
Formulating Nutritional Bars for Multiple Markets — A DIAL-IN® Approach

GLOBAL SWEETENER DEVELOPMENT GROUP BRIDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY 2 Ingredion Incorporated © 2015 values listedbelow are standardized for50 grams weight. bars onthemarkethaveawide range ofservingsize,the of thefollowing4basiccategories. Sincethenutritional reason, manynutritionalbarsmayfitintomore thanone (weight loss,energy, highprotein, highfiber etc.). For this for thesportsenthusiastand are soldformultiplepurposes Most nutritionalbarsonthemarketare nolongersolely What are thevarioustypesofnutritionalbars? nutritional bar. achieve asugar-free, reduced sugarorreduced calorie performance. Thesecanalsobeusedtoreplace sugarto increase shelf-life stability, andhelpprovide functionand all formulationstoenhancetasteandtexture (mouthfeel), ) foruseinnutritionalbars whichcanbeusedin Ingredion hasawiderange ofpolyols(or polyhydric or untilitisconsumed. are maintainedaslong as theproduct iskeptontheshelf, that thetaste,texture andfunctionofthenutritionalbar stability isimportanttoallconsumers.Overall, itiscrucial to theseriousathletesandfitnessenthusiasts;shelf who are interested intheirwellness;functionisimportant Taste andtexture are importanttothegeneral consumers as function. taste, texture andshelfstabilityhavebecomeasimportant tional barsare consumedbyallkindsofconsumersand they were oftenshortontasteandtexture. Now, nutri- bars focusedsolelyonnutritionforathletes,andasaresult industry.evolved intoamultimillion-dollar Theoriginal in early1980s.Sincethenthenutritionalbarmarkethas fitness enthusiastsandathletessincetheywere introduced providing theimmediate energy andnutritionalneedsof Nutritional barshaveservedasaconvenientwayof Formulating ALTISWEET • application: Ingredion’s polyolsforuseinthis • • • • • •

M GL M HY M ST SORBO ALTISWEET CM40CrystallineMaltitol ALTISWEET 3145MaltitolSyrup ABILITE YSTAR STAR ® ® 70%SorbitolSolution ® 5875MaltitolSyrup ® Solutions Polyglycitols ® BMaltitolSyrup Nutritional Bars Nutritional Bars • • • • and product stabilitythroughout theshelf-life. dients thatwillprovide function,goodtasteandtexture, tional bars,formulationsmustbedevelopedaround ingre- serving size)asanaddednutrition.Inalltypesofnutri- amount offiber, 5-10 grams or10+grams (per50grams Some ofthesenutritionalbarsalsohavesignificant

contain2to9gr – aimedatpr – High Carbohydr contain10to15gr – haveslightlylesspr – P contain16to20gr – tr – High P contain5to10gr – aimedatpr – Balanced Carbohydr rotein Bars – – – – – – – – calories (per50grams ofservingsize) carbohydrate, 5to15 grams and160to230 offat, bodybuilders weight lossprograms orasprotein supplementby energy (endurance) calories (per50grams servingsize) carbohydrate, 5to15grams and180to240 offat, tein bars calories (per50grams servingsize) carbohydrate, 5to10grams and 130to230 offat, calories (per50grams servingsize) carbohydrate, 5to20 grams and200to275 offat, aditionally usedasasupplementinhighprotein rotein Bars

