo p. ni. Sundays u.oo to lo.oo m.. of money. Just it 1.00 to 2.00 in. cost will b and t est, It doing re d Attractive to th? eye, I p. regular exactly | The latest scheme hatched up by the | Jim*;? doing successfully, cabbage? 259, 261, 263 Dover St., j Casco National Bank better than you ever saw done, better You have Carriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excepted.)—In what the guaranteed values wul \ Mate College Is to make the dirseJtor of mean, as well as to the palate. business section of the city between High and OK OFFER than would admit if you saw and produce, will be told WE a red salad before India streets at 7.oo. 9.oo and 11.00 a. m.. 1.30 and BOSTON, MA8S., cheerfully the agricultural experinnvt/: »tat)onn gen- knew it ptobably made cabbage 1 1 f» In other sections at k.oo a. in., t.jo p. in. upon request. make and wasn't p. m.; MAINE. eral supervisor of the of men as well ‘You say among other things, to now that between you me. at office window, 9.00 to 13.00 ALL DKIJOOIMTS PORTLAND. ffod of Sunday delivery your statement Lear oat the semblance more of a dish than cab- a. m., 1.00 to 2.00 p. ni. Collections from street Omaha Street Go. as of cows, and him to enter much pickled ... AND Railway emjAow<-r truth to eonvluce aud worry the wife, the boxes at 7.0o and ll.oo a. m.. 4.00 aud 8.00 p. m. mutual Cite would was ity Well, I will Union ;; any store, take sirnw-i of food stuffs ex sifter, the brother, the mother, and the bago be—now, Sundays. 6.00 p. m. only. incorporated 1824. posed for sale, them, and if be fat her of the man at the front, that In help you to do better. Cut off the out- FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD an^fyze ARRIVAL AM> I*ErARTt'RK OF MAILS. EVERETT& Tasaraan CAl’lTAI. AMD iDKPLUt one case a Lieu tenant-Colonel wrote to remove all of COOK, PENNELL, Coaipaay, finds adultenUflons prosecute the side leaves of the cabbage, | FIVE PER CENT. BOND!*, me that he has had but hardtack Boston, Southern amt Western, intermediate nothing the ribs and cut the rest • • • ilealer secretary of agricul- the stock nnd ami connections via. Boston A Maine IDaine. through^Fthe and bacon since he has been b fore Santi- offices E. COOLD & ! Portland, the best stalks of railroad (Eastern Division.» Arrive at 12.15, J. CO., 1914. ture. lVrh’is(fs human beings ought to ago.’ 1 defy you to produce the letter into sbrede. Then cut J Due May I, f*.ooami 10.45 p. in.: close h.00 a. in.. 12 00 in., as but if this statement, and If you do, into Inch and have as imreh protection cows containing ! two heads of oelery pieces 5.00 9 oo ». arrive 12.46 in., MILLION and m.; Sundays, p. W. PERKINS. ONE 1 will the statement to be an un J. NOTIOH: this scheme affords no more to them than prove mix with the cahlng? in the salad bowl, close 3.30 and 9.00 p. in. falsehood and hold the officer mitigated It a little in the centre. Around Boston, Southern and Western, and Interme- All holders of the old Omaha Horse Kailwav tha feed Jaw’ has to the qua irupeis it r The criticism of an heaping sponsible. proper the of the bowl in a manner to suit diate offices and connections, via Boston ind Drmonatrator: EDWAHD POOR Company First Mortgage Six 1’er Cent. Bonds In • not whole edge won’t prove much of a safeguard. ttlcer does justify falsehoods of of Maine railroad. (Wesferu division) Arrive at SUtca are notified tuai It is the purpose and your eye for an artistic arrangement t nltrd Motel, hereby a. 5.30 and 8.20 ni.; close 6.ou and M0 DOLLARS. of tbe Omaha Street Kailwav < cloth 10.45 m.. p. intent ompany. ome wav probably it will help the state the fresh green leuveH of the PORTLAND ..MAINE. and indignation is lie- things, put a. m 12 in. und 2.30 p. m. by virtue ot the provisions of the Horse Kali- was “My auger (sic) as a Over all a dress- and perhaps that, celery garnish. pour e to off anil redeem these college treasury, cause of the distress WMiitonly (in mv Em*tern, via ill Centra! Railroad -Arrive _Jan-’l_t.M.W.t-yw way mortgage, pay made of a beaten egg. a tablespoonful on tne first of ISJO. Holders of its deviser as much for for ing 2.00 and 4.30 a. m. 12 45 and a.uO p. m.; close bonds day January. thought by quite opinion solely notoriety yourself) a of Sixes who desire the of oil the same of vinegar, saltspoon 9.45 and 11.45 a. m 12.15 and 9.00 p. m. Interest Paid on of tue Horse Railway as the it afford human- given by you to relatives of soldiers at Per Oeat. Bonus of the Omaha Street protection might salt, red jM'pper as you like it aud just a new Five the front, and your effort to In ter mediate offices and connec- can make the now contemptible ! few of mustard. Let the salad Farmington. Railway Company exchange ity. the of men the grains via Maine Ceutral railroad —Arrive at t DEPOSITS. to the take awav reputations foi fifteen tions. rim: upon favorable terras, upon application stand after it is prepared min- at 7.45 a. m. and 12.15 laohets of whose shoes you are not lit to 12.45 and 0.15 p. ni. ;close undersigned. The administration has scoied an im- utes or so before serving Now lot me set* tie. p. m. like to serve this. Civil (:ultKEbl’ONDUNCE SOLICITED. Maine Officer. Provincial when will on National portant success in inducing Gen. Gomez *OBA& P. KAGAN, you probably Rockland, intermediate offices and connec- Prsfti drawn 1 should say that served at luncheon tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive Bunk of England. London. In largo or to disband the Cuban army in considera- “Commissary-Weneral of tiubsUtouce. sal® at corront rato®. with a Hamburg steak, or with some 12.45 and 6.00 p. in.. close at 6.00 a. in. ami 11.30 sti.aU amount®, for tion of f3,000,'J00 to be advanced by the It is assorted that the Jndge Advocate of bam that it would be a. ni. t urreut Accounts ‘Mslvsd on lavorabU croquettes pretty VEKKU.L. SIXTH EDITION. SWAN & one. For office* and connec- toi ut®. BAfiBETT, government to pay off its r .uk and tile. in the recent f’ourt martial had this letter apt to suit almost any myself, Skowhegun, intermediate cold boiled ham and via Maine ( entral railroad—Arrive at ••lloltad from Individ- failed to luce it 1 have lined it with tions. tormposdenos This money will eveuually cumo out of in his pos-esslon but pro at 12.15 m. alh®r® also with cold beef tongue 12.45 p. in ; close p. uals, Corporation®. Baake and Portland, Vie. «a wall aa from Cuba, being charged up aguinst its reve- for some reason. The letter correspond* want to make an onion Island Pond. I t., intermediate offices and desiring to open accounts. dtf Now if you 1 bad- sept*2 connections, via Grand Trunk Railway Ar- those Wishing to transact Baaktaa nues, so that the United Mates merely .^s to scurrility and villldcation very close- salad try this: Halve the Spanish this just rive at 8.30, 11.45 a. m., ti.ou l> m.. Sundays h.jo tis of any deacriptloa through onions and souk them for four or live Heady today. Greatly lends it on ample security. The disband ly with Kagan’s testimony before the com- a. in.; close at 7.30 a ni.. f.oo and 5.00 p in. Bank. hours In changing the water half a to have water, t>.oo p. m. meat of the army will form very Im- missioners. 11s api*ears been quite reduce their Sundays a dozen times. This Is to enlarged and R. President. Indiana. IllinoU Mnd Iowa It. It. Co. In the of the as Insane in as in Jan- and them Gorham. S. It., intermediate offices and con- improved. STEF HEN SMALL. portant step way pacification emotionally July flavor. Slice the onions chop dor 104*1. nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at R. Cakw. Aril Ve, of the island, bo as It remained in a little, but not to make them musty; MARSHALL 600ING. lung uary. 8.30 and 11.45 a. in., and 00 p. m ; Kuudays 8.30 I A Belt Line ontside or Chicago, connecting then must freeze them; ft* ze iheru lebMtt___ the held there was constant danger that you a. in., close at 7.30 a. m.. l.oo, 5.00 p. ui. Sun- nineteen dkfleraut railroads. First Mortgage on hard. Meanwhile, till they are fairly days at 7.30 a. in and 5.00 p. ui. I eutlre property: 1T»- miles of road at about it would break up Into guerrilla bands ASTHMA. one-third oil to two make a dressing of Montreat—Arrive at 8.30, 1L43 a. m. and 6.00. PRICE $6.00. HO,ouo p«*r mil**, including terminals and ami which would plunder the country, and thirds vinegar, season it with pepper m., close at LOO, twuo p. ni. Sunday close equipment. of the Obstruction p. which it be The Principal Causes into it some chopped parsley 5.00 p. m. $50,000 statement, 10 mouths, I8y<$. would very difficult and cost- silt, sprinkle the In the llronchial Tubes. and when you dish the onions pour Jan. to Nov.. g7ns.uxc ly for our to run down and sup- svanton. ft., intermediate offices and coi> ! come peaceable citizens. the bronchial to which the salmi Maine Savings Hanks. tubes j>urox- put it in the bottom of the bowl; a. m. aud 5.00 p. m. about half its of OF COL'MIL BLUFFS Iowa. ysmal difficulty in breathing is due over it sprinkle quantity Bridal on. Intermediate offices and eonnec Ot It \KXT GOVERNNBST. a Fir«it—A diseased condition of diced potatoes, and on the potatoes put non* vfa Mountain division, M. C. R. K.—close previous .Strew CHARLES~F. FLAGG, The of the annexation *1 _ikn,.. layer of celery cut Into pieces It 12.45 p. m 17 !•:*« St., Pori laud. quick passage first hang* over the top and doth ester. A It., intermediate offices and con These bonds are secured by a mortgage uov2eod8m bill the House of to attack. Not infrequently cooes of tlnely chopped parsley Klectrtu by Kepresentatives then inoisteu it all with a few table nectimis, via Port land & Rochester railroad upon both the l*aa and Light pi <»p«*r. treatment from the of the a nuk- foreshadows union of the asthma resist simply Make a Arrive at 1.45 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 and ties. Under the term* mortgage clearly legal of rich stock. plain shall he set to the exlst- spoonfuls I2.0o a. m. fund of not less lUan ft&.OiiO. physician's failure recognize Krsnnh dit— sliitf. that is. of oil. Vinegar, and “Vitos” ing two cities In time for both of them to 1 the of said bonds, aside each year for purchase rno* of an antecedent trouble. Weak lungs •alt and and over the salad 105. in tho election of a and mem- pepper poor Cumfterland Mills. Gorham and Westbrook or for their redemption at join Mayor of the shows net are always open to the influence m for* serving. I!we quartered olives and Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1 45 and 6.00 The statement of the Company WOODBURY (s*!trnluks sufficient pay stock, besides uay of March this year. This was the if use some of.the tendsr green best and cheapest in the X cent, on its capital providing ysm- you prefer, South 1’QrtUtnd and H'Wdnl-ArrlVO at 7.30. for the sinking fund. $50,000 oi these leaves of the — .V ft Kenner. $6,000 lulentlou of the framers of the bill, but S-. »>ml.—Direct irritation of the lining celery 11.00 a. in, t».oo j». in.; close 6.30 a.m., 1.JO aud market, T bonds have been taken 111 England for invest- 6.30 in. in this country by it was feared its be membrane of the bronchial tubes tuny i>. ment, and a like amount passage might delayed Council Blurts is a well the Corner— Arrive 7.30 various Institutions. until it was too late for the two cities to establish the disease by exciting lungs J'leumnldalr and Cash of about 25,000 & built city MOULTON, kuowu. subsiantially inhalation and 11.IB a. m. and 4.30 p. in.; close 7-JOa.iu to successive paroxysms. The and is one of the Importaut railway vote as one this spring. It is about as and 1.30 aud 6.30 p. m. population, of various dusts and powders, like those centres west of Chicago. certain now as anything can hi* that la not I Price and further on application. arising from flowers, marble and coal, and ISUNli MAIL*. and particulars Banlccrs. the bill I that absolutely accomplished fumes of metals are often the SEVEN BY. irritating .FOR SALE Peaks Island—Arrlvo at 10.30 a. ro.; close will pa^ in plenty of season. Of course starting point or occasion of a severe at- l.:w p. in. X ii* rapidly becoming a X if Deering is to take purt in the election tack of asthma, which, in fact, usually CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHANGE STS. t ony and Cheheayur Island#*— Arrive at 6.00 X favorite, bemuse of its 2 of Mayor her citizens will take in lasts as long ns there is any additional a okwe at 1.30 p. in. \#iTt in.; ♦ H. M. PAYSON & CO., at 10.00 close merit as a food 7 the selection of candidates This will source of irritation. Experience must Cousin's Island-Arrive in.; product SUTHERLAND in- teach the sufferer what kinds of irritants 1.30 p. very materially abridge the iniluence of STACK MAILS. BanKers. are especially to be avoided in his individ- certain elements which are very con- Securities. ual case Feather beds, animals, kero- Bowery Beaeh—Arrive at&.sop. in.; close at It is a monumental fact that *'£ EXtHAJidi; STKEET. Investment ty their at the caucuses m. jauJOdtf spicuous presence sene lamps and arsenical wall paper are 2.00 p. in certain wards iu this SISTERS Elisabeth atal K'nightvUlo-Arrive al the best coffee is Cape It’s Backer grown city—elements among the more common of direct irri- 7 jo a. m. and 5.30 p. in.; clo9e at 6.00 a. ru. and which are either indifferent to good go*- tants. 2.00 p. in. | Letters ot Credit. & Sanborn’s irritation of the Chase evemment or its positive enemies. Hear- Third.—In indirect ltuck Pond, PridS* Corttcr, Windham, So. j is of “Best" X of the trouble be lo- It Hu and South Casco ‘Arrive X Ptllsbury, ing's is of a kind that can he lungs t.he source may irutham, ymond population a. at 3.00 p. hl Seal Brand Java and Mocha at some distance from the as at 1 i.oo in.: close Flour renown, who pro- 7 MERCANTILE cated lungs, J depended on to seek sincerely the best Foreign Drafts. is the case in digestive derangements. At- X duces no but the X men for the offices. No such as goods element janltklU _ be the ■■ tacks of asthma may provoked by X best i N ——— ■ has disgraced the caucuses in some of our MAI K SAVINGS BANK? Trust pressure of tumors or enlarged glands up + Tu.Tb&S X Co., wards for several years past is to be found the of I9M Itlldillr Sir#*ef, on the nerves which control process mm k nuusTER \u. in extension of Deering. breathing. State the special I A. A T JVC P7. ffYYYTWWVVVVVe^YVVWVW PORTIjAND St.. Portland, Me., Tho addition of Deering makei it more surgery many cases of asthma arising from 57 Exchange WM. M. MARKS, ever that the irritations and obstructions in the nose desirable than executive The Animal Meeting of the orporatb n will OFFERS FOR SATE and cured. office shall be filled this year by a man have been discovered Enlarged NOTICE TO WATER TAKERS. lm held at their Bauklug Rooms, on Wedne tonsils may also be a source of irritation. day. the 8th Inst., at 3 o’clock p m. who is thoroughly conscientious, who has G. WASHINGTON OOUN- Fourth —Not the least among COAL. lebJdtd aLPHKCS ROGERS. Secy $80,000. frequent Card the of will to resist all strength attempts the of Attention Is called to llie TY 4 eeut bonds, Book, the agents concerned in production regn* H. ENG INKER OFHCB, ASTCobgress pel or him to travel iu to coeroo persuade any paroxysms of asthma are what are called of (he Water IT*• 8t Portland. Me.. Jan. 19. Se*b<: EXEMPT FROM TAX- iHlion Company ior and Electric but the straight aud narrow path of jus- toxic causes—that is to causes which proposals lurnishlng setting up say, A Full Assortment ot and Free that Sebago water .HI ST NOT lgutinu Plant at Port Preble. Me., will be re- ATION, due 1928. Ojf- interests of both the The more Lehigh tice to the compon- produce systemic poisoning. Hair Grower and c Ive I her* uutll li m. March ti. 18td*. and then BE KEPT KINNINCi TO PHE- 1 lMformatloti turnlabed on ap tion Jau’y 1, 1923 ent parts of the enlarged city, who is un- common of these are of gouty or malarial Coils tor Domestic Use. u wdv op-it** JOB PRINTER, Burning b. W. ROKSSLER. Engra. of lead and arsenical I ENT FREEZING. No furtlicr plicatlou rBlNTEB*’ EXCHANGE, der obligations to no gang and has ■origin. Signs poi- a,4.Omar.; soning should 1m* searched for. I’nrab.ntiu (Seml-Bltumiuous) aud notice will be given to $30,000. BANGOR A AROOS- Affiliated with no cliques and factions Cleaner parlies 97 1-2 Exchange St., Portland In looking for the cause of a given case to observe 1ST MORT- one Scalp Creek Cumberland Coals are I'aIIIhk this regulation, TOOK I he coming election is iu which the mrgrs of asthma we should take into considera- eeut Gold and men of all for .team aud its l lie enormous Increase in the GAGE 5 per PRINTING A SPECIALTY. reputable public spirited tion the fact that the disease may be duo For Over 14 Years •msuryassed general FINE JOB in both cities of water since cold bonds, dne Jan’y 1st, mall sr lasses and occupations to one condition alone or to several con Adt > our about at consumption AM orders by telephone promptly UruKtfiwl huge use. to. Mpt22eodi( should ib. peculiarly interested. It is ditions combined ticullier renders Its immediate 1943. attended means are taken for the im- Franklin. going to be one which will greatly affect Whatever Ucnuiue l.jkens 'alley ciiiorcenieut necessary. _ mediate relief of the it is ob- UeolSdtf then interests us citizens, not only at paroxysm, anJ American (annel. NELSOXVILLE, OHIO, Notice of Meeting. can- English [ $5,000. cure of the disease itself Difficult vious that a dne but for the future. G per rent bonds, ol present not bo expected until the underlying trou- MISS A.l! SAWYER’S annual meeting of the stockholder! be solvod the Above Coals Constant* win be held ht problems are to by ooming remedied.