TWO BELLS of the Accident
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* ., N.*4,-.!*ee .. -10..•..,_:,_-_-.7-:-...----110-x.y. N:-- ,-......_ ., --::-.......:'-'.itriaun —itoiroigliv-_-.-... 4 ''..--"Ik47•44*, v,.. . '.. `5 - iiitii amps/ INFirottAIS Vol. XVI JULY 1935 No. 7 Published Monthly for the Employes of the Los Angeles Railway Number Seven Volume Sixteen July, Nineteen Thirty-five Publicity Manager and Editor JANET C. McNEILL The Wagner Bill Thinking Ahead Since the National Industrial Re- would be likewise unconstitutional if covery Act has been declared uncon- it attempted to accomplish what the stitutional, many inquiries are being Supreme Court says the Federal gov- By JOFIN COLLINS made regarding the effect upon em- ernment has no power to do. How- Supervisor of Safety ever, the Wagner Act expressly pro- ployer and employee relationships by This article is to call your particular the recently enacted Wagner Labor vides that it relates only to those who are engaged in interstate commerce attention to four of five things which Disputes Act. The question, of course, are leading some of our men into is of interest to the whole Los An- or whose business affects interstate commerce. Hence the Act will have trouble. geles Railway Organization. There are a number of men at each The Supreme Court of the United no application to the Los Angeles Railway and its employees. Division who have assumed responsi- States in the decision holding the bility for the first time in their lives, N. I. R. A. unconstitutional says: It will nevertheless be the policy of the Company, as heretofore an- and fail to realize the fact, for no man "The attempt through the pro- nounced, to continue so far as it is who did recognize it would gamble visions of the Codes to fix the able to do so, the practices established with the lives of others to gain a sec- hours and wages of employees by the Code. ond or two of time. He would neither * " in * * * intrastate business start too soon nor start roughly. He was not a valid exercise of Fed- would not hold the power on too long eral powers." .M.tituikw.4• nor withhold the application of air The Los Angeles Railway is in S until too late to stop clear of an auto- intrastate, not interstate, business. President. mobile standing on the track ahead. Hence, the Code under which it oper- He would even sound the gong as a ated became invalidated. warning when approaching cross It follows that the Wagner Act streets. Interference of cars is increasing. Provident Fund Remember, you can only have a col- On June 28, 1935, the Board lision of cars at a place where there New Duties of Administrators of the Los is a car to hit. If you start around a On July 1st Mr. H. A. Perryman, Angeles Railway Corporation curve and there is no car on the other who has been with the Company for Employes' Provident Fund sub- track near the curve, there can be no the past thirteen years, was appointed mitted to its members for deci- collision. If, however, a car is there, Superintendent of Traffic and Statis- sion by ballot alternative prop- you then have all the material out of tics. The Schedule Department now ositions: 1st, authorizing the which collisions are made, and that reports to the Superintendent Traffic liquidation and distribution of is the exact time to see that they do and Statistics. the Fund and, 2nd, granting an not occur. This same fact holds good The purpose of creating this new de- extension of the moratorium. at all curves, at all crossovers, at all partment is to contralize and coordi- The result of the election was track intersections, or while following nate the traffic statistics and research as follows: for liquidation, another car. work on which the schedules are 2,045; for extension, 99. Every new man in the service, while based, to avoid duplication of effort going up or down a steep grade. In the opinion of the Bank, should ask himself these questions: and to insure unity of policy; also to acting as Trustee for the Fund, relieve the Operating Department of What action would I take if my brakes and of the Company manage- failed? How would I control my car the burden of supervising the numer- ment the securities in which the ous studies which are necessary to under such conditions? By thinking funds have been invested will out your moves before finding yourself meet the constant changes in traffic. be liquidated and the proceeds Mr. Perryman is well qualified by in this position, you would have distributed within thirty days. planned action and do the right thing experience for the duties of his new All the funds are in securities job. His work as a statistician is well without debate, instead of becoming and the best market conditions known in both this country and in Eu- confused, delaying the action, or doing must be awaited, but the the wrong thing. rope. He is past president of the Los liquidation is now in progress. Angeles Chapter of the American Sta- We may know the cause of any in- tistical Association. jury but seldom know the real cause Page 2 TWO BELLS of the accident. Here is a warning: If you are worrying about personal Mechanical Meet troubles, lay off a few days and do Vacationists your worrying, because attempting to The regular monthly meeting of the operate a street car in that frame of Mechanical and Automotive Super- mind only leads to more trouble. visory forces was held on Saturday, Superintendent June 8, 1935. George E. Ferguson, The Instructors in correct operation of Division Three, with Mrs. Fergu- have been advised not to waste their William T. Brown opened the meet- son and their son returned from a time on the man who seems indiffer- ing by giving a series of comments on trip back to George's old home town ent to these instructions, nor the man "Methods Used in Interviewing and in the Ozark mountains, on June 30th. who will not follow them, because Selecting New Men," also, "The Re- George says the village where he there are too many men who are not action of Those That Had Been Ap- grew up, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, only willing, but anxious, to learn. proached Regarding Advancement Op- has dwindled from a town of 5,600 The job is only interested in the man portunities." population to one-half its size. De- to the extent that he is interested in J. T. Watts responded with a very pression, dust storms and floods have the job. The less he puts into it, the interesting paper. done their work. During a storm while less he gets out of it. C. H. Heywood gave a very inter- the Fergusons were there, it rained We want each trainman not only to esting explanation of his experience seven inches in two hours. learn, but to acquire the habit of cor- in using employe's name cards, form They had a fine trip and it was a rect operation, for it keeps him out of No. 231-E, which are used by the fore- wonderful and interesting vacation, trouble and this alone should be rea- man assigning and following the prog- but they were all thankful to cross son enough. ress of the various employes under the border into California and to be We know for an absolute certainty his supervision. home once again. that correct operation cuts down acci- Harry Longway said that his use dents, simplifies your moves, makes Supervisors Jesse Drayer, W. P. of the cards had been very satisfac- them accurate, and diminishes fatigue. Perry, M. R. Ballard, W. E. Gillibrand tory. You must make a conscientious effort and H. A. Redmond are all on vaca- to acquire this habit. However, you J. T. Watts said that he had been tion. Fishing trips and doing odd jobs succeed best when in competition with using a follow-up system for a number around home will make the vacation your own record. Yesterday it was of years, using a journal or log-book period pass swiftly, but we suspect thus and so. Now, after having had as the assignments to the individual that most of the time will be spent the experience of yesterday, is there men were made, and thought this an fishing. any good reason why today's record advantage on account of it creating a should be worse ? permanent record. Charles F. Egan is supposed to take H. E. Jordan explained the original a trip to Australia on his vacation, intention of the cards was to provide "flying over one day and flying back Hearts and Flowers the foreman with a consistent method, the next," but instead he will work in or automatic system, in the assign- his garden and we may expect to see For many years, Harold Conacher, ment of his work. He asked that each some pretty new varieties of carna- Foreman of "C" Inspection floor at foreman give the system some tions next season. South Park Shops, has smoked wed- thought, and said that possibly a book ding cigars on the other boys, but now system might be devised that would I. H. Seehorn is off for a thirty day it is his turn to set them up. answer the same purpose, and that vacation most of which he will spend further discussion of the system would getting a good rest at home. be brought up at one of our next meet- ings. F. T. Burchett is taking his vaca- On account of the number of fore- tion getting acquainted with home, men absent, due to vacations, the dis- and resting.