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24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs., May 27, 1982 Pope seeks peace Reports say battles Obstacles to and church unity in Falklands 'fierce' 1-84 are noted ^OUDU^SAIE! . . . page 18 DAY SAVINGS SPECTACULAR, NOW THRU MONDAY . . page 7 . . . page 8

Rain, drizzle, fog Manchester, Conn. tonight and Saturday Friday, May 28, 1982 lamaflc — See page 2 Single copy 25(P

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n i p > I comptoUOft Of Intofin , ' 5 i " “ ‘ fjjfeiiijjft couitotia.from Koilak Wi i A Mi’'aW 1 t l M l i t i l i J Index rise hopeful 2 _ _ purcliaaa ol Kodamatte Wl^ ' v^. npiplai Calctor Cli|Hi~$ato Sonoa;Ootipoii«..*^^^^^^^^^^^ •*1' * J ' f ''K > r but not conclusive

WASHINGTON (UPI) - The percent drop in the 1973-75 recession Since mid-1975 there have been 8 government’s index of leading and 14 percent in 1980. three broad changes in direction of O economic indicators increased 0.8 Five of 10 separate indicators that the economy, but the leading In­ percent in April — the first upturn in made up the April index contributed dicators have briefly changed direc­ Mfrwity..>4Mn a year — the Commerce Depart­ to the upturn. These w ere the tion 27 times. ^ ment reported today. average workweek, building per­ Nor does an upturn in the in­ m The report was a hopeful but far mits, stock prices, change in total dicators say anything about how fast from conclusive sign the recession liquid assets and the money supply the pace of recovery will be once it begins. Most economists expect a . .^J. BONUS OFFER/ that began last summer is working in 1972 dollars. Liq\iid assets con­ recovery to begin fairly soon if it $10ln Money-Saver CouponsToward Diac its way toward an end. tributed the most. Rim Developing with your Purchase of The index, designed as a Four components declined: new has not already done so. •: any Disc Camera! See Clerk (or details. barometer of what is ahead for the business orders in 1972 dollars, the The economic debate is over lUAMAHC *9 KOOAMATIC *ChampkV economy, had been reported falling speed of business deliveries, plant whether it w ill be a fairly robust F each month since May 1981 — and equipment contracts and crude recovery, as the administration mt Camara inatoiH cMaia although slightly revised figures materials prices. hopes, or — because of continued 0 v ; to^pk''' S^wStte'''^' VWPQf Ww » released today recorded a standstill One indicator, initial claims for high interest rates — a very weak .^pfapair'ip^|ia^^p * • # • * • ^v* * in November instead of a decline state unemployment insurance, was one as many critics forecast. rtri&tr-y CiaiCM'bMlI^ that month. unchanged. Economists agree the answer will ^#^|v':: The April index level was 125.2, An upturn in the economic in­ depend much on how successful ^ i i l representing an 8.8 percent dicators is generally regarded as a Congress .is in reducing budget cumulative decline since the reces­ hopeful sign for an end to a reces­ deficits and on Federal Reserve i M W t e ^ n l^oi^ Mt<»»Miw-lHta'ti»«a now M ' X*- % sion began. That compares with a 20 sion — but by no nr-'ans conclusive. money policy. Koito «iw i 2 onift color or at) (MUtMRltOf Holiday forecast Better pack umbrella

Better pack a rain umbrella in Stephen T. Penny w ill also speak. State officials predicted overflow your picnic basket this Memorial In other events around town this crowds of up to 140,000 people at Day weekend. weekend, there will also be a state parks and the state’s three A Predictions are for mostly cloudy memorial service Sunday at 10:45 public beaches. Some 30,000 people skies today and throughout the a.m. at South United Methodist were expected. The National holiday weekend, with morning driz­ Church. Weather itervice at Windsor Locks, zle. Saturday. And temperatures are Meanwhile, state police braced however, forecast a chance of rain going to be in the mid 70s, with for the holiday rush and park of­ or drizzle through Sunday with part­ generally muggy conditions all ficials prepared for thousand of sun- ly cloudy skies and a chance of weekend. bathers and picnic goers who will showers Monday. Manchester’s Memorial Day kick off summer this Memorial Day Monday is a national holiday When holiday weekend. most businesses, banks, schools and Y parade w ill start at 9:30 a.m. Mon­ day in front of the Army Sc Navy The state’s beaches and parks state and federal offices-will be Club, 1090 Main St. were set to officially open Saturday closed. Led by Capt. Robert L. Kenniff, to an expected throng who can But several department stores Herald photo by Tarquinlo the parade will proceed on Main expect to pay more for their outings. had employees working overtime to Street to Elast Center Street, along Parking fees at state beaches get ready for Monday sales and Steady, boy East Center Street to Munro Park have doubled to $2 weekdays and f4 specials. and back to Center Park. weekends and holidays. Fees at State veteran groups planned a Workers from the Annulll Construction Co. Savings Bank of Manchester Main Street After the parade, a program in state parks remain ft weekdas but number of activities, including volunteered Thursday to move the Lutz iobby. See page 3. Center Park w ill have attorney John have been raised to $2 weekends and D. LaBelle as key speaker. Mayor holidays. Please turn to page 8 Children’s Museum’s Kodiak bear to the Repairs set for 17 streets

By Alex Qlrelll seal treatment. Emulsion and will be patched permanently by Here are the streets that will get Herald City Editor chipped stone w ill be spread on their various utility companies. Workers new blacktop surfaces. surfaces and rolled down. will dig out the temporary patch and Pitkin Street from East Center Four thousand tons of bituminous Three injtersections will be replace it with permanent material. Street to Porter Street. concrete will be spread this summer reconstructed. Meanwhile the town will be com­ Stephen Street from Parker Street — two inches th i^ compacted to a About 50 spots on town streets pleting its installation of water lines to East Center Street. inch and a half riding surface — over where the pavement has sunk at the and at least one of the state roads, Parker Street from Jensen Street 17 Manchester streets that have site of excavations or where the Main Street north of the Center, will to Jordt Street. been bumping local drivers along. road base has broken will be be resurfaced by the state when the Starkweather from Green Road to But that is just part of the road repaired by the town. water work is done. Woodbridge Street. work that w ill be evident around The repair involves digging out That road came out a clear first in Woodbridge Street for 300 feet on 2 town during this construction the pavement and rebuilding the unpopularity with drivers during a each side of its intersection with season. offending section of road. recent informal survey by the Lydall Street. Six other streets will get a chip About 50 other excavation sites Manchester Herald. Russell and Alpine streets from Memorial Street to Haynes Street. Windemere Street from Board Street for 150 feet to the east. Broad Street from Windemere Lynch donates antique truck, Street to a point 100 feet north of Chambers Street. 8 Arch Sf^eet from West Center Street to Ridge Street. now hero to L.l. firefighters Ridge Street from Pine Street to Cedar Street. Chestnut Street from Park Street Because Michael B. Lynch of 99 ’The wagon was purchased by that wouldn't listen to us. He didn’t want Hartford Road and Lynch TOyote small fire department brand new in to know anything,” says Beintema. PleaHP turn to page 8 '’'had a change of heart, the West 1891. In 1955 the old wagon was given But Lynch took the fire wagon Sayville, Long Island Eire Depart­ to a man who eventually donated it back to Manchester and then ment is going to be pulling Its own to the Danbury Fair. changed his mind. wagoii in the Memorial Day parade When the fair closed In October, What might have helped is an this weekend. members of the West Sayville Fire anonymous note that accompanied a inside Today Department decided , to get back newspaper clipping from the Dan­ It’u'be the flrrt time in more thaq their old wagon. bury News-Times, detailing the sad 24 pages, 4 sections 29 years. » At the April 2 auction, they came plight of the fire department that Advice ...... with ^,500 to bid on it. ’They even had lost its wagon. Lynch, who couldn’t be reached Area towns ... went a iW id the day of the auction, Lynch wrote the fire department today for comment, bought the 1891 Business...... convincing fire depqrfment musetim and offered to sell them back the hand-pulled ladder w a ^ n a t an auc- C lassified...... Hanld photo by Thontpoon curators not to bid on the wagon. wagon for $2,750. At the tim e he said Uon of Danbui7 Fair^ounds equip­ C o m ic s ...... he didn’t know how much the wagon ment April 2. ’Trouble is, they hadn’t bet on Entertainment meant to the department. Littlest ‘graduate’ (’The fairgrounds have gone out of Michael Lynch. L o tte ry ...... The bidding quickly topped what When the happy volunteers got to business after a Rochester, N Y Obituaries .... the fire fighters had brought; Lynch Manchester last week. Lynch VERNON Rhonda Paradise holds her Infant son, Benjamin, as she waits shopping mall developer purchased Opinion...... MANCHESTER got the wagon for 83JI50. agreed to knock another $300 off the the g la n d s for (24 noilUon.) P eo p lk ___ 1145 Tolland Tum pika Tri-CIty Shoppino Cantor In line for commencement exerciste to start at Manchester. “ We thou^t he was a real winger price. They got it for $2,450, $600 less Anyjway, at the tim e Lynch boutfit S ports...... ‘ at the time,*’ says Edward than Lynch had b o u ^ t it fo r’ in bQiflipunlty Collese Thursday- AKhouglt he did attend dassaa i the lifo wiifoa'iar,U, MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri., May 28. 1982 — 3 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri„ May 28, 1982 MATWHAL WEATMW WElIVlOe R1HECA8T 1o T AM e s r i - f - M »0O - " -4 -..-'f-'. 'p-.- News Briefing

Reagan to suggest interim arms plan ,W-i WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan will make a Memorial Day proposal that the United States continue EZ3- UK WIATHtA rOTOCAM K to abide by restraints in previous nuclear arms treaties as long as the Soviets agree to do the same, an aide says. Counselor Edwin Meese said the president s Monday proposal will be that Weather the provisions ot SALT I and II serve as interim restraints during the long prcess of negotiating a new strategic arms reduction treaty. Today’s forecast A senior American official said later .Thursday the aim of the interim Today- mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of restraints proposal is not to "undercut afternoon showers. Highs in the 60s. Light easterly winds. Tonight and Saturday periods of rain drizzle and existing agreements." ' UPI photo Reagan has rejected proposals by fog. Lows in the 50s. Highs in the 60s. Light easterly former Secretary of State Henry winds. Kissinger and members of the Senate Today In history Foreign Relations Committee for out­ Extended outlook 2 right ratification of SALT II, which still On May 28,1934 the Dionne quintuplets were born Surviving -today are three of the quints, Annette, is on the Senate calendar. Yvonne and Ceclle. Emille died In 1954 and Marie Extended outlook for New England Sunday through The senior official said the administra­ In Callander, Ontario. Mrs. Oliva Dionne Is shown In 1970. Tuesday: tion does not want to ratify SALT 11 with her five daughers shortly after their delivery. Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Con- because it would "codify several siderble cloudiness with a chance of showers Sunday. elements" in the pact that are unaccep­ Young diabetic Graham crusade Legislators break Partial clearing Monday.' Fair and warm Tuesday. table. Highs in the mid 60s to mid 70s Sunday and Monday up Herald photos by Tarqulnlo found in Smokies said among best without ERA vote into the low 80s interior sections Tuesday. Overnight Vigils, marches tows mostly in the 50s. 8 SPRINGFIELD, 111. (UPI) - The GATLINBURG, Tenn. (UPI) - A BOSTON (UPI) — Evangelist Billy Vermont: Warm and humid with showers or Heavy date Graham says his controversial trip to the parents of a wheelchairbound woman thunderstorms Sunday and Monday. Fair Tuesday. set by nuke foes young diabetic who decided to take a fasting for the Equal Rights Amendment shortcut and got lost in the dense forests Soviet Union has prompted greater Highs 75 to 85. Lows in the 50s. Volunteer workers from the Annulll Construction Co. appear at right, the bear was set down In the lobby. "It's not a comment Anti-nuclear activists across the na­ are “terrified” their daughter will die of the Smoky Mountains for two days numbers to flock to his religious Maine. New Hampshire: Chance of some light rain puzzled by their latest job, left, moving the Lutz Junior on the economy,” says bank president V)/llllam R. Johnson. All tion are using the Memorial Day-Peace meetings, making the New England unless President Reagan intervenes. Sunday. Partial clearing Monday. Chance of showers was found curled up by a stream, State legislators adjorned for the Museum’s Kodiak bear from Its home to the Savings Bank of that huffing and puffing by Annulll's men was a promotion for a Sabbath weekend to open an offensive of shivering from severe hypothermia that crusade among the best-attended in his Tuesday. Highs 65 to 75. Lows 45 to 55. kite-flying day sponsored by the bank to benefit the museum prayer vigils, marches and legislative Memorial Day weekend without con­ . Manchester on 923 Main St. At center, they carry on with gusto, put him in intensive care today. career. sidering the matter. on June 12 at 10 a.m. at Charter Oak Field. lobbying they hope will elevate the U.S, The nightmare of thick fog and torren­ “I have no apologies to make” concer­ as they load the unwilling creature onto their truck. After disarmament movement to the level of tial rains ended for Jay Toney, 17, of ning the visit to Russia, Graham told a Sonia Johnson, who has been on a Long Island Sound loading they moved gingerly up Main Street to the bank where, Europe’s. Mounds, Okla., Thursday when Kong and news conference Thursday, but he hunger strike with six other. ERA sup­ The National Weather Service forecast for Long Church leaders of all faiths took a Major, specially trained tracking dogs, acknowledged that "some of the porters since May 18, said Thursday her Island Sound from Watch Hill, R.I., to Montauk Point, major role in planning the “peace criticism may be justified.” mother — Ida Harris of Logan, Utah — led a ranger and two Gatlinburg police N.Y.: weekend," which includes the Christian officers to the lost teenager. Graham, who hopes to see 23,000 per­ sent a letter to the president. Southeast to east winds 10 to 18 knots today through Swensson faces tough fight celebration of Pentecost and the sons a night attend an eight-day Boston A helicopter dropp^ a supply of |n- Mrs. Harris urged the president to con­ Saturday. Cloudy through Saturday. Chance of showers traditional Monday holiday honoring sulin and rescuers injected Toney with Crusade starting Sunday, has aroused U.S. ar dead. An estimated 10,000 vince Gov. James R. Thompson to this afternoon, tonight and early Saturday. Visibility the life-saving serum he had been criticism from religious leaders change a legislative rule blocking the generally 5 miles, occasionally decreasing to below 1 worship services are expected to concen­ without for 54 hours. Doctors feared he throughout the United States for . mile in fog patches. Average wave heights 1 to 3 feet trate ending the nuclear arms race. claiming there is some religious freedom ratification of the ERA in Illinois. could only survive 36 hours without in­ today and tonight. "For the Christian that's a very ap­ sulin. in Russia. Popularity contest looms in 13th district propriate coincidence,” said Otis "We shook him. He was lying on his “The criticism has stirred up in­ Charles, Episopal bishop for Utah. "If side with his back to us,” Ranger Judy terest,” and helped increase the size of Council predicts National forecast we are going to create a world that is not One incident that may or may not Tucker said. the crowds, Graham said, with greater Third in a series Mrs. Swensson, they invariably will continually escalating its nuclear numbers than expected showing,up for holiday deaths Mv United Pres International l/os Angeles pc 66 61 .... describe her as a “nice lady.” When become a campaign issue was Mrs. 1/iui.^vlUe pc 83 61 .36 weapons, it has to occur through the peo­ religious meetings in Hartford and l)lew ritv & Fcst Hi Lo Pep By Paul Hendrie you ask Republicans what they think Swensspn’s changing of her vote at a CHICAGO (UPI) - The National Safe­ Albuquerque c 76 48 Memphis pc 87 75 .83 committee meeting, after a lobbyist ple. Our leaders can't do it by Air turbulence Haven, Conn, and at Dartmouth College ty Council predicts about 500 people will Anchorage pr S6 47 Miami Beach r 80 78 .15 Herald Reporter about Thompson, they usually will themselves. It’s larger than they are.” since his return from the six-day trip to Asheville pc 80 61 Milwaukee pc 63 49 .16 call him a “real gentleman.” whispered in her ear. be killed on the nation’s highways during AManla pc 86 69 Minneapolis pc 73 58 .... Vdters in the 13th Assembly hurts 28 people . the long Memorial Day holiday weekend. Rillings r 49 42 Nashville pc 94 67 .08 Mrs. Swensson, as a first term That proved an embarassment, Birmingham c 89 70 New Orlens pc 94 77 .... District this November will face a legislator, is vulnerable. Her seat both because it was charged that it The council urged motorists and Boston cy 78 S3 New York r 82 62 Wood indicted DENVER (UPI) — Sudden turbulence 82 62 l .M tough decision. They will have to has been targeted by House was improper for a lobbyist to passengers to use seat belts in their Brwnsvil Tx.pc 90 79 Okinhom Cty r choose between two very nice peo­ -- that hit a United Airlines jet over In­ Three indicted travels during the weekend, which of­ Buffalo r 81 67 Omaha r 74 60 , Democrats as one which the whisper in a legislator’s ear in mass slaying diana bounced passengers about the rh rlstn S.C. f 81 71 Philadelphia r 81 50 .... ple. Democrats believe can be recap­ during a voting committee session ficially begins today at 6 p.m. CDT and Charitt N.C. ] 82 70 ’.(E Phoenix c 91 69 .A. cabin like rag dolls, causing minor in­ in fraud probe Chicago pc 77 53 .43 Pittsburgh r 83. 64 .24 tured. and because Mrs. Swensson bucked HARTFORD (UPI) - Steven J. Wood ends at midnight Monday. 43 .... 'The likely candidates in that race juries to 28 people, officials say. Cleveland cy 86 62 .86 Portland M. pc 2 Democratic Mayor John W. Thomp­ Republicans are aware that Mrs. the Republican party line with her has been indicted for the slayings of his “A person is 25 times more likely to be Columbus pc 82 63 .14 Portland Or. cy 68 51 .... are Republican incumbent Elsie L. A United Airlines official said Flight NEW HAVEN (UPI) - An alleged 52 son. Swensson will be in for a tough fight. vote. millionaire ex-wife, their adopted killed if thrown free from the car in Dallas pc 86 70 m Providence cy 85 "Biz” Swensson and former 243 was en route from Newark, N.J., to scheme to defraud the New Haven Denver pc 84 56 Richmond pc 79 68 .06 When you ask Democrats about Redistricting has stripped her dis­ daughter and two other people last anaccideht than if wearing a lap and 61 .01 Denver when it was rocked by several Housing Authority and two other groups Des Moines pc 76 57 St Louis pc 78 trict of some of its old Republican Still, nobody accused Mrs. month. If convicted the former plastics shoulder safety belt,” the council said Detroit cy 75 59 1.04 Salt Lake Cityr 85 36 .36 A minutes of turbulence over Goshen, Ind. in the award of a multimillion dollar 84 74 .... Swensson of acting improperly and salesman could be sent to the electric Thursday. “The accident victim is more Duluth pc 66 43 San Antonio r strongholds, like Voting District 3, Thursday morning. The DC-8 continued housing contract has led to the indict­ El Paso c 84 59 .05 San Diego cy 70 65 .04 which now will be grouped with the the incident appear>-td have blown chair. to Denver, landing a Stapleton Inter­ ment of two authority workers and likely to be knocked unconscious or in­ Hartford r 86 S3 San Francisc c 56 50 .... over. Wood, 42. pleaded innocent to the 10- jured by the dashboard or car roof, or Honolulu c 67 70 San Juan r 88 77 S i 55th Assembly District. national Airport just before noon. another man. Indianapolis pc 78 56 Seattle cy 64 47 .02 The redistricting also has given count indictment handed down by a Hart­ sent flying into the street if unbelted.” 44 .... Thompson’s biggest drawback Ten people, including six crew The indictment returned Thursday by •lacksn Mss. pc 93 71 Spokane r 56 Mrs. Swensson some new territory, ford Superior Court grand jury Thursday Last year, 420 people were killed and ■lacksonville r 87 68 '.di Tampa pc 87 74 .... may be his political inactivity in the members, were taken to hospitals for a U.S. District Court grand jury accused Washington r 77 68 .04 and was returned to a state hospital for 20,000 were seriously injured in Kansas City r 79 62 where she may not be well known to years since he served on the Board observation. Eighteen other passengers the three of trying to get a cut of the con­ l^s V^as’ c 94 66 Wichita r 80 63 .17 the voters. She will have to work to Memorial Day weekend traffic ac­ l.ittle Rock r 86 66 jo c of Directors the criminally insane. refused medical attention for bumps and tract for a low-income housing project establish herself there. He faces four counts of murder and six bruises. and the right to choose a percentage of cidents. -p As a first-term legislator, Mrs. • He has remained well known, but Y counts of capital felony, each of which is subcontractors for the job. > Swensson was busy learning the there is no substitute for the punishable by death under a 1980 law. U.S. Attorney Alan H. Nevas said the ropes in Hartford this session, limelight that public office provides. The 18 grand jurors — five women and War postpones men were charged with representing- to Tornado victim rather than exerting any leadership 13 men — heard evidence over two days Lottery JOHN W. THOMPSON ELSIE L"BJZ" SWENSSON Signs of Thompson's political the Herbert Management Group that role in promoting legislation. comeback became apparent at the from four West Hartford police officers Argentina’s plans they “could and would influence” the gets new house . . . seeks political comeback . . . recovery won respect who investigated the multiple murders BUT MRS. SWENSSON end of last year, when he was ap­ , Argentina (UPI) - housing authority’s commissioners to pointed to serve as a Manchester April 17 in the affluent Hartford suburb. select Herbert’s proposal to build the , Texas (UPI)' - Lula demonstrated hard work and Argentina’s security chief said today Winning numbers drawn coordinator for Congressjvoman The state constitution requires that a project. Lawrence, 72, recently has endured 8941. perseverance. She confounded her “But Biz is a very popular woman. I always were high. grand jury return an indictment before a that the Falkland Island war.Jhas delayed more than her share of tragedy-and the Thursday in New England: Rhode Island daily; 6951. doctors — who said she might never think that the accident showed that In 1975, Thompson won 8,186 votes Barbara B. Kennelly's carnpaign. plans by the military junta to restore In exchange, the three allegedly He served last year as chairman of defendant can ^ tried on any charge demanded payment of 2 percent of the new home built by volunteers from the Connecticut daily: 295. Vermont daily; 354. walk again after she was hit by an Biz is a fighter and is in this for the and in 1973, he took 9,583 votes out of that carries a pofeible sentence of life in democracy to Argentina. Mennonite Church is a blessing. Connecticut weekly: 98, Maine daily:. 244. automobile last fall — by returning long haul. She is a fighting woman. ’ ’ 14,696 cast. In comparison, current the Charter Revision Commission. Interior Minister Alfredo St. Jean , the more than $9 million cost of the project prison or death. and power to choose 15 to 20 percent of The house she had lived in since 1948 140, 686459, blue. Massachusetts daily: to the House during the special ses­ Smith also pointed out that she Mayor Stephen T. Penny topped his Both Thompson and Mrs. Wood, who lived in West Haven, is ar­ nation’s head of the security apparatus, was destroyed by-a tornado that swept New Hampshire daily: 3100. sion. She was welcomed with a stan­ ticket last year with 7,395 votes. Swensson are extremely popular said in an interview with Radio Mitre the minority subcontractors to be scored well in strong Democratic oused of killing his ex-wife, Rosa Wood, employed on the project. through the community and killed 10 peo­ ding ovation. areas of town in 1980, including old with the hierarchy of their respec­ 34. and her boyfriend, George A. Troie, that the self-imposed June 30 deadline to ple April 2. In the five months before, Now, Mrs. Swensson is walking tive town committees. So. each can legalize political parties "may have to Named in the.^indictment were Voting District 8. Her opponent was AS A Cll.Al.LENGEH, Thompson 32. of Windsor, who were found lying on a Augustus D. Turner, 46, of Fairfield, both her husband and son died of without crutches. Her remarkable Phyllis Jackston. count on strong party support. street in West Hartford’s business dis­ be postponed a few days.” Edward White, 41, of New Haven and leukemia. 4 recovery has supporters believing will have to go after Mrs. trict, bound together with handcuffs and The measure was to be a first step in a “It's a wonder I’m not in the hospital she can overcome anything, even a But she should face a tougher Swensson’s record to try to stir Ultimately, more than any of the three-year democratization plan by the Tommy W. Battle, 42, also of New Almanac things up. But he will have to walk a area races, the 12th Assembly shot in the head. Haven, Nevas said in a statement. the way things have gone,” Mrs. tough Democratic challenge. challenge this time around, es­ Wood allegedly then went to his former military junta. Lawrence said. "Biz is an underdog, because of pecially in Democratic areas, from fine line. He cannot afford to stir up District campaign may become a „ St. Jean, who has been coordinating White was a housing analyst for the sympathy for the likable Mrs. popularity contest between two very home in an exclusive section of West authority and Turner was the authority’s But her housing problem has been THE NEW ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS redistricting,” agreed Republican the popular Thompson, whose vote Hartford and shot and killed his adopted contacts between the military and solved, at no cost to her. Members of the Today is Friday, May 28, the 148th day of 1982 with 217 . . 13th District loses GOP strongholds Town Chairman Chirtis M,, Smith. tallies for the Board of Directors Swensson by attacking too strongly. popular people chief of operations and construction at to follow. daughter, Elisa Wood, 15, and Mrs. civilian politicians, said the junta was the time of the alleged scheme, which Mennonite Church have almost finished Wood’s mother, Patricia Voli, 66, of New now “absorbed by the war” and would rebuilding her home with materials The moon is approaching its first quarter. occurred between May 13,1981, and June The morning star is Venus. Britain, before surrendering to police. need more time to revise the law. 26, 1981, Nevas said. donated by the Red Cross. ’The evening stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and All but six Saturn. Building panel not worried Those bom on this date are under the sign of Gemlnk British statesnnan William Pitt “the Younger” was bom May 28, 1759. new units 2 F eopletalk On this date in history; • In 1798, President John Adams was em powe^ by about puddles on MHS roof “He had quite a night on the town,” Skelton said. Congress to recruit an American Army of'10,0(X) are rentecJ “When we went over to see him in his pen later and volunteers. that the board members viewed the roof guarantees the materials for lu Zoo song all the rest of them were standing up, he was In' 1934, the Dionne quintuplets were bom near ■ Puddles on the new high school Status symbols roof are nothing to worry about, roof after two days of rain. . years. All but six of the 40 new When singers used to say performing for the Cin­ redeyed and lying down.” Callander, Ontario. “Concerning the puddling, es­ Before the town accepts the work Nancy Reagan almost changed her mind about In 1940, the evacuation of British, French and Belgian members of the town Building Com­ apartments for the elderly at cinnati Opera meant working in a zoo, they meant it pecially while It is raining, it is nor­ on the high school, Phillips said it attending the wed­ troops from Dunkirk on the English (Channel coast of mittee said. Spencer Street have been rented, ac­ literally For 52 years from the time it gave its first mal and is no concern and is not a will be inspected by the Building ding of B ritain ’s Quote of the day France began. A total of 337,000 men reached Britain ' “There’s nothing wrong with the cording to a spokesman for the performance — “Martha” on June 27, 1920 — the leak factor, he said. Committee, the architect, the Prince Charles to safely but 13,000 were killed by the (3erman military.- high school roof,” Donald Kuehl Manchester Housing Authority 8 opera was located in the Cincinnati Zoo. June Allyson, jvho played countless wholesome “I wonder, what do they expect general contractor, the roof con­ Lady Diana. - In 1979, Greece became the 10th member of Western - said. staff. Major opera stars such as Monserrat Cabbie, heroines in her movie heyday, has written her Board of Education members had the water to do — hit the roof and tractor and the manufacturer. The first lady had Europe’s Common Market. At the last meeting of the Housing to go alone because Placido Domingo,! Jan Peerce, Renata Scotto, biography, “June Allyson,” In which she refers to complained Monday that there were disappear? Had they goiie back the "The entire six acres of roof will Roberta Peters and Shirley Verrett sang to the ac­ herself as a “scared little girl.” next day, it probably would have btf inspected,” he said. “Anything Authority, 22 units had been .oc­ President Reagan puddles on the roof. Board members cupied or committed to occupancy. had been shot, and companiment of roaring lions, trumpeting When asked to explain by "Hour Magazine” talk toured the high school building, in­ been gone. It takes a while for the that does not meet our had been given a low- elephants and raucous cockatoos. show host Gary Collins, she said, “I was always cluding the roof, to view the drains to work.” specifications will be corrected Dennis Phelan, executive director status seat for the The opera finally moved into its Music Hall 10 scared. I was never sure that I could do anything as i®anrl|Ffilpr ito ld renovations under way. Kuehl noted that the roof contrac­ before it is accepted.” of the authority, reported then that years ago. Now, on June 18, the Opera will well as it could be done. At the time my husband, tor has guaranteed the work and The roof was installed last fall at a ceremony at St. Richard M. Dlarn^d. Publisher. Building Committee Chairman there was some resistance among celebrate its roots by giving a special performance Dick Powell, gave me confidence but then I Paul Phillips said today puddles are materials for five years. In addition, coat of |855,(X)0. Before the roof was those on the waiting list for Paul's Cathedral. Thomw J. Hoope^eneral Manager ‘ ' ’’She almost at the zoo as part of the Cincinnati’s Midwest Music couldn’t do anything without him there to guide me no problem as long as the roof is not the manufacturer of the elastic- put on, leaks were a major apartments to move into the new un­ changed her mind Critics Conference. through it all. ’There was always someone there in leaking — which it is not. He noted plastic mebranS used to cover the problem at the school. its, partly because some preferred about going,” writes the background telling you the right way to do USPS 327-500 VOL. Ql, No. 203 to join friends at the older and things — Dick, the studio or someone. You never Diana McClellan in PuWWMd daUx exosot Sunday Suggaaiad cainar riuaa aaa larger developments SIghtseeer realjy had a chance to benefit from your mistakes.” Penthouse and eartain hoHdaya by Hta 61.20 waakly, 65.16 tor dife When the units are filled the magazine. When police went to see ’s biggest Manehaatar PubHaMng Co., I f month, 615S5 tor Uwaa niontha, State seeks deal with cafe Bralnard Plaea, Manphaatar, 630.70 for ala montha and 661.40 waiting li^^ will stand at' 190. McClellan, who tourist, he was red-eyed and flaked out from a night Glimpses Conn. 06040. Sacond olaai tor one year.'M all-iktaa are The state attorney general’s office domain. writes The Ear oh the town. ’That’s no bull. But the tourist was. poitaga paid at MiMiehaatar. avallabla on raqueat negotiation. column in the The 900-pound, 10-month-old Jnill escaped from Erich Von Daniken, author of “Chariots of the' Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad- is trying to work out a deal with the The Issue at stake, be said, Is how Herald photo by Hendrie Air quality report Washington Post, ^ Raaoan the Westchester County Fair In Yonkers. He was Gods,” has a new book for his fans, “The Stone of draaa diangaa to tha M ancha^ To plaea a daaalllad or diaplay owners ot Carry Nation’s Cafe to much the state will compensate the Arborio will have 271 calendar Harald, P.O. Box 591, advartlaamant, or to raport a move the nightclub out of the soon- owners of Carry Nation’s for the says, “Her escorts... Nancy Heagan first noticed Thursday at 4 a.m., when be nearly ran Kiribiatl” ... Elizabeth Montgomery is in Los Manehaatar, Conn. 06040. days from the time work starts to HARTFORD (UPI) - The state nawa ham story or plctura Idea, to-te-dem oU shed Odd F ellow s cafe’s relocation expenses. made up for it by ensuring the most dazzling status into a patrol car. Angeles filming her new movie for CBS, "A Private call 643-2711. Oflica houra arb complete the realignment, Keish Democratic clout Department of Environmental symbols they could think of parading around Lon­ “If anyone was coming out of a bar at that tim e,” Investigation,” which Michael Hodges is directing To tubacriba. or to raport a 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Building. The DOT announced Wednesday said. Protection forecast good air quality don: the largest limos and an entourage of atten­ said Yonkers police Sgt. John Skelton, “the sight from his own script... John Cage is in Lonten to dallvary problem, call 647-9946. through Friday. William Keish, qxdcesman for the that the Arborio Corp. of CromweU across Ckinnecticut for today. Olfico houra are 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 John Sullivan of Manchester and Patricia Low of Glastonbury dants and hairdressers beyond anything the might have made him swear off the stuff.” participate in a series of performances of U s music State Department of Transporta­ will begin work on the realignment Carry Nations’ lawyer is Edward p.m. Monday through Friday and Tha Manehaatar Harald la -a of Main and Center Street within the The DEP reported unhealthful air English, including the queen, had imagined. The It took a posse of policemen to round up the at the Almeida International Festival ... Anthony, 7 to TO a.nt. Saturday. OaMvofy aubaerlbar to United Prraa Intac- tion, said the DOT has pos^wned Its S. Rogin of Hartford. Dean Rosow, were elected this week to the Democratic State Central Com­ queen drove her own small car to a race meet. Nan­ animal, who had wandered into the Bronx about S Geary of “General Hospital” will be one of the should be made by 5 p.m. Mon­ natlonal nawa aarvioaa and la-a plana to seek a court order to have next 45 days. The realignment Job one of the cafe’s owners, said he had mittee for the 4th Senatorial District. The district, revamped as quality Thursday in Greenwich, presenters at the ninth annual Daytime Emmv day through Friday and by 7:30 mambar ot lha Audit Bureau 0- durry Nation’s evicted from the includes demolition of the Odd no comment on the cafe’s relocation a result of the 1981 reapportionment. Includes Manchester, (Jroton, Madison, New Haven and cy Reagan arrived in state like a Mafia empress; miles from his pen. He was lassoed by a am. Saturday. ^ the status didn’t translate successfully.” sbeepherder from the fair. Awards on June 11 . Clrculadona. building, in the hopes that the Fellows Building, which the state plans. “So many things are still up Glastonbury, Hebron, Columbia and Bolton. Stratford and moderate air quality diBttar can be worked out through acquired last year through eminent in the air,” he said. for the rest of the state.

* * MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri., May 28„ 1982 - ,5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri,, May 28, 1982 Penny back-up to Kennelly at AACC ceremony

By Naacy Thompson with it the responsibility of using Herald Reporter that momentum to influence your world and your generation.’’ Featured speaker Barbara B. Ms. Kelley said, if she could pre­ sent her peers with a gift, "I would Kennelly couldn't make it to JULIE DENIGRIS Manchester Community College’s give you your dreams, the courage KEVIN WATERHOUSE BRENT HAZZARD MARY JEAN MORELLI RHONDA PARADISE SHIRLEY ZACHERY BARBARA WEYRAUCH . . . to work at bank . . to study medicine 18th annual commencement excer- to proceed in the face of defeat and . . . finance major . . will study business . . . headed for Vegas . . . time to be mother . . . six more years cises Thursday, but the 670 the integrity to stand up in the face graduates didn’t let that diminish of your convictions.” their sense of accomplishment. Mrs. Kennelly. the 1st District PENNY OFFERED a different representative to the U.S. Congress, gift to the class —a challenge. Af MCC graduation was scheduled to speak at gradua­ "Members of the Class of 1982, tion ceremonies at the Manchester are you prepared to create an America of authentic liberty and Bicentennial Band Shell but was I kept in Washington, D C., by federal justice for all?” he asked. ”1 am not so much concerned ■wjth 2 budget discussions. Gowns don't hide diversity of students Manchester Mayor Stephen T. what problems you may face in the Penny was her last-minute replace­ future as whether you will face them at all,” he said. Mary Jean Morelli is still looking ment. Penny said many of the students sum of your parts.” was a good place to start the pursuit staff of MCC were “really super," "You are fully entitled to be out­ freeing her to devote full-time to for part-time summer work. She graduating Thursday evening did By Nancy Thompson The students, themselves, also of a higher degree. always making an effort to raged over the lengths these tribal Herald Reporter mothering. cited the varied student body as one “ It helps the person who needs a remember students' names and help plans to take a course at travel rites have come in the selection of a not have to make moral decisions As they prepared to receive their agent this summer and work part- over whether to fight in Viet Nam or benefit of attendinq MCC. little more personal contact with them with any problems that came back-up speaker,’’ Penny said, For Brent Hazzard of Manchester, diplomas Thursday evening, the time, before going off to study hotel take part in civil unrest during ”I enjoyed the mix of the different teachers,’’ he said. up, 8 graduation from Manchester Com­ noting that past speakers have in­ graduates of MCC looked ages,” said Peter Dorey of Hart­ Hazzard plans to go to the Univer­ Kevin Waterhouse of South Wind­ administration at the University of cluded judges. Congressional the 1960s. Recent years have been munity College was a big night — to quiet, he said, a perios of rest and remarkably similar in the gradua­ ford. ”It’s a lot more informal, sity of Connecticut in the fall to sor also had good words for the Nevada Las Vegas this fall. representatives and other be celebrated with a big party. tion gowns. The billowing black recuperation from the violence of more relaxed.” major in business and management. faculty. / luminaries. For Shirley Zachery of robes and mortarboards concealed The students interviewed had fond the 1960s. However, he said, society For some the mix of ages caused He said he is “a little nervous ” "1 tiiink it's an excellent school." The closest thing to outrage, Manchester, however, graduation the individuality of each student — about going to a bigger school, but he said. “The faculty is without memories of their many semesters is ‘ ’rapidly approaching a time when Herald photos by Pinto was somewhat less exciting. problems. however, was MCC President from free spirits who wore t-shirts ’’It’s a little difficult sometimes,” thinks it will be “more of a comparison." at MCC - ranging from political in­ William E. Vincent’s recitation of we must move forward.” Already enrolled in summer school, and cutoffs under their gowns to volvement this spring lobbying Penny cited two trends in society; said Mary Jean Morelli of challenge” the obstacles students faced on their Mrs. Zachery envisions another six women in silk dresses with wrist He plans to go to Central in the against proposed financial aid cuts "an administration in Washington MANCHESTER PIPE BAND LEADS GRADUATES Manchester, who came to MCC Julie DeNigris of Manchester is way to graduation. years of juggling home, work and fall as a finance major. to pub nights to good friends met at that is so focused on defense, it is . . . 18th annual MCC commencement Thursday corsages. after taking a few years off from going to study biology at Eastern ■'Despite cold and drafty school before reaching her goal of a Connecticut State College, with an liUtVItMtA WKVRMCII of the small school. willing to to gain at the expense of degree from Central Connecticut IN HIS ADDRESS to the school. “My hardest part at first buildings, despite rented and leased was dealing with people who were eye toward a career in forensic Manchester plans to work full-time "I only wish they'd built the main the poor” and the promotion of the State College. graduates, William E. Vincent, space scattered across town, just out of high school, who were medicine. She said she is not ner­ and take Eastern courses offered building while I was still here,” said despite inadequate funding, insuf­ individual’s legal rights. And for Rhonda Paradise of Ver­ president of MCC, praised the diver­ In connection with the latter, Pen­ still more into high School than lear­ vous about going to a bigger school through MCC. Ms. Weyrauch, a Shirley Zachery. referring to the ficient staffing and general over­ non, who held her infant son, sity of the student body. new campus building which is ny cited a local newspaper’s com­ ning.” because, “they’re really friendly — business administration major at crowding, we have survived all to Benjamin, in her arm s as the “You are a cross-section of this scheduled to be built in the near plaint filed with the Freedom of In­ community,” he said. ’’And, like Hazzard, who came to MCC just like here. ” MCC, just got a job at Manchester bring this to fruition,’’ Vincent said. graduates lined up to walk to their Ms. DeNigris said the faculty and State Bank. future. formation Commission against the seats, graduation was a milestone. this college, you are more than a straight from high school, said MCC VAI.EDICTORIAN Nancy Kelley state police for refusing to release of Manchester, who received a com­ the names of people arrested in con­ munity service award presented by nection with a drug investigation. the MCC Regional Council and the Penny questioned whether it is Zitser vows scrutiny Harry S. Truman Scholarship, also right “to put Freedom of Informa­ Prescott Bush assails focused on the accomplishments of tion above the common right to be the students. "Have you hugged free bf those who would sell drugs to y.ourself today?’’ she asked the little children.” of Northeast rate bid graduates. "In between all the 'cowardly' tax deduction aif preparations, 1 really hope you took VINCENT SAID he hoped the JENNIFER KELLEY graduates had learned three things the time to be proud." LOOKS FOR HER MOM Northeast Chairman Lelan F. Sillin Jr. at MCC; Bush said he won’t release any more infor­ HARTFORD (UPI) — The state’s con­ Ms. Kelley spoke about the . . . daughter of , HARTFORD (UPI) - Republican U.S. sumer counsel says his office will take a announced plans to seek the latest rate satisfacation students earned along • “ We live in. a very complex Senate candidate Prescott Bush Jr, says the mation about his personal finances than is society where societal and political MCC valedictorian required by the Federal Election Commis­ “fine tooth comb” over the rate hike hike earlier this week, but said the with their degrees. way Congress voted itself a $19,000 tax deduc­ amount of the increase would not be dis­ solutions do not come easily; sion because it tould be detrimental to request Northeast Utilities plans to file "For community college students, tion for Washington living costs was with the state Department cf Public closed until the notice was filed today success is not equated so much with • “The deeper your knowledge of “cowardly” and should be repealed, partners in his insurance business. Bush the liberal arts, particularly history, Utility Control. with the DPUC. money, power and fame as it is with “A back door pay raise is always objec­ added, however, that very little of what Zitser said he expected Northeast to the deeper your understanding and would be contained in his personal income tax Consumer Counsel Barry S. Zitser said satisfaction — satisfaction in tionable, but more so in a year when un­ he would be looking first at the profit file the actual rate hike application knowing we’re becoming the person perspective; employment is at record levels,” Bush said in return would divulge information about the around July 2. He said any increase • “I hope you have learned that firm. level included in the rate application atjd we were meant to be. a letter to Connecticut’scongressional delega­ the "positive features” offered to con­ granted would likely not take effect until A "Success must be a daily attitude you are more than the sum of your tion. "We are not a public corporation. We are a private corporation, and therefore we dis­ sumers by Northeast, the state’s largest around the beginning of next year. that gains momentum, that brings parts.” He said Congress could consider raising the Northeast was the second major utility close what the federal election laws require,” utility. , $3,000 deduction ceiling when the economy Zitser declined anjJ detailed comment in Connecticut to announce plans to seek he said. improves, but it should be done out in the a rate increase in the past week. He was philosophical about an article in the on the rate hike request until Northeast open. filed a formal notice with the DPUC, Southern New England Telephone Co. Wall Street Journal Wednesday which labeled “I don’t think it ought to be done in the w hich^e utility planned to do sometime announced last week it would seek DPUC him a “rank amateur” and another Sunday in Manchester, area cowardly fashion it was done in the Senate, today, approval for a $128 million hike. The Hartford Courant which said there were which is on the back of a black lung bill,” However, Zitser said his office was Zitser said handling both rate cases at Bush told a news conference Thursday. big gaps in his knowledge about issues. Y the same time would put pressure on his “If being a rank amateur means being prepared to examine the utility’s request Bush also said he wasn’t demoralized by in detail to determine what sections, if office. two newspaper articles that were critical of honest and upfront, straightforward, being a "It is going to be a burden but I feel rookie, that’s fine as far as I’m concerned any, the consumer counsel’s office would MCC grads listed his candidacy; won’t release his income tax challenge during DPUC hearings on the we re up to the burden," he said. ”We return and claimed he could win the because that’s how I intend to operate,” Bush will manage. There’s no question we said. “Obviously people start somewhere and application. Republican State Convention in July. ”I’m just hopeful they'll ask for less to have to give the highest priority to these Area graduates of Manchester .) Arey. Ash Brook Drive; Linda J Johnson. I’m going to get better as I go along as 222 Spring Road; Donald R Gendreau. 22 "We have a very conservative count and begin with and then we’ll inspect it with two rate applications.” Community College include: we’re not far from winning the convention,” everybody does in their trade.” Odor Swamp Road; Wendy J. Bradley. 135 -'■■■Si UPI photo a fine tooth comb,” he said. ”If there’s The consumer counsel said his office Deborah Drive. George R. Hoffman. 154 Eric ’N.'- 'he said. "Einstein said even a genius knows only, already had some of the information it Andover Drive. Caroline M. Slolgitis. 82 Wall St.; Bar­ fat in that application we’ll find it and . ! Bush’s opponent, incumbent Sen. Lowell one tenth of one percent of what there is to ask the commission to delete it.” will need for its work in the rate cases DiinJi Jon Wpber, 31 I.,akeside Drive, Sheila bara M Barrett. Standish Road; Robert E. know about his profession and therefore I am H Ball.Tsky, BK Ktngsley Drive; Geraldine Ballsicper. 181 Hemlock Point; Heidi M. Hall. IWeicker, has said he has about 65 percent of PRESCOTT BUSH In its last rate case. Northeast filed for because it has ongoing files on all Of the not adverse whatsoever of working from I’.iine. fi2 Uikeside Drive. Vinson Dr Naegeli RFD 3 ■the933 convention delegates committed to his a $240 million increase, which was raised stale’s utilities reference materials and others,” he said. . . raps tax deduction .It l»ng Hill Road, Sherylan K Harper. Sherry Rhoades. 21 Upton Drive, Bruce S. candidacy. to $260 million during DPUC hearings on He said he was hopeful Northeast Boston Hill Hoad. Richard F Parr. Mahieson Tangarone, 104 Washburn Ave.; Sharlene M. Drive James H Hillman. 53 School Road, Raiasep. 192 Merrow Road; Steven Mastrian- the request. The DPUC approved a $186 would include some "positive factors” in Debra A Miller Wales Road ni 2952 Main St ; Laurel E. Atwood, Patricia million increase, the largest in state its request, such as ways for people to A McLarnon, 45 Antrim Road; Kathleen C. cut down on their power bills Bolton Bernat. 864 Pucker St history. Karen A Roberts, 12 Villa l^ouisa Road; Governor signs 'right to know' bill Carl S Drquhart. 82 Llynwood Drive. Laurie Manchester A Gagnon, 199 Hebron Road. Harold C. l>awrence P Mallon. 22 Grove St . David R signing ceremony were taken aback when Connecticut State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Gonvaw, l29 Notch Road, Carol T. Lorenzinl. Gwynn, 45 l..awton Road; Michael F. E)owns. HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. William »» 13 Turnblehrook Drive. Janet I Caldwell. 38 20 Plaza Drive, Ernest D. DemKo. 36 Holl St,; O’Neill has signed into law a bill requiring Marie Reep of Berlin confronted O’Neill blew up at Ms. Reep outside the governor’s Shoddy Mill Road. Christopher J Ursin. 105 Patrice E. Duncan. 53 A Sycamore Lane; companies to provide information to workers about Wade’s involvement in the StanChem office following the ceremony. THE BOLENS “BIG EVENT South Road. Ronald?' Heim, 109 Birch Moun­ Paula A Lenti. 270 Gardner St ; Christopher J. about 400 toxic chemicals that may be pre­ case. ’’This is not the place to do that,” Ms. tain Hoad Wittkc. 9 Bank St ; Mark G. Konney, 99 Porter “ Are you aware that your campaign Tiante said angrily. "Don’t ever pull that St , Catherine R Parker, 30 Eva Drive. Riva sent in the workplace. Coventry R Clark. 21 Stillfield Road; Nancy J. Kelley. The so-called “Right to Know” bill on toxic manager James Wade is defending the s—again.” William R Crosson. 2527 Main St.; Farilyn 56 Thomas Drive; David A. 62 Santina Drive. substances was drafted after citizens fought StanChem company, which is working con­ The toxic substances bill gives employees, Diane Vonroemer. 52E Ruby Drive; Patricia for disclosure of chemicals used at the trary to the intent of this law?” asked Ms. beginning July 1, 1983, the right to informa­ S. Rawuinitis. 442 W. Middle Turnpike; Reep, a member of the Connecticut Citizen tion and training on hazardous chemicals Hospital plans Christopher J LegauU. 1 Union Place; Charles StanChem Inc. plant in Berlin. Many local Formica. P 0. Box 1147; Nancy J. St. Pierre. residents complained the fumes were making Action Group. their employers produce in manufacturing or use in research or treatment. 2 to level houses 81 Leland Drive. Lou Ann Piela. 36 Birch St.. them sick. Linda L Rekas. 18 Jackson St ; Maria E. O’Neill said he didn’t know what Wade was The name of a toxic chemical that’s a trade Now You Can Afford The Best" Three houses across Haynes Rnnalter. 227 Center St.. Michael A. Gagnon. The Freedom of Information Commission working on and didn’t always agree with the secret could be kept private but information 28B Chinning Drive; Lynn H. Johnston, 23 NOW ON SALE! SAVE! Street from Manchester Memorial Foster St.; Anne F Clair. 47 Alice Drive; ruled May 11 that residents were entitled to a issues taken up by lawyers. Anyway, he said, about it would have to be available. Hospital will be demolished early Karen A Wojnarowski. 184 Vernon St, list of toxic substances used by StanChern, “It’s a totally different subject.” The public will have access to the same in­ Jacqueline R. Young. 34 Norman St.; Bruce but the company’s lawyer, James Wade, is formation beginning in January 1984: 16 HP Yard Tractor 16 HP Work Machine next week to provide 68 parking “Under our system of government • Full Size Garden Tractor spaces, most of them added to the Wittig. 52 Oak St.; Eklward C. Jaworski, 66 challenging the FOI ruling in Superior Court. everyone is innocent until proven guilty and I The governor also signed a bill Thursday Linnmorc Drive; Steven F Plante, 92Grissom • Cast Iron Engine main parking lot there. Road; Joanne M. McCarthy, 99 Ferguson Wade, a Hartford lawyer, is a close friend think you will have to agree with that,” the that will require drivers to use«car seats Demolition of the hospital-owned Road. of O’Neill’s and his campaign manager. governor said. when transporting children under the age of 4 • Heavy Duty Construction houses is part of the addition and Alex T. Wallace. 115 Olcott Drive; Virginia Legislators and labor leaders at the bill Bettv Tiante, secretary-treasurer of the in the front seat of their vehicle. • Optional Attachments renovation plan under way at the A Dubaldo. 59 Irving St.; Kathleen Mae ('arlson. 21 Ashland St.; Pamela J. Bouin, 71C NANCY KELLEY STEPHEN T. PENNY WILLIAM E. VINCENT • 42" Mower^ hospital. The parking spaces Sycamore Lane; Joan E. Cartwright, 15 . MCC valedictorian . . . challenged the graduates . . . obstacles overcome provided will compensate partly for Strawberry Lane; Patricia E. Gronda. 1G5 the spaces lost to new construction. I/K)mis St. Cost was $130,000 Since the hospital has abondoned Gregory D. Holmes, 128 Henry St.; Susan S. SUMMER FUNTIME I/irdse. 29 Garden St.; Michelle A. LegauU, 1 JARTS the houses, the Town of Manchester Union Place; Brent P. Hazzard, 60 Ridgewood for Purolator trial HORSESHOE BADMINTON niOriiw Fire Department has been using St ; Mark R Tobip, 31 Green Hill St.; Diane M Chapman, 215 Bidwell St.; Margaret E. SET SET J m -tM them for drills. WA’TERBURY (UPI) — Records show the state spent $ 1 2 9 9 I,angston, 121 Park St.; Michael T. Picard, 231 Beg. 14.9« I pisyort Bidwell St.; David B. Glidden, 10 Keeney St.; more thail $130,000 to convict two men for the 1979 FlbwglaM A dead shark sinks so slowly that ('linton N. Keith, 24 Ehidley St.; Lynne M. Nar- . slayings of three Purolator Security guards. The sum M AKO II Racquets its body is almost completely dis­ di. Canterberry Road; Valerie B. Johnston. 89 co v ert the state’s costs from pre-trial hearings in REQ. 19" Broad St. 2 MAN BOAT solved by the salt water before it Thomas F. Mumford, 176 Center St.; Cheryl September 1981 to the conviction in January of reaches the bottom of the sea. The InflaUblo Wilhelm. 439 Parker St.; Peter M. Carman. 68 Lawrence Pelletier and Donald Couture. . . HMvy DtHf Owtockt • 16 hp Twin Cylinder only part of the shark that is imper­ Bowers St.: Gary L. Schmidt, 97 Delmont St.; Pelletier, 39, of Waterbury, and Couture, 29, of • Rugged Gear Drive vious to the action of the salt is its Linda M. Fraher, 59 Greenwood Drive; Wallingford, were convicted on three counts of felony Krystine L. Georgiades, 64L. Ruby Road; BOCCE • Large Turf Tires teeth. James Mann. 2tt Oakland St.; Christine M. murder for the April 16, li)79, slayings of three guards Lawn Bowling Laggis, 30 Eire St.; Rosalind B. Lawrence, 81 during a nearly $1.8 million robtery at Purolator 99 • With 42" Mower Giant strawberries are strung Branford St.; Julie A. Denlgris. 233 Woodland Seciuity’s Waterbury depot. nea 24.M For Both together by the stems in Columbia, St : Bonnie Russell, S3 Golway St. The costs compiled by the Waterbury Republican and 1 South America, and sold by the Barbara J. Weyrauch, 173 Maple St.; 4 lb. GLADDING SALE W.H. PREUSS SONS Henderson Bell, 87 Rachel Road; Norman W. American newspapers ranged from a high of $11,154 for I r yard. Mullen. 131 Pine St.; Donald Beaupre. 363 two state inspectors to a low of $516 for jury meals 228 BOSTON TPKE., BOLTON Burnham St.; Christine S. Gemer, 101 Phelps during deliberations in the trial. ^ s l e S i n g b a g •1 9*v I 643-9492 The Marble Arch at the entrance Road; Joan Martens, 138 Oak St.; Blanche B. The estimate also included the cost of salaries for the L Sines, 233 Autumn St.; Linda L. Haberem, 92 to Hyde P a ^ , , opens its ^W. Vernon St.; W ilU ^ J. Cooney, 153 D. judge, prosecutors, public defenders, court reporters, 1 COLEHUN FUEL • FfllSBEES e PUVMATE COOLERS 1 50 yeirs of G irdtn Tractor Excallanca main gate oi^y to the British Royal Downey Drive; Joanne M. Cosgrove, 11 Gerald deputy sheriffs and other personnel who worked during 1 OPEN M0N-8AT9-9 SUNDAY 11-8CkM«lMo«dayMainorialD.v 1 Family. St. the proceedings. Jeffrey P. Rohan, 150 Wadsworth St. Elxt.; However, the $130,000 estimate did not include the 2 Main street 643-7111 or 646-3998 I S ! BOLENS ^Glnh. M. Rocchio, 27B Thompson Road; 99 The Bath White Buttejily-'was cost of numerous court proceedings over a two-year Open Mon-Sat 9-9 pm • Sunday* 11-5:30 pm We Build The Best M aryjeao^relU , 135 W. Middle Turnpike; ELIZABETH MARKIE WAITS FOR FELLOW GRADUATES [FARR’S named in England ih-TTfC because Theresa Sirois. 434 Hilliard St.; Lisa G. period prior to the hearings on motions last September of its resemblance to a piece of em­ Schwartz, 17 Cole St.; Stephen B. Mitchell. 200 . .. graduate of MCC gerontology program immediately before the trial started. broidery created in Bath, England. Grissom Road. MANniESTER HERALD. Fri., May 28. 1982 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri„ May 28, 1982

