
Vol. 62, No. 33 August 20, 2015 Published For Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall The new boss Army welcomes Milley on JBM-HH and says goodbye to a‘moral giant’

By GuvCallahan Army Forces Command. PentagramStaffWriter Anativeofthe Boston area andanavidRed Soxfan,Milley TheUnitedStatesArmybid graduatedand receivedhis farewell to itsformerchief of commissionfromPrinceton staffand welcomed hissuccessor University in 1980.Hehas served during aceremonyunderthe hot in the82ndAirborneDivision sunonSummerallField at the andthe 5thSpecial Forces group, Fort Myer portionofJoint Base as well as aMilitaryAssistant to Myer-Henderson Hall Aug. 14. theSecretary of Defenseinthe Gen. RaymondT.Odierno Pentagon. He hasalsoservedin finished histimeasthe Army’s the7th Infantry Division,the chiefofstaff andretired after ,the almost40years of serviceduring 25thInfantryDivisionand the thetwo-hour, full honors retire- 101stAirborneDivision. ment ceremony. Carter said Milley wasan The39thChief of Staffofthe excellentchoicefor therole. Army,Gen.MarkMilley, was “He’sthe rightofficer to lead also sworninduringthe same ourArmyoverthe next four ceremony,which wasattended years,”Cartersaid. “Markisa by theArmy’shighest ranking leader,awarrior andastatesman.” officials, includingSecretary of McHugh said that with 34 DefenseAsh Carter,outgoing yearsofleadershipinthe Army, Secretaryofthe Army John Milley wasthe rightman to lead McHugh,outgoingChairman theforce goingforward. of theJoint Chiefs of StaffArmy “Markhas thepersonal trust Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, as well of each andevery oneofus, the PHOTO BY NELL KING as military officers both active and trusttoguide ourArmythrough Gen. Mark A. Milley,39th chief of staffofthe Army,addresses attendees after being swornintohis retired from across thenation. thesenextcriticalphases,” current position by Secretaryofthe Army John McHugh during an Army Full Honors Retirement and Milley assumes command McHugh said. Change of Responsibility Ceremony Aug. 14 on Summerall Field at the FortMyer portion of Joint Base as chiefofstaff aftermost Myer-Henderson Hall. Milley was sworninafter outgoing Army Chief of StaffGen. Raymond T. Odierno recentlyserving as the21st AndDempsey agreed. was retired. CommanderofUnitedStates see NEW BOSS, page 4

Breaking aleg News Notes With opening night just Holidayhours,closures submissionpolicy weeks away,Spirit of JBM-HH commands,tenants andother area organizations America Soldiers rehearse that desire publicationofspecial federalholiday operatinghours to tell Army story on stage and/or holiday closures must submit this information to the By Spc. Brandon Dyer Pentagramatleast twoweeks 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment before theholiday to allowtime forpublication.For example, if (The OldGuard) an organization is closed Friday throughMonday, Sept.4to7, Membersofthe 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment forLabor Day, this informa- (TheOld Guard) arepreparing themselves tion must be sent,along with forthe Army’s largestcommunity outreach an organization POCand event, Spirit of America. phonenumber,nolater than Preparedness is notuniquetothe Army’s Friday,Aug.21. This infor- premierceremonial unit.Every unit is mation must be submittedto readying forsomething,suchasdeploy- theJBM-HHPublicAffairs mentsand fieldtraining. staffat: usarmy.jbmhh.asa.list. YetanOld Guardmissionlikethisone can [email protected]. be aculture shockfor Soldiers coming from otherunits,according to Sgt. Kyle Poole, August is antiterrorism an Old Guardactor in Spirit of America. awarenessmonth “It’slikerunning into abrick wall,” said August marksthe Army’s Poole. “It’salot different from goingtothe sixthannualobservanceof field. Here it’s kind of thesamescale but a AntiterrorismAwareness completely different aspect.” Month. Theterrorist threats Spirit of Americaisatwo-hourpatri- facedtoday areascomplex otic live show that brings viewersthrough as they have been at anytime American History. PHOTO BY STAFF SGT.JENNIFER C. JOHNSON in thenation’shistory.These Rehearsals will go on forabout sixweeks in threatsare persistent and anticipation of theshow’sopening weekend Soldiers performduring ashowing of Spirit of America Sept. 27, 2014, in Hershey,Pa. Rehearsals for this year’s Spirit of America performances will go on for about six weeks constantly evolving,asevi- see SOA, page 4 in anticipation of the show’s opening weekend at the D.C. Armory, Sept. 10 to 12. denced by thefight against theIslamic StateofIraqand theLevant (ISIL). TheArmy’santiterrorism programprotectspersonnel, DPW prepares to demolish Bldg. T482 information andfacilitiesin alllocations andsituations againstterrorist activities. By GuvCallahan Year 2016,which begins in pleted in 2008. “It’snot really designed to be Thepurpose of Antiterrorism PentagramStaffWriter October,and will be complete Martin said regulationsstipu- used forlongperiods of time.” AwarenessMonth is to instill by or before January2016, said late that relocatablebuildings are Bldg.T482isbeing demol- Army-wideheightenedaware- TheJoint Base Myer- FrankMartin, realtyspecialist supposedtobeusedfor anywhere ishedaspartofanArmy-wide ness andvigilance to protect Henderson Hall Directorate of with JBM-HH DPW. from four to sixyears. push to reducefacilitieson Army communitiesfrom Public Worksispreparing to Bldg.T482isarelocatable Thestructure is beingdemol- itsinstallations,asdetailedin acts of terrorism. Visithttp:// demolishBldg. T482,nextto structurecomprisingmultiple ishedbecause it would cost too ExecutiveOrder 164-15.Under more Memorial Chapel offofMcNair mobile units. It wasoncea much to convert it into anything theorder,DPW employees information. Road on theFortMyerportion childdevelopment centerand else, he said. examineJBM-HH’sproperty of thejoint base. waslater used as alocationfor “Toreconfigure it to make to bringdowncosts through Demolitionwillcommence inprocessingonceCodyChild officesout of it would be way see NEWS NOTES, page 4 during thefirstquarter of Fiscal DevelopmentCenterwas com- tooexpensive,” Martin said. see BUILDING, page 4

Index Local forecast This week in military history 2 Labor Day hours ...... page 2 THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. Community ...... page 3 87 |71 85 |69 83 |68 86 |69 News notes ...... page 4 Gen. Milley on war ...... page 5 In photos: Odierno retirement 7 SFL-TAP events ...... page 8 Formore weather forecasts and information, visit 2Thursday,August 20, 2015 PENTAGRAM Barbeque champ

