The London Gazette, November 22, 1864. 5633
THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 22, 1864. 5633 of the old River Witham and Barlings Ban, such And to deepen, widen, and alter, or remove, and works commencing at or near the junction of the . rebuild all other locks, bridges, sluices, milldams, old River Witham with the River Witham, in the '( staunches, floodgates, tunnels, haling paths, works, said parishes of Bardney and,, Branston or one and conveniences upon the said River Witham, of them, near Horsley Deeps Lock, and ter- ioutk Delph, the old River Witham, Barlings Eau, minating at or near Barlings Abbey Ruins, in the Jillinghay Skirth, Horncastle Navigation, and said parish of Barlings, and to widen, deepen, £yme Eau, or Sleaford Navigation respectively, scour, and otherwise improve or alter the tribu- >etween 'the respective commencements and termi- tary streams, drains, and watercourses falling into nations of the works hereinbefore mentioned; the old River Witham and Barlings Eau, between o alter the level of the top water therein, to alter those points, all which works are intended to be he level of and to stop up, alter, divert, or other- made and maintained from, in, through, or into the wise interfere with, either temporarily or perma- parishes, townships, and places following, or some nently, all'turnpike roads, public carriage roads of them, that is to say, Barlings, Stainfield, or other roads or ways, haling-paths, drains, Fiskerton, and Bardney, in the parts of Lindsey, streams, canals or railways, which it may bo and Branston, in the parts of Kesteven, in the necessary to interfere with for the purposes of the .county of Lincoln.
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