Northamptonshire Archaeology Archaeological Watching Brief at SAS Institute, Medmenham Buckinghamshire Accession No. AYBCM: 2008.210 Susan Stratton and Leon Field January 2009 Report 08/186 Northamptonshire Archaeology 2 Bolton House Wootton Hall Park Northampton NN4 8BE t. 01604 700493 f. 01604 702822 e.
[email protected] w. SAS INSTITUTE, MEDMENHAM STAFF Project Manager W.A. Boismer BA, MPhil, MA, PhD, MIFA Text Susan Stratton BA Leon Field BA/BCom Fieldwork Susan Stratton Leon Field Illustrations Leon Field QUALITY CONTROL Print name Signed Date Checked by Pat Chapman Verified by W.A. Boismer Approved by Andy Chapman Northamptonshire Archaeology Report 08/186 SAS INSTITUTE, MEDMENHAM OASIS REPORT FORM PROJECT DETAILS Project name The SAS Institute, Medmenham, Buckinghamshire. Short description An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Northamptonshire (250 words maximum) Archaeology during groundworks connected with construction of a new cricket pavilion at the SAS Institute, Medmenham, Buckinghamshire. Excavations revealed the area had been subject to extensive disturbance possibly related to the 20th- century RAF base, but no other archaeological features were uncovered. Project type Watching brief (eg DBA, evaluation etc) Site status None (none, NT, SAM etc) Previous work Archaeological Desk Top Assessment (Higgins 1998) (SMR numbers etc) Archaeological Trial Trenching CAS 1999.37 (NA). Archaeological watching brief 1999. (NA) Archaeological Watching Brief 2001-2002 (NA) Current Land use Open field Future work Yes, Development of cricket pavilion (yes, no, unknown) Monument type/ period Military, Modern Significant finds None (artefact type and period) PROJECT LOCATION County Buckinghamshire Site address SAS Institute, Henley Road, Medmenham, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2EB (including postcode) Study area (sq.m or ha) 150 sq.