- • DAILY PRESS. 9_____ PORTLAND 1 ———■—— ^—__——.^———r* PORTLAND. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3. 1899. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1MS-TOL 37. MAINE. IgSTKA^lia_PRICE from the Cuban assembly Judge Stearns asked If Mr. Williamson (SPECIAL SOTIf’R*. CURRENCY LEGISLATION. gallon military SPECIAL NOTICES. which went to Washington In Deoemter TRANSFERABLE MILEAGE. knew anything about a practice com SHALL FOX IX MAINE. mu, WILL HELP. nod has returned to Cuba. of in 1 Msb- recently plained Bangor where disclosure NOTICE. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Republican Members mt Congress The late Ueo.Callxto Garcia told Presi- LEGISLATIVE com miss loners were called In flora *ur dent that sum would be suffic- The 'Committee on Affairs will rive a Ing Plans for Future. McKinley Tlw ( ommitle* on Judiciary Legal Assool rounding towns to hsar case*. Mr. Wil- g” Home lu in lta room at the btate House ient. The correspondent of the hearing* In IM room at tlia State hearing fmbllcn Augusta, at«*d Press learns that the delegation liamson said he knew of no such practice. Augasia aa follow*: p u 8.—Ths Republi- •>«'** Washington, February was examined Mr. Porter for the Pres- «f Mesisiir** at Tuesday, Feb 7. |*» at ‘. Thursday. March 2,1899. at £30 o’clock p. m. by Supporters Work in A letter was read by Judge Smith cf Acts to remedy"2, Seven. 1 can imdbber* of the House of Cuban in Disband- a was submitted No. «« Oo aeyeral proposed I of Over- Watrrville and Winslow Have Representa- I/adfr io Assist ident ana that report B*1 On an aot to create a Hoard the committee from Judge T. W. Voee of delect. In tbe Aintr»b»" p seers of the tives In next caucus to determine which has not yet been mnde public al 2.30 o clock J w. I of the Poor In the Workhouse tonight Earnest. Thursday Feu. 2 1(99 Tbs In It, as to Bangor. Judge Voee wrote that it had amendment to an Act City of Portland. a course In to framing figures given supplied No 77 On a propo»ed lawn. upon of action regard Press of DUetaPW. ing Army. lhe correepondent of the Associated coroe to his knowledge that a proposition reUHng totirn .SlSmtmen. C«je LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. 1 nanclal legllatlons most of the prominent here called for as lbs today $67,000,000 bad been made to a Bangor disclosure on the side of the first estimate of tbs delegation; but the ■SS8BS will rive a figures Republican j’SJSurT^^•»wSiSfa k 11 * The Committee on i.egal Affairs less and commissioner by an that the aud m g House Reed delegates said they would take attorney ureCommfesloi.crs and abolishing£.r imprison-j* or[9o£ public heai mg m lu room at the State chamber being preeent. Speaker LEGISLATURE AT LAST HAS REAL court* of Disclosure, In Augusta, BT STATE tetera* a letter to aoknowlsdgsd they oould hardly sxpeot com mine loner Would get the attorney'* for debt INVESTIGATION MADE did not attend, having prsv lonely made writes tlmn ment _ better for the Cuban privates Tuesday. Feb. », 1899, at £30 o’clock p. m. pay FIGHT OS ITS HASDS. business 11 he would hold the debtors another engagement. the Americans privates get, whloh Is $13 notice. No. M. On an act to amend section 17 of BOARD OF HEALTH. XrKISLEY. The commissioner declined and another legislative of the (KKSIDEST a month or 48 cent of tbelr figures, chapter 18 of the Kevised statute* relative to General Urosvenor chairman per will give a American basis would mean commissioner gets that attorney's busi- Tbecommlttee on Judiciary public clearing snow from the sidewalks in clties.l and Mt. Ren nett of New and the at the State House In Au- caucus, presided, As the sum to hearing touts room March 1899. at 2 30 o’clock p. m. $0,000,000 for private*. ness. 1**9. at o’clock p. Wtduesday. l. as to snooted gusta Tuesday. Feb. 7, *:» York, was chosen secretary be Is worth more than $4,000,000 The Abase tf the Dlirloinre ( omtnla. section 1 of t 201 No. 64 On a o' P. II. Gillen and 30 paid That Indicates, said Judge .Smith, that iil on an act U) amend bapier petition After Consultation Local lie Will Be 6lad to and sliver oearly half of the ISM to section 3» of chapter with Pbysl- Mr. Hooker, resigned. lay* Cooperate In Spanish here, of the and special law* of relating others lor amendment Representative basis •tonrr Law t»et« «n Airing In Ihe there is a commissioner down there who private in relation to the Henderson of Iowa the following amount calculated on the American to Brldgton ( abler Village 79 of the Revised Statutes clanB Annonncement That (Small presented Will VUIt Uca. Brooke at Havana— Corporation_ practice of resolution which served as a text for all Is to be realised by the Cubans. House— Alreree llrpnrt nn Morey will agree in advance to hold debtors. law.