DOCUMENTS — Vs) This publication is also available in the following languages:

ES ISBN 92-77-66972-1 DA ISBN 92-77-66973-X DE ISBN 92-77-66974-8 GR ISBN 92-77-66975-6 FR ISBN 92-77-66977-2 IT ISBN 92-77-66978-0 NL ISBN 92-77-66979-9 PT ISBN 92-77-66980-2

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1991

ISBN 92-77-66976-4

Catalogue number: FX-58-90-312-EN-C

Printed in Luxembourg Introduction

The catalogue of documents lists the COM Docu• tained in the Eurovoc thesaurus. This thesaurus will be ments of the Commission of the European Commu• supplied to subscribers or users on request. nities, the Reports of the and the Opinions and Reports of the Economic and Social The index contains from one to five keywords for each Committee prepared during the reference period by document, set out in alphabetical order with as many the Office for Official Publications of the European permutations as there are keywords which makes Communities for distribution to the public. research easier. The keywords are followed by a reference number which refers to the sequence The COM Documents and the Opinions of the ESC are number in the catalogue (see detailed explanation on available on paper and microfiche, whereas from page 7). 1 January 1990, the Reports of the European Parlia• ment are available only on microfiche. Part III — The numerical index comprises all the documents in ascending numerical order, with the This version of the catalogue takes account only of corresponding microfiche number. documents of which English language texts have been prepared. There are parallel catalogues covering documents in each of the eight other official lan• Frequency and cumulation guages of the European Community. Cumulative catalogues are published regularly. These, together with an annual catalogue, complement the monthly lists which only contain the thematic index. Presentation

The catalogue is divided into three parts. Subscription system

Part I — The classified index provides a classification An attractive system of selective subscriptions is on by subject, of the titles, under 17 headings (see 'List of offer for the paper versions of the COM Documents headings' on page 8). and the Opinions of the ESC covered by this cata• logue either individually or in combination. Each complete entry is preceded by a sequence number, which appears only once for each document Microfiche subscriptions are also available, but only title. The title of a document, however, may sometimes for entire series, either individually or in combination. appear under more than one heading by virtue of the subject matter, and in this case the sequence number More information can be obtained from the sales is given on the right-hand side of these secondary offices whose addresses are given on the inside back entries but there is no bibliographic reference (see cover. detailed explanation on page 7).

Part II — The alphabetical index comprises all the Other publications keywords or key expressions appearing in the docu• ment. The list, compiled using the Eurovoc thesaurus Other European Community monographs — whether (multilingual list of Community terminology), is based classed as publications or documents — as well as mainly on analysis and subsequent redefinition of the periodicals are listed in the catalogue Publications of document using keywords or key expressions con- the European Communities. Institutions


Secrétariat général du Parlement européen Direction générale du greffe et des services généraux Division ­ Presse, information et publications ■ L­2920 Luxembourg Rue Ravenstein 2, B­1000 Bruxelles Tél.: 4 30 01 Tél.: 519 90 11


Secrétariat générai du Conseil Division · Information/Relations publiques » Direction ■ Information et documentation ■ L­2950 Luxembourg Rue de la Loi 170. B­1048 Bruxelles Tél.: 4379­3142 Tél.: 234 61 11


Division IX­C­1 Rue de la Loi 200. B­1049 Bruxelles 12, rue Alcide De Gasperi Tél.: 235 11 11 L­1615 Luxembourg Tél.: 4398­1


Service intérieur L-2920 Luxembourg Tél.: 4 76 21 Commission of the European Communities Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles

Bureau en Belgique Bureau à Marseille Office in Northern Ireland Bureau in België CMCI/Bureau 320 Windsor House 2, rue Henri-Barbusse 9/15 Bedford Street Rue Archimede 73 13241 Marseille Cedex 01 Belfast BT2 7EQ 1040 Bruxelles Tél. 91 91 46 00 Tel. 240 708 Archimedesstraat 73 Télex 402 538 EURMA Telex74 117CECBELG 1040 Brussel Télécopie 91 90 98 07 Telefax 248 241 Tél. 235 38 44 Télex 26 657 COMINF Β Télécopie 235 01 66 Office in Ireland • Rue Belliard 97-113 39. Molesworth Street Office in Wales Belliardstraat 97-113 2 4 Cathedral Road 1040 Bruxelles — 1040 Brussel Tel. 71 22 44 PO Box 15 Tél.: 234 21 11 Telex 93 827 EUCO El Cardiff CF1 9SG Teletax 71 26 57 Tel. 37 16 31 Telex 497 727 EUROPA Q Kontor i Danmark Teletax 39 54 89 • 43, Molesworth Street Hojbrohus Dublin 2 Østergade 61 Tel. 71 91 00 Postbox 144 1004 Kobenhavn K Office in Scotland Tit.: 33 14 41 40 Ufficio in Italia 7 Alva Street Telex 16 402 COMEUR DK Edinburgh EH2 4PH Teletax 33 11 12 03 / 33 14 12 44 Via Poli, 29 00187 Roma Tel. 225 20 58 Telex 727 420 EUEDIN Q ' Borsen Tel. 678 97 22 Teletax 226 41 05 DK-1217 Kobenhavn K Telex 610 184 EUROMAI Tit.: 33 14 33 77 Telecopia 679 16 58

Vertretung in der * Via IV Novembre, 149 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 00187 Roma United States of America Tel. 679 06 18/679 05 07 Zitelmannstraße 22 Washington 5300 Bonn 1 2100 M Street, NW Tel. 53 00 90 Ufficio a Milano (Suite 707) Fernschreiber 886 648 EUROP D Corso Magenta, 59 Washington, DC 20037 Fernkopie 5 30 09 50 20123 Milano Tel. (202) 862 95 00 Tel. 80 15 05 Telex 64 215 EURCOM NW * Bundeskanzlerplatz Telex 316 200 EURMIL I Telefax 429 17 66 Bonn-Center Telecopia 481 85 43 5300 Bonn Tel. 22 30 91 Bureau au Luxembourg New York Außenstelle Berlin Bâtiment Jean Monnet B/O Suboffice to the Washington office Kurfürstendamm 102 2920 Luxembourg 3 Dag Hammarskiöld Plaza 1000 Berlin 31 Tél. 430 11 305 East 47th Street Tel. 8 92 40 28 Télex 3423/3446 COMEUR LU New York, NY 10017 Fernschreiber 184 015 EUROP D Télécopie 43 01 44 33 Tel. (212) 371 38 04 Femkopie 8 92 20 59 Telex 012 396 EURCOM NY Vertretung in München Telefax 758 27 18 Erhardstraße 27 Bureau in Nederland 8000 München 2 Korte Vijverberg 5 Tel. 2 02 10 11 2513 AB Den Haag Femschreiber 5 218 135 Tel. 46 93 26 Femkopie 2 02 10 15 Telex 31 094 EURCO NL Nippon Telefax 64 66 19 Tokyo Europa House Γραφείο στην Ελλάδα 9-15 Sanbancho 2, Vassilissis Sofias * Lange Voorhout 27A Chiyoda-Ku T.K. 11002 Den Haag Tokyo 102 106 74 Athlna Tel. 62 49 41 Tel. 239 04 41 Tel. 724 39 82/3/4 Telex 28 567 COMEUTOK J Telex 219 324 ECAT GR Telefax 261 51 94 Teletax 724 46 20 Gabinete em Portugal Centro Europeu Jean Monnet Oficina en España Largo Jean Monnet, 1-10.° 1200 Lisboa Calle de Serrano. 41. 5' Tel. 54 11 44 Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera 28001 Madrid Telex 18 810 COMEUR Ρ Geneve Tel. 435 17 00/435 15 28 Telecópia 55 43 97 Télex 46 818 OIPE Case postale 195 Telecopia 276 03 87 37-39, rue de Vermont ' Largo Jean Monnet. 1-6.° 1211 Genève 20 ' Calle Fernán Flor, 4 1200 Lisboa Tél. 34 97 50 28014 Madrid Tel. 57 82 98 Télex 282 61/2 ECOM CH Tel. 429 33 52 Télécopie 34 23 31 Bureaux de représentation Office in the United Kingdom en France Jean Monnet House Venezuela Bureau à Paris 8 Storey's Gate 61, me des Belles-Feuilles London SW1Ρ 3AT Caracas 75782 Paris Cedex 16 Tel. 222 81 22 Avenida Orinoco Tél. 45 01 58 85 Telex 23 208 EURUK G Las Mercedes Télex Paris 611 019 COMEUR Teletax 222 09 00/222 81 20 Apartado 67 076 Télécopie 47 27 26 07 Las Américas 1061 A Caracas ' 288, Bid. St. Germain ' 2 Queen Anne's Gate Tel. 91 51 33 75007 Paris London SW14 9AA Télex 27 298 COMEU VC Tél. 45 50 34 11 Tel. 222 04 11 Telecopla 91 88 76

' Oficina de prensa θ información del Parlamento Europeo — Europa-Parlamentets Informationskontor — Presse- und Informationsbüro des Europäischen Parlaments — Γραφείο Τύπου και Πληροφοριών του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου — Information office of the European Parliament — Sureau de presse et d'information du Parlement européen — Ufficio stampa e informazione del Parlamento europeo — Informatiebureau van het Europese Parlement — Gabinete de Imprensa e Informação do Parlamento Europeu.


Classified index heading number title of heading

~4 Fisheries sequence number— -365 PE DOC A 2-162/85 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the enforcement title - of the common fisheries policy Rapporteur: Lord O'HAGAN bibliographic — reference

28.11.1985 - 25 pages ISBN 92-77-10187-3 catalogue number- AY-CO-85-209-EN-C microfiche number- EN - 85 - 66


Alphabetical index

- sea fishing fisheries policy, European cooperation 365- — sequence keywords - - fisheries policy number European cooperation, sea fishing 365- in catalogue ■ European cooperation sea fishing, fisheries policy 365

Part III

Numerical index

Number of document Sequence number Microfiche number I I PE DOC A 2-162/85 365 EN - 85 - 66

Note: Each series of documents has an ISSN number COM Documents: 0254-1475 EP Reports: 0256-2375 CES Opinions: 0255-0717 List of headings

The List of headings has been extensively revised and updated for the 1990 Annual and subsequent editions. The new list, more composite than before, assures greater precision for the classification of docu• ments because it has been better adapted to the needs of the catalogue.

01 Institutional questions 05 Social questions 1140 Development aid 0110 European integration 0510 Social policy 1150 European Development Fund and 0120 Activities of the institutions 0520 Health policy relations ACP/EEC 0130 Financial disposition — Budget 0530 Social protection and social 1160 Agreements with developing 0140 General information on the security countries Community 0540 European Social Fund 1170 European cooperation policy 1180 International questions

06 Laws and procedures 12 Energy 02 Customs union and commercial 0610 Treaties, intra-Community policy 1210 Energy policy agreements and conventions 1220 Euratom/nuclear energy 0210 Common Customs Tariff 0620 Community secondary legislation 0220 Customs regulations 1230 Coal and hydrocarbons 0630 Approximation of legislation 1240 Electricity 0230 Tariff quotas 0640 Rights and liberties 0240 Free movement of goods 1250 Soft energy 0250 Commercial policy 0260 Commercial agreements 07 Transport 13 Regional policy 0710 Transport policy 1310 Regional policy 0720 Land transport (road, railway) 1320 ERDF 0730 Maritime and inland water 03 Agriculture, silviculture and 14 Environment fisheries transport 0740 Air and space transport 1410 Environmental protection and 0310 Agricultural policy policy 0320 Agricultural structures — EAGGF 1420 Deterioration of the environment Guidance 08 Competition and undertakings 0330 Monetary measures — EAGGF 0810 Competition and competition 15 Scientific and technical Guarantee regulations research 0340 Animal production 0820 Undertakings 1510 Research policy 0341 Albumens 0830 Company law 1520 Energy and nuclear science 0342 Milk and milk products 1521 Radiation protection 0343 Meat, poultry and eggs 1530 Chemistry, physical science and 0344 Other animal products 09 Finance industrial processes 0345 Veterinary inspection 0910 Monetary policy and the EMS 1540 Medicine and biological science 0350 Vegetable production 0920 Financial integration and free 1550 Agronomics and food technology 0351 Cereals and rice movement of capital 1560 Information technology and 0352 Fruit and vegetables 0930 Taxation telecommunications 0353 Textile plants 0931 Tax harmonization 1570 Space research 0354 Live plants and floriculture 1580 Other sectors 0355 Wine and viticulture 0356 Alcohol 10 Economic questions — consumer 16 Information, education and 0357 Vegetable oils and fats culture 0358 Plant health 1010 Economic policy 1020 Internal market completion 1610 Information and communication 0359 Other vegetable products 1620 Documentation 0360 Means of agricultural production 1030 Industrial policy 1040 Tertiary sector 1630 Education policy — teaching 0370 Silviculture 1640 Culture 0380 Fisheries policy 1041 Banking, insurance 1042 Freedom of establishment and 0381 Fishing agreements 17 Statistics 0382 Fishing regulations provision of services 1050 Consumers and consumption 1710 General statistics 1720 Economy and finance 1730 Population and social conditions 04 Employment and labour 11 External relations 1740 Energy and industry 0410 Employment policy 1110 External relations 1750 Agriculture, silviculture and 0420 Labour market and freedom of 1120 Multilateral relations and fisheries movement for workers international organizations 1760 Foreign trade 0430 Vocational training 1130 Relations with third countries 1770 Services and transport 0440 Working conditions, health and 1131 Relations with the countries of 1780 Environment safety Central and Eastern Europe 1790 Others CLASSIFIED INDEX

PE DOC A 3-47/90 Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs on the Intergovernmental Classified index Conference in the context of Parliament's strategy for European Union Rapporteur: Mr David MARTIN 27.02.1990- 19 pp. ISBN 92-77-58504-8 AY-CO-90-061-EN-A microform 01 INSTITUTIONAL QUESTIONS PE DOC A 3-47/90 Annex Annex to the interim report drawn up by Mr D. Martin on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs Opinion of the Committee on External Economic Relations 0110 European integration 05.03.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-58693-1 AY-CO-90-072-EN-A COM(89) 524/2 final 619 microform Amended proposal for a Council Directive on voting rights ror Community nationals in local elections in their Member State of residence PE DOC A 3-99/90 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty! Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on economic and monetary union Rapporteur: Mr F. HERMAN COM(90) 265 final 27.04.1990-7 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on transitional ISBN 92-77-60214-7 measures concerning trade with the German Democratic AY-CO-90-I33-EN-A Republic microform (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 400/1 final PE DOC A 3-162/90 The Community and German unification Second interim report drawn up on behalf of the Volume I Committee on Institutional Affairs on the preparation of Part I - General explanatory memorandum the meeting with the national parliaments to discuss the Part II - Sector-by-sector explanatory memorandum future of the Community (the 'Assizes') 21.08.1990- 132 pp. Rapporteur: Mr. DUVERGER ISBN 92-77-63767-6 22.06.1990- 11 pp. CB-CO-90-421-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62307-1 AY-CO-90-197-EN-A microform COM(90) 400/II final The Community and German unification Volume II PE DOC A 3-162/90 Β Proposals for legislation Second interim report drawn up on behalf of the 31.08.1990- 199 pp. Committee on Institutional Affairs on the preparation of ISBN 92-77-63776-5 the meeting with the national parliaments to discuss the CB-CO-90-422-EN-C future of the Community (the 'Assizes') Rapporteur: Mr DUVERGER COM(90) -tOO/III final Part B: Explanatory statement The Community and German unification 04.07.1990-8 pp. Volume III ISBN 92-77-62623-2 Financial aspects AY-CO-90-208-EN-A 21.08.1990-8 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-63785-4 CB-CO-90-423-EN-C PE DOC A 3-163/90 Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on COM(90) 437 final Institutional Affairs on the principle of subsidiarity Re-examined proposal of the Commission on interim Rapporteur: Mr V. GISCARD D'ESTAING measures applicable after the unification of Germany 22.06.1990- 10 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to ISBN 92-77-62316-0 Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) AY-CO-90-198-EN-A 14.09.1990-5 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-64156-8 CB-CO-90-459-EN-C PE DOC A 3-163/90 Β PE DOC A 3-78/89 Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs on the principle of subsidiarity Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Part B: Explanatory statement on the annual report of the Commission of the European Rapporteur: Mr V. GISCARD D'ESTAING Communities to the Council on the economic situation in 04.07.1990- 12 pp. the Community and fixing economic policy guidelines ISBN 92-77-62632-1 for 1990 (C0M(89) 497 final - doc. C3-187/87) AY-CO-90-209-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr João CRAVINHO microform 30.11.1989-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-56506-3 AY-CO-89-360-EN-C PE DOC A 3-165/90 A Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs on the European Parliament's PE DOC A 3-82/89 guidelines for a draft constitution for the European Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Union Institutional Affairs on the report by the Council of the Part A: Motion for a resolution European Communities on progress towards European Opinion Union in 1988 Rapporteur: Mr E. COLOMBO Rapporteur: José Luis VALVERDE LOPEZ 25.06.1990- 11 pp. 30.11.1989- 16pp. ISBN92-77-62325-X ISBN 92-77-56081-9 AY-CO-90-199-EN-A AY-CO-89-337-EN-C microform


15 PE DOC A 3-165/90 Β 1. a Directive on interim measures applicable after the Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on unification of Germany in anticipation of the adoption of Institutional Affairs on the European Parliament's transitional measures by the Council in cooperation with guidelines for a draft constitution for the European the European Parliament (C3­293/90 ­ SYN 297) Union 2. a Regulation on interim measures applicable after the Part B: Explanatory statement unification of Germany in anticipation of the adoption of Rapporteur: Mr E. COLOMBO transitional measures by the Council either in 09.07.1990­ 10 pp. cooperation with or after consultation of the European ISBN 92­77­62759­X Parliament (C3­294/90) AY­CO­9Ü­219­EN­A Rapporteur: Mr Alan John DONNELLY microform 12.09.1990­8 pp. ISBN 92­77­64437­0 AY­CO­90­252­EN­A 16 PE DOC A 3­166/90 microform Second interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs on the Intergovernmental Conference in the context of PE DOC A 3-223/90 A Parliament's strategy for European Union Report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Rapporteur: Mr David MARTIN Affairs and Industrial Policy on Economic and 25.06.1990­ 18 pp. Monetary Union ISBN 92­77­62334­9 Rapporteur: Mr E. HERMAN AY­CO­90­200­EN­A Part A: Motion for a resolution microform 25.09.1990­ 13 pp. ISBN 92­77­64635­7 AY­CO­90­267­EN­A 17 PE DOC A 3-183/90 A microform Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Committee to consider the impact of process of German unification on the European Community, on the 23 CES(89) 1253 Implications of (Jennan unification on the European Opinion in preparation for the drawing­up of the Community opinion on the Commission's Annual Economic Report Rapporteur: Mr A. J. DONNELLY 1989/90 Part A: Motion for a resolution (doc. COM(89) 497 final) 09.07.1990­ 13 pp. 16.11.1989­ 11 pp. ISBN 92­77­62678­X ISBN 92­77­55919­5 AY­CO­90­215­EN­A EY­CO­89­151­EN­C microform EN­89­30

18 PE DOC A 3­183/90 Β Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Temporary Committee to consider the impact of the process of 0120 Activities of the institutions German unification on the European Community, on the implications of German unification on the European Community COM(89)411 final 562 Rapporteur: Mr A. J. DONNELLY Sixth Annual Report to the European Parliament on Part B: Explanatory statement Commission monitoring of the application of 09.07.1990 ­24 pp. Community law 1988 ISBN 92­77­62876­6 (presented by the Commission) AY­CO­90­224­EN­A microform COM(89)610rinal Proposal for a Council Decision fixing the number of 19 PE DOC A 3­183/90 C officials whose senke may be terminated in 1990 Interim report drawn upon behalf of the Temporary (presented bv the Commission) Committee to consider the impact of the process of 07.12.1989­4 pp. German unification on the European Community, on the ISBN 92­77­55606­4 implications of German unification for the European CB­CO­89­575­EN­C Community Rapporteur: Mr A. J. DONNELLY Part C: Opinions of the other committees COM(90) 114 final 09.07.1990­92 pp. Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation ISBN 92­77­62885­5 (EEC) on the establishment of the European AY­CO­90­225­EN­A Environment Agency and the European Environment microform Monitoring and Information Network (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Ankle 149(3) of the EEC­Treaty) 20 PE DOC A 3­203/90 Report of the temporary committee to consider the impact of the process of German unification on the 25 COM(90) 149 final European Community Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, Euratom, on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for EEC) amending Council Regulations No 6766/Euratom a Directive on interim measures applicable after the and No 121/66/EEC unification of German), In anticipation of the adoption (presented bv the Commission) of transitional measures by the Council in cooperation 23.04.1990­6 pp. with the European Parliament (COM(90> 400 · Vol II · ISBN 92­77­59612­0 C3­253/90­ SYN 297) CB­CO­90­174­EN­C on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Regulation on Interim measures applicable after the unification of Germany, In anticipation of the adoption COM(90) 190/2 final of transitional measures by the Council after The Community and the European Bank for consultation of the European Parliament (COM(90> 400 Reconstruction and Development ­ VollI­C3­254/90) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Rapporteur: Mr Alan John DONNELLY Articles of Agreement establishing a European Bank for 10.09.1990­ 15 pp. Reconstruction and Development ISBN 92­77­64428­1 (presented by the Commission) AY­CO­90­251­EN­A Corrigendum microform 25.07.1990­90 pp. ISBN 92­77­63011­6 CB­CO­90­392­EN­C 21 PE DOC A 3­204/90 Recommendation of the temporary committee to consider the impact of the process of German unification COM(90> 288 final on the European Community on the common positions Seventh annual report to the European Parliament on established by the Council with a view to the adoption of Commission monitoring of the application of


Community law -1989 411 final-doc. C3-133/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr K. DE GUCHT

27 PE DOC A 3-76/89 PE DOC A 3-179/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Second report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials Immunities on the amendment of Rule 126 of the Rules and Immunities on the amendment of Rules 56, 58 and of Procedure concerning the setting up and duties of 64 of the Rules of Procedure with reference to the interparliamentary delegations procedure in cases where two or more motions for Rapporteur: Mr Marc GALLE resolutions on the same subject are to be put to the vote 21.11.1989- 11 pp. Rapporteur: Mr HARRISON ISBN 92-77-55762-1 05.07.1990- 12 pp. AY-CO-89-332-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62669-0 AY-CO-90-214-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-88/89 565 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Verification of Credentials and Immunities on the request for the waiver of Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen's 0130 Financial disposition - Budget parliamentary immunity Rapporteur: Mr Jean DEFRAIGNE 34 COMI90) 75 final Preliminary draft 28 PE DOC A 3-95/89 Amending and supplementary Budget No 1/1990 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Volume 4 Rules of Procedures, the Verification of Credentials and Section III Immunities on the amendment of Rule 37<5) of the Rules Commission of Procedure concerning the drawing up of reports in (amended in line with the conclusions of the Council of cases where the power of decision has been delegated to 12 February 1990) a committee 13.02.1990-4 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Carlos Maria BRU PURON ISBN 92-77-57839-4 08.12.1989-7 pp. CB-CO-90-089-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56587-X AY-CO-89-362-EN-C COM(90) 112 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 29 PE DOC A 3-100/89 Council Regulation (EEC) No 283/72 concerning Report drawn up on behairof the Committee on irregularities and the recovery of sums wrongly paid in Budgetary Control on the appointment of one member connection with the financing of the common of the Court of Auditors of the European Communities agricultural policy and the organization of an (doc. C3-229/89) information system in this field Rapporteur: Mr Peter PRICE (presented by the Commission) 13.12.1989- 4 pp. 11.05.1990- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-56422-9 ISBN 92-77-59081-5 AY-CO-89-359-EN-C CB-CO-90-141-EN-C

30 PE DOC A 3-117/89 COM(90) 248 final Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on the Proposal for a Council Directive on aid on shipbuilding Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and (presented by the Commission) Immunities on the amendment of Rules 86 and 87 of the Rules Procedure concerning the temporary exclusion of Members COM(90) 436 final Rapprteur: Mr James L. JANSSEN van RAAY Commission report to the Council and to Parliament on 21.12.1989- II pp. the borrowing and lending activities of the Community ISBN 92-77-56812-7 in 1989 AY-CO-89-381-EN-C 25.09.1990-24 pp. ISBN 92-77-64266-1 CB-CO-90-473-EN-C PE DOC A 3-19/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal 1 37 PE DOC A 3-57/89 Β Affairs and Citizens Rights on the proposal from the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Commission to the Council for a Regulation amending on the draft general budget of the European the Staff Regulations of officials and the conditions of Communities for the financial vear 1990 employment of other servants of the European (Section III - Commission) (COM(89) 175 final - Communities (COM(88) 776 - Doc. C3-46/89) doc. C3-129/89) Rapporteur: Mr K. MALANGRÉ Part B: Explanatory statement 31.01.1990- II pp. Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON ISBN 92-77-57667-7 23.10.1989-7 pp. AY-CO-90-0I8-EN-A ISBN 92-77-54972-6 microform AY-CO-89-303-EN-C

32 PE DOC A 3-71/90 PE DOC A 3-57/89 C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Budgetary Control on the proposal for a Decision on the draft general budget of the European concerning the discharge to be granted to the Communities for the financial year 1990 (Section III - Commission of the European Communities in respect or Commission) (COM(89) 175 final - doc. C3-129/89) the ECSC accounts Tor the financial year 1988 (Annex of Part C: Decisions taken by the Committee on Budgets at the Court of Auditors to the 1988 ECSC Annual Report) its meeting οΓ 16, 17 and 18 October 1989 on the draft Rapporteur: Mrs M. HOFF amendments and proposed modifications 22.03.1990- 19 pp. Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON ISBN 92-77-59162-5 19.10.1989-59 pp. AY-CO-90-094-EN-A ISBN 92-77-54981-5 microform AY-CO-89-304-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-158/90 566 39 PE DOC A 3-57/89 D Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Report drawn up on behair or the Committee on Budgets Affairs and Citizens1 Rights on the Sixth Annual Report on the draft general budget of the European to the European Parliament on Commission monitoring Communities for the financial year 1990 (Section III - of the application of Community law - 1988 (COM(89) Commission) (COM(89) 175 final - doc. C3-129/89)


Part D: Opinions of the different Committees (doc. C3-183/89) Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON Rapporteur: Mrs Diemut R. THEATO 19.10.1989-220 pp. H.12.1989-4pp. ISBN 92-77-54990-4 ISBN 92-77-56377-X AY-CO-89-305-EN-C AY-CO-89-356-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-60/89 A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets PE DOC A 3-34/90 on the draft general budget of the European Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Communities for the financial year 1990 on draft supplementary and amending budget No 1 for Section 1 - Parliament the 1990 financial year (C3-43/90) Section II - Council Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON Annex: Economic and Social Committee 13.02.1990-3 pp. Section IV - Court of Justice ISBN 92-77-58216-2 Section V · Court of Auditors AY-CO-90-044-EN-A (doc. C3-129/89) microform Part A: Motion for a resolution Rapporteur: Mrs Diemut R. THEATO 23.10.1989-7 pp. 47 PE DOC A 3-63/90 ISBN92-77-55035-X Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on AY-CO-89-308-EN-C Budgetary Control on the closure of Parliament's accounts for the 1989 financial year (administrative expenditure) PE DOC A 3-60/89 Β Rapporteur: Mrs Dietmut R. THEATO Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets 13.03.1990-6 pp. on the draft general budget of the European ISBN 92-77-58909-4 Communities for the financial year 1990 AY-CO-90-085-EN-A Section I - Parliament microform Section II · Council Annex: Economic and Social Committee Section IV - Court of Justice PE DOC A 3-67/90 Section V - Court of Auditors (doc. C3-129/89) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Part B: Explanatory statement Budgetary Control on the Decision granting a discharge Rapporteur: Mrs Diemut R. ΤΗΕΑΓΟ to the Commission of the European Communities in 23.10.1989- 15 pp. respect of the implementation of the general budget of ISBN 92-77-55044-9 the European Communities for the financial vear 1988 AY-CO-89-309-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr John IVERSEN 22.03.1990-45 pp. PE DOC A 3-78/89 ISBN 92-77-59126-9 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on AY-CO-90-090-EN-A Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy microform on the annual report of the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on the economic situation in the Community and fixing economic polio guidelines PE DOC A 3-69/90 Tor 1990 (COM(89> 497 final - doc. C3-I87/87) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Rapporteur: Mr João CRAVINHO Budgetary Control on the discharge to be granted to the Administrative Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Berlin) and to the PE DOC A 3-93/89 Administrative Board of the European Foundation for Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for (Dublin) in respect of the implementation of their a Decision empowering the Commission to indemnify the appropriations for the 1988 financial vear EIB against losses under loans for projects in Hungarv Rapporteur: Mr Edward K EL LETT-BOWMAN and Poland (SEC(89> 1643 final - doc. C3-I73/89) 22.03.1990- 10pp. Rapporteur: Mr John TOMLINSON ISBN 92-77-59144-7 06.12.1989-9 pp. AY-CO-90-092-EN-A ISBN 92-77-56227-7 microform AY-CO-89-349-EN-C

PE DOC Α Λ-94/89 PE DOC A 3-70/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on on the aide-mémoire from the Commission of the Budgetary Control on discharge in respect of European Communities on the fixing of the ECSC levy- implementation of the budget of the European rale and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating Parliament for the financial vears 1986, 1987 and 1988 budget for 1990 (SEC(89) 1269 final - doc. C3-132/89) Rapporteur: Mr John TOMLINSON Rapporteur: Mr Detlev SAMLAND 22.03.1990-9 pp. 06,12.1989- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-59153-6 ISBN 92-77-56236-6 AY-CO-90-093-EN-A AY-CO-89-350-EN-C microform

PE DOC Λ 3-96/89 PE DOC A 3-71/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on on (he draft general budget of the European Budgetary Control on the proposal for a Decision Communities for the financial year 1990, Section III - concerning the discharge to be granted to the Commission, as modified by the Council (doc. C3-183/89) Commission of the European Communities in respect of Rapporteur: Mr John TOMLINSON the ECSC accounts for the financial vear 1988 (Annex of 11.12.1989-4 pp. the Court of Auditors to the 1988 ECSC Annual Report) ISBN 92-77-56245-5 Rapporteur: Mrs M. HOFF AY-CO-89-351-EN-C

45 PE DOC Λ 3-97/89 PE DOC A 3-72/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on on the Council's modifications to the European Budgetary Control on the discharge to be granted to the Parliament's amendments to Commission in respect of the financial management of Section I · Parliament the fourth, fifth and sixth European Development Funds Section II - Council (Annex: Economic and Social for the 1988 financial year Committee) Rapporteur: Mrs Barbara SIMONS Section IV · Court of Justice 22.03.1990- 18 pp. Section V - Court of Auditors ISBN 92-77-59171-4 of the draft general budget of the European AY-CO-90-095-EN-A Communities for the financial year 1990 microform


PE DOC A 3-79/90 A for the 1990 financial vear as modified by the Council Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets (C3-189/90) on the proposals for the revision and for the adjustment Rapporteur: Mr John TOMLINSON in line with the conditions of implementation, of the 09.07.1990-7 pp. financial perspective ISBN 92-77-62687-9 Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON AY-CO-90-216-EN-A Part A: Motion for a resolution microform 02.04.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-59315-6 AY-CO-90-103-EN-A microform 0140 General information on the Community 53 PE DOC A 3-79/90 Β Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposals for the revision and for the adjustment COM(89> 573 final 645 ín line with the conditions of implementation, of the Proposal for a Council Directive amending, with a view financial perspective to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions for Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, Part B: Explanatory statement dimensions and certain other technical characteristics of 02.04.1990- 12 pp. certain road vehicles ISBN 92-77-59324-5 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-90-104-EN-A microform COM(90) 91 final Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the 54 PE DOC A 3-79/90 C freedom of access to information on the environment Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets (presented by the Commission, pursuant to Article 149, on the revision of the financial perspective paragraph 3 of the EEC Treaty) Rapporteur: Mr J. TOMLINSON Part C: Opinions of other parliamentary committees 02.04.1990-28 pp. COM(90) 139 final ISBN 92-77-59333-4 Proposal fora Council recommendation on the AY-CO-90-105-EN-A coordinated introduction of Digital European Cordless microform Telecommunications (DECT) in the Community Proposal for a Council Directive on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of PE DOC A 3-81/90 A Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets in the Community on the guidelines proposed with a view to the (presented by the Commission) preparations for the 1991 budget Rapporteur: Mr Alain LAMASSOURE Part A: Proposal for a resolution COM(90) 215 final 02.04.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down ISBN 92-77-59342-3 measures to be taken to discourage the diversion of AY-CO-90-I06-EN-A certain substances to the illicit manufacture of narcotic microform drugs and psychotropic substances (presented by the Commission) 56 PE DOC A 3-81/90 Β Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets COM(90> 232 final on the guidelines proposed with a view to the Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on preparations for the 1991 budget package travel, package holidays and package tours Rapporteur: Mr Alain LAMASSOURE (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article Part B: Explanatory statement 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) 02.04.1990- 11 pp. ISBN 92-77-59351-2 AY-CO-90-107-EN-A COM(90) 288 final microform Seventh annual report to the European Parliament on Commission monitoring of the application of Community law - 1989 PE DOC A 3-113/90 (presented bv the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets 22.05.1990-203 pp. on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of the ISBN 92-77-61907^4 European Parliament for the financial vear 1991 CB-CO-90-320-EN-C Rapporteur: Mrs D. THEATO 14.05.1990- 7 pp. ISBN 92-77-60439-5 COM(90) 363 final AY-CO-90-139-EN-A Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the microform single administrative document (presented bv the Commission) 31.07.1990- 12 pp. 58 PE DOC A 3-145/90 ISBN 92-77-62912-6 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets CB-CO-90-384-EN-C on the classification of expenditure in the 1991 budget Rapporteur: Mr T. von der VRINiï 01.06.1990-20 pp. PE DOC A 3-80/89 ISBN 92-77-61691-1 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on AY-CO-90-181-EN-A Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy microform on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a recommendation on the coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based public radio paging in the PE DOC A 3-157/90 Community (COM(89) 166 final - doc. C3-77/89) Report draw η up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets Rapporteur: Dr Barn H. SEAL on the draft supplementary and amending budget No 2 30.11.1989- 14pp. for the 1990 financial vear (C3-129/90) ISBN 92-77-56039-8 Rapporteur: Mr John TOMLINSON AY-CO-89-334-EN-C 11.06.1990- 8 pp. ISBN 92-77-61736-5 AY-CO-90-186-EN-A PE DOC A 3-81/89 microform Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for PE DOC A 3-184/90 a Directive on the frequency bands to be reserved for the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based on the draft supplementary and amending budget No 2 public radio paging in the Community


(COMI89) 166 final ­ doc. C3­78/89) AY­CO­90­147­EN­A Rapporteur: Dr Barry H. SEAL microform 30.11.1989­ 12 pp. ISBN 92­77­56045­2 AY­CO­89­336­EN­C 70 PE DOC A 3-110/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and PE DOC A 3-88/89 Immunities on the introduction of a procedure in the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure for considering the Annual Report or Verification of Credentials and Immunities on the the Commission on the application of Community law in request for the waiver of Mr Jean­Marie Le Pen's conjunction with the rearrangement and amendment or parliamentary immunity Rules 29,72 and 73 Rapporteur: Mr Jean HI 1 li Mi. M Rapporteur: Mrs M. SALEMA 03.05.1990­ 10 pp. ISBN 92­77­60862­5 PE DOC A 3-117/89 AY­CO­90­145­EN­A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the microform Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities on the amendment of Rules 86 and 87 of the Rules Procedure concerning, the temporary exclusion of PE DOC A 3­160/90 Members Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Rapprteur: Mr James L. JANSSEN van RAAY Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the amended proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on control of the acquisition and 65 PE DOC A 3­Í0/90 possession οΓ weapons (COMI89) 446 ­ C3­28/90) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rapporteur: Mr K. von WOGAL' Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and 21.06.1990­22 pp. Immunities on the second request for the waiver or Mr ISBN 92­77­62271­7 Jean­Marie Le Pen's parliamentary immunity AY­CO­90­196­EN­A Rapporteur: Mr J. DEFRAIGNE microform 22.02.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92­77­58360­6 AYCO­90­049­EN­A 72 PE DOC A 3­169/90 microform Report on behalf of the Committee on Petitions on languages in the Community and the situation of Catalan Rapporteur/coordinator: Mrs REDING, Chairman PE DOC A 3­78/90 Co­rapporteurs: Mr GASOLIBA I BÖHM Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Mr GUTIERREZ DIAZ Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Mrs MIRANDA DE LAGE Immunities on provision for an opening address and the 27.06.1990-32 pp. role of the oldest Member ISBN 92­77­62795­6 Rapporteur: Mr J. JANSSEN VAN RAAY AY­CO­90­223­EN­A 27.03.1990­ 14 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-59558-2 AY­CO­90­I09­EN­A microform 73 PE DOC A 3­229/90 Report of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities on the third PE DOC A 3­87/90 request for Mr Jean­Marie LE PEN'S parliamentary Interim report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on immunitv to be waived Institutional Affairs on the preparation of the meeting Rapporteur: Mr José­Maria GIL­ROBLES with the national parliaments on the future or the 24.09.1990­ 12 pp. Community (the 'Assizes') ISBN 92­77­64662­4 Rapporteur: Mr M. DUVERGER AY­CO­90­270­EN­A 23.04.1990-5 pp. microform ISBN 92­77­59953­7 AY­CO­90­U7­EN­A CES(90) 660 microform Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending, with a view to fixing certain maximum 654 authorized dimensions for road trains. Directive PE DOC A 3-105/90 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and certain other Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on technical characteristics of certain road vehicles Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the (doc. COMI89) 573 final) Commission to the Council for a Directive amending. with a view to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions for road trains. Directive 85 3 EEC on the CES(90) 829 weights, dimensions and certain other technical Opinion on the economic situation in the Communitv in characteristics oT certain road vehicles (COMI89) 573 ­ mid­1990 C3­243/89) 05.07.1990­ 13 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Edward McMILLAN­SCOTT ISBN 92­77­63453­7 EY­CO­90­106­EN­C EN­90­20 PE DOC A 3­107/90 Report drawn up on behåll or the Committee on Petitions on the deliberations or the Committee on Petitions during the parliamentary year 1989­1990, with indications as regards future procedure Tor handling CUSTOMS UNION AND petitions Rapporteur: Mrs V. Ill HIM . 02 COMMERCIAL POLICY 02.05.1990­ 20 pp. ISBN 92­77­60844­7 AY­CO­90­I43­EN­A microform 0210 Common Customs Tariff 69 PE DOC A 3­109/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and COMI89) 547 final Immunities on the amendment of Rules 56, 58 and 64 of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending the Rules of Procedure with reference to the procedure Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff ami statistical in cases where two or more motions for resolutions on nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff the same subject are to be put to the vote (presented bv the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr HARRISON 09.ll.l989-5pp. 03.05.1990­ II pp. ISBN 92­77­54463­5 ISBN 92­77­60950­8 CB­CO­89­507­EN­C


COMI90) 268/2 final 87 82 COM(90)113 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a Regulation (EEC) No 2915/79 determining the groups of definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of small-screen products and the special provisions for calculating levies colour television receivers originating in the Republic of on milk and milk products and amending Regulation Korea and collecting definitively the provisional duty (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical (presented by the Commission) nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff 26.03.1990-29 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58927-2 Corrigendum CB-CO-90-127-EN-C

COM(90) 198 final 0220 Customs regulations Re-examined proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on information given by the customs authorities of the Member States on the classification of goods in the customs nomenclature 76 COM(89> 455 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) Regulation (EEC) No 2347/87 imposing a definitive 08.05.1990-9 pp. anti-dumping duty on mechanical wrist-watches ISBN 92-77-59846-8 originating in the USSR CB-CO-90-189-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 13.10.1989- 4pp. ISBN 92-77-53138-X 84 COM(90) 223 final CB-CO-89-420-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of barium chloride originating in the People's Republic of China COM(89) 462 final 678 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) repealing 05.06.1990- 12 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 3042/89 extending the ISBN 92-77-60628-2 anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) CB-CO-90-233-EN-C No 3651/88 to certain serial-impact dot-matrix printers assembled in the Community (presented by the Commission) 85 COM(90) 245 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2089/84 imposing a definitive 77 COM(89> 554 final anti-dumping duty on imports of certain ball bearings Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) reducing the originating in Japan levies on certain agricultural products originating in (presented by the Commission) developing countries 18.06.1990-25 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-61004-2 06.11.1989-7 pp. CB-CO-90-263-EN-C ISBN 92-77-54596-8 CB-CO-89-516-EN-C 86 COM(90) 252 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a 78 COM(89) 555 final definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of monosodium Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation glutamate originating in Indonesia, the Republic of (EEC) applying generalized tariff preferences for 1990 Korea, Taiwan and Thailand and definitively collecting in respect of certain agricultural products originating in the provisional anti-dumping duty imposed on such developing countries imports (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 06.11.1989-5 pp. 11.06.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-54578-X ISBN92-77-61076-X CB-CO-89-514-EN-C CB-CO-90-271-EN-C

COM(89) 590 final COM(90) 268 final 295 Re-examined proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending on the security to be given to ensure payment of a Regulation (EEC) No 2915/79 determining the groups of customs debt products and the special provisions for calculating levies (presented by the Commission pursuant to on milk and milk products and amending Regulation Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical 13.12.1989-8 pp. nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff ISBN 92-77-55206-9 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-89-549-EN-C COM(90> 268/2 final 80 COM(89) 659 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a Regulation (EEC) No 2915/79 determining the groups of definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain products and the special provisions for calculating levies compact disc players originating in Japan and the on milk and milk products and amending Regulation Republic of Korea and collecting definitively the (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical provisional duty nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 05.01.1990- 33 pp. Corrigendum ISBN 92-77-56488-1 03.08.1990- 10 pp. CB-CO-90-004-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63418-9 CB-CO-90-404-EN-C COM(90) 1 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 88 COM(90) 291 final Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the European Communities provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of tungsten (presented by the Commission) ores and concentrates originating in the People's Republic of China (presented by the Commission) COM(90> 2 final 25.06.1990-4 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the ISBN 92-77-61889-2 provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of small CB-CO-90-318-EN-C screen colour television receivers originating in the Republic of Korea (presented bv the Commission) 89 COM(90) 292 final 08.01.1990-4 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the ISBN 92-77-56497-0 provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of tungstic CB-CO-90-005-EN-C oxide and tungstic acid originating in the People's


Republic of China COM(90>391 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending for 26.06.1990-5 pp. 1990 the generalized tariff preferences for certain ISBN 92-77-61835-3 products originating in Iraq CB-CO-90-3I6-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending for 1990 the levy reductions for certain agricultural products originating in Iraq COM(90) 294 final Draft for a Decision of the Representatives of the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the Governments of the Member States meeting within the provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of tungsten Council suspending for 1990 the generalized tariff carbide and fused tungsten carbide originating in the preferences for certain iron and steel products People's Republic of China originating in Iraq (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 25.06.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-61898-1 CB-CO-90-319-EN-C COMI90) 395 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the exclusion of milk products from inward-processing CONK90) 295 final arrangements and of recourse to certain usual forms of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a handling definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain types (presented by the Commission) of electronic micro-circuits known as DRAMs (dynamic 05.09.1990-7 pp. random access memories) originating in Japan and ISBN 92-77-64066-9 CB-CO-90-449-EN-C collecting definitively the provisional duty (presented bv the Commission) 28.06.1990-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-61997-X COM(90) 402 final CB-CO-90-326-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of tungsten carbide and fused tungsten carbide originating in the i COMI90) 299 final People's Republic of China and definitively collecting the provisional duty >: Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a (presented bv the Commission) definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of ferroboron 12.09.1990 -'16 pp. originating in Japan and definitively collecting the ISBN 92-77-64012-X provisional anti-dumping duties imposed on such imports (presented bv the Commission) CB-CO-90-448-EN-C 05.07.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-62242-3 CB-CO-90-341-EN-C 99 COM(90) 419 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2112/90 which imposed a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain types 93 COM(90) 300 final of electronic microcircuits known as DRAMs (dynamic Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a random access memories) originating in Japan and definitive antidumping duty on imports of silicon metal collecting definitively the provisional duty originating in the People's Republic of China (presented bv the Commission) (presented bv the Commission) 06.09.1990-5 pp. 28.06.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-63868-0 ISBN 92-77-62097-8 CB-CO-90-330-EN-C CB-CO-90-432-EN-C

COM(90) 422 final COM(90) 316 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of potassium Regulation (EEC) No 1210/88 establishing import permanganate originating in the USSR mechanisms for certain processed products obtained (presented bv the Commission) from sour cherries and originating ín Yugoslavia 11.09.1990-4 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-63994-6 CB-CO-90-W6-EN-C

COMI90) 346 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) repealing COM(90) 463 final Regulation (EEC) No 2347/87 imposing a definitive Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a anti-dumping duty on mechanical wrist-watches definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of pure silk originating in the USSR typewriter ribbon fabrics originating in the People's (presented bv the Commission) Republic of China and definitively collecting the 23.07.1990-9 pp. provisional anti-dumping duty imposed on such imports ISBN 92-77-62840-5 (presented bv the Commission) CB-CO-90-380-HN-C 09.10.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-64302-1 CB-CO-90-477-EN-C COM(90) 370 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the elimination of con t rob and formalities applicable to the COM(90) 478 final cabin and checked baggage of passengers taking an Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily intra-Community flight and the baggage of passengers suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff making an Intra-Community sea crossing duty on certain industrial products (in the chemical and (presented bv the Commission) allied sectors) 31.07.1990- 14 pp. (presented bv the Commission) ISBN 92-77-62930-4 I2.l0.l990-'l2pp. CB-CO-90 386-EN-C ISBN 92-77-64725-6 CB-CO-90-502-EN-C

COM(90) 383 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a 103 COM(90) 480 final definitive anti-dumping duly on imports of tungsten ores Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending and concentrates originating in the People's Republic of wholly or in part the Common Customs Tariff duties on China and definitively collecting the provisional certain agricultural products originating in Turkey anli-dumpingduty imposed on such imports (1991) (presented by the Commission) (presented bv the Commission) 14.08.1990- 10pp. 12.10.1990 -8 pp. ISBN 92-77-63668-8 ISBN 92-77-64545-8 CB-CO-90-416-EN-C CB-CO-90-494-EN-C


COM(90) 489 final 925 108 COM(89) 585 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariffand 1990, the quota applicable for imports into Portugal of statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs live swine from the Community as constituted at Tariff as regards the rate of duty applicable to gas oil of 31 December 1985 subheading 2710 00 69 (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 05.12.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-55125-9 CB-CO-89-543-EN-C PE DOC A 3-123/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 109 COM(89) 593 final on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and a Regulation on the statistical classification of economic providing for the administration of an autonomous activities in the European Communities (COM(90) 1 Community tariff quota for newsprint (1989) and final - C3-51/90) extending this quota to include other types of paper Rapporteur: Mr K. von VVOGAU (presented by the Commission) 27.11.1989-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-55275-1 CESÍ90) 650 CB-CO-89-554-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Communities 110 COM(89) 595 final (doc. COM(90) 1 final) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) increasing the volume of the Community tariff quota opened for 1989 for a certain form of polyvinylpyrrolidone (presented by the Commission) 0230 Tariff quotas 29.11.1989-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-55384-7 CB-C0-89-563-EN-C 104 COM(89) 539 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 111 COM(89) 615 final Regulations (EEC) No 1787/89 and (EEC) No 1788/89 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and opening and providing for the administration of providing for the administration of autonomous tariff Community tariff quotas for animals of certain quotas for coffee, not roasted and not decaffeinated, and mountain breeds for cocoa beans, whole or broken (1990) (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 03.11.1989-6 pp. 07.12.1989-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-54445-7 ISBN 92-77-55825-3 CB-CO-89-505-EN-C CB-CO-89-590-EN-C

105 COM(89) 556 final COM(89) 616 final Draft Decision of the EEC-(A) Joint Committee Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the providing for the administration of autonomous concept of 'originating products' and methods of Community tariff quotas for certain fishery products administrative cooperation following the suspension of (1990) customs duties applicable by the Community of Ten and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) partially and (A) to imports from Spain temporarily suspending the autonomous duties of the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Common Customs Tariffon certain fish fillets application of Decision No /89 of the EEC-(A) Joint (presented bv the Commission) Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the 06.12.1989 -9 pp. · definition of the concept of 'originating products' and ISBN 92-77-55724-9 methods of administrative cooperation CB-CO-89-581-EN-C (presented by the Commission) (A) Austria/Finland/Iceland/Norwav/Sweden/Switzerland 14.11.1989 - 6 pp. 113 COM(89) 618 final ISBN 92-77-54702-2 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and CB-CO-89-521-EN-C providing for the administration of autonomous Community tariff quotas for certain agricultural and chemical products (1990) 106 COM(89) 565 final (presented bv the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 08.12.1989-8 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 concerning the import ISBN92-77-55715-X arrangements applicable to products falling within CN CB-CO-89-580-EN-C codes 0714 10 10,0714 10 90 and 0714 90 10 and originating in certain third countries (presented bv the Commission) 114 COM(90) 6 final 14.11.1989-7 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening a ISBN 92-77-54789-8 special autonomous import quota for 1990 for CB-CO-89-524-EN-C high-quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef covered by CN codes 0201 and 0202 and for products covered bv CN codes 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 COM(89) 566 final 417 (presented bv the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 30.01.1990 -*7 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 1471/88 concerning the ISBN 92-77-56845-3 arrangements applicable to imports of sweet potatoes CB-CO-90-021-EN-C and manioc starch intended for certain uses as regnrds imports of sweet potatoes intended for uses other than human consumption and originating in the People's 115 COM(90) 12 final Republic of China for 1990 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented by the Commission) providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for cut flowers and flower buds, fresh, originating in Cvprus, Israel, Jordan or Morocco 107 COM(89)581 final (1990/91) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented bv the Commission) providing for the administration of a Community quota 25.01.1990-9 pp. for chemically-pure fructose originating in third ISBN 92-77-56891-7 countries not bound to the Community by a preferential CB-CO-90-027-EN-C trade agreement (1990) (presented by the Commission) 22.11.1989-6pp. 116 COMI90) 22 final ISBN 92-77-55300-6 Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) opening and CB-CO-89-555-EN-C providing for the administration of Community tariff


quotas for quality wines, originating in Austria (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third (presented by the Commission) paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) 30.01.1990-6 pp. 22.02.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-56873-9 ISBN 92-77-57857-2 CB-CO-90-025-EN-C CB-CO-90-09I-EN-C

117 COM(90)31 final 125 COM(90) 83 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for quality wines produced In the specified quotas for frozen hake fillets and for processing work in regions of Jerez« Malaga, Jumilla, Prioruta. Rioja and respect of certain textile products under Community Valdepeñas (1990/1991) outward processing arrangements (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 30.01.1990 -7 pp. 09.03.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-56900-X ISBN 92-77-58315-0 CB-CO-90-028-EN-C CB-CO-90-U2-EN-C

118 COM(90) 33 final COM(90) 87 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending providing for the administration of a Community tariff Regulation (EEC) No 2763/83 on arrangements quota for Chinese cabbages, originating in the Canary permitting goods to be processed under customs control Islands (1990) before being put into free circulation (presented by the Commbsion) (presented by the Commission) 01.02.1990-5 pp. 14.03.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-57414-3 ISBN 92-77-58495-5 CB-CO-90-066-EN-C CB-CO-90-U6-EN-C

119 COM(90) 34 final COM(90) 93 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily providing for the administration of a Community tariff suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff quota for apricot pulp originating in Turkey duties on a number of industrial products (presented by the Commbsion) (microelectronics and related sectors) 01.02.1990-7 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-57017-2 CB-CO-9O-037-EN-C COM(90) 102 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and COM(90) 37 final providing for the administration of a Community tariff Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) opening and quota for rum, tafia and arrack originating in the providing for the administration of a Community tariff African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) (1990/1991) quota for certain wines having a registered designation (presented bv the Commission) or origin, and originating in Morocco (1990/1991) 27.03.1990- 12 pp. (presented bv the Commbsion) ISBN 92-77-58729-6 31.01.1990-9pp. CB-CO-90-123-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56999-9 CB-CO-90-035-EN-C COM(90) 107 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) applying COM(90) 65 final :w Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily supplementary generalized tariff preferences in respect suspending the autonomous common customs tariff of certain industrial products originating in developing duties on a number of agricultural products countries and sold at the Berlin 'Partners in Progress' (presented by the Commbsion) Fair (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 66 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily COM(90) 116 final suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and duties on a chemical product providing for the administration of a Community tariff (presented by the Commbsion) quota for herring, fresh or chilled, originating in Sweden 16.02.1990-8 pp. (presented bv the Commission) ISBN 92-77-57748-7 02.04.1990-6 pp. CB-CO-90-079-EN-C ISBN 92-77-59054-8 CB-CO-90-138-EN-C 122 COM(90) 67 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 129 COM(90) 117 final providing for the administration of Community tariff Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and quotas for certain agricultural products originating in providing for the administration of autonomous Cyprus, Morocco and Israel Community tarifTquotas for certain agricultural and (presented by the Commbsion) chemical products (1990) 16.02.1990- 12 pp. (presented bv the Commission) ISBN 92-77-57784-3 02.04.1990 -7 pp. CB-CO-90- 08 2- EN-C ISBN 92-77-59072-6 CB-CO-90-140-EN-C

123 COM(90) 71 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing a 130 COM(90) 120 final Community Customs Code Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) determining providing for the administration of an autonomous the cases and the special conditions under which the Community tariff quota for gas oil of low sulphur temporary importation arrangements may be used with content total relief from import duties (presented bv the Commission) (presented by the Commbsion) 03.04.1990-7 pp. 28.02.1990-225 pp. ISBN 92-77-59063-7 ISBN 92-77-57929-3 CB-CO-90-139-EN-C CB-CO-90-098-EN-C COM(90) 127 final 124 COM(90) 76 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive providing for the administration of a Community tariff amending Directive 69/169/EEC to increase in real terms quota Tor rum, tafia and arrack, originating in the the tax paid allowances in Intra-Community travel overseas countries and territories associated with the


European Economic Community (OCT) (1990/91) particular for sour cherries, marinated in alcohol (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 06.04.1990- 10 pp. 25.06.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-59189-7 ISBN 92-77-61601-6 CB-CO-90-144-EN-C CB-CO-90-305-EN-C

132 COM(90) 150 final 139 COM(90) 311 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff providing for the administration of Community tariff quota for heifers and cows, other than those intended for quotas for dried figs and certain dried grapes coming slaughter, of certain mountain breeds from Spain (1991) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented bv the Commission) providing for the administration of a Community tariff 10.07.1990-5 pp. quota for bulls, cows and heifers, other than those ISBN 92-77-62223-7 intended for slaughter, of certain Alpine breeds CB-CO-90-338-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 10.05.1990- 14 pp. ISBN92-77-59621-X COM(90) 313 final CB-CO-90-175-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing ceilings and Community supervision for imports of certain products originating in Yugoslavia (1991) 133 COMI90) 236 final (presented bv the Commission) Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) 10.07.1990-31 pp. opening and providing for the administration of a ISBN 92-77-62232-6 Community tariff quota for rum, tafia and arrack CB-CO-90-339-EN-C originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) (1990/91) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 141 COM(90) 315 final of the EEC-Treaty) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 05.06.1990- 14 pp. providing for the administration of Community tariff ISBN 92-77-60977-X quotas for certain chemical and industrial products CB-CO-90-260-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 11.07.1990-7 pp. COM(90) 242 final 812 ISBN 92-77-62251-2 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the CB-CO-90-342-EN-C conclusion of the Protocol of Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 320 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff 134 COM(90) 249 final quota for beer made from malt originating in Malta Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (1991) providing for the administration of autonomous (presented by the Commission) Community tariff quotas for certain chemical products 12.07.1990 -6 pp. (1990) ISBN 92-77-62470-1 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-357-EN-C 12.06.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-61313-0 CB-CO-90-280-EN-C 143 COM(90> 325 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff 135 COM(90) 250 final quotas for certain agricultural products originating in Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) increasing the Cyprus (1991) volume of the Community tariff quota opened for 1990 (presented bv the Commission) for a certain form of synthetic poly-alpha-olefine 12.07.1990-12 pp. (presented by the Commission) 1SBN92-77-62289-X 12.06.1990-5 pp. CB-CO-90-344-EN-C ISBN 92-77-61367-X CB-CO-90-286-EN-C COM(90) 326 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and COM(90) 253 final providing for the administrât inn of a Community tariff Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily quota for certain kinds of prepared and preserved tunas suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff coming from Portugal (1991) duties on a number of industrial products (in the (presented bv the Commission) chemical and allied sectors) 12.07.1990-5 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-62479-5 CB-CO-90-358-EN-C COMI90) 255 final Communication from the Commission to the Council concerning a proposal for a Council Decbion on the 145 COM(90) 332 final signature of the Convention on temporary admission of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and the Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) providing for the administration of an autonomous 14.06.1990-2 pp. Community tariff quota for a chemical product named ISBN 92-77-61457-9 terfenadine CB-CO-90-294-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 16.07.1990 -7 pp. ISBN 92-77-62524-4 137 COM(90) 261 final CB-CO-90-363-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) increasing the volume of the Community tariff quota opened for 1990 for fcrro-chromium containing more than 6% by weight COM(90) 3^i final of carbon Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented by the Commission) providing for the administration of Community tariff 15.06.1990-6 pp. quotas bound in GATT for certain agricultural and ISBN 92-77-61466-8 industrial products CB-CO-90-295-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain fruits and fruit juices 138 COM(90) 281 final (presented bv the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 20.07.1990-'17 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 3905/89 opening and providing for ISBN 92-77-62741-7 the administration of Community tariff quotas in CB-CO-90-374-EN-C


COM(90) 338 final electronics sectors Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented bv the Commission) providing for the administration of Community tariff 13.09.1990-8 pp. quotas for certain hand-woven fabrics, pile and chenille ISBN 92-77-63940-7 (1991) CB-CO-90440-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for certain hand-made products (1991) 156 COM(90) 424 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establbhing 19.07.1990 -33 pp. Community surveillance for certain agricultural ISBN 92-77-62732-8 products originating in Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Egypt, CB-CO-90- 373-EN-C Jordan, Israel, Tunisia, Syria, Malta and Morocco which are subject to reference quantities (1991) (presented bv the Commission) COM(90) 380 final 21.09.1990-7 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and ISBN 92-77-64120-7 providing for the administration of Community tariff CB-CO-90-454-EN-C quotas for agricultural and fishery products originating in certain EFTA countries (presented by the Commbsion) COM(90) 435 final 21.08.1990-8 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) increasing the ISBN 92-77-58279-0 volume of the Community tariff quota opened for gas oil CB-CO-90- 108-EN-C of low sulphur content (presented bv the Commission) 21.09.1990-5 pp. 149 COM(90) 386 final ISBN 92-77-64112-6 Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) opening and CB-CO-90-455-EN-C providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain agricultural products originating in Israel (1991) 158 COM(90) 444 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 21.08.1990- 10 pp. providing for the administration of Community tariff ISBN 92-77-63364-6 quotas for cod and fish of the species Boreogadus saida, CB-CO-90-403-EN-C dril- l salted or in brine, originating in Norway ( 1991 ) (presented bv the Commission) 27.09.1990-7 pp. 150 COM(90) 394 final ISBN 92-77-64201-7 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and CB-CO-90-J64-EN-C providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for prepared or preserved sardines originating in Morocco (1991) COM(90) 457 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establbhing 05.09.1990-7 pp. ceilings and Community surveillance for imports of ISBN 92-77-63749-8 certain textile products originating in Malta (1991) CB-CO-90-419-EN-C (presented bv the Commission) 02.10.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-64284-X COM(90)4U final CB-CO-90475-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of a Community preferential ceiling for certain petroleum products 160 COM(90) 459 final refined In Turkey and establbhing Community Draft Decision of the representatives of the Governments surveillance for imports thereof (1991) of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel (presented by the Commbsion) Community, meeting within the Council establbhing 11.09.1990- 10pp. ceilings and Community supervision for imports of certain goods falling within the ECSC Treaty originating ISBN 92-77-63886-9 in Yugoslavia (1991) CB-CO-90-434-EN-C 03.10.1990-21 pp. ISBN 92-77-64374-9 152 COM(90> 412 final CB-CO-90-485-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for fresh or dried hazelnuts, shelled or not, COM(90) 460 final originating in Turkey (1991) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and (presented by the Commbsion) providing for the administration of a Community quota 12.09.1990- 7 pp. for chemically-pure fructose originating in third ISBN 92-77-63913-X countries not bound to the Community by a preferential CB-CO-90-437-EN-C trade agreement (1991) (presented bv the Commission) 03.10.1990 -6 pp. COM(90> 413 final ISBN 92-77-64293-9 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and CB-CO-90-476-EN-C providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain products originating in Yugoslavia (1991) COM(90) 466 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 12.09.1990- 12 pp. providing for the administration of Community tariff ISBN 92-77-63922-9 quotas for some products originating in the Canary CB-CO-90-438-EN-C Islands (1991) (presented bv the Commission) 05.10.1990 -8 pp. 154 COMI90) 417 final ISBN 92-77-64383-8 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening, CB-CO-90-486-EN-C allocating and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for frozen peas originating in Sweden (1991) 163 COM(90) 468 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 20.09.1990-6 pp. providing for the administration of a Community tariff ISBN 92-77-63985-7 quota for meat of bovine animals, frozen, falling within CB-CO-90-445-EN-C CN code 0202 and products falling within CN code 0206 29 91 (1991) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening a 155 COM(90) 420 final Community tariff quota for high-quality fresh, chilled or Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and frozen meat of bovine animals falling within CN codes providing for the administration of Community tariff 0201 and 0202 and for products falling within CN codes quotas for certain products in the chemical and 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 (1991)


Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening a 95 and 0206 29 91 (COM(90) 6 final - C3-88/90) Community tariff quota for frozen buffalo meat falling Rapporteur: Mr W. DE CLERCQ within CN code 0202 30 90 ( 1991) 01.06.1990-5 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening a ISBN 92-77-61277-0 Community tariff quota for frozen thin skirt of bovine AY-CO-90-166-EN-A animals falling within CN code 0206 29 91 ( 1991) microform (presented by the Commission) 10.10.1990- 17 pp. ISBN 92-77-64527-X 171 CES(89)1363 CB-CO-90-492-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending the Directive of 24 July 1979 on the COM(90> 474 final harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) increasing the free circulation (79/695) volume of the Community tariff quota opened for 1990 (doc. COM(89) 385 final - SYN 216) for newsprint 19.12.1989-3 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-56981-6 10.10.1990-5 pp. EY-CO-89-161-EN-C ISBN 92-77-64716-7 EN-89-31 CB-CO-90-501-EN-C

165 COM(90) 481 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and 0240 Free movement of goods providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain agricultural, chemical and industrial products (1991) 172 COM(89) 480 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) on Community 16.10.1990-8 pp. transit ISBN 92-77-64797-3 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-504-EN-C 17.10.1989-44 pp. ISBN 92-77-54331-0 CB-CO-89-498-EN-C PE DOC A 3-113/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for COM(89) 558 final a Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) modifying the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for amounts expressed in ecus in Regulation (EEC) No 1135/88 concerning the definition of the concept of free circulation (COM(89) 385 final - doc. C3-138/89) 1 Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY Originating products and methods of administrative 20.12.1989-6 pp. cooperation in trade between the customs territory of ISBN 92-77-56776-7 the Community, Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands AY-CO-89-377-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 15.11.1989-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-54963-7 167 PE DOC A 3-3/90 CB-CO-89-534-EN-C Recommendation from the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the common position of the Council for a Regulation COM(89) 678 final 189 amending, with a view to abolishing lodgement of the Draft Decision of the EEC-(A) Joint Committee transit advice note on crossing an internal frontier of the amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the Community, Regulation (EEC) No 222/77 on concept of 'originating products' and methods of Community transit (C3-230/89) administrative cooperation Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY Proposal.for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 24.01.1990-5 pp. application of Decision No ... of the EEC-(A) Joint ISBN 92-77-57541-7 Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the AY-CO-90-004-EN-A definition of the concept of 'originating products' and microform methods of administrative cooperation (presented by the Commission) (A ) Austria/Fin land/I ce land/Norway/Sweden/Switzerland 168 PE DOC A 3-35/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the common position of the Council on a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1031/88 174 COM(90) 74 final determining the persons liable for payment of a customs Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive debt (C3-11/90) amending the Council Directive of 24 July 1979 on the Rapporteur: Lord INGLEWOOD harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for 21.02.1990-6 pp. free circulation (79/695/EEC) ISBN 92-77-58333-9 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third AY-CO-90-046-EN-A paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) microform 14.02.1990 -3 pp. ISBN 92-77-57830-0 CB-CO-90-088-EN-C PE DOC A 3-66/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the common position of the Council COM(90) 87 final with a view to the adoption of a Regulation on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending information provided by the customs authorities of the Regulation (EEC) No 2763/83 on arrangements Member States concerning the classification of goods in permitting goods to be processed under customs control the customs nomenclature (C3-8/90) before being put into free circulation Rapporteur: Lord INGLEWOOD (presented by the Commission) 20.03.1990- 8 pp. ISBN 92-77-59117-X AY-CO-90-089-EN-A COM(90) 90 final 717 microform Fifth report of the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament concerning the implementation of PE DOC A 3-147/90 the white paper on the completion of the internal market Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the COM(90) 105 final 203 Council for a Regulation (EEC) opening a special Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) derogating autonomous import quota for 1990 for high-quality from the definition of the concept of Originating fresh, chilled or frozen beef covered by CN codes 0201 proti IK is ' t n take account of the special situation of the and 0202 and for products covered by CN codes 0206 10 Netherlands' Antilles with regard to cigarettes of CN


code 2402 20 00 179 COM(90) 356 final (presented by the Commbsion) Report from the Commission on the implementation of Directive 83/643/EEC (facilitation of inspections and formalities in respect of the carriage of goods) COM(90) 111 final Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) derogating 83/643/EEC of 1 December 1983 on the facilitation of from the definition of the concept of 'originating physical inspections and administrative formalities in products' to take account of the special situation of the respect of the carriage of goods between Member States Netherlands' Antilles with regard to chemical-proof 24.07.1990-25 pp. overalls of CN code 6210 10 99 ISBN 92-77-62578-3 (presented by the Commbsion) CB-CO-90-369-EN-C

COM(90) 129 final 207 PE DOC A 3-53/89 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal application of the Decision of the EEC-Cyprus Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Association Council amending, on account of the Commbsion to the Council for a Regulation amending accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Regulation (EEC) No 1031/88 determining the persons Communities, the Protocol concerning the definition of liable for payment of a customs debt (COM(89) 214 final the concept of 'originating products' and methods of - doc. C3-84/89) adminbtrative cooperation Rapporteur: Lord INGLEWOOD Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 18.10.1989- 11 pp. application of the Decbion of the EEC-Malta Association ISBN 92-77-54934-3 Council amending, on account of the accession of Spain AY-CO-89-301-EN-C and Portugal to the European Communities, the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of adminbtrative PE DOC A 3-3/90 cooperation Recommendation from the Committee on Economic and (presented by the Commbsion) Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the common position of the Council for a Regulation amending, with a view to abolishing lodgement of the 175 COMI90) 177 final transit advice note on crossing an internal frontier of the Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on Community, Regulation (EEC) No 222/77 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Community transit (C3-230/89) Member States Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY (submitted by the Commbsion pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) 27.06.1990-42 pp. PE DOC A 3-59/90 ISBN 92-77-60271-6 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on CB-CO-90-213-EN-C Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commbsion to the Council for a Regulation on Community transit (COM(89) 480 - COM(90) 182 final 709 C3-212/89) Proposal for an amendment to the proposal for a Rapporteur: Mr Bn an CASSIDY Council Directive supplementing the common system of 06.03.1990-7 pp. value added tax and amending Directive 77/388/EEC ISBN 92-77-58900-0 Transitional arrangements for taxation with a view to AY-CO-90-084-EN-A establishment of the Internal Market microform (presented by the Commbsion) PE DOC A 3-176/90 COM(90) 183 final 703 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) concerning Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the adminbtrative cooperation in the field of indirect common position of the Council with a view to the taxation adoption of a Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC (presented by the Commbsion) on the harmonization of procedures for the release of goods (C3-141/90) Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY < t »Mi 'im 194 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 288/82 on common CES(90)211 rules for Imports, in respect of products which are Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) subject to national quantitative restrictions on Community transit (presented by the Commbsion) (doc. COM(89) 480 final) 30.04.1990-88 pp. 28.02.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-59810-7 ISBN 92-77-58603-6 CB-CO-90-185-EN-C EY-CO-90-Oll-EN-C EN-90-2

177 COM(90> 285 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) derogating from the definition of'originating products' to take 0250 Commercial policy account of the special situation of Saint-Pierre and Mlquelon with regard to certain fisheries products 27.06.1990- 12 pp. 183 COM(89) 570 final ISBN 92-77-61943-0 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) implementing CB-CO-90-324-EN-C certain provisions of the Agreement between the Community and Czechoslovakia on trade in industrial products COM(90) 329 final 221 (presented bv the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council 17.11.1989-22 pp. Generalized system of preferences: Guidelines for the ISBN 92-77-55017-1 1990s CB-CO-89-537-EN-C

COM(90) 354 final 184 COM<89) 577 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3/84 introducing arrangements for Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions movement within the Community of goods sent from one governing imports of agricultural products originating Member State for temporary use in one or more other in third countries following the accident at the Member States Chernobyl nuclear power-station (presented by the Commbsion) (presented bv the Commission) 23.07.1990-9 pp. 23.11.1989-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-62993-2 ISBN 92-77-55134-8 CB-CO-90-390-EN-C CB-CO-89-544-EN-C