—Youth's 2, 1914. TUIthe ATWOOL. LKAD CO. ble has been Compan- April No. OH Core and it is not too muoh Powder the offloe of the company, street, administration, Hand. Tooth On at a o clock m_ ion. ly of Shorthand and on Monday. Feb. eik. tern*, p. .... School transl to say that upon their right solution de- TELEPHONE loo-d Typewriting GENEVA, N Y., GAS for the election of officers and lor the AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. $5,000. other business that legally the harmonious bleu ding of the 03 EXCHANGE STREET. rent bonds, due At'tioa of any may pends Djspepslu—pane of human existence. OFFICE: 5 per come before them. which will have a Used of refinement II. Clerk two municipalities Burdock Blood Bitters cures it, pron ptly, Malue, by peoplo F. Lb NT, 1st. teas feb-'di.v on the and tones the G. L. a a Portland, Me., Feb. direct and important bearing permanently. Regulates BAILEY, Agent, 7b Commercial & 70 *oclt! for over quarter of century stomach. !*ea Middle direct. aodwl Eictian^Sts- .•pJI future {Koaperlty of the enlarged mcniol-j I jaoM Il'oiTlund,

i * J '..A. .. ••• T 4 .. ■ 9- —" ■■ ■ —. "■■■■I _ *«w ApytiiTiiiMim freer aptikniiitmi. wkw AnvKKTm^m MUSIC AND DNAWHt MR. BURNHAM RETIRES. obituary __

T'*“ m» Will .. -hr W-t« KLROY 8 MOCK COMPANY. Majrvr* OSWALD W. i ill Li IPS. Thnn •thrsi BEAUTIFY THE HOME. Yesterday’s matinee attendance at the Nows has been received In tbit oily of | tbe to Portland theatre btoke ihe record of death Monday of Mr. Oowald W. Yesterday Mr. W. W Burnham dftpomd t'te week, and the Klroy Stock company in St. Mina. ffi&ibty Phillips Pnui, of ht* Interest In th'- Portland team MU polo very success!ally repeated the night Mr. waa a native of Portland to the and will boreal ter ran Phillips players they and Alarm which made snch a hit the evening and a son of the late Warren Phillip* He It on the co-operative plan, share before. Miss Lottie Ohuroh’s “Sparkle" was formerly a member of the firm of W. share alike. Captain McKay wlW la the Art in Em- the F. Art in Picture--and r -oelved much prals* and production Phillip* St Co., who preoeded Cook, future manage the team for the player* a* a whole ru»» quite smoothly. Everett & Pennell in the wholesale drug Small attendance compelled Mr. Burn- In the “Ihe Stars and StMpee" business here. He went West about evening mah to make this move. The Port land the v as presented. It is a play from pen twenty years ag> and waa connected with at cent polo team Is made up of excellent players n! David K. Higgins, author of Fluey the well knuwo wholesale Ann of Cutter Forty per and to glvo broidery, good citizens and thsy hope Hid sc. and the best strictly mil Bro*. & Co.. In St. Paul. Mr. Phillip* among the public good enough exhibitions of the It try eter rltten. It keep* patri- went to his office apparently in his usual plays Mime to deserve generous patronage otism t a efur h*nt notably so in the good health, but death oaiue very sudden Prices, Captain McKay has Issued the follow- Cut from the second act when volunteers to ly from a clot on the brain. He was 5fi Regular thej.ero ing card In behalf of the team: blwW h after his regiment bus years old and left besides a wife, a up bridge The attendance at the recent polo games oan Mrs. who resides In passed over and before tne enemy not. having been up to the usual paying daughter, fcouthwlck, Host reach it. This he does at the Imminent standard, has given rise to the Impression >n, and a son, Hen jam In. who Is a IN cornea to us from Taber- so to In Port- ART There peril of hi* life. (bat polo was dead, speak. dentist In Ht. Pnu). His only near rela- land. But such Is not the case, by any The part of Jack Shelby was really the tive residing in this city was a half means, as the rlayers of the team feeling PICTURE. Prang Art Company a matchless •-trungest yet assume J by Mr. Cook and assured that with an entlro change of brother. Mr. Sylvan Brooks Phillip*. team on his effective eork won a curtaiu call at management and by running the th«- have of ARKEHTS DURING 1 HE PAST collection of Colored Photos, the cljse of the second act. Mr. Daly as co-operative plan purchased W. W. Burnhsin the entire interests of MONTH. the viIlian, did a good piece of acting, the cluh, and will conduct It in the future selected each a chef assure There were 1 £7 arrests In this the eighty carefully subjects, and (it'urgo Richards Injected the comedy on the co-operative and can oity plan to •dement. In wood Miss tasmere the public of some clean eiolting games past month for the following offenses: style. Issued. Six 39c, 59c. l*e played as tier schedule already as- d’ceuvre. sizes and prices, 49c, as Jack's wife, looked sweet and charm- Drunkenness, 100; larceny, eight; They hereby solicit the patronage of all was commendable. to sault, five; vagrancy, four; uttering ob- ing, whllo her uotion lovers of polo as it Is quite an eipense 70c, 79c, $1.98. These are but a trifle Mi** Morlssec and Mi** May Dorn fully conduot the club and run It In a proper scene words, three; insanity, suspicion of prices and manner. Bo turn out people a two in t the of their parte. good larceny and maintaining nulsancs, requirement* this healthy ezoltlng winter sport above Half the for the same “Stare and keep each; obatruottrg sidewalk. single sale, prices charged This afternoon Stripe*” with you which can only be don** through and unnaual will be repeated and tonight Mis* Church the receipts of the box oflloe. witness. ante keeping, loud in art stores. W. H. learn. noise on the New York will bo seen in one of her be*t charac- McKay, for.the the street, stowaway, obtaining goods 'ibero will be no change In tha schedule. money false suspicious per- ter* In the District Pair. by pretenses, A few of the are: The Lewiston* play here tonight. son, and entering, running subjects THJ£ BANDA ROS8A. breaking nway from almshouse, one each. What la more or BATF.ti COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSO- • Inspiring elevating ■ CIATION. THE HALL NINE OF THE than a bund concert rendered by great; HA HE Evangeline. ».leanings, Kami. and Charity, Van Dyke's Sun musicians under the direction of a great 10, at the MAINE. | Wayside Hope |\ manufacture of the so called C. Woodbury, Wm. Soule. shoot her. He was much Intoxicated. The pann •Joe, 39c, 49c P. MAINE CHORUS. Railroads and Steamboats—George WESTERN A man with his wife and two children, raa straw hats from straw made of palm She said “if you love ine you wouldn’t luekT, John F. Lis- Is Wesoott, Paysun There will be a in this city on one about lour of was dis- leaves very Interesting, and. although Tlia lb ones Are 50c ktud. Ihe *c ones sell at 75 an I 1 v. ••wN.ck C. shoot would And he replied meeting only years age, coinb, George F. Evans, R. Brudford, ine, you”’ Central America Is a f 4'.*c ones »re Dollar goods. at 11.30 a ui., in the office of covered on furnishing great Clarence A Bight. with an oath “no” and said “take that.” ^aturduy Wednesday evening travelling many of these exi**nslve huts. the great Social Committee on Transportation- Air. Edward A. Noyes, Portland Savings font to his borne in South Wlndaui. lhe Hinging a roll of bills in her face, she of t hem an* mode elsewhere, S. C. W. i. Goding, Maine Mu- majority prln Sale of Pictures and Art Cut Work this Heury Osgood, in her bank, to organize the Western man was penniless and the weather wue begins morning G. Brown. A. picked them up and put them cipally at Malaga. Spain. Throughout Frederick Smith. Philip The ► leal Chorus association. organixa at zero, borne of the xuotormen and con- a almost wild and W. Smith t co-operate with the commit- grip. She says she sent for the captain of Andalusia palm grows and steam boats. lion is to be of the presidents ductors of the Portland Hallroad furnishes a deal of wealth to this U e on railroads police of the town to urrest the complain- composed company great Iran* Atlantic Commerce—Edward B. in this of the of tho The fruit and the root serve for to do sd for he was of the iocul choriibee portion were at the car stubles and learned country. Charles H. ant and ho refused Winslow, Wm. A. Coates, will be to nourishment; the kernel of the fmit, can hint and its object promote cuse, and at once raised tho necessary CO. She she R. LIBBY man. J. of the says prove Randall, E. C. Jordan, Zen as Thompson afraid which 1m hard, furnishes but- interests of the choruses. to hire a team aud send the extremely Buildings and Locations—A. R. she Las stated the women who the fluids family all by tons, and the leaf Is also very valuable In Theo. A. Josselyn, John F. 1 RECITAL, to their home. Wright, were witnesses to the affair. ROSS IN CUD Hoofs are thatched with P. Cox, George M Stan- many respects Proctor, Henry with his Air. Guy P. Woodman Is sick with u INVESTIGATING A DEATH IN SAN* wood. The oflloer left for Puuldlng hollowing was the programme for the these leaves; the liber which is extracted cold. FORD. Meteorological—Cyrus H. Farley, Wm. prisoners yesterday morning. Rossini ciub recital yesterday morning: grip from them serves as a stuffing for furni- Joidan. lhe of the pupils of "lhe ture and mattresses; the stems an* Senter, WiUihrop Piano Duo. Piraui graduation peeled (jrEt'tAL TO THK. I'KKSS I Mkssrs. John J. and Charles H. LAW COUlCl. Lamson. District behoof' of corner, will and In basket making, and the Frye Miss Cobh, Miss Bluberry employed ."anf»rd. February —In response to filler is also used for brooms and were and elected members The decision with Vocal Solo—The Vision, Vannuociu lie held at Cumberland hall the latter part ropes, HAVE YOU TRIED I Berry proposed following rescript the of the brothers of Mr.Moulton \ request Miss Rogers. and finally for the imitation panama hats under suspension oi the rules. Ex-Presl- has been received from the Law Court: of this month. been ■s : (Violin Obligato, Mtsi Crain ) mentioned above. whose recent death has considered dent Samuel J. Anderson was unani- Cumberland, s*. Mrs. K. A. Kichardson, G. V. C., of ;■ Piuno bolo—Capriocioao, Kdourd schutt The lust named industry is of much im- suspicious, a coroner's inquest was begun or Maine Trust and Hanking Company, bisterhood is to install ... of those ... mously elected an honorary member Mias Cheney the Alalne Pythian less than to the matter. The A quart Southern Loan and Trust et portance, atm**not 5,000,000hats today investigate Company, Vocal Solo—Serenata—l Wait Deneath the olUcers of Crescent of Wood- the boaid. assembly an* from the Malaga district, selectmen had looke.t into th** a Is. Window Moszkuwaki exported previously Ex-Pre.-ldent Winslow' and others of the Thy fords at their meeting February 17th. of the number to New York Rescript. Strout J. Defendants’ Miss Steward. most going matter and divided that an inquest was .Atlunti commerce committee, re barter create* a liability of Kockln lders Marshal Swan Is unable to attend Still, their manufacture is tra-.s Piano Solo—Adagio and Rondo from City city. entirely unnecessary, Lut the brothers were not for an amount to the value of the result of a recent meeting of equal par sonata PathHli'jue Op. 13, Deetboven to bis dutlrs owing to sickness. carried on bv liaml. For centuries past poll'd bv each if mi titled and it was decided to investigate -dock held necessary pay Aji‘h lriokey. these hats have lioen made In the same OYSTERS of en- of Mechanic Falls CONGRESS in the interest Airs. S. K. Waterman that committee e dents. 1 he of J. S. further. Coroner C. F. Moulton sum* \ rporaio SQUIRE provision Cantor | Vocal Solo—As the Dawn, the from the ordi- line from does ill at the home of her way, qualities varying couraging an nil the year round e. as IT. as to mortgage debt* Mis* Hawes. is seriously d«ugh- monel Urs. Moulton and nary hats worn by the Spanish peasants Bragdon Byron Port land to ami express <1 not annlr. Her neb iem ter, Mrs. Will McGaffey, Haskell street. European ports 1 iano Solo—Roman/**, few cents of and Br. Burnham AT Till: ... lhat section refers to a liability for un and costing but a up to the fin Mtwyer SpriDgvale |^5 of ubout such a result Miss Mary Jordan. Minnehaha 1). of conferred the hope cringing from the Council, P., est which oonu* even there o' Sanford. I he stomach of the dead man paid stock »ken corporation. Vocal Solo—Pace, Pace, Mio Dio, Verdi qualities, high if some ronoeiMlona in the expens *s at of defendant Com- the degrees on a candidate at their meet- More than live ,J»» All the stockholders Miss Poster. 10,000 persons exclusively was removed and will be seqt to Bruns- j >rt can be scoured, and the commit- at the time of judgment against it evening. An entertain huts. arc wom- this p pany, JOSHUA SIMPKINS. ing Wednesday by braiding They mainly wick for analysis. Dr. Byran Moulton aiui failure of assets, are ratably re upon- en and the men tee were authorized to invite the co- ment was enjoyed after the meeting. children, helping only hit debts of not was summoned two days before the ol le foi the the corporation, Mr. C. R. Reno, and mana- no of members of the board proprietor lhe club was when they have other occupation. A operation any exceeding the amount of the par value of Ammonoongln del'ght- man's death Howard Moulton his son, of a clever can make from five to six by ex ger the Joahua Simpkins company, afternoon at girl large fish committee that deem entertained outside the they stock held by each. fully Wednesday Lot refused to treat the case. Aft r hi* Market, !