PHOTO BY NELL KING Andrew Frazzano, public affairs specialist with Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, cuts his award-winning barbeque ribs during ajoint base barbeque contest at the JBM-HH firehouse on the FortMyer portion of the joint base Aug. 12. Frazzano won the competition, defeating seven other competitors. For morephotos from this event, visit

JBM-HH Labor Day weekend This week in militaryhistory Operations and services holiday hours Compiled by JimGoodwin FORTMYER Editor,Pentagram Commissary Open Sept. 4regular hours, 8:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m., early bird7a.m. -8:30 a.m. Gen. DouglasMacArthur,commander-in-chief of theUnited Open Sept. 7, 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m., Aug. 20 no early birdhours National Command, repeatshis July 4thwarning to NorthKorean For moreinformation, call 703-696-3674. 1950: leader KimIlSungconcerningthe treatmentofprisonersofwar, accordingtothe This DayinMilitaryHistory website. Thesecond Concessions: Open 10 a.m. -4p.m. warningcameasaresultofthe Hill 303(Waegwan) murder just Starbucks, Subway,Flower threedaysearlier of some 40 U.S. Soldiers by membersofthe Shop, Barber Shop, Cleaners, GNC, Optical Shop NorthKoreanArmy. Exchange Open 10 a.m. -4p.m. For moreinformation, call 703-522-4575. Aug. 21 TheUnitedStatesMarineBand“ThePresident’s Own” gave its firstconcert,according to theThisDay in Military Historywebsite. Express Open 9a.m. -5p.m. 1880: For moreinformation, call 703-696-9241/44. Firestone Open 7a.m. -4p.m. For moreinformation, call 703-522-2584. Aug. 22 PresidentGeorgeH.W.Bushauthorizes athree monthactivation of some 200,000 U.S. military reservists -including 20,000 U.S. Fitness Center Open 8a.m. -4p.m. For moreinformation, call 703-696-7867. 1990: AirForce reservists and12,000 AirNationalGuardsmen -for Headquarters Closed. For moreinformation, call 703-696-8163. OperationDesertShield, accordingtoanonlineU.S.Air Force Command Battalion historical study. MilitaryPolice Station Open 24 hours aday,seven days aweek. Aug. 23 The24thMarineAmphibious Unit arrivesbacktothe U.S., For moreinformation, call 703-696-3525. markingthe return of thelastMarines to servepeace-keeping duty FortMyer Pool Complex Open 11 a.m. -8p.m. 1984: in Lebanon, accordingtoanentry on theMarineCorps History Rader Health Clinic Closed Friday,Sept. 4and Monday,Sept. 7. Division’s website. TheMarines left Beirut July 31,signaling the For moreinformation, call 703-696-2977. last presence of U.S. troops in Beirut sincethe Marinesarrived nearly twoyears earlier. Rader Dental Clinic Closed Friday,Sept. 4and Monday,Sept. 7. FortBelvoir,Logan Dental Clinic, will have aprovider to cover Aug. 24 During theWar of 1812,the BritishinvadeMarylandand burn emergencies during these days. Washington,D.C., includingthe Navy Yard,according to an FORTMCNAIR 1814: Also on this dayin1814, Marine CorpsCapt. Samuel Miller andhis 100-mandetachmentfight in theBattleof Barber Shop Closed. Bladensburgtodefendthe nation’s capital, accordingtoanentry HENDERSON HALL on theMarineCorps HistoryDivision’swebsite. American Clipper Barber Open 11 a.m. -3p.m. Shop For moreinformation, call 703-271-8177. Car Wash Open 24 hours aday,seven days aweek. Cpl. TerryL.Smith Open 7:30 a.m. -3p.m. Gymnasium For moreinformation, call 703-614-7214. Exchange (MCX), Vineyard Open Sept. 7, 10 a.m. -6p.m. Wine &Spirits and NEX For moreinformation, call 703-979-8420. UniformCenter Java Café Open 10 a.m. -4p.m. For moreinformation, call 571-483-1962. Maj. Douglas A. Open 10 a.m. -4p.m. COURTESY LIBRARYOFCONGRESS Zembiec Pool This watercolor by artist William Thornton likely depicts the Almost allactivitiesonJoint Base Myer-Henderson Hall will be closed Monday,Sept. 7. Thefacili- burning of Washington, D.C., during the Warof1812. ties andplacesofbusinesslistedhavereportedopenorclosedhours forSept. 7. Unless otherwise noted,thislistapplies to Sept.7.Thislistisnot allencompassing; please checkwiththe facility Aug. 25 Oneofthe firstU.S.groundcombatunits sent to Vietnam, the you wish to visitfor more details. 173rdAirborneBrigade,ceasesoperationsand prepares forrede- 1971: ployment to theU.S.aspartofPresident Nixon’stroop withdrawal plan,according to theThisDay in Military Historywebsite. Aug. 26 ConfederateGen.FitzhughLee leadscavalryinto Manassas Find us online: Junction andcaptures therailcenter, setting thestage forthe 1862: Second Battle of Bull Run, accordingtothe This DayinMilitary www.DCMilitaryHcom Historywebsite.

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The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of Col. Michael D. Jim Goodwin Julia LeDoux Henderson Editor StaffWriter Pentagram the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of Commander james.m.goodwin3.civ@ [email protected] this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be e-mailed to james.m.goodwin3. Command Sgt. Maj. Guv Callahan StaffWriter [email protected]. Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Thursday as acivilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Randall E. Woods Helen Klein Graphic Designer [email protected] Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the Command Sergeant Major [email protected] printer. Comprint Military Publications is aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of MaryAnn Hodges Damien Salas advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department Director of Public Affairs Nell King StaffWriter StaffPhotographer [email protected] of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without Sharon Walker regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, [email protected] 703-696-5401 Command [email protected] user or patron. Aconfirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source. Information Officer Community PENTAGRAM Thursday,August 20, 2015 3 Overture1812 highlight of ‘Pershing’s Own’ summer concertseason

