

Series - 24 ANDAMAN &





D. I~. SINGH of the Indial/ Admiiiistrative Senice Director of Cr.:ns.us Operat i.,)ns. :\ncl~lnuln 8:. Nh'01 a,r ISlands

Situated in , the Cellular Jail stands as a silent witness to the nistory of the freedom struggle of our country. It mutely narrates tlz~ saga of sacrifices of our freedom fighters~ The jail 1nuseum and the marble plaques bearing the names of frecdotn fighters deported to the islands sil1ce 1857, when the First War of Indian Independence tva; fought) leave an itldelible imprint on the minds of on~ lookers about the relentless struggle our people had to wage to free the COU1Jtry from the foreign yoke. The C011structlon of t.hc [ail having 698 cells was cornpleted in 1906 as a three-storeyed edifice with seven wings" each stretching from a Central Tower like i!he spoke of a wheel. .It was designed in such a [llay that th~ front portion of each wing faced the back side of the other wing, thtu preventing the possibility of any communication hetween the prisonerj,.... The Cellular Jail waf declared a National Memorial in 1979. The Jail is a place of pilgrimage for all freedom loving people.



PAGE FOREWORD (v) PREFACE (vii) Map of district Andamans (iX) :MAp of district Nlcobars (1d) rrn[l;)l'lant Statistics of Andalllans and Nicobars districts Analytical Note- 3 Brief History of the District Census Handbook R

BrIef Analysl.; of Village Directory data TABLE I: Distribution of vi Ilages according to the availabi IIty ofditferent amenities 15 TABLB 2: P(ol'Jrtion of rural population served by different amenitie~ 11

TABLP. :\: Mlin~ta!llefoodinthemljorityofvillagesineachtehsiJ. 29 TABLR 4: Distribution of villages according to land use. 29 TABLE 5: D: ,trib'ltion of Villages according to population ranges & amenities avai Jable )0

!)i ;tribltion of villgaes according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities 31 Di,;tribltion of vi Ilages not having certain amenities arranged by distance range from the place where these are available ...... 33

Brief Analysis of Town Directory TARLE 8: GroNth.demity anj sex ratio of urban population in the district in relation to the Union Tetrltory

TULE 9: P~r capita receipt and expenditure in towns 34

TABLll 10 : Schools per 10,000 population in towns . 3S TABLE 11 : Number of beds in medical insti lution in towns 35 TABLE 12 : Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in 'hlJ town 35

Brief Analysis of Prj mary Census Abstract

TABLB 13 : Pormlation, number of villages and towns, 1981 36

TABLE 14 : D~cadal change in distribution of population . 36 TABLE 15 : D; ,tribution of vi llages by population ranges • 37

TABLE 16 I Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population in the towns . 37 TA8LE 17 : LiterJ.t~s, wJrkilfs,n)n-wJrkers, SchJduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population In the districts 38

T AI\LE 18 : Pl'J ))rtion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population In vi lIages 41

TABLE 19 : Literacy rates by population rang's of villages • 42

TABLE 20 : Literacy rates of town • 42


SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRIlCIORY Map, 'illlhlbatical list of villages and village directory of tehsll 51 Mq. dClhltMtical list of villages and village directory of t~bsll 61 ]\ft:) , \1 )hlb~tical list of villages and village directory of tehsll 73 Mal), :d!)habetical list of vi llages and village directory of Port Blair tehsll 114 liv)

PAGE Map, 'lClJhabetical list of villages and village directory of 100 Map,1Iphlb.}tical list of villages ana vi lIage directory of tehsil 115 Ma)J,1bhlmtical list of villages and village directory of Nancowry tehsi) 123 APPENDICES ApPENDIX I-Village Directory, Tehsil-wise ab"tract of educational, medical and other amenities 144 ApPE'IDlx II-Lmd u ~ili$ation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census towns) 147 ApPQ.:

SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY STATBMENT I-Statu~ alHI growth history 156 STATE~BNT H-Physical aspects and location of (own, 1979 156 STATEMENT III-Municipal Finance, 1978-79 . IS1 STATE:vmNT IV-Civic and other al11enities,1979 157 STATEylB"IT V-\1,dical, Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, 1979 IS8 STATEMENT VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry & Banking, 1979 lSI!


State Primary Census Abstract 160 Village-wise Primary Census Abstract- Digliput'tehsll 118 Mayabunder tehsl) 184 Rangat tehsll 190 Port Blalrtehsil 198 Ferrargunj tehsil 206 Car Nicobar tehsll 212 Nancowry tehsll 216 Urb:mIWard-wise Primary Ccn~us Abstract 228 Ap PE"'DlX~-Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population 230 ANt\E'WRE-Extent ofenumetation blocks, Port BJair Munlcipal Board 231 Primary Census Abstract-Scheduled Tribes 236 FOREWORD

The Di~trict Census Handbook (DCH), comp!Jed by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Governments, is onel of the most valuable products of the Census. Tht' DCH is ccnstantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia use-d for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Ahstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural area~ and wardwise for each city or town. Tt also provi(les data on infrastructure and amenities in vil1ages and towns, etc.

fhe district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It con· tained important census tables and peA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged ann it contained a descriptive account of the disl"ri,;;(") ac1ministrative statistics, census tables anel a village and town directory, inc1ud· iog peA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part A related to village and town djrectory~ Part B to village and town PCA and Part C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district ctt;su.s tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and prmtIng.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the format of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except pmver supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad r;:lnges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattocn is expected to further meet the need. of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as wen so as to minimise the regional imbabnces in the process or development. A few new items of information have also been introrlucell to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary hea Ith ~ub-centres, GnLl community health workers in the village have been introductd in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the vilbge is to have an idea abollt the village in the district which are inaccessible. A new column "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenitie~ with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by provi.ding information nll a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in Class I and ClaSs. II towns (Stat~. ment IVA) has been introducCll with this objective ill mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk om programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improve. ment of sJum~. The columlH 011 S(hl"dnlnl Castes and Scheduled Trihes population ill

(VI (vi)

~;tatement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class ?~ to.wn in all the seven statements of the town dir~ctory. The infras~ tructure (If amenlttes 11l urban areas of the country can be hest analysed by taking the clas~ of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements, also serves this purpose.

The format of the primary cemus abstract for the villages and towns has bet;n fonnulared in the light of: changes in the economic and l)ther questions canvassed through the in(livj;lu~J :,lip of 1981 Census.

In order to avoid delay in pubJication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part A of the volume contJains, village and town directory and Part B, the peA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto tehsil! town levels. At the hginning of ~he DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number c:f inset tables based on peA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tehsil/Police St:1.tion/C.D. Block etc., level maps depicting the bOlmdaries and other important features have been insertecl at appropriate' places to further enhance the value of the publication. This publication is a joint venture of the U. T. Administration and the Census Organisa~1011. The data have been collected and compiled in the undel the direction of the Director of Census Operations, Anc1aman & Nicobar Islands on behalf of the U. T. Administration which is bearing the cost of printing. The! task of planning, designing and co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the head­ quarters under the guidance of Shri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in tJhis project.


The publication of District Census Handbook (DCH) follows its trail from 1951 Census--th(~ first Census of independent India wherein the Village and Town Directories and vil]agcwise and townwise Primary Census Abstract were comprehensively presented to the data l.:sers through DCH. Prior to 1951 Census, data at district level were incor­ porated 1:1 General Report~ and Tahles. Tn 1961 Census, DCH was made more informath·c :1S nOIl-cenSlIS data on some lXl5i( amenities available ill villages and towns were al~o incorpornted ;110ngwith the census data. In 1971 Census, an attempt \vas made to enlarge ils scope further by incorporating in it a birly delaibl account of administrative statistics in Part C of the DCH. However, keeping in view the time' involved in ohtaining adminis­ trative statistics and the resultant delay ill the preparation of DCH, it was decided to abandon the presentation of administrative statistics in DCH in the publication programme of 1981 Census. The present volume!, therefore, is the manifestation of 1961 pattern of DCH and contains, besides analytical I1ote, village ;md town directorv a~ it relates (-0 the Union Territory of And

The Vil~;lgC Directory gives a 1i~t (}f villages, their population and also information on basic amenities such a" schools, drinking water, medical services, postal services, etc., as available in these villages. The Town Directory gives i.nformation about the :lrca, popula~ion: growth rate :lS recorded in the past. ce:nsuses, density, sex ratio, availability of transport ard communications, municipal finances, civic, medical, educational and other amenities mcluding the availability of trade; commerce and banking facilities.

Due to sOllle reasons, DCH could not be published for earlier censuses in respect of the Union Territory of A & N Islands. The publication of this volume under the publica­ tion programme of 1981 Census, therefore, attains special significance. I hope that the volume would prove useful to researchers and data users, alike.

The project DCH was initiated under the able guidance of Shri P. Padmanabha, the former Rcgj~trar General, India, who also provided its frame and necessary guidance. I record my gratituc1e to 11;m. I am also grateful to Shrt V. S. Verma, Registrar General and Census Commissioner. Illdia, fnr his valuable advice at various stages which proved he1pfu11n fin::.lising this volume. I ~\m ~11s() thankful to Shri V. P. Pandey, Joint Registrar General, India, who not only helped us in all census mat,t,ers but also lightened our burden in printing matters so far :IS cenSllS puhlications of this Union Territory. '3;]-:e concerned.

The preparation of this volume involved collection of a variety of data and various types of information. Though a part of information was collected through normal communi­ cation channe1s~ yet a lot of information had to be collocted by deputing officials of the Directorate to various departments. The invaluable assistance rendered by the staff of technic:11 anli administrative wings of the Census Directorate in collection of the voluminous data is also acknowledged. In t~chnical wing, I am thankful to S/Shri P. K. T. Nair and K. N. Mi~hra (Statistical Assistants), V. O. Koshy, B. N. Mishra, Pradip Das Gupta and Smt. M. V. ~araswathi and Smt. Thankom Thomas (Computors). I am also thankful to Shri M. L. Puri (Office Superintendent), Smt. Saramma Samuel (Assistant), Smt. N. Meenambal (Accountant), Smt. Pennamma Cherlan and Smt. K. S. Nalini (Upper Division r,1erks) :1nd Shri Churchil (Lower Division Clerk). My thanks are also due to Shri K. V. r< Nair (Tunior Stenogr:1phf'r) for rt"J1ckring :111 secretarial :1ssistanc(" llJ1grndgingJy. (vin (vi ii)

The first draft of this volume was prepared by Shri S. P. Sharma, Dy. Director. Consequent upon his transfer to the mainland~ Shri R. K. Bhatia, his successor took upon himself the ta~k of revising the volume under the supervision of Shri R. D. Kapur, my predecessor who also held the charge of Director of Census Operations, A & N Islands in an ex-officio capacity. Despite his pre-occupations with administrative matters, Shri Kapnr involved himself deeply in giving a final shape to the volume. I record my appreciation [or the deep personal involvement of these three officers hut for whose ioint efforts, the volume coulcl not have gone to press.


POl't Bla~'r, Chief Secretary, Da/ed .' 1uly 9, 19R6. tlndtIman &, Nicobar r;falJd.~. DISTRICT ANDAMANS (INDIA I

Norcondom I. 0 •'T~'" OIGLIPUR TEHSIL




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Based upon Survey of Indio mop with tne p.rmllsion of the Sc!rv~or Generol of Indio CCl ('>overnl!l$f\t or Inrllo COP),rigM, 19 8S. Tne terrltoCiol wet ... s of Indio • .... 1,,1' nQUI,,:ql rr"~~ mSIlSw'd I"om the nrprc!~ri<1l~ tJilS' I,n;o (xi) lmportant Statistics of Andamans and Nicobars Districts

Union District Territory Andamans Nicobars

Population Total Persons 188,741 158,287 30,454 Males 107,261 90,446 16,815 Females 81,480 67,841 13,639 Runll Persons 139,107 108,653 30,454 Males 78,401 61,586 16,815 Females 60,706 47,067 13,639 Urban Persons 49,634 49,634 Males 28,860 28,860 Females 20,774 20,774 D~cennial pupulation growth rate 1971·--81 +63'93% ·j-69·35% ,40, 57 ~~ Area (Sq. Km.)@ 8,249.0Km2 6,408·0Km2 1,841'OKm2 O.:nsity of population (per sq. kill. ) 23 25 17 Sc.\ ratio (number offemales per 1,000 males) 760 750 811 Li teracy rat e (percentage) Pc:non~ 51'56 53'95 39·16 Males 58·72 60'87 47'13 Females 41'14 44'72 29'33 P.:,·centagc of Urba,1 papulation to total lJO;JUlalion :26·30 31'36 Percentage Lo total population (i) Main workers Penoom 33'21 .33·6U 33'17 Males 54'58 55'47 49'81 Females 5'07 4'45 8'18 (i I) Marginal workers Persons 3'67 2'42 10'21 Males 2'13 1'42 5·90 Females 5'71 3'73 15·52 (i i i) Non-worker, . Persons 63·12 63'98 58·62 Males 43'29 43'11 44'28 Females 89'22 91'82 76'30 Break up of main workerti: Percentage among main worker~ (i) Cultivators P~rsolls 16'39 18'72- 3·3-' Males 16'67 18'86 ]·57 Females 12·40 16'35 l' 70 (ii) Agricultural labourers Persons 3'73 4'27 0'69 Males 3'83 4'34 O· 77 Females 2'25 .1'05 0'0<) ~ iii) Household industry Persons 2'91 0'69 15' 39 Males 2'45 0'64 13'24 Females 9'56 ['43 31·54 (i V) Other workers Persons 76·97 76·32 80'57 Males 77·05 76'16 82'42 Females 75·79 79'17 66'67 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to total popu- Person~ 11' 85 0'75 69'52 lation Males 10'80 0'82 64'47 Females 13·22 0'65 75'75 Number of occupied residential houses 39,991 34,682 5,309 N umber of vi llages Total 516 334 Itl2 lllhabited 491""'- 320 J 71 Uninhabited 25 14 II Numb.:r of towns

~ Pr"':i, i()n~1



Rural and Urban Areas the 1981 Census for the purpose of determining the The Census data are traditionally presented by lnale working population in non-agricultural activities. two major classifications, namely, the rural and t~e In so far as the Union Territory of Andaman & urban. Village or town is recognised as the baSIc N;cobar Islands i~ concerned, there is only one town unit of habitation. viz., Port Blair which has a Municipal Board and has Rural Areas been categorised as urban area. No other place In the rural areas, Census village is the lowest qualifies to be declared as urban area as per the above unit. It covers the following habitations : conditions laid down for this purpose. (i) All revenue villages notified as such, Urban Agglomeration (ii) All traditional tribal villages, Apart from town/city. the 1971 Ceusus conctpt (iii) All places of human habitations located or urban agglomeration was also adopted in the 1981 outside the rewnue areas such as, Cen~us. Very often large railway colonieb', univer- 1;ity campuses, port areas, military camps, etc. come (a) Forest camps~ up outside the s!tatutory limits of the city or town but (b) A.P.W.D. camp&; adjoining it. Such areas may not by themselves (c) Bush Police camps; qualify to be treated as towns but, if t.hey form a (d) Contractors' camps~ and continuous spread with the town, they are outgrowths (e) Encroachment areas, etc. of the town and deserve to be treated as urban. Such towns together with their outgrowths have been In the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, about 86 treated as one urban unit and called 'Urban Agglo­ per cent of the total area is under f,}rest. For the meration'. An Urban Agglomeration llWy thll~ purpose of proper Cl!nsus taking and full coverage, (.;onstitute : all the places of human habitation mentioned in cate­ (a) a city with continuous ()iltgrowths (the part gory (iii) above, which were located outside the of outgrowth being outside the statutory revenue boundaries, were treated as separate 'Census limits but falling within the boundaries ot' villages'. The Forest, AP.W.D. or Bush Police the adjoining village or villages): Camps, etc. which were located within the revenue boundary of a village were treated as pari of the (b) a town with similar outgrowth or two 01 same village and their entity was not kept separate. more adjoining towns with their outgrowths as in (a); or Urban Areas (c) a city and one or more adjoining towns with A uniform definition of urban area was adopkd their outgrowths all of which form a COll­ throughout the country. According to the definition, tinuous spread. the places which satisfied the following criteria were As regards this Union Territory, there was no treatecl as "Urban" : "Urban Agglomeration" at the 1981 Census. (a) All statutory towns, i.e., all places with a municipal corporation, municipal board, call­ Standard Urban Arca tonment board or notified town :)rcCi, etc. A new concept of Standard Urban Area inl!"tJ­ tb) All other places which satisfied the following duced in the 1971 Census was also followed at the criteria: 1981 Census. The essential requirements for th" (i) A minimum population of 5,000; constitution of a Standard Urban Area arl.!: (ii) 75 '10 of the male working population (i) II should have a COI\; town witJl a min.imulll engaged in non agricultural (and allied) population of 50,000, Oi) the contiguous areas made activity; and up of other urban as well as rural administra. (iii) A density of population of at least 400 tive units should have mutual socio-economic Hnks per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile). with the core town and (iii) in all probability thls entire area should get fully urbanised in a period of The urban criterion of 1981 was the ~ame as two or three decades. Certain Standard Urban Areas that for 1961 and 1971. However, wl1ercas fishing. were determined on this basis in 1971 and some basic livestock, hunting. logging, plantations and orchards; data were presented for 1951, 1961 and 1971 for such etc. (falling in industrial categOlY III) were treated as ureas and their components, It was proposed that non·agricultural ilctivities in the 1961 and 1971 Cen­ similar data would be presented for the Standard suses, these activities were treated as agricultUl'Dl in Urban Areas in 1981 also. The idea was to present

