Realization of Attractive Level Crossing via a Dissipative Mode

Weichao Yu (余伟超),1, 2 Jiongjie Wang,1 H. Y. Yuan,3 and Jiang Xiao (萧江)1, 4, ∗ 1Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 2Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan 3Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China 4Institute for Nanoelectronics Devices and Quantum Computing, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China The new field of spin cavitronics focuses on the interaction between the magnon excitation of a magnetic element and the electromagnetic wave in a microwave cavity. In strong interaction regime, such interaction usually gives rise to the level anti-crossing for the magnonic and the electromagnetic mode. Recently, the attractive level crossing has been observed, and is explained by a non-Hermitian model Hamiltonian. However, the mechanism of the such attractive coupling is still unclear. Here we reveal the secret by using a simple model with two harmonic oscillators coupled to a third oscillator with large dissipation. We further identify this dissipative third-party as the invisible cavity mode with large leakage in the cavity-magnon experiments. This understanding enables designing dissipative coupling in all sorts of coupled systems.

Introduction. Spin cavitronics is a newly developing inter- analogy). It can be shown that the type i) coupling is reac- discipline field that combines the spintronics with the cavity tive and gives rise to the usual repulsive level crossing, while quantum electrodynamics, and the purpose is to realize quan- the type ii) coupling is dissipative and leads to the attractive tum information processing via photon-magnon interaction. level crossing. The main contribution of this Letter is to show The strong interaction between the Kittel mode of magnetic that in a physical system, the dissipative type ii) coupling can YIG (Yttrium Iron Garnet) sphere [1] and the cavity photons be realized by coupling both oscillators reactively to a third has been observed [2–4], even in the quantum regime [5–7]. highly dissipative entity. We further identify what is the third- The spin cavitronic system provides a platform for interfac- party in the level-attraction experiments, which turned out to ing magnon with photon. By placing a magnetic element in be the invisible cavity modes that has extremely high leakage a cavity, it is possible to convert optical photon to microwave or dissipation. photon bidirectionally through ferromagnetic magnons [8], or The oscillator model. Let’s consider the simplest coupled transfer spin information between magnet via cavity photons model as shown in Fig. 1(a). The two os- [9, 10]. In the presence of several YIG spheres, the indi- cillators may refer to any physical eigen-modes, and for the rect coupling among them can be induced by the cavity pho- present interest of spin cavitronics they can be understood as tons [11], leading to the hybridized magnonic modes [12, 13]. the cavity photon mode and the Kittel magnon mode in the These hybrid modes can be interpreted using the molecular YIG sphere. Let ωi, ηi be resonance and damp- orbital theory, so that the design of magnonic molecules with ing constant for oscillator-i (i = 1, 2). The dynamics of dis- novel properties is expected [14]. The peculiar dynamics of placements xi=1,2 are described as coupled damped oscilla- these modes (bright mode and dark mode) are beneficial for tors (i0 3 i): ≡ − quantum information manipulation and storage [12]. 2 x¨ + ω x + η x˙ = κ Tˆ(x 0 x ). (1) This mode hybridization between the magnon and photon i i i i i i i − i has no difference from any other coupling systems, where The terms on the right hand side represent the generic cou- avoided crossing between the levels of two eigen- pling , which are related to the relative modes is expected, and the size of the anti-crossing gap is x2 x1 via an operator Tˆ and characterized by strength κi. proportional to the strength of the coupling. However, re- The− exact nature of the coupling is represented by the oper- cent experiments have observed the attractive level crossing, ator Tˆ. For example, for Tˆ = Tˆ0 = 1, the coupling can be in both Fabry-Perot-like cavity [15] and coplanar waveguide- simply realized by a spring connecting the two oscillators as based resonator structure [16, 17]. Model Hamiltonians with in Fig. 1(a-1), i.e. the mutual depends on their relative non-Hermitian dissipative terms have been proposed to inter- displacement. If Tˆ = Tˆ1 = d/dt is the op- pret the experiments [18]. Grigoryan et al. [19] even con- erator, then the mutual force is proportional to their relative structs an artificial coupling circuit for such non-Hermitian , which can be realized via viscous force between the arXiv:1907.06222v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 16 Jul 2019 R system, which was also demonstrated experimentally [20]. two oscillators as in Fig. 1(a-2). When Tˆ = Tˆ−1 = dt is Such mathematical construction can indeed reproduce the the temporal integration operator, then the coupling force is level attraction, but they all lack a physical explanation or proportional to the relative (the time- of dis- mechanism, leaving the level attraction in such systems yet placement), which can be realized via a third oscillator with to be understood. extra dissipation as in Fig. 1(a-3). In general, we may define n n R n In this Letter, we start with a simple toy model with two Tˆn d /dt and Tˆ−n d t. Since for even n, Tˆn are even harmonic oscillators, which can be coupled via a mutual force under≡ time reversal, they≡ will lead to reactive coupling. While proportional to i) their difference (equivalent to a nor- for odd n, Tˆn are odd under time reversal, therefore they rep- mal spring) or ii) their velocity difference (no conventional resent dissipative coupling. Solving Eq. (1) by assuming the 2