oviding more balancednutrition oviding immediateenergy orsustained ate Bars ams ofprotein, 30 to40 grams of ams ofprotein, 20to30 grams of ate/Protein/Fat Bars ams ofprotein, 15to25grams of ams ofprotein, 10to20grams of otein thantraditional highpro- SORBO SolutionandSTABILITE Polyglycitols, are , suchasMALTISWEET andHYSTAR MaltitolSyrups, dextrose, andmaltose,are but highglycemic, tional bar’s performanceorfunction. Sugars, suchas Ingredion offersseveral polyolsthat enhanceanutri- response? How doIngredion’s polyolsaffectglycemic amount ofcarbohydrates stored asglycogenandnotfat. further replenishes theglycogenstores, maximizing the meal richincomplexcarbohydrates thatare lowglycemic Following this immediatefeedingwithapostexercise tive daysofintensetraining orcompetitionare expected. ensuring optimalperformance,especiallywhenconsecu- good percentage oftheirmusclesandliverwithglycogen longer. Thisallowstheathletestoefficiently replenisha glycogen stores atamuchgreater rate thanifonewaited lowing anhourormore ofintenseexercise replenishes of glycemiccarbohydrates withinthefirst15minutesfol- must berepaired. Consumingatleast50grams orhigher liver are depleted.Inaddition,possiblemuscledamage After intenseexercise, glycogenstored inthemuscleand be life-threatening. athlete becomeslethargic andpossiblydizzy. Thiscanalso mance rapidly decreases, muscleweaknesssetsin,andthe or“hittingthewall”.as “bonk” Inthissituation,perfor exercise, he/she willexperiencewhatiscommonlyknown increased. Ifanathlete exhausts glycogenstores during the consumptionofglycogen,athlete’s endurance is stored inthemusclesand liver(glycogen). Indelaying for themuscles,allowinganathletetosavevaluablefuel Increased levelsofglucose canprovide anotherfuelsource insulin response causinghigherglucoselevelsintheblood. epinephrine. Therelease ofepinephrinedepresses the glycemic sugarfoodsduetotherelease ofthehormone During exercise, thebodyresponds differently tohigh performance. causes areduction inenergy —thereby decreasing athletic amounts ofglucosebeingavailableforoxidation, which This increase ofinsulininthebloodresults inlimited sugar drinkorsnackpriortoexercise releases insulin. and storingitinthecellsofbody. Consumingahigh production ofinsulin,removing thesugarfrom theblood sugar significantlyincreases bloodglucose,triggeringthe or asimilarhighglycemicsugar. Ingestingahighglycemic responsedescribe thehumanbody’s toconsumingsucrose trol theenergy release. Theglycemicresponse isusedto selected thataffecttheglycemicindexandtherefore con- If thenutritionalbaristoprovide energy, ingredients are Importance ofglycemicresponse inexercise - pleasant cooling effect. pleasant coolingeffect. Sorbitol Solutionis60%assweetsucrose andhasa Crystalline Maltitolis90%assweetsucrose. SORBO Syrups are 70-80% as sweetsucrose whileMALTISWEET controlled. For instance,MALTISWEET andHYSTAR Maltitol sweetness oftheformulationcanbeadjustedandbetter formulator more flexibilitybecausetheoverall tasteand come inawiderange ofsweetnesslevels,whichallowsthe nutritional bars,andtheyalsohelptoreduce calories.They replacement ofsugarsfor sugar-free orreduced sugar Polyols canbeusedinconjunction withsugarsoras function ofthenutritionalbar. sweetness whilenotimpactingthecaloriccontentor lator needstochooseingredients thatenhancetasteand sugar orsubstitutestoincrease sweetness.Aformu- as caramel orcream, toimprove taste.Manybarscontain -flavored coatingsorcontainsoftcenters,such ucts from therest.Manynutritionalbarsare enrobed in attention totasteandtexture toseparate theirprod- manufacturers andformulatorshavetopay increased As competitioncontinuesinthenutritionalbarmarket, Taste andtexture and stability. to satisfyalltypesofconsumersintermstaste,texture buttheyallarebalanced diet, stillfood products thatneed are toprovide; mostofthetimetoprovide energy ora Nutritional barsmaydifferinvariousfunctionsthatthey considered inanutritionalbarformulation? What othercharacteristics are neededtobe sugars andsyrupsona1:1basis. Ingredion polyolportfolioisdesignedtoreplace many nutritional bar, theappropriate ingredient isavailable.The Dependingonthedesiredlow glycemic. functionofthe made inorder toensure repeat business. opened afterafewmonthsas itwaswhenfirst important thatthenutritional barbejustasgoodwhen who keepthemformonthsbefore consumption.Itis sold bymassmerchandisers andboughtbyconsumers tional baralmostimmediately. Now, nutritional barsare sports athleteswhowouldbuyandconsumethenutri- Gone are thedayswhenonlyconsumerswere the that thegeneral publichasbecomethemajorconsumer. This poorshelf-life stabilityhas becomeaproblem now hardening ofhigherprotein basedbarsduringstorage. just 2to3months.Suchissuesare primarilyrelated tothe have becomeaware ofissueswithshelf-life stabilityafter Many formulatorsandmanufacturers ofnutritionalbars Stability (Shelf-life)

