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MINUTES AAA VIC Division AGM MINUTES AAA VIC Division AGM Thursday 27 August 2015 9am Stamford Plaza Chair: Sarah Renner, VIC Division Chairman Attendees: Caroline Wilkie AAA Glenn Paraman Airport Lighting Specialists Martin Chlupac Airport Lighting Specialists Ken Keech Avalon Airshow Jeremy King Avlite Victoria Clarke Avlite Roger Druce Bacchus Marsh Aerodrome Leo Boesten Boral Asphalt Darren Angelo CASA Kevin Gould CASA John Hartigan City of Ballarat Phil McConnell Cloud Aviation Bridget Conroy Consultant Graeme Ware Essendon Airport Phil Gregory Essendon Airport Dean Riha Fulton Hogan Khaled Elagha Fulton Hogan Nick Hrysomallis Fulton Hogan Brian Roberts Gannawarra Shire Ian Bell Global Safety Partners Trent Kneebush Kneebush Planning Neil Cooper La Trobe Regional Airport Garry Baum Lethbridge Airport Carly Dixon Melbourne Airport Julie Micallef (Minutes) Melbourne Airport Liz Joldeski Melbourne Airport Melanie Hearne Melbourne Airport Bill Burke Mildura Airport Corporation AJ Wackrow Moorabbin Airport Paul Ferguson Moorabbin Airport Corporation Christiaan Schenk Safegate Australia Laura McColl Safegate Australia Jenny Kox Shire of Exmouth (WA) Ross Hibbins Vaisala Daniel Gall Wellington Shire Council Theo Christopher Wellington Shire Council Kate Hamilton Airflite Stuart Simmons Airflite Ray Oakly Airports Plus 1 Apologies: Chris Cowan Essendon Airport Kent Quigley Airservices Terry O’Sullivan Warrnambool Airport Garry Baum Lethbridge Airport Steven Goodwin AAA National Chairman 1. WELCOME The Division Chair, Sarah Renner welcomed the group and thanked everyone for their attendance. 2. VICTORIAN CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Victorian Division has concentrated on working with the State Government on the Safeguarding of Airports. There are a number of initiatives underway by the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure (DTPLI) including the incorporation of the National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NASF) into State Planning Policy and the introduction of a “Planning for Airports in Victoria” page on the DTPLI website. 3. AAA SECRETARIAT UPDATE Noted team changes within the AAA. Education identified as key area with a focus on implementing an online education platform. Key policy focus – aviation security. More than 60 activity milestones identified for the coming year. Outcomes of the member survey was a significant success with 88% member satisfaction. Member Services Handbook to be distributed to members in the coming weeks. National Conference approaching with all members encouraged to attend. Major projects for 2015/16 include National Airport Safety Week and the MOS139 review. Significant events for 2015 – National Conference, AHWG conference, AAA Awards, AAA office relocation and Mentoring program. Airport Safety Week will have a dedicated website. AMPAP joint venture between ACI and ICAO. Consultant appointed to undertake work on the significance of regional infrastructure. AAA Board has proposed Constitutional changes. Also noted was proposed change for election of the Chairman. Governance of board has changed significantly and sub-committees have also been formed. 4. AROUND THE STATE – MEMBERS’ REPORTS WA (Guest) . Downturn in Iron ore, Gas, Oil and Mining industries, between 3 – 30% . Infrastructure has also been impacted . State Aviation Strategy released – Master Planning Melbourne Airport . Opening of the new Terminal 4 in November . Airport Drive opened in June . Runway Development Program continuing . Urban Design strategy has been completed 2 Downer . Recently completed overlay at Kunnanurra Airport . Microsurfacing project completed (Qld) . Dept. of Defence – overlay/AGL updated with Safegate @ RAAF Base Vaisala . Specialise in weather instruments. Recently completed RVR at Perth Airport. Automatic weather station at Chinchilla. Airports Plus . Warrnambool almost completed major upgrade – runways/taxiways $8M . Stawell has completed major third upgrade, 4000sqm hangar being built Kneebush Planning . Focus on new runway development at Melbourne, early stages of planning and impact assessment process . Regulatory assessment process issues to be worked through with the Commonwealth Govt Mildura Airport Corporation: . Terminal redevelopment . Bid in for rebuild of main runway . Master Plan review Essendon Airport . Runway Overlay planned . Govt announced approval for new hotel based at the new entrance . Board approval for new fuel depot . Limitation on weight of aircraft being able to operate (limit of 45 tonnes) to keep the noise level to a minimum however creating issues given that the newer aircraft are heavier however much quieter . Inundated by tall building