3 the basic data for these areas for four to fiv.; decades ll::>ilrllIllS, etc. These arc called . Institutional house­ So that the urbanisation process in those areas could holds'. There may be one member hou.\eholds. two be studied. member households or multi-member households. F'_,r c;!mus purpo~es. each one of these tJypes was re· As in the case of 'Urban AgglomtlatilJn', ilO garded as a 'household'. Standard Urban Area was either formed at the 1971 Census or the 1981 Census in thiS! Union Territory. 1n ",asc of .1 group of peniOllS who were UDrelat­ ed to each other and found living in a census house Other terms and concepts adopted at the 1961 but were not having their meals from the common Census are discussed below: kitchen. they were not treated as Institutional house­ holds and each such person was treated as a separate Census House i;ulIsehc,ld. . A Census Housl! is a building or purl of a build.~ jug having a separate main entrance from the wad Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (.1r common courtyard or staircase, etc. used ~)r Under Article 341 (1) of the Constitution of recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or India. the President may, with respect to any State, vacant. It may be used for a residential or nOll­ llnd where it is a State specified in Part A or Part B residential purpos~ or both. c1' the First Schedule. after consultation with the Governor or Rajpramukh thereof by public llotifica­ .In case of a building having a numh.!r of fiats linn. specify the castes, races or tribes or parts of Of or blocks which were independent of on~ another groups within castes, races or tribes which shall for having separate entrance of their own f1'0111 the road t he purpose of this Constitution be deemed to he 01' common staircase or COITUnon courtyard leading to Schedukd Castes ill relation to that State. the main gate. these were tn:ated as separate celll'US houses. While, if in a large enclosed area, there were Under Article 342 (1), the President may, with separate buiMing5 owned by different PtTSOflS then r..:spect to nny Stale, and wh,,;re it is a State specified each such building was treated as one or more sepa­ in Part A or Pml B 0.1' the First Schedule. after rate house. qH1sultatin!l \yith the Governor or Rajpramukh there­ ..;1. by puoli<.: notification, specify the tribes or tribal Where there were separalc building:; within au l:Ommunili~s or parts of or groups within tribes or enclosed compour;.d owned by an undcrtaking 01' tribal communities which shall for the purposes of company or even government and actually in occupa­ this Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled 1ribes tion of different persons. thes~ were treated as sepa­ in relation to that State. rate buildings and. if in anyone of those buildings there were fiats in occupation of different households, The process of notification of the ~}tatutory lists each such fiat in these buildings was treated as a of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in pursuance separate 'census house', of these constitutional provisions was initiated in 1950-51. These lists have since been modified or The detailed instructjons with jJlustrations ex­ umended or supplemented from time to time. Later plnining the applioation of deftnition of 'census house' on, the Scheduled Castes dnd Scheduled Tribes in different situations were issued for the benefit of Orders (Amendment) Act. 1976 came into force. The I?l)umerators. Each census house and building was main purpose of this Amendment Act waSi to remove to be numbered at the time of house-numbering and the area restrictions in respect of most of the Sche­ houselisting operations both in the urban and rural duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. areas of this Union Territory. In the case of Port Blair M.B.. the whole town was thoroughly surveyed Scheduled Castes and each building} census house. whether pucca or The statutory list of Scheduled Castes has been kutchha, permanent or temporary, was given a sepa· notifted in pursuance of Scheduled Caste8 and Sche­ rate census house number with paint. Thh was done duled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act (jf 1976. Since prior to housenumbering and houselisting operatiom,. llO caste was notified as Schedull!d Caste in relation Similarly in the rural areas, all census hO!..lses wen~ II, A & N Islands, 1)0 data could be collected for numbered with paint by the enumerators. These Scheduled Castes for this Union Territory. house numbers were adopted {or the actual c.ensus Scheduled Tribe) enumeration also which was orgarused about five months after the housenumbering and l1ou&elisting In terms of the ConstitutIOn (Andaman & Nico­ operations. bar .rslal1d~) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as standSi amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Household Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 (l08 of 1976), A household is a group of persons whu commnn­ [hie following tribes are Scheduled Tribes in relation ly live together and would take their meals from a to this Union Territory:- common kitchen uri]es~s the exigencies of w(wk pre­ vented any of them from doing so. Ther: may be a I. Andamancse, Chariar, Chari, Kora, Tabo~ I3l), Yere. Kede, Bea, Ba]awa. Bojigiyab. household of pec§O'J:l§ related by fJlood or ;J household .fuwai, Knl. of unrelated persons Of having a mix of hoth, Exam· pIes of unrelated households are boal'dillg houses, ) Jarawa" messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, 3. Nicobare:-,,' 4. and the 1971 results. Also, it was thought that in the context of our country, the enquiry relating to current 5. status of a worker was rather irrelevant and that usual 6. Shorn Pens status was more appropriate. Another anxiety was to The J arawas and the Sentinelese. whc stilI lead clbtain figures of participation of women and children an isolated life, could not be contacted and ellumerat­ in as accurate a manner as possible SO that their parti­ ed in any census in the past. However, n break­ cipation could be recorded fully. Keeping these points through was made in the case of the J arawas by in view the questions indicated above weI':: evolved. listing and enumerating 31 of them (21 males and 10 Basically, the questions have been formulated so as to females) for the first tim'? at the 1981 Cen.sus. ~hese firs.t attempt to divide lhe population inte th(~se who Jarawas were contu'Jcd at three places m MIddle have worked any time at all during the last year and Andaman. The number of Seminc1ese and the re­ those who have not worked at all. Having classified maining Jarawas a~ the .1981 Census has been esti­ the population into these broad group~, the next mated in consultation ,WIth the members of the con­ attempt has been to divide th;)se who have wurked any tact teams constituted by the A & N Administration time intO' two groups, namely (i) tho'le WIl0 h;:tve work­ 10 be friend these tribes ed ill some economic activity over a pC'il1d of six months or more or in bo:h the agricultural seasons and Literacy (ii) those whose work was considered as marginal or A person who can both read and write with secondary. Finally, an attempt has also b-ccn made to understanding in any language has been taken as determine whether those who ,vere nor;"".'fOrkers or literate. A person who can merely read but cannot thos:: who were margin~'! worken Vl(~re sel~king or write is not literate. It is not necessary that a per:-,on were available for work. who is literate should have received any fermal educa­ Work has been defined as participation in any tion or should have passed any minimum educational economically productive activity. Such participation t:tandard. may be physical or mental in nature. \Vork involves Economic Activity not anly actual work but also effective supervision and One of the important features of the Census direction of work. relates to col1ection of information about the econo­ In all these questions. the reference period is the mic activity of the peopk. At the 1981 Census. the orne year preceding the date of enumeratil'n. Certain questions which were canvassed in the Individual types of work such as agriculture and hou:;eho]d indus­ Slip to elicat information in this regard were _the try are carried on either throughout the year or only following: during certain seasons or parts of the year depending I. Q. 14A Worked any time at a)] last year? on local circumstances. In such cases the reference Yes period has been the broad time span of the agricultural seasons preceding the enumeration. No. (H{ST/D/R/B/l{O) Main Workers II. Q. 14B If yes in 14A, did you work for major part The Main workers: were those who had worked of last year? Yes (l)/No (2) for a major part of the year preceding the enumera­ tion. By major part of the year was meant that the III. Q. 15A Main activity last year? persons had worked for 183 days (or six months) or Yes in 14B (CfAL/HHI/OW) more. The main activity of workers was das:;.ified into four categories viz. (i): Cultivator, (ii) Agricultural No in 14B (H/ST/DIRfB/lfO) Labourer, (iii) Workers of hOIJseh01d industry and (iv) IV. 14B Yes-Any other work any time Other workers. This was determined bv the informa~ I:lst year? yes (C/AL/HHf/OW)/No tlon available in Q" 15A of the Individltal Slip. Q. 15B.~-----~-~----~---- 14B No-Work done any time last year? Marginal workers (C/AL/HHI/OW) Marginal worker5 were those who 'worked any V. Q.16 If no in 14A or 14B seeking/available for time in the year preceding the enumem tion but did not work? Yes (1 )/No (2) work for a major part of the year LeO' those who work­ r;d for less than ] 83 days or six months. The formulation of these questions waSi a matter cf considerable discussion at the Data Users Con­ Non-workers ferences and in technical groups. It may be recalled Non-wbrken w(;r~ those w~'o hat! not worked any that soon after the publication of the provisional time at all in the year prec('dill£ the date of enumera­ results of the 1971 Census. there was some debate re­ tion. garding the comparison of the results with those of the 1961 Census and the influence that changes in concept (;ultivaiors or definition could have brought to bear on these A perE>on was considered as cu1iIvulor if he or results. At the 1981 Census it was considered desirable she was engaged either 8.'1' employer, single worker or o obtain as detailed a profile of the working charac­ family v-Iorker in cuHiva~ion of land \)wned or held eristics of the pcpulation as possible without losing from government or j,eld from private persons or he poss,ibility of some comparability with the 1961 institut.ions for paynw!1t in m()rley. kind 01" ~;hare of 2-310 R G. India (ND)185 6 crop. Cultivation included supervision or direction of (v) Ganja, cinchona, opium and medicinal cuI ti vation. plants. A person who had given out his / her land to (vi) Betel-nut (areca). another person or persons for cultivation for money, (vii) Flowers. kind or share of crop and who did not eWll supervise (viii) Roots and tubers, Lhillies and spi..:..cs (\)tl1('.r or direct cultivation of land was not treated as cultiva~ than pepper and cardamom). tor. Similarly, a person working in allother person's (ix) Vegetables. land for wages in cash or kind or a comhinalion of both was not treated as cultivator. (x) Other crops not specifically included under cultivation. Cultivation involved ploughing, sowing ano harvesting and production of cereals and millet crops Workers engaged in Household Industry such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc. and For a person who retumed his/her main activity other crops such as sugarcane, ground-Luts, tapioca. as engaged in some production. proce,.sing, servicing etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindred fibre crop, 'Jf repair of articles or goods such as handloom weav­ cotton, etc., but did not include fruit growing, vege­ ing, dye!1ng, carpentry, bidi rolling. pottery manu­ table growing or keeping orchards or groves or work­ facture. bicycle repairing. blacksmithy, tailoring, etc., ing on plantation like tea, coffee. rubber, cinchona it was to be ascertained whether it was a household and other medicinal plantations. industry. Agricultural Labourers Household industry was defined as an industry A person who worked in another person's land conducted by the head of the household himself! for wages in cash, kind or share of crop was regarded herself and / or by the members of the household at as an agricultural labourer. Such a person bad no home or within the village ill rural areas, and only risk in cultivation but merely worked in another per­ within the precincts of the house where the house­ son's land for wages. An agricultural labourer had hold lived in urban areas. The larger propoltion of no right of lease or contract On land oon 'vhich he workers in a household industry should consist cf worked. members of the household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a register­ For certain reasons, the growing of certain crops ~d factory. was not considered as, agriculture. If a person was The main criterion of a household industrv was engaged in the growing of such crops he or she has the participation of one or mOre membeJ s of a house­ not been considered as a cultivator or an agricultural hold. This criterion applied in urban areas too. E vell labourer. if the industry was not actually located in the house A person was classified as a cultivator or as an in rural areas there was grt:akr possibility of the agricultural labourer only on the basis of .)zc cr,ips memhers of the household participating even if it was grown. The growing of the follow!l1J?: crops was located anywhere within the village limits. In the considered as cultivation. Therefore, a person who urban areas, where organised industry was more grew these crops or who worked on land on which prominent, the household industry was to be confined these crops were grown has been classified as a culti­ to the precincts of the house where the participants vator or an agricultural labourer. as the case might lived. Tn urban areas even if the members of the oe:,- houshold by themselves ran an industry but at a place away from the precincts of their home, it was 0) Cereal and millet crops, paddy. wheat, jowar, not considered a household industry. bajra, maize, ragi, barley, gl am, etc. A household induslry is one that is engaged in (ii) Pulses : Arhar, moong, masur, llrd, khesari, production, processing. servicing, repairing or making etc. and selling (but not m::rdy selling) nf goods. It (iii) Fibre crops: Raw cotton, Jute, fiesta. sun­ docs not include professions such as those practi~ed hemp and kindred fibre crops. by a pleader, doctor. barber, musician. danc·cr. dhobi, (iv) Gil seeds: Sesamum, groUl!d-nut, rupe. astrologer, etc. or merely trade or business. even if mustard, linseed, castor, etc. ~uch profes<;jous. trade or services arc am at hmne (v) Cash crops: Sugarcane. hy members of the household. Sometimes it was likely that the person who The growing of the following crops was not might not b:C worlking in his/her own household considered as cultivation : industry might be working in another household (i) Plantation crops: Tea, coffee. rubber. industry. In such cases, enquil'ies were made whether tobacco, pepper, cu:try political or social work, all government servants, were the following: municipal employees, teachers, priests, entertainment artists etc. In fact, all those who worked in any field (a) One or more members of the household must of economic activity other than cultivator, agricul­ participate. Participation by hired labour tural la bourer and household industry, are 'other must be minimum; workers'. They were recorded as 'OW'.


The districts of Andamans & Nicobars were five inhabited islands. namely, (1) North Andaman formed in the year 1974 vide Andaman & Nicobar (Part), (2) Stewart, (3) Aves, (4) Interview and (5) Administration's Notification No. 110 j74/P-15-145 / ~,1iddle Andaman (Part). 74-1 datcd 19-7-1974. Prior to this, the Union Terri­ tory of A & N Islands was a uni-district territory. Rangat tcbsi) A ndamans Dif>1rict Thi~ tehsil consists of 66 inhabited villages which ~tre mamly spread over part of Middle Andaman The Andamans district was constituted with four Is]a~d. The other inhabited islands falling in this tchsils namely, (1) Diglipur, (2) Mayabunder, (3) tehs!l are por] and Long islands. I{angat and (4) South Andaman. The SQuth Anda­ man tehsil was further bifurcated into two . Port Blair tehsiJ namely, 'Port Blair' and 'F~rrargunj' in the year 1975 . This tehsil has the distinction ot havmg the vide A & N Administration's Notification No. 106/ hIghest 1!umber of 81 inhabited villages among the 75/FAO-6/74-1 dated 30th October. 1975. Thus, at ~ve tahslls 0:[' the. And~mans distriot. . These villages the time of the 1981 Census. the district of Andamans are located III 9. mhablted Islands VIZ. (I) North comDrised five tehsils the details of which are given Passage, (2) StraIt, (3) Baratung_ (4) Pecl, (5) Have­ h:low ~ock (6) N~i], (7) South Andaman (Part), (8) Rutland qi~lipur tehsil a~d (9) . Apart from having the This tehsil consists of 39 inhabited villages whIch ?Ighest n~~ber. of !nhabited vi!Iagcs. the l("l1e~ town_ p~)ft BlaIr WhICh IS the seat of the Andanwn & :, Ie spread over in four inhabited islands. namely, (1) Nlcobar Administration. is also located in this tehsiI, Narcondam. (2) East, (3) North Andaman (Part) and (4) Smith. This tehsi~ is located at the northern­ Ferrargunj tebsil most part. of thi~ terntory. This tehsil cOllsists of 76 inhabited villaoes All Mayabunder tehsil t!lese inhabited ,:,illages except one are loc~ted in There are 58 inhabited villages in this tehsiJ as ~outh .And~man l~land (Par't). The remaining village IX r the ! 9H I Census. These villages form part of I.e. IS located very n~:1r to . 8

Nicobars district i51and, these islands form almost like an arch within a parallelogram located between 6 and 14 degrees of At the time of the I y81 Census, the di~trict 01 the North Lati.tude and 92 and 94 degr~c~ of Ea~t Nicobars consisted of two tehsils, namely, Car Nico. Longitude. bar and Nancowry. The total area of the Union Territory of A & N Car Nicobar tehsil Islands as supplied by the Surveyor General is 8.249 Car Nicobar tehsil has 16 viiJagt's. 'fhe area I~ :;q.kms. The area of Andamans district is 6,408 predominentIy inhabited by the tribals. sq.kms. while that of Nicobars distri(.t i~, I ,841 ~q. kms. Each district is under the charge pf a Dl:puty Nancowry tchsil Commissioner. ot This tehs!l has the largest numba ' villages This Union Territory comprises more than 300 among all the seven tehsils of both the districts named and unnamed islands and over 260 named and of Andamans and Nicobars. There cue 16;) villages unnamed rocks. However. ~)lllv 33* isbnds are in­ in this tehsil. Out ()If these, II villages are uninhabited, habited, Of these. 20 are loca'ted in Andamans dis­ Semi-nomadic tribals, Sham Pen~~, reside in this trict and 13 in Nicobars district. tehsil. At the time of the 1981 Census. Shom Pcm were enumerated in 12 villages. A Pradesh Council has been set up under the A & N Islands (Administration) R;:gulation, 1979. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISTRICl The Pradesh Council consists of the Administrator. CENSUS HANDBOOK the Member of the House of Peopk reoresenting the Union Territory. the Chairman of the Port Blair Muni­ The District Census Handbo()k was introduced cipal Board and 25 persons e1ect~d or nominated f.rom for the first time at the 1951 Census. The District the areas of the Union Territory in the manner speclfled Census Handbook includes, inter alia, the village in cp;umn (2) pf the Table below paragraph I of tnc iDlirectory and the Town Directory, bc~ides the First Schedule to the A & N fshr.ds (Administration) Primary Census Abstract. Prior to this. the much Regulation, 1979. In addit.i0!1 to these, tw0 rne~bers needed villagewise popula':ion figures were net avail­ ,Ire nominated by the Admllll~trator, one be1 .. onglllg to able to the reader. Inclu cion of District Cen~m ally of the Scheduled Tribes of Alldam<:!nese, Ollgcs Handbook (DCH) in the publication programme was and Shom Pens and one woman, if no woman becomes a big landmark in the history of the Indiaa Censu<;. a member of the Pradesh Council under any of the Since 1951, DCHs are ~xing regularly Duhliohed in foregoing clauses. each State. However, as regards the Union Territory of A & N Islands, no District Cen,us Hanl~hG('k L::t~ The Pradesh Council may di~cuss and make re­ been brought out so far, though the villagewise basic, commendations to the Administrator on- population data was published in s. 'me cemus publications. The present volume is. therefore. the (a) matters of the Administratit))1 ir:Jating to the first of its kind ever brought out as a separate YOllllllC Union Territory, involving geseral questions for this territory. of policy and schemes of development in so far as they relate to matters enumerated in Initially, we had thought of bringing out separate the State List or in the Conrllrrent List in district census ht:mdbooks tor the two districts of the Seventh Schcdule to the Consti; ution: Andamans & Nicobars of this Union Territory, but (b) thc five-year plans and annual plan proposals at a later stage, having regard to ,he volume of data' for j he development of the Union Territory; available and in the interest of economy, we decided (c) the estimated receipts and eApenditure per­ to bring out a combined volume for both the districts. taining to the Union Territory to be credited to, and to be met from, the Consolidated PHYSICAL ASPECTS Fund of India; The Andaman and Nicobar is1ands are a group (d) proposals for undertaking leg:sl ation for the of picturesque Islands, big and small, inhabited and Union Territory with respect to any of the uninhabited, lyi!1/l in the South-Eastem part of the matters' enumentcd in the State Li,t or in .he . Often described as green islands in Concurrent List in the Seventh Schedule to the marigold sun on which the horizons are fixed, the Constitution; and they were known throughout the C('untry as 'Kalarani' hecause of their having been a penal settlement under \e) any other matter whicr. th~ A?n;inistrat(~r may refer to the Pradt?sh CouLcl1 .or con~l­ .the British Rule, ~ rcputa:ion th(;y arc fast shedding since Independence. deration and advice. The Unio Territorny of A & N Islands is cut off Till II th November. J 982. il;c Chief C'mmissio­ from the mainland by vast ~Iretches nf ~e:l. Th ner was thc administrative hefld of the Union 'ferritory. islands arc sprawling in the Bay of Bengal from North From 12th November. 1982, the territory has been to South and, with the exception of Narcondam placed under the (.'harge of the Lt. Governor. ·Nole.-This figure does not include Chatham 1and R05;i~I'l.n'k Chatham wa~ :cnumenllcd under SOUih Andaman isl and whereas Ro ~ was treated as an llninhabited island. 9