3 Ingredion Incorporated © 2015 4 Ingredion Incorporated © 2015 the barretain itstexture foralongerperiodoftime. retaining moisture longerthanglycerin,thereby helping control themoisture ofanutritionalbarbypickingupand ute tomoisture andare alsohygroscopic. Thishelpsto Sorbitol SolutionandSTABILITE Polyglycitols, cancontrib- such as,MALTISWEET andHYSTAR MaltitolSyrups, SORBO unpalatable inaslittle3months.Unlikeglycerin,polyols well andthelossofmoisture causesthebarstobecome to harden overtime.Glycerindoesnotretain moisture absorbs whatlittlemoisture ispresent, causingthebars ity issuesduetomoisture migration where theprotein and plasticizingproperties. Thesebarsoftenhavestabil- Glycerin isusedforitshygroscopicity, lowwateractivity syrup andfructosealongwithvaryinglevelsofglycerin. Traditionally, nutritionalbarshavebeenmadewithcorn assist youwithyourformulation workandtohelpyouchoosetherightproduct orproduct combinations. The appropriate polyolisavailabletosuittheneeds ofanynutritionalbarformulation.Ingredion wouldbehappyto • • ALTISWEET BandMALTISWEET 3145MaltitolSyrups • The followingisaguidelinetosomeofthebenefitsthateachIngredion’s polyolsimpartstothisapplication: Ingredion offersseveral polyolproducts thatenhanceanutritionalbar’s tasteandtexture, andshelf-life stability. How doIknowwhichIngredion polyolstouseinanutritionalbarformulation?

– 70-80%assweet sucr – 3.0kcal – availableinconcentr – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – M SORBO 70%SorbitolSolutionandSORBEX – 70-80%assweet assucr – 3.0kcal – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – HY – pleasantcoolingeffect – 60%assweetsucr – 2 – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – Sorbitol SolutionNon-GMOIP – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – STAR 5875MaltitolSyrup pr pr more effectivelyatlower relative humidity) slowly athighrelative humidity andretains moisture better statichumectantthanglycerin(hydr .6 kcal/gram onadrybasis ovides cohesion,texture, plasticityandhumectancy ovides cohesion,texture, plasticityandhumectancy cariogenic cariogenic cariogenic -free -free -free /gram onadry basis /gram onadry basis esponse esponse esponse ations from 75to85%solids ose ose ose ® ates more 70 • • •

90%assweetsucr – lowlax – 2 – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – M pr – pr – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – ST bettertastethanstr – containsonly14% watersoisusefulinformulations – non- – non- – sugar – lowglycemicr – GL – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ALTISWEET CM40CrystallineMaltitol ABILITE andHYSTAR Polyglycitols YSTAR Polyol Solutions to centers polyol solutions that cannotallowforhighwatercontentofother glycerin:sorbitol are available) erin, and/or propylene glycol(different ratios of .1 kcal/gram ovides lessstickinessthantypicalmaltitolsyrups ovides varyingdegrees ofelasticityandhardness crystallizing combinationofsorbitol,glyc- cariogenic cariogenic cariogenic -free -free -free ation potentialof100grams/day esponse esponse esponse aight glycerin ose Syrup startedatahigherwateractivity(although still Note thatthebarproduced withHYSTAR 5875Maltitol fructose) showedmore pronounced decrease (Figure 1). the control barwith5% glycerin(along withcornsyrupand demonstrated negligible decrease inwateractivitywhile over timethebarmadewithHYSTAR 5875MaltitolSyrup nutritional bar’s center. Water activitydatasuggestedthat Maltitol Syrup, more moisture control wasobservedinthe The studydemonstrated thatbyusingHYSTAR 5875 5% glycerin(Table 1). the otheronecontainingHYSTAR 5875MaltitolSyrup plus , fructoseandvaryingamountsof glycerin,and Four formulationswere studied;three ofthemcontaining • • • • bars withthefollowingtaste/texture andstabilitybenefits: such asHYSTAR 5875MaltitolSyrup, produced nutritional syrup andfructosewithmaltitol/polyglycitol solutions, Development Group, itwasshownthatsubstitutingcorn In studiesdonebyIngredion’s GlobalSweetener CASE STUDY TABLE 1: GLOBE Fibrim Oat fiber Profam 930 Ca caseinate Maltitol Syrup HYSTAR 5875 concentrate Whey protein Glycerin Lecithin Maltodextrin Vanilla Corn syrup Fructose INGREDIENTS more chewablecenters softer centers better moisture control withinthebar increased shelf-life stability ® Plus 10DE FORMULATIONS STUDIED

