VOL. C NO. 8 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Turandot Measures Up Camp-Out Addresses GREG POUN ARTS EDITOR Recent Sexual Assault After days upon days of increased foot and bike patrols; relentless rehearsal, Turandot JOANNA HECHT dorm patrols; and escorts. Lyons went up in Goodwin Theater, and NEWS EDITOR also mentioned SafeWalks, a stu- came down in the run of a week- Over 100 people gathered to dent-run escort program that is in end. What was left was the mere show solidarity for victims of its planning stages, as a way for memory of a performance in the sexual violence on Tuesday at students to get home safely. minds of several hundred theater- The Inter-Greek Council's Polar Campus Safety is working with goers. So are these positive mem- Bear Camp-Out. the students involved in its plan- ories of laughter and entrance- The event was held on the ning to coordinate the two ment, or negative ones of bore- main quad and featured speakers groups' efforts. dom and disinterest? In the end, from Trinity's recognized Greek it was a mixed bag of both sur- organizations, Campus Safety, see CAMP-OUT on page 7 prisingly captivating and mildly Abi Moldover and the administra- painful moments, erring more on Turandot and her entourage present Caiaf with three riddles. tion. the side of the former than the lat- Chris Lyons, ter. Some elements of the per- worked very well. A minimalist comprised of heads set up on a who has headed formance simply didn't come set was given a very full feel. fence post, used a very expressive Campus Safety for together and couldn't be saved, With just a few chairs, and sever- and purposefully sloppy image of three years, out- while the play as a whole was al layers of hanging cloth, the sets a fence. This gave some levity to lined some of the incredibly entertaining, enjoy- were given a depth that seemed the scene, and marginally pre- measures the able, creative, and intelligent quite admirable. However, much pared the audience for the open- department is tak- throughout the entire span of its of this has to be attributed to the ing rap number, which I will ing to bulk up two hour and fifteen minute run- show's excellent lighting deci- delve into in a moment. Finally, security on cam- time. sions. The sets also had some fun the minimalist set allowed for pus, including Aesthetically, the show flair. For example, the first scene, more free movement among the adding officers to cast, an essential aspect of the each shift; cover- production. ing Allen PL, Committee Formed The music matched perfectly, Crescent, and Summit Streets; see TURANDOT on page 17 Students held candlelight vigil at Camp-out. ^presents Faculty Eno Juggles Writing and Work DAVID PIETROCOLA he says they have identified a way through community college NEWS WRITER bunch of issues. The other co- STEFANIE LOPEZ-BOY chair is alumnus trustee Philip S. STAFF WRITER and like I said, I quit last year. A governance committee, Khoury '71. Towards the end of my term selected from members of the fac- The concept for such a group This week staff writer Stefanie there, I became really involved in ulty and Board of Trustees, is cur- was first conceived under interim Lopez-Boy interviewed Allison school because I had always been rently evaluating key issues in the President Borden Painter, who Eno '05, an IDP student and this a commuting student but not real- College's planning and interac- outlined a need to investigate year's Presidential Fellow in ly participating. tion between trustees, faculty and Trinity's weaknesses. English. What follows is a tran- I started working in Phi Theta administration. Using feedback "It's a good time with a presi- script of their conversation. Kappa, which is an honor society from faculty members and dent who looks like he's going to Trinity Tripod: What were for two-year colleges. I had a trustees, they will give final rec- be here awhile," commented you doing before you came to Abi Moldover wonderful advisor, Liz Burns, ommendations to President Jones, Prigodich. Trinity, and what made you Eno majors in creative writing. who wanted to know what my the faculty and Board of Trustees "When you have a new pres- decide to come back to college? 1995. I certainly was not where plans were after Northwestern before the end of the semester. ident coming, it's the best time to Allison Eno: Well, I actually I you guys are at this stage, I was a and I honestly was thinking "We're making progress," look at doing new things," added had been in school for six years late bloomer. I didn't think that I Central Connecticut State College said Richard Prigodich, co-chair Scott Reynolds, Secretary of the because I was studying at needed college and then I got to was probably a good place for of the committee and professor of Winsted Northwestern be 24, 25 and I realized I didn't me, but she didn't agree. She Chemistry. "It's a first step," and see FACULTY on page 9 Community College; I started in want to bartend for the rest of my life. Ironically, I bartended my see IDP on page 14

Israeli Prints at the Widener INSIDE founded in 1974 in Israel. NICK CALJLAHAN The goal of the workshop Learn more about the ARTS WRITER is to expand and advance Graduation Pledge, Printmaking is one of the the art of printmaking in when seniors can sign Israel. The workshop gath- most important forms of artwork and how more students but it is also one of the most mis- ers some of the most understood. If you were to ask a important and up and com- can get involved with group of people to define print- ing printmakers and gives the effort on page 11. making, most could not give you them a space to practice and make their art. It pro- a decent definition. This is partly A double blind date crashes and vides a caring atmosphere The debate about fences and a because printmaking has evolved Abi Moldover closed campus policy continues burns in fantastic fashion in to a level of diversity that is diffi- Depicted here is the Moon series. and a staff of experienced in Opinions on page 4. Features on page 11. cult to define even with years of on the printing plate can be made printmakers to give advice to Read the story of the straggle to art training. That being said, I'm using technique such as engrav- expert and novice printmakers See the archived article about the school's 1923 Centennial get the top prize in the animated ing, etching, drypoint, woodcuts, alike. Luckily for the Trinity going to do my best to explain Celebration in News on page 6. industry in Arts on page IS. what comprises printmaking. silkscreen, and many more. College community, we now get Printmaking involves the transfer The Jerusalem Print to reap the rewards of all their Opinions page 2 Arts page 15 of an image by ink from a print- Workshop, the work which is on hard work. News page 6 Announcements page 19 ing plate to another medium, usu- display in the Widener Gallery, is Features page 11 Sports page 24 ally a piece of paper. The image a non-profit organization that was see JERUSALEM on page 16 www.trinitytripod.com THE TRINITY TRIPOD NOVEMBER PAGE 2 OPINIONS - 16, 2004

Alumnus Endorses Fences Around Campus Crtpoir To the Editor: ple entering dorms elicited accu- sations of racism and intolerance. Although I was horrified to Thus, given the proven inef- Eileen T. Hynn '05 Eliza K. Sayward '05 read about the recent sexual fectiveness of the measures advo- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR assault, I was not surprised. cated by the administration, I Given the College's open campus believe that the only real solution policy, the occurrence of such an to cutting down on campus crime NEWS EDITORS OPINIONS EDITORS event seemed inevitable. is, as John-Robert LaPorta stated Hannah Hurwitz '05 Joanna Hecht '07 Maggie Downing '05 Daniel Scollan '05 Every attack in the past has in last week's Tripod, the building been followed by an announce- of a fence. FEATURES EDITORS ARTS EDITORS ment that the college will be A fence would hamper the Jenny Dunn '05 Juliet Izon '07 Greg Polin '05 Evan Norris '06 "beefing up security," and every ability of criminals to easily enter announcement has been followed or exit the campus, but there is no SPORTS EDITORS ANNOUNCEMENTS EDITOR by another attack. This is a cycle reason why it would have to dam- Benjamin Leong '06 Will Yang '06 Kristen St. Martin '06 that is discouraging to say the age our relations with the com- least. munity. PHOTO EDITORS ONLINE EDITORS It should be obvious that the In short, I am once again Abi Moldover '05 Chuck Pratt '07 Scott Baumgartner '07 Melissa KotulsM '05 exposed areas of campus cannot deeply disappointed in Trinity's possibly be adequately patrolled response to the reality of crime. If CARTOONIST by the two Hartford Police offi- there was ever an indication that Sebasian Ebarb '06 cers and the five to eight Campus the current administration is more Safety officers on patrol. In the concerned with its marketing SENIOR EDITORS majority of the crimes on campus, image than with the safety of the Jonathan Chesney '05 Rebecca Fowler '05 Alexander Gordon '05 Edna the perpetrators fled across the students for whom it is responsi- Guerrasio '05 Peter Scala '05 Bailey Triggs '05 open borders on Summit and ble, this predictable and feeble Vernon and were never found. reaction to a horrific attack on a STAFF WRITER The Safe Walks program will not student is it Stefanie Lopez-Boy '05 be effective against even one In last week's article by attacker with a gun or a . Hannah Hurwitz, Dean Alford COPY EDITOR Dean Alford encouraged stu- stated that "our first priority is the Jamie Calabrese '05 dents to "refrain from letting peo- well-being of the victim." I ple you don't know into buildings respectfully counter that if Keeping it in Perspective [and] report suspicious activity Trinity's first priority was the immediately." With the campus' well-being of its students, and not The Tripod has received criticism for publishing, on the front page, an article by focus on racial profiling, I cannot the perceived opinion of the local Features Editor Jenny Dunn in which she talks about her Homecoming experience. We see any student actually doing community, the College would have been criticized for presenting the school to parents and prospective students in this this, especially if the individuals have fewer victims to tend to in manner. in question are members of the first place. The Tripod is not, and never has been, a public relations publication for the school. minority groups. Past incidents Our job at the paper is to present Trinity as it is and push for it to become something better. where students reported suspi- Sincerely, Though my editorials often voice a complaint or a worry I have about the school, I write cious activity or questioned peo- Chris Silverman '03 these editorials because I believe that Trinity is a great school that can be even better, as long as we continue to push. Bar Advertisement Encourages Date Rape We are not here to deceive our parents or the prospective students who may read the To the Editor: and proactive hi seeking out and paper. This weekend the Tripod was present for a prospective students' Activities Fair. condemning this kind of ignorant Unlike a number of current students and alumni/ae they were more interested in the reports In last week's issue of the behavior like that seen in the of rape and ethnic intolerance on campus than one senior's Homecoming. Our Opinions Hartford Advocate there was an Advocate. section often has to solicit articles about campus issues rather than relying on students to ad for the 88 Bar that was, to say The 88 Bar doesn't get off so address them on their own. the least, disturbing. The ad list- easy though. What in the world Ms. Dunn's article related her personal experience of her 21st birthday and ed about 10 types of alcohol and was running through their heads Homecoming weekend. Responses to this article from current students and alums have their prices and concluded with when they printed"an aB like this? expressed concern over this article. One alumnus wrote a fairly insulting letter about Ms. "Taking home the girl who drank Do none of them have sisters, Dunn and wished to have the letter published anonymously, rather than taking credit for all the above: PRICELESS." Not wives or girlfriends who they what he wanted to say. only is this ad troubling in and of wouldn't want to get hurt? My itself but it was published in an sister is a freshman in college and Ms. Dunn's Homecoming experience was not mine, but I do not judge her for it, nor issue of the Advocate which fea- did I take it as an absolute truth about Trinity. It was a personal story for the Features sec- I would sooner see her become a tured on its cover a menacing sil- lonely single, senile old lady than tion. It was also a story that Ms. Dunn was willing to put her name on, unlike those who houette of man and the headline: wish to anonymously criticize. go out to bars like the 88 and "Rape on Campus: Are College meet the scum that ads like these We at the Tripod have to own our words and our decisions every week. We do our Women Safe?" appeal to. best, without credit or pay, to put out a paper that the school expects to see every week. The praise tend to come from the faculty and administration, rather than the students for whom My answer'to this kind of If you call the 88 Bar to com- we are trying to provide a service. When we receive criticism, it should be signed, just as we rampant apathy is - clearly not. plain, plan on being on the phone The fact is, according to the for awhile; they will apologize put our names on the paper every week. Criticism will help the paper to improve, but gen- Daily Beacon, only 30 percent of profusely and won't let you go eral comments and focusing on the minor issues will not help the paper or the campus. We rapes occur by an unknown per- until you have spoken to a man- see students responding to a Features article or Pillow Talk than the very real problems at son; 70 percent of rape victims ager and anybody else they can Trinity. I am appalled that at a school that has a multitude of problems, a senior's weekend know their attacker. Furthermore, dig up that wants to apologize as of legal drinking somehow makes it to the top of people's lists. 90 percent of rapes involve alco- weH. hol use on the part of either vic- To tell you the truth, that's not The Trinity Tripod is published every Tuesday, excluding vacations, by the students of Trinity tim or assailant. good enough. I can't speak for College in Hartford, Conn. So what is going on here? Is everyone but I'm never setting The Tripod office is located in the basement of Jackson Dormitory. the Hartford Advocate condemn- Address all correspondence to: The Trinity Tripod, Trinity College #702582, foot inside the 88 Bar. I would say 300 Summit Street Hartford, CT 06106-3100 ing only 10 percent of rapes and boycott the Hartford Advocate Visit our website at www.trinitytripod.coin condoning the other 90 percent or but their ignorance is free to Subscribe to the Tripod: $20 for 11 issues (1 semester), $35 for 22 issues (1 year). are they just entirely apathetic everyone. But that's just my two like so many others? I would cents. Editor-in-Chief Business Office have to go with the latter option, (860) 297-2583 (860) 297-2584 but it makes an important point: Sincerely, Letters to The Trinity Tripod must be received by 5 p.m. on the Friday before publication. Letters should we all need to be more vigilant Louis Evans '05 be addressed to the Editor, not a particular individual. Letters over 400 words in length and opinion submis- .P I' L L O "W • ' T A L sions over 800 words in length will not be published, though exceptions may be made at the editors' ciscre- Snow kept PT away from the tion under special circumstances. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be published. However, names may First snow of the season if 90s Party ... or maybe every- be withheld at the author's request. The Tripod will not publish any letters deemed by the editors to be an blankets the campus. attack on an individual's character or personality. Otherwise, all opinions expressed will be given a forum. one just wanted an 80s party. All letters are sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the PT is proud that Bantams Tripod. The editors of the Tripod reserve the right to edit all letters for clarity and/or brevity. Football team makes history Letters may be submitted via: - • . rootoaii ream maices msrory . excel at more than just prep- Campus Mail Box 702582 E-Mail: [email protected] with longest winning streak. • * pnyv sportSDorts like SemashSquash. THE TRINITY TRIPOD PAGE 3

NOVEMBER 16, 2004.