THE GEOLOGY fathoms and thence on the west in the Bay of Bengal to over 2(J00 falh subject that Nicobar and within about 95 nllk:; of the Anda­ lS so far available goes to s'10w, CG the assump­ mans. The contours thus show beyond doubt tion that except in the case of isolated volcanic the existence of a lofty range of suLmarine moun­ peaks 200 fathoms i" th,:: "\trem~ limit of the tains between Cape Ncgrais and Achin Head rising and sinking of land on tile cJnh's surface, rising from the ocean depths upto 15000 feet and the possibility uf there having been a time when nowhere less than 6000 feet on the East. and the whole Andaman group with and up to 15000 feet and nowhere less thitn 10000 (eet Cocos formed one continuous hill connected with on the west, thus separaling the Bay of Bengal Cape Negrais, and that this hill was separated by from the . Of this great range 700 a strait of, say 400 fathom'> decp and, say, 30 miles long, taking 100 fathems (:;s a base, the miles wide. from the Nicoi)ars considered as continental and island 3Unllll1ts are shown in one one island and the general Nicobar island again central line llorth to south as \ 1) Cape Negrais from by a strait "t, say, 600 fathoms (Arakan Yomas) and Pr.:cparis Islands, (2) Cocos deep, and perhaps not more than 30 miles wide. and , ~J) Nicobar Islands, (4) The 100 fathom line connects the Prcpans (Jroup Achine Head (Sumatra). The Western Banks, with Burma (Cape Negrais) COli verts atI the Anda­ tile Sentinal lslands and Dalrymple Baks are mam. with the Cocos Group into onc island lowcr summits to the west of the central line. and except for a few dcepa soundings, all the According to the contuurs outlying summits of Nicobars into another i"land. It would also con­ detached spurs of the central line to the east are vert the Invisible Bank, 40 miles Ea~t of the Barren Island and the lnyisible Bank. They South Andamans, now a mere "rock awash" in also show that Narcondam and the Submarine mid ocean, inte a considerah!e isiand and would the Sentinal Islands and Darlymple Banks are considerably enlarge the area of Barren Islands. Central Andaman and Nicobar range, being but it would leave NarcunJam Lland as it is. summits of outlying spurs of the Yomas attachE'd So that in reality, as ab~;ve indicalcd, the Anda­ to Cape Negrais. rhus last faCe supports the old mans and Cocos are, geographically speaking. assumption that the dormant Barren Island vol­ exhibitions of one summit and the Nicobars 01 lano belongs to the immediate St.nda group of another of the sub-marine range between Burma volcanoes, while the long extinct Narcondam and Sumatra, whose Easkrn outlying: spurs are Volcano belongs to the Pegu group, both belong­ expressed by the Invisibk Bank and Barren ing to the general Sunda group". Island. Narcondam belongs to the Asiatic Con­ "Narcondam and Barreu Islands are, as al­ tinent (Burma)." ready noted, properly volcanoes belonging to the "The accepted conc1usiv~ arf,lIJ11cnt proving Sunda group, and line, with the Nicobars, along the isolation of the Andam{ln Sea from the con·· I)ne of the principal lines of weakness in the neeted oceans is that of Carpenter. who showed earth's surface. The Andamans are just off this that the temperature of :ts great Jepths ll1volved and escape the violent earthquat<:cci to which the the existence all round it of submarine hills, the others are liable". greatest depth of which below sea level could not be more than about 750 fathoms. The con­ FORESTRY tours of the depths of this sea from such data The Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar as the available charts at my disposal afford seem islands has a geographical area of 8,249 sq. kms. of to fully support Carpenter's conclusion. '1 he which about 86 per cent is under forest. The break­ openings into the Andaman Sea from the con .. up of area among various categories is as given neeted oceans are: from Bay of Bengal. the below:- North and South Prcparis Channels, the Coco Channel, Duncan Passage, Ten Degrees Channels and the Great Channel : flom the Gulf of Siam, Percentage the Straits of Malacca. Thi£ last has a bar only Gcogr,'phic21 ;:rC2. • 100.00 a few fathoms deep and clearly isolates the Rescrvec1 forests 25.43 Andamans Sea from the Gulf. The greatest Protected furests • 31.41 depths in the other Channds are as under: 213.10 North Preparis Channel. 47 fathoms; South Pre­ Tribsl reserves paris Channel, 150 fathoms; Coco Channel, 36 S"l1cturies ,.nd 11~ ticm'] p,1]ks 1.21 fathoms; Duncan Passage, 17 fathoms; Ten Other them forest" re; s . 13.85 Degrees Channel, 565 fathoms; Great Channel, 798 fathoms". The Andaman and Nicobar Islands abound in "On either sidc the line of the Andamans forest wealth. Forests are the ~~ain source of this and Nicobars the sea rapldly dcep~ns to 1000 territory's revenue and are also indisputably one of 10

the major sources of its cCOlumic c!cyeL){Jmult. The at present. the deparlment is Ict\ldcd by t h~ Chid forests arc mostly tropical evergrc'~n, containing more Conservator of Forests who is 2~sistd by threc Con­ than two hundred tfee specie3 of which only about servators of Forests. The Conservator of Forests fifty-five are of commercial value at pn;sent. (Andaman circle) is incharge of the eirck consisting History of five territorial divisions viz .. South, M iddlc & North Andamans, Baratang and Nicobar Divisions, 1 hi: Foreslry in this territory dates biKk 10 1883. At Baratang and Nicobar Divisi:)ns were created during that time there was no regular workin~ plan and the t he decade 1971-81. The Conservator 0 f F ores ts harvesting uf timber was confined to a very few species (Andaman circle) is also ex-cffkio ChIef Wildlifc only viz., Padauk, Silvergrey and Kokkc. The Warden for the territory. The wildlife Division was only precessing unit was the GGvernment Saw Mill created during the year 1977-78 fc)r tn.: protection and at Chatham initially established in 1883. Apart from conservation of wildlife in these islands. The comer­ thi' unit. the only industry werth tl1e name was a vator of Forests (Developmen~ & Utilis,(tion) is in­ match-splint ftictory established in the private sector charge of the four functional di'li';i,;ns viz .. Mill D:vi­ by Mis WIMCO in 1929. By 1930-31, more species sion. Chatham. Utilisation Division. Depot Divi5ion at found their way into the marht due tl' development Calcutta and Madras. The Coescrvalor of Forests ti1C of match and plywood industrie; in country. As (Headquarters) is incharge of the SiivicuItu.r~ ~nd a result thereof, forestry operations were intensified. Working Plan Division. Thi~. Circle

manufacturlllg of finished products from a large quan­ in 1971-72 which rose to 7,089 KW in til;.; year 1980,81. lily of conuTIcrcial timber by tbe !oct! wood basd Ill­ In the case of Nicobars distric~, the installed capa­ dustries. city rose from 242 KW in 1971-12 to 384 KW in 1980-81. During the last decade ther..: has been a The Forest Department c~)n'rlbult~ lbout 70 per tremendous increase in the generation of power. It cent of tl!0 State Revenue in the Andaman & Nicobar rose from 40,96,528 KWH in the year 1971-72 to lslands. The annual revenu,: receipts of the depart­ 76,74,554 KWH in the year 1980-81. ment increased from Rs. 167 lukhs to Rs. 514 lakhs during the last decade (1971-81). The revenue receipts During the last decade, the development under during the year 1982-83 w,;r'..: ah,lut Rs. 656 lakhs. sector 'Power' was remarkable. Earlier th('. main SIJUlTCS of generation had been Chatham Po'.ver House Wild Life having two small steam tur~"),) gene;:ators. During During the last decade. \ mphJ~is was also laid the decade 1971-81 many schenh~s for augmentation on protection and c()ns.:fvatlon of wiidlifc in these of diesel generaling (DG) c created. TIle Electri­ far arranged to be met on ad hoc basi.; by installation city Department was made independent during the uf DG sets etc. The load in Scuth AlJdaman has year 1957 and the ,po:;t of A~sistant Engineer was up­ reached (he level during the decade requiring reliable graded to that of Rt'sident Eng;nccr during 1%5. A ~!l1d long term arrangements to put the power supply full fledged division aIongwith 3 sub-divisions was (In sound footing. The Central Ekctricity Authority created during the year 1966 which ccr..lrolled Port has carried out studies to meet !ong term power re­ Blair. Car Nicobar and Mayabunder areas. Another ljU ircmenl in these islands ancI .:()mpara live economics dIvision was created during the year llJ73. Ihe acti­ for installation of the coal based Thermal Power Sta­ vities of the department in the field vf power genera­ tion wa, examinecl_ The p;oject rep;)rt was prepared tion, transmission, distribution and sale kept on in­ for 2 X 5 MW coal based thermal power station, which creasing and ultimately the Government of India was ultimately sanctioned and approved by the creatcd a circle having 3 divisi'='l1s_ Th-:,s~ divisions Government of I nelia. This s.:heme 1S further being are known as (i) Headquarter::. (ii) Rural and (iii) examined. As an interim arrangement :l scheme for Procurement and Store. installing 5 x 2.5 MW diesel set is under consideration.

Th..: Headquarters Division has been entrusted INDUSTRY with the work of power gcnerati\)i1, transmission. dis­ tribution and its sale in the en!ir.: D1u:n islands or Thc Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar South Andaman. The plan sch''::lfIc iil these areas is Islands is industrially backward a;ld tlie Government also looked after by them. of India has classified this territory under Category 'A'-a special /No Industry Di~trict. For ac­ The Rural Division has be'_'n cnrrusted with the celerating the promotion of new industries and deve­ work vf power generation. transnl1~sion, distribution loping the existing industries, :he Industries Depart­ and its sale in all the isl:ll1ds other than the main ment was upgraded to a fullftedged Directorate in the islands of South Andaman. year 1978. Simultaneously, in the same year, the The Procurement and Store DiviSIon looks after District Industries Centre was also set up.' No sale tbe entire purchase of material, for pl::.n and non-plan tax is levied on the goods in this Union Territory. As works for the department. [he ~afe st;)rillg of mate­ an incentive, small scale units are exempted from rials and its receipt and despatch are also looked after octroi duty for import of (ll".n~, machinery and by this division. equipment from the mainland. Besides, under the Industrial Estate Programm;o. small scale units are During the last decade. the 'lcrivitics of the Elec­ provided with industrial shed" and developed plots for tricity Department have exp:lI1dcd rapidly in all spher-:s. setling up their unit~ in this area. Package assistances The installed capacity during the YCdr 1971-72 was arc being rendered by the Dir~ctnrate of Industries 3.095.5 KW which rose to 7,473 l(W in ~hc year 1980- 3nd the District Industl ies Centr': tG the entcrpreneurs 81. The district-wise IPosition is that ir, case of Anda­ in setting up industrial activities in thi;; backward mans district, the installed capacity was 2.853.5 KW area. 12

75 per ceiit Cell'tit; Transpurt SHbsidy M. V. Akbar and M. V. Andamans are owned A& per Government of India Policy, for those hv the Andaman & Nicobar Administration, M. V. units which were srt up after 31-12-1976 and also Harshavardhana and T.S.S. Nancowry beI0ng to the t;1ose t:nits \vhie:l have taktn expansion p1ogramm~ Shipping Corporation of India ,SCI), Ex~'.ept M. V. ("[tcr the S,llTIC date, 75 % of tLe freight charges to­ Akbar. the passenger-cum-cargo ships plying between ward:,; bringing t,v,; raw nnLerials from the mainland the mainland and these islands are being manned, and exporting tlle finished p:oducts to th.:: mainland maintained and operated by SCI at present M.v. are allowC'd as Transport Subsidy with effect from Akbar is being manned, maintained and operated by 1-4-1983. (ile MoguL Lines Ltd. Capital Investment Subsidy M. V. Akbar was pressed into service in this To give incentive to th·~ industria! units, new as :,cctor in 1982 only, This vessel is also being used wdl as exis1ing, the Governm.cnt of India has also for HaJ ServIce. annoullced 25 '% capiwl subsidy on capital investment Two cargo vessels viz, M. V. Shompen and M. V. with effect from 1-4-1983 subjeCT to a maximum limit Digiipur belonging to the SCI are also plying exclu­ of Rs. 25 lakhs. Capital inv:::stmcnt includes land, si vely in this sector, The cargo carrying capacity building, plant and machinery and equipments. of M, V. Shompen is 3500 tonnes while that of M, V. During the year 1984-85. an amount of Rs. 34.7 Diglipur is 5600 tonnes. Besides, some private cargo lakhs and Rs. 9.0 Iakhs wa'> s,lnctlcned as Transport vessc!!)' owned by Mes.';rs. Hauers Lines (P) Ltd. and Subsidy and I nvcsiment Sub;idy re:o;.peccivcly to 13 in­ Messrs. Ellon Hinango (P) Ltd. also ply ~n this dustrial unit~ from this Union Territory. ~e(tor. Present Status of Industry Inter-island Shipping service At present there are flY<' DG In unit" induding Three types of services are being opel'att'd. These one Government Saw MilL functionifi!! 1i\ these are : ... islands. These are : - ~ (i) Inter-island services (1) WIMCO Manuii:cture 0f m8tch splints (ii) Off-shore ferry service~ (2) Andamr:n Timber M:mufacture (f plywood block Industries beards (iii) Harbour ferry services (3) Jayashrec Timber Mr.nufLctmc of pJywocd (i) Inter-island services Products The following vessel~ are deployed on inter­ (4) Asian Woods & Manufacture of plywood. i,land services:- p .)ly;u~ts PilL. L:d. V-:n::crs (5) GClVt. Cll.thum Saw,l timber, Name of the Vessel C"rgo Passenger capacity c~puci!y Saw MiilI Besides. as on 31-3 1985, 373 villages and smaU (onnes indusltries were also functioning and registered with the M. V. Sentinel 200 300 State Directorate in this Union TerritOlY. M. V. . 85 204 During the period 1984-85, 42 units under SSI, T. S. S. Yerewa 85 209 Rural and Cottage Industries were financially assisted S. S. Cho/ung" 60 194 to a tune of Rs. 26.40 lakhs, iv1. V. Chowra 200 300 MARINE AND SHIPP1NG Water transport plays a vit21 role in the life of Besides. there are two small cargo vessels viz .• the people here. The territory being dependent upon M. V. 'Teressa' and M. V. 'Kondul' of 40 tonnes the mainland for most of ;ts suppHcs, :.;hipping is in capacity each which are being used f~)r carrying fact the life line of these islands. supplies to outlying islands. Some pnvate cargo vessds are also engaged in inter-island service. Mainland-Island Services . At present. 4 passenger-cum"cargo ships are (0) Off~shorc ferry services plymg between the main1and and these islands. The Coastal ferry services are being provided between particulars of these ships are furnished below :~ Port Blair and Little Andaman, Neil, Havelock, Name of Vessel P.1S3enger Cargo c'1rrying cop:::- Baratang and Rangat and Kadamtala. Ferry services capilcity city (in tonnes) , are also being provided between Mayabunder and Diglipur four times a week. 1. M. V.Akhl.r . 1,571 500-1000 (pflssenger 1nd c9rgo capacity (iii) Harbour ferry services m'ly vary) 2. M. V.Andamans 618 1J50 Harbour ferry services are being run in. Port Blair harbour, from Mayabunder to Kahgbat. 3. M. V. H'1rshavardham. 749 1550 Parangara and Bajota and from Nancowry to 4. T. S . .,. Nlncowry , 900 2000 Champion. 13

M. V. Milale is utilised for establishing contacb entry of vessels into ports, allotting them berths and with the tribals. Regular trips are arranged to Strait anchorage, regulating the number of crew dc. Island, Jarawa area and Creek. For carrying out all these functions, a total of In Nicobar group, ships call at Car Nicobar, 11 p-:rsonnel (including HM, AHM, and Pilot) arc Teressa, Chowr:.1, Katchal, Nancowry, KOJ1du!, l)jlo a\

in thl:s,' islands n-'d h . . . h' n., r > t I'" .• " . .DeS) ~ ot er actJvltlcs, t IS IApart- c·.tabli~hm;.:nl of progeny farm for spices. exten·;jon 111;11 Ja~. estabhshql a mechlmj':.cd tishin~ ba~e at Ilf credit ta!.:ilities. development of tuber crops, etc. W~!ldOl~1 III South Andaman for ,1pcraling dcpartm.:ntal mechanised bouts in fair ,~on. Under the programme of minor jrrif!ation and drain..tge, the department provides loan-c~m-sub:-;idy The Fishnk>s Department continues to undertake 10r wn_.;truction of ponds and installation of pump : csca:ch p~ogra[nrnes for the development of fisheries sets. ,n thI:~ UnIOn Territory. Some of the programmes nn hand mclud.: Bracki~h Wakr Prawn and (i,h Culture Heavy rainfall and undulating nature 1)1' the land :Jnd propo,gation and Culture ot Quick Gwwing Fr.:sh c~:)elltdly call for soil comervation measures in the water Major Carps. The Department proviJ~s "ervic.:s I'i:..nos. Tile soil con~ervati(l;l progral1ll11~ therefure. Uf retail marketinu of its own fish catch IhrOllgh the h uepartmental stal( The Department ,lIs\) p;-ovides d!'cctive COntrol oJ SOIl erosion. The department al~o tramll:g and as~istance to the fishermen by supplying provide~ loan cum-sub:,idy 1,1 the cultivators lor this ~ssentIaI fishll1g. r..:quisites like fishing iine, fishing purpose n~)O~s, nylon ~wme, gill net webbing. fishing fJeat~ etc. FIshrng matenals worth Rs. 1.53 lakhs were supplied In addilion to the above, the Agriculture Depart­ to the fishennen during 1982-83. mellt is maintaining agricultural farms, ilIuItipurpost; !a!ll1s, progeny orchards. coconut plantation/nursery. The establishment 01 a Fisheries Dc:velopment col1ee, COCOa and spice farms etc, Corporation for a deep sea fishing is undtr con­ sideration. The programme of development undert:ctken under !llC. Five Year ~I:Il!s has made it possible to diversify AGRICULTURE JgnculturaI actIVItIes. Though not on a very large scale, a good beginning has been made in the culli. Characterised by hilly and mountaineous terrain v:ition of pulses, spices. fruits. tuber crops, Cashew coupled with heavy rainfall and undulating nature of nut'> etc. the soil, these islands are ideally suited for rai&ing plantation crops. However, for historical reasons, agri­ TOURISM culture remained virtually undeveloped here until the recent past. Paddy has been the nnly food crop I h~ Andaman and Nicobar Islands are Ull- raised in the territory. Lt was sown in an area of ucJubtedly one of the very few plaees in the world 3,748 hectares during W55·56. to-day where man has so far survived in his (,riginal form and manners. successfully withstanding the The first ever Significant programme for deve­ (/n~laught of the march of the civilisation. lhe natural loping agriculture in these islands was intwduccd only scenic beauty, serpentine creeks, palm fringed sandy during the Second Five Year Plan. BesiJes bringing bc.:ches,. coral reefs, evergreen forests • undulatin"0 morl' area under paddy cultivation, cultivation of green hIlls and fabulous under-water lif~ make the coconut. arecanut and a variety of fruib was

f'~r the cruise j'i done by the Marine Dcpaf!mcnC Port "allows on the top of a hillock, The Jail was housed Blair. here prior to the commissioning of the Cellular Jail.