filchard M. Diamond, Publisher Dan Fitts, Editor • ay get to see 'Taxi Driver' Alex Qirelll, City Editor Hinckley 10 rebuttal witnesses — including Travis Bickle. he ’’picked up in Throe defense experts testified opiriiON WASHINGTON (UPf) - In a final jury seeing the movie. If Parke first time at his trial, replied, “I’d Hinckley was immersed in fantasies decides to permit the jurors to see'' stay.” Hinckley, talking four psychiatrists who presumably automatic ways” Bickle’s at­ decision before the defense rests, will testify Hinckley was sane and tributes. and psychotic on March 30. 1981. the the judge in the trial of John W. it, they would likely do so today, the ucidly, said he felt competent to day of the attempted assassination. assist his lawyers in the remainder able to control his behavior at the Defense lawyers suggest Hinckley Jr. must rule on whether 24th-day of the trial. Hinckley’s obsession w-th actress to let the jury see “Taxi Driver” — Parker dealt one blow to the of his case. time of the shooting. Defense lawyers had pressed to He sat quietly through the Dr. William Carpenter, the Jodie Foster also may have evolved introduce the CAT scan evidence, 4he movie with which the presiden­ defense Thursday by barring from his fascination with the movie. tial attacker was obsessed. testimony about sophisticated X- testimony and was expressionless leadoff psychiatric witness for the contending such abnormalities are Jack rays, or CAT scans, showing abnor­ when the judge, who heard defense, testified two weeks ago. In the movie. Miss Foster played a common among schizophrenics. U.S. District Judge Barrington when Hinckley first saw “Taxi teenage prostitute who was rescued Anderson Parker said he would view portions malities in Hinckley’s brain. testimony from three psychiatrists But Parker ruled that based on the After a one-day hiatus in his cell, and a .radiologist, ruled against his Driver” in 1976 if “resonated very by Bickle. of the film, about a lonely cabbie much with his own life” of depres­ Hinckley. 26. has pleaded innocent expert testimony there was “a lack Andrew Young on his feet in Atlonto Washington who stalked a presidential can­ Hinckley returned submissively to lawyers on the CAT scan issue. of general acceptance” in the psy­ sion, frustration and failure. by reason of insanity to charges of didate, late ’Thursday or early today court Thursday. Parker warned him The defense planned to rest its chiatric field of the use of CAT Msrry-Qo-Round he cannot wander in and out of court case after calling 14 witnesses, but He said Hinckley saw the movie shooting Reagan. White House what he thinks about Ronald before deciding if it is valid as many as 15 times — and identified Press Secretary James Brady and scans to diagnose or support fin­ ATLANTA — There was no lit­ been largely neighborhood evidence. as he has before. not Hinckley. The government next Reagan, he replies: ‘Tve been week is expected to call as many as so deeply with the main character. two law enforcement officers. dings of schizophrenia. tle trepidation here last fall when organizations dominated by saying we have to defeat him, The prosecution objects to the The defendant, speaking for the Andrew Young was elected to fellow liberals. Jack Germond and we don’t have to wait until replace Maynard Jackson as To some extent, the ease with and idM to do it.” His theory is, as he I mayor of the capitol of the South. which Andy Young has been puts it with characteristic irony, Treating House budget deliberations Andy Young had been, after accepted has been simply a case Jules Witcover “the 1982 elections could save the all, something of a loose cannon of him proving to be less Reagan presidency” — if enough on the deck of the Carter ad­ menacing than expected in light Syndicated columnists Republicans lose to send a ministration as ambassador to of the racial polarization of the message to the White House to people collapse; more delay seen the United Nations, a black who vote. “If anything," says Young, change course. seemed quick to find racism all “it's worked in my favor.” Young’s practical stake in WASHINGTON (UPI) - After promise with the House once economy, the country is going to suf-. around him. would be taking over course, that everything is aces different poiicies is obvious. The like dirt fiye long days of debate, the House representatives settle on a plan of ter." rilKUK IS, of course, more to between Andy Young and the es­ Blit House GOP leader Robert Moreover, in Young's triumph everything.” The appointment of city stiii needs, among other today rejected all of the 1983 budget their own. it than that. Andy Young was an tablishment here, or that there proposals, sending its Budget Com­ Budget experts have said the Michel of Illinois did not see it that over a well-regarded white state a white police chief, one things, $400 million to $500 WASHINGTON — Determined to Atlanta politician — as con­ won’t be rough spots ahead. mittee back to square one to develop deficit could be $182 billion or even way. legislator, Sidney Marcus, the regarded by Young as a “consen­ million to complete its flashy 2 gressman from the 5th District But the beginning that has been make good on Ronald Reagan’s a new plan and delaying an uitimate more if no budget resolution is pattern of voting was far more sus candidate” for the poast, mass transit system. “There’s "It is not a disaster to have it fail for three terms — long before he made, and Young’s own view of campaign promise to cut chiselers agreement with the Senate. passed to set limits on the various racial than had been the tradition may have been particularly help­ all the difference in the world the first time," Michel said, “It the prospects, are a reflection of and undeserving malingerers off The House defeated three key programs. docs give us a better reading. ... We in elections here. Although there becanae a diplomat. So he un­ ful. between three-fourths of a Earlier in the day, as chances what is happening in many federal benefit rolls, the Social budget substitutes, ranging from an have to move more to the right. " • derstood some of the things he “I think that sent a signal of system and a system,” he points dwindled that any of the budget is some dispute over the par­ American cities these days — Security Administration’s amended version of the House needed to do. fairness,” he says today. out. Budget Committee’s Democratic plans would prevail, American ticulars, it appeared that only iiberal Democratic mayors, bureaucrats have been treating dis­ Rep Phil Gramm of Texas, one of about 10 percent of black and Thus, shortly after he took of­ In the long run, however, what ability pensioners with all the com­ plan to an administration-backed Business Conference President John the conservative Democrats known black and white, coming to grips But Young has tempered that Alhertine said, "It would send the white voters “crossed over" — i fice, he made a point of meeting may have been most important in GOP alternative in consecutive as "Boll Weevils" who handed with the realities of life in the big poiitical approach on occasion. passion of a Dickensian workhouse worst possible signal to the financial less than half of what might have individually with groups as assuaging doubts in the business votes late Thursday and early today. Reagan his winning edge in the 8 cities when confrontation is no When, for example, Reagan administrator. In a final blow, an odd assortment markets" if the House failed to been expected in the normal diverse as chief executives of establishment may have been budget and tax cut battle last year longer either fashionable or visited a black family in subur­ New and tougher standards of dis­ of Republicans, conservative and produce a budget. and who sided with the Repubicans corporations and tenants’ unions, Young's recognition that there pattern. productive. ban Washington who had been ability have been set up, and those liberal Democrats and members of About the same time, from Presi­ again this year, said, "I believe the the Chamber of Commerce and has to be genuine cooperation But today Atlanta's white es­ victimized by racial harassment, who don’t qualify find themselves the Black Caucus joined together to dent Reagan's ranch near Santa worst signal Congress could have neighborhood associations, between business and govern­ It is against this background Barbara, Calif., White House tablishm ent is finding Andy the mayor sent him a con­ abruptly thrown off the benefit rolls reject the original committee .sent to Wall Street ... was a bad organizations of ministers “both ment for cities to survive that the Reagan administration’s blueprint 265-159, canceling any spokesman Larry Speakes quoted Young far easier to accept than gratulatory telegram. ‘"That kind and told to go to work. Many of them budget. What that signal would have black and white.” Says one economically these days. stumbiing beginnings with black hope of a House budget before the Reagan as saying: “The budget said was that we punted.” had been expected. Indeed, in his of symbol is important,” says are in their 50s and 60s and haven’t veteran of Atlanta politics: “ Whatever the perception of Americans need to be con­ Memorial Day recess. process is taking a sharp turn first six .months in office, the Young, “and he had been neglec­ held a job in years because of their After the House defeated the GOP ‘That defused a lot of the con­ me was,” says Andy Young, “my sidered. Accurately or not, the The House adjourned just before 2 toward confusion. The Democratic noisiest controversy involving ting them.” disabilities, yet they’re expected to leadership of the House seems to alternative 235-192, the moderate cern about Andy.” own understanding of today’s president has allowed himself to compete with younger, able-bodied a.m., and House Budget Committee the mayor has centered on how to economy is that the only way you be perceived as largely insen­ As a mayor elected almost en­ Chairman James Jones, D-Okla., bent on running a legislative process bipartisan plan 289137, and a slightly He also made some white ap­ workers in a time of widespread un­ altered version of the Democratic develop a piece of vacant land in do anything is with the private sitive to urban and black con­ tirely on black votes, Andy said his panel would meet informal­ that will lead to no resolution of the the city that has been the center pointments that were clearly employment. UPl photo ly today to “see if there is a basis 1983 budget" committee budget 253-171, the sector.” cerns. Young is trying to avoid similar Democratic-dominated House heard of a dispute for more than a directed to what he recognized for building a truly bipartisan” Following the final vote, Jones, Thus, If you ask Andy Young neglect here. but ignored - the pleas of its two decade. And Young's critics have was white fear “that blacks I’lllS DOKS'NT suggest, of CONSIDER ONE shocking exam­ budget. who steered the House through the arduous budget debate that began top leaders to grasp the final oppor­ ple that was uncovered by Sen. REPS. LEON PANETTA, JAMES JONES AND NORMAN MINETA The Senate approved its budget after surprise House vote to cut defense spending last week and must work out a com­ last Friday, said, “I think the tunity to pass a budget. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio: In M an ch ester Russell Beard, 46, had been drawing disability benefits for eight years when he was notified last Oc­ tober that his status was being Health hazards of cocaine use increasing Ground spray: reviewed. One month later. Beard was deaths. The rate of cocaine-related and in the number of non-fatal consequences ' (•oration and perforation of the nasal notified that he was no longer en­ ATLANTA (UPI) - Almost 10 early 1970s concluded the drug had soi)turn. weight loss, insomnia, little effect on society. treatment program admissions in­ cocaine-related emergencies. ' The CDC said the dangers in­ NAH.SHE'SN0T titled to benefits. More than that, he million Americans are snorting, in­ The CDC in its Morbidity and Mor­ anxictv. paranoia, formication ia jecting and “free basing” cocaine The Drug Abuse Warning creased more than sixfold. volved in cocaine use “include con­ sensation as of small insects why not permits? was told that the bureaucrats had Network, a morbidity and mortality Nearly 10 million people over the tality Weekly Report said one sequences of both acute and chronic somehow decided he hadn’t been and the death rate from the growing reason for the increased health crawling over the skin) and OVERTHESPEEP LIMIT. use of the drug has more than information system funded by age of 11 reported having used use Acute toxicity, similar to that cocaine in the year before the NIDA dangers may be due to changes in hallucination " It’s amazing that a pest that at their property line. Unfor­ properly qualified since August 1981. trip le d since 1976, fed e ra l NIDA, reported 13,437 cocaine- caused by amphetamines, is The ruling had been made retroac­ related emergency room admissions survey. Half said they had used “the route of administration of the characterized by nervousness, diz­ starts out the size of a pinhead tunately, the spray does not. It is researchers reported today. drug from inhaling or ‘snorting’ to It said the Justice Department es­ tive by two months. The National Centers for Disease betw een Ja n u a ry 1977 and cocaine in the preceding month. ziness. blurred vision and tremors, timated between 40 and 50 metric can grow to such proportions virtually impossible to stop all Two-thirds of the self-reported free basing (processing the cocaine Beard’s wife. Sue, called Social Control, citing recent statistics November 1981. and may lead to convulsions, car­ tons of cocaine hydrochloride were and in such numbers as to drift from spray even on a Between 1976 and 1981, there was cocaine users were between the into a pure form by removing the diac arrhythmias, and respiratory Security’s Columbus, Ohio, office from the National Institute of Drug hydrochloride base, then smoking imported into the United States in defoliate acres of forests. windless day, especially when 4" Abuse, said the health consequences a more than threefold increase in ages of 18 and 25. Males out­ arrest. and offered to submit evidence from numbered females by more than the free base) and to intravenous 1980. an increa.se of more than 50 It is even more incredible that trees line property edges. of cocaine use have changed the rate of cocaine-related emergen­ “Chronic u.se is associated with ul- percent over the previous year. her husband’s doctor. She told my cies and the rate of cocaine-related two to one, both in the use of cocaine use may be causing adverse health A dramatically since a study in the that same pest, the infamous But what if the-adjacent associate Vicki Warren that Social gypsy moth, can pit neighbor homeowner chooses not to Security officers said the agency against neighbor in an issue over expose himself and his family to doctors’ finding that Beard was no Th(jtcher rights, the rights of private pesticides? The private tree longer disabled would not be Pope urges peace, unity property owners. firms are not required to obtain changed by evidence to the con­ Several months ago the waivers from neighboring trary. receives Manchester Property Owners property owners. They are not .) The Beards appealed the decision, between Anglicans, Catholics Y Association started a drive to even required to warn such owners in advance, or tell them ' but on Jan. 13 they were notified support protect large neighborhood ■X\^W that Beard, a former press operator LONDON (UPI) — Pope John “ estranged” for 450 years since The pontiff will pay a two-day parcels of land by hiring a firm what chemical is being used. whose heart condition prevented visit to Argentina June 11 and 12 to to aerial spray the caterpillars. This detail is particularly dis­ Paul II, the first pontiff ever to visit Pope Pius V excommunicated King LONDON (UPI) - A Conser­ him from lifting more than 10 Britain, appealed today for an end to Henry VIII for marrying Anne offset the controversy in Latin But in order to do it, blocks turbing when the pesticide America over his coming to Britain vative candidate who called Prime pounds, was able to do sedentary the war in the Falklands and urged Boleyn. Minister Margaret Thatcher’s had to band together to pay the chosen is Sevin; there are work that didn’t require standing or unity between Catholics and the At his side in the church was Car­ in the midst of war. Falklands war policy “courageous" cost. At the very least, people serious questions about its safe­ walking more than four hours at a Anglican Church founded after dinal Basil Hume, the Catholic scored a stunning victory in a ty. Citizens should be able to Henry VIII split from 450 Primate of Engiand and Wales, The pope said the conflict “has who did not want their property stretch. been one of the most serious con­ special vote and a national poll sprayed had to sign a waiver, so choose whetheer or not they years ago. where Catholics number about 10 showed overwhelming public siip- Anti-Catholic protesters, in­ percent of the population. cerns to me and I have repeatedly that spraying could be done want to be exposed. asked Catholics throughout the l)hrt for her government. The insensitivity of SSA cluding clergymen, called the pope Earlier, arriving at Gatwick Air­ Timojhy Smith, 34, took the around them. bureaucrats didn’t end with Beard’s the “anti-Christ” and carried port south of London the pope told a world and all people of goodwill to Numerous examples have join praying for a just and peacefuL special parliamentary vote Thursay Some people refused to sign, death. Incredibly, they demanded placards reading: “Jesus saves, small crowd of Catholics that the m Beaconsfield, 23 miles west of cropped up all over town of conflict over the Falklands “has settlement.” fearing the effects of the spray. spraying that was done without that his widow repay the govern­ Rome enslaves,” as the pontiff London-, by such an overwhelming ment for the two months’ disability arrived at London’s Victoria Sta­ claimed many lives, and has majority the Labor candidate lost Tempers flared. Some warning and in areas where win­ threatened to extend to still more The pope traveled on the train homeowners decided to take checks he had been sent between tion. There were scuffles as other the $83 deposit required to have his dows were open and children people booed the protesters and dreadful proportions.” used by Prince Charles and the name on the ballot. ’matters into their own hands, November and December. Only the In remarks after his sermon, he Princess of Wales to take them on were playing. At the very least, action of a Social Security ad­ police arrested 31 people. A new poll for The Economist and they contracted with private citizens should have been given John Paul, who was attacked in urged Britain and Argentina to “put their honeymoon last year, speeding' magazine showed if a national elec­ tree companies for ground ministrative law judge kept the Portugal earlier this month on his aside the weapons of death and pur­ through, the commuter traffic to the opportunity to leave the area agency from hounding Mrs. Beard tion were held now, the Conser­ spraying of their trees. last trip abroad, appeared not to sue the paths of fraternal dialogue.” London’s Victoria station. vatives would defeat the opposition or stay inside. further in her bereavement. “Let us.remember the victims of In the case of the outside firm, notice the protests by militant Labor Party 51 to 25 percent. Open forum / Readers' views protestants and drove In a glass- both sides,” the pope said. “We pray Outside the station, Protestant AgRotors, the town had to issue A town officiai when contacted The poll also showed 62 percent topped vehicle through cheering for the dead, that they may rest in fundamentalists, including some felt the recapture of the British a permit since the firm spraying recently said, “If I were Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square. Manchester, CT 06040 THE ROBOT-LIKE reviews now crowds to celebrate mass in West­ Christ, and for the wounded and for clergymen,-who have threatened to colony was worth the sacrifice of in areas adjacent to town spraying my property, I would being conducted of hundreds of minister Cathedral. all the afflicted families. disrupt the visit, waved antl-papal British lives, compared with 44 per­ property. tell my neighbor. At least the thousands of disability pensioners “Rome and your country were es­ Government officials stayed away placards as the pope left the station cent six weeks ago before the tranged. Now the bishop of Rome from the airport in deference to the in bright sunshine. 2 fighting started. . When people spray their own sprayer should tell the are hardest, of course, on those who pope’s wish for this to be a strictly a Philip Dooley and his Zoning Board comes to you,” he said in his ser­ The poll was taken Tuesday and trees in their own yards, neighbors.” In many cases, prevention.” That same day, an are judged to be no longer disabled pastoral visit because of Britain's The placards'read, “Jesus saves, POLICEMAN LOOKS AT POSTERS members on their unanimous decl mon, delivered in English. He Rome enslaves,” and “Pope John Wednesday by Market Opinion however, no such permit is however, that has not happened. Inspiration editorial found fault with Bolton’s under the new criteria. But even appealed for unity between the conflict with a predominantly . . . preparations In Britain for pope Sion to deny a zone change in Bolton. Paul, Anti-Christ.” Research Interqational In the wake required. The tree firms are Perhaps the town should con­ Selectmen for supporting a nuclear those who manage to survive the Catholic and Anglican churches, Roman Catholic nation. of the destruction of two more freeze resolution. The reasons? review process with their benefits licensed by the state, and the sider issuing permits to tree ’The people spoke — the commis­ British ships fighting near the To the Editor: 1. The issue is complex. (It’s ac­ Intact have been robbed of their town does not oversee companies, and demanding sion listened — it was true Falklands. waivers from any affected tually simplicity itself — ban dignity, pushed around by officious Eight killed when plane “I have found enormous respect operations. The Whiton Library staff wishes democracy in action! bureaucrats and even subjected to property owners. Disregard for nuclear weapons or use them and for the prime minister’s determina­ Of course, private property to publicly thank the Manchester physical hardship in some cases. Moon claims he tion and resolution for tackling 8 others’ rights should not be per­ perish); , owners have the right to do Herald for its coverage prior to our 2. There are other important ■ I am a new resident of Bolton, ’The General Accounting Office, Britain’s problems in the short term mitted to continue. If the tree 50th anniversary. We feel certain whatever they want in their own issues. (But obviously not so com­ having married Edward asked to Investigate disabled pen­ that was 'overioaded' crashes and in the long term," said Smith yards. They may choose to spray companies and property owners that it helped insure the success of pelling or other groups of people Tomaszewski of South Road just a sioners, found, for example, that in before the election. once met Jesus “By her firm and courageous with dishwater or methoxychlor have so little concern then the the May 15th activities. would force them to t e considered year ago. It has been interesting and many states, the disabled were “Normally there is seating for six because of the burned and battered leadership Mrs. Thatcher has or Sevin if they want to. town should provide legal incen­ Also, we wish to commend our at town, meetings); and finally, enlightening to have attended all the ordered to report at 9 a.m. on a CHANDLER, Arlz. (UPI) - many patrons and friends who NEW YORK (UPI) - ’The Moon from “further suffering.” on the airplane,” said Bill Reavis, a condition of the bodies. proved conclusively the Tory Party But their rights stop abruptly tive. 3. A resolution is ineffective or in­ meetings and listened to all the given day for a physical exam to see Authorities say a twin-engine plane Rev. Sun Myung Moon t r if le d Moon’s testimony in U.S. that failed to gain altitude on takeoff spokesman at Cessna headquarters “It’s a pretty gory scene,” Harl is a national party and it commands provided flowers, refreshments, and appropriate. (At which point one testimony of long-time Bolton if they were still disabled. ’They gave of their time to help in various he met Jesus in the Korean District Court in Manhattan was and plummetedjto the ground killing in Wichita, Kan. He said the craft said. overwhelming national support,” he can only despair for the future of a residents. were told not to eat anything for halted by the 2nd U.S. Circuit of said. ways for our special day. The mountains in 1938, talks with him eight people in a fiery explosion, may have been custom adjusted to The pilot was identified as Jerald democracy when it becomes several hours before their appolntr and other religious figures and Appeals, which scheduled a accommodate more passengers, but Lee Breinholt, president of Jacob­ Smith’s victory secured a vacant library staff feel very privileged to Having lived, previously, on West may have been overloaded. pointless or tasteless for citizens to ment. has the “possibility of beemning bearing today on a motion to dis­ “I noticed he was trailing declined to speculate what — if any son Development Co. of Yuma, seat in the House of Commons. be serving such a fine community. speak out on issues of vital impor­ Middle 'Tpke., Manchester, for 28 What the pensioners weren’t told real Messiah.** continue the trial, — effect that might have had on the owner of the craft. Conservatives now control an Now, we are all inspired for the smoke,” said Dan Unssen, a student tance). years, I find it refreshing to live in was that eve^one had been ordered, Moon testified Thnrsday in a |9 Moon, 62, convicted on pilot who was. watching from 200 .plane’s performance. Also killed were Breinholt’s wife, overall 38-seat majority with 335 next 50 years! the country and to breathe fresh air. to report at a.m. This meant that million civil suit brought by one taxfraud charges last w e ^ in the feet away as the Cessna 320 plunged “It’s listed as a six-passenger air­ Carol Ann: Robert Estes, his wife, seats in Commons cortipared to . One can imagine an editor so un­ Labor’s 239. The rest are divided read as to be completely out of touch I never could open my front win­ sick, crippled and elderly people of bis Unification Church same court building, said he first Into a freshly plowed field ’Thursday plane, but the back two seats are Zee, their son, Craig, 19; Thomas Whiton Library Staff talked with Je$us on Easter mor­ like kiddle seats,” said the owner of Johnson and his wife, Beverly, all of among third parties. with the realities and prescriptions dows in summer, never even put the were made to wait as much as five members, Anthony Colombrito, and exploded. against a depropammer. But ning 1936 in the mountains out­ a charter airline service and Yuma. The eighth victim, Todd The area normally votes Con^r- for nuclear war but — doesn’t the screens in, as the auto pullutlon was hours — without food — for their “He did a barrel-roll to the left, Colombrito, 30, of Brick Town, side Pusan, Korea. experienced pilot, who asked not to Bryce, 6, was from Tempe. vative, but Smith’s margin was editor read his own newspaper? unbearable. examinations. then a nose dive into the ground. It N.J., wanted the suit dismissed “I remembered him from his bounced once, landed in the position be identified. Other accidents involving small overwhelming. He had 23,049 votes, Paper irony ’The GAO investigaton discovered Marcia M. Finnegan So, thank you. Zoning Conunls- today because of the prying holy pictures and he said he was it’s in now and burst into flames. “I know it’s a very tight six. aircraft killed four other people compared to 9,996 for Literals and that only about half of the more than questions Moon was being asked Jesus Christ,” Moon testified. ’There’s no way eight people could Thursday in Maryland and Virginia. only 3,886 for the Labor Party. 77 Strickland sion, for the many hours of thou^t- ’There was no chance of survival.” To the Editor: 170,000 disability pensioners who — including inquiries about his' “He asked me to help bim in the safely travel in that airplane.” In Frederick, Md., a small crop- “Disappointment turns to tragedy ful and diligent deliberations you Federal aviation officials today were cut off since March of last sex life. salvation of the universe.” The Cessna crashed minutes after duster crashed onto the roof of an if Mrs. Thatcher is allowed to think How ironic. Page One of the May have given unselfishly to the town. I were trying to determine why the 6t«ttbyNEA.inc year had actually shown medical Colombrito said be realized He said when he first met aircraft crashed in the rural area taking off from nearby Stellar Air automobile during an emergency this is a vote of confidence in her 19 Manchester Herald included an am ptoud and happy to be a Bolton Proud, happy improvement. ’The rest just didn’t after two days of listening to his Moses they talked.about his rela­ about 20 miles southwMt of down­ Park for the 180mile flight to Yuma. landing on a downtown highway, handling of domestic affairs,” said article entitled. Study: Nuclear at­ resident. ‘••Lou QranV Is canceled, and all you can say.ls. meet the tough new standards for leader bis “worst fears are beiyg tion with Israel as its messlah. town Phoenix. Cessna experts, Deputy Fire Chief Jim Harl said ns? woman driving the car suffered the Labor candidate, Tony Blair, tack would annihilate town. It con­ realized” and he wanted to save Later, be said, he iiiet Buddha. however, suggested the plane may authorities had a bard time deter­ cardi.ic arrest and died, but the pilot conceding her stance on the '/ feel sorry for Mrs. PInchon'l?" To the Edilori Evelyn B. Tomuxewskl dlsablUtv cluded with the quote, ‘"nie only have been overloaded. mining the number of victims suffered onlv minor injuries. Falklands the- Hiffprpnn

MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri., May 28, 1982 - 9 H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Frl„ May 28, 1982