(a) Various types of oscillator coupling (b) 3-circuit model (c) Eigenfrequencies of (b)

position coupling ���� ��� 11 2: TEy ��� (1) 1 2 11 0: TEx ��� Δϕ / π 2 ��� ���� 1 ���

small R ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� � ω�/ω�

large R 0 κ02 velocity coupling ���� [ ω ]/ 2 (2) 1 2 ���� �� 0 κ01 ���� � ���� [ ω ]/

�� ���� 1 1

absement coupling ���� 2 ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ω�/ω� 1: YIG (A) 1: YIG (B) (3) 1 0 2 ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� no overlap: κ12 = 0 friction ω�/ω�

Figure 1. The harmonic oscillators with reactive coupling via a direct spring (a-1), dissipative coupling via viscous forces (a-2), and dissipative coupling via a third oscillator m0 in contact with the friction surface (a-3). (b). The 3-circuit model with three RLC circuits: both circuit- 2 (blue) and circuit-1 (green) are reactivly coupled to a highly dissipative third-party circuit-3 (red), realizing dissipative coupling between 11 11 circuit-1 and -2. The circuit-0, -1, -2 here are equivalent to the high dissipation TEx mode, the YIG magnon mode, and the cavity TEy mode 2 in Fig. 3. (c). The eigen for the 3-circuit model with κ12 = 0, κ0i/ω1 = 0.21, γ0/ω1 = 0.35, and γ1/ω1 = γ2/2ω1 = 0.001. Inset: the imaginary part of the eigen frequencies (bottom) and the relative phase (top) between circuit-1 and -2.

iωt ... harmonic ansatz: xi(t) =x ˜ie , we find that the energy lev- I 1,2 Tˆ3I1,2 and Eq. (2a) becomes els (see Supplementary Materials) show the usual repulsive ∼ ˆ anti-crossing for the reactive couping T0, but attractive level 2 ...  0  ˆ ¨ 2 ˙ κ0i ˆ κ01κ02 λi ˆ crossing for the velocity or absement couplings T±1. One ex- Ii + ωi Ii + γiIi I i = κ12T2 + T3 Ii0 , ample for the velocity coupling is proposed in spintronic sys- − γ0 γ0 λi (3) tem where two ferromagnetic layers coupled via spin pumping where the right hand side contains both reactive (Tˆ ) and dissi- and spin-transfer [21], where the spin current pumped 2 pative (Tˆ ) couplings. If κ = 0 (no overlap between circuit- from one magnet acts as spin-transfer torque on the other mag- 3 12 1 and -2), the reactive coupling is turned off, and the dissi- net, and resulting in level attraction or synchrolization. pative coupling dominates. The neglect of the left hand side The 3-circuit model. To better capture the physics in the of Eq. (2b) can be achieved when the circuit-0 oscillates at a cavity-magnonic system, we construct a model system con- frequency close to the resonance frequency: ω0 ω and the sisting of three mutually overlapping RLC circuits as shown ' 2 2 dissipation γ0 is larger than the detuning: γ0ω ω ω0 , in Fig. 1(b), equivalent to the previous 3-oscillator model. [22]. Thererfore, to enhance the dissipative coupling − (gov- The coupling in the RLC circuits is through the mutual induc- erned by the prefactor of Tˆ ), one needs to have the third-party tance because of the magnetic field flux threading each other, 3 dissipation γ0 as small as possible, yet large enough such that and the coupling strength κij = κji between circuit-i and 2 2 γ0ω ω ω0 . Fig. 1(c) shows such attractive coupling circuit-j is proportional to the of their overlapping region. realized in the− 3-circuit model in the regime described above. Let the resistance, inductance, and capacitance be denoted by The 3-mode Quantum Model. In a quantum description, R0,1,2,L0,1,2,C0,1,2, respectively, the currents Ii=1,2 and I0 in the three circuits satisfy: using the annihilation operator aˆj for mode-j (j = 0, 1, 2), the system Hamiltonian for three coupled modes can be written as ¨ 2 ˙ ¨ κ0i ¨ Ii + ωi Ii = γiIi + κii0 Ii0 + I0, (2a) − λi   ˆ X † X † † X H = ~ωjaˆ aˆj + κjk aˆ aˆk +a ˆ aˆj (4) I¨ + ω2I = γ I˙ + λ κ I¨ , (2b) j j k 0 0 0 − 0 0 j 0j j j=0,1,2 j

