PROCEEDING International Seminar on Innovation and Creativity of Arts (ISICA) #1
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PROCEEDING International Seminar on Innovation and Creativity of Arts (ISICA) #1 Theme: Innovation and Creativity of Arts Teater Besar Monday, November 5, 2018 Keynote Speakers : Dr. G. Pino Confessa Dr. Edward Herbst Dr. Clare Chan Suet Ching Penerbit: ISI PRESS i PROCEEDING International Seminar on Innovation and Creativity of Arts (ISICA) #1 Theme: Innovation and Creativity of Arts Monday, November 5, 2018 Great Theater Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia Chief of Steering: Guntur Chief of Editors: Bambang Sunarto Chairman of the Committee: I Nyoman Murtana Organizing Commitee: Zulkarnain Mistortoify Sri Hesti Heriwati Taufik Murtono Editor: Zulkarnain Mistortoify Reviewer : Santosa Suwarlan Bambang Sunarto Moderator: Santosa Suwarlan Donie Fadjar Kurniawan Wasi Bantolo ii Design cover: Taufik Murtono Layout: Nila Aryawati ISBN: 978-602-5573-41-5 APPTI Member: Number: Published by: ISI Press Jl. Ki Hadjar Dewantara 19, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126 Telp (0271) 647658, Fax. (0271) 646175 Print I, 2018. ISI Press ix+ 185 pages Size: 15,5 X 23 cm All rights reserved © 2018, Copyright is protected by law. It is strictly forbidden to translate, photocopy, or reproduce some or all of the contents of this book without the written permission of the author. Sanksi pelanggaran pasal 72 Undang-undang Hak Cipta (UU No. 19 Tahun 2002) 1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksudkan dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau Pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp. 1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidana paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.,00 (lima milyar rupiah). 2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta sebagaimana diumumkan dalam ayat (1), dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah). iii OPENING SPEECH ON INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY OF ARTS Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the International Seminar of Innovation and Creativity of Arts (ISICA 2018) at Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta (ISI Surakarta); . The Honorable Rector of Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Dr. Guntur, M.Hum along with his staffs. Dean of Faculty of Performing Arts, Dr. Sugeng Nugroho and his staffs. Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Joko Budiwiyanto, S.Sn., M.A . Our respected officials at Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI Surakarta) . Also, we wish to thank to Director of Postgraduates Pro- gram of ISI Surakarta and staffs who had made this ISICA program possible. The objectives of conference to explore academic and artistic issue in wider contexts: innovation and creativity of arts. With great pride, this conference promises to be a landmark event in highlighting the art sub genres, crossovers, mashups intersection and innovation on music, dance, theater, puppet, films, craft, design and all kinds of art, featuring international academic quests and artists. The conference will discuss and engage with innovation and creativity of arts particularly the theoritical and practical expressions of how innovation plays out through arts and culture in the broadest sense, including popular culture. This seminar provides 10 topics (but not limited to): 1. Creativity and artistic innovation through tradition and heritage; 2. Creativity and artistic innovation in the perspectives of philosophy, history, culture, sociology, postmodernism, art creation. iv 3. Contemporary arts and its function and meaning in the Indonesianism perspective. 4. New form, new audiences, and new marketing in the per- forming arts, industry, and tourism. 5. The form of new arts, new media, and new technology in performing arts, creative industry and tourism. 6. From theory to practice and from practice to theory. 7. Methods and processes of arts creation. 8. The phenomenon of art reinterpretation, reconfigurations, collaboration, crossovers, mushups, and intersection. 9. The new creation of arts in and out of popular culture studies. 10. Exploring art’s inner and outer spaces and locations. We invite three (3) Keynote Speakers. (Please, stand up: The Honorable 1. Dr. G. Pino Confessa (Italian Honorary Consulate)) 2. Dr. Edward Herbst (The City University of New York) 3. Dr. Clare Chan Suet Ching (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia); The one acting as moderator is Prof. Dr. Santosa, S.Kar., MA., M. Mus. During the break we would like you to join the beautiful performance of keroncong music presented by UKM ISI Surakarta. After lunch, the seminar will be continued with the second session starting at 1 pm and finishing at 5.30 pm. Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of you here. We hope this seminar will serve to broaden your perspective. Thank you. Surakarta, November 5, 2018 Chairman of the Committee Dr. I Nyoman Murtana, MSi. v RUNDOWN OF INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY OF ARTS (ISICA) #1 Monday, November 5th, 2018 Time Activity Name Venue 08.00-09.00 Registration and Coffee Teater Besar Morning 09.00-09.30 Opening Speech Teater Besar 1. The Head of ISICA Dr. I Nyoman Murtana, 2018 S.Kar, M.Hum (ISI Surakarta) 2. The Rector of ISI Dr. Drs. Guntur Surakarta 09.30-12.00 1. Keynote Speech Dr. Edward Herbst (The City Teater Besar University of New York) 2. Keynote Speech Dr. Clare Chan Suet Ching (University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia) 3. Keynote Speech Dr. G Pino Confessa (Italian Honorary Consulate) Moderator Prof Dr. Santosa 12.00-13.00 Break Keroncong UKM ISI Teater Besar Lunch Surakarta Conference Time Presenter Title Venue 13.00-15.00 1. Arif Suharson “The Philosophical Values of Seminar Javanese Culture in the Room Decorative Arts of Pascasarjana Wuwungan in Kudus Traditional House” 2. Elya Nindy Alfionita “The Power of Music for Schizophrenia Disorders” 3. Dharminta Soeryana. “Interruption concept in "Awak Tam Ong" Play by Teater Kosong of Aceh” vi Moderator: Donie Fajar Kurniawan, SS, M.Si 15.15-17.15 4. Rina Yanti Harahap “Efficiency of Film Seminar Production Management Room Abroad” Pascasarjana 5. Katarina Indah “Rasa: The Aesthetic of Sulastuti Surakarta Classical Dance” 6. Aris Setiawan “Kidungan Jula-Juli: Cultural Expression as Propaganda and Critic” 7. Sufiana “Narrative Structure of Intisari Magazine Cover” 8. I Gede Yudarta “The Traditional Music of Gula Gending in the Creativity of Sasak Artists” 9. Joko Suranto Literacy Problems on Dissertation of Art Creation Moderator: Wasi Bantolo, SSn, MSn 17.15-18.00 Distribution of Seminar certificate Room Pascasarjana 18.00-18.30 The End vii TABLE OF CONTENS Opening Speech ....…......................................................... iv Rundown ff International Seminar on Innovation and Creativity of Arts (ISICA) #1 ................................................. vi Table of Contens ................................................................. viii Innovation and Creativity: Reflections From The Anthropocene Dr. Edward Herbst ........................................................ 1 Principles and Values Influencing Hands Percussion Malaysia Cosmopolitan Musical Creations in Collaboration with Global Alliance Clare Suet Ching Chan ................................................... 33 “Watek Lod” Satu Anugerah Baru Pino Confessa ................................................................... 49 The Philosophical Values of Javanese Culture in The Decorative Art of Wuwungan in Kudus Traditional House Arif Suharson, Dharsono, Nanik Sri Prihatini, and Bambang Sunarto ................................................. 61 Music Therapy For Schizofphrenia Disorders in Psychi- atric Hospital of Surakarta Elya Nindy Alfionita and Bondet Wrahatnala ............... 75 Interruption Concept in “Awak Tam Ong” Play by Teater Kosong of Aceh Dharminta Soeryana, Sarwanto, and Santosa Soewarlan 98 Efficiency of Film Production Management Abroad Rina Yanti Harahap, Pande Made Sukerta, and Santosa Soewarlan ....................................................................... 105 viii Rasa: The Aesthetic of Surakarta Classical Dance Katarina Indah Sulastuti .................................................. 114 Kidungan Jula-Juli: Cultural Expression as Media of Criticism and Propaganda “Study of Song In East Java” Aris Setiawan, Wisma Nugraha Ch.R., and Suyanto .... 126 Narrative Structure of Intisari Magazine Cover Sufiana ........................................................................... 146 The Traditional Music of Gula Gending in The Creativity of Sasak Artists I Gede Yudarta ................................................................. 158 Literacy Problems on Dissertation of Art Creation Joko Suranto .................................................................. 170 ix x “Innovation and Creativity: Reflections...” - Dr. Edward Herbst INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY: REFLECTIONS FROM THE ANTHROPOCENE Dr. Edward Herbst Principal Researcher and Director, Bali 1928 Repatriation Project Luce Foundation and Asian Cultural Council Research Scholar We live in a new era in the history of our planet Earth, an era in which humans are the dominant influence on the environment and climate. Humans are in control, contrast- ing with other times when living species adapted to natural evolutionary conditions. Similarly, now is a time when