Manchester 13 Vinal Tech 8 MHS golfers Democrats have doubts, but approve freeze East Catholic 12 Cheney Tech 4 co-CCIL champs asked the Board of Directors to take Cummings, noted that the meeting presented their case to the town were all exploded, they could it is not binding on either side. SPORTS a stand on the nuclear freeze issue was in cdmpetition with the By Nancy THompson committee at a special meeting destroy all life on earth." " I’m not saying you should trust in addition to placing It on the Manchester Community College Herald Reporter called for that purpose, assured the Russians, but a bilateral freeze DEMOCRATIC TOWN Com­ means that nothing happens unless November ballot. graduation cerertionies and the The Democratic Town Committee those who questioned the Soviet The directors, particularly Mayor dedication of the Matthew M. Union’s compliance that a move­ mittee Chairman Theodore R. Cum­ we tango and they tango,” she said. Thursday unanimously passed a Stephen T. Penny; a Democrat, have Moriarty baseball field in the Mt ment to support an arms freeze mings said, "It's difficult for some Mrs. Carr cited a “vast and un­ resolution supporting a bilateral of us, no matter how much we want precedented groundswell from peo­ resisted taking a stand on what they Nebo complex. nuclear arms freeze and urging a exists in the Soviet Union. They say is a national issue, saying it Cummings said that he did not quoted U.S. government sources peace, to believe the Russians are ple who are frightened” by the public vote on the issue — despite would set a precedent for the board want to put political pressure on the who say the Soviets have complied trustworthy and this will remove us prospect of uuclear war in support Manchester gains tourney berth, some members’ reservations about to become involved in other national Board of Directors. He said the with arms limitations treaties in the from the brink of war. of an arms freeze. whether the Soviet Union would "People have come to believe the issues, taking time away from local arms freeze should not be a political past. “ I’m not sure I believe they have agree to end the arms race. honored all their agreements —not arms race is out of control and it is business. Issue. "It takes two to tango,” Pascal "Even though we don’t like the so in Czechoslovakia, not so in up to each and every one of us to do None of the directors were pre­ Wednesday the Republican Town Mastrangelo said. Russians, you’ve got to trust them Hungary, not so in Poland, not so in what we can to stop it,” she said. sent for the entire Democratic Town Committee also adopted an arms Thomas O’Neill commented, or this will get out of hand,” said Dr. Afghanistan." She added, "I don’t honestly Committee meeting. Deputy Mayor freeze resolution, but stopped short Francis Helfrick, a pediatrician at believe that many of you believe Barbara B. Weinberg showed up a outlasts Catholic in marathon "What if we have a freeze and Nancy Carr, executive director of of calling for a referendum or a Russia don’t freeze —we’re going to Manchester Memorial Hospital. the Manchester Area Conference of there isn’t eventually going to be an few minutes before the vote on the Board of Directors resolution.” be at their mercy. “I’m concerned about the number of Churches and a leader in the loc accident. We’re going to be dead if resolution. John Thompson, who made the nuclear bombs we have — 50,000 of arms freeze .movement, noted that push comes to shove.” By Len Auster in 14 years,” screamed East Cpach homer and RBI double by Tom drove home his 31st run with a sixth­ "How do we know the people in ATTENDANCE AT the meeting motion for the Democrats resolu­ them. the resolution freeze its proponents The town committee members Jim Penders at Buttafusco as Furlong. inning sacrifice fly, eclipsing the Russia are allowed to speak out tion, said, “1 think we’re taking a Herald SportswrIter ‘The teams played even baseball and maybe it are supporting calls for a bilateral rejected an amendment to the was sparse — only 28 showed up, one Petersen, who appeared to The b izarre 12th and even previous single season mark of 30 against arms? This could be Com­ “Someone’s going to set them off, more than necessary to have a very small step and a very wise RBI set by Mike Freiheit in 1980. either accidentally or inten­ arms freeze, which means that both resolution, propsed by Theodore You had to be there to believe it, catapault himself right into the tag should have wound up in a tie.’ stranger 13th enabled Manchester to munist propaganda for all 1 know." Brindamour, which would have quorum to vote on the resolution. step.” but in this case that probably wasn’t of catcher Dennis Goodwin, was qualify for the tourney and dropped MuncheHter (13) — Fogarty 2b, tionally," he continued. "If they sides must honor the agreement or — East Coach Jim Penders Proponents of the freeze, who enough either. ruled safe on a single to right by East to 11-8, 6- 2-2-0, Labrec rf, 6-1-2-1, Petersen There were enough good and bad Doug Whitaker. “This has been a real gutsy team 3b, 7-3-3-1, G. Chetelat If^ 7-3-2-1, plays, some even on the same play, “’ITie kids are the ones who lose all year,” Race complimented his Whitaker dh, p, 6-0-1-1, Bilodeau p, But Burkamp hopeful to last a season. And unfortunately out because of that,” a still side, "We’ve come from 2 and 8 to 10 0- O-O-O, Cullen p, O-O-O-O, Sumislaski Obituaries two controversial calls, the second steaming Penders offer^ after the Roy’s single. “Billy’s safe the “ I’ve never seen anything like this and 10. We came from way down. ss, 3-2-2-2, J. Chetelat cf, 7-1-0-0, more than a lot objectionable, made final out, “Petersen said he was out. previous inning. The ball was late. game,” Race commented, “I’ve We were last in the CCIL at the Piccin c, 6-0-3-1, McKenna pr, 0-0-0- 1 the difference as Manchester High You know I’m the last guy to com­ And he (Buttafusco) was in no posi­ never seen anything like this in my halfway point of the season but kept 0, Peck lb, p, 2-0-0-0, Baltovick ph, 1- 2 nipped East Catholic, 13-12, In a 13- plain about umpires but when a vic­ tion to call out or safe,” Penders life. It was up and down. There were coming back.” 1- 0-0. Totals: 51-13-15-7. Branford St. died today in Town starts foreclosure inning, 4 ’^-hour marafhon affair tory is taken away by an umpire... charged. some of the weakest and some of Whitaker, the losing pitcher to Easi ('.atliolic (12) — Furlong 2b, Antonins Davis Manchester. He was the husband of yesterday at Eagle Field. It’s just a real shame.” The safe call in the 13th belonged best plays.” Windham Wednesday, gained the 3-3-1-1, Masse cf, 6-2-2-3, Bond If, 5- Antonina Davis, 66, of Enfieid, been a problem over how the Florence Bowman Vinton. Cassano, who has been involved in invested $75,000 to $100,000 in Manchester’s Chris Petersen “I think the, umpire was in posi­ in the same arena as the contest, The extra frames were win with 4 2/3-innings of stellar 1-1-2, Roy rf, 7-0-2-1, McCoy 3b, 5-0- . died Thursday at her home. She was By Alex Girelli efforts to collect back taxes, said development of the property without restaurant would be sewered, but scored what proved to be the win­ necessitated by a bizarre ninth in­ relief work. Whitaker, 6-3, yielded the wife of George J. Davis and the He was born in Enfield on Nov. 23. tion to see - it. I’ll leave It to his that being That’s Incredible or 1-0, Byam pr, O-l-O-O, D. Goodwiq c, Herald City Editor today the town has bent over extensive borrowing and that about George Kandra, public works direc­ ning run in the top of the 13th on a decision,” offered Manchester ning. Manchester went into the top two hits, walked one and fanned one mother of Mrs. Elaine Hayes of 1903, and had been a resident of Ripley’s Believe it or Not. “It’s like 7- 1-2-0, Darby ss, 6-1-1-3, Riggs lb, 5- Manchester for 37 years. Prior to backwards in its dealing with three years ago he ran out Of funds tor, outlined a possible solution to ' play which he looked more than a Coach Don Race, who saw his late- he didn’t want to even it up. ’That’s of the ninth trailing, 9-8, but scored in gaining the win. Coventry. The town has begun action to 0-2-0, Feshler dh, 6-1-2-0, Maningas retiring in 1968, he wa employed as Burkamp because the Manchester to pay taxes. that problem. iittie out. Home plate umpire Mike charging Indians qualify for the what it looked like here. I’ve never four times without getting the ball Brian McAuley was the hard-luck lb, l-O-O-O, Cabral pr, O-l-O-O, She also leaves two other foreclose on Kenneth Burkamp’s He says his latest offer is all the The action against Burkamp is 8 Mall is on Main Street and an inspector with the AT&T Co. Manchester Mall, the former W. T. Buttafusco thought otherwise. state tournament at 10-10 with the made a complaint about umpiring out of the infield. Four errors, two Eagle losing pitcher. Wisnieski pr, O-l-O-O, R. Goodwin p, daughters, Mrs. Carolyn Davis stimulates traffic there. traffic will bear. part of town effort to collect back The bottom of the 12th inning saw “ Both teams played hard. It’s just Copeland of Westchester, Ohio and Hartford plant for 34 years. Grant building on Main Street, for win. before. I’m not a crybaby, but I’ve on the same play on which four O-O-O-O, Kiro p, O-O-O-O, McAuley p, 0- He was a life member of He said others who were He says he owes about $40,000. He taxes generally. Both Botticello and Buttafusco rule East’s Bill Masse A orte-bounce peg from center- got to say it for the kids sake. runners scampered home, made it too bad it had to be determined by 0-0-0, Daly p, O-O-O-O. Totals: 51-12- Mrs. Georgiann Davis O’Connor Jr. back taxes and water fees. delinquent in payments have has offered to pay $10,000 within 90 Cassano said Burkamp is not the Telephone Pioneers of America, a 50 Burkamp and the town have been out at the plate on a sharp single to fielder Joe Chetelat to catcher Bob “The teams played even baseball 12-9 in the Indians’ favor. an umpire’s call,” Penders stated. 14-10. of Somers; two sisters, Mrs. succeeded in making arrangments days and $10,000 for each lot he sells only property owner the town is center by Paul Roy. East, however, came back to Josephine Baer of Longmeadow, year member of Uriel Lodge of negotiating over the taxes but Piccin nailed the fleet Masse trying and maybe it should have wound up Lost in the shuffle was a single Manch. 110 101 404 000 1—13 Merrow, and a charter member of with the town and have made of property he has on the market. pressing for payment. ■“That was the worst call I’ve seen to score from second in the 12th on in a tie,” Penders offered. draw even on a Chris Darby two-run season record set by Doug Bond. He East 003 004 113 000 0—12 Mass., and Mrs. Jennie Miller of En­ Burkamp’s latest offer has been payments. “Burkamp never caught That Is the offer Botticello says Cassano said many people who field; and five grandchildren. the Manchester Lodge of Elks. rejected by the town, according to Besides his wife, he is survived by up,” he said. the town has, rejected. have lost their jobs have still found Funeral and burial will be private. Attorney Barry Botticello, Burkamp has pinned his hopes on ways to pay back taxes. em i .11$..i I’here are no calling hours. two sons, George A. Vinton Jr. of representing the town. BlIKKAIVIP BOUGHT the LaPuente, Calif., and Robert M. having a restaurant established in Cassano also said he is not sure .Memorial donations to St. Burkamp said Thursday he feels building in 1975 with the hope that he the building. Developers have Adalbert s Church. Leete-Stevens Vinton of Denver; two daughters, that an agreement can be reached. would get low interest loans to the town has been using the best Joanne V. Doming of Colebrook and sought a building permit for a ■methods of collection. He said he Enfield Chapels. 61 South Road, has Director Stephen Cassano, appeared renovate it and turn it into a viable restaurant, he said but the permit charge of arrangements. Mary V. McGann of West 'Yar­ less hopeful. Main Street property. He said local feels the lawyers get involved too mouth, Mass.; a stepson, Kenneth J. has been delayed. ’The application early in the process. One alternative If the town does pursue a suit bankers then were willing to con­ lacks plans by a certified engineer Jennie C. Krompegal Dahlquist of Andover; two step­ against Burkamp and is successful, sider such loans. would be to put the collection Jennie C. (Maks) Krompegal, 78, daughters, June Bugie of as required by the Building Depart­ problem in the hands of an outside it would mean that the town would Interest rates rose, however, and ment. of 25 Westwood St., died Thursday at Pittsburgh, Pa., and take over the building or that it no low-interest loans were tax collector to be paid by fees Manchester Memorial Hospital. She DeborahCrickmore of Scotland; 19 would be sold by order of the court. forthcoming. Burkamp said he has MEANWHILE THERE has also added to the tax. was the wife of John A. Krompegal. grandchildren and one great- She was born in Glastonbury, granddaughter. Sept. 11, 1903 and had been a resi- Funeral serives will be Tuesday at dent of Manchester since 1930. She 10 a.m. from Holmes Funeral was a member of Zion Lutheran Home, 400 Main St., and burial will Fighting ’fierce' in Falklands Church and its Ladies Aid. be in East Cemetery. Friends may Besides her husband, she leaves call at the funeralhome Sunday 7 to 9 two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Lois) British positions. Coventry, the frigates Ardent .and p.m., and Monday 2 to 4 p.m, ahd 7 By United Press International field and “reconnaissance sorties in Warrenden of Manchester and Mrs. to 9 p.m. support of our ground forces,” Glasgow Herald reporter Ian Antelope and the container ship Meil (Linda) Hughes of Norwich; Britain said today its forces were McDonald said. “The pilot was seen Bruce said Lt. Ricardo Lucero told Atlantic Conveyor. Four sisters, Mrs. Anna Crodiliko of pressing "offensive land to eject over territory held by him that half his squadron failed to War dead stood at more than 360 Windsor Locks, Mrs. Helen Marek To pay respects operations” on the Falkland Islands Argentine forces,” he said. return from missions against the on the Argentine side and 100 on the of Bakersville, Ms. Sophie Markham and news reports said Royal McDonald denied Argentine British force over the past six days. British side. and Ms. Frances Kielbowicz, both of Manchester WATES will meet Lucero, 26, was interviewed at a today at 7;30 p.m. at the Holmes' Marines and paratroopers met claims that the hospital ship Uganda The Argentine military governor Hartford; two grandchildren; a "fierce” resistance from Argen­ had been used in support of Britain’s beachhead field hospital where he is of the Falklands, Gen. Mario great-grandchild; and several Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to pay being treated for leg injuries suf­ their respects to Ida Carini, an tines in a twopronged thrust to landing last Friday on East Benjamin Menendez, charged that nieces and nephews. recapture Port Stanley and other Falkland, seized by Argentine fered in ejecting from his Skyhawk the British blockade of the islands Funeral services will be Saturday honorary member. key towns. troops April 2. when it was hit by a hand-held Blow­ was cutting off supplies to civilian at 1;30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran toooooQiaraoooooooooo aoooe The Defense Ministry said "offen­ He said the ship spent 30 minutes pipe missile. residents. „ A Church. Burial will be in East sive land operations are at this mo­ in a bay evacuating “ British and The British Defense Ministry up­ Herald photo by Pinto Cemetery. Friends may call at “ In Memoriam” ment in progress in the Falkland Argentine” wounded, but “she is ac­ dated its count of losses ’Thursday, He said the food and medicine Herald photo by Pinto Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. In loving memory of George L. Islands” but clamped a news ting and will contihue to act as a saying Argentina had lost 55 planes supply shortage for the island’s civilian residents was “difficult” Center St., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to Graziadio, who passed away May 28, blackout on their progress. hospital ship” in full accord with the and 10 helicopters — more than a EAST PITCHER RICH GOODWIN SPRAWLED IN THE DIRT MANCHESTER’S DON SUMISLASKI HOME SAFELY 9 p.m Memorial donations may be 1958 and Mary I. Graziadio, who and, "If the Malvlnenses Correspondents with the navy task Geneva convention. third of its air force. Argentina said ... as Manchester’s Tim Fogarty scored on wild pitch as East catcher Dennis Goodwin takes late throw made to the Zion Lutheran Church passed away May 30, 1968. force said an estimated 3,000 of the A report from the British it lost 18 aircraft. The Argentines (Falklanders) do not receive basic •Memorial Fund. have also lost a cruiser, a sub­ elements of survival, the fault lies A silent thought, a secret tear 5,000 troops on Blast Falkland began beachhead quoted an Argentine pilot a major ground offensive Thursday, shot down and captured Tuesday as marine and several patrol boats. exclusively with the British,” he Keeps their memory ever dear. told the government hews agency George A. Vinton Sr. moving south and east from their saying his squadron took 50 percent Britain admitted losing five ships Y Telam. George A. Vinton Sr., 78, of 144 Daughter, Son & Families beachhead at Port San Carlos. casualties in its attacks on the — the destroyers Sheffield and Tech completes Heavy clouds and rain over the Falklands could limit air McCavanagh winner as sponsor operations, an advantage to Britain, Repairs slated which has lost five ships to previous Reagan woos Latin America siate in defeat Argentine air assaults. “I never expected a winner in my first Defense ministry spokesman Ian late Don Hemingway who served as director. year,” Jim McCavanagh said as he reflected In recent years a committee outside the SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (UPI) cooperation.” never been more important to reaf­ McDonald gave no details of ground back on his good fortune In entering the spon­ organization has taken an active part in the Completing a disappointing cam­ nings with seven bases on balls, a operations, but said Britain lost one — President Reagan is appealing to Said Reagan, “After all, we strive firm the common interests and H era ld sorship of an athletic team for the first time. promotion but it was Hadden who has to paign, Cheney Tech fell by an 8-4 balk and three errors,” Busick for 17 streets Harrier fighterbomber and shot Latin America not to let the. to achieve the same goal — a free values that unite Argentina and the The entry that campaigned as McCavanagh resolve many of the problems. count to Vinal Tech in COC baseball cited, “Eaton in relief was very Falklands crisis disrupt the region’s and prosperous Central America.” United States, and reiterate our A n g le down two attacking, Argentine Real Estate copped championship honors in Hadden has agreed to serve as a consultant action yesterday at the“ Beavers’ good,” he added. Eaton worked 5 Fern Street from the Country Club historic ties With the United States. U.S.-Latlh American relations commitment to cooperation in this Coiilinufil from piigf 1 Skyhawk jets in action Thursday. the Elks Bowling League. Earl Yost, and the new man the organization names for diamond. 1/3-innings and yielded five hits, to Gardner Street. "You will understand that I can­ Reagan was to fly from his moun­ seemed to slip another notch hemisphere and the entire world,’ is not coherent with the attitude of Sports Editor this most important function can be assured The loss gives the Beavers a final walked one, fanned two and allowed not at this stage go further,” he tain ranch to Santa Barbara today to Thursday after administration of­ Early last fall, McCavanagh, In an office to Church Street. Carter Street from Camp Meeting your government and the result is he will be steered on the right track. 3-17 mark while Vinal closes out its no runs. said. He refused to answer questions soothe some of the harshness being ficials confirmed the United States visit, said he would like to get Into spon­ Garden Street from Chestnut Road to Blue Ridge Drive. incomprehensible in the actual cir­ season 7-13. "Our hitting this year for average on the ground attacks. stacked up because of U.S. support has been supplying Britain with sorship of teams on any level and in any Street to Bow Street. cumstances,” Galtieri wrote. Notes off the cuff "I know it was a disappointing was very good with five starters Oak Street from Main Street to The Harrier was shot down by of Great Britain, in London’s un­ military supplies. sport. year, especially for the seniors, but The three intersections to be Diplomatic sources said it seemed over .300 and one at .288 but we Cottage Street. reconstructed under the summer Argentine ground forces during at­ declared war against Argentina in White House aides said, Reagan Apparently, he had no takers. Sports Illustrated’r'fr s t video show this we had some key injuries and our could not get the clutch hit ’’ Busick Johnson Terrace from Bissell tacks Thursday on Port Stanley air­ the South Atlantic. certain the Organization of was expected to bring up the “One night I was at the Elks Club and I week which featured the USA women’s team defense was porous,” remarked road work program are, the intersec­ American States, at its meeting in Big shoes to fill viewed. Street to Brainard Street. tions of South Main Street and In remarks prepared for delivery Falklands situation direcUy in his noticed the bulletin said two sponsors were In training for the 1982 Olympic Games was Cheney Coach Rich Busick, “The Mark Walling started.and took the West Middle Turnpike from Main to the 22nd MexicoUnlted States Washington today, wpuid ask the 10-minute speech and underline his needed for teams in the Elks pin loop. Big man is Will “Red” Hadden and he’s well worth the viewing. After a disappoint­ kids however through the adversity Spring Street, and the intersections United States to stop providing Bri­ loss for Cheney. Ron Onofrio went Street to Brookfield Street. of Spring Street with Comstock Interparliamentary Conference, hopes for a peaceful resolution of “I called the party in charge and said I been wearing big shoes where the annual ment in 1980 when the games were canceled, and poor record played hard and the distance to pick up the win for Man improves Reagan said; tain with such help. the crisis in accordance with U.N. would be one. He asked me if I had any Five Mile Road Race in Manchester on one-haif of the team seven women - decided never gave up trying. Vinal. IRONICAI.LY ONLY the best Road and Arvine Place with South And Reagan got a blistering Main Street. "While there are occasional resolution 502. preferance. I didn’t and said to give m any Thanksgiving morning is concerned. to stay together and try for the Gold Medal in “We have an excellent nucleus - Gothberg had three hits and four part of West Middle Turnpike will be differences in approach between our message from Argentine FY'esident team. Hadden announced Monday night his ‘84...Gene Johnson and his son, Mike, form coming back next year and I’m sure resurfaced. George Kandra, public ’The president was expected to RBI to pace Cheney, About $170,000 will be spent on the two countries, the honest good will Leopoldo Galtieri in response to a “I never expected a winner. I feel very resignation as race director, a post he filled the only father and son team in the Hartford there will be brighter days ahead,” works director, feels the rest of it is season’s road work, all of it from after accident which exists between us has assured note from Reagan marking Argen­ say, aides said, that he understands for the last 29 years for the sponsoring Twilight Baseball League. Mike Johnson is Vinal (8) — Bruzik dh, 4-1-0-0. excited about it. I couldn’t have been any hap­ Busick added. Michaud ss, 5-I-0-0, Sienna lb, 3-0-1- 2 the “sensitivity” of the issue to so bad it is not worth resurfacing. town aid funds given by the state. the maintenance of dialogue and tina’s national day May 25. pier when I was-told my team had . won,” Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. home after a half season in the Texas He said that this summer it will be Vinal scored three times in the 0, Boutillier Ib, O-l-O-O, Zalewski rf, None of the work will be financed by An East Hartford man is in created new opportunities for “(Your) affirmation that ‘it has Latin America. McCavanagh said. His shoes will be hard to fill. Rangers’ minor league system last summer. completely redesigned, and it will first on an RBI double by Bill 51-1-1, Peterson cf, 3-1-1-0, Barone local taxes. satisfactory condition today after You just don't bring in someone off the He’s a second baseman...Monica Murphy, be reconstructed in sections in the ’The one-time stock car race driver and Zalewski, four consecutive walks If, l-O-O-O, E v erett If, 2-0-1-0, suffering multiple lacerations in an current secretary of Manchester’s Board of street to handle the 101 behind-the-scene former East Catholic star athlete and and a balk. next several years. accident early last Saturday. details that come up each year in currently at Southern Connecticut State McCarthy c, 2-0-1-0, Bibisi 3b, 3-1-2- Kandra considers West Middle Directors said he plans to continue spon­ Cheney scored twice in the home 1, Scandura 2b, 3-2-0-1, Onofrio p, 0- Stem offers paint John Wagner, of 16 J.D. Drive, lac. sorship and expend to other fields as business Manchester’s biggest sports promotion. College in New Haven, has advanced to the Turnpike one of the worst roads in V first. Tom Eaton walked and Cal 0-0-0. Totals: 31-8-7-13. was admitted to the hospital Hadden has seen the race grow from 40 en­ quarterfinals of the Division III National Manchester. The underground stem, or dictates. Gothberg clouted a two-run homer Cheney (4) — Eaton 2b, p, 3-2-1-0, following the I; 19 a.m. accident, a 455 HARTFORD RD.. MANCHESTER Meanwhile, he’s happy as a lark with his tries In 1953 to over 4,000 in 1971. The Cedars AIAW Tennis Tournament at the University to left centerfield. rhizome, of the bloodroot secretes a ’VV V |po«) rtafiiw'l Gothberg lb, 4-1-3-4, Kaminski dh, 3- hospital spokesman said. have backed the holiday run for 31 years and of Wisconsin in Madison, Wise. Last fali she THE SIX STREETS scheduled scarlet juice when cut. American In­ ------A ■ ' ■« 643-5230 first championship-sponsored team in his The visitors put it away with a 0-0-0, Nowak cf, 3-0-1-0, Schulz If, 4- 8 Details of the accident on the cor­ the first two years Hadden worked under the posted a 10-1 won-lost record. for chip seal treatment — emulsion dians used the almost indelible fluid For your shopping convenience pay your HEILCO, first venture into the field. five-run second stanza. Two walks ner of West Center Street and 0-2-0, Sullivan ss, 3-0-0-0, Barone 3b, and chipped stone — are these. as war paint. SNE’TCO & CNG bills here! Also we’re a US Post and three Cheney errors helped 2-1-1-0, Mitchell rf, 2-0-0-0, Elliott rf, Waranoke Road from Pitkin McKee Street are not yet being chalk up the Vinal tallies. released by police, but they said it Office substation. ______• §■«■:•» 2-0-0-0, Boisvert c, 2-0-0-0, Frigo ph, Street to Adelaide Road. Cheney scored its final pair in the O-O-O-O, Wallingp, 2b, 04)-(M). Totals: Wedge outlawed involved two cars, and that a ■ There’* No Other Place Like It ...... Richard Road from Waranoke to sixth. ’Two walks, a fielder’s choice 28-4-8-44. Raymond Road. The flying wedge was outlawed in telephone pole at the intersection SPECIAL SAVINOS ON and two-out triple by Gothberg football when ’Theodore Roosevelt was snapp^ off. Sports Key: at bats-runs-hits-RBIs. Mulder Road from Pitkin Street qORTAlb CREAM made the final reading. Vinal 350 000 0-8 threatened to ban the game by Witnesses also said there was a to the cul-de-sac. OPEN MEMORIAL DAY! 'Calendar “We gave them the first two in­ Cheney 200 002 0-4 Plymouth Lane from East Center executive edict unless players quit fire involved, and there may have Indian golfers co-kings Street to its dead end. being so rough. been other injuries. 6am — 8pm For your Holiday picnic 2" '' y . IIS ! w e h a n e i ^ , Catholic linksmen Better pack rain umbrelia |/n CCIL after final split heater at East Catholic, 3 •Com Wtttormoloii p.m. Gonlinued from page 1 push we’ve had on camping for a Mike Klein said regular gasoline East Catholic at Manchester longtim e.” prices would average $1.18 per •Don Dodds Maybe it was only a split yester­ CCIL honors. Batafucco (E) def. Bogglni 2-1, (girls), 3:30 fifth best in HCC somber ceremonies to honor dead State police warned motorists that gallon; premium “where you can •Bovoragos 50Z. day at Cedar Knob Golf Club in Manchester, 22-4 overall, faces Hohenthal (M) def. Francolinl 3-0, troopers would be out In force find it” $1.39; unleaded regular Somers, but it turned out fine for the Bristol Central Tuesday at Saturday soldiers. Members of the VFW and Martin (M) def. Hornet 2 Vk to Vk, TRACK Fifth place in the team standings throughout the weekend to enforce $1.25 ; and unleaded premium $1.34. Also, NaUVa Spinach, Lattiica, Baal Qraaiia, Manchester High golf team as it Pequabuck Golf Qub in Bristol. Manchester won medal point, 336- 530. American Legion will also march in Feature Price: was garnered by E)ast Catholic in gala parades throughout Connec­ . the state’s 55 mph speed limit and The estimates' coiild range two Flowar & Vagatabla Flata S Hanging Planta» learned it is 1962 co^CCIL champions WeUierafleld’s Peter Stankevltch 347; Manchester vs. Wethersfield Manchester Invitational, boys and Northwest’s Rick Berry took girls, 10 a.m. the Hartford ^ u n ty Conference medalist honors with a 74. Blast’s ticut. crack down on drqnken driving. cents higher and prices would be with Conard High. took medalist honors with an even —Stankeyitch (W) def. Shrider 3-0, The American Automobile also be slightly higher along the re g . *2 ” The Indian liidcsmen downed host par 72. Dave Bogglni had the top (HCC) Golf Championship Meet Terry O’Donnell carded a 75 to William Miller, state parks and Bogglni (M) def. Andreoll 2-1, Driving error yesterday at Keney Park in Hart­ recreation director, warned Association’s Hartford affiliate ■ shore where “it is the tourist PERO FRUIT STAND Enfield, 9 ^ to 3 Vk, but bowed to card for Manchester, firing an 81. Hohenthal (M) def. Michaels 3-0, finish one stroke off the pace. ford. Dave Stone, Chris Ciszewskl and residents against heading for state report^ plentiful gaspline supplies season,” he said. Wethersfield High, 7 ^ to S Vk, to Teammate Paul Hohenthal caided Meheran (W) def. Martin'2 Vk to PARIS (UPI) - Canadian For­ WESTOWN PHARMACY wind up 16-2 in CCIL play, the same an 83 with Greg Shrider and Doug mula One auto driver Gilles Xavier and Northwest Catholic Jim Berak each bad rounds of 86, campgrounds without reservations. throughout Connecticut. And a Wethersfield won medal point, 331- shared top honors with totals of 484 spokesman said even though prices mark logged by Conard. Each went Martin firing 86 and 87 respectively. ViUeneuve’s fatal accident earlier Rick Longp an 84 and Chris “We’re all booked, there are very •J 336. followed by Aquinas 497, South few camp lots left,” he said. “This were expected to rise a few cents a ’The elements europium and yt­ 276 bsklsiKl St. MsnetMStar. into the final league day at 5-1 but Results: Manchester vs. Ebifield this month was due to his own Mieezkowski a 96 for the Elagle both came home with splits to share Catholic 502, East 513 and St. Paul linksmen. is the earliest we have ever sold out gallon tlUs weekend, they would be trium are used to create red In color .“Lettuce Get Acquainted'* OPEN i>AILY • AM • S I —Shrider (M) def. Rasmussen 2-1. driving error. on Meinorial Day. It is the biggest the lowest in at least two years. television sets. MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., May 28, 1982 - 9 a - MANCHESTER HERALD, Frl., May 28. 1982