With the lIlcreasc in facilities. the number of Regular or chartered motor launch facility is tourist~ vi~iting the islands has been increasing. About 4ivailablt; for visiting the spot. 19,000 tourists visited the islands in 1984 as against just 4.000 tourists in 1978. (ix) Corbyn's Cove

The places of historical and tourist importance Not far from Port Blair town, this is an id(:al arc listed below:- beach for bathing and picnicking. The crescent shaped beach provides picturesque view to a beholder (i) Anthrn~ological Museum ui" nature. The Andaman Beach Resort run by the Travel Corportion i., on the outskirts of this beach. This I11U~Lum displlys the 100h, implement!>, The hotel provides accommodation for foreign and nh)dels of habitats l1f aborigi,1al tribes in the territory. domestic tourists. There is a Government GU(st Their arts and h(l ndicrafts are other attractions. House also at Corbyn's Cove. This is a m()~t frequen­ (ii) :\Iarine Museum ted place during week cuds. O'l.'r 350 species of sca life are careful!y pre<,erved (x) Sipighat Farm here. The exhibits provides an insight into the nature and character of marine life found in the waters here. Situated about 14 Km. frol11 the town of Port Blair, the Government Agricultural Farm at Sipighat i~ spread over an area of 80 acres. It is a research (iii) Chatham Saw Mill sta110h whert experiment~ on different crops, including This is one of 's largest saw mills where one hc)rticulture, spices like clove, nutmeg, dalchini and can sec .~ome of the wor:d's best spedes of timbeI peppel. etc., are undertaken for their extemive propa­ heing transformed into various sizes for usc in railways. g:ltion in the islands. ship building yards, building constructions and ether manufacturing industries. (xi) Ross Island (iv) Wimco Factory The Island is situated in the north of Port Blair harbour and is about 200 acres in area. During Adjacent to the Chatham Saw Mill is WIMCO, the British rule, Ross was the administrative head­ one of the ma tch factol ies in the priva te sector. Splints and veneer are manufactured here. quarters of the territory. The ruins of Ross Island include a church building. Spotted deer and peacocks (v) Zoological Gardens are th.;: other attractions of the island. Vi,itors have to take permission from the Indian Navy for going Situated at Haddo, here one can see some of the to this island. rarest species of birds and wildlife found in these islands. (xii) Cellular .Jail Known as the Bastille of India, the Cellular Jail (vi) Chiriya Tap" is a National Memorial nOw. The Jail brings back Chiriya Tapu is the southern,most tip of South to the mind of the visitor a saga of struggle for Andaman. The scenic beauty with a picturesque emancipation of people kept in bondage hy an alien heach at Chhota Balu is a major touri,t attraction. power. The Jail with 698 cells was compkted in the It is a beautiful sPrJt for picn ic~ and line fishing. It is year 1906. an hour's drive from Port Blair by bus/taxi. (xiii) Dilthaman Tank (vii) Wandoor Beach Situated in the heart of Port Blair town, this tank Situated on the West-Coast. Wandoor is one W,l'c once the only source of drinking water in the town. This is now a picnic spot. of the ideal locations for picnics. diving and fi~hin!!. Tourist~ can visit nearby islands like Gruh, Red Skin and Jollv Bum, It is als0 an hour's drive from Port Considering the potential of tourism in these Blair,' . islands. the Government of India is thinking of deve­ loping one or two islands here as heach resorts. (viii) Viper Island TRIBAL WELFARE Not far from the Harbour exi,ts a cre~cent shared l

The tribal welfare programme IS channcliscd VI II. Scicntyjic Service!' & Research through the Tribal Sub-Plan of this Union Tcrr:10l) I. S. & f. Programme . P"i t I of the Sub-Plan relates to the flow of funds 26.00 from the Union Territory Plan. Part II relates to the 2. Eny,r0l1ment8IPrcgl,mll~c . 11.00 Special Central As:;istance of the Ministry of Home Total (VIlI) 37.00 Affairs and Part III relates to the Specml Central A~sistance of the HOme Ministry for the development IX. Social & Community Senoicf!s of the Primitive Tribes. An expenditure of about 1. Education Rs. 402.67 lakhs was incurred during 1982-83 under (i) General Educ"tioll . 1,500.00 the Tribal Sub-Plan of this Union Territory of which (ii) Art & Culture. 15.00 ab0ut Rs. 380.24 Iakhs was spent under Part I, (iii) Technical Educ,:ticll 250.00 Rs. 13.65 lakhs under Part II and Rs. 8.78 lakhs under (iv) Sports including Ycuth Services 75.00 Part III of the SUb-Plan. Total Education 1.840.00 OUTLA Y FOR THE SEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN The approved outlay far the Seventh Five Year 2. Medical (Excfuding ESl) Public He,l{th & Sunitatioll 400.00 P,an of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is given below: 3. Sewerage & Water Supply 1l27.00 (Rs,in lakhs) 4. HOusing including Police housing 702.00 5. Urban Development 250.00 I. Agriculture & Allied Services 6. Information & Publicity 65.00 1. Agriculture 315.00 7. Labour & Labeur Welfare 23.00 2. Soil & Water Conserv,'tiel' 182.00 8. WelfMe of SC, ST & Other Backward CI,:sses 7.00 :<. Anim::J1 Husbandry 425.00 9. Social Welfare 35.00 4. Fisheries 405.00 10. Nutrition 70.00 5. Foresis 1,200.00 Total(IX) 4.519.00 Total (l) 2527.00 X. Economic Services I. Rural Development I. Sect!. & Economic Services. 4.00 I. Community Development & P,mch8y;:ts 20.00 2. Land Reforms • 15.00 2. Economic Advice & Statistics 5.50

Total (II) 35.00 Total (X) 9.50

III. Co·operation 79.00 .;, I. General Services 1. Stationery & Printing. 30.00 IV. Minor lrrigation 270.00 2. Public Works 500.00 3. Civil Supplies 53.00 V. power Excluding NRSE & IREP NRSE & IRTE . 2,442.00 Others NRSE& TREP 80.00 (i) Rehabilitation 9.86 Total (V) 2,522.00 (ii) Fire Services 50.00

VI. Industry & Minerals Total (XI) 642.86 Village & Small Industries 206.00 GRAND TOTAL . 28,500.00

*IncIudes Rs. 90.00croresearlier under Central SecfC1r. 17


"iUage Directory Column 3 : Total area of the village in hectares

The Village Directory consists of 20 cOlu~ns and The total geographical area of villages in hectares provides village-wise information about amemtles and has been noted in this co:umn. The arel of only rev<:nu~ villages of the five tehsils of Andamans land use pattern. Here villages mean n~t o.nly revenue villages but all places of human habItatIOns where di::;trict could be collected, Tn the case of other non­ people were found living at the tIme of the 1981 revenue census villages of all the five tehsi!s of Census. The census villages comprise all revenue Andamans district and all the census villages of both villages and permanent and temporary camps of the tehsils of Nicobars district, the area figures were FlJrest. A.P. W.D., Bush Police, Contractors' and 110t availab:e. Hence these could not be presented A & N Forest & P;antation Development Corporation's ill this column. camp. besides encroachment areas located on forl.!st land outside the boundaries of revenue villages. All Colli III II 4 : Total poplflation and no. oi households ~uch camps which were located within the bounciaries fn this column, the total popUlation of each of a revenue village were treated as part of that village villages as well as the number of households have been for all purposes of census taking and no separate given. The number of households app~ars within entity has been maintained in respect of such camp~. brackets. Tl:e data presented in the village directory have been mainly obtained from the Tehsildars and t!le concerned COIIIIIIIlS 5--lO: A III :'Iliries available Divisional Forest Officers. Blank forms and copies of instructions explaining the manner in which each In these columns, different types of amenities column should be fi'Ied in were sent to the concerned which are availahle wlthlll th~ villaQ'e SlIeh as educa­ authorities in the month of March, 1980. tiona~, medical, drinking water, posi~ & telegraph, day or days, of market! hat and communication have been given. In case these amenities are not available within The completed forms receiVed back in this the village, a dash (-) has been shown against the Directorate were scrutinised and omission and mistakes :'ame in the relevant column and next to it the observed were rectified either by visiting the tehsil; distance of the nearest place from where such facio DFO headquarters or through correspondence or both. lities are available to the village have been given in In some cases, it took a lot of time to get the accepta­ broad ranges of distance of less than 5 kms., 5-10 bk information in respect of some columns of the kms. and 10 + kms. Village Directory. Column 5 : Educational Information about each column is given below:-- In this column, the type of educational institutions functioning in the village are given. The codes used Column 1 : Location code no. to indicate the availabi1ity of educational facilities are In order to ensure that every censu;; village has given below: - . been taken into account for census purpo~e, location P Primary or Elementary School, cod,: numbers were assigned to each of the villages in a particular order. Thus, all the census villages M Junior S('condrry or Middle School 'vhich comprised revenue viIlages, forest camps, H M,'triclllrtion CJ" Seen.day Scrcol AP.W.D. camps, bush police camps, contractors' camp~. A & N Forest & Plantation Development PUC H ighcr Scccnc1.ny (Tntcrmedi('t\'/Pre- Corporation's camps and encroachment areas etc .• l'niversity Jl1n;cr Ccllcl'e have been given separate location code number and C Colfcge, ~ny cclkge (gnc1.mtc level (f,d this is noted in this column. ,bcve) like Arts, ~ci(T'cc, Crn-rrcrce ('tc. I Industrial School ColI/mil 2: Name of village AC Adult I iter, cy cle ss/centre In this column, the name of vinage has been given. As explained earlier, foreSit, A.P.W.D. o Other cctuc,tirn(1l instituticllS. bush police and other camps etc. located with­ in the boundaries of a revenue village have Where there are more than one institutions ora treen treated as part of the same viliage. All typ: in the village, the number has been indicated types of camps and encroachment area. etc. located within brackets against the abbreviations like P(2), out';ide the revenue boundaries have been treated as M(3} & H(2) etc. If the facility is not aV1ihble within separate census villap:es and listed separatel y with the the village, a dash (-) has been shown in the c.!lumn. known names noted in thi~ column. The leaders 'vill But next to it in brackets. the distance in broad find that in certain cases there are two census village, nn!-!e,. viz .. 1e,s th'm 5 kms., 5--10 km~. and IO+kms. with the S1me name. nne heing the rcwnll" viib'?e of the nearest pbce where educational facility lS and the other encroachment area~ c availubk has been shown 18

Column 6.' Medical Column 10: Coml1lllni(,Gtions Mt:dical facilities have been shown hy using Ihe In this column commuuication and public following abbreviations: _.... trampZm fa j!itics ha~c been shuwn by the following H Hospital codes :- MCW Maternity & Child Welfare Ccnrrc BS Bus MH Maternity Home RS Railw:1Y St

Column 9 : Day (lr days of lIlarket / hat Tn this column. staple food: only in terrl!-s .of grain and no other fooo material. of t~e maJo~ty Here, the day or days on which weekly market/ population of the village during the major portion hat. if anv. held in the villages is / are given. The of the year has be,::n recorded e.g., rice. wheat. practice of weekly markets I hat~. etc. is not prevalent iowar. inaize. ra)!i etc. Sometimes. when it is throughout the Union Territory except at a few places difficu1t to clearl\' determine a particular grain as about which information has been given in this column. the staple fo,)d. tht~ combination of grain" mainly 19

used as staple food e.g., rice and jowar, wheat and made to collect and publish the land use data in maize, etc. has been indicated. re~pect of revenue villages of five tehsils of Andarnans district at the 1981 Census as stated above. The COIUIIlIIS 15-20: Land use data various column headings relating to land use data are discussed below: - ~ ~ The land use pattern in ViIIage Directory conforms to the pattern of classification of land use ColUJIIIl 15: Forests as recommended by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Government of India. The Ministry of This indud 25 all lands classed as forests under Food and Agriculture has recommended the any legal enactment dealing with forests or administer­ maintenance of records of land use pattern under five ed as foests, whether stateowned or private and categories. These are as follows :- whether wooded or maintained as patential forest land. The area of crops raised in the forest and L Forests grazing lands or areas open for grazing within the 2. Not available for cultivation: forest remain included under the forest area. If any portion of such land is not actually wooded (a) Lands put to non-agricultural uses but put to SJmc agricultural use. that portion shall be (b) Barren and unculturable lands included under the appropriate heading of cultivat­ ed or uncultivated land. In some cases there may 1. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow be instances where patches of land put to agricultural lands - uSe within the statutorily notified forests area consider­ (a) Permanent pastures and other grazing ed as forests by the revenue agency. These have lands been treated as forests. (b) Lands under miscellaneous tree crops CvlumllS 16-17: Irrigated by source alld and groves not included in the net area tlnirriRated (land lise) sown (c) Culturable wastes These two columns cover all agricultural Iand and include net area sown with crops and orchards 4. Fallow lands: ur net cropped area and also current and other fallows. The columns do not include gross area sown or gross (a) FaIl~)w lands other than current falll)W~ cropped area. Net area sown thus represents the (b) Current fallows area sown with crops and orchards counting areas 5. Net area sown sown more than once in the same year only once. [n !he Village Directory format. column 15 Colllmll 16: Irrigated (by source) (fo,e.ot). IS the ,ame as category 1 above. Columns I n this column. the land under irrigation by It> (lfngatcd) and 17 (unirrigated) give the brrak-up source such a., canal. tube well. etc. has been record­ ot agn~ultural land. These are a combination of ed. But as may be seen from the village Directory_ categunes 4 (a+b) and 5 above. Column 1R no irrig'1ti~)n facility is available in any of the village~ (culturabk ,waste) eorre~pt)]1ds to category 3 (a + b + e) in this Union Territory. Thus. a dash is indicated abwt.:. Column W corresPllnds to category 2 against all thl.: villa).1cs of all the khsil~ of hoth the (a +- b). di~tricts.

Viilage level 19nd use ?ata in this territory is CO/lll11n 17: (/nirri.'~at('d only avadabIc partially. Neither the total area nor the land _usc data is available for all the non-revenue The extent of lInirrigatcd but cultivable land census Villages which comprise different type' of' has been furnished in this column. temporaryan d pcrm:ll1cnt camps and cncroachmentS areas, etc. located on the forest land. Similarly. Colullln 18 : Cur/llmhle waste (illclw/illg pastures the .land us~ data for all the villages of both the & groves) t~hslls o~ .Nlcnbars district is also not available. as This includes all lands availahle for c!lltivation v:lla~es alc yet to be cadastrally surveyed in this whether not taken up for cultivation or taken up for ~~strlct~ The la.nd lI~e data is available only in respect cultivation once. but not cultivated during the five , rcv,nue _V11~ages fallinrr in the five t,'hsl'ls f Andam:tns d -t { T:--" ~ . . () years Or more in ,ucce<;,ioll. Such lanos may he • ,IS TIC . hu,. In case of non-revenue either fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles Y!l1ages of Andamans district and in case of all which are not pllt to any usc. These may be assess­ .vlllages _of both the tehsils of Nicobars d; ~trict the ed. But as may be seen from the Villagr Directory. mformatlon is not available and NA' h >. • 'h c::l!umns. IS sown II1 t ese within cultivated holdings. Lands under thatching. gr(l~,es, ham boo bushes ~ and \)thcr groves for fuel~. etc .. which are not included under orchards or forests Due to non-availahility and non-maintenanre the land use data a1 villa!.!e level this informat' .. of ,hall also come under this head. All grazing lands. not pub]' h :l' h '. . . lon was whcthrr th~y are permanent pastures and meadows or IS el III t C Village Directory at th> 1 . Censlls of 1971 also However a tt: I: ;]<;t tlot, villa'!!;' CCl111!110n and grazing lands within forest • n a I;:mpt has been areas shall be included in- this" column. The area 20

classified as culturable waste has been given in th,s The scope of the data art! m~~l1ing of the C·)] umll in hectares. abbreviations used in each statement are explained below. Colllllln 19 : A rea /lot available for cultivation The information given in this column included Statement !: Status and growth history land not available for cultivation such as barren, This s! caSe of revenue vi:lages for which This column contains information about the class arfa figc;rcs are given. of the town based on its population size, name and the civic s,tatus. According to the 1981 Census, there Column 20: Remarks including any place oj arc six das:"es of towns as per their population sIze religiolls, historical or arclweological illterest given below :- This column is intended to record particulars of any p!ace of importance and not just to list out all Populatil'n places of worship, etc.

Information on such aSPects as the number of 100,roo & above I copies of news papers coming in the village and 50,000-99,999 II motor-cycles / scooters, car,;! jeeps and tractors avail­ 20,OCO--49,999 III ahle in the village has also been given. The following codes are adopted :-- 10,000--19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 N Copies of the news pap('fS coming in the V village Below 5,000 vr \1 Motorcycles/sc0c·ters 2va ih hlc in the village In this Union Territory, we have only one town. C C['[s/jeeps ,.. vciI2ble in the viI!; gv Ptlrt Blair which is a Class III to\'Ill. Its civic administrative status is Municipal Board (M. B) T Tr2ctcfs ,'Vi! il:1ble in the village n>/umn 3 : Location Code Town Directory A location code number is as'iiQ.ned to each town The TOwn Directory consists of six statements which is necessary with 2 view to 1,)~catiIlP Ih~ town in VI7.. t:le map. Roman numerals are us.:d tl;" indicate the location code numbers. Statement I Status and Growth History Statement II Physic21 Aspects and L0catic'll Column 4: Nall/e of tehsil Hq. of Towns, 1979 The name of the tehsil headquarters in which a Statement III Municipal Finance, 1978-79 particular town is situated is given in this column. Statement IV Civic ,md other Amenities, 1979 ColU1JI1l 5: Arca (Sq. Km.) Sta,tement V Medical, E(_l.11catiomJ, Recreational and Ct:ltural ["cilifies 1979 This is a new column which ha, been introduc­ Statement VI Tr,~(~e, Ccmmerct', fnll.w,.try ; n,' ed at the 1981 Cel1'1!S to facilitate analysis of the B<'nking, 1979 Town Directory data upto state 'ind all India levels. Tnformation about the area of the town indicated in Statement I has beel] compiled on the ba,is of thi, column is generallv suppl!ed bv the civic bodies. the information available in this Directorate while However, in the case of Port B!::Iir·M. B., IIIxessarv Statement n to VI have been compiled by obtaining: inf"rmation was sUfJf}!ied h\ thl' Assistant Commis'­ data from the Port B!air Municipal Board and other sioner (Scttkmcnt). The :m:a is indicated upto two agencies. rlaccs of decimal. 121

Column 6: No. of households including house­ In columns 4 and 5 maximum and minimum less households temperatures are given in centi'grades, like rainfall daia.. the temperature data have also been obtained This column contains information about the total from the Regional Meteorological Centre, Calcutta. number of households. including the bouseless house­ The maximum and minimum temperatures as given hoIgs, as per the 1981 Census. in columns 4 and 5 respectively have been worked out on the basis of periodic averages for last 10 years Columns 7-15 : Population and growth rate of (1970-79). ~own at (different) censuses from 1901 to 1981. In these columns, the population figures for the Colmuns 6 to 8 : Name of and the road distance town since 1901 alongwith their decadal growth rates in km. from State I District / tehsil headquarters from census to census are given. The percentage In these oolumns. the name of and the road distance decadal growth rates have been given in brackets from the state. district and tehsil headquarters are below the population figures. recorded. Tn the case of the lone town of Port Blair As regards Port Blair M. B.. the only town of of this Union Territory. the State, district and tehsi! this territory. columns 7 to 11 relating to population headquarters being th~ same as the nearest town figures for '1901 to 1941 are blank. as the town was itself. the di~tancc has been recorded as '0' in each formed for the first time in the 1951 Census only. column below the name of the town.

