Removal Order Appeal, 14th October 1834, Ann JAGO ( & )

Upon the continued Appeal of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the town of Marazion in the said county from and against an Order bearing date the twelfth day of May last past under the hands and seals of Charles Valentine Le Grice Clerk and George John Esquire two of His Majesty’s Justices of the peace of and for the said county for the removal of Ann Jago Singlewoman the Daughter of George and Margaret Jago from the parish of Ludgvan in the said county to the said town of Marazion And upon hearing what could be alledged and proved upon oath on either side It is ordered by this Court and this Court doth adjudge that the said Order be and the same is hereby on the merits reversed and discharged And that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the said town of Marazion some or one of them do take and convey the said Ann Jago from the said town of Marazion to the said parish of Ludgvan and her deliver to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor there some or one of them who are hereby required to receive her into their said parish and there provide for her as their own Parishioner And it is further ordered that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the said parish of Ludgvan some or one of them do on Notice of this Order pay unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the said town of Marazion some or one of them the Sum of Two pounds as and for their Costs in prosecuting the said Appeal and maintenance of the said Pauper

( Quarter Sessions – transcribed by John Evans from LDS film 1596469, images 226-227)