Manchester 13 Vinal Tech 8 MHS golfers Democrats have doubts, but approve East Catholic 12 Cheney Tech 4 co-CCIL champs it is not binding on either side. asked the Board of Directors to take Cummings, noted that the meeting SPORTS presented their case to the town were all exploded, they could a stand on the nuclear freeze issue was in ccfmpetition with the By Nancy THompson committee at a special meeting destroy all life on earth.” “ I’m not saying you should trust Herald Reporter the Russians, but a bilateral freeze in addition to placing It on the Manchester Community College called for that purpose, assured graduation ceremonies and the those who questioned the Soviet HEMOCR\TIC TOWN Com­ means that nothing happens unless November ballot. The Democratic Town Committee The directors, particularly Mayor dedication of the Matthew M. Union's compliance that a move­ mittee Chairman Theodore R. Cum­ ' we tango and they tango,” she said. Thursday unanimously passed a mings said, "It’s difficult for some Mrs. Carr c it^ a “vast and un­ Stephen T. Penny, a-Democrat, have Moriarty baseball field in the Mt resoiution supporting a bilateral ment to support an arms freeze of us, no matter how much we want precedented groundswell from peo­ resisted taking a stand on what they Nebo complex. nuclear arms freeze and urging a exists in the Soviet Union. T^ey say is a national issue, saying it Cummings said that he did not quoted U.S. government sources peace, to believe the Russians are ple- who are frightened” by the public vote on the issue — despite trustworthy and this will remove us prospect of nuclear war In support would set a precedent for the board want to put political pressure on the Manchester gains tourney berth, some members’ reservations about who say the Soviets have complied Board of Directors. He said the with arms limitations treaties in the from the brink of war. of an arms freeze. to become involved in other national whether the Soviet Union would “People have come to believe the issues, taking time away from local arms freeze should not be a political past. “ I’m not sure I believe they have agree to end the arms race. honored all their agreements —not arms race is out of control and it is business. issue. "It takes two to tango,” Pascal "Even though we don’t like the so in Czechoslovakia, not so in up to each and every one of us to do None of the directors '""re pre­ Wednesday the Republican Town Mastrangelo said. Russians, you’ve got to trust them Hungary, not so in Poland, not so in what we can to stop it,” she said. sent for the entire Dem - ic Town Committee also adopted an arms Thomas. O’Neill commented, or this will get out of hand, ’ ’ said Dr. Afghanistan.” She added, “I don’t honestly Committee meeting. Deputy Mayor freeze resolution, but stopped short Francis Helfrick, a pediatrician at believe that many of you believe Barbara B. Weinberg showed up a outlasts Catholic in marathon “What if we have a freeze and Nancy Carr, executive director of of calling for a referendum or a Russia don’t freeze -w e ’re going to Manchester Memorial Hospital. the Manchester Area Conference of there isn’t eventually going to be an few minutes before the vote on the Board of Directors resolution.” be at their mercy. "I’m concerned about the number of Churches and a leader in the loc accident. We’re going to be dead if resolution. John Thompson, who made the nuclear bombs we have — 50,000 of push comes to shove.” By Len Auster in 14 years,” screamed East Cpach homer and RBI double by Tom drove home his 31st run with a sixth­ "How do we know the peopie in arms freeze movement, noted that \rrENDANCE AT the meeting motion for the Democrats’ resolu­ them. the resolution freeze its proponents The town committee members Herald Sportswriter Jim Penders at Buttafusco as ‘The teams played even baseball and maybe it Furlong. inning sacrifice fly, eclipsing the Russia are allowed to speak out was-sparse — only 28 showed up, one tion, said, “I think we’re taking a The bizarre 12th and even previous single season mark of 30 "Someone’s going to set them oft, are supporting cails for a bilateral rejected an amendment to the Petersen, who appeared to against arms? This could be Co*yj' more than necessary to have a very small step and a very wise You had to be there to believe it, should have wound up in a tie.’ stranger 13th enabled Manchester to RBI set by Mike Freiheit in 1980. either accidentally or inten­ arms freeze, which means that both resoiution, propsed, by Theodore catapault himself right into the tag munist propaganda for all I know” quorum to vote on the resolution. step.” but in this case that probably wasn’t of catcher Dennis Goodwin, was qualify for the tourney and dropped Maiu’licHier (13) — Fogarty 2b, tionally,” he continued. "If they sides must honor the agreement or Brindamour, which would have — East Coach Jim Penders Proponents of the freeze, who enough either. ruled safe on a single to right by East to 11-8. 6- 2-2-0, Labrec rf, 6-1-2-1, Petersen There were enough good and bad Doug Whitaker. “This has been a real gutsy team 3b, 7-3-3-1, G. Chetelat If] 7-3-2-1, plays, some even on the same play, “The kids are the ones who lose all year,” Race complimented his Whitaker dh, p, 6-0-1-1, Bilodeau p, But Burkamp hopeful to last a season. And unfortunately out because of that,” a still side, “We’ve come from 2 and 8 to 10 0- O-O-O, Cullen p, O-O-O-O, Sumislaski O bituaries two controversial calls, the second steaming Penders offered after the Roy’s single. "Billy’s safe the “I’ve never seen aiiything like this and 10. We came from way down. ss, 3-2-2-2, J. Chetelat cf, 7-1-0-0, more than a lot objectionable, made final out, "Petersen said he was out. previous inning. The ball was late. game,” Race commented, ‘Tve We were last in the CCIL at the Piccin c, 6-0-3-1, McKenna pr, 0-0-0- 2 the difference as Manchester High You know I’m the last guy to com­ And he (Buttafusco) was in no posi­ never seen anything like this in my halfway point of the season'but kept 0, Peck lb, p, 2-0-0-0, Baltovick ph, 1- nipped East Catholic, 13-12, in a 13- plain about umpires but when a vic­ tion to call out or safe,” Penders life. It was up and down. There were coming back.” 1- 0-0. Totals: 51-13-15-7. Branford St. died today in Town starts foreclosure inning, 4 Vi-hour marathon affair tory is taken away by an umpire... charged. some of the weakest and some of Whitaker, the losing pitcher to Ea«i Calliulic (12) — Furlong 2b, Antonina Davit yesterday at Eagle Field. best plays.” Windham Wednesday, gained the 3-3-1-1, Mqsse cf, 6-2-2-3, Bond If, 5- Antonina Davis, 66, of Enfield, Manchester. He was the husband of It’s just a real shame.” The safe call in the 13th belonged CaSsano, who has been involved in invested $75,000 to $100,000 in been a problem over how the Manchester’s Chris Petersen “I think the umpire was in posi­ in the same arena as the contest, The extra frames were win with 4 2/3-innings of stellar 1-1-2, Roy rf. 7-0-2-1, McCoy 3b, 5-0- died Thursday at her home. She was Florence Bowman Vinton. By Alex Girelli efforts to collect back taxes, said development of the property without restaurant would be sewered, but scored what proved to be the win­ tion to see it. I’ll leave it to his that being That’s Incredible or necessitated by a bizarre ninth in­ relief work. Whitaker, 6-3, yielded the wife of George J. Davis and the He was born in Enfield on Nov. 23, 1-0, Byam pr, O-l-O-O, D. Goodwin c, 1903, and had been a resident of Herald City Editor today the town has bent over extensive borrowing and that about George Kandra, public works direc­ ning run in the top of the 13th on a decision,” offered Manchester Ripley’s Believe it or Not. “It’s like ning. Manchester went into the top two hits, walked one and fanned one 7- 1-2-0, Darby ss, 6-1-1-3, Riggs lb, 5- mother of Mrs. Elaine Hayes of backwards in its dealing with three years ago he ran out of funds tor, outlined a possible solution to in gaining the win. Manchester for 37 years. Prior to The town has begun action to ' play which he looked more than a Coach Don Race, who saw his late- he didn’t want to even it up. That’s of the ninth trailing, 9-8, but scored 0-2-0, Feshler dh, 6-1-2-0, Maningas Coventry. Burkamp because the Manchester to pay taxes. that problem. Brian McAuley was the hard-luck retining in 1968, he wa employed as foreclose on Kenneth Burkamp’s little out. Home plate umpire Mike charging Indians qualify for the what it looked like here. I’ve never four times without getting the ball lb, l-O-O-O, Cabral pr, O-l-O-O, 8 She also leaves two other Mall is on Main Street and He says his latest offer is all the The action against Burkamp is Eagle losing pitcher. an inspector with the AT&T Co. Manchester Mall, the former W. T. ' Buttafusco thought othenrtse. state tournament at 10-10 with the made a complaint about umpiring out of the infield. Four errors, two Wisnieski pr, O-l-O-O, R. Goodwin p, daughters, Mrs. Carolyn Davis stimulates traffic there. traffic will bear. part of town effort to collect back "Both teams played hard. It’s just Hartford plant for 34 years. Grant building on Main Street, for The bottom of the 12th inning saw win. before. I’m not a crybaby, but I’ve on the same play on which four O-O-O-O, Kiro p, O-O-O-O, McAuley p, 0- Copeland of Westchester, Ohio and He said others who were He says he owes about $40,000. He taxes generally. Both Botticello and Buttafusco rule East’s Bill Masse runners scampered home, made it too bad it had to be determined by He was a life m em ber of back taxes and water fees. A one-bounce peg from center- got to say it for the kids sake. 0-0-0, Daly p, O-O-O-O. Totals: 51-12- Mrs. Georgiann Davis O'Connor Jr. delinquent in payments have has offered to pay $10,000 within 90 Cassano said Burkamp is not the out at the plate on a sharp single to an umpire’s call,” Penders stated. Telephone Pioneers of America, a 50 Burkamp and the town have been fielder Joe Chetelat to catcher Bob “The teams played even baseball 12-9 in the Indians’ favor. 14-10. of Somers; two sisters, Mrs. succeeded in making arrangments days and $10,000 for each lot he sells only property owner the town is center by Paul Roy. Piccin nailed the fleet Masse trying East, however, came back to Lost in the shuffle was a single Josephine Baer of Longmeadow. year member of Uriel Lodge of negotiating over the taxes but and maybe it should have wound up Manch, 110 101 404 000 1-13 Merrow, and a charter member of with the town and have made of property he has on the market. pressing for payment. “That was the worst call I’ve seen to score from second in the 12th on in a tie,” Penders offered. .draw even on a Chris Darby two-run season record set by Doug Bond. He East 003 004 113 000 0-12 Mass., and Mrs. Jennie Miller of En­ Burkamp’s latest offer has been payments. "Burkamp never caught That is the offer Botticello says Cassano said many people who field; and five grandchildren. the Manchester Lodge of Elks. rejected by the town, according to Besides his wife, he is survived by up,” he said. the town has rejected. have lost their jobs have still found Funeral and burial will be private. Attorney Barry Botticello, Burkamp has pinned his hopes on ways to pay back taxes. There are no calling hours. two sons, George A. Vinton Jr. of representing the town. Itl RKAMP BOUGHT the LaPuente, Calif., and Robert M. having a restaurant established in Cassano also said he is not sure Memorial donations to St. Burkamp said Thursday he feels building in 1975 with the hope that he the building. Developers have Adalbert s Church. Leete-Stevens Vinton of Denver; two daughters, that an agreement can be reached. would get low interest loans to the town has been using the best Joanne V. Deming of Colebrook and sought a building permit for a methods of collection. He said he Enfield Chapels, 61 South Road, has Director Stephen Cassano, appeared renovate it and turn it into a viable rest^rant, he said but the permit charge of arrangements. Mary V. McGann of West Yar­ less hopeful. Main Street property. He said local feels the lawyers get involved too mouth, Mass.; a stepson, Kenneth J. has been delayed. The application early in the process. One alternative If the town does pursue a suit bankers then were willing to con­ lacks plans by a certified engineer Jennie C. Krompegal Dahlquist of Andover; two step­ against Burkamp and is successful, sider such loans. would be to put the collection Jennie C. (Maks) Krompegal, 78, daughters, June Bugie of as required by the Building Depart­ problem in the hands of an outside it would mean that the town would Interest rates rose, however, and ment. of 25 Westwood St., died Thursday at Pittsburgh, Pa,, and take over the building or that it no low-interest loans were tax collector to be paid by fees Manchester Memorial Hospital. She DeborahCrickmore of Scotland; 19 would be sold by order of the court. forthcoming. Burkamp said he has MEANWHILE THERE has also added to the tax. was the wife of John A. Krompegal. grandchildren and one great- She was born in Glastonbury, granddaughter. Sept. 11, 1903 and had been a resi­ Funeral serives will be Tuesday at dent of Manchester since 1930. She 10 a.m. from Holmes Funeral was a member of Zion Lutheran Home, 400 Main St., and burial will Fighting ’fierce' in Falklands Church and its Ladies Aid. be in East Cemetery. Friends may Besides her husband, she leaves call at the funeralhome Sunday 7 to 9 two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Lois) British positions. Coventry, the frigates Ardent And p.m., and Monday 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 By United Press International field and “reconnaissance sorties in Warrender of Manchester and Mrs. to 9 p.m. support of our ground forces,” Glasgow Herald reporter Ian Antelope and the container ship Meil (Linda) Hughes of Norwich; Britain said today its forces were McDonald said. ‘"The pilot was seen Bruce said Lt. Ricardo Lucero told Atlantic Conveyor. Four sisters, Mrs. Anna Crodiliko of pressing ‘‘offensive land to eject, over territory held by him that half his squadron failed to War dead stood at more than 360 Windsor Locks, Mrs. Helen Marek To pay respects operations” on the Falkland Islands Argentine forces,” he said. return from missions against the on the Argentine side and 100 on the of Bakersville, Ms. Sophie Markham and news reports said Royal McDonald denied Argentine British force over the past six days. British side. and Ms. Frances Kielbowicz, both of Manchester WATES will meet Lucero, 26, was interviewed at a today at 7:30 p.m. at the Holmes Marines and paratroopers met claims that the hospital ship Uganda The Argentine military governor Hartford, two grandchildren; a “fierce” resistance from Argen­ had been used in support of Britain’s beachhead field hospital where he is of the Falklands, Gen. Mario great-grandchild; and several Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to pay being treated for leg injuries suf­ their respects to Ida Carini, an tines in a twopronged thrust to landing last Friday on East Benjamin Menendez, charged that nieces and nephews. fered in ejecting from his Skyhawk honorary member. recapture Port Stanley and other Falkland, seized by Argentine the British blockade of the islands Funeral services will be Saturday key towns. troops April 2. when it was hit by a hand-held Blow­ was cutting off supplies to civilian at 1:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran The Defense Ministry said "offen­ He said the ship spent 30 minutes pipe missile. residents. A Church. Burial will be in East sive land operations are at this mo­ in a bay evacuating “British and The British Defense Ministry up­ Herald photo by Pinto Cemetery. Friends may call at “In Memoriam” ment in progress in the Falkland Argentine” wounded, but “she is ac­ dated its count of losses Thursday, He said the food and medicine 'F Herald prioto by Pinto Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. In loving memory of George L. Islands’’ but clamped a news ting and will continue to act as a saying Argentina had lost 55 planes supply shortage for the island’s civilian residents was “difficult” Center St., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to Graziadio, who passed away May 28, blackout on their progress. hospital ship” in full accord with the and 10 helicopters — more than a EAST PITCHER RICH GOODWIN SPRAWLED IN THE DIRT MANCHESTER’S DON SUMISLASKI HOME SAFELY 9 p.m. Memorial donations may be and, “ If the Malvlnenses 1958 and Mary I. Graziadio, who Correspondents with the navy task Geneva convention. third of its air force. Argentina said ... as Manchester’s Tim Fogarty scored on wild pitch as East catcher Dennis Goodwin takes late throw made to the Zion Lutheran Church passed away May 30, 1968. force said an estimated 3,000 of the A report from the British it lost 18 aircraft. The Argentines (Falklanders) do not receive basic Memorial Fund. have also lost a cruiser, a sub­ elements of survival, the fault lies A silent thought, a secret tear 5,000 troops on East Falkland began beachhead quoted an Argentine pilot a major ground offensive Thursday, shot down and captured Tuesday as marine and several patrol boats. exclusively with the British,” he Keeps their memory ever dear. told the government hews agency George A. Vinton Sr. moving south and east from their saying his squadron took 50 percent Britain admitted losing five ships Y Telarn. George A. Vinton Sr,, 78, of 144 Daughter, Son & Families beachhead at Port San Carlos. casualties in its attacks on the — the destroyers Sheffield and Tech completes Heavy clouds and rain over the Falklands could limH air McCavanagh winner as sponsor operations, an advantage to Britain, Repairs slated which has lost five ships to previous Reagan woos Latin America slate in defeat Argentine air assaults. “I never expected a winner in my first late Don Hemingway who served as director. Defense ministry spokesman Ian year,” Jim McCavanagh said as he reflected In recent years a committee outside the SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (UPI) cooperation.” never been more important to reaf­ McDonald gave no details of ground back on his good fortune in entering the spon­ organization has tak,en an active part In the Completing a disappointing cam­ nings with seven bases on balls, a operations, but said Britain lost one — President Reagan is appealing to Said Reagan, “After all, we strive firm the common interests and H e r a l d sorship of an athletic team for the first time. promotion but it was Hadden who has to paign, Cheney Tech fell by an 8-4 balk and three errors,” Busick for 17 streets Harrier fighterbomber and shot Latin America not to let the to achieve the same goal — a free values that unite Argentina and the The entry that campaigned as McCavanagh resolve many of the problems. count to Vinal Tech in COC baseball cited, “Eaton in relief was very Falklands crisis disrupt the region’s and prosperous Central America.” United States, and reiterate our A n g l e down two attacking Argentine Real Estate copped championship honors in Hadden has agreed to serve as a consultant action yesterday at the Beavers' good," he added. Eaton worked 5 Fern Street from the Country Club Skyhawk jets in action Thursday. historic ties with the United States. U.S.-Latih American relations commitment to cooperation in this ConliniK'd from page 1 hemisphere and the entire world,’ is the Elks Bowling League. Earl Yost. and the new man the organization names for diamond. 1/3-innings and yielded five hits, to Gardner Street. "You wiil understand that I can­ Reagan was to fly from his moun­ seemed to slip another notch The loss gives the Beavers a final Thursday after administration of­ not coherent with the attitude of Sports Editor this most important function can be assured walked one, fanned two and allowed to Church Street. Carter Street from Camp Meeting not at this stage go further,” he tain ranch to Santa Barbara today to Early last fall, McCavanagh, in an office 3-17 mark while Vinal closes out its no runs. ficials confirmed the United States your government and the result is he will be steered on the right track. Garden Street from Chestnut Road to Blue Ridge Drive. said. He refused to answer questions soothe some of the harshness being visit, said he would like to get into spon­ season 7-13. has been supplying Britain with incomprehensible in the actual cir­ "Our hitting this year for average Street to Bow Street. on the ground attacks. stacked up because of U.S. support sorship of teams on any level and in any "I know it was a disappointing was very good with five starters military supplies. cumstances,” Galtieri wrote. Notes off the cuff Oak Street from Main Street to The three intersections to be The Harrier was shot down by of Great Britain, in London’s un­ sport. year, especially for the seniors, but over .300 and one at .288 but we Cottage Street. Argentine ground forces during at­ declared war against Argentina in Diplomatic sources said it seemed White House aides said, Reagan Apparently, he had no takers. Sports Illustrated’s frst video show this we had some key injuries and our reconstructed under the summer certain the Organization of could not get the clutch hit ” Busick Johnson Terrace from Bissell tacks Thursday on Port Stanley air­ the South Atlantic. was expected to bring up the “One night I was at the Elks Club and I week which featured the USA women’s team defense was porous,” remarked viewed. road work program are the intersec­ American States, at its meeting in Big shoes to fill Street to Brainard Street. tions of South Main Street and In remarks prepared for delivery Falklands situation directly in his noticed the bulletin said two sponsors were in training for the 1982 Olympic Games was Cheney Coach Rich Busick, “The Mark Walling started and took the West Middle Turnpike from Main to the 22nd MexicoUnited States Washington today, would ask the 10-minute speech and underline his needed for teams in the Elks pin loop. Big man is Will “Red” Hadden and he’s well worth the viewing.After a disappoint­ kids however through the adversity Spring Street, and the intersections United States to stop providing Bri­ loss for Cheney. Ron Onofrio went Street to Brookfield Street. of Spring Street with Comstock Interparliamentary Conference, hopes for a peaceful resolution of “I called the party in charge and said I been wearing big shoes where the annual ment in 1980 when the games were canceled, and poor record played hard and the distance to pick up the win for Man improves Reagan said: tain with such help. the crisis in accordance with U.N. would be one. He asked me if I had any Five Mile Road Race in Manchester on one-hif of the team seven women - decided never gave up trying. IRONICALLY ONLY the best Road and Arvine Place with South Vinal. ‘‘While there are occasional And Reagan got a blistering resolution 502. preferance. I didn’t and said to give m any Thanksgiving morning is concerned. to stay together and try for the Gold Medal in "We have an excellent nucleus part of West Middle Turnpike will be Main Street. message from Argentine President Gothberg had three hits and four differences in approach between our team. Hadden announced Monday night his ‘84...Gene Johnson and his son, Mike, form coming back next year and I’m sure RBI to pace Cheney. resurfaced. George Kandra, public About $170,000 will be spent on the two countries, the honest good will Leopoldo Galtieri in response to a The president was expected to the only father and son team in the Hartford “I never expected a winner. I feel very resignation as race director, a post he filled there will be brighter days ahead,” Vinal (8) — Bruzik dh, 4-1-0-0. works director, feels the rest of it is season’s road work, all of it from after accident which exists between us has assured note from Reagan marking Argen­ say, aides said, that he understands for the last 29 years for the sponsoring Twilight Baseball League. Mike Johnson is the “sensitivity” of the issue to excited about it. I couldn’t have been any hap­ Busick added. Michaud ss, 5-1-0-0, Sienna lb, 3-0-1- so bad it is not worth resurfacing. town aid funds given by the state. the maintenance of dialogue and tina’s national day May 25. pier when I was-told my team had . won,” Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. home after a half season in the Texas Vinal scored three times in the He said that this summer it will be “(Your) affirmation that ‘it has Latin America. 0, Boutillier lb, O-l-O-O, Zalewski rf, 2 None of the work will be financed by created new opportunities for His shoes will be hard to fill. Rangers’ minor league system last summer. An East Hartford man is in McCavanagh said. first on an RBI double by Bill 51-1-1, Peterson cf, 3-1-1-0, Barone completely redesigned, and it will local taxes. You just don’t bring in someone off the He’s a second baseman...Monica Murphy, satisfactory condition today after ’The one-time stock car race driver and Zalewski, four consecutive walks If, l-O-O-O, E verett If, 2-0-1-0, be reconstructed in sections in the suffering multiple lacerations in an current secretary of Manchester’s Board of street to handle the 101 behind-the-scene former East Catholic star athlete and and a balk. next several years. details that come up each year in currently at Southern Connecticut State McCarthy c, 2-0-1-0, Bibisi 3b, 3-1-2- accident early last Saturday. Directors said he plans to continue spon­ Cheney scored twice in the home 1, Scandura 2b, 3-2-0-1, Onofrio p, 0- Kandra considers West Middle Stem offers paint John Wagner, of 16 J.D. Drive, sorship and expend to other fields as business Manchester’s biggest sports promotion. College in New Haven, has advanced to the first. Tom Eaton walked and C^ Turnpike one of the worst roads in Hadden has seen the race grow from 40 en­ quarterfinals of the Division HI National 0-0-0. Totals: 31-8-7-13. The underground stem, or was admitted to the hospital dictates. Gothberg clouted a two-run homer Cheney (4) — Eaton 2b, p, 3-2-1-0, Manchester. following the 1:19 a.m. accident, a • , 'r-K ■ u .• 1 455 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER tries in 1953 to over 4,000 In 1971. The Cedars AIAW Tennis Tournament at the University to left centerfield. rhizome, of the bloodrodt secretes a ‘Vi- iiwb TSWniiD'i •, Meanwhile, he’s happy as a lark with his Gothberg lb, 4-1-3-4, Kaminski dh, 3- hospital spokesman said. - J.- • ' ' ' 7*j have backed the holiday run for 31 years and of Wisconsin in Madison, Wise. Last fall she THE SIX STREETS scheduled scarlet juice when cut. American In­ first championship-sponsored team In his The visitors put it away with a 0-0-0, Nowak cf, 341-1-0, Schulz If, 4- IJetails of the accident on the cor­ 643-5230 the first two years Hadden worked under the posted a 10-1 won-lost record. for chip seal treatment — emulsion dians used the almost indelible fluid For your shopping convenience pay your HBLCO, first venture into the field. five-run second stanza. Two walks 0-2-0, Sullivan ss, 3-0-0-0, Barone 3b, ner of West Center Street and and chipped stone — are these. SNETCO & CNG bills here! Also we’re a US Post | and three Cheney errors helped 2-1-1-0, Mitchell rf, 2-0-0-0, Elliott rf, as war paint. McKee Street are not yet being ‘ ■i Waranoke Road from Pitkin Office substation. ______chalk up the Vinal tallies. 2-0-0-0, Boisvert c, 2-0-0-0, Frigo ph, Street to Adelaide Road. released by police, but they said it Cheney scored its final pair in the Wedge outlawed " There't No Other Place Like It ~ O-O-O-O, Wailing p, 2b, O-O-O-O. Totals: Richard Road from Waranoke to involved two cars, and that a sixth. Two walks, a fielder’s choice 28-4-8-44. telephone pole at the intersection SPECIAL 8AVINC8 ON Raymond Road. The flying wedge was outlawed in and two-out triple by Gothberg Key: at bats-runs-hits-RBIs. was snapp^ off. Sports Mulder Road from Pitkin Street football when Theodore Roosevelt CORTAID CREAM made the final reading. Vinal 350 000 0-8 to the cul-de-sac. threatened to ban the game by Witnesses also said there was a OPEN MEMORIAL DAY! Calendar “We gave them the first two in­ Cheney 200 002 0—4 Plymouth Lane from East Center executive edict unless players quit fire involved, and there may have Indian golfers co-kings Street to its dead end. being so rough. been other injuries. 6am —8pm For your Holiday picnic Friday . TENNIS ! we hace»,» Manchester at East Catholic, 3 Catholic linksmen Better pack rain umbrelia |/n CCIL after final split p.m. •CoMWatMinoloA East Catholic at Manchester Continued from page 1 push we’ve had on camping for a Mike Klein said regular gasoline (girls), 3i30 long time.” prices would average $1.18 per •Den Doods Maybe it was only a split yester­ CCIL honors. Batafucco (E) def. Boggini 2-1, fifth best in HCC gallon; premium “where you can Soz. day at Cedar Knob Golf (Hub in Manchester, 22-4 overall, faces Saturday somber ceremonies to honor dead State police warned motorists that •Beveranet Hohenthal (M) def. Francolini 3-0, TRACK troopers would be out in force find it” $1.39; unleaded regular Somers, but it turned out fine for the Bristol Central Tuesday at Martin (M) def. Hornet 2 Vk to (A, soldiers. Members of the VFW and Manchester Invitational, hoys and Fifth place in the team standings American Legion will also march in throughout the weekend to enforce $1.25; and unleaded premium $1.34. Aiao, Nat^« Spbtaeh, Lwttuca, BMt OrMui^ Manchester High golf team as it Pequabuck Golf Club in Bristol. Manchester won medal point, 338- 530. Feature Price: girls, 10 a.m. was garnered by Eiast Catholic in Northwest’s Rick Berry took gala parades throughout Connec­ the state’s 55 mph speed limit and The estimates could range two Flowar & V«g«Uibl* Flats ft Hangino Planta. learned it is 1982 co-CCIL champions Wethersfield’s Peter Stankevitch 347; Manchester vs. Wethersfield the Hartford County Conference medalist honors with a 74. Etast’s ticut. crack down on drunken driving. cents higher and prices would be with Conard High. took medalist honors with an even —Stankevitch (W) def. Shrider 3-0, also be slightly higher along the reg. *2” The Indian linksmen downed host par 72. Dave Boggini had the top (HCC) Golf Championship Meet Terry O’Donnell carded a 75 to William Miller, state parks and The American Automobile Boggini (M) def. Andreoli 2-1, Driving error yesterday at Keney Park in Hart­ Association’s Hartford affiliate shore where “it is the tourist PERO FRUIT STAND Enfield, 9 to 3 V4, but bowed to card for Manchester, firing an 81. Hohenthal (M) def. Michaels 3-0, finish one stroke off the pace. recreation director, warned ford. Dave Stone, Chris Ciszewski and residents against heading for state reported plentiful gasoline supplies season,” he said. Wethersfield H i^ , 7 .Vk to 5 W, to Teammate Paul Hohenthal cairded Meheran (W) def. Martin 2 VA to W, PARIS (UPI) - Canadian For­ WESTOWN PHARMACY ! wind up 16-2 in (XIL play, the same an 83 with Greg Shrider and Doug mula One auto driver Gilles Xavier and Northwest Catholic Jim Berak each had rounds of 86, campground without reservations. throughout Connecticut. And a Wethersfield won medal point, 331- shared top honors with totals of 484 spokesman said even though prices mark logged by Conard. Bach went Martin firing 86 and 87 respectively. 336. Villeneuve’s fatal accident earlier R ick Longo an 84 and Chris- “ We’re all booked, there are very followed by Aquinas 497, South Mieezkowski a 96 for the Eiagle few camp lots left,” he said. “Hiis were expected to rise a few cents a ’The elements europium and yt­ 276 jOftkliind St. ManetMfttftr, into the final league day at 5-1 but Results: Manchester vs. Enfield this month was due to his own both came home with splits to share Catholic 502, Etast 513 and St. Paul linksmen. is the earliest we have ever sold out gallon this weekend, they would be trium are used to create red in color ^Lettuce Get Acquainted’* OPEN W y ft AM * ft PM —Shrider (M) def. Rasmussqn 2-1^ driving error. on Memorial Day. It is the biggest Uie lowest in at least two years. television sets. MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri.. May 28, 1982 — 1 1 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Frl„ May 28. 1982 AAHS girls rout foe Seattle runs Lakers stun 76ers PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The Lakers had outscored the 76ers, 37-7, Abdul-Jabbar chipped in with 23 Los Angeles Lakers clunked around in a 9:24 stretch, holding as all seven Lakers who played hit like an old Model-T before finally Philadelphia to just one field goal double figures. Nixon had 10 assists in softball finale past Red Sox getting into high gear. during that time, and took a 105-90 and .Johnson finished with a game- With Norm Nixon on an awesome lead with 8:49 left to play. high 14 rebounds to go with 10 points fast break and Jam aal Wilkes The Los Angeles’ lead climbed a and nine assists. ■Julius Erving led the 76ers with SEATTLE (UPI) — Pitcher Gene be doing everything backwards. I’ve working on all cylinders Thursday notch more, to Building some momentum for the cond on a Laurie Bergeron single, the third foFthe four markers there. 27. Andrew Toney added 20, but Nelson got a very strange feeling got to get myself back to working.” night, the Lakers raced past the 108-92, exactly post-season, Manchester High girls’ fielder’s choice, walk to Jen Kohut, Lisa Christensen doubled, Toby scored just a pair in the second and when he looked at the scoreboard Sweet picked up bis second RBI on stunned Philadelphia 76ers to grab a one minute later softball team routW CCIL foe two passed balls and a two-run Brown and Daley singled, twb Black third quarters. and saw he was up by eight runs. a groundnut in toe second inning 124-117 victory in the opening game to boost the spurt Penney High, 14-1, yesterday at single by Karen Wright. Knight miscues and a single by to 40-9. Although When they weren’t burning rubber Shana Hopperstead did th^Alamage The had scored which scored Julio Cruz, who had of the league championship series. Fitzgerald Field in the regular Penney, 10-8, scored its lone run in It took the Lakers more than a the 76ers made on the fast break, the Lakers also in the fourth. just seven runs in eight games for walked and moved to third on a season finale for both schools. the third. half to scrape the rust off their the final score slipped a defensive noose around the Nancy Curtin and Kathy Brann for the 21-year-old righthander this single by Bobby Brown. Bochte The CCIL champion Indians wind Daley had three hits and game following a 126ay layoff, and respectable, the 76ers. Philadelphia was unable to hit a second straight day combined to season, but in his last two starts, drove in Brown with a single to up the regular campaign at 15-3 and Bergeron, Christensen and Wright they were down by 15 points on four Lakers tied an an outside shot. shut down the opposition. Each they have scored 17. make the score 66. will again be in the hunt for the two apiece to pace Manchester. The Todd Cruz’ fifth of the occasions in the third quarter. Then NBA record with fanned two with Curtin issuing the Nelson upped his record to 36 as CIAC state Class LL title. latter had three RBI. season made 76 in the third. In the their game fell into place. their ninth “We committed turnovers when lone walk. They combined on a four- the Mariners outgunned the Boston Manchester was a semifinalist a fourth, Torrez hit Sweet with a pitch straight playoff they went to traps, ” Philadelphia hitter. Manchester also took the jayvee Red Sox 106 ^or their fifth straight year ago. and Sweet later scored on a single “I thought we were going to have win. Coach Billy Cunningham said. Manchester took charge with a Manchester added four runs in the tilt, 20-5. Winning pitcher Laura victory. "They limited us to one shot and we “It’s a hard game to pitch because by Cowens to make it 86. to start running some time,” said “1 really didn’t think our team three-run first inning on a single, third and four more in the fourth for Petersen, 7-0, fanned seven. Gwenn also were limited in the transition you don’t bear down as hard as you Boston finally got on the board in Earvin “ Magic” Johnson. “ I ’m was ready in the first half,” Laker walk and double by Nancy Curtin. the final reading. Karen Daley, Duff, Maryjo Heine, Pam Gurney game. We tried to change personnel should,” said Nelson. “I went out the fifth when Nelson returned the thinking, ‘We’ve almost got it. Coach Pat Riley. “ We didn’t She later scored on a groundnut. Bergeron and Wright sandwich^ and Karen Scata each roped three and tempo but they were rolling.” and pitched like I had a 10-run lead.” favor and plunked catcher Rich We’ve almost got it.’ Then, wham! execute well. We were working hard The locals made it 6-0 in the se­ singles around two fielding errors in hits for the 14-2 young Indians. but it was all uphill.” There seemed to be a feeling in Although the most he had was an Gedman on the elbow. Gedman It was there.” scored on a single by Jerry Remy. With Philadelphia leading, 83-68 “1 think the (early) problem was the 76ers’ locker room that the team 86 lead. Nelson gave up 12 hits and should have done a better job of get­ walked four batters in 8 2-3 innings Carl Yastrzemski’s eighth homer and six minutes left in the third more mental than physical,” said of the year, and 434th of his career, quarter, Nixon, Wilkes and Kareem Nixon, who rebounded from a ting the ball inside. Darryl Dawkins Invitational Meet Saturday of work. powered for 14 points in the first “I had some good innings early made it 8-2 in the sixth. Abdul-Jabbar combined for 17 points scoreless first quarter to match The Mariners scored two in the during a 19-2 spurt that gave the Wilkes' teamleading 24 points. “We half and had but a single basket the but I started to get finicky about rest of the way. what 1 was doing,” he noted. "From bottom of the inning after a single DPI photo Lakers the lead for good at 87-85, came out extremely passive. Then 2 “We relied too much on the out­ by Brown, a walk to Sweet, and a with 1:51 remaining. in the second half, we were more now on. I’ll just stick to what I do side jumpers,” he said. Donnelly bears watching single by Bochte to load the bases. GLENN HOFFMAN FIRES That was just the beginning. By aggressive and pushed the ball up best.” bettor ” Game 2 will be played Sunday. Nelson got offensive support early Cowens then grounded to third to first completing double play the time the smoke had cleared, the from Rick Sweet, Gary Gray, Bruce baseman Carney Lansford, who Bochte and Todd Cruz. Sweet and stepped on the bag to get Sweet, By Len Auster with Brown scoring, but then threw Herald Sportswriter Cruz had solo homers. Gray had a three-run shot and Bochte went 3- the ball into right field. First for-3 and scored two runs. baseman Dave Stapleton threw the Pats waive 8 Herald photo by Pinto From a team standpoint Manchester High girls’ track did not Sweet, the Longview, Wash., ball into center trying to get Cowens Maltbie leads by stroke have a very good 1982. native who has made a sensational at second, allowing Bochte to score. free agents RAY SULLIVAN LEADS OFF FOR MORIARTY'S It was a very good year, however, debut with a homer in his first at-bat The Red Sox scored two in the seventh on an RBI single by Dwight Greg Powers. ... shortstop singled In first inning at Morlarty Field individually for senior thinclad Sue in the Kingdome Tuesday, hit his se­ DUBLIN, Ohio (UPI) - Roger Fleisher made the turn in 3-under- Evans and a basesloaded, double­ Eleven more players were at 71 FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - The Donnelly, who’ll be among the top cond homer of the week with one out Maltbie hasn’t had much to feel par 33 even though he 3-putted the play grounder by Yastrzemski. and nine others at even-par 72. as a New England Patriots Thursday entries at Saturday’s first in the first inning for his sixth good about since 1976, his second ninth hole. Nelson got the first two outs of the total of 33 golfers shot par or better. waived eight free agents, including Manchester Invitational Track Meet straight hit. year on the PGA Tour, when he won “The front nine was fun,” said ninth, but gave up a home run to Sam Snead, celebrating his 70th veteran offensive tackle Garry at Pete Wigren Track. “This caught me off guard, the last of his three titles — the in­ Fleisher, “but I struggled on the Evans, his second of the season. birthday Thursday with an in­ Puetz, who had not signed a 1982 The ubiquitious Donnelly, school because I’ve never really been a augural Memorial. hack.” AAoriarty's upended streak hitter,” said Sweet. “But Reid Nichols followed with a double Conner, the former tennis pro who frequent tour appearance, carded an contract with the NFL team. record-holder in the 400 and 800- Since then, its been a difficult and scored on a single by 81, while host Jack Nicklaus was at The Patriots informed Puetz of meter runs, was placed in any and everything I ’m hitting. I’m hitting struggle, but one he looks to be win­ didn’t take up golf Yastrzemski, prompting Seattle 74. their intentions not to sign him, all events by Tribe Coach George well.” until he was 24, manager to pull ning, making the offensive lineman eligi­ Suitor. Following Sweet’s homer, Bochte Maltbie returned to the site of his “played fairly Nelson and bring in Ed Vandeberg ble to sign with any other NFL team “She’s so versatile,” Suitor walked and A1 Cowens singled. Gray last triumph Thursday, the deman­ consistently most for the final out. after June 1. The Patriots would not states, “and she leads by example. then made it 46 by unloading on ding 7,116-yard, par-72 Muirfield of the day.” in home opener, 5-4 Mike Torrez’ first pitch. It was “We’ve been struggling for about “I got it up and receive any compensation Anything we ask her to do in a meet Village Golf Club, home of the $380,- nine games, but we’ve won five of she’ll do. I’m sure if we trained her Gray’s second homer of toe season 000 Memorial, and shot a 4-under- down ,' ’ said them,” said Boston manager Ralph in each event she could get the and second in as many nights. par 68, good enough for a one-shot Conner. “ That’s Rockies move Houk. “With the problems we’ve "I threw the ball well tonight. lead over a quartet of players in this something you after six innings but the Bell proved to be the winner in the three- school record in each.” been having with our starters. I’m to New Jersey Three runs in the last inning Donnelly, a standout on the cross They were just hitting it all over the year’s rain6elayed event. bave to do here to rO M G IIT helped propel Bristol to a 5-4 win Towners got to Craig Steuernagel in run outburst. . glad we’ve got the bullpen we do.” country team in the fall, was shifted place,” said Torrez, 3-3. “I seem to “It was a good feeling,” said win. 8 - (.olf. I SA Cable NEW YORK I UPI) - The sale over Moriarty Brothers last night at the seventh for three scores to salt Down 5-2,the locals loaded the Melnyk, like from the longer distances to the Maltbie. 8 - M i*Im v s . \stroH, WINK and tran sfer of the Colorado Mt.Nebo's Moriarty Field to spilt away the decision although the MB’s bases and Bristol starting hurler Conner and Fleisher still looking for sprints to aid the undermanned In­ “This is a very special place,” he 8:30 . Yanks vs. Twins, WFM)I», Rockies removes one problem for the home Greater Hartford Twilight tried to pull the game out in their Dave Curry departed in favor of his first tour victory, set a tourna­ dians. “She sacrificed herself for said. “I’ve played very well here (JianiK‘1 3 the NHL and involves a test of a Baseball League opener for the half of the inning. Mark Ziogas Glynn Tarro. Bill Chapulis singled in Murray on hit spree ment record with five straight bir­ one run but Mike Johnson skied out the team. She’s a team person all and I’ve played very poorly here. 10:15 • Red Snx vs. Murinrrs, heretofore productive market. locals. doubled in two runs and Tom dies — 11 through 15 — to get back to rightfield and the MB’s tallied to the way,” voices Suitor. But the people have been good to me W IK .; |0;.30 (3iannt‘l 38 The league Thursday approved the . The rivals were deadlocked at 2-2 Barlowski singled home what into the picture after shooting a 38 pull within one run, 5-4. Stan Lewis "There was a lot of pressure on from the beginning.” sale of the Rockies to a group on the front side. grounded into a lightning-like her to score points so the girls.could Maltbie had just finished his 12th Hall of Famers headed by John McMullen, who will One-armed bandit hole when play was halted by an ap­ But Melnyk, saying “obviously. be competitive and she responded to . move the franchise to the doubleplay to end the threat and I’m playing well,” felt the key to his NEW YORK (UPI) - Bill Rogers, the competition,” he adds. proaching thunderstorm, which Meadowlands Arena in East Ruther­ send the crowd of 100 home. round was a 9-foot putt he made on the 1981 PGA Golfer of the Year, Big East coaches Steuernagel was touched for nine Manchester averaged roughly 58 caused a two-hour delay. When play Craig Stadler, the winner of the 1982 ford. N.J. the 10th hole to save par. hits while the losers were able to points a meet in a 2-8 campaign. resumed, he birdied three of the last Masters tournament, and Bob The move left the Patrick Divi­ ambushes Rangers six holes to grab the lead away from Eight players were just two shots collect seven off the two Bristol Donnelly accounted for 17-20 of Hosburg, a top member of the PGA sion with six teams — three in one the four players at 3under 69 Steve bpck of Maltbie at 2under 70. That hurlers. those points each time out. Senior Circuit, were selected market and four in a llOmile radius Herald photo by Pinto Melnyk, Bruce Fleisher, Frank group included Hale Irwin, Johnny Moriarty’s, winners in the opener "She’s a tough competitor. She’s Thursday for induction into the All- — and required the Winnipeg Jets to adopt shot clock By Fred McMane On three of his hits, Murray said Conner and defending champion Miller, Jay Haas, Tom Kite, John A Wednesday night, ‘will next face run some of the best races that I ’ve American Collegiate Golf Hall of take Colorado’s place in the Smythc SUE DONNELLY he was practically using one hand Keith Fergus. Cook, Lou Graham, Don Pohl and Society Tuesday night at Trinity seen a Manchester High athlete UPI Sports Writer Fame. Division. ready for tough competition when swinging iefthanded. “It only “The round got started good and Field. run,” the Indian coach proclaims. The were am­ hurts when I swing.” that’s very important,” said Malt­ JOHN’S ISLAND. Fla. (UPI) - ACC and PCAA, have adopted a Before the game, a plaque Donnelly earlier in the year added bushed by a one-armed bandit. bie. “You can get on the defensive Basketball coaches in the Big East similar rule. honoring Matthew M. Moriarty was the 100-meter dash mark to her list complained,” Suitor states, “Now It’ll be an adjustment for Donnel­ EMdie Murray, suffering from ten­ very fast on this course.” Conference Thursday narrowly The coaches also voted to have the unveiled behind the centerfield with a : 13.0 clocking. But the middle Brewers 4, Angels 3 we have to adjust so she can com­ ly. But by now she should be used to donitis in his left hand, had four hits Fergus, coming off a win last recommended adoption of 45-second ninth-place finisher in the league distances, those which she didn’t At Anaheim, (Jalif., Paui Molitor fence. Taking part in the pete in the states.” - them. in five at-bats and drove in three week at Atlanta, bogeyed two of the shot clock, but overwhelmingly meet the eighth-place finisher for enter too much in ’82, are more her opened the game with a home run ceremonies, which held the start of runs Thursday night to lead toe first three holes, but strung together rejected a proposal for institution of the right to meet the top-seeded the game up nearly one hour, were cup of tea. Baltimore Orioles to a 66 triumph and Cecil Cooper added a two-run Y four straight birdies from the fifth a three-point field goal. “She’s a true middle distance homer in the third inning to spark team in the conference’s playoff. Deputy _ Mayor Steve Penny, and over the Rangers. through the eighth holes and on one The vote came on the first day of runner (400,800,1,500). She has good the Brewers. After falling behind, 4- The coaches recommended that the Directors Steve Cassano and Jim Murray’s offensive outburst came occasion was four under par. meetings that will continue through speed and endurance,” states S o ftb a ll 0, the Angels putted to within one game bd played on the day before McCavanagh and Bob Weiss, town only one day after he returned to the “Last week had a lot to do with Saturday. The recommendations Suitor, “This year she had to run on Brian Downing’s ninth home the playoffs begin. manager. lineup from nearly a two-week this week,” said Fergus. “It makes will not go into effect unless ap­ The conference also announced it Members of the Moriarty families become a sprinter ecause we needed . layoff. run of toe year in the eighth inning. Then Rollie Fingers came on to get you feel good going in, especially proved by the athletic directors of will expand to an eighth men’s assisted Mr.Moriarty in unveiling her in those events.” TONIGHT’S GAMES Don Kelsey, Mickey Calaci, Joe “When I swing left-handed, it the last five outs for his 10th save, when you won here last year. I got the nine member schools. sport, soccer, and that they will in­ the plaque. The latter was honored The state sectional is shortly up­ Buckland vs. Red Lee, 6 - Pagani Tarvano and Dave Romano were all feels really bad,” Murray said. “But preserving the victory for starter back a lot of confidence which I had The shot clock proposal calls for troduce seven women's sports. The with the field being named in his coming to be followed by the state Trash vs. Irish, 6 - Robertson in the two-hit class for the ■ In- right-handed, I can’t feel it (pain) at Pete Vuckovich, 5-2. lost.” the clock to be turned off in the final competition will begin in all those honor for his years of sponsorship of Class LL Meet Saturday, June 12. Telephone vs. Main Pub, 6 - Nike surancemen while Larry Block and all.” live minutes of a game. Several sports in September. sports programs in Manchester, es­ The 5-foot-7 Donnelly will make a Second Congo vs. Postal, 6 - Bob Bombardier led the losers with other conferences, including the pecially baseball. step up to her more natural 800 for Keeney two blows each. the states. A&N vs. Jaycees, 6 - Fitzgerald "Switching has hurt her because Turnpike TV vs. Moriarty Fuel, Neither side scored in the first Sheehan deadlocks Lopez in LPGA she hasn’t gotten the training to 7 :3 0 - Nike three innings but Glenn Construc­ tion proved the best over the final “The rain felt good,” said the San Legion tryouts excel in the states. But she hasn’t Main Pub vs, All-Stars, 7 :3 0 - CORNING, N.Y. (UPI) - anticipated. tittle League foqr frames in tacking an 86 defeat Jose, Calif, resident. Fitzgerald Hopefully things will turn out better Lopez, who has captured just one on Acadia Restaurant last night at Lopez was pleased with her round Tidy Car vs. Clark, 7 :30 - Robert­ for Patty Sheehan in this year’s tournament in 1982 but still ranks Robertson. but downplayed her position. whitewashing of Boland Oil at son LPGA Corning Classic. fifth in earnings, praised Sheehan as set next week NATIONAL Mark Monnette homered, doubled “On the course my swing became Penney girls Returning to toe scene of her a “real fighter.” The Medics outlasted Nichols Leber. Kevin Guilfoil had a double and singled arid Glenn teammates smooth,” said Lopez. “I made some CHARTER OAK greatest professional disappoint­ “I’d love to be head-to-head with Tire, 14-10, last night at Buckley. for the 6-0 winners. DQ pulled off Randy Smith and Joe Demarko each putts in the beginning that gave me Trvouts for the Manchester two doubleplays with Chris Green a Building up a 7-1 lead with only ment, Sheehan fired a 5-under-par 67 her on toe final day,” Lopez said. Tom Conklin had two hits, Gregg collected two hits. confidence, but the first day doesn’t American Legion and Junior Legion defensive standout. Damon lacovelli upset Tribe three outs left, Manchester Oil Heat Thursday to tie Nancy Lopez for the Kathy Young followed the leaders Horowitz starred defensively and Bob Ballok, Dick McGill and make any difference as long as you baseball teams will be held had a two-base knock for 2-3 Boland. had to struggle to hold off a last in­ first-round lead. with a 4-under-par 68 while Sandra Dave Russell pitched well for the Kevin Kravontka led the losers don’t fall too far behind. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, ning rally by Highland Park Market ‘ 'The event is highest on my disap­ Spuzich and Donna H. White were Medics. Neal Schackner socked two with two hits each The winner of the $125,000 tourna­ June 2-4, beginning each night at 6 NATIONAL FARM in net play to score a 7-5 win last night at pointment list,” said Sheehan, who next at 3-under. homers, Scott Gentilcore played NORTHERN ment, which has attracted eight of o’clock at Manchester High’s Kelley Nichols Tire nipped Wolff-Zackin, Fitzgerald. led last year’s Coming Classic until The field of 86 professionals and well defensively and George Covey Each side came up with 10 hits, Pushing across five runs in the the tour’s top 10 money leaders, will Field. High school varsity players 11-10, at Bowers. Dwight Whitaker a disastrous final-round double two amateurs battled intermittent pitched well for Nichols. sixth inning, the Jaycee Blues up­ receive $18,’750 and a chance at win­ may not participate until their fanned 11. and Robbie LeClerc Three of four singles matches Ray Michard pacing the Oilers with bogey on the 17th hole. “It took me drizzle, but toe conditions didn’t ended Bob and Marie’s last night at ning a bonus of $100,000 by also cap­ 2 teams have completed tournanient stroked two hits and scored the win­ went to Penney High as it nipped three.. Jack Hughes added two hits, three weeks to recover.” seem to bother the 25-year-old Robertson, 9-3. turing next week’s LPGA event at competition. ning run for Nichols. Dave Risley Manchester High, 4-3, in CCIL girls’ one an inside the park homer, and Sheehan, who turned professional Sheehan, who is eighth on this year’s Yielding big bats for the Blues Malverne, Pa. Anyone unable to attend or still INTERNATIONAL fanned 10 in four innings and Keith tennis action yesterday at Memorial Mark Quesnel also collected two just two years ago, fashioned one money list. were Roger Harwood with three hits wishing to sign up should contact Behind the three-hit pitching of Bergeron and John Glover each had Field courts. blows. eagle on toe 439-yard, par-5 fifth and Dave Feighn with a pair. Bill Legion Head Coach Steve Rich Sullivan, Hartford Road Dairy two hits for Wolff-Zackin. The loss drops the Indians to 3-6 Two hits each came off the bats of hole in a consistent round that also Tedford’s three hits led the Piz- Armstrong, 647-1560. Queen remained unbeaten with a 3-0 with their next test today against Bruce Thieling, Pete Devanney and featured three birdies. zamen. AMERICAN crosstown East Catholic at the Alen Hurley of the losers. Sheehan said she "didn’t expect to Memorial Field courts at 3:15. WEST SIDE REC Mark Huhtala fired a no-hitter, play so well,” but added the 6,286- No matter how you play them. T h e Daily facing only 22 batters, to lead Town Results: Lisa Bonetti (P) def. Eight runs in he sixth inning broke Collecting 19 base bits, Nassiff yard layout played shorter than she SENTRA Nancy Keller 2-6, 6-1, 7-5; Jeanlne open a close battle ay Pagani Field Arms trimmed Nelson Freight last Numbers and Play 4 are still your best bet. You 8 Fire to a 7-1 win over Modern can play Play 4 twice a week, with drawings Eagle softballers Janitorial last night at Waddell. LaBrosse (P) def. Chris Szarka 6-2, last night and gave Elliott Gun Shop night at Nike, 12-5. Brian O’Loughlin and Brian 6- 3; Vicki Veltri (P) def. an Beth 13-4 duke over Police. Jim Ruffini, Ron Frenette each IS “IfouJust both Tuesday and Friday evenings. Tickets Carpenter hit well for Town while Pagani 6-4, 6-0; Allison Knauth (M) Bob McCarthy stroked three hits, stroked three hits for theArms and bought from Saturday to Tuesday are good for Steve Wronker, George Hanlon, firstin Steve Biske and Mike Massaro def. Brenda Stent 6-4, 7-6; Sue one a homer, to lead the Gunmen the Tuesday evening drawing, while tickets played well for Modem. Marte-Sharon Lucek (M) def. An-' and teammates Chuck Barrera, Lance Maliszewski and Tim Nicola bought from Wednesday to Friday are eligible co-HCC champs drea Browne-Melanie Redman 3-6, Jack Bousfleld, Bob Post, Jim each added two hits to the cause. HERE! lasting: for the Friday evening drawing. So now you INT. FARM 7- 5, 6-4; Lynne Sampson-KarenBirtles, Bill Lukas and Frank The winners also executed a triple Can’t Beat can have two chances a week to win up to 525,000 on a With a little- help, East Catholic Catholic. Cosgrove (M) def. Chris Dom- Fuggatto each chipped in with two play in the fifth inning. cfrfM iM jf beeuty and protection 7-Eleven outlasted Dairy Queen, single ticket. And, o f course, you can still play T h e Daily secured part ownership of the Hart­ That deadlocks East and Karen Davidson 2-6, 7-6, 6-1; Eileen Kaqa lrnfw*ks Mark Gray enjoy^ a three-hit 13-11, at Verplanck. Todd Rose The Copeland Latex-it#family Numbers 6 times a week with its three digit combination ford County Conference (HCC) Northwest for the top rung, each 7-3. pitched four strong innings and Newman-Tracy Sousa (P) def. Lin­ Best in defeat with the bat were show for the losers and Jon Neuner of driveway maintenance products that can win you up to $2,5(X) on one bet. For the most fiin girls’ softball championship. The East saw its shot of gaining the title aided his own cause with four hits da Weiss-Linda Chow 5-7, 6-4, 7-5. Howie Beeler and Sandy Ficara added two bingles. Eaglettes became co-HCC champs outright slip away Wednesday as it and four RBI for 2-4 7-Eleven. with three hits each and Ted NIKE T he though, play them both. by virtue of yesterday’s 6-5 win by dropped a 7-2 duke to St. Paul. Anthony Falcetta knocked in three Kryslewicz and Larry Wilson each Although outhit, 76, Johnson In­ • Laltx-lta SupwSezI driveway laalar. Whether you have lucky added a pair. surance blacked the Britisb- SuBar-lough baeauaa H't tupar-rubbarizad. Mercy High over Northwest runs including the game-winner. Ed­ Avallabta akld-raalalant numbers or just hunches, put die Wazer played well defensively Tech netmen DUSTY 'Americans, 46, last night at Nike. them to work for you by On:, run was the difference last Steve Howroyd led toe way with • Lataz-tla Atpha-laaHc for the winners. Tom McKeown had The squeeze bottle crack filler. Perfect Riir.” playing the Perfect Pair — Superb relief pitchina three hits. Bill Keever and Mike night at Keeney Field as Center three hits as Nelson copp^ its on short end ' Congo nipped Barricliffe Amoco, 8- fourth straight win without tasting • Lalaz-na Trowel Patch T h e Daily Numbers and Play 4. You just can’t beat therti! Silman hit well and Tyrone Napper Easy ready-mIx for cracks and low spots. starred defensively for 1-5 DQ. 7. defeat, ' Connie Banas, Joe Delcanto and Tom Jones had two bits for toe • Latax-tls SiiaarPaleh gives East JVs victory Cheney Tech tennis team was on Amazing "miracle" compound ROOKIES the short end of a 5-1 count to RHAM Steve Hale each lashed out two hits Clubmen. lor large cracks and holes. High yesterday in Hebron. The loss for the Churchmen as did Kent REC Superb relief pitching of Paul to wind up the campaign U-5. Blue Bombers nipped Mighty DE CORMIER TheCmuiecticut drops the Beavers to 5-0. Smith and Bill Slbrinsz for the Cracking out 32 base bits, B&J Manchester winds up 9-9. Cats, 17-16, at Valley Field. Jeff Mador led East Catholic jayvee Results: Koji (R) def. Govemale Garagemett. trounced Renn’s Tavern last night at baseball team past Manchester Tony Sledesky had four hits in­ Lazzaris had three hits, Paul Kirby State Lottery 6-1,66; Brookes (CT) def. Farley 6- INDY Charter Oak, 206. cluding a homer and double and two and Dave Phillips stroked the Watch the drawings 6 nights a week on Ch. 30, Qi. 59 or Ch.79 at 7:29 High, 12-10, in the season finale for 2, 6-1; Reichett (R) def. Wright 6-2, Each side enjoyed a four-run in­ Lanny Duke, Joan Lindsay and DATSUN both schools' yesterday at Kelley Steve Byam chipped in two blows to game-winning blow for the P.M. Purchasers must be 16 w older, but mtnon may receive lonery tickets Bombers. Jason Overstreet and 2-6, 6-3; Hunt-McKay (R ) def. ning but Lathr^ Insurance tallied Rose Lovett each came up with four Field. pace East. Tim Grady had three hits willow sm« as gifts. Chances of winning range ftom 1 in 100 to I in 10,000 depending Adam Hartzog hit well and Ronny Kieman-Martin 6-0, 6-4; Hyburg- three other runs and came awa^ hits for toe Automen while Bonnie ChoiNi*. CT 06410 285 BROAD ST. on which game you pby m d how you pby. Mador stopped the Indians cqid including a triple and Eric Dupee S dC f 1043 and Ricky 'Vingling starred defen­ Gaudreau (R) def. Mazzeo-SpiUane with a 7 6 decision over Flo’s Cakes Thomas hit safely three hits and Pat the final four innings, hurling hitless contributed a single and double for sively for the Cats. 36, 6-2, 6-2. last Bight at Fitzgerald. Fiori twice in defeat. ball in that span. That enabled .Blast the Silk Towners. MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., May 28. 1982 - 13. 12 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri,, May 28. 1982

Whereto go/What to do

. ■ / TV'Novies/Comics Scoreboard FOCUS / Weekend / ' MHS band, singers to open new season Detroit (Retry 4^1 at. Oak­ Hone Run.s New EnglantP — Waiv«<| eight land lUngford « ). 10:35 p.m. Natinna* League - Murp^. free agents: tackle Garry All 14: Kingman. NY I4ielr.. runninr backs Vince (Leal 3-2) at Bal­ Thoninson. Pit 12; Homer. ..All timore (McGregor 6-3, 7:35 r«‘hy and Peter Corrigan; If); Diaz. Phil. Guerrero, LA lint'inen Bob Internann and bYi Baseball p m . and Hendrick. StL 9. Rakus: cmarterbacks Frank Saturday’s Games American League — Thorn­ . ....ago at Cleveland Hoc<'0 and Tom St. Jacques and JUST AS K New York at Minnesota ton. Cle 12 and Rocnicke. Balt wide receiver John Vella. Milwaukee at California 12: Hrbek. Minn and Ixiwen- New Orleans — Signed stein. Bal 10; Harrah, Clev and ^ f'alif 001010010-3 60 Walhaii, KC 14. Lopes. Oak. The Colorado Rockiei to a gioup been an obscure offensive guard. 5i.'in Fran 19 27 .413 9 • Vuckovich, Easterly (6), Fin­ Molitoi. Mil and Hayes. Clev hc'adcd bv John McMullen; a'sc program coordinator listings. Today s Games gers (8* and Simmons; Forsch. 12 ajiT»ved' tlie transfer of Ihc ”I worked with Jay Giles from public works,” he Wednesday, 7 p.m., Manchester High School (No games scheduled) Hassicr (4i. Corbett (9) and Pitching Cim»rsJo franchise to New Today’s Games says. “We went to (band shells) in Westport, Stage Band and Round Table Singers. Boone. W—Vuckovich (5-2). Ij— Victories .leisev Arrcunced the New (All Times EDTi Forsch (4-4). HRs-Milwaukee. N.itinnal League — Sutton. .leiscv fraiKhUe will play in Meriden, New Britain and East Hartford, and came Thursday, 7;30 p.m., Manchester Symphony l/»s Angeles (Welch 5-2) at Molitor (5). Cooper (4); Califor­ Hoii 7-1; Jones, NY 6-2; Rogers. the Patrick Division and up with the design — a combination of all the good Orchestra and Chorale Pops Concert. rhicago (Martz 3-3), 2:35 p.m. nia. Downing (9). Mil 6-3: Valenzuela, LA, 6-4; 8 Winni|H‘g will move from the rinciOnati (Pastorc 4-4) at pitchers tied with 5. Norris to the Sinythe Division. points (we saw).” June 9, 7 p.m., Bennet Junior High School Stage Montreal (Sanderson 4-3). 7:35 Boston 000 011 202-612 2 American league — Hoyt, Soccer From the very beginning, the Manchester Band, rain date June 10. pm Seattle 421 KEOOx-lO 11 0 Chi. 9-0 Guidry. NY 7-1; Pi.lland (NASLi -- Aeipiirc-d MA- • I S.m P'rand.sco (Lasky 3-2) at Torrez. Rainey (4), Ojeda (8) Burns. (Tii and Caudill. Sea 6-2. in I'ficlJer forward Dave Ren­ Bicentennial Band Shell was a community effort. vV June 12, 7 p.m.. West Point Military Academy Pittsburgh (Candelaria 1-2). ami Gedman. l^Franccus (8); ' McGregor. Balt 6-3; Morris. net from Nojwjch (’ily of the- “A lot of people don’t realize that the band shell Stage Band, sponsored by Manchester Bicentennial 7 35 p rn , Nelstm, VandeB«frg (9) and Dei (A Fngiisli First Division, ....'-A Houston (Ryan 3-6) at New Sweet W—Nelson (3-6). L— F^arnc-d Run Average ^.^)lloge was built through grass roots donations,” Mac­ Band Shell Corp., rain location East Catholic High York (Jones W i. 8:C5 n.m Torrez (3-3), HRs - Boston (B.ased on 1 inning x number of Oregon — Named' Slu Jack- carone says. School. Atlanta (Niekro 2-D at Yaslrzemski (8). Evans (2); game.s each team has played) n assistant baskotbai) coach. June 13, 2 p.m., Celebration of new life, spon­ Philadelpliia ' Ruthven 3-3). Seattle. .Sweet (2), Gray (2) National League — Rogers. H (15 p m. “ DONATIONS RANGED anywhere from a few T(Y u7. (5), Mil 174; Sutton. Hou 1.96; sored by Manchester Area Conference of Churches. San Diegi) (Eichelberger 4-6) Martz. Chi 2,17; Sanderson. MU dollars up to a 129.9()9 matching grant from the June 13, 7;30 p.m., Portuguese Music Festival; ;n St I^uir (Forsrh 5-1). 8:35 (Only games s^bcdul'.Hl) 2 34 Lea. Mtl 2.41. p in American League — Hoyt. Q Who now holds the record for consecutive games Hartford Foundation for Public Giving,” he says. the Rancho Folclorico Portuguese Folk Dancers, OSaturday s Games Chi 145; Renko. Cal 1.70; played? Is it Lon Gehrig? Does Steve Garvey of the Dodgers (k)st of construction ran to $40,999, including the Cincinnati at Montreal sponsored by Personal Tee, Kison. Cal 2.06; Eckersley. Bos u v e a chance to break Tt? — F.V., Oxnard. Calif. amplification system. Volunteers helped with June 14, 7 p.m., Manchester Youth Ballet; l/is Angeles at Chicago 2 11, John. NV 2.23. Basketball ,\tlanta at Philadelphia Strikeouts Gehrig’s feat of playing 2,130 consecutive games for the design of the electrical and the sound systems. Fun­ Clarion Brass Quintet, sponsored by Band Shell, Houston at New York, night National League — Solo. Cin New York Yankees between 1925 and 1939 is far and away draisers, public and private donations all helped. rain date June 18. San Fran at Pittsbgh. night MAJOFi 87. Carlton. Phil 74: Rogers. the longevity record and may never be surpassed. Billy San Dgo at St Louis, night “No tax money was involved,” Maccarone says. June 15, 7 p.m., Bernie Bentley, banjoist, old- Mtl 53 Ryan, Hou 51; Sutton, Williams,TTUllalllS, with a streak w*i f games for the —----- I - o LEAGUE Ibm so. ’hie structure was finally completed and the first fashioned sing-a-long; and the Burton Dancers, American league American league Bannis- liv the 1960s, Is in second place. Garvey, who started this East ter. Soa 61 Perry, Sea 53. season with a skein of 945 games for the Dodgers, could pass season was set into place in 1978. Only 13 programs sponsored by Berry Patch Farm strawberries, rain W L Pet GB LEADERS Bos and Guidry. NY Fekerslcy. Williams early in the 1983 season if he stays healthy and on were scheduled over the summer months, and that Ptioto by Canfdids by Carol date June 17. Boston 28 15 .661 — 52. Denriv Cle 45. NBA Playoffs first year 6,000 people attended performances. Detroit 25 16 .610 2 Saves P.v United Press International first base. June 19, 7 p.m., Peanutbutterjam, concert for New York 21 2D .512 6 National League — SnUer, (^ampionship Series And how they’ve grown! children, sponsored by the Calico Patch Quilt Shop, Milwauke 21 21 500 Bv United Press International (Best-of-seven) Q. I want to know how many free-throw attempts Julius Batting Sll. n . Allen. NY 12; Hume. Last year, for the fourth season, 37 programs rain date June 25. Ball 21 22 .488 7 Cin 0. (iarber, All 8; Reardon. (All Times EDT) “Dr! J ” Ervlng made this season. And how can t get the ((MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL ROUND TABLE SINGERS IN PERFORIWIANCE Clevland 19 23 452 8‘^ 1 Based on 3.1 plate appear- Philadelphia vs. Los Angeles were scheduled, and more than 40,000 people June 20, 7:30 p.m., Center Ballet Theater; the anf es x number of games each Mil 7 1981-82 Sixers yearbook? — Marcelo Torres, Cayey, P.R. . . . group will kick off the Bicentennial Band Shell'B seaaon Wednesday Toronto 18 25 .419 10 American league — Quisen- (lyos Angeles leads l-O) Dr J during the regular season converted 411 of 539 free- attended. For this year’s fifth anniversary, 41 West loam has played) May 27 - Los Angeles 134. Singing Savoyards of the Manchester Gilbert and National League berry. KC 12; Gossage. NY and Chicago 28 14 .667 — Bartijas, Chi 11. Fingers, Mil Philadelphia 117 throw attempts for a percentage of 76.3, which is below hU programs are set to run from June through the Sullivan Players, rain date June 23. ('jilif 29 16 644 ■'2 g ab h pet May » - Los Angeles at 39 143 50 .360 11). (^lear. Bos 8 career mark of 78.5 in the NBA. ’The league leader was Kyle beginning of September. As for attendance? "We businesses and organizations. Maccarone is respon­ repeat appearances this year. June 21, 7:30 p.m., Walter Kaye Bauer Banjo Kan Citv 23 19 .548 5 Thompson, Pil Phtladoltihia. I p m. Macy of Phoenix with an 89.9 conversion rate on free Oakland ' 22 23 489 .Jones, SD 41 146 51 349 .lime 1 — Philadelphia at Los have no way of knowing,” Maccarone says. sible not only for scheduling all programs, but also Orchestra, sponsored by Lynch Pontiac-Toyota. S4-altlc 22 25 .468 8*4 Guerrero, LA 44 166 54 .325 Angeles. 9 p.m. throws. You can get a Sixer yearbook or media guide by ’Hie season will kick off with the Manchester June 22, 7:30 p.m., Ray Henry Polka Band, spon­ 45 168 54 321 for arranging sponsors. “I’d love to have people THE ENTIRE SEASON is dedicated to the Texas 12 27 .308 Moreland. (Tii Sports Transactions lime 3 - Philadelphia at Los writing Harvey Pollack, Philadelphia 76ers, P .0. Box 25949, High School stage band and the Round Table sored by the Manchester Polish American Minn 12 35 .256 18*4 Wilson, NY 43 183 58 .317 Bv United Press International Angeles. 9 p.m volunteer to help out,” he sayO. It is a monumental memory of Mary J. Nackowski and Fred A. Ramey Thursday s Results L.Smith. SIL 44 182 57 313 Philadelphia, Pa. 19147. Singers Wednesday. For the first time, a new piano Thursday x-.lunr 6 — Los Angeles at task. Jr. Anyone wishing to make a memorial contribu­ Charitable Foundation, rain date June 24. Baltimore 6, Texa.s 0 Baker. LA 41 157 49 312 Baseball Pfiiladclphin. 2 p.m. Q. Does Ted Turner of the Atlanta Braves know something will be pressed into use on that date, also. June 26, 8 p.m., U.S. Coast Guard Concert Band, Milwaukee 4. ('alifornia 3 Dawson, Mil 41 165 51 .309 All performances are free to anyone who brings a tion may do so by sending a check payable to the 45 175 54 .309 Atlanta ■— Recalled outfielder x-.lune B — Philadelphia at that George Stelnbrenner of the New York Yankees doesn t Seattle 10. Boston 6 Knight, Hou Tcry Harper from Richmond Ijis Angeles. 9 p.m. chair or a blanket to sit on the grassy hillside on a sponsored by Moriarty Brothers Lincoln-Mercury Today's Games Durnam. Chi 41 146 45 .308 know about paying large sums of money to the players and Manchester Bandshell Corporation to Robert 38 146 45.306 .’incl soul outfielder Brett Butler x-.lune 10 — Los Angeles at THE INSTRUMENT, dedicated to the late Fred balmy summer’s night to listen to music, watch Dealer and Band Shell, rain location East Catholic (All Times EDTi Stearns. NY to the International League Philadelphia. 9 p.m having it pay off? Or u Atlanta a flash in the pan? — Joe DeMarchi, Band Shell Treasurer, Savings Bank of Chicago (Trout 4-31 at Cleve­ American League A. Ramey Jr., a Manchester Community College varied dance groups, and even laugh over the antics High School. t» ab h pet farm dub x-if necessary Meyers, Marinette, Wis. Manchester, 923 Main St. land (Dennv 2-6). 7:35 p.m Calitnrnia — Sent pitcher administrator and bandshell buff, is a spinet built of puppets. June 28, 7 p.m., A1 Morgan School of Acrobatics Kansas Citv (Frost 4-3) at Harrah. Cle 42 16>64 .388 41 144 40 .340 Ang(*I Moreno to Spokane of the Wait until ’Turner has won five American L ^gue Eiast ’The most popular performances in past years Programs for the season are available at the and Unicycling with Alfie the Clown and his mini­ Texas (Hough 3-3), 8:06 p.m Upshaw. Tor Pacific Coast League in order by Baldwin. Five groups this year will make use of New York (Guidry 7-1) at Cooper. Mil 41 164 55 335 title, three league championships and two World Series in it, including the Paris Boy’s Choir when they have included the Paris Boy’s Choir, the Savings Bank of Manchester, the Connecticut Bank circus review, sponsored by the Purdy Corp, rain 41 158 52 .329 to mak(» riKiin for pitcher Dave Herald Angle Minnesota (Castillo 2*2). 8:35 Herndon Del Goltz nine years, as Steinbrenner has done. Turner’s record in six appear in Manchester on July 17 during their inter­ Manchester Pipe Band Association Festival and the and Trust Company and the Manchester State date June 30. p in Pacioiek. (^(i 39 144 47 .326 I'lMitball Herald Sports Eklitor Earl Yost years as an owner shows four last-place finishes and none Milwaukee (Caldwell 2-4) at Garcia. Toi 40 1(S 53 .321 Atlanta — Signed quarter- national tour. Coast Guard Band, when attendance hovered near Bank, all on Main Street, and at the Senior Citizen’s June 29 , 7:30 p.m., the A1 Gentile Band, spon­ ('alifornia (Zahn 5-2). 10:30 B'K-hie. Sea 45 156 50 321 baf’k Mike Kelley, a sixth-round keeps on top of sports in his regular higher than fourth in the National League West. I will My Bandshell programs are sponsored by community the 3,999 mark. All three organizations will make Center. The Herald will publish monthly schedules. sored by the Manchester Rotary, rain date July 1. p in TliMfTiton, Cle 42 196 50 321 draft choice from column, “liie Herald Angle,” on the the Braves are an improved team and capably led by Joe Boston (Ec’kersley 5-3) at Almon. ('hi 40 128 41 .320 36 132 42 .316 Tef’h to a series of onc-year daily sports pages. Torre, but not as good as that opening 13-game winning Seattle (Bannister 5-2). 10:35 Bandolph, NY cnnlracls. p in streak indicates. A

