Timeline / 1850 to 1880 /

Date Country Theme

1851 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

Lendas e Narrativas published by Alexandre Herculano (1810–77), a collection of historical short stories set in the context of medieval times and the “Reconquista” process, the Iberian Christian military movement to recover Muslim-occupied territories (10th–15th centuries).

1851 - 1868 Portugal Political Context

Regeneration, led mainly by Minister Fontes Pereira Melo (who gives the period name – Fontism) is a peaceful political cycle of global innovation started in 1851. The kingdom is tired of political unrest. Conditions are created for the middle classes and foreign investors to support economic expansion, the development of infrastructure and industrialisation.

1851 Portugal International Exhibitions

At “The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations“ in London, Portugal shows 1,293 products from almost all the regions.

1851 Portugal Economy And Trade

Launch of an ambitious plan of modernisation and the stable Regeneration period mostly led by Minister Fontes Pereira de Melo (1819–87) (and named Fontism after him) Infrastructure building, industrial production and business laws are promoted. wine production and trade thrives and exports increase until the 1860s.

1852 Portugal Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

13 December: Under the framework of the Regeneration modernisation, the adoption of the decimal metric system based on the legal mètre of France is decreed by Queen Maria II. This decree establishes a ten-year deadline for its full enforcement, but the whole process will take longer than that.

1852 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

Ato Adicional de 1852 (Additional Act) abolishes the death penalty for political crimes, which had not been enforced since 1834. In 1867, in the reign of Luís I, the abolition of the death penalty is extended to all kinds of crime, except for those under military jurisdiction. Only in 1911 will total abolition be proclaimed by the Republican regime.

1853 Portugal Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

1 July: Portugal starts to use the first adhesive postal stamps on letters, postcards and parcels, in the reign of Queen Mary II. Bearing the Queen’ s effigy they are inspired by the first British stamp.

1855 Portugal International Exhibitions

Portugal is present at “Exposition Universelle des Produits de l’Agriculture, de l’Industrie et des Beaux-Arts”, with 441 stands, exhibiting agricultural products and Date Country Theme commodities. King Pedro V (1837–61) has a pivotal role in boosting the national presence.

1856 Portugal Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Inauguration of the first Portuguese railway between and Carregado, 36,454 km north of Lisbon, by King Pedro V and innumerable guests, transported in 14 wooden carriages pulled by two locomotives. The first train trip lasts 40 minutes. A steam engine is adapted to move the locomotives.

1856 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

The Portugaliae Monumenta Historica is published. Acknowledged as a historian, Alexandre Herculano is commissioned by Academia das Ciências de Lisboa to compile this collection of old documents that are at risk of disappearing and being dispersed throughout convent archives. He undertook this task in 1853–54.

1857 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

Creation of the Museum of the Geological Commission currently called the Museum of Geology of Portugal. It is established under the auspices of the Geological Commission from specimens collected by the Portuguese pioneers of geology Carlos Ribeiro, Nery Delgado, Pereira da Costa, Paul Choffat and others.

1857 Portugal Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The public telegraph service becomes available, one year after its first official connection between the Royal Palace and the Parliament. The Morse telegraph system is also used in the international connection to the telegraphic network in Spain, on the border of Elvas and Badajoz.

1860 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

Under the liberal educational reforms, Lyceu Nacional de Aveiro (Aveiro High School) is the first school in Portugal to occupy a building designed specifically for this function. Previously schools occupied existing buildings, often old convents. The school had been created as Colégio de Aveiro in 1848.

1860 Portugal Travelling

Travelling became a great cultural and social phenomenon with Romanticism. The “Grand Tour” through the countries of the known world, namely around the Mediterranean, became a means of developing cultural and social skills. Travel became refined and even a simple journey to the countryside required such accessories as this travel case for meals.

1862 Portugal International Exhibitions

The “International Exhibition on Industry and Art” in London distinguishes Portugal with 165 Medals of Honor and 240 mentions.

1863 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Date Country Theme

Publication of the novel Amor de Perdição (Fatal Love) by Camilo Castelo-Branco (1825–90). Written very quickly, this romance has everything to be a major work of passion: tragic intensity, speed of action, balance of characters and simplicity of style.

1864 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

Creation of the Carmo Archaeological Museum by the Portuguese Association of Civil Architects, which in 1867 adopts the title of Royal Association of Civil Architects and Portuguese Archaeologists. The museum is located in the ruins of medieval Convento do Carmo, destroyed by the 1755 earthquake.