185 COM(89) 600 final ISBN 92-77-57134-9 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the CB-CO-90-042-EN-C provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of Potassium Permanganate originating in Czechoslovakia (presented by the Commission) 192 COM(90) 28 final 23.11.1989- 4 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending the ISBN 92-77-55321-9 import levy on goatmeat and sheepmeat CB-CO-89-556-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 26.01.1990 -7 pp. ISBN 92-77-56882-8 COM(89) 609 final 286 CB-CO-90-026-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2967/89 relating to the continued import of New Zealand butter into the United Kingdom COM(90) 35 final on special terms Proposal for a Council Decision on the provisional (presented by the Commission) application of an Agreed Minute amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Hong Kong on trade in textile products COM(89) 661 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the 01.02.1990-7 pp. provisional application of the Agreement between the ISBN 92-77-57107-1 European Economic Community and the Union of the CB-CO-90-039-EN-C Soviet Socialist Republics on trade in textile products (presented by the Commission) 13.12.1989- 115 pp. 194 COM(90) 38 final ISBN 92-77-56072-X Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a CB-CO-89-607-EN-C definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of potassium permanganate originating in Czechoslovakia and definitively collecting the provisional anti-dumping duty 187 COM(89) 663 final imposed on those imports Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending (presented by the Commission) non-specific quantitative restrictions in respect of 01.02.1990- 18 pp. Poland and Hungary and amending Regulation (EEC) ISBN92-77-57125-X No 3420/83 accordingly CB-CO-90-041-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 13.12.1989-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-56115-7 COM(90) 42 final 398 CB-CO-89-609-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2390/89 laying down general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must COM(89) 674 final 306 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning adjustments to the voluntary restraint agreement for sheepmeat and goatmeat concluded with Uruguay 195 COM(90> 43 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2592/79 laying down rules for carrying out the registration of crude oil imports in the 188 COM(89) 676 final Community provided for in Regulation (EEC) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the No 1893/79 provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of welded (presented by the Commission) tubes, of iron or non-alloy steel, originating in 28.02.1990-4 pp. Yugoslavia and Romania ISBN 92-77-57884-X (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-093-EN-C 21.12.1989- 4 pp. ISBN 92-77-56322-2 CB-CO-89-619-EN-C 196 COM(90) 49 final Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending 189 COM(89> 678 final the Agreement between the European Economic Draft Decision of the EEC-(A) Joint Committee Community and the People's Republic of China on trade amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the in textile products concept of 'originating products' and methods of (presented by the Commission) administrative cooperation 02.02.1990-7 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the ISBN 92-77-57062-8 application of Decision No ... of the EEC-(A) Joint CB-CO-90-038-EN-C Committee amending Protocol No 3 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation COM(90) 50 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (A) Austria/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden/Switzerland Regulation (EEC) No 2967/89 relating to the continued 11.01.1990-8pp. import of New Zealand butter into the United Kingdom ISBN 92-77-56551-9 on special terms CB-CO-90-009-EN-C (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 5 final COM(90) 53 final Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Proposal for a Council Decision on acceptance of the automatic renewal or maintenance in force of provisions Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study governing matters covered by the common commercial Group policy contained in the friendship, trade and navigation (presented by the Commission) treaties and similar agreements concluded between Member States and third countries (presented bv the Commbsion) 197 COM(90> 55 final 19.01.1990- 10 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the ISBN 92-77-56654-X adjustment of the voluntary restraint agreements with CB-CO-90-0I5-EN-C certain non-Community countries on sheepmeat and goatmeat (presented bv the Commission) 191 COM(90) 10 final 06.03.1990 -56 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) repealing ISBN92-77-58064-X Regulations (EEC) No 1826/84 and (EEC) No 1282/81 CB-CO-90-lOI-EN-C imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of vinyl acetate monomer originating in Canada or in the United States of America 198 COM(90> 61 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing extension or 26.01.1990- 10 pp. tacit renewal of certain trade agreements concluded


between Member States and third countries COM(90) 126 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the checks 16.03.1990­8 pp. and penalties applicable under the common agricultural ISBN 92­77­57793­2 and fisheries policies CB­CO­90­083­EN­C (presented by the Commission) 08.05.1990­ 10 pp. ISBN 92­77­59432­2 COMI90) 68 final CB­CO­90­ 159­EN­C Proposal for a Council Regulation ι EEC I amending Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating 207 COM(90> 129 final in third countries following the accident at the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Chernobyl nuclear power­station application of the Decision of the EEC­Cyprus (presented by the Commbsion) Association Council amending, on account of the accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities, the Protocol concerning the definition of COM(90) 69 final lhe concept of 'originating products' and methods of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending adminbtrative cooperation Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 288/82 in respect of the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the liberalization of certain products which are subject to application of the Decision of the EEC­Malta Association national quantitative restrictions Council amending, on account of the accession of Spain (presented by the Commbsion) and Portugal to the European Communities, the 14.02.1990­9 pp. Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of ISBN 92­77­57802­5 'originating products' and methods of adminbtrative CB-CO-90-084-EN-C cooperation (presented by the Commission) 11.04.1990­20 pp. COM(90) 84 final ISBN 92-77-59198-6 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the CB­CO­90­145­EN­C conclusion of the Framework Agreement for trade and economic cooperation between the European Economic Community and the Argentine Republic COM(90> 133 final 308 (presented by the (Omniissimi ι Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending the 08.03.1990­ 14 pp. import levy on live sheep and goats ISBN 92­77­58297­9 (presented by the Commission) CB­CO­90­110­EN­C COMi90i 134 final 201 COM(90) 93 final Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily 66 403 EEC on the marketing of seed potatoes suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff (presented bv the Commission) duties on a number of industrial products 18.04.1990­6pp. (microelectronics and related sectors) ISBN 92­77­59369­5 (presented by the Commbsion) CB-CO-90-152-EN-C 23.03.1990­80 pp. ISBN 92­77­58837­3 CB­CO­90­125­EN­C 209 COM(90) 138 final Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing extension or tacit renewal of certain trade agreements concluded 202 COM(90) 96 final between Member States and third countries Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) imposing a (presented bv the Commission) definitive anil­dumping duty on imports of certain 20.04.1990­8 pp. welded tubes, of iron or non­alloy steel, originating in ISBN 92­77­59441­1 Yugoslavia and Romania and definitively collecting the CB­CO­90­160­EN­C provisional anti­dumping duties imposed on such imports (presented by the Commbsion) 16.03.1990­9 pp. 210 COMI90) 142 final ISBN 92­77­58558­7 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the CB­CO­90­12I­EN­C application of Decision No... of the EEC­Cyprus Association Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 of the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of 203 COMI90I 105 final 'originating products' and methods of adminbtrative Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) derogating cooperation from the definition of the concept of 'originating Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the products'Iu take account of the special situation of the application of Decision No ... of the EEC­Malta Netherlands' Antilles with regard to cigarettes of CN Association Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 of code 2402 20 00 the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of (presented by the Commbsion) 'originating products' and methods of adminbtrative 30.03.1990­ 13 pp. cooperation ISBN 92­77­59027­0 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the CB­CO­90­135­KN­C application of Decision No ... of the EEC­Israel Cooperation Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 of the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept COM(90) 107 final of 'originating products* and methods of adminbtrative Proposal fur a Council Regulation (EEC) applying cooperation supplementary generalized tariff preferences in respect Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) again of certain industrial products originating in developing amending Articles 6 and 17 of the Protocol concerning countries and sold at the Berlin 'Partners in Progress' the definition of the concept of Originating products' Fair and methods of administrative cooperation to the (presented by the Commbsion) Cooperation Agreement between theEuropean Economic 28.03.1990­9 pp. Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt, the ISBN 92­77­58846­2 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Lebanese Republic, CB­CO­90­ I26­IÌN­C the Kingdom of Morocco and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (presented bv the Commission) C()M(90) 111 final 25.04.1990-38 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) derogating ISBN 92-77-59504-3 from the definition of the concept of Originating CB­CO­90­167­EN­C products' to take account of the special situation of the Netherlands' Antilles with regard to chemical­proof overalls of CN code 6210 10 99 211 COMI9Ö) 143 final (presented bv the Commission) Report from the Commission on the implementation of 30.03.1990-9 pp, Council Directive 75/130/EEC of 17 February 1975, as ISBN 92-77-59018-1 last amended by Council Directive 86/544/EEC of CB-CO-90- 134-EN-C 10 November 1986. on the establishment of common


rules for certain types of combined road/rail carriage of 219 COM(90) 316 final goods between Member States Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 25.04.1990-24pp. Regulation (EEC) No 1210/88 establishing import ISBN 92-77-59531-0 mechanbms for certain processed products obtained CB-CO-90-170-EN-C from sour cherries and originating in Yugoslavia (presented by the Commission) 31.07.1990-6 pp. COM(90) 152 final ISBN 92-77-62434-5 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the CB-CO-90-353-EN-C provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain types of electronic microcircuits known as DRAMs (dynamic random access memories) originating in Japan 220 COM(90) 327 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) liberalizing or 24.04.1990-4 pp. suspending quantitative restrictions applying to certain ISBN 92-77-59522-1 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and amending CB-CO-90-169-EN-C Regulations (EEC) No 3420/83 and (EEC) No 288/82 accordingly (presented by the Commission) 213 COM(90)169 final 19.07.1990-5 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-62452-3 Regulation (EEC) No 1200/88 establishing a surveillance CB-CO-90-355-EN-C mechanism for imports of sour cherries, fresh, originating in Yugoslavia (presented by the Commission) 221 COM(90) 329 final 02.05.1990-7 pp. Communication from the Commission to the Council ISBN 92-77-59603-1 Generalized system of-preferences: Guidelines for the CB-CO-90-173-EN-C 1990s 06.07.1990-46 pp. 214 COM(90) 175 final ISBN 92-77-62388-8 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive CB-CO-90-347-EN-C 72 -Hi 1 1,1 ( on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat and Directive 72/462/EEC on health and veterinary inspection COM(90) 330 final problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for and fresh meat or meat products from third countries the third time Regulation (EEC) No 2390/89 laying down (presented by the Commission) general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and 22.05.1990-7 pp. grape must ISBN 92-77-60520-0 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for CB-CO-90-228-EN-C the fourth time Regulation (EEC) No 1873/84 authorizing the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of certain imported wines which may have COM(90) 194 final undergone oenological processes not provided for in Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 288/82 on common (presented by the Commission) rules for imports, in respect of products which are subject to national quantitative restrictions (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 341 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3677/89 in regard to the total 215 COM(90) 229 final alcoholic strength by volume of certain quality wines Seventh annual report of the Commission on the imported from Hungary Community's anti-dumping and anti-subsidy activities (presented by the Commission) 13.06.1990-52 pp. 16.07.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-61049-2 ISBN 92-77-62515-5 CB-CO-90-268-EN-C CB-CO-90-362-EN-C

COM(90) 253 final 223 COM(90) 375 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) prohibiting the suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff introduction into the territory of the Community of duties on a number of industrial products (in the crude oil and refined petroleum products or their chemical and allied sectors) derivatives originating in or last exported from Kuwait (presented bv the Commission) (presented bv thé Commission) 12.06.1990-48 pp. 08.08.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-61166-9 ISBN 92-77-63551-7 CB-CO-90-273-EN-C CB-CO-90-410-EN-C

COM(90) 265 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on transitional COM(90) 376 final measures concerning trade with the German Democratic Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) prohibiting the Republic introduction into the territory of the Community of (presented bv the Commission) crude oil and refined petroleum products or their 19.06.1990-6 pp. derivatives originating in or last exported from Iraq ISBN 92-77-61763-2 (presented bv the Commission) CB-CO-90-308-EN-C 08.08.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-63560-6 CB-CO-90-411-EN-C COM(90) 271 final 231 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of a protocol renewing the Cooperation PE DOC A 3-1/90 Agreement between the European Economic Community Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on and Thailand on manioc production, marketing and External Economic Relations on economic and trade trade relations between the European Community and the (presented by the Commission) People's Republic of Poland Rapporteur: Mr E. CANO PINTO 08.01.1990-31 pp. 218 COM(90) 282 final ISBN92-77-575I4-X Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on transitional AY-CO-90-OOl-EN-A measures concerning trade with the German Democratic microform Repuhlic in the agriculture and fisheries sector (presented by the Commission) 19.06.1990-7 pp. 226 PE DOC A 3-1/90 Annex ISBN 92-77-61772-1 Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Cano Pinto on CB-CO-90-309-EN-C behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations


Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary between Member States and third countries Affairs and Industrial Policy (presented bv the Commission) 25.01.1990-4 pp. 25.01.1991 -9 pp. ISBN 92-77-58073-9 ISBN 92-77-63931-8 AY-CO-90-027-EN-A CB-CO-90-439-EN-C microform COMI90) 465 final PE DOC A 3-2/90 Draft Council Decision renewing the arrangements for Report on behalf of the Committee on External trade between Spain and Portugal on the one hand and Economic Relations on the proposal from the the overseas countries and territories (OCT) on the other Commission to the Council for a Decision on Draft Decision of the representatives of the Governments medium-term financial aid for Hungary ICOMI89) 627 of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel final) Community, meeting within the Council amending Rapporteur: Mrs k rills Decision 867507ECSC establishing arrangements for 15.01.1990- II pp. trade between the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese ISBN 92-77-57523-9 Republic on the one hand and the overseas countries and AY-CO-90-002-EN-A territories (OCT) on the other in products covered bv microform the ECSC Treaty (presented by the Commission) 05.10.1990-6 pp. 228 PE DOC A 3-2/90 Annex ISBN 92-77-64392-7 Annex to the report drawn up by Mrs Peijs on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations CB-CO-90^»87-EN-C Opinions of the Committee on Budgets and of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 16.01.1990-6 pp. AGRICULTURE, SILVICULTURE ISBN 92-77-57532-8 AND FISHERIES AY-CO-90-003-EN-A 03 microform

229 PE DOC A 3-103/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 0310 Agricultural policy proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for I. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 235 COM(89) 552 final laying down the trade arrangements applicable to Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on organic certain goods resulting from the processing of production of agricultural products and indications agricultural products, and referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs II. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1010/86 (presented bv the Commission) laying down general rules for the production refund on 04.12.1989-27pp. certain sugar products used In the chemicals industry ISBN 92-77-54751-0 (COM(89) 71 final · C3-66Æ9) CB-CO-89-523-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr T. SPENCER 27.04.1990- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-60178-7 COM(89) 582 final 627 AY-CO-90-131-EN-A Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending microform Directive 86/298/EEC on rear-mounted roll-over protection structures for narrow-track tractors Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending 230 PE DOC A 3-134/90 Directive 87/402/EEC on roll-over protection structures Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social mounted at the front of narrow-track tractors Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending an initiative aimed at a proposal for a Directive on Directive 77/536/EEC on roll-over protection structures atypical employment contracts and terms of employment for tractors (standard) Rapporteur: Mrs H. SALISCH (presented bv the Commission pursuant to 01.06.1990-9 pp. Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-61232-0 AY-CO-90-I6I-EN-A microform COM(89) 650 final 392 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the marketing of ornamental plant propagating material and ornamental plants 0260 Commercial agreements (presented by the Commission)

236 COM<89) 660/1 final 231 COM(90) 271 final Commission proposals on the prices for agricultural Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the products and on related measures (1990/91) conclusion of a protocol renewing the Cooperation Volume I Agreement between the European Economie Community Explanatory memoranda and Thailand on manioc production, marketing and 05.01.1990- 167 pp. trade ISBN 92-77-56466-0 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-002-EN-C 20.06.1990- 10 pp. ISBN92-77-61403-X CB-CO-90-290-EN-C 237 COM(89) 660/11 final Commission proposals on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1990/91 ) »232 COM(90) 357 final Volume II Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature and (Financial implications) notification of the provisional application of the 05.01.1990- 17 pp. International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products ISBN 92-77-56475-X (1989) CB-CO-90-003-EN-C (presented bv the Commission) 24.07.1990-43 pp. ISBN 92-77-62587-2 COM(90) 7 final CB-CO-90-370-EN-C Communication to the Council Amendment to the Commission proposals on agricultural prices and related measures for 1990/91 233 COM(90) 410 final 22.01.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing extension or ISBN 92-77-56834-8 tacit renewal of certain trade agreements concluded CB-CO-90-020-EN-C


COM(90)13 final 575 Republic in the agriculture and fisheries sector Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council (presented by the Commission) Directive 79/196/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing COM(90) 308 final certain types of protection Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending the (presented by the Commission) list of countries contained in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 429/87 (presented by the Commission) 239 COM(90) 65 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff 243 COM(90) 323/2 final duties on a number of agricultural products Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (presented by the Commission) Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common 20.02.1990-9 pp. organization of the markets in the sugar sector ISBN 92-77-57739-8 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-078-EN-C Corrigendum 26.09.1990-27 pp. ISBN 92-77-63542-8 CB-CO-90-409-EN-C COMÍ90) 68 final 960 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions COM(90) 345 final 384 governing imports of agricultural products originating Report by the Commission to the Council on the in third countries following the accident at the table-olives sector Chernobyl nuclear power-station Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) concerning (presented by the Commission) measures to develop the consumption of table olives

COM(90) 85 final 244 COM(90) 407 final Amendments to the proposal for a Council Directive Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the amending, in respect of chromium, Directive second stage of accession of Portugal for products listed 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in in Article 259( 1 ) of the Act of Accession particular of soil, when sewage sludge is used in (presented by the Commission) agriculture 04.10.1990-99 pp. (presented by the Commission in accordance with ISBN 92-77-64220-3 Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) CB-CO-90-467-EN-C

COM(90) 97 final 412 245 COM(90) 427 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules on the marketing of preferential sugar in general rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) the Community for the 1989/90,1990/91 and 1991/92 No 1198/90 establishing a Community register of citrus marketing years cultivation (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 28.09.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-64129-0 COM(90) 117 final 129 CB-CO-90-456-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) opening and providing for the administration of autonomous PE DOC A 3-109/89 377 Community tariff quotas for certain agricultural and Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on chemical products ( 1990) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the (presented by the Commission) proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in cereals 240 COM(90) 144 final (COM(89) 449 final - doc. C3-166/89) Report from the Commission to the Council on the farm Rapporteur: Mr Anthony Joseph WILSON accountancy data network 25.04.1990- 10pp. ISBN 92-77-59477-2 PE DOC A 3-45/90 CB-CO-90-164-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 241 COM(90) 192 final Regulation on the protection of animals during transport Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision (COM(89) 322-C3-112/89) 85/360/EEC on the restructuring of the system of Rapporteur: Mr D. MORRIS agricultural surveys In Greece 27.02.1990-20 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58675-3 08.05.1990-7 pp. AY-CO-90-070-EN-A ISBN 92-77-59801-8 microform CB-CO-90-184-EN-C PE DOC A 3-45/90 Annex COM(90) 230 final 1023 Annex to the report by Mr Morris on behalf of the Proposal for a Council Decision on the setting up of a Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Model Scheme for Information on Rural Development Development Initiatives and Agricultural Markets (MIRIAM) Opinion (presented by the Commission) - of the Committee on Transport and Tourism - of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 06.03.1990- 12 pp. 242 COM(90) 238 final ISBN 92-77-59099-8 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation AY-CO-90-087-EN-A (EEC) on the protection of animals during transport microform (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 05.06.1990-5 pp. PE DOC A 3-53/90 314 ISBN 92-77-61040-9 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on CB-CO-90-267-EN-C Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policy on the proposals from the Commission to the Council for I. a Regulation concerning minimum standards for the COM(90) 282 final 218 protection of calves kept in intensive farming systems Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on transitional II. a Regulation concerning minimum standards for the measures concerning trade with the German Democratic protection of pigs kept in intensive farming systems


(COM(89) 114 -C3-70/89 + COMI89) 115 - C3-71/89J PE DOC A 3-187/90 Rapporteur: Mr R. SIMMONDS Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a PE DOC A 3-55/90 A Regulation on transitional measures concerning trade Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on with the German Democratic Republic in the agriculture Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the and fisheries sector (COM(90) 282 - C3-179/90) proposals from the Commission to the Council on the Rapporteur: Mr F. GUILLAUME prices for agricultural products and on related measures (I990/I99I) (COMI89) 660 final - C3-23/90) Rapporteur: Mrs S. MARTIN CES(89) 1366 Part A: Amendments Opinion on the Commission's proposal for a Council Draft legislative resolutions Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) 02.03.1990- 188 pp. No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in ISBN 92-77-58711-3 cereals AYCO-90074-ΕΝ-Λ (doc. COMI89I 449 final) microform CES(89) 1373 3 In Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) PE DOC A 3-55/90 Β concerning minimum standards for the protection of Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on calves kept in intensive farming svstems Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the (doc. COMI89) 114 final) proposals from the Commission to the Council on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1990/91) (COMI89) 660 final - C3-23/90) CE.SI89) 1374 317 Rapporteur: Mrs S. MARTIN Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Part B: Explanatory statement concerning minimum standards for the protection of Opinions of the other parliamentary' committees pigs kept in intensive farming svstems 02.03.1990- 35 pp. (doc. COM(89) 115 final) ISBN 92-77-58720-2 AY-CO-90-075EN-A microform 253 CESI90) 220 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 on improving the PE DOC A 3-96/90 «κι efficiency of farm structures Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (doc. COMI89) 597 final) Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 28.02.1990 - 3 pp. on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for ISBN 92-77-58963-9 a Directive amending Directive 79/I967EEC on the EY-CO-90-021-EN-C approximation of the laws of the Member States EN-90-4 concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing certain tvpes of protection (C()M(90) 13 - C3-77/90) 254 CESI90) 221 Rapporteur: Mr BEUMER Opinion on the Commission proposals on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1990/91) (doc. COMI89) 660 final) 25(1 PE DOC A 3-104/90 Annex 02.03.1990- 13 pp. Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Howell on behalf of ISBN 92-77-58972-8 the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food EY-CO-90-022-EN-C Opinion of the Committee on Budgets EN-90-4 15.05.1990- 2pp ISBN92-77-60817-X AV-CO-90-140-EN-A CES(90) 371 microform Opinion on the Commission's proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning game meat and rabbit meat 251 PE DOC A 3-104/90 Annex II (doc. COM(89) 496 final) Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Howell on behalf of 28.03.1990- II pp. the Committee on Agriculture. Fisheries and Rural ISBN 92-77-59675-9 Development EY-CO-90-026-EN-C Opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public EN-90-5 Health and Consumer Protection 17.05.1990- 2 pp. 256 CES(90) 380 ISBN 92-77-60826-9 Opinion on increasing the use of agricultural and AYCO-90-14I-EN-A forestry resources in the non-food industrial and energy microform sectors: prospects opened up by research and technological innovation 29.03.1990-22 pp. PE DOC A 3-118/90 532 ISBN 92-77-59873-5 Recommendation by the Committee on the EY-CO-90-035-EN-C Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection EN-90-7 on the common position of the Council on a Directive on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs (C3-74/90) Rapporteur: Mr Carlos PIMENTA CES(90) 502 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 79/196/EEC on the 252 PE DOC Λ 3-149/90 approximation of the laws of the Member States Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the explosive atmospheres employing certain types of Commission to the Council for a Regulation amending protection Regulations (EEC) No 3972/86 on food-aid policy and (doc. COMI90) 13 final) food-aid management, (EEC) No 2507/88 on the implementation of storage programmes and early warning systems and (EEC) No 2508788 on the 257 CES(90) 653 implementation of co-financing operations for the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) purchase of food products or seeds by international on organic production of agricultural products and bodies or non-governmental organizations (COM(90) indications referring thereto on agricultural products 193-C J-134/90) and foodstuffs Rapporteur: Mr Terence WYNN (doc. COMI89) 552 final) 05.06.1990-6 pp. 30.05.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-61709-8 ISBN 92-77-61880-9 AY-CO-90-183-EN-A EY-CO-90-059-EN-C microform EN-90-11


CES(90) 656 394 and Rural Development Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the Opinion of the Committee on Budgets marketing of ornamental plant propagating material 19.10.1989- 11 pp. and ornamental plants ISBN 92-77-55030-9 (doc. COMI89) 650 final) AY-CO-89-293-EN-C

CESI90) 820 PE DOC A 3-84/89 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on amending Decision 85/360/EEC on the restructuring of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the the system of agricultural surveys in Greece proposai from the Commission of the European (doc. COMI90) 192 final) Communities for a Council Regulation amending 04.07.1990-3 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 as regards the rates of ISBN 92-77-63346-8 reimbursement for the set-aside of arable land EY-CO-90-097-EN-C (COM(89) 353 final - doc. C3-139/89) EN-90-19 Rapporteur: Mr Manfred VOHRER 01.12.1989- 18 pp. ISBN 92-77-56097-5 AY-CO-89-339-EN-C 0320 Agricultural structures EAGGF Guidance PE DOC A 3-24/90 Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 259 COM(89) 597 final proposal from the Commission of the European Use of agricultural commodities in the non-food sector Communities for a Council Regulation amending Report from the Commission to the Council Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 as regards the rates of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending reimbursement for the set-aside of arable land Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 on improving the efficiency (COMI89) 353 final - Doc. C3-139/89) of agricultural structures Rapporteur: Mr M. VOHRER (presented by the Commission) 02.02.1990-20 pp. 23.01.1990-30pp. ISBN 92-77-57721-5 ISBN 92-77-56936-0 AY-CO-90-024-EN-A CB-CO-90-032-EN-C microform

COM(89) 626 final 268 PE DOC A 3-122/90 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on agriculture Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the (presented bv the Commission) proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 06.12.1989-5 pp. Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 on ISBN 92-77-55788-5 improving the efficiency of agricultural structures CB-CO-89-585-EN-C (COMI89) 597 - C3-45/90) Rapporteur: Mr N. KOFOED 23.05.1990-20 pp. 261 COM(90) 279 rinal ISBN 92-77-61103-0 Report on the progress made towards specific objectives AY-CO-90-151-EN-A and the implementation of structural measures in microform Portugal (forwarded by the Commission to the Council pursuant to Article 264 paragraph 2(c) of the Act of Accession) 269 PE DOC A 3-122/90 Annex 26.06.1990-42 pp. Annex to the report by Mr Kofoed on behalf of the ISBN92-77-61952-X Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural CB-CO-90-325-EN-C Development Opinion . - of the Committee on Budgets 262 COMI90) 337 final - of the Committee on Budgetary Control Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) 12.06.1990 -8 pp. amending Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 on improving the ISBN 92-77-61745-4 efficiency of agricultural structures AY-CO-90-187-EN-A (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) microform of the EEC Treaty) 11.07.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-62443-4 270 PE DOC A 3-228/90 CB-CO-90-354-EN-C Report of the Committee on Budgetary Control on the Commission proposal for a Council Regulation on stepping up checks on expenditure in Portugal and COMI90) 447 final charged to the Guarantee Section of the European Discussion Paper Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (COM(90) Making payments in the internal market 309 final - C3-228/90) (presented bv the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr Peter PRICE 26.09.1990-47 pp. 24.09.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-64356-0 ISBN 92-77-64653-5 CB-CO-90-183-EN-C AY-CO-90-269-EN-A microform 264 PE DOC A 3-51/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposals from the Commission to the Council for 0330 Monetary measures · EAGGF I. a Regulation amending Regulations (EEC) Nos 797/85, 1096/88, 1360/78, 389/82 and 1696/71 with a Guarantee view to speeding up the adjustment of agricultural production structures II. a Regulation on improving the processing and COM(89) 608 linai 285 marketing of agricultural and forestry products Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (COM(89) 91 final - doc. C3-68/89) Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general rules Rapporteur: Mr Bernard THAREAU for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein 18.10.1989-40 pp. or caseinates ISBN 92-77-54929-7 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-89-292-EN-C COM(89) 623 linai 265 PEDOCA3-51/89/Annex Modified proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Bernard Thareau scrutiny by Member States of transactions forming part on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries of the system of financing by the Guarantee Section of


the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff Fund and repealing Council Directive 77/435/EEC of (presented by the Commission) 27 June 1977 (presented by the Commission) 12.12.1989-24 pp. COM(90) 286 final 376 ISBN 92-77-56002-9 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending CB-CO-89-602-EN-C Regulation (EEC) No 1581/86 laying down general rules for intervention on the market in cereals and Regulation Nos 724/67/EEC and (EEC) 2754/78 on intervention in 272 COM(89) 660/111 final the oils and fats sector Commission proposals on the prices for agricultural (presented by the Commission) products and on related measures (1990/91) Volume 111 (Legal Instruments) 275 COM(90) 309 final 16.01.1990-8 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on stepping up ISBN 92-77-56614-0 checks on expenditure in Portugal and charged to the CB-CO-90-013-EN-C Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (presented by the Commission) 273 COM(90> 73 linai 09.07.1990-7 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-62379-9 Regulations (EEC) No 1676/85 and (EEC) No 1677/85 in CB-CO-90-346-EN-C regard to the conversion rates and monetary compensatory amounts to be applied for the purposes of the common agricultural policy 276 COMI90) 350 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down 20.02.1990-8 pp. the factors to be taken into consideration in the annual ISBN92-77-57965-X accounts for the financing of intervention measures in CB-CO-90- 099EN-C the form of public storage by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, Guarantee Section (presented by the Commission) 24.07.1990- 12 pp. COM(90) 104 final ISBN 92-77-62984-3 Amendment to the proposal fora Council Regulation CB-CO-90-389-EN-C (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 986/86 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk and sklmmed-milk powder for use in feed COMI90» 360 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending of the EEC-Treaty) Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural COMI90) 110 final 289 products exported in the form of goods not covered by Commission report to the Council pursuant to Ankle Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the 2(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laving down general amounts of such refunds rules for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into (presented bv the Commission) casein and caselnates 26.07.1990-7 pp. Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-63065-5 Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general rules CB-CO-90-393-EN-C for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein or caselnates 278 COM(90) 397 final (presented by the Commission) Nineteenth financial report on the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) 1989 COM(90) 112 final Guarantee section and food aid and accounts clearance Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (presented by the Commission) Council Regulation (EEC) No 283/72 concerning 05.09.1990- 134 pp. irregularities and the recovery of sums wrongly paid in ISBN 92-77-63841-9 connection with the financing of the common CB-CO-90-429-EN-C agricultural policy and the organization of an information system in this field (presented by the Commission) 279 CO M (90) 454 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1678/85 fixing the conversion rates COM(90) 140 final 413 to be applied in agriculture Report from the Commission to the Council on the (presented bv the Commission) production and marketing of hops - 1989 harvest 28.09.1990 -5 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down, in ISBN 92-77-64311-0 respect of hops, the amount of aid to producers for the CB-CO-90-478-EN-C 1989 harvest (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 464 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) setting for the 274 COM(90) 151 final 1990/91 marketing vear the percentages mentioned in Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on reinforcing Article 31 lal of Regulation (EEC) No 426/86 in the monitoring of certain expenditure chargeable to the connection with aid for products processed from Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural tomatoes Guidance and Guarantee Fund (presented bv the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 03.10.1990-5 pp. 25.04.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-64365-X ISBN92-77-59540-X CB-CO-90-484-EN-C CB-CO-90- I71-EN-C

COM(90> 477 final 405 COM(90| 187 final 291 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 1990/91 marketing year, the representative market price Regulation (EEC) No 1307/85 authorizing the Member and the threshold price for olive oil and the percentages States to grant consumption aid for butter of consumption aid to be retained in accordance with (presented by the Commission) Article 11(5) and (6) of Regulation No I36V66/EEC (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 268 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending COM(90) 483 final Regulation (EEC) No 2915/79 determining the groups of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending products and the special provisions for calculating levies Regulation (EEC) No 2997/87 laying down, in respect of on milk and milk products and amending Regulation hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1986 (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical harvest and providing for special measures for certain


regions of production 285 COM(89> 608 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein PE DOC A 3-84/89 266 or caseinates Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 05.12.1989-5 pp. proposal from the Commission of the European ISBN 92-77-55688-9 Communities for a Council Regulation amending CB-CO-89-577-EN-C Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 as regards the rates of reimbursement for the set-aside of arable land (COM(89) 353 final - doc. C3-139/89) COM(89) 609 final Rapporteur: Mr Manfred VOHRER Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2967/89 relating to the continued import of New Zealand butter into the United Kingdom PE DOC A 3-24/90 267 on special terms Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 05.12.1989-4 pp. proposal from the Commission of the European ISBN 92-77-55588-2 Communities for a Council Regulation amending CB-CO-89-573-EN-C Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 as regards the rates of reimbursement for the set-aside of arable land (COM(89) 353 final - Doc. C3-I39/89) COM(89> 667 final 325 Rapporteur: Mr M. VOHRER Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down the health rules for the production and placing on the market of raw milk, of milk for the manufacture of PE DOC A 3-75/90 milk-based products and of milk-based products Second report on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposals from the Commission to the Council on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures COM(89) 672 final 330 ( 1990/91) (COM(89) 660 final - C3-23/90) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) adopting Rapporteur: Mrs S. MARTIN health rules for the production and placing on the 23.03.1990-9 pp. market of heat-treated drinking milk ISBN 92-77-59225-7 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-90-098-EN-A microform 287 COM(90) 50 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending 282 PE DOC A 3-171/90 Regulation (EEC) No 2967/89 relating to the continued Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on import of New Zealand butter into the United Kingdom Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the on special terms proposal from the Commission to the Council for a (presented by the Commission) Regulation amending Regulations (EEC) Nos 1676/85 02.02.1990-4 pp. and 1677/85 in regard to the conversion rates and ISBN 92-77-57252-3 monetary compensatory amounts to be applied for the CB-CO-90-052-EN-C purposes of the common agricultural policy (COM(90) 73 final - C3-89/90) Rapporteur: Mrs. A. LULLING 288 COM(90) 104 final 28.06.1990-9pp. Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation ISBN 92-77-62343-8 (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 986/86 laying AY-CO-90-201-EN-A down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk microform and skimmed-milk powder for use in feed (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) PE DOC A 3-171/90 Annex 26.03.1990-3 pp. Annex to the report by Mrs Lulling drawn up on behalf ISBN 92-77-58981-7 of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural CB-CO-90-129-EN-C Development Opinion - of the Committee on Budgets 289 COM(90)110 final - of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Commission report to the Council pursuant to Article and Industrial Policy 2(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general 10.07.1990-4 pp. rules for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into ISBN 92-77-62768-9 casein and caseinates AY-CO-90-220-EN-A Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending microform Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein or caseinates PE DOC A 3-228/90 270 (presented by the Commission) Report of the Committee on Budgetary Control on the 26.03.1990- 13 pp. Commission proposal for a Council Regulation on ISBN 92-77-58990-6 stepping up checkson expenditure in Portugal and CB-CO-90- 130-EN-C charged to the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (COM(90) 309 final - C3-228/90) 290 COM(90)I18final Rapporteur: Mr Peter PRICE Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the 1989/90 marketing year in the milk and beef and veal sectors (presented bv the Commission) 26.03.1990 -3 pp. 0342 Milk and milk products ISBN 92-77-59009-2 CB-CO-90-133-EN-C COM(89) 448 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending COM(90) 187 final Regulation (EEC) No 986/68 laying down general rules Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for granting aid for skimmed milk and skimmed-milk Regulation (EEC) No 1307/85 authorizing the Member powder for use as feed States to grant consumption aid for butter (presented by the Commission) (presented bv the Commission) 09.10.1989 -5 pp. 04.05.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-53264-5 ISBN 92-77-59792-5 CB-CO-89-434-EN-C CB-CO-90-183-EN-C


COM(90) 195/2 final EY-CO-90-099-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the EN-90-19 1989/90 year in the milk and beef and veal sectors (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum 10.05.1 WO- I p. ISBN 92-77-60924-9 0343 Meat, poultry and eggs CB-CO-90- 25 6-EN-C

293 COMI90) 206 final 300 COM(89) 485 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Directive on the approval for Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 on the common breeding of pure-bred breeding pigs organization of the market in milk and milk products Proposal for a Council Directive on the approval for (presented bv the Commission) breeding of hybrid breeding pigs 16.05.1990-6 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-60196-5 16.10.1989-9 pp. CB-CO-90-206-EN-C ISBN 92-77-54358-2 CB-CO-89-501-EN-C COM(90) 209 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down additional general rules on the common organization of 301 COM(89) 496 final the market in milk and milk products as regards cheese Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending game meat and rabbit meat Regulation (EEC) No 987/68 laying down general rules (presented bv the Commission) for granting aid for skimmed milk processed into casein 17.10.1989 -30 pp. or caseinates ISBN 92-77-54367-1 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-89-502-EN-C 15.05.1990-11 pp. ISBN 92-77-60250-3 CB-CO-90-209-EN-C COM(89) 507 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on animal 295 COMI90) 268 final health conditions governing intra-Community trade and Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending imports from third countries of fresh poultry meat and Regulalkm (EEC) No 2915/79 determining the groups of fresh meat of reared game birds products and the special provisions for calculating levies (presented bv the Commission) on milk and milk products and amending Regulation 20.10.1989-*16 pp. (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical ISBN 92-77-54376-0 nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff CB-CO-89-503-EN-C (presented bv the Commission) 22.06.1990 -Ì0 pp. ISBN 92-77-61394-7 303 COMI89) 543 final CB-CO-90-289-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision concerning adjustments to the voluntary restraint agreements for sheepmeat and goatmeat concluded with Argentina, and Australia 296 COM(90> 359 final (presented bv the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 08.11.1989-21 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 3034/80 fixing the quantities of ISBN 92-77-54635-2 basic products considered to have been used in the CB-CO-89-517-EN-C manufacture of goods covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80, and fixing the rates of certain variable component levies (presented bv the Commission! COM(89) 580 final 24.07.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on certain ISBN 92-77-62831-6 marketing standards for poultrymeat CB-CO-90- 379-EN-C (presented bv the Commissioni 23.11.1989- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-55266-2 PEDOC A 3-186/90 CB-CO-89-553-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a Regulation laying 305 COM<89) 622 final down additional general rules on the common Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) defining lambs organization of (he market in milk and milk products as fattened as heavy carcases regards cheese (COM(90) 209 final · doc. C3-146/90) (presented bv the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr F. GUILLAUME 08.12.1989-7pp. 10.07.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-55797-4 ISBN 92-77-62894-4 CB-CO-89-586-EN-C AY-CO-90-226-HN-A microform COM(89l 668 final 326 PEDOC A 3-201/90 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Report of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and health rules for the production and placing on the Rural Development on lhe Commission proposal for a market of fresh poultry meat Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) (presented by the Commission) No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products (COM(90) 206 final · C3-154/90) Rapporteur: Mr Juan Luis COLINO SALAMANCA 306 COM(89) 674 final 27.07.1W0- 5 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning adjustments ISBN 92-77-63722-6 to the voluntary restraint agreement for sheepmeat and AY-CO-90-245-EN-A goatmeat concluded with Uruguay microform (presented bv the Commission) 20.12.1989- 15 pp. ISBN 92-77-56263-3 CES(90) 822 CB-CO-89-6I4-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down additional general rules on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products as regards cheese COM(90)14 final 332 (doc. COM(89) 209 final) Proposal for a Council Decision amending for the fourth 04.07.1990-4 pp. time Council Decision 88/303/EEC recognizing certain ISBN 92-77-63373-5 parts of the territory of the Community as being either


officially swine-fever free or swine-fever free (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (presented by the Commission) of the EEC-Treaty) 06.06.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-60941-9 COM(90) 28 final 192 CB-CO-90-258-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending the import levy on goatmeat and sheepmeat ( presented by the Commission) 313 COM(90) 269 final Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the grant of premiums to sheepmeat COM(90) 55 final 197 producers Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the (presented by the Commission) adjustment of the voluntary restraint agreements with 27.06.1990- 13 pp. certain non-Community countries on sheepmeat and ISBN92-77-61529-X goatmeat CB-CO-90-297-EN-C (presented by the Commission)

314 PE DOC A 3-53/90 307 COM(90) 115 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Proposal for a Council Decision on the alignment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policy on the proposals Portuguese prices for butter and beef and veal on the from the Commission to the Council for common prices I. a Regulation concerning minimum standards for the (presented by the Commission) protection of calves kept in intensive farming systems 27.03.1990-4 pp. IL a Regulation concerning minimum standards for the ISBN 92-77-59000-9 protection of pigs kept in intensive farming systems CB-CO-90-132-EN-C (COM(89) 114 - C3-70/89 + COM{89) 115 - C3-71/89) Rapporteur: Mr R. SIMMONDS COM(90) 118 final 28.02.1990-32 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the ISBN 92-77-58891-8 1989/90 marketing year in the milk and beef and veal AY-CO-90-083-EN-A sectors microform (presented by the Commission) 315 PE DOC A 3-77/90 308 COM(90) 133 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection import levy on live sheep and goats on the proposal for a Council Regulation on animal (presented by the Commission) health conditions governing intra-Community trade in 11.04.1990-6 pp. and imports from third countries of poultry and ISBN 92-77-59279-6 hatching eggs (COM(89) 9 final - C3-62/89) CB-CO-90-150-EN-C Rapporteur: Mrs A. CECI 27.03.1990-33 pp. ISBN 92-77-59549-3 COM{90)175 final 214 AY-CO-90-108-EN-A Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive microform 72/461/EEC on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat and Directive 72/462/EEC on health and veterinary inspection 316 CES(89) 1373 problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) and fresh meat or meat products from third countries concerning minimum standards for the protection of (presented by the Commission) calves kept in intensive farming systems (doc. COM(89) 114 final) 20.12.1989-8 pp. 309 COM(90) 189 final ISBN 92-77-57152-7 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision EY-CO-89-171-EN-C introducing a Community financial measure for the EN-89-33 eradication of brucellosis in sheep and goats (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 317 CES(89> 1374 03.05.1990-3 p. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) ISBN 92-77-59756-9 concerning minimum standards for the protection of CB-CO-90-182-EN-C pigs kept in intensive farming svstems (doc. COM(89) 115 final) 20.12.1989- 10 pp. COM(90) 195/2 final 292 ISBN 92-77-57161-6 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the EY-CO-89-172-EN-C 1989/90 year in the milk and beef and veal sectors EN-89-33 (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum 318 CES(90)372 Opinion on the Commission's proposal for a Council 310 COM(90) 226 final Regulation (EEC) on animal health conditions governing Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) seasonally intra-Community trade and imports from third adjusting the basic price and the guide level for the 1991 countries of fresh poultrymeat and fresh meat of reared murketingyear game birds (presented by the Commission) (doc. COM(89) 507 final) 30.05.1990-6 pp. 28.03.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-60673-8 ISBN 92-77-59693-7 CB-CO-90-235-EN-C EY-CO-90-027-EN-C EN-90-5 311 COM(90) 237 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning minimum standards for the protection of calves kept in intensive farming systems 0345 Veterinary inspection (presented by- the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 05.06.1990-5 pp. 3I9 COM{89) 509 final ISBN 92-77-60932-X Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down CB-CO-90-257-EN-C the veterinary rules for the disposal and processing of animal waste, for its placing on the market and for the prevention of pathogens in feeds tuffs 312 COM(90) 239 final (presented by the Commission) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation 17.10.1989-24 pp. (EEC) concerning minimum standards for the protection ISBN 92-77-54349-3 of pigs kept ín intensive farming systems CB-CO-89-500-EN-C


320 COM(89) 648 final comminuted meat for industrial use Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down (presented by the Commission) the health conditions for the production and the placing 01.02.1990-29 pp. on the market of live bivalve molluscs ISBN 92-77-56524-1 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-006-EN-C 31.01.1990-38 pp. ISBN 92-77-57297-3 CB-CO-90-057-EN-C COM(89) 672 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) adopting 321 COM(89) 652 final health rules for the production and placing on the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive market of heat-treated drinking milk 64/432/EEC as regards enzootic bovine leukosis (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commbsion) 16.03.1990-29 pp. 20.12.1989-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-56533-0 ISBN 92-77-56124-6 CB-CO-90-007-EN-C CB-CO-89-610-EN-C 331 COM(89) 673 final 322 COM(89) 655 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the health rules for the production and placing on the animal health conditions governing the placing on the market of fresh meat market of aquaculture animals and products (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 01.02.1990-58 pp. 02.02.1990-35 pp. ISBN 92-77-56542-X ISBN 92-77-57324-4 CB-CO-90-008-EN-C CB-CO-90-060-EN-C

323 COM(89) 658 final 332 COM(90) 14 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Proposal for a Council Decision amending for the fourth animal health requirements for the placing on the time Council Decision 88/303/EEC recognizing certain market In the Community of animals and products of parts of the territory of the Community as being either animal origin not covered in this respect by specific officially swine-fever free or swine-fever free Community rules (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 26.01.1990-4 pp. 01.02.1990 -24 pp. ISBN 92-77-56864-X ISBN 92-77-57279-5 CB-CO-90-024-EN-C CB-CO-90-055-EN-C

324 COM(89) 666 final COM(90) 72 final Proposal for a Council Decision on expenditure in the Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of veterinary field Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the (presented by the Commission) approximation of the laws of the Member States on 25.01.1990-27 pp. medicinal products and laying down additional ISBN 92-77-57270-1 provisions on homeopathic medicinal products CB-CO-90-054-EN-C Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of Directive 81/851/EECon the approximation of the laws of the Member States on veterinary medicinal products 325 COM(89) 667 final and laying down additional provisions on homeopathic Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down veterinary' medicinal products the health rules for the production and placing on the (presented bv the Commission) market of raw milk, of milk for the manufacture of 22.03.1990-33 pp. milk-based products and of milk-based products ISBN 92-77-57911-0 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-096-EN-C 05.02.1990-25 pp. ISBN 92-77-56918-2 CB-CO-90-030-EN-C 334 COM(90) 135 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down a Community procedure for the 326 COM(89) 668 final establishment of tolerances for residues of veterinary Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down medicinal products (COM(90) 135 final) health rules for the production and placing on the Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive market of fresh poultry meat amending Directive 81851 EEC on the approximation of (presented by the Commission) the laws of the Member States relating to veterinary 05.02.1990 -48 pp. medicinal products (COM(90) 135 final - SYN 189)' ISBN 92-77-57288-4 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive CB-CO-90-056-EN-C extending the scope of Directive 81 851 1 I t on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to veterinary medicinal products and laying down 327 COM(89) 669 final additional provisions for immunological' veterinary Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down medicinal products (COM(90) 135 final - SYN 190) the health rules for the production and placing on the (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) market of meat products of the EEC treaty) (presented by the Commission) 26.04.1990- 12 pp. 01.02.1990-35 pp. ISBN 92-77-59414-4 ISBN 92-77-57487-9 CB-CO-90- 157-EN-C CB-CO-90-075-EN-C

328 COM(89) 670 final COM(90) 189 final 309 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conditions for Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision granting temporary and limited derogations from introducing a Community financial measure for the specific Community health rules on the production and eradication of brucellosis in sheep and goats marketing of products of animal origin (presented by the Commission) (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 05.02.1990-8 pp. of the EEC-treaty) ISBN 92-77-56927-1 CB-CO-90-03I-EN-C COM(90) 216 final 407 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 329 COMI 89)671 final acceptance by the European Economic Community of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or the health rules for the production and placing on the maximum limits for veterinary' medicinal product market of minced meat, meat preparations and residues drawn up under the joint FAO/WHO Food


Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) C3-171/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr J. HAPPART 02.02.1990-8 PP. ISBN 92-77-57703-7 335 COM(90) 21672 final AY-CO-90-022-EN-A Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the microform acceptance by the European Economic Community of standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product 341 PE DOC A 3-23/90 Annex residues drawn up under the Joint ΙΛΟ WHO Food Annex to the report by Mr J. Happart drawn up on Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and (presented by the Commission) Rural Development Corrigendum Opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public 08.06.1990- 13 pp. Health and Consumer Protection ISBN 92-77-61172-3 22.02.1990-8 pp. CB-CO-90-274-EN-C ISBN 92-77-58612-5 AY-CO-90-063-EN-A microform COM(90) 237 final 311 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning minimum standards for the protection 342 PE DOC A 3-37/90 of calves kept in intensive farming systems Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the of the EEC-Treaty) proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Decision introducing a Community financial measure for the eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of COM(90) 239 final 312 salmonids in the Community (COM(89) 502 - C3-205/89) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation Rapporteur: Mr Henry Bell McCUBBIN (EEC) concerning minimum standards for the protection 22.02.1990- 11pp. of pigs kept in intensive farming systems ISBN 92-77-58342-8 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) AY-CO-90-047-EN-A of the EEC-Treaty) microform

PE DOC A 3-50/90 336 COM(90) 385 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection the principles governing the organization of veterinary on the proposals from the Commission to the Council for checks on products entering the Community from third I. a Directive amending Directive 81/S51/EEC on the countries approximation of the laws of the Member States relating (presented by the Commission) to veterinary medicinal products (COM(88) 779 final - 20.09.1990-21 pp. C3-50/89) ISBN 92-77-64238-6 IL a Directive extending the scope of Directive CB-CO-90-469-EN-C 81/851/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to veterinary medicinal products 337 COM(90) 396 final and laying down additional provisions for Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending immunological veterinary medicinal products (COM(88) Directives 81/602/EEC and 88/146/EEC as regards the 779 final - C3-49/89) prohibition of certain substances having a hormonal Rapporteur: Mr K. COLLINS action and any substances having a thyrostatic action 23.02.1990 -22 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-58513-7 of the EEC Treaty) AY-CO-90-062-EN-A 06.09.1990-5 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-63850-8 CB-CO-90-430-EN-C 344 PE DOC A 3-50/90 Annex Annex to the reports drawn up by Mr Collins on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health 338 COMÍ90) 443 final and Consumer Protection Proposal for a Council Decision laying down Community Opinions criteria for the eradication and monitoring of certain - of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural animal diseases Development (presented by the Commission) - of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 26.09.1990-7 pp. and Industrial Policy ISBN 92-77-64183-5 27.02.1990- 12 pp. CB-CO-90-462-EN-C ISBN 92-77-58702-4 AY-CO-90-073-EN-A microform 339 COM(90) 479 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision concerning safeguard measures in the veterinary field in 345 PE DOC A 3-51/90 the framework of the internal market Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection of the EEC Treaty) on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for 08.10.1990-4pp. a Regulation laying down a Community procedure for ISBN 92-77-64536-9 the establishment of tolerances for residues of veterinary CB-CO-90-493-EN-C medicinal products (COM(88) 779 - C3-48/89) Rapporteur: Mr Ken COLLINS 27.02.1990- 15 pp. COM(90) 497 final 369 ISBN 92-77-58450-5 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation AY-CO-90-058-EN-A (EEC) on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide microform residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, and amending Directive 76/895/EEC as regards procedural rules 346 PE DOC A 3-74/90 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on of the EEC Treaty) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposals from the Commission to the Council for - a Decision introducing a Community financial measure 340 PE DOC A 3-23/90 for the eradication of brucellosis in sheep and goats Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (COM(89) 498 - C3-202/89) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the - a Decision on financial aid from the Community for the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a eradication of African swine fever in Sardinia (COM(89) Decision concerning the administration of Bovine 499 - C3-203/89) Somatotroph^ (BST) (COM(89) 379 final - Doc. - a Directive amending Directive 85/511/EEC


Introducing Community measures for the control of EY-CO-89-169-EN-C foot-and-mouth disease (COM(89) 512 - C3-204/89) EN-89-32 Rapporteur: Mr Paul HOWELL 23.03.1990- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-59216-8 353 CESI89) 1375 AY-CO-90-097-EN-A Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision on microform financial aid from the Community for the eradication of African swine fever in Sardinia (doc. COM(89) 499 linai ι 347 PE DOC A 3-86/90 20.12.1989-4 pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on ISBN 92-77-57170-5 Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the EY-CO-89-173-EN-C roposal from the Commission to the Council for a EN-89-33 Êdecision concerning safeguard measures in the veterinary field in the framework of the Internal Market (COMI89) 493 - C3-206/89) CESI89) 1376 Rapporteur: Mrs H. KEPPELHOFF-WIECHERT Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 19.04.1990 -9 pp. amending Directive 85/511/EEC introducing Community ISBN 92-77-59944-8 measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease AY-CO-90-116-EN-A (doc. COMI89) 512 finali microform 20.12.1989-2 pp. ISBN 92-77-57179-9 EY-CO-89-174-EN-C 348 PE DOC A 3-104/90 EN-89-33 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 355 CESI89) 1377 roposal from the Commission to the Council for a Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Beclsion on expenditure in the veterinarv field amending Directive 88/407/EEC laying down the animal (COM(89| 666 final - C3-52/90) health requirements applicable to intra-Community Rapporteur: Mr P. HOWELL trade in and imports of deep-frozen semen of domestic 30.04.1990 -7 pp. animals of the bovine species ISBN 92-77-60223-6 (doc. COMI89) 495 final) AY-CO-90-I34EN-A 20.12.1989-3 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-57333-3 EY-CO-89-175-EN-C EN-89-33 349 PE DOC A 3-111/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 356 CESI89) 1378 proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Opinion on the following proposals Regulation laying down animal health requirements for - for a Council Regulation (EEC) on animal health the placing on the market in the Community of animals conditions governing intra-Community trade in and and products of animal origin not covered in this respect import from third countries of live equidae by specific Community rules (COM(89) 658 - ( '3-64 Vili - for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the zootechnical Rapporteur: Mr J. L. COLINO SALAMANCA and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community 04.05.1990-4 pp. trade in equidae ISBN 92-77-60383-6 - for a Council Regulation (EEC) on intra-Community AY-CO-90-I37-EN-A trade in equidae intended for participation in microform competitions (doc. COM(89) 503 final) 20.12.1989-4 pp. 350 PE DOC A 3-114/90 ISBN 92-77-57342-2 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on EY-CO-89-176-EN-C Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the EN-89-33 proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for I. a Regulation on animal health conditions governing CE.SI89) 1379 intra-Community trade in and imports from third Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) countries of live equidae on animal health conditions governing the placing of II. a Regulation on the zootechnical and genealogical rodents on the market in the Communitv conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae (doc. COMI89) 500 final) III. a Regulation on Intra-Community trade in equidae 20.12.1989-4 pp. Intended for participation in competitions ISBN 92-77-57351-1 (COMI89) 503 final - C3-2I8/89) EY-CO-89-177-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr J. [..COLINO SALAMANCA EN-89-33 15.05.1990- 27 pp. ISBN 92-77-60871 -4 358 CES(89) 1380 AY-CO-90146-ΕΝ-Λ Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision microform introducing a Community financial measure for the eradication of brucellosis in sheep and goats (doc. COM(89) 498 final) 351 PE DOC A 3-167/90 20.12.1989-3 pp. Report drawn upon behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection ISBN 92-77-57360-0 on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for EY-CO-89-178-EN-C a Regulation laying down the veterinary rules for the EN-89-34 disposal and processing of animal waste, for its placing on the market and for the prevention of pathogens in CES(90) 218 reedstulTs (COMI89I 509 . C3-201/891 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision Rapporteur: Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS concerning safeguard measures in the veterinary field in 27.06.1990-21 pp. the framework of the internal market ISBN 92-77-62696-8 AY-CO-90-217-EN-A (doc. COM(89l 493 final) microform 28.02.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-58882-9 EY-ra-90-018-EN-C EN-90-4 352 CE.SI89) 1371 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down health rules for the production and placing 360 CES(90) 219 on the market of melted animal fat, greaves and Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive bv-products of rendering for human consumption amending Directive 64/432/EEC as regards enzootic i.l.i.·. ι <»Mi 89) 490 ι Inai I bovine leukosis 20.12.1989-3 pp. (doc. COM(89) 652 final) ISBN 92-77-57089-X 28.02.1990-4 pp.


ISBN 92-77-58954-X EY-CO-90-020-EN-C 0350 Vegetable production EN-90-4

COM(90) 347 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on Community 361 CES(90) 369 plant variety rights Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision (presented by the Commission) introducing a Community financial measure for the 30.08.1990- 111 pp. eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of ISBN92-77-63524-X salmonids in the Community CB-CO-90-407-EN-C (doc. COM(89) 502 final) 29.03.1990-4pp. ISBN 92-77-59657-0 COM(90) 497 final EY-CO-90-024-EN-C Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation EN-90-5 (EEC) on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables, and amending Directive 76/895/EEC as regards procedural rules 362 CES(90) 370 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) of the EEC Treaty) laying down the veterinary rules for the disposal and 12.10.1990-5 pp. processing of animal waste, for its placing on the market ISBN 92-77-64833-3 and for the prevention of pathogens in feedingstuffs CB-CO-90-508-EN-C (doc. COMI89) 509 final) 28.03.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-59666-X CES(90) 827 723 EY-CO-90-025-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) EN-90-5 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops (doc. COM(90) 210 final) 363 CES(90) 373 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general health rules for the production and placing on the market of products of animal origin and 0351 Cereals and rice specific health rules for certain products of animal origin (doc. COM(89) 492 final) 28.03.1990-8 pp. 370 COM(89) 546 final ISBN 92-77-59702-X Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending EY-CO-90-028-EN-C Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common EN-90-5 organization of the market in cereals (presented by the Commission) 07.11.1989 - 6 pp. ISBN 92-77-54587-9 364 CES(90) 503 CB-CO-89-515-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision on expenditure in the veterinary field (doc. COM(89) 666 final) COM(89) 574 final 25.04.1990-4 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the ISBN 92-77-60466-2 application in Portugal of the aid scheme for the EY-CO-90-044-EN-C production of certain varieties of flint maize EN-90-8 (presented by the Commission) 20.lU989-6pp. ISBN 92-77-55107-0 CB-CO-89-541-EN-C 365 CES(90) 505 Additional opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down health rules for the COM(89) 589 final production and placing on the market of melted animal Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning fut, greaves and by-products of rendering for human statistical Information to be supplied by the Member consumption States on cereals production (doc. COM(89) 490 final) (presented by the Commission) 25.04.1990-4 pp. 29.11.1989- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-60538-3 ISBN 92-77-55248-4 EY-CO-90-046-EN-C CB-CO-89-551-EN-C EN-90-9 373 COM(90) 4 final Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) 366 CES(90) 658 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation laying organization of the market in cereals down animal health requirements for the placing on the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) market in the Community of animals and products of of the EEC-Treaty) unimal origin not covered in this respect by specific 15.01.1990-7 pp. Community rules ISBN92-77-56623-X (doc. COM(89) 658 final) CB-CO-90-014-EN-C 30.05.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-62006-4 EY-CO-90-064-EN-C 374 COM(90) 246 final EN-90-12 Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1352/90 fixing rice prices for the 1990/91 marketing year (presented by the Commission) 367 CES(90) 815 11.06.1990-5 pp. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) ISBN 92-77-61067-0 laying down the health rules for the production and CB-CO-90-270-EN-C placing on the market of minced meat, meat preparations and comminuted meat for industrial use (doc. COMI89) 671 final) 375 COM(90) 267 final 05.07.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-63274-7 Regulation (EEC) No 1569/72 laying down special EY-CO-90-092-EN-C measures for colza and rape seed and Regulation (EEC) EN-90-18 No 2036/82 adopting general rules concerning special


measures for peas, field beans and sweet lupins COM(90) 134 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 22.06.1990­6 pp. 66/403/EEC on the marketing of seed potatoes ISBN 92-77-61781-0 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-310-EN-C

COM(90) 169 final COM(90) 286 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1200/88 establishing a surveillance Regulation (EEC) No 1581/86 laying down general rules mechanism for imports of sour cherries, fresh, for intervention on the market In cereals and Regulation originating in Yugoslavia Nos 724/67/EEC and (EEC) 2754/78 on Intervention in (presented by the Commission) the oils and fats sector (presented by the Commission) 29.06.1990 -9 pp. 382 COM(90) 180 final ISBN 92­77­61826­4 Proposal for a Council Decision on the alignment of CB-CO-90-3I5-EN-C Portuguese prices for certain fruit and vegetables on the common prices (presented by the Commission) 377 PE DOC A 3-109/89 02.05.1990-6 pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on ISBN 92-77-59747-X Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the CB-CO-90-181-EN-C proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in cereals 383 COM(90) 197 final (COM(89) 449 final - doc C3-166/89) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the Rapporteur: Mr Anthony Joseph WILSON 1989/90 marketing year in the milk and beef and veal 20.12.1989-14 pp. sectors ISBN 92-77-56700-7 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-89-37I-EN-C 30.04.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-59828-X CB-CO-90-187-EN-C 378 PE DOC A 3-61/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the COM(90) 267 final 375 proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation concerning statistical information to be Regulation (EEC) No 1569/72 laying down special supplied by the Member States on cereals production measures for colza and rape seed and Regulation (EEC) (COMI89) 589 final - C3-2/90) No 2036782 adopting general rules concerning special Rapporteur: Mr J. L. COLINO SALAMANCA measures for peas, field beans and sweet lupins 07.03.1990-5 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58783-0 AY-CO-90-081-EN-A microform COM(90) 316 final 219 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1210/88 establishing import PE DOC A 3-214/90 K92 mechanisms for certain processed products obtained Report of the Committee on Development and from sour cherries and originating in Yugoslavia Cooperation on the proposal from the Commission to the (presented by the Commission) Council for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) 412/87 on the apportionment of the cereals provided for under the Food·Aid Convention for the period 1 July 384 COMI901345 final 1986 to 30 June 1989 Report by the Commission to the Council on the (COMI90) 217 final - C3/I80/90I table-olives sector Rapporteur: Mr Henri SABY Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning measures to develop the consumption of table olives 20.07.1990-23 pp. 379 CESÍ89) 1366 ISBN 92­77­62921­5 Opinion on the Commission's proposal for a Council CB-CO-90-385-EN-C Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in cereals COM(90) 427 final 245 (doc. COMI89) 449 final) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down 19.12.1989-4 pp. general rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) ISBN 92-77-57035-0 No 1198790 establishing a Community register of citrus EY-CO-89-I64-EN-C cultivation EN-89-31 (presented by the Commission)

385 ι 't »Μι«XI ι 428 final 0352 Fruit and vegetables Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 on the common organization of the market in fruit and vegetables as regards quality standards 380 COMI89) 649 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 21.09.1990-6 pp. marketing of young plants and propagating material ISBN 92-77-64102-9 other than seeds, of vegetables CB-CO-90-153-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 06.02.1990 -29 pp. ISBN 92­77­57306­6 386 PE DOC A 3-98/89 CB-CO-90-058-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 381 COM(89) 651 final Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2601/69 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the laying down special measures to encourage the marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit processing of mandarins, satsumas, Clementines and plants intended for fruit production oranges (COM(89) 464 final - doc C3-179/891 (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr Leopoldo ORTIZ Cl.IMF.NT 06.02.1990-30 pp. 12.12.1989- 15 pp. ISBN92-77-57315-5 ISBN 92-77-56386-9 CB-CO-90- 059-EN-C AY-CO-89-357-EN-C


387 CES(90) 655 ISBN 92-77-64707-8 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the CB-CO-90-500-EN-C marketing of young plants and propagating material other than seeds, of vegetables (doc COM(89) 649 final) CES(90) 655 387 30.05.1990-5 pp. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the ISBN 92-77-61970-8 marketing of young plants and propagating material EY-CO-90-061-EN-C other than seeds, of vegetables EN-90-11 (doc. < ΌΜι891 649 final)

388 CES(90) 657 CES(90) 656 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit marketing of ornamental plant propagating material plants intended for fruit production and ornamental plants (doc. COM(89) 651 final) (doc. COM(89) 650 final) 30.05.1990-5 pp. 30.05.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-61988-0 ISBN 92-77-61979-1 EY-CO-90-063-EN-C EY-CO-90-062-EN-C EN-90-12 EN-90-12

CES(90) 657 388 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the 0353 Textile plants marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit plants intended for fruit production (doc. COMI891 651 final) 389 COM 1891 (.11 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) instituting a special system of aid for small cotton producers (presented by the Commission) 0355 Wine and viticulture 08.12.1989-8pp. ISBN 92-77-54120-2 CB-CO-89-483-EN-C 395 COM(89) 583 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down 390 PE DOC A 3-64/90 special provisions on the establishment of the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Community vineyard register in Portugal Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the (presented by the Commission) proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 24.11.1989-5 pp. Regulation instituting a special system of aid for small ISBN 92-77-55428-2 cotton producers (COM(89) 6Π - C3-3/90) CB-CO-89-564-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr A. NAVARRO 13.03.1990- 15 pp. 396 CO M (891 620 final ISBN 92-77-58918-3 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending AY-CO-90-086-EN-A Regulation (EEC) No 2390/89 laying down general rules microform for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for 391 CES(90) 213 the third time Regulation (EEC) No 1873/84 authorizing Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) the offer or disposal for direct human consumption of instituting a special system of aid for small cotton certain imported wines which may have undergone producers oenological processes not provided for in Regulation (doc COM(89) 611 final) (EEC) No 337/79 28.02.1990-3 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58810-1 08.12.1989-7 pp. EY-CO-90-013-EN-C ISBN 92-77-55806-7 EN-90-3 CB-CO-89-587-EN-C

397 COM(90) 36 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 0354 Live plants and floriculture Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 on the common organization of the market in wine (presented by the Commission) COM(89) 649 final 380 30.01.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the ISBN 92-77-57116-0 marketing of young plants and propagating material CB-CO-90-040-EN-C other than seeds, of vegetables (presented by the Commission) 398 COMOD) 42 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 392 COM(89) 650 final Regulation (EEC) No 2390/89 laying down general rules Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must marketing of ornamental plant propagating material (presented by the Commission) and ornamental plants 07.03.1990-6 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58306-1 06.02.1990-29 pp. CB-CO-90-lll-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56299-4 CB-CO-89-618-EN-C COMODI 130 final 758 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for COM(89) 651 final the twelfth time Regulation (EEC) No 351/79 concerning Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the the addition of alcohol to products in the wine sector marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit (presented by the Commission) plants Intended for fruit production (presented by the Commission) 399 COM(90) 330 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for 393 ( ι »Μι«ιοί 483 final the third time Regulation (EEC) No 2390/89 laying down Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and Regulation (EEC) No 2997/87 laying down. In respect of grape must hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1986 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for harvest and providing for special measures for certain the fourth time Regulation (EEC) No 1873/84 regions of production authorizing the offer or disposal for direct human (presented by the Commission) consumption of certain imported wines which may have 16.10.1990-5 pp. undergone oenological processes not provided for in


Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 - amending Regulation No 136/667EEC on the (presented by the Commission) establishment of a common organization of the market 17.07.1990 -8 pp. in oils and fats ISBN 92-77-62397-7 - amending Regulation (EEC) No 2261/84 laying down CB-CO-90-348-EN-C general rules on the granting of aid for the production of olive oil and of aid to olive oil producer organizations - on the introduction of aid for the consumption of olive COM(90) 341 final 222 oil in Spain and Portugal Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending - removing oil and oil cake from the list of products Regulation (EEC) No 3677/89 in regard to the lutai subject to the supplementary trade mechanism (STM) in alcoholic strength by volume of certain quality wines Portugal imported from Hungary (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 28.09.1990-51 pp. ISBN 92-77-61538-9 CB-CO-90-298-EN-C COM(90) 382 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 458/80 on collective projects for COM(90) 286 final M(> the restructuring οΓ vineyards Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (presented by the Commission) Regulation (EEC) No 1581/86 laying down general rules 13.09.1990-6 pp. for intervention on the market in cereals and Regulation ISBN 92-77-64084-7 Nos 724/67/EEC and (EEC) 2754/78 on intervention in CB-CO-90-451-EN-C the oils and fats sector (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-60/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on COM(90) 477 final Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 1990/91 marketing year, the representative market price Regulation laying down special provisions on »the and the threshold price for olive oil and the percentages establishment of the Community vineyard register in of consumption aid to be retained in accordance with Portugal (COM(89) 583 · (3-247 89) Article 11(5) and (6) of Regulation No 136 6ft EEC Rapporteur: Mr J.L. COLINO SALAMANCA (presented by the Commission) 07.03.1990-5 pp. 08.10.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-58774-1 ISBN 92-77-64518-0 AY-CO-90-080-EN-A CB-CO-90-491-EN-C microform PE DOC A 3-110/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 0356 Alcohol Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities for a Council Regulation amending COM(89) 527 final Regulation (EEC) No 2262/84 laying down special Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the measures in respect of olive oil (COM(89) 349 final - approximation of the rates of excise duty on alcoholic doc.C3-H7/89> beverages and on the alcohol contained In other products Rapporteur: Mr GeorgiosSARIDAKIS (presented by the Commission) 20.12.1989- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-56731-7 AY-CO-89-374-EN-C CESi 90 > 832 712 Opinion on the amended proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the rales of excise duty on alcoholic beverages and on the alcohol contained 0358 Plant health In other products (doc COM(89) 527 final) COM(89) 646 final 511 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the 0357 Vegetable oils and fats introduction into the Member States of organisms harmful to plants or plant products (presented by the Commission) COM(89) 356 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2112 Ή7 introducing special COM(89) 647 final measures for certain processed oil products in Spain Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the Regulation (EEC) No 475/86 laying down general rules introduction into the Member States of organisms for the system for controlling the prices and the harmful to plant·* or plant products quantities of certain products in the oils and fats sector (presented by the Commission) released for consumption in Spain (presented by the Commission) 24.11 1989- II pp. COM(90) 216 final ISBN 92-77-55643-9 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the CB-CO-89-576-EN-C acceptance by the European Economic Community of standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product COM(89) 541 final residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) derogating provisions as regards storage contracts for (presented bv the Commission) olive oil In Greece, Spain and Portugal and as regards 21.05.1990-*13 pp. the definition of olive oil intended for export ISBN 92-77-60392-5 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-223-EN-C 08.11.1989-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-54838-X CB-CO-89-527-IIN-C 408 COM(90) 222 final Amendment of a proposal for a Council Decision introducing a Community financial measure for the COM(90) 270 final eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of Reports from the Commission salmonids in the Community - on the arrangements applicable in the oils and fats (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) sector after the end of the standstill period of the EEC Treatv) - on the working of the aid scheme for the production of 18.06.1990-3 pp. olive oil ISBN 92-77-60583-9 Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) CB-CO-90-231-EN-C


409 COM(90) 273 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a Council Directive amending the annex to of the EEC-Treaty) Directive 79/117/EEC prohibiting the placing on the 19.04.1990- 10 pp. market and use of plant protection products containing ISBN 92-77-59468-3 certain active substances CB-CO-90-163-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 22.06.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-61439-0 415 COM(90) 210 final CB-CO-90-292-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops 4)0 COM(90) 298 final (presented bv the Commission) Amended proposal for a Council Directive concerning 22.05.1990-6 pp. the placing of EEC-accepted plant protection products ISBN 92-77-60511-1 on the market CB-CO-90-227-EN-C (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) Addendum COM(90) 323/2 final 243 03.07.1990-2 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-62033-1 Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common CB-CO-90-327-EN-C organization of the markets in the sugar sector (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum PE DOC A 3-137/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the COM(90) 359 final 296 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection % Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending on the amended proposal from the Commission of the Regulation (EEC) No 3034/80 fixing the quantities of European Communities to the Council for a Directive basic products considered to have been used in the concerning the placing of EEC-accepted plant protection manufacture of goods covered by Regulation (EEC) products on the market (COM(89) 34 final - C3-64/89) No 3033/80, and fixing the rates of certain variable Rapporteur: Mr J. L. VALVERDE LOPEZ component levies 31.05.1990-27 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-61412-9 AY-CO-90-167-EN-A microform 416 PE DOC A 3-111/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the CES(90) 504 548 proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 727/70 on amending Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures the common organization of the market in raw tobacco against the introduction into the Member States of (COM(89) 424 final - doc. C3-159/89) organisms harmful to plants or plant products Rapporteur: Mr Giuseppe MOTTOLA (doc. COM(89) 647 final) 20.12.1989-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-56740-6 AY-CO-89-375-EN-C CES<90) 654 550 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive umending Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures PE DOC A 3-103/90 229 against the introduction into the Member States of Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on organisms harmful to plants or plant products Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the (doc. COM(89) 646 final) proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for I. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of 0359 Other vegetable products agricultural products, and II. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1010/86 laying down general rules for the production refund on COM(89) 525 final certain sugar products used in the chemicals industry Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the (COM(89) 71 final - C3-66/89) approximation of taxes on cigarettes Rapporteur: Mr T. SPENCER Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of taxes on manufactured tobacco other than cigarettes CES(90)834 714 (presented by the Commission) Opinion on the amended proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of taxes on cigarettes and the amended proposal for a Council Directive on the 412 COM(90) 97 final approximation of taxes on manufactured tobacco other Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down than cigarettes general rules on the marketing of preferential sugar in (doc. COM(89) 525 final) the Community for the 1989/90,1990/91 and 1991/92 marketing years (presented by the Commission) 13.08.1990-7 pp. 0360 Means of agricultural production ISBN 92-77-63247-X CB-CO-90-399-EN-C COM{89) 448 final 284 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 413 COM(90) 140 final Regulation (EEC) No 986/68 laying down general rules Report from the Commission to the Council on the for granting aid for skimmed milk and skimmed-milk production and marketing of hops · 1989 harvest powder for use as feed Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down, in (presented by the Commission) respect of hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1989 harvest (presented by the Commission) 417 COM(89) 566 final 23.04.1990-54 pp. Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-59486-1 Regulation (EEC) No 1471/88 concerning the CB-CO-90-165-EN-C arrangements applicable to imports of sweet potatoes and manioc starch intended for certain uses as regards imports of sweet potatoes intended for uses other than 414 COM(90) 147 final human consumption and originating in the People's Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the Republic of China for 1990 authorized advertising of tobacco products in the press (presented bv the Commission) and by means of bills and posters 14.11.1989-5 pp.