50, Tona Mikolowsky 50. Low Net, Clara Buggie 56- ■ Wilder: From 'Hanky Panky/ love has come 18-38, Rebecca Radin 61-19- Golf 42, Linda Saari 54-10-44, Eleanor Aufman 53-19-44, in one of her first big-screen acting that Gene was caught up in the s By Marilyn Beck Jean Schultz — and spending his Idle Kathy Rejmolds 51-7-44. moments conjuring up visions of fin­ assignments. opinions of others. He’s learned 9 Holes — Blind 4 Holes Y "We could always rely on better, and he is trying to transmit -I- Handicap: Low HOLLYWOOD — For years Gene ding Utopian bliss. “ It’s taken a long time,, but I breaking Sidney up when we set our that learning to Gilda. Gross, Pat Blanco 30; Low Wilder was preoccupied with writing scripts that bore the un­ realize now the kind of happiness minds to it, making him laugh so "You’ve got to concentrate on the Net, Mig McCarrick 28-6- LYNCH doughnut — and not the hole. What’s COUNTRY CLUB 500 W CEN TERS! M A NC H E ST E R . 6'16 .13?! you fantasize about as a young boy, hard he'd ruin a take. He was our 22, Sharron Caruso 34-11- derlying theme of the quest for “ I f ’ft taken a long a young man, is not necessarily best audience.” important professionally is your Following are the 23, Meredith Barker 32-9- perfect love. Not anymore. realistic,” he says. “ You envision time, but t realise now As Gilda has since become his. work, and the joy you derive from pairings and starting times 23. being on a cloud, where there are He comments, “1 used to not work, and for a film to make enough for the 36-Hole Member- “Now I’m interested in imperfect the kind of happiness love, realistic love — about the jokes only high moments. And that’s very believe in fate. Now I think I do.” money so you'll be asked to do Member Golf Tournament RED ROCK TUNE-UP FRONT BRAKE dangerous. In the first place, you you fantasiae about as And a moment later; ‘Tm a very another — and go on and enjoy your Saturday and Monday: life plays on you while you thrash A - Net, Alice Elm 45- SPECIAL SPECIAL about trying to find happiness.” can’t exist like that without the aid a young boy, young happy man. I'm happy and satisfied life.” 6:31. Moffat, Kristof; Ansaldi, 12-33; B - FYan Ojrbett 58- USED CAR BUYS : He has been finding happiness of drugs, which is tragic. And also it — and finding it hard to believe all He hesitates an instant, then com­ Wall; 6:38 GiorgeUl. Ahn, 12-37; C - Kitty St.Halaire man, is not necessarily ments, “It took me a long time to Robidoux, Robidoux; 6:45 Stuck, s 4 g s o With Gilda Radner since they met robs you of the search for real hap­ that is happening to me is real.” 60-27-37; One putts, A * 5 9 * ® learn that. I’ve been hurt — and am Fagan; Sanders. Wilson; 6:52 Our late modal Uaad Cara are Quarantaad during production of Ciolumbla’s piness — with its ups and downs, its realistic. ” His protective attitude for the Pagan!, Pagan!; Genovesi, Diane Willis 3; B - C^arol “Hanky Panky” last summer. And arguments — that allows you to still open to hurt when someone who Nassiff; 6:59 Leone, Glguere; 6-CYL. 848.80 (Most Cars) (Most Cars) former “Saturday Night Live” com­ Laconis 4, Lee Willis 4; C - ! he says the joke was on him, forge a real bond with another —Gene Wilder loved my last picture suddenly hates Leone. D. Smith; 7:06 MaUva, Rosalie Bartulo 2, Ruth 4-CYL. $41.80 Install new brake pads, resurface 2 rotors or (or 1 year or 12,000 miloa agalnat ma|or repair edienne becomes apparent. He my latest. But in general, I believe I Thomson; Ogden, N. Zavarella; drums. Inspect and repack front wheel because “1 never expected her to be human being.” McIntosh 2, Beth Roscoe 2, Includes. Install new spark plugs, set igni­ doesn’t want to interfere with her have figured out what it’s all 7:13 W allace, Zukauskas; D. bearings. Check and inspect rear brakes, DEMO so lAy, so wonderfully vulnerable — Because Gilda is still legally wed tion timing, adjust carburetor, check and In­ DEMO DEMO professional growth, he says. But he Davis, Podesta; 7:20 L. AnnulU, Marie Trewhella 2. check and inspect master cylinder, brake probably the most shy, vulnerable to guitarist G.E. Smith, Wilder is about." Downey, Burger, Rlordan; 7:27 spect air filtec. belts, hoses. valve, and 82CHEV. 82CHEV. feels he should give her the benefit lines and hoses. Road Test. 82CHEV. Malibu Clastic Wagon. V-6, '“It,” ’ he repeats, mouthing the Schilling, MacMullen, D. battery terminals. Cavalier 2 Dr. 4 cyl., 4 apd.. Citation 2 Dr. Hatchback, 4 actress I’ve ever met. I didn’t know hesitant to talk about the possibility of his greater professional ! cyl., auto., air cond., powar auto., air cond., powar word carefully, an explanation point DeNicolo, R. DeNlcolo; 7:34 ■ AM-FM Stereo, power staarlng & brakes,-AM-FM her, bad no way of knowing what of a matrimonial bond in their experience, “try to protect her as Marshall, Irish; O’Rourke. Rynn; atearing, pin atrlping, ateerinp. brakoa, Dr. locka, that hovers in the air. Present This Coupon | AM-FM, ruatproofad and a lot radio, alec.' dafoggar, rust- she’d be like. 1 thought she might be future. “We are together, we are much as I can, and warn her when 7:41 Rossetto, Sieffert; G. Martin, wtiltewalls, ruatproofad and proofed and many extras. Poltier, who had directed Wilder in “Books have Ireen written about more. more extras. a loud-mouthed bitch, and I was happy,” he smiles softly. “And comedy in which they are to team there is cactus she could walk into. I M. Martin; 7:48 Long, McCarthy; "Stir O azy,” also helmed “ Hanky 'making it.’ People keep talking Fox. May; 7:55 Atamian, Maddox; ready for a fif^t.” that’s all that’s important at the with lUcbard Pryor. know you can’t block out all the [We Offer Factory Trained Technicians} uu PIKE *6885 8A LI PRICE • 8 8 8 5 tAunucE*8865 Panky,” and, according to Gene, about wanting to 'make it.’ And I Tracy, B. Davis; 8:02 Horvath. Gymnastics Wilder, an extremely erudite, sen­ moment.” He moves on to conversations thorns for another human being, but Herdic, Clark, Steullette; 8:09 S. _ -----IJ. . sitive, introspective man who comes Still, it is Gilda who occupies his "he really is a natural father to a think the hardest lesson f6r new­ Ferguson, Rossitto; McKee. & Genuine Factory Parts. ■ 70 PONT. •OOOO about “Hanky Panky” production, when you love someone you try to comers in this business to learn is 80 CHEW. •0090 LaMans 4 Dr. V-6, auto., air across with a spiritual grace, feels thoughts — and his conversation — film company. Along about 4 in the Oteksinski. 81 CMEV. WTSB Monte Carlo Landau Cpa. V-6, and his sentences are laced with ease some of the suffering.” what “it” is really all about.” 8:16 Pietrantonlo. Kennedy; Malibu 4 Dr., V-6, auto, air con- cond., powar steering A brakaa, it’s too simplistic to say his ideas of during the hour I spent with Wilder afternoon, when fatigue would set d.. powar atearing, alec, auto., air cond., power atearing radio, rear dafoggar. Claan low “Gilda” as he relates, “It was some Pietrantonio, Pietrantonlo; 8:23 in, Gilda and I knew we could to go There was a time, when he was This Gene knows: It isn’t about 2 dafoggar, tinted glaaa, radio, & brakaa. AM-FM radio, raar mllaagal love and happiness changed when he in his Beverly Hills office. undertaking: night and day shooting DelMastro, R. Anderson; Nordeen, 646-4321 dafoggar. Lika new! him and put. bur heads on his fresh on the roller coaster that adulation; or amassing money for a Members of the ruatproofad and more. 77 0108. *4188 changed his initial notions about in Manhattan, locations in Boston, in WIgren; 6:30 Morline, Kleman; PLYM. SOraiT. *7488 Cutlaaa Buprams Cpa. V-0, As we sit over coffee in the shoulder — that was usually covered would result in string of successful flashy front; or caring too greatly Fahey, K. Gordon; 8:44Prachnlak, Winlnger’s Gymnastics 80 *8596 Gran Prix Cpa L.J. V-8, auto., Gilda Radner. the deserts of Arizona. Helicopter Horizon TC-3 Cpa. 4 cyl., 4 auto., power atearing ft brakaa, “I have been going through a state modest, three-room suite furnished with a cashmere sweater.” films (including "The Producers,” about what strangers think of you. Ottaviano. Sawyer. Heaney; 8:51 team took part in a meet apd., AM-FM Stereo Caaa., raar air cond., powar ataailng & radio, vinyl roof. CleanI chases, trains, running. Jumping, • Herman, Howard; R. Macaione, J. dafoggar. Like newt brakaa. crufaa control, powar of transition for years,” he points with Degas reproductions and non­ “ Blazing Saddles," “Young It is about the pride of work, and last Sunday in Newington windows & teat, powar drr 80 UUDk *8188 traffic control, shooting in the mid­ Macalone; 8:58 Seddon, Zanis; L. QLC 2 Dr. 4 S apd., powar . ;ouL “I wouldn’t have been ready for descript furniture, he mentions the With release of the comedy still Frankenstein,” “Silver Streak,” love and relationships. Glglio, Salafia; 9:05 Warren, and did well. MEMORIAL ^ 78 TOTOT* *7288 locks, AM-FM Stereo, ruat- dle of the summer at 42nd and Calica Supra Cpa. 6 oyl., 5 apd., proofad. Orig. 25,266 mllaa. brakes, A M -m Btarao, rear Gilda before this.” upcoming film projects be and she some weeks away. Gene has no way “Stir Oazy”) and some commer­ He’s had to walk through a long, Teets; Novak. Rosenthal; 9:12 Wendy McQueen won Hie air cond., AM-FM Stereo. Ift window dafoggar, rijatprootad. Broadway. B u t. . . it was wonder­ of knowing how the picture will be cial flops (“Willie Wonka and the painful road of therapy and self- P a u l Sullivan, Engberg; vaulting and took third in loadadi 78 GHEV. *8886 OrIg.. 23,000 mllatl are planniitg to do together; among ful,” he says. U chapelle, H. Gardella; 9:19 Monte Carlo Landau Cpa. V-8. received by the masses. But he does Chocolate Factory” “Quackser For­ examination, but at 47, Gene Wilder 80 CMEV. *8088 auto., air cond., powar atearing 78 TOYOTA *4100 . NOT AS LONG as be was them a Columbia Pictures adapta­ Anderson, Devanney; Prior, Kel­ all-around; Debbie Nugent ^ WEEKEND He also says, "Qllda and I always know that Poitier appreciated the tune Has a Cousin in the Bronx,” feels he’s finally ready to embrace was third on beam, third in Impale 4 Dr. 8m. V-8, auto., air & brakes, AM-FM Stereo, tilt Corolla Deluxe 4 Dr. 4 cyl., 4 tmding his hurt over the severing of tion of Jack Finney’s “The Woodrow' ly; 0:26 Clough. Plodzik; Howland, cond., powar atearing & brakes, wheal and many more axtm . apd., radio, power brakes. Orig. .hii U^'time marriage to Mary Wilson Dime” novel, and original bad Papa Poitier to turn to.” lUdney work turned in by hirn, and by Gilda “No. Knife,” "Sunday Lovers” ), it — in all Its glory. Bates: 9:33 Hockenberry, Melton; floor and first in all- radio. Like newl 81 cHEv. a o i o 39,000 mllaa. McNiff, Livingston; 9:40 Hilinskl, around; Mariiie Evans was 81 c m . *8880 ClUbon 4 Dr. V-6, auto., power TRUCKS • Hassett; Hickey. Rafferty. ^ BONANZA Malibu Clastic 2 Dr. V-6, auto., atearing, radio. Lika new. 9:47 Wilks, Tomkiel; Lipinski, second on beam, third on power atearing & brakaa, alao. so cm . *7800 Mloganoskl; 9:54 Martin, Sim­ bars, second in floor e and dalt^iar radio, ruatprootac^ 77 0L08 *4400 Blazer 4 wtwal drive, 0 oyl., 4 Theater World Cutlaaa 8uprama Cpa. 0 cyl., apd., powar atearing, A M -ra mons; Plagge; 10:01 CJhltUck, second all-around; and auto., air cond., AM-FM 8tarao Caaa radio, wagon wbaaia, wMa Troy; Moran, Patemostro; 10:06 Colette Factora won beam 1318 4 Dr. 4 cyl., auto., AM-FM Cask., power atearing ft brakaa. oval Oraa. Uka newl Elgner Sr., Signer Jr.; Curtis, radio, low mllsaga --40,000. Nksa dean earl Blount; 10:15 Keanns, Janlon; ^ 3 GAMES FOR $1.00 SO roar. *8S80 78 TOYOTA *8001 Michelle Hombastel and Ttramr. *8840 Daluxa Pickup. 4 cyl., 6 apd BoUn, Pie; 10:22 Alien, McMahon; Oran LaMans Cpa. V-0, auto., LaMtna 4 Dr. V-0, auto., air AM-FM rtd^lo. raar step Andreoli, Whltesell; 10:29 Marcia Marksteln also pu- 4/' RENTAL SH OE S...... 2S« air cond., povMr ttaaflng & cond., powar ttaSrlng and bumper, ruilprootad. CleanI Stepanskl, GaUklewicz; Norwood, ticipated. COFFEE...... 25« « 3S9 brakaa, orulst, radio, roar brakes, radio, raar danggar. Off Broadway has couple of fun comedies Dobblng; 10:36 Mistretta, Jones; dafoggar. Looks newt Clean, low mllaagal 77 DOiDOi *8BL COKE...... 2S«a 406, S04 D200 8' Bweapalda Pickup. V-8, Purcell. Gazza; 10:43 R. Gordon, FRENCH FRIES...... 504 82 OKV. *8000 Malibu Qatak) 4 Dr. V-0, auto., 78 8MEV. *8800 auto., power atearing ft brakaa, G. Wilson; D'Appolonio. B aling; HOT DOG...... 50« Malibu Clastic 4 Dr. V-0, auto., radio ft pickup cap. vary dean ' 10:50 D. McCarthy, Turner; Sben- power alaaring ft brakaa, ruat- truckl__ kicks beating up giris. Ris victim ' and waiting table in a nearby cafe. ^raotad^aty low m HaigJ^^ air’ cond., power atearing ft By Qlenna Currie at the Manhattan Theater Qub. between the first act and the rest of in the village of Wielopole, near nlng, Vennard; 10:57 Moriarty, Local sports brakaa, radio. Uka nawl 77 nO D *4i UPi Minly Arte Editor "Geniuses” concerns an here is Skye BuUeoe, a suppoeelilly After a series of adventures three of the play is disturbing, but there is so Crflcow C ^; McFarland, Backlel; 11:04 80 efev. *8880 F2S0 8’ Btyltalda Plokup American movie company filming dumb blonde who outwits the lot of them — an artist, a poet and a lover The characters in the play, per- Deia, Greenfield; R. Gardella, Len. Auster, Herald [\ MAY 29 - 30 “ 31 A Malibu C lLa le Wagon. V-8, much to like about the writing and autq., air oond., power atearing Camaro 8pl. Cpa. V.O, auto., Ranger XLT. V-8, auto., air oori- NEW YORK - OH Broadway, “Parabola of Death” in the Philip­ them. Including the director, Milo — find themselves back in the loft, the actors that it can be forgiven. formM in Polish, include members Shaw; 11:11 Romayko, Hunt; sportswriter, keeps you in­ ft brakaa, higgiKta rack, radio, power atearing ft brakes, AM- dltlon, power atearing ft brakaa, Bvelbocta, Foster; 11:18 Lowery, formed about the local l y from 12 noon til 11 p.m. ruatproofad. Spadal Memorial ( ^ Btarao Cats., raar window atarao, dual tanka and alive and kicking txdille Roadway is pines; part of the company is McGee McGarr, who is more in­ sadder and wiser, while the fourth, a of Kantor’s own family, a priest, an equipped With a Hbarglata Tanguay; Gannon, Maher; 11:25 Day. dafoggar. Claan ft low mllaagal k isolated by monsoon rains and terested in "the deal” than the. lawyer turned successful how-to IN TOWN BRIEFLY at La Mama imaginary woman rabbi, and a sports world. Read the _ a t busy )>n>lng H nominees for the . Palmer. Whelan; Edwards. Cor­ quit^y Utses its veneer of dvlllza- writer, patronizes and envies them. May 13-23 was the CMcot 2 company group of clay-faced soldiers who at coran; 11:SS Copeland, Genovesi; latest in his "Thoughts June 8 Tony Awards, has come up product. ApLENty,” regularly in BRUN8WICK BRUNSWICK **A GOOD PJLACE TO BVY A CABV with a couple of fun comedies: tion! Ih e satire is concentrated There are a lot of in-jokes for The first act is high comedy with of Oacow, Poland, now based in worst are bestial automata and at SuUlvan, Glglio; 11:46 Hayes, Florence, Italy, playing director Schaffer; Dealer, Popper; 11:53 The Manchester Herald. PARKADE LANES HOLIDAY LANES .“Geniuset” and “Scenes from La mostly on the script writer. Jocko movie buffs, but enou^ left for the touches of farce, but the oUiot two best half-human but unable to com­ OrfUelli, Watson; Bonadies. Vie de Boheme.” I^le, who is a loser with writer’s rest of us, a very funny show with acta, while introducing comic Tadeusz Kaqtor’s "Wielopole municate. • AbraiUs. 643-1507 646-2128 “Genineei,” a deadly satire on the block' who can’t come up with an en­ strong performances by Joanne cnaracters, come closer to home Wielopole.” Kantor’s theme is the cir­ PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMER LEAGUES film indnatry by Jonathan Reynolds, ding to the movie. He considers and Camp, Mlichae Grots and Kurt with some odd but telling views on Kantor, who has been an avant cumscribed life of Polish peasants, ■ Tay U at PUywrighti quickly discards the cUmas of: KniMlIinw the artistic urge. Three women who garde thorn in the side of the Polish dominated by the pointless, WITH THIS LOW COST SPECIAL ^ "Scenea from La Vie de ’’ApocalyptM Now.” ’’Setaes from U Vie de Boheme’* interact with the young men repre­ establishment since forming Cricot dehumanizing military machine TALLWOOD Oswald Jacoby and Alan 2 in 1956, wrote and directed Sontag write about bridge CARTERS ' i aerto-comic look at con^ The i^eup man ia an Ernest covers four yeaih in the Uvea o( four sent different SMpects of the muses from World War I to World W*r II 19 Holes — Blind 9 boles ' ganehdwelUng artists Hemingway look-alike; the' art ytrang men sharing a New York loft and of the temptatioas of Mammon. “Wielopole Wielopole” as a per­ — every day on the comics ★ BRING A FRIEND IIMH - FrW r *w e - ttM tOw 'W B sonal remembrance of his childhood + %_^ndicap: Low page of The Manchester 'by iUitlxny uhunllna, Opened May 30 director is a genius who gets his ' — and eomMimet thkir wodteS : The change of atmoaphere Please turn to page 16 unss, Florence Ramsey Herald. MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. May 28. 1982 - 15 14 - MANCHEisTER HERALD,' Fri., May 28, 1982