By JuliaLeDoux soloists from TheU.S.ArmyBandVoices. PentagramStaffWriter “It’sanopportunitytobring together allofthe best stuffwehave, putitall Thousandsgatheredonthe lawn on onestage,for thebiggest crowdof adjacenttothe Sylvan Theateronthe thesummer andshowoff alittlebit on groundsofthe Washington Monument behalf of theArmyand themusicians of in Washington,D.C.Aug.15, to enjoy “Pershing’sOwn,” said Master Sgt. David TheU.S.ArmyBand“Pershing’s Own” Brown, atuba player in theU.S.Army annual performanceofOverture1812. ConcertBand. “There areall kindsofbands across the Lookingout overthe seaofpeoplewho countrythatplay, but none as disciplined were seated on thelawnfor theconcert, as this,” said WJLA-TV7’s Jonathan Brownreflected on what he hopesthey Elias,who served as aspecial announcer took away from theevent. forthe event. “I hope that it renews theirapprecia- PHOTO BY NELL KING Alatesummer traditioninWashington tion forthe Army,for theArmy’sstory The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own” Leader and Commander Col. Timothy J. Holtan formorethanthree decades, theperfor- andwhatwemeantothe nation,” he said. conducts the Overture1812 performance Aug. 15 on the grounds of the Washington mancefeaturedThe U.S. Army Concert Monument in Washington, D.C. Band,Chorus, Herald Trumpets, and see OVERTURE 1812, page 5 New name, same Ninth Chief Master Sgt. of the mission: Marines Air Force laid to rest in Arlington Mentoring Millennials

PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE Sgt. Erwin Prisme, from the Henderson Hall portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, talks with Jaden Tham-Morrobel, 9, at Barcroft ElementarySchool in Arlington Aug. 26, 2013. For 35 years, the Marines of Henderson Hall’s Headquarters and Service Battalion have partnered with the school to mentor students. That program, previously known as the Tutor &Buddy Program, has now been renamed the Marines Mentoring Millennials program.

By JuliaLeDoux aboutmentorshipand therela- U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO BY SCOTT M. ASH PentagramStaffWriter tionship they buildwiththe Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody consoles Jan Binnicker,widow of ninth Chief childratherthanthe academic Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Binnicker,beforeheislaid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery Forover35years,Marine guidance they provide.” Aug. 14. Binnicker passed away March 21 in Calhoun, Ga. CorpsCommunity Services, Millennialsinclude thoseborn Henderson Hall andthe Marines after1980and throughthe early By Tech. Sgt. at theMemorialChapelservice. Binnicker, you’re better prepared of Headquarters&Service part of the21stCentury and Binnicker, a33-year AirForce to lead becauseofthe truthand Battalion, HeadquartersMarine Daniel DeCook comprise both Generation Y veteran, passed away March21 wisdom he likely shared,even CorpsHenderson Hall have part- Secretaryofthe Air andGenerationZ.Known as in Calhoun, Ga.Hewas theAir when thetruth hurt alittle.” nered with Barcroft Elementary ForcePublicAffairs thenew millennials, Generation Force’sninth topseniorenlisted Binnickerwas born in School in Arlingtontomentor Z’ershavealsogrown up with leader,serving in theroleofchief Orangeburg, S.C.,onJuly23, pre-Kindergartenthrough atechnology-centered school More than 500family, friends master sergeant of theAir Force 1938.He, like many others,was fifth gradestudentsduringthe curriculum,she said. andfellowAirmenattended from 1986 to 1990. drawntothe possibilityofone academic year. Theprogram provides Marines memorial andgraveside services As Binnicker’sflag-draped daybecomingapilot,but high- That program, previously with theopportunitytomentor forretired ChiefMasterSgt.of casketlay in frontoffamilyand frequencyhearing loss in his knownasthe Tutor&Buddy andfosterrelationshipswiththe theAir ForceJames C. Binnicker rightear preventedhim from friends, ahushedsilence fell over Program, hasnow been localcommunity throughthe Aug. 14 at Memorial Chapel at flying.Itdidn’tstophim from renamedthe MarinesMentoring building of relationshipswith theFortMyerportion of Joint avisibly somber crowdasCody achasing hisdream,however. Millennialsprogram. school-aged children,con- Base Myer-Henderson Hall reflectedonBinnicker’s impact He enlisted in theAir Forcein “I thinkthe word tutorcan tinued Sharp. andSection 57 of Arlington on today’sAir Force. 1957 andspent most of hisearly scarepeopleoff,” said Henderson “Theywanttomakeacon- National Cemetery. “Ifyou’ve metChief Binnicker, career on theflightline. Hall School Liaison Officer nectionwiththe community,” “Ifyou’ve metChief Binnicker, you’re abetterAirmantoday for Originally in thepersonal Chanel Sharp. “Theycan think, shesaidofthe Marineswho vol- you’ve metanicon–ahero,a it,for thosemoments,orthat equipment career field, Binnicker `I don’tknowmath’,or`Ididn’t legend,” said ChiefMasterSgt. moment youspent together,” do toowellinscience.’ It’s really see MENTOR, page 6 of theAir ForceJames A. Cody Cody said.“If you’ve metChief see FUNERAL, page 6

HHHThe Band HHH CALENDAR OF EVENTS Aug. 20 7:30 p.m. The U.S. Army Band Downrange will performatBrucker Hall on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Aug. 21 8p.m. The U.S. Army Band Downrange will performaspartofthe Sunsets with aSoundtrack summer concertseries on the west lawn, west side of The U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Aug. 25 6:30 p.m. The U.S. Army Band Downrange will performaspartofthe MilitaryAppreciation Month ConcertSeries at Rockville Town Square in Rockville, Md. Grab alawnchair or blanket and enjoythe sounds of summer.Schedule is subject to change, call 410-313-4700 for more information and call 410-313-4451 for arecorded announcement about cancellation due to inclement weather. Aug. 29 7p.m. The U.S. Army Band Downrange will performatLeesylvania State Park Marina in Woodbridge,Va., as partofthe Music in the Parks ConcertSeries. Aug. 30 7p.m. The U.S. Army Blues will performaspartofthe Music in the Parks ConcertSeries at Setera Amphitheater at Allen Pond Park in Bowie, Md. Sept. 57:30 p.m. The U.S. Army Blues will join the Mid-Atlantic SymphonyOrchestra for the final concertofthe 2015 Freeman Stage Season with an evening of greatAmerican classics.This free concertends with fireworks and takes place at the Freedom Stage at Bayside in Selbyville, Del. Sept. 96p.m. The U.S. Army Blues will performatthe World WarIIMemorial as partoftheir Evening ConcertSeries in Washington, D.C. Sept. 10-11 10:30 a.m. The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’sOwn” will performaspartofthe Spirit of America showatthe D.C. ArmoryinWashington, D.C. Spirit of America is apatriotic,live-action showpresented by the U.S. Army MilitaryDistrict of Washington. Performed by more than Sept. 11 7:30 p.m. 400 soldiersofthe U.S. Army’s elite ceremonial units and the 3d U.S. InfantryRegiment (The Old Guard), this free showfeatures Sept. 12 2p.m., traditional and modernmusic,disciplined drill, and historical narrativeasSoldiersrecap the heritage of our countryinaninspiring and 7:30 p.m. entertaining performance.Visit: for information about free tickets. Performances arefree andopentothe public,unlessotherwise noted.All outdoorconcertsare subjecttocancellationorlocationchangedue to weatherconsiderations. Call 703-696-3399for up-to-date information on concertcancellations or location changes. Foradditionaldetailsand afullcalendarofperformances, 4Thursday,August 20, 2015 PENTAGRAM

