E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2020 No. 39 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was into law, calling it ‘‘a new kind of na- RECOGNIZING THE 176TH ANNIVER- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tional park.’’ Today, nearly 40 years SARY OF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC pore (Mr. CUELLAR). later, our Nation touts 55 National Her- INDEPENDENCE f itage Areas across the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I am proud of the 12 National Herit- Chair recognizes the gentleman from DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO age Areas in Pennsylvania, more than New York (Mr. ESPAILLAT) for 5 min- TEMPORE any other State in the Nation. Na- utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tional Heritage Areas in Pennsylvania Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, today fore the House the following commu- span 57 of our 67 counties, and these is February 27, and we celebrate the nication from the Speaker: areas are truly an economic develop- 176th anniversary of independence of ment powerhouse. the Dominican Republic, which gained WASHINGTON, DC, In 2014, tourists spent an estimated $2 February 27, 2020. billion worth of goods and services dur- its independence in 1844 from the Re- I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY ing their travels to Pennsylvania’s Na- public of Haiti. CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on Led by Juan Pablo Duarte, Sanchez, tional Heritage Areas. That is $2 bil- this day. and Mella, this island nation moved lion back into our rural communities. NANCY PELOSI, forward under great adversity. Speaker of the House of Representatives. One of those areas, the Oil Region Throughout its 176 years, it has en- f National Heritage Area, is in my dis- trict. The oil region was established as dured military occupation, dictator- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE a Pennsylvania Heritage Area in 1994. ship, and other strong and determining challenges. But throughout these many The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ten years later it became a National Heritage Area. decades, the nation has prevailed. ant to the order of the House of Janu- Today, we enjoy the presence of over ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- Pennsylvania’s oil region is rich with history. In 1859, Edwin Drake changed 2 million Dominicans in the United nize Members from lists submitted by States, many of them in New York the majority and minority leaders for our Nation’s energy future forever when he drilled the world’s first com- State, and many of them in the 13th morning-hour debate. Congressional District, particularly in The Chair will alternate recognition mercial oil well in Titusville, Pennsyl- vania, which is in my congressional Washington Heights. between the parties, with time equally We see many streets in the neighbor- allocated between the parties and each district, establishing Pennsylvania’s oil region as the birthplace of the hood named after some of the patri- Member other than the majority and archs of the nation. We have Juan minority leaders and the minority world’s petroleum industry. Recently, I had the pleasure of join- Pablo Duarte Boulevard, Manolo whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no ing the Alliance of National Heritage Tavarez Justo Way, Mateo Rojas Alou event shall debate continue beyond Areas for their annual Heart & Soul Street, Miguel Amaro Way, Freddy 11:50 a.m. Breakfast, where I was reminded of the Beras-Goico Way. f positive impact that these areas have We also have schools named after very prominent members of that com- HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANCE on our communities. munity. Salome Urena School, the OF NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS Mr. Speaker, National Heritage Areas represent one of the finest public Mirabal Sisters School, Juan Pablo The SPEAKER pro tempore. The public-private partnership models in Duarte School, the Juan Bosch School. Chair recognizes the gentleman from the country. It is for that reason and We also have a huge parade, which Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 their unwavering commitment to pre- now goes down Sixth Avenue, but origi- minutes. serving our Nation’s history that I am nally started right there on Audubon Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. so proud to stand beside them as they Avenue in Northern Manhattan. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight tirelessly promote our Nation’s rich We have social and cultural institu- the importance of our Nation’s Na- history. tions like Club Deportivo Dominicano. tional Heritage Areas. These sites are National Heritage Areas are pre- We have many bodega owners, super- rich with history, culture, and the serving our Nation’s history, not only market owners, hair salons, and other marvels of our Nation’s natural re- to celebrate it, but to learn from it small businesses that I think are char- sources. and, quite frankly, to create economic acteristic of their resolve, our people’s In 1984, President Ronald Reagan development and opportunity utilizing resolve to work hard and make it a bet- signed the first National Heritage Area it. ter city for all of us.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.000 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 We send remittances back home, be- our overall tourist economy in the leaders, and students here in Wash- coming the first and most important First Congressional District of Ken- ington, and FFA will always hold a column of the Dominican economy, and tucky. The Federal resources that have special place in my heart. we continue to contribute in many, been steered toward this problem are f many ways to that island nation and instrumental in fighting the war on ONE YEAR SINCE WE VOTED TO the United States of America. carp. Last Saturday, we witnessed an un- It has truly been a team approach, PREVENT UNNECESSARY GUN precedented event where young people with local leaders like Lyon County DEATHS convened in Washington Heights to Judge-Executive Wade White doing a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The protest the failed municipal elections tremendous job of advocating for ac- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from back home. tion. Georgia (Mrs. MCBATH) for 5 minutes. Last weekend, the Washington While there is certainly work left to Mrs. MCBATH. Mr. Speaker, I rise on Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, do to eradicate Asian carp, we are mov- the anniversary of the House passage of which I am honored to represent in ing in the right direction. I pledge to H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Congress, witnessed thousands of continue working with State and local Checks Act. young people who came to protest officials and to be an effective Federal It is has been 1 year since we stood against the most recent failure by the partner moving forward to rid our together in this Chamber, Democrats Dominican Republic’s electoral board waters of this harmful species. and Republicans, and voted to pass a to properly execute the country’s mu- HONORING UNION COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT commonsense bill that will help save nicipal elections on February 16. PATRICIA SHEFFER lives; 1 year since we voted to prevent Tais Garcia Heredia, Emely Curiel, Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise unnecessary gun deaths and keep guns Andres Gonzalez del Rey, Candido today to recognize Union County away from those who should not have Santana, Alberto Valentin, Albelis Schools Superintendent Patricia them; 1 year since we acted to protect Reyes, and others, particularly a young Sheffer for winning the F.L. Dupree our children, to protect our commu- man by the name of Felipe Batista, led Outstanding Superintendent Award. nities, and to protect our families. these young people—thousands. Close This prestigious honor is awarded an- One hundred Americans die every to 10,000 of them descended on Wash- nually by the Kentucky School Boards single day from gun violence. In 2020, ington Heights. Association to a leader who has dem- there have already been more gun Their initiative to fight for their peo- onstrated a high level of accomplish- deaths in the United States than our ple’s future will probably not go down ment within their school system. peer countries will experience in an en- in the history books; you may not be Serving as superintendent comes tire year. That is unconscionable, and able to find them in a Wikipedia page with a variety of steep challenges and it is why 90 percent of our country sup- in the future; you may not be able to responsibilities. Based on this award, ports universal background checks. even Google their names; but their Patricia has gone above and beyond to Yet, we are told that, instead of names will be echoed in the CONGRES- excel in this critically important role. changing our laws, we must have more SIONAL RECORD, and their patriotism She has committed her career to active-shooter drills; more first graders will forever be remembered. working with community leaders to coming home with tears in their eyes, They are fighting to strengthen de- improve opportunities for the next gen- 6-year-olds asked to decide for them- mocracy. They are fighting to eration, including placing a heavy em- selves whether they are more likely to strengthen the best values of any phasis on improving career and tech- survive by hiding in a closet or if they democratic system and process. That is nical education opportunities. should rush the gunman; more moth- why I am here: to exult their names Mr. Speaker, her impact on Union er’s reading messages from their chil- and to tell all that know them that we County and public education cannot be dren locked inside a school that plead: are very proud of them. overstated. I have seen firsthand the Mom, if I don’t make it home, I love (English translation of the statement great work Ms. Sheffer has done there you, and I appreciate everything that made in Spanish is as follows:) in Morganfield, and I join with all of you have done for me. Today we are fighting for Dominican my constituents in the First Congres- Too often we are told that we must Independence, wherever there’s a Do- sional District of Kentucky in con- accept these tragedies, but millions of minican there’s homeland. God, home- gratulating her. Americans refuse to accept that, and I land and freedom. HONORING NATIONAL FUTURE FARMERS OF stand with them. Hoy en dı´a estamos luchando por la AMERICA WEEK Today marks 1 year since we passed Independencia Dominicana, donde esta´ Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. el dominicano esta la Patria. Dios, today in recognition of National FFA Tomorrow marks 1 year since the Patria y Libertad. Week, an event that always brings passage of the Enhanced Background The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- back fond memories and is very special Check Act, which would close the tleman from New York will provide a to me. Not only am I a proud farmer Charleston loophole. translation of his remarks to the and former commissioner of agri- I introduced a bill that would give Clerk. culture, but I was also very active in loved ones and law enforcement more f FFA and had the high honor of serving tools to keep guns away from those as Kentucky FFA president. who are a danger to themselves or to EFFORTS TO FIGHT ASIAN CARP FFA had an extraordinary influence others, tools that would help people The SPEAKER pro tempore. The on my life, as I know it does for many like Mary Miller-Strobel, whose broth- Chair recognizes the gentleman from young people today. I proudly display er, Ben, was a combat veteran suffering Kentucky (Mr. COMER) for 5 minutes. my blue and gold jacket here in my from depression and PTSD. Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, last week, congressional office. Mary and her family worried about I had the opportunity to travel to Ken- While I will admit to being biased, his mental health, and they drove to tucky Lake, alongside Senate Majority there is no better way to learn, grow, every gun store in their area pleading Leader MITCH MCCONNELL and other and excel than being part of FFA. This with the store owners not to sell her local leaders, to observe progress being quality organization uses agriculture brother a gun. Ben Miller died by sui- made to remove Asian carp from our education to empower students and put cide. He used the gun he bought at his west Kentucky waterways. Senator them on a lifelong path to success. local gun store. MCCONNELL and I took a boat out on The leadership skills that students the water to observe the new Modified gain through FFA are extremely valu- b 1015 Unified Method for removing this able, and I know that it makes a posi- There is injustice in this year with- invasive species from our lakes. tive difference in the lives of young out action. I know that sense of injus- Thanks to Federal funding we have people every day. tice. On black Friday in November 2012, secured, efforts are in progress that Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent my son Jordan was sitting in the back will improve the fishing industry and so many high-quality FFA programs, seat of a car at a gas station with his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.002 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1229 friends. A man pulled up next to them ship on the Waters of the United States to stop the epidemic of youth and complained about the loud music issue and support his repeal of the bur- use. that they were playing. densome Obama-era regulation. We have watched as the use of to- He pulled out a gun and he fired 10 As a result of this decision, our farm- bacco and vape products by kids has shots into that car hitting Jordan ers can worry less about government exploded in our community over the three times, killing my only son. overreach on their own property and past months. It has become a full- I lost my son. But I am still his instead focus on building and growing blown public health crisis affecting mother and I am on a mission to help their farms and small businesses. We fi- more than 5 million kids. protect the lives of children like him nally have an administration that puts More than 200 Illinoisans have suf- all over America. our farmers first, and for Hoosiers in fered respiratory illness from dan- I made a promise to my community my district, that is a big deal. gerous vape products since last year. that I would act in Washington. I pledge my commitment to farmers Eight of them have died. This shouldn’t I promised that I would take that and families in my district to continue be happening. sense of protection, that love a mother working with the Trump administra- Thanks to decades of public health has for her only son, and use it for my tion on this very critical issue. work and education, youth tobacco use community, use it for the American was actually going down until the in- RECOGNIZING AHAUS TOOL AND ENGINEERING people. troduction of sophisticated vape prod- I promised I would dedicate my life Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ucts. to families like mine in Marietta, to recognize Ahaus Tool and Engineer- Let’s be clear, these products are tar- Georgia, who are terrified that they ing in Richmond, Indiana for their ef- geted at kids. They are made with fla- will send their kids to school and never fective apprenticeship program. vors like cotton candy and gummy While recently visiting Ahaus, their see them come home. They are terri- bears. They are marketed directly to leadership told me about their nation- fied they will be me. children, and they are designed to keep I pray that on the 1-year anniversary ally accredited apprenticeship pro- children hooked. of H.R. 8, that we remember that this gram, which has been helping Hoosiers This is a crisis that we will be deal- is in our hands. We remember families for over 30 years. ing with for decades because 95 percent like Mary’s. We remember children Ahaus offers a full-time job while of adult tobacco users started when graduating from high school. We re- their employees attend school to gain they were kids, and there is still so member Florida. We remember commu- hands-on learning experience with much that we don’t know about how nities all across this country. Their peers in the company. the high doses of and other I wish Ahaus continued success and I lives are in our hands. chemicals in these products affect kids’ I want to thank my colleagues, sur- thank them for their investment in the bodies and their minds. vivors, and volunteers, and advocates community of Richmond. Given the FDA’s failure to effectively across America that are here with us RECOGNIZING THE GOOD SAMARITAN FOOD regulate these products, Congress today for your tireless work to pass PANTRY needs to act now before it is too late. It is time to stand up and refuse to let this landmark legislation and protect Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today our kids be hurt. It is time to pass the our families. to recognize the Good Samaritan Food I pray that God bless us all in this Pantry of North Vernon and its won- Protecting American Lungs and Re- fight to save American lives. derful manager, Ginger Miller. versing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic The Good Samaritan Food Pantry Act of 2019. f served over 29,000 Jennings County f HONORING THE 75TH ANNIVER- residents last year, including 1,000 vet- RECOGNIZING BUCKS COUNTY SARY OF THE BATTLE OF IWO erans. The Good Samaritan Food Pan- COMMUNITY COLLEGE JIMA try is run by an all-volunteer staff and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The runs completely on donations. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Chair recognizes the gentleman from Not only does this organization help Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 Indiana (Mr. PENCE) for 5 minutes. feed those in need, but it also provides Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today clothing and household items for fami- minutes. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I to honor the 75th anniversary of the lies in need. rise today to recognize the Bucks God bless those that help the Good battle for Iwo Jima. I had the privilege County Community College, which re- Samaritan Food Pantry run, and God of joining Senator YOUNG at a cere- cently received a $200,000 grant to raise bless all the volunteers involved. mony last week in Indianapolis to com- awareness and promote its metal work- memorate this fateful battle that led CONGRATULATING SILAS ALLRED ing apprenticeship program. to the allied victory in World War II. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today This 12-week program provides entry- With us at the Indiana War Memorial to congratulate Silas Allred of Shen- level training, forklift certification, was Wayne Saucerman, a World War II andoah High School for winning the and other skills necessary to begin a marine veteran of Iwo Jima and a true 195-pound weight class Indiana Wres- career in manufacturing. The Pennsyl- American hero. tling State Title. vania Department of Community and Seventy-five years ago Wayne found This is Silas’ second straight wres- Economic Development grant will be himself thousands of miles away from tling State title, and he joined an elite used to promote Bucks County Com- home in the midst of a fierce 5-week group of only one of five Indiana high munity College’s manufacturing battle that would help change the school wrestlers in history to win the preapprenticeship training programs. course of the war and history itself. title by pin. Mr. Speaker, earlier this week I To Wayne and to other patriots who Silas is ranked fourth in the Nation partnered with Bucks County native, fight for the freedom and liberty we for his weight class and qualified for Congressman RO KHANNA, to introduce hold so dear, thank you for your serv- Team U.S.A. to compete at the Pan Am the Student Apprenticeship Act, a bill ice. Cadet Games. that would close the gap between high- Next month I will have the honor of I congratulate Silas and wish him the er education and labor by modernizing returning to the island as part of a con- best of luck in his future. workforce training and catalyzing the gressional delegation invited to par- f growth of registered apprenticeships ticipate in the 75th Reunion of Honor nationwide. on Iwo Jima. We will be joined by the TAKING STRONG ACTION TO STOP Apprenticeship programs provide commandant of the Marine Corps and THE EPIDEMIC OF YOUTH TO- skills and education for high-paying dignitaries from Japan to renew this BACCO USE jobs and vital careers, and we need to commitment by remembering and hon- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The be sure we give them the attention oring those who fought 75 years ago. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from that they deserve. TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PUTS FARMERS FIRST Illinois (Ms. UNDERWOOD) for 5 minutes. RECOGNIZING AILEEN TORRENTE Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Ms. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, this Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I to commend President Trump’s leader- week the House is taking strong action rise today to recognize Sergeant Aileen

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.006 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 Torrente of the Middletown Township color is silver and my third-favorite color is CHILDREN NEED OPPORTUNITY TO Police Department. green.) EXPLORE GENDER IDENTITY Sergeant Torrente was the first Here are some of my other favorite things: WITHOUT CRITICISM dancing, singing, back flips, drawing, soccer, woman in the history of the police de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The partment to be promoted from patrol swimming, makeup, and pretending I’m a pop star. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from officer to detective in 2014. Recently Most of all, I love mermaids. Sometimes I California (Ms. SPEIER) for 5 minutes. Aileen was promoted again; this time even wear a mermaid tail in the pool! Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I, too, rise from detective to her current rank of My best friends are Samantha and Casey. to speak about a book, a book much sergeant. We always have fun together. We like high like ‘‘I Am Jazz’’ that I have had the Sergeant Torrente’s success will set a heels and princess gowns, or cartwheels and privilege of reading before on the great example for current and future trampolines. House floor for a number of years. It is officers at my hometown township po- But I’m not exactly like Samantha and an opportunity for children to explore lice department in Middletown. Casey. their gender identity without being Aileen’s hard work, determination, and I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is criticized. This book is titled ‘‘They, diligence led to her promotion. She is a called transgender. I was born this way! She, He easy as ABC.’’ great role model for our community, When I was very little, and my mom would They! they! They! they! New friends are ev- and I look forward to seeing more pro- say, ‘‘You’re such a good boy,’’ I would say, motions in the future as she works her erywhere waiting to play! ‘‘No, Mama. Good GIRL!’’ Out on the dance floor we love to sing way up to her dream job of chief of po- At first my family was confused. They’d al- they. They is a way to let everyone be. No lice. Mr. Speaker, I wish her well. ways thought of me as a boy. one left out and everyone free. Then when RECOGNIZING BENSALEM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL As I got older, I hardly ever played with we’re friends, we sing they, she, he, ze. Mak- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I trucks or tools or superheroes. Only ing it easy as a-b-c-d. rise today to recognize the Bensalem princesses and mermaid costumes. Let’s dance! Township Council, who took a huge My brothers told me this was girl stuff. I A. Ari loves to arabesque. They hold their kept right on playing. step to ensure the safety and well- pose with ease. My sister says I was always talking to her being of their residents by prohibiting B. Brody is a break dancer. Brody loves to about my girl thoughts, and my girl dreams, freeze. vaping in public township facilities, in- and how one day I would be a beautiful lady. C. Cory leaps high like a cat. She springs cluding parks and other recreational She would giggle and say, ‘‘You’re a funny and leaps and bounds. areas. kid.’’ D. Diego drums and dances. Tree has all The health and safety of our children Sometimes my parents let me wear my sis- the sounds. should be our top priority, and the re- ter’s dresses around the house. But whenever E. Ebony flies everywhere. They spread cent youth vaping epidemic has been a we went out, I had to put on my boy clothes their arms like . huge health issue in our community again. This made me mad! F. Fawn is free as a flower. Fawn can bring and across our Nation. Still, I never gave up trying to convince the spring. I recently had the opportunity to them. Pretending I was a boy felt like telling G. Gia’s going fast and strong. She’s danc- a lie. ing on the go. meet with students from New Then one amazing day, everything Solebury Cares who expressed their H. Harvey’s heart beats happily. Hip hop changed. Mom and Dad took me to meet a makes her flow. concerns with how prevalent vaping new doctor who asked me lots and lots of I. Indigo’s into insects. Ze loves the buzz- has become in their schools, and they questions. Afterward, the doctor spoke to my ing vibe. talked about solutions that we can parents and I heard the word ‘‘transgender’’ J. Jorge jams to jazzy tunes. He or they work on to bring attention to this for the very first time. can jive. issue. That night at bedtime, my parents both K. Kelly can kick super high. His heart Part of the rise in youth vaping has hugged me and said, ‘‘We understand now. Be lives in the sky. been attributed to flavored nicotine. who you are. We love you no matter what.’’ L. Lourdes sings of lofty heights. Their This made me smile and smile and smile. Flavors such as mango, cucumber, and songs let them fly. other types of flavors undoubtedly tar- M. Marley is a star mermaid. He or she get our children. b 1030 flows with the sea. Tomorrow the House will vote on N. Nathan is a nesting bird. He just wants Mom and Dad told me I could start wear- to be. final passage of H.R. 2339, the Pro- ing girl clothes to school, and growing my O. Ocean’s arms are open wide. Tree swings tecting American Lungs and Reversing hair long. They even let me change my name and sways about. the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act. This to Jazz. P. Paul pretends to be a plant. Paul grows legislation would ban all flavored Being JAZZ felt much more like being ME! up and OUT. vaping products, e-cigarette ads tar- Mom said that being Jazz would make me Q. Quetzal is so, so quiet. He rests just like geting youth, and remote cigarette different from the other kids at school, but a queen. sales. As a cosponsor of this bill, I look that being different is okay. What’s impor- R. Rene is into rainbows. He creates the tant, she said, is that I’m happy with who I forward to voting in favor of this bill scene. am. S. Sky is like a star so bright. All the pro- and taking a much-needed step to miti- Being Jazz caused some other people to be gate tobacco use among our children. nouns are right. confused too, like the teachers at school. T. Tai is tiger in the night. He claims his f At the beginning of the year they wanted own might. me to use the boys’ bathroom, and play on COMMEMORATING JAZZ AND U. Una is a unicorn. They prance to their the boys’ team in gym class, but that didn’t own sound. FRIENDS NATIONAL DAY OF feel normal to me at ALL. SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY READ- V. Viola’s a volcano. Her power’s in her I was so happy when the teachers changed ground. INGS their minds. I can’t imagine not playing on W. Wren whistles when she dances. She the same team as Casey and Samantha. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The knows just what to do. Even today, there are kids who tease me, Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from X. Xander exaggerates moves. They’re ex- or call me by a boy name, or ignore me alto- tremely cool. Minnesota (Ms. CRAIG) for 5 minutes. gether. This makes me feel crummy. Y. Yoli yells YES! joyously. Their voice be- Ms. CRAIG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Then I remember that the kids who get to comes the song. in support of transgender and non- know me usually want to be my friend. They Z. Zahara zooms in and out. Ze knows that binary youth. Today is Jazz and say I’m one of the nicest girls at school. ze belongs. Friends National Day of School and I don’t mind being different. Different is Now’s your chance. We need your moves. special! I think what matters most is what a Community Readings. Join the dance. There’s always room. person is like inside. I would like to read the book ‘‘I Am Maya makes the art and words. She sings And inside, I am happy. I am having fun. I Jazz’’ by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jen- the song to life. Matthew dreams and tin- am proud! nings. kers. He makes the work tight. I am Jazz! I Am Jazz! Together they make books for the kids For as long as I can remember, my favorite Thank you, Jazz Jennings, for your they used to be. And for their own two kids color has been pink. (My second-favorite courage. so all kids can grow free!