Lectures Cinema Where DINING Is A PLEASURE

Hartford — Batman (G ) Sat. 1:30; Atheneum Cinema — Sun. 4. — Tess (P G ) Fri.. • TuMday Lunchaon Sarlaa, Hartford: John C. Casablanca Fri. 7:30, 9:30. and Sun. 7:30; Sat. 1:30, Suijdny Bruijclj •flt Daniels, state senator from the 10th District, will lec­ — Tarzan and His Mate 7:30. King’s Row Fri. and . ture Tuesday at noon at the luncheon series of Center Tl)c Brou’ijstoijc A WEEKLY GUIDE TO FINE DINING Sat. and Sun 2. — Laura Sat. 7; Sun. 4, 7 with You ' Church, 60 Gold St„ Hartford, Call church before 4 Sat. and Sun. 5:30, 7:30, Can’t Take It With You • Our antique buffet abounds with fresh fruits, straw­ berries Chantilly, and our pastry chefs creations - muf­ p.m. on Tuesday If planning to have lunch. (249-5631) Fri. and Sun. 9:10; Sat. 4, • Shop-Rite Community Room, Mancheater: 9:30. fins, danlsh. and nut breads - still warm from the oven. Cinema .City — Das 9:10. g • On the dessert side you'll find cheesecake, chocolate "Most Natural Way Back to God," will bo the title of the mousse, napoleons, fresh cakes, and more - It's all In­ Introductory lecture on Surat Shabd Yoga, meditation Boot (R ) Fri. 7, 9:55; Sat. Stores featuring this week... and Sun. 1, 3:55, 7, 9:55. — Translux College cluded In the price of your brunchl on the Inner Light'and Celestial Sound by represen­ • Treat yourself to our Brownstone Special — a lender COUNTRY ITALIAN tatives of the Living Master Darshan Singh, June 3 at 7 Roornmates Fri. 7:15, 9; Cinem a — Get Out Your filet topped with a poached egg. artichoke hearts, and p.m. In the Shop-Rite community Room, 587 Middle Sat. and Sun. 1:15, 3, 4:45, Handkerchiefs Fri. 7:15; smothered In a rich Bearnalse sauce - or try our thick Sat. 2, 7:15 with The Seduc­ cuts of French toast served with New Hampshire maple Turnpike, Manchester. (684-7908) 7:15, 9. — Victor, Victoria BRUNCH (P G ) Fri. 7:25, 9:55; Sat. tion of Mimi Fri. 9:15; Sat. syrup — or select another one of our enticing entrees. • Your first bloody Mary. Screwdriver, or glass of Cham- 7.95 and Sun. 2, 4:30, 7:25, 9:55. 4, 9:15. — Law rence of agne Is on the house and all other brunch libations are — Visiting Hours (R) Fri. Arabia Sun. 2, 7:30. Clash Rlappy Hour priced! i l am~3 pm Sundays, 11am-2pm Dinner from 3pm 7:45, 9:45; Sat. and Sun. of the Titans (PG) Fri. 7, RiSenVATIONO RECOMMENDED 2:15, 4:15, 7:45, 9:45. 9:10; Sat. and Sun. 2:30, ASYLUM A TRUMBULL STS. S2B-1171 .1UtA : 'Rft'v’.' . ’ F:- . ■ Colonial — Body and 4:45, 7, 9:10. — The Song DOWNTOWN HARTFORD Soul (R) with Pork Remains the Same Fri.- ; Chopper (R) Fri. from Sun. midnight. — Cheech. 6:30; Sat. and Sun. from 1. and Chong’s Nice Dreams DAVIS FAMILY Theater Victor BenacquUttt NOW SERVING BEER ft WINE East H artford (R ) Fri.-Sun. midnight. G iiio DiGennaro Eastwood Pub & Vernon Proprietor. Cinema — Deathtrap Cine 1 & 2 — Robin a — CLIP A SAVE COUPON— — I (P G ) Fri. and Sat. 7, 9:30, Hood (G ) Fri. 7, 8:30; Sat. Rt. 83 Talcottvlll«/V«rnon • Center Church House, Hartford: An original 12; Sun. 7, 9:30. and Sun. 1:30, 3:15, 5, 7, I BUY ONE DINNER tt Resulur Price ' 2 643-0256 dramatic performance, "Traveling Thru My Mind’s Poor Richard's Pub & 8:30. — On Golden Pond Eye," will be presented June 2 at Center Church Cinema — Three Stooges (P G ) Fri. 7:15, 9:30; Sat. Join Us For A Delightful House, 60 Gold St., Hartford at noon. (249-5631) Shorts with Richard Pryor and Sun. 2, 4:15, 7:15, 9:30.' Inexpensive Luncheon I GET SECOND DINNER • Bushnell Memorial, Hartford: The Children’s Live on the Sunset Strip West Hartford Theater will present "Emperor’s Nightingale," June 3 (R ) Fri. and Sat. 7:30,9:30, Elm I & 2 — Shoot the We offer fine Italian-American I FOR >/2 PRICE at 10 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. at the Bushnell Memorial Moon (R ) Fri. 7, 9:25; Sat. It’s fiddle contest time 12; Sun. 5, 7:30, 9:30. ■ Cuisine and fresh Seafood. Full I (Must Order From Dinner Menu) and almo on June 4 at 10 a.m. Showcase Cinemas — and Sun. 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30. — NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHEH COUPONS menu dinners are served until 1 a.m. DISCOUNTS OR SPECIALS J j • Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam: "Lock Rocky III (P G ) Fri. 1,7:10, Robin Hooid (G ) Fri. 7:20, ■ Up Your Daughters," Is playing through Juno 12. This A young violinist tunes up (or Peace Train’s compete in four divisions for $1982 In prize 9:30, 11:30; Sat. and Sun. 9:10; Sat. and Sun. 2:10, & Pixza is always available. is a musical set In 18th century London. For Ninth Annual New England Fiddle Contest money. Parking will be available In the State 1:30, 7:20, 9:30, 11:45. - 3:55, 5:40, 7,:25, 9:15. CALDOT PLAZA EXIT 93 OFT 1-86 649-5487 reservations call the box office (873-8668) Saturday. The competition, which will begin parking lots on Capitol Avenue and a free Dead Men Don’t Wear I'he M ovies — Conan • Trinity Rep Theater, Providence, R.I.: True West at 10 a.m. in Hartford's Bushnell Park, Is shuttle bus will run from the Aetna Life and Plaid (PG) Fri. 1, 7:20, the Barbarian (R ) — Fri(- opened April 30 and will continue through June 6 In open to the public and free, although Casualty parking lots at Capitol Avenue and 9:30, 11:45; Sat. 1:30, 3:25, Sun. 12, 2:25, 4:45, TM, the downstairs theater, 201 Washington St. In donations are requested. The fiddlers will Park Terrace. 5:15, 7:20, 9:30, 11:30; Sun. 9:50. — Monty Python and Providence. For reservations call (401-351-4242) 1:30, 3:25, 5:15, 9:30. — the Holy Grail (R) Frii- • Long Wharf Theater, New Haven: ’Front Page, ” 2631) Sneak Preview : The Extra Sun. midnight. — Porky’S opened May 20 and will continue through Juno 27. It (R ) Fri.-Sun. 12,1:55, 3:4$ FIANO’S • Art and Handcrafts Show, Milford: Annual Terrestrial (PG ) Sun. 7:30. plays nightly except Mondays. Show time Tuesday Memorial Weekend Art & Handcrafts Show on the — Fighting Back (R) Fri. 5:35, 7 :30, 9:25. - Cheech Rt 8 & 44A BOLTON 643-2342 through Friday is 8 p.m., Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. and town green from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (874-5672) 1:10, 7:30, 10, 11:50; Sat. and Chong’s Nice Dreams Sundays at 7:30 p.m. There will be 2 p.m. matinees on • Auto Racing, Lima Rock: Racing Is at Lime Rock and Sun. 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, (R ) Fri.-Sun. midnight. — FRIDAY. SATURDAY A SUNDAY SPECIALS Reader’s Choice of Connecticut Magazine’s May 30 and June 12 and 27 and Wednesday matinees Visiting Hours (R) Fri.- Park, Route 112, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Children under 7:30, 10, 11:50. — The BAKED STUFFED 1981 Favorite Overall Restaurant in on June 2, 16 and 23, also at 2 p.m. (787-4282) Sun. 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Dance 12 admitted free. (435-2572) Sword and the Sorcerer ' LOBSTER • 9 . 7 5 Hartford County. • Coachlight Dinner Theater, East Windsor: "Can- • Outdoor Antiquaa Show, Fairflald: The show will (R ) Fri. 1:10, 7:15, 9:50, Wethersfield Can" opened April 21 and will continue through July 4 A • Sunday Champagne Brunch 11:45; Sat. and Sun. 1:10, Paris 1 & 2 — The 9 . 7 5 be on Beach Road, Interstate 95, Ext. 22, Fairfield, VEAL SALTIMBOCCA OPENING NOW AT 11:00 A.M. TO 2:30 P.M. at the theater on Route 5 In East Windsor. For reser­ from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (255-3887) 3:10, 5:10, 7:15, 9:50, 11:45. Beast Within (R ) Fri. and ■ vations call (522-1266) — On Golden Pond (P G ) Sat. 7, 8:45; Sun. 1:15, 3, 7, SEAFOOD NEOPOLITAN 9 . 7 5 • Lake Compounce, Bristol: WRCQ Inaugural Ball • University of Hartford, Woat Hartford: The un­ • Lunch •Dinner Fri. 1,7:25,10,12; Sat. and 8:45. — Deathtrap (P G ) featuring the Glenn Miller Orchestra, Saturday from 8 iversity Is sponsoring a two-week workshop on dance, 8 . 9 5 Sun. 1, 3:10, 5:15, 7:25, 10, Fri. and Sat. 7, 9:05; Sun. nUTOFSOLEFRANCESE 2300 Main St., Glastonbury • 659-0366 p.m. to midnight at the ballroom. Lake Compounce for drawing, musical comedy and acting. It started May 23 1:15, 3:20, 7, 9:05. benefit of St. Jude’s Hospital. Limited to 1,000 people. and will continue through July 17 In four, one-week 12. — Chariots of Fire (PG ) Fri. 2, 7:10, 9:45, 12:05; Williinantic • Verplanck School, Manchestar: Manchester programs. (243-4349) ITALIAN FOOD Sat. and Sun. 2, 4:30, 7:10, Jillson Square Cinema Square Dance Club will conduct an open dance for all • Memorial Film Featival, Washington: The Lu ig i 9:45, 12:05.— If You Could — Rocky III (PG) Fri, club level dancers, Saturday at 8 p.m. at Verplanck Memorial weekend small world film festival will be presented Saturday^ Sunday and Monday at See What I Hear (PG ) Fri. 7:10, 9:20; Sat. and Sun; MON.- b a k e d LASAGNA School, Olcott Street. Spectators are welcome at no 1, 7:25, 9:50; Sat. and Sun. 2:10, 4:20, 7:10, 9:20. -- Music charge. American Indian Archaeological Institute, off Route TUES.-VEAL PABMESAN 199 In Washington. (868-0518) 1, 3:05, 5, 7:25, 9:50, 11:45. Conan the Barbarian (R ) WED. - SPAGHETTI S MEATBALLS • Paperback Alley, South WIndaor: "The Grace — The Long Good Friday Fri. 7,9:30; Sat. and Sun. 2, THUB.-CHICKEN PARMESAN May Dinner Specials Period,” time for anyone Interested In coffee, com­ (R ) F ri. 2, 7:15, 9:40, 4:30, 7, 9:30. - Dead Men 11:50; Sat. and Sun. 2,4:25, Don’t Wear Plaid (PG) PR!a - SHEL LS a SAUSAGE wine Toast — Salad Bar — Potato pany and conversation to visit Pupal buck AIIBJI, 984 QLAVONbVlWV C o LCV(C.MEJL • New England Fiddle Contest, Hartford: The ninth Sullivan Ave., South Windsor Session starts at 1 p.m.; 7:15, 9:40, 11:50. Fri. 7:15, 9:15; Sat. and ..SAT.- EGGPLANT PARMESAN annual New England Fiddle Contest will take place Enfield Sun. 2:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:15; I ( SUM. - BAKED MANICDTTI 1V4 lb. LOBSTER Saturday starting at 10 a.m. In Bushnell Park, Hart­ at 7:30 p.m., also In Paperback Alley, the Writers Club 8.95 will meet with Charles Morse, political columnist as Cine 1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 3 & 6 — Quest for Fire (R) Fri. Baked. Stuffed, or D’Oiled ford. Rain date is June 5. (727-1000) guest speaker. Open to all. (6i44-9979) Rocky III (PG) Fri. 7:15, 7:20, 9:20; Sat. and Sun. S p e c ia ls • University of Connecticut, Storrs: As part of the • Wedneaday Noon Repertory, Hartford: Actor and 9:30; Sat. and Sun. 2, 4:20, 2:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:20. : BROILED SWORDFISH Nutmeg Theater summer series, "Die Fledermaus," 6.95 writer, Ron Gush will be featured in a dramatic perfor­ 7:15, 9:30. — Visiting Hours 'W indsor ^ Johann Strauss" operetta, will open June 3 and con­ Et Cetera A mance of original prose and poetry at noon at Center (R ) Fri. 7:30, 9:40; Sat. Plaza — Robin Hoo(l tinue through June 19 each evening at 8:15, except Vi Senior Clllxen't A Children's Menus Church, 80 Gold St., Hartford. Call church before and Sun. 2:15, 4:40, 7:30, (G ) Fri. 7:30; Sat. and Sun. 706 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER CALL 649-8325 June 6. On June 13 when there will be a matinee at 2 Tuesday if planning to have lunch. (249-5631) 9:40. — Partners (R ) Fri. 2, 7:30. ’ p.m. at the theater on the university campus. (429- • Arts and Crafts Fair, Salisbury: The fair will be 7:50, 9:50; Sat. and Sun. llrive-ins ' DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS 2912) held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Main and 2:20, 4:30, 7:50, 9:50. — East Hartford — Somfe • Old State House, Hartford: Hartford Symphony Porky’s (R ) Fri. 7, 9:10, Kind of Hero (R) with Orchestra will present "Bach’s Lunch" at 11:45 a.m. to Library streets, (Route 44), In Salisbury. Admission is free. Sat. and Sun. 1:45, 4:10, 7, Escape from Alcatraz C u r “IHouse Specialty” 1:30 p.m. at the Old State House. 9:10. — Conan the Bar­ (P G ) at dusk. • Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford: American • Outdoor Antiques Festival, Granby: Festival will To list events be at Memorial High School, Routes 202 & 10 In Gran­ barian (R ) Fri. 6:45, 9:45; Manchester — Paterni­ A Y Public Music Concerts will start June 3 and continue Sat. and Sun. 1:30, 4, 6:45, ty (P G ) Fri.-Sun. 8:25 with Showcase! for nine consecutive Thursdays In Gengras Court at by, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. To list events in this weekly calendar of • Handcrafts Fair, Westport: The fair will be Satur­ 9:45. — Dead Men Don’t Some Kind of Hero (Rp the atheneum. "where to go and what to do,” submit them Wear Plaid (PG ) Fri. 7:45, Fri.-Sun. 9:45 with Up in Become part of our weekly dining • Band Shell, Manchester: Manchester High day at Staples High School on North Avenue. (259- 4702) by Monday at noon to Entertainment Editor, 9:55; Sat. and 2:30 , 4:45, Smoke (R ) Fri.-Sun. 11:30. guide so we can feature your School Stage Band and Round Table Singers will be The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, P.O. 7:45, 9:55. Mansfield — Cinderella featured at the Band Shell June 2 at 7 p.m. The • Centennial Weekend, Mystic: Joseph Conrad Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. Manchester (G ) with Condorman (PGD Restaurant’s distinctive at­ Bandshell is located bn the main campus of Centennial Weekend at Mystic Seaport. There will be UA Theaters East — Fri.-Sun. at dusk. demonstrations, exhibits and special events. (536- mosphere and cuisine. THE PIJMPERMCKEE PI B Manchester Community College, 60 Bidwell St. Conan the Barbarian (R ) OF MANtJIFSTF.K Fri. 7:10, 9:25; Sat. and OAKLAND COMMONS PHONE Sun. 2:20, 4:35, 7:10, 9:25. CALL 643-2711 NEXT TO ECONOMY ELECTRIC 643PUBB Al Jolson's son opens recording studio — The Rocky Horror Pic­ ture Show Fri.-Sun. mid­ night. — Porky’s (R ) Fri. NASH VILLE, Tenn. (U P I) — Unlike many children ol ding Studio in Montreux fell through, Jolson came back black business cards, printed with white gloves and Al 7:15, 9:30; Sat. and Sun. 2, 3:50, 5:40, 7:30, 9:45. - The HORSELESS CARNAGE <01 F ' " famous parents, Albert Jolson admits he hopes to make to America after a 13-year absense. Jolson’s famous line, “ You ain’t heard nothing yet.” Nice Dreams (R ) Fri.-Sun. money from his father’s name. H e’s proud of his father. HE CHOSE Nashville over Los Angeles and New midnight. Visiting Hours 7 DAYS A WEEK SPECIALS But the new kid on Nashville’s Music Row said there "To me, he’s the founder of popular music,” Jolson SHOWCASE IBtrrlr iMt. luti York, "because It’s so com pact." (R ) Fri. 7:30,9:30,12; Sat. is another reason he named his recording studio Al said. “ He made the first talking movie — the ‘Jazz SWORDFISH...... 7 . 9 5 ITAllAN-AMEKICAN CUISINE “ Everything is so spread out in Los Angeles. New and Sun. 2, 3:50, 5:45, 7:45, C I N E ^ S Jolson Enterprises Inc. The younger Jolson said it is a Singer’ in 1927. Al Jolson is 'a name that’s going to be 11b. LOBSTER 7 OR York is the same way except everything is spread up, 9:45, 12. tribute to a man who helped found popular music, a remembered in the music business until its end. I think $i3egg|jgpha T iJ e u k JIc d * h c (fDu to j o i t t not out.” R ock ville SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH ■‘rem.embrance’’ of his father. it will bring people here because he was a very loved Jolson explained he can’t get around a sprawling city Film Festival Cinemas [ PRIME RIR ...... 7 . 9 5 aft M. MtociHtcUK fen. “DctuK^ Built in an old brick house up an alley from Warner singer.” because he can’t drive anymore. Brothers’ Nashville offices, the studio will be in full N.Y. SIRLO IN...... 7 . 9 5 Tha Blacksmith’s Tavsrn Is swing soon. Nashville also "has a variety of people here,” Jolson HARTFORD locatsd an Main Strsat In tha char­ We have a complete menu ’ ’W e're still getting the bugs out," said Jolson, 34, the said. "P eop le from all over the world come to Music INTERSTATE84 EXITS8 VEALorCMCNENPARMGIAH ...... 7 . 9 5 City.” Have you been looking EAST HARTFORD S6B-88I0 ming town of Slastonburve right Plus Weekly Specials adopted son of the late singing star., "Oh, we’re noxi to tha Cantor Grhon. operational now. But I want everything perfect — 1 have That includes the son of the blackface minstrel who i/ eROTTLECHAMPADNE.... ■ 3 .9 5 Future Banquet Facilities Available Soon sang jazz. He was IVi years old when Al Jolson died. Convortod from an old homo, tha a Rolls Royce mind," for a place to go where MKKYIIls '82 COMEDY REVUE-JUNE 4 Villa Louisa Rd., Bolton, CT 646-3161 While there is already money coming into the demo "H e died telling a joke to his doctor," Jolson said, rostaurant Is a sorlos of smallor 2 411 Coiw. HN., L Hirtford 289-2737 studio (Conway Twitty was its first customer), " i t ’s not explaining he learned most of what he knows about his — -SHOWN W:— rooms doRghtfully docoratod with nearly enough yet,” Jolson said. "W e haven’t even father from “ two movies and a lot of books about him.” “ 1 have some memories of him,” Jolson said. "W e you can meet friends ... aiWquos. lUo loungo upstairs Is In advertised yet. I want to go all the way for quality now NAP MIN Don't a now wing addod carofully to Polynesian and everything in there is top quality. All that takes had a movie camera and just when you think you’ve WIAIPUID rosorvo tha charactor of tha money. Everybody thinks I ’m made of money but I ’m forgotten something, you see a movie and remember. sit hack and relax? HOUSE DF CHUN6 Chinese He used to swim wtth m e.” ■ SHOwHari- ullding. Both tha loungo and tha not.” mA I'ealurinff ntilhentir Polynosian K l» T d M » l k « dining roonu sorvo as mooting Am erican IT 'S T A K E N young Jolson a while to realize his JO LSO N C R E W U P with his mother, Jolson’s fourth The Three Penny Pub itnti ( .nntoiie.,e .Spertallir.i dream because, for about 10 years, he was recovering wife, and her husband, writer Norman Krasna. They placos for discriminating aroa Isimidcr lived in a Swiss chateau with Jolson's brother and two I \ori< IH{l\hS^ M B T A U M A N T Cocktail Lounge from an automobile accident in Switzerland that almost rosidonts. 1.0UMAB took his life. It did take a toll. Tw elve years later, he sisters. is now open and offers i p i S B a SHOWHAR;— walks painstakingly with a cane and speaks slowly. About 80 percent of his sound equipment used to be in But the accident couldn’t take away his love for his Swiss apartment. He’s proud of his recorders, his just that atmosphere. l i } ilQ ^ '11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m music. The boy who used to play, manage and act as amplifiers, his mixing board. He’s proud of his stark ihtM D aaa 179 TOLLAND TPKE. technician for high school and college bands now puts all 363 BROAD ST. his energy into the electric side of producing sound. Open from ~ w a a i PRIVATE ROOMS - GROUPS MANCHESTER -Mownivi- Manchester "This studio is for people who are trying to make it,” 11 A M . to 1 A.M. U M d l«»lld l 643-9529 he said. “ They can’t afford to pay |150 an hour to rent a Something Different...... Wleh Someone A 649-4958 2300 Main St., Glastonbury I studio. We charge $20." Jolson said a recording studio • m he tried to join forces with in Switzerland priced itself We also offer — a superb menu out of the market. When the deal with Mountain Recor- Happy Birthday featuring... SoupSf salads quiche, TONY’S CUISINE with A Herald Happy Heart r 1 a n a r k e t RESTAURANT DINNER SPECIAL FOB TWO 1 y \ RESTAURANT Award due.for Henson Only sandwiches and desserts ONCOIDEN Dine dk Dance overlooking the Hearty Portlona of Salad, Manicotti, slonn. River trith HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - son whose “ Sesame $8.00 PIMI LUNCH^DWNER pom Apoatolico at __^_caaAAAAai ear*___ Elmo ZaccardeUl Jim Henson, creator of the Street” and “ The Muppet Eggplant Parmiglana. SPEICAtIZINQ the piano & organ-FrL & Sat. WWUMHMI World of Muppets, will Show” on television and •A Piano Bar r HIIME All HACK OF LAMB receive the March of two feature films, “The 1 SEAFOOD STEAKS Dimes Jack Benny Muppet M ovie” and “ The •A full liquor license, Three PIOHTINO DlnnarforTwo ^11 ad 5 X Enjoy Fine Italian & American Great Muppet Caper” have SUNDAY BRUNCH Memorial Award May 25 in EnnyPia? •ACKd 'Swvad aWi M ir «m BAKBO BUAD, cuisine. Seafood our Specialty. recognition of his outstan­ made him the premier R & R Hours 4pm-7pm ^^SNOWNff'i— BUTTM. a COFFU. ^ Relax In the Captain’s Loung«~^ ding and original con­ puppeteer in the world. (AIM! r ' f TONY’S CUISINE W I f ChiMren’i 1 Repilv M*mi AviNaUe Our Lovely Patio overlooking the tributions to the world of Form er winners of the with hors d*oeuvres. (toim.it, Hi. «M. W.OOI1) . rf Conn. River opgHs jume a entertainment. Jack Benny Memorial At Spencer St./Silver Lane in K-Mart Plaza ' NEW GLEN LONDON TPKE LOCHEN * OLASTONBURY d LOCATION/ ISanche$ter Parkade l2SRIveraMeDr.,eastHart^ 569-3003 Milton Berle will be Award include George (Next to Catuat Lady) Manchester Tel. 643-9203 chairman of the dinner to Bums, Gregory Peck and Open 7 day. a week Good wine*. Beer on lap. DPEN DAILY 633-3832; Take M 2 to b d l 8 • Cleeed Oufwtoyo B Tuee. Wight be held at the Beverly Carol Burnett. Come toe for yourte^— Hilton hotel to honor Hen­ L IV1ANC1IR:STKR h e r a l d , F rl., May 28. 1982 — 17 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri„ May 28, 1982 Off Broadway has couple of fun comedies A dvice their women, with an extra-gaiactic recent playwrighting projects was in New York City from her mother’s love, identity and ruies to live by, memory dictates. His contrapuntal suburban home. She is entertaining leaves for good. Armageddon ending. A mistake all Cunliniird from page 1'3 use of music — a church choir the Young Playwrights Festival, developing one-act plays by writers a boyfriend half-nude when her The playwright’s insight and round. and after. The acting is highly for­ singing Psalm 110. a militarv" father appears about 3 a.m., and It's economic use of words in setting the Worms are problem march, Chopin’s C-minor Concerto aged 8 to 18, sponsored by the The San Francisco Mime Troupe malized, with scenes repeated to Dramatists Guild . and the Off obvious she has set up the confronta­ scene and telling her story is rare show that nothing changes. played on a scratchy hurdy-gurdy by and valuable. Miss Marchand says opened May 16 at the Fashion a crippled ex-soldier — could not be Broadway Circle Rep. tion. Institute of Technology with its A A Generations of young men are The 10 plays selected from more She tells her father that she is only she wants to be a writer. I have rcruited into the army, the priest better. following his free-love, no- news for her: she already is one. touring street satire “Factwino "Wielopole Wielopole’’ is a than 700 scripts submitted from 35 Meets the Moral Majority.’’ The repeatedly crucified, the Jewish states were presented at the Circle responsibility example, and pleads fascinating look at the work of one FINALLY, TWO Off Broadway music, a combination of r and b, for young Army wife woman repeatedly cut down by gun­ with him to give her limits to live of Europe’s most important contem­ Rep April 27-May 16. ampiified jazz and soft rock, is fire. Even the curtain call is I only saw a couple of the plays, by. This he is unable or unwilling to shows you can skip: porary directors and theorists. But a do, claiming unconvincingiy that David Rabe’s “Goose and Tom­ excellent.. But the satire, in which repeated step for step. non-Polish speaker comes awaywith but was startled by the effectiveness Kantor uses all sorts of aliena­ any kind of limits on one’s life only tom,’’ which opened May 18 at the has a black wino who knows ■ DEAR ABBY: I’m a 22-year-old Please warn your readers to only scattered images rather than a of “Half Fare,” a work by 17-year- always shift into “park” when peo­ tion techniques, including silent film mean you cannot take advantages of Public Theater contrary to the everything is given magic powers to ^oman who has worms. How can I old Shoshana Marchand about ple are getting into and out of a car. comedy, to make his effects, and he sense of historical process and of whatever opportunities iife may author’s wishes, is a confused, make everybody tell the truth, in­ get rid of them without going to a participation. children of divorced parents. cluding Jerry Falweil, is rudimenf LLOYD KLECKNER himself is constantly on the set, con­ Claudia, about 17, is making a offer. pointless piece about violence doctor? My husband is in the Army, D e a r ducting the performante and Ciaudia, rebuffed in her search for among second rate hoodlums and tary. ^ ONE OF THE MOST interesting regular weekend visit to her father and when I got to the doctor on the DEAR ABBY: I have a problem a making adjustments of detail as his base, I have to tell' him what’s A bby lot of kids my age have, so I hope terong with me in front of a bunch Abigail of people. It’s kind of em­ you will come up with an answer and Filmeter barrassing to say I’ve got worms. V an Buren print it. I’m 17 and a junior in high Friday TV How did I get worms anyway? school. I'm an average student and I Please write back and tell me all guess you could call me an average you know about worms. Thank you. guy- Capsule COVER UP MY LOCATION People are always asking me what 6:00 P.M. 1 am going to do with my future. And cidents where tw6 drivers in­ m - EyswItnsSs Nsws DEAR COVER UP: Dr. Jaime my problem is, I don’t know yet. Paris, my chief medical consultant, advertently pushed rear window When I tell them that, they look at (X ) - Chsrils's Angsts button while a child’s head was out r (X (X S2) S9) - Nsws Friday said it is unwise to assume that you me like I am a weird or stupid, so lcx)k at the window! Even the children please tell me how I am supposed to 2 (X - Hawaii Flvs-O diagnosed your case correctly without having been examined by a themselves can accidentally push answer that question so I won’t feel 3 J) - Happy Days the button with their knees — unless (TO - Charlls, Ths Lonssoma MIz Tisdale (Nedra Volz) physician. Therefore, he hesitated embarrassed. Cougar Pt. 1 A domesticatnd slars In Ihe comedy-adventure to give me much information about the driver can lock the window at his FUZZY FUTURE Herald photo by Tarquinio ^ cinema cougar kitten finds problems In series THE DUKES OF worms. However, this is what I seat. I hope you think this is impor­ nature and civilization when he HAZZARD, lo air Friday, May 28 tant enough to print. DEAR FUZZY: You need not feel answers the call of tha wild. wormed out of him; Till-. ROAD WARRIOR (R) — on CBS. In other action. Clatus Pin worms, the commonest type of MILLIE H. IN HARRISBURG embarrased for admitting that at 17 MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL COEP STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Mrl (iiliHon. (Kanlasy Action) (TO - Calllopa Children's falls In love with Daisy (Cathe­ you don’t know how you want to Programs Today's stories ere worms, are transmitted by personal DEAR MILLIE: I do. Now, meet . . . from left. Mark Walter, Kim Wagner, Paul Petraltls, Scott Pinckney and Scott Holmes. Australians prove that they are 'The Remarkable Riderless Run- rine Bach) and gets fired by spend the rest of your life. Boss Hogg lor letting his future contact. Pinworms are often Lloyd Kleckner, who has another human, after all, and can make bad away Tricycles,' 'Ira Siseps epidemic in schools; children bring You are very wise, not “weird or 8 pictures just like filmmakers in any Over' and 'Miguel: Up From In-laws escape from jail. Mean­ life-saving suggestion for stupid,” to defer such an important Puerto Rico.' (60 min.) while, the Duke boys (Tom them home to their families. automobile drivers: other country. This is a dreadful Ta[)eworms can be transmitted by decision until you’re reasonably cer­ film — tupid, violent, purposeless. - Festival of Faith Wopat and John Schneider) are tain. Hats off to you for your honesty accused ot writing bad checks. eating raw fish, or being in close DEAR ABBY: My sister-in-law. It is one of those after-the-bomb- (291 - Star Trak and good judgment. COEP scholarships awarded (23) - TV Collega Denver Pyle. Rick Hurst, Ben contact with pets — particularly Margaret, was going to ride along drops films when all that is left is a Jones, James Best and Sorrell dogs. They can also be transmitted with two other women who came by bunch of hhooligans ready to kill for (2S) - Reporter 41 the scholarships, saying, "They’re Izikewicz and Denise Richards. (5Bl - Jaffarsons Brooke are In on Ihe nonstop through water or foods — especially for her. When they pulled up (both Six students in Manchester High some gas for their vehicles. Inane action. sitting in front) Margaret started to "The Best of Dear Abby," School’s cooperative education recognizing the students' work as Awards were presented to second (SD - Soap Box lettuce. dialogue, ineptly delivered, but it CHECK LI8TIN08 FOR EXACT TIME featuring Abby’s best answers and part of their education.’ year students Tami Shorts, Robert 6:30 P.M. Please see a doctor. And tell his get into the back when they said, program received scholarships does have some fantastic stunts. nurse you would appreciate some “There’s plenty of room for three in favorite responses during the past 25 from their sponsoring employers. The COEP program offers the Schaeffer, Melandie McGee and (X - CBS News years, is now available. You can ob­ students work experience for Paul Benson Third year students (iR ADK; I). privacy. front." The students and their employers ANME (PG) — Albert Finney, O - Barney Millar 9 igazcompuioa As she started to get in, the tain a copy of this new best-selling are: Scott Holmes, Economy Elec­ academic credit. The students at­ receiving aards were Julie Baker Carol Rurnett, Aileen Quinn. d2 )’ - NCAA Instruct lonal DEAR ABBY: With summer woman on the right moved to make book by sending $9.95 plus $1 for tric; Scott Pinckney, Pumpernickel tend school half of the day and work and Melissa Magadini. Series In distributive education, Carol (Musical) The loudest, brassiest, here, please call your readers’ room for Margaret, and she ac­ postage and handling to “The Best Pub; Mark Walters, Phoenix half of the day. happiest musical in years, the film (22) (39) - NBC News cidentally stepped on the gas pedal. of Dear Abby,” in care of this Systems; Colleen Grady, Lydall The scholarships were presented Dube and Ella Baskeville were (23) - Business Report attention to the danger of is based on the long-running ernment instigates a massive need of a huibsnd. (60 min.) The car lurched and Margaret was newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Inc.; Dan Arnold, Winkler Proper­ at the annual COEP awards honored. Shova Lee was named the ( S - Noticiro Naclonal SIN No- 1:30 A.M. automobiles equipped with power Broadway show. It can be faulted search for Air Force One. which (Closed Captioned] windows. Who knows how many thrown to the pavement and broke Fairway, Kan. 66205, Make checks ties; and Paul Petraitis, M & M banquet. Also presented at the outstanding student in the allied ticias nacionales con Guillermo disappeared in flight with the CJD - Nawa/Siqn Off payable to Universal Press Syn­ for being too big — overproduced, Restrepo. 10:30 P.M. young lives you could save? her leg. It was a nasty break, which Tool. banquet were awards to outstanding health area and Nicole Thibierge in AMANDA PLUMMER (LEFT) AND GERALDINE PAGE PLAY President aboard, leaving en GD - Love American Style the nursing assistant area. over-directed — but that’s quibbling. (29) - Bob Newhert unknowledgeable Vice- C X - Banford and Son . In just one day I heard of two in- will take a long time to heal. dicate. David Brysgel, director of COEP, students in each of the program’s NUNS 93 - Independent Network Bill Coleman of Pratt and Whitney It's the kind of movie families will 39) - ABC News President in control of the gov­ ( X - KInsr'a Komar Nevira said the scholarships, which will areas. . . . "Agnes of God" Is searing theater ernment. Buddy Ebsen, Peter Outstanding first year students Aircraft accepted an award from enjoy together, and like "The Sound (22) - Over Easy 3D - Indapandant Network S2) - Twilight Zona De used for the students’ continuing Graves. Arthur Kennedy, Rip Newt were: Scott Holmes, Natalie the program for the company’s con­ of Music,” it will be around for 6:45 P.M. Torn. 1971 89 - Evening et the Improv education, ranged up to $500. He years. It should have had a little (29 - 24 Horae DiGregorio, Kim Wagner, Jody tinued support. 32) - NASL Weakly 8 9 - Benson Gov. Gatlin de­ 2:00 A.M. praised the employers who offered lighter hand at the controls, bates with a State Senator over (59 - Major Laagua Baaaball: Theater 7:00 P.M. who's going to become the next Boston at Saattia CS) - MOVIE: The MoMeetara' Ascites is excessive however. GRADE: B-plus. A black Union soldier returna to CAT PEOPLE (R) — Nastasaia (X - CBS Nsws state budget director. (R) [Closed Captioned} 11:00 P.M. the Southweat end meata pre­ Kinaki, Malcolm McDowell, John CX (51 - M'A'S’H ( X - EyawKneaa Nawa judice everywhere. Burl Ivea. (X - Muppst Show 8:30 P.M. Brock Patera. David Carradine. B irths Heard. (Horror) Directed by Paul X - M'A'S'H 1970 Schrader ("American Gigolo” ), (X - ABC Nsws C2D - Major League Baaaball: Minnesota at New York X C X 3D (S t 39 - Newt GD - Joa Franklin Show "Cat People" is an updated version 'Agnes of God' (X - You Asked For It Yankees C X - Benny Hill Show accumulation of fluid 93 - MOVIE: 'Eaoape to ford. He has a brother, Tyler Circle and Paul J of the 1942 "B” classic of the same O - Jaffarsons GD - Carol Burnett and Friends 31 - ESPN SporU Canter MIndInao’ Two American Brown, Ryan Allan, son South Windsor. She has a (TO - Charlls, Ths Lonssoma sister, Shawna Renee, 4. Nicholas, 21 months. Rothman of Manchester, name. Irena (Miss Kinski) travels ( £ 8 9 - MOVIE: This la Kate 39 - Festival of Faith POW’a aacapa from a Japanaaa of Kenneth Allan and Betty Cougar Pt 2 priaon with top aacret informa­ Qiii:in, Erin Christine, His maternal grandparents to New Orleans to live with her BennetY A reporter finds her (29 - Twilight Zona Can it be corrected with surgery? If Holman Brown of 90 Valley Benson, Kelsey Keane, (TO - 'Youl' Mag. for Woman life In Jeopardy after covering a tion. Gaorga Maharia. WMII DEAR DR. LAMB: My doctor daughter of Dean P. and daughter of Paul and Susan are Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. brother (McDowell) and gradually (S ) - Sports Tonight Coopman, Nahamlah Partoffi X-rays are taken and the bone hasn’t St., was born May 16 at (21 - Charlie's Angels sniper attack. Janet Eilber. has told me that I have a liver condi­ Jacqueline Riccio Benson Berens Quinn of Vaughan of Wichita. Ka. discovers a family secret; They are Greg Mutlavey, Kyle Richards. (S ) - Nswteantsr 1968. been affected could it be possible to Manchester Memorial searing drama (2D - Monayllna tion called akites. He has me taking of 16 Lawton Road, was Weymouth, Mass., was He has a brother, Jay- Hospital. His maternal descendants of black leopards and 1982. (21 - MOVIE: 'Fiendish Plot of 99 ~ Bobby Jonaa Ooapel hydrochlorathiazide daily. . Y o u r eliminate the surgery? The dark (22) - News Show grandparents are Mr. and born May 12 at Manchester born April 20 at Quincy Paul, 3. compelled to change into deadly 93) - Major League Beseball: Dr. Fu Manohu' A Scotland Yard I would appreciate any informa­ area around the infected area shows (23) - victory Qardsn New York Yankees at sleuth is on the trail of a villain (23 ~ Sports Update Mrs. Robert Holman of 29 Memorial Hospital. Her City Hospital. Her mater­ Messier, .AnnMarie, cats and hunt human prey. While the tion you can give me on this condi­ H e a lth no life in the cells of the skin and daughter of James and Lin­ By Rosalind Friedman Directed by Michael Lindsay- (5B) - El Dsraoho da Naoar Ts- Minnesota who has stolen tha crown Jew­ (22) > Kojak Eastfield St. His paternal maternal grandparents are nal grandparents are Mr. premise of the film is appealingly els. Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar. tion. Although I’m relatively thin I into the ulcer. I am puzzled about Special to the Herald Hogg, this trio of women reveal lenoveta an la cual Maria Elans (23) (2Z) - Wall Street Week (29 - SIN Preeente: Fortunate y • Law rence John and Ann Riccio of and Mrs. J. Arthur Joyce da Peck Messier of 16 Lynn bizarre, its ultimate failure is due to del Hunco da a luz un hijo ilegi- Louis Rukeyser analyzes the Helen Mirren. Rated PG. this. grandparents are Mr. and their strengths and weaknesses by Jaointe look six months pregnant. I am 32 Mrs. Fredrick Brown of 28 Windsor. Her paternal of 476 Parker St. Her pater­ Drive, Vernon, was born implausible execution. Good perfor­ NEW YORK — You don’t have to timo. Su padre al enterarse de '60s with a weekly review of (23) Dick Cavatt Conclusion. years old and have never had any Lam b , M .D . May 21 at Manchester mances (Heard's zoo curator and manner and motion. Narrator asto decide deshacerse del economic and investment mat­ Guest Rex Harrison. 2:15 A.M. DEAR READER: Gangrene Turnbull Road. He has two grandparents are Mr. and nal grandparents are Mrs. be Catholic to appreciate the wit, nine pero 'Mama' Dolores, su serious medical problems until Memorial Hospital. Her Elizabeth Ashley prowls the stage, a ters. (53 ' Buelnoas Report 93) - Hallelujeh Hollywood merely means death of tissue. Many sisters, Jennifer, 5, and Mrs. Ernie Benson of 155 Michael Quinn of Ruby Dee’s omniscient domestic) humor and intelligence of “Agnes of negra criada, decide encar- Gone Kelly hosts thia look at recently. I have been having severe maternal grandparents are proud feline in search of its prey, in (25) - SIN Presents: Fortunate y people still associate gangrene with Nichole, 3. Green Manor Road. Dorchester, Mass, and the along with truly frightening God,” a new play written by John garse del babe. Nadia conoce la Jacinta 11:15P.M. yaaterday'a movie musicala and dizzy spells for the past few months. this case, the ansers: She is, despite historia hasta qua Albartico se bacterial infections of the (C aruso, J o n a t li a n late Michael Quinn. She Lyman and Arlyne Peck of moments of eerie suspense, make S9 - Reporter 41 today's Las Vagaa floor shows. Smith, Vanessa Marie, Pielneir being performed at the her efforts at objectivity, convinced conviarte an doctor y se en- 9:00 P.M. Could they be caused by ascites? battlefield. During World War I Josepli, son of Leonard has a brother, Eric Paul 50 North St. Her paternal the movie an entertaining one. Much 8 - MOVIE: 'The Man With protein-rich fluid to leak out into the daughter of Stephen Philip Music Box Theater in New York Ci- of Agnes’ innocence and crushed by vualva con su propia familia. (53 - The Merv Show 11:30 P.M. Bogart's Faoo' Sam Marlow de­ about 10 percent of battle wounds James and Catherine Erar- Quinn. grandparents are Wilbur nudity and explicit violence. Veronica Castro, Socorro Ave- DEAR READER; Ascites refers tissues. and Kimberly Morrell ty- the truth. The only sour note, here, CD - Dallas J.R/s schemes ( X - Hawaii FlvaO cides to change his name and resulted in gangrene. The bacteria di Caruso of 14 Grande It <1 1 h :n a n , J a r r o cl and Betty Messier of 71 (iRADE: ll-minus. lar, Humberto Zurits. , lifaatyla to Imitate hit hero. to an excessive accumulation of Sodium retention along with water Smith of 162 Woodlawn Cir­ Against Eugene Lee’s deceptively is Miss Ashley’s incessant cigarette­ against the Farlows don't work. X - Baaoh Boya Spaolal are in the soil. They must have an Road, East Hartford, was Christian, son of Michael Grandview St. Her mater­ CONAN THE BABARIAN (R) (51 - Entertainment Tonight (R) (60 min.) Humphrey Bogart. Robert Sac^ fluid in the abdominal cavity. We all retention is common as part of the cle, East Hartford, was simple set of wooden floorboards smoking, which we hope will not ( X - Entertainment Tonight chi, Olivia Huasay. Franco Nara environment without oxygen to live born May 13 at Manchester R. and Ginger J. Vaughan nal great-grandmothers — Arnold Schwarzenegger, San- @ ) - Welcome Back Kotter 92) - Profoaaional Rodeo from have some fluid. As the fluid ac­ born May 15 at Manchester which thrust forward down toward affect her health. X 90 - NIghtllns 1980. Rated PG. picture. That is why your doctor is and multiply. That is why hyper­ Memorial Hospital. His Rothman, of Pembroke, are Mrs. Helen Moske of dalil Bergman. (Adventure) John (52) - Busineaa Report Mesquite. *rX cumulates the abdomen becomes giving you a diuretic. Memorial Hospital. Her the audience and curve dramatical­ Geraldine Paige, as Mother X - An Evening At ths 2:30 A.M. baric oxygen (oxygen under maternal grandparents are maternal grandparents are Mass., formerly of Manchester and Mrs. Hil^a Milius, who scripted “Apocalypse 7:15 P.M. 9 B - AM Service Revelation Improvlaatton distended. Sometimes the distention If the liver problem can be im­ ly upward into infinity, three fine Superior, gives the weakest perfor­ 31 - ESPN Sports Canter pressure) often helps these cases. Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erar- Manchester, was born May Peck of Manchester. Her Now, " has both written and directed 32) - NCAA Instruct lonal (23) - MOVIE: 'Mean Streets* 3D - Saturday Night Liya can be quite large. It usually occurs proved that may improve the condi­ actresses — Elizabeth Ashley as mance of the three. Three young men grow up to­ 39 - Video Soul Complete removal of all infected Morrell of 9 Hawthorne St. di of 5 Kane Road. His 5 at South Shore Hospital, paternal great­ this kinky medieval workout based Sarlaa - Wild, Wild West in the presence of disease so the per­ tion. Sometimes fluid is withdrawn psychiatrist Dr. Martha Except for the finale, she seems gether and struggle to survive (20 8 - Overnight Desk tissue is mandatory for recovery. paternal grandmother is Weymouth, Mass. His grandmother is Mrs. Fran­ on the popular comic book hero’s 7:30 P.M. in New York City's Little Italy. (2D-Nswadssk son Is commonly thin with a large by needle. In some cases caused by Her paternal grandparents Livingstone, Geraldine Page as almost too jocular as she surprises Most gangrene today is from are Mr. ana Mrs. Philip Mrs. James Caruso of 60 paternal grandparents are c is Whitham of triumphs. Schwarzenegger manages (X - P.M. Magailns Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, - Tonight Show Johnny 3:00 A.M. abdomen full of fluid. increased pressure in veins of the Mother Miriam Ruth, and Amanda us with the facts that she is a David Proval. 1973. Rated R. (21 (SO diabetes or circulatory disorders Smith of 10 Hayes Road, Pheasant Lane, East Hart­ Anne M. Rothman of 11 Manchester. to bring a sinewy majesty to lines Plummer as Agnes, a 21-year-old (X - All In the Family la Joined by BIrdcallari and X - MOVIE: 'Arana' Success - There are several causes of liver, an operation to relieve mother and grandmother and (23) - Regulators: Our Invisible Leonard Waxdaok. (60 min.) goee to the head of a high- that prevent blood flow to tissue, that limp along, and Miss Bergman (X - You Asked For It ascites. From your letter 1 assume pressure helps. nun — explore the questions of in­ Agnes’ aunt. Government This film explains (S ) ® - Captioned ABC Nsws riding rodeo star, causing mart- your doctor thinks yours is caused rather than from bacteria. The turns her performances as his tellect and reason versus blind (X - Family Feud how a virtually unknown group tal trouble. Gig Young, Jean Since you apparently have an un­ We cannot say enough about (3 ) - Nooha a Mocha Programs by liver disease. In this condition tissue die's. If a foot is involved an plucky barbarian lady into a religious faith. (X - Entertainment Tonight of powerful bureaucrats turns Hagan. Polly Bergen. 1963. derlying liver problem I am sending Amanda Plummer, a young woman tha laws of Congraaa into regu­ musical an al cual sa praaantan there may be very low blood amputation is often required high startling cross between Sheena of They are also intent on unraveling 3 D -N ew s artittaa da ranombra an cinema 39 - MOVIE: Tha Avnkaningr you The Health Letter number 7-8, whose performance is ciose to the lations that govern every aspect Attempting to save hla child proteins, particularly albumin. The enough to be above the loss of cir­ College Notes the Jungle and Barbara Stanwyck. a mystery. Agnes, in some in­ 32) - ESPN Sportt Center of our lives. (60 min.) y musics popular. Loco Valdez. Living With Your Liver. Others who miracle Mother Miriam mourns. As from demonic forcaa. an ar^ blood proteins are important in culation so there will be enough cir­ Empty-headed fun, with some nudi­ explicable way, has conceived and (11 - Sports Probe (SZ) ~ Japan. INC. FUmmakar 11:45 P.M. chaaologlat maata tha tupama^ want this issue can send 75 cents GRADE: B-plus. Agnes, the simple, believing, abused sucking fluid back from the tissues culation to allow healing. „ ty and violence. given birth to a baby in the convent. (2D - Sports Kalla Lean takds ua inside Ja- 39 - MOVIE: 'The Outlaw tural haad^n. Chariton Hatton, with a long, stamped, self-addressed child, tourtured by the lack of her panaaa businata to as# how Susannah York, Staphanla Zlin- Into the circulation. When the blood Bacterial gangrene still occurs in Ms. Haloburdo was voted an Outstanding Young MISSING (PG) — Jack Lem- The night of the birth, the baby has (22) - M*A’ 8*H Josay Wales' An ax- envelope for it to me, in care of this liion, SiHHy Spacek, Melanie own development. Miss Plummer is corporate daciaiont are mads, Confsdarata loldlar tsaki ballet 1980. Ratad R. proteins are low, fluid stays in the nearly 2 percent of major open Woman in America in 1972. Before coming to St. Joseph been found strangled by its um­ 0 1 - MOVIE: 'Up River* A how tha workers ralsta to their * Night Flight Tonight's pro^ newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio Caffrey given master’s Mayron, John Shea. (Drama) reveting. As she is hypnotized, so vangaanca whan hla family and 99 tissues. That can be oiie factor. wounds. The best prevention is to bilical cord and stuffed in a Ycung pioneer pits his courage Jobs and companies and how home are dattroyad. Clint East- grama are Take-On/ 'Dire City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019. in 1977, she was in public health nursing from 1975 to are we.. against the rugged Canadian removeall damaged tissue or areas Mary Lou M. Caffrey of 23 Linmore Drive has been Lemmon triumphs in this film, wastebasket. Blocking the memory the daclsionmakara are se­ wood, Chief Dan Gaorga, Son- straita,' Tony Powara* and 'ELO Also, liver disease may increase that time and was employed as an instructor at the which is based on a true story about If the resolution of the problems frontier in this story of survival. lected. dra Locks. 1B7S. Rated ra. In Concert' (2 hra.) the pressure' inside the large venous DEAR DR. LAMB: Is gangrenq, where there will not be good circula­ awarded a master’s degree in American Studies from of this event, Agnes has been sent by Rated PG. University of Connecticut from 1973 to 1974. an American father who in­ Pielmier presents Is not totally 9:30 P.M. 8 - MOVIE:'Hudson's BaV An sinuses within the liver causing an infection that won’t go away? tion. Trinity College. Commencement exercises were May She’s a member of the American Nurses Association, the court, which has accused her of (S ) (52) - MaoNell-Uhrer 12:00 A.M. Englishman and two Frsnen fur vestigates the mysterious dis­ satisfying, "Agnes of God” is S5) - Rojo Verano Telenovela 23. the Connecticut League of Nursing and the National manslaughter, to a psychiatrist in searing and theater and worth the Report ( X - Fifth Annual Rhythm and trappers thaw England tha appearance of his son in Chile. order to explore the crevices of her (2D - Dios se lo Pegue Telenov­ an la cual Jorge Solano regress Blues Awards wealth In fur at Hudson's Bay. She is a 1976 graduate of St. Joseph College and is Council on Family Relations. She received her Directed by Costa-Gavras (whose journey to see it. ela en la cual Carlos Pereira a su hogar en Puerto Rico det- X - Parry Mason Paul Muni, John Button, Gena Employers honored employed as an English teacher at East Catholic High bachelor’s and m aster’s degrees from the University of mind. Post Script: At this date, Amanda para continuar manipulando la puet de ester en prislon por 20 TIamay. 1940 credits incluze "Z"), “Missing” is a anos por un crimen cometido en 3 1 -T o p Rank Boxing from Las School. Connecticut. Accompanying Agnes to these Plummer has been nominated for herencla de su hija, le prohibe Vagaa 8 - Gunamoks Thoughts powerfully acted movie that chills, casarse con el hombre que ama. defensa propia y decide vengar at ROTC breakfast entertains and give viewers sessions is Mother Miriam Ruth, Tony Award for Broadway debut in Federico Luppi, Leonor Bene­ el crimen cometido contra aua 39 - MOVIE: Ths Learning 8 - CristitM Bazan "A Taste of Honey” and Best Ac­ detto. padrea y harmsno. Roma! Cani- Trsa* Autobiography of director something to think about. Although who feels that in probing Agnes’ zaras et al aaatino y duano de Gordon Parks joumsy to fams. 3:30 A.M. Area employers of students from the Regional Oc­ Thomas receives degree 1982 is still young, it’s bound to be mind, they will be destroying her tress in "Agnes of God.” She will be (39 ~ Match Gama 8 - Profaaaional Rodeo from la piantacion da azucarqua lot Kyis Johnson, Alex Clarks, Ea- “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mer­ cupational Training Center on Wethercll Street received 1 8 8 2 - 1 9 8 2 100TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR one of the year’s best. GRADE: A. soul, losing forever, the spiritual hard to beat! (2D - Barney Millar padrea da Jorge poaaian talls Evans. 