* at hats a- und for the of ordi- to W. rural drama that will te seen day, braiding Square bill dismissed as Charles Jordan, comedy Muin Congress £ the home of Airs. Charles Fogg, % pedient. Ho is usu- death he was called and signed the ..l„l„)iH1|nl|iiiMM»imiiiiiii'm«mH)HiiiwwHiMMtw administrator of Kachael J. Mllliken, the last three nights of nary hats 2f» to cents the wages again Labor Com- Portland theatre 'lhe of the afternoon was cause ol /. communication from street. subject The woven death lertiticaie giving the death and sustained as to all other defendants. In the ci after ally paid. finely panamas can that next week, 1b y looking tine musical He told the coroner today that missioner Matthews was read, saying Master to be appointed to ascertain and “Music and Art." A pro- be made only by skilled hands, who at the apoplexy. Is §: the interact of his attraction. Mr. Reno he would not stuud Lv the certificate. the labor commissioners of the dliferent ail debts and liabilities * t the Loan was rendered by Mrs Percy lK’fct can turn out two week re- Ifeatl of Urcen st. icport gramme per They Howard Moulton tilled his ;,;s Congress, and the names of all Stockholm excellent business on the New today up states in the Union will hold a conven- company reports solo; Mrs. Addle Qulnby ceive on an average $8 and $4 for each hat, number of shares held KiweU, piano father’s grave. ers, and the by circuit aim win utuKe uu c* to — Baltimore Sun. tion at in July, and r.nglunu IIlisten. vocal solo; and the singing by according size. Augusta, probably each, and make a ratable apportionment tour of Muinc with his com :t. ... or so in t exult'd puny. and ... TKI.r.OIIOM: «»* 2* would most likely spend a day upon each stockholder for his proportion Miss mi fie Pool and Miss Maud Legrow. THE druggists the late three Tin* Onion'* Virtue*. of the debt due to each and im- This is the first time for years thar art J o tland, and it was voted that the board creditor, Miss Dona gave an enjovuble talk on MR. holm: port whether thera ure any and what as Air. Reno has teen In this territory. 1 wo Onions an* really sweeteners of the with Mr. Matthews in the and exhibited several pictures Pharmuceu >M I»» cj-operate sets of the the Cumberland County ■»*»*» » **”*» 1»MM of his if corporation. bauds of music in a novel street | arade breath niter the l«« al effects have (Missed H*M ; entertainment guests they lhe members ol the Last End Whist I.. 1 .U'wImtuliiV vri'llimMinkMil roper doctor. shall desire to visit this city the the is odo away, says one learned They cor- on day engagement opens, went on their ride in favor of SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. club sleigh Wednesday rect stomach disorders und carry off the ibv following resolutions- Resolutions were passed le uures with tluTr at- of the advertising Lurrabee’s. 'lhe club left the action by Congress to improve the United evening to accumulated of the system. They YVhetea*. The ever busy reaper death has thai is as a first class jHjisons service. traction reported office at 6 o’clock I loin our one who in .States consular IIKFOKK Jl’IiOK STItOl' I Cumberland Mills post provide a blood purilier that all may free r*moved community reau a letter lroiu tbi in all respect-*. walk* of life, was The president entertainment and arrived at their destination about ly use. As a vermifuge the onion cannot nil tie justly regarded harbor commissioners of Montreal, os- Thursday— T here was a henring tithe us a citizen without reproach, a trusted RICK AND DA KTON'S COMKDIANS. wan tlrst after be surpassed and eaten raw will oftek tending the thanks of the commission for forenoon on a Lill in equity brought by seven. bupper enjoyed coun-el!or ai d linn fri ml, CARD, ch»*ck a violent cold in the head One courtesies extended them by this board on Larkin 1). Snow to set u:-ide the sale of The master hand of a lifetime of prac- which the members enjoyed whist and Keaolved. lhat the association of small onion oaten before re- to examine our harbor ival estate on India street made every night it* at fieir recent visit under us a cun* lhe club returned borne at a apothecaries hereby expresses regret tical exiierience gives brainey danclug. is this well know n doctor's a dllties for ocean commerce. a license of the Probate Court ihe tiring prescrip- ihe death of r-uiuuel Kolfe and WisTws to s Flats as and late hour after a most de- ceil in Mo Doodle light having spent lor numerous affections the a L complainant claims title under a fore- tion of head place upon it* records tribute to hi* I wish to inform my friends and patrons, that closed The defendant claims as •wan s down. Its fun is inno- lightful eveuing and is recommended lor of hi* long life "ere ANA LODGE 1. O. G. T. mortgage. liutfy highly sleepless- memory. kitty year* AK under a recovered on a note marked uith the Furniture and judgment cent, but wholly iraesistible suggestlve- E. H. Smith tbe local printer has ness. It acts on the nerves In a soothing m nt in the at'ol hecary business, have associated myself The following officers have been in- and sale to pay the judgment issued on of without the effects of tho throughout by carefu strict aud con- ness and fall. Rice and barton secured the contract for the printing way, injurious the with other debts of the vulgarity scientiou* habits which leaves to us an YV,4l/rKB CORKY 0. 1 M. 1*. Klwell: note, together The heart of the on- House of C’O., (.tailed by D G. both. Their aim is the town of tiorhaoi for 18W. drugs often applied. Drapery former owner of the property. avoid hearty laugh- reports • xci-ptional example to emulate. —Gbas. K. Goombs. ion heated Mid placed in the ear will often serve with the same G. T iuloot 6c Anthoine for complainant, ter through tho medium unctions, infec- Five tramps were provided with lodging I Kr o ved, 'lhat its resolution bo placed where l shall be to them 1 an Norton. relieve the of earache, while the pleased V. X.—Miss b ran k 6c Larrabee for defendants. agony I tm* record book of the aMtociutlou, Grillin. tious, original humor from the only foun- at. the police station Wedne day evening. upon S J. T.—Mrs. Mary K from a sliced a the lor as before. T. sirup produced sprinkling and (ouy be sent to daily paper* and — Brooks. source of J he commission of P ft muster E. | |rare promptness Seo K H. THE MUNICIPAL COUR".. tain entertainment, indepen- onion with sugar and linked in tho oven is publication. Hattie Brazier. office ex- — Ass. sieo.—Mrs. dent originality. Needless to say Mc- Mayberry of the West Drools post said to work wonders for croup. New F. Fee. — A. X. Marsh. HEKoltE JUDGE ltOHINSON. Uoodle's Flats, t lie latest of Rice aud liar- the first day of March. Mr. U\ li. York Tribune MKMOKY OF MH. 2s AMU KL 1-eas.— O. S. Norton. pires N a former occu- FRANK i¥i. Chip.—Geo. W. Foster. '1 hursday—Only two offenders were be- tjn'ii productions, is based on as many Woodman, Republican, KOLFE. LISCOMB, ! en- 1 anger In the Tea Coijr. j.. r — Kobcrt Lui il.iw. fore Judge Uobins >n this morning. Loth to the minute as the time allows. of the office is receiving literal laughs pant At a met of the trustees of tlie Geo. Xitan. were found of drunk. Win. There is to the heulth In the ting with the \V. T. Kilborn Co. B. .u.—Mrs. guilty being dorsement for tbe danger ^ nine years Thee me a lot f \ retty girls frolicking position. lank was Formerly McLean. A. Sawyer was fined $5, and Vnl Devine used to the heat of the aft- Maine having* it x fnbdd.il i.uatb—Miss Mury £?. has oozy preserve | w■:* do in in and our, of course; how Mayor King Riymond pasted bent.—John MoUonald. j giveu days jail. constantly ernoon The menace, a Keaolved that in the death of Samuel of the voters of ttuj>ot says writer, could Rice and barton do without them? notices calling a meeting KoifJ who was « f the — original cjrpn- --- -— lies in the ill effects of the overdrawn tea. I Odd Fellows’ hull West in > one other t. \v As they have the pick of the theatrical Westbrook at It should !m* mail* Iri sh often with fre-shly 1-ators June (but at al»o electi o ii uste* at that ti »\ been 180,000 is Saturday evening. Febro; r Ith. off into a living) Boston lias packages short in ; maker, the present offering guaran- End. boil.si W'ater and poured second, u also a» one of the finance coismlttr* .Ian. L. J. G. Harrington and 1m Oxford. Jan. tiraoe ilrmit. aged 23 )r>. to see what the want A iii Calais, be enough to the 7 30 o’clock citizens previously heat I’d, teapot. thorough in KT.*> a Jan. Mr<. A. J. H»ni. I teed tJ oiigiuul please May, 18B1, and u* p'esident May, Miss Anna C. Collins. In ion. 28, l'or of amendments to ilia it Btir vvita a silver spoon should be given one all since i* 11. Alton. Jan. 37. John Anion much, aged supplying the demands (irape-Nuts. New York, most fastidious. Music, melody songs in in the way and In aud positions, Tue Amendments if When the tea is llrst made Two small election, hns.be ever.t een honest, efficient, abundance, tuneful and in a rich vol- charter. proposed any 'lu'hi'tiortr. Jan. 23. Stephen r. llaakeli. aged of some wonted tea bo conservative and valuable. Jc A T is and San mast be submitted ut once to tbe legisla- tenspoonfillh may 73 yn-.r*.'! month*. Denver Francisco, have been ume is interspersed throughout the eve- in his death we lose one Chicago, added, if liked, as it usually is. to four of Kesolvtd, that I 17, Norm .-a Jan. SB. Amns Libby, -ged in connection ture for adoption. whose was sound, ning in general profusion that generally used. Tho addition | [Funeial this Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, a^' ti *»«• je.ir>. flavor and rts a ot s.ott If C .Ian 20. Mrs. Llleu Gate- comedy. The company presenting this imj pleasant perfume services of much value to this bank. if:..in Cm* residence .Ionian. po l.i liallovvell. Mary a FU/abeth. l\. i.ged 7'.» years. is u one 19 A meeting of the Young Yen’* Repub- Kc*;vrets r. c :mlier- in M'lltown. Jan. 2.'*. l>avtj>*-1 enirt.u v, Mass. Mrs. Jos! aged year-*. supply the noon lunch. warmly, they In by Mrs. for »»r bride’* t nas Hanson. Boston and New \ork please copy. In Well*.. Jan. li*. Mary Hubbard, aged ran day and night for si* months or nesday afternoons. Reserved seats go on stand us the Republican candidate parti .1 at toe home ilie father, papers It is also especially desirable for thost W. Kills ot Boston ami Harriet II. Nevvn- In .Man I r.meis v c. lain 22. Imim l. igar 04 years. to extend Will I more. sale Friday morning. warden. It was also decided \Yhat. snuk. hands with a scoundrel I Orr, ."2 '•ear-. 7 mouths. In W.Jls.Jan. 2J John Kimball, aged 70 vrs. who aro troubled with gas in the bowel) aged ami Harris T. Kodiek ol uin'i.il tlils Fr;«U> itternoon at 2. c* o’. Ik, in WHcasser. Jan. 21, 11attic W. Greenleaf, We an* to to able to announce an luvitullou the voters Peaks 111::* that !*’ said Jawkius. 4i,Y:» Brunswick. Ja:i. 2d. [I pleased a Those b Kerrln of on iiuim* o' hi* nt N •. 1**8 Finery «7 used by Imperfect digestion. with ••Well,’ said Wilkins, "he couldn't put Brunswick amt MU* Fmiua Bath. parent#. aged years. that the new and NOW WITH WAfaTKR CORKY CO. Long island* to pas* a social veiling Ja Walter 1.. Jului»oii s,r.'et. In < liarlotte. Jau. 23. Aaaron F. Larrabee. buildings machinery when Nuts ar. In Brunswick, 2V». ouubles disappear drape hi* halul into my po< kets while 1 was both .Ian. 27, Mrs. l.llMun M. \lex- aift-U 47 are now in uso out Air. with the club on ’ihursday, February •>. amt Mis* Mary J. Black, of Il;up*well. In Bruuswlck. year-. turning enough Frank M. Liscomb, formerly n Jan. used for the cereal part of the breakfast fchiikii^r it.”—London Tit hits. In Foscrofl. Jum. 24. Nathaniel F. Batchelot icr. sued 3* years. i r»ii.is. 24. Mary C. Stewart, aged Grape NFits to supply all dexuuud? W. T. Ktlhorn Co has associated him- I. in Ninth Fuck Jau. ?fi, Capt. 1-W. San- CO yca>». ■r luuch. and Mis* IJizie Murray. sport, in the world thui will In KitteiV Jan. 20, Hyjvester aged Grocers have had a reasoi self with the furniture and house Only one remedy In Biddebiru. Jan. 25, John B. Murphy an.: ders. aued Oi years. Marion, promptly. selection of food tbt drapery in In tico. M. Webb; a*cr. Hu I I'm i* tin Mins Kilza it Soule. WUitbrop, Ja\. 28, 1 #re to to • to “We cannot of Walter where Cough toy nip |»roplr*n ln*H)i:tti Berwick. 26. lira. say. get Grap Poelum Corey Co., his frlsnds of the Doan’s Ointment. At In rutslleld, Charles Abbott and Mr*. Bertha 72 year* Ja% Gtorga-Mat* iced of drags.’’ Cereal Co., part body; remedy. It will cure the worst cough or cold tbevwi. 33 in the in Chelsea, Jau. 23, Fred Spe.unei. aged years. uti" but tb it is past. Anyone who cart.-. dim., Battle Creek, Mleb will find him future. any drug store, (W cents. when oilier mcUieiue a have (ailed. Brysui. —= GRAND s— / •

-*»*** OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE -OF- Fine Furniture, * Lace Curtains, * Portieres * and • Bedding Will Begin.MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6th.

Will Continue . . . TWO WEEKS. FRANK P. TIBBETTS & CO., 4 and 0 FREE STREET.

-== SALE. ==-

MISCELLANEOUS. FOK HAUL FOR BALE. as In tba ill* WIT AND WISDOM. MAINE TOWNS. len acting as pall bearers. Interment at adorn the old grounds any DEER L\G. Wett Forty wonft* t—r— wn«U»r fhli Harpswell cemetery. luge. Forty wor'« inifitcd under tbli head w«i4i Im«RmI utrcet. show window and seethe bargain* we offer you. HARPSWEeU find a great deal than half hay. to succumb to the terrible disease. pole* Auction—II, Tl— residence 9 rooms, corner <>f Derrlng Ave. and finally la use for more than years, and HASKKLL At JONES, Lancaster bull .inj. We have plenty of everything. Our un- business In this thirty William Si.. |4.sou, » room house Stevens Claim West Jan. 31.—Mrs. Walter Kev. C. 1*. Cleaves of the phoue city. For vou to stun 111 business; to In- Monument Square. 3-1 £ Harpswell, water are for Congregational The i Ave-near 8t.. ♦***>; cozy 6 room cot developed powers waiting The Woodford* Universallst soolal circle Kind on J/ave Always PomgkL MONEYcrease your present buslues*; to pay off >prlng T. of whose se- church officiated. A circle of the tage. Thomas Si.. Wo *d/or«ls. U300; these SALK—2 Tenement Berry Cambridge, Maes., the enterprising capitalist. large inorht.v:**; to buy a lot or build a house, house, 7 rooms will hold their and social your hnuse.s are i.ew, modern an I have heat, electric each, on r. ontalns rious Illness was In last week's K. W. l'easlee soki for the executor of friends of the deceased were In attendance. regular supper lowest raies. easiest terms Call or writ4* F'OK Vesper bath. lot reported lights aad bens, sewers, btth-rootu. etc ; they b'xtto. the estate of John Krsteln of Alma, three this at Lewis hall. served AMERICAN INVESTORS CO. 08 Exchange Apply to A. C. LIBBY & CO., 42 12 died the 28th Messrs. Charles Clarence H. evening Supper ate cheap at these prices, we will maae terms tit. PRESS, Saturday iust., lots of real **«ate the k4tb. Hasty, Ht room 4. 4-1 Exchange 2-1 at 6.30 o’clock. A short fa roe entitled to suit you and will rnsAe It au to 28 The remains were B. Bartford and object buy aged years. brought We have plenty enow for business. Allen, Harry Marquis this mouth. DALTON & CO.. 53 Exchange 8L. SA LK—3 flat house with store on “Box ani Cox” is to be after negotiated we have first presented F'OH on > here Monday to the home of her purents, C. Kiwell acted as pall bearers. Mortgagesfunds of clients to Invent in first mortgages city. dectg-u Hour, corner of Federal and lnd a s., NAPLES. They Agree. income Mr. and Mrs. L. Randall. Fu- the eupper. 03 real estate security at 6 per cent Interest. $40.00 per month, lot contains S7M It, George SCARBORO In-iulre of A. C. LIBBY A C O., 42 1-2 F&cha L.e The Indies circle connected with Rock a The Optimist—They say anticipation is We make a specialty of placing loans on city neral services were held at the Kdee Falla Feb. 1.—At a regular meet- WA XTE1). SL A-1 Baptist 2.—Scar boro has re- but I ami suburban properly. Apply Real Estate of Charles Si. Biokman Post, held -oarboro, February meecook circle of Red Men will hold a mom pleasant than realization, at 2 m.. Rev. L. M. ing Office. First National Bank Building. FRED- church, Tuesday p the elect- cently sent to the legislature two protests don't think so. LlOU SALE—2 tenement house, 7 rooms earh. Saturday. January £*tb. newly in Mmi’b eve ERICK 8 twerrtod supper Red ball Saturday Forty words oador this hood F on contain* bath aad Bosworth, church and were The was raising the salaries of the Judges. do I. One i# VAlLL._ _jftU30A Vesper St., closet., pastor Baptist ed officers installed. day against The Pessimist—Neither "no work for tJ mnU real, in iStssiw fl* names is to lie served at seven lot 40XM0. ror particular apply to A. C. LIBBY G. C. Andrews of the M. E. church fine and there was a attendance. »u.i containing 41 and the other ning. Slipper Kev large about ns bad as the other.—Knjrgtti. A <*., 42 1-.’ I h.n.ge :-l the installation the reso- At half past two o’clock Saturday then* o’clock. St._ Music a consist- After following officiated. by quartette, at Town CLOCK REPAIRING. ANTED To pun haso a house in desirable were will be a meeting of citizens the iy line lodging house for sale by lutions adopted: Rev. W. li. Haskell of Falmouth unit ml of v* location in city of Portland. Western ing of Airs. L. M. Merrill, organist; Miss House to against various alleged Tlirrr Is for the true patriot but one tiod. one 11' E have made a specialty clock repairing HUSTON—Adeath of owner; furniture and --arpeu .11 Whereas, John Maxheld of Naples. Me., protest »» of Addres-, them Mr. Leonard F. Harris and Miss Alice B. for years anu are periscUy familiar with part city preferred. giving location excellent condition and mu»t he sold: excellti t Susie Maxwell, treble; H. Merrill, bass; the son of a veteran of the War of the Re- xtinvagancies now (tending, among country and one Pont I'§ Extract to soothe lu ol It lu all of It* branches Our prices are reason property, value, number of feet cf land, »*»c., neighborhood, house earns $60 monthly above the road commission bill and the feed Hussey both of North In mar- ca -»of G. R Johnson, tenor. Among the bellion, and a worthy and honorable Deering, pains. able. Drop us a postal and w- will call for your M. \ ”. Press office. M the rout; cost $1K)»; price $600. F. H. BLAt k- man of whose hab- bill. the home oi the bride Mon clock and return it when done without extra a young high standing, riage, at last VVKLL, l West Canton SL, Boston. Ma»s. 3-1 beautiful llornl tributes was large M( tlie M'NDuruenl wanted nsseo had health Mat Tt-II’A n -8 its have always been and a person In chsrge. KENNEY, Jeweler, i wtl Dot hr tie lit. MendS >'ents to hi Mr. Haskell good day evening. They are to reside at North Kot Hie Fault. Portland. pans fhenural SALK—Late Records. Bred wreath of ivy and roses from whom can be placed the fullest confi- j Square, JanlJdtf Co.,New York, for iOsamplr* and 1.000 t'-sUuon'.ats, Phonogrsph GORHAM. was I F^OKIn Old New Home, a of been to a Deering. Fafcher—Why, when I your age. Kentucky. Hampshire und wife, of Cambridge; pillow dence, having appointed posi- Johnson Don't Get Gay. Ann Kluu. Georgia tion in Portland the bheritf Hose company 3’s wagon, Morrllls, has didn’t have as much money in a month n* MARRY white roses, smilax and small tlowers with jail by high ME, NELLIE, F EM iLR M KLP W A NTED. Lamp Meeting. On Board the Oreirun. Ouartelb*, of this County, and returned from the you spend in a day. an■! ail the latest Uncle Jo'h Series. 7ne lie- the name Ella in blue in the centre, from who has been suffer- repair shops, Portland, And I will buy you su h a King at The Commissioners Principal Corthell. scold me about it. pretty cords received. “New Ones every wee*.” Whereas, County and has been in the hose bouse. Son—Well, pa, don’t McKenney's. A thousand solid gold Kings iy ANTED La-ly demonstrators for'TVrT- just her und brother Rev. W. Ran- withou a or sufficient reason failed from the is now much better. replaced laud, state anil C. r. HAWKS, 431 (Congress, successor to parents good ing grip, Why don’t you go for grandfather?—Chi- Diamonds, Opal-Pearls, htbieSL Emeralds ami salary wanted, experience to A total of l3o incandescent light* of 16 full particulars. Address W. C. NEILY, 86 ( Uaudler. 1-1 dall of Weure, Mass and hie wife; bou- ratify said appointment. The Methodist social held at Mr. Han- News. all other precious stone*. Engagement and vie cago Kings a stock in Walt!. >m SL. Boston. 3 1 of 28 roses with ferns from Therefore be it resolved, That in a candle power ore Jin use for lighting Wedding specialty. Largest SALE—A small stock of goods; quet yellow naford's last evening was an especially MoKENNKY. The Monument fancy iu with of Charles b. lilckman city. Jeweler, FH)Ktine ch.mce tor business in a the church Cambridge, Mass., regular meeting the new high school building DlKI. WANTED—A capable cook for gen- manufacturing affair. to ride FOR REVENUE MARINE OFFICERS. for which she was connected; wreath of rotes, Post No. llo, d. A. K. held ut Kdee pleasant Opportunity Square._ ___nmr&Mtf eral housework in a family of three, no town, good reason selling. Address BuX at Deering Center The building is well 1-1 pinks and ferns from Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Falls, Jan. 28th, 189®, bake this opportu- from the square to the house was kindly Washington, February d.— Senator Frye qr*)Jk (ion TO LOAN on 1st and 2nd washing required; city r» ferenees expected. 20, oxford. Me. and Mrs Al. K. Coffin; to and lighted and presents a handsome appear of an amendment to mortgages on real estate at Apply it riil ong ess street, tenwdklwy, :m btevens and Mr. nity publicly unanimously express to all who wished to go. today gave notice UOK SALE n Freeport, Me., a farm of about our of this act of the given as low rate of Interest as can be obtained In from Mrs. .J B. Pinkhaui, con- hearty disapproval anew both from the interior and exterior the naval bill, giving commit- ANI EI' V F 66 acre* of laud and modern bouquet The friends of Miss Petronella personnel Portland; also :oai s made on storks, bonds, W’ hoQN kMMT. Apply at 173 good styled of -8 with ferns; a Rotuuu County Commissioners which we charac- many shined officers of tbo revenue cutter ser- vv State St. MBS (il.OVKK. buildings, situated about two miles from It U. sisting pinks when occasion demauds the use of the or any good security. In- ^1-1 and terise as and un war Clark are to 'know she is able to personal property station, assessed at declining of cross of roses, pink*. smilax forget- unjust arbitrary glad vice the »am»- pay and allowance received of A. C. LIBBY A 0er IJOR SALK—late popular songs. Mid the friends here. The U. O. Fagan Is now in the hands of the Presi- judgment. t-W for civil service examination without JAMIN Nil AW \ CO., A1 1*3 Kx change bt a quets from other on the same as The Sunday schoolJboard of the Clark auy Green Field of Virginia, Hhe Was Bren in spot the old one. The ell would catalogin' of o mni a ion. P. F. attended in a body, Mr. K. G. dent for Pral review. Today Mr. Worth- They get s—ing our Illustrated 1 Old Kentucky. My Old New Hampshire Home, Memorial church the Sent free. COLUMBIAN CoKKESpONDENCH ____:: of the services will be oomparltively the same as befoio ington, attorney for Gen. Kagnn, filed postponed quarterly al the starting and all popular music, music books, musieal Pinkhaui having charge COLLEGE, I). C. 28-1 TMJ I KT—One front parlor, one front toora up with the advocate the ud- business meeting Monday evening to next of the Washington. 1 instruments excellent strings for instruments, and Mr. Charles Piukham, Arthur Palm- Without doubt l>efore another year as judge general point two flights, and smaller rooms, with steam __I ...... ^..,1.h.> etc 414 and U. Al- at the same time and that heat. from HAWES’, Congreas er, Walter Merrimun George hand tome and |Nilatlal a residence will Monday evening things ga-,. bath, etc.. prices $1 35 to $3.00 street._311 was granted purmls.'ion to lodae. it was make per week. Inquire at 217 Cumberland bt. ref- SALK—Elegant Pianos, Violins, Mando- place. people A THOUSAND RINCS erences el. an elaboration of the point.- made by requi 3-1 F'ORlins, Guitar*. Music Howes, Westbrook club mot last look old. If Banjos, FAIRY SOAP. counsel before the court martial. A The Seminary To select from. Diamonds, opals Peal. Reginas. Harmonicas, Superior Violin a d iuf Muuiaui LKT—Nicely finushed front room, large had and all other sioi f|NO1 sueet music. lusrrucuon most formidable array of authorities evening at the home of Mias Mary A. Kuhys precious <•<, Engage- and airy, in g >od -inlet location. near first aaujn strings, popular works well, stent and King* a »i*e» Largest books and tn the music hne. come to been particularly in support of The SVeddtug class boarding lions-. 13 OKAY STREET, be- everything procured, Gould, Congress street, Portland. mock In the McKKNNi.Y. tin* Jeweler the store wner© prices are low. HaWE.h'. m the contention that Uen Kagan's con- the blood will city. tween Park ah'fbt. 11 was held for the rehearsal of Congress street. JanSl-4 was meeting be — duct, though the facts be admitted, naturally I. hi l.arge ilcove room, second floor of and from Naileostecn. rpu1 not legally In the line of the charge higensln muling* 'w pure. With front and adjoint g bath room, with or KH)K ©ALE—Farm near Portland Located an officer and a WANTED SITUATION*. without board, at :» Park. 2-1 JT within five minutes walk of electric cars, conduct unbecoming The former is the German play which the I pare blood in the veins, its Congress This was the running schools, etc. Large house barn. hen gentleman. paper placed by at a later owner cannot be sick. He won’t be poatofilce. club will produce date in the WANTED SITliATION-A f irm < f good ■*u'- 6 house and well adapted neral In the hands of "" LET—Desirable tenements of 4. 5. anti orchard; particularly judge advocate gt f|’0■ nervous either, and his food will : tivatlnti to litre M C l-,, Mr «M go to Riverton, Thursday evening, Feb- ; ! Andress to get a footing. His head will be clear, and rents Frederick s. that 9. The club will leave Woodfords An ( Houses Suits ruary WANTED \AiLL lus the list <»i desirable Soap ami there will be. within him, an ambi- largest MURDER, WHAT’S THAT? BUFFALO AT MANILA. SITUATIONwoman would like light housework in houses ami rents for sale and to let of am »r>al corner at 6 50 o'clock p. m. to work. Good is such a One of Alarm Clocks »c t«> let is tion health private in Portland. Address 1. \ !»., estate in Ills is ne- McKenney’s mild and W| j family office Portland. specialty s Fairy Soap pleasant, *3.00. Warranted to wake the dead. Mor Manila, February ‘2—5.20 p. in.—The The proposed amount to be awarded Mr. • to have. Dr. Bos |56T. and the* simple thing—easy [ gotiating mortgages, Collecting lent-, clock titan all the other dealers combined. Htates cruiser Buffalo having on general care of Ri al Estate It is scented, contains I United llonry Dcerlng as land damages for the f Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the property. Apply UcKENNKY, the Jeweler. Monnment Square. delicately \ men lu Bear Ad- WANTED—A milliner nit (l ire Office. First National Bank hoard sailors to relieve "" professional j Building 30-1 extension of Grant street should read #490 medicine that induces good health. It maker would like w»rk to do in ite sepCfldtf ; no and is miral Dewey's Ueet, arrived here today. pr | matter, impurities, the stomach when weak, families lu Portland for a tew mouth*. «n!eis, rUKNI^HKbKOnMB- Large ft rnfi room with was per- | The U. S. Pennsylvania has Instead of #1490 as previously printed. *trenglh«ns a HALE—All the latest She Happy transport the sent to NlRS. M. G., care Box 1M7. will n- in small ro> m adjoining very sunny Also Honolulu here Iron) Hollo with the 5lst blood, tones up the nerves, FORTtli She Met Yon, FUllplno Babe. iless to the tenderest skin—it suits. arrived The Woodford’s Universailst Social, purifies attention. large airy room in ieai. All nicelv furnished, Don’t I the and cures all dis- prompt Lady "Green Fields of Virginia. Johnson Iowa. These are being disem- will its in strengthens lungs, with large closets, heat, cas, etc. Bathroom on troops circle, gl*e regular supper Get (lay. Whistling Rufus; a.so a lew left of Cavite. at 30 eases that, if or >..mo floor. Private central!'/ looaied. itli is the favorite be- barked at Lewis Hail this evening oolook. neglected badly treated, family, Bred in Old Georgia Camp .Meeting. Fairy Soap uM MALE HELP WANTlsI*. Klectrlcs the door iy.» MPRIMf bT. 30-1 Kentucky. A he United States transport City of There will bo an entertainment consist end in consumption. It is a temperance pass New Hampshire Home, College ( himu, and ithers does not Puebla bus sailed for Nagasaki, Japan. of and a short farce, entitled medicine—no alcohol or LET- A desirable ns others. Own and c. C. HAWKS, Ail freely, injure the ng musio, whisky in it. AN YASSERS WANTED—Men thru have r|'0 very rent at Federal many General Otis has an ■ St. Six rooms and bat.. formerly ( handler's. Watch ny [Q Mujor published “box and Cox,” under the management Its use does not create a crav- r had experience. Apply to .1 A HA lilt Enquire of Congress, protracted WORTH be wid de ses and order the inhabitants of Ma- of A. Thurlow. between six and o'clock SOUTH BROS.. 10c M iddla windows, Un perfectly, floats—it suits. requiring Cyrus for intoxicants. If afflicted, better Falmouth Hotel, eight St._3tM gang._1-1 nila to official certificates of iden- ing 1 of the procure vour evenings. rro LET— Nov. SALK—For investment, one most *20 cents each after write about case to Dr. R. V. Pierce, j 1. Lower tenement ot house tity which will cost ■ desirable of leal estate In Portland. Ills Mathematical Limit. N. No. 11*B spring St., entirely separate, seven 1s()R pieces 23. at Buffalo, V. He charges no fee and by first class February rooms besides Malls and bath, tlrst class con- Superior location occupied “Mike." said Pete, “statistics ir threat. Exam- FAIRBANKS W ihe British battleship Centurion, flag- Plodding for consultation by mail. steam heat. at 44 tenants, yielding high rate 75c. dition. Inquire Deerlng St, Reason Edward is wonderful ain't Vo don’t MAINSPRINCS, or ination will careful investors. of Vice Admiral tSir H. Sey- things, they? will forever thdnk you for advising me to morning, noon night. ocUJotf saintly ship The best American Mainsprings, in de by the for the estate must te closed. W. H mour, and the British second class cruiser have any idea how much dis world kin tak- Dr Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery," selling, I Elgin and Waltham companies. Warranted WALDRON & CO 180 Middle Ht._ have sailed for to writes Mrs Jas. Murphy, of Fonda. Pocahontas Bonuventura. Hong Koug. hold until ye git talkin I for one >ear. McKENNKY, the .leweler WANTED AfiKNTS. tig^ers. Co lows. It lias cured me of chronic scrofula Eastern Promenade “Wot a dc matter wit* Monument Square. luarlbdif TtOK SALE—Lot facing yer” Inquired of tw let years’ standing had doctored for the wifi be sold ai SCHOOL BUILDING —---- A owing to clreumstanoes. INDUSTRIAL Mike. ‘Is yer mind troubloruntil I was I Meandering gone completely discouraged 5 cents to 10 eeuis per foot cheaper than also had chronic diarrhea for twelve I 'Th8 from BURNED. buzz in up into de billions?” years MwN nTc* "Plli|PP|n» the burrouudmg lots. We consider this an ex- aru in health now—better than I ever was IRY “Me attention was attracted an an- good good trade- SOAP 2.—The main by in mv life, to Dr. Golden Medi- ceptionally ol^® Pierce’s AppJJgat Hallowei), February owiug COLD. ... HAM\ ui Hank. E ItKDKL |, SPOT CASH-OLD t, Nearly 200 i'lustrattan*. Estate Office, hirst National nouncement in dis paper which is cal I took several bottles of the of the State Indus*~ial school, truly Discovery. NEW VOHK. Beautiful colored Maps. Coui- ICK S. V A ILL. I J for the is harmless to both hands building Discovery before I We the for Old Gold as __ laundry and M wonderful. He cotton crop in Texas last stopped." give you highest price prchcb'ive. Interesting Au- situated on the summit of the highest Dr. we use it for making rings. MeKENNFY the was bales. Jest f ink of it!’’ Take Pierce’s Pellets if you want to By Subscription Ouly Uioritatlve. RINGS. removes dirt year 2,132,701 •leweler. Monument Square. octJ7dtf WEDDING clothing, without out of laud in this city was partly de- be permanently cured of constipation. julktOrod 3t jPl burning l\l polut I can’t.” One hundred of ttmra to seleol trom. All ten o’clock this fore- la 18 or out threads. It saves dollars stroyed by.tire about “Wait a minute an I’ll say it over.” styles, all weights, all prices lk 14 and dyes wearing Kt. Gold, largest nnd best slock of g[Q Ik] noon. “It’s no use. I laid awake last rings night eitv. A thousand of them. McKENNEv. II the clothes. It contains no resin ■■ how much JEWELRY REPAIRING. In the by sparing The fire wan caused by a defective Hue try in to realise 92.60 would be, and Pleasure the Jeweler, Monument Square June7dtf 1 had rm I’ve brain Health, Strength the clothes. It lasts Id the story of the building and be- if it, got fag.M—Wash- I TOURIST SLEEPING CARS WE are familiar with all kinds of to than com- top "" Jewelry Ufl gum longer lu Am« rlca** Great Winter Resort# sale DR » \< H A NG F.