Specter Scares Right-Wing Arafat's Passing Pennsylvania Senator's Stance on Court Appointments Questioned MIKE LANZA . Leaves Void to Hll made regarding the next wave of Twenty-two percent of voters OPINIONS CONTRIBUTOR court appointments. Immediately cited "moral values" as their most TIM COUGHLIN cle." Conservatives have had a lot after the big Republican win, important issue, outweighing OPINIONS WRITER There is no denying the far- to celebrate in recent days. In the Specter advised President Bush to other hot picks such as war, job With the passing of reaching influence Arafat had on course of an evening, the avoid nominating judges that loss, and the economy. The enor- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat the Palestinian Nationalist move- Republicans expanded their hold could be found too conservative. mous coalition of morally-driven this past week, the dynamics of ment and the Palestinian people. on Congress, 11 states passed Perhaps because of his typically "red states" spelled victory for the Israeli and Palestinian, as well as He was the Chairman of the PLO anti-gay marriage laws and, of arrogant tone, many conserva- incumbent president. On the all of Middle Eastern politics, Executive Committee, head of the course, President George W. tives inferred that Specter himself same night, in the blue state of will be sure to change. In a situa- Fatah movement, of Bush was elected to a second might oppose one or more of the Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter won term. Evangelicals and social President's picks. Conservatives re-election as well. Unlike Bush, Arafat's death is one that presents a conservatives have worked find the comments particularly Specter has never connected well plethora of opportunity for... rising relentlessly and now, with the distressing because of the likeli- with his party's conservative elections over, are eager to enjoy hood that Specter will be replac- base. In fact, the senator was Palestinian leaders ... lucky, to survive a primary race Unlike Bush, [Arlen] Specter has never with a more right-wing opponent. tion that in the past was volatile at the Palestinian forces, and presi- connected well with his party's conserva- He is part of a dying breed, the the most peaceful moments, the dent of the Palestinian National moderate Republicans who now void that is left by Arafat's death Authority. Each of these powerful tive base. exist almost exclusively in the is one that presents a plethora of positions hangs in a delicate bal- Northeast. Often accused of sup- opportunity for both rising ance, and the succession process the fruits of-their-success. But ing Utah senator Orrin Hatch as porting "abortion on demand," Palestinian leaders and those pro- for thek leadership is crucial to before John Kerry had even fin- Chair of the Judiciary Committee. Specter's elevation to judiciary ponents of an Arab/Israeli peace conflict resolution in the Middle ished his concession speech, a Thanks to his impolitic remarks, chair may be the last hurrah for agreement. East. new threat had emerged on the Specter finds himself the target of the Rockefeller wing of the Put best by The Age, an As head of the nationalist Republican radar. Earlier this growing right-whig disdain. Republican Party. Australian publication, "What- movement, many of the initial week I received an e-mail entitled And why shouldn't the Right The rest of the Republican ever view one takes of the interim Palestinian leaders are "Help Stop Specter." It would be angry? All post-election data Party is beginning to feel cheated. Palestinian leader, in his declin- representative of Arafat's "old seem I was being recruited by a indicate what the Bush campaign More than in any other presiden- ing years he had become an guard." The nationalist move- growing conservative movement already knew: conservatives tial campaign, court appointments impediment rather than an aide to ment's leadership has often been dedicated to stopping Arlen would decide the election. While have become a major issue. a lasting peace ... on the road to in conflict with the "young Specter from chairing the Senate the GOP ought to thank all of its Kerry warned frequently that Roe peace, the founder of Fatah, head guard" as well as with some of Judiciary Committee. factions, there is no doubt where v. Wade might be in jeopardy of the Palestine Liberation the more radical Islamic move-- The controversy was brought the party's strength really comes should the president get to fill a Organization and eventual presi- • ments, such as Hamas and to life by what some are calling from. The 2004 election illus- dent of the Palestinian Authority "threatening comments" Specter trates my point perfectly. see SENATOR'S on page 5 had become an immovable obsta- see PALESTINE on page 5 New Republicans Drift Further

GREGORY MORIN indication, Tom Coburn, the new OPINIONS CONTRIBUTOR Republican senator from Nov. 2 President George W. Oklahoma, will likely be the most Bush won re-election with a conservative senator since Strom smaller margin than any sitting Thurmond. Dr. Coburn has said president since Woodrow Wilson that he favors the death penalty in 1916, but he has already taken for doctors who perform abor- to calling his victory a "mandate" tions. He also referred to the from the American people and Oscar-winning film about the has promised to aggressively pur- Holocaust, Schindler's List, as /////////\ Sue his conservative agenda dur- pornographic and wrote a book ing the next four years. As if that denouncing right-wing hardliners were not bad enough, the like Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott Republican Party managed to as being too moderate. Coburn expand its majorities in both the has come under intense criticism House and the Senate. from women who say he steril- The House will remain a rub- ized them against their will while ber stamp for Bush he was a doctor in private prac- Administration policies, so the tice. last refuge for the Democratic Coburn will not have any rea- Party will be in the Senate. Forty- son to feel alone when he joins four Democrats, one Democrat- the Senate officially in January. leaning Independent and a hand- The new Republican senator from ful of moderate Republicans are South Carolina, Jim DeMint, has charged with protecting the inter- stated publicly that he does not ests of the 48 percent of America think homosexuals or unwed that did not vote for George Bush. mothers should be allowed to With the importance of the teach in the public schools. Senate in mind, I would like to These new extremely conser- introduce you to the new vative senators will fit in with the Republican senators from current Republican leadership Oklahoma and South Carolina. If his time in Congress is any see GOP on page 4 PAGE 4 OPINIONS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Fences Promote Elitist GOP Congress Threatens Attitudes Toward City Many Established Rights continued from page 3 vacancies and may fill as many as three Open College Campus Valuable to Surrounding Area like popped collars at Trinity. Trent Lott, Supreme Court vacancies during his term. the former Republican Majority Leader, These life-tenured posts will be President EMILY MALBON a large educational community and some- said that the United States would have Bush's legacy decades after he leaves the OPINIONS CONTRIBUTOR one's front yard. Trinity is a beautiful cam- avoided "all these problems" if segrega- White House. All of his nominations must In an article in last week's Tripod, pus, and it would be selfish of us to keep it tionist candidate Strom Thurmond had go through the Senate, and if history is any John-Robert LaPorta called for fences to be to ourselves. been elected president in 1948. Republican guide he will continue to nominate extreme built around Trinity's borders. His argu- The construction of fences would pro- Senator Rick Santorum has famously com- right-wing judges who want to eliminate ment is that by being able to limit visitors mote separatism and elitism on our cam- pared homosexuality to polygamy, incest the right to choose, erode environmental, on campus to only those who have a spe- pus. A blatant border of iron bars around and adultery. Senator Jim Bunning made protections, eliminate affirmative action cific reason to be here, criminals would not our college would create what would ethnic slurs in a speech about his dark- and curtail civil liberties and civil rights. have access to the campus and the crime appear as a line between the white, wealthy skinned Democratic opponent saying that In his last term, President Bush nomi- rate would drop. and educated nature of our campus and the he looked like Saddam Hussein's sons. nated, and the Republicans in the Senate Frankly, I find this contention arrogant minority and working class nature of the Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss, who supported, nominees like James Holmes and troubling. If such fences were built, not surrounding community. never served in the military, won his seat in who has written that women should subor- only would our crime rate be only slightly If these fences were constructed, neigh- affected, but it would encourage feelings of borhood kids would be unable to walk ... if history is any guide [Bush] will continue to elitism and a separation from a community around, see people studying outside, nominate extreme right-wing judges who want to elim- that greatly benefits by its access to our observe students talking to professors, and campus. get an idea of what higher education is inate the right to choose... As evidence for Ms claim, LaPorta lists about. Families would be unable to take a variety of crimes that can be associated walks on Sundays through campus. A fence the Senate by questioning the patriotism of dinate themselves to their husbands. with outsiders to our campus. One is the would send the message that education and Max Cleland, who lost three of his limbs Appeals Court Nominee William Haynes recent sexual assault committed by four wealth are reserved for us in the Trinity while serving his country in Vietnam. was intimately involved in the torture college-age men against a student. The sad community, and that outsiders are not These Republican senators are already memo scandal that laid the groundwork for fact is that only an estimated 10 to 15 per- allowed to partake. referring to the Democratic minority as the abuses at Abu Ghraib, nominee Charles "obstructionists" and are calling for the Pickering went out of his way as a district Unfortunately, statistics show that Trinity women elimination of centuries old Senate rules court judge to reduce the sentence of a con- should worry more about being attacked by men they like the filibuster so they can ram the pres- victed cross burner, and appeals court nom- ident's agenda through the Senate without inee William Pryor has argued that the know than by outsiders. any compromises. The Republican leader- Violence Against Women Act, the Civil ship in the Senate is anxious to eliminate Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with cent of rapes are reported; the reason for For a few years I worked with middle the filibuster because it is the only remain- Disabilities Act and the Clean Water Act this low report rate is that oftentimes vic- school students from Hartford, and I quick- ing at Democratic senators' disposal to are all unconstitutional. tims know their attackers, and for a variety ly learned that race relations are in a bad prevent the administration from packing So next time you hear a news story of reasons do not want their attacker to get state in this city. Unfortunately, many the courts with right-wing ideologues and where Senator Frist calls the Senate into trouble. Unfortunately, statistics show minorities and whites distrust and dislike the only way to give the administration any Democrats a bunch of "obstructionists," that Trinity women should worry more each other. Separating the predominantly incentive to come to the bargaining table in keep in mind who and what they are about being attacked by men they know white population of Trinity and the pre- goodfaitii. obstructing. The Senate Democrats are our than by outsiders. dominantly minority population of the sur- President Bush will have a chance to last best hope to protect our most cherished LaPorta also mentions his car cover rounding community would only encour- fill hundreds of District and Appeals Courts rights. being stolen twice, and his being verbally age these attitudes. • harassed by neighborhood teenagers. He I do not mean to imply that living on an does not give many details regarding his open campus like Trinity is without its car cover, but it appears that it is mere risks. Being safe here requires a certain Along tne Long vValk... guesswork that outsiders were the thieves. level of awareness and intelligence, and As for the verbal harassment - which, I even that is not always enough. The admit, no one should have to put up with — College has done a great deal to ensure our I and many other girls I know have been safety. Blue lights and Campus Safety are verbally harassed by drunken Trinity men just two of the forces that keep us safe. *Do- while walking home on a Friday night. I My boyfriend has lived in Hartford cannot help but feel that I must pay more since 1988. When he was growing up, the attention to the people in my midst than the Trinity campus was one of his favorite neighborhood kids who might throw empty places to walk around and ride his bike. He insults in my direction. participated for many years in Halloween 'Generally, yeah, I feel safe. I usually stay with my roommates when X go out; A fence would send the message that education and we stick together. wealth are reserved for us in the Trinity community, — Christine JMykson 07 and that outsiders are not allowed to partake.