1864 Portugal Economy And Trade

Banco Nacional Ultramarino is established in Lisbon, as the issuing bank for Portuguese overseas territories. BNU has a significant role in supporting the economic development of the country and the former colonies. Its savings, investment and issuing role facilitates the currency circulation throughout them.

1864 Portugal Economy And Trade

The unpopular tobacco monopoly is ended by parliamentary law. Hereafter tobacco will be auctioned and exploited by those offering the best price to the state. Some of the main tobacco companies merge into bigger companies to ensure its exploration. The Companhia Lisbonense de Tabacos, founded in 1865, becomes a major player.

1865 Portugal International Exhibitions

“A Exposição Internacional”, in Porto, is the first international exhibition organised in Portugal. Designed by the English architect Thomas Dillen Jones, it follows the London model and was conceived to accommodate the Portuguese International Exhibition.

1865 Portugal Fine And Applied Arts

The stuccoes of the corridor of the are inspired by those of Alhambra Palace in Granada. The profusion of columns is considered to recall those in the Hypostyle Hall of the Cordova Mosque.

1865 Portugal Cities And Urban Spaces

1 May: Santa Apolónia Central Railway Station of Lisbon, connecting to the East and North Railways, is inaugurated. It is sited in the north bank of the River, close to Praça do Comércio in Lisbon. It is an example of 19th-century iron buildings.

1865 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Bom-senso e Bom-gosto (Good Sense and Good Taste) by Antero de Quental (1842–91) is an open letter published as pamphlet, replying to and ridiculing the poetry of António Feliciano de Castilho (1800–75) and urging young writers to take a revolutionary position instead. This controversy became known as the "Questão Coimbrã” (the Question). Date Country Theme

1867 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

Febo Moniz published by Joaquim Pedro de Oliveira Martins (1845–94). Subtitled "Romance Histórico Português do Século XVI", the action takes place in Lisbon in 1580. The protagonist is the prosecutor Febo Moniz, the sole representative of the state to protest against the acclamation of Philip II of Spain as King of Portugal.

1867 Portugal International Exhibitions

At the “Exposition Universelle” in Paris, the Portugal Pavilion employs a neo- Manueline architectural style. The exoticism is a symbol of the built by the discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries.

1867 - 1880 Portugal Economy And Trade

Phylloxera Commission created by the government in order to protect vineyards from the disease. To combat the disease demands new methods of planting and production. New organisations of wine producers claim from central government the preservation of regional varieties as well as the definition and defence of Port and Douro wine “Denominação de Origem Controlada”.

1867 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

Foundling wheels for babies left anonymously to be cared for were used between the 15th and the 19th century. From 1867 they are gradually abolished and replaced by asylums for orphans, foundlings and abandoned older children. Organised childcare is promoted from 1870 through the foundation of childcare centres and public support for families.

1867 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Birth of the poet António Nobre (1867–1900). Só, written during his exile in Paris (1892), is the only work published in his lifetime. The nostalgia of this work, a landmark of the symbolist movement, is tempered by a certain self- irony, alternating a symbolist refined vocabulary with a more colloquial one. He influenced the work of the main Portuguese modernists.

1867 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

July: The first Portuguese major Civil Code is entrusted to António Luís Seabra (1798–1895), the first methodical code maker in Portugal. It is intended to meet the liberal need to regulate the juridical system as happened with French Napoleonic Code. One of its main concerns is the regulation of civil marriage. The Code will remain in force for nearly a century.

1867 Portugal Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The opening of the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory, Portugal’s national observatory, which has legal responsibility for national timekeeping. It is located in the Tapada da , a green area in the west of Lisbon.

1867 Portugal Economy And Trade Date Country Theme

First phylloxera disease reaches the Portugal countryside. Porto wine and Portuguese wine production in general is reduced dramatically. This disease causes economic, financial and social distress and leads to the abandonment of vineyard farms. The loss of revenues and unemployment increases emigration, especially to Brazil.

1868 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The birth of José Viana da Motta (d. 1948). Pianist, composer, conductor and pedagogue, he studied piano and composition in Berlin and performed in concerts around the world. He was professor of Piano at the Conservatory of Geneva and Director of the Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa, maintaining his concert career alongside teaching.

1870 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

Publication of Joao de Deus’s Cartilha Maternal, a beginner’s reading book that was to be in use for a long time. João de Deus was a follower of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical theories and founded in Portugal the “Escola Nova” movement.

1872 - 1874 Portugal Fine And Applied Arts

O Desterrado (The Outcast), a sculpture by António Soares dos Reis (1847–89) is an idealised self-portrait. It conveys the collective feelings of his contemporary intellectuals and the feelings of loneliness and longing common to those who had left their homeland. The sculptor’s romantic sensibility enabled him to shape feelings and psychological tensions in the marble.