-One. two and f ington Star. t To California and New repairing and have made It a * fore the lire arrived the upper Mexico, specialty fiiec houses well rented; also department « for We are now to t«» order Ison family r I mon suits. and Texas. years. ready make h>r sale at reasonable was a mass of flames. house lots near Boston. soaps—it | of the building Out. _Arizona IN CALIFORNIA. anything in rings or pin* of any .special design part Found prices, or will exchange for property at hloux the Tuurt.t KxcunM.it. I.i? WxiiMiirti.i] II > TAKE THE LUXURIOUS vow may wish at very short notice. McKEN The firemen succeeded in confining *. Mouth Dakota. Inquire of F A. SMITH, Mrs. lie Gree—How did you manage to (’ rvery Wednesday and Saturday. Through aleep- NEV, tue Jeweler. Monument Square. Portland. Fal the „r, t,> <*n Francisco without New ► w?t Treinoi-t BulMtng. I “The of the fire to the two upper floors of You said changa through f Jant'Jdtf Boston.__21-2__ home bo tonight? there ,, r.:u» aud the of the “SUNSET LIMITED” Century.” get early emii-tropical iigtone Bcruth. —4 uice road oleth Soap * a'UR s*ALh single sleighs, entire was so p.na! Cod due tore aud Porter* I 4«vt structure, but the building were to be a number of initiations. iv through. which comprises everythiug that is up to datr I* best black or r©a to San Francieeo, 4 dey* to Los Angeles. 31-3 4aye trimmings, workmanship, over and modern lu the railroad world, and is tho Can be seen at 30T Commerclsl damaged its lo necessitate thorough Mr. De Gree (prominent Mason)—The to New Mexico and Ajrtsoua, 3 1-2 da ye to Texas. running gear |>.un».t for and solid train betweeu III® Mississippi Kivee EVERY I’oMLINSON C(V Turkey WOMAN J PURE—WHITE—FLOATING. J initiations had to be po*ti»oiied. AH the Sleepers open ooeupancy Friday ouljr Si.MIIXIK.KN Janthdtf hauling and repairs 4 night# ana guide to ehoar the National Capitol and Kau Francisco, remote from the lneon- f-oraetimes needs a reliable etc., had [ without extra chanre) on Wednewdee end Natur- » of and snow. ONLY To LOAN on first ana second mort- sires for the bath and f U school was the main regalia, draperies, mysteriously xeuleuces high altitudes monthly regulating inedictot. Three convenient toilet, laundry. The occupied by 4 | iiMHBlBrx. Wilt# for handassB# itinerary, for- of gages on real estate, life tneurance poll fall information Beat free ► Special through trains consisting sleeping of the association and about fifty disappeared. t Dishing DR. PSAL'S cies and notes or any geod security. Real es- officers Now 4 C Vnr mf wmatiou. tickets amt rvarrvationa. address and dining-cars leave New York every Satur- FAIRBANK Mrs. De Gree—Aha! I’ve found ► sold and 48 1-2 Rx- W THE N. K. COMPANY, and a EE CmRXKR N. E A 80. Pac. Go day and connecting directly with the tate bought, exchanged. I] girls All the inmates escaped Masons. So < Tuesday, 1*. Bl’TLKR at. Mew York. Hostou. out all about you it’s tru< ( • State Strast, B09V0N. •sunset Limited" at New Orleans. chauge street, 1. Jenl.vs ,11 Chicago. Louta. DANIELS. T. f. A 80 piLLS, was saved. GEOu C. By.. _ PENNYROYAL Ql portion of tbs furniture also and said it wasn’t. < | For full information, free Illustrated pam- after all. you { 238 Waah'Rgtoa Street. BOSTON- safe certain in PMult. Tlie OK SAL* OK LEASE—A Ml of land kt ths phlets, maps, and time-tables, also lowest rates, Are pixunitt, and Tne building was built twenty-four Mr. De Gree—What’s true? Benttnywlteta, HeK comar > Southern Pacific 9 State M >1.00 1>mU Medicine Co., ClOTeland. strx.ti- iojitainnuL 4.2J4 PM 1| Co., Bostou, sire*. M.-ss. deoAM&Th H. GUPPY A Portland, Me. K. HAlflOW. 91»XS>ngr»«i lints*” and Is fully covered by iusuranoo. York Weekly. MOV 5 «Odtf C. CO, Asts, ATFAMKR*. • sunk off Pollock will* both masts out of RAILROADS._ 4*6 t. rign Ijt* SiMK Wwr««* Rip. A, J. Hutchinson of Brunswick Is visit- IrtMTTMM.... and it a obstruction to navf* Caroamont .1 26*1 Bo water, dangerous Mrs. A. F. gatian. The Fanny Pilot has a cargo of kf-o log his mother, Hutchinson, S^-ISES Bar BOSTON A MAINE It. K. toes coal and was from New York bound t« BAY STEAMBOAT C0~ Pleasant street Sphw«::!I»5o* Harbor. CASCO In l:(feet Or otter 3rd, IR9A 8 pbiir ...... i *•' ItO.I..I***'* .. Feu ( lark, which Her. Mr. Newcomb of who load... ..MUI Norfolk. 1-Scb Georgie { us torn House M) liarf* Portland, He. Hlchmcnd, L j?r.. «ufar Tar««MkGi m had WKSTERM III VISION. Save1 half was In collision with steamer Richmond, 4 Wilt* wax.. (Mum.... hat been Invited to the paitarate .Bools «m'« bow cut down to the water and afterward WKKV DAY TIMK TABLF Trains leave Portland, Union (Ration. fo* recently A Ifcro*. ola# 6V%*ir On. ia-y,v. "nr^rw^r Zi her steers 4 to*;, 3 .6*6 16. drifted ashore In Kvnnhaven Probably a ‘r«rbmo « uiMlttK. 10.00 a.m.. or Congrt ohnrch will of Products in the VanU!4.ooaa. .81 * * Mfl; lex Alt* Hay Inn. LAJ>. s.| Bethany gatlonal Staple 97 < ominMK'tlil .’loit'lnr, lit, SfArboro I In* 10.00 a B. Quotations u«.25. 0.20 p. m.; R»nn«btab your money Dyer employ loot.II for Best Newark. J V Wellington Pro- I fills* M'i'1 Great lliamuml lelantl*. ££:.v.::::3& Amboy purt. 7JO. 6.40. a. m.. 12J\ 130, R m. Kirk & Co the makers. s •!.II I>•••• Markets. vldeticc. Harsh < Providence; Electa 8.00. a. rn 2.15, 4.0) p. Ill 5.25, soap Mtlc ttmlth. Welle l;**ch. 7.00. *40 a. nu, 3J8. 5Jft m. 6tiMw4«r—Ik at. Fall hlver for Philadelphia. p. It is that Mr. Water- T< Halley. Clay. For l*nnre*« Landing. Long (•land, 8.00, I»'*ar, Horn# raw or tli, 7.00. 0.40 L m., 12J3 ! expected Harry ISlWafr 8 -jfrog 60 legraph.) 1st. Mitchell, Basse it Cid barque Daisy Rood, A. M. 2.15 P. hi. 8J0, 5.25 p. rn KocIkm ar. Farmington, Do not throw house Mr. the and Market. hportin*. 4 4»*4p6 t'KHKl'AKY 2. 1830. Terre and Mt Kitts; l has l.onng. for l'*|>e Cost away and Mart have purchasod New York Stork Mouef C. W. 1. GoDING. General Manager. Alton Mev, ».4n a. in., 12J.'., 3J0 m.; Lake I»rop saouio *o. .1 20 RIOIM...... •* NEW \onK the Hour market-receipts Port Hpalu. p. I Casle; sch Madaiene, Cooney, I erode. Weir*. lvmiiuih. 5.40 R m. stock and good will of Jabex Marriner, I'ucx. h. lib. : Palate. 22.2 In l>|>|s; 1 ',204 bbls; sales 7,000 sch Hardiinaii. Malver- Jan14____d»t |»uri, | l\t »eie r»o exports Ar at City Island 2d. 12.35 in.; Worcester (via Hoinerswortk au< in half-smoked T. 1 1.8.1 60 packages. negieeicii; buvers about 16c apart. p. cigars! .doutb Portland Heights. NEW YORK. Feb. 2 sou. Kockland. Rochester), 7.00 a. m.; Slencheetwr, Concur4 ■ op. Pure grow ml. 6 7MKI 2'» Whiter patents at 3 86* 4 10{Winter straights lloratlo lor Portlai d. the Cid 2d. steamer HaK. end Non h. 7.00 a. m., 3J0 p. m.; North Her Albort Small of Deering, conducted on call was stead* 2Va «* 3. last loan Pressed ....8lo*13 ...0 76o»«& 3 7(>«;t Minnesota 4 lo«4 .15; win- Montevideo; brig 2 Money I Ked.,. i»atciit* Mid 1st. ship Mea Witch, for j wick, |>oe«*r, Elder, llavertt'il, l.ewrence, will find that Loot#- Hat .8'*8?0 I Kna Ven Ked ?%a ter extras 66*2 .Minnesota bakers 3 IgA sch Charles and You services at church last 2' a IK); Jennie for Jacksonville; BOSTON PHILADELPHIA. 50% Bethany evening at 8 per cent; mercantile paper Huloen. l.owell, Hoetun, a 4.05, 7.00. ".40 a m.. (2J6. prime Straw, car lou8lO*!8 ▲a fine.. .0 00*7 00 3 4«»; W inter grtles his black- with Wolcott, for Norfolk. l.'IKKt T NT I AM Mil!’ 3JO, p. m. Arrive Boston, 7.25, 10.13 A ro.. Georgo Avery has given up oS'a i*ercent. Sterling Exchange strong, Irow. Hoc lie Me.... Wheat 64.000 bush; 110,* Gal* tchs C M Trlckey. from USE. is ( receipts exports Pas ed llcil 1st. 12.50. 4.10. 7.16, p. m. Leave Boston lor of of actual business in bankers bills at 4 85V* onirnoo... .194*8 Klee o2 bush. sales bush futures, and (ieo W Glover, and money smith shop in Portland on account poor 4,21.«.ooo New York for Portland; Portland, 5jo, 7JO, 6.30 a.m.. 1.15. 4.15. p. m. your cigar hcflnod.... 194 *394 I I>omeatic. 6***7 600.0* 0 Imis ami steady ;No2 Berry, do #,4 85 H for demand,atui 4 88*« » 4 83' a for six- spot i hd fOOM 60 Corn _ 7 JO p. thrown away every day n-.elpfs 8,776 bush; ex|>orts 113.710 BOMTUN-Ar 1st. sch Ell & Jennie, lngslls. From Phila.e tm and MJNIIAT Tit AINA. PLEA SAN 1 DALE. ttoruan stooi.... 00*2 2*r» • ptiii Wednesday Clal bills 4 82**4 83' a. *3Vb Liverpool bush, sale-* 280,Ooo bush futures, 67.20 bush M tnan. For S«erboro Pine Old > Dla’tnd C bbl * a* Grand Reach, Point, from * stoesuwl.*8 rye. s|h»i and snot firm; No 2 at 44s* * 46c for Hock port. howr few Daniel Apt has returned Silver certificate* 89 a outport*: Hid 1st. sch Antelope, Orchard Orach, Hero. Itlddeford, Keane* recall Mr«. Iron— at a» Saturday. if $60ts* sno^* Molar fob afloat. Parris, llooklaid lor Ar 2d. sen Wiunegance. Wharf. I'. ^:*»n r. t» l»uuIf. North Ktrw v. Dover. 1-safer. of liar Sliver .... From Central n, From you Poston where she ha* been the guest 6BMl H.C.4 94*4 (in tern me Ml**4 »ts bush; 666 bu ; l receipt* 18,000 exports Tine street Wharf, PLiuvi- nhla. at 3 n. m. lo Move hill, latwrenre, owell, Boston, 12.55, Mexican dollars 47 lion. K ussta 13 V# *14 sales uulet. So2at34V%c; Winslow her for some weeks. Vl. I'UshsiHit; spot Ar 2d. schs Viola May. from Calais; one-half the rate of * 4J0 p. rn. Arrive Boston 5.14. 0.22 p. in. have daughter Amcn'cnHusalal 1 Ala Ckaain, .11JI22 No 3 white Mt •nuance sliru^ vessels. Government imml* 5m!” at 33' a®. No 2 white at 36c; No 3 Morse. A Hayiord. Belfast. the West Itncheator. Alton Bay 4J0 cigars you*really Hart Conn., steady. Mae e 9 Wioterport: « (or Gy the Penn. It. It. and Parm)n|ton, Mr. Liwrence Libby of ford, (ialv.r.V4*7 0*100 361 ke, track wbite 36 * 391 _c. Mabel K Goss. Deer w Freights State S Mini Hope, Norfolk; Isje; connecting lutes, lor warded tree of p. in. of hie t»onds steady. Leather eg*.***** •teef Rutter firm; Western creamey 14« l9c; fac- Portland. port. hurv. Nulem, l.vnn, Boston, 2.00, Greet. Willie, For freight or passage app!y to K P. WlNO, 0.oo in. Arrive 5.50 Hoar?.36*3* Mtareli. tor) 12* 14c. fttate dairy at 13 Mid sens Geo P lor Baltimore. oooa.m., 12.46. p. Boston, has 1 he follow tnr quotations represent tne tioed d’aic..... Hginsat 19c; 2d. Daveuport. Wharl, Boston. Mrs. W. W. Morrison, fclui street, pay- 34*26 Laundry.4*4** 0 17c. do Agent,Central a. in., 12.40. 4.oo 0.05 p. m. Leave Boston (or in lids market: erm 14 a 18'jc. Henry I. Peckliam. do. Mr. B. lAMBM’N, Treasurer and General ing prices Union backs.. .87*3* Gleae..:.**4*7*4 Cheese at small do sch II Kussell. 7.50. o.ona. m.. 12JO, 7.00, 745 m. from her recent illness. Drin, largo white I luMic; BKl NMWlCK—Ar 1st. Lucy M HtaU* .iL, H Por*laud, p. recovered ( ow and steers.. •.. 7fl P It Am. calf.... 60*1.00 Tobacco. Manager, F>ske aid.rig, Boston, strive 11.46 a. m.. 12.00. 10.15. at 1) .1 I «e. Bishop. Havana. Portland. 4JA Uackett is entertaining Hulls a'.id sug«.... 4o ILooA I Kt at brand a... *04* ocu^idU nu BETWEEN Mrs *red L Eggs Drin; State and Penn lP’s^*00* Wes- ( id 1st. sell I. T Whitmore, Birch for Daiquiri Mast_ I 10.45 p Sams—No 1 ...10c h quality hoot.' *7ls Medium.30*40 tern "1 Ml AY TRAINS. Mrs E A of Madl- ** e iresh ljri and Ht Jago. her sister, Weybraot No .8 *100. *6*4 It ommom.SM30 M (olburu. M Petroleum dull. BALTIMORE—Ar 1st. sch Alice Newbnrv- No 3 .0 «,7r Zinc. 89% uSi Matmrerai ...***7 For Rtddefo d, I'ortsm.Mtth. sor, Kmtn McLeod. Boston. liiterualional Co. A Culls .35a 50 steady. ,, Steamship ! port, .Huletn. l.vnn, Boston. 2.00 m.. 12.43 ( Id 31st. sch Curtis. =-■ >Vc ar«* to report Miss Clara Turpentine firm. CHARLKMTON— Mary FOR-- p. m. Arrive Boston RJ7 a. ro., 4.00 pv m. pleased Va. drill Quotation*. Rice linn. Maker. Ktchoioml. l^ave Boston for Portland. 2.00 a. in., 7JO p. m. as Retail Grocer*’ Sugar Market. — sch (.reenlesf £$ Lvtoc Caas 3 Jo n. 1 THE ACTS Huger* improving. Molassrs steady. FKKNANDINA Cid 31st. tport Arrive Portland, 12.1", 10.30 p. in. Pi New York. all of New J..H3'i|fcN.S* H«*v. W'. S. Jones of Peaks island is at Cortland market—cut loot 7c; confectioners CHICAGO BOARD OF l'RADK eights dull. Johnson. Woodruff. and ports Brunswick. NovafRfc-otia a. Dally cvet.i Monday and stops at North at 3 13 16c; Fred Jackson. Wel- Fdward Island 8c 7c: coffee crushed Migtr—raw strong, fair rrflnlng FAI.I, RIVBR-Sld 1st. Prince Pape Breton. The Berwick and Kx ter only. of bis street ! powdered granulated 6c; 3 9- to the home daughter. Chapel Wednesday’s quotations. Centrifugal t*6 test 4 5-10. molasses sugar den. coal port. favorite route aiiipoOtdlo and »u Andrews. P T. A. Boa tern 6c. sch Marla o D. J. FLANDERS. G. ft a number from Elm street church £>'*c; yellow [16. refill*1.£Drin. GAI.VK8TON-sid 1st, Teel, n a Cigars l^uit# Wheat. Orleans. _r.r Little -Cash Johnson, New Wlnirr Anting' mnit. _dll the Y. P. S. C. K. anniversary Portland Wholesale Market. Jan May July CIIK'AtlO Quotations: schs Morns a Cliff. attended Hour demand GLOUCESTER- Ar 2d. 'tin .. • 74*4 72Hi steady, moderate Hi (Mi iiiwl after M< !»<•■ steamer eve- * Kockland York ; Krama, Jahn. N B. h, tit the W’illlston church, Wednesday FORT HAND. Feb. 2. 74 72*» Wheat— N«» 2 70* 73«*. No 3 do C.*11 lorgNew Portland <>u Closing.JCZ Hi spring for Haven. Harali Mill. Rook port for will leave Mondays at 5.30 p. rn MAINE R.R. cost 10 cents for 10; little lower, i 71*■. No 2 Kerl 72‘* * 74c. « orn No2»t36**. Vineyard CENTRAL The Wheat market to-day was a Corn. l,ouiaia Francis. Kockland fur Lynn. Heturulng leave at. Join and hast ning. So 2\ell«»w 37e. nats No 2 at 27s* 28 No 2 Boston. pur with Flour dull ami unchanged; vay Wheat M iv July. NKW OKLBANS-Ar 1st. sch < arrle A Lane. Thursdays. Miss Georgia Dyer is being entertained w hit**' 301 •• a |c No 3 While 80* sc ; No 2 Hye 1 pen •*. 37** 88'* Plckands. Laithwattr, fr effect Nov. 28 lot are a loss of Corn lu the West 1 6* No at <• 1 Flax Gibbs Vera Cruz; Major Through tickets H ;e and t checked the home of Miss Blanche closed with 3c; 2 Harley 41*s sc;No agage pure—dean at Hoyt, Closing.... .«7T* 37n* Barbados. to destination. to Trains leave Portlaud as follows: they seed ai 1 1m1 ••. 1 seed 2 36* 40; reight received up 4.dQ a of *«. and Inrothy was firmer, ami left off with gain prime 31 st, sch John Pierce. Falk- street. Oats. Mfss Pork at to 2o« 10 26; ard 6 66it,ft 67’ a NORFOLK-Ar p. in. 7 00 a. in. For Brunswick, ftatti. Rcklanl Hoyt firmer on hog —all and Oats about ■'•c up. Provision* May. July. short rll» 4 86*6 06; salted meats New York. For Ticket* *i v.i proems at the Lisbon tobacco, Mr. J. W. brakeman on the | sides at Dry Ingburg, apply Augusta, Waterville, Skowbegau. Fails good Evans, lemons firm »»»-■■ ny... 2* 6 Hid Sist. acl» M Deertng. Portland. Pine Tree Ticket OIJ. Monument or a shade *4^ n clear sides 20 Lewiston via Hrunswiek. products. Cheese higher —shoulders »t 4! * ; short Lydia Wool- H<|uaro Belfast. Bangor to his home 26*i NhW LONDON-Hid is,, sens ( barley for other Inform.t’. u.. at • Boston fic Maine, is confined I a* M **6i. Closing. 28* a *6 ot&p&ny'i Ofhsk P.iicksport, llouitou, Woodstock and St a ami higher. ggs easy. Turpentine Boston; Jennie OI tlls- — u are in roaa. Putter Drtn—creamery lllrtld'tc, dairies at sev. Perth Aiuboy for Railroad W harf, >t ^.tie street Monheu via \ anceboro and Bt. John. illness. and more active. New York lor Kockland. r. 1.1 1 every way by ugart strong May lo1 ti Die burr. j. 8 JO a. rn. For Danville Jc., Mechanic Fails, 37 NKW BEDFORD—Hid 1st, sch V Jfth L Allen. Mr-. Frank Mluott and eon George The following quotations represeut the whole (Mining. 10 Eggs firm fresh 17'wc. marindtl II PC. IIHUSKY Aser.fc rtumfotd Falls Lewiston. Wluihrop. Oakland, short ...... ». 