Planning & Regeneration Services Service Manager, Development Management Planning Inspectorate Mr C P Gilbert BA (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI Temple Quay House 2 The Square Ask for: Mr Michael Jessop Temple Quay, Direct Line: 01474 33 75 55 Bristol Fax: 01474 3379 42 BS1 6PN E-mail:
[email protected] Appeal ref: 2015/00013/REF Inspectorate ref: APP/K2230/W/15/3033297 Date: 1 July 2015 Dear Sir/Madam, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 APPEAL REFERENCE 2015/00013/REF PLANNING APPLICATION REF. 20141061 LOCATION Land Rear Of 1-13 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Erection of 2no. two storey detached three bedroom dwellings and laying out of 4no. car parking spaces. APPELLANT Mr S Kelf, Geko Development Ltd INSPECTORATE REFERENCE APP/K2230/W/15/3033297 APPEAL STARTING DATE 24 June 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please find below a list of the neighbours and bodies consulted on the above application subject of this appeal: NEIGHBOURS CONSULTED: 18 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9QH 24 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9QH 22 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9QH 20 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9QH 16 Dudley Road Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9QH 6 Watercress Way Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9FE Gravesham Borough Council 10 Watercress Way Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9FE 9 Watercress Way Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9FE 8 Watercress Way Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9FE Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend,