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Issue No. 132 June 1988 Price 30p IN THIS ISSUE Letters to the Editor History of Maynooth - Series Sports News Political Party Notes Childrens Corner Street Talking Residents' Associations News 0"---./ Having -- a Party? Hire all your requirements from us (Delph/Cutlery/Glass/Table Linen/Tables and Chairs etc.) " OR GIVE YOURSELF A TREA T ( AND LET US LOOK AFTER ALL YOUR CA TERING - P6t6P O'Bpi6R Gatcpiug Go.htcl. "WOODVILLE", PAGESTOWN, MA YNOOTH. PHONE: 286566 c:::J 00 0" 0 o o Editorial VANDALISM IN THE DARK ~ The residents on Greenfield Drive MAYNOOTH NEWSlETIER were horrified to wake up on Sunday 15th May to find the trees on their published by greens and kerb-sides vandalised. MAYNOOTH COMMUNITY Almost all the big trees had branches COUNCIL broken off, the new trees were broken in half. Several trees were pulled out Editorial Board COMMUNITY COUNCil NOTES of the ground. What sort of "people" Kay Mc Keogh would do such a thing? Carol Clifford Kildare County Council can accept T.V. AERIAL Peter Denman some of the blame, for the greens are The community council is to write to Ann McStravick completely black at night due to the the Dept. of Communications about Suzanne Redmond lights been turned off_Vandals know Air Call to ask Air Call to reduce their Elizabeth Uf Bhriain Mary Simon they can do their damage and not be volume. seen. The opinions and statements ex We appeal to Kildare County Coun TREES pressed in the articles are those of cil, turn on our lights and replace the Parents over the summer months the contributors and not necessarily vandalised trees. please ask your children not to vanda those of the Editorial. lise the trees on your estate and All materials to be included in the In a recent fire in Maynooth a caravan surrounding areas. next Edition of the Newsletter should I and all possessions belonging to a be addressed to:- local family were destroyed before BOTTLEBANK The Editor, the fire brigade could reach the scene. There is a Rehab Bottlebank in the Maynooth Newsletter The delay in reaching the scene was car park at the back of Quinnsworth. Town Centre Mall, due to some confusion in the relaying Maynooth of the call to the fire brigade. We The Old Maynooth Exhibition is to be Tel: (01) 285922 would ask all readers to remember housed in the Dining Room of the that the quickest way to contact the college and will open on July 2nd. Maximum number of words 500 per Maynooth fire brigade is to ring article. 285555. In last months issue we printed all COMMUNITY GAMES Copydate: our Maynews Messages which we By the time this issue of the News Monday 20th June received from the Trade Fair. Follow letter goes to press the Community 5.00 p.m. ing this we have had some complaints Games will be over. Everyone who about those personal messages. We attended the events enjoyed them EDITORIAL STATEMENT are sorry if some people were embar selves and a big thanks to all involved. rassed about these but we did print The Maynooth Newsletter is pub them in good faith to show our com TIDY TOWNS lished as a service to the people and munity spirit . We ask people to come out and help organisations of the neighbourhood. to clean up on Tuesday and Thursday It is an "open acess" publication and YOUNG ARTIST Continued overleaf will generally ca/ry any ' material Congratuli:Hions to three year old PaulaO'Donoghue, whose pictures submitted to it, subject to the laws of ADVERTISEMENT RATES the land and to editorial judgement. featured prominently in national The judgement is exercised by the newspapers -'- Paula was the young Full Page Editorial Committee in order to pre est competitor and winner of the [40 Half Page serve the independence and balance under six years group in the 34th [22 Third Page ''Of the Newsletter. The Committee Texaco National Children 's Art Co'm £15 3" x 5" column reserves the r ight to alter, abridge or petition. [12 omit material which in its opinion Discount of 20% f.or new b u sinesses might rend the Newsletter the pro on first advertisement .only moter or mouth-piece of sectional THE LIBRARY DIARY interests. Discount of 10% on advertisements Any contributor seeking further taken for six months .or over If pay To all groups, associations and or guidelines ~n this matter is invited to ment IS m ade in advance. ganisations etc. who organise events contact the committee. for the Maynooth area; We would like A fee of [2 is charged for ClasSified NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS to draw your attention to the Diary in Advertisements if: We request all of our contributors to Maynooth Library. The Diary is there (1) the value