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ARCHBISHOP JOHN BAPTIST PITAVAL DIES IN DENVER JOSEPH SMO fill KEIIREmCOUJUIOCIERGMN, FORMERiy OF SANTA FE SEE, IS STATE BEPVTY OF I OF C. HILL BE BHRIED HEBNESBAY Colorado Convention This Sunday and One of First Two Priests Ordained in Monday m Pueblo Colorado 3! The Colorado state convention of and delegates will be held in the The Most Rev. John Baptist Pitaval, D.D., titular Arch -v)ie Knights of Columbus will be held Pueblo club rooms Saturday after bishop of Amida, former Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, The National Catholic W elfare. Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Pueblo Sunday and Monday, May noon from 2 to 6 o’clock. Reception died at St. Anthony's hospital, Denver, at 8:30 Wednesday committees will be at the Union sta Register. Our News Is Us by Airplanes— the Only Aeronautic News Service That Comes to Colorado and 28. Joseph Stanko, Pueblo tion Saturday to greet the visitors. evening. His Grace was a victim of Bright’s disease and di liBiness man who has served as state The convention proper will open abetes, with heart complications, and had a long siege of I eputy of the order for four terms, with Solemn PontincaT Mass in the VOL XXin. No. 40. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1928. $2.00 PER YEAR illness before the end came. Early this year, his health showed I jilL pass out of office at this con- Sacred Heart church Monday morn serious signs of breaking, and he was anointed several weeks ^ntion. He refuses to permit his ing at 8 o’clock. The Rt. Rev. J. ime to be put up again for election, Henry Tihen, D.D., Bishop of Den ago. He was not able to lie down because of choking caused ^ though he would undoubtedly be ver and state chaplain o f the Knights “ Death Comes for the Archbishop” l.K TFNINii IN by the heart disease and he died propped up in his ” 10860 for the fifth time if he so de- of Columbus, will officiate. Business his office. In his passing, Colorado loses one of her genuine ^ e d . He has made an extraordinary will start at 9:30, at the K. of C. pioneer clergymen and the hierarchy of America loses one Scord. home. A luncheon will be served J Various prominent leaders in K. The Congregationalist, published of its most picturesque figures. at 12 o’clock in the Vail hotel for the in Boston, seems to be a rather high y C. work have been promoted by delegates and state officers. The cIsMS denominational magazine, and With him at the time of his death their studies in France, came to ^ e n d s in recent weeks for the state convention will reconvene at 1:30 yet its ignorance of Catholicity is so was his successor, the Most Rev. America and spent several ^puty’s office. Among them are and will come to a close with the con amazing that we could hardly .believe Archbishop Albert T. Daeger, O.F. months at St. Mary’s, Baltimore, before being ordained in Den ^ e e Denver men— Jolin B. Mc- vention ball for delegates, visiting our eye* when some friend sent us a M., now’ metropolitan of Santa Fe. ver. Father Servant and the ^auran, who served twice as grand brothers and members of Pueblo copy, this week, of the April* 12 issue, A group of priests, Franciscan ai|^ of the Denver council; John council at 8:80 Monday night. A Sisters and laics also saw the passing Archbishop were close friends Morrissey, who is likewise a past with several marked articles. W e card party and reception, under find one article on " A Little Sick of the prelate. Father Armand For- until death parted their com 'and knight and a prominent at- the auspices of the Catholic Daugh stall, S.J., of Regis college, an old radeship. Mother Dolorine, now mey, and John Sullivan, the present Child and Her Nurse,’’ written by ters of America, will be held Mon Jane T. Wolfe, "a former Y.W.C.A. friend who gave Extreme Unction to superior of St, Mary’s academy, .and knight of Denver council. day afternoon, for the entertainment worker” and a “ former Baptist," now the Archbishop, was there, as were witnessed their ordination. ®nmes W. Ruane of Trinidad, district of the women who accompany their the “ wife of the pastor of the First Father McMullen, chaplain of the Paid in Livestock ep u ^ o f the order in that section, husbands to the state convention. Congregationalist church, Milford, hospital; Mother Xaveria, the super Shortly after his ordination, Fa- as likewise been prominently men* Joseph Stanko, in his four terms Moss.” For sheer ignorance of Cath ior of St. Anthony’s, and