Issue No. 110 Summer, 2006 Message from the President 1 CABLE ROAD POMFRET, CT 06258 TEL: 860-928-7981 FAX: 860-928-6167 WIRE & ROPE DIVISION E-MAIL:
[email protected] Dear AWRF Members, As I sit to compose my last of four “Letters from done by our Entertainment Committee chairperson the President”, I am amazed at how quickly time has Denny Worswick. Of course the persons who make passed! It seems like yesterday that I wrote my first it all come together are our Executive Director Jeff one right after the fall meeting in Boston. All the Gilbert and his assistant Dee Dee. Without their hard past presidents had told me that my term would go work none of it would happen. by in the blink of an eye and they were right! In March of this year I was invited to the OIPEEC It’s been a busy 2006 so far and I don’t see it meeting which was held in Athens, Greece. I was letting up. Our Spring General Meeting was held in also invited to sit in upon their Management Board St. Petersburg, Florida. For those of you who were meeting. I took this opportunity to propose to not able to attend the meeting, you missed one of their Board that OIPEEC should join AWRF so our best. The hotel was lovely and the weather that their members would be able to attend our was cooperative. The presentations were excellent meetings. This proposal was well received and they due, a great deal, to the work of our Program made the counter proposal that AWRF should join Committee chairperson, Mr.