1BS9. Maoquita, TX awards at a breakfast at the center Wednesday. Wilson James A. Thomas of 114 Steep Hollow Lane was PARTNERS (R) — Ryan qualities, i.e. her visions and angelic ("Agnes of God” is playing at the 9 D - Paopla'a Court cuando al crimen fua cometido. (29 - Palloula: 'El Corsarlo' 8 - Root Ploturoa cy.” awarded a bachelor of architecture degree from the Axel Anderson, Galdya Rodri­ It seems that the world very quickly recognizes and E. Deakin, assistant school superintenent was guest O’Neill, John Hurl. (Comedy) A singing voice, which makes her Music Box Theater, 239 W. 45th St., 8 9 - Fridays Tonight'a guest 4KK)A.M. Rhode Island School of Design at the school’s 99th com­ 8:00 P.Me guez. heralds those rare people within the society whose speaker. sort of "La Cage Aux Folles” in special. New York, N.Y.) host Victoria Principal, la mencement. CS) - To Ba Annourtoad (52) - StM W .'r. In joinsd by Chubby Chseksr. (R) 8 -N 4 4 * I nature Is to be merciful. When one ponders this Larry Nevins of Roy Rogers Restaurant, Spencer police blues, this drag of sex farce CE) - P.M. Magazlna 10:00 P.M. (60 min.) 8 - Ftoomon ftopetti phenomenon, it becomes a sobering subject for con­ Street, received a citation from the Governor’s Com­ cats O’Neal and Hurt as an odd cou­ 8 - Nowoeontor G D - Oukaa of Hanard Clatus X - N « w s 1 2 : 3 0 A . M . templation. mittee on Employment of the Handicapped for his se­ ple cop team out to uncover a falls in love with Daisy. (R) (00 ( X - F.loon CiM t A myttariou. X -A d a m .1 2 4:15A.M. An employee in a regional firm relinquishes his cond year of work with students. Haloburdo gets tenure homophobic murderer. The gim- min.) Travelers advised d..th . family raunlon X - AmaftnCs Top Tan 8 - MOVIE: 'Umk Book In seniority to help a friend who had a family and Certificates from the Governor’s Committee were Esther Haloburdo of 33 Laurwood Drive, Bolton, an BLACK CARPENTER mic; O'neal is straight. Hurt is * Taxaa and Tannaaaaa: A oonfllcL (R) (60 min.) Angori An angry young man also awarded to Mike Lynch, Lynch Toyota/Pontiac; the ongoing project at the junction Muaioal Affair X - MOVIE: *Eaat of Sumatra* vants hla rags against aoelaty mortgage obligations keep his job when dismissal assistant professor of nursing at St. Joseph College in homosexual. The tone is smirky, the WELLESLEY, Mass. (UPI) - ( X 9 9 - Stztka Foraa Frank An Amorloan mining onglnoar la Susan Adamek, Manchester Community College Child Here’s a summary of major of the Fitzgerald Expressway, ( D - Major Laagua Baaaball:, Murph/a polica unit triaa to by lashing out at hla brokan- notices were distributed. West Hartford, has been granted tenure. humor juvenile and the perfor­ Naw York Mata at Houston fsosd with an uprising whan aplrttod wifa, hla bast friend and Development Center; Tony Balboni, Pic and Save, and ANTS CAN DAMAGE YOUR HOME mances embarrassing. This gay highway construction projects in Route 3, and Interstate 93. nail a gang that roima waalthy auppllas for the nstivs Itborara A young man or woman, haviiig completed his post­ ^-OddCoupl# nalghborhoods crashing pa^ hla ssgsr mlatrssa. Uaa Banos, graduate education and internship elects to go on the Marty Meighan, Meadows Convalescent Home. romp is too insipid to insult New England, as compiled by the Other ongoing projects in do not orrlVa. Jaff Chandlor, MatooTm McDowsll, Fran Brill. (B ) - 1977 Wlmbladon tisa and vietimliing tha party- Marilyn Maxarall, Amhony mission field or Into a third-world health organization ROTC citations were given to Henry Botticello, Bot- homosexuals, too dim-witted enter­ ALA Auto and Travel Club, to assist Massachusetts are those on Route 3 gosra. (60 mlh.) (R) tBBB. Bliss to the rescue! Black Carpenter Ants excavate Highlights CMlnn. 1963. rather than practice medicine at honie. ticello Farms; Theodora LaLonde, Economy Electric; tain straights. Some nudity and travelers for the Memorial Day in Weymouth, Routes 24 and 25 in 93) - MOVIE: Tha Hantf A psy­ 3 9 - MOVIE: Tha Daybrsak- 3 D - Bear Trak 4:30 A.M.^ Frank Amara, Keeney Street School; Suzanne Grenier, extensive galleries in wood to serve as nesting places the RaynhamBridgewater area. chotic cartoonist finds that his sra’ Thrsa brothsra from X - Faao tha Muolo The sobering realization is that these accounts are and can seriously harm your home. They’re unsightly strong language. GRADE: D. holiday: Tannaaaaa haad wsat Tom Ssl- ( 8 - Night Oollary Kinder Care and Steve Kamarls, Manchester Pizza. Route 9 in the Shrewsbury- dismambarad hand has taken - Abbott and Coatailo rare. Perhaos-that’s whv the film. “Chariots of Fire” and unsanitary but they are no match for Bliss trained SOME KIND OF HERO (R) — on a direction of its own. Mi- laek. Sam Elliott Qlann Ford. ® - Wsat Coast Report 3D Also; Stephanie Koropatkin, Vernon Lanes; Rev. Maine, New Hampshire: No con­ Worcester area, and on Cape Clod Ratad PG. became so very popular and is still renning in the technicians. Ask about our PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Richard Pryor, Margot Kidder, chasi CsinSs Andrss Marcov- IS ) - Bonny Hill Show 8 - N o w o Neale McClain, Church of the Nazarene, and Jeanette struction projects that will interfere along Route 6 in Eastham. Icoi, Vivtca Lindfors. 1981. theaters where it first appeared. PLAN: it's backed by a century of reliability. Ray Sharkey. (Comedy-drama) 3 9 - NASL Sooosr Transttlan- iSO-SCTVNotwocfc 8 - B Doraoho da Naoar To- Cave, Senior Citizen’s Center. Lugg> Pryr plays it relatively straight as a will your travel plans are reported However, the Fore River Bridge Rated R. tle Cup Challanga: National at lanovala an la oual Maria Elans Ths interesting thing is that it is literally true that CMeaBo 1 2 :4 5 A . M . dal Hunoo da a luz un hIJo llagl- those who are merciful do obtain mercy, and endless Vietnam POW whose life falls apart in Maine or New Hampshire. in Quincy and the Sagamore Bridge 3D - Memorial Profaaaional fo r CraMng or Rylng — Martow's Has Just Vermont! On Interstate 91, you are both back to normal for the Oolf ( 9 - Star Trak 1 8 • MOVIE: ‘Sho’o Nlnatoon timo. Su padra al antararas da mercy and consideration is ultimately according these when he returns to the United and ttoady* Boxy anowbunnloa sate daelds dsahaosraa dal Ths U m a is For Tom Chooss Irooi flwss will encounter road work just above holiday weekend. (S - MOVIE: Tldk-Tlak. (2D - Crocaflrs nine para 'Mama' Doloraa. au people through the sacrifice they have given and the Fsmous M m s: SsmsanNs (m esrry s eom- States. This intriguing premise, ...Tick...* Bigoted whites sat out (21 8 1 - MaClaln'a Law Con- hit tha slopoa and make It a the Massachusetts border. Further Connecticut! Work along to destroy a newly alaotad warm and wild winter. Ratad R. nagra oriads, dsoids snotr- sensitivity they have shown. This is "some discovery” giW^Hns), AnsnUc, Vsnturs, Mrwsy snd however, is lost in the film’s inabili­ olualon. Gataa poaaa as amsm- gsraadsf bobs. Nadia oonoca la north on 1-91, there is a paving black ahariff. Jim Brown, and c e r t if y something worth thinking about. ty to define itself as either a comedy Interstate 84 near the New York bar of ths Aryan Brotharhood to 1 K K ) A .M . historit hotta qua Albartioo so CALDWELL OIL, INC. project in the Bradford area. Gaorga Kannady, Fradric gtthar svidancs sgalnat two or a drama. The story is further border may cause some delays for March. 197Q. X - Chaillo Rooo Show oanviaita an dootor y to on- Rev. Norman E. Swenoen Interstate 89 has several projects Connecticut travelers this weekend. msfflbsra of ths group. (R) (60 vualva eon au propia famlUa. bogged down by its stock min.) X -S h o N o N o 'Trinity Covenant Church MARLOW’S^ Everything Since I9 in undenvay in the Saint Albans area I2D - Prlnwnawa/120 Vsronlot Castro, Sooarro Aaa< characters, all of whom we’ve seen Rhode Island: Rhode Island lar, Humbatto Zurita. that will require reduced speeds. ® _ ' IS l - Papor Chaso 8 - MOVIE: 1 Woo A Mala OO^TOfHMAlH iT m iT , MANCHK6T1R - Mt-Saai before: the high-priced hooker with reports only possible delays along 1 ^ StWoT A Fronoh captain 09 C.O.D. ra ts PABKINO FIIONT AND RIAN OF STORI o - 4:45 A.M. > * Other construction projects you Interstate 95 in the Providence area. ® - Washington Wsok/ - - marriad to an Amorlean Wao MASTBB CHARQl CARDS ACCIPTIDI a heart of gold (Miss Kidder), the isewe OPIN • DAYS • THURS. N ITIS HI 7 should be aware of in Vermont are Review Piul Duke hosts et top Uaotanint triaa to got Into tha 8 - MOVIE: Th e Logand of streetwise Italo-American GI W e s h in ^ n Journalists analyse ® - U.8. along with a giaup of war the Lena Bangor* Whan tha Cay. along Route 100 in Stowe and Route Finally, the ALA Auto and Travel the weaik'a newt, 'Fllekars.' Flrstof6parts.lnthla bridoo. Cary Grant Aim Shari, andiah gang sate out to kidnap .. A thought for the day: American poet Henry THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN CONN. (Sharkey) and sad sack Pryor. spiaods Amla Cols forsaaaa an 302 in Orange. Club reminds motorists to expect o - MOVIE: 'A WonMit CaBod dan, Marian MarthalL Rudy Ulyaaaa 8. Grant tha Lana fton- Wadsworth Longfrtlow said; “Hie grave U but a 649-8841 GRADE: C-plus. opportunity in producing hla Stuart 1B49. gar and Tonto rids to tha rsa- Massachusetts: Memorial Day the 55 mph speed limit to be strictly Oolda' Part 2 own Rims, but ha nssdt tha Ini- oimred bridge leading from light to light, throu^ a (Film grading: A — superb* B 8-PaoplsNow oua. Klinton Spilabuiy, Jaaon weekend travelers in Massachusetts enforced across New England this o - MOVIB: The Pieeidenfe Utl eaptlal. It eomaa hit way Robaids, Mlohoal Hoiaa. tSSI. brisf darkness.” — good; C — average; D — poor; will continue to have to cope with weekend. Plane le Mleeing' The U.8. gov­ through a lady datoaratahr In Entartalnmatit Tonlaht a*S*at DA ^ V . —r-i; ' \ 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., May 28, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., May 28, 1982 - 19 Andover vote Winnie Winkle — Henry Haduta and J.K.S. ITHOUSHTI ...BUT lOANSffi/wy Crossword • a . Astro^graph^^^} COULP WIN MV eoop IN7ENTIOHS BRCfTHEKOVER BY m^EM/soKiecTSP/ BEItie KtHP... boosts budget SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nuv. 22); May$k,1SS2 This Is not the day to pry too 'V Answer to Previous Puzzle You’re likely to be e bit restless deeply In matters that a friend ACROSS 35 Boxipg I'M AFRAIP.lWeOINS strategy (2 this coming year and anxious wishes to keep confidential. N UlR s E 8 /§ « ■ wds.) to tread paths you’ve never The best policy: Tend to your TO HAVE TD ATOPT A 1 For what A P 1 A R Y ^ ^5'*;- f *■ 36 Publisher trod. After taking a few detours own store. 6£T-rOU6H poucy reason V 0 T E R S you’ll find your highway to Graham SAGITTARniS (Nov. 23-Oec. IF I'M TOSUCCEEPIN 4 Phonograph E NLi 0 T success. 21) Important decisions that 37 Biblical for education MY AIMS./ record GEMINI (May 21-Juiw 20) could atfoet your career or sta­ 8 Golfer preposition Whan dealing with subordi- tus should be made b" Sarazen -39 Thin layer nates today.y. don'tt ask them to today and not left up to c do things that you would not do 12 Affirmative re* American Be present if something Is (abbr.) B i i a o t a n s By Richard Cody predicting a $1U,UOO surplus, and yoursell. Unless you lead by being decided. ply example, you won't have loyal CAMICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) 13 Greenland's 41 Drive at Herald Reporter said the schools could maintain pre­ 42 Want lollowers. Predictions ol what's Normally, when things are to Motley’s Crew — Templeton & rwiman colonizer sent programming with the $29,000 In store for you in each season be done, you’re prepared to 14 Son of 45 Oriental ANDOVER - Nearly 200 49 Acts rellexively restoration. following your birth dale and roll up your sleeves and make a Aphrodite residents jammed the elementary where your luck and opportuni­ 51 Even score contribution. However, today 15 Dentist's This sparked some concern by ties lie are In your Astro-Graph. you may only wish to issue the i.h K.i 52 Pack away school all-purpose room Thursday H H M U m HUBBA^ A T S W B V/HATTA degree |abbr.) 53 5 Mideast 27 Aircraft parents who said they wanted Man $1 lor each to Astro- orders. nation instrument s Y"£ fy 'y ‘ night and Voted a $29,000 boost of the Graph. Box 489, Radio City VA WEEP/ 16 Tiers assurance that all the program­ AQUARHI8 (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) If m pepp§B.. m y to h u m 54 Compass 6 Still 28 Deep dish school budget by mol'e than a 2-1 Station, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to 18 Lazy way to you have planned some social THATPSAx m y TO CHUCK l-ARRV point 7 New Deal 29 Particle ming, which when the $39,000 cut specify birih date. fish yote margin. activity today Involving others, r 55 Snakes program 31 Penetration in was made had been earmarked to CANCER (June 21-July 22) don’t make lasl-mlnule THATHORSBHm.. HBY WHmA- 20 Laundering fi- 55 ,^ ,|j This action restored two-thirds of 8 Bottle dweller perception go, would be funded. You may not be very good at changes without first consult­ iASAY mHW ASAV;. nale the cut the school received at the an­ keeping secrets today, so be 57 Revolutionary 9 DeValera's 33 Repair ing all concerned. 21 Sup careful to whom you talk. A land ' 38 Vibration ' ijf Swing your nual town budget meeting May 1. At MRS. KOWALSKI said her PISipA c ES (Feb. 20-March 20) 22 Scruff sharp prober might be able to Disagreements between you DOWN 10 Negatives 40 Admits that meeting, the school budget was board planned to keep the programs, 24 Slanderous . ]et you to telt things you and your mate should be deelt 11 To be (Lat.) 41 Neckpiece gossip (si.) partner cut $39,000 by a 30 to 28 vote. and that the $10,000 would be spent shouldn’t. with privately today and not 1 Crumples - 17 Waif 42 Italian house . 4 The final tally Thursday at a this year for equipment purchases JfO (July 23-Aug. 22) Others aired In public. The feelings ol 26 Annoying 2 Jekyll's 19 Not as early 43 Trenches secret ballot was 129-61, scheduled for next year. The board will bo Impressed by what you onlookers must be taken Into feeling opposite 23 Sneeze 44 On the roof of After the meeting the Board of are, not what you have or by consideration. 27 Arab garment 3 Previous 24 Lectern 46 Verdi opera Feet were tapping and hands would then take next year’s money what you promise to do for ARIES (March 21-April 19) 30 Make beloved diurnal period 25 Ancient 47 Stand Finance hiked next year’s mill rate were clapping as students of for those things and put it in the them. Being yoursell wins You will handle In stride the 8 _ 32 Shady lady 4 Accounting Peruvian 48 Indigence 2 friends; trying to buy them by one to a total of 68. This makes program accounts. larger fruslratlons you may 3 34 Deficient term 26 Actress Dunne 50 Unusual 0 Coventry Grammar School won’t. encounter today. The petty the tax increase for next year three Though the school board had given VIRQO (Aug. 23-8ept 22) presented a dance program as Infractions could make you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mills over the present levy. no indication of what it was going to Treat authority figures with the come unglued. Beware ol WorM’t QrMtott 8up«rh«r<^ part of the school's second an­ Though the $29,000 represents do with the $39,000 cut, what seemed same respect today that you molehills. f v > - ! vrould like to receive if the roles TAURUS (April 20-May 20) 12 13 14 / I nual Arts Festival Tuesday. more than one mill, the board at stake was the loss of the physical THB MDSeMONBy'. i Jr-' - ‘ - '*f ^ -Sr were reversed. This Is not the Normally you are rather good m io , jfmv. , NOT *T, ^ -tCU yWNT TO ifT Above, second graders dance agreed to take the extra out of sur­ education teacher, the part-time day to fight City Hall. at getting value received from /Vf/li)CK THAT'S KNOW WHAT 15 16 17 to "Skip to My Lou," while plus, First Selectman Jean S. school psychologist and the part- LIBRA (Sept 23-OcL 23) The what you spend, but this might FINPINO WHY I'M CALUH6. DR.ORAY WAS CAN'T TELL - m t e o c t : - Gasper said this morning. Raising only thing that can defeat you not be the case today. Shop navciN&ou, YOU, JIMMY, FOR kindergarten students, left, time reading teacher. There had today Is your own attitude. If P M .em ? you WORXEP WITH 18 19 20 the mill rate by one and absorbing wisely. HIM BEFORE HE P O N 'T tO U ? ANYIHINQ 2£SS nervously await their turn to also been a proposal to cut the time you see yourself as a loser, A DINNER 8 spur, RIGHT ? ■ the rest of the increase elsewhere in you’ll find the way to prove dance the “Hokey Pokey.” of the niusic and art teachers. CWTE.I . 21 22 23 the budget had been recommended But after the May 1 meeting, you’re rig h t.____ J■ at the meeting by residents. some parents grouped together and 24 25 26 27 28 29 The residents made short work of petitioned for a special meeting. ■ 1■ the special meeting Thursday as dis­ Receiving 70 signatures, the 30 31 32 33 cussion lasted only half an hour selectmen voted shortly after to set ■ before the vote was taken. another meeting. Bridge 34 Between that time and Thursday’s 1 o THE MEETING might have been 36 38 39 even shorter, with the residents meeting, the school board had sent a A. 1T6 3 . t O l l V U S Coventry newsletter to the parents, and the ■ ■ seemingly willing to restore the en­ 40 tire $39,000 immediately, but school teachers’ association at the school What might have been r did some political work and publicly l:«vy!s Law — James Schumelster ■ board Chairwoman Beatrice 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Andover Bolton Kowalski said administration was supported the restoration. by South’s eight. A second ■ Bolton / trump was won in dummy 51 sS F 49 50 NORTH (-IMS and the 4-1 break was THIS ONE 6EEM5 OtC../ WHO'5 BEEN f it ♦ q jio i disclos^. HMMM... WATCJHlN6'‘'THEWkY WELU M5. LEVY HAVE INTERESriNO. HE 52 53 54 910 9 Both declarers now led YOU FOUNPASUrTABLE LOOi&AUOrUIKE WE WERE" ON ♦ AJ987 dummy's seven of diamonds ROBERT EEDFOEP. COMPANY TIME?./ VIDEO PATE YET? 55 56 57 9A3 and let it ride to Blast’s 2f EAST queen. A third trump was WEST led, but declarer won. He Federal official notes problems ♦ 9793 ♦ 6 (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) SKS e q j i m played three rounds of clubs, ruffing the third with 94)99 ♦ 64 DATES 9J9.79 ♦ Q862 dummy’s last trump. Then , ’R’ be came to his hand with the SOUTH US 9AK84 ace of hearts, pulled the last 9A7 9 trump and eventually dis- Cloudy forecast for 1-84 ♦ K102 cardM his losing hearts on CELEBRITY CIPHER 9K104 long diamonds. Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from <)uotations by lamous people, past It looks like a foolproof and present Each lettenn the cipher stands tor anolher Today's cI\m £ aquais W ECCAG, told Barnhart. from either of the two states to ter­ Vulnerable: North line of play. But Terence By Tom Towslee public hearing process that must be completed by September 1983 to minate the project, including a Dealer North-South Reese and BMdy Kantar, In Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence BARNHART ALSO MET for 15 Herald correspondent assure continued funding of the notice that Rhode Island has stopped Weft N < ^ Eait SoeU “Defend With Your Life,” minutes with representatives of the 14 Pan 19 have found a way for West •NLSKMLK SN H RPl PW JD TN SM all funding of design studies. DON'T TAKE WASHINGTON. - A decision by project. Pax 19 Pan J9 to bamboozle decliuer. THE OWL 9 m » TO r-I CAM'T SEE 1-84 Yes Committee, who attempted UNDERSTAND THE yOUR EVES OFF the state of Rhode Island not to go I.OCAE ENVIRONMENTAL to discredit opponents of the OPPONENTS PRODUCED a Pan 49 Pan 4NT The play wasn’t made at THE SUM. ys i; Pan 99 Pan 64 DARKNESS, SEEK lEKKC NDSIN LDIISIriJ OB W OP JN ahead with construction of either table and almost sure- TH E LIS H T. groups are claiming that the new highway as a "vocal minority.” copy of a letter to the Federal Pan P an P an ly would never be made if Interstate 84 could affect the future EIS is necessary, since the first one They presented Barnhart with Highway Administrationin in Rhode of the project in Connecticut, Ile band were playedt a 1,0001,( was made under the premise that petitions containing 5,000 signatures Island from state transportation of­ times, but here it is. PM WPDMCHISPM JOHMIN.” — Federal Highway Administrator the road would go through to from residents along the proposed ficials announcing termination of Opening lead: 9 3 West lets the seven of dia­ Ray Barnhart told opponents of the Providence. corridor in support of the project. the studies. Barnhart said he had not monds hold without any controversial highway Thursday. Daniel Millstone, chief litigation "The opponents are only a handful seen the letter, but added it would apparent thought. Declarer EPPCT HRRKM Barnhart said the Transportation of people, but very vocal, who are not constitute a formal termination By Ofwald Jacoby wiu now repeat the diamond director for the Connecticut Fund and Alan SoBtag finesse whereupon West will Department is still adhering to an for the Environment, and one of the no-growth advocates who are request. opinion by former transportation roduce the queen and lead more visible opponents of the masquerading as environmen­ “You hit us at a time when you This band might well be secretary Neil Goldschmidt that Eack his last diamond. highway, implied Thursday that talists," William Huebner, director want answers and we haven’t entitled, “What might have Now declarer won’t be without Rhode Island’s con­ without doing the EIS, the transpor­ of public affairs for the Connecticut received the questions,” Barnhart been." able to pull trumps to get PREVIOUS SOLUTION I don't believe in going to bed mad. currence, the highway could not be tation department would probably Construction Industries Association, told the ECCAG representatives. It was played In a team that ne«led club ruff and My philosophy is. Stay up and light'" — Joan Rivers built unless approved by Congress. find itself tied up in more litigation. said. LaRiviere said the governor of match back in 1973. Both cash the last two diamonds. Alley Oop — Dave Graue He said the department is not bound Souths played in six spades (N IW SP A P ER SM TER P M SE ASSN.) "I think we have a splendid case Both groups came away from the Rhode Island opposes the project, and got a trump lead, won by that opinion, but there is no for torpedoing that highway," he meeting with different impressions. "but things may change and a new reason to change that decision said. ECCAG chairman Clifford Noll said governor may want it.” He urged ^JecUla^e Pop — Ed Sullivan without consultation with the two Barnhart met for an hour with he was disappointed with Barnhart's Barnhart to complete consturciton states. representatives of the Eastern statements concerning the of the Connecticut section of the Kit ‘n’ Carlyle — Larrv Wright "A decision not to do something in Connecticut Citizens Action Group Goldschmidt opinion. 1-84 Yes Com­ highway to avoid higher costs YES, IFWIS ON THAT X WAS TALKING one state affects the validity of the (ECCAG), who urged the suspension mittee Chairman Eugene LaRiviere caused by delays. LAPPEK ALONGTIME, TDTHE (ROOFER project in another state," he said”, of funding for design work on the - said he "was happy with Barnhart’s ANP I CVP GET FIXING OUR LEAK adding ‘T m not being an advocate highway. They also asked for con­ responses, pointing out that no Concerning allegations of wrong­ . SUNBURNEP.r^JO^ for pressing forward or saying we tract reviews because of recent secretary is bound by an opinion doing, Barnhart said his department <-"^ 1 L— )‘c~' must not." allegations that no bid contracts from a previous secretary. “will not be party to any collusion ■Barnhart also said completion of were awarded to large contributors Following the two sessions, on any project.” He said he is aware of the allegations, but would not the highway only in Connecticut to the Democratic party. Barnhart said all requests for a Herald photo by Cody comment directly except to say, SVlE LEMMIANS WORK THROUGH THE NIGHT CONSTRUCT­ may require a supplemental en­ “We want to stop federal funding decision on the project are ING MORE ROCK LAUNCHERS, SO TUNK WILL HAVE THE vironmental impact statement, until the situation is cleared up,” premature. He said the department "We are looking into a number of UP(>ER HAND AT THE UPCOMING PEACE CONFERENCE, different situations.” which would include a lengthy Jerry Danger, representative of has received no official requests Veteran and newcomer Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves Bolton Selectman and Democratic Town Committee chairman here stands with Marlborough native Daniel J. Moore, who Area Bulletin Board Parades planned Wednesday at his home formally announced his candidacy for FWSCIMAnNG PE(?50I,' 1 SAW HER. the 55th District assembly seat. Ahearn was the Incumbent two H6HLV INTELLK3BJT, BERNARP. VERV SKILLFUL,WITH luncheon meeting during the an­ years ago, when he was defeated by Republican J. Peter Two openings Fusscas, who also lives In Marlborough. This will bo Moore's ASIREAT SENSE OF nual conference of the organiza­ in 3 area towns HUMOR tion at the Hotel Roosevelt, New first run for the seat. BOLTON — The selectmen’s York City, earlier in the month. office is accepting applications for constables to fill two spots, Andover Coventry the resident state trooper said. Appraisals set Robert Peterson said he’ll be ANDOVER — The Memorial Day COVENTRY - Memorial having a couple of vacancies COVENTRY - The state Bon­ parade this year will follow the ceremonies on Sunday and a parade Lake is filling, soon, and wants to fill them. ding Commission today approved same path as other years and begin on Monday will help commemorate Aplications can be picked up at the appropriaion of $1,200 for two at 9:15 a.m. at the elementary Memorial Day this weekend. the selectmen’s office, and the appraisals to be done on farm school. Sunday’s observances will begin The Born Loser — Art Sansom QiteierNCA. ■nc cutoff day in June 30. land owned by Robert and After heading down School Road with a service at St. Mary’s despite vandals Catherine Yeske of 1209 South toward Route 316, the parade will Cemetery at 1:45 p.m. A salute to j.Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick Bugs Bunny — Warner Bros. Pickup change Street. move towards Route 6 where the the dead soldiers will take place at BOLTON—Vandals have jammed Monday trying to free the rocks, and s/WM CO'(00 OBJECT TO ^cgepuUU/ CDARUCAV'5 The state wants to buy the 13L memorial marker is, then head back the New Cemetery at 2:15 p.m. At 3 spent five hours trying to get the HOUSEWlVes BElWfe ARDWP HERe.. TMKE cave R\lNTiN6S A PRIMITIVE MAN l5 acres the Yeskes own as part of the release valve at the lake and BOLTON — Garbage pickup up Route 316 to the Center Cemetery p.m., services at the Center last one, but apparently gave up. TELL A STORY, HUNTINS’ A S -^ R ' a farmland acquisition program, a Cemetery will be held. There will be though working all week, divers UM.YA6, ANTriRPP0W(9«T S WHILE I NATURALLY ^ scheduled for Monday has been on Cider Mill Road. "It’s almost as if somebody tXTMED RASBT. spokesman for the Governor’s of­ a special observance at the grave of from the state Department of En­ MMdAfiET MIW PUdLfilV RESPECT BLUE COLLAR ’ moved to Tuesday because of the The Andover and RHAM bands looked for the right tone,” he said. W0RHER& (AY reckless fice said today. " Earl W. Green, the,only Coventry vironmental Protection haven’t tilM’ tWUSeHOLP PUTlES AW holiday. will join the festivities, along with He added, “It’s an annual oc­ WERE ^IPHONlNti LEAPER6HIPiH0ULP6E The Yeskes could not be soldier killed in action in World War been able to close it. ? Q S ^ 0 W Residents regularly scheduled the fire department and local They have, however, sandbagged currence,” though he said divers ir r W«RICK« CREATIVITY.' U5EP i> ------reached for comment this mor­ scouting troops. I. have always been able to remove all FUTURE C A m N J o r OH ^ S O VMY ARE to have their garbage taken from ning. the opening, so the lake is filling. their curbs on Monday should put After these services, the firing the rocks in the past and close the INPUitRYAREWCALMEP HUiHER (YOULOWERING squad and buglers will visit the John Spencer, district manager of TrtlM(S6 > tPUR VOICE, it out Tuesday at the regular Bolton the Marlborough office of the DEP, valvp. IH-TkE $EA OF PPMESTIC North, Silver Street and Wrights He said the sandbags have stopped TRANRUiUTY' ' - r oh.RECKLESB time. Clinic slated BOLTON — Memorial Day will be Mill cemeteries to salute the said vandals broke off the protective UEAPf Pickup on the ther days next the water flow enough to keep the celebrated here with a parade star­ deceased war heroes and decorate plate covering the release valve, week will remain unchanged. COVENTRY — Community which was opened in October to level of the lake where it is. He said ting at 10 a.m. and several ad­ veterans’ graves. The graves at the they’ll continue sandbagging all Health Care Services Inc. will lower the lake levpl. sponsor a blood pressure clinic dresses at 10:30 at the town green. Nathan Hale Cemetery will then be summer if necessary. WInthrop — Dick Cavaili The parade will assemble at the decorated. He said the vandals then dropped Lester feted Tuesday from 1 to 2 p.m. at ' rocks into the valve opening, janti- Grant Davis, chairman of Bolton’s BUT Tl(£ 0 ^ 8 5 IT HlSTOCy REPEATS ITSEU-I elementary school a t 9:30, then at 10 On Monday, the parade will I THINK 100^ TO (SUIT SCHOOL, ' I REALLVTHINK60... 5 T DOUBT IF IT’LL Bane’s Pharmacy in Coventry. ming the mechnism. Since the Water Pollution Control Committee, ; 'Ac»fe(c,Burrrls 0LTI5MAJ2TSTME CWTTEU-TOU how AMWY TIMES' Kenneth Lester of Andover was On June 15 there will be a clinic begin heading down Notch Road to assemble at the G.H. Robertson said Thursday the lake is anywhere A W U ^I ANDAIAKE RC»W fOROOMEBOO/ tXJNT 'lOU/ C»AD'? " a fter HIWTIN6,M60NE HOME one of a group of State Depart­ Bolton Center Road, then up to the School at 9:15 a.m. The parade will opening is five feet under water, it is O f AAC3RE PeSERVlNer C3F A SCX3P J WC5(?THATRy. h u n t e r WHO GOES from 1 to 2 p.m. at Hill’s Phar­ difficult for the divers to release the from eight inches to a foot low, but TD DROWN W SORROWS IM ment of Education staff green in front of the Community begin at 10 a.m. and will proceed that he felt the normal level would 0EIN that should be especially the case now, he adds, since we The Manchester group has donated more than $20,000 1955 to 2.1 in 1975. t^ en orally, hei wrote. hasn’t exactly been a candidate for an award for pru­ 1 . ment losses, especially on long-term corporate bonds, to charities in the past three year^. Anyone interested in School placed In competition In auto skills at the state Vocational- dent, creative management. And the recent fiasco ____f - have both declining business and high interest rates. By 1975, 47 percent of all reproductive None of the 10 meet this criterion. which are down from roughly 90 cents to 60 cents on the joining the club should contact Botticello at 643-1845. Industrial Clubs conference and skill Olympics. They are (from left) suggests it may not be ready for one soon. dollar in recent years. He estimates that Aetna, for deaths were due to contraceptive Microsurgery works BankAmerica’s huge commitment to long-term Mike Poirier, first; Richard Pardls, second; Richard Bellveau, thlrd;and methods — 472 compared to 527 for other But Chase aside, there is a bigger question to be Fla. And the results— which will be fired off in the next example, has nearly twice as much in paper losses (6.5 O k l a h o m a ! c i t y ( u p i > - a " mortgages (and let’s not forget its hefty portfolio of Pat M cCann, finalist. types of pregnancy-related deaths. Oral 'raised: How many more such blunders — be it foreign few days to some 11,000 subscribers — are frightening. billion) than it does in total reserves (3.4 billion). Scholarship awards set gynecologist says the delicate techniques loans, dumb investments, speculative ventures on what foreign loans) raises questions in Weiss’ mind about contraceptives accounted for 452 deaths, Weiss’ concluding thought: “We have a precarious of microsurgery can successfully have you — are yet to surface in the financial arena? PUBLISHER MARTIN WEISS tells me that, in BA’s financial wherewithal. And this shows up Manchester Scholarship Foundation will have its an­ sterilization 14 and lUDs six, wrote financial situation in this country, an acute cash shor­ reverse sterility in up to 80 percent of And what effect are their potential shock waves likely to general, the bulk of 60 firms’ capital — about 70 percent dramatically in his calculations that the bank’s total nual scholarship award night June 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Benjamin P. Sachs, the study’s principal tage in the banking system. And the day is coming when otherwise healthy women. have on the already jittery financial markets? — has been wiped out by paper losses in government capital of about $4 billion is more than wiped out by es­ cafeteria of Manchester High School. Refreshments will author. securities, municipal and long-term corporate bonds, timated paper losses of $6.9 billion. you can no longer sweep it all Under the rug ...” 2 In contrast, only 15 percent of Dr. Carl Levinson, a clinical professor be served after the ceremonies. loans to commercial and industrial U.S. corporations ...... Total Est. reproductive deaths in 1965 were at the University of California in San ALTHOUGH CHASE has agreed to ante up more Awards will be presented to local students graduating ■ AGAINST THIS BACKGROUND, a study has just and foreign loans (both to corporations and countries)...... Capital or Paper Cents covering contraception-related — 95 percent of Francisco, said microsurgery offers the than $160 million in debts accumulated by the go-go ac­ from local high schools, technical schools or 'been completed that will undoubtedly heighten in- Of the financial biggies examined, 10 stand out as ...... Reserve v Losses each dollar of Manchester Community College. Selection of recipients those due to oral contraception. Oral best hope for reversing sterility. He said •’vestors’ concerns about the stability of a slew of finan­ tivities of the government securities dealer (Drysdale most vulnerable to continued high interest rates and a ...... (in billions) (in billions) liabilities is based on scholarship, activities, both in and out of contraceptives were not in use in 1955. test-tube, or in vitro, fertilization is the cial biggies. In fact, it may downright scare some folks. Government Securities) which it dealt with as an agent declining economy. Not in any particular order, they are ...... Latest 12-31-80 Older women suffered a higher rate of least successful, offering only a 3 per­ In brief, the study involved a lengthy analysis of the in tunneling securities from the brokerage firms to school, work experience and financial need. BankAmerica, Chase, Continental Illinois, Manufac­ Last year a total of $26,000 was awarded in varying reproductive mortality in the two-decade cent chance for full-term pregnancy. latest reported balance sheets of the country’s 60 largest Drysdale, Chase’s problems may be far from over. The BANKS turers Hanover, First Interstate Bancorp., Wells Fargo, 32.9 36.8 amounts, to 29 students. Due to the substantial increase financial institutions — the 50 top banks and the 10 talk among some money-market funds is that they BankAmerica $4.0 $6.9 First Chicago Corp., Citicorp, Aetna and Travelers. Chase Manhattan 2.6 4.1 28.0 32.6 8 might not roll over some of Ctiase's paper on the in contributions through foundations and bequests, this biggest insurance companies. The focal point: an Weiss isn’t suggesting that any of these banks or in­ grounds that the bank is poorly run. Citicorp 4.3 4.4 22.0 32.0 year the largest amount of money in the foundation’s examination of significant ratios that show financial surance companies are about to go belly-up. But in each Chase also shows up poorly on a couple of counts in the Continental 111. 1.8 2.3 24.3 30.8 history will be awarded to the greatest number of Employees, retirees muscle (or lack of it). case, he says, the estimated paper losses (as calculated qualified students. ’The chief ratios: (1) .’The deposit loan ratio — the Money Forecasts’ study. For starters, its $2.6 billion in 1st Interstate by his firm) exceed the capital or reserves — potentially 2.3 27.6 37.5 Presentation of awards will be made by foundation amount loaned out on each dollar of deposit; (2) the capital is way offset by $4.1 billion in estimated paper Bancorp 1.6 throwing them all into the red. 28.8 committee members, and by those representing capital ratio — the amount of capital on hand to back up losses. And its liquidity has also deteriorated badly. At First Chicago'Corp. 1.3 1.7 27.6 “These firms I’d steer clear of as a depositor, businesses, foundations, families and individuals who each dollar on loan; (3) the liquidity ratio— the amount the end of ’80, Chase had over 32 Vi cents in the till to Manufacturers honored by hospital stockholder or as a businessman,” he tells me. 2.2 19.2 24.3 have contributed. of cash and cash-equivalents (such as fixed-income in­ cover each dollar of liability. The latest figures show a Hanover 1.9 The foundation committee encourages friends and vestments) on hand to cover each dollar of liability. IN HIS FIRM’S analysis (see accompanying chart), drop to 28 cents. in su ra n c:e c o m p a n ie s 68.0 105.0 families of recipients and contributors, as well as the A total of 250 long-term and retired for having completed 15 years of con­ Liabilities are essentially the obligations to depositors San Francisco-based Wells Fargo shapes up ivith the A much bigger drop in liquidity is noted at Citibank. Aetna 3.4 6.5 4.3 64.3 72.0 general public, to attend the award ceremony. employees of Manchester Memorial tinuous service. ’These included Agnes or policyholder, as well as to other financial institutions. worst financials. Its total capital of about $1 billion is The Money Forecasts study shows it tumbling from a 32 Travelers 2.8 West Palm Award winners Hospital were recognized at the 16th an­ Buccino (Nursing)’, Anne Campbell (Out­ ’The study was conducted by Money Forecasts, a more than wiped out by estimated paper losses of $2.2 cents coverage at year-end ’80 (for every dollar of Source; Martin Weiss, Money Forecasts, nual awards dinner of the Fifteen Year patient Billing), Keevan Fallon (En-„ biweekly investment letter out of West Palm Beach, billion. Moreover, it has the worst liquidity ratio; for liability) to 22 cents currently. Beach, Fla. Meeting slated Sunday Club held at the Colony Restaurant in vironmental ^ rv ices), Alberta Glglio Finalists In state competition among the Vocational Industrial Clubs of Honorable Menschen, the Jewish adult group, will Vernon. (Nursing), Erls Janack (L.aboratory),. America for Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical School In­ A total of 127 active employees and 123 Irene LeBrun (Nuclear Medicine), June host New Britain senior citizens Sunday at 11 a.m. at clude Buffy Stephens, Merv Haysllp, Lenny Lacasse and Kathleen fit Temple Beth Sholom, 400 Middle Turnpike. The business retirees were invited to attend the event. Lomaglio (Nursing), Kathleen Melroy Brief- meeting will be followed by luncheon and guest speaker Kerrigan. Haysllp won first place In extemporaneous and Lacasse won Forty-three of those attending were (Nursing), Stella Mozzer (Environmen­ Educators, industries challenged M. Delott Garber of West Hartford who yrill show slides first place In drafting. honored with “milestone” awards, for tal Services) and Heather Norwood^ achieving length of service records of 15, of his recent trip to China. (Business Office). Joins positions in high-tech fields. 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years. academics and key business and industry Some companies have gone to great Others passing the 15-year mark in­ PROVIDENCE, R.I (UPI)*’- A "Where are these workers to come Honored for 35 consecutive years of expense to establish their own cluded Florence Pearson (Outpatient '.fading educator says New England’s representatives. from? How long can industry wait in one Emblem installs officers service was Sebastian "Mickey” firm —Greater attention to higher educa­ educational programs because they don’t Billing), Cyntha Robinson (Nursing), colleges and universities risk “their own region before it seeks other locations Pitruzzello of the Laboratory. Reaching believe educational institutions have Ellen Avedevich was installed as president of the Etta Scavotto (Laboratory), Aifli Siebert peril” if they don’t join forces with tion funding from private and public where skilled manpower is apt to be the 30-year milestone this year were Diane C. Fecinta sources at a time of “extremely short­ been responding to needs essential for Manchester Emblem Club at ceremonies at the Elks (Nursing), Joanne Smith (Laboratory), business and industry to solve the found? Or where educational systems Helen Galanek (Laboratory) and has joined the staff their growth in the region, he said. Club recently. Eleanor Sebek, supreme president of the Hester Stansberry (Nursing), Shirley region’s economic problems. sighted” federal cutbacks. are more responsive?” Campbell said. William Oellers (Chief X-Ray —Reversing the deterioration of the Campbell said it is crucial for colleges Supreme Emblem Club of the United States and Ida Lou Stevenson (Sterile Processing), of the Independent “Higher education cannot expect to Campbell said the six New England Technician). public school system, “on which ul­ and universities to develop quicker Baxter, supreme marshal, were the installing officers. Penelope Taylor (Nursing), Roseann Insurance Center thrive in a region where the economy is states lag seriously in per capita spen­ Five employees were recognized for 25 Williams (Nursing), Lee Alexander timately both higher education and the responsiveness and greater program Mrs. Murray Dubaldo, past president, and her com­ Inc. stagnating, and the region cannot thrive ding for public higher education. years of continuous service. ’These in­ flexibility if higher education is to effec­ mittee, were in charge of the installation and the dinner. (Pharmacy), Ruth Dow (Nursing), when education lags,” Colin G. economy depend.” Rhode Island leads the region in that cluded Elizabeth Frederickson (Nur­ tively help improve the region’s Many guests from other Connecticut clubs were pre­ William Hickton (Engineering), Edna She is a graduate Campbell; president of Wesleyan College Campbell said colleges can help meet spending category wjth 9.3 percent of tax sing), Anna Gagnon (Nursing),, economic and social climate. sent at the ceremonies as were many other officers. Peters (Nursing) and (^ th la Ulm (Out­ of Manchester High in Middletown, Conn., said Thursday. the needs of business and industry revenues allocated for higher education, Margaret Daniels (Nursing), Di patient Billing). Campbell’s message for the academic through new oncampus programs that “ At a time when unemployment is Three scholarships were presented to the following School and the higher than at any period since World but ranks only 39th in the country. Manchester students: Debra Rose, American School for Kupferschmid (Mental Health), and community to pay more attention to the make more productive use of avatlable Campbell said the national average is Beatrice Belanger (Nursing). , Two additional members were in­ University of space, or by sending faculty members to War II, many industries are desperately the Deaf, Debra Jezouit, Manchester High School, and cluded into the Fifteen-Year CHub, the region’s economic well-being came at 11.3 percent. Achieving the 20-year benchmark of Connecticut. work or teach at business facilities. seeking highly skilled workers to fill Marcel Goetz Jr., Howell Cheney Technical School. first husband-and-wife “ team” to be In­ the installation of Eleanor McMahon as A continuous service were Mary Arpin Rhode Island’s first commissioner of ducted the same year. ’These individuals She lives in Coven­ (Nursing), Ingeborg Bervalds (Unit higher education. Dance auditions set Secretary), Helen Dyer (Nursing), were Catherine (Kitty) Maloney of the try with her husband, Nursing Department and Georgd “If our region is to thrive, to regain the Grace Hutchins (Nursing), Loretta Peter, and their two WEST HARTFORD — The Or Chadash dance troupe Maloney (Business Office Manager). commanding lead it once had both in Public Records Lelacheur (Nursing), Elizabeth Perry Diane Fecinta of the Hartford Jewish Community Center has children. education and in industry, it will require (Nursing), Franziska Roth (Laundry), Saluted as the active members present scheduled open auditions for experienced dancers for an educational revolution comparable to June Werdelin (Operating Room), Anna with the most years of continuous ser­ the fall season next Friday June 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Skills’ finalists the technological revolution that is now Quitclaim deed Internal Revenue Service against Joseph R. DiFazio, doing business as Choma (Food Service) and Beverly vice were Mary Pirie; Helen Weir (Eki- center’s theatre, 335 Bloomfield Ave. taking place before our eyes. Murrayn L. Syphers to James Syphers, Donald Pellerin, 36 Sheldon Road, $3,- Jo-Di’s of Manchester, Inc. Szymkowicz (Nursing). vlronmental Services), 39 years; and Buys warehouse There are openings for two female dancers and one Seven students from Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical “Colleges and universities can remain property at 126 Lakewood Circle, no tax. 901.94. Alfred Kornfeld, Ph.D, 150 N. Main St., Y Frances Surowlec (Nursing), 34 years. male dancer. The group is also looking for musicians to School were finalists In opening/closing competition at the state A total of 26 employees shared honors aloof from the economic needs of the Conservator’s deed Release of lax lien doing business as Hypnosis Center of play accompanimenyor rehearsals and performances, Vocational Industrial Clubs of America conference and skill Olympics. Rogers Corp. has purchased a warehouse on a 3 region only at their own peril,” United Bank and Trust Co., conser­ Norman S. Hohenthal Co.- Inc., 141 Manchester. For additional inwhianation, call 236-4571 or 242-4130. They are, from left, (rear) Ray Boisvert, Bill Maragnano, Marcel Qoetz, acre parcel of land off Hilliard Street lor $325,000, Campbell said. “I strongly urge im­ vator, estate of Ethel F. Donaghue, Center St., $3,342.54. David Osier doing business as Osier's according to papers filed with the town clerk’s of­ Trade name certificates and Bob Paddock, (front) Corinne Sandberg, Debbie WIpple, and Nan S • NIKE • BROOKS • ETOWIC •_N E W BALANCI • aginative collaboration with business property on Tolland ’Turnpike, no tax. Seafood, Breman Maine. fice. and industry.” William Helfrich Jr. doing business as David Finkelstein doing business as Kim. Goetz, Maragnano and Miss Kim are state VICA officers. Arts show scheduled His half-hour address was a thorough Purchase agreement The Finishing Touch, 603 Center St. Classic Fine Jewelry, 141 Center St, A spokesman for Rogers Corp. said the company analysis of “A Threat To Excellence” — Joan W. Feldman to Wesley B. Hill and Alfred F. Lemire doing business as Building permila Manchester Art Association will have its ninth annual has been renting the building for some time and a recent report by the Commission on Barbara M. Hill,.tproperty at 273 Boulder Graphic Associates Inc. 379 Wetherell St. To U&R General Contractor to arts and crafts show June 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In decided to purchase it. ’The building will continue to ’5 TENDEAFOOTCElEBRATESn’S Higher E)ducation and the Economy of Road, $95,000. H. Victoria C. Merriam, Bruce A. reconstruct top of chimney at 485 Adams Center Park. Rain date will be June 13. Student gets scholarship be used for the storage of finished and raw New England. Tax lien Cameron, and Jeanne A. Dammeron, St., $600. The show will be open free to the public. It will feature materials, David Bell of Rogers Corp. said. THE FIRST WEEKEND or SUMMER H “The report is an alert, an alarm bell, Internal Revenue Service against Pat doing buisness as Feast. To Robert Rivers for Roger Samuels crafts and paintings. There will also be food booths. a warning we cannot ignore,’’ Campbell . Mullen, 245 Center St., $3,597.58. Umar Rupner, Ludis Upenieks, George for renovations at 501 E. -Middle Turn­ COVENTRY — Debbie Whipple , a senior at Coventry Bell said no major changes are planned on the said. Internal Revenue Service against Leo E. Risley, and the estate of W. Harry pike, $3,000. High School, was the recipient of the Joe LaVae In­ *S OFF property although the building will be upgraded. Picnic, auction planned WITN TMS COUrOM M « r V * pwdMM He recommended: England, doing business as The To William A. Watts for a fence at 43 dustrial League scholarship at the annual banquet of the J. ^ r r e tt PA, 45 Concord Road. $4,- NOT A m iuiii TO m ot PUKMSi. oMi couroN rn ruKMU — More interaction between 660.66. Mansfield Development Company. Salem Road, $500. Manchester Auxiliary of Child & Family Services will LaVae Industrial League recently. EXaUDWO SUI ITEMS, omt IXMIS S4I-87 have its annual picnic and auction ’Tuesday starting at This is the first of what is expected to be an annual 11:30 a.m. at the home of Dee Simon, 417 S. Main St. scholarship award sponsored by the league; which bowls Members are reminded to bring their own lunch, a at the Parkade Lanes in Manchester. chair, and “something special” for the auction. Coffee ’The scholarship is being given in memory of Joe DDVEimSIllG LaVae, former president of the league. ,• ^ TSnDCRPOOT ! junnirnsiiiG and dessert will be provided. Guests are welcome. At 11 a.m. committee chairmen will have a short To be eligible for the scholarship, a senibr must bowl MTES board meeting. Annual reports should be, brought in at Parkade Lanes, or one of his or h e^ aren ts must R .IIM T F U 1A bowl there under the jurisdiction of WIBC, or MANCRiSTIR duplicate. Classified22— Condominiums 643'2711 Minimum Charge ABC. — Sporting Goods 12:00 noon the EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes lor Sale 35— Heating-PlumOing 46 58— Misc for Rent 15 Words ^ O T fS E 24— Lott'Land for Saia 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products 59*-Homes/Apts. to She/re Entry deadline June 3 46— Antiquss Personal advice ATIItlTK fOOIWitl & tFFMtt day before publication. 