10 42 * * from the of for this market. «Ji<»aiua. t lie«-se ste \ creamer!* at 9-1* 1 lc. Kcadfleld. Waterville. Livermore Fails. Farm very satisfactory have returned being guests sate prices EASCAUOULA At .tilt. »ch I. A Edward,, and Phi fbursd%**9 Flour 1 «.ouo bids; wheat 122.000 H mgton Hips quotations. receipts Cruz. M until IMI1IIT I.INE, Mrs. Minott’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Floor. bush; corn bush: <»ats 171.(Kg; bush; Peterson, Vera lo./5a,ui. For Bruuswlok, Bath. Augusta *M<4t 387,000 Low. St smoke. Let us send »4.i on bush; 53.r too bush. Ar 1st sch 11 C Beecher. Jago Waterville and Lewiston via Brunswick. i:. Williams, South Portland. and low grades. 3 00a3 16 Jan. Mhv. | r)e barley Brown. Boston. Maine Superfine July bids; "beat 40,000 Shi 1st. sch sarah A Fuller, Steamship Co. 12.00 p. in for Brunawick. Bath. Wheat Rakers. 3 26**it 36 h .shipments Flour 15.boo Express Spring Open ui. 74 4 78* PHILADELPHIA Cld 1st, sen John Booth. font; l»innd s hi tid I'.v DaC^li Rockland and all stations on the Knox and 4 06« 4 85 We spring W heat patent* .. 73*4 71 * Emmons. Boston. WHAT TO YOU BELIEVE THE 4 rye 2.000 bush, 9.000 hush. iiM-oln division. Augusta. Waterville. Ban Mich, amt 81. lamia st. roller.. 4 ou** 15 barley 3 THiPS Pb R W.- EK...... II,... II...... > :r.u.,rllU ..n.l llAilll^n alt. you 50—to try. tons at 2d. lug Valley Forge, with barge Preston Mich, an t st. Louis clear— —t Uo-*,4 10 MINN I A Pi tL!8-Wheat-KHi at at oni. GKLATEST BLESSING. Mav. 71e;M»y and Tnotnaston. Horn Portland. F\i:i u \\ oma 9:1.00 B a. n. };. Winter Wheat patent*.4 86«4 40 71 '*«•. 72o >o 1 hard on track at 71 •s*c; Breaawa.er 1st. sch Estelle will deliver them at July Sid fm Iklaware 1 he aUmum i.p* li > at to ii. all aim Mao* 10 j> in. For Mechanic Falls. Kumfor«2 00. h club, office, corn, ear lots, new'. o <*. bins New London. at 6 p. in. fur N'.-w \--rk direct Returning;. leave scl Pi ,| ti, Kangelev, Wlnihrop. Oakland. health must be considered lota. OOo 4i» May. July. DETROIT—Wheat at 73c lor cash SAN FRANCISCO—Ar lit. steamer Celtic. Watervilie ami rtkowhegan. ycur will produce Corn, bag opening... 28V* quoted pier .<*, 1.1; Ilfs la) 1 hursduys and Satur- Bi-ignam. lots. OO.u 40 White; cash Ked 73c; May 7*0 ic. I from New York. at m. I. 13 p. m. For reeport. Brunswick. Au- • a The Meal, bag p. cents. > n h--s blessing. greatest blew- 38 Closing...... 28* Ohio, and Senator, for days Hart- home for < *at». ear lot* ^TOLEDO—Wheat quiet. rash at 73**0; May old Is;. 1 s steamers These mi-.tiiiers -re superbly fitted and fur- gusta Watervilie, Skowliegau. Belfast. 50 of a medicine is cer rone w- Inin, Dover and Foxeroft Greenville. -;r.u in the shape at 70*40; July 74* .Manila. nished for p.t-t: md aflord the most Bangor 1 Colton seed, ear lots. OO tH*a 22 IHJ May. saBINK PASS—Sid 1st. sch lhos <» Smith. eonvenlfiit .tn-1 I’UuriaD'.a route between Oldtown and Mattawamkeag. Dr- Greene’s Nervura blood and 1" 1«'» American Tobacco Co., airily | Cotton Seed, bag lot*. M> 1st, sch Young, port Heavy. CHAltl.KS tON-The CotUm market t*Ml»y »u via WaKhtn&ioii K K. Bar Harbor Tork Medium..122 <<12 00 Description. Far Value Fin. ASk«d New York. chronic or lingering diseases. And the closed maid lings 63 *e. I’m St. St. St. Job* t*o « »'anal National Bank.100 00 H'l steady In 1st. sebs Roger Drury. Port Liberty wintii: \i:i: anuenent*. ksport. Stephens. Andrews. lt> of tlir i Heel tight. 10 lo fto port I'olifltiil it lid Social in* Town. Casco National Bank.1«H1 1«>7 lux market dosed L A Plummer, irteret for do; S.f v d Aroostook countv via Vanceboro. Halifax great blessing of this wonderful remedy Heel heavy .11 00 « 11 Oo GALY fc*T«)N—The Cotton for Boston; Bank.. .40 86 37 Newton Creek for ui I *be Provinces. The Saturday night train to I ..neless, half bids. 0 70« 0 Oo Cumberland National quiet; middlings *» 1-1 tie. Linds.t\. ami Mary Laiigdnn. D made all the more sure and certain h > National Bank. loo 101 Carteret for After Dee : ith >t run to Belfast. Dexter. Dover and l.ard i* s and lialf bbl.pure ii'ju liApmau M *• Mil Ills— I lie Cotton market closed Buck»Dort; Blb»ukn*al«r W#i I hern is a wide-spread u-ellng that only that Dr. Greene lo<* to-day from for ro t, or beyond Bangor. Sleeping cars to he people by the fact -tea and half 4% Fliit National Bank.loo mouiii; Evorett Webster, Philadelphia Lard bill,com— a,5 quiet. middlings fe‘4c. ->r. men of the best interests of Merchants’National Hauk—76 jOO lul Salem. John represent ative be consulted and his advice had in « can i.ard Tails, pure 71 7'4 National Trader*’ Bank.100 W7 on Ni.YV »'ltl .1- A NS— The Cotton market closed Steamer White Mountain Division, the new should find a in the aid Tails, O' »» Enterprise eity place > case of disease eouipmmd. For Hand National Bank.100 102 104 easy; middling-* .'>’4'- I'nri*. regard t any absolutely Foreign K13 a. in. For Kridgton, Burling- l.ard—Turn leaf. 0 4 Trust Co.100 135 14 Fabyans, loud of aldermen, and many of the vo or urtlaod MOBILE—i otton market is stead? middlings Jan l. Abner Coburn. leave# ast P..m,:hi ay at 7.15 a. in. Monday. ton. lancasier. SL rilier- fret* of charge, whether you call write. Hama " n* H At llong Kong slips Quebec. Joimsburv. :'orliuiul lias Coinuauy.60 i»6 at 6s4 c. S D< ami I inlay 1 >r Portland. Touch tors are the nomination of llirani thickens 13 Paik, from New York; irl-toii. Amesbury Wednesday nrooke Montreal. Chicago st. Paul and Minne urging Ihi- means u deal to those who 12ji, Foil laud Water Co.100 103 106 Bristol and Harbor. great Fowl 1! SA V AN N AH—The Cottou market closed do. ar !»»•.- 24. for Mono.ulu, to load for Dela- mgatSo. Boothbay apolis and alt points west. Cole and W. .1. for aldermen I";- 1 (irii.iti'j iv.iiiuii V/U. iv/v Stanley hav*' out sums in doctors’ fee?, I4."N. l et*. 2 1 Him—Consols closed decfsltf ALFRED HACK. Manager that good once uoout care It Portland 4s. Hi lft. Funding.loft loft Revere. Mullen, from Hong Kong for New \ ork mmhy at your t ollee Itio, rousted. 11 2H»»3f> aims 4s lool-loi Refunding....loO car for ■'L John. Molasses a 'iceping of and this he will earn and ! 10 *1. Municipal .106 107 ** Pensacola. ml Portland Service. IlfWVJ:?, year in order that he 'lolasses Barbadocs. 2 k « 2 0 ewlstoufts,* HAILING PAV* Of t I. V M still* s. Liverpool Arriva's in l. filings and symptoms, At Cardenas Jan 15, sch Belle from I’ortlan 1 Lewiston 4*. 101 ft. Municipal.105 107 ritOM OR O’Neil, From From turn inty the treasury an amount over is Taislii.s. London Layers. 70..2_ou may write you what your trouble anil ■v ii 4s lOol. Municipal.loo 102 York.. Glbara Fet) 4 Philadelphia. Portland From Bartlett. No. Conway and Bridgton, ft.23 Hnlsius. Loose Muscatel. 0« 7 a Abydos New sch I.Wt-rpool St-amshlps that he earned on the bond? iftft Sid fm FaUrdo. PR .Ian 31, Nantasket. a. an A30 a. in.; ftiOO; $t 0,000 lb Maine Central UK 7a.l012,cous.mtgl3« .. New York. H10 Janeiro Feb 4 in.. Lewiston Mechanic Falls, how it can be speedily cured, member ** Heveltus '.’S * s. till, for FVruandlna. Kell. 8.3% a. m.; Dry Mill and Mackerel. 109 llo leb 4 C>ui ** Watervilie aud Augu*ta. Bangor, over in and that he will ** Numtduui .Portland. Liverpool $500 premiums cured cases •* ai Parrsboro Jau 27. sch Dixon 12 La ure ntlan 4 in. that Le has seen and many 4 4s cons, mtg. .. it 4 loo York.. Amsterdam Feb 4 Cid .Margaret, \u,Mi-ta ;.nd Bocklaud 12.15 p Klugfield, Cod. Shore. 000 4 70 ~ Kdam.New earn on funds turned large 104 20 •Turanian )l Falls into tho '*tts,!OiM,.exten'su.lo3 .. 4 Eastport. liullli's. Bern Is. Kuuiford treasury like In his large and wide sn 1:1.1 shore. 2 2" .. 3 70 ManitOu.New York. Londou .Feb '* tarmlngton. yours practice ist mu 104 2 Feb. A steamer 18 Bndatoo ami a O Portland & Og«i*e gfts.*»oO. 105 Y ork. Jamaica.. Feb 4 Lewiston, li.30 p. m.; Hiram, over some of the Tolloek 2 Ou 3 Alene.New ■» $100 by putting money and he can Informa- 1< f» •j •Bin-in Ayrean Watervilie. give you Portland. Water Co's 4*. 1027 ....103 4 *• (. ,u 220 Madtaua New York. .Barbadoes Feb 4 Mar. discount on taxes and school va lo Castilian Kocklaml and Bam, 5.20 p. dl ; SL (during tion about case which no Make.. 2 o « 2 20 New York Porto Kico Feb 4 Augusta, yjur probably hvelyn RAILROADS. Aroostook Moose- ...... Feb 4 • ■» John. Bar Harbor, on interest it is per box. scaled. b 14 A Her ...... New York Genoa Steamei maracd thus do not carry pas County. cation) tearing deposit, has done. Herring, r«Hl»D HOCI *UrK« Lake and Bangor. 5.35 in.; Itangeley I hysioian yet Mackerel. Shore is.23 00,r 2.> 00 oascogne.New Y'ork. .Havre.Feb 4 sengets Mongolian, > minium and Castilian p. found in up the from 1>K war® the c.osij .u»* 1 iti mlngtou. Kuiuford Falls. Lewiston, 5.45 p. looking reports Mackerel, Shere 2s 21 Ot>«23 OO Tns lollowing Auraula. New Y ork.. Liverpool .Feb 4 carry all classes. m Montreal and all White when bonds 0017 OO ons *f stocks at Boston New York Feb 4 Chicago and to lH'.'O. were sold by the Lai gc 3s.10 spartan Prince. Nap.is.. Bar MAINE PENSIONS. 4s. 711 a 4 KAILS OF FASSAOL. Mountain ft.10 p. m.; from Harbor, Produce. M.-Hemo* Central Brazillt .... New York Hamburg Fab points, that there was no trom Bath an t Lewiston 1.30 treasury, premium — At'ihWoo. iod. **o. It. Dew. 227a .. and Bangor, Washington, •*. Pensions a.haul* Havana.New Yolk Havana Feb 4 ( Al IN. daily February Cranberries, bbl.0 oO«.K 00 ii St. John, Bar Harbor. Water- on tho Cape llo it on »v I Maine.171 New York Havana Feb 8 m a. Halifax. earned the sale of bonds. At th> a Concho • »‘.t .1 40 1 00 __ 1 have been to the following Maine Leans. <10 -Id Per Mongolian or Numidian, $.'>•» and $to, viiie and August*. 3.50 a. m. except Mondays. granted .1 7o« 1 Hi Louis.New York So'amptou. Feb 8 close ot the it W’ill I ans Yellow 1 yes 70 « |*-o ami j .O. A reduction of fi present year la ne entrai.ICO ... 8 <>ot. trains Castilian, #65. GKO. F. V P. Si G. M. appear 1 Western land New York. Antwerp Feb On and alter MONDAY ikf. 1*68. EVANS, people: Means, .liiioruia Tea.1 75« mo cent is allow o on return tickets. Mr. has earned for the men Pacific. York.. Liverpool ....Feb 8 will leave as follows; per k. K. BOOTH BY, G. P. Sc T. A. that Knapp town Means, K< •! Kidney ..2 Oo„2 10 47j* Majestic.New LNCR1.A8E. Oaion Pacific ofu. fto7* filer.New York Barbados ...Feb lo ON Portland. Nov. 22, lfttw. oov24dtf and turned into the over Unions, natives. 2 2. a. 2 7o LEA V E. M < II CABIN treasury $J0uu. vinon* an Hel, .31 ft Caracas.New Yfork Lauuavra Feb 11 Potatoes, bush. t>0a7o For Lewiston and 8.10 a. To Liver Loudou or Au excellent roeoid, so his friends claim. B. liowes, h'ockjxirt, $»• to 110. m.eneaa .agar, .common.Ift3: * Taurantan.Portland.. Liverpool. Feb 11 Auburn, in.. 1.30, pool. Londonderry—f3fi George svsfi-i Potatoes. 2 70 «< 3 00 and 6.00 in. return. .. Palatia.New York Hamburg Feb 11 4.00 p. single, #»«c.6u C HIOINAL, WIDOWS. BTC. Kggtt. I astern fresh. 22« 23 F'or tiorham. Berlin and Islaud 8.10 a. eu p c: ... 0*4 11 Pond. JUDUE McMANNUJS RETIRES « F Bismarck.. .New York .Genoa.Feb sTLEIiAl.E, TO- l.ggs, Western fresh. 2 22 1.30 and 6. m. 00 common. 11 —New York. Havre.'.Feb 11 m., p. Lon- Minor of Benjamin F.Kldridge, Dexter. ► ggs. held. fill Champagne For Montreal and Chicago. 8.10 a. m. and 6.00 Liverpool. London. Dlasgow. Belfast, DAY. Lucanla.New York. .Liverpool Peb 11 or $225o and $10: Almoda Cook, Upper Gloucester, Mutt* r. tauey creamery. 21.< 22 m. donderry Queenstown, ^23.50. Anctioria.New York. .Glasgow Feb 11 p. “.4. Mutter. Vermont 2U«i 21 F'or G.oo in. Prepaid certificate- Today v,itnu>- s the close of Justico Honda. .New York .Kotterdain..Feb 11 Quebec. p. _ New Vork Quotations of Stocks and Hparndam Children under >e.i;s, half fare. Bates to Cheese. N. York and Ver'mt. 12« 13 Feb IP In i; 11 ret Oct. 3. 1999. MoMunu term of office us Justice Flout New'York. Montevideo arrivals. or lrom other ou to T. P. of the ■< 13'/j» (By Telegraph.! point* application ,i« al t'k'vernea. Cheese, Sage Scott*h Prince New York. PTuamhuco Feb IP Mcliowan ,4.D Coiureis Si.. .1 B. heating. .M DEPAKiL'Kts. V Peace and irial Justice 1 uit. of F’rom lvewlston and Auburn. 8.10, 11.30 a. ex-officio. Tho The following are the elosing quotations New York. Liverpool.... Feb 16 Exehamie St or H Jw A. Allan, India St.. Dr. Conan must have some of the Germanic;. III. ; 8.46 and 6.46 p. m. >.3o \ M and no P. M. troin Union Station Doyle BO«< t < 0 New York. .Antwerp Feb L> novHdtt seeks no re appointment and is Lemons.. bonds: Kensington. .1 I*,....I U..rli>. ml a 111 an.l Portland. Me. Mechanic Kalis. BuokAtUL Cam judge the •• ’for Poland, of Sherlock Holim-. 1 ... Dem.tr tra Feb l peculiar nptness t irauges.3 00 u.O Hi 1 raltsman. New York KuuilorU content t » retire on Feb. 2 |FH. 11.30 a. in. and 3.4ft p. in. Ion Dixiielu and Fails. V quite the laurels walks his But. o- detective who pug* Maid wins.yon«.3f»*.» ..12ft «* 1 2* n 8.10 a. m. IC All HOY II v Apples, New 4<. rog. From Chicago and Montreal. and » I.l'j .111'* M- iiviu C1IIUM he now wears. Bretagne. New York .. Havre.Feb is .«•) a. III. >hloh tells us, he refers his idea 10«, 11 N1 \l 1 2'."a 8.43 in. The Bookman Apples.Kvap 4>. eimp.12ft‘-J York Feb 1« p. suit uni for Mechanic Fails and Intermediate .112 112 Etruria.New Liverpool a. the churacti r to an old of m»-d ()>|. mpe in«* aii«< trial. '.,w4s. ivg IS From Quebec. 8.10 m. of professor H I Pretoria.New York. Haiimurg Feb stations. and Centennial oil.. bbl., l.otst K ^ New 4s. coup. II.4 -■ TWAINS. at Kuraford Falls for all ioine at the university Ligonm Marquette.New York. l/onuon.Feb 1H bUNDAY onmM-tions points The tNujaritun ietv mot with Mrs. Edinburgh Hi fined Tctr«.le»im. 12-tst.... h<4 ! l*enver & It. G. 1*1.10»‘4 10M*-a ♦ 4 It. I. It. L. K. ft. Be mis and t- Muff.mi.New York Pern’huco.. Feb 2 For Montreal. Toronto atul on the Including man would sit in the ] ilh' 4* .... 74* a 7fl Quel*eo. Chicago This Pratt's Astral- .. 10V* > ru* iron. ondon Feb 20 the Lakes. Turner ^Wdn- day but \ m Menominee New York iv. oo m. Kaugeley afternoon, room, with a face like a Bed In Half bids lc extra. Mo. Kan. \ Tex.2ds .(.7 4 (J7*4< p. 3 ; « waiting Lain.New York. Bremen Feb 21 For Lew Iston and Auburn. 7..T0 a. m. and m. ; Florida and the South awaiting a fulSr ai oil. 42 a47 Kaii*a* a; Pacific consols. liOOp. * udunue, postponed the as came Linseed York .. Feb2i N(M TIIKKN IIMUUl r. BRADFORD. Tiaflic Manager dinn, ami diagnose people they Nav.lst...118'j 11” Cymric. New Liverpool For Gorham and Berlin. 7..voa. m. and 6.00 p. in. K. Turpentine. oiar'.i Oregon \ ork Feb 22 Portland. Main* until next week tN consideration of some even had thi ir j reutouic.New Liverpool an«l K. ( riug car-. 4 Tea coal, retail. 4,." From Lew bion and Auburn, 8.10 a. m. Alchhon .*> » -wm N. a \ Ik 10 lanuia and 2 The of the des ut the their lives. pfd Augn-t.. receipts Peddlers M .1 * « n t«> 1 liaiH»U»*. to thi stu- Central Pacific. m Pullman Palace bleeping Cars on Night A 1C Iniiinu X “Gentlemen,” he would say " ij STATVN PA>1 3. mau. Parade of the Pythian {sisterhood were (he*. & Ohio. 30s 4 MIN A lit a I FEBRUARY train*. J *; PM ri.l) £ STEAMERS. I am not ct r Hi end I umber. I’ulliiian Ir-.iu n g room Meeting .is dents standing about, quite A Alton ....17ft 172 •• » 4 OO T ■A■*„ much better than Chicago Sunrises. h ... TICKET OFFICE, DEPOT AT FOOT OF ♦ \, w \ k to .!*,-kfoiivlUc. IUmi. < expected. .Somethin* man is a cork cutter or 7fl,KV%l Whitewood— Alton 5U|,r.ll,fcD tain whether this PlitQSUp. ( hleago a pfd Sunsets. ft m 1 4 30 INDIA ST WEE 1. 4 4 ! were No \:\b' * like $*6 realized. A good A I.IMIil 1> Portland & Small Point Steamboat Co. cracker*— 7 1 Bam. -in. |S«a*J' >> lid V. Sill.111. N vv N Indeed. .v llud. ( anal Co.112** 112*a £ f«S 0| illn.' < on one side of his loro linger Com'n. l-u f23*82' j hardening Cooperage. el. lU Augti'Iliic. *‘d Bust Was across the on the outside of shooks 6hda— 1 Vi. 1*442- X dining. ul.M-rva! n- Winter com- m m blowing track of and a little thickening Hhh4 I leaver & 1L G 231 4 22'n »ivc|>. library. < arrangements. llol.eltv. 180*176 iu. hoi42833«r$.v.; 10 IS' liAVh Y Miii|.arnnci»t drawing room -p November 1st. labs. m m the Elisabeth electrics his thumb. That is a sure sign that he is — lf*ft» l..'