(a) Field distribution for f = 9.16 GHz in a Directional Coupler (c) Transmission spectrum: S21 40 mm

A B Cavity

A B 2.5 mm

Port 1 C D Port 2 9.16 GHz

y Waveguide substrate: εr = 3.38 x

(b) Reflection and transmission probabilities ��� C D

��� 16 GHz 2 .

S21 9 ��� | | ��� 9.16 GHz ����������� ��� S 2 | 11| ��� � � � � �� �� �� ω(���)

Figure 2. (a) The magnetic field distribution for the f = 9.16 GHz cavity mode in a directional coupler. The of the coupler is 40 mm, the width of each stripe is 2.5 mm, and the relative dielectric constant of the substrate is εr = 3.38. (b) The simulated reflection and transmission probabilities S11 and S21 for the coupler without YIG sphere. (c) The simulated transmission spectrum when the YIG sphere is placed at point A/B/C/D, respectively. All material parameters are the same as those in Ref. 17.

rived the effective coupling between mode-1 and -2 as pler are spatially separated, which enables us to see the cou- pling more clearly. Let’s focus on the cavity mode at f = 0 1 X 1 9.16 GHz. Fig. 2(a) shows the spatial distribution of the in- κ12 = κ12 + κ01κ02 . (5) 2 ωi ω0 plane magnetic field of this mode over a plane slightly be- i=1,2 − neath the metal stripes. The cavity mode in the upper stripe 0 2 has vanishing magnetic field at the edges and at the center of and ωi = ωi + κ0i/(ωi ω0). When extending to the dis- sipative regime by allowing− complex eigenfrequencies, it is the stripe. While the dissipative mode in the lower stripe has straightforward to see that when the mode-0 is extremely dis- maximum magnetic field at the edges and at the center, which r has a quarter wavelength offset from the cavity mode. This sipative, ω0 = ω0 + iγ0, the in-direct coupling term becomes imaginary and the Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian. This leads offset between the cavity and the dissipative mode means that to the level attraction behavior. The condition for the strength the locations with the maximum magnetic field for the cavity of the dissipation γ0 is the same as in the classical model in mode correspond to the spots of zero magnetic field for the Eq. (3), i.e. the γ should be large such that ω ω is dom- dissipative mode, and vice versa. 0 i − 0 inated by its imaginary part, but not so large such that the We now study the transmission spectrums when the YIG overall strength is still finite. sphere (with diameter 1 mm) is placed 0.75 mm beneath the Level attraction in a directional coupler. To illustrate the metal stripe and at four different locations A/B/C/D. Point A attractive coupling principle more clearly, we demonstrate the is the magnetic field antinode (of maximum field) for the cav- attractive behavior in a directional coupler by simulation (see ity mode, therefore the YIG sphere is coupled to the cavity Supplementary Materials). A directional coupler, as shown in directly, resulting in the conventional repulsive coupling (see Fig. 2(a), consists of two parallel metal stripes on a dielec- panel A in Fig. 2(c)). While points B and C are on the mag- tric substrate. The lower stripe (working as a waveguide) is netic field node (of zero or negligible field) for cavity and the connected with input and output ports. When the microwave dissipative modes, thus no coupling is observed (panel B/C in travels through the lower stripe, it partially leaks (couples) to Fig. 2(c)). Point D, however, is the magnetic field node for the the upper stripe (the cavity), exciting the cavity modes of the cavity mode, but antinode for the dissipative mode, therefore upper stripe, which can be detected via the transmission spec- the YIG sphere is coupled only to the dissipative mode but not trum. The simulated transmission spectrum of the directional to the cavity mode. Considering that the cavity mode is also coupler, Fig. 2(b), shows peaks at the resonance frequencies coupled to the dissipative mode along the path, the scenario of of the cavity. YIG and cavity modes coupled via a third dissipative mode is Different from the circular/cross cavity used in Ref.15 and realized, leading to attractive level crossing as shown in panel 17, the cavity and the dissipative mode in a directional cou- D of Fig. 2(c). 4

