BUTTERFLIES AS AN INDICATOR GROUP FOR THE CONSERVATION VALUE OF THE GOLA FORESTS IN SIERRA LEONE Claudio Belcastro* & Torben B. Larsen** * Lungotevere di Pietro Papa 21 00146 Roma, Italia
[email protected] ** 358 Coldharbour Lane London SW9 8PL, UK
[email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Less than 5% of Sierra Leone’s original forest cover still exists, though some of that hardly merits the term forest. Besides the remaining forest on the Freetown Peninsula, and the important Loma and Tingi Mountains, with their submontane elements, Gola Forest is the most significant forest in the country. During late April, 2006, a one week field-trip was made to study the butterflies of the Gola Forests by two separate teams, headed by one of the authors of this report. Belcastro also returned to Gola North for three days in early May. In all, 370 species were positively recorded. The estimated total for the area is about 600, accounting for about 80% of the 750 or so known Sierra Leone butterflies. Many rare and interesting butterflies occur and, in general, the Gola Forests are now the westernmost outpost of the West African forest fauna. Many species endemic to Africa west of the Dahomey Gap and to its Liberia subregion were found in Gola. The fact that so many rare and interesting species were collected in, sometimes quite heavily, logged areas of Gola is a strong indicator that the forests have the capacity to return to a state that resembles the original over the next 25 years. In Gola (South), and especially in Gola (North), there appear to be areas of undisturbed forest that act as reservoirs of biodiversity that help to re-populate the regenerating parts of the forest.