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The Crescent - April 18, 1958

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Volume 69, No. 12 GEORGE FOX COLLEGE, NEWBERG, OREGON Friday. April 18, 1958 Candidates Vie (or ASGFC Offices From keen competition among Either Dale Campbell or 'Sally "Roses in May" -- May 3 three candidates each for presi­ Christensen will gain the position dent and vice-president, to no of Publicity Director. Both are competition and one candidate sophomores. each for treasurer, Crescent and The nominees for Chief Justice Meyer, Mott. L'Ami editors, the campaigning of the Appellate court are Jim for student body offices is now Ellis, junior, and Gene Stolberg, To Rule the Day underway. sophomore. It will lose with candidates' May 3 will mark the 1958 May speeches next Thursday and Fri- Day celebration on the George speecnes next 'inursaay ana trn- tr » »• • Fox college campus. The theme day in chapel. Immediately after |\eiT lO VISIT is "Roses in May." placchapee li no nth Fridaye studen, votint bodgy wilrooml tak. e ' Sally Meyer and Dick Mott, The official campaign season Plan Self-Study both from Colorado, will rule the was put into motion at last Fri­ day's events as Queen and Prince Dean Thomas Kerr, executive Consort. day's chapel with introduction of co-ordinator for the Higher Com> the candidates. With the excep­ mission of the Northwest Associa­ The royal court will include tion of two, they were student tion of Secondary and Higher Doris Pearson and Bill Hopper, council nominees. Schools, will visit the campus Phyllis George and Bob Smith, Damon Heinrich, sophomore, is next Wednesday according to Mrs. Lenore Davis and John Lyda, Jo one of the two who were petition­ Winters, general office secretary. Wohlford and James McDonnel. ed in by signatures of 29 students, as designated in the ASGFC con­ His visit will be in the interests According to Jerry Pierce, di­ stitution. He is running for pre­ of accreditation, it was explained. rector of festivities, the senior sident along with Paul Morse and He will help the college adminis­ class will present a program Fri­ Jack Hoskins, who are both mar­ tration to set up a self-study plan day evening featuring an all-male ried and both juniors. for the coming year in prepara­ chorus, the Salem Singers. The tion for the visiting committee program, which will begin at 8 The other petitioned-*in candi­ which will come in the spring of p. m., is a benefit for the senior date is Alfreda Pinther, who is 1959. class gift to the college. competing with two men, Jer­ ry Pierce and Harold Brown for The first Saturday event will the office of vice-president of the Birthday Banquet be the queen's breakfast. In the student body. All three are jun­ The annual birthday banquet forenoon, there will be a parade iors. will be held in the dining hall of floats and cars from the clas­ Dick Phillips, who is aspiring tonight at 6:30 p. m. ses and campus organizations. for the office of treasurer, is one "Plans are being made by each The traditional coronation and of the three unchallenged nomin­ month's group for decorating fit­ winding of the Maypole will be ees. Rempelsburgians Willy Green, ting to their month," said Doris QUEEN SALLY I and Prince Consort Dick Mott, with their eight-mem­ held in the early afternoon, fol­ nominee for Crescent editor, and Pearson, student activities direc­ ber court, will rule over the May Day festivities. lowed by the game with Lyle Wilson, who is shooting for tor. Reed college. L Ami editor, are also unchallang- She also stated that decora­ Autoclave Purchased In the evening, the "Music for ed. tions for the event would be the Queen" program will be pre­ The position of secretary has judged on aptness of decoration to An autoclave was purchased by Hill to Give, sented as the climax of May Day. the month, cleverness and origin­ the science department lately to Dolores Campbell, freshman, and The college a cappella choir will Roxana Coppock using vote-get­ ality. Also a prize would be given be used in the microiology class­ es, according to Mrs. Beltz, biolo­ Faculty Lecture give a sacred concert at the New ting tactics. for the best entertainment. 1 One hundred students and fac- gy professor. The small sterilizer Professor Mackey Hill will be berg Friends church Sunday even­ Director of student activities is. ing. the goal for which Judi Rether- utly members are expected. is electrically operated. the speaker at the annual faculty ford, sophomore, and Dan Nolta, lecture to be held in Wood-Mar "We urge alumni and friends of freshman, are competing. auditorium April 24. The lecture the college throughout the North­ ROYAL PROCLAMATION will begin at 8 p. m. and will be west to visit the campus this May I hereby proclaim May 3 as May Day of 1958 to be a day open to the community. Day and participate in the events Commencement filled with sparkling smiles and happy hearts. May the magic Mr. Hill will speak on the sub­ which are being planned espec­ Commencement will be held of May descend not only upon the campus but info each heart. ject of United States-Canadian ially for them," states Jerry, who June 1 at 3:00 p. m. on the lawn May each event be outstanding in color and gaiety and the charm relations concerning the