Miss Mamie their Pitaval went to San Luis du ioned as a candidate, although as state deputy, has seen the forma olic doctrine, this article takes the Hotz, housekeeper for His Grace. Culebra, in the San Luis valley, jimora have recently said that he tion of four new councils—tCanon prize among all our reading in years, Archbishop Daeger arrived in Denver where he made his home while he • ould not permit his name to be put City, San Luis, Antonito, and the and' yet it appears in a high-priced Wednesday morning and left again worked all through the valley as a fc for voting. Friends may insist Rio Grande council at Del Norte. magazine and is given the heading, Thursday. He will return in time for missionarv. He was a man of l|)at his name be put up Three of these councils, it will be in large type, “ This is a true story.” the funeral next Wednesday. wonderful physique and his work ^ The state convention will start, as noted—San Luis, Antonito, and Rio Five Bishops to Pronounce during the nine years he was in the lual, with degree work, at the club Grande— are in the San Luis valley. The article tells how a dietician, Absolution valley demanded great strength. He bme o f Pueblo council. The first His career as state deputy has been “ a Protestant girl just out o f train Archbishop Pitaval will be buried told the writer several times thst he f^egree will be given at 9 • o’clock marked by varied activities for the ing,” >^as given a job in a large city in Denver. The remains will be kept “ lived those nine years on horse j^unday morning. The second will good of religion, such as the promo hospital. There was a little patient at St. Anthony’s hospital until next back,” visiting all parts o f the val ^Inrt immediately after the first, and tion of lecture tours to boost Cath dying in a free word, and because Tuesday afternoon, when they will be ley on missionary work. He secured ijiie third will immediately follow. The olic higher education, the protection she had bean used to awful poverty transferred to the Cathedral. They his support largely through the gift ^|*ueblo team will be in charge of the of the Church against bigot legisla the nurses found it difficult to get will lie in state at the Cathedral over o f livestock. The many Spanish and ■ Irst and second, and District Deputy tion, a pronam for the protection her to eat. She was not'accustomed Tuesday night, with a guard of honor Mexicans in the valley used to give james W. Ruane will be in charge of of the reli^ons and civic rights of to anything so fine os hospital food. composed of Knights of Columbus. him sheep and other livestock from ise third, assisted by the, Denver the Mexicans, the broadcasting of The dietician, by playing a little The Office for the Dead will be re their herds, and then some of them rJcCTee team. The convention banquet Catholic lectures over the radio, the game of tosteing broth with the child, cited by the priests Wednesday morn would look after his herds until he [Jill be held Sunday evening at 8 protection of Catholic civic rights finally induc^ the patient to eat. ing at 10 o’clock, and Solemn Pon found an opportunity to sell them. rV’clock. Bishop J. Henry Tihen will through the courts (as in the PUtte- tifical Mass of Requiem will be sung About 1898, Father Pitaval was 1^3 the {mincipal speaker and Thomas vUle Bible caes Lillian O’ Then, one day, the dietician was immediately afterwards! The cele transferred. Then he began another 'je l l y M l be the toastmaster. State Connor school-teacher case) and by called to the ward. The little girl brant of the Mass will be His Grace, picturesque period In his colorful '^7eputy Stanko will also speak. various other movements. He has was dying. A priest was there to ad Archbishop Daeger, and the preacher career. Father Downey was pastor Afternoon degree work will not be constantly visited alj sections of the minister Extreme Unction. The little will be the Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, at Aspen, a mining town where busi |eld, owing to extraordinary interest state in the promotion of K. of C. girl, according to the'article, wouldn’t D.D., Bishop of Denver. Five abso ness was humming. Bishop Nicholas anifested in Pueblo in the Pueblo- work and has shown that the state touch "the bread and 'wine.” The lutions will be given by members of G. Matz wanted to establish a pa [{•enver Western league double- deputy’s officp is one which carries Protestant dietician went bravely to the hierarchy after the Mass.