NEWS NOTES from page 1

Baby Boot Camp Marine CorpsCommunity Services Henderson Hall’s NewParentSupport Programishosting aBabyBootCampAug.21, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in theconferenceroomofBldg. 12 on the Henderson Hall portionofJBM-HH. This class teachesexpectant parentshow to care fortheir newborn baby.Lunch is provided.Toregister or formoreinformation,including future class dates, call 703-614-7204. Fort Myer athletic fielduse limited Thenewly renovatedathleticfield at theFort Myer portionofJoint Base Myer-Henderson Hall,located adjacenttoMacArthur Circle,is currentlyopenonlyfor theFamilyand Morale, Welfareand Recreation andMarineCorps CommunityServicesHenderson Hall softball leaguesparticipation.Individualand unit physical training andother special fieldreservationswill notbeauthorizedatthistime. To reservethe athletic fieldonthe Fort McNair portionofthe jointbase, call theFortMcNairFitnessCenter at 202-685-3117. Women’sEqualityDay 5K Come celebrateWomen’s Equality Day(which is Aug. 26) this year with a5Kraceand 1-mile walk at theFortMyerportion of JBM-HH Aug. 21,at6:30a.m.startingatthe Fort Myer FitnessCenter. Women’sEqualityDay com- PHOTO BY NELL KING memoratesAug.26, 1920,whenwomen were Secretaryofthe Army John McHugh, left, swears in incoming U.S. Army Chief of StaffGen. Mark A. Milley Aug. 14 during officially grantedbylaw theright to vote. To an Army Full Honor Retirement and Change of Responsibility Ceremony on Summerall Field at the FortMyer portion of register or formoredetails, call Sgt. 1stClass the joint base. Milley’s wife, Hollyanne, holds the Bible used to administer the oath. Adrienne Robinson at 703-696-2964orMaster Sgt. Kang at 703-696-8729. NEW BOSS andwinning awar is fighting andlosing Odiernoand hiswife. Open swim forEFMPfamilies awar —and fighting andwinning a from page 1 “Ray is as fine an officerasI’ve ever Everyother Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon, wariswhatthe United States Army knownand aleaderwholly committedto ExceptionalFamilyMember Programfamilies is allabout.” theArmy,”McHughsaid. “Atall times, have adesignatedareatoswiminthe Maj. “Now it’s your turn,” he told Milley He also paid tributetobothOdierno he’sbeenfaithfullycommitted to the DouglasA.ZembiecPoolonthe Henderson in frontoffamily, friends, colleagues andhis wife,Linda,calling hispre- menand womenofthe United States Hall portionofthe jointbase. There will be andclassmates. “AsanArmy, we’ll decessor a“moralgiant”and aman aportablechair lift availableaswellasplenty military.Ray firmly believes Soldiers continue to learnand adapt. [We’ll be of “enormousgrace andenormous of pool toys. smaller] than at anytimeinour lifetime. distinction.” arenot in theArmy, they arethe Army. EFMP families arescheduled forAug.22. Different?Certainly.The best in the It’s always been hisNo. 1job to serve Open swim events,co-sponsored by Marine world? You’dbetterbelieve it.Doing them well andserve them honorably.” CorpsCommunity Services andArmy what thenationasks? Absolutely.In When Igraduated Dempseyreflected on theimpressive CommunityService, arefreeand open to EFMP doingso, there’s no more important West Point, Itoldher, legacy Odiernoleavesbehind. families of allbranchesofthe service. Seeinfor- missionthanensuringAmerica’s sons mation on anddaughters areready.The best ‘We’re goingtostayinfive “Ray,you standamong thegiants, quiteliterally,ofour Army’s history,” pool.html. Be sure to register at leastone day led, thebestequippedand thebest yearsand getout.’ Linda, our priortoeachopenswimevent by calling703- trainedforce on theplanet. Iknowyou he said.“Youcastalongand lasting 696-0783or703-693-5353. understand that.” five yearsare up. shadowacrossthe Army andthe joint In hisfarewelladdress,Odierno force. Youleave behindaninstitution Stroller walkinggroup offered simple but heartfeltwords about -Gen.Raymond Odierno full of exceptionalleaders capableof Areyou lookingfor away to getinshape, Milley andhis wife,Hollyanne. meet othermomsand have funwithyourchild? “MarkMilleyisanincredible Thesesentimentswere echoed by the confrontingthe most complexchal- Come join theArmyCommunity Servicestroller Soldier,”Odierno said.“Hollyanne day’sother speakers, whopaidtributeto lenges that we face ahead.” walkinggroup at Long Bridge Park in Arlington. hasanincredible heart, andtheylove Odierno’stirelessworkduringperiods When it washis turn behindthe Thegroup meetsfrom9to11a.m.Aug.24, 26 theArmymorethananything. That’s of intenseconflict. podium,Odierno thankedthe Soldiers allyou need to know.” “Ray’s legacy is like Rayhimself,” and31. This is agroup forparents,caregivers of theU.S.Armyfor everything they andchildreninstrollers from 0to5years old. Milley said he wascommitted to the Carter said.“It simply won’tfit into do.Hesaidthere were Soldiers allover thespace behindapodium. He’s a Allfitness levels arewelcome.For information joband theworkOdierno didbeforehim. theglobe –Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, “Ascitizensofthe United States,we consummateleader, andmore, avery or to register,call703-696-3512. were grantedagift, themostprecious symbol of theU.S.Army. Big, strong, EasternEuropeand more –who are gift of all, thegiftoffreedom,” he said. capable, always willing…Asaleader “the best of whowehave.” Outdoorplaygroup “Thatisavery, very,veryexpensivegift, with over 50 months in Iraq,Ray’s “That’swhy Istayedinthisuniform Army CommunityService offers aplaygroup foritispaidfor in thesacrifice andthe tenacity helped us getthrough themost forsolong,”hesaid. “It’sbecause of forparents andpreschool children to provide time forplay, physical activity andsocialization blood of thosewho came before us.” heated period of conflict.Iandmy ourSoldiers.” predecessors as SecretaryofDefense forparents.The groupmeets from 10 to 11:30 Milley said theArmymustcontinue He also thankedhis family andLinda, andcommanders in chiefdrewgreat a.m. at Virginia HighlandsParkinArlington to adaptinorder to remain thepreemi- whohesaidwas the“epitomeofselfless nent fighting forceinthe world. confidence knowingRay wasonthe Aug. 27.For information andtoregister, call “There is no cheapway to change, ground in thosetryingtimes.” service” andarolemodel forspouses 703-696-3512. andmoreimportantly,there is no cheap McHugh said theceremony was across theArmy. waytobuy freedom,” Milley said.