Column 16 : Density (1981) Columns 9 to 12: Name of and road distance in km. from nearest city. railway station. bus This is also a new column introduced at the rIOute, navigable river I canal 1981 Census to facilitate analysis of the Town Directory data. The density has 'been calculated after In column 9. the name Qf Madras City. which takino: into account the area figures given in column has a population of more than op.e lakh and which is 5 and the pClpulntion of 1981 !!iYen in column 15 of the nearest to Port Blair as comna.red with anv other this statement. The density figures are per sq. km. city. has been recorded_ Similarly. in column '10. the name of Madras railwav station has been recorded Columns 17-19 : Sex Ratio 1961-1981. which is the nearest T::lilway station from Port Blair. Madras is about 1.190 km. awav fT0m Port Blair. Tn Like' either demographic indicators. sex ratio i.e .. column 11. the bus route is to -he recorded. Tn case felT'ak~ ncr 1.0110 male~. 1laS al'l() been introduced of Port Blair. since the town 1~ enjoying bus route to facilitate analysis of the Town Directory data. The within itself. the name of the sam~ has been given and sex ratio recClrued at the 1Q61. 1971 and 1981 '0' distance has been r{'corded below the name of censu~r,~ has been given in columns 17, 18 and 19 the town. Tn column 12. the &,;1a11cc from the navi­ respectively. pable river/canal etc. is to be r~cordcd. In case of Port Blair. navigation facility is available from the Statem pot II: Physical aspects and location of town. town itself by sea. As such a dash is shown in this 1979 column. This statement containing 12 columns gives Statement m : Municipal Finance, 1978-79 information a hout physical as-peets and location of This statement contain<> 17 columns and gives in­ th~ town. The column headings are discussed below:- formation about the actual receint,'l and exnenditures of the civic body for the year 1978-79. This state­ ment is ba~ed on the information furnished by the Column 1 : Sl. No. Port Blair M.B. This is self-exnlanatory. Tn case nf this Union Territory. there is only one town-Port Blair. Statement IV: Civic and otber amenities Column 2: Class and name of town There are 19 coll1mns in this statf'ment which relate to civic and other am~nities available in the Tn this cnl11mn. the p

('olum"! 1 c()ntain~ rainfall chta. Tht' rainfall Column 4: Population rfata have he~n "btained from the Rev.ionat Meteoro­ lo~ical Centrp_ Calcutta_ The averllge for nrecf-ding This column p'ives the tot81 population of the 10 years (1 Q70-7Q) has been worked out for arriving town as per the 1981 Census. Tf'e total popnlafion at the rainfall data !i'l p.iven in this column. of the Port Blair area at the 1981 Census was 49,634. 3-310 R. G. Indla/ND/85 22

Column 5 : SC and ST poPlllrrtion Columns 1 to 3: Sl. No., Class & flame.. of town No Scheduled Caste population was recorded as and popuLation such in this town as well as in case of the Union Terri­ These are self-explanatory. tory. Only Scheduled Tribes were enumerated in this Union Territory and Port Blair Municipal area. At Colunm 4 : Hospital, dispensary. TB Clinic, etc. the 1981 Census, 271 'ST' were enumerated in Port Blair Municipal area. Particulars regarding different types of medical in- stitutions functioning in the town are indicated in this Column 6 :Road length in km. column. The abbreviations used are as follows The total road length in kIn. is given in this (i) Hospital H column. This has been obtained froiil the A.P.W.D. (ji) Dispensary D which is responsible for the construction and main­ (iii) T. B. Clinic TB tenance of the roads in Port Blair. (iv) Family Planning Centre FPC Column 7 : Sewage System (v) NUrsing Home NH Only one type of sewage system i.e. open service (vi) Others o drain (OSD) is in existence in Port mair town. Column 5 : Beds in medical institutions Columns 8 to 10: No. of latrines In this column, the number of beds provided for The number of water borne and service type in-patients in the medical institutions mentioned in latrines has been given in columns 8 a,ld 9 as supplied column 4 is given. by the Municipal authorities. Information in respect of column 10 'Others' is nil. Columns 6-14 : Educational facilities Column 11: Method 'Of disposal 6f night soil. Column 6: Arts / Science / Commerce College Three methods of disposal of night soil are pre­ There is only one college in Port Blair town. In valent in Port Blair. Here night soil is disoosed of this college, Arts, Science, and Commerce (ASC) are with the help of : taught up to degree level. Post-graduate studies were available only in one subject i.c. English uptiIl 1981. (1) Baskets (B); (2) Wheel Barrows (WB); aGd Column 7 : Medical CoNeges (3) Septic tank latrines (S1). There is no medical college In Port Blair which is the only town in this Union Territory. Columns 12 & 13 : Protected Water Supply Column 8: Engineering Colleges The protected water supply in Port Blair town is through tap water (T). Suitable code has been given No engineering college is located in Port Blair in column 12. In column 13, the sY5tcm of storage town. alongwith ca,pacity in litres has heen given. In Port Blair, the system of storage is 'service reservoirs' Column 9 : Polytechnics (SR). There was no Polytechnic situated in Port Blair town at the time ()f the 1981 Census. Column 14 : Fire fighting service Column 10: Recognised shorthand. typewriting The fire fighting service'l are available in Port and other vocational training instiuttions. Blair M.B. the details of which ar~ given in this column. No such recognised training institutes are func~ tioning in Port Blair town. Some unrecognised short­ Columns 15 to 18 : Eleotrification (No. of connec­ hand and typewriting institutes are functioning in Port tions) Blair town the details of which have !lot been given bere. The number of domestic, industrial, commercial and road light points have been given in columns 15, 16.'17 and 18 respectively. Column 11: Higher Secondary/Intermediate I PUC (Pre-University) College/Junior College level Information for column 19 'Others' is nil. There are six such institutions located in Port S,tatement V: Medical. educational, recreational and Blair town. cultural facilities, 1979 Column 12: Secondary! Matriculation There are 20 columns in this statement which relate to the medical. educational, recreational and Nine secondary/matriculation schools are located cultural facilities available in the town. in Port Blair town. 23

Column 13: Jr. Secondary/Middle Schools. Columns 3 to 5 : Names of 3 mo!,t important commodities imported There are 15 Jr. Secondary/Middle Schools locat­ ed in Port Blair town. In these columns, the names of tnree most impor­ tant commodities' imported to Pl1rt Blair have been Column 14 : Primary Schools shown in order of their volume. These commodities are : The number of primary schools located in Port Blair town is 20. (i) Cereals and edibles; (ii) construction materials: and While giving the number of secondary/middle junior and middle schools and primary schools in (iii) grocery and textiles. columns 12 to 14. single school, providing education for classes 1 to 12. 1 to 10 and 1 to 8 have been Columns 6 to 8.' Name.~· of 3 most important treated as having multiple units. For example, if in commodities exported. a senior secondary school where education is being imparted from Class I to Class XII. it will be counted These columns show the names of three most as four units i.e. 1 for senior secondary. 1 for secon­ important commodities exported from Port Blair. These dary, 1 for junior secondary and middle and 1 fot: commodities are: primary school. Similarly, if in 1I middle school clas­ (i) Timber; ses are run from I to VITI. it will be treated as 2 units viz. I middle school and 1 primary. (ii) Plywood and match splints: and (iii) Copra and arecanut. Column 15: Adult literacy Classes/centres, others (specify) It may not be, out of place to, mcr..tion here that There are eight adult literary centres located in Port Blair, which is the seat of the Administration, is Port Blair town. the only main commercial centre located in these islands. Various commodities are ~rst imported from Column 16 : Working women's hostels with No. the mainland to Port Blair from where they are distri­ of seats buted to far-flung areas located in these islands. Simi­ larly Port Blair is also the centre of export. Only one working women's hostel is located in Port Blair town with a capacity of 31. Various commodities froJ).1 dlff~rent parts of the territory are generally brought to Port Blair for 00- Columns 17 to 20 : No. of recreational and cultural ward shipment/export to mainland. facilities. Columns 9 to'l1.' Names of three most impor­ Column 17: Stadia tant commodities manufactured There is no stadium in Port Blair town. The names of three most important commodities manufactured in Port Blair town have heen given in Column 18 : Cinema 1hese columns. There are three cinema houses in Port Blair town out of which one ic; of a temporary type. Column 12: No. of banks Six banks are located in Port Blair M.B. Column 19: Auditoria/ Drama/Community Halls Column 13 : Agricultural societies The number of such unit~ is 6. Information for this column is nil. Column 20.' Public librarirs including reading room. Column 14 : No. of non-agricultural ~ocieties There are two public 1ibraries (PL) and three reading rooms (RR) in Port Blair town. Eight non-agricultural credit societie~ are func­ tioning in Port Blair town.

Statement VI: Trade, Commerce, Industry and PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Banking, 1979 In part B of the District Census Handbook of Thisi statement has 14 columns giving information each district. "Primary Census Abstract'· is p<'esen­ about trade, commerce, industry and banking. ted. It contains the basic tables of demoglap;,ic importance obtained on fun count basis of th" [ndivi­ Columns 1 and 2.' Sl. No. & Class and Name c-f Town dual Slips. Data in these tables aTe furnished village­ wise for the rural areas and ward-wise in respect of These are self-explanatory. each cenSllC; town for the urban areas. 24

The PCA table consists of 28 columns. The 5cope Column 4: No. of occupied residential houses of each of these columns is discusse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A&N ISLANDS 491 206 98 487* 70 25 262 204 98 (41' 96) (19' 96) (99'19) (14.26) (5' 09) (53' 36) (41' 55) (19,96) ANDAMANS DISTRICT 320 158 62 316* 50 24 174 157 76 (49, 38) (19' 38) (98' 75) (15' 63) (7'50) (54' 38) (49'06) (23· 75) 1. Diglipur tehsll 39 21 11 39 3 2 11 11 2 (53'85) (28' 21) (100'00) (7' 69) (5 '13) (28'21) (28, 21) (5'13 ) 2. Mayabunder tchsil 58 26 12 57 7 4 22 15 12 (44' 83) (20,69) (98' 28) (12' 07) (6' 90) (37' 93) (25, 86) (20, 69) 3. Rangat tehsi I 66 33 19 63* 11 8 34 29 16 (50, 00) (28' 79) (95' 45) (16,67) (12'12) (51' 52) (43, 94) (24, 24) 4. Port Blalrtehsil 81 39 11 81 13 5 56 45 25 (48'15) (13, 58) (100' 00) (16' 05) (6, 17) (69,14) (55, 56) (30, 86) 5. Ferrargunj tehsll 76 39 9 76 16 5 51 57 21 (51, 32) (11·84) (100' 00) (21' 05) (6' 58) (67,11) (75' 00) (27' 63) NICOBARS DISTRICT 171 48 36 171 20 1 88 47 22 (28' 07) (21'05)" (100' 00) (11' 70) (0, 58) (51' 46) (27, 49) (12· 87 1. Car Nicobar tehsll 16 15 15 16 7 16 16 120 (93, 75) (93' 75) (100'00) (43' 75) (100,00) (100· 00) (62'50) 155 2. Nancowry tehsil . 33 21 155 13 1 72 31 12 (21, 29) (13·55) (100'00) (8'39) . -. (0' 65) (46' 45) (20' 00) "T ., r -_ , (7· 74) .. ;; ... Exclude 3 Jarawa villages as the source-of drinking water is not·known. - -- . ~ ""~ 26

In the above. table, the ~umber of villages having facilities as compared with 13 out Of IS5 villages educatIOnal, medlcal, drmkmg water. post & tele­ (~.39 pel; cent) in Nancowry tehsil. graph, marketj hat, communication. approach by pucca road and pO.wer supply facilitics and their p~r­ MarketJbat centage to total villages ill a partIcular tehsil have As may be observed from the foregolllg table, a been given. The comparatiw picture of each tehsil Limited weekly I fortnightly ,monthly marketl llat sy~­ enjoying the abOve facilities is as follows: tem exists only in a few places in these i.,lands. 'two viliages in DigUpur tehsil, 4 viHages in Mayahiindcr Education tehsil. 8 villages in Rangat tehsil and 5 villages each Among the five tehsils of the Andamans distrIct itJ. Port Blair and Ferrargunj tehsils of tlle Andamans Diglipur has the bighest percentage of villages havini district have market) hat facility availabk within the educational facilities. In tms tehsll 21 out of 39 vil­ Village. In Nancowry tchsil of the Nicobar., district lages (53.85 per centl have educational facilities. The only one village bas markctj hat facility avuil"blc seco.o.q position is occupied by Ferrargunj tehsil witlun the village. where 3!) out of J6 villages (51.32 pet: cent) have edu­ cational facilities. The third, fourth and fifth posi­ Communication tions are occupied by Rangat (50.00 per cent). Port With regard to communication racilities, Port Blair (4S.15 per cent) and Mayabunder (44.83 per cent) Blair tehsil tops the list of tehsils in the Andailldns reapectively. district. In this tehsil. 56 out of 81 villages ~()9.14 Among the two tehsils of the Nicobars district. per cent) have communication lacihties aVdiiaole 15 out of 16 villages (93.75 per cent) of Car Nicobar within tlle village. The next position in this regard tehsil have educational facilities. The position in is occupied by Ferrargunj tehsil with 67.11 per cent respect of Nancowry tchsll is that only 33 out of 155 Of villages having communication facilitieS :lVailable villages (21.29 p.;r centi have educational facilities. within the village. The third, fourth and filth posi­ The proportion ot villages having educational tacili­ tions are occupied by Rangat (.51.52 per cent), Maya­ ties is tile lowest in tills tehsil .lJllOug all the tehsiJs bunder t37.93 per cent) and Diglipur (28.~1 per cellt) 01 boUl the districts. letpectively. Medical So far as the Nicobars district is concerned. all villages in Car Nicobar tehsil have communication As regards medical facilities, among the five facilities available within the village while in the tchsils of the AucJ.amaw district. Rangat occupies case of Nancowry tehsil 72 out of 155 village5 (46.45 the first position where 19 out of 66 villages l28.79 per cent) have such facilities. per cent) bave medical facilities. Diglipur with 28.21 per cent villages occupies the second position follow­ Approath by pucca road ed by Mayabullder (2U.bY per cent). ,Port .Blair (13.58 Amongst the five tehsils of the Andaman:\ dist­ per cent) and Fcrrargunj (11.84 pcr cent). rkt. 57 out of 76 villages 05.00 per cent) of Ferrar­ gunj tehsil are approachable by pucca road. Port Blair Amon~ two tehsils of the Nicobars district. the tehsil with 55.56 per cent villages approachable by Car Nicobar tehsil is in a very happy position where pucca road is at the second position followed by 15 out of 16 villages have medical faciHtii.:s available Rangat tehsil (43.94 per cent). DigJipur tchsil (28.21 wlthin the village. However. in the caSe of Nancowry per cent) and Mayabunder (25.86 per cent). tehsil, only 21 out of 155 villages (13.jS per cent) b.ave medical tacilities. As regards the Nicobars district. all the villages of Car Nicobar tellsil are approachabic by pucca road Drinking water while in the case of Nancowry tehsil about 20' per cent With regard to availability of drinkmg water, it villages only are approachable by pucca road. may be stated bere that drinking water from tap, nal­ la11. stream. well. etc. is available within all the Power supply VIllages of these islands. except one village ()f the Port Blair tehsil with 25 out of 81 villages form­ Andama1lS district. ing 30.86 per cent of the totai villages of this tehsil has the highest proportion of villages baying power Post & Telegrapb suppJy available within the village as compared with all other tehsils of the Andamans district. Ferrargunj In the Andamans district. Ferratgunj tehsil with tehsil has this Iacility in 21 out of 76 villages (27.63 16 out of 76 villages (21.05 per cent) have post & per cent). thus occupyj,ng the second position, follow­ telegraph facilities. This is followed by Rangat (16.67 ed by Rangat tehsil (24.24 per cent). Mayabunder per cent), Pou· Blair (16.05 per cent), Mayablmder tehsil (20.69 per cent) and Diglipur tehsil (5.13 per (12.01 per cent) and Diglipur (7.69 per cent). cent). III the Nicobars district. Car NicObar tehsil has a lead over Nancowry tehsil with regard to post & So far as the NicQbars. dis_trict is concerned, 10 telegraph facilities also. In Car Nicubar tebsil 7 out out of 16 villages (62.50 per cent) of Car Nicobar 9f 16 villages (43.75 per cent) have post & telearaph tehsil }lave JX>w~r supply available within the village 27 as compared with only 12 out of 155 villages (7.74 of great interest to know about the proportion of per cent) of Nancowry tehsil. rural population served by different amenities. After studying the distribution of villages accord­ Th~ proportion of rural popUlation served by ing to the availability of different amenities it will be different amenities is given i:n the following table:-

TABLE 2 PC:Jplrtian of rural population served by different amenities

Sl. Nllll~ of ur !district!tehsil Total Proportion of rural population served by the amenity of No. Ih>pulalion ------, of Education Medical Drinking Post & Market I Communi- Approach Power inhabited water telegraph hat cation by pucca supply viUagesin road tehsiJ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

A&N ISLANDS 139,107 115,473 72,828 139,074* 63,022 35,655 107,596 107,871 74,343 (83'01) (52' 35) (99'98) (45' 30) (25'63) (77'35) (77,55) (53'44)

A~DAMAN3 DISTRI':::T 103,653 89,749 50,395 108,620* 48,769 33,362 81,678 8 ,102 58,659 (82, 60) (46' 38) (99' 97) (44' 89) (30' 71) (75'17) (77'40) (53' 99) 1. D;glipi.lf l;Jhsil 15,702 12,746 7,273 15,702 3,047 2,554 8,568 9,455 3,653 (81'17) (46' 32) (100'00) (19' 41) (16'27) (54, 57) (60' 22) (23' 26) 2. Mayabunder tehsi I 13,954 11,884 6,221 13,952 6,140 4,123 7,869 8,956 6,346 (85·17) (44' 58) (99' 99) (44'00) (29' 55) (56'39) (64,18) (4.5'48) 3. Rangat teh5iJ 24,289 20,74'; 15,352 24,258* 13,478 12,239 18,026 18,249 16,262 (85,41) (63· 21) (99' 87) (55'49) (50'39) (74' 21) (75'13) (66'95) 4. Port Blair tehsil 26,695 19,716 10,261 26,695 11,454 6,034 21,755 20,682 15,570 (73, 86) (38'44) (100'00) (42' 91) (22' 60) (81, 49) (77'48) (58' 33) S. F~r;argunj tchsil 28,013 24,658 11,288 28,013 14,650 8,412 25,460 26,760 16,828 (88,02) (40, 30) (100' 00) (52'30) (30'03) (90'89) (95' 53) l60' 07) NICOBARs DISTRICT 3G,454 25,724 22,433 30,454 14,253 2,293 2.),918 23,769 15,684 (84'47) (73, 66) (100' 00) (46' 80) (7' 53) (85'11) (78' 05) (51' 50) 1. Cdr Nicobar tehsiI 15,486 15.447 15,015 15,486 7,472 15,486 15,486 11,156 (99'75) (96' 96) (lOO-OO) (48' 25) (100·00) (100'00) (72'04) 2. Nancowry tehsH • 14,968 10,277 7,418 14,968 6,781 2,293 10,432 8,283 4,528 (68· 66) (49, 56) (100' 00) 45'30 (15' 32) (69'70) (55' 34) (30' 35)

*i~:(.;lude 31 JMdW.l pJ)c11.ltion as their drinking water facility is not known.

