THE UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OURNAL July–December 2018 Infection Precedes Heterotopic Ossification in Combat Wounded . 1 Jessica K Juarez, MS; Mary Jo Pugh, PhD; Joseph C Wenke, PhD; Jessica C Rivera, MD Injury Mechanisms, Activities, and Limited Work Days in US Army Infantry Units . 6 Michelle Canham-Chervak, PhD, MPH; Catherine Rappole, MPH; et al RiskJ Factors for Sprains and Strains Among Physically Active Young Men: A US Army Study . 14 Robyn C. Martin, MPH; Tyson Grier, MS; Michelle Canham-Chervak, PhD, MPH; et al The Etiology of Injuries in US Army Initial Entry Training . 22 Veronique D. Hauschild, MPH; Terrence Lee, PhD; Stephen Barnes, MPH; et al Human Papillomavirus Incidence and Sexually Transmitted Coinfections Among US Military Recruits (2009-2015) . 30 COL Paul O. Kwon,USA; Jenny Lay, MPH; David Hrncir, MD, MPH; Lynn Levin, PhD, MPH Evaluation of NU-FlexSIV Socket Performance for Military Service Members with Transfemoral Amputation . 38 Starr E. Brown, MS; Elizabeth Russell Esposito, PhD; Jason M. Wilken, PT, PhD; Stefania Fatone, PhD Motivational Guest Speaker Presentation as an Anti-Stigma Intervention for US Army Soldiers . 48 MAJ Rohul Amin, USA; CPT Sarah C. McLeroy, USA; MAJ Victor M. Johnson, USA Lessons Learned: Military Screening for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder . 54 Tiffany L. Schweitzer, PhD, MHA; Earla J. White, PhD, MEd; Ronald P. Hudak, JD, PhD Military Medicine Implements In-home Virtual Health in Europe . 59 Steven M. Cain, MPAS; LTC Robert J. Cornfeld, USA; COL Kirk H. Waibel, USA; et al Sexual Dimorphic Features Associated with Femoroacetabular Impingement . 65 CPT Victoria B Okpala, USA; CPT David J Tennent, USA; et al Case Report: Unilateral Paresis of the Abdominal Wall with Associated Thoraco-Lumbar Pain .
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