“The bittersweet, as he waslosingabattle Pentagramstaff writer GuvCallahancan Marinesseeking newcolor sergeant only thingmoreexpensive than fighting buddyand twogoodfriends in both be [email protected]. TheMarineCorps is seekinganew color sergeant,the Commandant of theMarine Corps’ representative forall formal ceremonial SOA but that doesn’treallycompare to therehearsalsfor Spirit commitmentsrequiring theMarineCorps of America, said Poole. Battle Color. Eligible Marinesmustbeinthe from page 1 “Spirit of AmericaislikeTwilightTattooonsteroids,” rank of sergeant,not selected forpromotionto said Poole. “There arealot more integral parts.” staffsergeant,bebetween 74 and78inchesin at theD.C.Armory, Sept.10to12. Sgt. Sean Hackshaw, amember of TheOld Guardwho height andhaveoutstanding personal appear- “Weare rehearsingthe dayofthe show,between shows,” playsaUnion andaWorld WarIISoldier,isparticipating ance.Additionalnominationrequirementscan be foundinMarineAdministrativeMessage said Sgt. Chinyere Wells-Byrd,who is assignedtothe 3d in theproductionofSpiritofAmerica forthe second time. 385/15 at Deadline U.S. Infantry Regiment,and athree-yearveteran of the Rehearsals forSpiritofAmerica areachancefor Hackshaw show.“It’s alot of rehearsing.” fornominations is Sept.1. This is Poole’ssecondtimeasaperformer in Spirit of to revisit apassionfor thestage. America, andhesaidheenjoysthe rehearsal process. “InhighschoolIdid thedrama club,” said Hackshaw. “This Save thedate: Spirit of America “Thisiskindoflikethe same tempointhe beginning,” actually rekindlessomeofmyactingtalents from high school.” TheU.S.ArmyMilitaryDistrictofWashington said Poole. “You have gottomakesureeverythingisperfect.” Hackshawdescribes himself as amethodactor andrelishes brings Spirit of Americatothe nation’s capital Performers audition forroles.InPoole’s case, this is the theopportunitytofine-tunehis performance. this September forthe firsttimeinfouryears. firstexperiencewithlivetheater. “I really like to getinto theroleand live theroleinthat Thefree,two-hourshowcombinestraditional “I’ve only done stage productionswhile in TheOld particular scene,”saidHackshaw. military ceremony with alarge-scale theatrical Guard,”saidPoole.“It’s alot different pace than normal Hackshawlooks at thecopiousamountofrehearsal as a production that showcases military discipline, ceremonies that go on in TheOld Guard.” tool to help developbothSoldiersand leaders. historical reenactments,and traditionaland EverysceneinSpiritofAmerica encompasses scenery It meansalot to be able to representthe Army in Spirit modern music. Nine performances arescheduled changes, lighting cues andaudio modifications. of America, Hackshawsaid. across twoweekends: Sept.10to12, at theD.C. Much like afield exercise, Spirit of Americahas acrawl, Armory in Washington,D.C., andSept. 18 to 19, “I’m goingtogiveit125 percent,”saidHackshaw. “Put walk andrun phase, said Poole. From readingthe script in Fairfax, Va.Thispatriotic live show is performed to full-blown dressrehearsals, theperformersare building allIcan into it.” by acastand crew of active-dutySoldiers, not towardthe “run”phase:aliveperformance. Formoreinformation on “SpiritofAmerica”and to actors,fromThe U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s TheOld Guardregularly takespartinamilitaryspec- ordertickets,visit Own” andthe 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The taclecalled“Tw ilight Tattoo”overthe summer months, call 1-866-239-9425. Old Guard).All performances arefreeand open to thepublic. Formoreinformation,and to order tickets, BUILDING thebuildinghas already been or call 1-866-239-9425. from page 1 removed. Martin said DPW is also workingtorecycle any Annual Doggie DipisSept. 12 salvageable materialsfrom Join us forthe last hoorah of the2015pool more efficientuse of thejoint thebuilding’sinterior. season before thepools areclosedfor another base’s buildings. winter.Comeonout to where everydog has Martin said DPWis Once thebuildingis torn down,the site will be itsday,Sept. 12,10a.m.tonoonatthe Fort currentlydecidingona Myer Officers’ClubPoolComplex.Thisevent sodded andremainagrassy contractor to complete is free,but Family andMorale, Welfareand theproject. field, he said. Recreation requiresall owners to complete a “Right nowweare in the Thefacilityreduction waiver.Also, alldogsmustdisplay acurrent process of finalizing thescope decision process is on-going, PHOTO BY NELL KING rabiestag.For more information contactTodd of work,the process andwhat accordingtoDPW. Building T482, pictured here, located on the FortMyer Hopkinsat703-696-0594or703-939-1045or therequirementsofthe con- Pentagramstaff writer Guv portion of JBM-HH next to Memorial Chapel offofMcNair [email protected]. tractors will be,” he said. Callahan canbereached at Road, is scheduled for demolition next fiscal year,accord- Theplaygroundbehind [email protected]. ing to the JBM-HH Directorate of Public Works. see NEWS NOTES, page 8 PENTAGRAM Thursday,August 20, 2015 5 Wars fought by ground troops, new Army chief says

