Exploiting the Potential of Quality Corridor’s

Paddy Doherty Manager Business Development Bus Overview Manage and Operate bus network

Population of Dublin 1.1 million

Dublin Bus Fleet 1082 (mainly double deck) Dublin Bus Staff 3434 Revenue / €179m / Expenditure €240 m Farebox ratio 75% The Dublin Suburban Rail Network Transport 21 •Recently launched During the study Requires the bus network to be reviewed in the light of the proposal

•Sets challenging target dates for implementation of rail schemes

•The main capacity enhancing schemes are later in the programme Longer Term PT Proposals Timeframe 5 to 10+ years •Metro • Extended lines • Rail upgrade into and through the city centre • Extended rail spurs, multiple track lines • Park and Ride • Integration of bus/ rail metro and light rail modes

……..but the bus will be the primary PT solution for at least until 2011. Percentage change in the population of Electoral Divisions within Dublin, 1996-2002 What is a Quality Bus Corridor…

Quality Bus Corridors have 6 key Attributes Unambiguous & Direct Alignment ¾Main roads, direct High Frequency ¾Bus operating every 10 min or less Improved Speeds ¾Bus Priority, bus lanes, bus only turns … High Specification Fleet ¾Investment in buses, on board technology Roadside Infrastructure ¾Shelters, information…. Staff Training ¾Customer focused training…. QBC’s are for more than buses!

Cyclists Pedestrians Taxi’s, Emergency Vehicles Suburban buses / coaches Junction Redesign Traffic Calming Footpath Upgrades Loading bays….community shops Dublin Bus is the biggest provider of public transport

Dublin Morning Peak (7-10) Car/Public Transport Modal Split 2005 Dublin Morning Peak (7-10) Public Transport Modal Split 2005

Car Rail/ 44% Public 30% Transport 56%

Total Bus 70%

Dublin Bus carries over 70% of Public Transport customers into Dublin each morning Dublin Bus Customer Growth 1998 to 2005

148 1998 1999 s n 143 *2000 2001 llio i 2002 M 2003 138 2004 2005

133 Millio n s 2000 adjusted for industrial disputes Year 2005 estimated The Success of QBC’s #1 More people travel to the city by bus than by car

Changing Bus/Car ratio on 9 QBC Corridors

2004 57% Bus in 2004

1997 41% Bus in 1997

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 Persons travelling inbound in morning peak Bus / Car Divide @ Canal Cordon Inbound AM Peak (7-10) 1997 v 2004 Total Persons +5,600 (8%) The Success of QBC’s #2 More people travel over Leeson St Bridge by bus than by car

Changing Bus/Car ratio on Corridor QBC

2004 53% Bus in 2004

1997 20% Bus in 1997

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Persons travelling inbound in the Morning Peak Bus / Car Divide @ Leeson Street Inbound AM Peak (7-10) 1997 v 2004 Total Persons +1,800 (22%) The Success of QBC’s #3 Three examples where Bus Journey Times are faster than car 50 Car Bus 40 es 30 nut i 20 M 10 0 Lucan - B achelor s -Lees on St R d - Walk Amiens St

Trunk QBC Section The Success of QBC’s #4 Facts More commuters come to Dublin City by QBC than by car every morning The largest QBCs each carry 8 - 10 million customers a year – same as Luas. Bus customers travel faster than car on the majority of QBCs Morning peak customers using QBC’s has risen by almost 50% The average time between buses on a QBC is 2 mins Population growth 2002 to 2011 (Source DKM Consultants)




+21,000 +18,000




+3,000 QBCs can deliver further customer benefits by 2008 How QBC’s can deliver more benefits to customers – More frequent services – Improved journey speeds – 15 million additional customer in 3 years – Serve new residential and industrial areas • North Fringe (Baldoyle), Adamstown, Stepaside, Ongar – Increased integration to Rail and Luas Actions to Double the QBC Network • Introduce 5 new QBCs to the city centre bringing the total radial QBCs to 14 • Introduce 6 new orbital QBCs linking suburban communities like , Lucan and Swords directly • Improve bus priorities, bus speeds and bus supply on existing 9 QBCs • Improve movement of buses through the city centre for the benefit of the 58 million bus customers

Significant benefits can be achieved by improved QBC design

Additional buses give increased frequency on all QBCs

Continuous bus lane priority Bus Priority approaching M50 junctions

Bus only access roads Traffic light priority

Bus only turns City Centre bus priority and access to Luas priority

Improved interchange to bus, rail Real Time Passenger Information and luas at bus stops

Full accessibility for all customers Modern bus shelters Park n Ride can complement QBC’s • PnR sites should be along trunk QBC sections • Distance to city – 6/7 km • Good access & egress for buses and cars to PnR site • Existing bus resources should be used • Suggested areas Santry Rd(M50) Foxhunter (Lucan) Tallaght (Spawell) N11 (Cherrywood) • PnR should be managed as a single system City Centre Issues

• The city centre is a major origin and destination for bus customers – 58 million Dublin Bus customers pass the front of Trinity p.a. • Cross City Bus Priority Routes are Needed – ‘Light Rail’ type priorities needed – More direct bus alignments – Additional bus priority • Port Tunnel 2006 – Opportunity when Port Tunnel opens to give buses more priority • Metro and Light/Rail Projects – Alignment and construction of other transport schemes must be carefully chosen and managed City Centre QBC Connections QBC Improvements

The following improvements will take place by 2008 28 more buses will serve Blanchardstown Buses will operate every 60 seconds on the trunk sections Bus speeds will increase to 18 kph Customer could save up to 35 minutes on a QBC journey 2.3 million more customers will be carried (+24%) More bus customers than car drivers and occupants will travel into the city Capital Cost – Blanchardstown QBC 2005 - 2008 Buses €9.6m QBC Infrastructure & €18.4m Bus Priority Customer €2m Information Total €30m Summary QBC Proposals The following improvements will take place by 2008 170 additional buses will operate on QBC’s Buses will operate on average every 2 minutes on QBC’s Bus speeds will increase to an average of 18 kph 37 million more customers will travel on QBC buses (59% of all Dublin Bus customers) 64% of those travelling into Dublin will choose to do so by QBC Total Dublin Bus Projected Customer Numbers ** Most customers will travel by QBC from 2008 onwards 200



63% 50 59% QBC 41% QBC QBC 0 2005 2008 2011 Examples of annual QBC customers in 2008 12


8 2005 6 2008 4


0 Swords Lucan Malahide Tallaght Stillorgan Blanch Luas Capital Investment Buses and Customer Information

To 2008

Extra buses €83m

Maintenance facilities €60m

Information & SBD €42m

Total €185m

Notes 1: Capital cost for replacement buses of €30m p.a. not included 2: QBN Office funding for priority schemes currently allocated separately Subvention Implementing the full proposal will have the following implication on annual subvention

– Additional Subvention of €17m required

– Proposal will result in wider savings in the context of the environment, quality of life and time The case for bus Investment

This Presentation has demonstrated that investment in buses has the following benefits

• Short lead times • Flexible service • Carry large numbers (similar to LRT) • Less disruption (utilities/ traffic and business) • Realise transfer from private transport (cars) • Proven value for money Questions ?