ISBN 92-77-54920-3 code 1604 for the 1990 fishing year CB-CO-89-532-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 03.11.1989- 16 pp. ISBN 92-77-54340-X COM(90) 104 final CB-CO-89^99-EN-C Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 986/86 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk 424 COM(89) 562 final and skimmed-milk powder for use in feed Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 87/278/EEC on Community financial contribution to the of the EEC-Treaty) development of the monitoring and supervision facilities necessary for applying the Community arrangements for the conservation of fishery resources 418 COM(90) 196 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing the 14.11.1989-6 pp. guide price for dried fodder products for the period 1 to ISBN 92-77-54911-4 13 May 1990 CB-CO-89-531-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 30.04.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-59819-0 425 COM(89) 584 final CB-CO-90- 186-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for the third time Regulation (EEC) No 4194/88 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total 419 COMI90) 266 final allowable catches for 1989 and certain conditions under Proposal for a Council Decision amending the Seventh which they may be fished Decision 85/355/EEC on the equivalence of field (presented by the Commission) Inspections carried out In third countries on 22.11.1989-5 pp. seed-producing crops and the Seventh Decision ISBN 92-77-55143-7 85/356/EEC on the equivalence of seed produced in »third CB-CO-89-545-EN-C countries Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 81/956/EEC on the equivalence of seed potatoes COM(89) 588 final produced in third countries Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for (presented by »the Commission) 1990, certain measures for the conservation and 22.06.1990- 10 pp. management of fishery resources, applicable to vessels ISBN 92-77-61799-3 flying the flag of a Member State, other than Spain and CB-CO-90-312-EN-C Portugal, in waters falling under the sovereignty or within the jurisdiction of Portugal Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for 420 COM(90) 321 final 1990, certain measures for the conservation and Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive management of fishery resources, applicable to vessels 74/63/EEC on the fixing of maximum permitted levels flying the flag of a Member State, other than Spain and for undesirable substances and products in feedingstulTs Portugal, in waters falling under the sovereignty or (presented by »the Commission) within the jurisdiction of Spain 13.07.1990-6 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for ISBN 92-77-62551-1 1990, certain measures for the conservation and CB-CO-90- 366-EN-C management of fishery resources, applicable to vessels flying the flag of Portugal in waters falling under the sovereignty or within the jurisdiction of a Member State, COM(90) 366 final 949 apart from Spain and Portugal Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the (presented by the Commission) Introduction and the maintenance of agricultural 28.11.1989- 14 pp. production methods compatible with the »requirements of ISBN 92-77-55357-X the protection of the environment and the maintenance CB-CO-89-560-EN-C of the countryside (presented by the Commission) 427 COMi89) 605 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation 421 PE DOC A 3-149/90 Annex (EEC) on the improvement of the conditions under Annex to Ine report by Mr Wynn drawn up on behalf of which fishery' and aquaculture products are processed the Committee on Development and Cooperation and marketed Opinion of the Committee on Budgets (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third 12.06.1990-2 pp. paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty > ISBN 92-77-61754-3 24.11.1989- I6pp. AY-CO-90-188-EN-A ISBN 92-77-55375-8 microform CB-CO-89-562-EN-C

COM(89) 619 final 438 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the 0380 Fisheries policy Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning »the provisional application of the Protocol establishing, for the period from 1 January 1990 to 422 COM(89) 187/2/Add. final 31 December 1991, the fishing opportunities and the Proposal for ■ Council Regulation (EEC) on the financial contribution provided for in the Agreement Improvement of the conditions under which »fishery and between the European Economic Community and the aquaculture products are processed and marketed Government of the People's Republic of Mozambique on (presented by the Commission) fisheries relations Addendum Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) relating to the 07.11.1989-2 pp. conclusion of the Protocol establishing, for the period ISBN 92-77-54653-0 from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1991, the fishing CB-CO-89-5I9-EN-C opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the People's 423 COM(89) 534 final Republic of Mozambique on fisheries relations Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing the (presented by the Commission) guide prices for the fishery products listed in Annex I (A), (D) and (E) of Regulation (EEC) No 3796781 for the 1990 fishing year 428 COM(89) 632 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down guide prices for the fishery products listed in Annex II to for 1990 certain measures for the conservation and Regulation (EEC) No 3796/81 for the 1990 fishing year management of fishery resources applicable to vessels Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing the flying the flag of Sweden Community producer price for tuna intended for the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating, for industrial manufacture of products falling within CN 1990, catch quotas between Member States for vessels


fishing in Swedish waters COM(90) 282 final 218 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on transitional 12.12.1989- 14 pp. measures concerning trade with the German Democratic ISBN 92-77-55889-X Republic in the agriculture and fisheries sector CB-CO-89-594-EN-C (presented by the Commission)

429 COM(89) 635 final COM(90) 285 final 177 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing catch Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) derogating possibilities for 1990 for certain fish stocks and groups from the definition of 'originating products' to take offish stocks in the Regulatory Area as defined in the account of the special situation of Saint-Pierre and NAFO Convention Miquelon with regard to certain fisheries products (presented by the Commission) 11.12.1989- 11pp. ISBN 92-77-55975-6 434 COMI90) 358 final CB-CO-89-601-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 4028/86 on Community measures to improve and adapt structures in the fisheries and aquaculture sector 430 COM(89) 645 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down 07.09.1990-34 pp. the health conditions for the production and the placing ISBN 92-77-63904-0 on the market of fishery products CB-CO-90-436-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 31.01.1990-38 pp. ISBN 92-77-57143-8 435 PE DOC A 3-28/90 CB-CO-90-043-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission of the European COM(89) 648 final 320 Communities to the Council for a Regulation on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down submission of data on the landings of fishery products in the health conditions for the production and the placing Member States (COM(89) 98 final - C3-69/89) on the market of live bivalve molluscs Rapporteur: Mr J. McCARTIN (presented by the Commission) 06.02.1990-5 pp. ISBN92-77-58162-X AY-CO-90-038-EN-A COM(89) 655 final 322 microform Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the animal health conditions governing the placing on the market of aquaculture animals and products PE DOC A 3-102/90 450 (presented by the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 431 COM(90) 52 final Regulation relating to the conclusion of the Protocol Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing, establishing, for the period from 1 January 1990 to for the period from 1 March to 30 June 1W0, certain 31 December 1991, the fishing opportunities and the measures for the conservation and management of financial contribution provided for in the Agreement fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the between the European Economic Community and the Japanese flag in waters falling under the sovereignty or People's Republic of Mozambique on fisheries relations jurisdiction of Portugal (COM(89) 619 - C3-5/90) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mrs S. FERNEX 06.02.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-57432-1 PE DOC A 3-104/90 Annex II CB-CO-90-068-EN-C Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Howell on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development COM(90) 126 final 206 Opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the checks Health and Consumer Protection and penalties applicable under the common agricultural and fisheries policies (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-187/90 879 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 432 COM(90) 173 final proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation on transitional measures concerning trade Regulation (EEC) No 2245/85 laying down certain with the German Democratic Republic in the agriculture technical measures for the conservation offish stocks in and fisheries sector (COM(90) 282 - C3-179/90) the Antarctic Rapporteur: Mr F. GUILLAUME (presented by the Commission) 02.05.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-59630-9 CB-CO-90-176-EN-C 0381 Fishing agreements

COM(90) 222 final 408 436 COM(89) 601 final Amendment of a proposal for a Council Decision Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the introducing a Community financial measure for the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of concerning the provisional application of the Protocol salmonids in the Community establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation of the EEC Treaty) provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of 433 COM(90) 277 final Guinea-Bissau Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the the second time Regulation (EEC) No 4047/89 fixing, for conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and allowable catches for 1990 and certain conditions under financial compensation provided for in the Agreement which they may be fished between the European Economic Community and the (presented by the Commission) Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of 19.06.1990-5 pp. Guinea-Bissau ISBN 92-77-61556-7 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-300-EN-C 01.12.1989-32 pp.


ISBN 92-77-55455-X December 1991 the fishing rights and financial CB-CO-89-567-EN-C compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea on fishing off the 437 COM(89) 617 final coast of Guinea Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period concerning the provisional application of the Protocol on from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1991 the fishing the conditions relating to fishing provided for in the rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Agreement between the European Economic Community Community, on the one hand, and the Government of and the Government of the Republic of Guinea on Denmark and the Home Rule Government of Greenland, fishing off the coast of Guinea on the other, for the period from 1 Januarv 1990 to (presented by the Commission) 31 December 1994 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) relating to the conclusion of the Protocol laying down the conditions COM(90) 109 final relating to fishing provided for in the Agreement on Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the fisheries between the European Economic Community, conclusion of the Agreement between the European on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and Economic Community and the Republic of Cape Verde the Home Rule Government of Greenland on the other on fishing off Cape Verde (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) II. 12.1989- 12pp. ISBN 92-77-55752-4 CB-CO-89-583-EN-C COM(90) 235 final 809 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement ín the form of an exchange of letters 438 COM(89) 619 final concerning the temporary extension from 1 to 30 April Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the 1990 of the Protocol to the Agreement between the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters Government of the Republic of Senegal and the concerning the provisional application of the Protocol European Economic Community on fishing off the coast establishing, for the period from 1 January 1990 to of Senegal 31 December 1991, the fishing opportunities and the (presented by the Commission) financial contribution provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the People's Republic of Mozambique on COM(90) 244 final fisheries relations Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) relating to the conclusion of the Agreement between the European conclusion of the Protocol establishing, for the period Economic Community and the United Republic of Trom 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1991, the fishing Tanzania on fishing off Tanzania opportunities and the financial contribution provided (presented bv the Commission) for in the Agreement between the European Economic 11.06.1990-30 pp. Community and the Government of the People's ISBN 92-77-61058-1 Republic of Mozambique on fisheries relations CB-CO-90-269-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 12.12.1989- 15 pp. ISBN 92-77-56054-1 442 COM(90) 312 final CB-CO-89-605-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the provisional application of the Protocol 439 COM(90) 51 final setting out the fishing rights and financial compensation Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the provided for in the Agreement between the Government Portuguese Republic to extend until 8 April 1991 the of the Republic of Senegal and the European Economic agreement on mutual fishery relations with the Republic Community on fishing off the coast of Senegal for the of South Africa period from 1 May 1990 to 30 April 1992 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 06.02.1990-4 pp. conclusion of the Protocol setting out the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the ISBN 92-77-57261-2 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of CB-CO-90- 053-EN-C Senegal and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of Senegal for the period from 1 COM(90) 54 final May 1990 to 30 April 1992 (presented bv the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 10.07.1990-43 pp. conclusion of the Agreement between the European ISBN 92-77-62461-2 Economic Community and the Republic of Sierra Leone CB-CO-90-356-EN-C on fishing off Sierra Leone (presented by the Commission) 12.02.1990- 25 pp. ISBN 92-77-57459-3 COM(90)331 final CB-CO-90-071-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the provisional application of Protocol No 2 COM190) 88 final 804 establishing for the period 1 April 1990 to 31 March Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the 1991 the crawfish fishing opportunities and the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters corresponding financial compensation provided for in concerning the provisional application of the Protocol the fishing Agreement between the European Economic defining for the period from 18 January 1990 to 17 Community and the Kingdom of Morocco January 1993 the »fishing opportunities and the financial Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the contribution provided for by the Agreement between the conclusion of Protocol No 2 establishing for the period 1 European Economic Community and the Republic of April 1990 to 31 March 1991 the crawfish fishing Seychelles on fishing off the coast of Seychelles opportunities and the corresponding financial Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) relating to the compensation provided for in the fishing Agreement conclusion of the Protocol defining for the period from between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco 18 January 1990 to 17 January 1993 the fishing (presented by the Commission) opportunities and the financial contribution provided for by the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Seychelles on fishing off Seychelles COMI90) 374 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Ivory Coast COM(90) 92 final 805 on fishing off Ivory Coast Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the (presented bv the Commission) Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters 31.07.1990-"33 pp. concerning the provisional application of the Protocol ISBN 92-77-63002-7 establishing for the period from 1 January 1990 to 31 CB-CO-90-391-EN-C


444 COM(90) 409 final 449 PE DOC A 3-83/90 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the concerning the temporary extension from 1 to 31 July proposal for a Council Regulation on the conclusion of 1990 of the Agreement between the European Economic the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on Community and the Republic of Sierra Leone on fishing fishing off the coast of Mauritania off Sierra Leone

445 COM(90) 429 final Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the 450 PE DOC A 3-102/90 Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters Report draw π up on behalf of the Committee on concerning the provisional application of the Protocol Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the establishing, for the period from 1 June 1990 to 31 May proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 1993, the fishing rights and financial compensation Regulation relating to the conclusion of the Protocol provided for in the Agreement between the European establishing, for the period from 1 January 1990 to Economic Community and the Government of the 31 December 1991, the fishing opportunities and the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome e Principe on fishing financial contribution provided for in the Agreement off Sao Tome e Principe between the European Economic Community and the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the People's Republic of Mozambique on fisheries relations conclusion of the Protocol establishing, for the period (COM(89)619-C3-5/90) from 1 June 1990 to 31 May 1993, the fishing rights and Rapporteur: Mrs S. FERNEX financial compensation provided for in the Agreement 27.04.1990- 12 pp. between the European Economic Community and the ISBN 92-77-60169-8 Government of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome e AY-CO-90-130-EN-A Principe on fishing off Sao Tome e Principe microform (presented by the Commission) 24.09.1990- 19 pp. 451 PE DOC A 3-132/90 ISBN 92-77-64192-4 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on CB-CO-90-463-EN-C Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a Regulation relating to 446 COM(90) 484 final the conclusion of the Protocol laying down the conditions Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the relating to fishing provided for in the Agreement on Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters fisheries between the European Economic Community, concerning the provisional application of the Protocol on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and establishing, for the period from 1 August 1990 to 31 the Home Rule Government of Greenland on the other July 1993, the fishing rights and financial compensation (COM(89) 617 final - C3-4/90) provided for in the Agreement between the European Rapporteur: Mr J. MIRANDA DA SILVA Economic Community and the Government of the 31.05.1990- 16 pp. Islamic Republic of Mauritania on fishing off the coast ISBN 92-77-61223-1 of Mauritania AY-CO-90-160-EN-A Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the microform conclusion of the Protocol establishing, for the period from 1 August 1990 to 31 July 1993, the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the 452 PE DOC A 3-150/90 Agreement between the European Economic Community Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on fishing off the Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the coast of Mauritania proposal from the Commission of the European (presented by the Commission) Communities to the Council for a Regulation (EEC) on 17.10.1990-28 pp. the conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period ISBN 92-77-64806-6 from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1991 the fishing CB-CO-90-505-EN-C rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea on 447 PE DOC A 3-29/90 fishing off the coast of Guinea (COM(90) 92 final - doc. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on C3-114/90) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Rapporteur: Mrs T. DOMINGO SEGARRA proposals from the Commission to the Council on 07.06.1990-7 pp: - a Regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol ISBN 92-77-64021-9 establishing for the period from 27 June 1989 to 26 June AY-CO-90-248-EN-A 1992 the fishing rights and financial compensation microform provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (COM(89) 443 final - PE DOC A 3-150/90 Annex S 34 C3-170/89) Annex to the report drawn up by Mrs Domingo Segarra - a Regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June und Rural Development 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation Opinion of the Committee on Budgets provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of PE DOC A 3-185/90 S42 Guinea-Bissau (COM(89) 601 final -C3-251/89) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Rapporteur: Mr M. ARIAS CAÑETE Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the 06.02.1990- 18 pp. proposal from the Commission of the European ISBN 92-77-58171-9 Communities to the Council for a Regulation on the AY-CO-90-039-EN-A conclusion of the Agreement between the European microform Economic Communitv and the Republic of Cape Verde on fishing off Cape Verde (COM(90) 109 - C3-119/90) Rapporteur: Mr A. da CUNHA OLIVEIRA PE DOC A 3-29/90 Annex Annex to the report of Mr Arias Cañete drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development 0382 Fishing regulations Opinion of the Committee on Development and Cooperation 06.03.1990-5 pp. 453 COM(S9> 563 final ISBN 92-77-58621-4 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for AY-CO-90-064-EN-A the ninth time Regulation (EEC) No 3094/86 laying down microform certain technical measures for the conservation of


fishery resources catches for 1990 and certain conditions under which (presented by the Commission) they may be fished 15.11.1989- 10 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-54847-9 21.02.1990-7 pp. CB-CO-89-528-EN-C ISBN 92-77-57848-3 CB-CO-90-090-EN-C 454 COM(89) 604 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending, for COM(90) 137 final the second time. Regulation (EEC) No 4198/88 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an allocating, for 1989, catch quotas between Member Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters States for vessels fishing in Swedish waters concerning the temporary extension from 1 to 31 March (presented by the Commission) 1990 of the Protocol to the Agreement between the 01.12.1989-6 pp. Government of the Republic of Senegal and the ISBN 92-77-55348-0 European Economic Community on fishing off the coast CB-CO-89-559-EN-C of Senegal (presented by the Commission) 20.04.1990 -6 pp. 455 COM(89) 630 final ISBN 92-77-59423-3 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) fixing, for CB-CO-90- 158-EN-C certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1990 and certain conditions under which they may be fished 463 COM(90) 170 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 12.12.1989-46 pp. Regulations (EEC) No 4054/89, allocating for 1990 ISBN92-77-55939-X Community catch quotas in Greenland waters and CB-CO-89-597-EN-C (EEC) No 4052/89 laying down for 1990 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels registered in the 456 COM(89) 631 final Faroe Islands Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down (presented by the Commission) for 1990 certain measures for the conservation and 26.04.1990-6 pp. management of fishery resources applicable to vessels ISBN 92-77-59594-9 flying the flag of Norway CB-CO-90- 172-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating, for 1990, certain catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing In the Norwegian exclusive economic zone 464 COM(90) 191 final and the fishing zone around Jan Mayen Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the (presented by the Commission) acceptance by the Community of Greenland's offer of an 12.12.1989- 14 pp. additional catch quota for 1990 ISBN 92-77-55880-6 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-89-593-EN-C 04.05.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-59891-3 CB-CO-90-191-EN-C 457 COM(89) 633 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating, for 1990, Community catch quotas ín Greenland waters 465 COM(90) 224 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating 12.12.1989-7 pp. additional catch quotas among Member States for ISBN 92-77-55957-8 vessels fishing in Swedish waters CB-CO-89-599-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 12.06.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-60664-9 458 COM(89) 634 final CB-CO-90-234-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down for 1990 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels COM(90) 262 final registered in the Faroe Islands Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating for Regulation (EEC) No 4054/89 allocating, for 1990, 1990 certain catch quotas between the Member States Community catch quotas in Greenland waters for vessels fishing in Faroese waters (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 15.06.1990-6 pp. 12.12.1989- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-61385-8 ISBN 92-77-55966-7 CB-CO-90-288-EN-C CB-CO-89-600-EN-C 467 COM(90) 303 final 459 COM(89) 637 final Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters for 1990 certain measures for the conservation and concerning the provisional application of the Protocol management of fishery resources applicable to vessels establishing for the period from 1 July 1990 to 30 June flying the flag of certain non-member countries in the 1993 the fishing rights and financial compensation 200-nauticiil-mile zone off the coast of the French provided for in the Agreement between the European department of Guiana Economic Community and the Government of the (presented by the Commission) Republic of Gambia on fishing off the coast of Gambia 13.12.1989- 12pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the ISBN 92-77-56011-8 conclusion of the protocol establishing for the period CB-CO-89-603-EN-C from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1993 the fishingright s and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the COM(89) 644 final Government of the Republic of Gambia on fishing off Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down the coast of Gambia certain technical measures for the conservation of (presented by the Commission) fishery resources In the Regulatory Area defined by the 10.07.1990 -22 pp. International Convention on Future Multilateral ISBN 92-77-62415-9 Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries CB-CO-90-350-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 12.12.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-56020-7 COM(90) 307 final S14 CB-CO-89-604-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the provisional application of the Protocol defining, for the 461 COM(90) 8 final period from 3 May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the fishing Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending opportunities and financial compensation provided for Regulation (EEC) No 4047/89 fixing, for certain fish in the Agreement between the European Economic stocks and groups offish stocks, the total allowable Community and the Government of the People's


Republic of Angola on fishing off Angola (COM(89) 275 final - doc. C3-93/89) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Rapporteur: Mr Nicolas ESTGEN conclusion of the Protocol defining, for the period from 3 May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the fishing opportunities and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement PE DOC A 3-77/89/Annex 483 between the European Economic Community and the Annex to the report by Mr Nicolas Estgen drawn up on Government of the People's Republic of Angola on behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, fishing off Angola the Media and Sport (presented by the Commission) Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights

468 COM(90) 364 final PE DOC A 3-89/89 484 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Regulation (EEC) No 4055/89 fixing catch possibilities 1 for 1990 for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks Affairs and Citizens Rights on the proposal from the in the Regulatory Area as defined in the NAFO Commission to the Council for a Directive on the right of Convention residence (COM(89) 27S final · doc. C3-94/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr Lode VAN OUTRIVE 23.07.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-62849-9 PE DOC A 3-16/90 622 CB-CO-90-38I-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on the most important legislative proposals in the social 469 COM(90) 371 final field to be included in the Commission's programme for Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for 1990 (COM(89) 568 final - Doc. C3-238/89) the tenth time Regulation (EEC) No 3094/86 laying down Rapporteur Mr R. CHANTERIE certain technical measures for the conservation of PART A: Motion for a resolution fishery resources (presented by the Commission) 31.07.1990- 12 pp. PE DOC A 3-16/90 Β 623 ISBN 92-77-63533-9 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social CB-CO-90-408-EN-C Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on the most important legislative proposals in the social field to be included in the Commission's programme for 1990 EMPtOYMENT AND LABOUR Rapporteur: Mr R. CHANTERIE 04 Part B: Explanatory statement

PE DOC A 3-133/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on 0410 Employment policy the orientation of the Council for a Directive on the right of residence for employees and self-employed persons who have ceased their occupational activity (C3-13/90) 470 COM(89) 399 final Rapporteur: Mr MEGAHY Employment in Europe -1989 31.05.1990 -23 pp. 26.07.1989- 176 pp. ISBN 92-77-61493-5 ISBN 92-77-51991-6 AY-CO-90-171-EN-A CB-CO-89309-EN-C microform

COM(89) 568 final 620 474 PE DOC A 3-175/90 Communication from the Commission concerning its Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment action programme relating to the implementation of the and the Working Environment on the communication Community Charter of basic social rights for workers from the Commission on its action programme relating to the implementation of the Community Charter of fundamental social rights for workers - priorities for the COM(90) 225 final 493 period 1991/92 - (COM(89) 568 - doc. C3-238/89) Interim report on the implementation of Council General rapporteur: Mr WiUem J. VAN VELZEN Decision 85/368/EEC of 16 July 1985 on the Co-rapporteurs: comparability of vocational training qualifications Mr VAN OUTRIVE - Part I between the Member States of the European Community Mr RAGGIO - Part II (presented by the Commission) Mr MARQUES MENDES - Part III Mrs SANDBÆK - Part IV Mr BARROS MOURA - Part V 471 COMI90) 290 final Mrs VAN DIJK - Part VI Employment in Europe - 1990 Lord O'HAGAN - Part VII 13.08.1990- 173 pp. Mr PISONI - Part VIII ISBN 92-77-63292-5 Mr MAMAS . Part IX CB-CO-90-400-EN-C Mr DE VITTO - Part X and Mr LE CHEVALLIER - Part XI 04.07.1990-72 p. 472 COMC90) 317 final ISBN 92-77-64057-X Proposal for a Council Directive concerning certain AY-CO-90-249-EN-A aspects of the organization of working time microform (presented by the Commission) 20.09.1990-25 pp. ISBN 92-77-64229-7 CB-CO-90-468-EN-C 0420 Labour market and freedom of movement for workers PE DOC A 3-72/89/Annex 4SI Annex to the report by Mr Thomas Megahy drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, COM(89) 472 final Employment and the Working Environment Proposal for a Council Directive on mutual acceptance Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' of personnel licences for the exercise of functions in civil Rights aviation (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-77/89 482 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, 475 COM(89) 675 final Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right proposal from the Commission to the Council for a of residence for students Directive on the right of residence for students Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right


of residence for employees and self-employed persons 481 PE DOC A 3-72/89/Annex who have ceased their occupational activity Annex to the report by Mr Thomas Megahy drawn up Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, of residence Employment and the Working Environment (presented by the Commission, pursuant to Article 149, Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' paragraph 3, of the EEC Treaty) Rights 22.12.1989- 14 pp. 05.12.1989- 16 pp. ISBN 92-77-56457-1 ISBN 92-77-56308-7 CB-CO-90-OOl-EN-C AY-CO-89-352-EN-C

476 COM(90) 79 final PE DOC A 3-77/89 Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, 84/636/EEC establishing a third joint programme to Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the encourage the exchange of young workers within the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Community Directive on the right of residence for students Young workers' exchange programme (COM(89) 275 final - doc. C3-93/89) Report 1988-1989 Rapporteur: Mr Nicolas ESTGEN (presented by the Commission) 29.11.1989-23 pp. 13.03.1990- 15 pp. ISBN 92-77-56027-4 ISBN 92-77-58486-6 AY-CO-89-333-EN-C CB-CO-90-115-EN-C 483 PE DOC A 3-77/89/Annex COM(90) 108 final Annex to the report by Mr Nicolas Estgen drawn up on Modified proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, amending Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 on freedom of the Media and Sport movement for workers within the Community Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Modified proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Rights amending Directive 68/360/EEC on the abolition of 05.12.1989- 10 pp. restrictions on movement and residence of workers of ISBN 92-77-56331-1 Member States and their families within the Community AY-CO-89-353-EN-C (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) 09.04.1990- 16 pp. 484 PE DOC A 3-89/89 ISBN 92-77-59360-1 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal CB-CO-90-151-EN-C Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on the right of residence (COM(89) 275 final - doc. C3-94/89) COM(90) 108/2 final Rapporteur: Mr Lode VAN OUTRIVE Modified proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) 04.12.1989-25 pp. amending Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 on freedom of ISBN 92-77-56175-0 movement for workers within the Community AY-CO-89-344-EN-C Modified proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Directive 68/360/EEC on the abolition of PE DOC A 3-13/90 restrictions on movement and residence of workers of Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Member States and their families within the Community Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) the proposals from the Commission to the Council for of the EEC Treaty) I. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 Corrigendum on freedom of movement for workers within the 27.06.1990- 2 pp. Community ISBN 92-77-62088-9 II. a Directive amending Directive 68/360/EEC on the CB-CO-90-329-EN-C abolition of restrictions on movement and residence within the Community for workers of Member States and their families COM(90) 165 final (COM(88) 815 - Doc. C3-55/89) Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific Rapporteur: Mr. F. PISONI research and technological development programme in 29.01.1990- 18 pp. the field of human capital and mobility (1990-1994) ISBN 92-77-57622-7 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-90-013-EN-A microform COM(90) 290 final Employment in Europe - 1990 486 PE DOC A 3-124/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal COM(90) 335 final Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Council for a Directive on the right of residence Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social (C3-12/90) security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed Rapporteur: Mr L. VAN OUTRIVE persons and to members of their families moving within 28.05.1990- 16 pp. the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying ISBN 92-77-61121-9 down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) AY-CO-90-153-EN-A No 1408/71 microform (presented by the Commission) 487 PE DOC A 3-124/90 Annex Annex to the report by Mr L. Van Outrive drawn up on 479 COM(90) 377 final behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Second report on the third joint programme for the Rights exchange of young workers 1988-89 Opinion of the Committee on Social Affairs, (presented bv the Commission) Employment and the Working Environment 01.08.1990- 30 pp. 05.06.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-63155-4 ISBN 92-77-61484-6 CB-CO-90-397-EN-C AY-CO-90-170-EN-A microform 480 PE DOC A 2-149/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 488 PE DOC A 3-141/90 Women's Rights on the role of women in cooperatives Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, and local employment initiatives Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the Council (adopted pursuant to Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedure) orientation concerning a Directive on the right of Rapporteur: Mrs Magdalene HOFF residence for students (C3-14/90) 28.04.1989-41 pp. Rapporteur: Mr N. ESTGEN ISBN 92-77-55029-5 31.05.1990-31 pp. A Y-CO-89-215-EN-C ISBN 92-77-61502-8


AY-CO-90-172-EN-A ISBN 92-77-61349-1 microform CB-CO-90-284-EN-C

CES(90) 374 676 COM(90) 290 final 471 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on Employment in Europe - 1990 mutual acceptance of personnel licences for the exercise of functions in civil aviation (doc. COM(89) 472 final) COM(90) 334 final Memorandum on the rationalization and coordination of vocational training programmes at Community level CES(90) 507 (presented by the Commission) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision 21.08.1990 -25 pp. amending Decision 84/636/EEC establishing a third joint ISBN 92-77-62750-6 programme to encourage the exchange of young workers CB-CO-90-375-EN-C within the Community (doc. COM(90) 79 final) 25.04.1990-3 pp. COM(90) 389 final ISBN 92-77-60556-1 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on a EY-CO-90-048-EN-C second general system for the recognition of professional EN-90-9 education and training which complements Directive 89/48/EEC (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 0430 Vocational training 06.08.1990 -26 pp. ISBN 92-77-63426-X CB-CO-90-405-EN-C COM(89) 567 final Proposal for a Council Decision proposing the adoption 496 COM(90) 472 final of a Community action programme for the development Communication from the Commission of continuing vocational training Vocational training in the arts field (Communication from the Commission) 25.10.1990- 15 pp. 08.12.1989-41 pp. ISBN 92-77-64698-5 ISBN 92-77-55116-X CB-CO-90-499-EN-C CB-CO-89-542-EN-C

497 PE DOC A 3-43/90 COM(89) 602 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on vocational training for certain drivers of vehicles the proposal for a Council Decision proposing the carrying dangerous goods by road adoption of a Community action programme for the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) development of continuing vocational training of the EEC Treaty) (COM(89) 567 final - C3-16/90) Rapporteur: Mr D. PAGOROPOULOS COM(89) 612 final 23.02.1990- 11 pp. Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision ISBN 92-77-58378-9 relating to the adoption of a Community Action AY-CO-90-051-EN-A Programme in the field of Vocational Training and microform Technological Change EUROTECNET II 498 PE DOC A 3-43/90 Β (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on 22.01.1990- 6 pp. the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a ISBN 92-77-55579-3 decision proposing the adoption of a Community action CB-CO-89-572-EN-C programme for the development of continuing vocational training (COM(89) 567 final - doc. C3-16/90) COM(89) 613 final Rapporteur: Mr D. PAGOROPOULOS Proposal for Council Decisions concerning the Part B: Explanatory statement conclusion of Agreements between the European 01.03.1990-2 pp. Economic Community and the EFTA countries ISBN 92-77-58666-4 establishing cooperation in the field of training in the AY-CO-90-069-EN-A context of the implementation of COMETT II microform (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-62/90 792 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, COM(90) 95 final 806 Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the proposals from the Commission to the Council for conclusion of an Agreement between the European Decisions concerning the conclusion of agreements Economic Community and the Principality of between the European Economic Community and the Liechtenstein establishing cooperation in the field of EFTA countries establishing cooperation in the field of training in the context of the implementation of training in the context of the implementation of COMETT II (1990-1994) COMETT II (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) (COM/89/613 - Republic of Austria - C3-29/90 Republic of Finland - C3-30/90 4«>: COM(90) 188 final Republic of Iceland - C3-31/90 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision Kingdom of Norway - C3-32/90 adopting the Community action programme for the Kingdom of Sweden - C3-33/90 development of continuing vocational training Swiss Confederation - C3-34/90) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Rapporteur: Mr R. BARZANTI, Chairman of the EEC-Treaty) 26.04.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-59738-0 499 PE DOC A 3-68/90 Annex CB-CO-90-180-EN-C Annex to the report by Mr Harrison drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, the Media and Sport COM(90) 225 final Opinions Interim report on the implementation of Council - of the Committee on Budgets Decision 85/368/EEC of 16 July 1985 on the - of the Committee on External Economic Relations comparability of vocational training qualifications - of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and between the Member States of the European Community the Working Environment (presented bv the Commission) 28.03.1990- 12 pp. 12.06.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-59297-4


AY-CO-90-lOl-EN-A Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing microform and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (presented by the Commission) 500 PE DOC A 3-88/90 10.11.1989- 17 pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal ISBN 92-77-55053-8 Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the CB-CO-89-538-EN-C Commission to the Council for a Directive on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training which complements Directive 508 COM(89) 550 final 89/48/EEC (COM(89) 372 final - C3-134/89) Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision Rapporteur: Mrs N. FONTAINE 86/138/EEC concerning a demonstration project with a 22.04.1990-29 pp. view to introducing a Community system of information ISBN 92-77-59962-6 on accidents involving consumer products and fixing the AY-CO-90-118-EN-A financial allocation for the last two years of its operation microform (presented by the Commission) 08.11.1989- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-54644-1 501 CES(90)86 CB-CO-89-518-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training which complements Directive 89/48/EEC 509 COM(89) 575 final (doc. COM(89) 372 final) Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the 31.01.1990-5 pp. seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation ISBN 92-77-57947-1 of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of EY-CO-90-002-EN-C dangerous substances EN-90-1 (presented by the Commission) 09.01.1990-59 pp. 502 CES(90) 378 ISBN 92-77-56569-1 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision CB-CO-90-Oll-EN-C proposing the adoption of a Community action programme for the development of continuing vocational training (Force) COM(89) 577 final 184 (doc. COM(89) 567 final) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending 28.03.1990-8 pp. Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions ISBN 92-77-59783-6 governing imports of agricultural products originating EY-CO-90-033-EN-C in third countries following the accident at the EN-90-6 Chernobyl nuclear power-station (presented by the Commission) 503 CES(90) 509 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) COM(89) 586 final establishing a European Training Foundation Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive (doc. COM(90) 15 final/3) concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member '25.04.1990-5 pp. States relating to personal protective equipment ISBN 92-77-60592-8 (COM(88) 157 final) EY-CO-90-050-EN-C (presented by the Commission pursuant to EN-90-9 Article 149(2)(d) of the EEC Treaty) 29.11.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-55098-8 0440 Working conditions, health and CB-CO-89-540-EN-C

safety COM(89) 606 final 572 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, 504 COM(89) 376 final regulations and administrative provisions of the Member Proposal for a Council Directive on the operational States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use protection of outside workers exposed to ionizing of certain dangerous substances and preparations radiation during their activities in installations in which (COM(87) 39 final) such radiation is used (presented by the Commission pursuant to (presented by the Commission) Article 149(2)(d) of the EEC Treaty) 20.02.1990- 19 pp. ISBN 92-77-52696-3 CB-CO-89-382-EN-C COM(89) 607 final 756 Proposal for a Council Directive on the wholesale 505 COM(89) 478 final distribution of medicinal products for human use Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the legal Directives 80/778/EEC on drinking water, 76/160/EEC status for the supply of medicinal products for human on bathing water, 75/440/EEC on surface water and use 79/869/EEC on methods of measurement and Proposal for a Council Directive on the labelling of frequencies of analysis of surface water medicinal products for human use and on package (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) leaflets of the EEC Treaty) (presented by the Commission) 01.10.1989-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-54322-1 CB-CO-89-497-EN-C COM(89) 640 final 628 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive relating to the maximum permitted blood alcohol 506 COM(89) 540 final concentration for vehicle drivers (COM(88) 707 final) Communication from the Commission to the Council on (presented by the Commission under Article 149(3) of the improvement of the general system for collecting the EEC Treaty) epidemiological data on HIV infection in the European Community 09.11.1989-4 pp. 511 COM(89) 646 final ISBN 92-77-54454-6 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive CB-CO-89-506-EN-C 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the introduction into the Member States of organisms harmful to plants or plant products 507 COM(89) 548 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the tenth 22.01.1990-25 pp. time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the ISBN 92-77-56281-1 laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the CB-C 0-89-616-EN-C


512 COM(89) 647 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the 09.04.1990- 14 p. introduction into the Member States of organisms ISBN 92-77-59252-4 harmful to plants or plant products CB-CO-90-147-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 22.01.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-56290-0 COM(90) 147 final CB-CO-89-617-EN-C Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the authorized advertising of tobacco products in the press and by means of bills and posters COM(89) 648 final 320 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down of the EEC-Treaty) the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 162 final 1007 Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and technological development programme in 513 COMÍ89) 654 final the field of biomedicine and health (1990-1994) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion on (presented by the Commission) behalf of the European Economic Community of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, adopted in COM(90) 172 final 759 Vienna on 19 December 1988 Report from the Commission on a Community system (presented by the Commission) for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising 21.12.1989- 13pp. from the use of consumer products in accordance with ISBN 92-77-56193-9 Article 8 of the Council Decision of 21 December 1988 CB-CO-89-6I2-EN-C (89/45/EEC) Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 89/45/EEC on a Community system for the rapid COM(89) 655 final 322 exchange of information on dangers arising from the use Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the of consumer products animal health conditions governing the placing on the (presented by the Commission) market of aquaculture animals and products (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 181 final Communication of the Commission to the Council, the 514 COM(89) 665 final Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the concerning the modifications to be made to the proposal eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on the for a Council resolution concerning a 1990-1994 action approximation of the laws, regulations and plan in the framework of the 'Europe against Cancer* administrative provisions of the Member States relating programme to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain 26.04.1990-7 p. dangerous substances and preparations ISBN 92-77-59684-8 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-178-EN-C 15.01.1990- 17 pp. ISBN 92-77-56578-0 COM(90) 184 final CB-CO-90-0I2-EN-C Proposal fora Council Directive amending Directive 83/477/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work COM(89) 668 final 326 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down (presented by the Commission) health rules for the production and placing on the 30.05.1990- 14 pp. market of fresh poultry meat ISBN 92-77-60025-X (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-195-EN-C

COM(90) 185 final COM(90) 13 final 575 'Europe against Cancer' Programme: report on the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council implementation of the first plan of action, 1987-1989 Directive 79/196/EEC on the approximation of the laws Communication from the European Commission to the of the Member States concerning electrical equipment Council, the European Parliament and the Economic for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing and Social Committee certain types of protection 08.05.1990-36 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-60124-8 CB-CO-90-203-EN-C COM(90) 72 final 333 Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of 520 COM(90) 199 final Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on minimum safety and health requirements for work with medicinal products and laying down additional display screen equipment provisionson homeopathic medicinal products (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) Directive 81/851/EEC on the approximation of the laws 22.05.1990-18 pp. of the Member States on veterinary medicinal products ISBN 92-77-59908-1 and laying down additional provisions on homeopathic CB-CO-90-193-EN-C veterinary medicinal products (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 212 final 760 Proposal for a Council Directive on advertising of 515 COM(90) 101 final medicinal products for human use Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the (presented by the Commission) creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products (presented bv the Commission) COM(90) 212/2 final 11.04.1990-43 pp. Proposal for a Council Directive on advertising of ISBN 92-77-59405-5 medicinal products for human use CB-CO-90-156-EN-C (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum 516 COM(90) 131 final Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the COM(90) 215 final 762 minimum health and safety requirements for the manual Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down handling of loads involving a risk of musculoskeletal measures to be taken to discourage the diversion of Injury to workers certain substances to the illicit manufacture of narcotic


drugs and psychotropic substances waste (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 216 final 407 COM(90) 352 final 585 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Proposal for a Council Directive adapting to technical acceptance by the European Economic Community of progress for the eleventh time Council Directive standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product regulations and administrative provisions relating to the residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) substances (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 216/2 final COM(90) 462 final 588 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive acceptance by the European Economic Community of amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the approximation of standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or the laws of the Member States relating to machinery maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product (presented by the Commission pursuant to paragraph 3 residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum PE DOC A 3-30/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection COM(90) 221 final on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the a Directive on the advertising of tobacco products in the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to press and by means of bills and posters (COM(89) 163 carcinogens at work final/2 - C3-76/89) (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Rapporteur: Mr Niall ANDREWS Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) 22.05.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-60484-0 PE DOC A 3-30/90 Annex CB-CO-90-224-EN-C Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Andrews on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 522 COM(90) 228 final Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Proposal for a Council Directive on certain employment Affairs and Industrial Policy relationships with regard to working conditions Proposal for a Council Directive on certain employment relationships with regard to distortions of competition PE DOC A 3-37/90 342 Proposal for a Council Directive supplementing the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on measures to encourage improvements in the safety and Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the health at work of temporary workers proposal from the Commission to the Council for a (presented bv the Commission) Decision introducing a Community financial measure for 13.08.1990-49 pp. the eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of ISBN 92-77-62822-7 salmonids in the Community (COM(89) 502 - C3-205/89) CB-CO-90-378-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr Henry Bell McCUBBIN

COM(90) 247 final 577 525 PE DOC A 3-41/90 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Employment and the Working Environment on the to active implantable medical devices (COM(88) 717 common position of the Council on a Directive on the final SYN 173 COM(89) 418) minimum health and safety requirements for the manual (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article handling of loads where there is a risk particularly of 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) back injury to workers (C3-227/89) Rapporteur: Mr Stephen HUGHES 23.02.1990-8 pp. COM(90) 251 final 1024 ISBN 92-77-58369-X Re-examined proposal for a Council Decision adopting a AY-CO-90-050-EN-A specific research and technological development microform programme in the field of health: Human Genome Analysis (1990/91) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 526 PE DOC A 3-52/90 149.2(d) οΓ the EEC-Treaty) Report drawn up by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a resolution 523 COMÍ90) 272 final concerning an action plan 1990-1994 in the framework Proposal for a Council Directive on the minimum health of the Europe against cancer programme (COM(89) 210 and safety requirements for improved medical treatment - C3-83/89) on board vessels Rapporteur: Mrs S. VEIL (presented by the Commission) 27.02.1990-23 pp. 29.06.1990-27 pp. ISBN 92-77-58459-9 ISBN 92-77-61934-1 AY-CO-90-059-EN-A CB-CO-90-323-EN-C microform

COM(90) 275 final 527 PE DOC A 3-76/90 Proposal for a Council Directive on the implementation Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, of minimum safety and health requirements at Employment and the Working Environment on the temporary or mobile work sites common position established by the Council with a view (Eighth individual Directive within the meaning of to the adoption of a Directive on the minimum safety Article 16 of Directive 89/391/EEC) and health requirements for work with display screen (presented by the Commission) equipment (C3-9/90) 23.07.1990-50 pp. Rapporteur: Mrs A. CATASTA ISBN 92-77-61547-8 23.03.1990- 14 pp. CB-CO-90-299-EN-C ISBN 92-77-59234-6 AY-CO- 90-099-EN-A microform COM(90) 328 final 947 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 80/836/Euratom laying down the basic safety standards PE DOC A 3-89/90 1009 for the health protection of the general public and Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research workers against the dangers of ionising radiation as and Technology on the common position of the Council regards prior authorization of shipment of radioactive with a view to the adoption of a Decision adopting a


specific research and technological development 534 PE DOC A 3-121/90 programme in the field of health: human genome Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the analysis (1990-1991) (C3-10/90) Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Rapporteur: Mrs Hiltrud BREYER on a draft Council resolution proposed by the Commission on improving the prevention and treatment of acute human poisoning (COM(89) 505 final - 528 PE DOC A 3-93/90 I C3-199/89) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Rapporteur: Mr A. BOMBARD Women's Rights on Women and Health Care 06.06.1990-9 pp. Rapporteur: Mrs N. VAN DIJK ISBN 92-77-61655-5 Part I: Motion for a resolution AY-CO-90-177-EN-A 24.04.1990-9 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-60007-1 AY-CO-90-123-EN-A 535 PE DOC A 3-135/90 microform Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for PE DOC A 3-93/90 II a Decision amending Decision 867138/EEC concerning a Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on demonstration project with a view to introducing a Women's Rights on Women and Health Care Community system of information on accidents Rapporteur: Mrs N. Van DUK involving consumer products and fixing the financial Part B: Explanatory statement allocation for the last two years of its operation Annexes (COM(89) 550 final - doc. C3-216/89) 24.04.1990-22 pp. Rapporteur: Mr J. VERNIER ISBN 92-77-60365-8 31.05.1990- 14 pp. AY-CO-90-135-EN-A ISBN92-77-61241-X microform AY-CO-90-162-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-96/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 536 PE DOC A 3-180/90 Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection a Directive amending Directive 79/196/EEC on the on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive approximation of the laws of the Member States amending for the tenth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially approximation of the laws, regulations and explosive atmospheres employing certain types of administrative provisions of the Member States relating protection (COM(90) 13 - C3-77/90) to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain Rapporteur: Mr BEUMER dangerous substances and preparations (COM(89) 548 final - doc. C3-242/89 - SYN 224) Rapporteur: Mrs U. SCHLEICHER 05.07.1990- 14 pp. 530 PE DOC A 3-101/90 ISBN 92-77-63119-8 Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, AY-CO-90-231-EN-A Employment and the Working Environment concerning microform the common position of the Council on a Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens at work (C3-24/90) 537 PE DOC A 3-191/90 Rapporteur: Mrs Ursula SCHLEICHER Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and 27.04.1990-21 pp. Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the ISBN 92-77-60160-4 common position of the Council with a view to the AY-CO-90-129-EN-A adoption of a Directive amending Directive 79/196/EEC microform on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing certain types of 531 PE DOC A 3-101/90 Β protection (C3-198/90) Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, Rapporteur: Mr Bouke BEUMER Employment and the Working Environment concerning 19.07.1990-5 pp. the common position of the Council on a Directive on the ISBN 92-77-63587-8 protection of workers from the risks related to exposure AY-CO-90-234-EN-A to carcinogens at work (C3-24/90) microform Rapporteur: Mrs U. SCHLEICHER Part B: Explanatory statement 03.05.1990-4 pp. 538 PE DOC A 3-218/90 ISBN 92-77-60374-7 Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment AY-CO-90-136-EN-A and the Working Environment on the Commission microform proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 83/477/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work (COM(90) 184 532 PE DOC A 3-118/90 final - C3-187/90 - SYN 256) Recommendation by the Committee on the Rapporteur: Lord O'HAGAN Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 21.09.1990-8 pp. on the common position of the Council on a Directive on ISBN 92-77-64599-7 nutrition labelling l'or foodstuffs (C3-74/90) AY-CO-90-263-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr Carlos PIMENTA microform 23.05.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-61094-8 539 PE DOC A 3-219/90 AY-CO-90-150-EN-A Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment microform and the Working Environment on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive on the operational protection of outside workers exposed to ionizing 533 PE DOC A 3-119/90 radiation during their activities in installations in which Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the such radiation is used (COM(89) 376 final - C3-81/90) Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Rapporteur: Mr Stephen HUGHES on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for 21.09.1990- 12 pp. a Decision on the introduction of a standard ISBN92-77-64608-X Europe-wide emergency call number (COM(89) 452 - AY-CO-90-264-EN-A C3-177/89) microform Rapporteur: Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS 05.06.1990- 11 pp. ISBN 92-77-61646-6 540 PE DOC A 3-224/90 AY-CO-90-176-EN-A Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, microform Employment and the Working Environment on the


common position established by the Council with a view salmonids in the Community to the adoption of a Directive on the protection of (doc. COMI89) 502 final) workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work (seventh individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16) 1) of Directive 89/391 /EEC I CESI90) 373 363 (C3-142/90 · SYN 129) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Rapporteur: Mr Barth» PRONK laying down general health rules for the production and 24.09.1990- 17 pp. placing on the market of products of animal origin and ISBN 92-77-64644-6 specific health rules for certain products of animal origin AY-CO-90-268-EN-A (doc. COMI89) 492 final) microform 546 CES(90) 379 541 CES(89) 1361 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision on the on the Statute for a European Company introduction of a standard Europe-wide emergency call (doc. COMI89) 268 final) number and the proposal for a Council Directive complementing (doc. COM(89) 452 final - SYN 223) the Statute for a European Company with regard to the 19.12.1989-3 pp. involvement of employees in the European company ISBN 92-77-56963-8 (doc. COM(89) 268 final) EY-CO-89-I59-EN-C 28.03.1990-27 pp. EN-89 31 ISBN 92-77-59864-6 EY-CO-90-034-EN-C EN-90-7 542 CESI89) 1369 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision CESI90) 499 amending Decision 86/138/EEC concerning a Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive demonstration project with a view to introducing a amending for the eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on Community system of information on accidents the approximation of the laws, regulations and involving consumer products and fixing the financial administrative provisions of the Member States relating allocation for the last two years of its operation to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain (doc. COM(89) 550 final) dangerous substances and preparations 20.12.1989-4 pp. (doc COM(89) 665 final) ISBN 92-77-57071-7 25.04.1990-4 pp. EY-CO-89- 167-EN-C ISBN 92-77-60412-3 EN-89-31 EY-CO-90-O40-EN-C EN-90-8 CES(89I 1370 613 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the CESI90) 502 advertising of tobacco products in the press and by Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive means of bills and posters amending Council Directive 79/196/EEC on the (doc COMI89) 163 final/2 - SYN 194) approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing certain types of CESI89) 1371 352 protection Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) (doc COMI90) 13 final) laying down health rules for the production and placing on the market of melted animal fat, greates and by-products of rendering for human consumption CESI90) 504 (doc. COM(89) 490 final) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the introduction into the Member States of 543 CES(90) 208 organisms harmful to plants or plant products Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Directive (doc COM(89) 647 final) amending for the 10th time Directive 76/769/EEC on the 25.04.1990 -5 pp. approximation of the laws, regulations and ISBN 92-77-60475-1 administrative provisions of the Member Suites relating EY-CO-90-045-EN-C to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain EN-90-9 dangerous substances and preparations (doc. COMI89) 548 final) 28.02.1990-5 pp. CES(90) 505 365 ISBN 92-77-58576-5 Additional opinion on the proposal for a Council EY-CO-90-008-EN-C Regulation (EEC) laying down health rules for the EN-90-2 production and placing on the market of melted animal fat, greaves and by-products of rendering for human consumption 544 CES(90) 109 (doc COMC89) 490 final) Opinion on the draft Council Decision on the acceptance by the Community or an OECD 549 CES(90) 511 Decision/recommendation on the control of transfrontier Opinion on the draft CouncD Directive amending movements of hazardous wastes Directive 80/836/Euratom laying down the basic safety (doc. 10524/1/89 + Corr. 1) standards for the health protection of the general public 28.02.1990- 2 pp. and workers against the dangers of ionizing radiation as ISBN 92-77-58585-4 regards prior authorization of shipment of radioactive EY-CO-90-0O9-EN-C waste EN-90-2 (doc. COM(89) 559 final) 25.04.1990 -8 pp. 1SBN92-77-60610-X 545 CESI90) 368 EY-CO-90-052-EN-C Opinion on the draft Council Resolution on Improving EN-90-10 the prevention and treatment of acute human poisoning (doc. COMI89) 505 final) 28.03.1990-4 pp. 550 ( 1 Si "111 654 ISBN 92-77-59648-1 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive EY-CO-90-023-EN-C amending Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures EN-90-5 against the introduction into the Member States of organisms harmful to plants or plant products (doc. COMI89) 646 final) CES(90) 369 361 05.06.1990-7 pp. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision ISBN 92-77-61961-9 introducing a Community financial measure for the EY-CO-90-060-EN-C eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of EN-90-11


551 CES(90)816 ISBN 92-77-59288-5 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision AY-CO-90-lOO-EN-A amending Decision 89/45/EEC on a Community system microform for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising from the use of consumer products (doc. COM(90) 172 final) PE DOC A 3-168/90 778 04.07.1990-3 pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the ISBN 92-77-63283-6 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection EY-CO-90-093-EN-C on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for EN-90-18 a Regulation concerning game meat and rabbit meat (COM(89) 496 - C3-208/90) CES(90) 823 Rapporteur: Mrs Caroline JACKSON Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the wholesale distribution of medicinal products for human use CES(90) 511 549 (doc COM(89) 607 final) Opinion on the draft Council Directive amending Directive 80/836/Euratom laying down the basic safety standards for the health protection of the general public CES(90) 824 782 and workers against the dangers of ionizing radiation as Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive regards prior authorization of shipment of radioactive concerning the legal status for the supply of medicinal products for human use waste (doc COM(89) 607 final) (doc. COM(89) 559 final)

556 CES(90) 825 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the 05 SOCIAL QUESTIONS labelling of medicinal products for human use and on package leaflets (doc. COM(89) 607 final) 04.07.1990 -6 pp. ISBN 92-77-63400-6 EY-CO-90-102-EN-C 0510 Social policy EN-90-19

552 COM(90) 80 final Communication on the elderly Proposal for a Council Decision on community actions for the elderly 0530 Social protection and social security (presented by the Commission) 24.04.1990-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-59378-4 557 COM(90) 335 final CB-CO-90-153-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social 553 PE DOC A 3-222/90 security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment persons and to members of their families moving within and the Working Environment on a proposal for a the Community and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying Council Decision on Community actions for the elderly down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) (COM(90) 80 final - doc C3-126/90) No 1408/71 Rapporteur: Mr Dimitrios NIANIAS (presented by the Commission) 24.09.1990- 18 pp. 24.07.1990-72 pp. ISBN 92-77-64626-8 ISBN 92-77-62966-5 AY-CO-90-266-EN-A CB-CO-90-387-EN-C microform 558 COM(90) 426 final 554 CES(90) 830 Amended proposal for a Council Decision on the Opinion on the social developments in the Community in introduction of a standard Europe-wide emergency call 1989 number • 05.07.1990-8 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-63462-6 of the EEC Treaty) EY-CO-90-107-EN-C 05.10.1990-7 pp. EN-90-20 ISBN 92-77-64003-0 CB-CO-90-447-EN-C 0520 Health policy 559 CES(90) 821 Opinion on the communication on the elderly COM(89) 376 final cru (doc. COM(90) 80 final) Proposal for a CouncD Directive on the operational 04.07.1990 -6 pp. protection of outside workers exposed to ionizing ISBN 92-77-63355-7 radiation during their activities in installations in which EY-CO-90-098-EN-C such radiation is used EN-90-19 (presented by the Commission)

COM(89) 577 final 184 Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) amending 0540 European Social Fund Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power-station 560 COM(90) 373 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Decision on the confirmation of the nomination of members and alternates of the Committee of the European Social Fund 555 PE DOC A 3-12/90 Annex 2 Proposal for a Council Decision on the replacement of Annex to the report by Mr Imbeni drawn up on behalf two members and alternates of the European Social of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health Fund Committee and Consumer Protection (presented by the Commission) Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens1 31.07.1990- 10 pp. Rights ISBN 92-77-63310-7 28.03.1990-2 pp. CB-CO-90-402-EN-C


ISBN 92-77-62262-8 06 LAWS AND PROCEDURES AY-CO-90-195-EN-A

PE DOC A 3-160/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 0610 Treaties, intra-Community Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the amended proposal from the Commission to the agreements and conventions Council for a Directive on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (COM(89) 446 - C3-28/90) Rapporteur: Mr K. von WOGAU 561 COM(90) 264 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976787 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain 0630 Approximation of legislation categories of agreements and concerted practices in the air transport sector (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) COMI89) 446 final 618 of the EEC-Treaty) Amended proposal for a Council Directive on control of 11.06.1990-4 pp. the acquisition and possession of weapons ISBN 92-77-61331-9 (submitted by the Commission pursuant to CB-CO-90-282-EN-C Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty)

567 COM(89) 525 final 0620 Community secondary legislation Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of taxes on cigarettes Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the 562 COM(89) 411 final approximation of taxes on manufactured tobacco other Sixth Annual Report to the European Parliament on than cigarettes Commission monitoring of the application of (presented by the Commission) Community law 1988 19.12.1989-26 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-54542-9 21.12.1989-264 pp. CB-CO-89-510-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56272-2 CB-CO-89-615-EN-C 568 COM(89) 526 final Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the 563 COM(89) 553 final approximation or the rates or excise duty on mineral oils Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on (presented by the Commission) the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating 19.12.1989-21 pp. to non-automatic weighing instruments ISBN 92-77-54551-8 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third CB-CO-89-511-EN-C paragraph οΓ Article 149 oT the EEC Treaty) 31.10.1989-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-54481-3 COM(89) 527 final CB-CO-89-509-EN-C Amended proposal ror a Council Directive on the approximation of the rates of excise duty on alcoholic beverages and on the alcohol contained in other products 564 COM(89) 591 final (presented by the Commission) Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on 07.12.1989- 16 pp. company law concerning single-member private limited ISBN 92-77-54560-7 companies CB-CO-89-512-EN-C (presented by the Commission to the CouncD on the basis or Article 149.2(d) or the EEC Treaty) 29.11.1989-6 pp. COM(89) 575 final 509 ISBN 92-77-55197-6 Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the CB-CO-89-548-EN-C seventh time Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of ι » »M,»nu 288 final dangerous substances Seventh annual report to the European Parliament on (presented by the Commission) Commission monitorine. „Γ the application οΓ Community law -1989 (presented by the Commission) 570 COM(89) 576 final Amendment to the Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States COMI90) 301 final 681 concerning foods and food ingredients treated with Re-examined proposal Ι,,ι a Council Directive on the ionizing radiation procurement procedures or entities operating in the (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Irian» (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 15.11.1989-4 pp. 149.2(d) or the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-54856-8 CB-CO-89-529-EN-C 565 PE DOC A 3-88/89 Report drawn up on In-half i>r the Committee on the COM(89) 586 final 510 Verification or Credentials and Immunities on the Re-examined proposal for a CouncD Directive request ror the waiver οΓ Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen's concerning the approximation of the laws ot the Member arliamentary immunity States relating to personal protective equipment Bapporteur: Mr Jean lil I It Mi ;\ I (COMI88) 157 final) 01.12.1989- II pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to ISBN 92-77-56166-1 Article 1-l'ili lui ι of the EEC Treaty) AY-CO-89-343-EN-C

571 COM(89) 592 final 566 PE DOC A 3-158/90 Re-examined proposal for a CouncD Directive (EEC) Report drawn up on In-half of the Committee on Legal amending Directive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the Sixth Annual Report for the approximation or the laws, regulations and to the European Parliament on Commission monitoring administrative provisions of the Member States οΓ the application ,»l Community law - 1988 (COM(89) concerning consumer credit 411 final - doc. C3-133/89) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Rapporteur: Mr K. DE GLICHT Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) 18.06.1990- 14 pp. 29.11.1989- 12 pp.


ISBN 92-77-55215-8 ISBN 92-77-61022-0 CB-CO-89-550-EN-C CB-CO-90-265-EN-C

572 COM(89) 606 final COM(90) 263 final Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, approximation of the laws of the Member States regulations and administrative provisions of the Member concerning telecommunications terminal equipment* States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use including the mutual recognition of their conformity of certain dangerous substances and preparations (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (COM(87) 39 final) of the EEC-Treaty) (presented by the Commission pursuant to 19.06.1990-31 pp. Article 149(2)(d) of the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-61178-2 27.11.1989-8 pp. CB-CO-90-275-EN-C ISBN 92-77-55437-1 CB-CO-89-565-EN-C 579 COM(90) 274 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive 573 COM(89) 624 final amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation of Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive the laws of the Member States relating to electrically 89/392/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the operated lifts Member States relating to machinery (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (presented by the Commission) of the EEC-Treaty) 15.12.1989-62 pp. 18.06.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-56395-8 ISBN92-77-61448-X CB-CO-89-622-EN-C CB-CO-90-293-EN-C

574 COM(89) 636 final 580 COM(90) 276 final Proposal for a CouncD Directive amending Directive Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the 87/404/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Member States relating to simple pressure vessels to non-automatic weighing instruments (COM(88) 780 (presented by the Commission) final - SYN 174; COM(89) 553) 19.12.1989-8 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article ISBN 92-77-56063-0 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) CB-CO-89-606-EN-C 18.06.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-61520-6 CB-CO-90-296-EN-C COM(89) 638 final 716 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the COM(90) 293 final 651 Member States relating to electrically operated lifts Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on (presented by the Commission) the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to spray-suppression devices of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers COM(89) 665 final 514 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the of the EEC-Treaty) eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating 581 COM(90) 297 final to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain Proposal for a Council Directive coordinating the laws, dangerous substances and preparations regulations and administrative provisions relating to the (presented by the Commission) application of Community rules on the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors 575 COM(90) 13 final (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council 30.07.1990-41 pp. Directive 79/196/EEC on the approximation of the laws ISBN 92-77-62975-4 of the Member States concerning electrical equipment CB-CO-90-388-EN-C for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing certain types of protection (presented by the Commission) 582 COM(90) 304 final 29.01.1990- 13 pp. Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the ISBN 92-77-56945-X approximation of the laws of the Member States relating CB-CO-90-033-EN-C to appliances burning gaseous fuels (COM(88) 786 final - SYN 178 - and COM(89) 459) (presented by the Commission in pursuance of Article COM(90) 74 final 174 149(2)(d) of the EEC Treaty) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive 29.06.1990-4 pp. amending the Council Directive of 24 July 1979 on the ISBN 92-77-62106-0 harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for CB-CO-90-331-EN-C free circulation (79/695/EEC) (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) 583 COM(90) 340 final Commission report to the Council presented in accordance with Article 2 of the Council Decision of 576 COM(90) 174 final 23 July 1987 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive (Application of a measure derogating from Article 17 of 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization Member States relating to the measures to be taken of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel taxes) engines for use in vehicles Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United (presented by the Commission) Kingdom to apply an optional measure derogating from 15.06.1990-38 pp. Article 17 of the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the ISBN 92-77-61592-3 harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating CB-CO-90-304-EN-C to turnover taxes 17.07.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-62542-2 577 COM(90) 247 final CB-CO-90-365-EN-C Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active Implantable medical devices (COM(88) 717 584 COM(90) 348 final final SYN 173 COM(89) 418) Proposal for a Third Council Directive on the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article coordination of laws, regulations and administrative 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) provisions relating to direct insurance other than life 14.06.1990-4 pp. assurance and amending Directives 73/239/EEC and


88/357/EEC ISBN 92-77-56672-8 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-89-368-EN-C 31.08.1990-92 pp. ISBN 92-77-63831-1 CB-CO-90-427-EN-C PE DOC A 3-113/89 166 Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy 585 ( ( IMl'llli 352 final on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for Proposal for a Council Directive adapting to technical a Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC on the progress for the eleventh time Council Directive harmonization of procedures for the release of goods for 67/548/EEC on the approximation or the laws, free circulation (COM(89) 385 final - doc C3-I38/89) regulations and administrative provisions relating to the Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY classification, packaging and labelling or dangerous substances (presented by the Commission) 592 PE DOC A 3-115/89 20.07.1990-6 p. Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on the ISBN 92-77-62569-» Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection CB-CO-90-368-EN-C on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for a Directive amending for the fourth time Directive 70/357/EEC on the approximation or the laws or the 586 ι I IMi'iili 408 final Member States concerning the antioxidants authorized Proposal for a Council Directive completing Directive ror use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption 88/388/EEC on the approximation of the laws or the (COMI86) 384 final - doc C3-23/89) Member States relating to flavourings ror use in Rapporteur: Mrs Ursula SCHLEICHER foodstuffs and to source materials for their production 20.12.1989-6 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-56794-5 02.10.1990-5 pp. AY-CO-89-379-EN-C ISBN 92-77-64329-3 CB-CO-90-480-EN-C 593 PE DOC \ 3-30/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the ι ι iMi'im 415 final 950 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Proposal ror a Council Regulation (EEC) on the on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for supervision and control of shipments of waste within, a Directive on the advertising of tobacco products in the into and out or the European Community press and by means of bills and posters (COM(89) 163 (presented by the Commission) final/2 - C3-76/89) Rapporteur: Mr Nuill ANDREWS 07.02.1990-15 pp. 587 ι ι IMi'im 453 final ISBN 92-77-58180-8 Amended proposal for a Council Directive on control or AY-CO-90-040-EN-A the acquisition and possession of weapons microform (presented by the Commission pursuant to Artide 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) 27.09.1990- 19 pp. 594 PE DOC A 3-30/90 Annex ISBN 92-77-64248-3 Annex to the report drawn up by Mr Andrews on behalf CB-CO-90-471-EN-C of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary 588 COM(90) 462 final Affairs and Industrial Policy Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive 27.02.1990 -7 pp. amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the approximation of ISBN 92-77-58630-3 the laws of the Member States relating to machinery AY-CO-90-065-EN-A (presented by the Commission pursuant to paragraph 3 microform or Article 149 or the EEC Treaty) 28.09.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-64401-X PE DOC A 3-31,90 CB-CO-90· 488-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for COM(90) 493 final a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Amendment to the proposal ror a Council Directive Member States relating to the spray-suppression devices amending Directive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be (COM(89> 377 · C3-136789) taken against air pollution by emissions from motor Rapporteur: Mr Peter BEAZLEY vehicles 09.02 1990- 13 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-58189-1 of the EEC Treaty) AY-CO-90-041-EN-A 19.10.1990-8 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-64824-4 CB-CO-90-507-EN-C 596 PE DOC A 3-48/90 Recommendation of the Committee on the Environment, 590 PE DOC A 3-59/89 Public Health and Consumer Protection concerning the Recommendation by the Committee on Economic and common position of the CouncD on the proposal from Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the the Commission for a Directive on the approximation of common position of the Council on a Directive on the the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative the Member States concerning the maximum tar vield of provisions relating to the application of review cigarettes (doc. C3-226/89 - SYN 117) procedures to the award or public supply and public Rapporteur: Mr Null ANDREWS works contracts (doc C3-15/89) 23.02.1990-4 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Bouke BEUMER ISBN 92-77-58396-7 20 10.1989- 13 pp. AY-CO-90-053-EN-A ISBN 92-77-54945-9 microform AY-CO-89-302-EN-C 597 PE DOC A 3-65/90 591 PE DOC A 3-106/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning telecommunications terminal Member States relating to modified starches Intended equipment, including the mutual recognition of their Tor human consumption (COM(84) 726 final - conformity (COM(89) 289 · C3-116/89) doc C3-20/89) Rapporteur: Mrs Imelda Marv READ Rapporteur: Mrs Simone M.M. MARTIN 20.03.1990-24 pp. 19.12.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-59108-0


AY-CO-90-088-EN-A ISBN 92-77-61130-8 microform AY-CO-90-154-EN-A microform 598 PE DOC A 3-82/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and 604 PE DOC A 3-128/90 Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and position of the Council on the Directive on the Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating common position adopted by the Council with a view to to active implantable medical devices (C3-75/90) the adoption of a Directive on the approximation of the Rapporteur: Mr P. LATAILLADE laws of the Member States relating to appliances 03.04.1990-7 pp. burning gaseous fuels (doc. C3-38/90) ISBN 92-77-59917-0 Rapporteur: Mr. Pierre LATAILLADE AY-CO-90-113-EN-A 29.05.1990-7 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-61139-1 AY-CO-90-155-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-92/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy PE DOC A 3-156/90 on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the a Directive amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection harmonization of the laws of the Member States, relating on a European Community system of dog registration to simple pressure vessels (COM(89) 636 - < '3-18/90 ) Rapporteur: Mrs Anita POLLACK Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY 08.06.1990- 18 pp. 24.04.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-62178-8 ISBN 92-77-59998-7 AY-CO-90-191-EN-A AY-CO-90-122-EN-A microform microform 606 PE DOC A 3-176/90 PE DOC A 3-95/90 721 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy common position of the Council with a view to the on the proposal from the Commission of the European adoption of a Directive amending Directive 79/695/EEC Communities to the Council for a Directive amending on the harmonization of procedures for the release of Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation of the laws goods (C3-141/90) of the Member States relating to electrically operated Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY lifts (COM(89) 638 final · C3-19/90) 02.07.1990-5 pp. Rapporteur: Mr F. MERZ ISBN 92-77-62651-8 AY-CO-90-212-EN-A 600 PE DOC A 3-96790 microform Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for PE DOC A 3-191/90 537 a Directive amending Directive 79/196/EEC on the Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and approximation of the laws of the Member States Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially common position of the Council with a view to the explosive atmospheres employing certain types of adoption of a Directive amending Directive 79/196/EEC protection (COM(90) 13 - C3-77/90) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States Rapporteur: Mr BEUMER concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially 27.04.1990-5 pp. explosive atmospheres employing certain types of ISBN 92-77-60070-5 protection (C3-198/90) AY-CO-90-125-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr Bouke BEUMER microform 607 PE DOC A 3-198/90 601 PE DOC A 3-97/90 Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Health and Consumer Protection on the Commission Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for 70/220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the a Decision on the modules for the various phases of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against conformity assessment procedures which are intended to air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles be used in the technical harmonization directives (COM(89) 662 - C3-53/90) (COM(89) 209 - C3-125/89) Rapporteur: Mr Kurt VITTINGHOFF Rapporteur: Mr Gérard J. J. CAUDRON 27.07.1990-37 pp. 27.04.1990- 16 pp. ISBN 92-77-63695-5 ISBN 92-77-60K2-6 AY-CO-90-242-EN-A AY-CO-90-127-EN-A microform microform 608 PE DOC A 3-200/90 602 PE DOC A 3-100/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the position established by the Council with a view to the common position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a Directive amending Directive 84/529/EEC adoption of a Directive on the harmonization of the laws on the approximation of the laws of the Member States of the Member States relating to non-automatic relating to electrically operated lifts (C3-197/90) weighing instruments (C3-39/90) Rapporteur: Mr MERZ Rapporteur: Mr Pierre LATAILLADE 26.07.1990-5 pp. 27.04.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-63713-7 ISBN 92-77-60079-9 AY-CO-90-244-EN-A AY-CO-90-126-EN-A microform microform PE DOC A 3-202/90 PE DOC A 3-125/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy position established by the Council with a view to the on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for adoption of a Directive amending Directive 87/404/EEC a Directive amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States approximation of the laws of the Member States relating relating to simple pressure vessels (C3-199/90 - SYN 232) to machinery (COM(89) 624 - C3-21/90) Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY Rapporteur: Mr CHRISTIANSEN 09.08.1990-3 pp. 28.05.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-63812-5


AY-CO-90-247-EN-A CES(90) 379 microform Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Statute for a European Company (doc. COM(89) 268 final) 610 PE DOC A 3-213/90 and the proposal for a Council Directive complementing Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public the Statute for a European Company with regard to the Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal for a involvement of employees in the European company Council Directive amending for the eleventh time (doc. COM(89) 268 final) Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use CES(90) 499 of certain dangerous substances and preparations Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive (COMI89) 665 final - C3-40790 - SYN 239) amending for the eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on Rapporteur: Mrs U. SCHLEICHER the approximation of the laws, regulations and 20.09.1990- 11 pp. administrative provisions of the Member States relating ISBN 92-77-64581-4 to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain AY-CO-90-261-EN-A dangerous substances and preparations microform (doc. COM(89) 665 final)

615 CES(90)500 PE DOC A 3-221/90 754 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Recommendation of the Committee on Legal Affairs and amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the harmonization or Citizens* Rights on the common position established by the laws or the Member States relating to simple the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive pressure vessels amending, particularly as regards motor vehicle liability (doc COM(89) 636 final) insurance, Directive 73/239/EEC and Directive 25.04.1990-3 pp. 88/357/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and ISBN 92-77-60421-2 administrative provisions relating to direct insurance EY-CO-90-O41-EN-C other than life assurance (C3-204/90 - SYN 179) EN-90-8 Rapporteur: Mr Willy ROTHLEY CES(90) 501 722 611 PE DOC A 3-230/90 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Report by the Committee on the Environment, Public amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation or Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal for a the laws orthe Member States relating to electrically Council Directive amending for the seventh time operated lifts Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws (doc. COMI89) 638 final) regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous < I- scio ι 502 substances (COM(89) 575 final - doc C3-47/90 - SYN Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 227) amending Council Directive 79/196/EEC on the Rapporteur: Mrs R. OOMEN-RUUTEN approximation or the laws of the Member States 25.09.1990-28 pp. concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially ISBN 92-77-64752-3 explosive atmospheres employing certain types or AY-CO-90-272-EN-A protection microform (doc COMI90113 final) 25.04.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-60457-3 CESI89) 1362 EY-CO-90-O43-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Directive on the EN-90-8 approximation of the laws or the Member States relating to the spray-suppression devices οΓ certain categories or motor vehicles and their trailers ( I Si Sill ι 510 (doc COMI89) 377 final - SYN 210) Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 19.12.1989-7 pp. amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the approximation ot ISBN 92-77-56972-7 the laws or the Member States relating to machinerv EY-CO-89-160-EN-C (doc COM(89) 624 final) EN-89-31 25.04.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-60601-0 EY-CO-90-051-EN-C I !■ Si S'li I ll. I 171 EN-90-9 Opinion on the proposal for a Councfl Directive amending the Directive of 24 July 1979 on the harmoniiation of procedures for the release οΓ goods for free circulation (79/695) 0640 Rights and liberties (doc COMI89) 385 final - SYN 216) COM(89) 446 final 613 CESI89) 1370 Amended proposal for a Council Directive on control or Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Directive on the the acquisition and possession or weapons advertising of tobacco products in the press and by (submitted bv the Commission pursuant to means of bills and posters Article 149(3) or the EEC Treaty I (doc ι I »MiS'i ι 163 : - SYN 194) 08.11.1989 -26 pp. 19.12.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-53237-8 ISBN 92-77-57080-6 CB-CO-89^»31-EN-C EY-CO-89-I68-EN-C EN-89-32 619 COMI89) S24/2 final Amended proposal for a Council Directive on voting rights for Community nationals in local elections in their CES(90) 210 Member State or residence Opinion on the Communication from the Commission to (presented bv the Commission pursuant to the third the Council on a global approach to certification and paragraph οΓ Article 149 or the EEC Treaty) testing 27.11.1989- I p. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the modules ISBN 92-77-55419-3 for the various phases or the conformity assessment CB-CO-89-563-EN-C procedures which are intended to be used in the technical harmonization directives (doc. COM(89) 209 final) COM(89) 568 final 28.02.1990- 18 pp. Communication from the Commission concerning its ISBN 92-77-58594-3 action programme relating to the implementation of the EY-CO-90-OlO-EN-C Community Charter nl basic social rights for wOrkers EN-90-2 29.11.1989-54 pp.


