John Allen Paulos Curriculum Vitae – 2016
(Note: This C.V. was originally compiled to conform to a University form, which, like most such institutional templates, is repetitive, clunky, and a little lacking in narrative verve. On the other hand, it is a C.V. and not an autobiography. (For that see my new book - Nov., 2015 – A Numerate Life.) More about me is available on my website at John Allen Paulos Curriculum Vitae – 2016 Education, Academic Position: Education: Public Schools, Milwaukee; B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967; M.S., University of Washington, 1968; U.S. Peace Corps, 1970; Ph. D. in mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1974. Doctoral Dissertation: "Delta Closed Logics and the Interpolation Property"; 1974; Professor K. Jon Barwise. Positions Held: Temple University Mathematics Department: 1973, Assistant Professor, 1982, Associate Professor, 1987, Full Professor Columbia University School of Journalism 2001, Visiting Professor Nanyang Technological University, summer visitor, 2011-present Awards: My books and expository writing as well as my public talks and columns led to my receiving the 2003 Award for promoting public understanding of science from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. (Previous winners include Carl Sagan, E. O. Wilson, and Anthony Fauci.) I received the 2002 Faculty Creative Achievement Award from Temple University for my books and other writings. My piece "Dyscalculia and Health Statistics" in DISCOVER magazine won the Folio Ovation Award for the best piece of commentary in any American magazine. My books and expository writing as well as my public talks and columns also led to my receiving the 2013 Mathematics Communication Award from the Joint Policy Board of 1 Mathematics.
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