___ Pox Kxlated Waa Authorised**State* 13,000.000 To Be Dlatrlknted Among the letter to notice. the discussion of the evening: Immediately after writing Bill. I for legislative NOTICE. General ad- Insurance suppose proceedings impeach• LEGISLATIVE ment Dr. Smith. Keeolved tbet a committee of eleven Cuban*. President McKinley, Gomes by ■tent would lie in such case, observed The Committee on Legal Affair* will give * House of Repre- dressed the following letter to Mr. Porter: Th. umlwrl.nd Coaly l>*l»H»tlon will glv» members of the present TO THE bearina n Its room at the Stale House (ummltiee of the frfvth 1.— Hon. Robert P. Porter: [STKCIAL THEM.] Stearns a public hearing 1“ Hie loom of the Augusta, Fabrurmy 3.—A apoclal to the sentatives who are members Reined Ion, Santa Clara, February Judge Wednesday, Feb. 15. l»99, at -90 visit has £ublloAugnsia, on Legal Affairs at the Slate House In Augusta shall be by the chair- Maximo Dear rilr:—Your enlightened Augusta, February -.—'l'bere Is a great C W. Hussey, of Watervllle, d» o’clock p. m. Kennebec Journal from Watarrllle aaya Congress appointed (▼la Havana, February 8).—Gen Esq., on of this for the or our and what we have spoken en- — On an act for the better protec- man eaucns, purpose pHth; of forces in of law. said No. JJv that email exltta la that and Gomez, toe coin mender-In-chief of the so that lining up anticipation fended the Mr. Hussey that seamen. Feb. 9. 1899. at 10 o’clock p. m. pox otty legislation and sub- courages me to go to Havana, by tion of ship-master* and Thursday. considering monetary to tbe oaaea of a Re- Cuban • In with General Brooke, I may a light over the proposition make did not to for debt, but be- act to fix the compensation of the Winslow. Numerous anapleloua mitting their reoomendatloos to a army, placed hlmaalf qua rely conferring people go jail On an of for said countv. of aid in directing the unsettled affairs books of Main* trans- cause of court. If LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Register of Probate nature haring been fonnd by loeal publican caucus at the first session poMtlon today an a native ally of the mileage railways they were.In contempt to this Re kind enough to say to the 66th Congress, with authority country. ferable so that our courts alnt to tail The Committee on Judiciary will give a public President C. D. Smith, M. United btates In the work of any i»*r*on may present he respected, pray, legislative notice. physlolans, oonfar with a like committee from the government President McKinley that 1 am grateful in Its room at the State House in book and have the ac- hearing one of the state board of health was the reconstruct ion of Cuba. Ae a reeult for his kind snch a coupons me what we are to do? asked Mr. llus on ture will a D., Senate. The discussion on this resolution regards. as follows __ Trie Committee Agricu give Augusta w more Robert Por- I shall do all In power to maintain the conductor. This morning who also described how he went from Wednesday. Feb. &. lf»» at 8.80 o’clock r. M. hearing at the rooms of the Board of Agrlcul- summoned Wedneeday. He decided that proceeded with much animation for of the oonfurenoe which Mr. my cepted by sej, to the consti- No. 69 On an act to preve.it the use of Trading lUU " than an hoar. There was but little differ- public order, helping Gardiner of who to and an that the cases were sufficiently auspicious to ter, the oommltaloner, haa had with Gen. apply Representative Patten, county county arranged and similar devices. W ednesday, February 8th. on main that tution of the so that Cuba, may Stamp# ence of opinion the point, republic the lirst and others In- he TO. On an aot to the sale of Paris be and turned the matter the latter cabled to President and thus Introduced bill, persons against whom had claim* No. relating On a petitiou of W. H. Tobey and other direc- quarantined It would be futile to attempt financial Gomel, be really free aod Independent, Uroen and other poisonous preparations. him wish called a and there was could before the disclosure com- tors of the North Berwick Agricultural Asso- over to A. U. of the at this late In the McKinley this afternoon assuring carrying out President McKlnley'a terested, meeting appear Feb.
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