1873 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes

A primary school building to be built in wood attracts the attention of visitors to the Portuguese stand at the “Weltausstellung” (world exposition) in Vienna.

1875 - 1876 Portugal Economy And Trade

In 1875 the French government convenes the Diplomatic Conference of the Metre that proclaims the Metre Convention. Portugal receives the tenth copies of the metric and kilogram standards.

1875 Portugal Travelling

Aware that Portuguese empirical knowledge of Central Africa was being overtaken by other countries, the “Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa” is founded to "promote and assist the study and progress of geography and related sciences in Portugal". To raise awareness of the colonial Portuguese possessions in Africa and Asia was also a goal.

1876 Portugal Political Context

Partido Histórico and Partido Reformista merge into the Partido Progressista in September. Power alternation with the Partido Regenerador framed rotativism. They were able to carry out some urgent reforms but in the end the system soon degenerated into political conformism. Date Country Theme

1876 Portugal International Exhibitions

“Centennial International Exhibition” Philadelphia, USA. Support for visitors and accommodation of the Portuguese Commissariat were the main purposes of a stylish and exotic Portugal Pavilion.

1877 Portugal Cities And Urban Spaces

Ponte Dona Maria Pia, a bridge over the Douro River, completes the Lisbon–Porto railway line. Designed by Gustave Eiffel and Théophile Seyrig, the bridge keeps the beauty of the Douro unchanged. It was built where the banks are closer. It was named after the Queen.

1877 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Birth of Teixeira de Pascoaes (d. 1952). This poet was the main representative of the aesthetic and doctrinal movement called “saudosismo”, a form of existentialism, and a leader of the movement Renascença Portuguesa. In 1910 he launched in Porto the magazine A Águia, the main resource of the “saudosismo” movement .

1877 Portugal Travelling

Hermenegildo Capelo, Roberto Ivens and Serpa Pinto appointed to organise an expedition to southern Africa. After a briefing by Silva Porto in Bié, they chose separate itineraries. Capelo and Ivens focus on the Kwanza and Kuangu rivers and on the Yaka people. Serpa Pinto picks the Zambezi River and eventually reaches the Transvaal.

1878 Portugal Cities And Urban Spaces

Opening of Lisbon Botanical Garden. During the 19th century Portugal aspires to reach the level of economic and social “progress” of other European countries in, for example, education and teaching. Natural History Museum and the Lisbon Botanical Garden were important institutions for scientific research and the exchange and circulation of ideas and natural knowledge.

1878 Portugal International Exhibitions

At the Paris “Exposition Universelle”, the Portuguese Pavilion sets up a sophisticated, emblematic scenario, portraying the monasteries of Batalha and Jerónimos, two of the magnificent symbols of the 15th and 16th Portuguese Discoveries.

1878 Portugal Cities And Urban Spaces

28 September: The first electric lighting on the terrace of the Citadel of to celebrate the 15th birthday of future King Carlos I (ruling from 1889). A ball commemorates the electric lighting premiere. The daily press celebrate the occasion, saying that the electric light turned the entrance and the royal residence balconies into “a clear and luminous day’’.

1879 Portugal Reforms And Social Changes Date Country Theme

11 October: The labour association Voz do Operário is founded in Lisbon by Custódio Gomes and Custódio Braz Pacheco, two factory workers in the tobacco industry, to defend the rights of the workers more disrespected and threatened than ever by the tobacco industry crisis of 1879.

1880 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

The remains of the poet Luís de Camões and the explorer Vasco da Gama are moved to the Jerónimos Monastery. Vasco da Gama and Luís de Camões (north and south side respectively), the two main representatives of the 16th-century The Lusiads epic poem, are honored and rest beside members of the Avis dynasty buried in Jerónimos.

1880 Portugal Cities And Urban Spaces

3 October: Barbadinhos steam pumping station is inaugurated. The water from the Alviela Canal starts to be pumped thus increasing the water supply to Lisbon.

1880 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

The 11th International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology is held in Lisbon. This important conference gives international recognition to the dynamism that Portuguese archaeology has demonstrated since 1850.

1880 Portugal Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Publication of the novella O Mandarim (The Mandarin) by Eça de Queirós (Queiroz) (1845–1900).

1880 Portugal Rediscovering The Past

Celebration of the third centenary of the death of Luís de Camões. His poetry is considered the epitome of Portuguese literature both for The Lusiads, the epic national poem in which Vasco da Gama tells the history of Portugal to the Samorim (king) of Calcutta upon his arrival in India in 1498, and for his love sonnets.