The truth is that a wide majority of on Vernon St. He and his friends didn't like JLes, I do. X don t think of the campus crimes on campus are committed by our the local parks because of the heavy police as an isolated bubble in society. It's a own students. Clearly, the "enemy" is not presence. He loved how beautiful the cam- people from the surrounding community. pus was, and how welcoming it seemed. He part of the city and a part of the coun- It is not outsiders who most often commit felt as if it was an escape from the poverty try." — Kevin Keating *o5 crimes here — it is our fellow students. of his own neighborhood. He says that LaPorta suggests that kids who want to because of his access to Trinity he was able hang out and ride their bikes can go to local to come to some understanding of what parks like Bushnell and Pope. Because out- positive things an education can bring. "No, I really don't. I don't feel safe to siders do not pay tuition, they should not be Trinity has an illustrious reputation as wait by niyself and I won t "walk by on our campus without a specific reason. being involved in the surrounding commu- He writes, 'Trinity College is a private nity. The Learning Corridor is just one -myself. establishment, and they have no right to be example of our involvement The abundant — Hayley Einhorn o5 on this property, no more than I would have opportunities for community service is one to be on theirs, without specific permis- reason why I applied and chose to attend sion." this school. Why shut off our campus from out- Building a fence around our campus "I feel safe. I like the measures they ve siders simply because they do not pay to implies insincerity of action — we will taken; they should raise awareness. upkeep it? Why must only members of the interact with people from the neighborhood Trinity community have the pleasure of while on their turf, but we are not comfort- ; . — JVlicnael XXoar on walking down the Lower Long Walk? The able with them walking down Vernon comparison between Trinity and someone's Street. Trinity College is a great neighbor; private residential property is erroneous. let's not separate it from the rest of the Compiled by Maggie Downing There is of course a big difference between community. Photos by Abi Moldover NOVEMBER 16, 2004 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD OPINIONS PAGE 5 Palestine Needs Leadership Closed Campus Will Solve Safety Issues continued from page 3 undoubtedly confront the next said the changes that are needed To the Editor: this group is made up of teenage Islamic Jihad. Each of these generation of Palestinian leaders to ensure internal Palestinian boys on bikes who get a thrill out groups will be vying for a piece will be the maintaining of the peace are virtually impossible: Last week's opinion piece of swerving dangerously near of the leadership roles left vacant cohesion of Arafat's movement. "The problem is that no entitled "Good fences Make pedestrians, or creeps who show in the wake of Arafat's death. With well over 30 years of con- Palestinian leader, no matter who Good Hartford Neighbors" had up after dark and simply lurk Former Prime Minister solidated power there will be he is, can deliver these changes. the right idea about what needs to around. Mahmoud Abbas was chosen last multiple factions clawing at the They represent a direct challenge be done with this campus. The - The concern that erecting week as president of the PLO, the opportunity to gain control of the to the Israeli occupiers, neighbor- notion that we are extending our- fences will send a negative mes- central group in uniting the differ- nationalist movement, particular- ing Arab countries, and the inter- selves to the community by hav- sage to the community is a valid ent Palestinian movements. One ly within the Fatah movement, national community ..." ing an open campus is misguided. one but does not outweigh the his most critical roles will be the traditionally the most radical Not only is there a risk of The truth is that we are not per- dangers of an open campus. The continuation of peace talks with wing of the PLO. international conflict, but popular forming great deeds to better the horrendous sexual assault in a Israel, an arena in which Arafat Daoud Kuttab, director of the support for these "old guard" suc- neighborhood around us and dormitory two weeks ago is, in had little success. Institute of Modern Media at Al cessors is dwindling. In key Trinity consistently tops the my opinion, enough to merit shut- The challenges that will Quds University in Ramallah, has Palestinian territories there have Princeton Review's 'Town/Gown ting our gates. The perpetrators of been attempts by popular local Relations Strained" list. If fences this act would probably not have leaders to divide the movement and/or some form of security been attending a school function Senator's Remarks even further. checkpoints on the roads entering earlier that evening if they had For example, the critical set- the campus were constructed, it not been able, to simply stroll tlement in Gaza has a self-pro- would not prevent students from right onto campus. Spark Controversy claimed leader of the reform continuing to work at the Those in favor of keeping movement, Mohamed Dahlan, a Learning Corridor or elsewhere in Trinity property available to all continued from page 3 to do so as chair of the Judiciary. former security minister. Hartford. Trinity would not be often cite the numerous crimes vacancy on the Supreme Court. The senator also claims to have There is also Marwan shut off; we would always have committed by Trinity students, Bush struck back, arguing that no objection with the elevation of Barghouti, a former Fatah militia the option to invite any positive claiming that we are the danger, Kerry appointments could turn, the Supreme Court's most conser- chief who was jailed in Israel. local groups onto campus. Our not the city's residents. Yes, stu- the whole country into vative member, Clarence These local leaders may not have relationship with the community dent crime is a problem that needs Massachusetts and threaten the Thomas, to the position of Chief the power to take political office, is bad right now; closing the cam- to be addressed, but it is a sepa- institution of marriage. The peo- Justice. To his credit, the senator but they do have the ability to pus is not going to -make things rate issue from the danger posed ple took their chances and made a probably never assumed he would break support for the PLO and any worse and it will make our to us by the surrounding area. decision. To many be given so much atten- large-scale struggle for national immediate community a safer Students should not have to be c onservati ve s ^ lion. The liberal media, autonomy. place. scared to walk to the library and Bush's victory signi- still recovering from Right or wrong, Arafat was a The idea of offering the local Campus Safety cannot honestly fied national Kerry's loss, was des- force in Palestine that will not Hartford community the chance be expected to shuttle everyone approval for what perately trying to soon be duplicated. His legacy to enjoy our grounds is a noble around. There is a very clear need he did in his first 1^^ salvage anything has been preserved, at least tem- one, however it does not work in for. our own safety's sake to shut term, including Ms jSHjfik positive from the porarily, by the continuation of reality. The majority of Hartford our gates. appointment of situation. Wanting the "old guard" in positions of residents that wander onto the conservative judges. to promote leadership. With Specter's threats, however, Long Walk are not here to have a Sincerely, Specter's call for social modera- For real change to occur, there many Republicans fear the possi- nice stroll or a picnic. Far from it, Emily McLean '05 tion, the media tried to emphasize needs to be an integration of dif- bility of being undermined by one divisions within the increasingly ferent ideologies in the leadership of their own. The question must unified Republican Party. ranks of the Palestinian national- Rape at Trinity Mirrors Atrocities Abroad be asked, is there any reason for Specter's chairmanship will come ist movement. genuine concern? To the Editor: of sexual assault are often most likely after he convinces his No matter who is chosen to reduced to vague emails followed The answer, of course, is no. fellow Republicans that he does permanently lead the Palestinians On Nov. 3, human rights by comments by peers that per- Specter has been working damage not pose any type of threat. and craft the path toward Middle lawyer Paul Hoffman presented a haps the female shouldn't have control since he first issued those Having just faced a close primary Eastern peace, they will have to speech on violence against been drinking or dressed a certain comments. He rightly points out race in his home state, Specter has first learn to incorporate all par- women in Juarez, a city in way. that he has supported every one of come to learn, albeit slowly, that ties involved, or else be prepared Mexico where terrible crimes are However, sexual assault is a President Bush's court appoint- he cannot afford to challenge the for further division and blood- being committed against women crime against a woman, not what ments and would likely continue conservative establishment. shed. on a daily basis. Hoffman pro- she is wearing or not wearing. As vided accounts of women being Hoffman points out, sexual abused,- tortured, and then mur- assault crimes are the result of Trin Culture at Root of Assaults dered without a trace. According cultural and societal norms that This is the text of the speech that we need to stop ignoring the that there are more than just two to Hoffman, of the 400 women in condone violence against women. given by SGA President Isaac fact that certain Greek organiza- sides - for and against - to the Cuidad Juarez who have disap- Furthermore, they take place far Goldstein '05 on Tuesday, Nov. 9 tions - a minority within the' issue of sexual assault. What I peared, a quarter have turned up too frequently throughout the at the IGC Anti-Violence Camp- Greek system, to be sure - have also know is our anger is only a with signs of severe sexual abuse world. Out on the main quad. refused to acknowledge their role veil for our pain, and that much of and brutality. Frequently these In Cuidad Juarez, sexual I want to thank the IGC for in perpetuating a culture that this campus is in pain over what crimes go unreported, a silence crimes are the result of a long his- holding this important event, the breeds sexual violence. has happened. And yes, people in that is perhaps as dangerous as tory of domestic abuse that is Greek organizations for sleeping Over the past two weeks, I pain tend to lash out against sim- the actual crimes themselves. commonly accepted in society. out here in such chilly weather, have been so angry and disgusted plistic targets. What I also know At Trinity, a similar situation At Trinity, they are the result of and I also wanted to personally with Trinity. Unjustly or not, I is that a divided community can- is manifesting itself in a much irreverence towards women in thank Katie Gage for her leader- wanted someone or something to not deal with community con- more muted but increasingly dis- general. While the situation in ship in organizing this event. blame. And I believe that students cerns. Trinity students must con- turbing form. Recently, more Juarez is more compelling and I appreciate the good inten- are just as angry and frightened tinue to work together to end sex- knowledge of sexual assaults on alarming than the recent reports tions of tonight. It is inspiring to about sexual assault as I am. ual violence, but we must not campus has surfaced. Although of sexual abuses at Trinity see so many people committed These angry and frightened allow our friendships to get in the details are limited in order to pro- (because assaults in Juarez are to ending sexual violence on students believe that a radical way of real answer to the prob- tect the privacy of the victims, the more visible and greater in num- Trinity's campus. As I prepared change is necessary. They are lems of sexual violence. At the assaults are still crimes commit- ber) both are equally atrocious. my remarks for tonight, I found thinking that if we don't tackle veiy least, the survivors of sexual ted against women that are not Hoffman explains that putting myself writing a very crude and the culture that allows for the violence deserve that from us. being acknowledged properly or an end to these crimes "entails angry speech. heinous acts to go unnoticed and I implore the Trinity student treated with the urgency they changing how societies think and . What.I was going to say is be silently approved, students body not to let this event act as a deserve. view women." Despite valuable that we are Jkidding ourselves if won't be safe from sexual assault. bandage for the wounds that A main concern regarding the efforts to protect a victim's priva- we think that more police offi- These students believe that sexual have been opened up over me crimes hi Juarez is the lack of cy, the community must be fully cers patrolling at night is going violence grows on a fertile cultur- last six weeks. We need to con- response to situations of violence informed of the extent to which to end sexual violence. al bed of sexism, binge drinking, tinue to talk frankly about what and assault towards women. these crimes occur. This is the What I. was going to say is irresponsibility and a policy of . to do about sexual, assault, and to Although no one is certain of who only way the voices of these that we are kidding ourselves if don't-ask, don't-tell. It is my replace the cultural, diseases of is committing these crimes, women will be heard and given we think that one Tuesday night responsibility as Student hyper-masculine entitlement and according to Hoffman, the police the merit they deserve. dedicated to putting an end to Government President to act in disrespect with a culture of often blame victims for dressing sexual violence will do all that in accordance to students* wishes. shared, responsibility' We owe to. provocatively or walking alone at Sincerely, an Instant. : . What I know is that this issue the survivors to do that, and we night. Similarly, at Trinity, reports Alicia Diaz '06 What I was going to say is is. much more complex fban that, owe it to this great college. PAGE 6 THE TRINITY TRIPOD

NEW s NOVEMBER 16, 2004. PRIDE Nominated for Award Trinity and United ASHLEY BELL n't take the time to focus on inte- media establishments], causing NEWS WRITER grating these students into their people to become interested in Way Come Together The Promoting Respect for new environment, after five what the program was doing. Inclusive Diversity in Education weeks we could lose them com- 'Teople apparently liked the EILEEN FLYNN stated, "Trinity and the United program will be honored on Nov. pletely." idea of employing student work- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Way Community Campaign have 16 with an award for Program of "What is important about the ers to be peer mentors and Members of Trinity's staff a long standing working relation- the Year from the National program now," continued thought that promoting cross-cul- and administration are working to ship with regards to [the] cam- Association of Student Personnel Spurlock-Evans, "is that PRIDE tural exchange was a positive increase the College's involve- paign." Administrators. This award will has expanded and became a resi- step," she said. ment iii the United Way campaign Previously, Taylor has worked be presented to PRIDE during the dentially placed program. The The PRIDE program feels here in Hartford. with Jennifer Destefani, who 2004 NASPA Regional leaders have each been assigned a that this award will not only help President Jimmy Jones, Jr. recently left Trinity to work for Conference I in Groton, Conn. dorm and we have asked them to the group gain recognition and advocates involvement in the pro- the Boys and Girls' Club of The PRIDE organization, work on encouraging interaction help spark people's interest in the gram, hoping to increase Trinity's Hartford, and is now coordinating program, but that it will also help levels from the current "Some people don't realize what a program change the minds of critics who 22 percent. He has have previously commented neg- previously chaired like this can do for a student..." atively on programs such as United Way campaigns - Karla Spurlock-Evans, Multicultural Afiairs these. "Some people don't realize and boards and does what a program like this can do not "ever remember as for a student [in developing part an adult not being which was renamed from Black, and developing relationships of their identity]," Spurlock- involved with the Asian and Hispanic Outreach in within the dorms between the stu- Evans explained, 'This is not a United Way. 1998, strives to incorporate stu- dents of color and the internation- unique program that only Trinity "United Way is dents of color and international al students, and really any student has; there are many groups all like a safety net for so students into the Trinity campus that could benefit [from this over the country that are address- much in our society," through the work of appointed work], while still focusing on the ing the same issues that we are. Jones said. He sees the leaders. During the weekend students of color. Although this is still a work in campaign as necessary before first year orientation the "We are trying to have these progress, it is key to addressing to support important PRIDE leaders organize a week- leaders work closely with the the issues that some students are social programs, such Chuck Pratt end where they invite internation- RAs and the mentors in a type of facing. It is great when people as Meals on Wheels . . al students, who used to be a cross training to try to ease the become more educated on the and the Battered President J'mmy |ones is working towards issues that the program is trying required to attend, and the stu- transition for these students," she Women's program run a stronger relationship with United Way to solve. dents of color from the United explained. bytheYWCA. the campaign here through Debra States to participate in-activities Contributing to PRIDE's "The book Why Are All the The United Way campaign Borrero, Assistant Director of to acquaint themselves with the recognition is the publicitythat it Black Kids Sitting Together in the aims to raise money to benefit Community and Institutional school and their new surround-, received at the beginning of the Cafeteria [by Beverly Tatum] is a health and human service agen- Relations. ings. r ' year. great source for explaining these cies. Only 10 percent of dona- Jones stated that fellow Karia Spurlock-Evans, Dean "We had a reporter come to issues, and I would recommend tions to the United Way feed into NESCAC schools have much of Multi-cultural Affairs on 'cam- check out the program and we got this book to anyone who ques- supporting the campaign itself, higher percentages of involve- pus explained, "The purpose of great recognition through this," tions why this program needs to leaving 90 percent to directly ment in United Way, but Trinity is this weekend is to create a com- commented Spurlock-Evans. be at a place like Trinity ... This benefit the agencies. above the national average for fortable niche for these students "This reporter wrote an article program is ... desirable to have on Michael Taylor, Resource college participation, 20.4 per- because there have been studies that appeared in several newspa- a college campus," Spurlock- Development Manager of United that show that if [someone] does- pers, online, on CNN [and other Evans added. Way of the Capital Area, Inc., see JONES on page 7 100 Years of the Tripod June 9,1923 SGA Minutes CENTENNIAL DINNER November 15, 2004 BIGGEST GATHERING EVER

Appi('val oi l.isf week's I'u'.l iifnppeiiK Hartford Club Scene of Big Trinity Assemblage ii. Appjosiil "f iisiwiil;1 Keply !o concern* of i.ulcht.-il much encouragement for the future. Motion ID icmovv Seiiiiior Honor's Innn of e.\peiulituie procedures ALUMNI PRESENT CUP E. Kent Hubbard, '92, was introduced pnipns.il- cm iii.". LJonoi Council to Je;d with TO MAJOR DAVIS as the man who had the lowest marks of MnLinn to UKLUVU Ibrahim Jiihlxiur'* iiiilsmccs in whiih oluhs any who had ever graduated. He introduced \ititaiion limn new ujjencla- invoked with incidents Six hundred sons of Trinity were a number of undergraduate heroes of other camcs V II Multicultural Affiuis Council assembled at the centennial banquet held at days. His mention of Dr. McCook brought New agenda approved Preview Weekend successful the Hartford Club Saturday night in the the gathering to its feet and the college m. IJ.RC Wednesday meeting ru^inhng biggest Trinity get-together on record. The cheer was given for Dr. McCook. The I .utter scm in Yale inMancen oflitu»>«inunt at club banquet hall was jammed to the doors, speaker praised Anson T. McCook as hav- Uuvk Diganizulinn pnilic* KickMl leiieue the smoke in the room was almost too ing made one of'the cleanest records any I ROS lilm festival this week Theme hi nisi np letter Irom Son.itor dense to see the next table, and the cheers Trinity man ever made. Chtiucliiry. -iiiinu! by Com Lucy MC battle and songs of the men gathered there almost Him art] Sal-sa Kcruuiu Mr. Hubbard hailed Major J.H.K. brought the building tumbling about their IV Community Development Committee IX . New Business Davis, executive secretary of the centenni- New juice in Mather Constitution jppi ovals: ears. al fund, as one of the greatest heroes of the Movement towards healthier combo Sfioncla;! Steppciv approved Judge BufEngton, '75, presided. He college. On behalf of the alumni, he gave choice in C'bamwlK Ai.ibie CJub- :if>pio\cd introduced Philip Curtiss, '06, of Norfolk, Major Davis a silver loving cup. Rollover me.als mil feasible Ground Z,-m- approved the toastmaster. The cup is suitably inscribed as a trib- AsMiiancc lliiii Cave, will remain open ICiC event- TiMsdat Mr. Curtiss defined a toastmaster as a ute of "The love of the alumni." Major until midniylit Remarks well reeei\ed. int. hiding man with a dress suit and a fluent com- Davis said his only regret was that he had Academic •\h"air.i Committee serious objections mand of insults. In speaking of General promised not to ask for money at com- ! aailt> lloiuns lelbun IVICIIS liujrely inissed,tmi)od Harbord, he said .that Trinity College and mencement The college needed $65,000 to 'lo urguiuzc. meeting with iiuxili

