ETHICS COMMISSION CITY AND COUNTY OFOF HONOLULUHONOLULU 715 SOUTHSOUTH KING STREET,STREET, SUITESUITE211, 211, HONOLULU, HAWAIIHAWAII96813-3091 96813-3091 Phone: (808)(808) 768~7786768-7786 •. Fax:Fax; (808)(808) 768-7768768-7768 EMAIL:
[email protected] ethics® Internet: KIRK CALDWELL CHARLES W.W. TOrFOTOTTO MAYOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ftEt LEGAL COUNSELCOUNSEL 0 C-, AGENDA Honolulu Ethics Commission ~flc; ~ January 20,20, 20162016— —11:3011:30 pm — “‘-<n Standard Financial Plaza Conference Room, Suite 211 ~—0 —Jo 715 South King Street 715 South King Street C) Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 oC:1 Cr THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT WRITTEN TESTIMONY AND/OR SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM BELOW. SPEAKER REGJSTRATIONREGISTRATION • Prior to the Day of the Meeting: PersonsPersons wishingwishing toto testifytestify areare requestedrequested toto registerregister their name, phone number and agenda subject matter via email at
[email protected];; or calling 768-7787 or 768-7791. • On the Day of the Meeting: PersonsPersons whowho havehave notnot registeredregistered toto testifytestify byby thethe timetime the Commission meeting begins will be given the opportunity to speak on an item following the oral testimonies of the registered speakers. •. Each speaker is limited to three minute presentations on each item. WRITTEN TESTIMONY • Prior to the Day of the Meeting: TestimonyTestimony maymay bebe emailedemailed toto
[email protected] or faxed to 768-7768. • On the Day of the Meeting: 1010 copiescopies areare requestedrequested ifif writtenwritten testimonytestimony isis submittedsubmitted on-site. ORDER OF BUSINESS I. CALL TO ORDER II. NEW BUSINESS A. For Action: MotionMotion toto ApproveApprove thethe OpenOpen SessionSession MinutesMinutes ofof thethe DecemberDecember 16,16, 2015 Meeting.