The following picture emerges from the above tehsil (81.17 per cent). The population covered by table: educational facilities in Port Blair tehsil is Educ:ation 73.86 per cent. In the Andamans district 82.60 per cent of the In the Nicobars district, 99.75 per cent popula­ t'w'al population is covered by educational facilities. tion of Car Nicobar tebsil is served with educational The proportion of rural population covered by facilities. This proportion is the highest in respect of p.ducational facilities is little higher in the case of the the rural population of the Union Territory of A & N Nicobars district where 84.47 per cent of the popula­ Islands. In the case of Nancowry tehsil the propor­ tion of the district is covered by these facilities. tion of population covered by educational facilities i.s 68.66 per cent. When we compare the educational facHities within the five tehsils of the Andamans district, it is observed Medical that Ferrargunj occupies the first position having Only 46.38 per cent of the rural population is 88.02 per cent of its rural population served with served with medical facilities within th~ village of educational facilities within the villages of their habita­ theit habitation in the Andamans district as compared tion. The second position is occupied by Rangat with 73.66 per cent in the .Nicobars district. tchsil where 85.41 per cent of the rural population is served with such facilities. This is closely followed Amongst the five tehsils of the Andamans district, by Mayabunder tebsil (85.17 per cent) and Dlglipur Rangat tehsil occupies the first position \\ith a 28 proportion of 63.21 per cent population being servl:d Rangat occupies the first posItIOn among other with medical facilities within tht: village. The second tehsils of the Andamans district with a proportion of position is occupied by Diglipur tehsi1 with 46.32 50.39 per cent populatlOn cnjoyiug this Jacility which per cent population &elwd by thebe facilities followed is followed by Ferrargunj teh~il with 30.03 per cent by Mayabuudcr tchsil (44.56 p":l c.:nt), Ferrargunj tehsil 01 popUlation and Mayabunder tehsil t29.55 jJer cent) (40.30 per cent) and Port Blair tehsil (38.44 per cent). population served with this facility. .111 Port Biair The low proportion oi pupuldtioll of Port Blair tehsil tehsil 22.60 per cent and in Diglipur tchsil only 16.27 where medical facilitil:' arc dvaiJablc within the village per cent of the rural popuJatlOn is covered by this may be due to the fact that most of the villages located facility. in South Andaman island ncar the periphery of Port Blair M.B. are belllg cuv..::red by the medical facilities In Car Nicobar tel1si1 this system of market/hat available at the main G. B. Pant Hospital located in does not exist. In Nancowry tehsil, abuut 15.32 per Port Blair town. cent of the population is covered by this facility.

In the Nicobars \llstrict, with regard to medical Communication facilities. Car Nicobar tt:hsil has the highest proportion of rural populatIon (96.% per cent) amongst all the In the Andamans district, about 75.17 per cent of tchsils of the U.T. being served with medical facilities the rural population is servl.:d with communication within the village. In case oJ Nancowry tehsil, this facilities within the villages as compared with 85.11 proportion is 49.56 per cent. per cent of the rural population in the Nicobars district

Drinking water Amongst the tehsils of the Andamans district. Ferrargunj tehsil occupies the first position with As may be seen from the foregoing table, 99.97 90.89 per cent of its population having communication per cent population of the Andamans district and cent facilities available wllhin the village. The next posi­ per cent population of the Nicobdrs district is having tion is occupied by Port Blair tehsil where 81.49 per drinking water facility of 011e or otter kind within the cent of the rural population is served with communi­ village itself. cation facilities within the village. The third, fourth Post & Telegraph and fifth positions are occupied by Rangat, Maya­ bunder and Diglipur tchsHs with 74.21 per cent. In the Andamans di~lrjct, 44.89 p.:r cent rural 56.39 per cent and 54.57 per cent respectively of the population is covered \v1th post and telegraph faci­ total population of these li:hsils having communication lities within the village. The proportion of rural popu­ tacilities available within the village. lation enjoying these facilities in the Nicobars district is slightly higher 46.80 pl:r cent. In the two tel15i1S of the Nicobars district, cent p(:r cent of rural population of Car Nicobar tehsiI is Among the tehsils of the Andamans district. having communication facilities availabl~ within the Rangat tehsil occupIes the tir.,t po:;itioll having the village while this percentage in case of Nancowry highest proportion (:;5A';) per cent) of rural population tellsil is 69.70. served with post & telegraph facilities within the village. This lehsil is do::e1y iollowcd l1y Ferrargunj tehsil where the ploportiol1 of rural population en­ Approach by pucca road joying these 1acilities j.; 51 j(J per cent. The third, Amongst the two rEstricts, Andaman, has 77.40 fourth and fifth po~itiol1s iJl'<': ,>

Amongst the two teh lis of the Nicobars district. Amongst the tehsils of the Allddmans district, the Car Nicobar has 4S.2S per cent of 1tS rural population proportion of rural population approachable by pucca {;overed by these faci\iti.:s availilblc within the village. road is highest in Ferrargunj tchsil where 95.53 per Nancowry tehsil has about 45.30 per c.;cnt of these cent of population is approacllable by pucca road. facilities available within the village. The proportion of population approachable by pucca road in the other tehsils of the district is: Port Blair- Market/bat 77.48 per cent, Rangat-75.13 per cent, Mayabunder The system of weekly / fortnightly /monthly 64.18 per cent and Diglipur-60.22 per cent. market/hat is not wielely prevaknt in these islan-:ls. Only a few places with very small proportion oJ popu­ Cent rer cent population is approachable by lation arc having this iu(;ilily, that too mainly in the pucca road in Car Nicobar tehsil of the Nicobars Andamans di:-,tril.:t. No market/ hat system is preva­ district. In the case of Nancowry tehsil of this district. lent in the Nicobars district except in one viEage of 55.34 per cent population is approachable to pucca Nancowry tehsil. road. 29

Power supply the Andamans district, even their total area is not available. Similarly. in a case of the Nicobars district In the Andamans district 53.99 per cent popula­ where cadastral survey of villages has yd to be carried tion is served with power suppJy. The percentage of out, the total area of the villages as well as the land population served with power supply in the Nicobars use data are not available. dl'.trict is 51.50. However, an effort has been made to pre::ent the Rangat tebsil leads all other tchsils of the Jand use data in the following table in respect of the Andamans district having the highest proportion of revenue villages of the five tehsils of the Andamans rural population served with electricity (66.95 per cent). district. This is foHowed by Ferrargunj tehsil (60.07 per cent). Port Blair teh3iJ (58.33 per cent). Mayabunder te!lsil TABLE 4 (45.48 per cent) and Diglipur tehsil (23.26 per cent). Distribution of villages according to land use

As regards the Nicobars district, 72 04 per cent SI. Name oftehsil No. of Total Perccnt,lge percentage No inhabited area of culti- ofirriga. of the rural population of Car Nicobar tchsil enjoys vill,lgl: for (hecla­ vablc 'lI'I:a ted area facilities of power supply. However, in Nancowry 'vhichafea res) to lowl to 10lal figures are area culliva ble tehsil. only 30.25 per ccnt of the rural population is available area served with power supply. ----_.---- ._--- ._----- 2 3 4 5 6 Main staple food ANDAMANS DISTRICT The main staple food of the rural population in 1. Digilpuf 21 lJ,oi9.21. 26.50 all the five tehsils of Andamans district is flce and 2. Mayabumlcr • 29 14.830.6!. 40.65 wheat while in case of both the tehsils of the Nicobars 3. Rangat • 36 12,584.94. 35.39 di~trict, the staple food of the rural population is rice. 4. Port Blair 37 12,654.24 29.65 • /1.. /' 5. Ferrargunj 52 20,713.50 Z4.34//'1...,'" TABLE 3 f /~' ~ NICOBARS DlS1RICT ,,,,' ;\laio staple food in the majority of villages in each tebsil ,-"'"' , '-'> .. 1. Car Nicobar • NNAA'l::f. ,-' NA 2. Nancowry ~~ NA SI.No. Name oftdbil Main staple food

2 3 It may be see@ f;'M~fbi a'\roVe table that Maya­ bunder tops the list witb 48.65 per cent of its total ANDAMANS DISTRICT areas of the villages as ~ultjvable. The !>-;:cond posi­ tion is occupied by Rangat tchsil where 35.39 pCI' 1. DiglipUf Rice, Wheat cent of the total area of revenue villages as cultivable. 2. Mayabunder Rice, Wheat This is followed by Port Blair tehsil t29.65 per cent). Diglipur tehsil (26.50 per cent) and Ferrargunj tehsil 3. Rangat Rice, Wheat t24.34 per cent). 4. Port Blair Rice, Wheat No irrigation facilities are available in any cf the 5. Fcrrargunj Rice, Wheat tehsils. Accordingly, the percentages of irrigated area NICOBARS DISTRICT to total area under cultivation arc nil.

1. Ca r Nicobar Rice Distribution of villages accordin& to population ran&e ':.. Nancowry . Rice and amenities available There arC! 491 inhabited villages in the Union Distribution of villages according to land use Territory of A & N Islands. The district wise break­ up is as follows: The land use data are available only in respect of some revenue villages. As regards non-revenue (i) Andamans district 320 Villages villages which are spread all over the five tehsils of (ii) Nicobars district 171 Villages 30

The following table gives the distribution of amenities available. villages according to the population range and

TABLE 5 Distribution of villages according to population ranges and amenities available

Population range No. of Number (Wilh percentage) of villages having the amenity of Inhabited -~--- villages in Education Medical Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power each range water telegraph hat cation by pucca supply road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS Less than 499 406 126 43 402 25 5 190 127 47 (31' 03) (10' 59) (99'01) (G· 16) (1' 23) (46' 80) (31' 28) (11' 58) 500-1,999 77 72 48 77 37 13 64 69 43 (93'51) (62' 34) (100'00) (48'05) (16· 88) (83'12) (89· 61) (55,84) 2,000-4,999 8 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 (100'00) (87' 50) (100'00) (100' 00) (87' 50) (100·00) (HXJ'OO) (100' 00) 5,000+ Total 491 206 98 4F:7* 70 25 262 204 98 (41' 96) (19'96) (99'19) (14, 26) (5' 09) (53· 36) (41' 55) (19'96) ANDAMANS DISTRICT Less than 499 254 97 25 250 IG 5 120 99 37 (38'19) (9' 84) (98' 43) (6· 30) (1' 97) (47' 24) (38' 98) (14,57) 500-1,999 60 55 32 60 28 13 48 52 33 (91,67) (53' 33) (100'00) (46,67) (21·67) (80,00) (86· 61) (55.00) 2,000-4,999 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 (100' 00) (83' 33) (100' 00) (100'00) (100, 00) (100·00) (100'00) (100,00) 5,000+ • Total 320 158 62 316* 50 24 174 157 76 (49· 38) (19' 38) (98' 75) (15' 63) (7,50) (54' 38) (49'06) (23, 75) NICOBARS DISTRICT Less than 499 • • 152 29 18 152 9 70 28 10 (19,08) (11' 84) (100'00) (5· 92) (46' 05) (18' 42) (6· 58) 5'00-1,999 17 11 16 17 9 16 17 10 (100·00) (94' 12) (100'00) (52,94) (94·12) (100, 00) (58' 82) 2,000-4,999 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 (100,00) (100,00) (100'00) (100· 00) (50·00) (100' 00) (100, 00) (100'00 ) 5.000+ • Total 171 48 36 171 20 1 88 47 22 (28' 07) (21'05) (100' 00) (11, 70) (0' 58) (51' 46) (27, 49) (12' 87)

*Exclude 3 Jarawa villages as their drinking water facility is not known.

Andamans district In case of villages falling in the population range of The foregoing table reveals that out of 320 less than 500, 38.19 per cent villages have educational inhabited villages of the Andatmns district, 254 facilitie" ~ithin th~. ~illage 'Yhile 9.84. ~r cent villages villages have a population of less than 500 each, have medIcal faclhhes avaIlable WIthih 1.he viIlaoe. 60 villages fall in the population range of 500--1,999 Drinking water facilities are available in 98.43 per c:nt and remaining 6 inhabited villages belong to the popu­ of the villages. However, post & telegraph facilities lation range of 2,00Q-4,999. There i~ no village are available for only 6.30 per cent villages. Marketl which has a population of 5,000 and above. hat facilities are available to 1.97 per cent villages of 31 this population range. With regard to communication, With regard to different types of amenities availa­ 47.24 per cent of these villages have communication ble within the villages lalling in the population range facilities available within the village and 38.98 per cent of less than 500. 19.08 per cent villages have educa­ vjJlages arc approachable by pucca road. With regard tional facilities. 11.84 per cent villages have medical to power supply, 14.57 per cent of villages of this facilities, cent per cent villages have drinking water population range have power supply available within facilities and 5.92 per cent villages are covered by t.be village. post & telegraph facilities. Similarly. 46.05 per cent villages of this range have communication facilities As regards tht;: villages falling in the population and 18.42 per cent villages are approachable by pucca range of 500-1.999. 91.67 per cent villages are road. Power supply is available within the village in covered by i!ducational facilities. 53.33 per cent by this range for only 6.58 per cent villages. medical facilities, cent per cent villages by drinking With regard to the villages falling in the popu­ water supply, 46.67 per cent villag~s by post & tele­ lation range of 500-1,999. all the 17 villages are graph facijities and 21.67 per cent VIllages by market) covered by education and drinking water facilities and ha t. Similarly, 80 per cent of the villages have com­ are also approachable by pucca road. Medical faci­ munication means available within the villages and litit-& are available in 94.12 per cent villages. Post 80.67 per cent villages of this range are approachable & telegraph facilities are available in 52.94 per cent by pucca road. The percentage of villages to total villages and communication facilities are available in villages in this population range having power supply 94.12 per cent villages falling in this popUlation range, is 55.00. P\.)wer supply is availabk in 58.82 per Ct:Dt of these villages. There arc only 6 villages in the pjopulation range 2.000-4,999. All the villages in this population There are only two villages in the population range have facilities like education. drinking water. range 2,000-4,999 and both these villages are post & telegraph, market/hat, communication and covered by all facilities such as education. medical, power supply available within the village. Similarly, drinking water, post & telegraph. communication and all the 6 villages arc approachable by pUcca. road. power supply. Both these villages are also approach­ Medical facilities are available for 83.33 per cent of able by pucca road. the villages falling in this population range. The system of weekly/fortnightly market/hat etc., is not prevalent in the Nicobars district. the only Nicobars district exception being one villuge in Nancowry tehsil where such facility is available. In the Nicobars district. out of 171 inhabited villages, 152 villages have a population of less than The distribution of vUagcs according to distance 500 each. 17 villages fall in the popUlation range of from the nearl!st tOWD. and av.ailabjJity of different 500-1.999. Only 2 villages belong to the population r.menities has been worked out and is given below in range 2,000-4,999. table 6. TABLE 6 Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

Distance range from the No.of Number (with percentage) of vi lJages having the amenity of nearest town (in krns.) inhabited vi lJages Education Medical Drinking Post and Marketl Communi- Approach Power In each wat~r telegraph hat cation by pucca supply range road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 0-5 4 3 4 2 1 3 3 3 (75' ()O) (100' 00) (50·00) (25' (0) (75·00) (75·00) (75· (0) 6-15 10 7 2 10 5 10 10 10 (70,00) (20·00) (100·00) (50·00) (100·00) (100·00) (100·00) 16-50 106 54 15 106 19 8 67 71 31 (50·94) (14'15) (100'00) (17·92) (7' 55) (63·21) (66· 98) (29· 25) 51+ 367 142 81 366 44 16 179 120 54 (38,69) (22· 07) (99· 73) (11· 99) (4· 36) (48' 77) (32· 70) (14' 71 ) Unspecified 4 1 3 (25'00) (75'00) Total 491 206 98 487* 70 25 262 204 98 (41,96) (19' 96) (99·19) (14' 26) (5' 09) (53· 36) (41' 55) (19· 96) 32

TABLE 6-Concld.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2 1 0-5 4 3 4 3 3 3 (75·00) (100'00) (50' 00) (25'00) (75'00) (75' 00) (75' 00) 5 6-15 10 7 2 10 10 10 10 (70·00) (20'00) (100-00) (50-00) (l00' 00) (100'00) (100' (0) 106 19 16-50 106 54 15 8 67 71 31 (50' 94) (14' 15) (100'00) (17' 92) (7, 55) (63· 21) (66, 98) (29,25) 94 45 195 24 15 91 73 32 51 + 196 (47' 96) (22' 96) (99'49) (12' 24) (7,65) (46'43) (37' 24) (16' 33) 1* Unspecified 4 3 (25' 00) (75'00)

62 316* 50 24 174 157 76 Total 320 158 (49·38) (19' 38) (98'75) (IS' 63) (7, 50) (54' 38) (49'06) (23' 75)




16-50 171 48 36 171 20 1 88 47 22 51+ (28·07) (21, 05) (100' 00) (11' 70) (0' 58) (51'46) (27'49) (12,87)

Unspecified .. 171 48 36 171 20 1 88 47 22 Total (28·07) (21,05) (100' 00) (11' 70) (0·58) (51' 46) (27, 49) (12' 87)

*Exdude 3 JarawJ. villag~s as their drinking water facility is not known.

In this Union Territory ~her.e is only one tow~, educational, medical, .dri~king water. post & telegraph. port Blair M.B. This tvwn .IS .Sltuated 10 Port. Blal! murketj hat, commulllcatIon, approach by pucca road tchsil of the Andamans dIstnct. No area 111 the and power supply have been shown for the Union Nicobars district has been declared as urban So far. Territory as a whole and fOr both the districts for each distance range in the above table. The figures in the H may be seen from t~e ~bove ~ab!e that the brackets in the table indicate the percentages. inhabited villages have been dl~tnbuted mto the follo­ wing five ranges according to distance from the nearest Di~tribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance raD~e from tbe plal:e where town : these are available (i) At a distance of 0-5 kms. As stated earlier, there are 491 inhabited villages (ii) At a distance of 6-15 kms. in the Union Territory of A & N Islands. Outr of (iii) At a distance of 16-50 kms. these, 320 are located in the Andamans district and the remaining 171 in the Nicobars district. We have (iv) -At a distance of 51 kms. and above already discussed the position with reagrd to villages having different types of amenities such as education (v) Distance unspecified. medical, drinking water, post & telegraph market/hat The number of villages alongwith ~~eir percen­ communication, etc. Now we will examin~ the villag~ tages having difierent types of amemties such as where certain amenities are not available. The following table indicates distribution of these villages post & telegraph, 270 villages do not enjoy these faci­ arranged by the distance ranges from the place where lities within the villages. Of these 106 villages enjoy these are available: post & telegraph facilities within a distance of less than 5 kms. 46 villages avail of these facilities at a TABLE 7 distance of 5 to 10 kms. and 118 villages have to go to a distance beyond 10 kms. for availing such faci­ Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged bY distance ranges from the places where these are available lities. Similarly. communication facilities are not available within the villages in case of 146 villages. The bulk of these i.e. 68 villages avail communication Villages not having Number of villages where the;) menity is the amenity of not available & uv,,jluble at a distJnce of facilities within a distance of 5 kms. The number of villages which gets communication facilities at a dis­ Less than 5-10 10+ Total tance of 5 to 10 kms. and 10 kms. and above are 27 5 kms. kms. kms. (cols.2 and 51 respectvely. to 4)

2 3 5 Nicobars district

ANDAMA"l & NICOBAR ISLANDS In the case of the Nicobars district, the propor­ tiOn of villages not having certain amenities is rather 1. Education 161 52 72 2>:5 high as compared with the Andamans district. Out 2. Medical J90 78 125 ~93 of a total of 171 inhabited villages in the Nicobars 3. Drinking water 1 district, the number of villages not having educational 4. P& T 129 67 225 42( facilities is 123. Of these, 57 villages avail these 5. Market/hat 73 56 337 466 facilities within a distance of 5 kms. The number 6. Communication 70 28 131 229 Of villages falling in the two other distance ranges of 5 to 10 kms. and 10 and above kms. where educa· ANDAMANS DISTRICT banal facilities are available to them is 27 and 39 respectively. In the case of medical facilities, the 1. Education 104 25 33 162 number of villages where such facilities are not 2. Mel1icol 136 46 76 258 nvailable is still high. Here. 135 out of 171 villages 3. Drinking water 1 do not have medical facilities available wHhin the 4. P&T 106 46 118 270 Villages. The number of villages falling in the 5. Market/hat 73 55 168 296 three distance ranges of less than 5 kms .. 5 to 10 kms. 6. Communication 68 27 51 146 and 10 kms. and above where these facilities are availahle is 54. 32 and 49 respectively. With NICOBARS DISTRICT regard to post & telegraph. the position is . alarming because out of 171 villages. 151 villages do not have 1. Education 57 27 39 123 these facilities available within the vil!ages. The 2. Medical 54 32 49 135 number of villages which get post & telegraph facili· 3. Drinking wnter ties within a distance of Jess than 5 kms. is only 23. 4. P&T . 23 21 107 151 The number of such villages in the range of 5 to 10 5. Market/hat 169 170 kms. is 21. As many as 107 vil1ages out of 151 vil­ 6. Communication 2 80 83 lages get aforesaid facilities at a distance of 10 kms. and above.