Terrace Room B has been involved with the allocation rather, it's getting the majority of campus process for the past two years. He stated, invplved in the effort. He called it "one of International Human "It's one small thing we can all do to help the great causes to give to" and stressed c out." that Trinity "[has] to do our share." Rights Day Barber went on to mention, in response Currently, Trinity has raised $6,000 over to those who say that they give money to last year's total, and the campaign will con- specific organizations, "Groups that get tinue until Nov. 30. money from United Way do not solicit Students, faculty and staff interested in money" in other ways. He commented that contributing to the United Way can contact jj>" Human Rights Program these groups tend not to be "sexy" and Debra Borrero for more information. PAGE 8 NEWS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Famous Alumni Speak to Trinity Sons continued from page 1 the service of 'Professor' Jim, our will continue to serve our country accused of modesty. No gathering first janitor, overlaps that of Bill through service to the Almighty NJESCAC greeted by the city was so warmly Duffy of our present force. It is a One whose sacred name she and kindly receiving as that of the pathetic commentary upon the bears." Trinity alumni. Trinity was one of wear and tear of the respective ... "Dick" Barthelmess, when Colby: For the second time in three years, Colby the very few of the colleges in the branches of our administration called upon said he regretted that College received the Maine Governor's Award for country which had maintained its Environmental Excellence. Governor John Baldacci ideal of teaching arts and humani- ties. He announced a pledge of presented the award to the school on Nov. 5 in Augusta, $1525 from the class of 1913. Maine. He honored Colby for its efforts to limit energy "Thank God the trustees have use on campus by switching to more efficient washing raised faculty salaries so they can and vending machines. Colby also uses hydropower live almost as sumptuously as a and wood waste instead of coal. bricklayer." He said that he hoped Amherst: The Mead Art Museum at Amherst College the keys of the city would not be returned until the money had been displays "The Pain of War" through Dec. 19. The raised. exhibit, installed in late October, consists of around 60 It was announced that the photographs, prints, and videos — all of which concen- classes of 1908 and 1910 had trate on the afflictions war can bring. pledged over $5,000. Tufts: On Nov. 10, Hilary Clinton spoke at Tufts annu- Bert Smith, '10, said he won- al Fares Lecture Series. The title of the speech was dered if the faculty would not help athletes by outside tutoring. He "Policy Challenges in Eastern Mediterranean After the urged well paid coaches for each Presidential Election." Tufts began the Fares Lecture team. Tripod Archives Series in 1992, hoping to promote awareness of issues President Ogilby answered the When Judge Joseph Buffington, '75, arrived for the centennial regarding the Middle East. Past Fare lecturers have toast: "Our Alma Mater." He said, celebration he brought with him his ward. Princess Hime, included: Colin Powell, former Presidents William in part: "One hundred years is .not daughter of the head of the most powerful Buddhist sect in Jefferson Clinton and George H.W. Bush, former so long, after all. Although the fact Japan. Judge Buffington is at the far left; Princess Hime and her that our memorial tablet will be British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, George chaperone Mrs. Yonez Yokamoto are in the center. unveiled on Monday by the great- that Trinity College has had in its he had not taken a course in pubic Mitchell and former French President Valery Giscard great-great-grandson of Bishop first century, twelve presidents, speaking. He said that he is proud d'Estaing. Brownell removes us by six gener- but only two janitors... to be a son of Trinity College ... Wesleyan: WesCard, a new Wesleyan program that ations from our illustrious founder, Our aim as an educational Scenes of the old college were allows students to use their ID cards as cash at off-cam- still it was only the other day that a institution is to prepare our young thrown on the screen by Perry C. pus locations, has been met with low participation rates; faithful friend of the college and men for professional careers by a Bryant, '70, of Hartford. As the former trustee, Dr. Francis solid foundation of cultural not pictures of Dr. Luther, Dr. only 66 students have deposited money in the accounts. Goodwin, said to me, 'I am glad to The program works at 17 area vendors. Administrators vocational courses. Other institu- Brocklesby, "Professor Tim," and have known you, because that tions may give a bachelor's other well known Trinity charac- means that I have known personal- are also discussing adding campus services, like lauri- degree for work done of a techni- ters were flashed on the screen ly every one of the twelve presi- ' dry, vending, and library printing, to the card during cal nature. and recognized, there were loud dents of Trinity College.' We also this school year to boost the program's popularity. ... "Our centennial will serve applause. The dinner ended about note, with interest and pride, that to strengthen our faith that Trinity midnight. Festival Services of the Lessons and Carols of Christmas

5, 2004 4 fr. m., negated

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Trinity College Chapel III


Trinity Guys'ana(Girls Agree on One Thing: Love is befinitely NOT Blind Has Chivalry Gone the Way of the Dinosaurs? Indeed. This Just In: Guys Prefer Their Dates Not to Be Drunk. JANE DOES JOHN DOES does not end here. After successfully being the past three years, so we knew what to SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS NO RELATION TO SAID JANES facebooked, we were stood up by the expect. We grabbed our jackets and left In addition to endless amounts of work, youngsters, or so we thought. At 5:22 p.m. Last Saturday afternoon, my roommate because the duo seemed abnormally anx- resume constructing and practice inter- on D-day (date day), the blind daters made and I were parked on the couch in our ious to get on the road. As gentlemen, views, for us senior girls there remains the their first attempt to set up our date. Too lit- common room watching the we opened the car doors for the ultimate goal of finding a boyfriend. If tle too late — being pro-active daters (a dif- tail end of the Notre ladies, which was fol- three years of random hookups and mean- ficult task considering the VERY fine.line Dame football game lowed by Date #1 crack- ingless singledom have not yet taken their between aggressive stalker and confidently when we got a ing a blond joke on Date toll, there are sexy), us sen- phone call. It was #2 for not being able to still a few hope- ior girls had two senior girls who find the seatbelt (which fuls that remain gone out and lived upstairs asking was right where one dedicated to then- found our own us if we wanted to go would normally find a quest to discover random two on a blind, double seatbelt). the perfect mair men to come date with them. At The girls were at Trinity on a date with first we thought it extremely excited about College. us. Peace out was a prank because the 25 minute wait at the Needless to sophomores! we didn't think any- Wood n\ Tap because say, when the Who needs lit- one would be desperate enough to call ran- they had time to grab a few pre-game Tripod was tle boys when dom extensions asking boys to go out with drinks at the bar. Apparently the duo need- offering a blind we can have them. ed a little social lubricant The conversation date set-up, we men? jumped at the opportunity. Childishly Two hours of straightening, applying giddy about the prospect, we were eager to makeup, dressing and undressing later, we ... we didn't think anyone would be desperate set up a date with our mystery men. were ready to go, and damn, we looked enough to call random extensions asking boys to go Apparently we were a little overzealous, good! Under normal dating circumstances, out with them. because the males on campus were not as the boys would have come to pick us up, eager as we were to volunteer for such an but since this is Trincoll.edu, we had tog o endeavor. Just when we thought there were pick them up. While walking to the car, After some convincing, my roommate flowed smoothly from the very start and we no men on campus who would be willing to these boys pleasantly surprised us by offer- and I agreed to take the girls to dinner at learned a lot about each other. Date #1 is go on a blind date with two senior girls for ing their hands, around our very lower the Wood n' Tap. Seven o'clock rolled from Massachusetts, majoring in psycholo- FREE, two brave underclassmen finally backs, as support while we walked across around, and there was a knock on our door gy, and desperately wants a boyfriend stepped up, slash were forced, to volunteer. followed by giggling and squeaking. We Now, before you all get excited, the tale see SOMETIMES on page 12 had seen this duo around campus before in see HOW on page 12 Ten The Pledge: It's for the Future JULIET IZON schools like Trinity, to Acceptable White FEATURES EDITOR large state universities This May, when the Trinity like Wisconsin. As the College Class of 2005 graduates, website states, the lies At Trinity some of these newest alumni will Pledge not only be sporting a green ribbon, simi- "reminds students of 10. "No really, its okay to wear whales OH your lar to those that support breast the ethical implica- pawts after your seventh birthday? cancer and AIDS. Unlike those tions of the knowledge other ribbons, however, this one and training they supports not a disease, but a received, but it can 9. "Yes, obviously all of those bottles you put in pledge that these graduates will help lead to a socially- the recycling bins get recycled* do their part to make the world a conscious citizenry more socially and environmental- and a better world." $. "Of course I think that the prettiest pearls are ly conscious place. That may be a bold the biggest ones? Each participant signed a con- claim to make, but tract with the phrase, "I [name those who make the here], pledge to explore and take Pledge seem to think 1 "Everyone fails Jewish Tradition oncer into account the social and envi- that it can't hurt to ronmental consequences of any start small. www.graduationpledge.com 6. "There are definitely no rodents in Jarvis? job I consider and will try to Says Amy Posters like this can be seen on campus. improve these aspects of any Laurenza '05, "I'm educating about values and citi- .9. "With a little Stain Stick that Psi U sludge will organizations for which I work." signing the pledge because it is a zenship rather than only knowl- The Graduation Pledge, as it is mission that I feel very passion- edge and skills; and the work- come right out!" known, tries to encourage gradu- ately about." Matt Kozlowski, '05 place and society being con- ating students who are just enter- adds, "For me, this isn't about cerned about more than just the 4. "Muff y, dont worry, Harrison wasnt waking ing the workforce to do as much changing the world or becoming bottom line." out with anyone while you were at home with When students sign the grad- mono" Those who sign the pledge are hopeful uation Pledge, it means that it is that... they will be a big enough power in not only the individual then, who is contributing to a better society, 3. "There are tons of international students who the workforce to truly make a difference. but the school as well by do not play squash." acknowledging the benefits of the as possible to create a more an activist. It's simply about Graduation Pledge itself. And 2. "I know youfe skinny, but people wont think socially and environmentally understanding the consequences typically, around 50 percent of sound society. of my post-college decisions." students choose to sign the you have an eating disorder or drug problem? Started at Humboldt State The explanation of the pledge pledge, which means a large University in California, the goes on to say that, "in a sense, amount of the student body, is 1. "No, it really is an ice-cream truck? Pledge is now part of graduation the Pledge operates at three lev- paying attention to both social at over 100 schools across the els: students making choices country, ranging from smaller about their employment, schools see GRADUATION on page 13 PAGE 12 FEATURES THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Sometimes Blindness Would Be a Blessing*•• Around Trinity continued from page 11 Our appetizers came out of out; Mike was forced to wait the ice. Chivalry is not dead in the kitchen quickly, which was a another five minutes. We proba- Highrise! " blessing, as our conversation was bly should have waited for him to AT recently decided to be the Big AT on Campus It was decided that we would hitting a wall. We wanted to get his food before we began eat- and throw both sleep and sobriety out the win- dine at the Wood N' Tap, a lovely savor our appetizer but we were ing, but we were hungry and he dow. On account of this life-altering decision, AT was obnoxious. is experiencing increasing difficulty in recollecting We should have waited for [Mike] to Mid-meal, Mike eyed an AT's interactions. Therefore, AT this week is rely- get his food before we began eating, but older man sitting alone at the bar ing solely on hearsay. Can you distinguish the and dared one of us to hit on him. rumors from the actual events? AT certainly can't. we were hungry and he was obnoxious. Apparently, Mike was quickly losing interest in us and was hop- establishment five minutes from afraid of being judged, since they ing he could pawn us off on If Only 90 People Had Come ... campus. We expected a relaxing were commenting on every someone else. Hopeful that this AT spoke to someone who actually attended this dinner with great conversation, "house" that walked passed our man would be our savior, one of past Friday's 90s Party. From what AT gathers, it but when we got to the restaurant, table. So instead of enjoying our us stepped up and made our was pretty bogus. Duh! But here are same juicy tid- one of the boys - we'll call him first course we had to move. Unfortunately, this man, bits that AT picked up: due to the poor attendance, Mike for the sake of this article — self-consciously pick with his chronic twitch and staff workers were so disappointed that they simply decided that he was in a rush and at it while allowing sniffle, wasn't much better couldn't wait 25 minutes for a the boys to than our present stopped carding for wrist bands. Evidently, the field table, forcing us into the bar area. devour it. company. house is the place to be for freshmen. Take that, Drink number one was consumed Mike Dinner was Party Barn! And who knew that Paula Abdul and while evil-eyeing other bar room became very wrapping up, so Vanilla Ice were capable of making such a scan- patrons in order to speed up their agitated as we we asked the wait- dalous scene on the dance floor? Not AT. meals so we could take their waited for our er to package up our table. The other boy, we'll just entrees to come out leftover pizza, which What Sex and Philosophy Have in Common. call him Jeff, had eyes like a of the kitchen. coincidentally ended up in hawk and was not only good at Granted, we had ordered the hands of the boys, who Another friend of AT's called AT with this hot, and snagging us a table, but could 45 minutes ago, but it was brought it home for themselves. more than slightly disturbing, anecdote. While "dis- also tell you in detail what the our first date, so we thought that We split the check four ways and cussing various intellectual and philosophic issues" rear-end of every girl at the bar he could have acted slightly more bolted out of the restaurant before late Saturday night at a particular Allen PL estab- looked like ... honestly, we blame cool and collected, not to mention we were forced to engage in lishment, said individual and her companion were drink number two on his drool- the fact he had downed a large another second of painful conver- disturbed from their rousing discussion of Spinoza ing. order of buffalo wings on his sation. by a plethora of animal-like grunts and human-like Finally seated (no, we weren't moans. Curious as to what the commotion was all offered the booth seat nor were Mike was quickly losing interest in us our chairs pulled out), we had about (perhaps someone was having an equally stim- about 30 seconds to look over the and was hoping he could pawn us off on ulating discussion of Nietzsche), one of these brave menu before Mike beckoned the someone else. souls flung open the door to the common area to waiter over to take our order. reveal what can only be described as two very naked Feeling overwhelmed and utterly personalities engaged in an arousing activity, though confused, because we hadn't even own. Mike was on the verge of The moral of this story is, perhaps not the one mentioned above. AT is assum* made it pasij the appetizer section walking out of the restaurant and while at Trinity, unless your date ing that the enthusiastic cries of "Oh, God!" were in of the menu, we chose to share an skipping out on the check, when is blind and mute, you're better appetizer and a classic mealtime our meals were finally brought response to Nietzsche's Dionysian theory. off going out with your girl- staple, pizza. out. Well, our meals were brought friends.