ISBN 92-77-55488-6 Part A: Draft legislative resolution CB-CO-89-568-EN-C Opinions 29.06.1990-26 pp. ISBN 92-77-62361-6 621 COM(90) 213 final AY-CO-90-203-EN-A Proposals for Council Decisions on the extension of legal microform protection of topographies of semiconductor products in respect of persons from certain countries and territories (presented by the Commission) 625 PE DOC A 3-173/90 Β Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee of Legal 08.06.1990- 16 pp. 1 ISBN 92-77-60619-3 Affairs and Citizens Rights on the proposal from the CB-CO-90-232-EN-C Commission to the Council for a Directive on the legal protection of computer programs (COM(88) 816 final - doc. C3-56/89) COM(90) 314 final 1030 Rapporteur: Mrs M. SALEMA Commission communication on the protection of Part B: Explanatory statement individuals in relation to the processing of personal data 04.07.1990-7 pp. in the Community and information security ISBN 92-77-62641-0 Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the AY-CO-90-210-EN-A protection of individuals in relation to the processing of microform personal data Draft resolution of the representatives of the 626 PE DOC A 3-195/90 Governments of the Member States of the European Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee of Inquiry Communities meeting within the Council into racism and xenophobia on the findings of the Commission declaration on the application to the institutions and other bodies of the European Committee of Inquiry Communities of the principles contained in the Council Rapporteur: Mr Glyn FORD Directive concerning the protection of individuals in 23.07.1990- 175 pp. relation to the processing of personal data ISBN 92-77-63803-6 Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the AY-CO-90-246-EN-A protection of personal data and privacy in the context of microform public digital telecommunications networks, in particular the integrated services digital network (ISDN) and public digital mobile networks Recommendation for a Council Decision on the opening 07 TRANSPORT of negotiations with a view to the accession of the European Communities to the Council of Europe Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to the automatic processing of personal data Proposal for a Council Decision in the field of information security 0710 Transport policy

622 PE DOC A 3-16/90 627 COM(89) 582 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on Directive 86/298/EEC on rear-mounted roll-over the most important legislative proposals in the social protection structures for narrow-track tractors field to be included in the Commission's programme for Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending 1990 (COM(89) 568 final - Doc. C3-238/89) Directive 87/402/EEC on roll-over protection structures Rapporteur Mr R. CHANTERIE mounted at the front of narrow-track tractors PART A: Motion for a resolution Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending 30.01.1990-7 pp. Directive 77/536/EEC on roll-over protection structures ISBN 92-77-57649-9 for tractors (standard) AY-CO-90-016-EN-A (presented by the Commission pursuant to microform Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) 01.12.1989-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-55008-2 623 PE DOC A 3-16/90 Β CB-CO-89-536-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on the most important legislative proposals in the social COM(89) 625 final field to be included in the Commission's programme for Amended proposal for a Third Council Directive on the 1990 approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Rapporteur: Mr R. CHANTERIE to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of Part B: Explanatory statement motor vehicles 07.02.1990-5 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-58101-8 of the EEC Treaty) AY-CO-90-031-EN-A microform 628 COM(89) 640 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive relating to the maximum permitted blood alcohol PEDOC A 3-124/90 concentration for vehicle drivers (COM(88) 707 final) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal (presented by the Commission under Article 149(3) of Affairs and Citizens* Rights on the proposal from the the EEC Treaty) Council for a Directive on the right of residence 07.12.1989-3 pp. (C3-12/90) ISBN 92-77-55898-9 Rapporteur: Mr L. VAN OUTRIVE CB-CO-89-595-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-124/90 Annex 4S7 COM<89> 643 final Annex to the report by Mr L. Van Outrive drawn up on Draft Council resolution on the Trans-European behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Networks Rights (presented by the Commission) Opinion of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment COM(89) 653 final Proposal for a Council Directive on safety glazing and 624 PEDOC A 3-173/90 A glazing materials on motor vehicles and their trailers Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Proposal for a Council Directive on masses and Affairs and Citizens Rights on the proposal from the dimensions of motor vehicles of category Ml Commission to the Council for a Directive on the legal Proposal for a Council Directive on pneumatic tyres for protection of computer programs (COM(88) 816 final - motor vehicles and their trailers doc. C3-56/89) (presented bv the Commission) Rapporteur: Mrs M. SALEMA 31.01.1990-"197 pp.


ISBN 92-77-57405-4 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) CB-CO-90-065-EN-C of the EEC-Treaty)

COM(89) 662 final 956 COMÍ90) 310 final Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 1029 70/220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Towards Trans-European Networks Member States relating to measures to be taken against Progress report air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (Communication from the Commission to the Council (presented by the Commission) and the European Parliament)

COM(90) 5 final 190 COM(90) 356 final 179 Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the Report from the Commission on the implementation of automatic renewal or maintenance In force of provisions Directive 83/643/EEC (facilitation of inspections and governing matters covered by the common commercial formalities in respect of the carriage of goods) policy contained in the friendship, trade and navigation Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive treaties and similar agreements concluded between 83/643/EEC of 1 December 1983 on the facilitation of Member States and third countries physical inspections and administrative formalities in (presented by the Commission) respect of the carriage of goods between Member States

COM(90) 39 final 803 PE DOC A 3-17/90 Proposal for a Council Decision concluding an Report drawn up on in-half of t ht- Committee on Agreement between the European Economic Community Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposal for and the Swiss Confederation on the simplification of a CouncD Directive amending Directive 84/647/EEC on inspections and formalities in respect of the carriage of the use or vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage goods οΓ goods by road (COM(89) 430 final - C3-157/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr R. AMARAL 01.02.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-58110-7 630 COM(90) 41 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the AY-CO-90-032-EN-A application or Decision No 2/89 of the EEC/EFTA Joint microform Committee on Common Transit amending the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a Common Transit Procedure PE DOC A 3-31/90 595 (presented by the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 21.02.1990-7 pp. Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy ISBN 92-77-57875-0 on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for CB-CO-90-092-EN-C a Directive on lhe approximation or the laws or the Member States relating to the spray-sup pression devices or certain categories or motor vehicles and their trailers COM(90) 99 final 670 (COM(89) 377 - C3-136789) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on common Rapporteur: Mr Peter BEAZLEY rules for a denied boarding compensation system ín scheduled air transport (presented by the Commission) 632 PE DOC A 3-42/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the proposals from the COM(90) 143 final 211 Commission to the CouncD concerning Report from the Commission on the implementation of L a Regulation on Tares for scheduled air services Council Directive 75/130/EEC or 17 February 1975, as II. a Regulation on access Tor air carriers to scheduled last amended by Council Directive 86 544 KH of intra-Community air service routes and on the sharing 10 November 1986, on the establishment of common οΓ passenger capacity between air carriers on scheduled rules ror certain types οΓ combined mad rail carriage or air services between Member States goods between Member States III. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976787 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories or agreements and concerted COM(90) 202 final 743 practices in the air transport sector (COM(89) 373 - Re-examined proposal for a Third Council Directive on C3-160/89) the approximation of the laws of the Member States Rapporteur: Mr Ben VISSER relating to Insurance against civil liability in respect of 27.02.1990-53 pp. the use of motor vehicles ISBN 92-77-58648-6 (presented by the Commission pursuant to AY-CO-90-067-EN-A Article 149.2(d) (if the EEC-Treaty) microform

COM(90) 232 final 1068 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on 633 PE DOC A 3-*2#0 Annex package travel, package holidays and package tours Annex to the report by Mr Visser on behalf of the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article Committee on Transport and Tourism 149.2(d) or the EEC-Treaty) Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights 02.03.1990-4 pp. COM(90) 238 final ISBN 92-77-58657-5 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation AY-CO-90-068-EN-A (EEC) on the protection of animals during transport microform (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) PE DOC A 3-45/90 246 COM(90) 272 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Proposal Tor a Council Directive on the minimum health Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the and safety requirements for improved medical treatment proposal from the Commission to the Council Tor a on board vessels Regulation on the protection οΓ animals during transport (presented by the Commission) (COM(89) 322 - C3-112/89) Rapporteur: Mr D. MORRIS

COM(90) 278 final 744 Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending, PE DOC A 3-45/90 Annex :47 particularly as regards motor vehicle liability insurance. Annex to the report by Mr Morris on behalf ol the First Council Directive 73/239/EEC and Second Council Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Directive 88/357/EEC on the coordination of laws. Development regulations and administrative provisions relating to Opinion direct insurance other than life assurance - οΓ the Committee on Transport and Tourism


- or the Committee on the Environment, Public Health (C3-200790) and Consumer Protection Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY 25.07.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-63686-6 634 PE DOC A 3-80/90 AY-CO-90-241-EN-A Report drawn up on behalt'of the Committee on microform Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on the driving licence (COM(88) 705 - C3-41/89) CES(89) 1362 612 Rapporteur: Mr Rui AMARAL Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the 29.03.1990- 16pp. approximation of the laws of the Member States relating ISBN 92-77-59576-0 to the spray-suppression devices of certain categories of AY-CO-90-lll-EN-A motor vehicles and their trailers microform (doc. COM(89) 377 final - SYN 210)

640 CES(90) 214 PE DOC A 3-94/90 Opinion on Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on - development of civil aviation in the Community Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the (COM(89) 373 final) Commission to the Council concerning a Regulation - application of the competition rules to air transport amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 on the (COM(89) 417 final) application or Article 85(3) of the EEC-Treaty to certain (second phase of liberalization) categories of agreements and concerted practices in the 28.02.1990-14 pp. air transport sector (COM(89) 373 - C3-160/89) ISBN 92-77-58855-1 Rapporteur: Mr Ben VISSER EY-CO-90-015-EN-C 26.04.1990- 10 pp. EN-90-3 ISBN 92-77-60205-8 AY-CO-90-132-EN-A microform CES(90) 375 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 84/647/EEC on the use or vehicles 636 PE DOC A 3-106/90 hired without drivers for the carriage or goods by road Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (doc. COM(89) 430 final) Transport and Tourism on the proposals from the 28.03.1990-4 pp. Commission to the Council concerning the application of ISBN 92-77-59720-8 the competition rules to air transport EY-CO-90-030-EN-C I. Tor a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No EN-90-6 3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application or the rules or competition to undertakings in the air transport sector CES(90) 818 987 II. for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 3976787 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty amending Directive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of to certain categories of agreements and concerted the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be practices in the air transport sector taken against air pollution by emissions from motor III. for a Regulation on the application of Article 85(3) vehicles of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and (doc. COM(89) 662 final) concerted practices in the air transport sector (COM(89)417-C3-149/89) 642 CES(90) 819 Rapporteur: Miss Anne McINTOSH Opinion on the following proposals 02.05.1990-28 pp. - proposal Tor a Council Directive on safety glazing and ISBN 92-77-60835-8 glazing materials on motor vehicles and their t milers AY-CO-90-142-EN-A - proposal for a Council Directive on the masses and microform dimensions or motor vehicles or Category Ml - proposal Tor a Council Directive on pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers 637 PE DOC A 3-140/90 (doc. COM(89) 653 final) Report drawn up on behalf ol the Committee on 04.07.1990-9 pp. Transport and Tourism on the modified proposal from ISBN 92-77-63337-9 the Commission to the Council Tor a Regulation for an EY-CO-90-096-EN-C action programme in the field οΓ transport EN-90-18 i η restructure with a view to the completion of an integrated transport market In 1992 (COM(89) 238 final - C3-117/90) Rapporteur: Mr D. ROMERA I ALCAZAR 0720 Land transport (road, railway) 05.06.1990- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-61682-2 AY-CO-90-180-EN-A 643 COM(89) 564 final microform Communication on a Community railway policy Proposal Tor a Council Directive on the development of the Community railways 638 PEDOC A 3-164/90 Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) amending Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 on action by Member Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept on the proposals Trom the Commission to the Council for ora public service in transport by rail, road and inland I. a Directive on safety glazing and glazing materials on waterway motor vehicles and their trailers (COM(89) 653 - Proposal Tor a Council Decision concerning the C3-70/90) establishing or a network of high speed trains II. a Directive on the masses and dimensions or motor Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive vehicles οΓ category M1 (COM(89) 653 - C3-71/90) 75/130 on the establishment or common rules for certain III. a Directive on pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles types or combined carriage of goods between Member and their traDers (COM(89) 653 - C3-72/90) States Rapporteur: Mr Peter BEAZLEY (presented by the Commission) 25.06.1990- 12 pp. 25.01.1990-91 pp. ISBN 92-77-62205-9 ISBN 92-77-57008-3 AY-CO-90-194-EN-A CB-CO-90-036-EN-C microform 644 COM(89) 572 final PE DOC A 3-196/90 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Recommendation or the Committee on Economic and Regulation (EEC) No 3164/76 concerning access to the Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common market in the international carriage or goods by road position established by the Council with a view to the (presented by the Commission) adoption of a Regulation on Community transit 27.11.1989-9 pp.


ISBN 92-77-55152-6 Regulation (EEC) No 3164/76 concerning access to the CB-CO-89-546-EN-C market in the international carriage of goods by road (COM(89> 572 final - Doc. C3-248Æ9) Rapporteur: Mrs M.-J. DENYS COM(89) 573 final 01.03.1990-8 pp. Proposal for a Council Directive amending, with a view ISBN 92-77-58468-8 to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions for AY-CO-90-060-EN-A road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, microform dimensions and certain other technical characteristics of certain road vehicles (presented by the Commission) 654 PE DOC A 3-105/90 22.11.1989- 14 pp. Report drawn up on behalf οΓ the Committee on ISBN 92-77-55339-1 Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the CB-CO-89-558-EN-C Commission to the Council for a Directive amending, with a view to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions for road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC on the COM(89) 602 final weights, dimensions and certain other technical Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on characteristics or certain road vehicles (COM(89) 573 - vocational training for certain drivers or vehicles C3-243/89) carrying dangerous goods by road Rapporteur: Mr Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 30.04.1990-8 pp. οΓ the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92­77­60430­1 16.01.l990-6pp. AY-CO-90-138-EN-A ISBN 92-77-55521-1 microform CB-CO-89-569-EN-C 655 PE DOC A 3-190/90 COM(90) 64 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposal to Introduction of the final regime ror the organisation of the CouncD for a Regulation on the introduction of the the market for the carriage of goods by road final regime for the organization or the market for the (presented by the Commission) carriage of goods by road (COM(90) 64 final - doc. 16.03.1990- 13 pp. C3-102/90) ISBN92-77-58243-X Rapporteur: Mrs Marie-José DENYS CB-CO-90- 104-EN-C 19.07.1990- 18 pp. ISBN 92-77-63578-9 648 COM(90) 186 final AY-CO-90-233-EN-A Integrated concept on commercial vehicle dimensions microform (communication from the Commission) 11.05.1990-71 CES(90) 212 ISBN 92-77-59729-1 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) CB-CO-90-179-EN-C amending Regulation (EEC) No 3164/76 concerning access to the market in the international carriage or 649 COM(90) 203 final goods by road Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the use in (doc. COM(89) 572 final) the Community of TIR carnets and, as transit 28.02.1990-4 pp. documents, oT ATA carnets ISBN 92-77-58801-2 (presented by the Commission) EY-CO-90-012-EN-C 16.05.1990- 12 p. EN-90-3 ISBN 92-77-60043-8 CB-CO-90-197-EN-C 657 CES(90)212/Corr. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) I UM ι -ut, 208 final amending Regulation (EEC) No 3164/76 concerning Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive access to the market in the international carriage or amending Directive 84/647/EEC on the use of vehicles goods by road hired without drivers for the carriage or goods by road Corrigendum (submitted by the Commission to the CouncD under 12.03.1990-2 pp. Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-58945-0 21.05.1990 -3 pp. EY-CO-90-0I9-EN-C ISBN 92-77-60232-5 EN-904 CB-CO-90- 207-EN-C CES(90> 660 651 ι (iMi'im 293 final Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on amending, with a view to fixing certain maximum the approximation or the laws of the Member States authorized dimensions for road trains. Directive relating to spray-suppression devices or certain 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and certain other categories or motor vehicles and their trailers technical characteristics or certain road vehicles (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (doc COM(89) 573 final) οΓ the EEC-Treaty) 30.05.1990- 10 pp. 10.07.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-62024-2 ISBN 92-77-61844-2 EY-CO-90-066-EN-C CB-CO-90-317-EN-C EN-90-12

652 COM(90) 461 final CES(90) 826 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive Opinion on the Commission communication on a amending, with a view to fixing certain maximum Community railway policy together with the following authorized dimensions for road trains, proposals Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and - Council Directive on the development of the certain other technical characteristics οΓ certain road Community railways vehicles - Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) No 1191/69 on action by Member States concerning the οΓ the EEC Treaty) obligations inherent in the concept of a public service ¡n 08.10.1990-3 pp. transport by rail, road and inland waterway ISBN 92-77-64275-0 - Council Decision concerning the establishing ora CB-CO-90-474-EN-C network οΓ high-speed trains - Council Directive amending Directive 75/130 on the establishment of common rules for certain types of 653 PE DOC A 3-54/90 combined carriage or goods between Member States Report drawn up on be ha If' or the Committee on (doc. COM(89) 564 final) Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the 04.07.1990- 17 pp. Commission to the Council for a Regulation amending ISBN 92-77-63409-X


EY-CO-90-103-EN-C principle of freedom to provide services to maritime EN-90-19 transport within Member States (Positive measures for maritime transport) (doc. COM(89) 266 final) 16.11.1989- 19pp. 0730 Maritime and inland water transport ISBN 92-77-55993-4 EY-CO-89-156-EN-C EN-89-30 660 COM(90) 260 final Communication by the Commission Report on the possibility ora group exemption for consortia agreements in liner shipping 0740 Air and space transport Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on the application of Article 85(3) or the Treaty to certain categories or agreements, decisions and concerted COM(89) 472 final practices between shipping companies Proposal for a Council Directive on mutual acceptance (presented by the Commission) or personnel licences for the exercise of functions in civil 18.06.1990-36 pp. aviation ISBN 92-77-61376-9 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-287-EN-C 01.12.1989-22 pp. ISBN 92-77-55530-0 CB-CO-89-570-EN-C COMÍ90) 370 final 95 Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) concerning the elimination of controls and formalitiesapplicabl e to the COM(89) 476 final cabin and checked baggage or passengers taking an Report on the first year (1988) of implementation of the intra-Community flight and the baggage or passengers aviation policy approved in December 1987 making an intra-Community sea crossing (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 02.10.1989-34 pp. ISBN 92-77-53345-5 CB-CO-89-440-EN-C COM(90) 379 final Proposal for a CouncD Decision extending the collection or information concerning the activities of carriers COM(90) 17 final participating in cargo liner traffic in a certain area of Proposal for a Council Decision on a consultation and operation authorization procedure for agreements concerning (presented by the Commission) commercial aviation relations between Member States 01.08.1990-5 pp. and third countries ISBN 92-77-63146-5 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-396-EN-C 668 COMÍ90) 18 final 662 COM(90) 452 final Recommendation for a Council Decision Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive The opening of negotiations between the European concerning minimum requirements for vessels entering Economic Community and EFTA countries on scheduled or leaving Community ports carrying packages of' air passenger services dangerous or polluting goods (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third 14.02.1990-8 pp. paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-57812-2 31.10.1990-8pp. CB-CO-90-086-EN-C ISBN 92-77-64211-4 CB-CO-90-466-EN-C 669 COM(90) 63 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the PE DOC A 3-108/90 operation of air cargo services Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on (presented by the Commission) Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the 08.03.1990- 13 pp. Commission to the Council for a Directive concerning ISBN 92-77-58234-0 minimum requirements for vessels entering or leaving CB-CO-90-103-EN-C Community ports carrying packages or dangerous or polluting goods (COM(89) 7 - C3-61/89) 670 COM(90) 99 final Rapporteur: Mrs Claire JOANNY Proposal fora Council Regulation (EEC) on common 02.05.1990-33 pp. rules for a denied boarding compensation system in ISBN 92-77-60853-6 scheduled air transport AY-CO-90-144-EN-A (presented by the Commission) microform 24.04.1990- 16 p. ISBN 92-77-59387-3 664 PE DOC A 3-199/90 CB-CO-90-154-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposals for COM(90) 100 final I. a Council Regulation establishing a Community ship Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on consultation register and providing for the flying or the Community between airports and airport users and on airport flag by sea-going vessels charging principles II. a Council Regulation on a common definition of a (presented by the Commission) Community shipowner 22.05.1990-33 pp. HI. a Council Regulation applying the principle of ISBN 92-77-59396-2 freedom to provide services to maritime transport within CB-CO-90-155-EN-C Member States (COM(89) 266 final - C3-126/89) Rapporteur: Mr Pavios SARLIS COM(90) 167 final 25.07.1990-81 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-637(M-8 Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 laying down the procedure AY-CO-90-243-EN-A for the application of the rules on competition to microform undertakings in the air transport sector (presented by the Commission) 11.06.1990 -7 pp. 665 CES(89) 1257 ISBN 92-77-61196-0 Opinion on the following proposals CB-CO-90-277-EN-C • proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a Community ship register and providing for the flying or the Community flag by sea-going vessels 673 COM(90) 234 final • proposal for a Council Regulation on a common Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation definition ora Community shipowner (EEC) on fares for scheduled air services - proposal for a Council Regulation applying the Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation


(EEC) on access for air carriers to scheduled intra-Community air service routes and on the sharing COMPETITION AND οΓ passenger capacity between air carriers on scheduled air services between Member States 08 UNDERTAKINGS (presented by the Commbsion pursuant to Article 149(3) or the EEC-Treaty) 05.06.1990-15 pp. ISBN 92-77-60916-8 CB-CO-90-255-EN-C 0810 Competition and competition regulations COM(90) 264 final 561 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976/87 on the application or Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain COM(89) »«62 final categories or agreements and concerted practices In the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) repealing air transport sector Regulation (EEC) No 3042/89 extending the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) or the EEC-Treaty) No 3651/88 to certain serial-impact dot-matrix printers assembled in the Community (presented by the Commission) 17.10.1989-6 pp. COM(90) 370 final 95 ISBN 92-77-53327-7 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the CB-CO-89-438-EN-C elimination or controls and formalities applicable to the cabin and checked baggage of passengers taking an intra-Community flight and the baggage or passengers COM(89) 591 final 564 making an Intra-Community sea crossing Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on (presented by the Commission) company law concerning single-member private limited companies (presented by the Commission to the Council on the 674 COM(90) 442 final basis of Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) Proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonization of technical requirements and procedures applicable to COM(89) 599 final civ D aircraft Commission report to the Council on the results of (presented by the Commission) invitations to tender 27.09.1990-26 pp. 20.11.1989-95 p. ISBN 92-77-64734-5 ISBN 92-77-55330-8 CB-CO-90-503-EN-C CB-CO-89-557-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-131/90 832 COM(90) 166 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Communication from the Commission to the Council Transport and Tourism on the negotiations between the promoting SME participation in public procurement in European Economic Community and the EFTA the Community countries concerning scheduled air passenger services 07.05.1990- 13 pp. Rapporteur: Mr G. LÜTTGE ISBN 92-77-60115-9 CB-CO-90-202-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-192/90 843 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on COM(90) 167 final Transport and Tourism on the legal basis of the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Commission proposal for a CouncD Decision on a Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87 laying down the procedure consultation and authorization procedure for for the application or the rules on competition to agreements concerning commercial aviation relations undertakings in the air transport sector between Member States and third countries (COMI90I (presented by the Commission) 17 final - C3-97/90) Rapporteur: Miss A. McINTOSH COM(90) 229 final 215 Seventh annual report orthe Commission on the Community's anti-dumping and anti-subsidy activities PE DOC A 3-238/90 Report of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive on COM(90) 234 final mutual acceptance of personnel licences in civil aviation Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (COMI89) 472 final - C3-1/90) (EEC) on rares for scheduled air services Rapporteur: Mr H. SCHODRUCH Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation 28.09.1990- 16 pp. (EEC) on access ror air carriers to scheduled ISBN 92-77-64788-4 intra-Community air service routes and on the sharing AY-CO-90-276-EN-A or passenger capacity between air carriers on scheduled microform air services between Member States (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) or the EEC-Treaty) CES(90)374 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on COM(90) 297 final 581 mutual acceptance οΓ personnel licences for the exercise Proposal for a Council Directive coordinating the laws, or functions In civil aviation regulations and administrative provisions relating to the (doc. COM(89) 472 final) application or Community rules on the procurement 28.03.1990-5 pp. procedures or entities operating in the water, energy, ISBN 92-77-59711-9 transport and telecommunications sectors EY-CO-90-029-EN-C (presented by the Commission) EN-90-5

681 CO Ml 90) 30! final 677 CES(90) 652 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) procurement procedures of entities operating in the on the operation of air cargo services water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors (doc. COM(90) 63 final) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 30.05.1990-9 pp. 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) ISBN92-77-61871-X 12.07.1990- 124 pp. EY-CO-90-058-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62133-8 EN-90-11 CB-CO-90-334-EN-C


682 PE DOC A 3-108/89 (COM(89) 417 final) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (second phase of liberalization) Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the 18th report of the Commission of the European Communities on competition policy (SEC(89) 873 final - 685 CES(90) 835 doc. C3-123/89) Additional opinion on the implementing provisions for s Rapporteur: Mr Friedrich MERZ European regulation on the control of concentrations 19.12.1989-20 pp. between undertakings ISBN 92-77-56691-4 05.07.1990-10 pp. AY-CO-89-370-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63515-0 EY-CO-90-112-EN-C EN-90-21 PE DOC A 3-42/90 632 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the proposais from the Commission to the Council concerning 0820 Undertakings I. a Regulation on fares for scheduled air services II. a Regulation on access for air carriers to scheduled intra-Community air service routes and on the sharing of passenger capacity between air carriers on scheduled 686 COM(89) 561 final air services between Member States Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending III. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No Directive 78/660/EEC on annual accounts and Directive 3976/87 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty 83/349/EEC on consolidated accounts with respect to the to certain categories of agreements and concerted exemptions for small and medium-sized companies and practices in the air transport sector (COM(89) 373 - to the drawing up and publication of accounts in ecus C3-160/89) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Rapporteur: Mr Ben VISSER Article 149 (3) of the EEC Treaty) 29.11.1989-20 pp. ISBN 92-77-54742-1 PE DOC A 3-42/90 Annex 633 CB-CO-89-522-EN-C Annex to the report by Mr Visser on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism Opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' COM(90) 166 final 680 Rights Communication from the Commission to the Council promoting SME participation in public procurement in the Community PE DOC A 3-94/90 635 Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the COM(90) 476 final Commission to the Council concerning a Regulation BC-NET activity report amending Regulation (EEC) No 3976 S7 on the Results and assessment of the experimental phase application of Article 85(3) of the EEC-Treaty to certain Communication of the Commission categories of agreements and concerted practices in the 18.10.1990-25 pp. air transport sector (COM(89) 373 - C3-160/89) ISBN 92-77-64680-2 Rapporteur: Mr Ben VISSER CB-CO-90-497-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-106/90 PE DOC A 3-79/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the proposals from the Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Commission to the Council concerning the application of on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for the competition rules to air transport a recommendation relating to the implementation of a I. for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No policy of administrative simplification in favour of small 3975/87 laying down the procedure for the application of and medium-sized enterprises in the Member States the rules of competition to undertakings in the air (COM(89) 259 final - doc. C3-89/89) transport sector Rapporteur: Mrs Magdalene HOFF II. for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 30.11.1989- 13 pp. 3976787 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty ISBN 92-77-56313-3 to certain categories of agreements and concerted AY-CO-89-335-EN-C practices in the air transport sector III. for a Regulation on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and 689 CES(89) 1256 concerted practices in the air transport sector Additional opinion on the proposal for a Council (COM(89) 417 - C3-149/89) Decision relating to the improvement of the business Rapporteur: Miss Anne McINTOSH environment and the promotion of the development of enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Community 683 PE DOC A 3-129/90 (doc. COM(89) 102 final) Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and 16.11.1989- 10pp. Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the ISBN 92-77-55984-5 common position adopted by the Council with a view to EY-CO-89-155-EN-C the adoption of a Directive on the procurement EN-89-30 procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors (C3-99/90) Rapporteur: Mr F. HERMAN CES(90) 835 29.05.1990- 18 pp. Additional opinion on the implementing provisions for fi ISBN 92-77-61148-0 European regulation on the control of concentrations AY-CO-90-I56-EN-A between undertakings microform

684 CES(89) 1367 Opinion on the 18th report on competition policy 0830 Company law 19.12.1989- 13pp. ISBN 92-77-57044-X EY-CO-89-165-EN-C 690 COM(90) 416 final EN-89-32 Amended proposal for a Thirteenth Council Directive on company law, concerning takeover and other general bids CES(90) 214 (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Opinion on of the EEC Treaty) - development of civil aviation in the Community 10.09.1990-57 pp. (COM(89) 373 final) ISBN 92-77-63859-1 - application of the competition rules to air transport CB-CO-90-431-EN-C


COMI90) 418 final 698 PE DOC A 3-86/89 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and First Council Decision on the extension of legal Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal protection of topographies of semiconductor products in from the Commission to the Council for a Decision on respect of persons from certain countries and territories the attainment of progressive convergence of economic (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) performance during stage one of Economic and or the EEC Treaty) Monetary Union (COMI89) 466 final - doc C3-182/89) 10.09.1990-2 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Patrick COX ISBN 92-77-63895-8 01.12.1989- 17pp. CB-CO-90-435-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56629-9 AY-CO-89-341-EN-C

692 COM(90) 471 final Amendment to the proposals for Council Decisions on 699 PEDOC A 3-116/89 the extension of legal protection of topographies of Recommendation of the Committee on Legal AfTairs and semiconductor products in respect of persons from Citizens' Rights on the common position or the Council certain countries and territories for a Directive amending Directive 80/390/EEC on the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) mutual recognition of stock exchange listing particulars of the EEC Treaty) (doc C3-192/89) 02.10.1990-2 pp. Rapporteur: ISBN 92-77-64410-9 Franz Ludwig Schenk Graf von STAUFFENBERG CB-CO-90-489-EN-C 21.12.1989-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-56803-8 AY-CO-89-380-EN-C 693 PE DOC A 3-92/89 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the 700 PE DOC A 3-21/90 Commission to the Council for a thirteenth Directive on Second report on behalf of the Committee on Economic company law concerning takeover and other general and Monetary AfTairs and Industrial Policy on the bids

0920 Financial integration and free 0910 Monetary policy and the EMS movement of capital

694 COMI89) 467 final 701 COMI90) 106 final Recommendation fora Council Decision amending Proposal for a Council Directive on prevention of the Decision 64/300/EEC on cooperation between the financial system for the purpose of money laundering Central Banks of the Member States of the European (presented bv the Commission) Economic Community 23.03.1990-25 pp. (presented by the Commbsion) ISBN 92-77-58567-6 13.10.1989- 11 pp. CB-CO90-122-EN-C ISBN 92-77-53165-7 CB-CO-89-423-EN-C 0930 Taxation COMI90) 81 final Amended recommendation for a Council Decision amending Council Decision 64/300/EEC on cooperation between the central banks of the Member Stales of the 702 COM(90) 94 final European Economic Community Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 69/335/EEC concerning indirect taxes on the raising of or the EEC-Treaty) capital 01.03.1990-7 pp. (presented bv the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58261-8 23.03.1990-6 pp. CB-CO-90-106-EN-C ISBN 92-77-58540-4 CB-CO-90-I19-EN-C

COM(90) 82 rinal Amended proposal fora Council Decision on the 703 COM(90) 183 final attainment of progressive convergence of economic Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning policies and performance during stage one of Economic administrative cooperation in the field of indirect and Monetary Union taxation (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (presented bv the Commission) of the EEC-Treaty) 19.06.1990 -25 pp. 02.03.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-60289-9 ISBN 92-77-58270-7 CB-CO90-215-EN-C CB-CO-90-107-EN-C

COM(90) 340 final 583 697 COMODI 231 final Commission report to the Council presented in Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive accordance with Article 2 of the Council Decision of concerning a Community procedure to improve the 23 July 1987 transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to (Application of a measure derogating from Article 17 of industrial end-users the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover of the EEC-Treaty) taxes) 07.06.1990-5 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United ISBN 92-77-60889-7 Kingdom to applv an optional measure derogating from CB-CO-90- 252-EN-C Article 17 of the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the


harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating ISBN 92-77-60280-5 to turnover taxes CB-CO-90-214-EN-C

704 PE DOC A 3-144/90 COM(90) 430 final Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on The general regime and structure of excises within the Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy internal market on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Communication from the Commission to the Council a Directive amending Directive 69/335/EEC concerning and to the European Parliament indirect taxes on the raising of capital (COM(90) 94 final 26.09.1990-5 pp. ■ doc. C3-116/90) ISBN 92-77-64347-1 05.06.1990-5 pp. CB-CO-90-482-EN-C ISBN 92-77-61511-7 AY-CO-90-173-EN-A microform 711 CES(89)1368 Opinion on the communication from the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament on the 705 CES(90) 651 completion of the internal market and the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive approximation of indirect taxes amending Directive 69/335/EEC concerning indirect (doc. COM(89) 260 final) taxes on the raising of capital 19.12.1989-9 pp. (doc. COM(90) 94 final) ISBN 92-77-57053-9 30.05.1990-3 pp. EY-CO-89-166-EN-C ISBN 92-77-61862-0 EN-89-32 EY-CO-90-057-EN-C EN-90-11 CES(90) 831 Opinion on the Commission communication to the Council entitled »New Commission approach to 0931 Tax harmonization excise-duty rates' (doc. COMI 9(1) 551 final)

COM(89) 525 final 567 Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the 712 CES(90)832 approximation of taxes on cigarettes Opinion on the amended proposal for a Council Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the Directive on the approximation or the rates or excise approximation of taxes on manufactured tobacco other duty on alcoholic beverages and on the alcohol contained than cigarettes in other products (presented by the Commission) (doc. COM(89) 527 final) 05.07.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-63488-X COM(89) 526 final 568 EY-CO-90-109-EN-C Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the EN-90-21 approximation of the rates of excise duty on mineral oils (presented by the Commission) CES(90) 833 Opinion on the amended proposal for a Council 706 COM(89) 551 final Directive on the approximation or the rates or excise Commission Communication to the Council duty on mineral oils New Commission approach to excise-duty rates (doc. COM(89) 526 final) 09.11.1989-4 pp. 05.07.1990 -6 pp. ISBN 92-77-54472-4 ISBN 92-77-63497-9 CB-CO-89-508-EN-C EY-CO-90-lIO-EN-C EN-90-21 707 COMIX'» 614 final Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the French CES(90) 834 Republic to apply a measure derogating from Article 2 Opinion on the amended proposal for a Council or the Sixth Council Directive (77/388/EEC) of 17 May Directive on the approximation or taxes on cigarettes 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member and the amended proposal for a Council Directive on the States relating to turnover taxes approximation or taxes on manufactured tobacco other (presented by the Commission) than cigarettes 06.12.1989-7 pp. (doc. COM(89) 525 final) ISBN 92-77-55697-8 05.07.1990-8pp. CB-CO-89-578-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63506-1 EY-CO-90-lll-EN-C EN-90-21 708 COM(90) 45 final Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the United Kingdom to apply a measure derogating from Articles 5(8) and 21(a) of the Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) on the harmonization or the laws or the Member States relating ECONOMIC QUESTIONS to turnover taxes CONSUMER (presented by the Commission) 10 27.02.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-57902-1 CB-CO-90-095-EN-C

COM(90) 177 final 175 1010 Economic policy Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the statistics relating to the trading or goods between Member States COMIS'» 466 final (submitted by the Commission pursuant to Proposal for a Council Decision on the attainment of Article 149(3) οΓ the EEC Treaty) progressive convergence of economic performance during stage one or Economic and Monetary Union (presented by the Commission) 709 COM(90) 182 final 13.10.1989-6 pp. Proposal for an amendment to the proposal for a ISBN 92-77-53156-8 Council Directive supplementing the common system of CB-CO-89-422-EN-C value added tax and amending Directive 77/388/EEC Transitional arrangements for taxation with a view to establishment οΓ the Internal Market COMI90) 1 final 1039 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 19.06.1990-47 pp. Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the


European Communities COM(90) 90 final (presented by the Commission) Fifih report or the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament concerning the implementation of the white paper on the completion of the internal market COM(90) 82 final 696 28.03.1990- 124 pp. Amended proposal ror a Council Decision on the ISBN 92-77-59045-9 attainment οΓ progressive convergence of economic CB-CO-90-137-EN-C policies and performance during stage one of Economic and Monetary Union (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 718 COM(90) 284 final or the EEC-Treaty) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the modules tor the various phases or the conformity assessment procedures which are intended to PE DOC A 3-78/89 be used in the technical harmonization directives Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy of the EEC-Treaty) on the annual report of the Commission or the European 02.07.1990-4 pp. Communities to the Council on the economic situation in ISBN 92-77-61610-5 the Community and fixing economic policy guidelines CB-CO-90-306-EN-C for 1990 (COM(89> 497 final - doc. C3-I87/87) Rapporteur: Mr João CRAVINHO 719 COMÍ90) 473 final Implementation of the legal acts required to build the single market PE DOC A 3-86/89 Communication from the Commission to the CouncD Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic and and the European Parliament Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal 05.I0.I99O-45pp. fruni the Commission to the Council fm a Decision on ISBN 92-77-64671-3 the attainment or progressive convergence οΓ economic CB-CO-9ÍM96-EN-C perfnrmance during stage one of Economic and Monetary Union (COM(89) 466 final - doc C3-I82/89) Rapporteur: Mr Patrick COX PE DOC A 3-85/90 Recommendation or the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common PE DOC A 3-21/90 position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a Second report on behalf of the Committee on Economic Directive on the establishment of the internal market for and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the telecommunications services through the implementation proposal from the Commission to the Council ror a of open network provision (C3-36/90) Decision on the attainment or progressive convergence oT Rapporteur: Mr Fernand HERMAN economic performance during stage one of Economic 19.04.1990-8 pp. and Monetary Union (COM(89) 466 final · C3-182/89) ISBN 92-77-59935-9 Rapporteur: Mr Patrick COX AY-CO-90-115-EN-A microform PEDOC A3-123/90 1044 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on PE DOC A 3-92/90 599 Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on on the proposi.' from the Commission to the Council for Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy a Regulation on the statistical classification of economic on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for activities in the European Communities (COM(90) 1 a Directive amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the final-C3-51/90) harmonization of the laws of the Member States, relating Rapporteur: Mr K. von VVOGAU to simple pressure vessels (COM(89) 636 · C3-18/90) Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY

CESÍ89) 1253 23 Opinion In preparation for the drawlng-up of the PE DOC A 3-95/90 opinion on the Commission's Annual Economic Report Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on 1989/90 Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy (doc. COM(89) 497 final) on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a Directive amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation or the laws CES(90)650 1047 of the Member States relating to electrically operated Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) lifts (COM(89) 638 final - C3-19/90) on the statistical classification of economic activities In Rapporteur: Mr F. MERZ the European Communities 26.04.1990-8 pp. (doc. COM(90) 1 final) ISBN 92-77-60061-6 AY-CO-90-124-EN-A microform

1020 Internal market completion PE DOC A 3-97/90 601 Report drawn up on behalf οΓ the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for COM(89) 624 final 573 a Decision on the modules for the various phases of the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive conformity assessment procedures which are intended to 89/392/EEC on the approximation or the laws or the be used in the technical harmonization directives Member States relating to machinery (COM(89) 209 - C3-125/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr Gérard J. J. CAUDRON

COM(89) 636 final 574 PE DOC A 3-125/90 603 Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 87/404/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Member States relating to simple pressure vessels on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for (presented by the Commission) a Directive amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the approximation or the laws of the Member States relating to machinen (COM(89) 624 - C3-21/90) 716 COM(89) 638 final Rapporteur: Mr CHRISTIANSEN Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation «if the laws οΓ the Member States relating to electrically operated lifts CES(90)210 614 (presented by the Commission) Opinion on the Communication from the Commission to 20.12.1989- 12 pp. the CouncD on a global approach to certification and ISBN 92-77-56254-4 testing CB-CO-89-613-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the modules


for the various phases or the conformity assessment European audiovisual industry procedures which are intended to be used in the 'MEDIA' 1991-1995 technical harmonization directives (doc. COMIX')) 209 final) 726 COM(90) 168 final Working document or the Commission CES(90) 500 615 Small and medium-sized enterprises and Community Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive activities in the field or research and technological amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the harmonization οΓ development the laws or the Member States relating to simple 29.05.1990-23 pp. pressure vessels ISBN 92-77-60880-3 (doc COMIX')) 636 final) CB-CO-90-251-EN-C

722 CES(90) 501 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 727 COM(90) 20Ò/2 final amending Directive 84/529/EEC on the approximation or Report from the Commission to the Council the laws or the Member States relating to electrically Improvement or the business environment, in particular operated lilts for SMEs, in the Community (doc. COM(89) 638 final) 11.06.1990-1 p. 25.04.1990-3 pp. ISBN 92-77-61340-8 ISBN 92-77-60448-4 CB-CO-90-283-EN-C EY-CO-90-042-EN-C EN-90-8 728 COM(90) 201 final General objectives CES(90) 510 617 Steel -1995 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive 07.05.1990-184 pp. amending Directive 89/392/EEC on the approximation or ISBN 92-77-60088-8 the laws or the Member States relating to machinery CB-CO-90-199-EN-C (doc. COM(89) 624 final)

729 COM(90) 205 final 723 CES(90) 827 PEDIP Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) Specific programme for the development or Portuguese amending Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common industry organization or the market in hops Progress report (doc. COM(90) 210 final) (presented by the Commission) 04.07.1990-2 pp. 16.05.1990-76 pp. ISBN 92-77-63435-9 ISBN92-77-60106-X EY-CO-90-I04-EN-C CB-CO-90-201-EN-C EN-90-19

COM(90) 231 final 697 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive 1030 Industrial policy concerning a Community procedure to improve the transparency or gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users 724 COM(89) 402 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Development of subcontracting in the Community οΓ the EEC-Treaty) Communication from the Commission and Draft Council resolution 07.08.1989-21 pp. 730 COM(90) 248 final ISBN 92-77-52421-9 Proposal for a Council Directive on aid on shipbuilding CB-CO-89-350-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 20.06.1990 - 36 pp. COMIX'» 582 final 627 ISBN 92-77-61817-5 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending CB-CO-90-314-EN-C Directive 86/298/EEC on rear-mounted roll-over protection structures for narrow-track tractors Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending 731 COM(90) 456 final Directive 87/402/EEC on roll-over protection structures Commission Green Paper on the development or mounted at the front or narrow-track tractors European standardization Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending Action for raster technological integration in Europe Directive 77/536/EEC on roll-over protection structures 08.10.1990 -62 pp. for tractors (standard) ISBN 92-77-64689-6 (presented by the Commission pursuant to CB-CO-90-498-EN-C Article 149.2(d) or the EEC Treaty) PE DOC A 3-38/90 773 COM(89) 605 final 427 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation Research and Technology on the proposal from the (EEC) on the improvement or the conditions under Commission to the Council for a Directive concerning a which fishery and aquaculture products are processed Community procedure to improve the transparency or and marketed gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third (COM(89) 332 - C3-156/89) paragraph or Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) Rapporteur: Mr Didier ANGER

725 COM(90) 58 final Amended proposal for a Council recommendation PE DOC A 3-91/90 777 relating to the implementation or a policy of Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on administrative simplification in fa voo r of small and Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from medium-sized enterprises in the Member States the Commission to the Council for a Directive (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) concerning a Community procedure to improve the or the EEC Treaty) transparency or gas and electricity prices charged to 02.03.1990-5 pp. Industrial end-users (COM(89) 332 - C3-156/89) ISBN 92-77-57478-X Rapporteur: Mr Didier ANGER CB-CO-90-074-EN-C CESI89) 1256 689 COM(90) 132 final Additional opinion on the proposal for a Council Commission communication to the Council accompanied Decision relating to the improvement or the business by two proposals for Council Decisions relating to an environment and the promotion of the development or action programme to promote the development or the enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized


enterprises, in the Community 737 COM(89) 578 final (doc. COM(89) 102 final) Re-examined proposal ror a Council Directive on a solvency ratio for credit institutions (presented by the Commission pursuant to CES(89) 1365 924 Article 149(2)(d) or the EEC Treaty) Opinion on nuclear industries in the Community - the 15.11.1989-9 pp. nuclear power station design and construction industry ISBN 92-77-54954-8 and completion of the European market (update of the CB-CO-89-533-EN-C illustrative nuclear programme for the Community (PINC) - Article 40 or the Euratom Treaty) (doc. COM(89) 347 final) 738 COM(89) 621 final Re-examined proposal for a second Council Directive on the coordination or laws, regulations and administrative CES(90) 88 780 provisions relating to the taking-up and pursuit or the Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Directive business οΓ credit institutions and amending Directive concerning a Community procedure in respect or the 77/780/EEC transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to the (presented by the Commission pursuant to final Industrial consumer Article 149(2)(d) οΓ the EEC Treaty) (doc. COM(89) 332 final) 08.12.1989- 15 pp. ISBN 92-77-55948-9 CB-CO-89-598-EN-C 732 CES(90) 376 Opinion on the declining industrial areas 28.03.1990-9 pp. 739 COM(89) 625 final ISBN 92-77-59765-8 Amended proposal for a Third Council Directive on the EY-CO-90-03I-EN-C approximation or the laws of the Member States relating EN-90-6 to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) or the EEC Treaty) 1040 Tertiary sector 06.12.1989-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-55779-6 CB-CO-89-584-EN-C 733 COM(89) 629 final Amended proposal ror a Council Directive on Investment services In the securities field 740 COM«891 641 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 23.0l.l990-39pp. application or Article 85(3) or the Treaty to certain ISBN 92-77-57396-1 categories oT agreements, decisions and concerted CB-CO-9O-064-EN-C practices in the insurance sector (presented by the Commission) 18.12.1989- 13 pp. 734 COM(90) 77 final ISBN 92-77-56106-8 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive amending CB-CO-89-608-EN-C Directive 80/390/EEC In respect or the mutual recognition or public offer prospectuses as stock exchange listing particulars 741 CONK90) 46 final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Amended proposal for a Second Council Directive on the \ ι in li- 149.2(d) or the EEC Treaty) coordination or laws, regulations and administrative 21.02.1990-3 pp. provisions relating to direct life assurance, laying down ISBN 92-77-57893-9 provbions to facilitate the effective exercise or freedom CB-CO-90-094-EN-C to provide services and amending Directive 79/267/EEC (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) 01.03.1990-42 pp. 1041 Banking, insurance ISBN 92-77-58225-1 CB-CO-90- 102-EN-C

COM(89) 436 final COMt 90) 81 final 695 Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Amended recommendation for a Council Decision Agreement between the Swbs Confederation and the amending Council Dec b io π 64/300/EEC on cooperation European Economic Community concerning direct between the central banks of the Member States or the insurance other than life assurance European Economic Community Proposal for a Council Directive on the Implementation (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) or the Agreement between the Swiss Confédération and or the EEC-Treaty) the European Economic Community concerning direct insurance other than lire assurance Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down COMi90) 106 final 701 particular provisions for the application or Articles 36 Proposal for a Council Directive on prevention or the and 37 a of the Agreement between the European financial system for the purpose οΓ money laundering Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on (presented by the Commission) direct insurance other than life assurance (presented by the Commbsion) 742 COM(90) 141 final Proposal for a Council Directive on capital adequacy of 735 COM(89) 474 final investment firms and credit institutions Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the annual (presented by the Commission) accounts or insurance undertakings 23.05.1990-49 pp. (presented by the Commbsion pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-60799-8 or the EEC Treaty) CB-CO-90-249-EN-C 25.10.1989-82 pp. ISBN 92-77-53336-6 CB-CO-89-439-EN-C COM(90) 190 final 886 The Community and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 736 COM(89) 474/2/Corr. final Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the annual Articles of Agreement establishing a European Bank for accounts and consolidated accounts οΓ Insurance Reconstruction and Development undertakings (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commbsion pursuant to Article 149(3) or the EEC Treaty) Corrigendum COM(90) 190/2 final 26 06.11.1989- 1 p. The Community and the European Bank for ISBN92-77-54807-X Reconstruction and Development CB-CO-89-526-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion οΓ the


Articles of Agreement establishing a European Bank for 749 PE DOC A 3-18/90 Reconstruction and Development Report drawn up on behair or the Committee on Legal (presented by the Commbsion) Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Corrigendum Commission to the Council for a Regulation on guarantees bsued by credit institutions or insurance undertakings (COM(88) 805 - C3-53/89) 743 COM(90) 202 final Rapporteur: Mr Willi ROTHLEY Re-examined proposal for a Third Council Directive on 30.01.1990- 13 pp. the approximation of the laws of the Member States ISBN 92-77-57658-8 relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of AY-CO-90-017-EN-A the use of motor vehicles microform (presented by the Commbsion pursuant to Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) 08.05.1990-8 pp. 750 PE DOC A 3-20/90 ISBN 92-77-60034-9 Second report drawn up on behair of the Committee on CB-CO-90-196- EN -C Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the recommendation from the Commission to the Council for a Decision amending Decbion 64/300/EEC COM(90) 278 final on cooperation between the Central Banks of the Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending, Member States of the European Economic Community particularly as regards motor vehicle liability insurance, (COM(89) 467 - C3-185/89) First Council Directive 73/239/EEC and Second Council Rapporteur: Mr Alan John DONNELLY Directive 88/357/EEC on the coordination or laws, 31.01.1990-7 pp. regulations and administrative provisions relating to ISBN 92-77-57676-6 direct insurance other than life assurance AY-CO-90-019-EN-A (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) microform of the EEC-Treaty) 20.06.1990-21 pp. 1SBN92-77-61790-X 751 PE DOC A 3-36/90 CB-CO-90-311-EN-C Recommendation of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens1 Rights on the common position of the Council on the adoption of a Third Directive on the COM(90) 305 final approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Amendment to the proposal for a second Council to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of Directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and motor vehicles (C3-37/90) administrative provbions relating to direct lifo Rapporteur: Mr W. ROTHLEY assurance, laying down provbions to fucili t ¡it e the 22.02.1990 -5 pp. effective exercise of freedom to provide services and ISBN 92-77-58414-9 amending Directive 79/267/EEC AY-CO-90-054-EN-A (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) microform of the EEC Treaty) 02.07.1990-4pp. ISBN 92-77-62115-X 752 PEDOC A 3-130/90 CB-CO-90-332-EN-C Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens1 Rights on the amended proposal from the Commission to the Council, submitted 746 COM(90) 344 final pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty, for a Proposal for a Council Directive setting-up an insurance second Council Directive on the coordination or laws, committee regulations and administrative provbions relating to (presented by the Commission) direct lire assurance, laying down provisions to facilitate 31.08.1990- 12 pp. the efTective exercise of freedom to provide services and ISBN 92-77-63740-4 amending Directive 79/267/EEC (COM(90) 46 final - CB-CO-90-418-EN-C C3-90/90) Rapporteur: Mr G. SARIDAKIS 30.05,1990-34 pp. COM(90) 348 final 584 ISBN 92-77-61205-3 Proposal for a Third Council Directive on the AY-CO-90-158-EN-A coordination oTlaws, regulations and administrative microform provisions relating to direct insurance other than life assurance and amending Directives 73/239/EEC and 88/357/EEC 753 PE DOC A 3-178/90 (presented by the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary AfTairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council Tor PE DOC A 3-87/89 a Regulation on the application of Article 85(3) of the Report drawn up on behalf οΓ the Committee on Treaty to certain categories of agreements, decbions and Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerted practices in the insurance sector (COM(89) on the recommendation from the Commbsion to the 641 final - doc. C3-I7/90) Council for a Decbion amending Decision 64/300/EEC Rapporteur: Mr Roberto SPECIALE on cooperation between the Central Banks or the 05.07.1990- 14 pp. Member States of the European Economic Community ISBN 92-77-62948-7 (COM(89) 467 final - doc. C3-I85/89) AY-CO-90-229-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr Alan John DONNELLY microform 01.12.1989- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-56147-5 AY-CO-89-342-EN-C 754 PE DOC A 3-221/90 Recommendation oTthe Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens1 Rights on the common position established by 748 PE DOC A 3-15/90 the Council with a view to the adoption or a directive Report on behalf of the Committee on Legal AfTairs and amending, particularly as regards motor vehicle liability Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Commission to insurance, Directive 73/239/EEC and Directive the Council for a Directive amending, particularly as 88/357/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and regards motor vehicle liability insurance, first Council administrative provbions relating to direct insurance Directive 73/239/EEC, and Second Council Directive other than lifo assurance (C3-204/90 - SYN 179) 88/357/EEC on the coordination of laws, regulations and Rapporteur: Mr Willy ROTHLEY administrative provisions relating to direct insurance 24.09.1990- 10 pp. other than lire assurance and laying down provisions to ISBN 92-77-64617-9 fociHtate the efTective exercise of freedom to provide AY-CO-90-265-EN-A services and amending Directive 73/239/EEC (COM(88) microform 791 final - Doc. C3-51Æ9) Rapporteur: Mr W. ROTHLEY 29.01.1990-21 pp. 755 CES(90) 659 ISBN 92-77-57640-5 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) AY-CO-90-015-EN-A on the application oT Article 85(3) oT the Treaty to microform certain categories οΓ agreements, decisions and


concerted practices in the insurance sector rrom the use or consumer products In accordance with (doc. COMI89) 641 final) Article 8 or the CouncD Decision οΓ 21 December 1988 30.05.1990-5 pp. (89/45/EEC) ISBN 92-77-62015-3 Proposal ror a Council Decbion amending Decision EY-CO-90-065-EN-C 89/45/EEC on a Community system for the rapid EN-90-12 exchange or information on dangers arising Trom the use or consumer products (presented by the Commission) 04.05.1990-24 pp. 1042 Freedom of establishment and ISBN 92-77-60052-7 provision of services CB-CO90-198-EN-C

7«) COM(90) 212 final COMI90) 473 rinal 719 Proposal for a Council Directive on advertising or Implementation or the legal acts required to build the medicinal products for human use single market (presented by the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council 06.06.1990-27 pp. and the European Parliament ISBN 92-77-60574-X CB-CO-90-230-EN-C

COM(90) 212/2 final 1050 Consumers and consumption Proposal for a Council Directive on advertising or medicinal products ror human use (presented by the Commission) COM(89) 550 final 508 Corrigendum Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 13.06.1990- 1 p. 86/138/EEC concerning a demonstration project with a ISBN 92-77-61430-7 view to introducing a Community system of information CB-CO-90-291-EN-C on accidents involving consumer products and fixing the financial allocation for the last two years of its operation (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 215 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down measures to be taken to discourage the diversion or COM189) 592 final 571 certain substances to the illicit mai. ufacture or narcotic Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive (EEC) drugs and psychotropic substances amending Directive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 (presented by the Commission) for the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions or the Member States 20.06.1990-25 pp. concerning consumer credit ISBN 92-77-60898-6 (presented by the Commission pursuant to CB-CO-90-253-EN-C Article 149.2(d) or the EEC Treaty) COMI90) 21672 final 335 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 756 COMI89) 607 final acceptance by the European Economic Community of Proposal for a Council Directive on the wholesale standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or distribution of medicinal products for human use maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the legal residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food status for the supply of medicinal products for human Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) use (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Directive on the labelling or Corrigendum medicinal products for human use and on package leaflets (presented by the Commission) 763 COM(90) 259 final 26.01.1990-43 pp. Amended proposal for a Council Directive concerning ISBN92-77-56718-X general product safety CB-CO-90-017-EN-C (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 757 COMI90) 98 final 11.06.1990-24 pp. Three-year Action Plan or Consumer Policy in the EEC ISBN 92-77-61322-X (1990-1992) CB-CO90-28I-EN-C 03.05.1990-20 pp. ISBN 92-77-59639-2 COMI90) 284 final 718 CB-CO-90-177-EN-C Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision concerning the modules for the various phases or the COM(OO) 101 final conformity assessment procedures which are intended to Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the be used in the technical harmonization directives creation ora supplementary protection certificate for (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) medicinal products or the EEC-Treaty) (presented by the Commission) 764 COMI90I 322 final 758 COMI90) 130 final Proposal for a Council Directive on unfair terms in Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending for consumer contracts the twelfth time Regulation (EEC) No 351/79 concerning (presented by the Commission) the addition of alcohol to products In the wine sector 03.09.1990-75 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-63731-5 11.04.1990-3 pp. CB-CO90-417-EN-C ISBN 92-77-59243-5 CB-CO-90-146-EN-C 765 COM(90) 322/2 Corr. Proposal Tor a Council Directive on unfair terms in COM(90) 147 final 414 consumer contracts Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the (presented by the Commission) authorized advertising ortobacco products in the press Corrigendum and by means or bills and posters 19.09.1990-4 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) ISBN 92-77-64206-8 of the EEC-Treaty) CB-CO-90-465-EN-C

759 COM(90) 172 final 766 COM(90) 339 final Report from the Commission on a Community system Re-examined proposal ror a Council Directive on for the rapid exchange or information on dangers arising nutrition labelling of foodstuffs


(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article Opinion oT the Committee on Agriculture, Ms lie ries and 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) Rural Development 11.07.1990-6 pp. 05.02.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-62425-6 ISBN 92-77-58091-7 CB-CO-90-352-EN-C AY-CO-90-029-EN-A microform COM(90) 352 final 585 Proposal for a Council Directive adapting to technical 773 PE DOC A 3-38/90 progress for the eleventh time Council Directive Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws, Research and Technology on the proposal Trom the regulations and administrative provisions relating to the Commission to the Council for a Directive concerning a classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous Community procedure to improve the transparency oT substances gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users (presented by the Commbsion) (COM(89) 332 - C3-156/89) Rapporteur: Mr Didier ANGER 22.02.1990-21 pp. 767 COM(90) 353 final ISBN 92-77-58423-8 Amended proposal Tor a Council Decbion on the AY-CO-90-055-EN-A conclusion on behalToTthe European Economic microform Community oT the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, adopted in Vienna on 19 December 1988 774 PE DOC A 3-56/90 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the or the EEC-Treaty) Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 27.07.1990-6 pp. on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for ISBN 92-77-63110-4 a Directive concerning general product safety (COM(89) CB-CO-90-394-EN-C 162 - C3-75/89) Rapporteur: Mrs Caroline JACKSON 02.03.1990-54 pp. 768 COM(90) 392 final ISBN 92-77-58738-5 Communication Trom the Commission to the Council AY-CO-90-076-EN-A and to the European Parliament microform Official control oT foodstuffs Execution oT Council Directive 89/397/EEC 13.09.1990- 11pp. 775 PE DOC A 3-56/90 Annex ISBN 92-77-63659-9 Annex to the report by Mrs Caroline Jackson drawn up CB-CO-90-415-EN-C on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Opinion of the Committee on Agriculture, Fbheries and COM(90) 408 final Rural Development Proposal for a Council Directive completing Directive 05.03.1990-3 pp. 88/388/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the ISBN 92-77-58747^1 Member States relating to flavourings for use in AY-CO-90-077-EN-A foodstuffs and to source materials Tor their production microform (presented by the Commission) 776 PE DOC A 3-84/90 COM(90) 428 final 385 Report drawn up on behair of the Committee on the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 on the common on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council Tor organization of the market in fruit and vegetables as a Directive on the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls regards quality standards and polychlorinated terphenyls (COM(88) 559 - (presented by the Commission) C3-37/89) Rapporteur: Mr G. SCHMID 04.04.1990-22 pp. 769 COM(90) 440 final ISBN 92-77-59926-X Proposal for a Council Directive amending AY-CO-90-114-EN-A Directive 89/396/EEC on indications or marks microform identiTying the lot to which a foodstuff belongs (presented by the Commission) 26.09.1990-5 pp. 777 PE DOC A 3-91/90 ISBN 92-77-64174-6 Second report drawn up on behalT of the Committee on CB-CO-90-46I-EN-C Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council for a Directive concerning a Community procedure to improve the 770 COM(90) 458 final transparency oT gas and electricity prices charged to Proposal Tor a Council Directive amending Directive industrial end-users (COM(89) 332 · C3-156/89) 79/112/EEC In respect oTthe designation of flavourings Rapporteur: Mr Didier ANGER in the list of ingredients on the labels of foodstuffs 03.04.1990-23 pp. (presented by the Commbsion) ISBN 92-77-59989-8 02.10.1990-5 pp. AY-CO-90-121-EN-A ISBN 92-77-64338-2 microform CB-CO-90-481-EN-C PE DOC A 3-135/90 535 771 PE DOC A 3-12/90 Report drawn up on behalToTthe Committee on the Report drawn up on behalToT the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council Tor on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council Tor a Decision amending Decbion 86/138/EEC concerning a a Regulation on the fixing oT maximum leveb Tor demonstration project with a view to introducing a pesticide residues In and on certain products of plant Community system oT information on accidents origin, including fruit and vegetables, and amending involving consumer products and fixing the financial Directive 76/895/EEC as regards procedural rules allocation Tor the last two years oT its operation (COM(88) 798 final - Doc. C3-52Æ9) (COM(89) 550 final - doc. C3-216/89) Rapporteur: Mr R.IMBENI Rapporteur: Mr J. VERNIER 26.01.1990- Upp. ISBN 92-77-57613-8 AY-CO-90-012-EN-A 778 PE DOC A 3-168/90 microform Report drawn up on behalT of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal Trom the Commission to the Council for 772 PE DOC A 3-12/90 Annex a Regulation concerning game meat and rabbit meat Annex to the report by Mr Imbeni drawn up on Inhalt (COM(89) 496 - C3-208/90) «T the Committee on the Environment, Public Health Rapporteur: Mrs Caroline JACKSON and Consumer Protection 27.06.1990-25 pp.


ISBN 92-77-62939-8 final) AY-CO-90-228-EN-A Rapporteur: Mrs K. PEUS microform

PE DOC A 3-2/90 Annex 228 CES(89) 1369 542 Annex to the report drawn up by Mrs Peijs on behalf of Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision the Committee on External Economic Relations amending Decision 86/138/EEC concerning a Opinions of the Committee on Budgets and of the demonstration project with a view to introducing a Committee on Economic and Monetary AfTairs and Community system of information on accidents Industrial Policy involving consumer products and fixing the financial allocation for the last two years or its operation (doc. COM(89) 550 final) 783 PE DOC A 3-22/90 Report drawn up on behair οΓ the Political AfTairs Committee on the political aspects of the situation in Poland 779 CES(90) 85 Rapporteur: Mr G. WALTER Opinion on the proposal ror a Council Directive 01.02.1990 -6 pp. concerning general product safe! ν ISBN 92-77-57694-4 (doc. COM(89) 162 final) AY-CO-90-02I-EN-A 31.01.1990-27 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-57938-2 EY-CO-90-OOl-EN-C EN-90-1 784 PE DOC A 3-22/90 Corr. Report drawn up on behair or the Political Affairs Committee on the political aspects of the situation in 780 CES(M) 88 Poland Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Directive Rapporteur: Mr G. WALTER concerning a Community procedure in respect of the Corrigendum transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to the 06.02.1990-6 pp. final Industrial consumer ISBN 92-77-58119-0 (doc. COMI89) 332 final) AY-CO- 90-033-EN-A 31.01.1990 -5 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-57974-9 EY-CO-90-004-EN-C EN-90-1 785 PE DOC A 3-193/90 Report drawn up on behair or the Political Affairs Committee on political aspects of the situation in CES(90)816 551 Hungary and its relations with the European Community Opinion on the proposal ror a Council Decision Rapporteur: Mr O. HABSBURG amending Decision 89/45/EEC on a Community system 19.07.1990- 10pp. for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising ISBN 92-77-63605-X from the use or consumer products AY-CO-90-236-EN-A (doc. COM(90) 172 final) microform

781 CES(90(823 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the 1120 Multilateral relations and wholesale distribution of medicinal products for human use international organizations (dor. ΓΟΜΙ89Ι 607 final) 04.07.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-63382-4 786 COM(89) 587 final EY-CO-90-IOO-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the EN-90-19 acceptance of the terms οΓ reference for an International Tin Study Group (presented by the Commission) 782 CESI90) 824 29.I1.1989- 14 pp. Opinion on the proposal ror a CouncD Directive ISBN 92-77-55446-0 concerning the legal status for the supply or medicinal CB-CO-89-566-EN-C products for human use (doc COMI89) 607 final) 04.07.1990- 10 pp. 787 COM(89) 613 final ISBN 92-77-63391-3 Proposal for Council Decisions concerning the EY-CO-90-IOI-EN-C conclusion of Agreements between the European EN-90-19 Economic Community and the EFTA countries establishing cooperation in the field oT training in the context oTthe implementation oT COMETT Π CESIMI 825 550 (1990-1994) Opinion on the proposal ror a Council Directive on the (presented by the Commission) labelling or medicinal products for human use and on 07.12.1989-22 pp. package leaflets ISBN 92-77-55743-5 (doc. COMI89) 607 final) CB-CO-89-582-EN-C

788 COM(89) 664 final Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion οΓ the 11 EXTERNAL RELATIONS Convention between the European Economic Community and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) concerning aid to refogees in the countries of the Near East (presented by the Commission) 19.12.1989-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-56156-4 1110 External relations CB-CO-89-611-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-2/90 227 COM(90) 41 final 630 Report on behalf of the Committee on External Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Economic Relations on the proposal from the application oT Decision No 2/89 oT the EEC EFTA Joint Commission to the Council for a Decision on Committee on Common Transit amending the medium-term financial aid for Hungary (COM(89) 627 Convention of 20 May 1987 on a Common Transit


Procedure 794 PEDOC A 3-170/90 (presented by the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the possible renewal of the Multifibre Arrangement or the subsequent regime COM(90) 53 final 1041 after 1991 Proposal for a Council Decision on acceptance οΓ the Rapporteur: Mrs K. PEU S Terms οΓ Reference of the International Copper Study 27.06.1990-26 pp. Group ISBN 92-77-62705-0 (presented by the Commission) AY-CO-90-218-EN-A microform

COM(90) 60 final 795 CES(89) 1415 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Information report of f he Section Tor External Relations, Conclusion of the Protocol of Accession of Costa Rica to Trade and Development Policy the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The GATT/Uruguay Round negotiations 1989/90 (presented by the Commission) 20.04.1990- 19 pp. 14.02.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-60401-8 ISBN 92-77-57505-0 EY-CO-90-037-EN-C CB-CO-90-077-EN-C EN-90-8

COM(90) 255 final 136 796 CES(90) 661 Communication Trom the Commission to the Council Opinion on EC-EFTA relations concerning a proposal for a Council Decision on the 30.05.1990- 11 pp. signature oT the Convention on temporary admission oT ISBN92-77-62051-X the Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) EY-CO-90-067-EN-C EN-90-12 790 COMÍ90) 256 final Communication Trom the Commission to the Council Cooperation in science and technology with third countries 1130 Relations with third countries 13.06.1990- 14 pp. ISBN 92-77-61565-6 CB-CO-90-301-EN-C 797 COM(89) 436 final Proposal Tor a Council Decision on the conclusion oT the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the COM(90) 257 final 1025 European Economic Community concerning direct Communication Trom the Commission to the Council insurance other than life assurance and the European Parliament on scientific and Proposal for a Council Directive on the implementation technological cooperation with the countries οΓ central of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and and eastern Europe the European Economic Community concerning direct insurance other than life assurance Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down particular provisions for the application of Articles 36 PE DOC A 3-58/90 and 37 a of the Agreement between the European Report drawn up on behalT οΓ the Committee on Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on Development and Cooperation on the proposal Trom the direct insurance other than life assurance Commission to the Council Tor a Decision on the (presented by the Commission) conclusion oTthe Convention between the European 06.12.1989- 108 pp. Economic Community and the United Nations Relief and ISBN 92-77-55816-4 Works Agency for Palestine Refogees (UNRWA) CB-CO-89-589-EN-C concerning aid to refugees in the countries oT the Near East (COM(89) 664 - C3-22/90) Rapporteur: Ms Marie-Christine AULAS COM(89) 533 final 05.03.1990- 11 pp. Draft Commission Decision (ECSC) on the conclusion of ISBN 92-77-58765-2 an Arrangement and a Consensus in the form of AY-CO-90-079-EN-A Exchanges of Letters with the United States of America microform concerning trade in certain steel products Proposal for a Council Decision (EEC) on the conclusion of an Arrangement and a Consensus in the form of 792 PE DOC A 3-62/90 Exchanges of Letters with the United States of America Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, concerning trade in certain steel products Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the Proposal for a Council Decision (EEC) on the conclusion proposals from the Commission to the Council for of an Arrangement in the form of an Exchange of Decisions concerning the conclusion οΓ agreements Letters with the United States of America concerning between the European Economic Community and the trade in steel pipes and tubes EFTA countries establishing cooperation in the field of Draft Commission Decision (ECSC) on the restriction of training in the context of the implementation of exports of certain steel products to the United States of COMETT II (1990-1994) America (COM/89/613 - Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Republic of Austria -• C3-29/90 restriction of exports of certain steel products to the Republic of Finland ■ C3-30/90 United States of America Republic of Iceland -. C3-31/90 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Kingdom of Norway -. C3-32/90 restriction of exports of steel pipes and tubes to the Kingdom of Sweden - C3-33/90 United States of America Swiss Confederation - C3-34/90) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr R. BARZANTI, Chairman 06.11.1989- 144 pp. 09.03.1990- 17 pp. ISBN 92-77-54569-0 ISBN 92-77-58792-X CB-CO-89-513-EN-C AY-CO-90-082-EN-A microform 799 COM(89) 549 final Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) amending 793 PE DOC A 3-90/90 Regulations (EEC) Nos 2837/72, 3288/73, 2843/72, Report drawn up on behalf οΓ the Committee on 1692/73,2839/72 and 2841/72 on safeguard measures Development and Cooperation on the conclusion οΓ s provided for in the Agreements between the EEC and Fourth ACP-EEC Convention (C3-91/90) Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Rapporteur: Mr L. TINDEMANS Switzerland 23.04.1990-25 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-59980^4 09.11.1989-7 pp. AY-CO-90-I20-EN-A ISBN92-77-54662-X microform CB-CO-89-520-EN-C


800 COM(89) 596 final Science (SPES) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing extension or (presented by the Commission) tacit renewal οΓ certain trade agreements concluded between Member States and third countries (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 21 final 994 29.11.1989-5 pp. Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the ISBN 92-77-55366-9 conclusion oT a Cooperation Agreement between the CB-CO-89-561-EN-C European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the field oT COM(89) 631 final 456 applied metrology and chemical analysis (B.C.R) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down (presented by the Commission) for 1990 certain measures Tor the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag oT Norway COMÍ90) 23 final 1057 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating, Tor Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the 1990, certain catch quotas between Member States Tor conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the vessels fishing in the Norwegian exclusive economic zone European Economic Community and the Kingdom of and the fishing zone around Jan Mayen Norway on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic (presented by the Commission) Science (SPES) (presented by the Commission) COM(89) 632 final 428 Proposal Tor a Council Régulation (EEC) laying down COM(90) 24 final 995 for 1990 certain measures Tor the conservation and Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the management of fishery resources applicable to vessels conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the flying the flag of Sweden European Economic Community and the Republic of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating, for Finland on a research and development programme for 1990, catch quotas between Member States for vessels the European Economic Community in the field of fishing in Swedish waters applied metrology and chemical analysis (B.C.R) (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission)

COM(89) 661 final COM(90) 25 final 1058 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the provisional application of the Agreement between the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Union of the European Economic Community and the Republic of Soviet Socialist Republics on trade in textile products Austria on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic (presented by the Commbsion) Science (SPES) (presented by the Commission) COM(89) 676 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) extending the COM(90) 26 final 1059 provisional anti-dumping duty on imports οΓ welded Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the tubes, of Iron or non-alloy steel, originating in conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Yugoslavia and Romania European Economic Community and the Swiss (presented by the Commbsion) ConTederation on a European Stimulation Plan Tor Economic Science (SPES) COM(90)5final 190 (presented by the Commission) Proposal for a Council Decision authorizing the automatic renewal or maintenance in force οΓ provbions governing matters covered by the common commercial COM(90) 29 final 996 policy contained in the friendship, trade and navigation Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the treaties and similar agreements concluded between conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Member States and third countries European Economic Community and the Swiss (presented by the Commission) Confederation on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis 801 COM(90) 17 final (B.C.R) Proposal for a Council Decision on a consultation and (presented by the Commission) authorization procedure for agreements concerning commercial aviation relations between Member States and third countries COM(90> 35 final 193 (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Decbion on the provisional 23.02.1990-25 pp. application oT an Agreed Minute amending the ISBN 92-77-57821-I Agreement between the European Economic Community CB-CO-90-087-EN-C and Hong Kong on trade in textile products (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 18 final Recommendation for a Council Decbion 803 COM(90) 39 final The opening οΓ negotiations between the European Proposal for a Council Decbion concluding an Economic Community and EFTA countries on scheduled Agreement between the European Economic Community air passenger services and the Swbs ConTederation on the simplification of (presented by the Commbsion) inspections and formalities in respect of the carriage of goods (presented bv the Commission) 802 COM(90) 19 final 05.02.1990-26 pp. Proposal Tor a Council Decision concerning the ISBN 92-77-57441-0 conclusion oTa Cooperation Agreement between the CB-CO-90-069-EN-C European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES) COM(90) 54 final (presented by the Commbsion) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 10.05.1990- 16 pp. conclusion of the Agreement between the European ISBN 92-77-56909-3 Economic Community and the Republic of Sierra Leone CB-CO-90-029-EN-C on fishing off Sierra Leone (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 20 final 1056 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the COM(90) 84 final 200 conclusion oTa Cooperation Agreement between the Proposal for a Council Decbion concerning the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of conclusion οΓ the Framework Agreement for trade and Sweden on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic economic cooperation between the European Economic