By C. Todd Lopez flagging commitment to main- Army News Service taininggroundforceswillhave adevastating cost,interms of Editor’sNote: This article livesand freedom. hasbeeneditedfor space; to “Ifwedonot maintain our read thefullversion,visit http:// commitment to remain strong, in theair,onthe sea, andyes, ContinuedfreedominAmerica on theground, we will pay the requiresacontinued commitment butcher’s bill in bloodand we to maintainingstrong, equipped, will forever lose theprecious gift well-led andwell-trainedground of ourfreedom,” he said.“As forces,saidthe Army’s 39th Chief your chiefofstaff,Iwillensure of StaffGen.MarkA.Milley we remain readyasthe world’s Aug. 14 during an Army Full premiercombatforce.Readiness HonorRetirementand Change to fightand win-groundcombat of ResponsibilityCeremony on is andwillremainthe U.S. Army’s theFortMyerportion of Joint No.1priority. Andthere will be Base Myer-Henderson Hall. no otherNo. 1. We will always be “There aremanywho think readytofight today, andwewill wars only canbewon from great always preparetofight tomorrow.” distances-fromspace, theair,the DefenseSecretary AshCarter sea. Unfortunately, thoseviews told thoseatthe Change of arevery, very wrong,”Milleysaid. ResponsibilityCeremony that he Milley spoke immediatelyfol- lowing hisoathasthe newchief, hasgreat confidence in Milley’s assumingresponsibilitiesfrom ability to lead theArmyinto an Gen. RaymondT.Odierno,who uncertainfuture. retired during thesameceremony. “He’sthe rightofficer to lead “War is an actofpolitics, theArmyoverthe next four years, where onesidetries to impose to shape ourforce, to continue itspoliticalwillonthe other,” restoringits readiness, to get Milley said.“Andpoliticsisall there quicklyand to win-as aboutpeople. Andpeopleliveon ournationexpects of itsArmy. theground. We maywishitwere Mark is aleader, awarrior,and otherwise. Butitisnot.Warsare astatesman,” Carter said. PHOTO BY NELL KING ultimately decidedonthe ground, Milley most recentlyserved The official party stands at the beginning of the U.S. Army Full Honor Retirement and Change of where people live,and it is on the as commanderofU.S.Army Responsibility Ceremony Aug. 14 on Summerall Field at the FortMyer portion of Joint Base Myer- ground where theU.S.Army, the Forces CommandonFortBragg, Henderson Hall. From left are: Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, 38th U.S. Army chief of staff; Secretaryof U.S. Marine Corpsand theU.S. N.C.,beforereplacing Odierno, Defense Ashton Carter; Secretaryofthe Army John McHugh; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGen. SpecialOperationsforcesmust whoservedaschief of stafffor Martin E. Dempsey; and the 39th U.S. Army Chief of StaffGen. Mark A. Milley.Milley was sworninas never, ever fail.” nearly four yearsand 39 total the Army’s chief of staffimmediately following Odierno’s retirement following anearly 40-year career Thegeneral warned that yearsinthe Army. in the U.S. Army.

OVERTURE 1812 from page 3

“I hope it givestheman idea of theexcellencethat is theUnitedStatesArmy andjustconnectspeople. Musicconnectsinaway that nothingelsecan.” Theconcert beganwith aperformance of “Architect of Victory,”written by retired Master Sgt. James Hosay, aformermember of “Pershing’sOwn.” TheU.S.ArmyHerald Trumpetswere showcased in performances of “High Adventure” andwere joined by vocalist Sgt. 1stClass HollyC.Shockey in “Don’t Rain on my Parade.” That wasfollowedbya renditionofcomposerJohn Williams’“ThePatriot” and“Liberty forAll,” by PHOTO BY NELL KING JamesA.Beckel, Jr.The Sgt. 1st Class and vocalist Holly C. Shockey sings band then movedonto “Don’t Rain on My Parade” as partofThe U.S. “Fantastic Polka” and Army Herald Trumpets performance Aug. 15 in arendition of “Ol’ Man Washington, D.C. River” by vocalist Master Sgt. Alvy R. Powell.Then came asalutetoIrving Berlin andasalute to the nation’s armedforces. Theevent concluded with arousing perfor- manceofTchaikovsky’s “1812Overture,”which waswritten to commem- oratethe Russiandefeat of Napoleon’s Grand Armee. To thedelight of thecrowds, The3dU.S. SPECIAL RATES FOR MILITARY Infantry Regiment (The AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Old Guard) Presidential Salute Batterylentits Barcroft Apartments is now offering its garden supporttothe musical apartments with 10% discount for military score, firing four 5.775- personnel &month to month leases available. poundWorld WarIIera anti-tankguns, which Efficiency...... $979-$1005 fired atotal of 29 shots, One Bedroom...... $1070-$1105 includingthe finalvolley TwoBedrooms...... $1315-$1400 PHOTO BY NELL KING from allfourcannons. Three Bedrooms Plus Electric...... $1500-$1545 Pentagramstaff writer Twenty-nine shots werefired, including the final volley from four canons, during JuliaLeDouxcan be reached the Overture1812 performance overlooking the Washington Monument Aug. 15 in Townhome...... $1500 at [email protected]. Washington, D.C. All prices subject to change. Amonth. All utilities paid. •Park right at your door in this park-like setting. •Walk to elementary and high school or Army National For moreJBM-HH photos SECURITYOFFICERS Guard Readiness Center. from this issue, •Take the express bus to the Pentagon, Ft. Myer, visit us online at: Herndon, Manassas &Sterling, VA Henderson Hall or Ballston in 12 minutes. •Cats welcome. No dogs. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: • UnarmedSecurityOfficerswith DoDSecret&TSSECURITYCLEARANCE. FT PLEASE CALL (703) 521-3000 HOURS: MON. -FRI. 9-5 Call for Saturday hours &PTweekend positions. Priorsecurity, militaryorlaw enforcement is preferable. FOR EMPLOYMENT onemust be aUScitizen,English proficient w/ good computerskills, 21 yearsorolder w/ HS diploma/GED &drugfreewith no criminal photos/jbm-hh record. WE PROVIDE weeklypay,health benefit options, matching 401k, tuition reimbursement and uniforms. Find us online: APPLYINPERSON -NOPHONE CALLS DCMilitaryHcom www. Mon-Thurs, 10am-4pm BARCROFT APARTMENTS Guardsmark, LLC 1130 South George Mason Drive •Arlington, VA 22204 14120 Parke-LongCt. #201, Chantilly,VA20151 At Columbia Pike and So. George Mason Drive VA Lic 11-1195 /EOE 1043467B 1051438B Some Restrictions Apply 6Thursday,August 20, 2015 PENTAGRAM

