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E1014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2005 science. I am very thankful for these future has three sons, Michael, Andrew and Patrick Iraqi people and a source stability and calm in leaders and ask that you please join me in with four grandchildren, Morgan, Drew, Paul Iraq and move to remove them from the ter- congratulating them on their wonderful and Brad. rorist list, which would in turn lead to the re- achievements. Mr. Speaker, Harper Davis has now been moval of the restrictions placed on them.’’ f coaching football for over 50 years and he Lt. Colonel Thomas Cantwell: ‘‘When I continues today at Jackson Academy, where moved up into northern Diyala province [in RECOGNIZING JULIUS HARPER four of my sons attend. His gentle firmness Iraq], the relationship with the Mojahedin with DAVIS and wise lessons continue to build young men the local community helped me in that regard, in Mississippi. I am glad to recognize him I think because most of the local sheiks, un- HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING today and honor a lifetime of service. derstanding as part of the Sunni triangle, OF MISSISSIPPI f weren’t exactly trusting of coalition forces but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they seemed to have some level of trust with EXCERPTS FROM CONGRESSIONAL the Mojahedin, and so what I sought to get Wednesday, May 18, 2005 BRIEFING BY IRAN HUMAN them to come in to get to speak to them and Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, recently, RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY CAU- to understand what their issues were, was Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi dedi- CUS their security issues, their infrastructure repair cated Harper Davis Field to a man who issues, they lack of support issues, and to try coached there for 25 years, and who has built HON. TOM G. TANCREDO and help them understand what our operations a lifetime legacy of service to sport and his fel- OF COLORADO were doing and to ensure that they under- low man across the state. Coach Harper IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stood why we were under taking our oper- Davis, affectionately called ‘‘Hippo’’ by friends ations. It certainly helped to have that friendly and teammates, called the rededication of Wednesday, May 18, 2005 relationship that they had with the Mojahedin Millsaps’ Alumni Field to him the ‘‘greatest Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, last month, because it helped me to break the ice with the honor of my life.’’ And while leading the leaders and representatives of 65 Iraqi political local sheiks which I think was important. My Millsaps Majors he built a record of 138–79– parties and groups unveiled a petition signed mission had several different aspects to it. On 4 including an undefeated season in 1980, his by 2.8 million Iraqis, sharply criticizing neigh- the one hand, we had a Geneva Convention life has much more to honor. boring Iran’s interference in Iraq and warning responsibility to safeguard the Mojahedin, and At age 17, Harper Davis left his Delta home of the specter of ‘‘Islamic fundamentalism’s this was a real possibility since there was evi- in Clarksdale, Mississippi and enlisted in the stealthy domination’’ of their country. Iraqi sig- dence at the camp that the camp had been US Marines Air Corps as a pilot to serve his natories included ethnic Arabs, Kurds, and previously attacked by the Iranian govern- Nation in World War II. After the War was Turkmen, from different religious backgrounds, ment.’’ over, he was met at Texas Grand Prairie Air including Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Captain Vivian Gembara: ‘‘As a soldier and Station by Mississippi State University assist- Christians, and people of other faiths. a lawyer I believe it’s time to change their ant coach Phil Dickens who had the Bulldogs’ The petition offered strong support to the (MEK) classification as a terrorist organization. playbook in hand. Two days later they arrived main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Two years ago we could say clearly or argue in Starkville for two practices before his first Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The that it was in all of our best interest to main- game where Davis scored two touchdowns as Iraqi statement said that the PMOI was fight- tain this label, even despite Special Forces MSU defeated Auburn 20–0. Two days of ing a ‘‘legitimate struggle against an unjust recommendations out of natural weariness. study and two days of practice were followed dictatorship’’, adding Iran’s meddling was the Now two years have passed and I think it’s by two touchdowns. In addition, during those biggest cause of instability in present-day Iraq. crucial that we acknowledge that the situation two days, Harper Davis met Camille, his future They also said the PMOI should be recog- has changed, and we need to reassess. The wife. He would go on to be named to the AII– nized in Iraq as ‘‘a legitimate political move- potential benefits of working together definitely SEC team while at State where he also ran on ment’’ and the rights of its members, under overshadow previous concerns or hesitations the school’s track team. He was co-captain of Iraqi and international law, fully respected. A that we had. Next of course is identifying your the football team, voted Best Athlete, Presi- Congressional Briefing was convened by Iran allies, and over two years have passed now dent of the ‘‘M’’ Club and named ‘‘Mr. Mis- Human Rights and Democracy Caucus on since I met with the MEK but my question is sissippi State University.’’ Additionally he was May 10, 2005 to discuss these developments. still the same and hasn’t changed at all. It’s a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Om- I ask that the following excerpts of the wit- basically why we can’t take maximum use of icron Delta Kappa, Blue Key and the Colonels nesses’ speeches, as follows, be entered into the assets and potentials of this ally here? ’’ Club. the RECORD. Furthermore, I ask that it be Dr. Kenneth Katzman: ‘‘The broader re- He graduated from Mississippi State with a noted that the remarks of those witnesses gional effects of the pro-Iranian tilt of the new bachelor of science degree in business fi- connected to the US military are not to be at- Iraqi government are hard to discern. It is like- nance and mathematics in 1948, in 1962 tributed to the U.S. Department of Defense, ly that the new Iraqi government might support earned a master’s degree in education admin- but taken as personal observations offered by Iran against international criticism of Iran’s istration. each witness. growing nuclear program. Iraq might move After leaving Mississippi State University, Dr. Abdullah Rasheed Al-Jabouri, Former closer to Iranian positions on the Arab-Israeli Harper Davis was a first-round draft choice of Governor of the Iraqi Province of Diyala: ‘‘I peace process. It is also likely that the Shiite- both the Chicago Bears of the National Foot- must emphasize that among the 2.8 million dominated new government of Iraq will sup- ball League and the Los Angeles Dons of the Iraqis who signed the petition of support, there port other Shiite movements in the region, All-American League. Harper Davis played are many Kurds, Turkomans, Shiites and such as in Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. one year with the Dons before the league fold- Christians. Last June, 50,000 Iraqis attended a Some commentators say Iraq’s new leaders ed and then went on to play with the Bears as major gathering at Ashraf, which I addressed, are likely to remain wary of Iran exercising well as the Green Bay Packers. Many consid- and in May, 500,000 Iraqis signed a petition substantial influence in Iraq. They note that ered him the fastest man in the NFL. calling for the continued presence of the group most Iraqi Shiites generally stayed loyal to the Over the years, Harper Davis has coached in Iraq as a legitimate political force. The fact Sunni-dominated Iraqi regime during the Iran- the backfield at his alma mater as well as is that by virtue of espousing an anti-fun- Iraq war. Most Iraqi Shiites appear not to want head coach at West Point High School, and damentalist Islam, the Mojahedin has emerged a cleric-run Islamic regime.’’ Columbus High School before arriving at as a major bulwark against the rise of Islamic f Millsaps College. He has been inducted into fundamentalism in Iraq, and especially the Ira- IN MEMORY OF MAJOR EDDIE the Mississippi State Sports Hall of Fame and nian meddling. They have developed strong WHITEHEAD the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and was ties with the local people and the many tribes named Mississippi Sportsman of the Year in in the province. The sheer presence of the HON. J. D. HAYWORTH 1976. He has been honored nationally for his Mojahedin (MEK) was providing security to the OF ARIZONA contributions to the sport of football and his region because the people in the province IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. have complete trust in them. It is my hope that Harper Davis is a member of Christ United as we and the U.S. grapple with the problem Wednesday, May 18, 2005 Methodist Church and with his now departed of insurgency in Iraq, the United States would Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, on May 27, wife, the former Camille Hogan of Starkville, realize that the Mojahedin are friend of the 2005 a courageous and distinguished Marine VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:11 May 20, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18MY8.028 E19PT1 May 19, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1015 will be laid to rest in Arlington National Ceme- TRIBUTE TO JENNY PHILLIPS As I prepare for all the freedoms and re- tery.