Oh, Deer! This past week, an animal was felled on Vernon St. How Not to Impress aGu/ on Q First Date But don't "worry, dear reader; the creature was already dead. How is this possible, you may ask? It continued from page 11 okay. As I turned the corner, I bar in attempt to exchange num- would be the work of a clumsy pledge and a rather before she graduates. Date #2 is spotted her sitting at the bar alone, bers with an older man who was stiff deer. As to the specific details of the incident, from New Hampshire, speaks slugging gin and tonics. To avoid sitting next to his girlfriend an awkward confrontation, I qui- watching the football game. My AT has been sworn to secrecy, but AT can reassure Chinese fluently, and doesn't want a boyfriend because of the restric- etly slipped back into my seat at roommate and I couldn't wait to you that only an antler was damaged in the process. tions it entails. Even though we the table and waited for her to get back to campus and away were a little bit nervous before the return from her binge on her own. from our drunken, obnoxious Shhhh ... This One is Top-Secret! dates. We paid the check and hit Ever wonder why so many people volunteer to work Date #i attacked her spinach-artichoke the road listening to the girls sing at Cinestudio? Don't you think the deal has to dip as if it was going to eat her if she didn't (if that's what you want to call it) include more than free movie tickets? Well you did- every annoyingliong^tliat came on eat it first. the radio. Our blind date was an n't hear it from AT, and AT didn't hear it from any- interesting experience, to say the one in particular, who didn't... you get it. But the blind date, our butterflies quickly The rest of the date was com- least. Some advice to other Trinity grapevine has spoken, and it looks like A Dirty Shame flew away because the girls were pletely unpredictable. At one students who are interested on is only a preview of something even dirtier. You so easy to talk to. point, Date #1 made a move to the going on a blind date ... don't have to know who to talk to, but with a good meas- Once our food arrived, the ure of determination and a little perverseness thrown conversation slowly dwindled in, you can catch a showing of Focahotcwd long after because I was comfortably engaged in my buffalo wings and the target audience has gone to bed. Calling All Camp Singles! Date #1 attacked her spinach-arti- choke dip as if it was going to eat If you've read these articles and aren't Pretentious? Why, Whatever Do You Mean? her if she didn't eat it first. Date Taking a cue from the state of Connecticut, who #2 politely excused herself from scared to venture out on your own blind names its cities things like Glastonbury and the table to use the little girl's date escapade, we are still looking for Wethersfield, some of AT's acquaintances decided to room and scampered off around speak the language of pretense on Thursday night at the corner. To our surprise, once absurdly attractive and insanely rich par- she was out of sight Date #1 start- the Tap Cafe. Life is simply marvelous when one ed telling us horror stories about ticipants. You don't need to have a person- refuses to use those dirty little marks of punctuation Date #2 in an attempt to portray ality. Just bring your hot bod and your wal- that are called, in colloquial terms, apostrophes. herself as a perfect angel. This Contractions are for blue-collars, not for blue- caught us both off guard because let. Interested parties can apply by e-mail- bloods. Although, come to think of it, AT perhaps we thought that they were close should not pass judgement on such things, as the friends. ing [email protected]. It has been nice name of AT is, in itself, an abbreviation. Yeah. 15 minutes went by and there doing business with you. Have a good day. was still no sign of Date #2, so I Nevermind. Whatevs. walked in the direction of the rest- Love, Features xoxo rooms to see if everything was NOVEMBER 16, 2004 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD FEATURES PAGE 13 Graduation Pledge Aims £Jtaost of to Keep Students Aware continued from page 11 and environmental issues in the world. ' 'Crzipctos past; According to the Web site, after gradu- This week, we channel the spirit of D J Bantam, the first head ation, students have generally stuck to the of WRTC. With his impressive musical knowledge, let him pledge, turning down job offers or speak- guide you through this upcoming week. In honor of the recent ing with their bosses about projects that 90s party, D J Bantam will find some way to connect your they feel are morally ambiguous. Other examples include, promoting recycling at future with everybody's favorite 90s songs. So get ready for their organization, removing racist lan- these "Tubthumping" horoscopes! guage from a training manual, working for gender parity in high school athletics, and helping to convince an employer to refuse a chemical weapons- related contract. Those who sign the pledge are hopeful that if enough graduating seniors participate, they will be a big enough power in the Ao.UAO.fU3 Leo workforce to truly make a difference. Abi Moldover - Pfe&fUJAay 18 Oui_y 23 - AUGUST 22 At Trinity, the pledge was instated with Members of the Graduation Pledge committee discuss event planning. Aquarius. I sense that you've been feeling You haven't been your usuaL fun-Loving, the class of 2001 byjpe Barber, Director of a Little Lacking in the dance moves depart- hard-partying self lately. Leo. fortunateLy. the Office of Community Service. Since future." ment You'll have everyone in a circle the Venga E>oys are aLways Waiting to then, participants have grown in numbers Students can sign the pledge at a vari- around you, chanting your name as you cheer you up with their smash hit, "\*/e as more students become familiar with it. ety of senior events throughout the year. shake your rump if you use "Everybody Like to "Party" If Listening to this song on According to Stacy Jankauskas '05, who is The pledge committee is also planning Pance NoW," by C + C Music factory as repeat doesn't get you in a partying mood, spearheading Trinity's efforts with the events for the spring such as a non-profit your own personal mantra. You'LL make at Least rt will caLL for a few cocktails Pledge, it is completely voluntary and only career fair and discussions with past alums lv|arky tv^ark Look . just to get the tune out of your head. "I am signing the pledge because it is a mission that Pisces I feel very passionately about." - MAft.cH 20 AUGUST 23 - SEOTEM&BR. 22 - Amy Laurenza '05 anthem for this Week. Pisces, is PJ E>ant knows that Life's been rough for "Loser" by &eck. Not only will you be you Lately. Virgo, because you keep caLLing students who believe in it and its efforts who have signed the pledge. able to brush up on your -Spanish skills — the station and requesting £>onnie Eiaitt's should sign it. Jankauskas adds, "The All students are welcome to attend the ".Soy un perdedor" means. "I'm a User" — "I Can't N/fake You Love \^e" You're going Pledge shows that students are willing to meetings, held every Monday at 6 p.m. in but you can use the lyrics to heLp squash to get out of that rut, and Jamie Walters' take the knowledge, skills, and values they the Community Service Office. Seniors can that big. huge ego of yours. TeLL yourself "•UoLd On" is going to help. A better musi- have acquired at Trinity and use them to additionally sign the pledge at any time in that you're a Loser. Pisces. Everyone WiLL cian than E.ay Pruitt on "S02\0~ Jamie's make socially responsible decisions in the that same office. Like you more for it. got that healing pooler.

21- APftJL 19 - OCTO&Eft- 22

You're having about as much Luck in your Although JJartford may seem Like Eden to love Life as Joey fatone from N'-Sync has you right now. Libra, pretty soon city Life had in his acting career. &ut alL is not lost WiLL be getting you down. A surefire cure Aries. The same boy band that put aLLof for the metropolitan blues is "Cotton Eye these romantic notions in your head can be Joe" by the Rednex C/ab a few bales of your saviour as Well "I Want You E>ack" hay. drink some Pabst B>Lue Ribbon, and Gofitt, Chii. Ho: ctKoUte Apple Cider has what you need: determination and swing your partner around — but not too ^ Made Snores! some nasty dance moves. fast P&R. and dizziness don't mix TAURUS SCORPIO APR.IC20-MAV20 OCTO&Eft. 23 - NJOVEM&GR. 21

Sometimes it's hard to be different isn't it You're getting older, .Scorpio, but that Taurus? B>eing a brunette in a school of doesn't mean that you need to act old. WeLL-bred blondes, you WouLd do Well to Your twenties can be just as Vibrant and throw some A Non-B>Londes in your cas- exciting as your teenage years With the sette player. "Wnats Up" is a poignant classic hi irvana ditty, "Smells Like Teen piece of music, and is also the perfect spirit" Revitalize your energy With some response to those who think that having a good old angst. because here We are now. tape player makes you lame. -Scorp. Ejrtertain us.

HIP/HOP Mic SHOWDOWN MAX 21- OUNE 21 - DECEMBEft. 21 Vo you Want to be the next "American Looking around late night -Saggy. you'LL be IdoL", CJeminiP Cjet some inspiration from disheartened by the amount of grinding you the goddess of ^Os pop music herseLf. see and the absence of anything that Paula AbduL Queen AbduL is at her best couLd actuaLLy be caLled a dance move. To in the #l hit "Opposkes Attract" (granted, put your faith back in dance music and she is dancing With a cartoon cat in the humanity, listen to T-lfire Comes the Lccazee, JE? D-> iterter C Mi Video, but hey. you've been known to do J-lotstapper" by Ini (damoze. It's the per- Me nc v :o z~- that on occasion yourseLf. fect background for the running man. a? Han t« Opn y, 12JCT -.c 1S an CAMCEA. OUNE 22 - OUL/ 22 £>EceM&eft. 22 - QANUAfty 19 I'm sensing some sexual frustration on Watch out, Capricorn, because you're your part, dancer, and it's not going to get about to fall truLy, madly, deeply in Love, better anytime soon. t>o just keep on kind of Like Robin ilood did With (vjaid Wearing your ugLy cotton underwear and Ivjarion in the fabulous Rjpbinlia^d Prince Let -5aLt-n-Pepa s "•f>hrian Adams' "Everything I Vo (I Vo It for you Listen to Lines Like. "Brother Wanna You)" before you know rt &e prepared to thank your mother for a butt Like that" be whipped. **A**^***A**


trt H C—( trt





EAXDS SPONSORS 6T« ANNUAL. Pr LM in the same significant numbers. United States. expression endures. Cameron Mitchell's exuberant JARED HOFFMAN The films reflect Gay, Lesbian, Covering a variety of topics The next night at the same and subversive smash success ARTS CONTRIBUTOR Bisexual, Transgender, and including racism, homophobia, time features the Israeli film Hedwig and the Angiy Inch, star- From Nov. 17 - 21, EROS, Round Trip, released last year, ring Michael Fitt. Trinity's gay-straight alliance, which illustrates a profound and The Saturday matinee at 2:30 will be hosting its 6th annual Film Festival in collaboration with the The festival is comprised of a total of nine Connecticut Gay and Lesbian Film Festival at Cinestudio. The films ... from new releases... to classics. festival is comprised of a total of nine films, ranging from new abiding love between two women p.m. is a documentary double bill releases right off the film festival amidst a deep cultural and ethnic that profiles key moments in circuit to tried and true classics. chasm. GLBTQ history. Last year's. Last year/the film festival Teen angst and self-discovery Rainbow Pride traces the roots of attracted a large crowd of Trinity are the subjects of Friday night's the Pride Flag, while Gay students and faculty, Hartford feature at 7:30 p.m., Dorian Pioneers focuses on the fearless community residents and students vvwvv.tbemoviebox.net Blues, in which handsome, mis- innovators who paved the way for from nearby colleges. The Mandy Moore turns her best friend into a social outcast in Saved. understood Dorian combats high the American Gay Rights expected attendance for this Questioning viewpoints from religious fundamentalism, trans- school bullies, parental polemics Movement year's film festival should result Israel, Canada, Ireland, and the gender identity and the gay liber- and dating. Hold on to your wigs Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. ation movement, this year's film for Friday's late show at 9:30 festival will surely offer at least p.m. that will introduce John see COUNTER on page 16 Animation Explodes one subject of interest to every- one. Not solely geared at mem- bers of the GLBTQ community, the EROS Finn Festival provides' Info fteriiqe in 28*4 a series of perspectives on these used by the -technicians who issues for all to view. EVAN MORRIS brought Gollum to life in The Opening night, Wednesday, ARTS EDITOR Lord of the Rings movies. Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m. boasts the With the release of Disney- However, in the Rings Hartford premiere of the award Pixar's The Incredibles last week, movies, the digital artists only winning Brother to Brother, a another animated movie is now captured general body move- thoughtful homage to the hey-day competing for a place ia the ments: arms, legs, torso, and of the Harlem Renaissance and the artists and writer^ of the Oscar record books.. The compe- head. The animators then created •www ctglff.org 1930s, whose legacy of personal Hedwig and the Angry Inch tells the story of a drag queen.

Untold Scandal Nov. 16 7:30 p.m. • The hit of this year's New Directors/New Film Series at Lincoln Center is a cool- ly erotic dance of sexual games set among the aristocracy of 18th century Korea. A twist on that French classic of conquest and betrayal, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, E. J. Yong's film gives us the charismatic predator Lord Cho-Won, who pretends to be a spiritually lost soul in order to seduce a virginal Catholic beauty, Lady Chung. The prize of this conquest is not true love, but the long-awaited right to take to bed his beautiful but heartless cousin, Lady Sook. The recreation of a lost world that rivals Versailles in its elegant beauty has made Untold Scandal one of Korea's most popu- lar films to date.

