The Coen Brothers Reshooting America: Genre, Regionalism, and the Cinematography of Detail ENFM #484 01 Fall 2014 T/R 9:10-11:30 Office: LA 111 Instructor: Katie Kane Phone #: 243-5231 Assistant Instructor: Brady Schwertfeger O. Hours: T: 11:40-12:30 JRH 205 R 11:40-12:30 Email:
[email protected] M: 12:00-1:00 & By Appointment Policy Statement Required Texts and Films: Conrad, Mark, ed. The Philosophy of the Coen Brothers. (NB: this text is available electronically through the Mansfield Library.) Robson, Eddie. Coen Brothers. Van Sijll, Jennifer. Cinematic Conventions. N.B. You MUST bring the requisite text with you to class. Coursework: Final grades will be determined by your performance in three separate categories of coursework: 1. Short Essays 50% 2. Abstracts/Participation/Quizzes 10% 3. Final Essay 40% 100% Daily Response Essays: Once a week (usually on Thursday students will submit a two to three page paper. These writing assignments will be graded on a 1 to 5 scale for their engagement with the topic and on their demonstration of writing skills (spelling, grammar, 1 etc.) Aspects of student writing that will be assessed in writing assignments: . voice that is consistent & appropriate to the audience & purpose; . correct diction & sentence structure; . sound judgments unified by a clear message; . evidence or reasons supporting all judgments; . logical linkage of judgments and evidence; . transitions that connect a series of ideas and evidence; . strong paragraph structure; . correct spelling and punctuation; . proper MLA style documentation If writing is an issue for you—as it is for many of us—please do take your work to the writing center.