lumber has appointed the following com­ in front of Woodmar Hall, it was of the Maypole and the Royal Coronation bring you back to industry. mittees to plan May Day. announced this week. (Continued on Page 3) According to Quentin Nordyke, Foxdom again. Above all, may the presence of the King of After research in the field of senior class president, the com­ Kings be felt by each and everyone who enters my realm. May US-foreign relations Mr. Hill not­ mencement exercises will be held this be a day long remembered. ed that Canada seemed always to Old Pulpit Contest on the lawn and a temporary be left out. While studying the QUEEN SALLY I ^Northwest timber problem the The deadline for entering the platform will be built on the steps Old Pulpit contest is May 1, ac­ of the building. professor became more and more interested in our policies toward cording to Dave Wing, president Married Students Canada. of the Student Ministerial Associ­ ation. The professor plans to tackle the timber relations problem from The contest, which will be Choir Spends Easter on Tour Top Honor List judged on a homeletical basis, will By Judi Retherford and Lillian Holton Mrs. Dorothy Rogers, wife and the standpoint of politics and ec­ onomics. The importance of paper be heia the evening of May 8 in mother of one child, leads the Woodmar auditorium at 7:00. Thursday, April 3, after eating church was packed to overflow­ student body with a 4.00 G. P. A. pulp, the tariff situation, news­ breakfast the George Fox A Ca- ing. at the mid-semester grading print production and American There will be three judges. pella Choir under the direction of. No sleeping in on Saturday period just completed. Mrs. Ruth labor monopolies are some of the Sermons must be five to eight William Koenig made ready for morning! We left bright and ear­ Boldt, also a wife and the mother factors Mr. Hill will discuss. minutes in length. their long awaited tour. A crew ly in oriier to catch the first fer­ of three children, came in second of 28 passengers boarded the bus ny at 8:30. Our second ferry pre­ with a 3.89. and set out for Washington. Pres. sented a more enjoyable ride, for Mrs. Boldt, who communes Ross and his wife accompanied it was equipped with a coffee from Tualatin each school day, them in their car. room, candy machines and plenty reports that there is high expec­ The World is Our Campus of room to walk around and take We were off with a bang. There tancy at her house when the By Prof. Mackey W. Hill wasn't & dull moment from the pictures or whatever we desired. tables are turned and the chil­ Congress is back in session after the Easter vacation. The rivalry time we left until we arrived back Our first stop in Seattle was dren, not the parents, excitedly on the campus. Some occupied Kings Gardens where we recorded await grading results. She ex­ that was in evidence between the Administration and Congressional their time plpying "rhythm" but several of our numbers for their plains that no child has a sterner Democrats before the vacation, now continues. There is increasing con­ the aisles didn't allow much room radio broadcasts. We had a chance task master on grades than she cern in this country over the recession. for moving around. Oh yes, we to look around their beautiful has. Either she must maintain Political leaders are busy in initiating "timely" action or vetoing Iwere a musical group. If we campus and from there we were high grades or lower her level of "foolhardy and untimely" actions. Political leaders are not merely de­ weren't singing choir numbers, free to spend the whole day in expectancy for her own children, bating- measures but they are using their power to act. The Demo­ there were always small groups Seattle as we pleased, providea who serve as the guardian of her crats in congress are committed to more governmental remedies to the of singers, trios and quartets, we were back at the bus in time accomplishments at college. mixed or otherwise. to be taken to our respective present economic difficulties, such as big tax cots and public works Of the twelve students who projects; the President is averse to taking too much action lest the Our first concert was thursday homes. made highest grade point aver­ night at the high school auditor­ Sunday was our big day. Our ages six were married, and four helping hand of the government frustrate the natural recovery which ium in Quilcene, Wash. first concert was held in Everett are the parents of children. As he feels is already underway. It takes courage for the President to Friday found us on the way to after which we were fed a deli­ Mrs. Kenneth Williams, assistant take such a stand this near the fall elections. Agnew. We stopped on the way cious ham dinner, topped off with registrar put it, "Perhaps we Mr. Eisenhower vetoed the River and Harbor bill and he is opposed and brought food for a picnic a big cake decorated in our honor. should investigate the merits of to the Democratic-sponsored road and construction measures. It is dinner which we ate in the Se- We had an afternoon concert at marriage and the family in their quite likely that the Administration will use the veto again and again quim State Park. Everyone had the Seattle Memorial church, then relation to high academic achieve­ to