Grande opening

ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERYPHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE Janice Binnicker receives the American flag from Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody during the graveside service for her husband, ninth Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James C. Binnicker,inArlington National CemeteryAug. 14. Binnicker served in the Air Force for 33 years and retired Aug. 1, 1990, according to aU.S. Air Force press release. FUNERAL Mark A. WelshIII.“He believed them,he from page 3 shared them,and most importantlyhelived everyday by them.Hededicated allhehad to ourservice andhecontinued hislife’s cross-trainedinto airoperations. While work as awingman,leaderand warrior.” deployed to Vietnam, he plannedflights As themorning dewstill clungtothe PHOTO BY NELL KING formissions with the22ndTacticalAir grass,acaisson trailedbyalong line Starbucks StoreManager Taran Haut cuts cake Aug. 14 in celebration of the SupportSquadron. of Airmen,familyand friendsfollowed grand opening of the new storeonthe FortMyer portion of Joint Base Myer- AfterVietnam andbeforeserving as Binnickertohis finalresting placein Henderson Hall. Starbucks is located in the same building as the FortMyer theninth chiefmastersergeant of the ArlingtonNationalCemetery. AirForce, Binnickerspent time as the Post Exchange and opened for business Aug. 3. Afterathree-rifle volley, theplaying of senior enlisted adviserfor the12thAir Force, HeadquartersPacific AirForces Taps, andaB-52Stratofortressflyover, andHeadquartersTacticalCommand. Cody once againspoke.Thistimehedid He also representedthe AirForce as so on bendedkneewithafoldedflagin senior enlisted adviseronthe President’s both handsand hiswords were reserved CommissiononMilitaryCompensation. only forBinnicker’s wife,Janice. “Takingcareofour AirForce family Theninth chiefmastersergeant of is notaone-timedeal, it’s aforever deal; theAir Forcenow restsinthe shadows thoseare ChiefBinnicker’s words, not of theAir ForceMemorialatArlington mine,” said AirForce ChiefofStaff Gen. National Cemetery.

PHOTO BY JULIA LEDOUX Marines from Headquarters and Service Battalion, Henderson Hall, Headquarters Marine Corps, raise the American flag as partofaJune 9Field Meet and Flag Day presentation for students at Barcroft ElementarySchool in Arlington, Va.For 35 years, Henderson Hall Marines has partnered with Barcroft Elementarytomentor students. That program, previously known as the Tutor &Buddy Program, was renamed the Marines Mentoring Millennials program.

MENTOR “The Marinestry to in 1991 when it wasdes- make averypersonal and from page 3 ignateda“dailypoint of positive impression on these light” by thePointsof children,” shesaid. unteer with theprogram. Lightvolunteer organiza- Longtime volunteer tion,begun by President “Theywanttovolunteer, Army Master Sgt. James either because they have George H.W. Bush. C. Meyers,seniorcareer MarinesMentoring younger siblings or they counselorfor JBM-HH,has feel it’s importanttogive mentored threechildren Millennialskicks-off forthe back to thecommunity. throughthe program, all upcoming school year Sept. They arealready giving of whom were impacted by 14 andSharp is seekingvol- so much with beinginthe hisefforts,hesaid. unteerstomentorBarcroft serviceand they stillfeel “Eachweekweare there, students.The programis compelledtogivemore.” when they enterthe room open to allservicemembers Theprogram brings andtheysee us,faces light Visits aretwice amonth, Marinesand students up andinmymindIcan from 11:40a.m.to12:45 together in avariety of seethe impact,evenifitis p.m. Transportationis activities throughout the just theireyestelling me, provided anddeparts from school year,including ‘Mymentorishere;Iam thepull-up bars by theCpl. tutoring,mentoring and importanttohim or her,’” TerryL.Smith Gymnasium game playing. There is a said Meyers.“If we as a on theHenderson Hall pumpkincarving event team areabletoinspire a at Halloween;aholiday childtoreachhis or her portionofthe jointbase. partyinDecember;and full potentialthatisworth Formoreinformation,visit aFlagDay andfield day everymomentofour time eventinJune. andeffort.” slmillennials.html or call TheMarines even started Begunin1980asthe Sharpat703-693-8378. celebratingthe Corps’ PartnerinEducation Pentagramstaff writer birthday with students last Program, theeffortwas JuliaLeDouxcan be reached year,saidSharp. knownasAdopt-a-School at [email protected].

1051521B ADVERTISE WITH US 301-921-2800 ! PENTAGRAM Thursday,August 20, 2015 7

Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, 38th chiefofstaffof the Army,accepts the American flag from Secretaryofthe Army John McHugh while Odierno’s wife, Linda, watches during an Army Full Honor Retirement Ceremony on Summerall Field at the FortMyer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Aug. 14. During the ceremony,Gen. Mark A. Milley was sworn in as the 39th chief of staffofthe Army.Giving remarks about Odierno’s 39 years of service were McHugh, Secretaryof Defense Ashton Carter, 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGen. Martin E. Dempsey and Milley.For morephotos from this event, visit jbm-hh.

39 years of servicePHOTOS BY NELL KING

ABOVE -Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, 38th chief of staffofthe Army,holds hands with his wife, Linda, during his Army Full Honor Retirement Ceremony on Summerall Field at the FortMyer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Aug. 14. During the ceremony, Gen. Mark A. Milley was sworninasthe 39th chief of staffofthe Army.Giving remarks about Odierno’s 39 years of service was SecretaryofDefense Ashton Carter,Secretaryofthe Army John McHugh, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGen. Martin E. Dempsey and Milley.LEFT -The 38th Chief of StaffUnited States Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno inspects the troops during his Army Full Honor Retirement Ceremony Aug. 14 on Summerall Field at the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.