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.007 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1231 HONORING ALBERT HENDERSON In 2018, the President fired the entire important, sometimes difficult work The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pandemic response team. In the Presi- they do. Give them wisdom and char- Chair recognizes the gentleman from dent’s 2021 budget request, he proposed ity, that they might work together for California (Mr. COSTA) for 5 minutes. cutting over $700 million to the Centers the common good. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for Disease Control. Hopefully, this May all that is done this day in the to honor an exceptional veteran in my proposal will be dead on arrival. In the people’s House be for Your greater hometown of Fresno, California, Albert face of this crisis, this is simply unac- honor and glory. Henderson. ceptable. Amen. In this photo, Albert Henderson and I We need to be on guard. The social f are here at the veterans home in Fres- and economic impacts of this pandemic THE JOURNAL could be devastating globally, but the no, a wonderful facility that provides a The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- continuum of care for those men and public health crisis affects all Ameri- cans. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- women who served our Nation over the ceedings and announces to the House years. We have just had the first case, in the last 24 hours, in northern Cali- her approval thereof. Albert has an incredible story. He is Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- one of the last living survivors of the fornia that, it is believed, the cause, the origin, is from here in our country, nal stands approved. USS Bismarck Sea, which sank 75 years Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. ago this month during a World War II not coming from China. We require a robust response. The Madam Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, battle on the island of Iwo Jima. We all rule I, I demand a vote on agreeing to know of that historic battle that took Congress and the President need to work together in a bipartisan fashion the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. place on Iwo Jima. The SPEAKER. The question is on His is a story of survival, and it is a to ensure the well-being, public health, and safety of the American people. the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. remarkable one. The question was taken; and the Hopefully, the President of the He joined the Navy as a cook at the Speaker announced that the ayes ap- United States’ press conference yester- age of 17. After learning of the attack peared to have it. day reflects the administration’s in- on Pearl Harbor, like many Americans Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. tent to work together. We need to. who decided to selflessly do everything Madam Speaker, I object to the vote on I am committed to joining my col- they could to protect our country, he the ground that a quorum is not leagues to ensure that we have an ef- began his military journey on the USS present and make the point of order fective strategy in place to protect all Bismarck Sea as a chef second class, that a quorum is not present. Americans’ health and safety from this where he often speaks of the difficul- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, potentially deadly pandemic virus, oth- ties of preparing food for such a large rule XX, further proceedings on this erwise known as coronavirus. group of folks. question will be postponed. As the ship made its way to the Phil- We need to be on guard. We need to The point of no quorum is considered ippines in 1944, its fate was sealed when do everything we can to protect the withdrawn. American people. it was struck by two Japanese kami- f kaze pilots. f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In the kitchen at the time of the at- RECESS tack, Albert made it topside only to The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman discover that all the life rafts and pre- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from Ohio (Mr. GONZALEZ) come for- servers were taken by other members ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair ward and lead the House in the Pledge of the crew. declares the House in recess until noon of Allegiance. He spent more than 4 hours strug- today. Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio led the gling to stay afloat in the choppy Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 40 Pledge of Allegiance as follows: waters of the Pacific Ocean, praying minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the for God’s help to survive after being cess. United States of America, and to the Repub- rescued by a passing U.S. Navy motor- f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. boat. b 1200 For his services and injuries, Albert f was awarded the Purple Heart and the AFTER RECESS ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Good Conduct Medal. The recess having expired, the House The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues was called to order by the Speaker at tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute today to join me in recognizing an noon. speeches on each side of the aisle. American hero for this remarkable mo- f ment in history for a remarkable man f over 75 years ago. PRAYER UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS Albert, we thank you for your sac- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick TO PROTECT OUR COMMUNITIES rifice and your courage to our Nation. J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: (Mr. KENNEDY asked and was given God bless. Merciful God, we give You thanks for permission to address the House for 1 FACING CORONAVIRUS CHALLENGES giving us another day. minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today As we meditate on all the blessings of marks.) to talk about the challenges facing our life, we especially pray for the blessing Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, a country and the world with the recent of in our lives and in our world. year ago, this House passed the bipar- outbreak of the coronavirus. The current spread of the tisan H.R. 8 to establish universal This disease presents a serious threat coronavirus has already caused broad background checks to protect our com- that I think requires a proactive ap- repercussions in financial markets, munities from terrifying, paralyzing proach in a bipartisan fashion. international trade and travel, and the gun violence. In the 365 days since, Unfortunately, the mechanisms put healthcare industry worldwide. We ask MITCH MCCONNELL has done exactly in place by the previous administra- Your blessings on those men and what the gun industry has asked him tion, the Obama administration, to women whose life work is the health of to do: nothing. deal with pandemics like this have the world’s population and whose ef- Meanwhile, a gunman killed five peo- been dismantled over the last year. forts to stem the spread of this disease ple yesterday in Milwaukee, and two They were put in place to deal with the have endangered their own well-being. teenagers were killed 5 miles from Ebola crisis and the SARS crisis years Give them insight and protection in where we stand over the weekend. ago and to ensure that in the future, if the days and weeks to come. Meanwhile, millions live with the possible pandemics occurred, we would May Your special blessings be upon physical and emotional scars caused by be prepared. the Members of this assembly, in the guns.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.010 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 Meanwhile, the gun industry is questions, but one really stuck out. these gag clauses so that we have the wrapped with immunity that shields One student asked me: Is investing in power and the freedom to make in- their profits and puts more guns on our public education really worth it? formed decisions about our healthcare. streets. It is a tough question, a fair ques- The bill would also allow employers Madam Speaker, there is a secret tion, especially coming from a Clark to access deidentified claims data, con- that President Trump and Mr. MCCON- County student. But the answer for me sistent with the Privacy Act, so that NELL are hiding—you are subsidizing is overwhelmingly, undoubtedly yes. I they have the information they need to this industry: just had to look around that room and choose the healthcare plans that are Billions in medical costs, covered by see each of those students, whether actually best for their employees. your tax dollars; they came from different backgrounds, Mr. Speaker, this is commonsense Billions in lost wages, covered by having access to education. legislation that will offer families and your tax dollars; And the answer is not just about in- businesses in New Jersey and all across Eighty-seven percent of the costs in- vesting, but it is about if we invest in our country more choice in their curred after a bullet pierces a person’s public education as the national pri- healthcare at lower prices. skin, covered by you. ority that it should be. In a time when f We are propping up an industry that public schools are being called upon to MEASURES TO COMBAT profits off of our pain. help kids beyond the classroom, invest- ROBOCALLS COMING FROM Enough. ment in education should be our na- ABROAD f tional priority. (Mr. BUDD asked and was given per- PARTICIPATING IN THE COMMIS- f mission to address the House for 1 SION ON SECURITY AND CO- RECOGNIZING COLONEL GUION minute and to revise and extend his re- OPERATION IN EUROPE ‘‘GUY’’ BLUFORD marks.) (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina (Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio asked and Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today asked and was given permission to ad- was given permission to address the to discuss an ongoing issue that has af- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- House for 1 minute and to revise and fected nearly every American: the bar- vise and extend his remarks.) extend his remarks.) rage of annoying and deceptive Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio. Mr. Speak- robocalls. Speaker, last week, I was grateful to er, today I rise to recognize Westlake, These seemingly endless automated participate with the delegation for the Ohio, resident Colonel Guion ‘‘Guy’’ phone calls disrupt our daily lives; Commission on Security and Coopera- Bluford, who received the Ohio Distin- they constitute a serious form of har- tion in Europe, co-chaired by Congress- guished Service Medal last week. assment and expose millions of Ameri- man ALCEE HASTINGS and Senator Guy became the first African Amer- cans to dangerous financial scams. That is why I introduced a bipartisan ROGER WICKER, in Vienna, Austria. We ican astronaut to travel into space in bill, alongside my colleagues, Rep- attended the OSCE Parliamentary As- 1983. He earned the Ohio Distinguished resentatives LACY CLAY and DAN sembly’s 19th Winter Meeting. Service Medal, the highest noncombat BISHOP, called the Foreign Robocall The delegation engaged with OSCE decoration for service awarded by the Elimination Act. Our bill takes on officials and parliamentary members State, for his commitment and dedica- robocalls that originate overseas by di- from 57 nations. Ambassador Jim Gil- tion throughout his historic career in recting the FCC to convene an inter- more and his wife, Roxane, were effec- aviation. tive assuring allies and potential ad- Before joining NASA, Bluford flew agency task force to develop effective versaries of American commitment for over 144 combat missions with the measures to combat robocalls coming peace through strength. United States Air Force in South Viet- from abroad. No matter which side of the aisle we It was especially meaningful to meet nam. He later went on to earn his mas- find ourselves on, we should all be able with the courageous Ukrainian delega- ter’s and doctorate degree with aero- to agree: It is time for these illegal tion, led by Mykyta Poturaiev, which space engineering at the Air Force In- robocalls to be stopped once and for all. appreciates President Trump’s pro- stitute of Technology at Wright-Pat- viding Javelin missiles to stop Russian terson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. f aggression. We are proud and eternally grateful KEEP US SAFE FROM Bulgaria was well-represented, with a for Bluford’s military service and dedi- CORONAVIRUS delegation led by Desislava Atanasova. cation to space exploration. As NASA (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given Today, America celebrates Bulgarian looks to expand mankind’s horizons in permission to address the House for 1 National Day with Ambassador space, his life achievements and avia- minute.) Tihomir Stoychev at the Library of tion accomplishments serve as an in- Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, the Congress across the street in Wash- spiration to future generations. American people deserve a coordinated, ington. f fully funded response to keep us safe In conclusion, God bless our troops, AMERICANS SHOULD KNOW HOW from the coronavirus. But instead of and we will never forget September the MUCH OUR HEALTHCARE IS taking the situation seriously, the 11th in the global war on terrorism. GOING TO COST President has mounted a confusing and f chaotic response. (Mr. MALINOWSKI asked and was He designated MIKE PENCE to lead the RECOGNIZING MILLER MIDDLE given permission to address the House SCHOOL’S EIGHTH GRADE CLASS public health response, MIKE PENCE, a for 1 minute.) man whose terrible public health po- (Mrs. LEE of Nevada asked and was Mr. MALINOWSKI. Mr. Speaker, lices as Governor of Indiana allowed given permission to address the House today I introduced a fully bipartisan the worst HIV epidemic in the State’s for 1 minute.) healthcare bill, the Know the Price history to take root in 2015. Mrs. LEE of Nevada. Mr. Speaker, Act. It says something very simple The President’s budget earlier this today I am here on behalf of the people that I am confident we will agree on: month slashed almost $700 million from of Nevada’s Third Congressional Dis- Americans should know how much our the CDC. He has left vacant critical po- trict, and I rise to recognize the Miller healthcare is going to cost before we sitions responsible for managing Middle School eighth grade class, with receive it. pandemics, and now he has proposed whom I met earlier this week on their Many Americans aren’t aware that, raiding funds that were appropriated trip to Washington—and the timing when we go to a healthcare provider, by Congress for other life-threatening couldn’t be better since it is Public there is often a gag clause, a gag clause public health emergencies. Schools Week. in the contracts between providers and To be blunt, the President’s response We talked about topics from STEM insurers that blocks us from seeing the has been a disaster. education to encouraging creativity in cost and quality of the care we are The American people deserve better, the classroom. They had some terrific about to receive. My bill eliminates and that is why the House will advance

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.012 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1233 a strong, strategic funding package b 1215 Dr. Khalid says he considers it his that fully addresses the scale and seri- COMBATING THE SUBSTANCE moral and ethical duty to help, and he ousness of this public health crisis. ABUSE EPIDEMIC shows that every single day, not just in Let’s hope the President follows our his professional life, but in all of his lead. (Ms. PLASKETT asked and was given extraordinary community service. Dr. permission to address the House for 1 Khalid is a cultural ambassador on f minute and to revise and extend her re- Staten Island, serving as the president marks.) of the Iron Hills Civic Association and RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PROTEIN Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, the DAY the Pakistani Civic Association. crisis has had a devastating im- After the tragic events of 9/11, Dr. (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania pact on communities throughout our Khalid and the Pakistani Civic Asso- asked and was given permission to ad- country. In my conversations with ciation worked to bring Staten Island- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- members of law enforcement, public ers together. Now doing this for 15 vise and extend his remarks.) safety officials, and public health ex- years, they have served meals and Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. perts, it has become clear that serious shared their culture all for the better- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize reforms are necessary to ensure our ment of our community. National Protein Day. Protein is one of criminal justice system effectively I am proud to represent such a di- the most important elements of a contributes to efforts to combat the verse and inclusive community full of healthy diet. epidemic. leaders like Dr. Khalid, who exemplify In turn, I would also like to recognize The 2018 National Institute on the hard work, grit, and determination one of the most important sources of Abuse data shows that every day, 128 that make this country so great. protein in the American diet. I am people in the United States die from an f talking about milk. overdose of . The misuse of and We know that the protein in milk addiction to opioids, including pre- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION helps build and repair muscle tissue in scription pain relievers, , and OF H.R. 2339, REVERSING THE active bodies. Additionally, dairy prod- synthetic opioids such as fentanyl is a YOUTH TOBACCO EPIDEMIC ACT ucts like milk contain nine essential severe national crisis that affects pub- OF 2019 nutrients that help reduce the risk of lic health, as well as social and eco- Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, by di- high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and nomic welfare. rection of the Committee on Rules, I certain cancers. Milk also supports Next month, I am going to hold a call up House Resolution 866 and ask strong bones and a healthy immune roundtable discussion on this issue in for its immediate consideration. system. my district to learn best practices and The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Despite all these positive qualities, ensure that our stakeholders stem the lows: milk consumption in the United States tide before it becomes a crisis in our H. RES. 866 has been on the decline. In an effort to community. I am going to use the reverse this trend, I introduced the measures that my Democratic col- Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- lution it shall be in order to consider in the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act last leagues instituted to bring that to our House the bill (H.R. 2339) to amend the Fed- year, a bipartisan bill, to once again community to make sure that it does eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with re- allow whole milk in our Nation’s not happen in the Virgin Islands. spect to the sale and marketing of tobacco schools. f products, and for other purposes. All points Milk is part of a nutritious and of order against consideration of the bill are HONORING DENNIS HOOD healthy diet, packed with protein and waived. In lieu of the amendment in the na- flavor. This National Protein Day, I (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois ture of a substitute recommended by the would like to remind us all of the nu- asked and was given permission to ad- Committee on Energy and Commerce now dress the House for 1 minute and to re- printed in the bill, an amendment in the na- trients and health benefits that whole ture of a substitute consisting of the text of milk provides. vise and extend his remarks.) Rules Committee Print 116-51, modified by Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. the amendment printed in the report of the f Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to a Committee on Rules accompanying this res- friend of mine who passed away a few olution, shall be considered as adopted. The PHILADELPHIA’S MOST days ago. His name is Dennis Hood. bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. DISTINGUISHED WARD LEADERS Dennis lived in public housing and All points of order against provisions in the (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- has been a fierce advocate for imple- bill, as amended, are waived. The previous sylvania asked and was given permis- mentation of the Section 3 program. question shall be considered as ordered on sion to address the House for 1 minute the bill, as amended, and on any further Despite the many illnesses that Dennis amendment thereto, to final passage without and to revise and extend his remarks.) had, he developed himself a small con- intervening motion except: (1) 90 minutes of Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- tracting business, worked it well, but debate equally divided among and controlled vania. Mr. Speaker, in commemoration unfortunately passed away. by the chair and ranking minority member of Black History Month, I am honored Mr. Speaker, I salute Dennis for his of the Committee on Energy and Commerce to be joined by six of Philadelphia’s efforts to advocate for those low-in- and the chair and ranking minority member most distinguished ward leaders and come residents who live in public hous- of the Committee on Ways and Means; and want to ensure that their contributions ing. (2) one motion to recommit with or without instructions. to our city remain enshrined in our f historical CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. future generations to recognize. HONORING DR. MOHAMMAD ROSE of New York). The gentlewoman Ms. El Amor M. Brawne Ali of Ward KHALID from Florida is recognized for 1 hour. 37, Mr. Arthur Green of Ward 14, Shir- (Mr. ROSE of New York asked and Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, for pur- ley Gregory of Ward 49, Peter Lyde of was given permission to address the poses of debate only, I yield the cus- Ward 61, Renee McNear of Ward 20, and House for 1 minute.) tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman Sharon Vaughn of Ward 42 all take Mr. ROSE of New York. Mr. Speaker, from Texas (Mr. BURGESS), pending after the long lineage of Philadelphians I rise today to honor my constituent, which I yield myself such time as I who advanced our democracy towards Dr. Mohammad Khalid, a man who may consume. During consideration of an increasingly inclusive system. truly embodies the American Dream. this resolution, all time yielded is for Mr. Speaker, I extend to them our Dr. Khalid came here from Pakistan the purpose of debate only. most sincere gratitude for their leader- and settled on Staten Island in 1975 GENERAL LEAVE ship on behalf of our shared constitu- where he opened his dental practice Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, I ask encies and look forward to honoring and worked hard to provide for his chil- unanimous consent that all Members them here at the Capitol later this dren, both of whom are now successful be given 5 legislative days to revise and afternoon. attorneys. extend their remarks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.014 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there encouraged them to take up . ately affecting the young population. objection to the request of the gentle- Tobacco companies switched to fla- After diligent efforts by the Centers for woman from Florida? vored vape products and flavored Disease Control and Prevention and There was no objection. because these products are State health departments, we have Ms. SHALALA. Mr. Speaker, on not held to the same standard, even since found that the vast majority of Wednesday, the Rules Committee met though they are tobacco products and these lung injuries were caused by and reported a rule, House Resolution contain nicotine. and the vaping 866, providing for the consideration of In 2018, 67 percent of high school stu- products containing vitamin E acetate, H.R. 2339, Protecting American Lungs dents and 49 percent of middle school an additive. and Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epi- students who used tobacco products in b 1230 demic Act of 2020 under a closed rule. the past 30 days reported using a fla- Let me point out that none of these The rule provides 90 minutes of de- vored tobacco product. products are legal, and children are bate equally divided and controlled by So while kids can’t buy cotton candy the chair and the ranking member of buying them on the black market. or banana smash , they can An article from National Public the Committee on Energy and Com- buy those flavors in vaping products or merce and the chair and ranking mem- Radio, published September 27, 2019, ti- in cigarillos. tled ‘‘Many Vaping Illnesses Linked to ber of the Committee on Ways and For the record, nicotine has health Means. The rule self-executes a man- Black Market ‘Dank Vapes’ or Other effects beyond addiction. Nicotine ex- THC Products,’’ walks through how ager’s amendment to make technical posure damages adolescent brain devel- corrections and provides one motion to two brothers in Wisconsin were ar- opment, and brains are not fully done rested for running a THC vape ring. recommit. developing until the mid-20s. Nicotine Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support Captain Mike Martin of the Waynes- also contributes to the hardening of ar- boro Police Department in Virginia of the bill in this rule. terial walls, which in turn, may lead to Mr. Speaker, as our Nation antici- said that these products are labeled a cardiac event. pates the probability of a pandemic, ‘‘Dank Vapes’’ and ‘‘appear commer- It is time, Mr. Speaker, to ensure our here today in the people’s House we cially packaged, and there are a vari- children do not face a lifetime of nico- have the opportunity to save almost ety of different flavors.’’ His police de- tine addiction. It is time to finally pass six million young lives that would be partment has recovered $35,000 worth of a bill that protects their health, and cut short by nicotine if we fail to act. vaping products. I am not exaggerating. The CDC has that is what the Protecting American At this point, Madam Speaker, I predicted that if the children of our Lungs and Reversing the Youth To- think it is worthwhile to point out it is country continue to use tobacco prod- bacco Epidemic Act will do. probably not a good idea for anyone to ucts at the current rate, 5.6 million Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of take into their lungs something that is children will have premature deaths. my time. labeled ‘‘Dank Vapes.’’ This is a test of our courage. Let’s Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I thank According to the CDC, ‘‘Dank Vapes look at the facts: the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. appears to be the most prominent in a In 1997, 24.6 percent of all 12th grad- SHALALA) for yielding me the cus- class of largely counterfeit brands, ers reported daily use of cigarettes, and tomary 30 minutes, and I yield myself with common packaging that is easily 36.5 percent reported some use in the such time as I may consume. available online and that is used by past 30 days. Thanks to smart, tough Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposi- distributors to market THC-containing policies and a national commitment to tion to the rule providing for the con- cartridges.’’ H.R. 2339 does absolutely nothing to reduce cigarette use by children, those sideration of H.R. 2339, the Protecting crack down on that black market. numbers dropped to 3.6 percent and 7.6 American Lungs and Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019. These deliciously named vaping prod- percent by 2018. ucts, with flavors such as lemon Nearly 90 percent of adult smokers This bill is a misnomer. It is not aimed slushie, bubble gum, and sour diesel, began smoking before the age of 18. If at curbing youth tobacco or e-cigarette will likely continue to be sold illegally, you do not start smoking as a child, it use, it is aimed at tobacco generally. Both parties in the House and Senate especially online. is very unlikely you will smoke as an The Trump administration has al- adult. This is not a secret. Public agreed that we needed to act in order to prevent youth access to these prod- ready released guidance to ban flavors. health officials know this, and tobacco The Food and Drug Administration is companies know this, too. They also ucts. In December, we fulfilled that commitment by sending a bill to the requiring companies to stop the manu- know that nicotine is a highly addict- facture, distribution, and sale of cer- President’s desk, which he signed, that ive substance. tain unauthorized flavored e-cigarette raised the legal age to purchase all to- This dramatic reduction in cigarette products within 30 days of their pub- bacco products to 21 years of age. use by children put tobacco companies lished guidance. This guidance took ef- President Trump signed what has been in a bind. If children and teenagers fect on February 6, 2020, and is now in have stopped using cigarettes, and 90 termed ‘‘T21‘‘ into law on December 20 effect and enforceable. percent of all adult smokers began of 2019. This bill takes the flavor ban further smoking as children, how can they This policy will break down youth and bans all products, maintain their pipeline of customers? access through social networks in including menthol. This will take fla- Their answer arrived in the form of a schools where 18-year olds could pur- vored cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless new technology, e-cigarettes and chase tobacco products legally and tobacco away from law-abiding adults, vaping products. Companies knew that then disseminate those products to who must now, by law, be 21 years of the pipeline of lifetime smokers was younger students. age to purchase any tobacco product. dwindling, so they started marketing Other significant efforts such as the Additionally, this bill contains a po- new vaping products to young people flavor ban by the Trump administra- tential infringement on the First through Instagram ads and influencers tion will help limit youth tobacco use. Amendment by requiring health warn- and other social media platforms. They The Food and Drug Administration has ings on cigarette labels and adver- also handed out free vaping products at issued a ban on flavored e-cigarette tising. There are other ways to educate music events and movies. They clearly products that appeal to children, in- individuals, particularly our young targeted children, our children, and cluding fruit and mint flavors. This population, of the harmful effects of their strategy worked. ban will help deter youth use in the fu- smoking without impinging on freedom Today, 26.7 percent of 12th graders ture and prevent companies from tar- of speech. vaped in the last month. This rate has geting children with appealing flavors. Congress has already taken steps to more than doubled in the last 2 years When we first held a hearing on the protect our young people from a future alone. In 2010, only 1.5 percent of 12th vaping lung injury at the start of the of tobacco addiction when we passed graders reported vaping. outbreak back in October, the cause of , and the Trump administra- We banned flavored cigarettes in 2009 this lung injury was unclear, however, tion has stepped up and banned fla- because they appealed to children and these lung injuries were disproportion- vored e-cigarette products. The House

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.016 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1235 also passed H.R. 3942, the Preventing Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I stead THC, the psychoactive ingredient Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Chil- yield myself such time as I may con- found in marijuana. Most of those THC vapes dren Act, which requires age verifica- sume, and let me simply say we can came from drug dealers or friends. Vitamin E oil has been the leading culprit in the lung tion by all retailers at the time of sale never go too far when we are pro- damage, though other chemicals and addi- and delivery. tecting our children. tives can’t be ruled out, according to the These policies will prevent young Madam Speaker, I include in the CDC. people from accessing e-cigarettes and RECORD a February 5 NBC News article After Thursday, companies that make any will deter future use. On the other titled ‘‘Federal flavor ban goes into ef- vape products—including those covered in hand, H.R. 2339 does not address youth fect Thursday, but many flavored vape the ban—will have to meet a May 12 deadline tobacco use. This bill would ban all fla- products will still be available.’’ to apply to the Food and Drug Administra- tion to continue selling their products. vored tobacco products from all ages, [From NBC News, Feb. 5, 2020] It will take one year for the FDA to review taking away choices for law-abiding FEDERAL FLAVOR BAN GOES INTO EFFECT those applications, during which time prod- adult Americans. THURSDAY, BUT MANY FLAVORED VAPE ucts can, and likely will, remain on the mar- So, let’s be clear. Tobacco is not PRODUCTS WILL STILL BE AVAILABLE ket. healthy; however, law-abiding adults (By Erika Edwards) ‘‘It’s not a ‘forever’ ban,’’ Halpern-Felsher said. ‘‘We have a long way to go.’’ are capable of making these decisions A nationwide ban on many flavored e-ciga- for themselves. rette products goes into effect Thursday, but Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, Traditional cigarettes remain the teenagers will still have access to nicotine many teens today have moved from leading cause of preventable in vapes, experts say. using flavored e-cigarettes to other fla- the United States, claiming an esti- The ban covers a number of kid-friendly vored nicotine-laced products. That in- mated 480,000 lives or more each year. flavorings, such as mint and fruit, though cludes things like flavored pouches, menthol and tobacco flavorings will remain drops, and pods. This is a personal issue for me, as I lost legal. However, the ban only applies to spe- both parents to tobacco-related dis- These products are still on the mar- cific types of devices: cartridge or pre-filled ket today. The recent national ban, ease. pod devices, like the ones made popular by Now, according to the CDC, an esti- . All other devices will be left on the which my distinguished colleague re- mated 34 million adults in the United market. ferred to, didn’t take them off the States currently smoke cigarettes, and But limiting access to Juul, which stopped shelves. Something more is needed to more than 16 million Americans live selling all non-menthol and tobacco flavored make sure our children don’t go from with a smoking-related disease. pods in November, is unlikely to have much one bad addictive product to the next. of an effect on teens already addicted to nic- While I am certainly concerned about The products might be different, but otine. the impacts are the same. It is a dis- the effect of e-cigarettes on our young ‘‘Kids have moved on,’’ Meredith Berkman, people, we do need to remember that tinction without a difference, Madam co-founder of Parents Against Vaping E-ciga- Speaker. there is a large adult population with a rettes, or PAVE, told NBC News. That is why we have to pass this bill whole host of health problems related Teenagers know that teachers are now edu- cated about how to detect vaping in class- to keep life-threatening products out of to tobacco. Some early studies show the hands of our children. that current adult tobacco users may rooms, she said. So they’re getting their nic- otine fix in other ways, including products Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to benefit from the less harmful alter- not covered by the looming ban. the gentlewoman from Connecticut native that e-cigarettes pose. ‘‘Kids are sucking on flavored nicotine (Ms. DELAURO). Additionally, the adult population pouches to get through the day until they Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I will seek out alternatives if their to- can get home to their device,’’ Berkman rise to support the rule and this com- bacco product of choice is eliminated said. The pouches are reminiscent of chewing prehensive legislation, which prohibits tobacco, but are advertised as being ‘‘to- from the legal market. A bill like this all flavored tobacco products. that makes illegal the products used by bacco-free.’’ Experts in teen addiction also said there’s Madam Speaker, I commend Chair- many Americans could contribute to plenty of evidence that teens now favor high- man FRANK PALLONE and Congress- an already existing and thriving black ly concentrated, refillable nicotine vape woman DONNA SHALALA for their lead- market for tobacco products. products called Smok and Suorin Drops as ership. As we saw last year, the outbreak of well as cheaper, disposable vape pods called The youth vaping epidemic is a pub- lung injuries was linked to counterfeit Puff Bars—also to be left on the market lic health emergency that threatens and black market products. There were after Thursday. our youngsters. According to the Cen- ‘‘I’m not very optimistic,’’ Bonnie Halpern- reports of illicit operations by individ- ters for Disease Control and Preven- uals taking THC vape cartridges and Felsher, a professor at Stanford University who studies teen vaping, said. ‘‘We really do tion, one in four high schoolers are cutting the product with other oils to need to have enforcement of the law across using e-cigarettes, and not just occa- maximize their profit. all tobacco products, regardless of these sionally. More than a third of users in If H.R. 2339 becomes law, it could in- loopholes.’’ high school said that they were smok- spire similar black market operations ‘‘The new policy does not solve the prob- ing e-cigarettes at least 20 days a to create products that law-abiding lem,’’ Matthew Myers, president of the Cam- month. Americans currently enjoy. paign for Tobacco-Free Kids, said, adding My granddaughter, who is a high This bill is not about youth use of parents need to keep their guard up and edu- schooler, when I asked her about this, vaping products. It is about elimi- cate their teenagers about the harms of nico- tine addiction. ‘‘Millions of flavored prod- she said it is everywhere, that every- nating all adult use of tobacco prod- ucts will remain available.’’ one is smoking e-cigarettes. ucts. Plans for restricting e-cigarette flavors on Last year, I hosted a hearing on the We have seen a surge of lung injuries a federal level first came up in September, youth vaping crisis in the Labor, in the United States, an issue that is when key national data on teen vaping was Health and Human Services, and Edu- not adequately addressed in this bill. released. It was revealed that from 2017 to cation Subcommittee. As experts have The Centers for Disease Control has 2019, rates of vaping had more than doubled said, the flavors are a key factor in linked these injuries to THC products, among 8th, 10th and 12th grade students. New cases of those lung illnesses have de- this. Seven out of 10 current youth e- not tobacco. clined considerably since then. As of Jan. 21 cigarette users said that they used e- Protecting our youth from tobacco is (the latest data available), the Centers for cigarettes because ‘‘they come in fla- an important priority. However, H.R. Disease Control and Prevention reports that vors I like.’’ 2339 does not do that, and it goes too there have been 2,711 cases of people who’ve Nearly all, or 97 percent, had used a far. Therefore, I cannot support it. been hospitalized with EVALI, or e-ciga- flavored e-cigarette in the past month. Madam Speaker, I urge Members to rette, or vaping, product use-associated lung Mango, mint, cotton candy, and oppose the bill, oppose the rule that de- injury. gummy bears are just some of the livers the bill, and oppose this assault All 50 states, plus Washington, D.C., have 15,000 flavors still available, thanks to reported EVALI cases. Sixty people have on free choice for the American people. died. Many others were left with lasting lung the loophole-laden action the Trump Madam Speaker, with opposition to damage. administration took in January. the rule, I reserve the balance of my Investigations suggested most cases were The President made a promise in the time. not associated with vaping nicotine, but in- Oval Office to American families to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.018 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 ban flavors, which are hooking our While the debate has not made this clear, I want to be very clear. Under this youngsters. They are becoming ad- we are unfortunately not currently consid- legislation, all tobacco products are dicted. But special interests appear to ering a ban on all tobacco products. In fact, subject to the flavor prohibition, in- be more important. He allowed popular we are not even debating a uniform ban on cluding cigars. In fact, the text of the vaping products or combustible cigarettes. flavors like menthol to remain for Instead, the ban would focus solely on fla- definition of cigar product explicitly products like the popular Juul device. vored tobacco products, including menthol. states that these cigars cannot contain He allowed disposable vapes of all fla- Considering how often teenagers develop a characterizing flavor. Under the leg- vors to remain on the market. smoking habits after starting with flavored islation, menthol is a characterizing It is unacceptable. The health of our products, I understand why the Energy and flavor. children must be our priority. So, the Commerce Committee has focused on this The only way to tackle the youth to- Democratic majority of the United issue. However, including menthol in the fla- bacco epidemic is to prohibit all fla- States House of Representatives is vored products ban will disproportionately vors in all products, which is exactly stepping up for our children by voting imperil the black community putting them at increased risk of additional over-policing. what H.R. 2339 does. for this bill and this rule. We can ban I do not take this position lightly, but as Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to flavors and take comprehensive action an elected official I must make the hard de- the gentleman from California (Mr. to defend our kids. cisions—not the easy ones. I have a responsi- DESAULNIER), a distinguished member Madam Speaker, I urge my col- bility, to my constituents and the Constitu- of the Rules Committee. leagues to vote for the rule and the tion, to be the voice of the marginalized Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I bill. among us. To do so, I worked with the com- thank the gentlewoman for yielding Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I mittee to find solutions to the criminal jus- and for her leadership on issues of pub- yield myself 1 minute. tice concerns of my community but was ulti- lic health, particularly this bill. mately rebuffed. Nonetheless, I introduced Madam Speaker, I include in the I rise in support of the Reversing the RECORD an article from The Hill today, an amendment promoting an education pro- gram to increase awareness about the dan- Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act. written by YVETTE CLARKE, making a I am proud of the long history in the point about the unintended con- gers of tobacco use and the implications of this legislation. Constructive efforts like San Francisco Bay Area, which I have sequences of this legislation. this will make considerable headway towards been privileged to represent and live in The bill carves out an exemption for reducing tobacco use without laying the for many years, starting in the 1980s certain cigar products, but it also cre- foundation for disparate enforcement of a with the amazing work by Stan Glantz, ates a ban on menthol products, which ban. a researcher in San Francisco who dis- would have the unintended con- While I would love to assume the best in- covered the was sequence of adversely and selectively tentions of all involved parties and hope for pathologically lying to the American affecting individuals, tobacco users, in the best in regard to enforcement, lived ex- public and hiding the effects of their communities of color. perience demands caution. In the world cre- ated by this asymmetrical ban where men- products. [From The Hill, Feb. 27, 2020] thol tobacco products provide justification We responded to that by trying to YOUTH TOBACCO USE LEGISLATION WOULD for police stops, I fear that we would have pass laws here in Congress, but we were HAVE UNINTENDED LIFE-OR-DEATH CON- handed law enforcement another excuse to SEQUENCES FOR BLACK TOBACCO USERS unable to because of the tobacco lobby. harass, detain and otherwise endanger We tried State legislative opportuni- (By Rep. Yvette D. Clarke) marginalized communities. Despite the clear This week marks a critical, life-changing health benefits of this ban, I cannot in good ties but failed to do that. But in local moment for the black community, specifi- conscious expose already vulnerable commu- government, we passed hundreds of cally for black tobacco users. The Reversing nities to this risk. local ordinances banning secondhand the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act (H.R. 2339) As a duly elected representative of Brook- smoke to protect employees and to pro- is set for a vote this week in the House of lyn, it would be an abdication of duty to dis- tect customers. Representatives, and while this bill seem- regard our painful history of over-policing or At the time, I was a member of the ingly makes a lot of sense in curbing youth to ignore the very real potential of this his- California Restaurant Association and tobacco use, there are some glaring unin- tory repeating itself. While no one would a restaurant owner. Many of my col- tended dire consequences for communities of enjoy the political pressure this has exposed, color with this legislation. I cannot ignore my nightmares of a jumped leagues were part of the same argu- H.R. 2339 does many things with the goal turnstile and a loosie turning into a far more ments we hear today, that you will put to reduce youth tobacco use, like providing serious matter of life and death potentially retailers out of business, that this is resources for a substantive public awareness creating an additional health crisis. As Eric all legal product. campaign to educate about the dangers of to- Garner’s mother knows all too well, and re- We listened to those, and we enacted bacco use and reducing access to online pur- layed in a letter to the New York delegation these laws, and we worked with people chases of flavored tobacco products. How- regarding this ban, in New York a single cig- ever, this legislation does not treat all to- who were affected by it. The economic arette can become a death sentence. impacts were positive, not negative. bacco products equally, carving out an ex- If the committee decides to improve this emption for one flavored product, premium bill by making it a categorical ban on to- Restaurants are more successful than cigars preferred by white smokers. A ban bacco products, I will throw my full support they have ever been in the bay area. that makes an exception for one flavor—pre- behind the effort. When I asked for a carve We lead the country in many ways. mium cigars—while banning menthol puts out for menthol products, similar to the When we passed these ordinances, black lives at risk. Let me explain. carve out that was granted for the on line public health people came together Considering the fact that 90 percent of sales of premium tobacco products like the black smokers use menthol products, men- with labor and others to make sure Cuban cigars favored by Wall Street execu- that the truth came out. thol tobacco users would live in fear of new tives, I was soundly rebuffed. I would proud- stop and frisk opportunities under this legis- In the early 1990s, as the mayor of a ly support a categorical tobacco ban, but the city of 130,000 people, Concord, Cali- lation, because menthol would now be con- committee so far has denied this oppor- sidered an illegal flavor. A ban that targets tunity. Nonetheless, and regardless of the fornia, I authored one of the first ef- menthol products but ignores other premium political pressures, I will continue to do ev- forts in the Nation to curb secondhand tobacco products unduly burdens the black erything in my power to protect the people smoke. In fact, it has been illegal to community. This asymmetrical ban feels of the 9th District of New York and all black smoke in bars, restaurants, and other more like a targeted attack than a value- tobacco users across America. neutral health care policy decision. In effect, public places in California entirely white adult smokers would see little dif- Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I re- since 1998. ference in their lives after this ban while serve the balance of my time. We worked together then to stop Big black smokers could face even more sweep- Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I Tobacco’s hold over millions of ad- ing harassment from law enforcement if the yield myself such time as I may con- dicted Americans, and we won. hint of menthol smoke can justify a stop. sume. Unfortunately, Big Tobacco has a Make no mistake, banning all electronic Madam Speaker, I would like to clar- new partner, the vaping industry. Com- and combustible tobacco products would ify some misunderstandings related to panies like Juul, unfortunately save lives and while the premise of this legis- lation to address the uptick in youth tobacco the bill that I have just heard. headquartered in San Francisco, in my use is positive, we cannot support an asym- Some have suggested that H.R. 2339 view, represent the very worst of the metrical ban that disproportionately endan- allows certain cigars to be exempt bay area business culture. They don’t gers the black community. from the flavor prohibition. ask for permission. They apologize

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.019 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1237 after they have addicted millions of Additionally, the Food and Drug Ad- ploy young black Americans to the criminal Americans, particularly young people. ministration already has the ability to justice system. We do not want to take par- They deceptively and illegally mar- regulate flavored e-cigarette products, ents, sons, and daughters out of households keted their poisonous products to chil- and this bill would permanently under- for small infractions that carry financial ob- ligations. We ask that, at the same time you dren, much like Big Tobacco did dec- mine ongoing efforts to combat youth consider health issues, you look carefully at ades ago. vaping by the FDA. the criminal justice impact of such a change Our efforts led to an almost 70 per- Most importantly, this bill would un- in health policy. Our community has had cent decrease in the use of tobacco dercut ongoing efforts by the State of plenty of experience living under laws passed products across the country, according Utah to combat youth vaping. The with the best of intentions. Under your bill, to the Centers for Disease Control. Utah Legislature and Governor’s office cigarettes preferred by African-Americans In 2016 alone, on the other hand, 7 out acted decisively to keep these products would be illegal; cigarettes preferred by non- of 10 U.S. middle and high school stu- out of the hands of our youth and are African-Americans would be legal. dents saw e-cigarette ads on TV, in Small violations can quickly escalate to considering additional steps to protect consequential events. We refuse to witness stores, and online. the welfare of our kids. The State of another mother join us in death of a loved With marketing campaigns that Utah is a great example of what we can one because of readily available products and make vaping look safe and fun, they accomplish when partisanship is put decisions available in our Black commu- use flavors like cotton candy to attract aside for the greater good. nities young people to try vaping and get In closing, I want to reiterate the im- Best Regards, hooked on nicotine. portance of keeping these products out GWENDOLYN CARR, But we know better. We have a long of the hands of children. But we can’t Mother of Eric Garner. SYBRINA FULTON, history of this. These products are not do that without a lengthier, bipartisan safe. They are not smoking-cessation Mother of Trayvon conversation, and especially if we are Martin. devices. And we need to take action to ignoring the work State and local gov- Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, if protect our children, just as we did ernments have been doing to keep our we defeat the previous question, I will years ago. children safe. offer an amendment to the rule to im- b 1245 Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I re- mediately bring up a resolution con- In local government in the bay area, serve the balance of my time. demning the comments of Democratic we have started to do what we did in Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I Socialist Presidential candidate BER- the 1990s: passing bans on these prod- yield myself 1 minute. NARD SANDERS. ucts. So, if we won’t do it here, we will Madam Speaker, I will include in the Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous do it at a local level; but we should do RECORD a letter from Mothers of the consent to insert the text of this it here, and we should pass this bill. Movement. They state, in part: ‘‘We amendment in the RECORD, along with The longer we wait, millions are ad- ask that, at the same time you con- extraneous material, immediately dicted, and millions more are being sider health issues, you look carefully prior to the vote on the previous ques- targeted. The Reversing the Youth To- at the criminal justice impact of such tion. bacco Epidemic Act will help save lives a change in health policy. Our commu- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. and keep widespread nicotine addiction nity has had plenty of experience living DEGETTE). Is there objection to the re- in the past in the United States. under laws passed with the best of in- of the gentleman from Texas? We beat Big Tobacco once before, and tentions. Under your bill, cigarettes There was no objection. we can do it again. I urge my col- preferred by African Americans would Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, to leagues to support this bill. be illegal; cigarettes preferred by non- explain this amendment, I yield 5 min- Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I African Americans would be legal.’’ utes to the gentleman from Florida yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from MOTHERS OF THE MOVEMENT, (Mr. DIAZ-BALART). Utah (Mr. CURTIS). Miami Gardens, FL, October 11, 2019. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, Mr. CURTIS. Madam Speaker, I rise Hon. FRANK PALLONE, I urge defeat of the previous question in opposition to the rule underlying Chairman, House Committee on Energy and so that we can amend, as the gen- the bill. Commerce, Washington, DC. tleman just explained the rule, to im- Reducing the alarming rate of youth DEAR CHAIRMAN PALLONE: We appreciate mediately consider my resolution con- your focus on reviewing the health effects of demning Senator SANDERS’ blatantly e-cigarette use is and must remain a tobacco and e-cigarettes in young people. We top priority for public health officials urge you to pay very close attention to the false comment regarding the racist, and lawmakers. Our children are the unintended effects of a ban on menthol ciga- terrorist, murderous Castro regime in future of our country, and my greatest rettes and what it would mean in the Urban Cuba. joy in this life has been watching my community. I have said this before: If anybody children grow into the men and women We both strive hard to do our best and set wants to know the devastation of so- that they are today. examples in our community amongst the cialism and the tyranny that so often Protecting their health and safety black youth. Our focus is within various cit- accompanies it, I invite you to speak ies throughout the country. We have wit- to some of my constituents, including and of that their children in order to nessed encounters with law enforcement and ensure their future success is, person- negative policing which has been spread thousands of former political prisoners ally, a top priority of mine in Congress. throughout our community. now in exile. Let me just mention some However, H.R. 2339, the bill before us H.R. 2339, the Reversing the Youth Tobacco of those. today, is concerning for numerous rea- Epidemic Act, contains a provision that bans Jorge Luis Garcia Perez, ‘‘Antunez’’; sons. menthol cigarettes. We are concerned of the Angel de Fana; and Roberto Martin First, this one-size-fits-all bill was rising numbers of Black Americans who pre- Perez. There are so many others who drafted without Republican input. The fer menthol cigarettes. We are alarmed that are in south Florida who have suffered committee of jurisdiction passed the 80% Black Americans in Urban communities in the prisons of Cuba just because invest in purchasing of these good. As a re- legislation virtually along partisan sult of this ban, we recognize the effects they have asked for and fought for free- lines. which may happen within the Urban commu- dom. This legislation was finalized just nity and the justice system. But there are also former political Monday night but is receiving a vote We do not encourage, support, or promote prisoners who are still on the island, this week, with details negotiated out- smoking especially in our Urban commu- and I can mention many of them. Let side of public view. A bill of this mag- nities. We are concerned that this ban in me just mention Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, nitude, which includes over $100 mil- many cases will reintroduce another version who just recently was arrested, har- lion in new taxes, deserves a lengthy of stop-and-frisk in black low socio-economic assed, and then it looks like poten- communities. We experience and are forced tially released; and the relatives of public debate. to tolerate aggressive behaviors from law en- Second, Congress recently passed forcement. This is our reality and is dis- current political prisoners such as: needed legislation to raise the min- played throughout different levels of govern- Jose Daniel Ferrer, Mitzael Diaz imum age to purchase tobacco products ment, locally and nationally daily. This ban Paseiro, Miguel Diaz Bauza, and Yanet from 18 to 21 on a bipartisan basis. will introduce or replay many hard to em- Perez Quevedo. You can’t speak to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.020 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 them because they are in prison cur- In Cuba now, over 1 million people— that my good friend, MARIO DIAZ- rently, but you can speak to their rel- in a country of just 11 million—have BALART, usually gives me a little ad- atives. risked everything to try to find free- vanced notice before he presents some- All of them have witnessed firsthand dom, to try to get away from that so- thing. the destruction that socialism causes. cialist tyranny. Many have perished on My Republican colleagues are prom- All of these political prisoners have to rafts as they place themselves and ising that, if we defeat the previous be released at once. That is what we their children at risk in shark-infested question, they will bring up a resolu- should be demanding. waters for just a chance at freedom. tion to condemn the terrible comments Now, unfortunately, this is not new The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Senator SANDERS made regarding the coming from the Progressive move- time of the gentleman has expired. dictator Fidel Castro. ment. But I remind Senator SANDERS Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I But let me be clear: Defeating the and the Progressive movement that the yield the gentleman from Florida an previous question means that Repub- Castro regime is not only a threat to additional 3 minutes. licans can bring up any germane bill or the national security interests of the Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, amendment they want. The key word United States, but also to the democ- why would they do this if things in here being ‘‘germane.’’ racies in our hemisphere. Cuba are just not all that bad? The resolution is not germane to the I want to remind Senator SANDERS of Again, in contrast, during the pre- rule. That means, under the House the Cuba regime’s close relationship Castro Cuba, more Americans were rules, rules that have been in place with some of the world’s worst thugs, traveling to Cuba and going to Cuba since the founding of this institution, such as Iran. Iran and the Cuban re- than Cubans coming to the United Republicans cannot bring to the floor gime held the first Iran-Cuban business States. the resolution they are promising to forum in Tehran in August of 2019 and Today, now, Madam Speaker, here we because it is not germane to the rule. have signed memorandums of under- have an opportunity to condemn Sen- The vote on the previous question is standing affirming their commitment ator BERNIE SANDERS’ blatantly false not a vote on the Diaz-Balart resolu- to expanded trade and coordination. and hurtful comments regarding the tion. It is a vote to end debate on the There were, just recently, two high- racist, terrorist Castro regime. Join me rule and proceed to consideration of profile visits of the Iranian so-called in standing in solidarity with the the legislation at hand, a bill to help Foreign Minister and also the so-called Cuban people and, by extension, also prevent kids from taking up smoking. President of Iran to Cuba in 2016. solidarity with the Venezuelan people I am not disputing the merits of the For years, the Cuban regime has been who are working to regain their free- resolution that my distinguished Re- on the list of State Sponsors of Ter- dom against what the OAS Secretary publican colleague is offering as the rorism for their support of other ter- General has called the Cuban army of previous question. In fact, I support rorist states, terrorist organizations, occupation in Venezuela. this resolution; and to be very clear, I So join me in standing in solidarity and violence around the world and in have requested to be added as a cospon- with the people and not with the re- this hemisphere. sor. I was the first Democratic Member gime that oppresses them. In 2013, the Cuban regime, I remind of Congress to speak out against these Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I re- folks, was caught smuggling weapons misguided, ill-informed, hurtful, and serve the balance of my time. to North Korea in the largest violation Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I unacceptable comments made by Sen- of international sanctions against that yield myself the balance of my time. ator SANDERS from Vermont. rogue regime. Madam Speaker, this bill claims to b 1300 It has been propping up the Maduro curb youth tobacco use, including regime with thousands of intelligence Over the last six decades, hundreds of vaping. The reality is it bans many thousands of Cubans have risked their operatives to oppose the Venezuelan types of tobacco products that are le- people and, in some cases, to kill the lives to escape the tyranny of the Cas- gally and voluntarily used by adults. tro regime, a regime of fear, paranoia, Venezuelan people. While I do not support any form of and oppression that regularly abuses The Cuban regime has been harboring tobacco use, it is a choice for law-abid- human rights in order to stifle free fugitives from U.S. justice, including ing adults to make. The unintended thought and democracy in Cuba to this FBI’s most wanted terrorist Joanne consequences of suddenly making legal very day. Chesimard and terrorist bomb maker tobacco products illegal will likely Yesterday, my good friend and south William Morales. That is just to name push people to the black market to Florida colleague, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, a few. seek the same products—or worse. If spoke about the horrors of Castro’s So that is why, Madam Speaker, I we really want to address vaping, we Cuba. He so eloquently explained: ‘‘If filed the resolution that condemns the need to target products containing anybody wants to know the devasta- blatantly false comments of Demo- tetrahydrocannabinol, THC. cratic Socialist candidate for President As I previously stated, we just re- tion of socialism and the tyranny that Senator BERNIE SANDERS. cently made tobacco use illegal for often is accompanied by socialism, I in- This resolution also rejects the false those under the age of 21, and the vite you to come and speak to some of claims that Cuba’s healthcare, edu- Trump administration has banned cer- my constituents, including the thou- cation, and literacy rate have improved tain flavored e-cigarette products. sands—thousands—of former political as a result of the Castro regime, the This is a problem that requires a prisoners.’’ Castro dictatorship. Those claims have multilayered approach. Unfortunately, This is a joint invitation. Please, been debunked by numerous sources. the provisions in this bill will not come to my south Florida community Let me just go over a couple of facts. produce the desired result, and could and meet Mr. DIAZ-BALART’s constitu- According to a State Department re- even create more harm than good for ents and meet my constituents who port, Cuba’s infant mortality rate was some populations. will make it clear the Cuban regime 32 of 1,000 live births, one of the best in Republicans do stand ready to work and other similar authoritarian re- the Western Hemisphere. But, Madam on bipartisan solutions to increase the gimes across Latin America are instru- Speaker, this was not Castro. This is in health of our population and to protect ments of evil and are not worthy of the 1950s, pre-Castro. our young people, but I need to urge a praise. Cuba’s life expectancy was also one ‘‘no’’ vote on the previous question, a I would like to close again by quoting of the highest in Latin America in the ‘‘no’’ vote on the rule, and a ‘‘no’’ vote my good friend, Mr. DIAZ-BALART: ‘‘The 1950s, pre-Castro. No, it wasn’t Castro. on the underlying measure. Castro regime is a threat, not only to This was pre-Castro. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- the national security of the United Cuba’s literacy rate was one of the ance of my time. States but also to all the democracies highest in the Western Hemisphere, Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I in this hemisphere.’’ pre-Castro in the 1950s. yield myself the balance of my time. He is absolutely correct, and I stand Those are the facts, Madam Speaker, Madam Speaker, I am a little con- with him. I have always stood with him the realities of Cuba. fused. I may be a freshman, but I know and alongside our constituents in south

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.022 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1239 Florida to denounce the evil Cuban re- nana ice, or lychee. There is clear evi- Accordingly (at 1 o’clock and 6 min- gime. dence that teens are already switching utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. But today we are here to debate a bill to use these products. f that protects our children from the We need a comprehensive policy, and dangers of tobacco and nicotine use. I that is what this bill does. H.R. 2339 b 1402 hope my Republican colleagues will prohibits the sale of all flavored to- join us in voting ‘‘yes’’ on the previous bacco products and bans the marketing AFTER RECESS question and ‘‘yes’’ on this rule, so we of e-cigarettes to people under 21 years The recess having expired, the House can move on to consideration of a bill of age. This is a comprehensive solu- was called to order by the Speaker pro to reverse the youth tobacco epidemic. tion. We need to curb this epidemic tempore (Ms. SCHRIER) at 2 o’clock and The minority is claiming that they now. It is our responsibility to protect 2 minutes p.m. will do something that has been our children’s future. f against the Rules of the House since Madam Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote the very first Congress in 1789. Clause 7 on the rule and on the previous ques- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER of rule XVI clearly states: ‘‘No motion tion. PRO TEMPORE The material previously referred to or proposition on a subject different The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pro- by Mr. BURGESS is as follows: from that under consideration shall be ceedings will resume on questions pre- AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 866 admitted under color of amendment.’’ viously postponed. Votes will be taken It doesn’t matter whether or not a At the end of the resolution, add the fol- lowing: in the following order: Member would support my colleague’s Ordering the previous question on resolution, which I have not had the SEC. 2. That immediately upon adoption of this resolution, the House shall resolve into House Resolution 866; opportunity to fully read since it was the Committee of the Whole House on the Adoption of House Resolution 866, if introduced just minutes ago. It is com- state of the Union for consideration of the ordered; and pletely unrelated to the public health resolution (H. Res. 868) condemning the com- Agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of bill we are discussing right now and ments of Senator and Democratic Socialist the Journal, if ordered. Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders (I– could not actually be offered. The right The first electronic vote will be con- way to do this would have been to con- VT), disregarding the history of systemic human rights abuses, forced indoctrination, ducted as a 15-minute vote. Pursuant sult with all of us who have spoken out to clause 9 of rule XX, remaining elec- on this issue and build support in the and authoritarian actions of the literacy and education policies of the Communist Castro tronic votes will be conducted as 5- traditional way. dictatorship in Cuba. The first reading of the minute votes. I have always joined my colleague, resolution shall be dispensed with. All points Mr. DIAZ-BALART, to consult with other of order against consideration of the resolu- f Members and to join together to de- tion are waived. General debate shall be con- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION fined to the resolution and shall not exceed nounce tyranny wherever it may exist. OF H.R. 2339, REVERSING THE Madam Speaker, I will close by say- one hour equally divided and controlled by YOUTH TOBACCO EPIDEMIC ACT ing that I have worked on tobacco the chair and ranking minority member of OF 2019 issues for years. When I was Secretary the Committee on Foreign Affairs. After gen- eral debate the resolution shall be considered of Health and Human Services, we The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for amendment under the five-minute rule. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- knew we were facing a problem with All points of order against provisions in the youth usage of tobacco products, par- resolution are waived. When the committee ished business is the vote on ordering ticularly e-cigarettes. Thanks to smart rises and reports the resolution back to the the previous question on the resolution and tough policies and comprehensive House with a recommendation that the reso- (H. Res. 866) providing for consider- outreach campaigns, we succeeded in lution be adopted, the previous question ation of the bill (H.R. 2339) to amend dramatically reducing youth cigarette shall be considered as ordered on the resolu- the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic use. tion and preamble and amendments thereto Act with respect to the sale and mar- It was an extraordinary public-health to adoption without intervening motion. If keting of tobacco products, and for the Committee of the Whole rises and re- other purposes, on which the yeas and achievement. ports that it has come to no resolution on But here we are again with flavored the resolution, then on the next legislative nays were ordered. e-cigarettes and vape products. To- day the House shall, immediately after the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- bacco companies will not give up, but third daily order of business under clause 1 tion. we will not either. of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Nicotine exposure during youth and the Whole for further consideration of the question is on ordering the previous young adulthood is particularly dan- resolution. question. gerous. The children who are using fla- SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not The vote was taken by electronic de- apply to the consideration of H. Res. 868. vored e-cigarettes and vaping products vice, and there were—yeas 224, nays are people who likely wouldn’t have Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I 189, not voting 16, as follows: yield back the balance of my time, and taken up smoking otherwise. This is [Roll No. 74] I move the previous question on the the public health crisis of the 21st cen- YEAS—224 tury. resolution. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Adams Castor (FL) Dean Children don’t vote or contribute to question is on ordering the previous Aguilar Castro (TX) DeFazio our campaigns, but they are our future. Allred Chu, Judy DeGette question. In fairy tales, children are saved by Axne Cicilline DeLauro The question was taken; and the Barraga´ n Cisneros DelBene caring adults. We must save them from Speaker pro tempore announced that Bass Clark (MA) Delgado disease and death. We are the caring the ayes appeared to have it. Beatty Clarke (NY) Demings adults of this generation. We must save Bera Clay DeSaulnier Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on Bishop (GA) Cleaver Deutch them from an industry that would that I demand the yeas and nays. Blumenauer Clyburn Dingell trade their lives for profit. The yeas and nays were ordered. Blunt Rochester Cohen Doggett It is important to acknowledge that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bonamici Connolly Doyle, Michael we have made a lot of bipartisan Boyle, Brendan Cooper F. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- F. Correa Engel progress on this public health issue. We ceedings on this question will be post- Brindisi Costa Escobar have raised the age to buy tobacco poned. Brown (MD) Courtney Eshoo products to 21. But the administration Brownley (CA) Cox (CA) Espaillat f Bustos Craig Evans has enacted a very narrow flavor ban. Butterfield Crist Finkenauer It is too narrow. It only restricts fla- RECESS Carbajal Crow Fletcher vors in closed pod products like Juul. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ca´ rdenas Cuellar Foster Further, disposable flavored e-ciga- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Carson (IN) Cunningham Frankel Cartwright Davids (KS) Fudge rette products like Puff Bar will still declares the House in recess subject to Case Davis (CA) Gabbard be available in flavors like mango, ba- the call of the Chair. Casten (IL) Davis, Danny K. Gallego

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.024 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 Garamendi Lowey Rush Roby Smucker Walden Lawrence Pallone Sherman Garcı´a (IL) Luja´ n Ryan Rodgers (WA) Spano Walker Lee (CA) Panetta Sherrill Garcia (TX) Luria Sa´ nchez Roe, David P. Stauber Walorski Lee (NV) Pappas Slotkin Golden Lynch Sarbanes Rogers (AL) Stefanik Waltz Levin (CA) Pascrell Smith (WA) Gomez Malinowski Scanlon Rogers (KY) Steil Watkins Levin (MI) Payne Soto Gonzalez (TX) Maloney, Schakowsky Rose, John W. Steube Weber (TX) Lieu, Ted Perlmutter Speier Gottheimer Carolyn B. Schiff Rouzer Stewart Webster (FL) Lipinski Peters Stanton Green, Al (TX) Maloney, Sean Schneider Roy Stivers Wenstrup Loebsack Peterson Stevens Haaland Matsui Schrader Rutherford Taylor Westerman Lofgren Phillips Suozzi Harder (CA) McAdams Schrier Scalise Thompson (PA) Williams Lowenthal Pingree Swalwell (CA) Schweikert Thornberry Wilson (SC) Hastings McBath Scott (VA) Lowey Pocan Takano Hayes McCollum Scott, Austin Timmons Wittman Luja´ n Price (NC) Scott, David Thompson (CA) Heck McEachin Sensenbrenner Tipton Womack Luria Quigley Serrano Thompson (MS) Higgins (NY) McGovern Shimkus Turner Woodall Lynch Raskin Sewell (AL) Titus Himes McNerney Simpson Upton Wright Malinowski Rice (NY) Tonko Horn, Kendra S. Meeks Sherman Smith (MO) Van Drew Yoho Maloney, Richmond Torres (CA) Horsford Meng Sherrill Smith (NE) Wagner Young Carolyn B. Rose (NY) Houlahan Moore Slotkin Smith (NJ) Walberg Zeldin Maloney, Sean Rouda Torres Small Hoyer Morelle Smith (WA) Matsui Roybal-Allard (NM) Huffman Moulton Soto NOT VOTING—16 McBath Ruiz Trahan Trone Jackson Lee Murphy (FL) Spanberger Beyer Holding Rooney (FL) McCollum Ruppersberger Underwood Jayapal Nadler Speier Byrne Lewis Shalala McGovern Rush Vargas Jeffries Napolitano Stanton Gaetz Loudermilk Sires McNerney Ryan Veasey Johnson (GA) Neal Stevens Gohmert Mucarsel-Powell Wilson (FL) Meeks Sarbanes Johnson (TX) Neguse Suozzi Gosar Mullin Meng Scanlon Vela Kaptur Norcross Swalwell (CA) Grijalva Ratcliffe Morelle Schakowsky Vela´ zquez Keating O’Halleran Takano Moulton Schiff Visclosky Kelly (IL) Ocasio-Cortez Thompson (CA) b 1436 Mucarsel-Powell Schneider Wasserman Kennedy Omar Thompson (MS) Murphy (FL) Schrader Schultz Khanna Pallone Titus Messrs. BURCHETT, SCALISE, Nadler Schrier Waters Kildee Panetta Tlaib PALMER, AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Napolitano Scott (VA) Watson Coleman Kilmer Pappas Tonko PALAZZO, REED, and COOK changed Neal Scott, David Welch Wexton Kim Pascrell Torres (CA) their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Neguse Serrano Kind Payne Torres Small Norcross Sewell (AL) Wild Kirkpatrick Perlmutter (NM) Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, O’Halleran Shalala Yarmuth Krishnamoorthi Peters Trahan Messrs. GOTTHEIMER and BRENDAN Kuster (NH) Peterson Trone F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania changed NAYS—200 Lamb Phillips Underwood Langevin Pingree their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Abraham Gonzalez (OH) Moolenaar Vargas Larsen (WA) Pocan So the previous question was ordered. Aderholt Gooden Mooney (WV) Veasey Allen Granger Murphy (NC) Larson (CT) Porter The result of the vote was announced Lawrence Pressley Vela Amash Graves (GA) Newhouse ´ Lawson (FL) Price (NC) Velazquez as above recorded. Amodei Graves (LA) Norman Lee (CA) Quigley Visclosky The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Armstrong Graves (MO) Nunes Lee (NV) Raskin Wasserman question is on the resolution. Arrington Green (TN) Ocasio-Cortez Schultz Babin Griffith Olson Levin (CA) Rice (NY) The question was taken; and the Levin (MI) Richmond Waters Bacon Grothman Omar Lieu, Ted Rose (NY) Watson Coleman Speaker pro tempore announced that Baird Guest Palazzo Lipinski Rouda Welch the ayes appeared to have it. Balderson Guthrie Palmer Banks Hagedorn Pence Loebsack Roybal-Allard Wexton Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on Lofgren Ruiz Wild Barr Harris Perry Lowenthal Ruppersberger Yarmuth that I demand the yeas and nays. Bergman Hartzler Porter The yeas and nays were ordered. Biggs Hern, Kevin Posey NAYS—189 Bilirakis Herrera Beutler Pressley The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Bishop (NC) Hice (GA) Reed Abraham DesJarlais Katko 5-minute vote. Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Reschenthaler Aderholt Diaz-Balart Keller The vote was taken by electronic de- Bost Hill (AR) Rice (SC) Allen Duncan Kelly (MS) vice, and there were—yeas 210, nays Brady Hollingsworth Riggleman Amash Dunn Kelly (PA) Brooks (AL) Hudson Roby Amodei Emmer King (IA) 200, not voting 19, as follows: Brooks (IN) Huizenga Rodgers (WA) Armstrong Estes King (NY) [Roll No. 75] Buchanan Hurd (TX) Roe, David P. Arrington Ferguson Kinzinger Buck Johnson (LA) Rogers (AL) Babin Fitzpatrick Kustoff (TN) YEAS—210 Bucshon Johnson (OH) Rogers (KY) Bacon Fleischmann LaHood Adams Correa Garcia (TX) Budd Johnson (SD) Rose, John W. Baird Flores LaMalfa Aguilar Costa Golden Burchett Jordan Rouzer Balderson Fortenberry Lamborn Allred Courtney Gomez Burgess Joyce (OH) Roy Banks Foxx (NC) Latta Axne Cox (CA) Gottheimer Calvert Joyce (PA) Rutherford Barr Fulcher Lesko Barraga´ n Craig Green, Al (TX) Carter (GA) Katko Scalise Bergman Gallagher Long Bass Crow Haaland Carter (TX) Keller Schweikert Biggs Gianforte Lucas Beatty Cuellar Harder (CA) Chabot Kelly (MS) Scott, Austin Bilirakis Gibbs Luetkemeyer Bera Davids (KS) Hastings Cheney Kelly (PA) Sensenbrenner Bishop (NC) Gonzalez (OH) Marchant Bishop (GA) Davis (CA) Hayes Cline King (IA) Shimkus Bishop (UT) Gooden Marshall Blumenauer Davis, Danny K. Heck Cloud King (NY) Simpson Bost Granger Massie Blunt Rochester Dean Higgins (NY) Cole Kinzinger Smith (MO) Brady Graves (GA) Mast Bonamici DeFazio Himes Collins (GA) Kustoff (TN) Smith (NE) Brooks (AL) Graves (LA) McCarthy Boyle, Brendan DeGette Horn, Kendra S. Comer LaHood Smith (NJ) Brooks (IN) Graves (MO) McCaul F. DeLauro Horsford Conaway LaMalfa Smucker Buchanan Green (TN) McClintock Brindisi DelBene Houlahan Cook Lamb Spanberger Buck Griffith McHenry Brown (MD) Delgado Hoyer Crawford Lamborn Spano Bucshon Grothman McKinley Brownley (CA) Demings Huffman Crenshaw Latta Stauber Budd Guest Meadows Bustos DeSaulnier Jackson Lee Cunningham Lawson (FL) Stefanik Burchett Guthrie Meuser Butterfield Deutch Jayapal Curtis Lesko Steil Burgess Hagedorn Miller Carbajal Dingell Jeffries Davidson (OH) Long Steube Calvert Harris Mitchell Carson (IN) Doggett Johnson (GA) Davis, Rodney Lucas Stewart Carter (GA) Hartzler Moolenaar Cartwright Doyle, Michael Johnson (TX) DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Stivers Carter (TX) Hern, Kevin Mooney (WV) Case F. Kaptur Diaz-Balart Marchant Taylor Chabot Herrera Beutler Murphy (NC) Casten (IL) Engel Keating Duncan Marshall Thompson (PA) Cheney Hice (GA) Newhouse Castor (FL) Escobar Kelly (IL) Dunn Massie Thornberry Cline Higgins (LA) Norman Castro (TX) Eshoo Kennedy Emmer Mast Timmons Cloud Hill (AR) Nunes Chu, Judy Espaillat Khanna Estes McAdams Tipton Cole Hollingsworth Olson Cicilline Evans Kildee Ferguson McCarthy Tlaib Collins (GA) Hudson Palazzo Cisneros Finkenauer Kilmer Fitzpatrick McCaul Turner Comer Huizenga Palmer Clark (MA) Fletcher Kim Fleischmann McClintock Upton Conaway Hurd (TX) Pence Clarke (NY) Foster Kind Flores McEachin Van Drew Cook Johnson (LA) Perry Clay Frankel Kirkpatrick Fortenberry McHenry Wagner Crawford Johnson (OH) Posey Cleaver Fudge Krishnamoorthi Foxx (NC) McKinley Walberg Crenshaw Johnson (SD) Reed Clyburn Gabbard Kuster (NH) Fulcher Meadows Walden Curtis Jordan Reschenthaler Cohen Gallego Langevin Gallagher Meuser Walker Davidson (OH) Joyce (OH) Rice (SC) Connolly Garamendi Larsen (WA) Gianforte Miller Walorski Davis, Rodney Joyce (PA) Riggleman Cooper Garcı´a (IL) Larson (CT) Gibbs Mitchell Waltz