Community and the Argentine Republic Originating products' and methods of administrative (presented by the Commbsion) cooperation Proposal Tor a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application oT Decision No ... of the EEC-Israel 804 COM(90) 88 final Cooperation Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 Proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion of the of the Protocol concerning the definition oT the concept Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters of 'originating products1 and methods oT administrative concerning the provisional application of the Protocol cooperation defining for the period Trom 18 January 1990 to 17 Proposals Tor Council Regulations (EEC) again January 1993 the fishing opportunities and the financial amending Articles 6 and 17 oT the Protocol concerning contribution provided for by the Agreement between the the definition of the concept oT 'originating products' European Economic Community and the Republic oT and methods of administrative cooperation to the Seychelles on fishingof f the coast oT Seychelles Cooperation Agreement between theEuropean Economic Proposal Tor a Council Regulation (EEC) relating to the Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt, the conclusion of the Protocol defining Tor the period from Hashemite Kingdom oT Jordan, the Lebanese Republic, 18 January 1990 to 17 January 1993 the fishing the Kingdom oT Morocco and the Socialist Federal opportunities and the financial contribution provided Republic oT Yugoslavia Tor by the Agreement between the European Economic (presented by the Commission) Community and the Republic oT Seychelles on fishing off Seychelles (presented by the Commbsion) 808 COM(90) 176 final 14.03.1990- 16 pp. Guidelines for cooperation with the developing countries ISBN92-77-58405-X in Latin America and Asia CB-CO-90-113-EN-C (communication Trom the Commbsion) - 11.06.1990-47 pp. 805 COM(90) 92 final ISBN 92-77-61205-3 Proposal Tor a Council Decbion on the conclusion oT the CB-CO-90-278-EN-C Agreement in the form of an exchange οΓ letters concerning the provisional application oT the Protocol establishing Tor the period Trom 1 January 1990 to 31 COM(90) 191 final 464 December 1991 the fishing rights and financial Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the compensation provided Tor in the Agreement between acceptance by the Community oT Greenland's offer oT an the European Economic Community and the additional catch quota for 1990 Government οΓ the Republic oT Guinea on fishing off the (presented by the Commission) coast oT Guinea Proposal Tor a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Protocol establbhing for the period COM(90) 224 final 465 Trom 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1991 the fishing Proposal Tor a Council Regulation (EEC) allocating rights and financialcompensatio n provided for in the additional catch quotas among Member States Tor Agreement between the European Economic Community vessels Tbhing in Swedbh waters and the Government of the Republic oT Guinea on (presented by the Commission) fishing off the coast oT Guinea (presented by the Commission) 22.03.1990-28 pp. 809 COM(90) 235 final ISBN 92-77-58531-5 Proposal Tor a Council Decision on the conclusion of an CB-CO-90-118-EN-C Agreement in the form of an exchange oT letters concerning the temporary extension Trom 1 to 30 April 806 COM(90) 95 final 1990 of the Protocol to the Agreement between the Proposal Tor a Council Decision concerning the Government oTthe Republic of Senegal and the conclusion of an Agreement between the European European Economic Community on fbhing off the coast Economic Community and the Principality of of Senegal Liechtenstein establishing cooperation in the field of (presented by the Commission) training in the context of the implementation of 06.06.1990-6 pp. COMETT 11 (1990-1994) ISBN 92-77-60968-0 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-259-EN-C 20.03.1990-22 pp. ISBN 92-77-58477-7 CB-CO-90-114-EN-C 310 COM(90) 241 final Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the 807 COM(90) 109 final European Economic Community and the Republic of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Iceland on a programme plan to stimulate the conclusion of the Agreement between the European international cooperation and interchange needed by Economic Community and the Republic of Cape Verde European research scientists (SCIENCE) on fbhing off Cape Verde (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commbsion) 22.06.1990-17 pp. 29.03.1990-24 pp. ISBN 92-77-61013-1 ISBN 92-77-59036-X CB-CO-90-264-EN-C CB-CO-90- 136-EN-C

COM(90) 137 final 811 COM(90) 241/2 final Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion oT an Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Agreement in the form oTan exchange oT letters conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the concerning the temporary extension from 1 to 31 March European Economic Community and the Republic of 1990 of the Protocol to the Agreement between the Iceland on a programme plan to stimulate the Government of the Republic of Senegal and the international cooperation and interchange needed by European Economic Community on fishing off the coast European research scientists (SCIENCE) οΓSenegal (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) Corrigendum 12.07.1990- 1 p. ISBN 92-77-62533-3 COM(90) 142 final 210 CB-CO-90-364-EN-C Proposal Tor a Council Regulation (EEC) on the application oT Decision No ... of the EEC-Cyprus Association Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 of 812 COM(90) 242 final the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the 'originating products' and methods of administrative conclusion of the Protocol of Accession of Tunisia to the cooperation General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the (presented by the Commission) application or Decbion No... of the EEC-Malta 08.06.1990-6 pp. Association Council again amending Articles 6 and 17 oT ISBN 92-77-60995-8 the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept ot' CB-CO-90-262-EN-C


COM(90) 244 final 441 research scientists (Science) (doc C3-194/89) Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Rapporteur: Mr Antonino Mario LA PERGOLA conclusion of the Agreement between the European 19.12.1989 -5 pp. Economic Community and the United Republic of ISBN 92-77-56596-9 Tanzania on fishing ofT Tanzania AY-CO-89-363-EN-C (presented by the Commbsion) PE DOC A 3-103/89 COMÍ90) 254 final Recommendation by the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the common position of the Commission communication Council concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a Community response to the special cooperation plan cooperation agreement between the European Economic presented by Colombia Community and the Kingdom of Norway on a Proposal for a GSP Regulation programme plan to stimulate the international Draft Decision of the representatives of the Governments cooperation and interchange needed by European of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel research scientists (Science) (doc C3-Í95/89) Community Rapporteur: Mr Antonino Mario LA PERGOLA Proposal for a resolution 19.12.1989-5 pp. 22.06.1990-25 pp. ISBN 92-77-56645-0 ISBN 92-77-61916-3 AY-CO-89-366-EN-C CB-CO-90-32I-EN-C

819 PE DOC A 3-104/89 COM(90) 258 final 1026 Recommendation by the Committee on Energy, Communication from the Commbsion to the Council Research and Technology on the common position of the and the European Parliament on the Community's Council concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a relations with the countries oT central and eastern cooperation agreement between the European Economic Europe Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a The role of telecommunications programme plan to stimulate the European research scientists (Science) (doc C3-196 89) Rapporteur: Mr Antonino Mario LA PERGOLA 814 COM(90) 307 final 19.12.1989-5 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion ·»( t la- ISBN 92-77-56605-1 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the AY-CO-89-364-EN-C provisional application of the Protocol defining, for the period Trom 3 May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the fishing opportunities and financial compensation provided for 820 PE DOC A 3-105/89 In the Agreement between the European Economic Recommendation by the Committee on Energy, Community and the Government of the People's Research and Technology on the common position οΓ the Republic of Angola on fishing off Angola Council concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the cooperation agreement between the European Economic conclusion of the Protocol defining, for the period from 3 Community and the Swiss ConTederation on a May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the fishing opportunities and programme plan to stimulate the international financial compensation provided for in the Agreement cooperation and interchange needed bv European between the European Economic Community and the research scientists (Science) (doc C3-197/89) Government of the People's Republic of Angola on Rapporteur: Mr Antonino Mario LA PERGOLA fishing off Angola 19.12.1989-5 pp. (presented by the Commbsion) ISBN 92-77-56663-9 05.07.1990-29 pp. AY-CO-89-367-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62280-6 CB-CO-90-343-EN-C 821 PE DOC A 3-107/89 Report drawn up on behalT oT the Committee on Development and Cooperation on the result οΓ the work PE DOC A 3-99/89 of the ACP-EEC Joint Assembly Meeting in Bridgetown Report drawn up on behalT of the Committee on (Barbados) and Versailles (France) in 1989 Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Rapporteur: Mrs Pasqualina NAPOLETANO on the proposal from the Commbsion to the Council Tor 19.12.1989- 14 pp. a Decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement ISBN 92-77-56681-7 between the European Economic Community and the AY-CO-89-369-EN-C Republic oT Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic οΓ Iceland, the Kingdom oT Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss ConTederation on PE DOC A 3-4/90 trade electronic data interchange using the Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research communications networks (Tedis) (COM(89) 482 final · and Technology- on the common position of the Council doc C3-225/89) concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a cooperation Rapporteur: Mr Joaquin SISO CRUELLAS agreement between the European Economic Community 13.12.1989-5 pp. and the Kingdom of Norwav in the field of medical and ISBN92-77-56413-X health research (Doc C3-235/89) AY-CO-89-358-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA 24.01.1990 -5 pp. ISBN 92-77-57550-6 816 PEDOC A 3-101/89 AY-CO-90-005-EN-A Recommendation by the Committee on Energy, microform Research and Technology on the common position of the Council concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a 823 PE DOC A 3-5/90 cooperation agreement between the European Economic Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research Community and the Republic of Austria on a and Technology on the common position of the Council programme plan to stimulate the international concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a cooperation cooperation and Interchange needed by European agreement between the European Economic Community research scientists (Science) (doc. C3-193/89) and the Republic of Austria in the field oT medical and Rapporteur: Mr Antonino Mario LA PERGOLA health research (Doc C3-234/89) 19.12.1989-5 pp. Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA ISBN 92-77-56636-1 24.01.1990-5 pp. AY-CO-89-365-EN-C ISBN 92-77-57559-X AY-CO-90-006-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-102/89 Recommendation by the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the common position of the 824 PE DOC A 3-6/90 Council concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research cooperation agreement between the European Economic and Technology on the common position of the Council Community and the Republic of Finland on a concerning a Decbion on the conclusion of a cooperation programme plan to stimulate the international agreement between the European Economic Community cooperation and interchange needed by European and the Kingdom of Sweden m the field of medical and


health research (Doc. C3-233/89) 831 PE DOC A 3-116/90 Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Political 24.01.1990-5 pp. Affairs Committee on the Community's future political ISBN 92-77-57568-9 relations with the EFTA countries AY-CO-90-007-EN-A Rapporteur: Mrs Marie JEPSEN microform 23.05.1990-17 pp. ISBN 92-77-61085-9 AY-CO-90-149-EN-A 825 PE DOC A 3-7/90 microform Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the common position of the Council concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation 832 PE DOC A 3-131/90 agreement between the European Economic Community Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on and the Swiss Confederation in the field of medical and Transport and Tourbm on the negotiations between the health research (Doc. C3-232/89) European Economic Community and the EFTA Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA countries concerning scheduled air passenger services 24.01.1990-5 pp. Rapporteur: Mr G. LÜTTGE ISBN 92-77-57577-8 30.05.1990- 11pp. AY-CO-90-008-EN-A ISBN 92-77-61214-2 microform AY-CO-90-159-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-8/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research 833 PE DOC A 3-146/90 and Technology on the common position of the Council Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation External Economic Relations on economic and trade agreement between the European Economic Community relations between the European Community and the and the Republic of Finland in the field of medical and EFTA countries health research (Doc. C3-231/89) Rapporteur: Mr G. ROSSETTI Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA 01.06.1990-7 pp. 24.01.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-61268-1 ISBN 92-77-57586-7 AY-CO-90-165-EN-A AY-CO-90-009-EN-A microform microform PE DOC A 3-150/90 Annex 827 PE DOC A 3-10790 Annex to the report drawn up by Mrs Domingo Segarra Report drawn up on behalf oT the Committee on on behalf oT the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries External Economic Relations on the conclusion of a and Rural Development Protocol on financial and technical cooperation between Opinion of the Committee on Budgets the European Economic Community and the Republic of 10.07.1990-2 p. Cyprus (Council: 9478/89 - C3-236/89) ISBN 92-77-62660-7 Rapporteur: Mr G. ROSSETTI AY-CO-90-213-EN-A 25.01.1990-7 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-57604-9 AY-CO-90-Oll-EN-A microform PE DOC A 3-151/90 Third report of the Committee on Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the Commission to the 828 PE DOC A 3-57/90 Council for a Decision setting general guidelines for 1990 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on for financial and technical assistance to Latin American External Economic Relations on the significance of the and Asian developing countries (SEC(89) 1456 - agreement between the EEC and the German C3-169/89) Democratic Republic on trade and commercial and Rapporter: Mrs M. van PUTTEN economic cooperation Rapporteur: Mr H. CHABERT 05.03.1990-7 pp. 835 PE DOC A 3-153/90 ISBN 92-77-58756-3 Report drawn up on behalToTthe Committee on AY-CO-90-078-EN-A External Economic Relations on the proposal from the microform Commbsion to the Council Tor a Decision on the conclusion of a trade and commercial and economic Cooperation Agreement between the European PE DOC A 3-83/90 449 Economic Community and the German Democratic Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Republic - Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Rapporteur: Mr H. CHABERT proposal for a Council Regulation on the conclusion of 13.06.1990 -7 pp. the Agreement between the European Economic ISBN 92-77-62169-9 Community and the Republic of Sierra Leone on fbhing AY-CO-90-190-EN-A off Sierra Leone (COM(90) 54 final - C3-78/90) microform Rapporteur: Mr M. ARIAS CAÑETE PE DOC A 3-153/90 Annex 829 PE DOC A 3-112/90 Annex to the report by Mr Chabert on behalf of the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Committee on External Economic Relations External Economic Relations on the conclusion of the Opinion Framework Agreement for trade and economic - of the Committee on Budgets cooperation between the European Economic - of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology Community and the Argentine Republic (C3-104/90) 04.07.1990-4 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Gary TITLEY ISBN 92-77-62596-1 07.05.1990- 18 pp. AY-CO-90-205-EN-A ISBN 92-77-60959-1 microform AY-CO-90-148-EN-A microform 837 PEDOC A 3-154/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 830 PE DOC A 3-112/90 Annex External Economic Relations on the Commbsion Annex to the report by Mr Titley on behalf of the proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion oT a Committee on External Economic Relations trade and commercial and economic cooperation Opinions agreement between the European Economic Community - of the Committee on Budgets and the European Atomic Energy Community and the - oT the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology Czech and Slovak Federative Republic (SEC(90) 734 - 07.06.1990-4 pp. C3-130/90) ISBN 92-77-61628-8 Rapporteur: Mr W. DE CLERCQ AY-CO-90-174-EN-A 08.06.1990- 15 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-61727-6


AY-CO-90-185-EN-A Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on a microform European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES) (COM(90) 25 final - C3-149/90 - SYN 248) Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA 838 PE DOC A 3-154/90 Annex Adopted pursuant to Rule 116(2) of the Rules of Annex to the report by Mr de Clercq drawn up on Procedure behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations 18.09.1990-5 pp. Opinion ISBN 92-77-64563-6 • of the Committee on Budgets AY-CO-90-259-EN-A • of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology microform - of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 04.07.1990-7 pp. PE DOC A 3-206790 ISBN 92-77-62605-4 Report of the Committee on Energy, Research and AY-CO-90-206-EN-A Technology on the proposal from the Commbsion to the microform Council Tor a Decbion concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway on a 839 PE DOC A 3-159/90 European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science Report drawn up on behalf or the Committee on (SPES) (COM(90) 23 final - C3-150/90 - SYN 249) External Economic Relations on the proposal from the Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA Commission to the Council for a Decbion concerning the Adopted pursuant to Rule 116(2) of the Rules of conclusion of a trade and commercial and economic Procedure agreement between the European Economic Community 19.09.1990-5 pp. and the People's Republic oT Bulgaria (SECl 90) 733 - ISBN 92-77-64446-X C 3-131/90) AY-CO-90-253-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr. K. TSIMAS microform 21.06.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-62187-7 AY-CO-90-192-EN-A 846 PE DOC A 3-207/90 microform Report of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from ther Commission to the Council for a Decbion concerning the conclusion of a 840 PEDOC A 3-159/90 Annex Cooperation Agreement between the European Annex to the Tslmas report on behalf oT the Committee Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a on External Economic Relations European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science Opinion (SPES) (CO.MI90) 20 final - C3-I55/90 - SYN 245) - Committee on Budgets Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA - Committee on Energy, Research and Technology Adopted pursuant to Rule 116<2) of the Rules οΓ •Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Procedure Consumer Protection 18.09.1990-5 pp. 04.07.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-62614-3 ISBN 92-77-64455-9 AY-CO-90-207-EN-A AY-CO-90-254-EN-A microform microform

847 PE DOC A 3-208/90 841 PE DOC A 3-174/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Interim report drawn up on behalf oT the Committee on Research and Technology on the proposal from the Energy, Research and Technology on scientific and Commbsion to the CouncD for a Decbion concerning the technological cooperation between the European conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Community and other European countries: Aspects of European Economic Community and the Republic of cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Finland on a European Stimulation Plan Tor Economic Europe Science (SPES) (COM(90) 19 final - CJ-170790 - SYN Rapporteur: Mrs lis. LARIVE 242) 29.06.1990- 19 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA ISBN 92-77-62370-5 Adopted pursuant to Rule 116(21 of the Rules of AY-CO-90-204-EN-A Procedure microform 18.09.1990 -6 pp. ISBN 92-77-64464-8 842 PEDOC A 3-185/90 AY-CO-90-255-EN-A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on microform Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the proposal from the Commbsion of the European Communities to the Council for a Regulation on the 848 PE DOC A 3-209/90 conclusion or the Agreement between the European Report of the Committee on Energy, Research and Economic Community and the Republic of Cape Verde Technology on the proposal from the Commbsion to the on fishing off Cape Verde (COM(90) 109 · C3-119/90) Council Tor a Decbion concerning the conclusion of a Rapporteur: Mr A. da CUNHA OLIVEIRA Cooperation Agreement between the European 10.07.1990- 10 pp. Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation ISBN 92-77-62777-8 (SPES) (COM(90) 26 final - C3-I74/90 - SYN 246) AY-CO-90-221-EN-A Rapporteur: Antonio LA PERGOLA microform Adopted pursuant to Rule 116(2) of the Rules of Procedure 19.09.1990-6 pp. 843 PE DOC Α 3-192Λ0 ISBN 92-77-64572-5 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on AY-CO-90-260-EN-A Transport and Tourism on the legal basis of the microform Commission proposal for a CouncD Decision on a consultation and authorization procedure Tor agreements concerning commercial aviation relations 849 PE DOC A 3-210790 between Member States and third countries (COM(90) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, 17 final - C3-97/90) Research and Technology on the proposal for a Council Rapporteur: Miss A. McINTOSH Decision concerning the conclusion oTa Cooperation 19.07.1990-7 pp. Agreement between the European Economic Community ISBN 92-77-63596-7 and the Republic of Finland on a research and AY-CO-90-235-EN-A development programme for the European Economic microform Communitv in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (BCR) (COM(90) 24 final - C3-151/90 - SYN 247) 844 PE DOC A 3-205/90 Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA Report or the Committee on Energy, Research and Adopted in accordance with Rule 116(2) οΓ the Rules oT Technology on the proposal from the Commission to the Procedure Council for a Decision concerning the conclusion of a 19.09.1990-6 pp. Cooperation Agreement between the European ISBN 92-77-64473-7


AY-CO-90-256-EN-A EY-CO-90-072-EN-C microform EN-90-14

850 PE DOC A 3-211/90 CES(90) 492/Corr. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy. Corrected version of the Information report of the Research and Technology on the proposal for a Council Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Decision concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Policy on Central and Eastern European countries Agreement between the European Economic Community (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Hungary, Poland, and the Kingdom of Sweden on a research and Romania, USSR, Yugoslavia) development programme for the European Economic General introduction to the eight country reports Community in the field of applied metrology and published, at this stage, as separate documents chemical analysis (BCR) (COM(90) 21 final - C3-152/90 - 03.07.1990-8 pp. SYN 244) ISBN 92-77-63029-9 Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA EY-CO-90-073-EN-C Adopted in accordance with Rule 116(2) of the Rules of EN-90-14 Procedure) 19.09.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-64482-6 857 CES(90) 492/CorrJCorr. AY-CO-90-257-EN-A Corrected version of the Information report of the microform Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Hungary, Poland, 851 PE DOC A 3-212/90 Romania, USSR, Yugoslavia) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, General introduction to the eight country reports Research and Technology on the proposal for a Council published, at this stage, as separate documents Decision concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Corrigendum Agreement between the European Economic Community 04.07.1990 -2 pp. and the Swiss Confederation on a research and ISBN 92-77-63038-8 development programme for the European Economic EY-CO-90-074-EN-C Community in the field of applied metrology and EN-90-14 chemical analysis (BCR) (COM(90) 29 final · C3-153/90 - SYN 250) Rapporteur: Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA 858 CES(90) 492/A Adopted in accordance with Rule 116(2) of the Rules of Information report of the Section for External Relations, Procedure Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern 19.09.1990-6 pp. European countries (Bulgaria) ISBN 92-77-64491-5 21.06.1990- 14 pp. AY-CO-90-258-EN-A ISBN 92-77-63047-7 microform EY-CO-90-075-EN-C EN-90-14 852 CES(89) 1364 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision 859 CES(90) 492/A/Corr. concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the Information report of the Section for External Relations, European Economic Community and the Republic of Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of European countries (Bulgaria) Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Corrigendum Sweden and the Swiss Confederation on trade electronic 03.07.1990-3 pp. data interchange using the communications networks ISBN 92-77-63056-6 (Tedis) EY-CO-90-076-EN-C (doc. COMI89) 482 final) EN-90-14 19.12.1989-3pp. ISBN 92-77-56990-5 EY-CO-89-162-EN-C 860 CES(90) 492/B EN-89-31 Information report of the Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (Hungary) 853 CES(90) 87 21.06.1990- 17 pp. Opinion on EC economic and trade cooperation with ISBN 92-77-63074^» Latin America EY-CO-90-077-EN-C 31.01.1990- 11 pp. EN-90-15 ISBN 92-77-57956-0 EY-CO-90-003-EN-C EN-90-1 861 CES(90) 492/B/Corr. Information report of the Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern 854 CES(90) 216 European countries (Hungary) Opinion on the proposal for Council Decisions Corrigendum concerning the conclusion of Agreements between the 03.07.1990-2 pp. European Economic Community and the EFTA ISBN 92-77-63083-3 countries establishing cooperation in the field of training EY-CO-90-078-EN-C in the context of the implementation of Comett II EN-90-14 (1990-94) (docs. 10663/89 EDUC 105 AELE 81 + COR 1,10664/89 EDUC 106 AELE 82 + COR 1,10665/89 EDUC AELE 862 CES(90) 492/C 83 + COR 1,10666/89 EDUC 108 AELE 84 + COR 1, Information report of the Section for External Relations, 10667/89 EDUC AELE 85 + COR 1,10668/89 EDUC 110 Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern AELE 86+CORD European countries (Poland) 28.02.1990-3 pp. 25.06.1990-26 pp. ISBN 92-77-58864-0 ISBN 92-77-63092-2 EY-CO-90-016-EN-C EY-CO-90-079-EN-C EN-90-3 EN-90-15

855 CES(90) 492 863 CES(90) 492/C/Corr. Information report of the Section for External Relations, Information report of the Section for External Relations, Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, GDR, European countries (Poland) Hungary, Poland, Romania, USSR, Yugoslavia) Corrigendum General introduction to the eight country reports 03.07.1990-2 pp. published, at this stage, as separate documents ISBN 92-77-63101-5 22.06.1990-7 pp. EY-CO-90-080-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63020-5 EN-90-15


864 CES(90) 492/D EY-CO-90-089-EN-C Information report of the Section for External Relations, EN-90-17 Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (German Democratic Republic) 22.06.1990- 19 pp. CES(90) 492/H ISBN 92-77-63164-3 Information report of the Section for External Relations, EY-CO-90-081-EN-C Trade and Development Policy on the countries of EN-90-16 Central and Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia) 21.06.1990-20 pp. ISBN 92-77-63256-9 865 ι I s; '»n ι 492/D/Corr. EY-CO-90-O90-EN-C Information report of the Section for External Relations, EN-90-18 Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (German Democratic Republic) Corrigendum 874 CES(90) 492/H/Corr. 03.07.1990-3 pp. Information report of the Section for External Relations, ISBN 92-77-63173-2 Trade and Development Policy on the countries of EY-CO-90-082-EN-C Central and Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia) EN-90-15 Corrigendum 03.07.1990- 1 p. ISBN 92-77-63265-8 866 » I s. ΊΟ , 492/E EY-CO-90-091-EN-C Information report of the Section for External Relations, EN-90-17 Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern European countries (Romania) 25.06.1990- 16 pp. ISBN 92-77-63182-1 1131 Relations with the countries of EY-CO-90-083-EN-C EN-90-16 Central and Eastern Europe

CESI90) 492/E/Corr. COM(90) 190/2 final 26 Information report of the Section for External Relations, The Community and the European Bank for Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern Reconstruction and Development European countries (Romania) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Corrigendum Articles of Agreement establishing a European Bank for 03.07.l990-2pp. Reconstruction and Development ISBN92-77-63I9I-0 (presented by the Commission) EY-CO-90-084-EN-C Corrigendum EN-90-I6 875 COM(90) 318 final 868 ι 1 si 'κι ι 492/E/Annex Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Information report of the Section for External Relations, Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 in order to extend Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern economic aid to other countries of Central and Eastern European countries (Romania) Europe Annex (presented by the Commission) General data on Romania as supplied by the Romanian 06.07.1990-7 pp. mission to the EC in June 1990 in reply to a ISBN 92-77-62298-9 questionnaire given to the Ambassador by the CB-CO-90-345-EN-C Rapporteur 25.06.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-63196-1 876 COMI90) 384 final EY-CO-90-085-EN-C Communication from the Commission to the Council EN-90-16 Extension to the other centra] and eastern European countries of the facilities for the European Investment Bank to finance projects in Poland and Hungary 869 CES(90) 492/F Proposal for a Council Decision extending to the Czech Information report of the Section for External Relations, and Slovak Federal Republic Bulgaria and Rumania, Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern the Community guarantee to the European Investment European countries (Czechoslovakia) Bank against losses under loans for projects in Hungary 22.06.1990-33 pp. and Poland ISBN 92-77-63211-9 10.09.1990-8 pp. EY-CO-90-086-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63479-0 EN-90-17 CB-CO90-406-EN-C

870 CES(90) 492/F/Corr. ι i » Mi 'Ni » 398 final Information report of the Section for External Relations, Communication from the Commission to the Council Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern and the Parliament European countries (Czechoslovakia) Association agreements with the countries of central and Corrigendum eastern Europe: a general outline 03.07.1990-2 pp. 27.08.1990- 17 pp. ISBN 92-77-63220-8 ISBN 92-77-63758-7 EY-CO-90-087-EN-C CB-CO-90-420-EN-C EN-90-16 878 PE DOC A 3-172/90 871 CES(90)492/G Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Political Information report of the Section for External Relations, Affairs Committee on political developments in Central Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern and Eastern Europe including the Soviet Union, and the European countries (Soviet Union) European Community's role 22.06.1990- 17 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Jean PENDERS ISBN 92-77-63229-1 29.06.1990- 12 pp. EY-CO-90-088-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62352-7 EN-90-17 AY-CO-90-202-EN-A microform 872 ι I si '»ι» ι 492/G/Corr. Information report of the Section for External Relations, PE DOC A 3-187/90 Trade and Development Policy on Central and Eastern Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on European countries (Soviet Union) Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Corrigendum proposal from the Commission to the Council for a 03.07.1990 -3 pp. Regulation on transitional measures concerning trade ISBN 92-77-63238-0 with the German Democratic Republic in the agriculture


and fisheries sector (COM(90) 282 - C3-179/90) countries (1990-1994) Rapporteur: Mr F. GUILLAUME (presented by the Commission) 10.07.1990-5 p. ISBN 92-77-62786-7 AY-CO-90-222-EN-A 886 COM(90) 190 final microform The Community and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the PE DOC A 3-188/90 Articles of Agreement establishing a European Bank for Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Reconstruction and Development External Economic Relations on the Commission (presented by the Commission) proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation 07.05.1990-88 pp. (EEC) No 3906/89 in order to extend economic aid to ISBN 92-77-60097-7 other countries of Central and Eastern Europe CB-CO-90-200-EN-C (COM(90) 318 - C3-211/90) Rapporteur: Mrs Karin JUNKER 887 COM(90) 193 final 11.07.1990-4 pp. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending ISBN 92-77-62903-7 Regulations (EEC) No 3972/86 on food-aid policy and AY-CO-90-227-EN-A food-aid management, (EEC) No 2507/88 on the microform implementation of storage programmes and early warning systems and (EEC) No 2508/88 on the implementation of co-financing operations for the CES(90) 381 purchase of food products or seeds by international Opinion on the EC's economic relations with the bodies or non-governmental organizations countries of Eastern Europe (presented by the Commission) 29.03.1990- 15 pp. 04.05.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-59882^1 ISBN 92-77-59900-6 EY-CO-90-036-EN-C CB-CO-90-192-EN-C EN-90-7 COM(90) 204 final Thirteenth annual report from the Commission to the 1140 Development aid Council and the European Parliament on the implementation of financial and technical cooperation to developing countries of Asia and Latin America as of 31 December 1989 882 COM(89) 627 final 22.06.1990-65 pp. Proposal for a Council Decision providing medium-term ISBN 92-77-60298-8 financial assistance for Hungary CB-CO-90-216-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 05.01.19909pp. ISBN 92-77-56560-8 889 COMI9II) 217 final CB-CO-90-OlO-EN-C Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 412/87 on the apportionment of the cereals provided for under the Food Aid Convention for COM(89) 664 final 788 the period 1 July 1986 to 30 June 1989 Proposal for a CouncD Decision on the conclusion of the (presented by the Commission) Convention between the European Economic 23.05.1990-3 pp. Community and the United Nations Relief and Works ISBN 92-77-60329-1 Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) concerning aid CB-CO-90-222-EN-C to refugees in the countries of the Near East (presented by the Commission) 890 PE DOC A 3-83/89/Annex Annex to the report by Mr Fernando Manuel Santos 883 COM(89) 677 final Gomes drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Amendment Regional Policy and Regional Planning Draft Joint Decision of the Council and the Commission Opinion of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and establishing a Programme of options specific to the Rural Development remote and insular nature of the French overseas 12.12.1989-7 pp. departments (Poseidom) ISBN 92-77-56340-0 Amendment AY-CO-89-354-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the dock dues arrangements in the French overseas departments (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) 891 PE DOC A 3-32/90 of the EEC-Treaty) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets 21.12.1989- 7 pp. on the proposals from the Commission to the Council ISBN 92-77-56367-2 concerning two Regulations on emergency action for the CB-CO-89-621-EN-C supply of certain agricultural products to Romania and Poland (COM(90) 30 - C3-35/90) Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON 884 COM(90) 30 final 12.02.1990-9 pp. Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) on emergency ISBN 92-77-58198-0 action for the supply of certain agricultural products to AY-CO-90-042-EN-A Romania and to Poland microform (Communication of the Commission) 23.01.1990- 19 pp. PE DOC A 3-58/90 791 ISBN 92-77-56855-0 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on CB-CO-90-023-EN-C Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Decision on the conclusion of the Convention between the European 885 COM(90) 57 final Economic Community and the United Nations Relief and Amended proposal for a Council Decision providing Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) medium-term financial assistance for Hungary concerning aid to refugees in the countries of the Near (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) East (COM(89) 664 - C3-22/90) of the EEC-Treaty) Rapporteur: Ms Marie-Christine AULAS 01.02.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-57423-2 CB-CO-90-067-EN-C 892 PE DOC A 3-214/90 Report of the Committee on Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the Commission to the COM(90) 163 final Council for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific 412/87 on the apportionment of the cereals provided for research and technological development programme in under the Food-Aid Convention for the period 1 July the field of life sciences and technologies for developing 1986 to 30 June 1989


(COMI90) 217 final - C3/180/90) for the 1988 financial year Rapporteur: Mr Henri SABY Rapporteur: Mrs Barbara SIMONS 20.09.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-64590-3 AY-CO-90-262-EN-A microform 1160 Agreements with developing countries 893 PE DOC A 3-236/90 Report of the Committee on External Economic COM(89) 554 final Relations on the Commission proposal for a CouncD Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) reducing the Decision on the conclusion of the Articles of Agreement levies on certain agricultural products originating in establishing a European Bank for Reconstruction and developing countries Development (COM(90) 190 final - C3-143/90) (presented by the Commbsion) Rapporteur: Mr Pol MARCK 28.09.1990- 18 pp. ISBN 92-77-64779-5 COM(89) 555 final 78 AY-CO-90-275-EN-A Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation microform (EEC) applying generalized tariff preferences for 1990 in respect of certain agricultural products originating in developing countries (presented by the Commission)

1150 European Development Fund and COM(90) 30 final Proposals for Council Regulations (EEC) on emergency relations ACP/EEC action for the supply of certain agricultural products to Romania and to Poland (Communication of the Commission) COM(89) 599 final 679 Commbsion report to the Council on the results of COM(90) 243 final 895 invitations to tender Draft financial regulation applicable to development finance cooperation under the Fourth Lomé Convention (presented by the Commbsion) 894 COM(90) 148 ΙΊτι-ιΙ Commission communication to the Court of Auditors, COM(90) 254 final 813 Parliament and the Council Commbsion communication Balance Sheets and Accounts of the 4th, 5th and 6th Community response to the special cooperation plan European Development Funds for the 1989 rinunciai year presented by Colombia 11.04.1990-225 pp. Proposal for a GSP Regulation ISBN 92-77-59513-2 Draft Decision of the representatives of the Governments CB-CO-90-168-EN-C of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community Proposal for a resolution 895 COM(90) 243 final Draft financial regulation applicable to development 899 COM(90) 280 final finance cooperation under the Fourth Lomé Convention Proposal for a Council Decbion on the procedure (presented by the Commbsion) concerning derogations from the rules of origin set out in 15.06.1990-37 pp. Protocol No 1 to the ACP-EEC Convention ISBN 92-77-61157-X (presented by the Commbsion) CB-CO-90-272-EN-C 03.07.1990- 12 pp. ISBN 92-77-61619-9 CB-CO-90-307-EN-C COM(90) 308 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending the COM(90) 302 final Ibt of countries contained in Annex II to Regulation Commbsion Decbion (ECSC) and proposal for a (EEC) No 429/87 Council Decbion on the conclusion of the fourth (presented by the Commbsion) ACP-EEC Lomé Convention 02.07.1990-4 pp. 04.07.1990-5 pp. ISBN 92-77-62214-8 ISBN 92-77-62142-7 CB-CO-90-337-EN-C CB-CO-90-335-EN-C

COM(90) 303 final 467 897 COM(90) 336 final Proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion of an Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters safeguard measures provided for In the fourth concerning the provisional application of the Protocol ACP-EEC Convention establbhing for the period from 1 July 1990 to 30 June (presented by the Commbsion) 1993 the fbhing rights and financial compensation 18.07.1990-8 pp. provided for in the Agreement between the European ISBN 92-77-61560-0 Economic Community and the Government of the CB-CO-90-367-EN-C Republic of Gambia on fishing off the coast of Gambia Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the protocol establishing for the period from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1993 the fishingright s and 898 COM(90) 446 final financial compensation provided for in the Agreement Modification on the draft financial regulation applicable between the European Economic Community and the to development finance cooperation under the fourth Government of the Republic of Gambia on fbhing off Lomé Convention the coast of Gambia (presented by the Commbsion) (presented by the Commission) 27.09.1990-2 pp. ISBN 92-77-64257-2 CB-CO-90-472-EN-C COM(90) 307 final 814 Proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the provisional application of the Protocol defining, for the PE DOC A 3-72/90 period from 3 May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the fishing Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on opportunities and financial compensation provided for Budgetary Control on the discharge to be granted to the ín the Agreement between the European Economic Commission in respect of the financial management of Community and the Government of the People's the fourth, fifth and sixth European Development Funds Republic of Angola on fishing off Angola


Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the 906 PE DOC A 3-112/89 conclusion of the Protocol defining, for the period from 3 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on May 1990 to 2 May 1992, the Fishing opportunities and Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the financial compensation provided for in the Agreement Commission of the European Communities to the between the European Economic Community and the Council setting general guidelines for 1990 for financial Government of the People's Republic of Angola on and technical assistance to Latin American and Asian fishing off Angola developing countries (SEC(89) 1456 final - (presented by the Commbsion) doc. C3-169/89) Rapporteur: Mrs M a artj e J. A. van PUTTEN 20.12.1989-9 pp. COM(90) 312 final 442 ISBN 92-77-56767-8 Proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion of an AY-CO-89-376-EN-C Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the provisional application of the Protocol setting out the fishing rights and financial compensation PE DOC A 3-10/90 827 provided for in the Agreement between the Government Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on of the Republic of Senegal and the European Economic External Economic Relations on the conclusion of a Community on fishingof f the coast of Senegal for the Protocol on financial and technical cooperation between period from 1 May 1990 to 30 April 1992 the European Economic Community and the Republic of Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on the Cyprus (CouncD: 9478/89 - C3-236/89) conclusion of the Protocol setting out the fishing rights Rapporteur: Mr G. ROSSETTI and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Senegal and the European Economic Community on PE DOC A 3-11/90 fbhing off the coast of Senegal for the period from 1 Second Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on May 1990 to 30 April 1992 Development and Cooperation on the proposal from the (presented by the Commission) Commbsion to the Council setting general guidelines for 1990 for financial and technical assbtance to Latin American and Asian developing countries (SEC(89) 1456 901 COM(90) 331 final final - C3-169/89) Proposal for a Council Decbion on the conclusion of the Rapporteur: Mrs M. van PUTTEN Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters 26.01.1990-9 pp. concerning the provisional application of Protocol No 2 ISBN 92-77-58082-8 establishing for the period 1 April 1990 to 31 March AY-CO-90-028-EN-A 1991 the crawfish fishing opportunities and the microform corresponding financial compensation provided for in the fishing Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco PE DOC A 3-32/90 891 Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets conclusion of Protocol No 2 establishing for the period 1 on the proposab from the Commission to the Council April 1990 to 31 March 1991 the crawfish fishing concerning two Regulations on emergency action for the opportunities and the corresponding financial supply of certain agricultural products to Romania and compensation provided for in the fishing Agreement Poland (COM(90) 30 - C3-35/90) between the European Economic Community and the Rapporteur: Mr John E. TOMLINSON Kingdom of Morocco (presented by the Commbsion) 17.07.1990- 12 pp. 908 PE DOC A 3-33/90 ISBN 92-77-62406-X Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on CB-CO-90-349-EN-C Development and Cooperation on the proposals from the Commission to the Council for I. a Regulation concerning the application of Decision No 902 PE DOC A 3-90/89 ..J90 of the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers on Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on transitional measures to be applied until the entry into External Economic Relations on the proposal from the force of the fourth Lomé Convention Commbsion to the Council for a Regulation on economic II. a Regulation concerning the arrangements applicable aid to the Republic of Hungary and the Polish People's to agricultural products and certain goods resulting Republic (COM(S9> 536 final - doc C3-188/89) from the processing of agricultural products originating Rapporteur: Mrs Karin JUNKER in the ACP States or the OCT 04.12.1989- 13pp. III. a draft Council Decision on the association of the ISBN92-77-56184-X OCT with the Community AY-CO-89-345-EN-C (SEC(90) 213 - C3-41/90) Rapporteur: Mr L. TINDEMANS 13.02.1990-9 pp. 903 PE DOC A 3-90/89/Annex ISBN 92-77-58207-3 Annex to the report by Mrs Karin Junker on behalf of AY-CO-90-043-EN-A the Committee on External Economic Relations microform Opinion of the Committee on Budgets 06.12.1989-2 pp. 909 PE DOC A 3-151/90 ISBN 92-77-56203-X Third report of the Committee on Development and AY-CO-89-346-EN-C Cooperation on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Decision setting general guidelines for 1990 904 PE DOC A 3-91/89 for financial and technical assbtance to Latin American Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on and Asian developing countries (SEC(89) 1456 - External Economic Relations on the proposal from the C3-169/89) Commission to the Council for a Regulation reducing Rapporter: Mrs M. van PUTTEN import levies on certain agricultural produce from 05.06.1990- 12 pp. developing countries (COM(89) 554 final - ISBN 92-77-61718-7 doc. C3-189/89) AY-CO-90-184-EN-A Rapporteur: Mrs Karin JUNKER microform 04.12.1989-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-56481-4 CES(90) 87 853 AY-CO-89-347-EN-C Opinion on EC economic and trade cooperation with Latin America PE DOC A 3-91/89/Annex Annex to the report by Mrs Karin Junker drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations Opinion of the Committee on Budgets 1170 European cooperation policy Opinion of the Committee on Agriculture, Fbheries and Rural Development 06.12.1989-3 pp. 910 PE DOC A 3-226/90 ISBN 92-77-56515-2 Interim report of the Political Affairs Committee on the AY-CO-89-361-EN-C Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe


(Helsinki II) COMI90) 89/2 I¡nul Rapporteur: Mr Georgios ROMEOS Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation 24.09.1990- 11 pp. (EEC) concerning the promotion of energy technology in ISBN 92-77-64743^4 Europe - Thermie AY-CO-90-271-EN-A 20.04.1990-2 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-59495-0 CB-CO-90-166-EN-C

COMI90) 310 final 1(129 1180 International questions Towards Trans-European Networks Progress report (Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament) 911 COMI90) 391 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending for 1990 the generalized tariff preferences for certain 918 COM(90) 425 final products originating in Iraq Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) suspending for the transit of natural gas through the major systems 1990 the levy reductions for certain agricultural (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) roducts originating in Iraq of the EEC Treaty) B»raft for a Decision of the Representatives of the 21.09.1990-5 pp. Governments of the Member States meeting within the ISBN 92-77-64075-8 Council suspending for 1990 the generalized tariff CB-CO-90^»50-EN-C preferences for certain iron and steel products originating in Iraq (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-114/89 993 08.08.1990- 10 pp. Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on ISBN 92-77-63569-X Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from CB-CO-90-412-EN-C the Commission to the Council for a Regulation concerning the promotion of energy technology in Europe (COM(89) 121 final - doc. C3-72/89) 912 COM(90) 439 final Rapporteur: Mr Madron SELIGMAN Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2340/90 on Iraq and PE DOC A 3-26/90 Kuwait Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission) External Economic Relations on the proposal from the 20.09.1990-7 pp. Commission of the European Communities for a Council ISBN 92­77­64165­7 Decision on the conclusion of the agreement between the CB-CO-90-460-EN-C European Economic Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the Union οΓ Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on trade and commercial and 913 PE DOC A 3-194/90 A economic cooperation (SECI89) 212« - Doc C3-250/89) Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs Rapporteur: Mrs C. RANDZIO-PLATH Committee on the situation in the Middle East 02.02.1990-25 pp. Part A: Motion for a resolution ISBN 92-77-57730-4 Rapporteur: Mr F. PEREZ ROYO AY-CO-90-025-EN-A 23.07.1990- 11 pp. microform ISBN 92-77-63614-9 AY-CO-90-237-EN-A microform 920 PE DOC A 3-161790 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy. Research and Technology on the proposal from the Commission to the CouncD for a Directive on the transit PE DOC A 3-194/90 Β of natural gas through the major svstems (COM(89) 334 Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs - C3-151/89) Committee on the situation in the Middle East Rapporteur: Mr Carles-Alfred GASOLIBA I BÖHM Part B: Explanatory statement 21.06.1990 -42 pp. Rapporteur: Mr F. PEREZ ROYO ISBN 92-77-62196-6 23.07.1990-35 pp. AY­CO­90­193­EN­A ISBN 92-77-63623-8 microform AY-CO-90-238-EN-A microform 921 PE DOC A 3-234/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the common position established by ENERGY the Council with a view to the adoption of a Directive on 12 the transit of electricity through transmission grids (C3-205/90 - SYN 207) Rapporteur: Mr Claude DESAMA 27.09.1990 -10 p. ISBN 92-77-64770-1 AY-CO-90-274-EN-A 1210 Energy policy microform

922 CESI90) 89 915 COMI89) 369 final Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the Communication from the Commission to the Council on transit of natural gas through the major systems 'Energy and the Environment' (doc COMI89) 334 final) 08.02.1990-43 pp. 31.01.1990 -7 pp. ISBN 92-77-55597-1 ISBN 92-77-57983-8 CB-CO-89-574-EN-C EY-CO90-005-EN-C EN-90-1

COMI90) 89 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the promotion of energy technology in 1220 Euratom/nuclear energy Europe · Thermie (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) COM(89) 347 final 26.03.1990 -8 pp. Nuclear Industries in the Community ISBN 92-77-58828-4 The nuclear power station design and construction CB-CO-90-124-EN-C Industry and completion of the European single market


(Update of the Illustrative Nuclear Programme for the 927 COM(90) 207 final Community - P1NC, adopted by the Commission in 1984 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on under Article 40 of the Euratom Treaty and published in the transit of electricity through transmission grids 1985 together with the opinion of the ESC) (COM(89) 336 final) 07.02.1990-34 pp. (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third ISBN 92-77-52687-4 paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) CB-CO-89-381-EN-C 21.05.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-60241-4 CB-CO-90-208-EN-C COM(90) 149 final 25 Proposal for a Council Regulation (ECSC, Euratom, EEC) amending Council Regulations No 6/66/Euratom 928 COM(90) 220 final and No 121/66/EEC Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (presented by the Commission) (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1056/72 on notifying the Commission of investment projects of interest to the Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity sectors CESI89) 1365 (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 14(3) Opinion on nuclear industries in the Community · the of the EEC Treaty) nuclear power station design and construction industry 13.06.1990-6 pp. and completion of the European market (update of the ISBN 92-77-60529-4 illustrative nuclear programme for the Community CB-CO-90-229-EN-C (PINC) - Article 40 of the Euratom Treaty) (doc. COM(89) 347 final) 19.12.1989- 6 pp. ( < IMOII) 231 final 697 ISBN 92-77-57026-1 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive EY-CO-89-163-EN-C concerning a Community procedure to improve the EN-89-31 transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 1230 Coal and hydrocarbons 929 COM(90) 306 final Proposal for a Council Directive revoking Council COM(90) 375 final 223 Directive 75/404/EEC on the restriction of the use of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) prohibiting the natural gas in power stations introduction into the territory of the Community of (presented by the Commission) crude oil and refined petroleum products or their 06.07.1990-9 pp. derivatives originating in or last exported from Kuwait ISBN 92-77-62124-9 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-333-EN-C

930 PE DOC A 3-39/90 COM(90) 376 final 224 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) prohibiting the Research and Technology on the proposal from the introduction into the territory of the Community of Commission to the Council for a Directive on the transit crude oil and refined petroleum products or their of electricity through transmission grids (COM(89) 336 - derivatives originating in or last exported from Iraq C3-186/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur Mr Claude DESAMA 27.02.1990-19 pp. ISBN 92-77-58351-7 COM(90) 489 final AY-CO-90-048-EN-A Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending microform Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff as regards the rate of duty applicable to gas oil of 931 PE DOC A 3-39/90 Annex subheading 2710 00 69 Annex to the report by Mr Claude Desama drawn up on (presented by the Commission) behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and 19.l0.1990-4pp. Technology ISBN 92-77-64815-5 Opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary CB-CO-90-506-EN-C Affairs and Industrial Policy 26.02.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-58639-7 PE DOC A 3-161/90 920 AY-CO-90-066-EN-A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, microform Research and Technology on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on the transit of natural gas through the major systems (COM(89) 334 932 PE DOC A 3-44/90 - C3-151/89) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Rapporteur: Mr Carles-Alfred GASOLIBA Ι BÖHM Research and Technology on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1056/72 on notifying the Commission of investment projects of interest to the CES(90) 89 922 Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the sectors (COM(89) 335 - C3-155/89) transit of natural gas through the major systems Rapporteur: Mr T.E. REGGE (doc. COM(89) 334 final) 23.02.1990- 18 pp. ISBN 92-77-58387-8 AY-CO-90-052-EN-A 1240 Electricity microform 933 CES(90) 90 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the 926 COM(89) 336 final transit of electricity through transmission grids Communication from the Commission (doc. COM(89) 336 final) Increased intra-Community electricity exchanges: a 31.01.1990-6 pp. fundamental step towards completing the internal ISBN 92-77-57992-7 energy market EY-CO-90-006-EN-C Proposal for a Council Directive on the transit of EN-90-2 electricity through transmission grids (presented by the Commission) 29.09.1989-31 pp. 934 CES(90) 91 ISBN 92-77-53255-6 Opinion on the draft Council Regulation (EEC) CB-CO-89-433-EN-C amending Regulation (EEC) No 1056/72 on notifying the


Commission of investment projects of interest to the initiative concerning regional capacities for research, Community in the petroleum, natural gas and electricity technology and innovation (STRIDE) sectors Rapporteur: Mr J.-P. RAFFARIN (doc. COMIX'» 335 final) 31.01.1990-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-58001-1 938 CES(90) 512 EY-CO-90-007-EN-C Additional opinion on the Mediterranean policy of the EN-90-2 European Community 02.05.1990-22 pp. ISBN 92-77-60637-1 EY-CO-90-053-EN-C 1250 Soft energy EN-90-10

t OM ι 'ith 164 final 939 CESI90) 662 Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific Opinion on the Community initiative programme to research and technological development programme in assist the most remote regions of the Community (Regis) the field of non-nuclear energies (1990-1994) 30.05.1990 -7 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-62060-9 EY-CO-90-068-EN-C EN-90-12 t ΈΝ(»01 380 256 Opinion on Increasing the use of agricultural and forestry resources In the non-food Industrial and energy 940 CES(90) 663 sectors: prospects opened up by research and Opinion on the research and development programme technological innovation for regions (Stride) 30.05.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-62069-2 EY-CO-90-069-EN-C 13 REGIONAL POLICY EN-90-13

CESI90) 664 Opinion on the EC initiative programme to assist frontier areas I Interreg) 1310 Regional policy 30.05.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-62078-1 EY-CO-90-070-EN-C COMI90I 205 final 729 EN-90-13 PEDD? Specific programme for the development of Portuguese industry Progress report (presented by the Commission) 1320 ERDF

COM(90) 438 final 1069 COMI90) 136 final Community action to promote rural tourism European Regional Development Fund Communication from the Commission Fourteenth annua) report (1988) from the Commission to the CouncD, the European Parliament and the 935 PE DOC A 3-83/89 Economic and Social Committee Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 10.05.1990 -123 pp. Regional Policy and Regional Planning on the ISBN 92-77-60187-6 Commission and Council proposals on CB-CO-90-205-EN-C I. a Draft Joint Decision οΓ the Council and the Commission establishing a programme of options specific to the remote and insular nature of the French COM(90l 279 final overseas departments (Poseidom) Report on the progress made towards specific objectives IL a Decision concerning the dock-dues arrangements in and the implementation of structural measures in the French overseas departments (COM(88) 730 final - Portugal doc. C3-44/88) (forwarded by the ('omini sinn to the Council pursuant Rapporteur: Mr Fernando Manuel Santos GOMES to Article 264 paragraph 2(c) of the Act of Accession) 0I.I2.I989 - 35 pp. ISBN 92-77-56088-6 AY-CO-89-338-EN-C 943 CES(90) 817 Opinion on the European Regional Development Fund Fourteenth annual report (1988) from the Commission 936 PE DOC A 3-139/90 (doc COM(90) 136 final) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on 04.07.1990 -6 pp. Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a Community ISBN 92-77-63319-0 initiative in favour of border areas (INTERREG EY-CO-90-094-EN-C programme) EN-90-18 Rapporteur: Mr. CUSHNAHAN 31.05.1990- 13 pp. ISBN 92-77-61250-9 AY-CO-90-163-EN-A microform 14 ENVIRONMENT

937 PE DOC A 3-142/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a Community initiative to assist the most remote regions of the 1410 Environmental protection and policy Community (REGIS) Rapporteur: Mr WELSH 01.06.1990- 14pp ISBN 92-77-61259-2 944 COM(89) 454 final AY-CO-90-164-EN-A Modified proposal for a Council Directive on batteries microform and accumulators containing dangerous substances (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) PE DOC A 3-143/90 1004 06.11.1989- 10pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on ISBN 92-77-53047-2 Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a Community CB-CO-89-415-EN-C


COM(89) 478 final 505 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) Directives 80/778/EEC on drinking water, 76/160/EEC on bathing water, 75/4407EEC on surface water and 79/869/EEC on methods of measurement and COMODI 493 final 589 frequencies of analysis of surface water Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) amending Directive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of of the EEC Treaty) the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles 945 ('OMi'Mli 125/2 Add. final (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on action by of the EEC Treaty) the Community relating to nature conservation (ACNAT) (presented by the Commission) Addendum PE DOC A 3-36/90 27.08.1990-4 pp. Recommendation of the Committee on Legal AfTairs and ISBN 92-77-63794-3 Citizens' Rights on the common position of the CouncD CB-CO-90-424-EN-C on the adoption of a Third Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of COM(90) 158 final motor vehicles (C3-37/90) Proposal for a CouncD Decision adopting a specific Rapporteur: Mr W. ROTHLEY research and technological development programme in the field of environment (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) 951 PE DOC A 3-177/90 Report drawn upon behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection COM(90) 218 final on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for Green Paper on the Urban Environment a Directive concerning municipal waste water treatment Communication from the Commission to the Council (COM(89) 518 - C3-220/89) and Parliament Rapporteur: Mr (i. MONNIER-BESOMBES 27.06.1990-62 pp. 04.07.1990-30 pp. ISBN 92-77-61187-1 ISBN 92-77-63677-7 CB-CO-90-276-EN-C AY-CO-90-240-EN-A microform

COM(90) 328 final Proposal for a CouncD Directive amending Directive PE DOC A 3-198/90 607 80/836/Euratom laying down the basic safety standards Report of the Committee on the Environment, Public for the health protection of the general public and Health and Consumer Protection on the Commission workers against the dangers of ionising radiation as proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive regards prior authorization of shipment of radioactive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the waste Member States relating to measures to be taken against (presented by the Commission) air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles 17.07.1990-48 pp. (COM(89) 662 - C3-53/90) ISBN 92-77-62714-X Rapporteur: Mr Kurt VITTINGHOFF CB-CO-90-371-EN-C 952 PE DOC A 3-231/90 948 COM(90) 362 final Report by the Committee on Development and Proposal for a CouncD Decision on the conclusion, on Cooperation on the conservation of tropical forests behalf of the Community, of the Convention on the (COM(89) 410 final) Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Rapporteur: Mrs Maria SANTOS Wastes and their Disposal 26.09.1990-26 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-64761-2 26.07.1990- 10 pp. AY-CO-90-273-EN-A ISBN 92-77-63202-X microform CB-CO-90-398-EN-C

949 COM(90) 366 final 1420 Deterioration of the environment Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on the introduction and the maintenance of agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of COM(89) 369 final 915 the protection of the environment and the maintenance Communication from the Commission to the Council on of the countryside 'Energy and the Environment' (presented by the Commission) 02.10.1990-25 pp. ISBN 92-77-64500-8 953 COM(89) 544 final CB-CO-90-490-EN-C Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive concerning the protection of fresh, coastal and marine waters against pollution caused by nitrates from diffuse 950 COM(90) 415 final sources Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on the (presented by the Commission) supervision and control of shipments of waste within, 05.02.1990 -5 pp. into and out of the European Community ISBN 92-77-54798-7 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-89-525-EN-C 26.10.1990-56 pp. ISBN 92-77-64320-X CB-CO-90-479-EN-C 954 COM(89) 560 final Amended proposal for a CouncD Directive amending Directive 75/442/EEC on waste COM(90) 425 final 918 Amended proposal for a CouncD Directive on hazardous Amendment to the proposal for a Council Directive on waste the transit of natural gas through the major systems (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149, (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) paragraph 3 of the EEC Treaty) of the EEC Treaty) 20.11.1989-13pp. ISBN 92-77-55188-7 CB-CO-89-547-EN-C COM(90) 452 final 662 Amendment to the proposal for a CouncD Directive concerning minimum requirements for vessels entering 955 COM(89) 598 final or leaving Community ports carrying packages of Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on action by dangerous or polluting goods the Community for the protection of the environment in


the Mediterranean region (MEDSPA) ISBN 92-77-58549-8 (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-120-EN-C 09.03.1990-34 pp. ISBN 92-77-58252-9 CB-CO-90-105-EN-C COMI90) 114 final Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the establishment of the European 956 COMIX»» 662 final Environment Agency and the European Environment Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Monitoring and Information Network 70/220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Member States relating to measures to be taken against of the EEC-Treaty) air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles 22.03.1990-20 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58936-1 02.02.1990- 174 pp. CB-CO90-128-EN-C ISBN 92-77-57450-X CB-CO-90-070-EN-C 965 COM(90) 125 final 957 COM(90) 3 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on action by Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on substances the Community relating to nature conservation (ACNAT) that deplete the ozone layer (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 11.05.1990- 14 pp. 14.03.1990-21 pp. ISBN 92-77-59261-3 ISBN 92-77-56954-9 CB-CO90-148-EN-C CB-CO-90-034-EN-C

COM(90) 174 final 576 COM(90)9final Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous Member States relating to the measures to be taken substances discharged into the aquatic environment of against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel the Community engines for use in vehicles (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 08.02.1990-36 pp. ISBN 92-77-57387-2 CB-CO-90-063-EN-C 966 COMI90) 227 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the evaluation and the control of the environmental risks of 959 COMI90) 59 final existing substances Supplementary annexes to the proposal for a Council (presented by the Commission) Directive on the protection of natural and semi-natural 14.09.1990- 129 pp. habitats and of wild fauna and flora ISBN 92-77-60986-9 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third CB-CO-90-261-EN-C paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) 30.03.1990-47 pp. ISBN 92-77-57757-6 CB-CO-90-080-EN-C COM(90) 287 final Proposal for a Council Directive harmonizing and rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain COMI90I 68 final Directives relating to the environment Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending (presented by the Commission) Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 on the conditions 26.07.1990- 15 pp. governing imports of agricultural products originating ISBN 92-77-61808-6 in third countries following the accident at the CB-CO-90-313-EN-C Chernobyl nuclear power-station (presented by the Commission) 23.02.1990-6 pp. COMI90) 298 final ISBN 92-77-57766-5 Amended proposal for a Council Directive concerning CB-CO-90-081-EN-C the placing of EEC-accepted plant protection products on the market (presented bv the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) COM(90) 85 final of the EEC Treaty) Amendments to the proposal for a Council Directive Addendum amending, in respect of chromium. Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of soil, when sewage sludge Is used in COMI90) 319 final agriculture Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a four-year (presented by the Commission in accordance with programme 1990-1993 to develop regular official Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) statistics on the environment 27.03.1990-4 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-58288-X 17.07.1990- 16pp. CB-CO-90-109-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62497-3 CB-CO90-360-EN-C COMI90) 91 final Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the freedom of access to information on the environment 969 COM(90) 342 final (presented by the Commission, pursuant to Article 149, Commission report on the implementation of CouncD paragraph 3 or the EEC Treaty) Regulation (EEC) No 2242/87 on action by the 19.03.1990- 13 pp. Community relating to the environment ISBN 92-77-58522-6 19.07.1990-8 pp. CB-CO-90-117-EN-C ISBN 92-77-62506-6 CB-CO-90-361-EN-C

963 COMI90) 103 final Amended proposal for a Council Decision amending PE DOC A 3-25/90 1033 Decision No 85/338/EEC in order to provide for the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the continuation of the Commission work programme Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection concerning an experimental project for gathering, on the proposal for a Council Decision amending coordinating and ensuring the consistency of Council Decision 85/338/EEC in order to provide for the information on the state of the environment and natural continuation of the Commisssion work programme resources In lhe Community concerning an experimental project for gathering, (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) coordinating and ensuring the consistency of of the EEC-Treaty) information on the state of the environment and natural 16.03.1990-5 pp. resources in the Community (COM(89) 542 final -


C3-167/89) AY-CO-90-057-EN-A Rapporteur: Mrs C. DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA microform

PE DOC A 3-25/90 Corr. 1034 PE DOC A 3-108/90 663 Corrigendum to the report by the Committee on the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Transport and Tourism on the proposal from the on information on the state of the environment and Commission to the Council for a Directive concerning natural resources in the Community (Doc. Α3·25/90) minimum requirements for vessels entering or leaving Rapporteur: Mrs DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA Community ports carrying packages of dangerous or Corrigendum polluting goods (COM(89) 7 - C3-61/89) Rapporteur: Mrs Claire JOANNY 970 PE DOC A 3-27/90 A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the PE DOC A 3-117/90 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Report drawn up on behalf of the Political Affairs on the proposal from the Commission for a Council Committee on the seat of the European Environment Regulation on the establishment of the European Agency Environment Agency and the European Environment Rapporteur: Mrs V. REDING Monitoring and Information Network (COM(89) 303 - 23.05.1990-9 pp. C3-111/89) ISBN 92-77-61475-7 Rapporteur: Mrs lì. WEBER AY-CO-90-169-EN-A Part A: Amendments microform Draft legislative resolution 05.02.1990-96 pp. ISBN 92-77-58135-2 977 PE DOC A 3-120/90 AY-CO-90-035-EN-A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the microform Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the measures needed to protect the environment from potential damage caused by mass tourism, as part of the PE DOC A 3-27/90 Β European Year of Tourism Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Rapporteur: Mrs C. DIEZ de RIVERA ICAZA Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 06.06.1990- 15 pp. on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for ISBN 92-77-62160-5 a Regulation on the establishment of the European AY-CO-90-I89-EN-A Environment Agency and the European Environment microform Monitoring and Information Network (COM(89) 303 - C3-111/89) Rapporteur: Mrs B. WEBER 978 PEDOC A 3-126/90 A Part B: Explanatory statement Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Opinions Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the 06.02.1990-22 pp. Commission to the Council for a Directive on civil ISBN 92-77-58144-1 liability for damage caused by waste (COM(89) 282 - AY-CO-90-036-EN-A C3-154/89) microform Rapporteur: Mr Enrico FERRI Part A: Amendments to the Commission proposal 972 PE DOC A 3-27/90 C Draft legislative resolution Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Opinion of the Committee on the Environment Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 29.05.1990-29 pp. on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for ISBN 92-77-61196-0 a Regulation on the establishment of the European AY-CO-90-157-EN-A Environment Agency and the European Environment microform Monitoring and Information Network (COM(89) 303 final-C3-111/89) Rapporteur: Mrs B. WEBER 979 PE DOC A 3-126/90 Β Part C: Documentation Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal 06.02.1990-24 pp. Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the ISBN 92-77-58153-0 Commission to the Council for a Directive on civil AY-CO-90-037-EN-A liability for damage caused by waste (COM(89) 282 - microform C3-154/89) Rapporteur: Mr Enrico FERRI Part B: Explanatory statement PE DOC A 3-46/90 Annex I: Working document Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Annex II: Motion for a resolution (B 3-476/89) Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a regional 29.05.1990- 17 pp. action programme on the initiative of the Commission ISBN 92-77-61664-4 concerning the environment (ENVIREG) AY-CO-90-178-EN-A Rapporteur: Mr P. LAMBRIAS microform 23.02.1990-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-58432-7 AY-CO-90-056-EN-A PE DOC A 3-137/90 4M microform Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the amended proposal from the Commission of the 974 PE DOC A 3-16/90 An nex European Communities to the Council for a Directive Annex to the report by Mr Lambrias drawn up on concerning the placing of EEC-accepted plant protection behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and products on the market (COM(89) 34 final - C3-64/89) Regional PlanningOpinion of the Committee on the Rapporteur: Mr J. L. VALVERDE LOPEZ Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 02.03.1990-6 pp. ISBN 92-77-58684-2 980 PE DOC A 3-181/90 AY-CO-90-071-EN-A Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the microform Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on measures to protect the ecology of the tropical forests Rapporteur: Mr. H. J. MUNTINGH PE DOC A 3-49/90 05.07.1990-20 pp. Recommendation of the Committee on the Environment, ISBN 92-77-63128-7 Public Health and Consumer Protection on the common AY-CO-90-232-EN-A position of the Council for a Directive on the deliberate microform release to the environment of genetically modified organisms (C3-228/89) Rapporteur: Mr Gerhard SCHMID 981 PE DOC A 3-182/90 23.02.1990- 16 pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the ISBN 92-77-58441-6 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection


on the environmental problems in the Amazon region Rapporteur: Mr H. MUNTINGH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL 05.07.1990-22 pp. ISBN 92-77-62957-6 15 RESEARCH AY-CO-90-230-EN-A microform

982 PE DOC A 3-189/90 1510 Research policy Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for COM(90) 179 final a Directive amending Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into 89/118/EEC on a European stimulation plan for the aquatic environment of the Community economic science (1989-1992) (SPES) Rapporteur: Mr Ken COLLINS (presented by the Commission) 18.07.1990- 10 pp. 15.05.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-64419-2 ISBN 92-77-60259-7 AY-CO-90-250-EN-A CB-CO-90-210-EN-C microform

COMI90) 241/2 final Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the 983 CESI90) 215 conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on civil European Economic Community and the Republic of liability for damage caused by waste Iceland on a programme plan to stimulate the (doc COM(89) 282 final) international cooperation and interchange needed by 28.02.1990-9 pp. European research scientists (SCIENCE) ISBN 92-77-58819-5 (presented by the Commission) EY-CO-90-014-EN-C Corrigendum EN-90-3

CES(90) 508 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting CES(90)217 a specific programme concerning the preparation of the Opinion on the draft Commission Decision on a development of an operational Eurotra system programme of regional actions designed to contribute to (doc. COMI89) 603 final) the protection of the environment and to promote socio-economic development (XV1/418/89) 01.03.1990-3 pp. CESI901 663 ISBN 92-77-58873-X Opinion on the research and development programme EY-CO-90-017-EN-C for regions (Stride) EN-90-3

985 CES(90) 513 1520 Energy and nuclear science Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the importation of certain furs (doc COM(89) 198 final) 990 COMI90) 164 final 26.04.1990- II pp. Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific ISBN 92-77-60646-0 research and technological development programme in EY-CO-90-054-EN-C the field of non-nuclear energies ( 1990-1994) EN-90-10 (presented by the Commission) 28.05.1990-28 pp. ISBN 92-77-60781-5 CB-CO-90-247-EN-C 986 CESI901 514 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive concerning municipal waste-water treatment COMI90) 343 final (doc. COMI89) 518 final) Proposal for a Council Decision on a specific research 25.04.1990-9 pp. and technological development programme in the field ISBN 92-77-60655-X of nuclear fission safety (1990-1994) EY-CO-90-055-EN-C (presented by the Commission) EN-90-10 14.09.1990-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-62723-9 CB-CO90-372-EN-C CESI90) 818 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive ι ι » M< 'HI ι 441 final amending Directive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be research and technological development programme in taken against air pollution by emissions from motor the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion (1990-1994) vehicles Proposal for a Council Decision approving amendments (docCOM(89)662luiall to the Statutes of the Joint European Torus (JET), Joint 05.07.1990-6 pp. Undertaking ISBN 92-77-63328-X (presented by the Commission) EY-CO-90-095-EN-C 25.09.1990-29 pp. EN-90-18 ISBN 92-77-64138-X CB-CO-90-457-EN-C

I 1 Si 'III ι 828 993 PE DOC A 3-114/89 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on amending Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from certain dangerous substances discharged into the the Commission to the Council for a Regulation aquatic environment of the Community concerning the promotion of energy technology in (doc. ( (»Mi'HIι 9 final) Europe (COM(89) 121 final - doc. C3-72/89) 05.07.1990-6 pp. Rapporteur: Mr Madron SELIGMAN ISBN 92-77-63444-8 20.12.1989-34 pp. EY-CO-90-105-EN-C ISBN 92-77-56785-6 EN-90-20 AY-CO-89-378-EN-C


on board vessels 1521 Radiation protection (presented by the Commission)

COM(90) 275 final 524 COM(89) 478 final 505 Proposal for a Council Directive on the implementation Amended proposal for a Council Directive amending of minimum safety and health requirements at Directives 80/778/EEC on drinking water, 76/160/EEC temporary or mobile work sites on bathing water, 75/4407EEC on surface water and (Eighth individual Directive within the meaning of 79/869/EEC on methods of measurement and Article 16 of Directive 89/391/EEC) frequencies of analysis of surface water (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) PE DOC A 3-52/90 526 Report drawn up by the Committee on the Environment, COM(891 540 final 506 Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal Communication from the Commission to the Council on from the Commission to the Council for a resolution the improvement of the general system for collecting concerning an action plan 1990-1994 in the framework epidemiological data on HIV infection in the European of the Europe against cancer programme (COM(89) 210 Community - C3-83/89) Rapporteur: Mrs S. VEIL COM(89) 548 final 507 Proposal for a Council Directive amending for the tenth PE DOC A 3-76/90 527 time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Employment and the Working Environment on the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing common position established by the Council with a view and use of certain dangerous substances and to the adoption of a Directive on the minimum safety preparations and health requirements for work with display screen (presented by the Commission) equipment (C3-9/90) Rapporteur: Mrs A. CATASTA

COM(89) 665 final 514 PE DOC A 3-93/90 I 528 Proposal for a CouncD Directive amending for the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on the Women's Rights on Women and Health Care approximation of the laws, regulations and Rapporteur: Mrs N. VAN DIJK administrative provisions of the Member States relating Part I: Motion for a resolution to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-93/90II 529 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Women's Rights on Women and Health Care COM(90) 101 final 515 Rapporteur: Mrs N. Van DIJK Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the Part B: Explanatory statement creation of a supplementary protection certificate for Annexes medicinal products (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-101/90 530 Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, COM(90) 131 final 516 Employment and the Working Environment concerning Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the the common position of the Council on a Directive on the minimum health and safety requirements for the manual protection of workers from the risks related to exposure handling of loads involving a risk of musculoskeletal to carcinogens at work (C3-24/90) injury to workers Rapporteur: Mrs Ursula SCHLEICHER (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) PE DOC A 3-101/90 Β 531 Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment concerning COM(90) 181 final 517 the common position of the Council on a Directive on the Communication of the Commission to the Council, the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee to carcinogens at work (C3-24/90) concerning the modifications to be made to the proposal Rapporteur: Mrs I . SCHLEICHER for a Council resolution concerning a 1990-1994 action Part B: Explanatory statement plan in the framework of the 'Europe against Cancer' programme PE DOC A 3-121/90 534 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the COM(90) 184 final 518 Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive on a draft Council resolution proposed by the 83/477/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks Commission on improving the prevention and treatment related to exposure to asbestos at work of acute human poisoning (COM(89) 505 final · (presented by the Commission) C3-199/89) Rapporteur: Mr A. BOMBARD

COM(90) 185 final 519 'Europe against Cancer' Programme: report on the PEDOC A 3-180/90 536 implementation of the first plan of action, 1987-1989 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Communication from the European Commission to the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Council, the European Parliament and the Economic on the Commission proposal for a Council Directive and Social Committee amending for the tenth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain COM(90) 221 final 521 dangerous substances and preparations (COM(89) 548 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the final - doc. C3-242/89 - SYN 224) protection of workers from risks related to exposure to Rapporteur: Mrs U. SCHLEICHER carcinogens at work (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) PE DOC A 3-191/90 537 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy concerning the COM(90) 272 final 523 common position of the Council with a view to the Proposal for a Council Directive on the minimum health adoption of a Directive amending Directive 79/196/EEC and safety requirements for improved medical treatment on the approximation of the laws of the Member States


concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially 996 COM(90) 29 final explosive atmospheres employing certain types of Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the protection (C3-198/90) conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Rapporteur: Mr Bouke BEUMER European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in CESÍ90) 208 543 the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive (B.C.R) amending for the 10th time Directive 76/769/EEC on the (presented by the Commission) approximation of the laws, regulations and 10.05.1990- 16 pp. administrative provisions of the Member States relating ISBN 92-77-57215-9 to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain CB-CO-90-047-EN-C dangerous substances and preparations (doc. COM(89) 548 final) COM(90) 78 final Communication from the Commission to the Council CEÄ90) 209 544 and Parliament on audiovisual policy Opinion on the draft Council Decision on the acceptance by the Community of an OECD Decision/recommendation on the control of transfrontier 997 COM(90) 132 final movements of hazardous wastes Commission communication to the Council accompanied (doc. 10524/1/89 + Corr. 1) by two proposals for Council Decisions relating to an action programme to promote the development of the European audiovisual industri CES(90) 368 545 'MEDIA' 1991-1995 Opinion on the draft Council Resolution on improving 04.05.1990-69 pp. the prevention and treatment of acute human poisoning ISBN 92-77-59855-7 (doc COMÍ89) 505 final) CB-CO-90-190-EN-C

CES(90) 499 547 COM(90) 156 final Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific amending for the eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on research and technological development programme in the approximation of the laws, regulations and the field of industrial and materials technologies administrative provisions of the Member States relating (1990-1994) to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain (presented by the Commission) dangerous substances and preparations 28.05.1990-27 pp. (doc. COM(89) 665 final) ISBN 92-77-60709-2 CB-CO-90-239-EN-C

COM(90> 157 final 1530 Chemistry, physical science and Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific industrial processes research and technological development programme in the field of measurements and testing (1990-1994) (presented bv the Commission) 28.05.1990-24 pp. COM(89) 603 final 1014 ISBN 92-77-60718-1 Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific CB-CO-90-240-EN-C programme concerning the preparation of the development of an operational EUROTRA system (presented by the Commission) 1000 COM(90) 158 final Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and technological development programme in COM(89) 612 final 491 the field of environment (1990-1994) Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision (presented bv the Commission) relating to the adoption of a Community Action 28.05.1990-28 pp. Programme in the field of Vocational Training and ISBN 92-77-60727-0 Technological Change CB-CO-90-241-EN-C EUROTECNET II (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) 1001 COM(90) 159 final Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific research and technological development programme in COM(89) 636 final 574 the field of marine science and technology (1990-1994) Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive (presented bv the Commission) 87/404/EEC on the harmonization of the taws of the 28.05.1990-26 pp. Member States relating to simple pressure vessels ISBN 92-77-60736-X (presented by the Commission) CB-CO-90-242-EN-C