of the article advertised make sure their mater-ial is legible. If to be used by all, to log coming is [50 Dr more possible, material should be typed, events. In this way all groups will (2) the income from services adver- but as not everyone has access to know whats on, when a nd where. By tised is [50 or more . typewriters, the best way to present making full use of this Diary we will Of c.ourse, there IS no charge on material is to use either neat legible all avoid clashing dates and this acknowledgements, notices, I.e . writing or block letters, on one side of should make for better running of birthdays, missing items etc. the paper only events for all. c 1988 3 Cont. from previous page butions to the work of t he Residents House in the Beaufield Estate, pro nights at 7.30. We meet at the back of Assodations. Thanks to the Allied posed by Lark Developments. The the Town Mall. The committee have Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland, and the residents are totally against this ap paid £75 t o enter the Tidy Towns Ulster Bank who responded to Frank plication to Kildare County Council, compet ition this year. So people of McCarrick's recent appeals. The and have submitted their objections M aynooth it" you care please keep money will be put to immediate use. to this. your town t idy. Also congratulations The M idsummer Barbeque will be We would w elcome any support to O'Neills Butchers and North Kildare held in June this year. Residents will Travel on their new shop fronts. from any other residents association be circulated with details. Last yeal's or any individual for that matter that Jarleth Finn recently finished event was an unexpected success, would be in agreement to our ob working f or the Maynooth Commun with the f ragrant perfumes of bar jections, and would appreciate them bequing st eak and sausages wafting ity Council S.E.S. Scheme. ~aynooth putting their objections in writing to Newsletter wish to thank hIm for all though the evening air, and drawing the following addresses: the work he has done for us over the people from their houses. So get the Planning Application Department, year. Readers will have noticed his T-Bones and sausages ready, learn a Kildare County Council, Naas, artistic work on the front covers of few songs and come and meet the Co. Kildare. the Newsletter. We wish him all the neighbours for our annual get to gether on the green. best in the future. We also thank Eileen Fitzpatrick Its Clean-Up time again - we will CARTON COURT MAYNOOTH who has also finished working on the be organising a few skips and we ask RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION S.E.S. Scheme. We wish her every all residents to co-operate in polishing success with her new job. up our image by cleaning up the area It is that time of the year once again in front of their own houses. This with Community Week approaching Mary Simon, P.R.O. includes removing weeds and sofrom fast for every household to make a the kerbs ides. special effort to keep their gardens Congratulations to Jack Simon on and surrounding areas as neat as Residents' the rugby victory achieved by his possible. Associations under-twelves team in Longford re The motor-mower will be in use cently. The event was celebrated by a regularly throughout the summer News. barbeque in North Kildare. months and it would be appreciated if Finally to comings and goings - parents could warn their children .to Farewell to Geraldine and Martin keep off the green while grass is Coyne who are moving off to pastures RAllPARK RESIDENTS NOTES being cut. new, and congratulations to Kevin The local Engineer in the Health and Kathleen Flaherty on the birth of At the recent AGM the following Centre is looking into the reason why their baby girl. officers were elected: a rubbish bin which Kildare County Frank McCarrick - Chairperson. Council promised to install beside John Burns - Secretary. BEAUFIElD RESIDENTS the Telephone Kiosk many months Eamonn McKeogh - Treasurer. ago has not yet arrived. Also the Kay McKeogh - P.R.O . ASSOCIATION committee are still in constant con tact with the County Council and local Councillors over the taking in Committee: TheA.G.M. for the Residents Associa charge of the Estate. Joe Buckley tion was held on March 29th in It should be noted that there have Aine Kennedy Maynooth Post Primary School. Five been no complaints by Residents to Tom Killian of the existing Committee at the time the construction of the f ina l house on Eddie Tobin stepped down and five new members the back road, in fact residents would Pat Mcintyre were elected to follow in their foot be delighted to see the road finally Mary Simon.