maintain its point of view. It remains to be seen if the Democrats a chance to enjoy the beautiful we were in Tacoma for the even­ ment." out of doors. A couple boys went ing service. We were tired after Seniors Wayne and Kara Cole will try to pass any of its measures over the Presidential veto. There in swimming, while some of our a day of singing but I'm sure it are the only husband-wife team is something worse than the Recession and that is run-away inflation. studious biology students collect­ proved to be a blessing to us as on the honor roll. They have 3.00 To avoid this, something must be done about the steady rise of prices. ed mosses and wild flowers for we trust it was to those who list­ and 3.50 G. P. A.'s, respectively. If the remedy is merely to pour money into the hands of the consumer their projects. ened. Before each concert we ask­ Naomi Tuning matches Kara for without restraining the price hike then Federal action short of price Agnew will long be remembered ed for God's presence and guid­ top honors in the class. Other control may be only feeding inflation. for the spots it held before our ance that we might be a. blessing. seniors on the honor roll are: It looks as if the Rebels in Sumatra are about through, for the We not only sang, but had a chance eyes, for this is the place where Robert Smith, 3.44; Christine Sukarno Administration with Communist-bought munitions and its Myrna Rourke broke out with the to give our testimony in each Hankins, 3.43; Lenore Davis, 3.36; measles. This added new spark service. Along with the choir, Joyce Hester, 3.22; James Mc­ Communists sympathies are winning on every front. to our trip but the choir carried the Melodettes, Harmonaires, and Donnel, 3.00; and Quentin Nor­ The French government of Premier Gaillard fell this Wednes­ on just the same. We'll also re- Gilbert Rinard with his trombone, dyke, 3.00. day before a wave of anti-Americanism. France seems to be hopelessly .I;.»!.4A/1 nmA «,i>Virti,t o IfloHai at a tima iirhan hor nnciHnn in "Wnrth Page Two THE CRESCENT Friday, April 18, 1958 1 Pertinent People: "Royal" Grads Active in Newberg Success, Not Comfort The lending officer and assistant cashier of Sunday Bchool, and is on the church finance commit­ the local First National bank is a graduate of tee. Are you searching for success in your attempt to George Fox college, class of '49, Floyd Watson. Not only the local group has recognized his become educated? Remember, then, that comfort is He is Chief Blackcap (presi- ability, but tie serves on the fin­ ednt) of the Berrians, who sponsor ance committee of the quarterly the curse of man. We get used to the old ayays of the annual festival here each and yearly meetings of the Friends thinking, and old ways of doing things. We wear summer. The Kiwanis club and church. As if that were not ruts in our minds and in our lives. Getting out of Chamber of Commerce also claim enough to make money come out his attention. of his ears, lie serves on the col­ these ruts is necessary if we are to travel the road of His wife, Arline (Frazier) lege investment committee. success—success measured in peace of mfnd and abun­ Watson took her diploma from Not to be outdone, Arline is dance of life. But this, like all growth, is uncomfort­ GFC in '50, majoring in Bible. chairman of the church Christian She and Floyd were May queen education committee. She is serv­ able. and cardinal in '49. In fact they ing as area chairman of the GFC announced their engagement at Alumni Association. Realizing these things, a person CAN grow if he the queen's breakfast. The Watsons have three chil­ sets a wise goal for himsejf and identifies himself While in college, Arline was dren: Lorraine, Kenneth, and Rog­ with that goal. In order to reach it, he must be per­ studeht body secretary, and Floyd er. was chief treasurer, which may Floyd values his training at sistent. Repetition is also a factor. It takes a con­ have been the beginning of his George Fox. He termed education scious effort to turn off the radio or to leave the TV financial career. at a small Christian school as "a or to forego a trip to "Chuck's" in order to work A mathematics major at good foundation for Christian life toward your goal. But if you repeatedly make such George Fox, he began working at and service." the First National so

Newberg Branch DR. HOMER HESTER TYLER S. SOINE, M.D. L. H. PEEK, M.D. Newberg Dentist Physician and Surgeon Physician and Surgeon Lumber Yard First National Phone 3301 — 107 S. Meridian 107 N. Edwards — Newberg 115 S. Howard Newberg Complete Line of Bank DR. I. R. ROOT Dr. R. L. Johansen BUILDING of Portland Dentist MATERIALS Chiropractic Physician Member F.D. I. C. Phone 2431 Naturopathic Physician R. E. DREWS WUcox Bldg. — Newberg 300% E. First Phone 6281 Phone 1282 Says: BE NEWBERG BUTLER CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE DRUG WARDROBE SMART First and Washington — USED CAR LOT — Newberg CLEANERS For Everything From Pick Your BULOVA 411 First St. Fone 5401 Prescriptions to We Give S&H Green Stamps School Supplies NOW! Free Pickup and SMITH FUNERAL CHAPEL COLLEGE Delivery We Give Phone 941 PHARMACY 708 E. First St., Newberg S&H GREEN STAMPS .Tank Hnlman First Natl. Bank Bldg., Newberg MR. AND MRS. GENE SMITH — MR. DELL S.T0LL