COM(90) 21 final COM(90) 168 final Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Working document of the Commission conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Small and medium-sized enterprises and Community European Economic Community and the Kingdom of activities in the field of research and technological Sweden on a research and development programme for development the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (B.CR) (presented by the Commission) 1002 PEDOC A 3-85*9 10.05.1990- 16pp. Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, ISBN 92-77-57188-8 Research and Technology on the proposal from the CB-CO-90-044-EN-C Commission to the CouncD (COM(89) 397 final - doc. C3-137/89) for a Decision concerning the framework programme of Community activities in the W5 COM(90) 24 final field of research and technological development (1990-94) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Rapporteur: Mr Mauro CHIABRANDO conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the 01.12.1989-79 pp. European Economic Community and the Republic of ISBN 92-77-56133-5 Finland on a research and development programme for AY-CO- 89-340-EN-C the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (B.C.R) (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-85*9/Annex 10.05.1990- 16 pp. Annex to the report by Mr Mauro Chiabrando drawn up ISBN 92-77-57206-X on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and CB-CO-90- 046-EN-C Technology


Opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public on the market of live bivalve molluscs Health and Consumer Protection (presented by the Commission) 12.12.1989- 10pp. ISBN 92-77-56349-4 AY-CO-89-355-EN-C COM(89) 655 final 322 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the animal health conditions governing the placing on the PE DOC A 3-92/90 599 market of aquaculture animals and products Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on (presented by the Commission) Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the COM(89) 668 final 326 harmonization of the laws of the Member States, relating Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down to simple pressure vessels (COM(89) 636 - C3-18/90) health rules for the production and placing on the Rapporteur: Mr Bryan CASSIDY market of fresh poultry meat (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-136/90 1036 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, COM(90) 72 final 333 Research and Technology on the proposal from the Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of Commission to the Council for a Decision adopting a Directives 65/65/EEC and 75/319/EEC on the specific programme concerning the preparation of the approximation of the laws of the Member States on development of an operational EUROTRA system medicinal products and laying down additional (COM(89) 603 - C3-15/90) provisions on homeopathic medicinal products Rapporteur: Mr C. DESAMA Proposal for a Council Directive widening the scope of Directive 81/851/EEC on the approximation of the laws 1004 PE DOC A 3-143/90 of the Member States on veterinary medicinal products Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on and laying down additional provisions on homeopathic Regional Policy and Regional Planning on a Community veterinary medicinal products initiative concerning regional capacities for research, (presented by the Commission) technology and innovation (STRIDE) Rapporteur: Mr J.-P. RAFFARIN 01.06.1990-21 pp. COM(90) 147 final 414 ISBN 92-77-61421-8 Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the AY-CO-90-168-EN-A authorized advertising of tobacco products in the press microform and by means of bills and posters (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) CES(89) 1365 924 Opinion on nuclear industries in the Community - the nuclear power station design and construction industry 1006 COM(90) 160 final and completion of the European market (update of the Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific illustrative nuclear programme for the Community research and technological development programme in (PINC) · Article 40 of the Euratom Treaty) the field of biotechnology (1990-1994) (doc. COM(89) 347 final) (presented by the Commission) 28.05.1990-28 pp. ISBN 92-77-60745-9 CES(90) 500 CB-CO-90-243-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 87/404/EEC on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to simple 1007 COM(90) 162 final pressure vessels Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific (doc. COM(89) 636 final) research and technological development programme in the field of biomedicine and health (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) 28.05.1990-28 pp. 1540 Medicine and biological science ISBN 92-77-60763-7 CB-CO-90-245-EN-C COM(89) 376 final 504 Proposal for a Council Directive on the operational COM(90) 199 final 520 protection of outside workers exposed to ionizing Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the radiation during their activities in installations in which minimum safety and health requirements for work with such radiation is used display screen equipment (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) I005 COM(89) 545 final Re-examined proposal for a Council Decision adopting a COMOD) 216 final 407 specific research and technological development Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the programme in the field of biotechnology (1990-1994) acceptance by the European Economic Community of BRIDGE (Biotechnology Research for Innovation, standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or Development and Growth in Europe) maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product (presented by the Commission pursuant to residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) 10.11.1989-4 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-54411-2 CB-CO-89-504-EN-C COM(90) 216/2 final 335 COM(89) 607 final 756 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Proposal for a CouncD Directive on the wholesale acceptance by the European Economic Community of distribution of medicinal products for human use standards or maximum limits for pesticide residues or Proposal for a CouncD Directive concerning the legal maximum limits for veterinary medicinal product status for the supply of medicinal products for human residues drawn up under the Joint FAO/WHO Food use Standards Programme (Codex Alimentarius) Proposal for a Council Directive on the labelling of (presented by the Commission) medicinal products for human use and on package Corrigendum leaflets (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 247 final 577 Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the COM(89) 648 final 320 approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) laying down to active implantable medical devices (COM(88) 717 the health conditions for the production and the placing final SYN 173 COM(89) 418)


(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article use 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) (doc. COM(89) 607 final)

COMI90) 251 final 1024 Re-examined proposal for a Council Decision adopting a CES(90) 824 782 specific research and technological development Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive programme in the field of health: Human Genome concerning the legal status for the supply of medicinal Analysis (1990/91) products for human use (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article (doc COM(89) 607 linai ι 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty)

1008 PE DOC A 3-14/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1550 Agronomics and food technology on the orientation of the Council for a Directive on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms (Doc. C3-130/89) Rapporteur: Dr. Gerhard SCHMID 29.01.1990-20 pp. COM(89) 589 final 372 ISBN 92-77-57631-6 Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning AY-CO-90-014-EN-A statistical information to be supplied by the Member microform States on cereals production (presented by the Commission)

PE DOC A 3-37/90 342 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the COM(90) 161 final proposal from the Commission to the Council Tor a Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific Decision introducing a Community financial measure for research and technological development programme in the eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of the field of agriculture and agro-industry (1990-1994) salmonlds in the Community (COMI89) 502 - C3-205/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr Henry Bel! McCl'BBIN 28.05.1990 -25 pp. ISBN 92-77-60754-8 CB-CO-90-244-EN-C PE DOC A 3-41/90 525 Recommendation of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment on the common position of the Council on a Directive on the COM(90) 163 final minimum health and safety requirements for the manual Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific handling of loads where there is a risk particularly of research and technological development programme in back injury to workers (C3-227/89I the field of life sciences and technologies for developing Rapporteur Mr Stepben HUGHES countries (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) 1009 PE DOC A 3-89/90 28.05.1990-24 pp. Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research ISBN 92-77-60772-6 and Technology on the common position of the Council CB-CO-90-246-EN-C with a view to the adoption of a Decision adopting a specific research and technological development programme in the field of health: human genome analysis ( 1990-1991 ) (C3-10/90) COM(90) 192 final Rapporteur: Mrs Hiltrud BREYER Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision 20.04.1990- 10 pp. 85/360/EEC on the restructuring of the system of ISBN 92-77-59971-5 agricultural surveys in Greece AY-CO-90-119-EN-A (presented by the Commission) microform

CES(89) I37I 352 1012 CONK90) 214 final Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) The coordination of agricultural research in the laying down health rules for the production and placing European Community on the market of melted animal fat, greaves and Report presented to the European Parliament and by-products of rendering for human consumption Council in accordance with Article 4 of CouncD Decision (doc COM(89) 490 final) 83/641/EEC of 12 December 1983 adopting joint research programmes and programmes for coordinating agricultural research CES(90)369 361 30.05.1990-44 pp. Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Decision ISBN 92-77-60320-8 introducing a Community financial measure for the CB-CO-90-221-EN-C eradication of infectious haemopoietic necrosis of salmonlds in the Community (doc. COM(89) 502 final) 1013 PEDOC A 3-9/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research CES(90)373 363 and Technology on the common position of the CouncD Opinion on the proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on a Decision adopting a specific Community research laying down general health rules for the production and and technological development programme in the field placing on the market of products of animal origin and of competitiveness of agriculture and management of specific health rules for certain products of animal origin agricultural resources (1989-1993) (Doc C3-198/89) (doc. COM(89) 492 final) Rapporteur: Mr José Vicente CARVALHO CARDOSO 24.01.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-57595-6 CES(90)505 365 AY-CO-90-OIO-EN-A Additional opinion on the proposal for a CouncD microform Regulation (EEC) laying down health rules Tor the traduction and placing on the market of melted animal fat, greaves and by-products of rendering for human consumption (doc. COM(89) 490 final) PE DOC A 3-61/90 37S Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the CES(90)823 781 proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on the Regulation concerning statistical information to be wholesale distribution of medicinal products for human supplied by the Member States on cereals production


(COM(89) 589 final - C3-2/90) 1022 COM(90) 211 final Rapporteur: Mr J. L. COLINO SALAMANCA Proposal for a Council Decision on the implementation of a multiannual programme (1991-93) for developing Community tourism statistics (presented by the Commission) 1560 Information technology and 22.05.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-60307-0 telecommunications CB-CO-90-217-EN-C

COM(89) 540 final 506 1023 COM(90) 230 final Communication from the Commission to the Council on Proposal for a Council Decision on the setting up of a the improvement of the general system for collecting Model Scheme for Information on Rural Development epidemiological data on HIV infection in the European Initiatives and Agricultural Markets (MIRIAM) Community (presented by the Commission) 07.06.1990-8 pp. ISBN 92-77-60808-0 COM(89) 603 final CB-CO-90-250-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific programme concerning the preparation of the development of an operational EUROTRA system COM(90) 251 final (presented by the Commission) Re-examined proposal for a Council Decision adopting a 05.12.1989-26 pp. specific research and technological development ISBN 92-77-55706-0 programme in the field of health: Human Genome CB-CO-89-579-EN-C Analysis (1990/91) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) 1015 COM(89) 643 final 11.06.1990-5 pp. Draft Council resolution on the Trans-European ISBN92-77-6103I-X Networks CB-CO-90-266-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 18.12.1989- 14pp. ISBN 92-77-56358-3 COM(90) 256 final CB-CO-89-620-EN-C Communication from the Commission to the Council Cooperation in science and technology with third countries 1016 COM(90) 119 final Comett Programme Report of 1989 activities 1025 COM(90) 257 final (presented by the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council 11.04.1990-48 pp. and the European Parliament on scientific and ISBN 92-77-59270-2 technological cooperation with the countries of central CB-CO-90-149-EN-C and eastern Europe 13.06.1990- 19 pp. ISBN 92-77-61574-5 1017 COM(90) 123 final CB-CO-90-302-EN-C Progress report 1989 concerning the co-ordinated introduction of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) in the European Community 1026 COM(90) 258 final (presented by the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council Corrigendum and the European Parliament on the Community's 29.03.1990- lp. relations with the countries of central and eastern ISBN 92-77-59090-4 Europe CB-CO-90-142-EN-C The role of telecommunications 14.06.1990-21 pp. ISBN 92-77-61583-4 1018 COM(90) 153 final CB-CO-90-303-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision concerning a specific programme of research and technological development in the field of information technology (1990-1994) 1027 COM(90) 289 final (presented by the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council 23.05.1990-25 pp. and the European Parliament ISBN 92-77-60682-7 Evaluation Report of the EUROTRA Programme (EC CB-CO-90-236-EN-C research and development programme for a machine translation system of advanced design), submitted in accordance with Article 5 of Council Decision COM(90) 154 final 89/410/EEC Proposal for a Council Decision concerning a specific 31.07.1990-51 pp. programme of research and technological development ISBN 92-77-62151-6 In the field of communication technologies (1990-1994) CB-CO-90-336-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 23.05.1990-24 pp. ISBN 92-77-60691-6 1028 COM(90) 2% final CB-CO-90-237-EN-C Amended proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific programme concerning the preparation of the development of an operational Eurotra system 1020 COM(90) 155 final (presented by the Commision pursuant to Article 149(3) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning a specific of the EEC-Treaty) irogramme of research and technological development 17.07.1990- 14 pp. fn the field of telematk systems in areas of general ISBN 92-77-61925-2 interest (1990-1994) CB-CO-90-322-EN-C (presented by the Commission) 23.05.1990-24 pp. ISBN 92-77-60700-9 1029 COM(90) 310 final CB-CO-90-238-EN-C Towards Trans-European Networks Progress report (Communication from the Commission to the Council 1021 COM(90) 171 final and the European Parliament) Proposal for a Council resolution on the strengthening of 19.07.1990-36 pp. the Europe-wide cooperation on radio frequencies, in ISBN 92-77-62804-9 particular with regard to services with a pan-European CB-CO-90-376-EN-C dimension (presented by the Commission) 11.06.1990-20 pp. 1030 COM(90) 314 final ISBN 92-77-61304-1 Commission communication on the protection of CB-CO-90-279-EN-C individuals in relation to the processing of personal data


in the Community and information security AY-CO-90-023-EN-A Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the microform protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data Draft resolution of the representatives of the 1034 PE DOC A 3-25/90 Corr. Governments of the Member States of the European Corrigendum to the report by the Committee on the Communities meeting within the Council Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Commission declaration on the application to the on information on the state of the environment and Institutions and other bodies of the European natural resources in the Community (Doc. A3-25/90) Communities of the principles contained in the Council Directive concerning the protection of individuals in Rapporteur: Mrs DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA relation to the processing of personal data Corrigendum Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the 27.02.1990-1 p. protection of personal data and privacy in the context of ISBN 92-77-58127-1 public digital telecommunications networks, in AY-CO-90-034-EN-A particular the integrated services digital network (ISDN) microform and public digital mobile networks Recommendation for a Council Decision on the opening of negotiations with a view to the accession of the PE DOC A 3-85/90 European Communities to the Council of Europe Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Convention for the protection of individuals with regard Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common to the automatic processing of personal data position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a Proposal for a Council Decision in the field of Directive on the establishment of the internal market for information security telecommunications services through the implementation 13.09.1990- 133 pp. of open network provision (C3-36/90) ISBN 92-77-64093-6 Rapporteur: Mr Fernand HERMAN CB-CO-90-452-EN-C

1035 PEDOC A 3-115/90 COM(90) 319 final 968 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a four-year Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common programme 1990-1993 to develop regular official position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a statistics on the environment Directive on the frequency bands designated for the (presented by the Commission) coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based radio paging in the Community (C3-120/90) Rapporteur: Dr Barry' SEAL 1031 COM(90) 361 final 23.05.1990-5 pp. Tedis programme 1988-89 ISBN 92-77-61637-7 Activity report AY-CO-90-175-EN-A (presented by the Commission) microform 25.07.1990-57 pp. ISBN 92-77-62867-7 CB-CO-90-383-EN-C 1036 PE DOC A 3-136790 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from the 1032 COM(90) 405 final Commission to the CouncD for a Decision adopting a Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on the specific programme concerning the preparation of the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated development of an operational EUROTRA svstem introduction of pan-European land-based public radio (COM(89) 603 - C3-I5/90) paging in the Community Rapporteur: Mr C. DESAMA (presented by the Commission pursuant to 31.05.1990-23 pp. Article 149.2(d) of the EEC Treaty) ISBN 92-77-61673-3 28.08.1990-5 pp. AY-CO-90-179-EN-A ISBN 92-77-63821-4 mi ero form CB-CO-90-425-EN-C

CES(89) 1364 852 COM(90) 426 final .VS S Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision Amended proposal for a Council Decision on the concerning the conclusion of an Agreement between the introduction of a standard Europe-wide emergency call European Economic Community and the Republic of number Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of of the EEC Treaty) Sweden and the Swiss Confederation on trade electronic data interchange using the communications networks (Tedis) PE DOC A 3-99/89 SI? (doc COM(89) 482 final) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Decision concerning the conclusion of an agreement 1037 CES(90) 508 between the European Economic Community and the Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the a specific programme concerning the preparation of the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the development of an operational Eurotra svstem Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss Confederation on (doc. COM(89) 603 final) trade electronic data interchange using the 25.04.1990-4 pp. communications networks (Tedis) (COM(89) 482 final - ISBN 92-77-60565-0 doc. C3-225/89) EY-CO-90-049-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr Joaquin SISO CRI ELLAS EN-90-9

1033 PE DOC A 3-25/90 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1580 Other sectors on the proposal for a Council Decision amending Council Decision 85/338/EEC In order to provide for the continuation of the Commlssslon work programme 1038 COM(89) 557 final concerning an experimental project for gathering, Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific coordinating and ensuring the consistency of research and technological development programme in information on the state of the environment and natural the field of transport (EURET) resources in the Community (COM(89) 542 final - 1990-1993 C3-167/89) presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mrs C. DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA 21.11.1989-36 pp. 02.02.1990- 10 pp. ISBN 92-77-54902-5 ISBN 92-77-57712-6 CB-CO-89-530-EN-C


1039 COM(90) 1 final 1043 COM(90) 165 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a specific Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the research and technological development programme in European Communities the field of human capital and mobility (1990-1994) (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) 29.01.1990-55 pp. 28.05.1990-21 pp. ISBN 92-77-56709-0 ISBN 92-77-60790-4 CB-CO-90-016-EN-C CB-CO-90-248-EN-C

COM (90) 19 final 802 COM(90) 177 final Proposal for a CouncD Decision concerning the Amended proposal for a CouncD Regulation (EEC) on conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the the statistics relating to the trading of goods between European Economic Community and the Republic of Member States Finland on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic (submitted by the Commission pursuant to Science (SPES) Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 241 final 810 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the COM(90) 20 filial 1056 conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Proposal for a CouncD Decision concerning the European Economic Community and the Republic of conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Iceland on a programme plan to stimulate the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of international cooperation and interchange needed by Sweden on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic European research scientists (SCIENCE) Science (SPES) (presented by the Commission) (presented by the Commission) COM(90) 263 final 578 COM(90) 23 final 1057 Amended proposal for a CouncD Directive on the Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the approximation of the laws of the Member States conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, European Economic Community and the Kingdom of including the mutual recognition of their conformity Norway on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) Science (SPES) of the EEC-Treaty) (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-4/90 822 Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research COM(90) 25 final 1058 and Technology on the common position of the Council Proposal for a CouncD Decision concerning the concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the agreement between the European Economic Community European Economic Community and the Republic of and the Kingdom of Norway in the field of medical and Austria on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic health research (Doc. C3-235/89) Science (SPES) Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA (presented by the Commission) PE DOC A 3-5/90 823 COM(90) 26 final 1059 Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the and Technology on the common position of the Council conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation European Economic Community and the Swiss agreement between the European Economic Community Confederation on a European Stimulation Plan for and the Republic of Austria in the field of medical and Economic Science (SPES) health research (Doc. C3-234/89) (presented by the Commission) Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA

PE DOC A 3-6/90 824 1040 COM(90) 32 final Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research Revised proposal for a Council recommendation on the and Technology on the common position of the Council coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation public radio paging in the Community and agreement between the European Economic Community Revised proposal for a Council Directive on the and the Kingdom of Sweden in the field of medical and frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated health research (Doc. C3-233/89) introduction of pan-European land-based public radio Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA paging In the Community (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) PE DOC A 3-7/90 825 07.02.1990-24 pp. Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research ISBN 92-77-57496-8 and Technology on the common position of the Council CB-CO-90-076-EN-C concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation in the field of medical and 1041 COM(90) 53 final health research (Doc. C3-232/89) Proposal for a CouncU Decision on acceptance of the Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group PE DOC A 3-8/90 826 (presented by the Commission) Recommendation of the Committee on Energy, Research 09.02.1990- 14 pp. and Technology on the common position of the Council ISBN 92-77-56825-9 concerning a Decision on the conclusion of a cooperation CB-CO-90-019-EN-C agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland in the field of medical and health research (Doc. C3-231/89) 1042 COM(90) 139 final Rapporteur: Mr A. LA PERGOLA Proposal for a CouncU recommendation on the coordinated introduction of Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) in the Community 1044 PE DOC A 3-123/90 Proposal for a CouncD Directive on the frequency bands Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for In the Community a Regulation on the statistical classification of economic (presented by the Commission) activities in the European Communities (COM(90) 1 12.06.1990-34 pp. final-C3-51/90) ISBN 92-77-61358-0 Rapporteur: Mr K. von WOGAIJ CB-CO-90-285-EN-C 28.05.1990-5 pp.


ISBN 92-77-61112-X CES(90) 829 74 AY-CO-90-I52-EN-A Opinion on the economic situation in the Community in microform mid-1990

1052 CESI90) 831 1045 PE DOC A 3-148/90 Opinion on the Commission communication to the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Council entitled 'New Commission approach to Research and Technology on the proposal from the excise-duty rates' Commission to the Council for a Decision adopting a (doc COM(90) 551 linai ι specific research and technological development 05.07.1990-6 pp. programme in the Held of transport (EURET) 1990-1993 ISBN 92-77-63470-7 (COM189) 557 - C3-244/89) EY-CO-90-108-EN-C Rapporteur: Mr PIERRÔS EN-90-20 01.06.1990-34 pp. ISBN 92-77-61700-4 AY-CO-90-182-EN-A microform 1630 Education policy · teaching

CESI90) 377 1053 COMI89) 639 final Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision adopting Amendments to the proposal for a Council Decision a specific research and technological development amending the Council Decision of 15 June 1987 programme In the field of transport (Euren (1990-1993) (87/327/EEC) adopting the European Community Action (doc COM(89) 557 final) Scheme for the Mobility of University Students 28.03.1990-9 pp. (ERASMUS) ISBN 92-77-59774-7 (presented by the Commission pursuant to the third EY-CO-90-032-EN-C paragraph of Article 149 of the EEC Treaty) EN-90-6 07.12.1989-7 pp. ISBN 92-77-55871-7 CB-C089-592-EN-C CES(90) 650 Opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) COM(89) 675 final 475 on the statistical classification of economic activities in Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right the European Communities of residence for students (doc COM(90) 1 finali Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right 30.0S.1990- 13 pp. of residence for employees and self-employed persons ISBN 92-77-61853-1 who have ceased their occupational activity EY-CO-90-056-EN-C Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the right EN-90-11 of residence (presented by the Commission, pursuant to Article 149, paragraph 3, of the EEC Treaty)

INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND 1054 COM(90) 15/3 final CULTURE Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) establishing a 16 European Training Foundation (presented by the Commission) 05.03.1990- 15 pp. ISBN 92-77-57369-4 CB-CO-90-061-EN-C

1610 Information and communication 1055 COMI90I 16/2 final Proposal for a Council Decision establishing a Trans-European Mobility Scheme for Universitv Studies •TEMPUS' 1048 COM(90) 78 final (presented by the Commission) Communication from the Commission to the Council 05.03.1990- 18 pp. and Parliament on audiovisual policy ISBN 92-77-57378-3 21.02.1990-38 pp. CB-CO-90-062-EN-C ISBN 92-77-57920-X CB-CO-90-097-EN-C COM(90) 19 final 802 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the 1049 COM(90) 132/2 final conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the Commission communication to the Council accompanied European Economic Community and the Republic of by two proposals for Council Decisions relating to an Finland on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic action programme to promote the development of the Science (SPES) European audiovisual Industry 'MEDIA' 1991-1995 (presented by the Commission) Addendum · financial statement 18.06.1990 -5 pp. ISBN 92-77-62042-0 1056 COM(90) 20 final CB-CO-90- 328-EN-C Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic 1050 COMI90) 378 final Science (SPES) The Youth for Europe Programme (presented by the Commission) Annual Report 1988/89 10.05.1990- 16 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-57224-8 01.08.1990- 12 pp. CB-CO90-048-EN-C ISBN 92-77-63137-6 CB-CO-90-395-EN-C COM(90) 23 final Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the 1051 COM190) 469 final European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Young people in the European Community Norway on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic A Memorandum from the Commission to the Council Science (SPES) and the European Parliament (presented by the Commission) 15.10.1990- 19 pp. 10.05.1990- 16 pages ISBN 92-77-64924-0 ISBN 92-77-57197-7 CB-CO-90-510-EN-C CB-CO-90-045-EN-C


1058 COM(90) 25 final 'TEMPUS' (COM(90) 16 final/2 - C3-57/90) Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Rapporteur: Mr A. M. OOSTLANDER conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the 22.03.1990-20 pp. European Economic Community and the Republic of ISBN 92-77-59207-9 Austria on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic AY-CO-90-096-EN-A Science (SPES) microform (presented by the Commission) 10.05.1990- 16 pp. ISBN 92-77-57233-7 1065 PE DOC A 3-73/90 Annex CB-CO-90-049-EN-C Annex to the report by Mr Oostlander drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, the Media and Sport 1059 COM(90) 26 final Opinions Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the - of the Committee on Budgets conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the - of the Committee on External Economic Relations European Economic Community and the Swiss 28.03.1990-4 pp. Confederation on a European Stimulation Plan for ISBN 92-77-59306-7 Economic Science (SPES) AY-CO-90-102-EN-A (presented by the Commission) microform 10.05.1990- 16pp. ISBN 92-77-57242-6 CB-CO-90-050-EN-C PE DOC A 3-88/90 500 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Directive on a second COM(90) 128 final general system for the recognition of professional Annual report education and training which complements Directive Erasmus programme 89/48/EEC (COM(89) 372 final - C3-134/89) 1989 Rapporteur: Mrs N. FONTAINE (presented by the Commission) 05.04.1990-28 pp. ISBN 92-77-59180-3 CES(90) 86 501 CB-CO-90-143-EN-C Opinion on the proposal for a Council Directive on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training which complements Directive 1061 COM(90) 145 final 89/48/EEC Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (doc. COMI 89) 372 final) (EEC) establishing a European Training Foundation (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC-Treaty) 1066 CES(90) 506 17.04.1990-7 pp. Opinion on the proposal for a Council Decision ISBN 92-77-59450-0 establishing a trans-European mobility scheme for CB-CO-90-161-EN-C university studies 'Tempus* (doc. COM(90) 16/2 final) 25.04.1990 -4 pp. 1062 COM(90) 146 final ISBN 92-77-60547-2 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision EY-CO-90-047-EN-C establishing a Trans-European Mobility Scheme for EN-90-9 University Studies 'TEMPUS' (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) οΓ the EEC-Treaty) 17.04.1990-6 pp. 1640 Culture ISBN 92-77-59459^» CB-CO-90-162-EN-C 1067 COM(89) 594 final Communication from the Commission to the Council on COM(90) 179 final 989 the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision historic or archaeological value: Needs arising from the 89/118/EEC on a European stimulation plan for abolition of frontiers in 1992 economic science (1989-1992) (SPES) 22.11.1989-19 pp. (presented by the Commission) ISBN 92-77-55257-3 CB-CO-89-552-EN-C

COM(90) 188 final 492 Amendment to the proposal for a Council Decision 1068 COM(90) 232 final adopting the Community action programme for the Re-examined proposal for a Council Directive on development of continuing vocational training package travel, package holidays and package tours (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article of the EEC-Treaty) 149.2(d) of the EEC-Treaty) 30.05.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-60907-9 COM(90) 469 final 1051 CB-CO-90-254-EN-C Young people in the European Community A Memorandum from the Commission to the Council COM(90) 377 final 479 and the European Parliament Second report on the third joint programme for the exchange of young workers 1988-89 1063 PE DOC A 3-68/90 (presented by the Commission) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the 1069 COM(90) 438 final proposal from the Commission to the CouncU for a Community action to promote rural tourism Regulation establishing a European Training Communication from the Commission Foundation (COM(90) 15 final/3 - C3-55/90) 12.10.1990-24 pp. Rapporteur: Mr L. HARRISON ISBN 92-77-64554-7 22.03.1990- 16 pp. CB-CO-90-495-EN-C ISBN 92-77-59135-8 AY-CO-90-09I-EN-A microform 1070 PE DOC A 3-98/90 Recommendation of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection concerning the PE DOC A 3-73/90 common position of the Council on a Directive on Report drawn up on behalf οΓ the Committee on Youth, package travel, package holidays and package tours Culture, Education, the Media and Sport on the (C3-76/90) proposal for a Council Decision establishing a Rapporteur: Mrs Caroline JACKSON Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies 27.04.1990-9 pp.


ISBN 92-77-60151-5 AY-CO-90-128-EN-A microform

CES(89) 1372 Additional opinion on a fresh boost for culture In the European Community 20.12,1989-20 pp. ISBN 92-77-57098-9 EY-CO-89-170-EN-C EN-89-32


1720 Economy and finance

I072 COMI90) 324 final Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the European Advisory Committee on statistical information in the economic and social spheres (C.E.I.E.S.) (presented by the Commission) 13.07.I99O- ll pp. ISBN 92-77-62488^1 CB-CO-90-359-EN-C

107.1 COM(90) 355 final Proposal for a Council Decision establishing a committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics (presented by the Commission ) 25.07.1990-9 pp. ISBN 92-77-63301-8 CB-CO-90-401-EN-C

1074 COMI90) 423 final Amended proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty) 20.09.1990-23 pp. ISBN 92-77-64147-9 CB-CO-90-458-EN-C

PE DOC A 3-197/90 Recommendation of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a Regulation on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (C3-195/90) Rapporteur: Mr Karl von VVOGAU 25.07.1990-4 pp. ISBN 92-77-63632-7 AY-CO-90-239-EN-A microfono

1730 Population and social conditions

COM(90) 324 final 1072 Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the European Advisory Committee on statistical information in the economic and social spheres (C.E.I.EJÏ.) (presented by the Commission)


agricultural holding agricultural production regulations, citrus fruit. Community budget, farmer 245 Alphabetical agricultural land agricultural production policy, arable land, redemption 266 267 index agricultural levy agricultural product, developing countries, generalized preferences 77 cereals, common organization of markets, farm price, producer co-responsibility 373 377 379 Common Customs Tariff, milk product, tariff nomenclature 87 agricultural monetary policy agricultural product, common organization of markets, farm price, price formation 236 accession to the Community 237 agricultural product, common organization of markets, common 272 price policy, Portugal 244 281 account agricultural product, farm price, price formation 248 balance sheet, EDF 51 249 254 accountancy data network common agricultural policy, exchange rate, monetary compensatory agricultural policy, data collection, management report « 240 amount 273 282 accounting 283 balance sheet, consolidated account, ECU, small and medium-sized EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention stock, monetary undertakings 686 compensatory amount, representative rate 279 balance sheet, consolidated account, insurance company 735 736 agricultural policy accountancy data network, data collection, management report 240 acid agricultural structure, policy on agricultural structures 253 chemicals, narcotic, solvent 762 common organization of markets, hops 723 ACP countries common organization of markets, milk product 298 agricultural product, Lomé Convention, overseas countries and agricultural price support territories 908 basic price, marketing, sheepmeat 310 development aid policy, EC agreement, Lomé Convention 821 EC Convention, economic development, international cooperation 793 agricultural product EC Convention, Lomé Convention 897 accession to the Community, common organization of markets, 900 common price policy, Portugal 244 guaranteed price, import, sugar 412 ACP countries. Lomé Convention, overseas countries and territories 908 liqueur, spirits, tariff quota 133 agricultural levy, developing countries, generalized preferences 77 agricultural monetary policy, common organization of markets, addiction to tobacco farm price, price formation 236 advertising, consumer protection, health policy, tobacco 237 272 administrative cooperation 281 approximation of laws, fiscal policy, indirect tax, interchange of agricultural monetary policy, farm price, price formation 248 information 703 249 Canary Islands, common commercial policy, originating product, 254 Spain 173 agricultural structure, forestry, less-favoured agricultural area, cooperation agreement, EC association agreement, originating marketing 264 product 210 265 EFTA countries, originating product, Spain, suspension of customs agricultural structure, policy on agricultural structures 259 duties 105 268 EFTA countries, originating product 189 269 alcoholic beverage, tariff quota, tobacco, Yugoslavia 153 administrative expenditure chemicals, industrial product, tariff quota, third country 165 Community budget, European Parliament chemicals, tariff quota 113 administrative procedure 129 industrial policy, public administration, small and medium-sized Common Customs Tariff, suspension of customs duties 239 undertakings 688 customs duties, tariff quota, tariff reduction, third country 156 Cyprus, Israel, Morocco, tariff quota 122 administrative supervision Cyprus, tariff quota 143 Community market, insurance, insurance company 746 developing countries, generalized preferences, import levy 904 905 ADR agreement developing countries, generalized preferences 78 carriage of goods, dangerous substance, drivers, transpon economic sanction, generalized preferences, Iraq, iron and steel regulations 646 product 911 advertising EFTA, import licence, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 148 addiction to tobacco, consumer protection, health policy, tobacco 414 farm price, fixing of prices 238 approximation of laws, press, tobacco, tobacco industry 593 foodstuff, labelling, organic farming 235 594 257 613 GATT, industrial product, tariff quota 146 consumer information, consumer protection 757 import, nuclear accident, public health, radioactivity 184 consumer protection, medicament, pharmaceutical product 761 import, nuclear accident, radioactive pollution 960 consumer protection, medicament 760 import licence, Israel, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 149 suspension of customs duties, Turkey 103 agri-business agricultural production agricultural situation, common research policy, research and agricultural season, aid to agriculture, processing industry, development, research project 1010 vegetable product citrus fruit. Community aid, fruit product 386 280 agricultural statistics, cereals 372 agricultural by-product 378 animal fats, health inspection, health legislation, human nutrition 352 Portugal, production quota, viticulture 395 365 401 agricultural development plan agricultural production policy agricultural production policy, agronomic research, management of agricultural development plan, agronomic research, management of resources, natural resources 1012 resources, natural resources 1012 agricultural land, arable land, redemption 266 agricultural equipment 267 safety device, standard, tractor 627 allocation of land, environmental protection, land use 949

DOCUMENTS: 1990 106 ALPHABETICAL INDEX agricultural production regulations civil aviation, free movement of workers, occupational migration, agricultural holding, citrus fruit. Community budget, farmer 245 recognition of diplomas 666 675 agricultural quota 676 common organization of markets, production quota, sugar 243 EFTA, international negotiations 832 agricultural season European undertaking, international competition 632 agricultural production, aid to agriculture, processing industry, 633 vegetable product 280 635 basic price, common organization of markets, leaf vegetable. 636 purchase price 383 640 beef, fixing of prices, marketing, milk 292 international competition, restriction on competition, transport hops, marketing, production aid 413 undertaking 672 agricultural situation aircraft agri-business, common research policy, research and development, EC internal market, free movement of goods, harmonization of research project 1010 standards, technical standard 674 applied research, forest, innovation, soft energy 256 developing countries, public health, research and development, airport scientific cooperation 1011 air freight rate, air transport, carriage of passengers 671 EC transitional period, fishing industry, German Democratic alcoholic beverage Republic 879 agricultural product, tariff quota, tobacco, Yugoslavia 153 Information consultation, information network 1023 approximation of laws, excise, tax harmonization 569 management of resources, research programme, technological 712 change 1013 flavoured wine, wine 758 agricultural statistics alcoholism agricultural production, cereals 372 common transport policy, road safety, transport accident, transport 378 safety economic survey, evaluation of resources, Greece 241 allocation of land agricultural structure agricultural production policy, environmental protection, land use 949 agricultural policy, policy on agricultural structures 253 agricultural surplus, policy on agricultural structures 262 agricultural product, forestry, less-favoured agricultural area, marketing 264 allowances and expenses 265 air transport. Community market, organization of transport, agricultural product, policy on agricultural structures 259 transport policy 667 268 European official, remuneration of work 25 269 alternative medicine development aid policy, France overseas departments, import tax, medicament, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical product, structural policy 883 veterinary product 333 EC transitional period, Portugal, regional policy 261 amending budget agricultural surplus Community budget, supplementary budget 59 allocation of land, policy on agricultural structures 262 60 agricultural waste animal nutrition, health inspection, health legislation, waste Angola management 319 financial aid. fishing agreement, fishing area, sea fishing 814 351 animal breeding 362 animal production, artificial insemination, swine 300 355 agronomic research cattle, health inspection, import, intra-Community trade agricultural development plan, agricultural production policy, animal disease management of resources, natural resources 1012 animal leucosis, health policy 360 common organization of markets, hops, production aid 415 animal leucosis, intra-Community trade, veterinary inspection 321 animal plague, Sardinia, swine, veterinary inspection 353 aid for reorganization animal product, foot-and-mouth disease, vaccination, veterinary higher education. Hungary. Poland, student mobility 1055 inspection 346 1064 354 1065 approximation of laws, EC internal market, health policy, 1066 veterinary inspection 339 Hungary, Poland, vocational training 499 aquaculture, epidemic, fish, veterinary inspection 342 503 361 1054 brucellosis, goats, livestock, sheep 309 1063 game, health inspection, meat, rabbit 255 industrial restructuring, shipbuilding 730 301 aid per hectare 778 cotton, farmer 389 goats, health inspection, sheep, veterinary inspection 358 health inspection, hormone 337 391 programme, veterinary inspection, veterinary legislation 338 aid to agriculture animal fats agricultural production, agricultural season, processing industry, agricultural by-product, health inspection, health legislation, human vegetable product 280 nutrition 352 365 AIDS contagious disease, data collection, epidemiology, statistics 506 animal leucosis animal disease, health policy 360 air freight rate animal disease. intra-Community trade, veterinary inspection 321 air transport, airport, carriage of passengers 671 air transport, international competition, passenger tariff, reduced animal nutrition price 673 agricultural waste, health inspection, health legislation, waste air transport, passenger tariff 561 management 319 351 air transport 362 air freight rate, airport, carriage of passengers 671 cassava, China, potato, tariff quota 417 air freight rate, international competition, passenger tariff, reduced Community aid, milk product, powdered milk, skimmed milk 284 price 673 fixing of prices, fodder, norm price 41S air freight rate, passenger tariff 561 pesticide residue, public health, toxic substance 420 allowances and expenses. Community market, organization of powdered milk, skimmed milk, support policy 2SS transport, transport policy 667 bilateral agreement, civil aviation, trade agreement 801 animal on the hoof 843 animal product, health inspection, health legislation, carriage of goods, freight rate 669 intra-Community trade 323 677 340 carriage of passengers, EFTA countries, international negotiations 668 366 carriage of passengers, organization of transport, ticket 670 livestock, tariff quota 104


animal plague advertising, press, tobacco, tobacco industry 593 animal disease, Sardinia, swine, veterinary inspection 353 594 health inspection, intra-Community trade 332 613 alcoholic beverage, excise, tax harmonization 569 animal product 712 animal disease, foot-and-mouth disease, vaccination, veterinary animal disease, EC internal market, health policy, veterinary inspection 346 inspection 339 354 armaments, free movement of persons, public safety 71 animal on the hoof, health inspection, health legislation, atmosphere, electrical equipment, health policy 537 intra-Community trade 323 atmospheric pollution, environmental protection, motor vehicle 589 349 607 366 956 Community agricultural market, EC internal market, third country, 987 veterinary inspection 336 bank, branch, financial institution, third country 738 EC fund, livestock farming, veterinary inspection, veterinary carriage of goods, combined transport, intra-Community transport 211 medicine 250 chemicals, dangerous substance, market preparation, marketing 251 restriction 572 324 civil liability, consumer protection, motor vehicle insurance, road 348 traffic 751 364 civil liability insurance, freedom to provide services, life assurance 748 health inspection, public health 363 civil liability insurance, insurance, motor vehicle insurance 739 health legislation, marketing standard, product quality 328 civil liability insurance, motor vehicle 743 protection of animals, transport of animals 242 civil liability insurance, motor vehicle insurance, road traffic 754 civil liability insurance, motor vehicle insurance 744 animal production classification, dangerous substance, labelling, packaging 509 animal breeding, artificial insemination, swine . 3O0 611 calf, cattle, livestock, protection of animals 314 commercial vehicle, motor vehicle, transport safety, vehicle parts 651 316 common organization of markets, consumer information, foodstuff, calf, intensive livestock farming, protection of animals 311 labelling 385 domestic animal, international transport, protection of animals, common transport policy, network of navigable waterways, sea transport of animals 246 transport, transport policy 664 247 665 fattening, sheep, sheepmeat 305 communications policy, electronic equipment, information network, health inspection, intra-Community trade, marketing, rabbit 357 telecommunications 597 livestock, protection of animals, swine 317 Community law, legal procedure, public contract 590 Community market, customs union, free movement of goods, trade animal skin policy environmental protection, hunting regulations, protection of animal 166 life, restriction on imports 171 985 Community market, insurance 584 Antarctica company, company law, takeover bid 693 fishery management, fishery production, fishery research 432 company law, owner of an industrial undertaking, private limited liability company, structure of undertakings 564 anti-dumping duty consumer credit, credit policy, currency policy 571 anti-dumping legislation. South Korea, television equipment 82 consumer information, flavouring, foodstuff, labelling 770 bearing, import, Japan 85 consumer protection, food processing, foodstuff, radioactivity 570 Canada, chemicals, United States 191 consumer protection, health policy, tobacco 596 chemicals, China, dumping, import 88 customs formalities, customs regulations, free movement of goods 174 89 dangerous substance, environmental protection, fight against 90 pollution, public health 507 China, Community import, competition law, tungsten 98 536 China, Community import, silk 101 543 China, dumping, import, semi-metal 93 dangerous substance, environmental protection, product safety, clock and watch industry, import, USSR 94 public health 514 Community import, competition law, electronic component, Japan 99 547 Community import, competition law, potassium, USSR 100 610 dumping, electronic device, import, Japan 91 dangerous substance, labelling, packaging 585 dumping, ferro-alloy, import, Japan 92 driving licence, programme, road safety 634 metal product, Romania, tube, Yugoslavia 202 EC internal market, environmental protection, transit, waste 950 organic chemical, South-East Asia, South Korea, Taiwan 86 EC internal market, excise, taxation 710 economic consequence, small and medium-sized undertakings 727 anti-dumping legislation electrical equipment, European standard, safety standard 575 anti-dumping duty. Soulh Korea, television equipment 82 600 anti-subsidy procedure. Community import, competition policy, 616 restriction on competition 215 electrical equipment, hoisting equipment, product safety 608 chemical salt, China, Community import 84 etectrotechnical industry, hoisting equipment 579 chemical salt, Czechoslovakia, dumping, non-ferrous metal 185 energy saving, gas, heating equipment, standard 582 chemicals, Czechoslovakia, dumping, import 194 environmental protection, motor vehicle, motor vehicle pollution 576 China, import, tungsten 96 European company, labour relations, staff administration, working clock and watch industry, dumping, USSR 76 conditions 546 Community import, electronic equipment, Japan 212 European standard, gas, motor fuel, spare part 574 dumping, electronic device 678 599 dumping, Soulh Korea, television equipment 81 615 electronic device, Japan, record. South Korea 80 European standard, hoisting equipment 716 anti-subsidy procedure 721 anti-dumping legislation. Community import, competition policy, 722 restriction on competition 215 European standard, industrial product, product quality 601 614 applied research European standard, public safety 510 agricultural situation, forest, innovation, soft energy 256 flavouring, foodstuff, labelling, restriction on competition 586 genetic engineering, medical research, public health 1024 food inspection, human nutrition, preservative 592 innovation, research and development, technological change 1002 free circulation, tariff policy 606 1003 free movement of goods, possession of arms, public safety 618 research and development, small and medium-sized undertakings 726 free movement of persons, hunting, possession of arms 587 freedom to provide services, insurance, insurance company, life appointment of staff assurance 745 ESF, staff administration gas, industrial policy, product safely 604 approval harmonization of standards, peripherals, telecommunications 578 chemicals, environmental protection, marketing, pharmaceutical health legislation, medical research, pharmaceutical product, product 410 veterinary product 343 411 344 345 approximation of laws health policy, human nutrition, starch 591 administrative cooperation, fiscal policy, indirect tax. interchange health policy, medical and surgical instruments 577 of information 703 health policy, medicine 598


industrial policy, packaging product 60*; Austria machinery, occupational safety, product safety, standard 573 cooperation agreement, economics, scientific cooperation 844 588 1058 603 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, medical research 823 617 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, measuring equipment, metrology 563 research policy 816 measuring equipment, standardization 580 livestock, Switzerland, tariff quota 132 measuring equipment, weights and measures 602 tariff quota, wine of superior quality 116 motor vehicle, road safety, transport safety 595 authorized catch 612 catch area, fisheries policy, mollusc 468 professional qualifications, recognition of diplomas, vocational catch by species, catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, fishery training 493 management 455 public contract, telecommunications, water 581 catch by species, conservation of fish stocks, NAFO 429 public health, veterinary product, waste 334 catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, United Kingdom, VAT 583 Sweden 454 catch quota. Denmark, fishing agreement, Greenland 457 aquaculture catch quota, fishery resources, sea fishing 461 342 animal disease, epidemic, fish, veterinary inspection fish, fisheries policy 433 361 fishery management, fishery resources, sea fish 425 common fisheries policy. Community policy, marketing, theory of fishing agreement, fishing area, sea fishing, Sweden ■ 465 marketing 434 fishery produce, health legislation, marketing standard 322 award of contract fishing industry, marketing, processing industry, theory of public institution, public service, service (tertiary) sector 683 marketing 422 fishing industry, marketing, processing industry 427 arable land agricultural land, agricultural production policy, redemption 266 267 archaeology balance sheet cultural heritage, cultural property, free movement of goods, account, ED F heritage protection 1067 accounting, consolidated account. ECU, small and medium-sized Argentina undertakings 686 Australia, goatmeat, limitation agreement, sheepmeat 303 accounting, consolidated account, insurance company 735 cooperation agreement, economic cooperation, international policy 829 736 894 830 Community budget, EDF, financial management economic agreement, trade agreement 200 bank 738 armaments approximation of laws, branch, financial institution, third country banking activity, credit based on real property, financial institution 737 approximation of laws, free movement of persons, public safety cooperation policy, development aid policy. Eastern Bloc countries, arrangement of working time international cooperation 26 employment policy, manpower planning, occupational safety, social 886 rights 522 893 employment policy, number of hours worked, paid leave, rest period 472 banking activity artificial insemination bank, credit based on real property, financial institution 737 animal breeding, animal production, swine 300 banking secrecy asbestos capital movements, drug traffic, fight against crime, international health risk, public health, workplace 518 finance 538 basic price Asia agricultural price support, marketing, sheepmeat 310 cooperation policy, developing countries, development aid policy, agricultural season, common organization of markets, leaf Latin America 888 vegetable, purchase price 383 developing countries, economic cooperation. Latin America 808 basket of currencies developing countries, financial cooperation. Latin America. Community transit, ECU, EFTA countries 630 technical cooperation 906 907 bathing water developing countries, international cooperation, Latin America 909 drinking water, public health, surface water, water analysis 505 associated country bearing liqueur, overseas countries and territories, spirits, tariff quota 131 anti-dumping duty, import, Japan 85 association agreement beef Eastern Bloc countries, eastern Europe, economic cooperation 877 agricultural season, fixing of prices, marketing, milk 292 buffalo meat, frozen product, tariff quota, third country 163 Atlantic Ocean butter, common price policy, harmonization of prices, Portugal 307 catch area, conservation of fish stocks, fishery resources 460 common organization of markets, marketing, milk 290 frozen product, tariff quota 114 atmosphere 170 approximation of laws, electrical equipment, health policy 537 beer atmospheric pollution Malta, tariff quota 142 approximation of laws, environmental protection, motor vehicle 589 607 beverage 956 liqueur, spirits, tariff quota, third country 127 987 bilateral agreement audio-visual communications policy air transport, civil aviation, trade agreement 801 audio-visual industry, European audio-visual area, industrial 843 cooperation, programmes industry 997 common commercial policy, EC countries, third country, trade 190 audio-visual industry, programme 1049 agreement audio-visual industry biotechnology audio-visual communications policy, European audio-visual area, common research policy, research and development, research industrial cooperation, programmes industry 997 project 1006 audio-visual communications policy, programme 1049 EC internal market, industrial property, patents licence, plant production 368 auditing of accounts new technology, research and development, research programme, EAGGF Guarantee Section, financial control, fraud, shareholding technological change 1005 Australia branch Argentina, goatmeat, limitation agreement, sheepmeat 303 approximation of laws, bank, financial institution, third country 738 copyright, electronic component, intellectual property 691 insurance, insurance company, Switzerland 797


broadcasting medical research, preventive medicine, public health 517 communications policy 1035 519 communications system, data transmission, telecommunications, telecommunications equipment 1032 Cape Verde communications system, means of communication, common fisheries policy, fishing agreement 807 telecommunications, telecommunications industry 63 842 64 capital investment brucellosis credit institution, financial solvency, investment policy animal disease, goats, livestock, sheep 309 capital movements budget banking secrecy, drug traffic, fight against crime, international budget estimates. Community budget, EC situation 52 finance 53 54 carbon budget policy. Community budget 55 ferro-alloy, tariff quota 137 56 carcinogenic substance 57 Community budget, financial situation dangerous substance, health risk, occupational safety 530 budget estimates 531 budget. Community budget, EC situation 52 53 carriage of goods 646 54 ADR agreement, dangerous substance, drivers, transport regulations air transport, freight rate 669 budget policy 677 budget. Community budget 55 approximation of laws, combined transport, intra-Community 56 transport 211 Community budget, draft budget 45 commercial vehicle, road transport, vehicle rental 650 Community budget, implementation of the budget 48 commercial vehicle, road transport, weight and size 645 50 652 44 Community budget 654 budgetary control 658 EAGGF Guarantee Section, Portugal 270 common transport policy, free movement of goods, transport regulations 179 budgetary expenditure Community transit, customs formalities, customs regulations, free Community budget 58 movement of goods 172 budgetary year 181 EAGGF Guarantee Section, food aid, management report 278 182 649 buffalo meat Community transit, international road transport, transit beef, frozen product, tariff quota, third country 163 customs inspection, simplification of formalities, Switzerland 803 dangerous substance, environmental protection, marine pollution, building sea transport 663 building industry, health policy, occupational safety, workplace 524 international road transport, quantitative restriction, road transport 653 international road transport, road transport, transport quota 656 building industry building, health policy, occupational safety, workplace 524 657 international road transport, road transport 644 Bulgaria organization of transport, road transport, transport market, transport eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, policy 647 international relations 858 655 859 road transport, vehicle 631 international agreement, international cooperation 839 641 840 carriage of passengers bureaucracy air freight rate, air transport, airport 671 business policy, founding of a company, small and medium-sized air transport, EFTA countries, international negotiations 668 undertakings 725 air transport, organization of transport, ticket 670 business policy cassava bureaucracy, founding of a company, small and medium-sized animal nutrition, China, potato, tariff quota 417 undertakings 725 cooperation agreement, Thailand, trade agreement 231 Community policy, programme, small and medium-sized root crop, tariff quota, third country 106 undertakings 689 Catalonia | butter language, language teaching 72 beef, common price policy, harmonization of prices, Portugal 307 expenditure on consumer goods. Stale aid 291 catch area import. New Zealand, United Kingdom 286 Atlantic Ocean, conservation of fish stocks, fishery resources 460 287 authorized catch, fisheries policy, mollusc 468 catch by species authorized catch, catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, fishery management 455 authorized catch, conservation of fish stocks, NAFO 429 catch quota calf authorized catch, catch by species, conservation of fish stocks, animal production, cattle, livestock, protection of animals 314 fishery management 455 316 authorized catch, conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, animal production, intensive livestock farming, protection of Sweden 454 animals 311 authorized catch, Denmark, fishing agreement, Greenland 457 authorized catch, fishery resources, sea fishing 461 Canada conservation of fish stocks, Faeroes, fishery management 458 anti-dumping duty, chemicals. United States 191 Faeroes, Greenland, management of resources, sea fishing 463 paper, tariff quota, third country, wood product 10*) fishing agreement, Greenland, management of resources, sea fishing 464 paper, tariff quota, trade volume 164 fishing agreement, Greenland 466 Canary Islands cattle administrative cooperation, common commercial policy, originating animal breeding, health inspection, import, intra-Community trade 355 product, Spain 173 animal production, calf, livestock, protection of animals 314 common fisheries policy, fishing agreement, Senegal, Spain 442 316 floriculture, tariff quota, tobacco, vegetable 162 leaf vegetable, tariff quota 118 CCD customs union. EC Convention 136 cancer health policy, health risk, workplace 521 Cedefop health policy, medicine, preventive medicine, programme 526 Community budget, living conditions 49


central bank agricultural holding, agricultural production regulations. economic alignment, economic and monetary union, monetary Community budget, farmer cooperation 694 747 civil aviation 750 air transport, bilateral agreement, trade agreement 801 843 , economic and monetary union, exchange rate, inflation, monetary air transport, free movement of workers, occupational migration, cooperation 695 recognition of diplomas 666 cereals 675 agricultural levy, common organization of markets, farm price, 676 producer co-responsibility 373 civil liability 377 approximation of laws, consumer protection, motor vehicle 379 insurance, road traffic 751 agricultural production, agricultural statistics 372 378 civil liability insurance common organization of markets, producer co-responsibility 370 approximation of laws, freedom to provide services, life assurance 748 developing countries, development aid policy, food aid 889 approximation of laws, insurance, motor vehicle insurance 739 892 approximation of laws, motor vehicle 743 fats, intervention policy, intervention stock 376 approximation of laws, motor vehicle insurance, road traffic 754 approximation of laws, motor vehicle insurance 744 cessation of trading employee, residence, right of establishment 473 classification approximation of laws, dangerous substance, labelling, packaging 509 cheese 611 common organization of markets, milk, milk product 299 economic activity, economic statistics, statistics 1075 common organization of markets, milk by-product, milk product 294 297 clean technology environmental policy, environmental protection, recycling of waste chemical fertilizer chemical pollution, environmental protection, fresh water, water clearing agreement pollution 953 fishing agreement. Guinea, sea fishing 452 805 chemical industry 834 import policy, production refund, sugar, sugar product 229 fishing agreement, sea fishing, Seychelles 804 chemical pollution clock and watch industry chemical fertilizer, environmental protection, fresh water, water anti-dumping duty, import. USSR 94 pollution 953 anti-dumping legislation, dumping. USSR 76 chemicals, environmental protection, pollution control 966 co-financing chemical salt Community financing,conservatio n of fish stocks, fishery anti-dumping legislation. China. Community import 84 resources, fishing industry 424 anti-dumping legislation. Czechoslovakia, dumping, non-ferrous metal 185 cocoa coffee, tariff quota m chemicals coffee acid, narcotic, solvent 762 agricultural product, industrial product, tariff quota, third country 165 cocoa, tariff quota 111 agricultural product, tariff quota 113 collective agreement 129 equal treatment, free movement of workers, labour market, working anti-dumping duty. Canada. United States 191 conditions 474 anti-dumping duty. China, dumping, import 88 620 89 622 90 623 anti-dumping legislation, Czechoslovakia, dumping, import 194 approval, environmental protection, marketing, pharmaceutical Colombia product 410 drug traffic, economic cooperation, generalized preferences 813 411 combined transport approximation of laws, dangerous substance, market preparation. approximation of laws, carriage of goods, intra-Community marketing restriction 572 transport 211 chemical pollution, environmental protection, pollution control 966 organization of transport, rail network, rail transport, transport Common Customs Tariff, suspension of customs duties 121 policy 643 Community import, industrial product, tariff quota 141 659 Community import, tariff quota 134 electronic component, import licence, tariff quota, third country 155 commercial vehicle import, plastics, tariff quota 110 approximation of laws, motor vehicle, transport safety, vehicle parts 651 impon, tariff quota 145 carriage of goods, road transport, vehicle rental 650 industrial product, suspension of customs duties 102 carriage of goods, road transport, weight and size 645 Netherlands Antilles, nomenclature, originating product 205 652 suspension of customs duties, tariff policy 216 654 65S chemistry environmental protection, transport safety, weight and size 648 cooperation agreement. Finland, metrology, scientific cooperation S49 995 commodities market cooperation agreement, metrology, scientific cooperation, Sweden 850 commodity agreement, copper, international trade commodity agreement cooperation agreement, metrology, scientific cooperation. commodities market, copper, international trade 1041 Switzerland 851 international agreement, jute 232 996 international market, primary product, tin 786 China common agricultural policy animal nutrition, cassava, potato, tariff quota 417 agricultural monetary policy, exchange rate, monetary anti-dumping duty, chemicals, dumping, import 88 compensatory amount 273 89 282 90 283 anti-dumping duty. Community import, competition law, tungsten 98 common organization of markets, milk, milk product, trade policy 293 anti-dumping duty. Community import, silk 101 Community financing, fraud, information system 35 anti-dumping duty, dumping, import, semi-metal 93 anti-dumping legislation, chemical salt. Community import 84 common commercial policy anti-dumping legislation, import, tungsten 96 administrative cooperation, Canary Islands, originating product, textile product, trade agreement 196 Spain 173 bilateral agreement, EC countries, third country, trade agreement 190 chromium M6I Common Customs Tariff domestic waste, environmental protection, soil protection agricultural levy, milk product, tariff nomenclature 87 citrus fruit agricultural product, suspension of customs duties 239 agri-business. Community aid, fruit product 386 chemicals, suspension of customs duties 121


Community import, customs duties, diesel oil, suspension of communications policy customs duties 925 approximation of laws, electronic equipment, information network, electronics industry, industrial product, suspension of customs telecommunications 597 duties 201 broadcasting 1035 milk product, tariff nomenclature 295 communications system nomenclature, tariff nomenclature 75 broadcasting, data transmission, telecommunications, common fisheries policy telecommunications equipment 1032 aquaculture, Community policy, marketing, theory of marketing 434 broadcasting, means of communication, telecommunications, Canary Islands, fishing agreement, Senegal, Spain 442 telecommunications industry 63 Cape Verde, fishing agreement 807 • 64 842 data processing, data transmission, management report 1031 conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, sea fish 469 data transmission, telecommunications, telecommunications equipment 1040 common industrial policy financial aid, postal and telecommunications services, public safety, iron and steel industry, iron and steel product, steel 728 telecommunications 558 common organization of markets information network, new technology, telecommunications, accession to the Community, agricultural product, common price telematics 1015 postal and telecommunications services, public safety, policy, Portugal 244 agricultural levy, cereals, farm price, producer co-responsibility te lecommun ¡cations 533 373 541 377 379 Community act agricultural monetary policy, agricultural product, farm price, price EC internal market, economic integration, liberalization of trade, formation 236 management report 719 237 EC proposal, European Parliament 69 272 281 Community agricultural market 723 animal product, EC internal market, third country, veterinary agricultural policy, hops inspection 336 agricultural policy, milk product 298 agricultural quota, production quota, sugar 243 Community aid agricultural season, basic price, leaf vegetable, purchase price 383 agri-business, citrus fruit, fruit product 386 agronomic research, hops, production aid 415 animal nutrition, milk product, powdered milk, skimmed milk 284 approximation of laws, consumer information, foodstuff, labelling 385 contagious disease, sea fish 408 beef, marketing, milk 290 foreign policy, Poland, political life 783 cereals, producer co-responsibility 370 784 cheese, milk, milk product 299 cheese, milk by-product, milk product 294 Community borrowing operation 297 Community loon, ECSC loan, EIB loan. New Community Instrument 36 common agricultural policy, milk, milk product, trade policy 293 Community sanction, financial control, management supervision, Community budget offence 206 administrative expenditure, European Parliament 47 consumption, olive 384 agricultural holding, agricultural production regulations, citrus distillation, Greece, viticulture 397 fruit, farmer 245 import policy, quantitative restriction 199 amending budget, supplementary budget 59 intervention price, tobacco, tobacco industry 416 60 milk by-product, production aid, skimmed milk 289 balance sheet, EDF, financial management 894 Portugal, production aid, Spain, vegetable fats 404 budget, budget estimates, EC situation 52 common policy on employment 53 free movement of persons, free movement of workers, migrant 54 worker 476 budget, budget policy 55 56 489 budget, financial situation 57 common price policy budget policy, draft budget 45 accession to the Community, agricultural product, common budget policy, implementation of the budget 48 organization of markets, Portugal 244 50 beef, butter, harmonization of prices, Portugal 307 budget policy 44 farm price, fruit, Portugal, vegetable 382 budgetary expenditure 58 fats, leguminous vegetable 375 Cedefop, living conditions 49 draft budget 37 common regional policy 38 Community financing, programme, rural tourism, sales promotion 1069 39 ERDF, management report 942 40 common research policy 41 agri-business, agricultural situation, research and development, 46 research project 1010 Eastern Bloc countries, economic cooperation, preliminary draft biotechnology, research and development, research project 1006 budget 34 computerized translation system, research programme 1027 ECSC levy, ECSC operational budget 43 health policy, medicine, research and development, research project 1007 materials technology, research and development, research project, Community financial instrument technology 998 environmental policy, environmental protection, Mediterranean Sea 955 oceanography, research and development, research project, Community financing technology 1001 co-financing, conservation offish stocks, fishery resources, fishing physical environment, research and development, research project, industry 424 technology 1000 common agricultural policy, fraud, information system 35 research and development, research project, technology, weights common regional policy, programme, rural tourism, sales promotion 1069 and measures 999 communications industry, information technology, research and development, research programme 1019 common tariff policy cooperation agreement. Joint European Torus, nuclear fusion, customs harmonization, customs regulations, tariff exemption, research programme 992 temporary admission 123 development aid, fishing agreement, fishing area, Sao Tome and common transport policy Principe 445 alcoholism, road safety, transport accident, transport safety 628 EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention buying, intervention stock. approximation of laws, network of navigable waterways, sea market intervention 276 transport, transport policy 664 fishing agreement, Guinea-Bissau 436 665 447 carriage of goods, free movement of goods, transport regulations 179 448 programme, transport infrastructure 637 fishing agreement, indemnification, Mozambique 438 450 communications industry fishing agreement, Mauritania 444 Community financing, information technology, research and information technology, research and development, development, research programme 1019 telecommunications, telematics 1020


Community import competition anti-dumping duty, China, competition law, tungsten 98 company law, takeover bid 690 anti-dumping duty, China, silk 101 competition policy 682 anti-dumping duty, competition law. electronic component, Japan 99 684 anti-dumping duty, competition law, potassium, USSR 100 dominant position, economic concentration, merger 685 anti-dumping legislation, anti-subsidy procedure, competition policy, restriction on competition 215 competition law anti-dumping legislation, chemical salt, China 84 anti-dumping duty, China, Community import, tungsten 98 anti-dumping legislation, electronic equipment, Japan 212 anti-dumping duty. Community import, electronic component, Japan 99 chemicals, industrial product, tariff quota 141 anti-dumping duty. Community import, potassium, USSR 100 chemicals, tariff quota 134 competition policy Common Customs Tariff, customs duties, diesel oil, suspension of anti-dumping legislation, anti-subsidy procedure. Community customs duties 925 import, restriction on competition 215 European standard, marketing standard, potato, seedling 208 competition 682 fruit juice, fruit product, wine 398 684 import policy, quantitative restriction, restriction on imports 176 composition of the population Community Institution demography, elderly person, social participation, social policy 552 29 EC Court of Auditors 553 environmental monitoring, environmental policy, environmental 559 protection, information network 964 computer Community investment public health, working conditions, workplace 520 electrical energy, energy policy, natural gas. petroleum 932 934 computerized translation system common research policy, research programme 1027 Community law approximation of laws, legal procedure, public contract 590 confectionery product Community policy, management report 70 powdered milk, primary product 296 customs union, European integration, free movement of persons, tariff quota, third country 107 implementation of Community law 562 conservation of fish stocks 566 Atlantic Ocean, catch area, fishery resources 460 free movement of goods, free movement of persons, authorized catch, catch by species, catch quota, fishery management 455 implementation of Community law. report authorized catch, catch by species, NAFO 429 Community loan authorized catch, catch quota, fishery management. Sweden 454 Community borrowing operation, ECSC loan. E1B loan. New catch quota, Faeroes, fishery management 458 Community Instrument 36 co-financing. Community financing, fishery resources, fishing industry 424 Community market common fisheries policy, fishery management, sea fish 469 administrative supervision, insurance, insurance company 746 fishery management, fishery resources, fishing net 453 air transport, allowances and expenses, organization of transport, fishery management, fishery resources, Sweden, territorial waters 428 transport policy 667 fishery management, fishing area, Guyana, sea fishing 459 approximation of laws, customs union, free movement of goods. fishery management, fishing area, Norway 456 trade policy 166 fishery management. Japan. Portugal, territorial waters 431 171 fishery management, Portugal, sea fishing, Spain 426 approximation of taws, insurance 584 conservation of resources credit insurance, financial institution, freedom to provide services 749 environmental policy, environmental protection 945 Community migration 965 family migration, free movement of persons, free movement of consolidated account workers 477 accounting, balance sheet. ECU. small and medium-sized family migration, free movement of workers, migrant worker. undertakings 686 social security 557 accounting, balance sheet, insurance company 735 Community national 736 EC countries, local election, right to vole 619 European integration 6 consumer consumer information, consumer protection, contract 764 Community policy 765 aquaculture, common fisheries policy, marketing, theory of consumer credit marketing 434 approximation of laws, credit policy, currency policy business policy, programme, small and medium-sized undertakings 689 571 Community law, management report 70 consumer information European Community, European Union, international meeting 67 advertising, consumer protection 757 approximation of laws, common organization of markets, foodstuff, Community relations labelling economic relations, international policy. Poland 225 385 approximation of laws, flavouring, foodstuff, labelling 770 226 consumer, consumer protection, contract 764 Community sanction 765 common organization of markets, financial control, management dairy ice cream, foodstuff, labelling 769 supervision, offence 206 foodstuff, labelling 766 inclusive tour, publishing of prices, tourism 1068 Community statistics labelling, medicament, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical financial cooperation, monetary cooperation 1073 product 556 Community transit 756 basket of currencies, ECU, EFTA countries 630 781 carriage of goods, customs formalities, customs regulations, free 782 movement of goods 172 consumer price 181 consumer protection, electrical energy, gas. publishing of prices 773 182 777 carriage of goods, international road transport, transit 649 7S0 customs regulations, free movement of goods 639 price control, Spain, vegetable fats, vegetable oil 402 customs transit, tariff policy 167 consumer protection company addiction to tobacco, advertising, health policy, tobacco 414 approximation of laws, company law, takeover bid 6^3 advertising, consumer information 757 company law advertising, medicament, pharmaceutical product 761 approximation of laws, company, takeover bid 693 advertising, medicament 760 approximation of laws, owner of an industrial undertaking, private approximation of laws, civil liability, motor vehicle insurance, road limited liability company, structure of undertakings 564 traffic 751 competition, takeover bid 690 approximation of taws, food processing, foodstuff, radioactivity 570 approximation of laws, health policy, tobacco 596 company with share capital consumer, consumer information, contract 764 financial policy, indirect tax, investment company 704 765


consumer price, electrical energy, gas, publishing of prices 773 craft production 777 tariff quota, textile product 147 780 credit based on real property data collection, information system, product safety 508 535 bank, banking activity, financial institution 737 542 credit institution food control, food inspection, foodstuff, medical profession 768 capital investment, financial solvency, investment policy 742 foodstuff, labelling 532 health legislation, product safety, public health, standard 774 credit insurance 775 Community market, financial institution, freedom to provide 779 services 749 information, information system 759 credit policy 763 producer's liability, product safety approximation of laws, consumer credit, currency policy 571 public health, standardization, technical regulations, technical standard crude oil economic sanction, Iraq, petroleum product 224 consumption economic sanction, Kuwait, petroleum product 223 common organization of markets, olive 384 import, recording of data, trade information 195 economic support, olive oil, support policy 406 information, information consultation, product safety 551 crustacean financial aid, fishing agreement, Morocco 901 contagious disease AIDS, data collection, epidemiology, statistics 506 CSCE Community aid, sea fish 408 European cooperation, international security 910 contract cultural cooperation consumer, consumer information, consumer protection 764 EFTA countries, higher education, teacher training, technology 792 765 EFTA countries, higher education, technology 787 employment policy, labour relations 230 cultural heritage cooperation agreement archaeology, cultural property, free movement of goods, heritage administrative cooperation, EC association agreement, originating protection 1067 product 210 cultural property Argentina, economic cooperation, international policy 829 archaeology, cultural heritage, free movement of goods, heritage 830 protection Austria, economics, scientific cooperation 844 1058 cultural relations Austria, international cooperation, medical research 823 education policy, European integration, third country, young person 1051 Austria, international cooperation, research, research policy 816 labour mobility, management report, young worker 479 cassava, Thailand, trade agreement 231 management report, student mobility, young person 1050 chemistry, Finland, metrology, scientific cooperation 849 995 culture chemistry, metrology, scientific cooperation, Sweden 850 education policy 1071 994 currency policy chemistry, metrology, scientific cooperation, Switzerland 851 approximation of laws, consumer credit, credit policy 571 996 Community financing. Joint European Torus, nuclear fusion, customs research programme 992 customs regulations, free movement of goods, indebtedness, EC agreement, education, EFTA 854 regulation 180 economics, Finland, scientific cooperation 802 customs regulations, indebtedness, regulation 79 847 customs regulations, tariff policy 168 economics, Norway, scientific cooperation 845 tariff nomenclature, tariff policy 169 1057 customs duties economics, scientific cooperation, Sweden 846 agricultural product, tariff quota, tariff reduction, third country 156 1056 Common Customs Tariff, Community import, diesel oil, suspension economics, scientific cooperation, Switzerland 848 of customs duties 925 1059 import licence, sugar, tariff quota, third country 161 Finland, international cooperation, medical research 826 tariff ceiling, tariff quota, Yugoslavia 140 Finland, international cooperation, research, research policy 817 Iceland, research staff, scientific exchange 811 customs formalities Iceland, scientific cooperation, scientific exchange, technical approximation of laws, customs regulations, free movement of cooperation 810 goods 174 international cooperation, medical research, Norway 822 carriage of goods. Community transit, customs regulations, free international cooperation, medical research, Sweden 824 movement of goods 172 825 181 international cooperation, Norway, research, research policy 818 182 international cooperation, research, research policy, Sweden 819 customs inspection, free movement of goods, free movement of international cooperation, research, researchpolicy , Switzerland 820 persons 95 Liechtenstein, school-industry relations, technical education 806 customs regulations, exemption from customs duties, free movement of goods, intra-Community trade 124 cooperation policy Asia, developing countries, development aid policy, Latin America customs harmonization bank, development aid policy. Eastern Bloc countries, international common tariff policy, customs regulations, tariff exemption, cooperation 26 temporary admission 123 886 customs inspection 893 carriage of goods, simplification of formalities, Switzerland 803 Cyprus, financial cooperation, international cooperation, technical customs formalities, free movement of goods, free movement of cooperation 827 persons eastern Europe, telecommunications 1026 95 economic cooperation. Latin America, trade cooperation 853 customs regulations approximation of laws, customs formalities, free movement of copper goods 174 commodities market, commodity agreement, international trade 1041 carriage of goods. Community transit, customs formalities, free copyright movement of goods 172 Australia, electronic component, intellectual property 691 181 182 Costa Rica common tariff policy, customs harmonization, tariff exemption, GATT, international negotiations 789 temporary admission 123 Côte d'Ivoire Community transit, free movement of goods 639 443 customs, free movement of goods, indebtedness, regulation 180 fishing agreement, fishing area, sea fishing customs, indebtedness, regulation 79 cotton customs, tariff policy 168 aid per hectare, farmer 389 customs formalities, exemption from customs duties, free 390 movement of goods, intra-Community trade 124 391 customs system suspending import charges, tariff policy 126


interchange of information, tariff nomenclature 83 environmental monitoring, environmental protection, information network, natural resources 963 customs system suspending import charges environmental protection, information, information network, 126 customs regulations, tariff policy natural resources 1033 97 export refund, inward processing, milk product 1034 customs transit data processing 167 Community transit, tariff policy communications system, data transmission, management report 1031 customs union data-processing security, protection of privacy, rights of the approximation of laws. Community market, free movement of individual 1030 goods, trade policy 166 data-processing security 171 data processing, protection of privacy, rights of the individual 1030 CCD. EC Convention 136 Community law, European integralion. free movement of persons, data transmission implementation of Community law 562 broadcasting, communications system, telecommunications, 566 telecommunications equipment 1032 domestic market, free movement of capital, free movement of communications system, data processing, management repon 1031 goods, free movement of workers 717 communications system, telecommunications, telecommunications equipment 1040 Cyprus fishery resources, fishing statistics, statistical method 435 agricultural product, Israel, Morocco, tariff quota 122 agricultural product, tariff quota 143 demography cooperation policy, financial cooperation, international cooperation. composition of the population, elderly person, social participation. technical cooperation 827 social policy 552 originating product, trade agreement 207 553 559 Czechoslovakia anti-dumping legislation, chemical salt, dumping, non-ferrous metal 185 Denmark anti-dumping legislation, chemicals, dumping, import 194 authorized catch, catch quota, fishing agreement, Greenland 457 EAEC, international agreement, international cooperation 837 fishing agreement, Greenland, sea fishing 437 838 451 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations 869 developing countries 870 agricultural levy, agricultural product, generalized preferences 77 industrial product, quantitative restriction, trade agreement 183 agricultural product, generalized preferences, impon levy 904 905 agricultural product, generalized preferences 78 agricultural situation, public health, research and development, scientific cooperation 1011 D Asia, cooperation policy, development aid policy. Latin America 888 Asia, economic cooperation. Latin America 808 Asia, financial cooperation. Latin America, technical cooperation 906 dairy farming 907 sucklcr cow. veterinary legislation, veterinary medicine, veterinary Asia, international cooperation. Latin America 909 product .340 cereals, development aid policy, food aid 889 341 892 EDF. invitation to tender, repon 679 dairy Ice cream GATT, generalized preferences 221 consumer information, foodstuff, labelling 769 originating product, preferential tariff, trade event 204 damage development aid environmental protection, liability, waste 978 Community financing, fishing agreement, fishing area. Sao Tome 979 and Principe 445 983 Eastern Bloc countries, eastern Europe, economic aid 875 economic aid. economic development. Hungary. Poland 902 dangerous substance 903 ADR agreement, carriage of goods, drivers, transport regulations approximation of laws, chemicals, market preparation, marketing economic development. France overseas departments, overseas restriction 572 département (Fr), regional disparity 890 approximation of laws, classification, labelling, packaging 509 9.35 611 financial aid. Hungary 882 approximation of laws, environmental protection, fight against 885 pollution, public health 507 development aid policy 536 ACP countries, EC agreement. Lomé Convention 821 543 agricultural structure. France overseas departments, impon tax. approximation of laws, environmental protection, product safety, structural policy 883 public health 514 Asia, cooperation policy, developing countries, Latin America 547 bank, cooperation policy. Eastern Bloc countries, international 610 cooperation 26 approximation of laws, labelling, packaging 585 886 carcinogenic substance, health risk, occupational safety 530 893 531 cereals, developing countries, food aid 889 carriage of goods, environmental protection, marine pollution, sea 892 transpon 663 eastern Europe, economic aid environmental protection, fight against pollution, recycling of waste 944 environmental protection, marine pollution, transpon of dangerous development plan goods, transport safety 662 Eastern Bloc countries, economic reconstruction. ECSC loan. EIB environmental protection, recycling of waste, waste disposal, waste loan 876 management 954 development policy environmental protection, water, water pollution 958 GATT, trade policy 795 982 988 development potential health inspection, preventive medicine, public health, toxicology 534 regional policy, research, technology 1004 545 diesel oll health policy, health risk, occupational safety 540 776 Common Customs Tariff, Community impon, customs duties, health policy, waste disposal, waste management suspension of customs duties 925 plant health inspection, plant health legislation, plant production 511 550 import credit, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota, third country 157 data collection sulphur, tariff quota 130 240 accountancy data network, agricultural policy, management repon display screen work AIDS, contagious disease, epidemiology, statistics 506 health policy, occupational safety, working conditions 527 consumer protection, information system, product safety 508 535 distillation 542 common organization of markets, Greece, viticulture 397


domestic animal bank, cooperation policy, development aid policy, international animal production, international transport, protection of animals, cooperation 26 transport of animals 246 886 247 893 health policy 605 Community budget, economic cooperation, preliminary draft budget 34 development aid, eastern Europe, economic aid 875 domestic market development plan, economic reconstruction, ECSC loan, EIB loan 876 customs union, free movement of capital, free movement of goods, liberalization of trade, suspension of customs duties, trade free movement of workers 717 cooperation 220 electrical energy, electricity supply, energy production 926 930 eastern Europe 931 association agreement. Eastern Bloc countries, economic 933 cooperation 877 energy distribution, energy policy, natural gas 920 Bulgaria, foreign policy, international cooperation, international 922 relations 858 free movement of persons, free movement of workers, freedom of 859 movement, migrant worker 485 cooperation policy, telecommunications 1076 telecommunications, transmission network 720 Czechoslovakia, foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations 869 domestic waste 870 chromium, environmental protection, soil protection 961 development aid. Eastern Bloc countries, economic aid 875 dominant position development aid policy, economic aid 880 competition, economic concentration, merger 685 economic relations, international relations 881 foreign policy, German Democratic Republic, international draft budget cooperation, international relations 864 budget policy. Community budget 45 865 Community budget 37 foreign policy, Hungary, international cooperation, international 38 relations 860 39 861 40 foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations, 41 Poland 862 46 863 foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations, drinking water Romania 866 bathing water, public health, surface water, water analysis 505 867 drivers 868 ADR agreement, carriage of goods, dangerous substance, transport foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations, regulations 646 USSR 871 872 driving licence foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations, approximation of laws, programme, road safety 634 Yugoslavia 873 drug traffic 874 banking secrecy, capital movements, fight against crime. foreign policy, international cooperation, international relations 855 856 international finance 701 857 Colombia, economic cooperation, generalized preferences 813 1061 health policy, UN convention 767 foundation, permanent education, vocational training 1062 UN convention. UNO 513 higher education, Hungary, Poland, student mobility international cooperation, scientific cooperation, technical dumping cooperation 841 anti-dumping duty, chemicals, China, import international policy, international relations, USSR 878 89 scientific cooperation, technical cooperation 1025 90 anti-dumping duly, China, import, semi-metal 93 EC advisory committee 887 anti-dumping duty, electronic device, import, Japan 91 food aid, power to take decisions anti-dumping duty, ferro-alloy, import, Japan 92 EC agreement anti-dumping legislation, chemical salt, Czechoslovakia, ACP countries, development aid policy, Lomé Convention 821 non-ferrous metal 185 cooperation agreement, education, EFTA 854 anti-dumping legislation, chemicals, Czechoslovakia, import 194 anti-dumping legislation, clock and watch industry, USSR 76 EC association agreement anti-dumping legislation, electronic device 678 administrative cooperation, cooperation agreement, originating anti-dumping legislation. South Korea, television equipment 81 product EC Convention ACP countries, economic development, international cooperation 793 ACP countries, Lomé Convention 897 900 CCD. customs union 136 financial aid, Palestinian question, refugee, UNRWA 791 EAEC humanitarian aid, Palestinian question, refugee, UNRWA 788 837 EC countries Czechoslovakia, international agreement, international cooperation 838 bilateral agreement, common commercial policy, third country, 923 trade agreement 190 energy policy, nuclear industry, nuclear power station 924 Community national, local election, right to vote 619 919 international agreement, international cooperation, USSR EC Court of Auditors EAGGF Community institution 29 export refund, fraud, management supervision, market stabilization 274 ECSC, European Community, management report 32 EAGGF Guarantee Section EC fund agricultural monetary policy, intervention stock, monetary animal product, livestock farming, veterinary inspection, veterinary compensatory amount, representative rate 279 medicine 250 auditing of accounts, financial control, fraud, shareholding 271 251 budgetary control, Portugal 270 324 budgetary year, food aid, management report 278 348 Community financing, intervention buying, intervention stock, 364 market intervention 276 financial control, Portugal EC internal market 275 aircraft, free movement of goods, harmonization of standards, early retirement technical standard 674 European official, pension scheme animal disease, approximation of laws, health policy, veterinary East Africa 24 inspection 339 information, international competition, sea transport animal product. Community agricultural market, third country, veterinary inspection 336 Eastern Bloc countries 661 approximation of laws, environmental protection, transit, waste 950 association agreement, eastern Europe, economic cooperation approximation of laws, excise, taxation 710 877 DOCUMENTS; 1990 116 ALPHABETICAL INDEX

biotechnology, industrial property, patents licence, plant production 368 German Democratic Republic, international relations, trade Community act, economic integration, liberalization of trade, cooperation 828 management report 719 economic alignment, economic and monetary union, economic economic development integration, European integration 696 ACP countries, EC Convention, international cooperation 793 economic integration, intercorporate cooperation, management development aid, economic aid, Hungary. Poland 902 report 687 903 economic statistics, free movement of goods, intra-Community development aid, France overseas departments, overseas trade, VAT 1074 département (Fr), regional disparity 890 ECU, electronic funds transfer, free movement of capital, 935 harmonization of standards 263 economic policy 74 energy policy, environmental protection, natural gas. transport environmental protection, programme, regional policy 984 safety 918 energy policy, telecommunications, transport infrastructure 1029 economic growth European audio-visual area, heritage protection, translation. economic situation, inflation, management report, unemployment 5 vocational training 496 inflation, management report, unemployment 23 EC proposal economic integration Community act, European Parliament 69 Community act, EC internal market, liberalization of trade, European Parliament 33 management repon 719 EC internal market, economic alignment, economic and monetary EC situation union, European integration 696 budget, budget estimates. Community budget 52 EC internal market, intercorporate cooperation, management report 687 53 54 economic policy economic development 74 EC transitional period industrial region, regional policy 732 agricultural situation, fishing industry, German Democratic Republic 879 economic reconstruction agricultural structure. Portugal, regional policy 261 development plan. Eastern Bloc countries, ECSC loan, EIB loan 876 European integration, joint position, reunification of Germany 4 economic relations European integration, reunification of Germany 20 Community relations, international policy, Poland 225 21 226 ecological balance eastern Europe, international relations 881 environmental damage, environmental protection, tropical zone 952 EFTA, international cooperation, international relations, trade relations economic activity classification, economic statistics, statistics 1075 economic sanction economic statistics, nomenclature, production 1039 agricultural product, generalized preferences, Iraq, iron and steel 1044 product 911 1047 crude oil, Iraq, petroleum product 224 crude oil, Kuwait, petroleum product 223 economic agreement Argentina, trade agreement 200 economic sector information system, social policy, statistics economic aid development aid. Eastern Bloc countries, eastern Europe 875 economic situation development aid, economic development, Hungary. Poland 902 economic growth, inflation, management report, unemployment 903 economic statistics development aid policy, eastern Europe classification, economic activity, statistics 1075 economic alignment EC internal market, free movement of goods, intra-Community central bank, economic and monetary union, monetary cooperation 694 trade. VAT 1074 747 economic activity, nomenclature, production 1039 750 1044 EC internal market, economic and monetary union, economic 1047 integration. European integration 696 free movement of goods, tax harmonization 175 economic and monetary union, economic cooperation. European integration, monetary cooperation 698 economic support 7