(a) YIG sphere in a circular waveguide (b) The magnetic field distribution across the cross section superconducting qubit [6, 23], dielectric nanostructures [24], y y 0 max y x antiferromagnets [25, 26], high-order spin wave modes [27] or A A

A magnetic field other excitations such as phonons [28]. It has been reported ot2 Port ot2 Port Port 1 Port 1 recently that magnetic textures can also be coupled with the B x B x B z cavity photons [29, 30]. Based on the understanding of dissi- pative coupling, the nonlinear effect [31, 32] and topological

11 11 Port 1 Port 2 TEy mode (low dissipation) TEx mode (high dissipation) properties of exceptional point [33–36] can be generalized and new physics is expected. 11 Figure 3. The magnetic field vanishes along xˆ for the cavity TEy In conclusion, we found that the mechanism for the dissipa- 11 mode (left) and vanishes along yˆ for the TEx mode (right). When 11 tive coupling in many physical systems can be captured by an the YIG sphere is placed at point A (B), it couples strongly with TEx effective 3-oscillator model, where two oscillators of interests (TE11) mode. y are coupled to a common third oscillator with strong dissi- pation. We verify this model in both classical and quantum setup. Based on this model, we are able to explain the exact Interpretation of the level attraction in the circular waveg- physical mechanisms behind the level attraction experiments uide. In the circular cavity-YIG system (schematically illus- carried out in the cavity-magnon systems, where a hidden cav- trated in Fig. 3(a)) studied in Ref.15, the repulsive and at- ity mode with large dissipation is responsible for mediating tractive level crossing are obeserved when the YIG sphere is the dissipative coupling. placed at point A and B, which correspond to the magnetic field antinode and node for the cavity mode respectively. We Acknowledgements. This was supported by the Na- shall be clear below that the cavity and the YIG mode realize tional Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11722430, attractive level crossing via their coupling to a common dissi- 11847202, 61704071). W.Y. is supported by the China Post- pative third-party, just as in the cases studied above. The issue doctoral Science Foundation under Grant No. 2018M641906. is what the third-party is in the circular cavity? To answer that, we note that the circular cavity of interest has two ports, form- ing a small (see Fig. 3(a)). These ports play two roles: i) they are used for feeding and draining the TE electromag- ∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] netic wave into and out of the cavity, ii) they reflect TE waves [1] C. Kittel, Physical Review 73, 155 (1948). polarized perpendicular to the port orientations. If there were [2] ö. O. Soykal and M. E. Flatté, Physical Review Letters 104, no port, the cavity should have EM modes of all polarizations. 077202 (2010). However, because of the opening ports, the cavity mode with [3] H. Huebl, C. W. Zollitsch, J. Lotze, F. Hocke, M. Greifenstein, 11 A. Marx, R. Gross, and S. T. B. Goennenwein, Physical Review polarization along yˆ (call it TEy ) has the longest lifetime. And the EM mode polarized along xˆ (TE11) has the largest Letters 111, 127003 (2013). x [4] X. Zhang, C.-L. Zou, L. Jiang, and H. X. 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