The Twilight Samurai Nov. 21-23 7:30 p.m. Seibei Iguchi (Hiroyuki Sanada) is a low-ranking Samurai living at the end of an era, who prefers caring for his daughters and ailing mother to drinking sake and recounting tales of glory. His carefully serene life is disturbed, however, by the return www.videonorte.com of his childhood sweetheart, and unexpected orders from his clan to kill one last war- DVD sales for Shrek 2 have reached $185 million. rior. This beautifully acted and photographed film is more Ozu than Kurosawa, tinged with melancholy and a Zen-inspired devotion to paying close attention, "a ravishing tition is stiff this year, which complex facial features on their story of love and honour among Japan's feudal warrior caste with no need for sword- marks the third anniversary of the own. In performance capture, a slashing action sequences or half-pint westerners." - Jamie Russell, BBC. 129 min. www.empirepicturesusa.com institution of the Best Animated group of sensors record the Feature Oscar. Up against The actor's facial movements that are On the Waterfront Nov. 24-27 Incredibles are almost a dozen then translated to CG. One other 7:30 p.m., Nov. 27 also at 2:30 p.m. other movies, including two feature of the new method is that (1954) Film 101, Cinestudio's ongoing series of essential movies, offers a new, DreamWorks' features: the hit it allows an actor's recorded per- meticulously restored and digitally remastered 50th anniversary print of On the Waterfrontl This perfect example of film's unique "creation-through-collaboration" sequel Shrek 2 and the aquatic formance to be translated into shines on every single count. There's Budd Schulberg's naturalistic script, taken from adventure Shark Tale. more than one digital body. This Pulitzer Prize-winning articles on union corruption; Elia Kazan's trust in his actors' Nickelodeon's The Spongebob is what allows Tom Hanks to play "crazy" new techniques; the return to greatness of cinematographer Boris Kaufman, Squarepants Movie and Robert six different parts. who hadn't made a film in the 20 years since L'Atalante; and the vibrantly edgy music of Leonard Bernstein's score. It is, however, Marlon Brando's ability to make us Zemekis' The Polar Express are Luckily for Zemekis, the believe that his marginalized dock worker really "coulda been somebody", that keeps other top contenders. Academy decided to categorize On the Waterfront so alive. Winner of eight Academy Awards including Best Picture, Up until last Thursday, The Polar Express as animation Director, Actor, Screenplay, Supporting Actress, and Photography. . Zemekis, who won an Oscar for and thus make it eligible for that Forrest Gump, was unsure Oscar. When the Academy intro- A Dirty Shame Nov. 26 - 27 whether his latest movie would be duced the Best Animated Feature 9:50 p.m. - Sure, it's easy to shock the reviewers at Fihnvalues.com. But only a trash-master eligible for the Best Animated Oscar in 2000, they created sever- like John Waters can disturb the sensibilities of both the New York Times ("at his age, Feature category. The Polar al prerequisites for entry. To Mr. Waters should know better") and Roger Ebert, who tsk-tsks "such curious pas- Express uses a new technique qualify, movies must employ one times as shelf-humping, mallet whacking and tickling." We are confident that Late called performance capture, in of three available animation Show fans can handle Waters' tale of a town that starts off believing that s-e-x is something nice people don't talk about. But as fast as you can say "freak head injury," which Tom Hanks and other cast types: traditional eel drawing, a convenience store manager (played with lascivious charm by Tracey Ullman) members act out their parts which stop-motion, or CG animation. is playing party games we can't begin to describe, and proselytizing the kinkier sins are then converted to computer Although the Best Animation of the flesh with the help of Ray Ray, a horrnonally-gifted truck driver played by generated performances. Oscar is now a permanent part of Jackass' Johnny Knoxville. Performance capture is a lot like cinestudio.org the motion capture technique see MANY on page 18 PAGE 16 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Jerusalem workshop Lese>(AW Love s omes to widener Gallery Sro wes Ar QNESTLWXO continued from page 1 achieved between prints that address issues EROS Brings Awareness Through the Medium of Film The exhibit at Austin Arts is a wonderfully relevant to Israelis and prints that are sim- diverse cross section of Israeli printmak- ply beautiful pieces of art and nothing continued from page 15 be a closing night reception open to all in ing. It covers everything from the extreme- more. marks the return to Cinestudio of the Irish the Cinestudio lobby. ly abstract to the hyper-realistic. The most The artist that I was most impressed film Goldfish Memory, which captures the The festival closes on Sunday, Nov. 21 interesting thing about this exhibit is the with at the exhibition was Ra'anan Levy. essence of dating in Dublin, where the at 2:30 p.m. with the powerful and thought- extent to which Israeli culture and the He manages to create incredibly beautiful Jewish religion are represented in the art- and realistic prints. All the prints in this work. A few of the artists and their work show featured people but he also creates stood out at the exhibit. - prints of places. The amount of realism that I will discuss Alex Kremer and Dganit he is able to put into these prints is incred- Berest together because while their styles ible. You can really see the pain and hurt in are very different, the context and form of his subjects. This is also enhanced by some their prints are very similar. These two artistic choices he made. Some of his fig- artists both created a setting that was very ures have cracks on their face and some chaotic and full of motion but in every pic- have hardly visible lines; these small, bare- ture there was a figure in the very center of ly noticeable choices really enhance the the image. prints. Kremer's two pieces Red and Talking The last artist that I wanted to talk have the figure surrounded completely by about was Larry Abramson. His three the chaos and you have to look through the prints are all from the same series, the www.aboutgaymovies.com disorder to see the figure. Berest does the Moon series. These are very different from Goldfish Memory follows men and women dating in contemporary Dublin. opposite: the figures in his pieces actually the other three artists that this article dis- object of affection is potentially gay, provoking The Laramie Project. This film, emerge from the background. cusses because he is using screen print straight, boy or girl. acted by Hollywood A-listers, delves into Berest's pieces were some of my while the others are using etching and are The Saturday late show at 9:45 p.m. Matthew Shepard's brutal attack and its favorites in the show, especially the Bather manipulating metal plates. features last summer's breakout Saved, a impact on the citizens of Laramie Wyom., series. They manage to create a very com- This gives Ms prints a very different plex image though just a few simple repeat- appearance than the other pieces. He is able ... this year's film festival will surely offer at least one ed shapes and the change in the tone of the to create this look by not having to deal shape. It is possible that Berest is attempt- with the rigidity that is found in the other subject of interest to everyone. ing to make a statement about Israel and by types of printmaking. having the figures so intrinsically related to There is much more to the exhibit than sharp, funny examination of religious self- the town that was home to both Shepard the background is saying how the people of the handful of pieces I've discussed. righteousness pitted against universal toler- and the two young men who murdered him. Israel are a part of their land and cannot be Containing all the major types of printmak- ance in the halls of a Christian high school. The screening is free for everyone. separated from it. ing plus some poetry and bookmaking, it is Saved stars Jena Malone as a devout The entire festival will be free to all It is almost impossible not to look at truly an impressive exhibit. This is a show Christian who becomes pregnant and Trinity students with an ID. General these prints without thinking in the context that is worth seeing not only for its artistic befriends the school's misfits. , admission is $8, and admission for other of Israel and Judaism. Some are very obvi- merits but also because it is one of the most Between these two showings, there will students and seniors is $6. ous and some are subtler. I'm afraid that by internationally relevant shows of its type. thinking in this context I may have looked The show will be up until Dec. 8 and is too deep into some of these pictures. Yet it contained half in Austin Arts' Widener is a wonderful dichotomy they have Gallery and half in Zach's Hillel House.


Trinity College Concert Choir Thursday and Friday, Nov. 18-19 at 9 p.m. Trinity College Chapel This one-hour concert will feature the Christmas portion of Handel's Messiah, ending with the renowned Hallelujah Chorus. Trinity's magnificent neo-gothic chapel with its splendid acoustics serves as the backdrop for this annual fall concert. Music Professor Gerald Moshell conducts a professional orchestra and student soloists.

Connecticut Dances! Saturday, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. First Year Students! What will your Austin Arts Center, Goodwin Theater This dance showcase presents fresh and powerful work by faculty and guest cho- sophomore year he like? reographers from Hartford and throughout Connecticut. Features Paul Dennis, a for- mer dancer with the Jose Lim6n Dance Company, who will perform a stunning solo from the Limon Company repertoire. We invite you to consider the TUTORIAL COLLEGE, a unique program open to sophomores only. As a Tutorial Trinity Jazz Night Monday, Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. student, you'll live and learn in Summit East, where you'll Austin Arts Center, Goodwin Theater explore great ideas in small seminars, pursue a year-long A 15-piece student big band under the direction of saxophonist Allen per- forms a diverse selection of great jazz compositions spanning 70+ years. independent project, work closely with professors, and join with others in field trips, labs, workshops, and other special Studio 19: An Evening With Stephen Belber learning opportunities. Tutorial gives you 2.5 credits each Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. Seabury Hall, Studio 19, Third Floor semester, allowing you to take five other courses during Emmy-nominated writer and Trinity College alumnus Stephen Belber has writ- your sophomore year. As Anne-Louise Marquis ('06) says, ten extensively for theater, film, and television. His plays produced around the Tutorial offers "education without borders." If you're ready country include Match (Broadway) which starred Frank Langella and Ray Liotta, and Tape, which was made into a film by Richard Linklater starring Ethan Hawke for that, visit our Web site: and Uma Thurman. Stephen is also a member of Tectonic Theater Project and was www.trincoll.edu/prog/tutorcol one of the three associate writers for The Laramie Project, performed around the world and made into an HBO movie (nominated for four Emmy's, including screen- or contact Sylvia.DeMore, Administrative Director, writing). Stephen will lecture and answer questions on his work. This event is co- 297-2152, [email protected] sponsored by the Creative Writing program. EARLY DECISION APPLICATION austinarts.org DEADLINE: DECEMBER 1 NOVEMBER.16, 20.04 -THE TRINITY TRIPOD ARTS PAGE 17 Turandot Doesn't Disappoint as a Cornedic Venture continued from page 1 the play together and prevented the produc- The first song, actually a rap, involved the sive and the entire cast should be proud of emanating from two musicians who sat on tion from descending into a series of jokes cast awkwardly dancing and performing themselves that they pulled it off as well as the side of the stage playing traditional dispersed with short plot elements. He beat box while several characters and dis- they did. sounding instruments, whether they were allowed the drama of the story to play an membered heads sang and bopped hi the As a whole the play, according to the or not. I sincerely doubt the didgeridoo is equally captivating role as the humor. background. The entire song lacked description of Turandot provided by a traditional instrument of the Far East, rhythm, and the words were delivered Michael Preston in the program, is sup- but it fit perfectly in the script. with an awkwardness that seemed to posed to balance great emotional intensity- Sometimes the music merely added to belie the cast's own apprehensions. with really base humor. Generally, this was the emotion of the scene, but it also at However, it was just this fact that drew quite successful. The humor and drama certain points became humorous, and at the audience into the humor of the situ- combined well in almost every scene in the other times added exclamation points to ation and find the scene quite a success- first half of the show. However, the second much of the physical comedy. Overall, fully hilarious opening. The second half of the show had more difficulty pulling the music was an essential part of the song was a bit more clever and well per- this off. As the drama heightened and the .play that managed to never become formed. plot became more central, the directors overly noticeable except when inten- However, the main focal point of the seemed to have more trouble slipping in tional. play; and really its saving grace, was the jokes. The play became more cut up, alter- The cast must also be commended physical comedy. Almost every scene nating between scenes of humor and scenes for their excellent line reading from involved some level of humor based of drama, instead of blending the two. Of what I felt was a sorely outdated script. upon the movements and gesticulation course, this was a small price to pay for It was partially updated for this produc- of the actors. This was quite impressive excellent drama and outrageous comedy. tion, but this only made the original as physical humor is much more chal- Regardless, good direction and an lines more apparent compared to those lenging to pull off successfully than excellent cast triumphed over this dilemma reworked or rephrased. Perhaps the written jokes. Troost played off incred- to deliver a continually engaging perform- translation from the original script to ibly well against Barach, played by ance. In the end, as I exited the Austin Arts English was awkward, but Turandot Christopher Simpson '06. Together the Center, I had a smile on my face. was slightly crippled before it even two roused a great deal of laughter not Trinity productions rarely, if ever, focus began. Luckily, an excellent cast, under topped in the rest of the play, and on humor so overtly, and I must admire the the equally excellent direction of visit- Simpson also carried several other show for this. The cast was excellent, as ing professors Barbara Karger and Abi Moldover scenes with his daunting comedic per- Michael Preston, fought through this formance. was the direction, music, and set design. It Katharine Hart '08 and David Calder "08 star just didn't always all come together, as one hardship to lift the play up from its mea- in Trinity's production of Turandot. The guards and Eunuchs also served of the many elements was lacking in sever- ger lines. Many of the verbal jokes fell flat, Meghan Boone '06 struggled against some as an integral and constant source of phys- al scenes. Yet, I laughed many times. I or were laughed at purely because they generic and awkward dialogue, and came ical humor based upon excellent timing and was entertained for the full length of the seethed with stale generic humor. David out sincere but occasionally lacking in the successful acting. However, due to the show, and it certainly wasn't a waste of Calder '08, reminiscent of Niles Grain emotional intensity needed to carry her challenging nature of this type of comedy, time. There were moments of pure comedic from the sitcom "Frasier," gave an out- more serious moments. Others didn't fair not all of the jokes based on timing synced genius and ingenuity that cannot be disre- standing and hilarious performance as the so well. up, and some of the characters flailed when garded or overlooked. Karger and Preston King's assistant, Pantalone. On the other Only the production's two songs, writ- forced to carry a scene for a moment pure- defeated a troubled script and delivered a side of the coin, Scott Troost '05, as the ten by Turandofs directors, seemed to ver- ly based around their gesticulations and thoroughly enjoyable piece that you should leading male, Calaf, gave a very convinc- bally engage the audience and make them actions. However, don't get me wrong. be sorry if you missed and happy if you ing dramatic performance that really held find any of the comedic lines memorable. The physical acting was incredibly impres- went. GW in (HSUUSUnsiani Careen in For With L-ight'£>3 ,§J£SsA,t&e