ECU electrical industry accounting, balance sheet, consolidated account, small and electrical energy, energy transport 921 medium-sized undertakings 686 basket of currencies. Community transit, EFTA countries 630 electricity supply EC internal market, electronic funds transfer, free movement of domestic market, electrical energy, energy production 926 930 capital, harmonization of standards 263 931 EDF 933 account, balance sheet 51 electrical energy, energy policy, energy transport 927 balance sheet. Community budget, financial management 894 developing countries, invitation to tender, report 679 electronic component financing of aid, Lomé Convention 895 anti-dumping duty. Community import, competition law, Japan 99 898 Australia, copyright, intellectual property 691 chemicals, import licence, tariff quota, third country 155 education intellectual property, overseas countries and territories, right to cooperation agreement, EC agreement, EFTA 854 justice 692 intellectual property, right to justice 621 education policy cultural relations, European integration, third country, young person 1051 electronic device culture 1071 anti-dumping duty, dumping, import, Japan 91 foreign student, residence of aliens, student 488 anti-dumping legislation, dumping 678 higher education, recognition of diplomas, secondary education, anti-dumping legislation, Japan, record. South Korea 80 vocational training 500 electronic equipment 501 anti-dumping legislation, Community import, Japan 212 educational exchange approximation of laws, communications policy, information Erasmus, higher education, student mobility 1060 network, telecommunications 597 educational grant electronic funds transfer economics, research, scientific education, student mobility 989 EC internal market, ECU, free movement of capital, harmonization of standards 263 EEC Directive energy policy, natural gas, power plant 929 electronics industry environmental protection, information, physical environment 967 Common Customs Tariff, industrial product, suspension of customs duties 201 EFTA agricultural product, import licence, suspension of customs duties, electrotechnical industry tariff quota 148 approximation of laws, hoisting equipment 579 air transpon, international negotiations 832 employee cooperation agreement, EC agreement, education 854 economic relations, international cooperation, international cessation of trading, residence, right of establishment 473 relations, trade relations 833 employment policy international relations 796 arrangement of working time, manpower planning, occupational 831 safety, social rights 522 arrangement of working time, number of hours worked, paid leave, EFTA countries rest period 472 administrative cooperation, originating product, Spain, suspension contract, labour relations 230 of customs duties 105 female labour force, labour market, young worker 470 administrative cooperation, originating product 189 fight against unemployment, pay, vocational training, women's air transpon, carriage of passengers, international negotiations 668 work 471 basket of currencies, Community transit, ECU 630 participation of women, position of women, women's rights 480 cultural cooperation, higher education, teacher training, technology 792 cultural cooperation, higher education, technology 787 energy consumption free-trade agreement, quantitative restriction, restriction on expons 799 electrical energy, gas, price of energy, secondary sector 697 interchange of information, telecommunications, trade agreement, energy distribution trade information 815 920 852 domestic market, energy policy, natural gas 922 egg energy policy 315 impon, intra-Community trade, poultry, third country 932 EIB Community investment, electrical energy, natural gas, petroleum 934 EIB loan, Hungary, Poland, suppon policy 42 920 domestic market, energy distribution, natural gas 922 EIB loan 923 Community borrowing operation, Community loan, ECSC loan. EAEC, nuclear industry, nuclear power station 924 New Community Instrument 36 EC internal market, environmental protection, natural gas, transport development plan. Eastern Bloc countries, economic safety 918 reconstruction, ECSC loan 876 EC internal market, telecommunications, transport infrastructure 1029 EIB, Hungary, Poland, support policy 42 EEC Directive, natural gas, power plant 929 elderly person electrical energy, electricity supply, energy transport 927 composition of the population, demography, social participation, electrical energy, investment project, natural gas, petroleum 928 social policy 552 energy production, environmental policy, environmental protection 915 553 energy technology, new technology 916 917 559 energy technology, research programme, technology 993 electrical energy energy production 932 Community investment, energy policy, natural gas, petroleum 926 934 domestic market, electrical energy, electricity supply 773 930 consumer price, consumer protection, gas, publishing of prices 777 931 780 933 926 energy policy, environmental policy, environmental protection 915 domestic market, electricity supply, energy production 930 energy resources 931 telecommunications, transpon market, water, works contract 681 933 electrical industry, energy transpon 921 energy saving electricity supply, energy policy, energy transpon 927 approximation of laws, gas, heating equipment, standard 582 energy consumption, gas, price of energy, secondary sector 697 energy technology 928 energy policy, investment project, natural gas, petroleum energy policy, new technology 916 electrical equipment 917 energy policy, research programme, technology 993 approximation of laws, atmosphere, health policy 537 research and development, research project, soft energy 990 approximation of laws, European standard, safety standard 575 600 energy transport 616 electrical energy, electrical industry 921 approximation of laws, hoisting equipment, product safety 608 electrical energy, electricity supply, energy policy 927


environmental damage ozone, stratospheric pollution 957 ecological balance, environmental protection, tropical zone 952 physical environment, programme, regional policy 973 environmental protection, mass tourism, tourism 977 974 water, water pollution, water treatment 951 environmental monitoring 986 Community institution, environmental policy, environmental protection, information network 964 epidemic data collection, environmental protection, information network, animal disease, aquaculture, fish, veterinary inspection 342 natural resources 963 361 environmental protection, freedom of communication, right to information 962 epidemiology AIDS, contagious disease, data collection, statistics 506 environmental policy clean technology, environmental protection, recycling of waste 969 equal treatment Community financial instrument, environmental protection. collective agreement, free movement of workers, labour market, Mediterranean Sea 955 working conditions 474 Community institution, environmental monitoring, environmental 620 protection, information network 964 622 conservation of resources, environmental protection 945 623 965 free movement of persons, free movement of workers, labour energy policy, energy production, environmental protection 915 mobility 478 environmental protection, forest, forestry policy 980 environmental protection, physical environment 976 equidae management of outer space, regulation of town planning, urban area 946 health inspection, import, intra-Community trade, third country 350 356 environmental protection agricultural production policy, allocation of land, land use 949 equivalence of diplomas animal skin, hunting regulations, protection of animal life, free movement of persons, recognition of diplomas, vocational restriction on imports 985 training 495 approval, chemicals, marketing, pharmaceutical product 410 Erasmus 4M educational exchange, higher education, student mobility 1060 approximation of laws, atmospheric pollution, motor vehicle 589 607 ERDF 956 common regional policy, management report 942 987 regional policy 943 approximation of laws, dangerous substance, fight against ESF pollution, public health 507 appointment of staff, staff administration 536 560 543 European audio-visual area approximation of laws, dangerous substance, product safety, public audio-visual communications policy, audio-visual industry, health 514 industrial cooperation, programmes industry 547 EC internal market, heritage protection, translation, vocational 610 training 496 approximation of laws, EC internal market, transit, waste 950 European television, high-definition television, new technology 1048 approximation of laws, motor vehicle, motor vehicle pollution 576 carriage of goods, dangerous substance, marine pollution, sea European Community transpon 663 Community policy. European Union, international meeting 67 chemical fertilizer, chemical pollution, fresh water, water pollution 953 EC Court of Auditors, ECSC. management report 32 chemical pollution, chemicals, pollution control 966 European Union 12 chromium, domestic waste, soil protection 961 13 clean technology, environmental policy, recycling of waste 969 forecast, international meeting 10 commercial vehicle, transpon safety, weight and size 648 II Community financial instrument, environmental policy. European company Mediterranean Sea 955 approximation of laws, labour relations, staff administration, Community institution, environmental monitoring, environmental working conditions policy, information network 964 546 conservation of resources, environmental policy 945 European cooperation 963 CSCE. international security 910 damage, liability, waste 978 979 European industrial area 983 European standard, harmonization of standards, programme, dangerous substance, fight against pollution, recycling of waste 944 standardization dangerous substance, marine pollution, transport of dangerous European integration goods, transport safety 662 Community law, customs union, free movement of persons, dangerous substance, recycling of waste, waste disposal, waste implementation of Community law 562 management 954 dangerous substance, water, water pollution 566 958 Community national 6 982 cultural relations, education policy, third country, young person 1051 988 EC internal market, economic alignment, economic and monetary data collection, environmental monitoring, information network. union, economic integration 696 natural resources 963 EC transitional period, joint position, reunification of Germany 4 data collection, information, information network, natural resources 1033 EC transitional period, reunification of Germany 1034 20 EC internal market, energy policy, natural gas. transport safety 918 21 ecological balance, environmental damage, tropical zone 952 economic alignment, economic and monetary union, economic cooperation, monetary cooperation economic development, programme, regional policy 984 698 EEC Directive, information, physical environment 967 700 energy policy, energy production, environmental policy 915 715 environmental damage, mass tourism, tourism 977 economic union, monetary union 22 environmental monitoring, freedom of communication, right to European Parliament, European Union 7 information 962 8 environmental policy, forest, forestry policy 980 European Union 16 environmental policy, physical environment 976 financing, reunification of Germany 3 forest, Latin America, physical environment 981 free movement of goods, German Democratic Republic 217 genetic engineering, health policy, public health, zoology 1008 legislation, reunification of Germany 2 genetic engineering, health policy 975 reunification of Germany 549 health inspection, health policy, radioactive waste, radioactivity European official health policy, industrial waste, toxic substance 544 allowances and expenses, remuneration of work 25 information, information network, programme, quality of the early retirement, pension scheme 24 environment 970 regulations for civil servants 31 971 972 European Parliament international convention, transport of dangerous goods 948 administrative expenditure. Community budget 47 nature reserve, protection of animal life, protection of plant life 959 Community act. EC proposal 69 official statistics, physical environment 968 EC proposal 33


European integration, European Union export revenue Haiti, less-developed country, Stabex 896 Member of the European Parliament, parliamentary immunity 65 extra-Community trade 73 234 Member of the European Parliament 66 overseas countries and territories, Portugal, Spain, trading parliamentary immunity, regulation 30 petition 68 political representation 27 regulation, rights 28 European standard 575 600 Faeroes approximation of laws, electrical equipment, safety standard catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, fishery management 458 616 463 574 catch quota, Greenland, management of resources,se a fishing 599 family migration approximation of laws, gas, motor fuel, spare part 615 Community migration, free movement of persons, free movement 716 of workers 477 721 Community migration, free movement of workers, migrant worker, approximation of laws, hoisting equipment 722 social security 557 601 614 farm price approximation of laws, industrial product, product quality 510 agricultural levy, cereals, common organization of markets, 208 producer co-responsibility 373 approximation of laws, public safety 377 Community import, marketing standard, potato, seedling 379 European industrial area, harmonization of standards, programme, 731 agricultural monetary policy, agricultural product, common standardization organization of markets, price formation 236 means of agricultural production, plant health inspection, plant 512 237 health legislation, plant health treatment 548 272 motor vehicle, pneumatic tyre, road safety, weight and size 629 281 638 agricultural monetary policy, agricultural product, price formation 248 642 249 European television 254 European audio-visual area, high-definition television, new agricultural product, fixing of prices 238 382 technology 1048 common price policy, fruit, Portugal, vegetable European undertaking farmer agricultural holding, agricultural production regulations, citrus air transport, international competition 632 fruit. Community budget 245 633 aid per hectare, cotton 389 635 390 636 391 640 fats European Union cereals, intervention policy, intervention stock 376 Community policy, European Community, international meeting 67 common price policy, leguminous vegetable economic union, monetary union 9 375 European Community 12 fattening 13 animal production, sheep, sheepmeat 305 European integration, European Parliament 7 8 Federal Republic of Germany European integration 16 German Democratic Republic, reunification of Germany 17 European Union Treaty 14 18 15 19 female labour force European Union Treaty 470 European Union 14 employment policy, labour market, young worker 15 ferro-alloy anti-dumping duty, dumping, import, Japan 92 evaluation of resources carbon, tariff quota 137 agricultural statistics, economic survey, Greece 241 fight against crime exchange quotation banking secrecy, capital movements, drug traffic, international financial market, international finance 699 finance 701 financial market, stock exchange 734 fight against pollution exchange rate approximation of laws, dangerous substance, environmental agricultural monetary policy, common agricultural policy, monetary protection, public health 507 compensatory amount 273 536 282 543 283 dangerous substance, environmental protection, recycling of waste 944 central bank, economic and monetary union, inflation, monetary cooperation 695 fight against unemployment employment policy, pay, vocational training, women's work 471 excise alcoholic beverage, approximation of laws, tax harmonization 569 financial aid 712 Angola, fishing agreement, Fishing area, sea fishing 814 approximation of laws. EC internal market, taxation 710 communications system, postal and telecommunications services, fiscal policy, tax harmonization 706 public safety, telecommunications 558 1052 crustacean, fishing agreement, Morocco 901 indirect tax, mineral oil, tax harmonization 568 development aid, Hungary 882 713 885 indirect tax, tax harmonization, VAT 711 EC Convention, Palestinian question, refugee, UNRWA 791 260 fishing agreement, fishing area, Gambia 467 Luxembourg, tax exemption, wine, wine of superior quality fishing agreement, sea fishing, Senegal 809 exemption from customs duties fishing agreement, Tanzania 441 customs formalities, customs regulations, free movement of goods, intra-Community trade 124 financial control auditing of accounts, EAGGF Guarantee Section, fraud, expenditure on consumer goods shareholding 271 butter. State aid 291 common organization of markets, Community sanction, management supervision, offence 206 export refund EAGGF Guarantee Section, Portugal 275 customs system suspending import charges, inward processing, milk product 97 financial cooperation EAGGF. fraud, management supervision, market stabilization 274 Asia, developing countries, Latin America, technical cooperation 906 milk fat. milk product 277 907


Community statistics, monetary cooperation 107 3 conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, Sweden, territorial cooperation policy, Cyprus, international cooperation, technical waters 428 cooperation 827 data transmission, fishing statistics, statistical method 435 fish, Sweden, tariff quota 128 financial institution approximation of laws, bank, branch, third country 738 fishing agreement bank, banking activity, credit based on real property 737 Angola, financial aid, fishing area, sea fishing 814 Community market, credit insurance, freedom to provide services 749 authorized catch, catch quota, Denmark, Greenland 457 authorized catch, fishing area, sea fishing, Sweden 465 financial management Canary Islands, common fisheries policy, Senegal, Spain 442 balance sheet. Community budget, EDF 894 Cape Verde, common fisheries policy 807 financial market 842 exchange quotation, international finance 699 catch quota, Greenland, management of resources, sea fishing 464 exchange quotation, stock exchange 734 catch quota, Greenland 466 freedom to provide services, investment company, market value, clearing agreement, Guinea, sea fishing 452 marketable security 733 805 834 financial policy clearing agreement, sea fishing, Seychelles 804 company with share capital, indirect lax, investment company 704 Community financing, development aid, fishing area, Sao Tome indirect tax, taxation 705 and Principe 445 financial situation Community financing, Guinea-Bissau 436 budget. Community budget 57 447 448 financial solvency Community financing, indemnification, Mozambique 438 capital investment, credit institution, investment policy 742 450 Community financing, Mauritania 444 financing Côte d'Ivoire, fishing area, sea fishing 443 European integration, reunification of Germany crustacean, financial aid, Morocco 901 financing of aid Denmark, Greenland, sea fishing 437 EDF, Lomé Convention H95 451 898 financial aid, fishing area. Gambia 467 financial aid, sea fishing. Senegal 809 Finland financial aid, Tanzania 441 chemistry, cooperation agreement, metrology, scientific cooperation 849 fishing area, management of resources, Senegal 462 995 Mauritania 446 cooperation agreement, economics, scientific cooperation 802 Portugal, South Africa 439 847 sea fishing. Sierra Leone 440 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, medical research 826 449 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, research policy 817 fishing area Angola, financial aid, fishing agreement, sea fishing 8!4 fiscal policy authorized catch, fishing agreement, sea fishing, Sweden 465 administrative cooperation, approximation of laws, indirect tax, Community financing, development aid. fishing agreement, Sao interchange of information 703 Tome and Principe excise, tax harmonization 706 conservation offish stocks, fishery management. Guyana, sea I052 fishing 459 free movement of goods, tax harmonization. VAT 709 conservation offish stocks, fishery management. Norway 456 Côte d'Ivoire, fishing agiecment, sea fishing 443 fish financial aid, fishing agreement. Gambia 467 animal disease, aquaculture, epidemic, veterinary inspection 342 fishing agreement, management of resources, Senegal 462 361 authorized catch, fisheries policy 433 fishing industry fishery resources, Sweden, tariff quota 128 agricultural situation, EC transitional period. German Democratic fishing industry, health legislation, marketing standard 430 Republic 879 health legislation, marketing standard, mollusc 320 aquaculture, marketing, processing industry, theory of marketing 422 import licence, Norway, salted product, tariff quota 158 aquaculture, marketing, processing industry 427 suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 112 co-financing. Community financing, conservation offish slocks, fishery resources 424 fisheries policy fish, health legislation, marketing standard 430 authorized catch, catch area, mollusc 46S fisheries policy, fishery production, producer price 423 authorized catch, fish 433 fishery production, fishing industry, producer price 423 fbhing net conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, fishery resources 453 fishery management Antarctica, fishery production, fishery research 432 fishing statistics authorized catch, catch by species, catch quota, conservation of fish data transmission, fishery resources, statistical method 435 slocks 455 authorized catch, catch quota, conservation of fish slocks, Sweden 454 fixing of prices authorized catch, fishery resources, sea fish 425 agricultural product, farm price 238 catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, Faeroes 458 agricultural season, beef, marketing, milk 292 common fisheries policy, conservation of fish slocks, sea fish 464 animal nutrition, fodder, norm price 418 conservation of fish stocks, fishery resources, fishing nel 453 flavoured wine conservation of fish stocks, fishery resources. Sweden, territorial alcoholic beverage, wine 758 waters 428 conservation of fish stocks, fishing area, Guyana, sea fishing 454 flavouring conservation of fish stocks, fishing area, Norway 456 approximation of laws, consumer information, foodstuff, labelling 770 conservation offish stocks, Japan, Portugal, territorial waters 431 approximation of laws, foodstuff, labelling, restriction on conservation offish stocks, Portugal, sea fishing, Spain 426 competition 586 fishery produce floriculture aquaculture, health legislation, marketing standard 322 Canary Islands, tariff quota, tobacco, vegetable 162 tariff quota, third country 115 fishery production Antarctica, fishery management, fishery research 432 fodder fisheries policy, fishing industry, producer price 423 animal nutrition, fixing of prices, norm price originating product. Saint Pierre and Miquelon 177 food aid fishery research budgetary year, EAGGF Guarantee Section, management report 278 Antarctica, fishery management, fishery production 432 cereals, developing countries, development aid policy 889 892 fishery resources EC advisory committee, power to take decisions S87 Atlantic Ocean, catch area, conservation of fish slocks 460 foodstuff. Poland, Romania S84 authorized catch, catch quota, sea fishing 461 B91 authorized catch, fishery management, sea fish 425 international sanction. Iraq, Kuwait, pharmaceutical product 912 co-financing. Community financing, conservation of fish slocks, fishing industry 424 food control conservation of fish slocks, fishery management, fishing net 453 consumer protection, food inspection, foodstuff, medical profession 76vS


fruit, health inspection, pesticide residue, vegetable 555 forestry 771 agricultural product, agricultural structure, less-favoured 772 agricultural area, marketing 264 health inspection, pesticide residue, plant production 369 265 food inspection forestry policy approximation of laws, human nutrition, preservative 592 environmental policy, environmental protection, forest 980 consumer protection, food control, foodstuff, medical profession 768 foundation food policy eastern Europe, permanent education, vocational training 1061 foodstuff, intervention buying, non-govemmental organization, seed 252 founding of a company 421 bureaucracy, business policy, small and medium-sized undertakings 725 food processing France approximation of laws, consumer protection, foodstuff, radioactivity 570 tax evasion, tax harmonization, VAT 707 food standard France overseas departments pesticide residue, plant health legislation 407 agricultural structure, development aid policy, import tax, structural pesticide residue, public health, veterinary product 335 policy 883 foodstuff development aid, economic development, overseas département agricultural product, labelling, organic farming 235 (Fr), regional disparity 890 935 257 approximation of laws, common organization of markets, consumer fraud information, labelling 385 auditing of accounts, EAGGF Guarantee Section, financial control, approximation of laws, consumer information, flavouring, labelling 770 shareholding 271 approximation of laws, consumer protection, food processing, common agricultural policy. Community financing, information radioactivity 570 system 35 approximation of laws, flavouring, labelling, restriction on EAGGF, export refund, management supervision, market competition 586 stabilization 274 consumer information, dairy ice cream, labelling 769 consumer information, labelling 766 free circulation consumer protection, food control, food inspection, medical approximation of laws, tariff policy \ 606 profession 768 free competition consumer protection, labelling 532 public contract, small and medium-sized undertakings, supplies food aid, Poland, Romania 884 contract 680 891 food policy, intervention buying, non-governmental organization, free movement of capital seed 252 customs union, domestic market, free movement of goods, free 421 movement of workers 717 EC internal market, ECU, electronic funds transfer, harmonization foot-and- mouth disease of standards 263 animal disease, animal product, vaccination, veterinary inspection 346 354 free movement of goods aircraft, EC internal market, harmonization of standards, technical forecast standard 674 European Community, international meeting 10 approximation of laws. Community market, customs union, trade 11 policy 166 171 foreign policy approximation of laws, customs formalities, customs regulations 174 Bulgaria, eastern Europe, international cooperation, international approximation of laws, possession of arms, public safety 618 relations 858 archaeology, cultural heritage, cultural property, heritage protection 1067 859 carriage of goods, common transport policy, transport regulations 179 Community aid, Poland, political life 783 carriage of goods. Community transit, customs formalities, customs 784 regulations 172 Czechoslovakia, eastern Europe, international cooperation, 181 international relations 869 182 870 Community law, free movement of persons, implementation of eastern Europe, German Democratic Republic, international Community law, report 61 cooperation, international relations 864 Community transit, customs regulations 639 865 customs, customs regulations, indebtedness, regulation 180 eastern Europe, Hungary, international cooperation, international customs formalities, customs inspection, free movement of persons 95 relations 860 customs formalities, customs regulations, exemption from customs duties, intra-Community trade 861 124 eastern Europe, international cooperation, international relations, customs union, dortiestic market, free movement of capital, free movement of workers Poland 862 717 863 EC internal market, economic statistics, intra-Community trade, 1074 eastern Europe, international cooperation, international relations, VAT 175 Romania 866 economic statistics, lax harmonization European integration, German Democratic Republic 217 867 fiscal policy, tax harmonization, VAT 709 868 intra-Community trade, work of art 178 eastern Europe, international cooperation, international relations, USSR 871 free movement of persons 872 approximation of laws, armaments, public safety 71 eastern Europe, international cooperation, international relations, approximation of laws, hunting, possession of arms 587 Yugoslavia 873 common policy on employment, free movement of workers, 874 migrant worker 476 855 489 eastern Europe, international cooperation, international relations 856 Community law, customs union, European integration, 857 implementation of Community law 562 227 566 Hungary, monetary support 228 Community law, free movement of goods, implementation of Community law, report 61 foreign student Community migration, family migration, free movement of workers 477 education policy, residence of aliens, student 488 customs formalities, customs inspection, free movement of goods 95 free movement of persons, free movement of workers, pension domestic market, free movement of workers, freedom of scheme, residence of aliens 475 movement, migrant worker 485 481 equal treatment, free movement of workers, labour mobility 478 482 equivalence of diplomas, recognition of diplomas, vocational training 483 495 foreign student, free movement of workers, pension scheme, forest residence of aliens 475 agricultural situation, applied research, innovation, soft energy 256 481 environmental policy, environmental protection, forestry policy 980 482 environmental protection, Latin America, physical environment 981 483

DOCUMENTS: 1990 122 ALPHABETICAL INDEX free movement of workers, residence of aliens 484 free movement of workers air transport, civil aviation, occupational migration, recognition of diplomas 666 Gambia 675 financial aid, fishing agreement, fishing area 467 676 game collective agreement, equal treatment, labour market, working animal disease, health inspection, meat, rabbit 255 conditions 474 301 620 778 622 623 approximation of laws, energy saving, heating equipment, standard 582 common policy on employment, free movement of persons, migrant approximation of laws, European standard, motor fuel, spare part 574 worker 476 599 489 615 Community migration, family migration, free movement of persons 477 approximation of laws, industrial policy, product safety 604 Community migration, family migration, migrant worker, social consumer price, consumer protection, electrical energy, publishing security 557 of prices 773 customs union, domestic market, free movement of capital, free 777 movement of goods 717 780 domestic market, free movement of persons, freedom of movement. electrical energy, energy consumption, price of energy, secondary migrant worker 485 sector 697 equal treatment, free movement of persons, labour mobility 478 foreign student, free movement of persons, pension scheme, GATT residence of aliens 475 agricultural product, industrial product, tariff quota 146 481 Costa Rica, international negotiations 789 482 developing countries, generalized preferences 221 483 development policy, trade policy 795 Protocol to an agreement, tariff agreement. Tunisia free movement of persons, residence of aliens 484 812 free-trade agreement generalized preferences EFTA countries, quantitative restriction, restriction on exports 799 agricultural levy, agricultural product, developing countries 77 agricultural product, developing countries, import levy 904 f reeduin of communication 905 environmental monitoring, environmental protection, right to agricultural product, developing countries 78 information 962 agricultural product, economic sanction, Iraq, iron and steel product 911 Colombia, drug traffic, economic cooperation 813 freedom of movement developing countries, GATT 221 domestic market, free movement of persons, free movement of workers, migrant worker 485 genetic engineering residence of aliens, social policy 486 applied research, medical research, public health 1024 487 environmental protection, health policy, public health, zoology 1008 environmental protection, health policy 975 freedom to provide services health policy, public health, research programme, technological approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, life assurance 748 change 1009 approximation of laws, insurance, insurance company, life assurance 745 German Democratic Republic Community market, credit insurance, financial institution 749 agricultural situation, EC transitional period, fishing industry 879 financial market, investment company, market value, marketable eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, security 733 international relations 864 865 insurance company, life assurance 741 economic cooperation, international agreement, trade cooperation 835 752 836 freight rate economic cooperation, international relations, trade cooperation 828 air transpon, carriage of goods 669 European integration, free movement of goods 217 677 Federal Republic of Germany, reunification of Germany 17 18 fresh meat 19 health inspection, health legislation, meal industry, veterinary primary sector, trade policy 218 inspection 331 health inspection, health legislation, poulirymeat 326 goatmeat health inspection, import, intra-Community trade, meat product 214 Argentina, Australia, limitation agreement, sheepmeat 303 health inspection, import, intra-Community trade, poultry 302 limitation agreement, sheepmeat. third country 197 318 production aid, sheepmeat 313 fresh water goats chemical fertilizer, chemical pollution, environmental protection, animal disease, brucellosis, livestock, sheep 309 water pollution 953 animal disease, health inspection, sheep, veterinary inspection 358 import levy, sheep 308 frontier region programme, regional policy 941 Greece regional development, regional policy 936 agricultural statistics, economic survey, evaluation of resources 241 common organization of markets, distillation, viticulture 397 frozen product economic survey, statistics 258 beef, buffalo meat, tariff quota, third country 163 olive oil. Portugal. Spain, storage 403 beef, tariff quota 114 170 Greenland sea fish, tariff quota, textile product 125 authorized catch, catch quota. Denmark, fishing agreement 457 catch quota, Faeroes, management of resources, sea fishing 463 rrult catch quota, fishing agreement, management of resources, sea common price policy, farm price, Portugal, vegetable 382 fishing 464 food control, health inspection, pesticide residue, vegetable 555 catch quota, fishing agreement 466 771 Denmark, fishing agreement, sea fishing 437 772 451 fruit crops guaranteed price marketing standard, means of agricultural production, seedling 381 ACP countries, import, sugar 412 38« Guinea fruit juice clearing agreement, fishing agreement, sea fishing 452 Community import, fruit product, wine 398 805 834 fruit product agri-business, citrus fruit. Community aid 386 Guinea-Bissau Community import, fruit juice, wine 398 Community financing, fishing agreement 436 import, quality label, wine 399 447 tariff quota, Turkey 119 448


Guyana health inspection, meat, meat product 327 conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, fishing area, sea 329 fishing 459 367 marketing standard, milk, milk product, product quality 325 marketing standard, milk, product quality 330 public health, vessel 523 health policy addiction to tobacco, advertising, consumer protection, tobacco 414 animal disease, animal leucosis 360 Haiti animal disease, approximation of laws, EC internal market, 896 veterinary inspection 339 export revenue, less-developed country. Stabex approximation of laws, atmosphere, electrical equipment 537 harmonization of prices approximation of laws, consumer protection, tobacco 596 beef, butter, common price policy, Portugal 307 approximation of laws, human nutrition, starch 591 approximation of laws, medical and surgical instruments 577 harmonization of standards approximation of laws, medicine aircraft, EC internal market, free movement of goods, technical 598 building, building industry, occupational safety, workplace 524 standard 674 cancer, health risk, workplace 521 approximation of laws, peripherals, telecommunications 578 cancer, medicine, preventive medicine, programme 526 EC internal market, ECU, electronic funds transfer, free movement common research policy, medicine, research and development, of capital 263 research project 1007 European industrial area, European standard, programme, dangerous substance, health risk, occupational safety 540 standardization 731 dangerous substance, waste disposal, waste management 776 health inspection display screen work, occupational safety, working conditions 527 agricultural by-product, animal fats, health legislation, human domestic animal 605 nutrition 352 drug traffic, UN convention 767 365 environmental protection, genetic engineering, public health, agricultural waste, animal nutrition, health legislation, waste zoology 1008 management 319 environmental protection, genetic engineering 975 351 environmental protection, health inspection, radioactive waste, 362 radioactivity 549 animal breeding, cattle, import, intra-Community trade 355 environmental protection, industrial waste, toxic substance 544 animal disease, game, meat, rabbit 255 genetic engineering, public health, research programme, 301 technological change 1009 778 health risk, occupational safety 525 medical aid, woman, women's rights animal disease, goats, sheep, veterinary inspection 358 528 animal disease, hormone 337 529 animal on the hoof, animal product, health legislation, health risk intra-Community trade 323 asbestos, public health, workplace 518 349 538 366 cancer, health policy, workplace 521 animal plague, intra-Community trade 332 carcinogenic substance, dangerous substance, occupational safety 530 animal product, public health 363 531 animal production, intra-Community trade, marketing, rabbit 357 dangerous substance, health policy, occupational safety 540 dangerous substance, preventive medicine, public health, toxicology 534 health policy, occupational safety 525 545 hoisting and handling, mechanization, occupational safety 516 environmental protection, health policy, radioactive waste, occupational safety, radiation protection, radioactivity 504 radioactivity 549 539 equidae, import, intra-Community trade, third country 350 heating equipment 356 food control, fruit, pesticide residue, vegetable 555 approximation of laws, energy saving, gas, standard 771 heritage protection 772 archaeology, cultural heritage, cultural property, free movement of food control, pesticide residue, plant production 369 goods 1067 fresh meat, health legislation, meat industry, veterinary inspection 331 EC internal market, European audio-visual area, translation, fresh meat, health legislation, poultrymeat 326 vocational training 496 fresh meat, import, intra-Community trade, meat product 214 fresh meat, import, intra-Community trade, poultry 302 high-definition television 318 European audio-visual area, European television, new technology 1048 health legislation, meat, meat product 327 higher education 329 aid for reorganization, Hungary, Poland, student mobility 1055 367 1064 import, third country, vinification, wine 396 1065 intra-Community trade, plant health inspection, public health, 1066 veterinary inspection 347 cultural cooperation, EFTA countries, teacher training, technology 792 359 cultural cooperation, EFTA countries, technology 787 eastern Europe, Hungary, Poland, student mobility 1062 health legislation education policy, recognition of diplomas, secondary education, agricultural by-product, animal fats, health inspection, human vocational training 500 nutrition 352 501 365 educational exchange, Erasmus, student mobility 1060 agricultural waste, animal nutrition, health inspection, waste student, student mobility 1053 management 319 351 hoisting and handling 362 health risk, mechanization, occupational safety 516 animal on the hoof, animal product, health inspection, intra-Community trade hoisting equipment 323 approximation of laws, electrical equipment, product safety 608 349 approximation of laws, etcctrotechnical industry 579 366 approximation of laws, European standard 716 animal product, marketing standard, product quality 328 721 approximation of laws, medical research, pharmaceutical product, 722 veterinary product 343 344 holidays 345 leisure, tourism policy, travel 1070 aquaculture, fishery produce, marketing standard 322 Hong Kong consumer protection, product safety, public health, standard 774 775 textile product, trade agreement 193 779 hops fish, fishing industry, marketing standard 430 agricultural policy, common organization of markets 723 fish, marketing standard, mollusc 320 agricultural season, marketing, production aid 413 fresh meat, health inspection, meat industry, veterinary inspection 331 agronomic research, common organization of markets, production fresh meat, health inspection, poultrymeat 326 aid


production aid 393 equidae, health inspection, intra-Community trade, third country 350 356 hormone fresh meal, health inspection, in Ira-Community trade, meal product 214 animal disease, health inspection 337 fresh meat, health inspection, intra-Community trade, poultry 302 horticulture 318 marketing standard, plant health legislation, product quality 392 fruit product, quality label, wine 399 394 health inspection, third country, vinification, wine 396 human nutrition import credit agricultural by-product, animal fats, health inspection, health diesel oil, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota, third country 157 legislation 352 import levy 365 agricultural product, developing countries, generalized preferences 904 approximation of laws, food inspection, preservative 592 905 approximation of laws, health policy, starch 591 goats, sheep 308 humanitarian aid pigmcat, sheepmeat 192 EC Convention, Palestinian question, refugee, UNRWA 788 import licence Hungary agricultural product. EFTA, suspension of customs duties, tariff aid for reorganization, higher education, Poland, student mobility 1055 quota 148 1064 agricultural product, Israel, suspension of customs duties, tariff 1065 quota 149 1066 chemicals, electronic component, tariff quota, third country 155 aid for reorganization, Poland, vocational training 499 customs duties, sugar, tariff quota, third country 161 fish, Norway, salted product, tariff quota 158 503 leguminous vegetable, suspension of customs duties, Sweden, tariff 1054 quota 154 1063 Morocco, sea fish, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 150 development aid, economic aid, economic development, Poland 902 petroleum product, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota, 903 Turkey 151 development aid, financialai d 882 restriction on imports, stone fruit. Yugoslavia 219 885 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, import policy international relations 860 chemical industry, production refund, sugar, sugar product 229 861 common organization of markets, quantitative restriction 199 eastern Europe, higher education, Poland, student mobility 1062 Community import, quantitative restriction, restriction on imports 176 EIB, EIB loan, Poland, support policy 42 Hungary. Poland, quantitative restriction 187 foreign policy, monetary support 227 iron and steel product, restoration of customs duties, tariff ceiling, 228 Yugoslavia 160 impon policy. Poland, quantitative restriction 187 Malta, restoration of customs duties, tariff ceiling, textile product 159 international policy, international relations 785 stone fruit, Yugoslavia 213 wine, wine of superior quality 222 import tax hunting agricultural structure, development aid policy, France overseas approximation of laws, free movement of persons, possession of departments, structural policy 883 arms inclusive tour hunting regulations consumer information, publishing of prices, tourism 1068 animal skin, environmental protection, protection of animal life, indebtedness restriction on imports 985 customs, customs regulations, free movement of goods, regulation 180 hydrocarbon customs, customs regulations, regulation 79 quantitative restriction, tariff quota 135 indemnification Community financing, fishing agreement. Mozambique 438 450 indirect tax administrative cooperation, approximation of laws, fiscal policy, interchange of information 703 company with share capital, financial policy, investment company 704 Iceland excise, mineral oil. tax harmonization 568 cooperation agreement, research staff, scientific exchange 811 713 cooperation agreement, scientific cooperation, scientific exchange, excise, tax harmonization, VAT 711 technical cooperation 810 financial policy, taxation 705 implementation of Community law investment company, tax harmonization 702 Community law, customs union. European integration, free industrial cooperation movement of persons 562 audio-visual communications policy, audio-visual industry, 566 European audio-visual area, programmes industry Community law, free movement of goods, free movement of persons, report industrial development industrial policy, integrated development programme, implementation of the budget modernization of industry, Portugal 729 budget policy. Community budget 48 50 industrial policy administrative procedure, public administration, small and Import medium-sized undertakings 688 ACP countries, guaranteed price, sugar 412 approximation of laws, gas, product safety 604 agricultural product, nuclear accident, public health, radioactivity 184 approximation of laws, packaging product 609 agricultural product, nuclear accident, radioactive pollution 960 industrial development, integrated development programme. animal breeding, cattle, health inspection, intra-Community trade 355 modernization of industry. Portugal 729 anti-dumping duty, bearing, Japan 85 anti-dumping duty, chemicals, China, dumping 88 industrial product 89 agricultural product, chemicals, tariff quota, third country 165 90 agricultural product, GATT, tariff quota 146 anti-dumping duty, China, dumping, semi-metal 93 approximation of laws, European standard, product quality 601 anti-dumping duty, clock and waich industry, USSR 94 614 anti-dumping duly, dumping, electronic device, Japan 91 chemicals. Community import, tariff quota 141 anti-dumping duty, dumping, ferro-alloy, Japan 92 chemicals, suspension of customs duties 102 anti-dumping legislation, chemicals, Czechoslovakia, dumping 194 Common Customs Tariff, electronics industry, suspension of anti-dumping legislation, China, tungsten 96 customs duties 201 butter. New Zealand, United Kingdom 286 Czechoslovakia, quantitative restriction, trade agreement 287 industrial property 183 chemicals, plastics, tariff quota 110 chemicals, tariff quota 145 biotechnology, EC internal market, patents licence, plant production crude oil, recording of data, trade information 195 industrial region 368 egg, intra-Community trade, poultry, third country 315 economic policy, regional policy 732 DOCUMENTS: 1990 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 125 industrial restructuring approximation of laws, freedom to provide services, insurance, life aid for reorganization, shipbuilding 730 assurance 745 branch, insurance, Switzerland 797 industrial waste freedom to provide services, life assurance 741 environmental protection, health policy, toxic substance 544 752 inflation insurance, insurance contract 740 central bank, economic and monetary union, exchange rate, 753 monetary cooperation 695 755 economic growth, economic situation, management report, unemployment 5 insurance contract insurance, insurance company ■ 740 economic growth, management report, unemployment 23 753 informatics 755 information processing, intellectual property, right to justice, integrated development programme software 624 industrial development, industrial policy, modernization of 625 industry, Portugal 729 information intellectual property consumer protection, information system 759 Australia, copyright, electronic component consumption, information consultation, product safety 551 electronic component, overseas countries and territories, right to data collection, environmental protection, information network, justice 692 natural resources 1033 1034 electronic component, right to justice 621 informatics, information processing, right to justice, software 624 East Africa, international competition, sea transport 661 625 EEC Directive, environmental protection, physical environment 967 environmental protection, information network, programme, quality intensive livestock farming of the environment 970 animal production, calf, protection of animals 311 971 swine, veterinary inspection, veterinary legislation 312 972 interactive network information consultation information network, service 1017 agricultural situation, information network 1023 consumption, information, product safety 551 interchange ofinformation administrative cooperation, approximation of laws, fiscal policy, information network indirect tax 703 agricultural situation, information consultation 1023 customs regulations, tariff nomenclature 83 approximation of laws, communications policy, electronic EFTA countries, telecommunications, trade agreement, trade equipment, telecommunications 597 information 815 communications system, new technology, telecommunications, 852 telematics 1015 Community institution, environmental monitoring, environmental intercorporate cooperation policy, environmental protection 964 EC internal market, economic integration, management report data collection, environmental monitoring, environmental international agreement protection, natural resources 963 Bulgaria, international cooperation 839 data collection, environmental protection, information, natural 840 resources 1033 commodity agreement, jute 232 1034 Czechoslovakia, EAEC, international cooperation 837 environmental protection, information, programme, quality of the 838 environment 970 EAEC, international cooperation, USSR 919 971 economic cooperation, German Democratic Republic, trade 972 cooperation 835 interactive network, service 1017 836 information policy international competition information technology, research and development, research air freight rate, air transport, passenger tariff, reduced price 673 programme 1018 air transport, European undertaking 632 information processing 633 informatics, intellectual property, right to justice, software 624 635 625 636 640 information system air transport, restriction on competition, transport undertaking 672 common agricultural policy. Community financing, fraud 35 East Africa, information, sea transport 661 consumer protection, data collection, product safety 508 535 international convention 542 environmental protection, transport of dangerous goods 948 consumer protection, information 759 international cooperation economic sector, social policy, statistics 1072 ACP countries, EC Convention, economic development 793 information technology Asia, developing countries, Latin America 909 communications industry. Community financing, research and Austria, cooperation agreement, medical research 823 development, research programme 1019 Austria, cooperation agreement, research, research policy 816 Community financing, research and development, bank, cooperation policy, development aid policy, Eastern Bloc telecommunications, telematics 1020 countries 26 information policy, research and development, research programme 1018 886 893 innovation Bulgaria, eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations 858 agricultural situation, applied research, forest, soft energy 256 859 applied research, research and development, technological change 1002 Bulgaria, international agreement 839 1003 840 826 insurance cooperation agreement, Finland, medical research cooperation agreement, Finland, research, research policy 817 administrative supervision. Community market, insurance company 746 822 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, motor vehicle cooperation agreement, medical research, Norway cooperation agreement, medical research, Sweden 824 insurance 739 825 approximation of laws, Community market 584 818 approximation of laws, freedom lo provide services, insurance cooperation agreement, Norway, research, research policy cooperation agreement, research, research policy, Sweden 819 company, life assurance 745 820 branch, insurance company, Switzerland 797 cooperation agreement, research, research policy, Switzerland insurance company, insurance contract 740 cooperation policy, Cyprus, financial cooperation, technical 753 cooperation 827 Czechoslovakia, EAEC, international agreement 837 755 838 insurance company Czechoslovakia, eastern Europe, foreign policy, international accounting, balance sheet, consolidated account 735 relations 869 736 870 administrative supervision. Community market, insurance 746 EAEC, international agreement, USSR 919


eastern Europe, foreign policy. German Democratic Republic, international relations, Multifibre Arrangement 794 international relations 864 865 international transport eastern Europe, foreign policy, Hungary, international relations 860 animal production, domestic animal, protection of animals, 861 transport of animals 246 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations, Poland 862 247 863 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations, Romania 866 intervention buying 867 Community financing, EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention 868 stock, market intervention 276 871 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations, USSR food policy, foodstuff, non-governmental organization, seed 872 252 421 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations, Yugoslavia 873 874 intervention policy eastern Europe, foreign policy, international relations 855 856 cereals, fats, intervention stock 376 857 intervention price 841 common organization of markets, tobacco, tobacco industry 416 eastern Europe, scientific cooperation, technical cooperation 833 economic relations, EFTA, international relations, trade relations marketing, rice. Spain 374 international finance intervention stock banking secrecy, capital movements, drug traffic, fight against crime 701 agricultural monetary policy, EAGGF Guarantee Section, monetary exchange quotation, financial market 699 compensatory amount, representative rate 279 cereals, fats, intervention policy 376 International market Community financing. EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention commodity agreement, primary produci, tin 786 buying, market intervention 276 international meeting Community policy, European Community, European Union 67 intra-Community trade European Community, forecast 10 animal breeding, cattle, health inspection, import 355 11 animal disease, animal leucosis, veterinary inspection 321 animal on the hoof, animal product, health inspection, health international negotiations legislation 323 air transport, carriage of passengers. EFTA countries 668 air transport. EFTA 832 349 Cosia Rica, GATT 789 366 animal plague, health inspection 332 international policy animal production, health inspection, marketing, rabbit 357 Argentina, cooperation agreement, economic cooperation 829 customs formalities, customs regulations, exemption from customs 830 duties, free movement of goods Community relations, economic relations, Poland 124 225 EC internal market, economic statistics, free movement of goods, 226 eastern Europe, international relations, USSR 878 VAT 1074 Hungary, international relations 785 egg, import, poultry, third country 315 international relations. Middle East, political life 913 equidae. health inspection, import, third country 350 international relations. Near East, political life 914 356 free movement of goods, work of art 178 international relations fresh meat, health inspection, import, meat product 214 Bulgaria, eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation 858 fresh meat, health inspection, impon, poultry 302 859 Czechoslovakia, casiem Europe, foreign policy, international 318 cooperation 869 health inspection, plant health inspection, public health, veterinary 870 inspection 347 eastern Europe, economic relations 881 359 easlem Europe, foreign policy. German Democratic Republic, international cooperation 864 intra-Community transport 865 approximation of laws, carriage of goods, combined transport 211 eastern Europe, foreign policy. Hungary, international cooperation 860 861 investment company eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, Poland 862 company with share capital, financial policy, indirect tax 863 financial market, freedom to provide services, market value, eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation. Romania 866 marketable security 733 867 indirect tax, tax harmonization 702 868 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, USSR 871 investment policy 872 capital investment, credit institution, financial solvency 742 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation. investment project Yugoslavia 873 electrical energy, energy policy, natural gas. petroleum 928 874 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation 855 invitation to tender 856 developing countries, EDF. report 679 857 eastern Europe, international policy. USSR 878 inward processing economic cooperation. German Democratic Republic, trade customs system suspending import charges, export refund, milk cooperation 828 product 97 economic relations, EFTA, international cooperation, trade relations 833 EFTA 796 Iraq 831 agricultural product, economic sanction, generalized preferences, Hungary, international policy 785 iron and steel product 911 international policy. Middle East, political life 913 crude oil. economic sanction, petroleum product 224 international policy. Near East, political life 914 food aid. international sanction, Kuwait, pharmaceutical product 912 international trade, Multifibre Arrangement 794 iron and steel industry international road transport common industrial policy, iron and steel product, steel 728 carriage of goods. Community transit, transit 649 carriage of goods, quantitative restriction, road transport 653 iron and steel product carriage of goods, road transport, transport quota 656 agricultural product, economic sanction, generalized preferences, 657 Iraq 911 carriage of goods, road transport 644 common industrial policy, iron and steel industry, steel 728 import policy, restoration of customs duties, tariff ceiling, international sanction Yugoslavia food aid, Iraq, Kuwait, pharmaceutical product 912 Romania, tube, Yugoslavia international security Israel CSCE, European cooperation 910 agricultural product. Cyprus, Morocco, tariff quota 122 international trade agricultural product, import licence, suspension of customs duties, commodities market, commodity agreement, copper 1041 tariff quota 149


Latin America Asia, cooperation policy, developing countries, development aid policy Japan Asia, developing countries, economic cooperation anti-dumping duty, bearing, import 85 Asia, developing countries, financial cooperation, technical anti-dumping duty. Community import, competition law, electronic cooperation 906 component 99 907 anti-dumping duty, dumping, electronic device, import 91 Asia, developing countries, international cooperation 909 anti-dumping duty, dumping, ferro-alloy, import 92 cooperation policy, economic cooperation, trade cooperation 853 anti-dumping legislation. Community import, electronic equipment 212 environmental protection, forest, physical environment 981 anti-dumping legislation, electronic device, record. South Korea 80 leaf vegetable conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, Portugal, agricultural season, basic price, common organization of markets, territorial waters 431 purchase price 383 job access Canary Islands, tariff quota 118 occupational retraining, permanent education, vocational training 490 legal procedure 498 approximation of laws. Community law, public contract 590 502 legislation Joint European Torus European integration, reunification of Germany 2 Community financing, cooperation agreement, nuclear fusion, research programme 992 leguminous vegetable common price policy, fats 375 joint position import licence, suspension of customs duties, Sweden, tariff quota 154 EC transitional period, European integration, reunificationo f Germany 4 leisure holidays, tourism policy, travel 1070 joint venture merchant fleet, sea transport 660 less-developed country export revenue, Haiti, Stabex 896 jute less-favoured agricultural area commodity agreement, international agreement 232 agricultural product, agricultural structure, forestry, marketing 264 265 liability damage, environmental protection, waste 978 979 983 Kuwait liberalization of trade crude oil, economic sanction, petroleum product 223 Community act, EC internal market, economic integration, food aid, international sanction, Iraq, pharmaceutical product 912 management report 719 Eastern Bloc countries, suspension of customs duties, trade cooperation 220 Portugal, single document, Spain 62 Liechtenstein cooperation agreement, school-industry relations, technical education 806 labelling life assurance agricultural product, foodstuff, organic farming 235 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, freedom to provide 257 services 748 approximation of laws, classification, dangerous substance, approximation of laws, freedom to provide services, insurance, packaging 509 insurance company 745 611 freedom to provide services, insurance company 741 approximation of laws, common organization of markets, consumer 752 information, foodstuff 385 approximation of laws, consumer information, flavouring, foodstuff 770 limitation agreement approximation of laws, dangerous substance, packaging 585 Argentina, Australia, goatmeat, sheepmeat 303 approximation of laws, flavouring, foodstuff, restriction on goatmeat, sheepmeat, third country 197 competition 586 pigmcat, quantitative restriction, sheepmeat, Uruguay 306 consumer information, dairy ice cream, foodstuff 769 linguistics consumer information, foodstuff 766 consumer information, medicament, pharmaceutical legislation. new technology, research programme, terminology, translation 1014 1028 pharmaceutical product 556 1036 756 research programme, terminology, translation 1037 781 782 liqueur consumer protection, foodstuff 532 ACP countries, spirits, tariff quota 133 associated country, overseas countries and territories, spirits, tariff labour market quota 131 collective agreement, equal treatment, free movement of workers, beverage, spirits, tariff quota, third country 127 working conditions 474 620 livestock 622 animal disease, brucellosis, goats, sheep 309 623 animal on the hoof, tariff quota 104 employment policy, female labour force, young worker 470 animal production, calf, cattle, protection of animals 314 316 labour mobility animal production, protection of animals, swine 317 cultural relations, management report, young worker 479 Austria, Switzerland, tariff quota 132 equal treatment, free movement of persons, free movement of workers 478 livestock farming animal product, EC fund, veterinary inspection, veterinary medicine 250 labour relations 251 approximation of laws, European company, staff administration, 324 working conditions 546 348 contract, employment policy 230 364 land use living conditions agricultural production policy, allocation of land, environmental Cedcfop, Community budget protection 949 local election language Community national, EC countries, right to vote 619 Catalonia, language teaching 72 Lomé Convention language teaching ACP countries, agricultural product, overseas countries and Catalonia, language 72 908


ACP countries, development aid policy, EC agreement 821 approval, chemicals, environmental protection, pharmaceutical ACP countries, EC Convention 897 product 410 94X) 411 EDF, financing of aid 895 aquaculture, common fisheries policy. Community policy, theory of 898 marketing 434 originating product, preferential tariff 899 aquaculture, fishing industry, processing industry, theory of marketing 422 Luxembourg aquaculture, fishing industry, processing industry 427 excise, tax exemption, wine, wine of superior quality 260 beef, common organization of markets, milk 290 intervention price, rice, Spain 374 olive oil, representative market price, supplementary aid for products, threshold price 405 M marketing restriction approximation of laws, chemicals, dangerous substance, market preparation 572 machinery approximation of laws, occupational safety, product safety, standard 573 marketing standard 588 animal product, health legislation, product quality 328 603 aquaculture, fishery produce, health legislation 322 617 Community import, European standard, potato, seedling 208 fish, fishing industry, health legislation 430 fish, health legislation, mollusc 320 Portugal, production aid 371 fruit crops, means of agricultural production, seedling 381 388 Malta health legislation, milk, milk product, product quality 325 beer, tariff quota 142 health legislation, milk, product quality 330 import policy, restoration of customs duties, tariff ceiling, textile horticulture, plant health legislation, product quality 392 product 159 394 management of outer space poultry, poultrymeat, product quality 304 environmental policy, regulation of town planning, urban area 946 quality standard, seedling, vegetable 380 387 management of resources agricultural development plan, agricultural production policy, mass tourism agronomic research, natural resources 1012 environmental damage, environmental protection, tourism 977 agricultural situation, research programme, technological change 1013 materials technology catch quota, Faeroes, Greenland, sea fishing 463 common research policy, research and development, research catch quota, fishing agreement, Greenland, sea fishing 464 project, technology fishing agreement, fishing area. Senegal 462 998 Mauritania management report Community financing, fishing agreement 240 444 accountancy data network, agricultural policy, data collection fishing agreement 446 budgetary year, EAGGF Guarantee Section, food aid 278 common regional policy, ERDF 942 means of agricultural production communications system, data processing, data transmission 1031 European standard, plant health inspection, plant health legislation, Community act. EC internal market, economic integration. plant health treatment 512 liberalization of trade 719 548 Community law. Community policy 70 fruit crops, marketing standard, seedling 381 cultural relations, labour mobility, young worker 479 388 cultural relations, student mobility, young person 1050 EC Court of Auditors, ECSC, European Community 32 means of communication EC internal market, economic integration, intercorporate broadcasting, communications system, telecommunications. cooperation 687 telecommunications industry 63 economic growth, economic situation, inflation, unemployment 5 64 economic growth, inflation, unemployment 23 measuring equipment management supervision approximation of laws, metrology 563 common organization of markets. Community sanction, financial approximation of laws, standardization 580 control, offence 206 approximation of laws, weights and measures 602 EAGGF. export refund, fraud, market stabilization 274 manpower planning animal disease, game, health inspection, rabbit 255 arrangement of working time, employment policy, occupational 301 safety, social rights 778 health inspection, health legislation, meat product 327 marine pollution 329 carriage of goods, dangerous substance, environmental protection, 367 sea transport 663 dangerous substance, environmental protection, transport of meat industry dangerous goods, transport safety 662 fresh meat, health inspection, health legislation, veterinary inspection 331 market intervention Community financing. EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention meat product buying, intervention stock fresh meat, health inspection, import, intra-Community trade 214 health inspection, health legislation, meat 327 market preparation 329 approximation of laws, chemicals, dangerous substance, marketing 367 restriction 572 mechanization market stabilization health risk, hoisting and handling, occupational safety 516 EAGGF. export refund, fraud, management supervision 274 medical aid market value health policy, woman, women's rights 528 financial market, freedom to provide services, investment company, 529 marketable security medical and surgical instruments marketable security approximation of laws, health policy 577 financial market, freedom to provide services, investment company, market value 733 medical profession consumer protection, food control, food inspection, foodstuff 768 marketing agricultural price support, basic price, sheepmeat 310 medical research agricultural product, agricultural structure, forestry, less-favoured applied research, genetic engineering, public health 1024 agricultural area 264 approximation of laws, health legislation, pharmaceutical product, 265 veterinary product 343 agricultural season, beef, fixing of prices, milk 292 344 agricultural season, hops, production aid 413 345 animal production, health inspection. intra-Community trade, rabbit 357 Austria, cooperation agreement, international cooperation 823


cancer, preventive medicine, public health 517 common agricultural policy, common organization of markets, 519 milk, trade policy 293 cooperation agreement, Finland, international cooperation 826 Common Customs Tariff, tariff nomenclature 295 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, Norway 822 customs system suspending import charges, export refund, inward cooperation agreement, international cooperation, Sweden 824 processing 97 825 economic support, milk by-product, skimmed milk 285 export refund, milk fat 277 medicament health legislation, marketing standard, milk, product quality 325 advertising, consumer protection, pharmaceutical product 761 advertising, consumer protection 760 mineral oil alternative medicine, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical excise, indirect tax, tax harmonization 568 333 product, veterinary product 713 consumer information, labelling, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical product 556 modernization of industry 756 industrial development, industrial policy, integrated development 781 programme, Portugal 729 782 patent, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical legislation, mollusc pharmaceutical product 515 authorized catch, catch area, fisheries policy 468 fish, health legislation, marketing standard 320 medicine approximation of laws, health policy 598 monetary compensatory amount cancer, health policy, preventive medicine, programme 526 agricultural monetary policy, common agricultural policy, exchange common research policy, health policy, research and development, rate 273 research project 1007 282 Mediterranean Sea 283 Community financial instrument, environmental policy, agricultural monetary policy, EAGGF Guarantee Section, environmental protection 955 intervention stock, representative rate regional policy 938 monetary cooperation member country central bank, economic alignment, economic and monetary union 694 209 ratification of an agreement, third country, trade agreement 747 233 750 third country, trade agreement 800 central bank, economic and monetary union, exchange rate, inflation 695 Member of the European Parliament Community statistics, financial cooperation 1073 European Parliament, parliamentary immunity 65 economic alignment, economic and monetary union, economic 73 cooperation, European integration 698 European Parliament 66 700 parliamentary immunity 565 715 merchant fleet joint venture, sea transport monetary support foreign policy, Hungary 227 merger 228 competition, dominant position, economic concentration 685 metal product monetary union anti-dumping duty, Romania, tube, Yugoslavia 202 economic union, European integration 22 restriction on exports, steel, trade agreement. United States 798 economic union, European Union 9 metrology Morocco approximation of laws, measuring equipment 563 agricultural product, Cyprus, Israel, tariff quota 122 chemistry, cooperation agreement, Finland, scientific cooperation 849 crustacean, financial aid, fishing agreement 901 995 import licence, sea fish, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 150 chemistry, cooperation agreement, scientific cooperation, Sweden 850 tariff quota, wine of superior quality 120 994 motor fuel chemistry, cooperation agreement, scientific cooperation, approximation of laws, European standard, gas, spare part 574 Switzerland 851 996 599 615 Middle East international policy, international relations, political life 913 motor vehicle approximation of laws, atmospheric pollution, environmental migrant worker protection 589 common policy on employment, free movement of persons, free movement of workers 476 607 489 956 Community migration, family migration, free movement of 987 workers, social security 557 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance 743 domestic market, free movement of persons, free movement of approximation of laws, commercial vehicle, transport safety. workers, freedom of movement 485 vehicle parts 651 milk approximation of laws, environmental protection, motor vehicle agricultural season, beef, fixing of prices, marketing 292 pollution 576 beef, common organization of markets, marketing 290 approximation of laws, road safety, transport safety 595 cheese, common organization of markets, milk product 299 612 common agricultural policy, common organization of markets, milk European standard, pneumatic tyre, road safety, weight and size 629 product, trade policy 293 63 S health legislation, marketing standard, milk product, product quality 325 health legislation, marketing standard, product quality 330 642 milk by-product motor vehicle insurance cheese, common organization of markets, milk product 294 approximation of laws, civil liability, consumer protection, road 297 traffic 751 common organization of markets, production aid, skimmed milk 289 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, insurance 739 economic support, milk product, skimmed milk 285 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, road traffic 754 approximation of laws, civil liability insurance 744 milk fat export refund, milk product motor vehicle pollution approximation of laws, environmental protection, motor vehicle 576 milk product agricultural levy. Common Customs Tariff, tariff nomenclature 87 Mozambique agricultural policy, common organization of markets 298 Community financing, fishing agreement, indemnification 438 animal nutrition. Community aid. powdered milk, skimmed milk 284 450 cheese, common organization of markets, milk 299 cheese, common organization of markets, milk by-product 294 Multifibre Arrangement 297 international relations, international trade 794


nuclear fusion Community financing, cooperation agreement. Joint European Torus, research programme 992 NAFO nuclear industry authorized catch, catch by species, conservation of fish stocks 429 EAEC, energy policy, nuclear power station 923 narcotic 924 acid, chemicals, solvent nuclear power station natural gas EAEC, energy policy, nuclear industry 923 Community investment, electrical energy, energy policy, petroleum 932 924 934 nuclear safety domestic market, energy distribution, energy policy 920 nuclear fission, research and development, research programme 991 922 EC internal market, energy policy, environmental protection, number of hours worked transport safety 918 arrangement of working time, employment policy, paid leave, rest EEC Directive, energy policy, power plant 929 period 472 electrical energy, energy policy, investment project, petroleum 928 nut natural resources tariff quota, Turkey 152 agricultural development plan, agricultural production policy. agronomic research, management of resources 1012 data collection, environmental monitoring, environmental protection, information network 963 data collection, environmental protection, information, information o network 1033 1034 occupational migration nature reserve air transport, civil aviation, free movement of workers, recognition environmental protection, protection of animal life, protection of of diplomas 666 plant life 959 675 676 Near East international policy, international relations, political life 914 occupational mobility research and development, research project, research staff 1043 Netherlands Antilles chemicals, nomenclature, originating product 205 occupational retraining nomenclature, originating product, tobacco industry 203 job access, permanent education, vocational training 490 498 network of navigable waterways 502 approximation of laws, common transport policy, sea transport, permanent education, vocational training 497 transport policy 664 665 occupational safety approximation of laws, machinery, product safety, standard 573 New Community Instrument 588 Community borrowing operation. Community loan. ECSC loan. 603 EIB loan 36 617 new technology arrangement of working time, employment policy, manpower biotechnology, research and development, research programme. planning, social rights 522 technological change 1005 building, building industry, health policy, workplace 524 communications system, information network, telecommunications, carcinogenic substance, dangerous substance, health risk 530 telematics 1015 531 energy policy, energy technology 916 dangerous substance, health policy, health risk 540 917 display screen work, health policy, working conditions 527 health policy, health risk 525 European audio-visual area. European television, high-defini tion 516 television 1048 health risk, hoisting and handling, mechanization health risk, radiation protection, radioactivity 504 linguistics, research programme, terminology, translation 1014 539 1028 1036 oceanography programme, school-industry relations, school-work ing life relations 1016 common research policy, research and development, research project, technology New Zealand 1001 butter, import. United Kingdom 286 offence 287 common organization of markets. Community sanction, financial control, management supervision 206 nomenclature chemicals. Netherlands Antilles, originating product 205 official statistics Common Customs Tariff, tariff nomenclature 75 environmental protection, physical environment 968 economic activity, economic statistics, production 1039 1044 olive 1047 common organization of markets, consumption 384 Netherlands Antilles, originating product, tobacco industry 203 olive oil non-ferrous metal consumption, economic support, support policy 406 anti-dumping legislation, chemical salt, Czechoslovakia, dumping 185 Greece, Portugal, Spain, storage 403 marketing, representative market price, supplementary aid for non-governmental organization products, threshold price 405 food policy, foodstuff, intervention buying, seed 252 on-the-job training 421 permanent education, vocational training 492 norm price animal nutrition, fixing of prices, fodder organic chemical anti-dumping duty. South-East Asia. South Korea. Taiwan Norway organic farming conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, fishing area 456 agricultural product, foodstuff, labelling cooperation agreement, economics, scientific cooperation 845 235 1057 257 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, medical research 822 organization of transport cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, air transport, allowances and expenses. Community market. research policy 818 transport policy 667 fish, import licence, salted product, tariff quota 158 air transport, carriage of passengers, ticket 670 carriage of goods, road transport, transport market, transport policy 647 nuclear accident agricultural product, import, public health, radioactivity 184 655 combined transport, rail network, rail transport, transport policy 643 agricultural product, import, radioactive pollution 960 659 nuclear fission research and development, research programme ..technological nuclear safety, research and development, research programme 991 change, transport policy 1046