proposals from City of Melbourne Lethbridge Airport . First year of new runway . Application to the Federal Govt for funding for fuel Avlite . Delivered Karratha airport with local advertising partner with cloud based system . Hobart – installation of video wall solution Boral . Completed 2 airport overlays Airport Lighting Specialists . LED lighting installations completed 3 Wellington Shire Council: . Council resolved to progress freehold development at the airport, early stages of Master Plan Safegate: . Major projects running up and down the east coast. Installed gate operating system at Sydney Airport To70: . Studies around Perth airport for noise . Masterplans Airflite/Textron . Presentation Wellington Shire Council . Decision on the RAAF portfolio yet to be made . Fencing replacement program . Flood lighting on the apron Moorabbin Airport . Extra 50k movements by end of this year, driven by flight training . Exercise planned for 15th September . Master Plan in for approval . Mag sign replacements . Looking at runway overlays . Aviation Development Strategy . Student accommodation on airport potentially . Non-aviation development . Major drainage works City of Ballarat . Ballarat West Employment zone be developed . 31k movements last financial year . Setting up for approaching fire season . Altered Runway strip fences Gannawarra Shire . Kerang aerodrome upgrade, replaced lighting, installed generator, new and fuel facility Latrobe Regional Airport . Finalising Master Plan . Marketing strategy . Resurface the runway, rebuild and resurface both aprons . Native revegetation . Compass swing bay . 3 new helicopter pads 4 Airport Lighting Specialists . Most products are LED incorporated, also working on new products 5. AIRSERVICES AUSTRALIA UPDATE Sarah Renner presented the Airservices Presentation as Kent Quigley was an apology. CEO Margaret Staib’s resignation on 10th August, Acting CEO appointed for the interim. Pricing Agreement set to expire June 2016. 6. VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT UPDATE Safeguarding Framework for national airports Transport Network Development Strategy Third major metropolitan airport – capacity Airport Planning initiatives – hospital helipads etc. Fuel pipeline and supply focus Regional infrastructure fund, wind-up of regional airports fund 7. CASA UPDATE | MOS 139 REVIEW MOS Section 139 review being undertaken which is the largest review in 12 years There will be new chapters included of which the revised copy is expected to be released by the end of October 2015 Educational materials and guidance is a major focus A lot of feedback received Acknowledgement of Darren’s achievements 8. DIVISION AGM 3 positions up for nomination: State Director/Chairman, Deputy State Director/Chairman and Division Secretary. Sarah Renner nominated for State Director/Chairman Voted on with show of hands – Declared unopposed CARRIED Paul Ferguson nominated for Deputy State Director/Deputy Chairman Voted on with show of hands – Declared unopposed CARRIED Julie Micallef nominated for Division Secretary Voted on with show of hands – Declared unopposed CARRIED 9. UPDATE ON AAA VIC PLANNING ENGAGEMENT Development of a Planning Note as a form of training for planners. 10. AAA SMALL REGIONAL AERODROME HANDBOOK PREVIEW Useful resource Contact points and reference guide Operational framework Masterplan and strategic planning Plan for future, maximize opportunities 11. MELBOURNE AIRPORT PRESENTATION Transformation from 1985 to today 5 Airport Drive – second major entry point Elevated loop road Labor Government committed to widening the Tullamarine Freeway Proposed third runway, staged process Safeguarding 24/7 operations Appointment of new CEO Establishment of Master Plan Runway system to reach peak 2020-2022 12. CASE STUDY PRESENTATION | THE IMPACT OF REGULAR PUBLIC TRANSPORT ON REGIONAL AIRPORTS Mildura Airport transitioned to Mildura Airport Corporation in 2009 737’s flying in – 2 days per week Full passenger screening Establishment of management protocols All operations now controlled by Mildura Airport Corporation Facing an ageing runway – overlay will be needed Planning of airport – lack of suitability for passenger capacity numbers Serviceability of aprons, runways and taxiways – these areas will require overlay 13. CASE STUDY PRESENTATION | THE INTRODUCTION OF LED LIGHTS AT LA TROBE AIRPORT La Trobe Airport owned by La Trobe City Council Recent update of infrastructure Introduction of PAPI Installation of lighting – project took 4 months to complete and is very successful First time that contractors have worked at the airport 14. AIRFLITE AND TEXTRON PRESENTATION 15. OPEN FORUM | OTHER BUSINESS Meeting closed at 1510 6 .
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