CfGNA, Corp. has openings in their Business Leadership Katie is an Associate with The Jewish Community Relations and Sales Training (BLAST program, BLAST offers 5 Council and Janice is a community organizer with Hartford months of extensive on-Jhe-Jofe and classroom training, Areas Rally Together (HART)- They will be here to discuss coaching and mentoring from a manager and an oppor- their own career paths within the world of non-profits and tunity to direct their professional development Salary offer advice for students interested rn learning more about fit includes a base safary of $35K and bonus program this diverse and exciting field. Space at this lunch is limited based on sold business. Generous benefit program. to the first 12 students who RSVP through Trinity Recruiting u Possible relocation to numerous US cities after training, at Jittp://trinco!i,erecruiting.eom. Weil, November 17, 2004 - ' Wed., November 17, 2004 Video Conf. Room Video Conf. Room - 6:30 — 8:00 pitt 12:30—2:00 pm Aetna's EE Cammark Group School The E,E. Cammaek Group School is a premier one-year, fast-track program where talented new graduates are re- Find out about group leader summer jobs with Overland cruited, hired and developed into the future sales leaders Adventures. Gveriand's 30 summer programs for young at Aetna. Job locations include Atlanta, 6A; Chicago, adults span outdoor adventure, community service and lan- ILi Dallas, TX; Hartford, CT; Los Angeles, CA; New guage study abroad. Their pro-ams place a premium on fun, York, N¥. This is a great opportunity to be trained on the friendship, teamwork and determination. In doing sof they ground level for a rewarding career with Aetna! Great catalyze in students an understanding of the world beyond compensation package - base salary of S45K with bonus themselves, beyond their own needs and wants — and they do incentive, interviews in Career Services on Thursday, this while showing them how beautiful and exciting, how full December 9. Deadline to apply is December 7, of promise the world is. And they have a Sot of fan! Wed., December 1,2004 Video Conf. Room Weil., November 17, 20H4 7:00—8:00 pin 6:30-8:30 pm PAGE 18 ARTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Many €wteem Fiejht For Animations New Top Prize Among This Years Top Contenders for the Best Animation Oscar are Shrek 2, Shark Tale, and The Incredibles continued from page 1 Animation Oscar. Century Fox, both of which have incredible Animated Feature Oscar is that it brings the Academy Awards that does not mean The next year there were five nomi- marketing power. Warner Bros, is respon- positive attention to all the hard working, that it will nec- nees, but even sible for marketing the Harry Potter and imaginative artists, technicians, and direc- essarily come less suspense. the Matrix movies and 20th century Fox tors who create outstanding animated up annually. Charming ani- successfully distributed and promoted all movies. According to mated stories of George Lucas' blockbuster Star Wars Before the advent of the animation Academy stan- like Ice Age and films. Oscar, animated movies could only get dards, eight or Lilo and Stitch Of course Disney still remains a viable credit if they were of short length or if they more animated came up against option, and Pixar could renew the contract were lucky enough to be nominated for movies must Spirited Away, between the two animation giants. That is, Best Picture. Disney's Beauty and the qualify in order Ha y a o if the money is right. And that is a big if. Beast was the only animated film nominat- to present the Miyazaki's fan- Michael Eisner, the Chief Executive of ed for Best Picture and it lost to The Silence award. If more tasy that many Disney, has announced that he plans to of the Lambs in 1991. than eight but critics described retire when his contract expires in 2006. If nothing else, the award creates con- fewer than 16 as a master- His successor will be announced in June flict in the animation industry that inspires qualify three piece. If the and, if Jobs sees Eisner's replacement as a aggressive artists to turn out progressively nominees will Best Animation good match for Pixar, talks may be better work. The variety of style and sub- be drawn from Oscar had not resumed. After all, the two companies stance in the animation of 2004 is a testa- the pool. If 16 been introduced, have spent 13 years together and have ment to the success of the newest Oscar or more movies Spirited Away released 6 blockbusters, including Toy category. meet the crite- may have com- Story and Finding Nemo. ria, five movies peted for the Not everything is perfect for Pixar will be nomi- kedume.webcindario.com Best Picture despite their success. For the last few nated for the The Incredibles is PixaKs latest hit. Oscar, alongside years Pixar has dominated the animation Oscar. This year, 11 movies are up for con- Gangs of New York and The Pianist. field. Now they are encountering stiff sideration, so the category will be activat- Then, in last year's award ceremony, opposition, some of which is coming from ed. The 11 eligible movies will then be Pixar's insanely popular juggernaut studios Pixar is courting. pared down to three finalists by December. Finding Nemo was virtually guaranteed the It is Dreamworks Animation's Shrek 2 Oscar before the announcement was even that is number one at the box office so far made. this year. Dreamworks has also announced The competition for the award this year that it plans on releasing two animated is part of a greater battle for supremacy in movies each year, a potentially damaging the animation world. Pixar Animated aspect for Pixar. Many animated movies Studios is at the heart of this battle, espe- are slated for release in 2005 and 2006, cially after the success of The Incredibles. including Dream work's Ice Age 2 and Next year the contract between Pixar Disney's Chicken Little. and Walt Disney Studios expires, meaning Still, all this competition, while scary that Pixar will have to find a new studio to for studios and animators, is great for audi- distribute its films. Because Pixar has ences. What is so great about competition www.nick.com proven itself to be incredibly lucrative, its in addition to the perpetuation of the Best Spongebob makes his big screen debut. Chief Executive Stephen Jobs can relax and let the offers roll in. Two studios that Pixar has expressed interest in are Warner Bros, and 20th "eoisrwfwti Campaign'

kiliermovies.com Robert Zemekis directs Polar Express. The 2005 presentation of the Best Animated Film Oscar should prove to be X T E E P more suspenseful than those of the past three years. In 2001, only three movies YOUR PARTICIPATION were nominated: Jimmy Neutron: Boy IS GREATLY APPRECIATED... Genius, Monsters, Inc. and the original Shrek. The favorite to win, Shrek defeated l"f 5 AMAZ1N6 WHAT YOU CAN DO TO cineblog.com the popular Monsters, Inc. to become the CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER. first feature-length film to win the Best Martin Scorsese stars in Shark Tale. Broad Street Arts Collective No matter where you currently are on your life path, Broad Street Gallery Nov. 19 from 4-6 p.m. and Nov. 20 from 1 - 4 p.m. Trinity College's Broad Street Arts Collective presents an art celebration with you can help improve some of the most pressing health food, art, and live music. Featuring neighborhood artists and children from the and human service issues that exist in our communities Montessori magnet school, this event is not to be missed. right now through the United Way Community ARGENTINA EXPRESS Campaign. Agencies and programs supported through Jewish Musical Legacy of Argentina the Community Campaign improve lives. Thaf s why giving matters. Sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program Irene Failenbogen November 16, 2004 WE HAVE EXTENDED THE OPPORTUNITY 7p.m. Zachs Hillel House FOR YOUR GIVING THROUGH TRINITY'S Free of charge Contact: lisa Kassow 297-4195 CAMPAIGN TO NOVEMBER JO. Cantor Irene Failenbogen is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she completed her cantorial training in a conservative Jewish seminary. If you need forms or have questions, please contact Debra Borrero The repertoire performed in "Argentina Express" includes Hebrew, in the Office of Community and Institutional Relations at x5170. Latino, Yiddish, Spanish and Italian music. She will focus on the Jewish dimension of the musical spirit of Argentina. Woven into the concert are stories of her personal experience in Argentina as a Jewish woman, from REMEMBER... episodes of early anti-Semitism to her present life as an "Argentineans THE UNITE© WAY ONLY TAK1S 10% soul" in New York City. Cantor Failenbogen received a professional teach- PERCENT ON THE DOLLAR UP TO A ing degree in Arts Expression from the National School of Dance in Buenos Aires. She has appeared in numerous opera, "zarzuela" and MAXIMUM OF ONE HWHPRIP POliARS musical comedy productions as well as serving as a pulpit Cantor and per- ON AMY DONATION. former of Jewish liturgical and popular music throughout the country. NOVEMBER 16, 2004 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE 19

7 p.m. Nov. 18 The \ Tea af FiVe starring Kate Mulgrew MUSHROOMHEAD 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16,17, 18, 21 Webster Muderfist, Strained Existance, 8 p.m. Nov. 19, 20 • Shattersphere « 2 p.m. Nov. 20, 21 Theater • • Hansel and Gretel 7:30 p.m. Nov. 18, 20 i 7 p.m. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Nov. 19 2 p.m. Nov. 27, 28 4 p.m. Nov. 26 5 p.m. REEL BIS FISH 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23, 24, 28 Nov. 21 • Melee, Littlest Man 8 p.m. Nov. 26, 27 i •* 6:30 p.m. % Band, Montys Fan Grieg Piano Concert BIS D & THE KIDS * Nov. 20 * Club 0.' 7:30 p.m. Nov. 30, Dec. 1 TABLE Voodoo Slow Skulis, < TAKING BACK SUNDAY Team Connecticut Rally and EDDY Awards , Go Betty So, F* .* , Atreyu, Funeral for a , 4:30 p.m. Dec. 1 % Ups. Tip the .* % Friend, Like f *». Van .•* % Yesterday .• Medical Science: The Future of Human Life ••••••• •• •* 8 p.m. Dec. 3

A Classifieds Work Around Glasses This Chapel Happenings Semester!!! Flexible Schedules. Evening and -weekends available. Customer sales/service. Good Pay. No experience required. Great work , NOV. 17 SUhJVAY, NOV. 21 environment. Possible Scholarships 12 noon/ 'Ko-wva-n/ Ca€holio Maw 5:15 p.vw, ThawhztyiA/i/fttyVe&per awarded. Ideal for all majors. All (Crypt Chapel) lAwbOo by Chapel Sundry Ages 18+ Certain Conditions apply. |5 p.wv. Carilloru 6 p, m/. Hoiy Zu&harOyt Sewvvoe/ Call for an interview today! 860-242- 0670 \sp.t (Crypt Chapel) 9:30 p.m. ReoDtati

7 p.m. TUESDAY, NOV. 16 RlTTENBERG LOUNGE + ***'* Ever ***•'''•>, ,*' had a desire to Salsa, ^x Aaron O'Connell Talk s "Saving Private Lynch: TruthteSHng and / but never knew exactly how to \ Storytelling In the Iraqi Theater of War" ' move those feet? Get ready for sal- sarengue with salsa lessons! 1995 Trin Graduate in American Studies, Aaron O'Connel is currently a Ph.D. candi- SALSA LESSONS date at Yale. He will discuss the ways in 7 p.m. which the rescue of Jessica Lynch was Friday, Nov. 19 portrayed in the media. He will also touch LVL HOUSE - 69 VERNON upon the importance of domestic public opinion in our new style of 21st century Sponsored by LVL warfare. PAGE 20 BUSINESS AND FINANCE THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 TCIC on the Street i).»\ 10539.01 NA.SU VQ2085..14 S&P500 1184.17

D.f Corp. Bond idx 183.59 i\YSK 7.0J4.18+0.66'* SHRP: Sharper Image Technical Analysis SHRP is showing a tive sign in the short term. typical pattern right If this positive trend i Sharper Image Corp • Splits s Earnings Daily 11.12.2004 -,.—, 40 now. It has been beaten should continue the stock up in the past year, and should push back over $23 is gaining momentum in the upcoming months. over the past month. If this high point does not Since July when it hit its get reached then we will 52 week low it has been probably see a negative moving up slowly and change in trend. Previous orderly. No major highs are supposed to be movements have thrown broken and new lows it off course. This trend should not be created if we expect to hold, you want to invest based because lower earnings upon technical trends. are already expected, SHRP is a good value Deo Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oot and the Christmas sea- stock, with positive trend 4000 son is coming up, so it is movements, one should unlikely to see major expect positive price institutional selling in " movements over the next the short term. The rel- year. A deflated price in ative strength index is in conjunction with increased the neutral position, but volume and positive VOL(in 1000s) ©2004 Pinnacor Inc. on the way up, not momentum makes SHRP down, which is a posi- attactive. Stock Pick of the Week SHRP News Briefs With the re-election of tions, which account for over 50 However, in the world of business President George W. Bush now percent of sales. These stores are we have countless examples of In Europe. Rising Euro Gathers Much Angst almost two weeks behind us the designed to have a friendly and high earnings surprises. If market continues to climb. One of Interactive atmosphere, where the Sharper Images does not continue Luropc is in the midst of another bout of angst the sectors that looks to continue prospective buyer is allowed to to grow at its historically high about its currency, amid signs the Bush administra- to show strong growth is retail experience the functional uses of rate, the shares will not plummet, services. In light of this, we the many products for sale. This because this is already factored tion will tolerate a prolonged weakness in the dollar. would currently affix a "buy" rat- friendly format has led to the, into the price, but with a good ting to Sharper Images opening of many stores country company like Sharper Images, Despite Warnings, Drug Giant Took Long Path Corporation. Sharper Images wide, and very few unsuccessful and their creative ways of reach- "deals mainly in specialty elec- locations. The company Website, ing new audiences they could to Vioxx Recall tronics, which are sold through a sharperimage.com/, says that very well keep growing, and we A review of Merck's handling of Vioxx suggests that, chain of stores, or a monthly there are about 180 stores across would see great returns upon actions the company took - and did not take - may company catalog. Its products are the country. Along with other data investment. have affected the health of potentially thousands of also sold at a variety of Internet this shows that they have grown Sharper Images is also doing outlets, including their own by 25 and 30 stores over the past well against its closest industry patients. homepage and independent sell- two fiscal years. They are competitors. Though much small- ers such as Ebay. assuredly a company expanding er than Radioshack, economic in the retail industry. Sharper Gates vs. jobs: 'The Rematch Over the last six months analysis shows that this company Images capitalization of the Sharper Images has experienced a holds its own against the giant With Microsoft's entrance- into the portable music Internet sales market should con- set back in their stock price, hit- retailer. In addition, as Sharper business. Apple's Steve Jobs must Jo what he has tribute to their future growth. ting a year long low of $15.50 per Images is among the largest com- Recent online sales have generat- failed l

I weighed 165.0, butt-naked on the lightest scale I could find.

lunches. You have no idea how good a England starters from last year's squad we Mather turkey sandwich tastes at 8:10 in still feel like we can win a New England the morning when you're starving. team title. Senior captain Tim Wenson Wrestling started at 10 that day and said, "This tournament was an eye-opener the finals didn't end until 10 at night. We for the freshmen on our team. I feel they didn't get back to Trinity until after mid- wrestled real well and I'm proud of them, night. The Roger Williams Invitational but this tournament is a great first compe- Tournament is a marathon and almost a tition because it shows how different col- complete 24 Mourday; After 959 matches lege wrestling is than high school." were wrestled that day, Trinity finished Derrick Cohen '08, 149 pounds, and 6th out of 13 teams. We had four place classmate Ben Yanni-Lazorous, 165 winners with seniors Oded Carmi and pounds, both went 2-2 on the day and Chuck Pratt myself taking second place and leading were two rounds away from placing in David Bucco '05 teaches his opponent a lesson on the mats.