Andamans district As regards communication, there are 83 villages where communication facilities are not available It may be seen from the above tabk that in the WIthin the villages. Of these, mOre than 95 pel' cent Andamans district, out of 320 inhabited villages. there villages get these facilities at a dis~ance of 10 kms are 162 villages where educational facilities are n6t nnd above. The number of villages where communi­ available within the villages. Of 1hese, 1()4 vi11ages cation facilities are availahle within 5 kms. and 5 to enjov these facilities at a distance of less than 5 kms. 10 killS. is 2 and 1 respectively. TI'e "number of villages where educational facilities are available at a distance of 5 to 10 kms. and 10 killS. and BRIEF ANALYSIS OF TOWN DIRECTORY above are 25 and 33 respectively. With regard to medi­ cal facilities. there are 258 villages where these facilities A~ discussed earlier. there is only one town-POlt are not available within the villages. The number of Blair M. R. in this Union Territory which is located villages falling in three distance ranges of less than in Port Blair tehsil of the Andamans district. The 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 10 kms. and baove where other district. Nicobars. is completely rural. Port these facilities available are 136. 46 and 76 Blair town was recognised as such for the first time respectively. Drinking water facilities are :1vaiJahle in 1951. in all the villages except 4 villages of the Andaman5 district (including 3 villages of Jarawas for which, in The percentage of urban population to total fact, correct position is not known). As regards population. decadal variation in urban popu!ation. 34

density of population and sex ratio for the Andamans the Union Territory as a whole is given in the district in which Port Blair town is situated :md for following table:

TABLE 8 Growth, density and sex ratio of urban population in the district in relation to the Union Territory

Census ~ District Andamans Union Territory Year Total Urb~n Percent? ge Deca da I Density Sex ratio Total Urb?n Percentage DecaCl~1 Density Sex frtio popula- popula- of urbnn percentage (popula- (No.of popula- p~pula- of urban percentage (poru12- (N('. of tion tion population variation tion per females tion tlon population v:nia!i( n lief! per femf' ks in urb:ln sq. km.) per 1,000 in urban sq. km.) per 1.000 popu!:,tion males) population males)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 18,962 7,789 41.08 859 545 30,97] 7,789 25.15 859 545 1961 48,985 14,075 28.73 +80.70 1,788 573 63,548 14,075 22.15 +80.70 1,7fi8 573 1971 93,468 26,218 28.05 +f6.27 3,298 S58 115,133 26,218 22.77 +86.27 3,298 558 1981 158,287 4\631 31. 36 +89.31 3,510 720 188,74] 49,634 26.30 +89.~1 3,510 720

It may be seen from the above table that the of urban population to total popUlation in 1981 was urban population which was only 7,789 in the year 31.36 as against 26.30 per cent recorded for the 1951 has increased to 49,634 in the year 1981. An Union Territory as a whole. interesting feature is that for the year 1951 the percentage of urban population to total population Density in the Andamans district was 41.08 and for the The density of urban population was 859 persons Union Territory as a whole it was only 25.15 per cent. per sq. km. in the year 1951. J,t increased to 1 788 However, in the subsequent two decades there was in 1961, 3,298 in 1971 and 3,510 in 1981. ' a decline in the proportion of urban population to Sex ratio total population in the Andamans district as well as in the Union Territory as a whole. The sex ratio i.e. number of females per 1.000 males recorded in the urban area was 545 in the year In the Andamans district, the proportion of 1951. This ratio imprOved slightly in the year 1961 urban population to total population cam~ ~own to wIlen a sex ratio of 573 was recorded. It. however, 28.73 per cent in 1961 and 28.05 per ce~t m 1971. came down to 558 in the year 1971 but considerably Similarly. the percentage of urban populatIon to total improved during the last decade i.e. 1971-81. A population for the Union Territory as a whole came sex ratio of 720 has been recorded at the 1981 Census. down to 22.15 in the year 1961. There was a slight improvement in the percentage of urban population Per capita total receipts and expenditure to total population for the Union Territorv as a whole The total per capita receipts and expenditure for in 1971 but this (22.77 per cent) was weB below the the year 1978-79 for Port Blair town can be !;tudied 1951 mark. In the Andamans district the percentag(l with the help of the following table:

TABLE 9 Per capita' receipts and expenditure in town; 1978-79

C!a<;s,nl1me & civic status Per cnpita receipts Per capitll expenditure of the town Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure Public Expendi- Other through from all expendi- l'dminis- on pub- works ture on asreets taxes other ture tration lie health public sources & conve- institu- niences tiol1s

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Port BIitir M. B. 92.30 73.66 18.64 93.22 4.78 28.36 20.81 t-- 0.17~ 39.10 35

The total per capita receipts during the year under There is only one hospital which caters to the report were Rs. 92.30. Out of this, Rs. 73.66 were needs of the urban population in acdition to the adjoining rural population. The total number of beds through taxes and the remaining Rs. 18.64 from other available in this hospital is 262 for the entire urban sources. population of 49,634 which works out to about 5 beds for one thousand population. In the field of expenditure. the total per capita expenditure during the year under report was Rs. 93.22. Most important commodities manufactured, imported and exported The highest per capita expenditure of Rs. 28.36 was on public health and conveniences. The next positior~ The names of the most important commodities is occupied by public works where Hie per capita manufactured, i111fPOrted and exported in the town have been given in the table below:- expenditure was Rs. 20.81. The per capita expenditure on general administration was Rs. 4.78, while on public TABLE 12 institutions it was Rs. 0.17. 1'ne remaining pe.r Most iml)ortant c!>mmfoldity manufactured, imported and exported capita expenditure of Rs. 39.10.was on other aspects. in the town Most important commodity Class, name & civic status of the town Manufactured Exported Imported tABLE 10 2 3 4 SdIooIJ per 1&._ pop~lation in the tOWD III Port Blair Plywood & Timber Cereals & (M.B.) :match (including all kinds of Class. name and Number per ten thousand population splints sawn edible oils civic status ------of town Hr.Secon- Secondary! Junior Primary timber) dary/InterJ Matri- Secon- PUC! culation daryl Junior Middl Plywood and match splints have been listed in Colbge order of their importance under the column 'commo­ dity manufactured'. 2 3 4 5 Timber is the most important commodity export­ ed from the town. The most jmportalJt commodities imported in the town nre cereals and all kinds of III, Port Blair 2 3 4 (M.B.) edible oils. BRIEF ANALYSIS OF peA As explained in the explanatory note. the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) provides an abstract of the As may be seen from the above table, there is 1 primary information relating to the 1981 Census. It higher secondary school for every 10,000 population contains data in respect of area, number of occupied in the town. The number of secondary imatriculation residential houses, number of households, total popula­ tion, including institutional and houseless population, schools works out to 2 per 10,000 population in the and its break-up by sex, Scheduled Castes and Sche­ town. Similarly. the number of jU!1ior/secondary/ duled Tribes, literates and educated persons, workers middle and primary schools works out to 3 and 4 and non-workers for each village for the rural areas and respectively per 10.000 population. town/ward-wise for the urban areas. The workers have been classified into the following four broad cate­ gories of economic activities;- No. of beds in medical institution (i) Cultivators-{I) (ii) Agricultural Labourers-(II) (iii) Wo~kers engaged in Household Industry­ TABLE 11 Manufacturing, processing, scnicing and repairs-[V(a)] ~ Number of beds iu medical institution in the town (iv) Other workers-[I1I. IV, V(b) and VI to IX]

Class, name and civic status No.of beds in medic:>1 institution At the 1971 Census and earlier censuses, the of the town per I,noo population workers were classified into 9 industrial categories of economic activities. 2 Rural/Urban break-up III Port Blair (M.B.) 5 Let us now study the rural and urban break-up of the population and the number of total and 96

inhabited villages and the number of towns for both following table:- the districts and each tehsil with the help of the TABLE 13 Population, number of villages and towns, 1981 Population

--~,~---_---~ 51. N,lme ofJisrricr/tehsil Totai Rural Urban No.ofviJlages No. -~--.-_------No.of P M F P M F P M F Total inhabited towns 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 14

~------~-. ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 188,741 107,261 81,480 139,107 78,401 60,706 49,634 28,860 20,774 516 491 ISLANDS ANDAMANS DISTRICT 158,287 90,446 67,84] 108,653 61,586 47,067 49,634 28,860 20,774 334 320 1. Diglipur tehsil 15,702 8,509 7,193 15,702 8,509 7,193 39.~ 39 2. M'1y:1bunder tehsil 13.954 7,792 6,162 13,954 7,792 6,162 60 : 58 3. Rangat teh,il 24,289 13,756 I (l,S33 24,289 13,756 10,533 70 66 4. P,)rt Blo i r teh~i1 76,329 44,701 31,628 26,695 15,841 10,854 49,634 28,860 20,774 !-I 6 81 5. Ferrargunjtehsil, 28,013 15,688 12,325 28,013 15,688 12,325 79 76 NICOBARS DISTRICT 30,454 16,815 13,6W 30,454 16,815 13,639 182 171 I. CarNicobar tehsil 15,486 8,031 7,455 15,486 8,031 7,455 16 16 2. N~ncowry tehsil . 14,968 8,784 6,184 14,968 ~,784 6,184 166 155 It may be seen from the above nbk that out of including 25 uninhabited villages (located on the inha­ a total population of 188,741. the share of rural areas bited islands) at the 1981 Census was 516. is 139.107 i,e" 73,70 per cent of the total population of the Union Territory. The remaining pi)pulation of Amon~ various tehsils of the Andamans district, 49,634 (26.30 per cent) belongs to the urban area. the largest number of inhabited vilJa:_!es (81) was in Port Blair tehsil. The next position was occupied by Four out of five tehsils of the And:unans district Ferrargunj tehsi! with 76 villages f(l]]owed by Rangat and both the tehsils of the Nicobars district are com­ (66 villages), Mayabunder (58 villages) :1l'd Diglipur pletely rural. Only Port Blair tcbs;l h~,s both rural (39 villages). and urban components. Out of a total population of 76,329 of Port Blair tehsi!, 49,634 i.e. (1503 per ccnt In case of the Nicobars district, Nancowry teh~il of the total population of the tehsil cones under the recorded as many as 155 inhabited villages while Car urban area which comprises the lone town of Port Nicobar tehsil has only 16 inhabited villages. Blair M.B. Decadal change in the distribution of population No. of villages The change in the di3tributbn of population At the 1981 Census, there were 4lJl inhabited during the decade 1971-81 for both the districts and villages as compared with 390 inhabited villages listed each tehsil is given in the following table with rural at the 1971 Census. The total number of villages and urban break-up. TABLE 14 Decadal change in distribution of population population Union Territoryl -----. Percentage decadal (l971-Rl) disrrict/tehsil 1971 19R1 variation ------Total Rural Urban Total Rural Ur!~~n T(,taJ Rural UrhBIl

-~ .. ---. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 115,133 88,915 26,218 188,741 139,107 49,634 -163.93 _l 56.45 _! 89.31 ISLANDS ANpAMANS DISTRICT 93,468 67,250 26,218 158,287 108,653 49,634 +69.35 + 61.57 -189.31 Diglipur teh~ i1 9,470 9,470 15,702 15,702 +65.81 -f 65.81 MaY;1bunc1er tehsil 8,443 8,443 13,954 13,954 -+ 65.27 +65.27 R,mga! tehsil 15,169 15,169 24,289 24,289 -1 60.12 -160.12 Port Bl.,jr tehsil 42,511 16,293 26,218 76,329 26,695 49,634 -! 79.55 -'63.84 . R9.31 Ferr2rgunj tehsil . 17,875 17,875 28,00 28,013 +56.72 --\-56.72 NICOBARS Dlt;TRICT 21,665 21,665 30,454 30,454 -140.57 -140.57 -'-14.68 -! Car Nicobar tehsil 13, '504 1\504 15,486 15,486 14.6R Q . 83.4] Nancowry tehsil 8,161 8,161 14,96 44,96~ +83.41 37

It rna) be seen from the above table that tile Qverali pcn,;cntage decadal increase in population for It may be ~een from lhe ueh villages is 40.57 p;!r cent was recorded. lS2.46.

Among YBrious tehsils of the Andamans distnct. Th~ percentagt; of. villa~es within the populatioll the highest growth rate of .79.55. per cent has been range 01 200--499 ]s blgher m the Andamans district recvrded for Port Blair tehsll durlllg the decade 1971- than in the Nicobars district. The percentage of such 81. The second position is occupied by Diglipur tehsil vlllages in the Andamans district is 27.g 1 as against with a percentage increase. of 65.8i. Mayabunder 6.43 in the Nicobars district. closely follows Diglipur with a !J~l:centag~ .dccadal variation of 65.27. The fourlh and filth posItIons ~n: As regards villages falling in the pilpuJatiol1 range occupied by Rangat tehsil and Ferrargu'lnj tehsll. With of 500-1,999, again the percentage of villages for the a percentage increase of 60.12 and 56.7£. respectively. Andamans district is higher (18.75) than that of the Nicobars district (9.94). In the case of the Nicobans distn~t, Nancowry tchsil has recorded the highest percentage growth rate A very ,mall percentage of villages belonging to of 83.41 which is even more than the ov..:rall growth the population size 2.000-4,999 has been recorded rate for the Union 'territory during 1971-81. Car both fur the Andamans and Nicobars districts. The Nicobar tehsH has record~d a growth rate of only 14.68 percentage in the Andamans district is 1.88 while in Per cent which is the lowest of all the tehsib of the ca::.c of the Nicobars di~trict it is 1.17. Andaman and Nicobar Islands. No village with a popUlation of 5.000 or above was listed at the 1981 Census for this Union Urban area. Territory. When we study the urban pa,,::cDtage dccadal variation in population. it is cb3e('Y('d t:lat the urb~n Scheduled Tribes (~T) popUlation in the. town areas have recorded a higher percei~tu~e decadal vana­ tion of 89.31 per cent as against 63.93 per cent gerreral . The following table gives tile S r -population and gmwrh rate recorded for the Union Territory as a Jls percentage to the total popul"ti,lll ill t!1e Port Blair whole during the decade 1971-81. town:-·

Dimbution of villages TABLE ](,

Th;! di~trjbution of villages by variuu~ population Proportion of S~het1llled Tribc~ pOj:l!iation in the to\\1I size gmups for each district is gj~cn in Table 15· N"me of the Tcwl ] otal 5T Perccnli'ge 01 S1' IOWll Popl!l,ltiol: TABLE IS pcru:"ticl 1'( rlll; !it 1· to [ota i populution Distribution of villages by pOi1Ulation ranges 4 Range of No. of villages in each Percentage ofvillDgcs in PorI Blair 4'),634 populatiot; range e3chrang~ M.B. 271 0.55 A & N Anda- Nico· A&N Anda. Nico­ Islands mans bars lsl~nds l11HDO. b:lrs district district U.T. district district It may be seen from the abov.: table that just 271 2 3 4 5 6 7 persons belongIng to Scheduled :rribes forming only 0.55 per cent to the total populatl~ll1 were enumerated Less then 306 165 141 62.32 51. 56 82.46 in Port Blair town. 200 Literates, 200-499 100 89 11 20.37 27.81 6.43 workers, non-workers and SChcfluJed popUlation tribet 500~1.999 77 . 60 17 15.68 18.75 9.94 2,000-4,999 8 6 2 1. 63 I. 88 I. 17 . It .will be of. great interest to study the compara- tlve pIcture ?f literates .. workers, non-workers and 5,000-9,,)99 S~he~uled Tnbes por:ulatwn in each tc:hsil of both the 10,000+ d]stncts of the UUlon Territon' of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. •

Total 491 320 171 100.00 100.00 100.00 The followmg table gives the percentage of persons, males and females for each of these categories:_ 4-310 R. G. India (ND)/85 38



Pe f ce.l("gc of


SC popu- ST popu- lation to lation to Tot,\1 T,);;] I pc)pUlalion total total Liieratrs LO toL,li ro\'ulation

UT, ---~------~ Name of Rural population population ------~---- Distrlctj T ;;hsi; Urban P M F P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO

Andaman and Nicubar hlands T 188,741 107,261 81,480 1 I· 85 5[' 56 58'72 42·14

R 139,107 78,401 60,709 15'88 46·58 5~'94 37·07 U 49,634 28,860 20,774 O' 55 65·54 71· 69 56·98

AndalUans district T 158.287 90.446 67,841 0'75 53· 95 60'87 44·72 R 103,653 61,586 47,067 0·84 48·66 55·S0 39·31 U 49,634 28.860 20,774 0'55 65·54 71'69 56·98

Digl i pur fehs i I T 15,702 8,509 7,193 0·08 46'29 54·53 3(>·55 R 15,702 8,509 7,193 0·08 46'29 54'53 36·55 U

M tY,lbunJer tehsil T 13.954 7.792 6.162 0·06 40·86 48·16 31·61 R 13.954 7,792 6,162 0·06 40·86 48'16 31·61 U

Rangal tehsil T 24.289 13,756 10,533 0·13 49·79 57'40 39·86 R 24.289 13,756 10,533 0·13 49'79 ~7·4() 39·86 U

Port Bl;tir tehsil T 7:5.329 44,701 ~1 ,628 1·42 59·73 66·03 50,84 R 25.69; 15,841 10,854 3·06 48'95 55'71 39·08 U 4),634 28,860 20,774 0·55 65'54 71·69 56·98

P.:;'c.trgunj tehsi I T ::;;'013 15,688 12.325 0·18 52'61 58·98 44·49 R 2').013 15,68S 12,325 0·18 52'61 58'98 44·49 U

Nicobllrs district. T , ).454 16.815 13,639 69' 52 39'16 47· 13 29·33 R 30,454 16,815 13,639 69· 52 39' 16 47'13 29·33 U

C.lf ~;c'Jblr re.1si I T 1),486 8,031 7,4;5 87·27 40'10 47'45 32·18 R 15,486 8.031 7,455 87·27 40' IO 47'45 32·18 U

Nancowry tehsi I T 14.968 8,784 6,184 51·16 38'18 46·84 25'89 R 14,968 8,784 6,184 51·16 38' 18 46·84 25'89 U 39


Percentage of

Main workers to total Marginal workers to Total workers to total Non-workers to total population total population population population Total ------Rura I Name of U.T M F p M F p M F P M F Urban District Tehil

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

33·21 54·59 5·07 3·67 2·12 5·71 36·88 56·71 10·78 63'12 43'29 8)'22 T Andaman and Nicobar Islands 32'27 5)·80 4·45 4·76 2·60 7'56 37·03 56'+0 12·01 62·97 43·60 87·99 R 35·86 56'71 0·89 0·62 0'S5 0·31 36·48 57'56 7'20 63·$2 42·44 92·80 \J