* \ 1 .A.RIN ikiinmg Cape jester lav, in rBug. count’y 66 *1 00 lV8.1V*5i2-lB Frle.|new. T ingvars. also carrying dravwiu ] Me;line? PUR O Y if or other.” ▼ r.M.m ear* t<» Alk«-n striking contrast with the conditions either the one the ountry Mol. Baps. S28«Sbv sleeping wilt leave Portland Pier. Port- IV I nimu.i Ct-ntral.110s* 11"1 * ♦ ra? Hd OMA MM KoKTIlKMd HI 4 Squares, 833^83* IOKT OF PORTLAND. 11 m. Mondays. one His deductions were very dramatic. blldSUOOKS West.I in 2<> MAKIMi PON N Kt I ION "INI land, at a. B which prevailed just year ago, when tnl Cypress— Lak.Krio* 4 lor bid bdg __ I IO AM) Itld.l; VI. Wednesdays and Fridays he would say to another man, No I42 uakefdiore.-''3 !«0 » E, C. STANWOOD & CO. oLOMAI. 2 of snow was on “Ah,” 1-In 88'’te|3. Feb 2. East well. over a foot the 32 n. S4«2fl M» S THURSDAY. U |-.\PKKH» IKo.M Hoslt*>. 2 Orr* Island. Great Island, ground a a- oitix & Nash. 00 Harp I are a soldier, noncommissioned 81**3 lva.iVs A m Harbor. that “you hug bu36tn llo1« A rived. Knr lufoimatl.'M ral t Astidale. small Point and Lundy's It will be remembered tho big storm la.No 142 $32*5 Manhattan Elevated.114 « and you have served in Bermuda. Hoops 18 ft- 86*30 7 jk (in* KAMI L- '% Return, leave < uody’s llarhor at e.aO a. m., officer, ttu* ; ex lean Central —. 7 Boston. ■»m \ ) p \ yvt ituHii i;> 1 4 commenced abouto’oIock in the even- 3 2 ft. 26**3 2*n. 344-108 Steamer Tremont. TUompso*. and Saturdays, toucb- how did I know that? H • ....116 116 BANKERS ruesdays, Thursdays Mow, E 8 Mil >. ictduau Central Lee New ton, Coleman. Boston, to ■ W S| ln»r,.i, M.i 4 gentlemen, 8 V. *0 Pine-82&s« Soli Mary a-Hlioigl.xi .!!•' at ail landings. if 31 of last and snow- off A, St. Louis 4*1 4C» I A l.l \ s I II VVl A I I 4 ing January year He came into the room without taking Cor dace. Clear piae— Mum. loud tor Calais. J. H. MCDONALD, Manager. A. St. Dfd .. 98 98 I r v .southern K>.. 4 3 o’clook of the next an A li.ei u A* It, 10 AH Cppers .$bb * «1iun. Louis ( SL 4S-tf. fell up to day and it his hat, as he would go Into orderly 4. * * Cleared. -JTI l*c A> N \ Oilioe, 15* ommsrclal Telephone Manilla... M1 v as, *.*1 Select.$4bfttu issourl Pacific.47‘*i il A (I dtf took two or three days of the hardest room. He was a soldier. slightly au- vanilla Dot* Fine common .842 <1*. New Jersey Central.lOPa 102 Steamship Manhattan, Bennett. New York— 121 DEVONSHIRE ST. .1 L. ADAMS. 4 133la i. 1 v 1 « a r 1. 1 with .... 00*10 r*l4 \e\v 134 J F Llscomb. M *ind of work to clear the truck. And thoritative air, combined his ago. tfrope Kpruoe. 8J3 York Central 4 yet do. 18 *r8va Horn Chi & St. lauds. 16 1»» Steamer Enterprise, Race South Bristol and that he was a noncommissioned eussia iocs.811£ York, •ven evidence than this must shows *' 76 731 bav. stronger Lo ifai. * Clapboards— New York. C. A; St Louis pf.. Booth »»«♦♦«♦«♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ on his forehead tells me ; 6.-» Huston—J H BOSTOR officer. A rash com 61 Sch Lillian Norwood. Blake, MASS. to make the Drnrt aadDye*. ppruoe. X.832«.:>. oi them Pacific •* BOSTON, LlW vdduoed thoughtful observer to u cer- ... 12 t leaf.228 e,;. sen Hello Bartlett, Miller. Bar Harbor—8 H he was In Bermuda and subject Acid Oxalic. Northern Pacific pfd. so *o the weather believe that the climate tart.3 Id e.ear. *2.’>jt2 A A R Doien. tain rash known there.” Acid $<8 »ri liwesteni.14**1 14i‘ only Ammonia.10*20 No l.U6e Sch John M Fisk, Nutt. Llucolnville—Paris here in the long run is in fact | Nniliwestern old.lt'O lt‘l IRS changing. a shea. d* * I ine.8*b£ Flouring Co. pot at. vN West. *22"'» INVESTMENT BONDS & Worcester Line. bals couabia. .66*'-. shingles— 20*‘Vi4 s Sheikh. Portland TH E BO WLING TOU RN A MEN T. heading 221 is SAILED—Steamer beeswax.37*43 cedar .. .* 74*3 |X ll.s k Island.1»S in Blch powuers... 7«*p Clear cedar .2 ftOM lhe Hart com- KKOM OUll COHKKMPOXDK.NTH. Portland’s, Captain Horax. 10*11 IX No 1.1 86*2 i^aul.»«•. LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION PORI LA .111 & ROCHESTER it. R. I ,®" Feb 2—Sid, schs Har- bowled the A1 ( rlmsione. .3Vs* No cedar .1 lb.*'. .1. aui pfd .1®*, BOOTH HAY HARBOR. lawsattf octl5 manding, Grangers, Uupt, .. JJ * I oof of Prebli* ***f. m. Paul 3k Omaha odV* old J McCarty. McKown. New York; Elliot L Elation < ochlneai.40#4.3 ittpi uoe.1 26Vi 6i 1 *0 Alllard. evening with the M. Paul Si Omalia pfd. 170 s Cove for do; U H (iiiiiiiu alter Monday. Oci. 3, x*J\ Wednesday Copperas.... IVsa 'i Lai4s.speo..l BO.a.2 t> Dow. PiukhMUi. Hakiiet Passenger Eieeu**d. i. Minn. A Maim. Robinson. St John. SB. lor Boston, An- trams will Leave Portland: Dally Mm*. Sunday* re-ults: 1st game, Grangers; < reamiarta3 l.lme—Cement. 20 4 Perry. following l'ex as Pacific..... 2U*fc nie Portland. ertrude Abbott, and For Worcester. Clinton, Ayer Jim*’tlon, IIHKIM h x ion wood .... 12*1 b l.ime.M csk. 86*? Sargent, Nashua, THI srw »SD HUTUL ... 80 SO1 a at 7.30 a. m. and 2nd gaiue, Portland; 3d game, Grangers; Qum&rsblc. .70*1 82 ICemenu... .1 2.'i* I ulon Pacific pfd. Richard Roaming. Philadelphia. Windham and Kppiug LL3C P h> M a tehee. Wabash. In port. lug. schs David Davis. Davis, lor p. m. .otals, Grangers l*7„\ Portland s 12 3 divt-enne SO (ft -J*7 Coucoru and bf aliasii pfd 23 Washington, J .1 Moore Chadwick. HnggelU For Manchester, points North al Aioosicapo.16*86 jst*.,4? gross l*1 Friday two tetm will lino STOCKINGS 8 Boston & Maine.171’ a ow or New York; Ellen M Holder. Piarge, 7.30 a. nr. and 12.J0 p. uu BAY STATE AND TREMOMT, evening up .-... tDlrliro. g ( anipboi .:><)« ion s, w York and New Eng. pf. loo lor do; Annie K Kimball. KDa* JlcVICAVS Kochester. Allred, Water Deuded Frank Willard and v von.. 62* 6fi liTorest Cltv.b< Poole’s Lauding For Spring?ale, alternately leave Franklin Wharf. Port- respectively by 2«'0 200 1 and baco Kivur al ".A) a uu. LL30 auc are »ld Colony. ball, tor do; Win Keene, Hathawav. Cutler isr boro land. Evening at 7 o'clock, arriving in always uniform Ooium.. ..3.7.'> Metal* lo® i in. every Vi. N. Trefethen. Vilnius Express. l08‘t Portland. A3o p. M-ason for connection with earliest trains fof in size. Once shellac.35*40 copper— Vmericaii Express.141 14o For Gorham at 7 Jo and fc.4fea.ua, U.30, A04 your eeflo ... ©1 eb 2—Cld. sch Win Keene, listha _ ... lndlao.8bc*$i l l4*g-48 6fi oo CUTLER, I 6.3'- and 6310 p. m. points lteyoud. 2. s. Express. tickets for Providence, Lewell* size Iodine.... 3 Co* 3 8o rounuea eoooer. way. Portland. For Cumberland Mills, Westbrooi Through The Ladies circle of tho M. K. always your Bolts. lt>« lias.114 Y OF Westbrook, Wsrcsit*'. New York, etc. O l]1' OPIUM ota ’eople ELIXIR People’s Ipecac.2 Junction and Wacdiurds at 1JM, fc.4fea.ua, 60 *>9 1 leave India Wharf. Boston,every size. will out- l icorice, rt. 16a80 1Y M sboaia.... 1 loinostake. KXCHAXOK DESPATCH Kg. 6-3.1 and tL30 u. Returning ihuroh met yesterday afternouu with Mrs. They f ® Is a of the which its 12JJ0. 3.00, p. Y Bolta... 1 rtario. fi preparation Drug by at 7 o’clock. .. Morphine...2 0*2.0 M Aral Hamburg 2 1. steamer Assyria, from The *; ¥' p. in. uam tro:n Portlanu ©onnecu Eveiling OctAVia Pickett street. Pacific Mall 6fi arc while tho val- J. F* L1SCOMB. Munster Fitch, <*>11 bervannus 76(5 8*0 iltotoms.22&:: njurious effects removed, 1 at Junction with “lioosac Tunnel Koute” uliman Palace.15* Portland. Ayer 8epL mu N or.< odliveriioc « 226 luges.... Billi 1®°, steamer fin medeclnal are retained. It lor West auu at I’uiou Worcester, The monthly meeting of the Epworth 1.^4* * Ar at Southampton Feb 2. Paris, uable properties 1 the Station, Amerlcau do $1*)! 8o Tta— sugar, common.133s* lor New via Providence Oa * New York. the sedative and anti- ! Providence and Vork, was held last a cabi- •• 2o AYsteru Union. W6f*s possesses all anodyne 1 eaguc evening with Lemon.... 1 wia 2 iO Straits.. Feb steamer Line’ lor Norwich and New York, via "Nor Aral Liverpool 1. Californian, but no ut Southern By pfd. spasmodic powers of Opium, produces wieh Line*’ with Boston and Albany ILK. foi net- meeting 7 o'clock. Olive.1 00*8 60 St Joun. Ml. via HalUax. HARPSWELfsTEAMBdAT CO. t" no co< auu with Uie New kork all rail via O Ar at Liverpool 2d. steamer Teutonic, from sickness of the stomach, no vomiting, Uiu West, I VERSA LIST UNION SERVICES. Peppt.175468 IcS^To."’■' if Iteatmi I'rnduo* Market. Nov.«. 1S9H, steamer Auooclsco UN W 6*200 CllSt. LX.. (.7 New York. tiveness. no headache. Iu acute nervous di< “bprlngtield.” UeglunluK Lnargreenl 0<)-3S in.N Eel*. 2 1899—Th* follOWiDR are \ Xrains arrive at Portland frotr. Worcestei Kill leave Portland Pi«r. Portland, daily. Sun Potass br'uiae. 6* 4< C It“m.6 Aral Funchal 2d, steamer Augusta ictoria. aud is recom- Rev. W. W. the State Univer orders it is an Invaluable remedy, 1 from Kocnester at s.30 a in., 1.30 at -’.uO p. in. fur Lon* Island. Hooper, Chlorate.leave Antimony... ijmy .a Uimii* Jl Provisiou*. etc., New York lor Henoa. at lJW p. m.; days excepted. .47*gbO from the best and 6,-ks in.; from Gorliaui at A40, AJQ and Little and (Iroai Cholic ague. Cliff Island, ttonlti »*list minister, preached u most interest- Iodide.8 632(3 7 ia above Arrive Portland V.ao Sost evening, and the ud Hhenbarn, rt.7*o*l 6b I Valle. patents. Memoranda. E. FERRETT, Agent. i South to F. McUlLLiCUULiV, landings. tonight closing » apply lien. Maa who are also headquarter* for ltt snake.3»#4C ICaek.cLbasol (>.<41 8 iear anu straight. 3 35 4 lO. YOIIK. a. UP IsAIAif UA.MtL, tress of the series will be delivered “UjMo- Boston, Feb 2* sch Faunie Fhut. which was S1» PLAKL AT., NKW Agent. lortuua,^ by Saltpetre...... off Id j wire. .1 ‘.*6g2 „t lira mid oo. a w. UAV1S. hup. atpMtf ruu luiu by schs Win A1 Bird and cut down, Ret >uel, Wis.LUurui lev. W. B. Townsend. Date” styles in fashionable neck w*if. Senna..S6ff3C I Naval Stereo. me aud supers—. I

• Miff ADTRIITHEMim I ADTCRTJMffllffWT*. REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES* | THE PRESS. BILL Will B* Held In V*»rfl*ni1 «nll, ni the spec Cents, ahall I* divided Into nine wards, Peering, until the city council shall of them shill end. oourt enlarged Sect. 1 d. The Peering municipal in which he ►aid that lal sale of avenue, New York city. Alisa Worcester council have re- otherwise graceful speech price and until the city shall provide. beet. 0. All upon whom taxes is beret y abolished, but for the warrants for the first ward persons purpose would work has for the past two years been teaching vised the ward lines in the manner pro- Sect. 6. ihe have been legally assessed by the city of >nly of closing the business the Hearing Republicans vided ward shall oonslst of meidings In said wards eight and nine and who have not the pendingof this to with their brothers best nl a private deaf pupil in Caribou. by law, eight Doering, paid [herein at the time of the approval shoulder shoulder The quality #1.00 Whip- that of the of shall be made returnable by tbu constable same, shall be to make of the part city Peering lying required puyment »ct, the entire jurisdiction thereof, civil in Portland and could be relied to cords In tour of ilie latest color- 75 Net. Superintendent Herbert Grand the to some voter In each upon Cents, westerly of the following described line, posting same, I hereof to the several collectors to whom *ud criminal, shall be conferred upon the nl and do their share of the work also. He ex- ing. Trunk left for Montreal yesterday viz. beginning on Back Bay at a point of said wards designated by the municipal warrants for the collection of said taxes municipal court for the city of Portland oiln-ers of Portland, who shall call said Inspector Hanna of the same line arrived. where the center of Pearl street in said have been issued, and said collectors shall which court shall Issue all executions or plaiued the conditlou of utlairs in Hear- Portland if extended would Intersect the ward meetings to order for the election by ovir the same to the treasurer of the Fancy woven >ovelties, Baya- Hon. Charles A. Curran of Calais, W. pay yther processes necessary to cany into ef ing and was assured by vote of the Port- line of Portland; ballot of a warden to preside at said of Portland. drain dere I’rav rse and Plain Stripe* 75 Net. present boundary open city Unpaid sidewalk, reotfany judgment, order or decree of said that whatever the Cents, Wallace and wife, together with and a watd and the land committee Hear- Waugh thence In a straight lln# across Back Bay meeting, clerk, and sewer assessments legally assessed by Peering municipal court court. All oom- It out ijtl.Ma to and clerk so elected shall decided wa* the l»est several Boston hotel men. Dr. and Mrs. to the centre of Chenery street In the city warden qualify the city of Doering shall be collected In plaints, civil suits, recognizances, appeals ing committee way the centre of Chen- and all the duties devolving manner the O’Neil of Biddeford and Mr.and Mrs. A. of Peering; theDoe by perform up- the provided by Deering In civil or criminal cases, and all other to conduct the caucuses in Wards H and Fine kersey kuifiiiK* that are I warden and ward clerk under tbe ery street to the centre of Ocean street; on the charter and ordinances, and the city of civil or in Morrison of Humford Falls are at the processes, criminal, (tending y would be acceptable to the Portland riglil In style mid quality ut 1 ‘.’t 75 Cents. Net. E. centre of Ooran street to of law. The necessary ballot have the same eu- thence by the provisions Portland shall rights to i»id Peering municipal court, shall be reduc'd lor this sale lo hotel. election clerks for wards anil committee. per yurtl, Falmouth the centre of Forest avenue; thence by and eight furce payment of said taxes, and side transferred forthwith to the municipal centre nine shall tie according to law These were registered at the Preble the centre of Forest avenue *o the appointed walk, S“Wi»r and drain assessments as the court for the city of Portland, be entered of Pleasant street; thence the centre the otliccrs of the city of of would have had but for ilARHOR Chas. by by municipal city Deering an tho docket thereof, and bo heard and MONTREAL COMMISSION- to save t 50 cents on a house yesterday: Hekielberger, Stevens Portland. j Tlil» is an actual chance jn» per yard of Pleasant street to the centre of the passage of this act. disposed of as If originally entered in said H. K. Mahon, H. Bernstein, Frank of eject. <• From the lists of voters now ERS. if or tomorrow. Plains avenue; thence by the centre beet. 10. All rights, contracts, claims, municipal court for the city of Portland ; house or sireel sown buy today W. F. A. Geo. Plains avenue to the centre of In the several wards of Peer- Church, .1. Owen, Russ, Stevens registered immunities, privileges and franchise' ind all writs petitions, warrants, and all The Harbor Commissioners are in re- and street; thence by ‘he centre of ing. the board of registration of Peering | returnable to said L.. Burnside,New York; B. B. Moore Spring which might be exercised by the city of processes whatever, of a letter from the Montreal Har- street to the centre of Brlghtou shall prepare two new lists, one to con- ceipt A.S. Ellsworth, Mechanic Spring Deering may be exercised and enforced Piering municipal oourt shall be return- wife, Bangor; thence the centre of tain the names of all voters whose 1 bor Commissioners, expressing their street; by Brighton by the city of Portland us Its successor; able to and be entered on the docket of F. A. Newton, Mass.; to Westbrook and residence is within the limits Falls Barrow'?, street the city line; registered and nil privileges, exemptions and im- wild municipal court for the city of Port* thanks for the attention shown them at ward nine shall consist of that of of said ward eight which list shall be the Chus. H. Adams, Limerick; Geo. K. part munities grunted by the city of Deering land, and shall Lo heard and disposed of the time of their visit