IS Leader Linked to Beheadings Killed
06 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2018 world Dutchman, 69, IS leader linked to loses legal bid to be beheadings killed 20 years younger US-led coalition kills IS leader linked to the beheading of an American aid worker Abu al-Umarayn was accused• of involvement in the November Emile Ratelband, 69, answers journalists’ questions in Amsterdam, following 2014 beheading of the court’s ruling regarding his legal bid to slash 20 years off his age. Peter Kassig viously said he felt discrimi- The Hague, Netherlands nated against because of his AFP | Beirut, Lebanon advanced years, adding that Dutch court yesterday while he did not need dating he US-led coalition A slapped down an attempt apps, the custom of giving his against the Islamic State by a self-described “young age to a prospective lover was Tgroup said yesterday it god” just shy of his 70th birth- cramping his style. killed a senior jihadist involved day to slash his age by 20 years “I am a young god, I can have in the executions of an Ameri- to enhance his prospects in life all the girls that I want, but not can aid worker and other West- and love. after I tell them that I am 69,” ern hostages. In an unprecedented case, he recently said. Abu al-Umarayn was accused the Arnhem District Court told “I feel young, I am in great of involvement in the November “positivity guru” Emile Ratel- shape and I want this to be 2014 beheading of Peter Kassig, band it will not adhere to his legally recognised because I a former US ranger who was request to shift his birthdate feel abused, aggrieved and dis- doing volunteer humanitarian two decades later to March criminated against because of work when captured in 2013.
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