Trinity College Health Center m I m Are You Interested In Learning More About Sexually Transmitted Diseases? I I I m I m M m I myatuitenfcBacly.com LOG ON TO YOUR COMPUTER I Type in: www.myStudentBody.com I I Select the ST6 site • Your student code is: BANTAM I 1 PAGE 22 SPORTS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 Competition Could Be Women's Squash Looks Stiffer For Men's Squash To Regain National Tide continued from page 24 against Harvard are very important for PETER SCALA last year. momentum and pride, the other matches SENIOR EDITOR The regular season match between the are not to be taken lightly by anyone. two sides will be at Cambridge on Feb. 3, "We have got to start from zero again. The 2004-2005 Trinity College but the Bantams will most likely square In the past, we had the opportunity to lose women's squash team is looking to take off against the Crimson a second time in and someone else will back you up, but back the National Championship trophy Cambridge during the Collegiate Squash not this year. Everyone has to win their they lost to Yale last year. After two years Association Team Championships which match," Samper explained. at the top, the women lost a close 5-4 will also be held at Harvard in late The team has the attitude that they still match to Yale in the final of the National February. have something to prove and couple that Championships. The-team is training Even though the money matches with all the firepower that the Bantams hard, and is looking forward to starting pack into their lineup, the mixture their season. is one for success. While the Bantams will miss Amina Nevertheless, the biggest Helal and Pamela Saunders, the team is question is whether or not the returning seven players from their top ten. winning streak will continue Senior All-American Lynn Leong will through the year into the post sea- likely hold the top spot, followed by son. The teams to watch out for sophomore All-American Vaidehi Reddy. this year have to obviously be Leong will be a tough competitor on the Harvard, then Yale - who won top rung, as she holds a remarkable 37-5 more individual matches against career record, including a 7-1 record last Trinity in the regular season than winter. any other team last year, and Junior tri-captains Larissa Stephenson Princeton. and Maria Restrepo, as well as newcomer Even still, Trinity had more Lauren Polonich, will compete for the first and second team Ail- third through fifth spots. Junior tri-cap- Chuck Pratt Americans than any other team tain Margot Kearney, sophomores last year. With the shifting of Fernanda Rocha, and Siobhan Knight will Leigh Endresen '06 hits a forehand shot momentum in terms of recruiting, battle for the next three positions. The up, meaning the Bants will need to be on the Bantams are still the pre-sea- ninth spot is a big question the team will form when they meet. son number one ranked team by need to answer. As of now, Bhaktiveda Other big matches for the Bantams the . Collegiate Squash Dhaul '07 likely has the inside track on include Princeton on Jan. 21 and Harvard Vsociation. the spot. on Feb. 3. Unfortunately, the women play There is undoubtedly, a The team recently scrimmaged the mostly away this year, making three trips gicater parity in men's squash this Williams College Ephs, and showed that to Dartmouth as well as three trips to > car; nonetheless it is very tough they are still one of the dominant teams in Princeton, where the CS A Championships Chuck Pratt to bet against the champs in the the nation. Although noi all of the will be held this year. Bernardo Samper '05 lunges to hit a winner. long run. Bantams played, the team easily handled Trinity opens the season on Nov. 20, the Williams women. Some of the when they travel to Hanover, N.H for the Bantams played members of the Williams Dartmouth Invitational. After this tourna- men's team. ment, the team will play in the The team's first test should come on Trinity/Wesleyan Round Robin, then Jan. 26, when they host the Yale Bulldogs. opens their match schedule at Williams on Yale, the only team that has beaten the Dec. 11. Bants in the past three years, is ranked With the women working hard to ahead of Trinity in the preseason rank- return to the top of the national rankings, ings. The Bulldogs return their whole line it is a good year to support the team. Nov. 19 Men's Basketball vs. Ursinus 7:30 p.m. Ice Hockey to Begin Quest Women's Basketball @ Eastern 8 p.m. Men's ffockoy vs. S. Maine 7:45 p.m. for Success This Weekend WILL YANG and Barrett Wilson-Murphy. Murtha con- Women's Hockoy (& Amherst 7 p.m. SPORTS EDITOR tributed last season with two goals and 12 The Bantam men's ice hockey team has assists while Newhall has recorded three learned to embrace the pressure placed on goals and 11 assists in the past two years. Nov. 20 Women's Squash («> Dartmouth 12 a.m. them to succeed. After going 16-9-1 over- Offensively, the Bantams return a all last season, including a league record of range of experienced point scorers. Women's Basketball @ Rowan 5 p.m. 12-5-1, the Bantams reached the NESCAC Senior captain Joseph Ori led the team in championships but eventually lost 6-2 to scoring for a second consecutive year Women's Hockey <& Connecticut Middlebury in the finals. The previous sea- with 13 goals and 16 assists, amassing 29 son, the Bantams had defeated league rival points. The two-time All-NESCAC and College 3:30 p.m. Middlebury to earn the school's first ECAC East/NESCAC All-Star last sea- NESCAC title and NCAA tournament bid. son is one of the top forwards in Division Wrestling @> Springfield 10 a.m. With all the recent success of the pro- m. gram, the team expects to continue their Forward Ryan Stevens '05 returns Nov. 21 Men's Basketball vs. Rhode Island dominance despite the loss of five regulars this year to build on his 43 goals and 27 from last year's rotation. assists recorded during his collegiate College 3 p.m. Goaltender Doug Kisielius '05 will career thus far. Junior forwards Cameron return to anchor the experienced defensive Finch, Richard Masucci, and Bryan core. He finished among the top goalies in Crabtree combined for 20 goals and 23 Sports Trivia: the nation last season in minutes, winning assists last season. As freshmen, talented Last week's question percentage, saves, with 628, and saved 91 forwards John Halverson, Simon Dionne, per cent of the shots taken at his net. and Matt Rafuse all tallied at least 10 What was Trinity Football's previous longest Kisielius has posted eight shutouts in the points each last winter, and should pick winning streak? past two seasons including three last win- up where they left off. der. The Trinity College Ice Hockey team Answer: The defense will be led by all- will begin their regular season with two 15 ganies. The Bantams accomplished this feat NESCAC selection Brendan Timmins '06, home games at the off-campus who also led the team in assists last season Kingswood-Oxford Rink. On Friday twice, from 1933-1935 and again from 1953-1956 with 18, classmates Rico Murtha and John night, Nov. 19, the team will face Newhall, who have developed into solid Southern Maine and will host the Salem defenders, and seniors Andris Kpzlovskis State Vikings on the following afternoon. NOVEMBER 16, 2004 - THE TRINITY TRIPOD SPORTS PAGE 23 Dominate the NESCAC Once Again continued from page 24 them the ball." it was only a matter of time before the "This senior group of offensive Jin;- Bantams scored. man have been the strength of this team," Sure enough, after Blair sacked Canter, guard Sean Benitez '05 said. "We've done forcing a fumble that Wesleyan would everything for each other; we don't want to recover on third down, the Bantams got the let each other down. ball at Wesleyan's 34-yard line after Two Straub touchdown catches put the Wesleyan interfered with the kick return. Bantams up 19-6 at the half, still a some- The very next play, Schweitzer threw a what close game, but Wesleyan's offense 24-yard pass to Soules across the middle could not mount any attack against the and four plays later on fourth and goal, NESCAC's number one defense, and Schweitzer connected with Dan MacKay Trinity's offense was hearing up. for a 4-yard touchdown. "Half the teams we play don't get out- Trinity's offensive line was key in played, they get out-coached," Esdaile Schweitzer's big day, giving him plenty of said. "We know what's going to happen time in the pocket to find open receivers before the play, and that's all in the prepa- downfield. ration, Tuesdays and Thursdays during Chuck Pratt "The offensive line did a great job and practice." Bill Schweitzer '06 had his best game of the year, throwing for three touchdowns. gave me a whole bunch of time to throw," Both teams were held scoreless in the NESCAC, but the most dominant. The Bantams were also featured in Schweitzer said. "I had enough time to third quarter, but then Trinity proved why In a span of three minutes, the Bantams Chris Berman's Top 10 plays of the week find my second and third receivers and get they aren't just the best team in the turned a firm lead into a blowout victory. on ESPN's "Sportscenter." With 13:55 left in the fourth, Leo capped a "It was very, very cool to see myself on 94-yard drive with a four-yard touchdown Sportscenter," Straub said. "That's like the scamper. highlight of my life, it's great." Twenty seconds later, backup quarter- "It was pretty neat to see ourselves on back Mark Noonan split Trinity's defense there," F. Ji Wesner '05 added. "I must for a nine yard scramble, before Morgan have watched it like four or five times punched the ball out of his grasp. The ball today." bounced right into the hands of Goldstein, "Sportscenter" was just one of the who hustled 44-yards for the touchdown. many highlights of the Bantam's historic "We didn't let the field conditions both- season, a season that this year's seniors will er us, and we put their early lead behind us. never forget. Our defense did a fantastic job and gave us "Winning three straight [champi- great field position all day," Schweitzer onships] is really special for all of us," said. Straub said. "And being a senior makes it Schweitzer threw a 38-yard bomb to more memorable for us, it's a great way for Soules with 11:39 left in the game to cap us to go out." off the scoring for the Bantams. "This is just an incredible feeling," "Billy gave me a great pass to catch," MacNamara said. "To accomplish what we Chuck Pratt Soules said. "Plus it got me on the news have, to have a streak like this, is amazing. The Bantams celebrate their second straight undefeated season. that night." This is the greatest feeling in the world." We Accept CHEESE PIZZA Hawk Cash SIDE ORDERS 14" Medium $8.99 16" Large $10.99 WINGS (Mild, HotBBQ) (10) 5.99 Additional Toppings: $1.00 on med. $1.30 on large MOZZARELLA STICKS. (8) ... 5.50 CHICKEN FINGERS 5.50 Bacon Anchovies Broccoli Eggplant GARLIC BREAD WITH CHEESE (16°) 3 25 Garlic Hamburger Cherry peppers Olivees FRIES 2 25 Mushrooms Onions Pepperoni Peppers FRIES/CHEESE 2 99 Ricotta Sausage Spinach Tomatoes ONION RiNGS . . . 2.25 CINNAMON STICS .".'."" 3.99 BREAD STICKS 2.99 SHEET PAN PIZZA $16.99 CHIPS .50 Additional toppings $2.00 each (4 HOURS NOTICE PLEASES) GRINDERS CITY PIZZA SPECIALTIES COOKED SALAMI $4.75 . .$9.50 HOUSE SPECIAL MED $11.99 LARGE $15.99 PASTRAMI 4.75 9.50 Sausage, meatball, pepperoni, mushroom, onions.peppers. 9.50 GENOA. 4.75 HARTFORD 498B FARMINGTON AVENUE CHICKEN PESTO..... 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For 10 minutes, the Wesleyan Trinity collected 369 total Cardinals were ecstatic, as a feel- yards, 242 rushing and 127 pass- ing swept through their sideline ing, while holding Wesleyan to that this could be their day; the just 139 total yards, 93 rushing mighty Trinity Bantams were off and only 46 yards passing. their game and Wesleyan could The Cardinals did make the prove to be the spoilers to first 10:32 of the game interest- Trinity's perfect season. ing, intercepting a Trinity pass, Then Trinity went on to score Trinity's first thrown interception 40 unanswered points, the of the year, and drove 32-yards on Cardinals woke up and realized nine plays for a one-yard Mitchell that no one beats this 2004 touchdown. MacNamara blocked Bantam team, and that they were the extra point, and Wesleyan no different than the other hope- would not get another opportuni- less foes who attempted to take ty to kick one again. Trinity down. "They tried to run against us, Trinity, ranked No. 1 in New and that surprised us; we expect- England and 21st in the nation, Photo courtesy of Trinity Football ed them to pass. That was fine steamrolled their way to a 40-6 The Bantams currently hold the nation's longest winning streak, at 22 games. with us though, because we were win, capping their second-straight Quarterback Bill Schweitzer Senior Drew Finkeldey collected Also in his final game as a stopping them," Esdaile said. 8-0 season, and third NESCAC '06 led the way for the champion 49 yards rushing on 16 carries in Bantam, Christian MacNamara For the next few possessions, championship in a row. The Bantams, throwing for three his final Trinity game. '05 led the Bantams in tackles the Bantams and Cardinals traded Bantams also keep their NCAA touchdowns and 110 yards. Fellow seniors Brad Soules with nine, including one sack. punts, neither team able to mount leading winning streak of 22 "It felt good to finally be and Pat Straub paced all Linebacker Avon Morgan '06 had a consistent drive. But Trinity's games intact. healthy and play up to my capa- receivers, Soules with four catch- nine tackles as well, and a forced defense began to buckle down, "This was the most fun I've bilities," Schweitzer said. "It was es for 75 yards and a touchdown, fumble that senior Aaron giving Wesleyan no room to oper- ever had playing football," senior a great opportunity for me to Straub with two touchdown Goldstein took 44 yards for a ate their offense. linebacker Alex Esdaile said." prove to everyone and myself catches for 36 yards. "Billy just touchdown. The defense kept giving "We've worked really hard to what I could do." gave me a great pass on the sec- Mike Blair had '06 eight tack- Trinity's offense great field posi- get where we are now, and all of Gennaro Leo '07 led the run- ond touchdown, I just happened les, one sack, one forced fumble tion, and it became apparent that us deserve this," wide out Joe ning attack with 93 yards on a to be in the right place at the right and two passes defended on his Push '05 said. slippery slush and mud field. time," Straub said. way to being named this week's see BANTAMS on page 23 quash Eyes Seventh Title Held Hockey Ends JON SIMONIAN think. onship. Senior tri-captains SPORTS WRITER There are several factors Vishal Kapoor, Bernardo Successful Season After six straight national working against the Bantams Samper, and Regardt Schonborn championships, a 108-0 record, this year, one of which is time. are putting an added emphasis REBECCA BELL offense was able to gather some and seven All-Americans, five of The loss of all three of last year's on work ethic this year. SPORTS WRITER momentum and had several fast which return this year, there can tri-captains to graduation, "Everyone is training much On Oct. "31, field hockey breaks to goal. only be one thing left at the top including four-time All- harder this year. In the years ended their season with a 1-0 loss The Trinity women also had of this year's squash agenda: American Michael Ferreira hurt before we were winning pretty to Williams in the first round of . good opportunities on corners but lucky number seven. But the the team greatly. However, the easily, but this year we have to the NESCAC tournament. The could not convert them into goals. road to that seventh straight new crop of leaders are ready to train harder," said Samper. 2004 team is the first team since The only goal scored during the national championship will per- take the reigns and lead the team The Bantams must overcome 1998 to qualify for the NESCAC game came on a penalty stroke haps not be as easy as one might to yet another national champi- a relatively disappointing tournament. After clinching a midway through the second half. recruiting season, in which some berth with a 3 - 1 win over Bates The NESCAC has always had of their fiercest rivals - the in the third to last game of the sea- fierce competition for the cham- Harvard Crimson included - son, the Bantams were ranked 6th pionship and this game was no improved by great leaps. in the conference and traveled to different. Thus, the Bantams will rely Williams to play the first round of "We played the best we have on the tri-captains and the very the NESCAC's. all season, but unfortunately it experienced group of upper- Despite having lost to didn't go our way," Bergh said. classmen to lead the way this Williams 3-0 during the regular "We played well, but as a year. On their way up are jun- season, the Bantams were confi- senior this loss was really disap- iors Yvain Baden and Jacques dent in their ability to play the pointing. We all thought that we Swanepoel who are a combined third ranked team. could win the game and nobody 48-5 in their first two years with There was a lot of back and really saw our season ending with the Bantams. forth action throughout the game; that game," Patricia Glennon '05 Undoubtedly, the highlights the Trinity defense held off a sus- said. of the season will come against tained offensive drive by the Williams eventually went on Harvard, who almost nipped the Ephs, anchored by senior captain to win the NESCAC champi- famous 108 match win streak Ayres Heller. Goalie Courtney onship, beating first ranked and Chuck Pratt Bergh '06 had a great game with previously undefeated see COMPETITION on page 22 14 saves, while the Bantam Middlebury. Men's Squash works on their abs during eariy-season workouts.

David Buceo tells us INSIDE SPORTS See this weeks about the wrestling upcoming events on team's first week on Women's Squash looks to The Men's Tee Tloekey team page 22 page 2i continue success on page 22 is previewed on page 22