to Portland last the of lying oi said list of voters for said ward j YARD Bath. city Peering easterly registered shall remain binding upon the oily of iu said municipal oourt for the city of 47c PER Hughes, so and the other to contain the names month. line. Fach of these wards constituted eight, Port‘and. Portland as if originally entered therein. Walter returned — FOR ... Mr. Camp yesterday shall have the same form of organization of all voters whose registered residence is Abe decisions, orders and They also have another from Canada beet. 11. the of the inaugu- judgments, after a visit to Lakewood. and the same in the city within the limits of said ward nine, Upon day at very enjoyable representation of the and council to decrees of the Supreme Judicial court, inquiring the extent of exports from thi« and in the school committee which list shall be tbe list of registered ration mayor city were at the government any law term, mode hi cases originating The following registered de- be elected on the first Monduy of March, and the facilities for pro SILK FACED VELVETS. of Portland as each of the other war ts of voters for said ward nine, anil shall in said court shall be port, shipping Windsor A. M. Green, C. U. A. as herf inn before Peering municipal yesterday: said so that hereafter the number liver said new lists together with their D, 1899. provided, ducts to Europe together with such facts olty, certified to tho recorder ot the municipal 25 no block, re- W’m. G. board of shall records to the board of of the control and superintendence of the Colorings, Berry, Boston; Brown, Auburn, oonst.ituiting the aldermen registration court for the city of Portland. All records as can be furnished regarding terminals present schools of Deering shall l-e dact'd lo James Moore ami San Fran- be nine, the number ooiistltuting the Portland at least twelve days prior to the public court and tie- X. H.; wife, vested in the school committee of Port- of the Peering municipal common council shall be twenty seven, next election, and thereafter cisco James municipal custody of the same, shall be transferred ; L. Bronson, Bangor; Smith, tie as iu the land to the* same extent and in tlie same Coughs and colds, down to the very PER YARD. and the number constituting the school changes therein may made to the recorder of the munlolpal court for 17c J. J. Biddeford. In other Portland manner as are other public schools of borderland of consumption, yield to th* Bangor; McKinley, committee shall be ten. lists of registered voters the city of 1'ortlund to whoso attestation ----- Portland, and the school facilities now soothing healing influences of Hr. W’ood’> fciect. 3. On the first Monday in March wards. of the aine, or their contents, full faith furnished by the city of Deering shall not Norway Pine Syrup. ART SALE AT LIBBY’S. I in the year of our Lord, one thousand Sect T. Upon the approval of this act, shall be DOUBLE bo hereafter curtailed or ami the given. eight hundred and ninety-nine, and there- all the city property of Peering together ubrldged ward’s school in shall be continual It’s Mr. Clarence Bay twenty after annually, the qualified electors of with all city moneys in the hands of the high Ihering Sect. 14. Until the uext apportionment on at least an as to for the the iu Bostou wholesaling earn of said nine wards shall ballot for treasurer thereof, or under his control, equality privileges of representation legislature, years’ experience with suid school as at three common the the of Port- and standards inhabitants of said wards eight and nine *-- to rice of the mayor, om alderman, liecomes property of city previous becoming president maintained, and as a branch of to one to oounoilmen, a warden and a clerk, and land, and the city of Portland shall as- present shall be entitled representative, J. R. that lets him Into the Portland hiuh school. Libby Company two constables, on one Lallut in the man sume all obligations of the city of Peer- present be elected bv said Inhabitant* a meetings that an ordi- held In the wards. many a golden opportunity, tier provided by law. At said election lor ing then existing, and all indebtedness Sect. 12. All official records and docu- n*spective electors of shall like both and and shall ments In the city of shall be nary buyer would never disoover. He US'.ni the ward eight temporary bonded, Deering S«*ct. 15. All acta or parts of acts In wise ballot for a member of the school provide for the payment thereof according transferred from the several departments knows just where the'pocketa of merchan- consistent herewith are hereby repealed. committee to serve for one year; and the to the terms tinder which said Indebted- to which they respectively belong to the and the easiest Sect. 16. This act shall take effect dise-ore arc richest, pro electors of ward nine shall likewise ballot i ncis was comracteu. corresponding departments In the city of up- on approval. cess of mining for it. He has just brought for a member of the school committee to J >ect. b. Until the inauguration of the Portland, and the production, attestation to light nice hundred beautiful pieces of RINES : BROTHERS : CO. and four hundred colored Art-Cnt-Work, 1 whist i»arty Wednesday afternoon, the At a mooting of the Portland Naval Alls. Koarn* is charged with stealing photos which are offered at a trifle above BRIEF JOTTINGS. ; proceeds to go towards buying a picture Reserve association held last evening it the money of Wormwell and will be ar- Prices. half See the J. R. ad. In price. Libby 1 for the of Mi- was voted to hold the at hwett's raigned on that charge today In the mu- Special department another column. According to tbe old saw as Candlemas primary .the banquet fiohool. Yoster afternoon hotel on the evening of February 14th. nicipal court. Day was fair and bright this year, “win- Clellup lay Mrs. another the Tickets for this affair be had of VIRGIL CLAVIER SCHOOL RE- ter will take another flight Chenery gave party, may DEATH OF A PORTLAND DENTIST. CITAL. the next proceeds to go towards a picture for the the chairman of the dinner committee, We have several extra tine The W. C. T. U. will bare News, Va.. February 2.— Wil- school The attendance at the K. Stevens at Lovell's Anns com- Newport 'I hn^ a. hnjw nrlv1lt>ffH it WAD XXi listen course of Civic Talks this afternoon at Uutler Ueorge liam S. a dentist of Portland, SHOE Jewett, PALMER COr i was which was 3 No. 30 Oak street; this talk party large. pany. to the line piano recital, given p. in.,at Me., who came South accompanied by his At the last of the Mitt* liertbu Frost of at the will be or onr sclmols. quarterly meeting by Deerlng WHAT A SMALL BOY DID. wife, for the benefit of his health, died mehxts This at the Beainen’s board of police examiners, Joseph A. handsome rooms of Prof. Kankin, enjoyed evening Reading today nt St. Vincent’s hospital. 'lho McIntosh took and examination* Miss Frost has a room, the officers and men of tbe steam- passed ia tiro shoe-store a rare treat. remarkably Il« Told n Story to tin- I'ollor Whlc li remains were taken to Portland tonight l'here'U be a merry time tomorrow, of ns an for u| as a line broad and linn, and beautiful- ship Lycia will gi\e an entertainment applicant polntment - are touch, l.r«l l«» III* Mother** Arrr»t. for interment. wlieu If I r\ Nippers given mnaio and patrolman Lined %#|/"*| delicate when The following readings. Mink ownera- ly required. the Dolls ! W ■ iVU# >° th,ir K'rl a seizure The artesian well on the government BATH, 7; ROCKLAND. 2. Y is the programme: The liquor deputies made yes- .Sometime alter Daniel of children, and the cheeriest chattering at No. 5? Center street. re-ervat ion,Cushing’s island, has reached yesterday noon, Bath. Curtis's If you enjoy tho happy laughter Preludes Nos. 4 and 7. Mazura, terday February 2.—Despite Mr. Robert Chopin, a of about 220 feeei without strik- Worm well went to the house of Thoma* can make, this is your opportunity. Op. 33, No. 4 The Portland Relief committee held a depth illuetr, though playing, Rockland was that a storeful of delighted g.rls Baoarolla water. Mr. Trask that it and Kllen Kearns on Clark’s court to' 1 IC1 KII). Jensen, yesterday afternoon. ing says may no match for Bath tonight. The work H. Koerderer makes the only genuine jueeting to* Liszt, lhe Le to down about 300 feet make a call. When he went into the a and a doll to tire store Nightingale' James 11. McDonuld of the necessary go j of the home players was very good. OVERCOATS, who comes with parent brings Bercbuksd Manager Every gill Schytte, he was sober and had in his doll. & Small Point Steamboat com- to secure a supply at equate to the de- house $to 2. shall have a of real Vici Kid Slippers for the Mills, Etude—Fairy Fingers Portland Score, Bath, 7; Rockland, Stops, morrow, pair i mauds. inside A few hours later he 2C. Fouls, Tier- a bear hunter, but Lack, Valse pany, has returned from a business trip pocket. j Cntimun, •'*?; Mallory, A.\D- You kuow some dolls' tracks would frighten of the house tilled with Referee. Connolly. Attendance 400. Klruif, Spring Song a Wednesday morning a in this city came out upon iuy. to New York, lie Is negotiating for j lady never mind how odd the feet are or how large, bring dolly along; Roman za $ohutt, for his line for the lost a 11 ne coon cat in u most shocking beer anti minus the motley. When be measure the feet Valse new ateamer coming we’ve a lot of sizes all ready, but if necessrry we’ll Hear, himself somewhat he win/ and within a few weeks will way. During the night the oat crawled reeoveied com- Si Liszt, R; kocz March Rummer j al"1 mako sPeolal slippers to fit them. to this into the oven of the cook stove, evident- plained to tiie city marshal that he bad make a definite arrangement end. j Yes, both marshal sout an Seal i0t of trouble and a lot of cost for us, say you? it was a warm and coniform been robbed. The officer Alaska \ KIPLING ARRIVES?. The Little Women will meet at U3 Free [ ly because ^ bio In the the to the house of Mrs. Kearns who told but we shall get it back again from the — 30. from place. morning lady trouble and cost, New York, February L\ Rudyard Ivip street, Saturday at '£ Quotations those who arrived ! made a Are in the stove. She heard the h*r If she didn't give up the money she ling was among on the ShouldHood’s be in every family Longfellow. mourner from this cat but couldn’t make out where was to have to Worm Majestic Liverpool The hand organ man thinks spring hat | cry supposed belonging medicine chest and every morning she was. Later when she tht well she would be arrested. Mrs. Kearns traveller’s grip. They are come He was about the streets jester opened Invaluable when the stomach stove door the oat was found burned tc denied any knowledge of the ami COATS, o’ the Green." money day playing “The Wearin' in out of order; cure headache, bflionsoeas, and seen remember tht I death. claimed she had not It. ail liver troubles. Mild and efficient. &> cents. Kid will Vici Members of the liar I of com marshal turned the case in Inches services for the late Hon. k. The boaixl registration will The city over *>? 33 Ions, memorial bought from inence its sessions on 20 to Marshal who sent we shall make the next Vici Kid, Radley Freeman and Hon. Byron D. February Deputy fcturllDg which we will sell nt re- Shoe sales during year—Genuine man in all the The bundle Pine Com Officer to the house with or- Ue makes Vici Kid. He is the only U.S. CONSUL to be held in the Supreme Court party given by Thompson j Mr. Robert U. Koerderer. Verrill, duced case |>i'ice*. to make it, he named CURED OF U. O. of l O. L. Wednesday eve- ders to investigate the The woman can Viei Kid. He discovered low room Saturday. lodge, Hay’s world who make genuine a that she knew kid skins on Dia- ning was complete success, both linan told the officer nothing He Ians more than little million* young every The harboi fortifications Great As Mink lias advanced 35 pel it, lie keeps the secret. and a sum about the but shortly after he had mond Island will be augmented next sea dally socially, good being money Liquid into Vici. house Mrs. Kearns year out -on realized for the treasury. Cake anc left the came run- and Alaska Seals 30 cen home that we send ECZEMA by the erection of two six-inch rapid Cold cent, per It is to got a of tho real Vici Kid into every the street and told sample lire Several sites for location punch were served duriug the evening ning out Into the po If we cannot fit its feet grins. the those pretty slippers. Don’t fail to bring your dolley. will an no u her little had Cream. Sales Dec. ISOS of this new are under considers The next meeting be I porta Uceinan that boy fonud a at the London 15, ‘.battery with the slippers in slock, we will mak a pair to measure. as it is and arrange bill the side of a chair tion by the government engineer ir one, degree night $20 by rocking Cold Mr. Koerderer, to preserve leather Marshal Hay's Liquid a of $100.00 can b« A nBf 00IUA was made by and nnd estimates will soot incuts are to be completed for the enter in the kitchen. Deputy sterling saving nearly If] I charge, plans roam soothes ami make it soft and durable. to be IfllEddli’JU and forward to for tuinment of visitors on March 15. ordered the woman arrested nnd Mr. Villi go Washington early ap heals. It is a blend- made a now the little were by purchasing garment the and CUTJCURAand ordered a in order that work com The Christian Kndeavor society of th< Kearns and boy also tak- renews the finish, brightness, keeps I had an attack of Eczema, proval, may be of the liana F!£ia 10 ll ointment. The tint ing healing off nor soil box of oxide of zinc menoed with the of West Congregational church will observi en to the police station, reduced fron the new look. Neither will rub lhe Eczema to hell-tire, opening spring. Electric Seal Jackets VSbl SJiJLi$n application changed then told the of The was a small lire in ‘Christian Kndeavor by a t The little boy deputy that qualities almonds, do not soften, but retain which seemed unquenchable. druggist There Mr. Join Day” specla the whitest skirt. Vruler rubbers or in the wet, they used a ram id cerate aud 1 was told his war and other emo- io had |*>laoned. Adams' stable in a lane frou service this evening The address wil I he had been by mother, when he $45.00 and $40.00 down $3J.0C in our store dress,s shoes, to show A local did not heir* matters, and leading the dressiness of the shoe. A ladies’ maid physician in from eliding after the officer lieuta, with quinco. everything either failed to help, or made it Mountfort street yesterday, caused bj be delivered by Kev. Mr. K. K. Purdy came had was when I the second Excellent after shav- to close them out. liow. fret* »*f charge. worse, 1 liecotning «lesj*erate, rubbish in the basement fire. Thi pastor of the Friend*’ church and presi been to the house time, to say of CUTICURA Rkmeoum, and dis- taking thought Kndeavo he had found the $20 bill in in my servant for a cake of CiTictRi (lames were put out by the chemical dent of the State Christian that the ing, delightful box of Ceram a of the Kitched>ak and a (ointment). Tlie annual of the Home foi Union. The is most cordially in kitchen by the side rocking chair. odor, pleasing in re- The relieved Me and in three | meeting public first application 1 said that his mother had thru* 1 was well. Friendless Bovs will be held this after vited to attend this service. The boy thrown sults. 35c a bottle. PULASKI F. HYATT, United States Consul. } bill on the iloor the side noon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. M. E. Mac Ai the meeting of the Portland Helie f the by of the Dec. 13, IStfT. Santiago de Cuba. t chair and he had it us the Gregor, 2ttfi Sprlug street. committee held yesterday the ainoun picket! up told d i’rcs Si. Sold throughout the world. Potter D.A o Co bp.. Sole co* a » was at IUU. him to 0««2Mti8p shoe Ur*. matins contributed _I trvfk,Uuetoa. "Horn toCunUic WorvtLvxcm*, [ Mrs. W. A. Chtaery gave given fb, Balkier ,7 »


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