originating product permanent education administrative cooperation, Canary Islands, common commercial eastern Europe, foundation, vocational training 1061 policy, Spain 173 job access, occupational retraining, vocational training 490 administrative cooperation, cooperation agreement, EC association 498 agreement 210 502 administrative cooperation, EFTA countries, Spain, suspension of occupational retraining, vocational training 497 customs duties 105 on-the-job training, vocational training 492 administrative cooperation, EFTA countries 189 chemicals, Netherlands Antilles, nomenclature 205 pesticide residue Cyprus, trade agreement 207 animal nutrition, public health, toxic substance 420 developing countries, preferential tariff, trade event 204 food control, fruit, health inspection, vegetable 555 fishery production. Saint Pierre and Miquelon 177 771 Lomé Convention, preferential tariff 899 772 Netherlands Antilles, nomenclature, tobacco industry 203 food control, health inspection, plant production 369 food standard, plant health legislation 407 overseas countries and territories food standard, public health, veterinary product 335 ACP countries, agricultural product, Lomé Convention 908 associated country, liqueur, spirits, tariff quota 131 petition electronic component, intellectual property, right to justice 692 European Parliament 68 extra-Community trade, Portugal, Spain, trading 234 petroleum overseas département (Fr) Community investment, electrical energy, energy policy, natural gas 932 development aid, economic development, France overseas 934 departments, regional disparity 890 electrical energy, energy policy, investment project, natural gas 928 935 petroleum product owner of an industrial undertaking crude oil, economic sanction, Iraq 224 approximation of laws, company law, private limited liability crude oil, economic sanction, Kuwait 223 company, structure of undertakings 564 import licence, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota, Turkey 151 ozone pharmaceutical industry environmental protection, stratospheric pollution 957 medicament, patent, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical product pharmaceutical legislation alternative medicine, medicament, pharmaceutical product, veterinary product 333 consumer information, labelling, medicament, pharmaceutical product 556 packaging 756 approximation of laws, classification, dangerous substance, labelling 509 781 611 782 approximation of laws, dangerous substance, labelling 585 medicament, patent, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical product 515 packaging product approximation of laws, industrial policy 609 pharmaceutical product advertising, consumer protection, medicament 761 paid leave alternative medicine, medicament, pharmaceutical legislation, arrangement of working time, employment policy, number of hours veterinary product 333 worked, rest period 472 approval, chemicals, environmental protection, marketing 410 411 Palestinian question approximation of laws, health legislation, medical research, 791 EC Convention, financial aid, refugee, UNRWA veterinary product EC Convention, humanitarian aid, refugee, UNRWA 788 343 344 paper 345 Canada, tariff quota, third country, wood product 109 consumer information, labelling, medicament, pharmaceutical Canada, tariff quota, trade volume 164 legislation 556 756 parliamentary immunity 781 European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament 65 782 73 food aid, international sanction, Iraq, Kuwait 912 European Parliament, regulation 30 medicament, patent, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical Member of the European Parliament 565 legislation 515 participation of women plant-health product, public health 409 employment policy, position of women, women's rights 480 physical environment passenger tariff common research policy, research and development, research air freight rate, air transport, international competition, reduced project, technology 1000 price 673 EEC Directive, environmental protection, information 967 air freight rate, air transport 561 environmental policy, environmental protection 976 environmental protection, forest, Latin America 981 patent environmental protection, official statistics 968 medicament, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical legislation, environmental protection, programme, regional policy 973 pharmaceutical product 515 974 patents licence pigmeat biotechnology, EC internal market, industrial property, plant import levy, sheepmeat 192 production 368 limitation agreement, quantitative restriction, sheepmeat, Uruguay 306 pay Portugal, quantitative restriction, restriction on imports 108 employment policy, fight against unemployment, vocational plant health inspection training, women's work 471 dangerous substance, plant health legislation, plant production 511 pension scheme 550 early retirement, European official 24 European standard, means of agricultural production, plant health foreign student, free movement of persons, free movement of legislation, plant health treatment 512 workers, residence of aliens 475 548 481 health inspection, intra-Community trade, public health, veterinary inspection 482 347 483 359 peripheral region plant health legislation programme, regional policy 939 dangerous substance, plant health inspection, plant production 511 regional development, regional policy 937 550 European standard, means of agricultural production, plant health peripherals inspection, plant health treatment 512 approximation of laws, harmonization of standards, 548 telecommunications 578 food standard, pesticide residue 407


horticulture, marketing standard, product quality 392 position of women 394 employment policy, participation of women, women's rights plant-health product possession of arms pharmaceutical product, public health 409 approximation of laws, free movement of goods, public safety 618 approximation of laws, free movement of persons, hunting 587 plant health treatment European standard, means of agricultural production, plant health postal and telecommunications services inspection, plant health legislation 512 communications system, financial aid, public safety, 548 telecommunications 558 communications system, public safety, telecommunications 533 plant production 541 biotechnology, EC internal market, industrial property, patents licence 368 potassium dangerous substance, plant health inspection, plant health legislation 511 anti-dumping duty. Community import, competition law, USSR 550 potato food control, health inspection, pesticide residue 369 animal nutrition, cassava, China, tariff quota 417 plastics Community import, European standard, marketing standard, chemicals, import, tariff quota no seedling 208 seed, seedling, standardization, third country 419 pneumatic tyre Ειuropea n standard, motor vehicle, road safety, weight and size 629 poultry 638 egg, import, intra-Community trade, third country 315 642 fresh meat, health inspection, import, intra-Community trade 302 318 Poland marketing standard, poultrymeat, product quality 304 aid for reorganization, higher education, Hungary, student mobility 1055 1064 poultrymeat 1065 fresh meat, health inspection, health legislation 326 1066 marketing standard, poultry, product quality 304 aid for reorganization. Hungary, vocational training 499 powdered milk 503 animal nutrition. Community aid, milk product, skimmed milk 284 1054 animal nutrition, skimmed milk, support policy 288 1063 confectionery product, primary product 296 Community aid, foreign policy, political life 783 784 power plant Community relations, economic relations, international policy 225 EEC Directive, energy policy, natural gas 929 226 power to take decisions development aid, economic aid, economic development. Hungary 902 EC advisory committee, food aid 887 903 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, preferential tariff international relations 862 developing countries, originating product, trade event 204 863 Lomé Convention, originating product 899 eastern Europe, higher education, Hungary, student mobility 1062 preliminary draft budget EIB, EIB loan, Hungary, support policy 42 Community budget. Eastern Bloc countries, economic cooperation 34 food aid, foodstuff, Romania 884 891 preservative Hungary, import policy, quantitative restriction 187 approximation of laws, food inspection, human nutrition 592 policy on agricultural structures preserved product agricultural policy, agricultural structure 253 Portugal, sea fish, tariff quota 144 agricultural product, agricultural structure 259 stone fruit, tariff quota 138 26S 269 press advertising, approximation of laws, tobacco, tobacco industry 593 agricultural surplus, allocation of land 262 594 political life 613 Community aid, foreign policy. Poland 783 784 preventive medicine 526 international policy, international relations. Middle East 913 cancer, health policy, medicine, programme 517 international policy, international relations. Near East 914 cancer, medical research, public health 519 political representation dangerous substance, health inspection, public health, toxicology 534 European Parliament 27 545 pollution control price control chemical pollution, chemicals, environmental protection 966 consumer price, Spain, vegetable fats, vegetable oil 402 pomaceous fruit price formation Spain, tariff quota 139 agricultural monetary policy, agricultural product, common organization of markets, farm price 236 Portugal 237 accession to the Community, agricultural product, common 272 organization of markets, common price policy 244 281 agricultural production, production quota, viticulture 395 401 agricultural monetary policy, agricultural product, farm price 248 agricultural structure, EC transitional period, regional policy 261 249 beef, butter, common price policy, harmonization of prices 307 254 budgetary control, EAGGF Guarantee Section 270 common organization of markets, production aid, Spain, vegetable price of energy electrical energy, energy consumption, gas, secondary sector fats 404 common price policy, farm price, fruit, vegetable 382 primary product conservation ot fish stocks, fishery management. Japan, territorial commodity agreement, international market, tin 786 waters 431 confectionery product, powdered milk 296 conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, sea fishing, Spain 426 EAGGF Guarantee Section, financial control 275 primary sector extra-Community trade, overseas countries and territories, Spain, German Democratic Republic, trade policy 21S trading 234 private limited liability company fishing agreement. South Africa 439 approximation of laws, company law, owner of an industrial Greece, olive oil, Spain, storage 403 undertaking, structure of undertakings 564 industrial development, industrial policy, integrated development programme, modernization of industry 729 processing industry liberalization of trade, single document, Spain 62 agricultural production, agricultural season, aid to agriculture, maize, production aid 371 vegetable product 280 pigmeat, quantitative restriction, restriction on imports 108 aquaculture, fishing industry, marketing, theory of marketing 422 preserved product, sea fish, tariff quota 144 aquaculture, fishing industry, marketing 427


producer co-responsibility peripheral region, regionalpolic y 939 agricultural levy, cereals, common organization of markets, farm technological change, vocational training 491 price 373 377 programmes industry 379 audio-visual communications policy, audio-visual industry, European audio-visual area, industrial cooperation cereals, common organization of markets 370 997 producer price protection of animal life 423 animal skin, environmental protection, hunting regulations, fisheries policy, fishery production, fishing industry restriction on imports 985 producer's liability environmental protection, nature reserve, protection of plant life 959 763 consumer protection, product safety protection of animals product quality animal product, transport of animals 242 animal product, health legislation, marketing standard 328 animal production, calf, cattle, livestock 314 approximation of laws, European standard, industrial product 601 316 614 animal production, calf, intensive livestock farming 311 health legislation, marketing standard, milk, milk product 325 animal production, domestic animal, international transport, health legislation, marketing standard, milk 330 transport of animals 246 horticulture, marketing standard, plant health legislation 392 247 394 animal production, livestock, swine 317 marketing standard, poultry, poultrymeat 304 protection of plant life product safety environmental protection, nature reserve, protection of animal life 959 approximation of laws, dangerous substance, environmental protection, public health 514 protection of privacy 547 data processing, data-processin g security, rights of the individual 1030 610 Protocol to an agreement approximation of laws, electrical equipment, hoisting equipment 608 GATT, tariff agreement, Tunisia 812 approximation of laws, gas, industrial policy 604 approximation of laws, machinery, occupational safety, standard 573 public administration 588 administrative procedure, industrial policy, small and medium-sized 603 undertakings 688 617 consumer protection, data collection, information system 508 public contract 535 approximation of laws. Community law, legal procedure 590 542 approximation of laws, telecommunications, water 581 consumer protection, health legislation, public health, standard 774 free competition, small and medium-sized undertakings, supplies 775 contract 680 779 public health consumer protection, producer's liability 763 agricultural product, import, nuclear accident, radioactivity 184 consumption, information, information consultation 551 agricultural situation, developing countries, research and production development, scientific cooperation 1011 animal nutrition, pesticide residue, toxic substance 420 economic activity, economic statistics, nomenclature 1039 animal product, health inspection 1044 363 applied research, genetic engineering, medical research 1024 1047 approximation of laws, dangerous substance, environmental production policy, sub-contracting 724 protection, fight against pollution 507 production aid 536 agricultural season, hops, marketing 413 543 agronomic research, common organization of markets, hops 415 approximation of laws, dangerous substance, environmental common organization of markets, milk by-product, skimmed milk 289 protection, product safety 514 common organization of markets, Portugal, Spain, vegetable fats 404 547 goatmeat, sheepmeat 313 610 hops 393 approximation of laws, veterinary product, waste 334 maize, Portugal 371 asbestos,' health risk, workplace 518 production planning 538 production policy, vineyard 400 bathing water, drinking water, surface water, water analysis 505 cancer, medical research, preventive medicine 517 production policy 519 production, sub-contracting 724 computer, working conditions, workplace 520 production planning, vineyard 400 consumer protection, health legislation, product safety, standard 774 production quota 775 agricultural production, Portugal, viticulture 395 779 401 consumer protection, standardization, technical regulations, agricultural quota, common organization of markets, sugar 243 technical standard 718 dangerous substance, health inspection, preventive medicine, production refund toxicology 534 chemical industry, import policy, sugar, sugar product 229 545 professional qualifications environmental protection, genetic engineering, health policy, zoology approximation of laws, recognitiono f diplomas, vocational training 493 1008 food standard, pesticide residue, veterinary product 335 programme genetic engineering, health policy, research programme, animal disease, veterinary inspection, veterinary legislation 338 technological change 1009 approximation of laws, driving licence, road safety 634 health inspection, intra-Community trade, plant health inspection, audio-visual communications policy, audio-visual industry 1049 veterinary inspection 347 business policy. Community policy, small and medium-sized 359 undertakings 689 health legislation, vessel 523 cancer, health policy, medicine, preventive medicine 526 pharmaceutical product, plant-health product 409 common regional policy. Community financing, rural tourism, sales promotion 1069 public institution common transport policy, transport infrastructure 637 award of contract, public service, service (tertiary) sector 683 economic development, environmental protection, regional policy 984 public safety environmental protection, information, information network, approximation of laws, armaments, free movement of persons 71 ouality of the environment 970 approximation of laws, European standard 510 971 approximation of laws, free movement of goods, possession of arms 618 972 communications system, financial aid, postal and environmental protection, physical environment, regional policy 973 telecommunications services, telecommunications 558 974 communications system, postal and telecommunications services, European industrial area, European standard, harmonization of telecommunications 533 standards, standardization 731 frontier region, regional policy 941 541 new technology, school-industry relations, school-working life public service relations 1016 award of contract, public institution, service (tertiary) sector 683


public transport ratification of an agreement research and development, research programme, technological member country, third country, trade agreement 209 change 1038 233 1045 third country, trade agreement 198 publishing of prices recognition of diplomas consumer information, inclusive tour, tourism 1068 air transport, civil aviation, free movement of workers, consumer price, consumer protection, electrical energy, gas 773 occupational migration 666 777 675 780 676 approximation of laws, professional qualifications, vocational purchase price training 493 agricultural season, basic price, common organization of markets, education policy, higher education, secondary education, vocational leaf vegetable 383 training 500 501 equivalence of diplomas, free movement of persons, vocational training 495 record anti-dumping legislation, electronic device, Japan, South Korea quality label recording of data fruit product, import, wine 399 crude oil, import, trade information 195 quality of the environment recycling of waste environmental protection, information, information network, clean technology, environmental policy, environmental protection 969 programme 970 dangerous substance, environmental protection, fight against 971 pollution 944 972 dangerous substance, environmental protection, waste disposal, waste management 954 quality standard marketing standard, seedling, vegetable 380 redemption 387 agricultural land, agricultural production policy, arable land 266 267 quantitative restriction carriage of goods, international road transpon, road transport 653 reduced price common organization of markets, import policy 199 air freight rate, air transport, international competition, passenger Community import, import policy, restriction on imports 176 tariff Czechoslovakia, industrial product, trade agreement 183 EFTA countries, free-trade agreement, restriction on exports 799 refugee Hungary, import policy. Poland 187 EC Convention, financial aid. Palestinian question, UNRWA 791 hydrocarbon, tariff quota 135 EC Convention, humanitarian aid, Palestinian question, UNRWA 788 limitation agreement, pigmeat. sheepmeat, Uruguay 306 108 region pigmeat, Portugal, restriction on imports regional policy, scientific research 940 regional development frontier region, regional policy 936 peripheral region, regional policy 937 regional disparity development aid, economic development, France overseas rabbit departments, overseas departement (Fr) 890 animal disease, game, health inspection, meat 255 935 301 regional policy 778 agricultural structure, EC transitional period. Portugal 261 animal production, health inspection, intra-Community trade, development potential, research, technology 1004 marketing 357 economic development, environmental protection, programme 984 racial discrimination economic policy, industrial region 732 racism, rights of the individual, xenophobia 626 environmental protection, physical environment, programme 973 974 racism ERDF 943 racial discrimination, rights of the individual, xenophobia frontier region, programme 941 radiation protection frontier region, regional development 936 health risk, occupational safety, radioactivity 504 Mediterranean Sea 938 539 peripheral region, programme 939 radioactive waste, radioactivity, transport of dangerous goods 947 peripheral region, regional development 937 region, scientific research 940 radio telecommunications telecommunications, transmission network 1021 regulation telecommunications equipment, telephone 1042 customs, customs regulations, free movement of goods, indebtedness 180 radioactive pollution customs, customs regulations, indebtedness 79 agricultural product, import, nuclear accident European Parliament, parliamentary immunity 30 European Parliament, rights 28 radioactive waste environmental protection, health inspection, health policy, regulation of town planning radioactivity 549 environmental policy, management of outer space, urban area 946 radiation protection, radioactivity, transport of dangerous goods 947 regulations for civil servants radioactivity European official 31 agricultural product, import, nuclear accident, public health 184 approximation of laws, consumer protection, food processing, remuneration of work foodstuff allowances and expenses, European official 25 environmental protection, health inspection, health policy, report radioactive waste 549 Community law. free movement of goods, free movement of health risk, occupational safety, radiation protection 504 persons, implementation of Community law 61 539 developing countries. EDF, invitation to tender 679 radiation protection, radioactive waste, transport of dangerous goods 947 representative market price rail network marketing, olive oil, supplementary aid for products, threshold price combined transpon, organization of transpon, rail transport, transpon policy 643 representative rate 659 agricultural monetary policy, EAGGF Guarantee Section, intervention stock, monetary compensatory amount 27Q rail transport combined transpon, organization of transpon, rail network, research transport policy 643 Austria, cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research 659 policy


cooperation agreement, Finland, international cooperation, research occupational mobility, research and development, research project 1043 policy 817 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, Norway, research residence policy 818 cessation of trading, employee, right of establishment cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research policy, residence of aliens Sweden 819 education policy, foreign student, student 488 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research policy, foreign student, free movement of persons, free movement of Switzerland 820 workers, pension scheme 475 development potential, regional policy, technology 1004 481 economics, educational grant, scientific education, student mobility 989 482 research and development 483 agri-business, agricultural situation, common research policy, free movement of persons, free movement of workers 484 research project 1010 freedom of movement, social policy 486 agricultural situation, developing countries, public health, scientific 487 cooperation 1011 rest period applied research, innovation, technological change 1002 arrangement of working time, employment policy, number of hours 1003 worked, paid leave 472 applied research, small and medium-sized undertakings 726 biotechnology, common research policy, research project 1006 restoration of customs duties biotechnology, new technology, research programme, technological import policy, iron and steel product, tariff ceiling, Yugoslavia 160 change 1005 import policy, Malta, tariff ceiling, textile product 159 common research policy, health policy, medicine, research project restriction on competition common research policy, materials technology, research project, 1007 air transport, international competition, transport undertaking 672 technology anti-dumping legislation, anti-subsidy procedure. Community common research policy, oceanography, research project, 998 import, competition policy 215 technology approximation of laws, flavouring, foodstuff, labelling 586 common research policy, physical environment, research project, 1001 technology restriction on exports common research policy, research project, technology, weights and 1000 EFTA countries, free-trade agreement, quantitative restriction 799 measures metal product, steel, trade agreement. United States 798 communications industry. Community financing, information 999 technology, research programme restriction on imports Community financing, information technology, 1019 animal skin, environmental protection, hunting regulations, telecommunications, telematics 1020 protection of animal life 985 energy technology, research project, soft energy 990 Community import, import policy, quantitative restriction 176 information policy, information technology, research programme 1018 import licence, stone fruit, Yugoslavia 219 nuclear fission, nuclear safely, research programme 991 pigmeat, Portugal, quantitative restriction 108 occupational mobility, research project, research staff 1043 reunification of Germany organization of transport, research programme, technological EC transitional period, European integration, joint position 4 change, transport policy 1046 EC transitional period, European integration 20 public transport, research programme, technological change 1038 21 1045 European integration, financing 3 research policy European integration, legislation 2 Austria, cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research 816 European integration 1 cooperation agreement, Finland, international cooperation, research 817 Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic 17 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, Norway, research 818 18 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, Sweden 819 19 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, Switzerland intervention price, marketing, Spain 374 research programme right of establishment agricultural situation, management of resources, technological cessation of trading, employee, residence 473 change 1013 biotechnology, new technology, research and development, right to information technological change 1005 environmental monitoring, environmental protection, freedom of common research policy, computerized translation system 1027 communication 962 communications industry. Community financing, information right to justice technology, research and development 1019 electronic component, intellectual property, overseas countries and Community financing, cooperation agreement, Joint European territories Torus, nuclear fusion 992 692 electronic component, intellectual property energy policy, energy technology, technology 993 621 informatics, information processing, intellectual property, software genetic engineering, health policy, public health, technological 624 change 1009 625 information policy, information technology, research and right to vote development 1018 Community national, EC countries, local election 619 linguistics, new technology, terminology, translation 1014 1028 rights 1036 European Parliament, regulation 28 linguistics, terminology, translation 1037 rights of the individual nuclear fission, nuclear safety, research and development 991 data processing, data-proc essi n g security, protection of privacy 1030 organization of transport, research and development, technological racial discrimination, racism, xenophobia 626 change, transport policy 1046 public transport, research and development, technological change 1038 road safety 1045 alcoholism, common transport policy, transport accident, transport safety 628 research project approximation of laws, driving licence, programme 634 agri-business, agricultural situation, common research policy, approximation of laws, motor vehicle, transport safety 595 research and development 1010 612 biotechnology, common research policy, research and development 1006 European standard, motor vehicle, pneumatic tyre, weight and size 629 common research policy, health policy, medicine, research and 638 development 1007 642 common research policy, materials technology, research and development, technology 998 road traffic common research policy, oceanography, research and development, approximation of laws, civil liability, consumer protection, motor technology 1001 vehicle insurance 751 common research policy, physical environment, research and approximation of laws, civil liability insurance, motor vehicle development, technology 1000 insurance 754 common research policy, research and development, technology, weights and measures 99*) road transport energy technology, research and development, soft energy 990 carriage of goods, commercial vehicle, vehicle rental 650 occupational mobility, research and development, research staff 1043 carriage of goods, commercial vehicle, weight and size 645 652 research staff 654 cooperation agreement, Iceland, scientific exchange 811 658


carriage of goods, international road transport, quantitative scientific research restriction 653 region, regional policy 940 carriage of goods, international road transpon, transport quota 656 scientific cooperation, technical cooperation, third country 790 657 carriage of goods, international road transport 644 sea fish carriage of goods, organization of transport, transport market, authorized catch, fishery management, fishery resources 425 transpon policy 647 common fisheries policy, conservation of fish stocks, fishery management 655 469 Community aid, contagious disease 631 408 carriage of goods, vehicle frozen product, tariff quota, textile product 641 125 import licence, Morocco, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 150 Romania Portugal, preserved product, tariff quota 144 anti-dumping duty, metal product, tube, Yugoslavia 202 sea fishing eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, Angola, financial aid. fishing agreement, fishing area 814 international relations 866 authorized catch, catch quota, fishery resources 461 867 authorized catch, fishing agreement, fishing area, Sweden 465 868 catch quota, Faeroes, Greenland, management of resources 463 food aid. foodstuff, Poland 884 catch quota, fishing agreement, Greenland, management of 891 resources 464 iron and steel product, tube, Yugoslavia 188 clearing agreement, fishing agreement. Guinea 452 root crop 805 cassava, tariff quota, third country 834 clearing agreement, fishing agreement, Seychelles 804 rural tourism conservation offish stocks, fishery management, fishing area, common regional policy. Community financing, programme, sales Guyana 459 promotion conservation offish stocks, fishery management, Portugal, Spain 426 Côte d'Ivoire, fishing agreement, fishing area 443 Denmark, fishing agreement. Greenland 437 451 financial aid. fishing agreement, Senegal 809 fishing agreement. Sierra Leone 440 449 safety device sea transport agricultural equipment, standard, tractor 627 approximation of laws, common transport policy, network of navigable waterways, transport policy 664 safety standard 665 approximation of laws, electrical equipment. European standard 575 carriage of goods, dangerous substance, environmental protection. 600 marine pollution 663 616 East Africa, information, international competition 661 joint venture, merchant fleet 660 Saint Pierre and Miquelon fishery production, originating product 177 secondary education education policy, higher education, recognition of diplomas, sales promotion vocational training common regional policy. Community financing, programme, rural 500 tourism 1069 501 salted product secondary sector fish, import licence, Norway, tariff quota 158 electrical energy, energy consumption, gas. price of energy 697 Sao Tome and Principe seed Community financing, development aid. fishing agreement, fishing food policy, foodstuff, intervention buying, non-governmental area 445 organization 252 421 Sardinia potato, seedling, standardization, third country 419 animal disease, animal plague, swine, veterinary inspection 353 seedling school »industry relations Community import. European standard, marketing standard, potato 208 cooperation agreement. Liechtenstein, technical education B06 fruit crops, marketing standard, means of agricultural production 381 new technology, programme, school-working life relations 1016 388 marketing standard, quality standard, vegetable 380 school-work Ing Ufe relations 387 new technology, programme, school-industry relations 1016 potato, seed, standardization, third country 419 scientific cooperation semi-metal agricultural situation, developing countries, public health, research anti-dumping duty, China, dumping, import 93 and development 1011 Austria, cooperation agreement, economics 844 Senegal 105 S Canary Islands, common fisheries policy, fishing agreement. Spain 442 chemistry, cooperation agreement, Finland, metrology 849 financial aid. fishing agreement, sea fishing 809 945 fishing agreement, fishing area, management of resources 462 chemistry, cooperation agreement, metrology. Sweden 850 944 service information network, interactive network 1017 chemistry, cooperation agreement, metrology. Switzerland 851 996 service (tertiary) sector cooperation agreement, economics, Finland 802 award of contract, public institution, public service 683 847 cooperation agreement, economics, Norway 845 Seychelles 1057 clearing agreement, fishing agreement, sea fishing 804 cooperation agreement, economics. Sweden 846 shareholding 1056 auditing of accounts, EAGGF Guarantee Section, financial control. cooperation agreement, economics, Switzerland 848 fraud 271 1059 cooperation agreement, Iceland, scientific exchange, technical sheep cooperation SI0 animal disease, brucellosis, goats, livestock 304 eastern Europe, international cooperation, technical cooperation 841 animal disease, goats, health inspection, veterinary inspection 358 eastern Europe, technical cooperation 1025 animal production, fattening, sheepmeat 305 scientific research, technical cooperation, third country 79(1 goats, import levy 308 scientific education sheepmeat economics, educational grant, research, student mobility agricultural price support, basic price, marketing 310 animal production, fattening, sheep 305 scientific exchange Argentina. Australia, goatmeat. limitation agreement 303 cooperation agreement, Iceland, research staff 811 goatmeat, limitation agreement, third country 197 cooperation agreement, Iceland, scientific cooperation, technical goatmeat, production aid 313 cooperation 810 import levy, pigmeat 192


imitation agreement, pigmeat, quantitative restriction, Uruguay 306 pomaceous fruit, tariff quota 139 Spain regions, tariff quota, wine of superior quality 117 ihipbuilding lid for reorganization, industrial restructuring 730 Spain regions Spain, tariff quota, wine of superior quality iierra Leone ishing agreement, sea fishing 440 spare part 449 approximation of laws, European standard, gas, motor fuel 574 599 iilk 615 inti-dumping duty, China, Community import 101 spirits iimplifícation of formalities ACP countries, liqueur, tariff quota 133 rarriage of goods, customs inspection, Switzerland 803 associated country, liqueur, overseas countries and territories, tariff iingle document quota 131 iberalization of trade. Portugal, Spain 62 beverage, liqueur, tariff quota, third country 127 ¡ki m med milk Stabex inimal nutrition, Community aid, milk product, powdered milk 284 export revenue, Haiti, less-developed country 896 inimal nutrition, powdered milk, support policy 288 staff administration common organization of markets, milk by-product, production aid 289 appointment of staff, ESF 560 285 :conomic support, milk by-product, milk product approximation of laws, European company, labour relations, ¡mall and medium-sized undertakings working conditions 546 iccounting, balance sheet, consolidated account, ECU 686 standard idministrative procedure, industrial policy, public administration 688 agricultural equipment, safety device, tractor 627 ipplied research, research and development 726 approximation of laws, energy saving, gas, heating equipment 582 ipproximation of laws, economic consequence 727 approximation of laws, machinery, occupational safety, product Hireaucracy, business policy, founding of a company 725 safety 573 îusiness policy. Community policy, programme 689 ree competition, public contract, supplies contract 680 588 603 •octal participation 617 omposition of the population, demography, elderly person, social consumer protection, health legislation, product safety, public health 774 policy 552 775 553 779 559 standardization tocia! policy approximation of laws, measuring equipment 580 imposition of the population, demography, elderly person, social consumer protection, public health, technical regulations, technical participation 552 standard 718 553 European industrial area, European standard, harmonization of 559 standards, programme 731 :conomic sector, information system, statistics 1072 potato, seed, seedling, third country 419 rccdom of movement, residence of aliens 486 487 starch 554 approximation of laws, health policy, human nutrition 591 iocial rights State aid irrangement of working time, employment policy, manpower butter, expenditure on consumer goods 291 planning, occupational safety 522 statistical method ¡ocial security data transmission, fishery resources, fishing statistics 435 Community migration, family migration, free movement of statistics, tourism 1022 workers, migrant worker 557 statistics »oft energy AIDS, contagious disease, data collection, epidemiology 506 agricultural situation, applied research, forest, innovation 256 classification, economic activity, economic statistics 1075 :ncrgy technology, research and development, research project 990 economic sector, information system, social policy 1072 economic survey, Greece 258 software statistical method, tourism 1022 nformatics, information processing, intellectual property, right to justice 624 steel 625 common industrial policy, iron and steel industry, iron and steel product 728 ioil protection metal product, restriction on exports, trade agreement. United States 798 :hromium, domestic waste, environmental protection 961 stock exchange ¡olvent exchange quotation, financial market 734 acid, chemicals, narcotic 762 stone fruit South Africa import licence, restriction on imports, Yugoslavia 219 ishing agreement, Portugal 439 import policy, Yugoslavia 213 preserved product, tariff quota 138 South-East Asia mli-dumping duty, organic chemical. South Korea, Taiwan 86 storage Greece, olive oil, Portugal, Spain 403 South Korea anti-dumping duty, anti-dumping legislation, television equipment 82 stratospheric pollution unti-dumping duty, organic chemical, South-Eust Asia, Taiwan 86 environmental protection, ozone 957 anti-dumping legislation, dumping, television equipment 81 anti-dumping legislation, electronic device, Japan, record 80 structural policy agricultural structure, development aid policy, France overseas Spain departments, import tax 883 administrative cooperation. Canary Islands, common commercial policy, originating product 173 structure of undertakings administrative cooperation, EFTA countries, originating product, approximation of laws, company law, owner of an industrial suspension of customs duties 105 undertaking, private limited liability company 564 Canary Islands, common fisheries policy, fishing agreement, student Senegal 442 education policy, foreign student, residence of aliens 488 :ommon organization of markets, Portugal, production aid, higher education, student mobility 1053 vegetable fats 404 ronscrvation of fish stocks, fishery management. Portugal, sea student mobility fishing 426 aid for reorganization, higher education, Hungary, Poland 1055 consumer price, price control, vegetable fats, vegetable oil 402 1064 extra-Community trade, overseas countries and territories, Portugal, 1065 trading 234 1066 Greece, olive oil, Portugal, storage 403 cultural relations, management report, young person 1050 intervention price, marketing, rice 374 eastern Europe, higher education. Hungary, Poland 1062 liberalization of trade, Portugal, single document 62 economics, educational grant, research, scientific education 9S9


educational exchange, Erasmus, higher education 1060 higher education, student 1053 sub-contracting production, production policy Taiwan anti-dumping duty, organic chemical, South-East Asia, South Korea 86 suckler cow dairy farming, veterinary legislation, veterinary medicine, takeover bid approximation of laws, company, company law 693 veterinary product 340 company law, competition 690 341 Tanzania sugar financial aid, fishing agreement 441 ACP countries, guaranteed price, import 412 agricultural quota, common organization of markets, production tariff agreement quota 243 GATT, Protocol to an agreement, Tunisia 812 chemical industry, import policy, production refund, sugar product 229 tariff ceiling customs duties, impon licence, tariff quota, third country 161 customs duties, tariff quota, Yugoslavia 140 sugar product import policy, iron and steel product, restoration of customs duties, chemical industry, import policy, production refund, sugar 229 Yugoslavia 160 import policy, Malta, restoration of customs duties, textile product 159 sulphur diesel oil, tariff quota 130 tariff exemption common tariff policy, customs harmonization, customs regulations, supplementary aid for products temporary admission 123 marketing, olive oil. representative market price, threshold price 405 tariff nomenclature supplementary budget agricultural levy. Common Customs Tariff, milk product 87 amending budget. Community budget 59 Common Customs Tariff, milk product 295 60 Common Customs Tariff, nomenclature 75 customs, tariff policy 169 supplies contract customs regulations, interchange of information 83 free competition, public contract, small and medium-sized undertakings 680 tariff policy approximation of laws, free circulation 606 support policy chemicals, suspension of customs duties 216 288 animal nutrition, powdered milk, skimmed milk Community transit, customs transit 167 406 consumption, economic support, olive oil customs, customs regulations 168 42 EIB. EIB loan. Hungary. Poland customs, tariff nomenclature 169 surface water customs regulations, customs system suspending import charges 126 bathing water, drinking water, public health, water analysis 505 tariff quota suspension of customs duties ACP countries, liqueur, spirits 133 administrative cooperation. EFTA countries, originating product. agricultural product, alcoholic beverage, tobacco, Yugoslavia 153 Spain 105 agricultural product, chemicals, industrial product, third country 165 agricultural product. Common Customs Tariff 239 agricultural product, chemicals 113 agricultural product, EFTA. impon licence, tariff quota 148 129 agricultural product, import licence, Israel, tariff quota 149 agricultural product, customs duties, tariff reduction, third country 156 agricultural product. Turkey 103 agricultural product, Cyprus. Israel. Morocco 122 chemicals. Common Customs Tariff 121 agricultural product, Cyprus 143 chemicals, industrial product 102 agricultural product, EFTA, import licence, suspension of customs chemicals, tariff policy 216 duties 148 Common Customs Tariff. Community import, customs duties, agricultural product, GATT, industrial product 146 diesel oil 925 agricultural product, import licence. Israel, suspension of customs Common Customs Tariff, electronics industry, industrial product 201 duties 149 diesel oil. import credit, tariff quota, third country 157 animal nutrition, cassava, China, potato 417 Eastern Bloc countries, liberalization of trade, trade cooperation 220 animal on the hoof, livestock 104 fish, tariff quota 112 associated country, liqueur, overseas countries and territories, spirits 131 import licence, leguminous vegetable, Sweden, tariff quota 154 Austria, livestock. Switzerland 132 import licence. Morocco, sea fish, tariff quota 150 Austria, wine of superior quality 116 import licence, petroleum product, tariff quota, Turkey 151 beef, buffalo meal, frozen product, third country 163 beef, frozen product 114 Sweden 170 authorized catch, catch quota, conservation of fish stocks, fishery beer. Malta 142 management 454 beverage, liqueur, spirits, third country 127 authorized catch, fishing agreement, fishing area, sea fishing 465 Canada, paper, third country, wood product 109 chemistry, cooperation agreement, metrology, scientific cooperation 850 Canada, paper, trade volume 164 994 Canary Islands, floriculture, tobacco, vegetable 162 conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, fishery resources, Canary Islands, leaf vegetable 118 territorial waten 428 carbon, ferro-alloy 137 cooperation agreement, economics, scientific cooperation 846 cassava, root crop, third country 106 1056 chemicals. Community import, industrial product 141 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, medical research 824 chemicals. Community import 134 825 chemicals, electronic component, import licence, third country 155 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, chemicals, import, plastics 110 research policy 819 chemicals, import 145 fish, fishery resources, tariff quota 128 cocoa, coffee 111 import licence, leguminous vegetable, suspension of customs confectionery product, third country 107 craft production, textile product 147 duties, tariff quota 154 customs duties, import licence, sugar, third country 161 swine customs duties, tariff ceiling, Yugoslavia 140 animal breeding, animal production, artificial insemination 300 diesel oil, import credit, suspension of customs duties, third country 157 animal disease, animal plague, Sardinia, veterinary inspection 353 diesel oil, sulphur 130 animal production, livestock, protection of animals 317 fish, fishery resources. Sweden 128 intensive livestock farming, veterinary inspection, veterinary fish, import licence, Norway, salted product 158 legislation 312 fish, suspension of customs duties 112 floriculture, third country 115 Switzerland frozen product, sea fish, textile product 125 Austria, livestock, tariff quota 132 fruit product, Turkey" 119 branch, insurance, insurance company 797 hydrocarbon, quantitative restriction 135 carriage of goods, customs inspection, simplification of formalities 803 import licence, leguminous vegetable, suspension of customs chemistry, cooperation agreement, metrology, scientific cooperation 851 duties, Sweden 154 996 import licence, Morocco, sea fish, suspension of customs duties 150 cooperation agreement, economics, scientific cooperation 848 import licence, petroleum product, suspension of customs duties. 1059 Turkey 151 cooperation agreement, international cooperation, research, Morocco, wine of superior quality , 120 research policy 820 nut, Turkey 152


pomaceous fruit, Spain 139 approximation of laws, harmonization of standards, peripherals 578 Portugal, preserved product, sea fish 144 approximation of laws, public contract, water 581 preserved product, stone fruit 138 broadcasting, communications system, data transmission, Spain, Spain regions, wine of superior quality 117 telecommunications equipment 1032 broadcasting, communications system, means of communication, tariff reduction telecommunications industry 63 agricultural product, customs duties, tariff quota, third country 156 tax evasion communications system, data transmission, telecommunications 64 France, tax harmonization, VAT 707 equipment communications system, financial aid, postal and 1040 tax exemption telecommunications services, public safety excise, Luxembourg, wine, wine of superior quality 260 communications system, information network, new technology, 558 tax harmonization telematics communications system, postal and telecommunications services, 1015 alcoholic beverage, approximation of laws, excise 569 712 public safety 533 economic statistics, free movement of goods 175 541 excise, fiscal policy 706 Community financing, information technology, research and 1052 development, telematics 1020 excise, indirect tax, mineral oil 568 cooperation policy, eastern Europe 1026 713 domestic market, transmission network 720 excise, indirect tax, VAT 711 EC internal market, energy policy, transport infrastructure 1029 fiscal policy, free movement of goods, VAT 709 EFTA countries, interchange of information, trade agreement, trade France, tax evasion, VAT 707 information 815 indirect tax, investment company 702 852 taxation, tobacco, tobacco industry 567 energy resources, transport market, water, works contract 681 714 radio telecommunications, transmission network 1021 United Kingdom, VAT 708 telecommunications equipment taxation broadcasting, communications system, data transmission, approximation of laws, EC internal market, excise 710 telecommunications 1032 financial policy, indirect tax 705 communications system, data transmission, telecommunications 1040 tax harmonization, tobacco, tobacco industry 567 radio telecommunications, telephone 1042 714 telecommunications industry teacher training broadcasting, communications system, means of communication, telecommunications 63 cultural cooperation, EFTA countries, higher education, technology 792 64 teaching curriculum vocational education, vocational training 494 telematics communications system, information network, new technology, technical cooperation telecommunications 1015 Asia, developing countries, financial cooperation, Latin America 906 Community financing, information technology, research and 907 development, telecommunications 1020 cooperation agreement, Iceland, scientific cooperation, scientific exchange 810 telephone cooperation policy, Cyprus, financial cooperation, international radio telecommunications, telecommunications equipment 1042 cooperation 827 television equipment eastern Europe, international cooperation, scientific cooperation 841 anti-dumping duty, anti-dumping legislation. South Korea 82 eastern Europe, scientific cooperation 1025 anti-dumping legislation, dumping. South Korea 81 scientific cooperation, scientific research, third country 790 temporary admission technical education common tariff policy, customs harmonization, customs regulations, cooperation agreement, Liechtenstein, school-industry relations 806 tariff exemption 123 technical regulations terminology consumer protection, public health, standardization, technical linguistics, new technology, research programme, translation 1014 standard 1028 technical standard 1036 aircraft, EC internal market, free movement of goods, linguistics, research programme, translation 1037 harmonization of standards 674 territorial waters consumer protection, public health, standardization, technical conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, fishery resources, regulations 718 Sweden 428 technological change conservation of fish stocks, fishery management, Japan, Portugal 431 agricultural situation, management of resources, research textile product programme 1013 China, trade agreement 196 applied research, innovation, research and development 1002 craft production, tariff quota 147 1003 frozen product, sea fish, tariff quota 125 biotechnology, new technology, research and development, Hong Kong, trade agreement 193 research programme 1005 import policy, Malta, restoration of customs duties, tariff ceiling 159 genetic engineering, health policy, public health, research trade agreement, USSR 186 programme 1009 organization of transport, research and development, research Thailand programme, transport policy 1046 cassava, cooperation agreement, trade agreement 231 programme, vocational training 491 public transport, research and development, research programme 1038 theory of marketing 1045 aquaculture, common fisheries policy. Community policy, marketing 434 technology aquaculture, fishing industry, marketing, processing industry 422 common research policy, materials technology, research and development, research project 99S third country common research policy, oceanography, research and development, agricultural product, chemicals, industrial product, tariff quota 165 research project 1001 agricultural product, customs duties, tariff quota, tariff reduction 156 common research policy, physical environment, research and animal product. Community agricultural market, EC internal development, research project 1000 market, veterinary inspection 336 common research policy, research and development, research approximation of laws, bank, branch, financial institution 738 project, weights arid measures 999 beef, buffalo meat, frozen product, tariff quota 163 cultural cooperation, EFTA countries, higher education, teacher beverage, liqueur, spirits, tariff quota 127 training bilateral agreement, common commercial policy, EC countries, 792 190 cultural cooperation, EFTA countries, higher education 787 trade agreement development potential, regional policy, research 1004 Canada, paper, tariff quota, wood product 109 energy policy, energy technology, research programme 993 cassava, root crop, tariff quota 106 chemicals, electronic component, import licence, tariff quota 155 telecommunications confectionery product, tariff quota 107 approximation of laws, communications policy, electronic cultural relations, education policy. European integration, young equipment, information network 597 person 1051


customs duties, import licence, sugar, tariff quota 161 trade event diesel oil, import credit, suspension of customs duties, tariff quota 157 developing countries, originating product, preferential tariff 204 egg, import, intra-Community trade, poultry 315 equidae, health inspection, import, intra-Community trade 350 trade information 356 crude oil, import, recording of data 195 floriculture, tariff quota 115 EFTA countries, interchange of information, telecommunications, goatmeat, limitation agreement, sheepmeat 197 trade agreement 815 health inspection, impon, vinification, wine 396 852 member country, ratification of an agreement, trade agreement 209 trade policy 233 approximation of laws. Community market, customs union, free member country, trade agreement 800 movement of goods 166 419 potato, seed, seedling, standardization 171 ratification of an agreement, trade agreement 198 common agricultural policy, common organization of markets, 790 scientific cooperation, scientific research, technical cooperation milk, milk product 293 threshold price development policy, GATT 795 marketing, olive oil, representative market price, supplementary aid German Democratic Republic, primary sector 218 for products 405 trade relations ticket economic relations, EFTA, international cooperation, international air transport, carriage of passengers, organization of transport 670 relations 833 tin trade volume commodity agreement, international market, primary product 786 Canada, paper, tariff quota 164 tobacco trading addiction to tobacco, advertising, consumer protection, health policy 414 extra-Community trade, overseas countries and territories, Portugal. advertising, approximation of laws, press, tobacco industry 593 Spain 234 594 transit 613 approximation of laws. EC internal market, environmental agricultural product, alcoholic beverage, tariff quota, Yugoslavia 153 protection, waste 950 approximation of laws, consumer protection, health policy 596 carriage of goods. Community transit, international road transport 649 Canary Islands, floriculture, tariff quota, vegetable 162 common organization of markets, intervention price, tobacco translation industry 416 EC internal market, European audio-visual area, heritage tax harmonization, taxation, tobacco industry 567 protection, vocational training 496 714 linguistics, new technology, research programme, terminology 1014 1028 tobacco industry 1036 advertising, approximation of laws, press, tobacco 593 linguistics, research programme, terminology 1037 594 613 transmission network common organization of markets, intervention price, tobacco 416 domestic market, telecommunications 720 Netherlands Antilles, nomenclature, originating product 203 radio telecommunications, telecommunications 1021 tax harmonization, taxation, tobacco 567 transport accident 714 alcoholism, common transport policy, road safety, transport safety 628 tourism transport infrastructure consumer information, inclusive tour, publishing of prices 1068 common transpon policy, programme 637 environmental damage, environmental protection, mass tourism 977 EC internal market, energy policy, telecommunications 1029 statistical method, statistics 1022 transport market tourism policy carriage of goods, organization of transport, road transport, holidays, leisure, travel 1070 transport policy 647 toxic substance 655 animal nutrition, pesticide residue, public health 420 energy resources, telecommunications, water, works contract 681 environmental protection, health policy, industrial waste 544 transport of an ima Is toxicology animal product, protection of animals 242 dangerous substance, health inspection, preventive medicine, public animal production, domestic animal, international transport, health 534 protection of animals 246 545 247 tractor transport of dangerous goods agricultural equipment, safety device, standard 627 dangerous substance, environmental protection, marine pollution. transport safety 662 trade agreement environmental protection, international convention 948 air transport, bilateral agreement, civil aviation 801 radiation protection, radioactive waste, radioactivity 947 843 Argentina, economic agreement 200 transport policy bilateral agreement, common commercial policy. EC countries. air transport, allowances and expenses. Community market. third country 190 organization of transport cassava, cooperation agreement, Thailand 231 approximation of laws, common transport policy, network of China, textile product 196 navigable waterways, sea transport 664 Cyprus, originating product 207 665 Czechoslovakia, industrial product, quantitative restriction 183 carriage of goods, organization of transport, road transport, EFTA countries, interchange of information, telecommunications, transport market 647 trade information 815 655 852 combined transport, organization of transport, rail network, rail Hong Kong, textile product 193 transport 643 member country, ratification of an agreement, third country 209 659 233 organization of transport, research and development, research member country, third country 800 programme, technological change 1046 798 metal product, restriction on exports, steel. United States transport quota 198 ratification of an agreement, third country carriage of goods, international road transport, road transport 656 textile product, USSR 186 657 trade cooperation transport regulations cooperation policy, economic cooperation. Latin America 853 ADR agreement, carriage of goods, dangerous substance, drivers 646 Eastern Bloc countries, liberalization of trade, suspension of carriage of goods, common transport policy, free movement of 220 customs duties goods 174 economic cooperation, German Democratic Republic, international agreement 835 transport safety 836 alcoholism, common transport policy, road safety, transport accident 628 economic cooperation, German Democratic Republic, international approximation of laws, commercial vehicle, motor vehicle, vehicle relations parts 651

DOCUMENTS: 1990 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 141 approximation of laws, motor vehicle, road safety 595 excise, indirect tax, tax harmonization 711 612 fiscal policy, free movement of goods, tax harmonization 709 commercial vehicle, environmental protection, weight and size 648 France, tax evasion, tax harmonization 707 dangerous substance, environmental protection, marine pollution, tax harmonization. United Kingdom 708 transport of dangerous goods 662 EC internal market, energy policy, environmental protection, vegetable Canary Islands, floriculture, tariff quota, tobacco 162 natural gas 918 common price policy, form price, fruit, Portugal 382 transport undertaking food control, fruit, health inspection, pesticide residue 555 air transport, international competition, restriction on competition 672 771 772 travel marketing standard, quality standard, seedling 380 holidays, leisure, tourism policy 1070 387 tropical zone ecological balance, environmental damage, environmental vegetable fats protection 952 common organization of markets, Portugal, production aid, Spain 404 consumer price, price control, Spain, vegetable oil 402 tube anti-dumping duty, metal product, Romania, Yugoslavia 202 vegetable oil 402 iron and steel product, Romania, Yugoslavia 188 consumer price, price control, Spain, vegetable fats tungsten vegetable product anti-dumping duty, China, Community import, competition law 98 agricultural production, agricultural season, aid to agriculture, anti-dumping legislation, China, import 96 processing industry Tunisia vehicle 812 carriage of goods, road transport 631 GATT, Protocol to an agreement, tariff agreement 641 Turkey agricultural product, suspension of customs duties 103 vehicle parts fruit product, tariff quota 119 approximation of laws, commercial vehicle, motor vehicle, import licence, petroleum product, suspension of customs duties, transport safety 651 tariff quota 151 vehicle rental nut, tariff quota 152 carriage of goods, commercial vehicle, road transport 650 vessel health legislation, public health 523 veterinary inspection animal disease, animal leucosis, intra-Community trade 321 animal disease, animal plague, Sardinia, swine 353 UN convention animal disease, animal product, foot-and-mouth disease, vaccination 346 drug traffic, health policy 767 354 drug traffic, UNO 513 animal disease, approximation of laws, EC internal market, health policy 339 unemployment animal disease, aquaculture, epidemic, fish 342 economic growth, economic situation, inflation, management repon 5 361 economic growth, inflation, management report 23 animal disease, goats, health inspection, sheep 358 United Kingdom animal disease, programme, veterinary legislation 338 approximation of laws, VAT 583 animal product. Community agricultural market, EC internal butter, import. New Zealand 286 market, third country 336 287 animal product, EC fund, livestock forming, veterinary medicine 250 tax harmonization, VAT 708 251 324 United States 348 anti-dumping duty, Canada, chemicals 191 metal product, restriction on exports, steel, trade agreement 798 364 fresh meat, health inspection, health legislation, meat industry 331 UNO health inspection, intra-Community trade, plant health inspection, drug traffic, UN convention 513 public health 347 359 UNRWA intensive livestock farming, swine, veterinary legislation 312 EC Convention, financial aid, Palestinian question, refugee 791 EC Convention, humanitarian aid, Palestinian question, refugee 788 veterinary legislation animal disease, programme, veterinary inspection 338 urban area dairy farming, suckler cow, veterinary medicine, veterinary product 340 environmental policy, management of outer space, regulation of 341 town planning 946 intensive livestock farming, swine, veterinary inspection 312 Uruguay veterinary medicine 306 limitation agreement, pigmeat, quantitative restriction, sheepmeat animal product, EC fund, livestock farming, veterinary inspection 250 USSR 251 anti-dumping duty, clock and watch industry, import 94 324 anti-dumping duty. Community import, competition law, potassium 100 348 anti-dumping legislation, clock and watch industry, dumping 76 364 EAEC, international agreement, international cooperation 919 dairy farming, suckler cow, veterinary legislation, veterinary eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, product 340 international relations 871 341 872 eastern Europe, international policy, international relations 878 veterinary product textile product, trade agreement 186 alternative medicine, medicament, pharmaceutical legislation, pharmaceutical product 333 approximation of laws, health legislation, medical research, pharmaceutical product 343 344 345 approximation of laws, public health, waste 334 dairy fanning, suckler cow, veterinary legislation, veterinary vaccination medicine animal disease, animal product, foot-and-mouth disease, veterinary 340 341 inspection 346 food standard, pesticide residue, public health 354 335 vineyard VAT production planning, production policy 400 approximation of laws. United Kingdom 583 EC internal market, economic statistics, free movement of goods, vinification intra-Community trade 1074 health inspection, import, third country, wine 396


viticulture weights and measures agricultural production, Portugal, production quota 395 approximation of laws, measuring equipment 602 401 common research policy, research and development, research common organization of markets, distillation. Greece 397 project, technology 999 vocational education wine leaching curriculum, vocational training 494 alcoholic beverage, flavoured wine 758 Community import, fruit juice, fruit product 398 vocational training excise, Luxembourg, tax exemption, wine of superior quality 260 aid for reorganization, Hungary, Poland 499 fruit product, import, quality label 399 503 health inspection, import, third country, vinification 396 1054 Hungary, wine of superior quality 222 1063 approximation of laws, professional qualifications, recognition of wine of superior quality diplomas 493 Austria, tariff quota 116 eastern Europe, foundation, permanent education 1061 excise, Luxembourg, tax exemption, wine 260 EC internal market. European audio-visual area, heritage Hungary, wine 222 protection, translation Morocco, tariff quota 120 education policy, higher education, recognition of diplomas, Spain, Spain regions, tariff quota 117 secondary education 500 woman 501 health policy, medical aid. women's rights 528 employment policy, fight against unemployment, pay. women's work 529 equivalence of diplomas, free movement of persons, recognition of women's rights diplomas 495 employment policy, participation of women, position of women 480 job access, occupational retraining, permanent education 490 health policy, medical aid, woman 528 498 529 502 occupational retraining, permanent education 497 women's work on-the-job training, permanent education 492 employment policy, fight against unemployment, pay, vocational programme, technological change 491 training 471 teaching curriculum, vocational education 494 wood product Canada, paper, tariff quota, third country 109 work of art W free movement of goods, intra-Community trade 178 working conditions approximation of laws. European company, labour relations, staff waste administration 546 approximation of laws. EC internal market, environmental collective agreement, equal treatment, free movement of workers. protection, transit 950 labour market 474 approximation of laws, public health, veterinary product 334 620 damage, environmental protection, liability 978 622 979 623 983 computer, public health, workplace 520 waste disposal display screen work, health policy, occupational safety 527 dangerous substance, environmental protection, recycling of waste, waste management 954 workplace dangerous substance, health policy, waste management 776 asbestos, health risk, public health 518 538 waste management building, building industry, health policy, occupational safety 524 agricultural waste, animal nutrition, health inspection, health cancer, health policy, health risk 521 legislation 319 computer, public health, working conditions 520 351 362 works contract dangerous substance, environmental protection, recycling of waste, energy resources, telecommunications, transport market, water 681 waste disposal 954 dangerous substance, health policy, waste disposal 776 water approximation of laws, public contract, telecommunications 581 dangerous substance, environmental protection, water pollution 458 482 488 xenophobia energy resources, telecommunications, transport market, works racial discrimination, racism, rights of the individual 626 contract 681 environmental protection, water pollution, water treatment 451 486 water analysis bathing water, drinking water, public health, surface water 505 water pollution chemical fertilizer, chemical pollution, environmental protection. young person fresh water 453 cultural relations, education policy. European integration, third dangerous substance, environmental protection, water 958 country 1051 982 cultural relations, management report, student mobility 1050 988 environmental protection, water, water treatment 451 young worker 4S6 cultural relations, labour mobility, management repon 479 employment policy, female labour force, labour market 470 water treatment environmental protection, water, water pollution 451 Yugoslavia agricultural product, alcoholic beverage, tariff quota, tobacco 486 153 anti-dumping duty, metal product. Romania, tube 202 weight and size customs duties, tariff ceiling, tariff quota 140 carriage of goods, commercial vehicle, road transport 645 eastern Europe, foreign policy, international cooperation, 652 international relations 873 654 S74 658 import licence, restriction on imports, stone fruit 214 commercial vehicle, environmental protection, transport safety 648 import policy, iron and steel product, restoration of customs duties, European standard, motor vehicle, pneumatic tyre, road safety 629 tariff ceiling 160 638 import policy, stone fruit 213 642 iron and steel product, Romania, tube 1S8


oology nvironmental protection, genetic engineering, health policy, public health 1008


COM(89) 594 final 1067 COM(89) 595 final 110 COM(89) 596 final «(X) Numerical index COM(89) 597 final 259 COM(89) 598 final 955 COM(89) 599 final 679 COMI89) 600 final 1S5 COM(89) 601 final 436 COM(89) 602 final 646 COM(89) 603 final 1014 COM-DOCUMENTS* COM(89) 604 final 454 422 COM(89) 605 final 427 COMI 89) 187/2/Add. final COM(89) 606 final 572 COM(89) 336 final 926 COM(89) 607 final 756 COMI89) 347 final 423 COM(89) 608 final 2X5 COMI89) 356 final 402 COM(89) 609 final 286 COM(89) 369 final 915 COM(89) 610 final 24 COM(89) 376 final 504 COM(89) 611 final 389 COM(89) 399 final 47(1 COMI89) 612 final 491 COMI89) 402 final 724 COM(89) 613 final 787 COM(89)41l final 562 COM(89) 614 final 707 COMI 89) 436 final 797 COMI89) 615 final 111 COMI89) 446 final 61« COMI89) 616 final 112 COM! 89) 448 final 2X4 COM(89) 617 final 437 COM(89) 454 final 944 COMI89) 618 final 113 COMI89) 455 final 76 COM039) 619 final 43X COMI89) 462 final 67 S COMI89) 620 final 396 COM! 89) 466 final 715 COM(89)62l final 73« COMI89) 467 final 6>M COM(89) 622 final 305 COM(89) 472 final (>66 COMI89) 623 final 271 COM(89) 474 final 735 COM(89) 624 final 573 COMI89) 474/2/Corr. final 736 COMI89) 625 final 739 COMI89) 476 final 667 COM(89) 626 final 260 COMI89) 478 final 505 COM(89) 627 final XX2 COM(89) 480 final 172 COMI89) 629 final 733 COM(89) 485 final 300 COM(89) 630 final 455 COMI 89) 496 final 301 COM(89)631 final 456 COMI 89) 507 final 302 COMI89) 632 final 42X COMI89) 509 final 319 COMI89) 633 final 457 COMI89) 524/2 final 619 COM(89) 634 final 45« COMI89) 525 final 567 COM(89) 635 final 429 COMI89) 526 final 56« COMI89) 636 final 574 COMI89) 527 final 569 COMI89) 637 final 459 COMI89) 533 final 79« COM(89) 638 final 716 COM(89) 534 final 423 COM(89) 639 final 1053 COMI89) 539 final 104 COM(89) 640 final 628 COMI89) 540 final 506 COM(89) 641 final 740 COM(89)541 final 4(13 COM(89) 643 final 1015 COM(89) 543 final 303 COM(89) 644 final 460 COMI89) 544 final 953 COMI89) 645 final 430 COMI89) 545 final 1005 COM(89) 646 final 511 COM(89) 546 final 370 COM(89) 647 final 512 COM(89) 547 final 75 COM(89) 648 final 320 COM(89) 548 final 507 COM(89) 649 final 3S0 COMI89) 549 final 799 COMI89) 650 final 392 COM(89) 550 final 508 COM(89)65l final 381 COM(89)55l final 706 COM(89) 652 final 321 COMI89) 552 final 235 COM(89) 653 final 629 COMI89) 553 final 563 COM(89) 654 final 513 COM(89) 554 final 77 COM(89) 655 final 322 COM( 89) 555 final 7« COM(89) 658 final 323 COMI89) 556 final 105 COMI89) 659 final 80 COMI89) 557 final 103« COM(89) 660/1 final 236 COMI89) 558 final 173 COM(89) 660/11 final 237 COMI89) 560 final 954 COM(89) 660/111 final 272 COM(89)561 final 6S6 COMI89) 661 final 186 COM(89) 562 final 424 COMI89) 662 final 956 COM(89) 563 final 451 COMI89) 663 final 1S7 COMI89) 564 final 643 COM(89) 664 final 788 COMI89) 565 final 106 COM(89) 665 final 514 COM(89) 566 final 417 COM(89) 666 final 324 COMI89) 567 final 490 COM(89) 667 final 325 COMI89) 568 final 62(1 COM(89) 668 final 326 COMI89) 570 final IS3 COM(89) 669 final 327 COMI 89) 572 final 644 COM(89) 670 final 328 COMI89) 573 final 645 COM(89) 671 final 329 COM(89) 574 final 371 COM(89) 672 final 330 COMI 89) 575 final 509 COM(89) 673 final 331 COM(89) 576 final 570 COM(89) 674 final 306 COMI89) 577 final 184 COM(89) 675 final 475 COMI89) 578 final 737 COM(89) 676 final 1SS COM(89) 580 final 304 COM(89) 677 final «S3 COM(89)581 final 107 COMI89) 678 final 1S9 COM(89) 582 final 627 COM(90) 1 final 103») COM(89) 583 final 395 COM(90) 2 final SI COM(89) 584 final 425 COM(90) 3 final 957 COM(89) 585 final 10« COM(90) 4 final 373 COM(89) 586 final 510 COM(90) 5 final 190 COM(89) 587 final 7 «6 COM(90) 6 final 114 COM(89) 588 final 426 COM(90) 7 final 23S COM(89) 589 final 372 COM(90) 8 final 461 COM(89) 590 final 79 COM(90) 9 final 95« COM(89)59l final 564 COM(90) 10 final 1«1 COM(89) 592 final 571 COM(90) 12 final 115 COM(89) 593 final 109


COM(90» ) 13 final 575 COM(90) 114 final 964 COM(90 ) 14 final 332 COMC90) 115 final 307 COM(90' ) 15/3 final 1054 COM(90) 116 final 128 COM(90 ) 16/2 final 1055 COM(90) 117 final 129 COM(90 ) 17 final 801 COM(90) 118 final 290 COM(90 ) 18 final 668 COM(90) 119 final 1016 COM(90 ) 19 final 802 COM(90) 120 final 130 COM(90 ) 20 final 1056 COM(90) 123 final 1017 COMC90 )21 final 994 COM(90) 125 final 965 COM(90 ) 22 final 116 COM(90) 125/2 Add. final 945 COM(90 ) 23 final 1057 ■) 24 final COM(90) 126 final 206 COM(90 995 COM(90) 127 final 131 COM(90 ) 25 final 1058 ) 26 final COM(90) 128 final 1060 COM(90 1059 COM(90 ) 28 final COM(90) 129 final 207 192 COM(90 ) 29 final COM(90) 130 final 758 COM(90 ) 30 final 996 COM(90) 131 final 516 COM(90 ) 31 final 884 COM(90) 132 final 997 COM(90' ) 32 final 117 COM(90) 132/2 final 1049 COM(90' ) 33 final 1040 COM (90) 133 final 308 COM(900 34 final 118 COM (90) 134 final 208 COM(90' ) 35 final 119 COM(90) 135 final 334 COM(90' ) 36 final 193 COM(90) 136 final 942 COM(90' ) 37 final 397 COM(90) 137 final 462 COM(90' ) 38 final 120 COM(90) 138 final 209 COM(90' ) 39 final 194 COM(90) 139 final 1042 COM(900 41 final 803 COM(90) 140 final 413 COM(90 ι 42 final 630 COM(90) 141 final 742 COM(900 43 final 398 COM(90) 142 final 210 COM(90ι ) 45 final 195 COM(90) 143 final 211 COM(90 ι 46 final 708 COM(90) 144 final 240 COM(90ι ) 49 final 741 COM(90) 145 final 1061 COM(90' ) 50 final 196 COM(90) 146 final 1062 COM(90 )5I final 287 COM(90) 147 final 414 COM(90 ) 52 final 439 COM(90) 148 final 894 COM(90» ) 53 final 431 COM(90) 149 final 25 COM(90 ) 54 final 1041 COM(90) 150 final 132 COM(90 ) 55 final 440 COM(90) 151 final 274 COM(90 ) 57 final 197 ) 58 final COM(90) 152 final 212 COM(90; 885 COM(90) 153 final 1018 COM(90;) 59 final 725 ) 60 final COM(90) 154 final 1019 COM(90 959 ) 61 final COM (90) 155 final 1020 COM(90 789 COM(90 ) 63 final COM(90) 156 final 998 COM(90 ) 64 final 198 COM(90) 157 final 999 COM(90 ) 65 final 669 COM(90) 158 final 1000 COM(90 ) 66 final 647 COM(90) 159 final 1001 COM(90 ) 67 final 239 COM(90) 160 final 1006 COM(90 ) 68 final 121 COM(90) 161 final 1010 COM(90 ) 69 final 122 COM(90) 162 final 1007 COM(90 ι 71 final 960 COM(90) 163 final 1011 COM(90 ) 72 final 199 COM(90) 164 final 990 COM(90 ) 73 final 123 COM(90) 165 final 1043 COM(90 ) 74 final 333 COM(90) 166 final 680 COM(90 ) 75 final 273 COM(90) 167 final 672 COM(90 ) 76 final 174 COM (90) 168 final 726 COM(90» ) 77 final 34 COM (90) 169 final 213 COM(90< ) 78 final 124 COM (90) 170 final 463 COM(90 ) 79 final 734 COM(90) 171 final 1021 COM(90 ) 80 final 1048 COM(90) 172 final 759 COM(900 81 final 476 COM(90) 173 final 432 COM(900 82 final 552 COM(90) 174 final 576 COM(900 83 final 695 COM(90) 175 final 214 COM(900 84 final 696 COM(90) 176 final 808 COM(900 85 final 125 COM(90) 177 final 175 COM(900 87 final 200 COM(90) 179 final 989 COM(90Ί 88 final ')6I COM(90) 180 final 382 COM(90 ) 89 final 126 COM(90) 181 final 517 COM(90 ) 89/2 final 804 ) 90 final COM(90) 182 final 709 COM(90 916 COM(90 )91 final COM(90) 183 final 703 917 COM(90 ) 92 final COM(90) 184 final 518 COM(90 ) 93 final 717 COM(90) 185 final 519 COM(90 ) 94 final 962 COM(90) 186 final 648 COM(90 ) 95 final 805 COM(90) 187 final 291 COM(90 ) 96 final 201 COM(90) 188 final 492 COM(90 ) 97 final 702 COM(90) 189 final 309 COM(90 ) 98 final 806 COM(90) 190 final 886 COM(90 ) 99 final 202 COM(90) 190/2 final 26 COM(90 ) 100 final 412 COM (90) 191 final 464 COM(90 ) 101 final 757 COM (90) 192 final 241 COM(90 ) 102 final 670 COM(90) 193 final 887 COM(90 ) 103 final 671 COM (90) 194 final 176 COM(900 104 final 515 COM (90) 195/2 final 292 COM(900 105 final 127 COM(90) 196 final 418 COM(90 » 106 final 963 COM(90) 197 final 383 COM(900 107 final 28« COM (90) 198 final 83 COM(90 ) 108 final 203 COM(90) 199 final 520 COM(900 108/2 final 701 COM (90) 200/2 final 727 COM(90 ) 109 final 204 COM(90) 201 final 728 COM(90 ) 110 final 477 COM(90) 202 final 743 COM(90 ) 111 final 478 COM(90) 203 final 649 COM(90 ) 112 final 807 COM(90) 204 final 888 COM(90 ) 113 final 289 COM(90) 205 final 729 205 COM(90) 206 final 293 35 COM(90) 207 final 927 «2 COM(90) 208 final 650


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:OM(90 )4U final 151 PEDOC A 3-91/89 904 :OM(90041 2 final 152 PEDOCA3-91/89/Annex 905 OM(900 413 final 153 PE DOC A 3-92/89 693 OM(900 415 final 950 PE DOC A 3-93/89 42 OM(900 416 final 690 PEDOC A 3-94/89 43 OM(90 )4I7 final 154 PE DOC A 3-95/89 28 OM(900 418 final 691 PE DOC A 3-96/89 44 OM(90 )4I9 final 99 PE DOC A 3-97/89 45 OM(900 420 final 155 PE DOC A 3-98/89 386 OM(90 ) 422 final 100 PE DOC A 3-99/89 815 OM(90 ) 423 final 1074 PEDOC A 3-100/89 29 OM(90 ) 424 final 156 OM(900 425 final PEDOC A 3-101/89 816 918 PEDOC A 3-102/89 817 OM(90 ) 426 final 558 OM(900 427 final PEDOC A 3-103/89 818 OM(900 428 final 245 PEDOC A 3-104/89 819 OM(900 429 final 385 PEDOC A 3-105/89 820 OM(900 430 final 445 PEDOC A 3-106/89 591 OM(90 ) 435 final 710 PEDOC A 3-107/89 821 OM(90 ) 436 final 157 PEDOC A 3-108/89 682 OM(90 ) 437 final 36 PEDOC A 3-109/89 377 OM(90 ) 438 final 4 PE DOC A 3-110/89 406 OM(90 ) 439 final 1069 PEDOC A 3-111/89 416 OM(90 ) 440 final 912 PE DOC A 3-112/89 906 OM(900 441 final 769 PEDOC A 3-113/89 166 OM(900 442 final 992 PEDOC A 3-114/89 993 OM(900 443 final 674 PEDOC A 3-115/89 592 OM(90044 4 final 338 PEDOC A 3-116/89 699 OM(90 ) 446 final 158 PEDOC A 3-117/89 30 OM(90 ) 447 final 898 PEDOC A 3-1/90 225 OM(90 ) 452 final 263 PE DOC A 3-1/90 Annex 226 OM(900 453 final 662 PE DOC A 3-2/90 227 OM(900 454 final 587 PE DOC A 3-2/90 Annex 228 OM(90 ) 456 final 279 PE DOC A 3-3/90 167 OM(90 ) 457 final 731 PE DOC A 3-4/90 822 OM(900 458 final 159 PE DOC A 3-5/90 823 OM(900 459 final 770 PE DOC A 3-6/90 824 OM(900 460 final 160 PE DOC A 3-7/90 825 OM(900 461 final 161 PE DOC A 3-8/90 826 OM(900 462 final 652 OM(900 463 final PE DOC A 3-9/90 1013 588 PEDOC A 3-10/90 827 OM(900 464 final 101 OM(90ι ) 465 final PEDOC A 3-11/90 907 OM(90 ) 466 final 280 PEDOC A 3-12/90 771 OM(90» ) 468 final 234 PEDOC A 3-12/90 Annex 772 OM(90» ) 469 final 162 PEDOC A 3-12/90 Annex 2 555 OM(90 )471 final 163 PEDOC A 3-13/90 485 OM(90 ) 472 final 1051 PEDOC A 3-14/90 1008 OM(90 ) 473 final 692 PEDOC A 3-15/90 748 OM(90 ) 474 final 496 PEDOC A 3-16/90 622 OM(90 ) 476 final 719 PEDOC A 3-16/90 Β 623 OM(90 ) 477 final 164 PE DOC A 3-17/90 631 OM(90 ) 478 final 687 PE DOC A 3-18/90 749 OM(90 ) 479 final 405 PE DOC A 3-19/90 31 OM(90 ) 480 final 102 PE DOC A 3-20/90 750 OM(90 )481 final 339 PE DOC A 3-21/90 700 OM(90 ) 483 final 103 PE DOC A 3-22/90 783 OM(90 ) 484 final 165 PE DOC A 3-22/90 Coir. 784 OM(90 ) 489 final 393 PE DOC A 3-23/90 340 OM(90 ) 493 final 446 PE DOC A 3-23/90 Annex 341 OM(90 ) 497 final 925 PE DOC A 3-24/90 267 589 PE DOC A 3-25/90 1033 369 PE DOC A 3-25/90 Corr. 1034 PE DOC A 3-26/90 919 PE DOC A 3-27/90 A 970 •E REPORTS* PE DOC A 3-27/90 Β 971 E DOC A 2 149/89 4S0 PE DOC A 3-27/90 C 972 E DOC A 3 51/89 264 PE DOC A 3-28/90 435 E DOC A 3 51/89/Annex 265 PE DOC A 3-29/90 447 E DOC A 3 53/89 180 PE DOC A 3-29/90 Annex 448 E DOC A 3 57/89 Β 37 PE DOC A 3-30/90 593 E DOC A 3 57/89 C 3« PE DOC A 3-30/90 Annex 594 E DOC A 3 57/89 D 39 PE DOC A 3-31/90 595 E DOC A 3 59/89 590 PE DOC A 3-32/90 891 E DOC A 3 60/89 A 40 PE DOC A 3-33/90 908 E DOC A 360/8 9 Β 41 PE DOC A 3-34/90 46 E DOC A 372/89/Annc x 481 PE DOC A 3-35/90 168 E DOC A 376/8 9 27 PE DOC A 3-36/90 751 E DOC A 3 77/89 482 PE DOC A 3-37/90 342 E DOC A 377/89/Anne x 4S3 PE DOC A 3-38/90 773 E DOC A 378/8 9 5 PE DOC A 3-39/90 930 E DOC A 3 79/89 68« PE DOC A 3-39/90 Annex 931 E DOC A 3 PE DOC A 3-40/90 65 E DOC A 3 80/89 63 81/89 64 PE DOC A 3 A1/90 525 E DOC A 3 PE DOC A 3-42/90 632 E DOC A 3 82/89 6 83/89 935 PE DOC A 3^12/90 Annex 633 E DOC A 3 PE DOC A 3-43/90 497 E DOC A 3 83/89/Anncx «90 -84/89 266 PE DOC A 3-43/90 Β 498 E DOC A 3 PE DOC A 3-44/90 932 E DOC A 3 85/89 1002 E DOC A 3-85/89/Annc x 1003 PE DOC A 3-45/90 246 E DOC A 3 86/89 698 PE DOC A 3-45/90 Annex 247 E DOC A 3 87/89 747 PE DOC A 3-46/90 973 E DOC A 3 88/89 565 PE DOC A 3-46790 Annex 974 E DOC A 3 89/89 484 PE DOC A 3-47/90 7 E DOC A 3 90/89 902 PE DOC A 3-47/90 Annex 8 90/89/Anncx 903 PE DOC A 3-48/90 596 lOCUMENTS: 1990 148 NUMERICAL INDEX

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