Syrup ontaste,texture andstability Impact ofreplacing cornsyrupandfructosewithHYSTAR Maltitol GLYC. 29.6 28.2 5% 12.0 10.3 0.0 0.9 0.6 8.6 5.4 0.5 0.5 3.5 GLYC. 26.9 9% 10.9 25.7 0.0 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.5 9.3 9.3 7.8 7.8 GLYC. 14% 24.6 10.0 10.4 23.5 13.8 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 8.5 7.1 5875 +5% GLYCERIN HYSTAR 54.2 11.2 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.6 0.8 9.6 9.6 5.0 0.5 0.5 (chew) remained higher(Figure 2).Thisproduced abar the formulationdecreased thehardness butthestiffness Maltitol Syrup (Figure 2).Increasing glycerinto9%of a similarlysoftcenterasthebarmadewithHYSTAR 5875 9% (from acontrol of5%)inorder toproduce abarwith it wasfoundthattheglycerinlevelmustbeincreased to an exothermic interaction withmoisture. Inthisstudy, lems suchasoff-taste andwarmingsensationscausedby Increasing theglycerin level toomuchcanleadtoprob of anutritionalbar, onemustincrease theglycerinlevel. Traditionally, itwasthoughtthattoincrease thesoftness (became stiffer)asshownin Figure 3. in elasticityvaluewhilethecontrol increased greatly HYSTAR 5875MaltitolSyrup demonstrated aminorchange elasticity were quitedifferent. Nutritionalbarsmadewith observed, thetextural properties measured through lar rates overaperiodof3months.Althoughthiswas increased slightlyintheir peakhardness valueatsimi- Shelf-life evaluationshowedthatallnutritionalbars that takesmore worktochew. seems tomeltinthemouth.Ahighvaluerepresents abar lower elasticityvaluerepresents anutritionalbarthat that characterizes thebar’s texture duringchewing.A it exhibitedalowerstiffnessthanthecontrol bar, avalue control formulawith5%glycerin(Figure 2).Furthermore, denoted byalowerhardness valuecompared tothatofthe with HYSTAR 5875MaltitolSyrup hadasoftercenter, The studyalsodemonstrated thatnutritional barsmade water activitywaslesspronounced overtime. within acceptableshelflifelimitations), butthechangein FIGURE 1: Water Activity 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.1 5% Glycerin  COMPARISON OF THE WATER ACTIVITY OF NUTRITIONAL BAR FORMULATIONS OVER 1 MO. Initial 9% Glycerin 1 month 14% Glycerin HYSTAR 5875 + 5% Glycerin -


1.2 15 0.9 10 0.6 Kilogram Force Kilogram Elasticity (N/mm) 5 0.3

0.0 0 5% Glycerin 9% Glycerin 14% Glycerin HYSTAR 5875 + 5% Glycerin 9% Glycerin 14% Glycerin HYSTAR 5875 + 5% Glycerin 5% Glycerin with a soft initial bite which became quite chewy (requir- migration. The result was a harder exterior with a softer ing more work to chew). On the other hand, the bar made interior that had lower stiffness (Figure 2). with HYSTAR 5875 Maltitol Syrup was soft and easy to chew. There also seems to be a limit at which glycerin can Overall, this case study demonstrates that replacing corn be added in this particular application. As the glycerin level syrup, fructose, and/or glycerin in a nutritional bar formula- was increased to 14%, case hardening of the center was tion with the maltitol/polyglycitol solutions available from observed over time, possibly due to moisture and glycerin Ingredion can improve the texture during shelf-life storage.

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