1— Lott and Found 13— H9IP Wanted a^lnveatmeni Property 37— Moving-Truqking«Storage 2— Poftonti* 14»Buaineu Opportunitigi 26— Buameta Property 38— Service* ted 49— Wanted to Buy PER WORD PER DAY 50— Produce AUTOMOTIVE Entry forms for the 66-event New England Relays Abigail Van Buren offers personal advice daily in one 3— Announcorngrito 15— Situation Wanted 27— Resort Property of America’s best-read columns, “Dear Abby,” in ’The TR6TORN • SAUCONY • CONVIRSI • PONY • TI6IR Deadline tor Saturday la 5— Auct»ont 26— Real Estate Wanted 6 1— Autos lor Sale scheduled for June 26 at Manchester High School must MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS be returned by June 3. Manchester Herald’s Focus section. 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 62— Trucks tor Sale 2 EDUCATION 63— Heavy Equipment for Sale1 DAY 14«f day’s deadline la 2:30 MISC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms for Rent Entries for the Connecticut State Championship 10- 16— Private Inatructiona 41— Articles lor Saie 53— Apartments for Rent 64— Motorcycies-Bicycies 3 DAYS 13« kilometer race scheduled for June 27 at 10 a.m. at Menus, recipes and shopping tips are feitured in ’The 3 Friday. FINANCIAL Oio— SchoCleeeea 3t— Services Olfered ' 42— Butidmg Supplies 54— Homes lor Rent 65— Campers-Trsilers-Mobile 8— Mortgage Loans 20— Inatructiona Wanted 32— Pelntlng>Pepering 43— Pet*>Birds-Oogt 55— Otlicee-Stores lor Rent Homes Manchester Community College must be filed at least Manchester Herald’s Focus/Food sedtlon, every 66— Automotive Service 6 DAYS 12is Debbie Whipple Phone 643-2711 9- >ParMnai Loan* *' 33— Building*Contr acting 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property lor Rent two hours before race time. Wednesday. | lO-^lnturancg REAL ESTATE 34— Roofmg-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories £ 7 . Wanted to Rent 67— Autos lor Rent-Lease 26 DAYS ...... 1 U Entry forms are available from the MCC athletic department. A record entry field is expected this year, due in part to financial support from Pratt & Whitney ^ - SUMMER SESSIONS - ^ Aircraft Group of United Technologies, and to two prize, MANCI|$TER STATE m CUSTOM ^ Nsfp Wanted 13 Nefp Wanttd 13 Holp Wanted 13 Help Wantod 13 trips being awarded to relay participants to the 1984 $90 FOR 3 CREDITS □ N O T I C E S □ EMPLOYMENT •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••«••••••• •••••••••••••••• • ••••••• rZZrfaaee## 8 Olympic competition in Los Angeles, donated by the Choose from the over 70 morning or evening course* In Business, Liberal A rtf,. PLEASE READ WAITOESSES NEEDED SUPERINTENDENT - MAIN OFRCE fi? BRANCH WILL ' Leal and Found 1 ASSEMBLERS AND COIL Connecticut Travel Services of New Britain, in the' Social Science, Secretarial Science, Math & Science I YOUR AD Holp Wanted 13 four days per week at local Winders - female Hard working, previous parkade. BE OPEN SAT., MAY 29th downtown restaurant. preferred. Finger dexteri­ experience required for 120 IN LIBERAL ARTS: IMPOUNDED: Male, WORK AT HOME jobs Experienced preferred. ty necessary. Ehcperience units. Rent $1W per month, - WANTED - MORNINQ8 9 AM . to 12:00 NOON FOR YOUR three yean old, tri color, available! Substantial ear­ Only serious applicants not necessary - wfll train. $4.50 per hour. Send Sex researcher talks American. Literature II M-F 3 wka e/l-e/1 8 ______g poli" beagle. JwhUney Road. Call nings possible, call 504-641- need apply, betweenI 3 and Four day week, 10 hour day resume to Fountain Elementary Spanish I M-F 4 wks e/7-7/2 BANKING CONVENIENCE. vaiSsii^IlM HariM Is 8003, extension 494, for in­ 5 pmm - Fanl’iFanl's Kitchen, 1015 - 7-5:30. Apply at Able Coll Village, 175-A Downey PART TIM E WEST HARTFORD - Elementary Spanish II M-F 4 wks 7/S-7/30 respomSils for only oiw formation. Maiin Street, Manchester. Drive, Manchester. For information on other Pononolt 2 Electronics, Bolton, Conn. ’The mechanics of sex will guest lecturers and on the Basic Photography • M-Th 6 wks ' 6/21-7/28 Ineerrscl hisartloii and HELP be the focus of a talk by Intro to Composition M-Th 6 wks 6/21-7/29 flien only Is His sl29 of PART TIME. Your SUBSTITUTE Teacher for FEMALE COMPANION course, call the director of SERVICE IS PROVIDED FOR RUSSELL’S HAIR MUST BE 18 YR8. OR OVER Shere Hite, noted sex Hist. 20th Cent. Art M-Th 6 wks 6/21-7/29 Hm original Intsrtion. telephone and our day care. Pre-school and INSURANCE AGENCY for elderly female. Must be summer programs, at the STYLING & BARBER customers turn spare time school age children. seeks mature, part time researcher, at an in­ university, at 243-4401. Drawing M-Th 6 wka 6/21-7/29 «e irrors which do not SHOP- 195 Spruce Street. available daily 11 p.m.-8 CALL 647-9947 into super earnings. 528- Experience necessary. employee, afternoons, a.m. Manchester area. novative course on love to Hispanic Culture M-Th 6 wke 6/21-7/29 Tr-I losesn Hw nloo of Hw Unisex Service. Enhance 6631. Caff MELC - 647-9659. Monday thru Friday 1 to 5. ASK FOR JOHN ... start in June at the Univer­ per wk - 6/7-7/29 hreiH ieowHt -win nor your image! Look good- Send resume and T i f ‘‘A’'’. Typing, filing, telephone references to Attorney Between 8:30 a.m. end il:0 0 a.m. sity of Hartford. n . Drawing : a M D NOMiinr, p r u • h o m m l ' iiW I ooNselMl hi. an etf feel {Feat! Appointments, iKi and answering service. 646 6659. Richard Conti, 753 Main Ms. Hite will be one of POOLSilLE Intro to Composition Hispanic Culturo IpsortlalL Must have car. Call 646- Strdet, Manchester. five guest lecturers during Hist. 20th Cent. Art Effective Speaking ^ 7 I M E 3078 afternoons. All price* draatically eedeeAeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PAINTERS Wanted - Must PART TIME Bookkeeper - an intensive two weeks of redtioad on new 1982 REGISTER NOW: BY PHONE. 646-2137 until two weeks prior to Class 1941 H P n M . EV EM IN B 8 PART TIME Days - no be experienced and have 20 hours per week. Amily at lectures on "New Images Family-Sli* 31’ Announoemenis 3 Watkins Piano & Organ, IN PERSON, Community Service Office until Thursday: ••••••••••••«••••••■•••• experience necessary, will NURSES AIDES transportation. Call 646- of Love.” Swimming Pools, prior to claaa. f li% MMCNESira ______m u t m M n n 3117. 935 Main Street, rear. 643- coinpNivtin m a iln to aMSSSLwin oooil -*----- *- TOWN NEIGHBORHOOD train. Call Edwards All Shltta The six-credit course, Manchester Community College adheres to the principles of equal opportunity THEATRE presents Neil film our now oflleo. Good voleo a Answering Service, 646- 5171. fence. Hilar and • ■ • 1 STJITE MNK Call Mra. Slain • BABYSITTER - Grand­ which may be taken for warranty. lOcludss & affirmative action. Simon’s Plaxa Suite. June Salary, oommlaalona, and plaaaant working 5081. Dir. of Nuraes graduate or undergraduate &trl][pfitpr 4th, 5th and 6th, at 8:15 m otherly type who is ANNUAL AUDITIONS for delivery, for only, eondmona. Work from 8 pm to 9 pm and 848-0129 creative and loving for two Church Musicians - credit, will involve two 3079.00 wlill* supply' p.m. Tickets - $3.00 adults, PART TIME - 11:30 p.m.- Mancheeter Manor weeks on campus, June 7 Minchftttirs^e^H^amsermewre ^^veeses^eaeseavCompuniti i ^^^Mees^p^rCiloo) M 9-7I70 Ip ra to $2.00 children and senior Saturday niomlng. 7:30 a.m. Telephone children. Vernon Circle Organists and Soloists - lasts. Financing Nuraing Home area. P a rt tim e. Own Regular and Substitute - through 18, followed by six avaHabl*. Call c « - citizens. Tolland Middle operator. No experience 60 M m I Straot MEMbiR F'bic, School Auditorium, Old ' Call Mr. Taylor necessary - will train. Call 385 West Center St. transportation. Call 646- First Church of Christ, weeks to complete lecfc 5153 - leave message with Manchottor, Cr 06040: , Post Road, Tolland, 646- . 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 6 Eklwards Answering Ser­ Manchester Scientist, Manchester. research and written 529.7a i4___ vice, 646-5081. answering service. 875-0238. assignments. U i C C . 5227. f T ) MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri., May 28. 1982 — 2.’1 22 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. May 28. 1982 66 People who have particular needs find the best place to fulfill SMI s . A Aqoetsorlea 4H Apartments tor Bent 53 Otilces-Stores Automotive Service 66 Automotive Service •••••••••••••••••••*•••• for Rent 55 those needs is through the pages of our Classified Advertising 10 FT. FLAT BOTTOM MANSFIELD Center - section! This young homemaker found the perfect chair for Aluminum boat • oars and Woodsedge apartments. WORKSPACE OR her living room by shopping the easy way . . . in the ever- anchor. Call after 4:00 Newly renovated, country STORAGE SPACE FOR ’CUIMLIFFE changing, up-to-the-minute daily marketplace of millions . . . p.m., 643-9356. setting, two bedrooms, RENT in Manchester. No A U T ^ W D Y the Classified Ads. If you have articles you've been wanting TAG SALE SIGNS $310. Includes heat and hot lease or security deposit. Sporting Qootfa 45 water. Telephone .429-1270 Reasonable rates. Suitable SINCE 1947; ART CUNtIFFE, PROP to sell, you'll reach more eager buyers more quickly with one or 233-9660. for small business. Retail of these inexpensive, widely read ads. And it's so easy to Are things piling up? Then why not have a TA G SALE? The best way to ap- CO LT P Y T H O N .357 and commercially zoned. QUALITY WORK place your Classified Ad. Simply call the number listed below Magnum - Nickel finish - MAIN STREET - Three Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. n o u n c e it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad When you place your ad, and let one of our epaclally trained Ad-VIsor help you word never used licensed gun. room heatedsu apaiapartment. vtir COMPEtiTIVE PRICES Buyer must have permit. Hot water, appliances, ap No NEWLY RENOVATED your ad. Why not do II right now? Phone 843-2711. you’ll receive ONETAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. Your Specialists for taking care <>f W in­ Call 647-9759 after 6 p.m. pets. Securlrity, parking. park! 310 .square feet office ter’s “fender-bender”, dents dings. 523-7047. availanle. Main Street & FREE Foreign & American Qarden Product$47 location with ample I’l BLIC NOTICE ...... BOLTON - 3% rooms with parking. Call 649-2891. A Specioliiing in Foreign Cart A loanert Available TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT V A R IE T Y OF Outdoor basement, appliances, like A Complete CoMition Work CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN A T OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SO., MANCHESTER bushes, ground covers, private home. Working USED CAR LOT - 461 Main N otice is hereby given lhal the Board\of Directors. Town of Manchester. Connecti(-ul will hold a public bearing A Free Etlim atei in the Hearing Room al the Town Hdll. 41 Center Street. Manchester. Connecticut. Tuesday, .lunc «, 19B2. al sedium, perennials ilso single adult, married cou­ Street, Manchester. Long established. Call weekdays 8:00 p.m. to consider and act on the fnllnw inv variety ofot house is - ple. ' No children, pets. 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE SCIIKIH'I.K OF HATFS AM) CIIAHCF.S 9-5, 646-2426...... KE RO SE NE . BEST Building Contracting 33 Articles ton Sale 41 cacti, Swedish ivy, Lease, deposit. 643-2880. M AM MF.STF.H SF.Vt F.lt DFI'Alt'l M KM transcanthla. Very wVnied ’ ’ 13 Help Wanted 13 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Saje^...... 23 W A Y TO C L E A N TA G 8ALEB I. y t AHTFIII.A SKVV l it t SF. ItATF.S Help reasonable. Telephone 64^ MANCHESTER - avaiUble MANCHESTER - Central CF.NF.HAI. Cl SIOMF.II llll.l INC BATHTUB. One of the ALL TYPES Carpentry 643-0016 FILM BARGAIN - Out-df- immediately. Deluxe 3Vk location - modem medical Minimum Charge; ($7,681 $8.28 lor the l(rsl 1200 cub(c feci ic.I.i* very best ways to clean work. No job too small. date Kodak Verichrome or professional office suite, RTE. 83, TALCOTTVILLE l$n 64 too c I ) $0 6!) too c f Call David 643-8996. room apartment.. Stove, All in Excess of 1200 c.f,* soap scum and dirt from Pan 126 film, 12-exposure Antiques 48 refrigerator, dishwasher, first floor, 6 ^ to 1450 sq. ft. ••••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •A ll use use is based on metered water use II. \K I KUIA SKVU R I SK R A T I> DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE ; your bathtub is with a cloth rolls for Instamatic. •••••••••••••••••••••••a central air-conditioning, All utilities and parking in­ ••••••••••••wWa********* Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 •PUBLISHER’S NOTICE R.E. M ILLER & SON - Twenty-five rolls for $5. cluded. Telephone FOR IM IVI.I . IN(.. dampened with kerosene. WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ heat and hot water in­ •••••••••••••eeeeeeeaeee Tlic above schedule of User Charges w ill apply l^-**** a Credit for L>;daH s prior payment of il.s,share of the U7l MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ; Remodeling, additions, Call Doug Bevins at The SATURDAY, 9-4. Scuba, or 646-5858. Autos For Sale 61 Wash away residue. The niture, Glass, Per, Oil cluded. $395. 649-4003. «••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTORCYCLE bond debt, which credit has been calculated to be $0 06 per 100 cubic feel roofing, rec rooms, pan­ Herald, 643-2711, after 1 skis, vacuum, chairs, some EXPERIENCED TRADITIONAL, SPECIALTY : EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY kerosene odor will soon dis­ eling, gutters, aluminum old things - lots of mis­ Paintings, or Antique INSURANCE - Lowest User Charges for Lydall. Inc. shall be based prim arily upon metered wastewater flow because part of their DISCOUNT STORE AND DEPARTMENT : p.m. items. R. Harrison - TWO ROOMS - partially Rates Available! Many op­ water used mainlv for process, comes from private sources. appear. For best results and vinyl siding installed - cellaneous. 321 Keeney Professional Office Space 1976 MERCURY Monarch - III. \HTKHi.y si:\t KR rsF u \n s MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL WELCOME when selling something ... year round. Telephone 649- Street. Telephone 643-8709. furnished - $250 per month. excellent edndition inside tions. Call: Clarice or Want te Padiau ar lease FOR FIGHTII I Tll.m i s niS I IIM I try a low-cost Classified 1421 or 649-2954. PHOTO ENLARGER - Ar­ No pets. Call 649-4356. and out. Power brakes, Joan, Clarke Insurance & -The schedule of User Charges in No 1. above w ill apply, including the measurement of use based on m etered HARDLINES Ail real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the nold Sun Ray enlarger. A N T IQ U E S 4000 square feet power steering, air, low Agency 643-1126. Federal Fair Housing Act of 1966 which makes it Illegal to advertise Ad. TAG SALE - Sunday, May COLLECTIBLES fill TOLLAND - Highway one water use, 1$-rr a m -d ii for the Eighth District’s prior payment of its share of the 1971 bond debt, which credit Booting 34 Model D, for 2V* by 2y« 30th, 9:30 to 3:30. Four mileage. Call M7-1613. has been calculated to be $0 06 per 100 cubic feet. — HARDWARE/PAINT/AUTOMOTIVE any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, purchase outright or sell on mile - 314 room heated Call J. Lessner MOTORCYCLE religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any such negatives. With 3.5 inch, families, 169 Main Street, I\ . S U R C II VRGF. U ATF.S 2 Services Ottered 31 commission. House lot or apartment. Dishwasher, (203) S49-5277 INSURANCE - For all your — HOUSEWARES preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not ROOFING - College stu­ f/4.5 lens. Needs cleaning Manchester. Children’s 1969 VW Fastback - 10,000 In addition to the above sewer use charges, the Sewer Deparlmenl w ill le w surcharges for excessive quant it les single piece. Telephone stove, refrigerator. Adults motorcycle needs, call us. — SPORTING GOODS/SEASONAL/TOYS knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is In dent with five years and repair. Great for parts clothes, toys, furniture, miles on rebuilt engine. of Iliochomical Oxygen Dem.ind (B.O.D. 51 and Suspended Solids (S.S.) as follcws ,,h ,,r,(„rv 644-8962. - no pets. $310 monthly. Competitive rates. Friend­ R.O D 5 60.067 per pound in excess of 350 milligrams per liter img as determined v — HOME ENTERTAINMENT violation of the law experience. Quality work or for copy stand. Call books, electric guitar, Needs work. $600. Call 649- LICENSED DAY CARE . • i, Security. 875-6752 days; P ro p erty analysi.s. , . . Doug Bevins at The household goods and much 'Resort 8367 between 6 and 9 p.m. ly service. Fine com­ — DOMESTICS HOME - Will watch your Booms for Bent 52 875-9075 evenings. Bent panies. Ask for Janet or 5 S:: $0 06 per pound in excess of 350 milligrams per liter (mg Li. as determined by laboratory analysis child or infant days. Call estimates. 875-1023. Herald, 643-2711, after 1 more. Rain date Monday Septic tank discharge at Sewer Treatm ent Plant; ($20.00/load) $20 00 1,000 gals Judy. Crockett Agency, SOFT LINES 646-0262...... p.m. l ^ y 31st. FOR PARTS - 1972 Comet. A, F.XCKI'TION MFTFHS — MANCHESTER - Nice VERNON - one bedroom - TWO BEDROOM Cottage - Telephone 649-3110. 643-1577. — INTIMATE APPAREL Heating-Plumbing 35 room with kitchen garage, pool, all I.AIIGK COMMKHCIAI, AND IMU STItlAI. ( I slO M I.If- Hampton Beach, New The Sewer Department w ill permit the use ot exception meters, installed and niainlained hy the rustnmer at — MENS/BOYS •••••••••••••••••••••••• privileges. Gentleman appliances. $340 plus heat. . W. FISH REALTY SMALL LOADS OF 200 FT. OF Painted white TAG SALE - Saturday, Hampshire. Walk to BUICK ELECTRA - 1971, FOR SALE: 26-inch girls 3- Ihe eustomer s expense, lor the purpose of measuring process water lhal is ncjl discharged in Ihe sanitary — LADIES •preferrM. $50.00 weekly. Like new. Telephone 646- 243 MAIN 8T., MANCHESTER STONE, trap rock, play fence, three rail, four ft. May 29th, 10-4:30. 215 Oak everything. $300 weekly. 98,000 miles, new tires and speed bike. Like new. sewer system. The quanlily ot water so measured w ill be deducied trnni ihe tnlal quanllty.ol m elered water use — JEWELRY/ACCESSORIES sand, white stone, loam high. $75.00, Telephone 646- Street, Manchester. Security. Telephone 643- 1485. Call 871-2117. exhaust. Everything Extras included. $50.00. prior to calculation of the sewer use charge 8 1878. VI. SF.VtF.H SASTF.M rO N N F.t lTO N < IIM U .I.S — CHILDRENS, INFANTS, TODDLERS and pool sand M&M Plumbing and 3200. works. $800. 643-4118 after 5 Call after 5 p.m. 742-9515. ONE BEDROOM Apart­ A Complete installation by Town in Town roadway, right of way. or easement — FASHIONS DELIVERED. Telephone Heating, Manchester. 649- GIGANTIC MEMORIAL COTTAGE FOR Rent - ■ p.m. BEST BUY AROUND ATTRACTIVE SLEEPING ment with heat. Size Charge 644-1775. 2871. S m all r e p a ir s , Weekend tag sale - Satur­ Charlestown, Rhode SUZUKI 1974 RV-125CC. OPERATIONS A LEAF SHREDDER room for gentleman. Convenient location. $350 6" Connection-up to 40'...... ($8801 Connection $1.20(1 remodeling, heating, day. Island. Call Carolyn, at 649- 1977 CUTLASS Special - Suitable for trail or road. In Excess ol 4 0 '...... ($17i hmU M grinder MTD, 5 H.P. - day and Sunday all day Private entrance, shower, monthly with rent reduc­ -.FRONT END baths, kitchens and water 750 4578 or 649-9994. automatic transmission, 1100 original miles. Asking Connection - up to 40-...... ($720, Connection 1.350 LAWN MOWERS excellent condition. $150.14 Clothes, toys, Honda bath, free parking. Apply tion for maintenance — RECEIVING heaters. Free estimates! power steering, power $400. Call 644-2784 after 6 In Excess of 4 0 '...... i $18i -F.k.1 » REPAIRED - Free pick-up _Erdonl_____ Road, Columbia, motorcycle parts, bicycle, duties. Call’646^)484,8-4:30. at 1% Spmee Street. brakes, air, stereo p.m. 6 ' Lateral installed in right-of-w ay...... BRADLEES Is one of the finest and fastest J and delivery._10% Senior ^8^771. dishes, much much more. Discount. ECONOMY 75 Pine Street, □ AUTOMOTIVE cassette, new radials, low 8” Lateral installed in right-of-w ay...... i$18) Fool -D growing discount department store chains In the Flooring 36 ______MANCHESTER- Center 472 MAIN STREET - 5 1976 HONDA GLIOOO - full The above charges include the cost of labor, tools, material, equipment, adminislralmn, engineering ami in­ LAWN MOWER - 647-3660. Manchester. •••••••••••••••••••••••• mileage. $3200. 649-0764 East Coast, and our expansion Is an Important SWIMMING POOL Street. $50.00 weekly. Two rooms. $325 monthly plus after 6 p.fn. dress, excellent condition. spection. part to this success. FLOORSANDING - Floors Distributor needs weeks security. utilities. No appliances. Auto Parte For Sale 60 After 6 p.m. Call 649-9113. b Installation in Subdivision . , ...in ,n«i iii til EXTERIOR HOUSE Pain­ In a new subdivision or where a developer must install a new sewer mam. the like new! Specializing in homesites to display new References required. Security, tenant Insurance. CHEVY NOVA - 1975 - 6 ting, driveway sealing, FOUR ALUMINUM rims sewer taeilities. including house connections, al his expense m accordance with f If you have strong managerial skills, are cost ef­ older floors. Natural and above ground models, 19 x Gentleman preferred. Call Phone 646-2426, 9 to 5 cyl., automatic, under 30,- 1979 HONDA XR250. 2,300 experienced. College in good shape. $200. Call Sewer Department, Under all eonditions whore work in a street on a sewer projiit ficient, have 2 or more years of department store : stained floors. No waxing 31 ft. with fence, filter, sun THREE FAMILY Yard 644-0019. weekdays. 000 miles. Like new. $2,850, miles, new helmet, boots hv private contractor, a charge o! ($20,001 $40.00 for each cnnnectmn shall be p.iid al the tim< o! pirinil senior, references. Call anymore! John Verfaille, QlOft o F fA r ft n iM W U Illlie S . I jIAC IICW. . experience In SOFTLINES, HARDLINES, OR ; d eck . O n ly $978 sale - Still Field Road, ...... 643-4118 after 5 p.m. and new tire. Needs application to cover the cost of engineering, administration, and mspoclion Peter Krupp, 643-0468. 646-5750. Manchester (off Hillstown TOLLAND - Large room THREE ROOM Apartment muffler. $1300. Telephone OPERATIONS, and are Interested In solid retail : Free estimates. COMPLETE. Offer Road). Saturday, 9 a.m. for rent. Kitchen available now, for an adult Autos For Sale 81 647-8421. (' Recovery of Excessive Costs management career growth; then consider our limited! Call now! 203-964- •••••••••••••••••••••••• New items: Dining room privileges. Call after 6:30 working respectable The above listed charges are to be considered minimum If the connection involves unusual depth, w.aler opportunities. - • ■ Household Goods 40 5642. table, the excavation of rock of removal and replacement of cement concrete pavement (excluding chandelier, kitchen light, p.m., 875-4781. gentleman. Call 643-6441. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe Probate Notice sidewalks, curb, etc i. the actual costs of installation shall be charged East Windsor $89,900. DeVille - 72,000 miles. Court of Probate, District of We can offer to qualified candidates a salary that USED portable dishwasher, G.E. The above scheduled rates to be charged to customers of the Manchester Sewer Department will become e ffe c ­ COUNTER TOP Range, ROOM FOR Gentleman - AVAILABLE JUNE 1st - Good condition. $2700 or Hebron reflects your experience, excellent comprehen­ ATTICS, GARAGES, wall oven. Assorted baby tive on July 1. 1982. Charges are due and payable upon receipt of the bill by the customer Any charge not paid EXECUTIVE AREA REFRIGERATORS, $15.00. Telephone 646-5847. Parking. Kitchen 2!4 rooms, heat, hot water, Best offer. Telephone 742- NO TICE OP' H E A R IN G CELLARS CLEANED - furniture, cameras, within thirty (30) days of the due date shall threupon be/lclinquent and shall bear interest from the due date at sive company benefits and further professional WASHERS, RANGES - privileges. Air con­ appliances. References, 6800 - Keep trying. ESTATE OF EDWARD ARTHUR Nine room COLONIAL located In one of the Light trucking. All types of childrens/teenage the rate and in the manner provided by the General Statues of the State of Connecticut for delinquent property career training. Clean, Guaranteed. Parts ditioning. Washer-dryers, security. Call 646-3911 after M cK E N N A best areas. 4 bedrooms; 2 V2 baths; 1st floor brush and trash removed. OUTDOOR FLOWERING clothing, antiques, taxes & Service. Low prices! refrigerator/freezer, etc. 6 p.m, 1972 PIN TO 1600, four Pursuant to an order of Hon. J. For immediate confidential consideration lor Family room; Completely private yard. Light Bushes, perennials, rose of assorted oric-a-brac, fuzz Stewarl Stockwell. Judge, dated George A. Kandra. Superintendent Call 643-1947. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main speed, standard. $500 or Sharon, ground covers, buster. Phone 643-5600. May 24. 1982 a hearing w ill be held Water and Sewer Department local and other openings, apply In parson Tuesday : & Airy kitchen; Lovely corner lot. Only 12 Street. 643-2171. MANCHESTER best offer. Telephone 649- sedium. Also - four kitchen on an application praying that an Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 26th day of May, 1982. and Wednesday, June 1st and 2nd from 10am - minutes from Manchester, 14 miles from LAWNS MOWED, Avg. FURNISHED LIGHT Available June 1st. Four 7313. SOP'A - Three cushion - chairs. Telephone 649-6486. instrument in writing purporting to 8pm or call for an appointment. Hartford. See this home today! lawn $7. Odd jobs, painting, OLD OAK FURNITURE Housekeeping room for a room apartment, stove, be the last w ill and testament of 058-05 cleaning, done ny am­ modern design - black, including childs roll top mature woman. Available refrigerator, first floor, no 1979 CHEVROLET Malibu said deceased be admitted to FOR GREATER HARTFORD, WETHERSFIELD, bitious graduate student. brown and white floral FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER desk, dining set, commode, June 1st. For details call pets. Security, references. Classic sport coupe - V8, probate and letters testamentary NEWINGTON, SIMSBURY AND NEW BRITAIN, Telephone 646-6868. pattern. $80.00 Call 646- - chest type - 14 cubic ft. dressers. Also, colonial 649-0307. $3^ plus utilities. 649-4003. automatic, power steering, be issued on said estate as in said NOTICE 3067. application on file more fully CONNECTICUT OPENINGS: 643-1591 872-9153 good condition. $99.00. Call love seat, drop leaf desk, brakes, AM-FM radio, air- P I u i .k ; n o t i c e THREE ROOMS - For men appears, at the Court of Probate on Bradlees CHILD CARE, Keeney 649-6855 after 3 p.m. miscellaneous items. conditioning, vinyl roof, •••••••••••••••••••••••• BOARD. OF DIRECTORS Bradlees Charter Oak Mall G.E. REFRIGERATOR - and women; $25, $30 & $35. defogger, more. 643-2880. .June 9. 1982 at 2:00 p.m. Street School district, ages Saturday and Sunday, 10-4. Trucks tor Sam 62 Kathleen M. Sawyer. Clerk TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNEt T lC l T 1390 Berlin Turnpike 940 guy,, 16 cubic ft., G.E. wall oven 37 Hollister Street. Also: handmade three and up. Please call and service plate. JEEPS - Government MANCHESTER - lour N olice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Manchester. Connecticut w ill hold a I’ utdic hearing Wethorafleld, C T Hartford, C T MANCHESTER “ Three bedspreads and new com­ 1971 CHEVROLET Con- INVITATION TO BID Rake in the extra money bedrooms” , living room, 646-0867. Excellent condition. Surplus listed for $3,196.00 - room apartment, cent FORD 1976 Window Van - in the Hearing Room al Ihe Town Hall, 41 Center Street. Manchester, ('onneclicut. on Tuesday. June fl, 1982 at Ask for Mr. Ed PocoskI g„|,„ forter. Call 649-5459. cours wagon. Posi- Scaled bids will be received in the 8:00 p.m to consider and act on the following you can make by selling no- •••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone 649-9912. Sold for $44.00. For Info venient to center. $395 per % ton, V8, PS, PB, Air, Tel. 1-246-6581 j , , . dining room, kitchen, l ‘A traction, trailering axle, Office of the the Director of PHOPOSKD SCHF.IU I.F. OF K M F.S AND U l MU.FS 1 599.4101 longer-needed items with a baths, basement, full in­ Painting-Papering 32 (312) 931-1961 Ext. 2340. month, includes heat, not cruise, heavy duty trailer •••aaaaaaa************** Apartmenla tor Bent 53 roof rack, 350 V8, power hitch, full carpet. No rust. General Services, 41 Center Street. MANClIF.STFU Vt ATF.H DF.PUn MKM low-cost, fast-acting sulation, gas heat and im­ •••••••••••••••••••••••a water, appliances. Securi­ Manchester. Connecticut, until I. ARTKHI.A W ATF.R I SK R ATFS If unable to interview, send your resume In con­ steering, automatic, radio, Recently purchased in A maculate condition. $59,- INTERIOR PAINTING, LENSES FOR Mamiya - ty deposit, no pets. 643- rear defogger, more. June 11. 1982 at 11:00 a.m lor the <;f n k h a i . c l s t o m f .h b i i .u m . fidence to: Classified Ad. MANCHESTER- One and California. Excellent 500. Century 21, Lindsey over ten years experience, C330, 250mm F6.3 9687. following: Meter Allowing 1200 c.f ($ 13 44) 1200 c f $ 21 51 Bradlees MAYTAG WASHER - four Articles tor Bele 41 two bedroom apartments Original owner. 643-2880. Real Estate, 649-4000. low rates and senior citizen telephoto and 55mm F4.5 •••••••••••••••••••••••• re c re a tio n v e h ic le in (1) KuRkHhull Court Overlay — =^4” Meter Allowing 1200 c.f ( 13.44) 1200 c f 21 51 Mr. Arnold Bernstein available. Centrally 45 75 discounts. 643-9980. years old, $75.00; older wide angle. Both like new. VERY LARGE Four room exceptional condition. Call Chtirler Ouk 1" M eter Allowing 1600 c.f. ( 28.59) 1600 c.f PHOTO ACCESSORIES - located on busline near HONDA, Accord new right (2) TenniH and HoRkelball Court ( 47.94) 2400 c f. 76 71 Regional Personnel Manager MANCHESTER "Raised dryer $40.00; old black $130 each. Call 644-2784 ^artm ent - Second floor. 644-2784 after 6 p.nY.'i M eter Allowing 2400 c.f Two Nikon 35mm film shoppi^ center and fro n t fen d er, $45.00. Sealing 2” M eter Allowing 3400 c.f. ( 72,00) 3400 c f 115.20 153 Washington Ave., North Haven, C T 06473 Ranch” , three bedrooms, drop leaf table $100.00; old after 6 p.m. Cfentrally located. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR refrigerator, free. Call 649- cassettes and one Contax schools. For further details Telephone 646-0778. 1973 FORD Pick-up - 6 (.'{) 1982 Window Von 3” Meter • Allowing 5500 c.f. ( 133.65) 5500 c f 213 84 large kitchen, living room, Carpeted. Appliances, The Town of Manchester is an 13300 c f 358 14 PAINTING - Wallpapering 3210. 35mm film cassette, $5 caU 649-7157. cylinder. 3 spe^. Good on 4” M eter Allowing 13300 c.f. ( 223.83) dining room, family room, NYLE GREEN gown, size refrigerator, stove, equal opportunity employer, and ( 440 79) 21000 c f 705 27 and Dr)rwall Installation. each. Two Graflite 1975 VW Bug - 53,000 miles, gas. Radial tires. Good 6” M eter Allowing 21000 c.f. 2'/2 baths, two car garage 8. $40.00. Can be seen washer/dryer. $425. AM-FM radio, air- requires an affirmative action Charges for water in excess of the amount allotted with the minimum charge are as follows 1NIRI I AlWATt ANIWIiAIONfOtHOPtSADlItt Quality professional work. FRIGIDAIRE - Electric flashbulb guns, $5 each. MANCHESTER - Newly condition. Asking $1175. and beautiful yard. $80's. Reasonable prices. Free between 5 and 7 mm. at 426 decorated one bedroom Security. References. conditioning, heat, no rust, policy for all of its Contractors and For the First 10000 c.f. ($0.94) $1 504 per 100 c f Y range, $75.00; used double Call Doug Bevins at The Call 742-5770, or 742-7977. Vendors as a condition of doing Century 21, Lindsey Real Estimates! Inilly insured. West Middle Turnpike, apartment. Access to shop­ Available June 1st. 649- new radials. $2,950. 643- For the Next 40000 c.f. ($0 82) 1.312 per 100 c.f sink, single sink, bath tub Herald, 643-2711, after 1 business with the Town, as per All in Excess of 50000 c.f. ($0.59 ) 944 per 100 c f Estate, 649-4000. Apt. 53. ping centers, buslines and 2252. 2913. EQUAL TO THE NEW PERMANENT Part G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. and toilet. Best offer. 646- p.m. Federal Order 11246. The same w ater rate schedule will govern the billing for master and sub-meters Master m eter readings w ill be time cleaning positions in schools. For further details Bid Forms, plans and reduced by the sum of the readings of the sub-melers. The master m eter would be billed on the minimum and 4574, 747-5201. BASEBALL SHOES - FOUR ROOM Apartment - CHALLENGE... new building in INTERIOR' AND please call 528-4196 1975 CAMARO - 4 speed. 4 Knit Camisole spSecifications are available at the granted an allowable as would be the sub-meters MANCHESTER - "Han­ Leather. Adidas. Size 8. Second floor. Mature new tires. Good condition. General ^Services Office. 41 Center M ISCFLI.ANKOrs W ATFIt rilAKGK.*A Manchester. Noon-4 p.m. EXTEIRIOR Painting and TWO SINGER Electric O IL TAN K 275 gallon, between 9 and 5 pm or dyman special” . Four Like new. $12.00. Call 649- adults. No appliances, no $2000. Negotiable. Call 742- Street, Manchester. Connecticut. M eter Heading ($3.57) ' $5 70 Unit Quarter shift and evenings 5:30 Paperhanging. Ceilings automatic wall-type $45.00. After 4pm telephone after 5 pm and weekends, room ranch, basement, 6221, keep trying. pets, tefermces, security. 9578. Town of Manchester, M«*ler Kenidl IVr Quorler THE p.m.-9:30 p.m. Call for in­ repaired or replaced. Free heaters 1500W, one 115V, 647-9571. 649-7157. treed lot, convenient to One car. Telephone 64®- Connecticut ’ X ($15.66) $ 25.05 terview appointment, 8 estimates. Fully insured. one 230V, $15.00. Two tall 51.12 shopping and bus. Great SKIDS AND Miscellaneous 118 MAIN STREET - Three 1265. Robert B. Weiss, ( 31.95) CONNECTICUT a m.-4 p.m., 653-7217 - 6 REAL ESTATE References. Martin ceramic table lamps, PUBLIC AUCTION ( 55.65) 89.04 starter home with TLC - pine and hardwood, $5.00 16,000 BTU Air-temp air- room heated apartment. p.m .-9 p.m., 244-5022. Mattsson after 3:00 p.m., $10.00. 647-9723. Don’t store things you General Manager I 82.23) 131.58 needs work. $38,500. Cen­ ick-up load. Take note of conditioner. Anytime, May Hot water, no appliances, JUM 1, 1*S2 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD E.O.E. 649-4431. can’t use. Sell them fast M O a.m. 051-05 • • M$)hT InRiulled « n llyilru n i • ($35.00) $56.00 each hook-up tury 21, Lindsey Real Blis ad, it will not be run 29th and 30th, 1135 Sullivan security. Tenant in­ (No meter removal charge) 6 4 6 -2 4 8 2 Estate, 649-4000. 30-INCH CALORIC gas again. 646-2286. Ave., South Windsor. ______with a hard-working n,MUh ■ la wnemnm BABYSITTER IN My HOWROYD-ZUCCARO stove. Whirlpool gas dryer, surance. 646-2426, 9-5 lt**mo«ed - ($18.33) $29.33 Unit Bolton home needed im­ House Painters. weekdays. Classified Ad! Legal Notice •• F.<|iii|mienl Cliurge Compressor ($10 00 hr ) $16 OO'hr INFANTRY!!! COLCHESTER - Settle es­ natural butcher block COMBINATION Spreader SM N«w Slata Road Pick-up I 10 00 hr ) 16 00 hr mediately part time. Experienced, reliable. COLONIAL COUCH, YANKEE MAC 14V4% tate - 78 South Main Street, kitchen table. All in and cart, good condition, Manehaatar RE: Constance Pouliot Dump Truck i 15.00 hr.) 24 OO'hr Experienced, references Prompt free estimates. CHAIR - coffee table, end Autoa For Bale 61 Autos For Sale 61 two family, five acres, excellent condition. $35.00. Phone 643-5077. table, and table lamp. 9 BORN: Manchester, N.H, Backboe ( 15 00 hr 1 24 00 hr IF YOU THINK YOU ARE required, own transporta­ Scheduling now. Call Steve ••••••••••••• r • ($ 50 00 tap! $ 80.00 tap This is ihc weekend to buy! commercial zoned, city Telephone 643-2384 piece traditional dining February 19, 1942 lipping r.liiirge - Small Tap tion. 643-5799. at 643-6368 or Jack at 647- Large Tap 2" -.( 100.00 lap ' 160 00 lap Rem em ber you must have a water, sewer lines in. evenings. FOR SALE: Baby crib WILLIMANTIC DATSUN ... gives you choice ...not chancel The undersigned has EQUAL TO THE room set. Best offer. 649- & over sales contract in order to apply Garden, 'garage, shed. 1669. with mattress - natural FULL TIME - Part time 7530. been appointed by the PLUS Labor Cpst plus 25‘?r for overhead for this great mortgage oppor­ Walk to center. Assumable TWIN BED With mattress wood with decals - old CHALLENGE truck drivers wanted to tunity! We have many homes Hillsborough County Prihiil*’ Fin* llydru'nl - ($13.92) $22 27 hydrant yr mortgage. Asking $97,000. NAME YOUR OWN Price - for $25.00 and curtains for style. Would like $50.00. deliver appliances. Full that qualify’ Do you? in and out painting, $3.00 a pair. Call after 5 SCREENED LOAM - Probate Court as executrix H ritu lf F'irc S$T\irf* • YOUMAYQUAUFY FOR: 848-7913, Ed 537-2068, Al. Telephone 643-4325. M 500 CHALLENGE* Quarterly connection charges for standpipe and/ or sprinkler head systems based on size of connection to publii- time - experienced, part papering - r e m o v a l, p.m. 647-8715. gravel, processed gravel, W / m m and trustee under the Will time - will train. Excellent , sand, stone, and fiU. For system; Prompt juality service. HELMET AND Moped car of Leonce A. Pouliot, late S iw ’ wages and benefits. Apply 647-8254 - i89-9061. USED REFRIGERATOR - deliveries call George of Manchester, N.H., in 4 ’ Connection ($17 43) $27 89 in person only - A1 ONLY $57,500. □ BUSINESS carriers, $25.00. Hammond **12,000 copper - top freezer, frost- Spinet org^an, two Griffing, Andover, 742- Rebates < 5 0 0 to * 3 5 0 0 which Constance Pouliot is 6” Connection ( 28.95) 46 32 Sieflert’s Appliances, 445 Beautiful Colonial near shop- 7886. 92 83 $«Jry and SERVICES WILL DO free, clean, in good condi­ keyboard, $^5 or best an interested person. 8” Connection < 58 02) Hartford Road, pinR and busline! A home tion. $200 takes this 10” Connection ( 86.97) 139 15 loaded with charm! 6 big You sup offer. Telephone 646-4625. Constance Pouliot is 185 47 Manchester, excellent refrigerator 7 PIECE BEDROOM $500. • 4 0 % OFF on some models! 12” Connection (115 92) rooms at a big price saving! Services Ottered 31 daughter of Leonce Pouliot l*uhlir F'irt* I’roirrtion: 646-7023. away. 649-7393. STOVE, $100. Matching 25” colored TV, $ ^ . 2 * » 2 m RECEPTIONIST - good 8 Annual Percentage Rate and was last known to Hydrants $24.00 Hydrant/yr refrigerator, $150. and B&W TVs, $10. 2 end, 1 $ 0 024 Inch-foot yr nils typing and transcription REWEAVING BURN KITCHEN TABLE, for­ • O i I w /U On Some Qualified Carsl reside in Manchester, Pipe Lines bulIt-ln dishwasher, $100. coffee table, $75. Girls Servirrn - 2 AVON S T K n Building Contracting 33 skiils required. Insurance HOLES. Zippers, um­ mica, top, seaia 4-8 people, Connecticut. A. during Regular Working Hours: No Charge Cape Cod! 3 bedrooms, Excellent condition. clothes, 4 thru 6. 647-0040. agency experience helpful. brellas repaired. Window $40.00; living room chair, We seek information as B A fter Regular Working Hours; ($49.00) $54.00 or actual overtim e wages paid to one ( 1 em ployee plus 25'’; AND STILL PRESERVE fireplaced living room, den Telephone 649-4003. \_____^______Listed below—1982 Cer end Truck Semple Buyel 1 Many benefits. Call 522- shades, Venetian blinds. blonde mahogany, $35.00; for overhead, fringe benefits, etc., which ever is greater. remodeled in 1970. aluminum LEON CIESZYNSKI to the residence of, or date 0333 for appointment. Keys. TV FOR RENT. vibrator-exercisor, lose in­ DOUBLE CEMETERY Kfnumpiion of Srr^lr** - Non-payment YOUR HOMETOWN siding plus a great treed lot! BUILDER. New homes, Lot at Rose Hill. Asking and place of death of Low 60's. Marlow's, 867 Main Street. additions, remodeling, rec ches, improve circulation, DEM01962 MAXIMA A. During Regular Working Hours: ($25,00) $40.00 $600. negotiable. Call 647- 1992 DATtUN 210 Constance Pouliot. B. A fter Regular Working Ho'rirs; (i$49.00) $54.00 or actual overtim e wages paid to one (1 1 em ployee plus 25*?; PART TIME Lunch 649-5221. rooms, garages, kitchens $65.00. 646-7861 after 6 p.m. TAQ SALES UFESTYLE employs Monday - •••••••••••••••••••••••• 0149 between 5 and 8 p.m. This notice is to also in­ for overhead, fringe benefits, etc., whichever is greater. remodeled, ceilings, bath , ______■tVlltttlM III. WATER SYSTEM CONNECTION CIIAR(;ES Friday, No experience, BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - form the said Constance REDUCED TO $65,900. tile, dormers, roofing. Artlelea lor sate 4 i j a G SALE - Rain or shine- ($1M $6060 ■S.fso*-toO SMALL A. Complete installation by Town in Town roadway, right of way. or easement 8 necessary, we wili train. Concrete. Chimney Pouliot that the under­ INVEST ONE WEEKEND 7 room Cape that features a 30' Residential or comraer- ••••■••■•••••••••••••••* --Moving • to apartaent. , " MEDIUM SIw Charge Ideai for the housewife. Repairs. "No Job Too signed has filed with the first floor family room with cial. 649-4291. r (I750.00*) $1,000.00 Earn extra money while Small. Call 6^4-8356. Must reduce -inventory, igTXENS FOR Sale - 175 1982 DATtUN 2802X LARGE Court her 1st and final ac­ 2” Connection ( 900.00*) 1.330 00 A MONTH AND fireplace. A most unique home ★ some furniture, many 1192 MAKIMA WA88N the children are in schooi. in a nice fam ily area! P rice is Oakland Street (rear) count as executrix of the Above 2” Connection Direct Cost plus 25% for Engineering and Administration ELECTRICAL SERVICES ALUMINUM SHEETS housewares, etc. 28ti. TWO WEEKS DURING Summers off if needed. far far below replacement (T & M Tree Service, Free - We do all types of Elec­ Manchester, after 4 p.m. iLMItUN Leonce A. Pouliot Estate 'Includes the cost of labor, tools, material, equipment. Administration, engineering, and inspection used as printing plates. .007 and 29th, 9-4. 14 Erdonl e 5960' B. Partial installation by Town in Town roadway, right of way, or easement; Clean, pleasant surroun­ costs! estimates. Discount senior trical Work! Licensed. Call *11,265 $MN *13,690 and a petition as trustee to citizens. Company thick, 23x 2 8 > A ". 50c each, Rhad (off Lake Road) Town furnishes connection material and make.s installation to property line Contractor does excavating, THE SUMMER dings. Apply in person: after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. FREE - Two long haired bar and waive any option Dairy Queen, 242 Broad Manchester owned and or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- Qilumbia. female kittens. One black, An attractive sleeveless backfill and pavement repair pullover is knitted in Ca- rights and interest which si«- Charge Street. operated. Call 646-1327. 2711. They MUST be picked one grey. Telephone 6 ^ 1982 DATtUN 210 FOR THE TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY 1992 DATtUN 219 WA80N rioca yam and your fa­ >" Connection: Direct Cost plus 25% for Engineering and Administration up before 11:00 a.m. only. TAG SALE -. Saturday, 0798. the said Constance Pouliot Residential & Ckmunercial May 29th, 9-4.182 Carriage vorite color. may have in trust realty 2” Connection* BEST PART-TIME LEGAL SECRETARY - LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ Construction. Remodeling, U u ... $6990 No. 5960 has knit direc­ Above 2” Connection* Experienced only. Coven­ cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ DARK LOAM - S yards Drive • (^Idren’s clothes, CUTE LITTLE Kittens are tions for Sizes Small, Me­ known as 169 Ash Street, *The above charges will include the tapping cost, labor, tools, material equipment, administration, home improvements, ad­ delivered, $60. plus tax. toys, household mis­ *6810 try. Full time. Send ages cleaned. All types ditions, bathroom it looking for good homes. dium and Large (8-18) Manchester, N.H. Said Ac­ engineering, and inspection, except the work outlined above as the Contractor’s responsibility. iOB M AMERICA! Sand, Gravel, Stone & cellaneous. resume to P.O. Box 488, trash, brush removed. kitchen remodeling, Please call M94480 sifter inclusive. count and Petition are C. Installation in Subdivisions; Trap Rock. Call 643-9504. In a new subdivision or where a developer must install c new water main, ih r dr\rlo|>rr y* iii inAiall all »*an*r Coventry, 06238. Picket, Split Rail, Stake roofing, siding, repairs, 10:30 a.m. TO 0ID(«, IMS $tJO (sr iKk returnable for hearing on Fences installed. 528-0670. TAG SALE - Many old gttsn^ghn SOI A t (wtstt sad fariliilra. including houac ronnretiona, al hi* r*prn*e in accordance with the specifications of the Water door & window replace­ GARMENT BAG for June 23, 1982 at .Department. _...... Under...... all conditions...... where work in a street on a water project is entirely completed by private CALL: Items. May 29th, 95 Cedar FREE 10-week-old female J m CMOT ment and alterations.646- traveling, folds canvas Street, Manchester. Manchester, N.H. in the contractor, a charge of (g».00) $40.00 for each connection shall be paid at the Ume of permit application to LYDAUm OOS 1379. kittens. Really pretty nsM aO ShiH forenoon. cnvnr Uie coat of engineering, administration, and Inspection. • •C ertified copies of Invoices detailing cost shall sturdy zwper with handle Ills Sirs, sr SMmwaa SGT. JOHN HORN Manchester's brand nra area Look to tho Angora! Call 643-8681; i^woiBint BMoailM ^ Anvone havine such in- provided to Uie Department. SUPERINTENDENT - $25. ^1617. TAG SALE - Saturday and NSW Tsik, N.T. ISOM Anyone nawng sura in ^ Recovery of Exceaalve CosU. of affordable single lamlly at- FARRAND keep trying. ..C O IM llI ledi»l We b A w we ew ow rw lw yeuH eewe resident for condominium Horam Sunday, May 29th and 30th, M at NaaM, SdSraia alls UP formation S O O U ia w rite -n,e above listed charges are to be considered minimum lor connection to cast iron or ductile iron Extra tached homes built to expand I^M O D E U N G - Cabinets, M S I m l tqia NnaSar. complex in Vernon. BIG SUMMER SALE! 9-4. Multi family. Canning at least $600. promptly to the: Register m aterial needed for other mains win be additional, i f the connection involves unusual depth over 40'in length, 649-9454 with your family needs! Only Classllloirs Roofing, Gutters, Room LOVABLE YOUNG long General maintenance Typewriter carrying cases jars, antique rocker, much 1982 ALBUM with 16-page of Probate P.O. Box P, water table, the excavation of rock or removal and replacement of cement concrete pavement (excluding (63.900. — for these two Additions, Decks, all types haired pure white cat jun RebBiae araJPaOeiy and/er DMriar I ------GIFT SECTION with full responsibilities. Excellent bedroom units! Hurry and U ke for the most - Ideal for ovemigni bags. miscellaneous. 203 Moun­ N n u h iin N H 03061 sidewalks, curb, etc .), the actual costa of installation plus 25% overhead shall be charged, of' Remodeling and spayed. 3424)671, 6 33^1. New, Dame. Heal Nuy NMta. AdvafUaad Cara Bublaet te Piter direetloiia. Price. . . $2J». - - opportunity for retired cou­ advantage of these pre. $10.00-$20.00. Also txdsiiua, lA.n. -me above schedule of rates to be charged to customers ol Uie Manchester Water Department will become 1 800 842-2271 up-to-dalB help tain Road. M e n ST $MS ESCB ple. Apartment and salary. construction prices! 'Repairs.Repairs. FREE typewriter covers,covers $2.50. — ...... Laurette Pouliot effective on July 1 ,1M2. Charges are due and payable upon receipt ot the bill by Ute customer. Any charge not wanted section. B -IM -O O LU-eiS aad Naw. Naa Executrix & Trustee paid within Uilrty t so) days ol billing date shall thereupon be delinquent and shall bear interest from the billing References. Call 647-3693. Boata-Aoeeaeorlee 4B la Srati Ikaaii kaa ta auka tkaw. felepSH^ 8»8017*”*”” ** YaleJ^rpewriter Service, TAQ SALE - Sat. & Sun. U/w/o Leonce A. Pouliot date at the rate and in the manner provided by the Genera) Statutes of the State of Connecticut for Delinquent 649-4986. 29th & 30th, 9 to 4, rain or . •-1SS - KEEPSSKE kUILTS. 24 WILLIMANTIC plaead aad appllsaad datliar. UNDERCOVERWEAR - SAIL ROAT T 10 ft. c/0 Charles E. Chretien BUNCHARD shine. Small chain saw, a-tSI-NIIIUW H MSNDIWOIM-20 As seen on Phil Donahue! Rake in the extra raa’ .iy SIDING AND RtWFING - siMMONS Beauty rest Norwegian built F.snuire NOTE: ( ) Indicates existing charges: all others are proposed. you can make b selling no- replacemwit whidows, all mattress for double dishwasher, unfinished oak W at tf aatdiaattk ikllla. « vliHHI.. George A Kandra. Superintendent Learn how easy it Is to Situation Wanted . 13 hunkbeds.' baafcets, qome mahogany. Has oarlodcs, l-m -TO tin tr HEP-40 att- 87 Middle Street water & Sewer Department ROSSETTO lonser-neededlonger-needed items with a phases of remodeling. F jw E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n ,. peanut class. $600. 14 Br- DATSUN diaatit Itaaa la auka. earn large profits at tools and electrlcu mis­ Manchester, N.H. 03101 Dated at Manchester, Connecticut 26 May 1982 ■-in-lMSPTt-M ptitt af stick- exciting home lingere par- T Y P IN G DONE in my • 4 6 - 2 4 8 2 low -cost, fa st-a ctin g g K Tetephone, 649«41 after cellaneous. 99 Walnut doni Road, Colund>la, 228- • 4 7 - 9 M 7 021-05 0544)5 home. Call 646^25. 5:30 p.nq. 127 MMdim tt m iW A lm c ties! TelephoneT^le 1 w ’ w w w iB im J Classified Ad. Mike. Street, Manchester. 0771. T.