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.018 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1241 Watkins Williams Wright House for 1 minute and to revise and for 1 minute and to revise and extend Weber (TX) Wilson (SC) Yoho extend his remarks.) his remarks.) Webster (FL) Wittman Young Wenstrup Womack Zeldin Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, Westerman Woodall on Monday morning, our Nation lost a 96 airstrikes, eight cluster bomb at- NOT VOTING—19 truly brilliant mathematician and pio- tacks, 231 artillery and missile at- Beyer Gosar Ratcliffe neer, Ms. Katherine Goble Johnson. tacks—that is what the people in Idlib, Byrne Grijalva Rooney (FL) While I knew Katherine and her fam- Syria, experienced yesterday from the Ca´ rdenas Holding Sa´ nchez ily personally for many years, like so forces of the brutal dictator Assad and Crist Lewis Sires many Americans, I never fully appre- his Russian protector, Putin. These at- Gaetz Loudermilk Wilson (FL) Gohmert Moore ciated her work until her untold story tacks hit 10 schools and one hospital, Gonzalez (TX) Mullin was revealed in the book and movie, killing 26 and injuring over 100. b 1443 ‘‘Hidden Figures.’’ After nearly 10 years of death and de- She had a long and illustrious career struction, Idlib is becoming the great- So the resolution was agreed to. at NASA, but also had a tremendous est humanitarian disaster of this long The result of the vote was announced impact on the Hampton Roads commu- conflict. as above recorded. nity that she called home. She was As I have said on this floor for nearly A motion to reconsider was laid on president of Lambda Omega Chapter of 3 years, the lack of a comprehensive the table. the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and approach for U.S. policy in Syria has f she sang in the choir and served as a allowed the atrocities led by Assad, THE JOURNAL trustee at Carver Memorial Pres- Russia, and Iran to continue with im- byterian Church in Newport News. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- punity. She served as a role model for count- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- The U.S. Government must use the less children; and while she did not ished business is the question on agree- tools that we have at our disposal to reach the stars like the astronauts ing to the Speaker’s approval of the end the death and destruction in Syria, whose trajectory she calculated, in her Journal, which the Chair will put de bring about a political solution to the career, she did. novo. conflict, and hold those responsible for We remember her as a true American The question is on the Speaker’s ap- these war crimes fully accountable. hero, and I send my deepest condo- proval of the Journal. f lences to her family and all who were Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- HONORING THE LIFE OF nal stands approved. inspired by her remarkable life and work. KATHERINE GOBLE JOHNSON f Mr. Speaker, I ask that all Members (Mrs. LURIA asked and was given ELECTING A MEMBER TO A CER- join me and Congresswoman LURIA, permission to address the House for 1 TAIN STANDING COMMITTEE OF who represents the Hampton area, the minute.) THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- Virginia delegation, and others in a Mrs. LURIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise TIVES AND RANKING A MEMBER moment of silence in honor of Ms. today to honor the life of a great ON CERTAIN STANDING COMMIT- Katherine Goble Johnson. American hero, Katherine Johnson. TEES OF THE HOUSE OF REP- f Katherine was a skilled mathemati- RESENTATIVES HONORING CHARLES HALL, JR. cian, a loyal NASA employee, a moth- Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, by di- er, a daughter, but, most importantly, rection of the Democratic Caucus, I (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given a trailblazer. offer a privileged resolution and ask permission to address the House for 1 In 1953, she began working at the Na- for its immediate consideration. minute and to revise and extend his re- tional Advisory Committee for Aero- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- marks.) nautics West Area Computing unit, lows: Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise where she provided equations and com- today to honor Charles Hall, Jr., as a H. RES. 870 putations that were essential to the part of my Black History Month cele- success of the early space program. Resolved, That the following named Mem- bration. ber be, and is hereby, elected to the fol- At NASA Langley, she played an im- lowing standing committee of the House of Mr. Hall is the president of the Re- portant role in NASA’s Mercury pro- Representatives: tail, Wholesale, and Department Store gram of manned space flights from 1961 COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE: Ms. Torres Union, Local 108, in Maplewood, New to 1963. Without her expertise, the Small of New Mexico. Jersey. His commitment to his mem- space travel of Alan Shepard and John Resolved, That the following named Mem- bers is without equal. Glenn would not have been possible. ber be, and is hereby, ranked as follows on For more than 21 years, Mr. Hall, Jr., At the apex of her career, Johnson the following standing committees of the has improved wages, health benefits, House of Representatives: was part of the team that calculated and working conditions for workers COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET: Mr. Khanna (to the trajectory of the Apollo 11 mission rank immediately after Mr. Cooper). throughout the Northeast. He has in- of 1969, which sent the first three men COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND REFORM: Mr. creased diversity in his own staff and to the Moon. And now, her work will Khanna (to rank immediately after Mr. companies across the area. ensure that the first woman and the Rouda). Recently, he organized more than next man will take steps on the Moon Mr. JEFFRIES (during the reading). 2,000 exploited Latino workers and got by 2024. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent them higher wages. In addition, he got This is the legacy of Katherine John- that the resolution be considered as health benefits for local nursing home son. I am proud to recognize her today. read and printed in the RECORD. workers and their first raise in 10 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. years. f ROSE of New York). Is there objection His contributions to my district are b 1500 to the request of the gentleman from immeasurable. That is why I celebrated CELEBRATING THE CAREER OF New York? his work during a Black History Month JUDGE CHARLES D. SUSANO JR. There was no objection. celebration on February 21. The resolution was agreed to. Charles Hall, Jr., is a great man and (Mr. BURCHETT asked and was given A motion to reconsider was laid on deserves all of these accolades and permission to address the House for 1 the table. more. minute and to revise and extend his re- f f marks.) Mr. BURCHETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY HUMANITARIAN DISASTER IN today to celebrate the career of Judge OF KATHERINE GOBLE JOHNSON IDLIB Charles D. Susano Jr. who is retiring (Mr. SCOTT of Virginia asked and (Mr. HILL of Arkansas asked and was after 25 years of service on the Ten- was given permission to address the given permission to address the House nessee Court of Appeals. Judge Susano

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.019 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 will finish his career as the longest House for 1 minute and to revise and STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL tenured State appellate judge in the extend his remarks.) (Mr. SPANO asked and was given per- history of Tennessee once he retires Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- mission to address the House for 1 this coming April. er, I rise today to recognize two units minute and to revise and extend his re- Judge Susano is a lifelong from the 87th Combat Sustainment marks.) Knoxvillian and a dedicated public Support Battalion for their participa- Mr. SPANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise this servant. After graduating magna cum tion in Operation Atlantic Resolve in afternoon to proudly announce that laude from—it hurts me to say this— Poland, Romania, and Lithuania; and I today marks the start of the 2020 Notre Dame in 1958, Judge Susano want to welcome them back home to Strawberry Festival in Plant City, served in the United States Army for 2 the First Congressional District of Florida, which celebrates the straw- years before he was honorably dis- Georgia. berry harvest of eastern Hillsborough charged. He then earned his juris doc- Stationed at Fort Stewart, these bat- County. This community-oriented tor from the University of Tennessee talions are integral to our Nation’s College of Law in 1963. event began back in 1930 and has be- ability to be successful overseas. come one of the top 40 fairs in North For the majority of his adult life, Throughout different periods of its his- Judge Susano has dedicated himself to America. tory, 87th Combat Sustainment Sup- My district has grown to be one of the law. He spent 30 years as a legal port Battalions have provided mainte- partner between two Knoxville-based the largest agricultural districts in the nance, convoy security, supply trans- Nation with Plant City known as the law firms until Governor Ned portation, and more for branches of the McWherter appointed Judge Susano to winter strawberry capital of the world. U.S. Army fighting to restore democ- As a near billion-dollar industry, we his position with the Tennessee Court racy abroad. of Appeals—Eastern Section in March love our strawberries, we love those As a part of Operation Atlantic Re- who grow and pick them, and we love of 1994. solve, these battalions worked hard to Judge Susano was elected Statewide the culture surrounding them. increase their readiness and build co- to his judgeship four times throughout The festival has a wide range of en- operation between our own forces and his public service career and issued tertainment, including livestock our allies in Europe. At any one time over 1,000 opinions during his time on shows, rides, live music, and the Flor- there are 6,000 American soldiers par- the bench. He is also active in the ida Strawberry Festival Queens Pag- ticipating in Operation Atlantic Re- Knoxville community through service eant that collectively bring in over solve conducting exercises across 17 on many nonprofit boards and at his one-half million attendees annually countries. church. The State of Tennessee is and serves to unite our community. To Lieutenant Colonel David Alva- lucky to have had his public service The festival also has strawberry rez, Command Sergeant Major Ryan throughout the years. shortcake, and lots of it. This is the Stamos, and everyone involved with Judge, I wish you the best in your re- Strawberry Festival’s 85th year, and we the 87th Combat Sustainment Support tirement, and I hope it is filled with anticipate many more to come. I can’t Battalions, I thank you for your serv- quality time with your wife, children, wait to be back home this weekend to ice, and welcome home. and grandchildren. enjoy the festival with my family and Mr. Speaker, on a personal note, I the families of District 15. want to thank the judge for being such f good friends of the Burchetts. f f HONORING JOE LAWLESS REMEMBERING AREE MIKKI PROPOSED FY 2021 BUDGET (Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts asked and was given permission to address MCCAMPBELL (Mr. CARTWRIGHT asked and was the House for 1 minute.) (Ms. TLAIB asked and was given per- given permission to address the House Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. mission to address the House for 1 for 1 minute.) Speaker, today I rise to honor my con- minute and to revise and extend her re- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, as a stituent, friend, and mentor, Joe Law- marks.) member of the House Appropriations less. Ms. TLAIB. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Committee, I believe we have a duty to Joe loved his home city of Malden, to honor the life of Aree Mikki spend our resources responsibly. But Massachusetts, and his city loved him. McCampbell of 13th District Strong. we can’t make the kind of cuts that He was a longtime supporter of the She was a guiding light for her family hurt American workers, American sen- Irish American Club and of The Immi- and for all those who knew and loved iors, and American middle-class fami- grant Learning Center. He served her. lies. As it currently stands, the admin- Malden on the Library Board of Trust- Mrs. McCampbell was also a loving istration’s proposed budget would reck- ees, the Housing Authority, and as dep- mother to Denzel McCampbell, lessly slash funds for Social Security, uty mayor. Shawanna, and Kanita, and an incred- for Medicare, and for Medicaid. The cuts to Medicaid alone over 10 But Joe’s legacy of generosity is best ible grandmother to Tyrone and years are nearly $900 billion. They described by what he did behind the Serina. would seriously jeopardize rural hos- scenes. I remember Joe, while suffering Mr. Speaker, you can tell a lot about pitals, combating the opioid crisis, and from debilitating back pain, pur- a parent based on their child. I did not seniors’ access to long-term care. chasing gallons of ice cream with all know Mrs. McCampbell personally, but Mr. Speaker, did you know that six the fixings to serve sundaes for seniors. I know the type of love she shared with out of ten seniors in nursing homes de- And catching a ride with Joe only to the world because of her son, Denzel pend on Medicaid? find the back seat of his car and the en- McCampbell. Last year, Democrats and Repub- tire trunk filled with food to distribute Mrs. McCampbell hailed from licans in Congress came together to to neighbors in need. Safford, Alabama, and studied at both reach a 2-year budget deal that invests Joe was a natural teacher. While I Selma University and Wayne State in the American people. We need to was never fortunate enough to sit in University in Detroit. She instilled a honor that deal over the coming his classrooms at Boston College or love of humanity in her family. And 13 months and reject this current reckless Suffolk University, he taught me so District Strong is forever grateful to budget that we just saw come out of much. He was the rare friend who made her for the mark that she has left on the White House. everyone whose lives he touched feel this world. f seen and appreciated, and we will all My heart goes out to the McCampbell strive to live the wisdom and lessons in family. I hope knowing that she is in 87TH COMBAT SUSTAINMENT friendship, integrity, and service he Heaven watching out for all those lives SUPPORT BATTALION gave us. she has touched can bring some peace (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Thank you, my friend. Rest in peace to those who are remembering and was given permission to address the and love. celebrating her life.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.034 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1243 ECONOMIC OPTIMISM Eagle Scout. William is with Troop 4 in I stand with my colleagues in the (Mr. GUEST asked and was given per- Millville in South Jersey. House and countless Americans in mission to address the House for 1 Eagle Scout is the highest rank at- gratitude to Ms. Johnson’s hard work tainable in the Boy Scouts of America. minute and to revise and extend his re- and pioneering spirit that have un- It is a prestigious honor bestowed upon marks.) doubtedly made America a better only the most worthy and most quali- Mr. GUEST. Mr. Speaker, recent place. fied individuals. Only 4 percent of all polling shows great optimism about f Boys Scouts ever achieve this pres- our country, as Americans believe they tigious recognition. Eagle Scouts are REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF BARB are better off today than they were be- much more likely to dedicate their BAKER fore President Trump’s conservative lives to service, becoming future lead- economic policies were enacted. (Mr. LAHOOD asked and was given ers in the military, in business, and in According to a Gallup poll released permission to address the House for 1 politics. minute and to revise and extend his re- on February 5, almost 60 percent of My office was proud to be at Wil- Americans say they are better off fi- marks.) liam’s ceremony to celebrate this Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise nancially now than last year, and close achievement earlier this week. I could to 75 percent say that they expect to be today to remember and honor the life not be prouder of William’s accom- of my Jacksonville office director, even better off financially in 1 year. plishments, and I look forward to big This is the highest level on record. Barb Baker, who suddenly passed away and bold things from him in the future. earlier this month. Strong, conservative principles have As Americans we all look for heroes. Hired in 2002 by then-Congressman created historically low levels of unem- We look to celebrities—God help us; we Ray LaHood, Barb epitomized what it ployment for Americans regardless of look to Washington—equally God help means to be a public servant working their race, age, religion, or gender. us—but I want to say: God bless you for the constituents of Illinois’ 18th Our Nation was built by Americans and your family, William. Congressional District for the last 18 working to create a better future for f their children and their grandchildren. years. She was an incredible asset to Both Democrats and Republicans must HONORING THE MEMORY OF our constituents and a constant pres- fight the growing calls for socialism KATHERINE JOHNSON ence in the Jacksonville community. and instead support the proven con- (Mr. PALMER asked and was given She helped and assisted so many people servative policies implemented by this permission to address the House for 1 in Jacksonville and throughout central administration that allow our economy minute and to revise and extend his re- Illinois. to grow and help build a brighter fu- marks.) Barb was also the past president of ture for generations to come. Mr. PALMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Sunrise Rotary Club, receiving the today to honor the memory and incred- Paul Harris Fellowship Award. She was f ible accomplishments of Katherine past president of the Pilot Club, the TURNING THE TIDE IN THE YOUTH Johnson, a brilliant mathematician Morgan County Republican Women’s TOBACCO CRISIS whose trailblazing work was instru- Club, the Illinois Association of Court (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given mental in America’s space exploration. Clerks, and had served as treasurer for permission to address the House for 1 Ms. Johnson passed away earlier this the City of Jacksonville Park System minute and to revise and extend his re- week at the age of 101 leaving behind a Board. legacy not only of genius and dedica- marks.) Barb blessed the Jacksonville com- tion, but also of vitally important ad- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, our Nation munity and our office with a spirit of vancement in STEM fields for women is in the middle of a youth tobacco epi- warmth and decency few could rival. and African Americans. demic driven by the increasing popu- She leaves behind an indelible mark on Ms. Johnson’s affinity for numbers Jacksonville and central Illinois as a larity of flavored e-cigarettes. In my was evident from an early age. She home State of New York, youth e-ciga- selfless person deeply committed to her graduated from high school early and family, her faith, and her community. rette use rose by 160 percent between went on to study math and French at 2014 and 2018. Most importantly, Mr. Speaker, Barb West Virginia State College. Later, she was an incredible daughter, wife, moth- I want to commend Chairman FRANK became the first African American er, and grandmother. PALLONE for his work on H.R. 2339 woman to attend graduate school at We will miss Barb dearly, and I ask which will help turn the tide in this West Virginia University. crisis. I would also like to thank the you to continue to keep her and her In 1953, Katherine Johnson accepted family in your prayers. chairman for including my provisions her first computing job with the agen- in section 107 which update youth to- cy that would become NASA. Despite f bacco prevention awareness campaigns intense discrimination throughout her b 1515 to include programming for Americans years at NASA, she remained com- CALLING FOR BIPARTISAN between the ages of 18 and 21. mitted to advancing America’s space CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE My provisions will help ensure that program and broke barriers where she this group of young Americans is not could. Eventually, she hand-calculated (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was left out and receives the support and the flight path for America’s first given permission to address the House education they need to avoid starting crewed space mission in 1961 and also for 1 minute.) dangerous tobacco products. helped calculate the trajectory for the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, re- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues on famed Moon landing. cent news has indicated that an indi- both sides of the aisle to support Chair- When astronaut John Glenn prepared vidual in the United States has been man PALLONE’s legislation and help for his orbit around the Earth in 1962, designated with the coronavirus who pave the way for the first generation of he asked for Johnson to verify the cal- has not been assessed to have traveled tobacco-free Americans. culations in NASA’s new computer in any of the countries that have been f tracking system. He said: ‘‘If she says listed for travel advisories and has not the computer is right, I will take it.’’ been listed as having had any of the RECOGNIZING EAGLE SCOUT The impact of Katherine Johnson’s normal processes or patterns of getting WILLIAM ARDIS groundbreaking work in math and this particular virus. (Mr. VAN DREW asked and was given science can hardly be overstated. With that in mind, I think it is ex- permission to address the House for 1 American space exploration reached tremely important that Congress plays minute and to revise and extend his re- many of its milestones when it did due a major role, in addition to its role of marks.) to her genius and commitment. Her discerning the kind of funding. Mr. VAN DREW. Mr. Speaker, I perseverance also opened doors for With that in mind, we will be orga- would like to recognize William Ardis women and African Americans in work nizing a coronavirus task force that is on his achievement of the rank of fields previously closed to them. bipartisan and that will assess how we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.036 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 reach effectively, as Members of Con- public benefits for a month. It has to CONGRESS NEEDS LEADERS, NOT gress, all of our constituents who are be for a period of several months, and GUN LOBBY SHILLS dependent on information that we re- once you are on those benefits, we The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ceive: the waiters and waitresses, the want you removed. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- traveling public, the aviation persons, The reason for that is, for the future uary 3, 2019, the gentlewoman from the public hospital providers, all of of America, we want people who are California (Ms. PORTER) is recognized those persons in our districts. self-reliant and paying taxes. We al- for 60 minutes as the designee of the Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- ready take care of our native-born who, majority leader. leagues to join the task force. Let us to a huge degree, for whatever reason, Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, as Mem- work together because it is a crisis. We have to rely on our fellow citizens. bers of Congress, we have promised to are in a position to help the American Right now, we are in a position in serve the American people, and this people in the best way that we can, and which a much higher percentage of peo- means keeping American families safe that is with information. ple—63 percent of noncitizens versus 35 and secure. But for too long, Congress f percent of native-born—are taking ad- has put fealty to the special interest of CONGRATULATING PRESIDENT ON vantage of some benefits. the gun lobby ahead of our safety. IMPOSING PUBLIC CHARGE RULE If you look at food stamps, between I cannot afford to live in fear of spe- 2004 and 2019, the total number of peo- cial interests. Why? Because every sin- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under gle day when I send my three children the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- ple on food stamps in this country went up 50 percent. That is a huge in- off to school, I live in fear for their uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Wis- safety; because I have seen the pain on consin (Mr. GROTHMAN) is recognized crease. It is particularly a huge in- crease if you take into account the the faces of those parents whose chil- for 60 minutes as the designee of the dren never came home from school, the minority leader. economy in 2019 was about as strong as it is going to get. parents who hugged their children Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I good-bye in the morning, never know- I, therefore, applaud President stand today to address and congratu- ing it would be for the last time; be- Trump for stepping up to the plate and late President Trump on imposing the cause no parent should ever have to trying to restrict immigration to peo- public charge rule with regard to pub- mourn a child lost to preventable gun ple who can take care of themselves, lic benefits. violence; and because, as your Member all the while making sure that we are You know, around here, we get along of Congress, I have the power to fight taking care of the children of people on many different items bipartisan in for change. who are here. nature, and I enjoy working with my This is the power that Congress has, Democratic colleagues. But one issue I also want to point out that people and this is why 1 year ago, we passed that I think is at the crux of the dis- who are here illegally should not be el- landmark legislation to reduce gun vi- agreement and dislike of President igible for those benefits. But, again and olence in this country. Trump is something I agree with him again, I hear people from my district, Under current law, only federally li- very strongly on, and I think all the and I think from public comments censed vendors must conduct back- American public ought to know about made by people—like the Governor of ground checks, but this creates loop- it, and that is something referred to as California or the mayor of New York— holes for private sellers. This means the public charge rule. that I don’t believe local officials are that there are no background checks Ever since the 1800s in this country, at all times prohibiting people who are on private sales, including gun shows we have tried to make it a point that here illegally from getting benefits. and online transactions. people who come here from other coun- In any event, particularly as long as The Bipartisan Background Checks tries not come here and wind up on we have birthright citizenship, I think Act closes this loophole and will ensure public benefits or welfare or what have the policy before Trump got here is that nearly all gun sales are run you. misguided and, ultimately, will lead to through the National Criminal Back- Unfortunately, we weren’t doing a a decline in the quality of life in Amer- ground Check System. very good job of enforcing this rule ica. This legislation is common sense. In until President Trump stepped up and I am, therefore, very glad that the fact, two former GOP Congressmen put a rule that went into effect last Oc- Supreme Court allowed President wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post tober, saying that if you are here as an Trump’s rule to be upheld. But we have in support of the legislation. They said: immigrant, you are not eligible for to caution America in that this is not ‘‘This bill doesn’t take away anyone’s food stamps; you are not eligible for a statutory thing. This is not some- guns.’’ It represents ‘‘a critical step in low-income housing; you are not eligi- thing that has passed Congress. the right direction at a time when ble for Medicaid; you are not eligible The only reason we are trying to hold more and more Americans are touched for other means-based benefits. down the number of people who are by gun violence.’’ President Trump, having a soft here who are not citizens from getting This is a clear, commonsense, Amer- heart, continues to allow immigrants, benefits is President Trump. It could ican solution that is now being held immigrant children, to receive free and easily be true that by this time next hostage by Senator MITCH MCCONNELL, reduced lunch, Medicaid, and even are year, we will go back to the days in the President, and the gun lobby. eligible for student loans. And this is a uniquely American Nevertheless, I think it was a very which a high number of noncitizens are taking advantage of public benefits. issue. No other country experiences the good thing for President Trump to do. same epidemic of gun violence. Our immigrants are the future of Like I said, I think for some people, In fact, guns are the second-leading America. the generosity of the public benefits cause of death for American children Right now, in America, our immi- will encourage people to adapt a life- and teens; nearly 1,700 are killed by grants are far more likely than the na- style in which they are eligible for guns every year. In my home State of tive-born to take advantage of public them, which is a real crime. California, an average of 246 children benefits. A study shows that 63 percent In any event, I would like to say one and teens die from guns every year. of noncitizens versus 35 percent of the more time—I don’t always get invited Since the beginning of 2014 in Cali- native-born are on some form of public over to the White House, in case Presi- fornia, over 14,000 people, including, benefits. With regard to food assist- dent Trump is watching—thank you, heartbreakingly, 120 law enforcement ance, 45 percent of the immigrants, President Trump, at a time of trillion- officers, have been injured or killed due compared to 21 percent of the native- dollar deficits, for stepping up to the to gun violence. born, are on public benefits. plate and trying to improve the immi- Mr. Speaker, 47 of those people hurt Well, anybody can go through a grants that we have coming in the or killed were in my district in Orange tough time. And I should point out country. County, the 45th. We have lost 34 mem- that President Trump does not remove Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance bers of our community in just 4 years your ability to stay here, just to be on of my time. to gun violence.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.038 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1245 Orange County families have made down from this fight. I will not be While I don’t know the cir- their feelings heard, time and again, bought, and I will not be silenced by cumstances of the weapon last night, I that they want us to strengthen gun vi- the gun lobby or by the President. can tell you that we see our citizens olence prevention laws. I am standing Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- with military-type weapons, nothing here as proof that Orange County woman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE). that can be justified for the many wants action on gun reform. Keeping Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, let me hunters we have in Wisconsin, weapons our families safe is at the heart of our thank the gentlewoman for anchoring that mutilate people and butcher them community’s values. this extremely important intervention and mangle the bodies of children, dis- I want to share a story of one Orange and Special Order Hour. figuring people so badly that they can’t County family with my colleagues here I wasn’t really sure whether or not I be identified when their parents show in Congress. This is a story of a family would have the strength to stand be- up at the morgue. who experienced loss from gun violence fore you today because we have had yet another mass shooting just in the last There are stories of these AR–15s bru- and, yet, found the strength to dedi- talizing these bodies so terribly that it cate their lives to making sure that day. It seems like this is a daily event. It happened, unfortunately, in my is just a second source of trauma for others don’t experience similar trage- own hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. parents to see their deceased children dies. When these things happen, you try to in this condition, children as young as Mary Leigh and Charlie Blek from distance yourself from them. You say 6 years old, barely at the dawn of life, Orange County have fought tirelessly to yourself, you know, it doesn’t have dead from gunfire. for commonsense gun legislation in an impact on me personally. California. Their son, Matthew Blek, Please do not let their cries go on un- But, unfortunately, of the five vic- heard. We need the Senate to pass com- was only 21 years old when he was shot tims, I knew one of them very well. I and killed while visiting New York prehensive gun legislation yesterday have known him since 1992, an immi- because one death is too many. City. He was a victim of armed robbery grant, who was a father, a husband, a I speak for the students who lead pro- by teens using a small handgun, also grandfather, a wonderful person who tests all over this country demanding known as a junk gun. left the Soviet Union to come and seek more. In memory of their son, the Bleks a better life for him and his family, a founded Orange County Citizens for the life of freedom, only to be met with I speak for the moms who diligently Prevention of Gun Violence in 1995. For death. march and protest every single day de- 5 long, hard-fought years, they advo- Mr. Speaker, it has been a year, manding more. cated for safety regulations that would today, I believe, that we sent H.R. 8 I speak for all of the citizens in our rid California of the type of gun that over to MITCH MCCONNELL’s graveyard, killed their son, and they succeeded. districts who have wept too many while our constituents are planning on times. California used to produce 80 percent putting their loved ones in the grave. of the junk guns for the Nation. Cali- It is Sandy Hook. It is Columbine; I speak for those children who don’t fornia no longer produces these junk Newtown; Oak Creek, which is adjacent feel like they will get an opportunity guns and has enacted safety standards to my district; Florida, the Pulse mass to grow up and to have a voice, those for handguns. killing; Parkland; churches, Mother who cannot vote, and they are depend- Still today, the Bleks are vigilant in Emanuel Church, the Sikh Temple; ing on the adults, adults like MITCH preventing the gun lobby from finding movie houses; for God’s sake, an ele- MCCONNELL, to act. a way to sell dangerous handguns in mentary school. There is nowhere to I pray that MITCH MCCONNELL does California. The Bleks now lead the Or- run, nowhere to hide. not experience the pain and agony that ange County chapter of the Brady Cam- What I have come to learn too quick- I am experiencing today, having to get paign to Prevent Gun Violence. I am ly is that it will have an impact on you on that airplane and go and face my personally very grateful for their ef- personally, as it happened to me last friend since 1992 and her children in the forts. No family should ever have to go night. wake of this. I hope that he will rest through what the Bleks suffered, but Yesterday, my friend went to work, tonight, as I will not be able to rest to- too many in our own communities and today his family is gathering to night. have. And because the Senate has yet put him to rest. Of course, my heart Perhaps this is just one person who to act, nothing has changed. aches for them because I knew them, died, just five people in Milwaukee who It has been 1 year since we passed but I knew all of the victims of gun died, but this was a very important H.R. 8. It has been almost 2 years since shootings. And I say: How long is how person to my friend. This was a part of the Parkland school shooting, and over long? our community. This was a part of our 7 years since the Sandy Hook shooting. It is the reality in this country. I commercial industry. He was a very And until this Congress, there has not know people make the argument, Mr. important part of the MillerCoors fam- been any change coming out of Wash- Speaker, that, oh, we need to do some- ily. He was our neighbor, and he was a ington. thing about mental illness. human being. Time is running out. Congress has There is mental illness all over the the power to stop more people—more world, but there are not these shoot- We are calling upon the humanity of children—from dying from gun vio- ings because there is not the easy ac- you, Senator MCCONNELL, to explain lence, and we must act. cess to guns. And we ought to use the yourself to this man’s wife, to his two Now more than ever, we need the tools in our toolkit to be able to vet daughters, to his grandchildren why we American people to insist that our col- people before they receive these guns. can’t have a sensible background check leagues on the other side of the aisle How terrible is my restimulated piece of legislation. stand up to the gun lobby and stand up memory of Zina Daniel, a constituent Someone that I loved very much is to join in the fight to reduce gun vio- of mine who provided services in the on their way to the graveyard. Please lence. We all have a duty to be leaders, spa industry. Her estranged ex-husband dig up our legislation from your grave- not shills for the gun lobby, not cow- put out an ad saying: I need a gun, and yard, Senator MCCONNELL. I need the gun right now. ards afraid to lose an A-rating. Our Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I thank children deserve our courage. He was sold the gun in a fast-food parking lot—no vetting, no background my colleague, the gentlewoman from b 1530 check, just sold a gun. All of the indi- Wisconsin, for her powerful words in Our children deserve leaders who will cators were there that he was up to no this time of tragedy in her district. I fight to ensure that families are safe at good: I want a gun, any kind of gun, thank her for bringing the voice of school, in parks, at the movies, and at any caliber, and I want it now. those we lost to the United States Con- concerts. That is how Zina Daniel and her co- gress. I really appreciate her passion As your Member of Congress, as a workers lost their lives; Zina Daniel, and compassion. mother, and as a member of the Orange leaving children on this Earth to be Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance County community, I will never back cared for, with no mother. of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.039 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 HONORING CARMEN Deborah Guerrera Gale moved to government of central Florida. She has CARRASQUILLO Florida in 1978 from upstate New York, been recognized for her work with the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under where she worked as a banking ac- following awards: Don Quijote Awards’ the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- countant after graduating from Ulster Professional of the Year; Girl Scouts of uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Flor- County College. Once in Florida, she Citrus’ Women of Distinction Awards Visionary of the Year; Orlando Busi- ida (Mr. SOTO) is recognized for the re- decided to switch careers and became a ness Journal 40 Under 40; Working To- mainder of the hour. draftsperson by studying engineering gether Outstanding Community Serv- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I thank the at Valencia College. ice Award; and the Executive of the gentlewomen from Wisconsin and Cali- Deborah worked for Walt Disney World Ride & Show Engineering as an Year, HABLA Awards. fornia for their wise words and for in- Dr. Pinedo-Rolon is a board member voking the angels that we lost in Flor- electromechanical designer for 10 years. She later returned to college to of the Crimeline and Girl Scouts of Cit- ida as well. rus. She is also chair of the Hispanic In honor of Women’s History Month, earn a bachelor’s degree in human re- sources at the age of 40 from Barry Chamber of Commerce Metro Orlando’s I would like to recognize Carmen Government Affairs Committee and a Carrasquillo. University and held positions in Disney Human Resources, Organizational De- member of the Central Florida Com- Carmen is a graduate of New York’s mission on Homelessness’ Family Baruch Community College and earned velopment, and HR Information Serv- ices. Homelessness Committee. She was a a business management certification former board member and chair of the from Columbia University. She worked Deborah was raised by caring, pro- gressive parents, Barbara and John Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of as the administrator of the Boriken Metro Orlando, the Economic Develop- Health Center for the indigent commu- Guerrera, who instilled in her a belief in the basic human dignity of all peo- ment Commission, the Orange County nity in East Harlem, New York. Membership and Mission Review Board, Since joining the council in 1992 as ple. Through them, she learned that she could make a positive difference in the Coalition for the Homeless, the the senior center coordinator, Carmen Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund, has worked with residents and leaders the world and that she could achieve anything with hard work. Easter Seals, and a former president of to initiate and sustain programs serv- the National Association of Hispanic ing seniors and disabled adults. These This belief inspired a drive for volun- teer service in the community, such as Journalists’ Central Florida Chapter. have earned the Osceola Council on She is a member of the National As- organizing projects for foster teens re- Aging Senior Center numerous awards sociation of Professional Women, Na- siding at The Grove, an adolescent resi- for maintaining the independence and tional Association of Hispanic Journal- dential center for at-risk teens, and dignity of our constituents, including ists, American Association of Mar- Help Now, a domestic abuse shelter. Outstanding Senior Center in the State keting and Public Relations, Hispanic of Florida. b 1545 Public Relations Association, Hispanic Her background as a bilingual teach- She also served as president of the Chamber of Commerce of Metro Or- er led to the first English classes for Celebration Women’s Club, supporting lando, and a lifetime member of the Spanish-speaking adults in Osceola women’s charities and college scholar- National Association of Latino Elected County. This also led her to become a ships. While living in Celebration, she and Appointed Officials. founding member of BRAVO, a non- was a founding member and president Giorgina is married to our Orlando profit organization that provided nec- of the Democrats of Celebration. police chief, Orlando Rolon, the first essary information and referrals to a After retirement, Deborah turned her Puerto Rican to hold that position. She newly emigrating Hispanic population attention full-time to civic activism has two stepchildren and three grand- in Osceola County. Carmen was also and founded the Democrats of St. children. named Woman of the Year in 1994. Cloud Club and was elected as chair of For all this and more, Dr. Giorgina Pinedo-Rolon, we honor you. Carmen assisted the Council on the Osceola County Democratic Party Aging with the opening of the first His- in 2019. HONORING DR. ANGELA M. GARCIA FALCONETTI panic site, Centro Latino Americano Deborah’s belief that she can make a Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- Edad de Oro, in the Buena Ventura difference has fueled her passion to ad- tory Month, I would like to recognize Lakes Community Center, also known vance causes that can make our com- Dr. Angela M. Garcia Falconetti. A native Floridian and the daughter as the Roberto Guevara Community munity and our county a better place of Cuban exiles who completed their Center. for the next generation. degrees at Florida colleges, Dr. She was also one of the founders of Deborah lives in St. Cloud with her Falconetti has a personal commitment the Senior Follies with the Osceola husband, Michael Womick. They have to the Florida college system and to Center for the Arts, partnered with one daughter, Jenna Womick Stowers, ensuring all students have the chance Southwest Airlines on a Home for the and a grandson, Treston James. to receive a quality education. She has Holidays program, organized volunteer For that, Deborah Guerrera Gale, we developed a vision to strengthen stu- activities for AARP Community Care honor you. Days, organized Hispanic outreach for dent success and has advocated suc- HONORING GIORGINA PINEDO-ROLON cessfully at the State level for critical the South Florida Water Management Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- District, started an intergenerational funding. tory Month, I would like to recognize Her two decades of service in three program with New Beginnings Edu- Dr. Giorgina Pinedo-Rolon. States include extensive experience in cational Complex that partners at-risk Dr. Giorgina Pinedo-Rolon was born all aspects of higher education admin- high school students with seniors in in Caracas, Venezuela, and moved to istration. She holds a bachelor’s degree various social activities, operating the the United States in 1986. Since then, with specializations in communica- Federal Emergency Food Assistance she earned a master’s in TV production tions and education cognate from New program and local food bank that sup- and journalism and a Ph.D. in social York University and a master’s degree plies commodities to the poor and area psychology. and a doctorate degree in educational organizations feeding the poor in Osce- Giorgina has extensive experience in leadership from the University of ola County, and was appointed to the television, print, and radio and has North Florida, with specializations in Florida Department of Agriculture worked in various roles for Telemundo instructional leadership and postsec- TEFAP Advisory Board by Charles Orlando, Casiano Communications’ ondary education and adult learning. Bronson, our former ag commissioner. Imagen magazine, and other local news She later completed an endowed For that, Ms. Carmen Carrasquillo, outlets. postdoctoral fellowship in community we honor you. Currently, she works for the city of college leadership with the University HONORING DEBORAH GUERRERA GALE Orlando as the director of the Office of of Texas at Austin while working as a Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of Multicultural Affairs. research associate for the Community Women’s History Month, I would like Giorgina has been very involved in College Survey of Student Engage- to honor Deborah Guerrera Gale. the business community and the local ment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.042 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1247 At the national level, she served as sociation; Semper Fidelis of America, field trips to museums and cultural art special assistant to the first Deputy Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4287; centers, sparking her love for the arts Assistant Secretary for Community American Legion; Orange County Vet- with her first visit to the Metropolitan Colleges in Washington, D.C. erans Treatment Court mentorship Museum of Art. Prior to being named president of program; and mentor at several schools Influenced by her mother’s old Bible, Polk State College, she served as vice in Orange County. with its beautiful illustrations and sto- president of institutional advancement In 2015, First Sergeant Espeut-Jones ries, Maria’s passion for artistic ex- at Virginia Western Community Col- was selected as one of Orlando Business pression further grew. The oldest of lege and as executive director of the Journal’s Veterans of Influence. She is six, she collected brown paper bags as foundation. currently employed at ZelTech as a her canvases and confiscated every pen, Dr. Falconetti continues to serve as program manager. pencil, or crayon that was unattended an active leader in national, statewide, For all that and more, First Sergeant for her pretend studio. and local organizations, including the Daila Espeut-Jones, we honor you. Mostly self-taught, Maria’s work has American Association of Community HONORING ERNESTINE MASON DAVIS been shown in galleries and museums. Colleges’ Commission on Institutional Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- Maria has also donated work for fund- Infrastructure and Transformation, the tory Month, I would like to recognize raisers to raise money for various Florida College System Council of Ernestine Mason Davis. causes. Presidents’ Steering Committee, the Ernestine Mason Davis grew up in One of the most important works she Florida Association of Colleges and the Florence Villa community and at- has exhibited was at the Mennello Mu- Universities, and the Florida Chamber tended Jewett High School. She is a seum, honoring the Pulse nightclub Foundation Board. member of the First Missionary Bap- victims in 2016. After its exhibition ini- She lives in Winter Haven, Florida, tist Church. tially, Maria graciously donated the with her beloved husband, Robert, and She is a founding member and a piece to the city of Orlando. their daughter and the light of her life, board member of the Lake Maude Maria has also been recognized for Sophia. Recreation Center, now known as the her art depicting the culture of Puerto For that, Dr. Angela M. Garcia Neighborhood Service Center. She is Rico, with an influence from the Euro- Falconetti, we honor you. also a founding member of the Winter pean masters she studied. Haven Northeast Cultural Recreation HONORING FIRST SERGEANT DAILA ESPEUT- Maria is an advocate for the home- JONES Complex, Polk County Opportunity less and is known for her charitable Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- Council, and Haven Day Care. She has work throughout the years, whether tory Month, I would like to recognize assisted in organizing the East Central through her art donations or when First Sergeant Daila Espeut-Jones. Polk Democratic Club Council. She someone is in need. First Sergeant Daila Espeut-Jones presently serves on the board of the For that, Maria Ramos, we honor was born and raised in Jamaica until Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. you. Ms. Davis is a regular attendee at the age of 15. In 1979, she migrated to HONORING COLONEL PAULETTE SCHANK Winter Haven Commission meetings Boston, Massachusetts, and later and spends her time working for social Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- joined the Army in 1982. She served on and economic justice issues. She con- tory Month, I would like to recognize Active Duty for 22 years and retired in tinues to devote her time to the Polk Colonel Paulette Schank. 2004. County community by advocating for Colonel Paulette Schank began her During her military tenure, she homeless, food programs for low-in- outstanding career as a licensed prac- served in many positions, including come families, recreation for the tical nurse out of high school, eventu- squad leader, platoon sergeant, train- youth, and civic and cultural programs ally achieving her master’s degree in ing noncommissioned officer, customs for the community. nursing in pursuit of a career in pa- supervisor, plans supervisor, area sup- She is a member of the NAACP and tient care. port team leader, Korean linguist, sen- has received numerous awards and rec- After gaining clinical experience, and ior transportation supervisor, first ser- ognitions. In February 2020, she was speaking to several registered nurses in geant, and acting division sergeant honored with a proclamation by the the anesthesia field, she decided her de- major. city of Winter Haven for her commit- sire for further autonomy and utiliza- Her duty assignments included Fort ment to community service. She has tion of critical thinking skills was per- Eustis, Virginia; Seoul, Korea; Fort received the Honorary Pioneer Award, fectly matched to a career in the anes- Bragg, North Carolina; Haiti; Hon- the Agriculture and Labor Program thesia profession. duras; Albania; Bosnia; Hanau, Ger- Community Action Partnership Award, Upon successful completion of a post- many; Orlando, Florida; and southwest Volunteer Service Award, the J. Owens master’s certificate in nurse anes- Asia. Academy of Fine Arts Award for being thesia, she worked for 6 years at Her awards and decorations include: a civil rights leader, Community Serv- Frankford Hospital and later at Osce- Legion of Merit; Bronze Star; Meri- ice Award for advocating for children ola Regional Medical Center in Florida. torious Service Medal; Army Com- and families, and the NAACP Exem- However, as the daughter of a retired mendation Medal, with two oak leaf plary Leadership and Service Award. naval chief petty officer, family legacy clusters; Army Achievement Medal, She has also received awards from her and patriotism drove Colonel Schank’s with three oak leaf clusters; Humani- family for organizing and supporting wish to assist patients in a much dif- tarian Service Ribbon; Armed Forces family reunions. ferent setting. She enlisted in the Air Expeditionary Medal; Noncommis- She was married to the late John Force and learned to transport patients sioned Officer Professional Develop- Wesley Davis and has five children. She in critical conditions. ment Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; is a grandmother and a great-grand- These skills served her well in sup- Parachutist Badge; Expert Weapon mother. port of Operation Desert Storm, where Marksmanship Badge; and German Sil- For that, Ernestine Mason Davis, we she evacuated troops, with a 100 per- ver Marksmanship Badge. honor you. cent survival rate of those transported. First Sergeant Espeut-Jones cur- HONORING MARIA RAMOS During her 24 years in the service, rently serves as the president for the Mr. SOTO. In honor of Women’s His- Colonel Schank provided medical as- Association of the United States tory Month, I would like to recognize sistance in times of war and in humani- Army’s Sunshine Chapter in Orlando Maria Ramos. tarian efforts—from Iraq to Turkey, and chair of the Orange County May- Maria Ramos Joiner was born in Ba- Mozambique to Honduras and beyond. or’s Veterans Advisory Council. She is yamon, Puerto Rico. At the age of 3, As both a civilian nurse anesthetist an active member of the Women in De- her father decided to move the family and Air Force Reserve officer, she has fense Central Florida Chapter; Kappa to the Bronx in New York in search of dedicated her life to caring for others, Epsilon Psi Military Sorority, Inc.; the American Dream. be it in Florida or around the world. Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Or- The New York public school system Her love for education and helping lando; National Defense Industrial As- gave her the opportunity to attend those in need is ever present, and she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.043 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 continues to surpass what it means to Fourteen years ago, she realized vet- 3906. A letter from the Management Ana- be a student, nurse, and a constituent erans weren’t receiving information lyst, Forest Service, Department of Agri- of Florida’s Ninth Congressional Dis- about events that would be helpful to culture, transmitting the Department’s final trict. them. In order to fulfill that need, she rule — Conveyance of Small Tracts (RIN: For that, Colonel Paulette Schank, 0596-AD40) received February 14, 2020, pursu- created a massive email distribution ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- we honor you. list that includes veterans from six 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee b 1600 counties who are served by the Orlando on Agriculture. VA Medical Center in Lake Nona. 3907. A letter from the Director, Office of HONORING YASMIN FLASTERSTEIN As part of her patriotic duty, she reg- Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of ularly greets the three Honor Flight ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Women’s History Month, I would like hubs at the Orlando International Air- tion’s final rule — Regulatory Capital Rule: to recognize Yasmin Flasterstein. Revisions to the Supplementary Leverage Yasmin Flasterstein is the cofounder port. Once she greeted and thanked Ratio To Exclude Certain Central Bank De- and executive director of Peer Support over 3,000 senior veterans for their posits of Banking Organizations Predomi- Space, Inc., which serves as a hub for service. nately Engaged in Custody, Safekeeping, and diverse peer communities in central Catherine’s patriotism is inherent. Asset Servicing Activities (RIN: 3064-AE81) Florida. She also works as a wellness She can trace her family’s military received February 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. recovery action plan facilitator, is a history back to the Revolutionary War, where her family served and became 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Fi- board member and the Community En- nancial Services. gagement Committee chair for the One America’s first veterans. Almost every 3908. A letter from the Assistant General Orlando Alliance, is a founding leader generation in her family has served our Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- of Orlando Trans Collective, and sits on country, including her son, Andrew, ergy Efficiency, Office of Energy Efficiency the board of directors for Central Flor- who served in the United States Navy. and Renewable Energy, Department of En- ida Cares and Peer Support Coalition of For several years, Catherine has vol- ergy, transmitting the Department’s final Florida. unteered with the Wall of Faces na- rule — Energy Conservation Program for Ap- Yasmin has been in social justice tional project, whose goal is to match pliance Standards: Procedures for Use in a photograph with every name that ap- New or Revised Energy Conservation Stand- leadership positions since she was 14; ards and Test Procedures for Consumer Prod- and in college, she brought membership pears on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in ucts and Commercial/Industrial Equipment of a mental health advocacy group, Washington, D.C. Last year, she found [EERE-2017-BT-STD-0062] (RIN: 1904-AD38) UCF Active Minds, from 20 to over 200 a Florida Vietnam war casualty with- received February 26, 2020, pursuant to 5 members in one semester. out a photograph. By using reverse U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Yasmin has worked in various clin- genealogy, she found the veteran’s fam- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- ical roles at La Amistad Behavioral ily, received his photo, and found ergy and Commerce. Health Services and at the Mental where he had been buried in an un- 3909. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental Health Association of Central Florida. marked grave for almost 50 years. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Yasmin was a leader in the mental Catherine has been finding photo- cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Cali- health response to the Pulse tragedy, graphs of war casualties across the Na- fornia; Mojave Desert Air Quality Manage- working as the program director for tion for years and recently began fo- ment District [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0439; FRL- Orlando United Counseling, providing cusing her efforts on Puerto Rico, 10005-31-Region 9] received February 18, 2020, long-term counseling for those affected where she has faced several challenges pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law directly and indirectly. During this in locating nearly 100 pictures of the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- time, Yasmin also set up events to remaining Vietnam war casualties. mittee on Energy and Commerce. 3910. A letter from the Director, Regu- destigmatize mental health in LGBTQ+ One of her favorite quotes is: ‘‘Well- latory Management Division, Environmental communities and Latin, Black, and im- behaved women seldom make history.’’ Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- migrant communities as well. Her motto is: ‘‘The soles of my shoes cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Cali- She has since shifted from working in seldom cool off, and neither do the fornia; San Diego County Air Pollution Con- clinical environments to the peer pro- tires on my car.’’ trol District [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0556; FRL- fessional environment. She believes in Catherine is supported by her hus- 10004-14-Region 9] received February 18, 2020, the power of peers with similar lived band, Joseph, in her continual efforts pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law experiences, particularly from within to support our central Florida veterans 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- mittee on Energy and Commerce. marginalized communities, and works and military community. 3911. A letter from the Director, Regu- to train and support them in using And for that, Ms. Catherine Haynes, latory Management Division, Environmental their own experience with mental we honor you. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- health in order to guide and support Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance cy’s direct final rule — Massachusetts; Infra- others. of my time. structure State Implementation Plan Re- She is passionate about breaking the quirements for the 2015 Ozone Standard mental health stigma that leaves peo- f [EPA-R01-OAR-2019-0695; FRL-10005-36-Re- ple suffering alone and uses her experi- LEAVE OF ABSENCE gion 1] received February 18, 2020, pursuant ence as a suicide survivor living with to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, By unanimous consent, leave of ab- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on PTSD and disorder to help sence was granted to: Energy and Commerce. others. Mr. LEWIS (at the request of Mr. 3912. A letter from the Director, Regu- Her nonprofit, Peer Support Space, HOYER) for today and February 28. latory Management Division, Environmental has helped over 2,500 individuals with Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- free services during its inaugural year, f cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; WA; Up- dates to Source-Category Regulations [EPA- and they have recently opened central ADJOURNMENT Florida’s very first peer respite in my R10-OAR-2019-0636; FRL-10005-19-Region 10] district. Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I move that received February 18, 2020, pursuant to 5 And for that, Ms. Yasmin the House do now adjourn. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. The motion was agreed to; accord- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- Flasterstein, we honor you. ergy and Commerce. HONORING CATHERINE HAYNES ingly (at 4 o’clock and 6 minutes p.m.), 3913. A letter from the Director, Regu- Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, in honor of the House adjourned until tomorrow, latory Management Division, Environmental Women’s History Month, I would like Friday, February 28, 2020, at 9 a.m. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- to recognize Catherine Haynes. f cy’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Arizona; Originally from Indiana, Catherine Maricopa County [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0493; now lives in Orlando, Florida. She is EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, FRL-10005-65-Region 9] received February 18, known to be a dedicated volunteer, ETC. 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the member, and supporter of the central Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Committee on Energy and Commerce. Florida veteran and military commu- communications were taken from the 3914. A letter from the Director, Regu- nity. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: latory Management Division, Environmental

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27FE7.045 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1249 Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Administration’s final rule — Federal ministration, Department of Transportation, cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Acquisition Regulation; Set-Asides under transmitting the Department’s final rule — of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Dis- Multiple-Award Contracts [FAC 2020-05; FAR Risk Reduction Program [Docket No.: FRA- trict of Columbia; Negative Declaration for Case 2014-002; Docket No.: FAR-2014-0002; Se- 2009-0038, Notice No.: 7] (RIN: 2130-AC11) re- the Oil and Gas Control Techniques Guide- quence No.: 1] (RIN: 9000-AM93) received Feb- ceived February 14, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. line [EPA-R03-OAR-2019-0552; FRL-10005-75- ruary 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Region 3] received February 24, 2020, pursu- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Oversight tation and Infrastructure. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee and Reform. 3931. A letter from the Chief, Regulatory on Energy and Commerce. 3923. A letter from the Senior Procurement Development, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 3915. A letter from the Director, Regu- Executive, Office of Acquisition Policy, Gen- Administration, Department of Transpor- latory Management Division, Environmental eral Services Administration, transmitting tation, transmitting the Department’s final Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Administration’s final rule — Federal rule — Incorporation by Reference; North cy’s final rule — Procedures for Review of Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria; CBI Claims for the Identity of Chemicals on Circular 2020-05; Introduction [Docket No.: Hazardous Materials Safety Permits [Docket the TSCA Inventory [EPA-HQ-OPPT-2018- FAR-2020-0051, Sequence No.: 1] received Feb- No.: FMCSA-2019-0068] (RIN: 2126-AC28) re- 0320; FRL-10005-48] (RIN: 2070-AK21) received ruary 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ceived February 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. February 24, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Oversight Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and and Reform. tation and Infrastructure. Commerce. 3924. A letter from the Senior Procurement 3932. A letter from the Deputy General 3916. A letter from the Director, Regu- Executive, Office of Acquisition Policy, Gen- Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Govern- latory Management Division, Environmental eral Services Administration, transmitting ment Contracting and Business Develop- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Administration’s small entity compli- ment, Small Business Administration, trans- cy’s final rule — Approval of Air Quality Im- ance guide — Federal Acquisition Regula- mitting the Administration’s final rule — plementation Plans; California; Ventura tion; Federal Acquisition Circular 2020-05 National Defense Authorization Acts of 2016 County; 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area [Docket No.: FAR-2020-0051, Sequence No.: 1] and 2017, Recovery Improvements for Small Requirements [EPA-R09-OAR-2018-0146; FRL- received February 26, 2020, pursuant to 5 Entities After Disaster Act of 2015, and Other 10005-67-Region 9] received February 18, 2020, U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Small Business Government Contracting; pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Correction (RIN: 3245-AG86) February 25, 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Oversight and Reform. 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public mittee on Energy and Commerce. 3925. A letter from the Chief, Office of Pol- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 3917. A letter from the Director, Regu- icy, Regulation and Analysis, Bureau of Committee on Small Business. latory Management Division, Environmental Ocean Energy Management, Department of 3933. A letter from the Deputy General Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Interior, transmitting the Department’s Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Office of cy’s final rule — Clean Air Plans; 2008 8-Hour final rule — 2020 Civil Penalties Inflation Ad- HUBZone Program, Small Business Adminis- Ozone Nonattainment Area Requirements; justments for Oil, Gas, and Sulfur Operations tration, transmitting the Administration’s Determination of Attainment by the Attain- in the Outer Continental Shelf [Docket ID: direct final rule — HUBZone Program Provi- ment Date; Imperial County, California BOEM-2019-0079] (RIN: 1010-AE05) received sions for Governor-Designated Covered Areas [EPA-R09-OAR-2018-0562; FRL-10005-57-Re- February 21, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. (RIN: 3245-AH06) received February 25, 2020, gion 9] received February 18, 2020, pursuant 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judici- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ary. mittee on Small Business. Energy and Commerce. 3926. A letter from the Director, Office of 3934. A letter from the Deputy General 3918. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Pub- Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Office of lic Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Commission, transmitting the Commission’s Size Standards, Small Business Administra- Federal Communications Commission, trans- final rule — Adjustment of Civil Penalties tion, transmitting the Administration’s final mitting the Commission’s final rule — Im- for Inflation for Fiscal Year 2020 [NRC-2018- rule — Small Business Size Standards: Cal- proving Outage Reporting for Submarine Ca- 0048] (RIN: 3150-AK11) received January 22, culation of Annual Average Receipts (RIN: bles and Enhanced Submarine Cable Outage 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public 3245-AH16) received February 25, 2020, pursu- Data [GN Docket No.: 15-206] received Feb- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- ruary 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Committee on the Judiciary. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee 3927. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 on Small Business. U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and 3935. A letter from the Deputy General Security, transmitting the Department’s Commerce. Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Office of 3919. A letter from the Deputy Bureau final rule — Safety Zone; Hurricanes, Trop- Women’s Business Ownership, Small Busi- Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal ical Storms and Other Disasters in South ness Administration, transmitting the Ad- Communications Commission, transmitting Florida [Docket Number: USCG-2016-1067] ministration’s final rule — Office of Women’s the Commission’s final rule — Rural Digital (RIN: 1625-AA00) received February 18, 2020, Business Ownership: Women’s Business Cen- Opportunity Fund [WC Docket No.: 19-126]; pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ter Program (RIN: 3245-AG02) received Feb- Connect America Fund [WC Docket No.: 10- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- ruary 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 90] received February 25, 2020, pursuant to 5 mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. ture. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Small Busi- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- 3928. A letter from the Attorney, CG-LRA, ness. ergy and Commerce. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 3920. A letter from the Director, Office of ting the Department’s temporary final rule f Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory — Safety Zones; Humboldt Bay Bar and En- Commission, transmitting the Commission’s trance Channel, Eureka, CA, Noyo River En- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON revision to policy statement — Revision of trance Channel, Ft. Bragg, CA, and Crescent PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the NRC Enforcement Policy [NRC-2019-0242] City Harbor Entrance Channel, Crescent Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of received February 22, 2020, pursuant to 5 City, CA [Docket No.: USCG-2019-0956] (RIN: committees were delivered to the Clerk U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 1625-AA00) received February 18, 2020, pursu- for printing and reference to the proper 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- ergy and Commerce. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee calendar, as follows: 3921. A letter from the Chair, United States on Transportation and Infrastructure. Ms. WATERS: Committee on Financial Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, 3929. A letter from the Attorney, CG-LRA, Services. H.R. 3641. A bill to enhance civil transmitting the Board’s report titled ‘‘Fill- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- penalties under the Federal securities laws, ing the Gaps: The Critical Role of Under- ting the Department’s final rule — Naviga- and for other purposes; with an amendment ground Research Laboratories in the U.S. tion and Navigable Waters, and Shipping; (Rept. 116–410). Referred to the Committee of Department of Energy Geologic Disposal Re- Technical, Organizational, and Conforming the Whole House on the state of the Union. search and Development Program; Report to Amendments for U.S. Coast Guard Field Dis- f the United States Congress and the Sec- trict 1 [Docket No.: USCG-2018-0532] (RIN: retary of Energy’’, pursuant to Public Law 1625-ZA38) received February 18, 2020, pursu- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 100-203; to the Committee on Energy and ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Commerce. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee 3922. A letter from the Senior Procurement on Transportation and Infrastructure. bills and resolutions of the following Executive, Office of Acquisition Policy, Gen- 3930. A letter from the Attorney Adviser, titles were introduced and severally re- eral Services Administration, transmitting Office of Chief Counsel, Federal Railroad Ad- ferred, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27FE7.000 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020

By Ms. TLAIB (for herself, Mr. BLU- Mrs. FLETCHER, Mr. ROY, Ms. JOHN- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- MENAUER, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. CLAY, SON of Texas, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms. DELAURO, Mrs. DIN- CLOUD, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. DOGGETT, risdiction of the committee concerned. GELL, Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois, Ms. and Mr. GREEN of Texas): By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. GARCIA of Texas, Ms. HAALAND, Mrs. H.R. 5988. A bill to designate the facility of DEUTCH, and Mr. VARGAS): HAYES, Ms. JAYAPAL, Ms. KELLY of Il- the United States Postal Service located at H.R. 5996. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- linois, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. 2600 Wesley Street in Greenville, Texas, as enue Code of 1986 to require that return in- LAWRENCE, Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, the ‘‘Audie Murphy Post Office Building’’; to formation from tax-exempt organizations be Mr. MCNERNEY, Ms. MOORE, Ms. the Committee on Oversight and Reform. made available in a searchable format and to OCASIO-CORTEZ, Ms. OMAR, Mr. By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama (for her- provide the disclosure of the identity of con- POCAN, Ms. PORTER, Ms. PRESSLEY, self, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. tributors to certain tax-exempt organiza- Mr. RASKIN, Mr. RYAN, Ms. SCHA- ADERHOLT, and Mrs. ROBY): tions, and for other purposes; to the Com- KOWSKY, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Ms. H.R. 5989. A bill to establish the Alabama mittee on Ways and Means. SHALALA, Ms. SLOTKIN, Ms. STEVENS, Black Belt National Heritage Area, and for By Mr. ENGEL: Mr. VELA, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. WILD, other purposes; to the Committee on Natural H.R. 5997. A bill to direct the Secretary of and Mr. WILSON of South Carolina): Resources. Health and Human Services to designate an H.R. 5984. A bill to amend the Elementary By Mr. RUSH: official within the Department of Health and and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to im- H.R. 5990. A bill to establish the Human Services to coordinate the efforts of prove oversight of private charter manage- Bronzeville-Black Metropolis National Herit- Federal departments and agencies with re- ment organizations, and for other purposes; age Area in the State of Illinois, and for spect to COVID-19; to the Committee on En- to the Committee on Education and Labor. other purposes; to the Committee on Natural ergy and Commerce. By Mr. BUDD (for himself, Mr. BISHOP Resources. By Mr. GOLDEN (for himself and Mr. of North Carolina, and Mr. CLAY): By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Ms. WITTMAN): H.R. 5985. A bill to direct the Federal Com- DELAURO, Ms. PORTER, and Ms. H.R. 5998. A bill to make the National munications Commission to establish an PRESSLEY): Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass interagency taskforce on unlawful robocalls; H.R. 5991. A bill to extend protections to available at no cost to members of Gold Star to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. part-time workers in the areas of family and Families; to the Committee on Natural Re- By Mr. GRIJALVA (for himself, Mr. medical leave and pension plans, and to en- sources, and in addition to the Committee on MCEACHIN, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. sure equitable treatment in the workplace; Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently BARRAGA´ N, Ms. NORTON, Mr. to the Committee on Education and Labor, determined by the Speaker, in each case for ESPAILLAT, Ms. HAALAND, Ms. LEE of and in addition to the Committees on House consideration of such provisions as fall with- California, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. Administration, Oversight and Reform, Ways in the jurisdiction of the committee con- TLAIB, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. and Means, and the Judiciary, for a period to cerned. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. NEGUSE, be subsequently determined by the Speaker, By Mr. HUFFMAN: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. MENG, Mr. in each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 5999. A bill to preserve the Arctic GOMEZ, Mr. BEYER, Ms. BLUNT ROCH- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife ESTER, Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois, and Ms. committee concerned. Refuge, Alaska, as wilderness in recognition JAYAPAL): By Mr. STANTON (for himself and Mr. of its extraordinary natural ecosystems and H.R. 5986. A bill to restore, reaffirm, and GOSAR): for the permanent good of present and future reconcile environmental justice and civil H.R. 5992. A bill to amend the Radiation generations of Americans; to the Committee rights, provide for the establishment of the Exposure Compensation Act to include cer- on Natural Resources. Interagency Working Group on Environ- tain communities and to extend the fund, By Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana: mental Justice Compliance and Enforce- and for other purposes; to the Committee on H.R. 6000. A bill to reauthorize a pilot pro- ment, and for other purposes; to the Com- the Judiciary. gram to evaluate the effectiveness of certain mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- By Mr. BALDERSON (for himself, Mr. water-related feasibility studies carried out dition to the Committees on Natural Re- MEADOWS, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. RODNEY by non-Federal interests; to the Committee sources, the Judiciary, Transportation and DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. NORMAN, and on Transportation and Infrastructure. Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Education Mr. KINZINGER): By Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana: and Labor, for a period to be subsequently H.R. 5993. A bill to provide paid parental H.R. 6001. A bill to reauthorize a pilot pro- determined by the Speaker, in each case for leave to certain employees of the Federal gram to evaluate the effectiveness of the im- consideration of such provisions as fall with- Aviation Administration, the Transportation plementation of certain water-related in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Security Administration, and the Depart- projects carried out by non-Federal inter- cerned. ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- ests; to the Committee on Transportation By Mr. RATCLIFFE (for himself, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- and Infrastructure. CONAWAY, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. fairs, and in addition to the Committees on By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: HURD of Texas, Ms. GARCIA of Texas, Homeland Security, and Transportation and H.R. 6002. A bill to require certain acting Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. VELA, Mr. CASTRO Infrastructure, for a period to be subse- national security officials to appear before of Texas, Mr. VEASEY, Ms. JACKSON quently determined by the Speaker, in each Congress, and for other purposes; to the LEE, Mr. CARTER of Texas, Mr. GON- case for consideration of such provisions as Committee on Armed Services, and in addi- ZALEZ of Texas, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee tion to the Committees on Homeland Secu- GOHMERT, Mr. FLORES, Mr. OLSON, concerned. rity, and Intelligence (Permanent Select), Mr. ALLRED, Mr. GOODEN, Mr. By Mr. CARTWRIGHT (for himself, for a period to be subsequently determined ARRINGTON, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. BRADY, Mrs. FLETCHER, Mr. BACON, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. SOTO, Ms. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- MARCHANT, Mr. BABIN, Mr. CREN- DELBENE, Mr. KILMER, Mr. LIPINSKI, risdiction of the committee concerned. SHAW, Mr. WRIGHT, Ms. GRANGER, and Mr. FITZPATRICK): By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: Mrs. FLETCHER, Mr. ROY, Ms. JOHN- H.R. 5994. A bill to require the Under Sec- H.R. 6003. A bill to exempt certain Federal SON of Texas, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. retary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmos- first responder grants from matching fund CLOUD, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. DOGGETT, phere to identify a consistent, Federal set of requirements to address the Nation’s rising and Mr. GREEN of Texas): best available forward-looking meteorolog- rate of first responder suicides and other H.R. 5987. A bill to designate the facility of ical information and to require the Director mental health issues, and for other purposes; the United States Postal Service located at of the National Institute of Standards and to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in 909 West Holiday Drive in Fate, Texas, as the Technology to convene an effort to make addition to the Committee on Science, ‘‘Ralph Hall Post Office’’; to the Committee such set available, with advice and technical Space, and Technology, for a period to be on Oversight and Reform. assistance, to standards-developing organiza- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in By Mr. RATCLIFFE (for himself, Mr. tions, and for other purposes; to the Com- each case for consideration of such provi- CONAWAY, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. mittee on Science, Space, and Technology. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the HURD of Texas, Ms. GARCIA of Texas, By Mr. BILIRAKIS (for himself and Mr. committee concerned. Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. VELA, Mr. CASTRO RUIZ): By Mr. LIPINSKI: of Texas, Mr. VEASEY, Ms. JACKSON H.R. 5995. A bill to amend title 10, United H.R. 6004. A bill to amend title XXVII of LEE, Mr. CARTER of Texas, Mr. GON- States Code, to expand eligibility to certain the Public Health Service Act to require the ZALEZ of Texas, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. military retirees for concurrent receipt of Secretary of Health and Human Services to GOHMERT, Mr. FLORES, Mr. OLSON, veterans’ disability compensation and re- establish a grant program for purposes of fa- Mr. ALLRED, Mr. GOODEN, Mr. tired pay or combat-related special com- cilitating State efforts to establish or main- ARRINGTON, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. BRADY, pensation, and for other purposes; to the tain all-payer claims databases, and for Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. Committee on Armed Services, and in addi- other purposes; to the Committee on Energy MARCHANT, Mr. BABIN, Mr. CREN- tion to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- SHAW, Mr. WRIGHT, Ms. GRANGER, for a period to be subsequently determined mittee on Education and Labor, for a period

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to be subsequently determined by the Speak- H. Res. 868. A resolution condemning the FOSTER, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, er, in each case for consideration of such pro- comments of Senator and Democratic So- Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the cialist Presidential candidate, Bernie Sand- GARCI´A of Illinois, Mr. GOLDEN, Mrs. committee concerned. ers (I-VT), disregarding the history of sys- BEATTY, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. By Mr. MALINOWSKI (for himself and temic human rights abuses, forced indoc- CASTEN of Illinois, Mrs. CAROLYN B. Mr. BUCSHON): trination, and authoritarian actions of the MALONEY of New York, Mr. H.R. 6005. A bill to amend title XXVII of literacy and education policies of the Com- ESPAILLAT, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. SAR- the Public Health Service Act to increase munist Castro dictatorship in Cuba; to the BANES, Mr. MORELLE, Mrs. TRAHAN, transparency of group health plans and Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. KILDEE, Mr. EVANS, Mr. KIM, Mr. health insurance issuers offering group or in- By Mr. GREEN of Texas (for himself, LEVIN of California, Ms. WILSON of dividual health insurance coverage by re- Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. WILD, Mr. Florida, Mr. CRIST, Mr. SEAN PATRICK moving gag clauses on price and quality in- ESPAILLAT, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. RICH- MALONEY of New York, Ms. formation, and for other purposes; to the MOND, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. FINKENAUER, Mr. MALINOWSKI, Ms. Committee on Energy and Commerce. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. SCANLON, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, By Mr. PASCRELL (for himself and COSTA, Ms. MOORE, Mr. DAVID SCOTT Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. Mr. KING of New York): of Georgia, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, KEATING, Ms. ADAMS, Ms. SLOTKIN, H.R. 6006. A bill to amend section 923 of Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- and Mr. COX of California): title 18, United States Code, to require an vania, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. JEFFRIES, Mr. H. Res. 871. A resolution expressing the electronic, searchable database of the impor- BROWN of , Mr. TRONE, Mrs. sense of the House of Representatives that tation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, HAYES, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. HASTINGS, the Congress should enact the Older Ameri- or other disposition of firearms; to the Com- Ms. BASS, Ms. WATERS, Ms. NORTON, cans Bill of Rights to establish that older mittee on the Judiciary. Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. THOMPSON of Americans should have the right to live with By Mr. PASCRELL (for himself, Ms. Mississippi, Mr. SMITH of Wash- dignity and with independence; to the Com- SEWELL of Alabama, and Mrs. ington, Ms. TLAIB, Mr. SARBANES, Ms. mittee on Education and Labor, and in addi- BEATTY): WILSON of Florida, and Ms. CASTOR of tion to the Committees on Energy and Com- H.R. 6007. A bill to promote youth athletic Florida): safety and for other purposes; to the Com- merce, and Ways and Means, for a period to H. Res. 869. A resolution recognizing and be subsequently determined by the Speaker, mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- celebrating the significance of Black History dition to the Committee on Education and in each case for consideration of such provi- Month; to the Committee on Oversight and sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Labor, for a period to be subsequently deter- Reform. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- committee concerned. By Mr. JEFFRIES: By Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma sideration of such provisions as fall within H. Res. 870. A resolution electing a Member (for herself, Mr. COLE, Ms. HAALAND, the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. to a certain standing committee of the Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. DA- By Mr. PASCRELL (for himself, Mr. House of Representatives and ranking a BACON, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. RUTHER- Member on certain standing committees of VIDS of Kansas, Ms. BASS, and Mr. FORD, and Mr. COX of California): the House of Representatives; considered and TED LIEU of California): H. Res. 872. A resolution recognizing the H.R. 6008. A bill to direct the Attorney agreed to. vital importance of Native American partici- General to develop crisis intervention train- By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Ms. pation in the 2020 decennial census of popu- ing tools for use by first responders related MATSUI, Mr. LAMB, Ms. ROYBAL- lation; to the Committee on Oversight and to interacting with persons who have a trau- ALLARD, Mrs. DINGELL, Ms. Reform. matic brain injury, another form of acquired PRESSLEY, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. CLAY, brain injury, or post-traumatic stress dis- By Mrs. BEATTY: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. H. Res. 873. A resolution recognizing the order, and for other purposes; to the Com- DEFAZIO, Mr. COOPER, Ms. JOHNSON of mittee on the Judiciary, and in addition to impact and importance of improving preven- Texas, Mr. VELA, Mr. SUOZZI, Ms. tion, detection, and treatment modalities for the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for CASTOR of Florida, Mr. a period to be subsequently determined by African-American women with cardio- KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. CISNEROS, Ms. vascular disease and diabetes; to the Com- the Speaker, in each case for consideration WILD, Ms. NORTON, Mr. LARSON of of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- mittee on Energy and Commerce. Connecticut, Mr. NADLER, Mr. GRI- By Mrs. BEATTY: tion of the committee concerned. JALVA, Ms. MOORE, Ms. TLAIB, Ms. By Mr. PERLMUTTER (for himself and H. Res. 874. A resolution expressing support STEVENS, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. OCASIO-COR- for the annual Heart Valve Disease Aware- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina): TEZ, Mr. RUSH, Mr. LIPINSKI, Ms. PIN- H.R. 6009. A bill to amend the Energy Em- ness Day on February 22, 2020, coinciding GREE, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. ployees Occupational Illness Compensation with American Heart Month; to the Com- MUCARSEL-POWELL, Mr. POCAN, Mr. Program Act of 2000 to extend the sunset for mittee on Energy and Commerce. RASKIN, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, the Office of the Ombudsman; to the Com- By Mr. LATTA: Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, mittee on the Judiciary, and in addition to H. Res. 875. A resolution expressing the Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. the Committee on Education and Labor, for sense of the House of Representatives that JEFFRIES, Ms. GARCIA of Texas, Ms. a period to be subsequently determined by domain name registration information, re- PORTER, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. JOHNSON of the Speaker, in each case for consideration ferred to as ‘‘WHOIS’’ information, is critical Georgia, Mr. KILMER, Mr. GONZALEZ of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- to the protection of the United States na- of Texas, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. TONKO, Mr. tion of the committee concerned. tional and economic security, intellectual ENGEL, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mrs. WATSON property rights enforcement, cybersecurity, By Mr. PHILLIPS: ´ H.R. 6010. A bill to amend the Help Amer- COLEMAN, Ms. SANCHEZ, Mr. as well as the health, safety, and privacy of ica Vote Act of 2002 to support State and CICILLINE, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. its citizens, and should remain readily acces- local governments making a transition to BROWNLEY of California, Mr. CARSON sible; to the Committee on Energy and Com- ranked choice voting; to the Committee on of Indiana, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. SMITH merce. of Washington, Ms. MENG, Mr. House Administration. f By Mr. SCHIFF: GARAMENDI, Ms. LEE of California, H.R. 6011. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. PA- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY enue Code of 1986 to allow for nonrecognition NETTA, Mr. SOTO, Ms. WEXTON, Mrs. STATEMENT DAVIS of California, Mr. COURTNEY, of gain on real property sold for use as af- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of fordable housing; to the Committee on Ways Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. and Means. TRONE, Miss RICE of New York, Mrs. the Rules of the House of Representa- By Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia (for LURIA, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. tives, the following statements are sub- himself, Mr. STIVERS, Mrs. BEATTY, FRANKEL, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. VARGAS, mitted regarding the specific powers Mr. HILL of Arkansas, Ms. DEAN, and Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Ms. KAP- granted to Congress in the Constitu- Mr. LOUDERMILK): TUR, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 6012. A bill to require the Director of Mr. RYAN, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. joint resolution. the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protec- MCNERNEY, Mr. WELCH, Ms. GABBARD, By Ms. TLAIB: tion to establish a grant program to facili- Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. H.R. 5984. tate financial literacy programs, and for SABLAN, Ms. KUSTER of New Hamp- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ´ other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- shire, Ms. VELAZQUEZ, Mr. HASTINGS, lation pursuant to the following: cial Services. Mr. TAKANO, Mr. GOMEZ, Mr. RICH- Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution. By Mr. DIAZ-BALART (for himself, MOND, Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of By Mr. BUDD: Ms. CHENEY, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. WALTZ, Pennsylvania, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms. H.R. 5985. Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio, Mr. SCALISE, CRAIG, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. PRICE of Congress has the power to enact this legis- Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico, North Carolina, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, lation pursuant to the following: Ms. SHALALA, and Ms. MUCARSEL- Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. HAALAND, Mr. Under Article I, Section 8, the Necessary POWELL): LEWIS, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. and Proper Clause. Congress shall have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27FE7.100 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 power to make all laws which shall be nec- Article I, Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- essary and proper for carrying into Execu- Constitution lation pursuant to the following: tion the foregoing powers and all Powers By Mr. ENGEL: Article 1, Section 8 vested by this Constitution in the Govern- H.R. 5997. By Mr. PHILLIPS: ment of the United States, or in any Depart- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6010. ment of Officer thereof. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GRIJALVA: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5986. By Mr. GOLDEN: Article I, Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5998. Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Additionally, Article I, Section 4. U.S. Const. art. I, sec. 8, cl. 3 lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. SCHIFF: To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 6011. tions, and among the several States, and tion Congress has the power to enact this legis- with the Indian tribes; By Mr. HUFFMAN: lation pursuant to the following: U.S. Cont. art. IV, sec. 3, cl. 2, sen. a H.R. 5999. This bill is enacted pursuant to Congress’s The Congress shall have Power to dispose Congress has the power to enact this legis- power to lay and collect taxes, as enumer- of and make all needful Rule and Regula- lation pursuant to the following: ated in Article I, Section 8, Clause I of the tions respecting the Territory of other Prop- Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2: The Con- United States Constitution. erty belonging to the United States; gress shall have Power to dispose of and By Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia: By Mr. RATCLIFFE: make all needful Rules and Regulations re- H.R. 6012. H.R. 5987. specting the Territory or other Property be- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- longing to the United States; lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana: Article 1, Section 8 Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 H.R. 6000. By Mr. RATCLIFFE: Congress has the power to enact this legis- f H.R. 5988. lation pursuant to the following: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 H.R. 6001. were added to public bills and resolu- By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama: Congress has the power to enact this legis- tions, as follows: H.R. 5989. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 H.R. 151: Mr. BUDD. lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: H.R. 153: Mr. BABIN. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 6002. H.R. 366: Mr. DESAULNIER. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 372: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. By Mr. RUSH: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 383: Mr. CHABOT. H.R. 5990. Clause 18 of section 8 of article I of the H.R. 587: Mr. ABRAHAM. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. H.R. 803: Mrs. AXNE. lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: H.R. 856: Mr. RUTHERFORD. Article I Section 8 H.R. 6003. H.R. 906: Mr. NEAL and Mr. KATKO. By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 978: Mr. BERA. H.R. 5991. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 989: Mrs. AXNE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18—To make all H.R. 1043: Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma, lation pursuant to the following: Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Mr. DUNCAN, and Mr. HECK. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1049: Mrs. MILLER, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- ers, and to all other Powers vested by this Ms. SCHRIER, Mr. POCAN, Ms. TORRES SMALL ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and Constitution in the Government of the of New Mexico, Mr. BERA, and Mr. COSTA. among the several States, and with the In- United States, or in any Department or Offi- H.R. 1154: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. dian Tribes. cer thereof. H.R. 1325: Mr. COMER and Mr. STEUBE. By Mr. STANTON: By Mr. LIPINSKI: H.R. 1374: Mr. GOODEN. H.R. 5992. H.R. 6004. H.R. 1379: Mr. BRINDISI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1380: Mr. RESCHENTHALER. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1407: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Article 1 Section 8 Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 1443: Mr. KENNEDY. By Mr. BALDERSON: ‘‘To make all Laws which shall be nec- H.R. 1530: Mr. BILIRAKIS. H.R. 5993. essary and proper for carrying into Execu- H.R. 1553: Ms. ESHOO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion the foregoing Powers, and all other H.R. 1554: Ms. DELBENE. lation pursuant to the following: Powers vested by this Constitution in the H.R. 1597: Ms. SCHRIER, Ms. TLAIB, Ms. POR- Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- Government of the United States, or in any TER, and Mr. STANTON. tion Department or Officer thereof.’’ H.R. 1682: Mr. GOODEN. By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: By Mr. MALINOWSKI: H.R. 1711: Mr. CROW. H.R. 5994. H.R. 6005. H.R. 1766: Mr. FLORES, Ms. MUCARSEL-POW- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ELL, Mr. COOPER, and Ms. GARCIA of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1814: Mr. COOK, Ms. WATERS, Mr. TED Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (relating to Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- LIEU of California, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, and Ms. the power of Congress to regulate Commerce stitution of the United States. JUDY CHU of California. with foreign Nations, and among the several By Mr. PASCRELL: H.R. 1873: Mr. BRINDISI, Mr. DESAULNIER, States, and with the Indian Tribes.) H.R. 6006. and Mr. NADLER. By Mr. BILIRAKIS: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1920: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 5995. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2075: Ms. HOULAHAN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2086: Mr. KHANNA, Mr. TED LIEU of lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. California, and Mr. LAWSON of Florida. This bill is enacted pursuant to Article I, By Mr. PASCRELL: H.R. 2128: Mr. CARBAJAL and Mr. VARGAS. Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution of the H.R. 6007. H.R. 2148: Mr. PERLMUTTER. United States and Article I, Section 8, Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2150: Mr. KENNEDY. Clause 7 of the Constitution of the United lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2164: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. States. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 2208: Mr. HORSFORD and Ms. PRESSLEY. Article I, section 8 of the United State granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 2213: Mr. LOWENTHAL. Constitution, which grants Congress the 8, clause 18 H.R. 2271: Mr. COX of California. power to raise and support an Army; to pro- By Mr. PASCRELL: H.R. 2279: Mr. LAHOOD, Ms. SHERRILL, Ms. vide and maintain a Navy; to make rules for H.R. 6008. HOULAHAN, Ms. DEGETTE, and Mr. ALLEN. the government and regulation of the land Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2350: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. LEE and naval forces; and provide for organizing, lation pursuant to the following: of California, Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois, Mrs. arming, and disciplining the militia. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power LEE of Nevada, and Ms. HAALAND. By Mr. CICILLINE: granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 2477: Ms. HOULAHAN. H.R. 5996. 8, clause 18 H.R. 2491: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts and Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. PERLMUTTER: Mr. DESAULNIER. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6009. H.R. 2541: Mr. SPANO.

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H.R. 2708: Mr. KIM. H. R. 4814: Ms. STEFANIK. H.R. 5734: Ms. HAALAND. H.R. 2731: Mr. STEWART, Ms. BASS, Mr. H. R. 4817: Ms. STEFANIK. H.R. 5751: Mr. DESAULNIER. GOSAR, and Mrs. MCBATH. H. R. 4919: Mr. GOODEN, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. H.R. 5776: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina H.R. 2914: Ms. NORTON. COMER, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. and Mr. JOHN W. ROSE of Tennessee. H.R. 3107: Mr. BEYER and Mr. WEBER of LUCAS, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. ESTES, Mr. H.R. 5808: Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Texas. PALAZZO, Mr. BUCK, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. H.R. 5818: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mrs. MILLER. H.R. 3127: Mr. STEUBE. JOYCE of Pennsylvania, and Mr. GUEST. H.R. 5845: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 3157: Mr. MOULTON. H. R. 4959: Mr. PALMER. H.R. 5875: Mr. MEADOWS. H.R. 3192: Mr. HARDER of California. H. R. 5002: Mr. SPANO. H.R. 5884: Ms. NORTON, Mrs. BEATTY, and H.R. 3221: Mr. PHILLIPS. H. R. 5125: Mr. CONAWAY. Ms. SCHRIER. H.R. 3479: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H. R. 5164: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. H.R. 5889: Mr. CASTEN of Illinois. H.R. 3496: Ms. STEFANIK. H. R. 5169: Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 3627: Mr. WALBERG. H. R. 5170: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H.R. 5893: Ms. MOORE and Mr. WELCH. H.R. 3822: Mr. THOMPSON of California. H. R. 5191: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H.R. 5915: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 3932: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H. R. 5229: Mr. BALDERSON and Mr. H.R. 5919: Mr. CONNOLLY. H.R. 3964: Mrs. MILLER and Mr. SENSEN- SWALWELL of California. H.R. 5929: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois and Mr. BRENNER. H. R. 5234: Mr. YOUNG. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 3969: Ms. SPEIER. H. R. 5248: Mr. SERRANO. H.R. 5950: Mr. CA´ RDENAS. H.R. 3973: Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. CROW, Mr. H. R. 5297: Mr. CONNOLLY. H.R. 5955: Ms. LEE of California. FOSTER, Mr. COX of California, Mr. POCAN, H. R. 5306: Mr. CARTER of Georgia. H.R. 5961: Mr. EVANS. Ms. PINGREE, and Ms. JUDY CHU of California. H. R. 5309: Mr. CASTRO of Texas. H.R. 5969: Mr. CA´ RDENAS. H.R. 4002: Ms. JACKSON LEE. H. R. 5319: Ms. TORRES SMALL of New Mex- H.R. 5977: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. H.R. 4004: Ms. UNDERWOOD. ico. H. J. Res. 2: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. H.R. 4100: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H. R. 5475: Mr. ENGEL. H. Con. Res. 52: Ms. CLARK of Massachu- H.R. 4104: Mr. RUTHERFORD, Mr. CASTRO of H. R. 5510: Mr. CURTIS. setts and Mr. MEEKS. Texas, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. BROWNLEY of Cali- H. R. 5534: Ms. PORTER, Ms. BROWNLEY of H. Res. 23: Mr. STEIL. fornia, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mrs. NAPOLI- California, Mr. POCAN, Mrs. BROOKS of Indi- H. Res. 321: Mr. NORCROSS. TANO, Mr. GOODEN, and Ms. KUSTER of New ana, Mr. GOODEN, and Mr. SHIMKUS. H. Res. 643: Mr. POSEY and Mr. TAYLOR. Hampshire. H. R. 5544: Mr. COLE and Mrs. AXNE. H. Res. 775: Mr. GALLAGHER. H.R. 4138: Mr. KATKO. H. R. 5549: Mr. ALLRED. H. Res. 810: Mr. COX of California. H.R. 4141: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts and H. R. 5554: Ms. PINGREE. Ms. OMAR. H. R. 5563: Mr. COHEN. H. Res. 823: Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. TRONE, and H. R. 4348: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois and Ms. H. R. 5565: Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. RUSH. DAVIDS of Kansas. H. R. 5568: Mr. PAPPAS. H. Res. 840: Mr. DESAULNIER. H. R. 4399: Mr. PALMER. H. R. 5596: Mr. WATKINS. H. Res. 856: Mr. GRIJALVA. H. R. 4615: Ms. MOORE. H. R. 5602: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER and Mr. H. Res. 859: Ms. NORTON. H. R. 4708: Mr. KENNEDY and Mr. HARDER of JEFFRIES. H. Res. 861: Mrs. AXNE. California. H. R. 5626: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H. Res. 862: Mr. BOST, Ms. MATSUI, and Mrs. H. R. 4709: Mr. KENNEDY and Mr. HARDER of H. R. 5631: Ms. NORTON. WATSON COLEMAN. California. H. R. 5659: Mr. KEATING. H. Res. 864: Mr. GOTTHEIMER and Mr. H. R. 4752: Mr. PHILLIPS. H. R. 5701: Mr. RYAN. CISNEROS.

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