Don’t miss your chance to advertise in THE ONLYcomprehensive guide to resources, facilities, attractions and more for military personnel at JBM-HH! Advertising deadline: November 6 Reserve your ad space today! Email [email protected] or call: 301-921-2800

Ask about special pricing and custom packages for new advertisers! 8Thursday,August 20, 2015 PENTAGRAM will conductfiringparty training on areoccurring basis NEWS NOTES everyThursday, 9to11a.m.onthe fieldadjacentto from page 4 Spates CommunityClubonthe Fort Myer portionof Soldier for Life JBM-HH.Blank ammunition will be fired during that time.For more information,pleasecallThe Old Guard Transition Assistance Program seminars and workshops Reservationsare required.Spouses areencouragedtoregisterand attend. Save thedate: Public Affairsat703-696-7149. Call theSFL-TAP office, Available to allregisteredclients whohavecompleted DD2648/2648-1and MoralLeadershipLuncheonOct.1. initialcounseling. Location of seminars andworkshops areinthe SFL-TAP ThenextJoint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Moral Noncommissionedofficer training date Bldg.404 on theFortMyerportion of JBM-HH unless notated. Leadership Luncheon will be held Oct. 1, With theimplementationdateofJan.1,2016, forthe new 1p.m.inFellowshipHallatMemorialChapelonthe noncommissionedofficer report DA form 2166-9 series, Retiring transition Smartinvestments JBM-HH will holdatraining sessiononSept. 30 from 8 assistance program 1to3p.m. Fort Myer portionofJBM-HH. Theguest speaker will be 8a.m. to 4p.m. •Aug.26 retired U.S. Army Gen. ,formersecretary a.m. to noon in Bldg.405 on theFortMyerportion of the •Sept. 14 through18 •Sept. 23 forthe Department of Veterans Affairsand the34thU.S. jointbasetoensurethatall Soldiers in therankofspecialist, ETS TAP Credit scores Army chiefofstaff.NoRSVPisrequired forattendance noncommissionedofficers, commissionedofficers, civilians 8a.m. to 4p.m. from good to excellent at this event, whichisopentoall Department of Defense (supervisors of NCOs)and humanresources professionals/ •Aug.31through 1to3p.m. Sept.4 •Aug.27 ID card holders.Lunch will be provided.For more infor- administrative personnel(delegates) aretrained on thenew •Sept. 24 NCOevaluationreportand evaluationsystemfunctions, Entrepreneur track mation,callChap. (Maj.)Fred Wendelat703-696-5688 boots to business Home buying or emailhim at [email protected]. regardless of thecomponent.For more information, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon contactCharissaSeastrum-Morris at 703-696-6363or •Sept. 8through 9 •Aug.25 •Sept. 22 Spiritualresiliency at Fort McNair Sgt. 1stClass MichaelMoton at 703-696-3321. Business franchise ABible studyand luncheon series will be held upstairs opportunities Debt free in Bldg.41onthe Fort McNair portionofthe jointbase Volunteers sought 1to3p.m. 10 a.m. to noon •Aug.24 •Aug.27 everyMondaybeginning Sept.15through Dec. 15 from Volunteers aresoughtfor theJBM-HHPartnership •Sept. 24 noon to 12:45p.m.Participantswillenjoy afreelunch in Educationprogram’s MarinesMentoring Millennials Finding and applying for federal jobs TRICARE benefits in depth andstudy guideonPaul’slettertothe Galatians.To initiative.Thisprogram connects volunteerswithstudents 9:30 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon register (the number of participants is limitedto15) at Barcroft Elementary School in Arlingtontobuild a •Aug.26 •Sept. 10 contactBetsy Hendrixat703-696-5635 or viaemail at •Sept. 23 mentorshipand academic supporttohelpshape chil- Capstone (Fridays) [email protected]. dren’s lives. Activities forvolunteersinclude tutoring, Federal resume 10 a.m. to noon 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. playinggames,pumpkin carving, andparticipation in •Aug.21or28 •Sept. 10 Suspicious chemical use– holiday-themedevents. Theprogram takesplace on •Sept. 4, 11,18or25 Seesomething? SaySomething select Mondaysfrom11:40 a.m. to 12:30p.m.begin- Accessing higher education Marketing yourself for a 8a.m.to4p.m. second career Chemical threatscan come in many different shapes ning in September.For more information,contact the •Aug.26through 27* 1to3p.m. andsizes.First responders should know thewarning Marine CorpsCommunity Services Henderson Hall Career resources •Aug.25 signsand hazardsofchemicalincidents,but everyone school liaison programmanager at 703-693-8378. 8a.m.to3:30p.m. •Sept. 22 –including military andcivilianpersonnel–shouldbe •Sept. 21 on thealert forsuspiciousactivityaroundchemicals. Avoid mosquito,tick-borneillness *Located in Education Center Bldg.417,room108 TheDepartmentofHomelandSecurityhas released a Mosquito bitescan be more than just itchy and brochure to help raisepublicawareness to theindicators annoying.Asinglemosquitobitecan make yousickfrom of chemical-relatedcrime andhow to report suspicious West Nile,dengue, or chikungunya. Whytakeachance? activity.“Know Your Customer:ChemicalSecurity” Useinsectrepellent on yourself,yourfriends,and your encouragesreporting of behaviorout of thenormto family.Findout more on howtoprotect yourself and lawenforcement, such as someonebuyinganunusually your lovedonesthissummer.For more information, largeorsmall amount of achemicalorsomeone who visit doesn’tseemtoknowwhatthe productthey’re buying is used for. Seethe brochure here: Improve your public speaking skills Supersign-upand home tour Toastmasters Internationaloffersfreemeetingsevery TheArmyOfficers’ Wives’ Club of theGreater Tuesday, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at thePentagonMain Washington Area will beginits membership year by Cafeteria(directlyunderCVS andDunkin’ Donuts in holding itssuper sign-upcombinedwithatourofhistoric thePentagon) on afirst come,first served basis. This homesonthe Fort Myer portionofthe jointbaseSept. Pentagon-basedToastmastersClubprovidestrainingand 17 from 11 a.m. to 1p.m., with finaltours beginning practicalexperienceinimproving public speaking, lis- at 12:30p.m.For additional detailsabout this event, tening andleadershipskills. Formoreinformation,contact includinghow to register,pleasevisit Carl Bert at [email protected] or viaphone at Reservations must be receivednolater than Sept.8and 703-695-2804orJoseRomero at joseh.h.romero6@ canbemadebysending namesand telephonenumbers or viaphone at 703-695-3443. of attendees to [email protected]. News Notessubmissions TheOld Guardfuneral firing practice Please send your submissions forthe Sept.3edition The3dU.S.InfantryRegiment(TheOld Guard) are of thePentagram viaemail at pentagramjbmhh@yahoo. in ArlingtonNationalCemeterydaily rendering final comnolater than noon,Aug.26. Allsubmissions must honors to ourfallenheroes both past andpresent.To be less than 100words.Pleasenotethatsubmissionof maintain theirproficiency Soldiers from TheOld Guard anewsnotedoesnot guaranteepublication.

1051338B PENTAGRAM Thursday,August 20, 2015 9

1051768B 10 Thursday,August 20, 2015 PENTAGRAM