33·60 55'47 4'44 2·42 1· 42 3· 74 36· 02 56' 09 8· 1~ 63· 93 43· 11 91· 82 T Andu/Il{{ns _iistrict.~ 32- 57 54 89 3'37 3'23 1'69 5·25 35·80 56'58 8'62 64'20 43'42 91'38 R 35·86 56-71 6'89 0·62 0'85 0'31 36·48 57'56 7'20 63'52 42'44 92·80 tJ

30·06 52'66 3'33 I· 71 0·93 2·63 31·77 53'59 5· 96 1i8· 23 46· 41 94- 04 T DiglipUT tehsi l 30-06 52·66 3·33 1· 71 0·93 2·63 31·77 53·59 5·96 68'23 46·41 94·04 R U

3H>9 53· 25 4' 4S 3'21 1· 11 )'87 34-91 54·3& 10·32 65'09 4)'64 89·68 T MaYJulIncer te.hsil 31.69 53'25 4·45 )'21 1· Il 5'~7 34·91 ,4·36 10·32 65'09 45·64 89'68 R V

31·80 54' 12 2·66 3'55 1'~6 5'7~ 3.5·35 55·9~ 8'41 64'65 44'02 91·59 T RdJ1gat Tehsil 31-80 54' 12 2·66 3'55 1'86 5·75 35'35 55·93 8'41 64'65 44·02 91'59 R V

36·18 57·70 .5·76 1·72 1·25 2·38 37·90 58·95 8· 14 62·10 41'05 91 86 T 36·76 59'49 3·58 3·76 2·00 6·35 40'52 61'49 9'93 59'48 38'5J 90·07 R 35·86 56·71 6'89 0·62 0'85 0'31 36·48 57')6 7'20 63'52 ~2'44 92'80 1]

31·08 ~1·94 3·25 3· 33 1· 95 5·08 34'41 54·89 8·33 65'59 45'11 91'67 T Ferrargunj Tchsil 31·08 )2'94 3'25 3·33 1· 95 5'08 34·41 54·89 8·33 65'59 45·11 91'67 R U

31.17 49·82 8'18 1O.2J 5· 90 15' 52 41· 38 55· 72 23' 70 58· 6::' 44· 28 76· 30 T Nicobars district.1 31·17 49·82 8·18 10·21 5·90 15'52 41·38 55-72 23'70 58'6::' 44'::'8 76'30 R u

25.81 42·45 8·01 12'80 7·36 18·66 38'67 49·81 26'67 61·33 50·19 73·33 T CaT Nicobar :ehsij 25·87 42·45 8·01 12·80 7·36 18·66 38'67 49·81 26·67 61·33 50,]9 73·33 R U

36.67 56·57 8·39 7'52 4'56 11'7) 44'19 61·13 20'12 55'81 38'87 79.88 T Nancowry tchs;J 36.67 56"57 8·39 7'52 4 ~6 11·73 44,19 61·13 20·12 55·8l 38'87 79.S:': R U 40

~cheduled TribeS pOpua.tiOD: distr~ct, these percentages for males ancf females are 55.41 and 4.44 respectively. It ma\' be seen from the abov" table that the percentage -of ST population to the total population . Amongst t?e fiv.e tehsils of the Andamans dis­ for the Union Territory as a whole is 11.85. The ST tnc.t. Port BlaIr tehsll .occupies the first position with popUlation is concentrated in the Nicobars district mam w?rkers constltutmg 36.18 per cent of the total where it forms 69.52 per cent of the total population populatl?n. As regards the remaining fcur tehsils of at th;.; district. In the Andaman'> diStrict, the percen­ thc dlstnct, the percentages vf main workers vary bet­ tage of ST population to the total population is ween 30:06 per cent (Diglipur tehsil) and 31.80 (Ran­ only 0.75. gat tehs!]). Amongst various tehsils of the Andamans district the highest percentage of ST population to total . In the cas~ of male workers, th" hIghest propor- population has been recorded fer Pert Blair tehsil tlOn. (57.70 pee cent) of main workers is in Port Blair where the percentage is 1,42 of th," total population tehsl] and the lowest in Diglipur tehsil (52 66 per cent). Dr the tehsil. The percentage of ST population to Port Bla_ir tehsil with 5.76 per cent of female wain total population in the remaining tehsil~ of the Anda­ workers to Its female population has recorded the mans district is l~s, than 1. hIghest percentage of female main \\orkL'rs. The lowest In Car Nicohar tehsil. tile percel1tag'~ of ST popu­ percentage of femaJ.e main workers (2.66 per cent) to lation to the total population is 37.27 1.vhik in the case Its .female populatIOn was recorded in Rangat of p;ancow[\' tehsi!. this percentage is 51.16. tchsJ1.

Literates: . In the Nicobars district. the percentage of male A iiterac) rate of 51.56 per cent has been record­ ~all1 workers to the total male population is 49.82 and m the case of females this pcrce'1tagE' is 8.18. ed f0r th~ Union Territorv as a whole at the 1981 Census. In the case of males, the percentage of lite­ Of the. two tehsils in tht' Nieoba~s distJict. Nan­ rates to the total male population is 58.72 while in the cowry tehs!l has recorded higher percentage of main case of females, this percentage is 42.14. worker~ both for ~nales district and 31.17 in the male margu:al workers. The highest proportion of Nicobars district. female margmal workers has been recorded in the case 54.59 per cent of the total males and 5.07 per cent of Mayabunder tchsil (5.87%) whereas the lowest of the total females are returned as main workers for percentage all marginal female workers has been re­ the Union Territory as a whole. In the Andamans corded for Port Blair (2Jgo4). 41

As regards the two tehsils (\f the Niccrbars dis­ Among the tehsils of the Al1damans district, the trirt. the percentages of male ~nd female n~arginal highest proportion of non-workers has been recorded workas t<) th..: tetal mak and tl'mall~ popuaItlOll arc in the case of Diglipur tchsil (68.23 per cent) and the higher in the ~asc of. Car Nicob,lr tehsil as con~pnr('d lowest in the case of Port Blair tehsil (62.10 per cent). with Nancowry teh~!!. Tn the case of Car l'-ficobar Among males, the highest pcrc~ntage of non-workers tohsil, 7.36 per cent males lmd 18.66 per cent females (46.41) has, however, been recorded for Diglipur tehsil have marginal work \vhiJe in iI':c l(l'ie of Nancowry and the lowest (41.05 per cent) in respect of Port Blair tehsil the percentages of m:11c [\nd female marginal tehsil. Diglipur tehsil ha~ rf'r:ordl~cJ the highest propor­ ...·orkers are 4.56 and 11.73 r('spt'c 1iwly. tion of female !toH-workers (0 lJ)4 per cent) while Total wOrkers: the lowest percentage of female n:>il-workers has been recorded for Mayabunder tehsil (89.63 per cent). The percentage of total v\'OJ kCi s tt) the total population for the Union. Territory ~1~ a whole works Amongst the two tchsils of the Nicobars district, out to 36.88. The Nicobars district ]1:lS -H.38 per cent Car Nicobar has a higher pcrcc!'t'1ge (50.19) of male total workers as against 36.02 per cent total workers non-workers to its total populatior, as ..:ompared with in the Andamans district. 38.87 :per cent of Nancowry tehsil. It' the case of female non-workers the position is different. Nan­ Among maks and females. tllc perCentage of cowry tehsil has recorded 79.88 per cent female non­ total workers is much high in t},c ca~e of males when workers as against 73.33 per cent in respect af Car compared with females for the Union Territory as a Nicobar. whole. About 56.71 per cent of males have been re­ corded as total workers. while only 1O,7H per cent Scheduled Tribes population in rural areas females have been recorded Uf> total v/orkef';. The following table gives the number of villages and the percentage of ST population to total popula­ . In the Andamans district, tht> oerct-ntagc of males tion classified according to their percentage ranges:­ &ad females total workers are 56.89 and 8.] 8 resp~c­ TABLE 18 u'Yely whiJe in the case of the Nicobars district these Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population pecceota&eS are 55.72 and 23.70 nspectivelv. in village

In tbe case of tehsiis of th And1:mans district, Percentcge rallge of ST popu- No. of villages Percent~ge the highest percentage of total In'lle wurken has been lation to total popu12tion in eachropge of vi1I2ges in rcconled for Port Blair tebsil (58.95 ner cent) and the each range lowest for Diglipur temil (53.59 per cent). 2 3

Amoogst females, the highest prop;~rtion of total ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS worurs bas been recorded for Mavabunder tehsi1 Nil , 302 61. 51 where their percentage is 10.32 to the total female 5 or less. 19 3.87 population of the tehsiI. The lowest p=fcenlage of 6-15 6 1.22 female total workers has been rCl::ordcd in the case of 16-25 . 1 0.20 Diglipur tehsil where their percentage is 5.96. 26-35 . 2 0.41 As regards the Nicobars district, total male wor­ 36-50 . kers are 61.13 per cent of the total male population in 51 & above 161 32.79 Nllncowry tehsil while in the ca~e of Ccr Nicobar the Total 491 100.00 percentage of total male worhrs is 49.81. The percen­ ANDAMANS DISTRICT tages of female total workers h) the total female population are 26.67 and 20.12 fer elr Nicobar and Nil 292 91. 25 Nancowry tehsils respectively. 50rIess 16 5.00 6-15 . 4 1.25 Non-workers 16-25 . 1 0.31 Out of a total population of 188,741, the number 26-35 of non-workers in this territoTV' is 119,129, which 36-50 . works out to 63.12 per cent of the total population as 5: & aho\'v 7 2.19 per the 1981 Census. 43.29 per cent males and 89.22· Tot.] 100.00 per cent females are non-workers. In the Andamans district. the percentage of non·v'0:-k\:ors is higher than NJCOBARS D1STRICT that of the Nicobars district. In the case of the Anda­ Nil 10 5.85 mans district 63.98 per cent and in the case of the Nico­ 5 or kss 3 I. 75 bars district 58.62 per cent of the total population bas 6-15 2 1. 17 been recorded as non.-workers. The percentages of 16-25 non-workers are 43.1] In case of males and 91.82 in 26-35 2 1. 17 caSe of females respectively for the Andamans district. 36-50 [n the case of the Nieobars distri~t. the percentages of 51 &aoo'.(· 154 90.06 male and female non-workers to total mhle and female population are 44.28 and 76.30 respectively. Totnl 171 100.00

5-310 R. G. India/ND/85 42

It may be seen from the Llbove tabk that out of TABLE 19-Concld. 491 inhabited village in the Union Territory. there are 302 villages, which form about 61.51 per cent of the 2 3 total villages, have no representation of scheduled tribes population. The percentage of villages which ANDAMANS DISTRICT have ST population of 5 per cent or less is 3.87. Less than 200 165 42.89 200-499 Similarly, the percentages of vill






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K_. f f , t , r· If' ...

.I§J Narc"""" 1. z

4u NO RT H ANOAMAN ISLAND ~' beef.1or I. aljh;~--::} ?~ StI.ar_ 1./

Sa9Grloaf. « I.

o 11• o +010 RAOHA NAGAR •15 i' • PO.'2 17 z $W/

« TEHSll BOUNDARY... .,. ... .,. _._._ TEHSILIHEAOQUARTERS. •. ..• «) VlllAGES/APWO CAMPS/Fe/ £(F) A WITH POPULATION SIZE: BELOW 200; '. 200.499; 500.999, 1000 &. ABOVE ••. 0;_," IMPORTANT ROAD •••••• : •.•.• 1----1 MAYABUNDER TEHStL POST OFFICE; POST AND TELEGRAPH OfFICE ,.0; PTO HOSPITAL; DISPENSARY. •• •.. •.• $. + Nott:- Appro_llllate location of villa,.. h •• b •• n .hown HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL .•. '. by nUMbers wlllch correspond to the location POLICE STA-TION • .. .•. ... ,., cod. numb'r of.. h villa • IMPORTANT VILLAGE MARKET . • • ..

BoNd upon Survey 0( Indio map with the perml•• ion of th_ Scrv.,-or Gen.-of of 1ncIcr. e Oov.,.nment of India CopYI"I,ht, I g .6 The ...... ortol wat.... of Indio extetld Into -the _ to a distance of 'twelYe nautical mil. measured ,,.. "the apPl"opl"iat. bOM 111' •.


SI. Name of village Name ofIsland Population SI. Name of village Name of Island Population No. No. ---- 1971 1981 1911 19

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

1 Aerial Bay (RV) (incl. 19 Lakshmipur, E(F)A Nath Andaman 29 Range Hq. FC) . North Andaman 258 416 20 Lamiya Bay, E(F)A 101 2 Balu Dera (Extr. FC) . Smith 22 21 Madhupur (RV) . 862 963 3 BandhanNaUah, E(F)A. North Andaman 50 22 Milan Gram (RV) 286 512 4 Burma Chad,E(F)A 88 23 5 Deshbandhu Gram (RV) 255 393 (polk-e Post) Narcondam 11 17 6 Diglipur (RV) (incl. 24 Paschimsagar,E(F)A North Andaman 157 837 Diglipur Extr. FC and 25 Rabindrapalli (RV) 4APWD Camps) • l,lI)8 2,138 184 180 26 Radha Nagar (RV) 7 Duraapur (RV) (incl. 4 146 87 27 Radha Nagar, E(F)A APWD Camps) 252 528 " 233 8 East Island (Police Post 28 Ramkrishnagram (RV) (incI.APWD Camp) &. Lighthouse) East 20 72 " 1,179 1,515 9 Ganesh Nagar, E(F)A . North And

51 6-310 R. O. IndiafND/85 52


District :"'Andamans

-- - .~~------. ._._------Lnca- Nl u,J of Total lotal Amenities available(i fnot aVlilable within the village a dash (-) is shown in the column tion vill.lg~ arel jJJJllla- and next 10 it in b,ackels .the distance in broad ranges VIZ. (-) kms.) (5-10 kms.) and CJue of the tion (10:- knn.) oflhe nearest place \vhere the facilityisavailableisgiven)

No village (in &num------~-.---- he~tares) l1~r of Lducati ona I Medical Drinking Post & Day oTdays Communica- house- water Tele- of the market! t\.gllS (Bus holds (pot graph hat, if any stop. rail\lay able) stations, water way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NARCONDAM ISLAND 1/1/1 Narcondam island NA 17 -(IO+kms.) D W --(I0+kms. ) -(10+-kms.) -(10+- kills.) (po Ike Post) (1) EAST ISLAND I! 112 East island (Poli.:~ NA , 72 -tiO-, km~.) D W,TK --tlO-i kim.) --liO+ kms.) -(lII+kms.) Post & Light House). (17) (PART) 1/1/3 Glmsh Nagar-E(F)A NA 464 -(IO+kms.) --1I0, kms.) N, TK -(10-; kms.) '~{IU+km~.) -(IO+kms.) (101) 1/1/4 Santhi Nagar-E(F)A NA 281 -{lO+kms.) -(10+-krns.) W,N -(10+krns.) -(10+kms.) -(10-1 kms,) (57) 1/J/5 Ga£1dhi Nagar-E(F)A NA 539 -(10-[ kms.) -(10-; kills.) W -(10Ikms_) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (US) 1/1/6 H.lridas Kattai-E(F)A NA 77 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -OO-i kms.) -(lO-i-kms.) -(10-1 kms.) (13) 1/1/7 Shyam Nagar(Rv) 72 4·10 J78 J> -(5-10 kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10 j. kms.) (35) 1/1/8 Shyam Nagar-E(F)A NA 20 -(-.) kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (6) 1/1/9 Burma Chad-E(F)A NA 88 -{5-10 kms.) -(5-10 klns.) W -(10+l killS.) -(-.)kms.) BS (144) N,O 1/1/22 Sitanagar (RV)(incl. 993·67 1079 P(2), M D T, W, N -(-S kms.) -(-Skms.) -(-5 kms.) 5 APWD Camps) (228) 53


Tehsil :- DigUpur

Vlnd use (i .e. area under different types of land usein l:lectares Remarks Location rounded upto 2 decimal places) including Code ------any place No. A!}proach Nearest town Power Stapl~ Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not of religious, to & distance SU'llJly food hy source waste (in· available for historical ,'illage (in kms.) eluding cui tivation or arcbaeo· gauchar & logical groves) interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

NW Port 81air (300) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/1 Wheat

NW Port Blair (260) Rice &. NA NA NA NA NA lil/2 Wheat

~w P,Jrl Blair (200) Rice NA NA NA NA NA Id/3

NW Port Blair (200) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/l/4

NW Port Blair (200) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/5

KR Port Blair (220) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/6

pp Port Blair (240) Rice &. .114·7:- 57·49 9'46 342'40 N(1) 1/1/7 Wheat pp Port Blair (245) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 111/8

PP Port Blair (250) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/9

PP Port Blai r (232) Rice &. 435· 80 43·55 13'35 432·65 N(2) 1/1/10 Wheat PP Port Blair (233) Rice NA NA NA NA NA J!1/11

FI' I'<>rt Blair (224) R.ice &. 110'{)() 125·50 8'40 361'26 N(3) 1/1/12 Wheat KR 'Port Blair (216) Rice &. 347·97 117·82 4'49 [a92·54. N(4) 1/1/13 Wheat KR, POTt Blair (190) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/14 pp Wheat PRo Port Blair (210) Rice 254'75 92'09 196·71 160·55 N(4) 1/1/15 KR

FP Port Blair (209) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/16

KR Port Blair (205) Rice & 161·16 82' 51 34·18 94·31 N(3) 1/1/17 Wheat PR Port Blair (203) Rice & 161·65 148·78 57'39 246'74 N(4) 1/1/18 KR Wheat KR Port Blair (206) Rice &- 223·45 95·47 2'16 168'80 N(3) 1/1/19 Wheat KR Port Blair (204) Rice & 10· 85 51·47 1'11 58'02 N(3) 1/1/20 Whear PR Port Blair (202) Rice & 19·04 207·59 2'22 128·08 N(4) 1/1/21 KR Wheat PR Port Blair (207) Rice & 538·56 231·05 37·13 186'93 N(4) 1/1/22 KR Wheat 54


District : Andamans

L,ca' Name of Total Total Amc1itics available (iL10! availabll.l wit.lin th·! village a dash (-) is shown in the don village area NPula. column al1d n

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I (liZ3 Si fanagar-E(F)A NA 30 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (6) 1/1 :24 Khudirampul' (RV) 811·97 692 P,O -(-) kms.) -(5-10 killS.) ·-(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (125) W,N If 1/25 Khudiram:mr-E(F)A NA 24 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W,N -(5-10 killS.) -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 krns.) (5) 1i J /26 DigiipUf (RV)(incl. 100·30 2138 P, M, H. PUC. CHW, 0 T,W,N PTO Sunday, BS Diglipur Extr. FC, (542) R,TK,O Wednesday Diglipur lI-B.:atwork AC,O , FC and APWD ('..amps)' I; li27 R'lilllkrisbna Gram 695·47 1515 P,AC,O M, cwe, 0 T,W,N -(-'i killS.) -(-5 krns.) BS (RY) (incl. APWD (299) He,FPC R Camp)' 1/1128 Vidyasagar Pall I 263' 86 429 AC,O -(-5 kms.) T,W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 killS.) BS (RV) (84) 1/1/29 Keralapuram (RV) • 624·02 446 P,AC,O -(5-10 kms.) T,W N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS (95) 1/1/30 Aerial Bay (RV) 81·86 416 0 RP T,W,N PO Saturday BS,NW (incl. Range Hq. PC) (118)

1/1/31 Durgapur(RV)(incl. 415·35 528 P,AC,O -(-5 kms.) T,W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5kms.) BS 4 APWD Camps) I (130) 1/1/32 Shibpur (RV) (incl. 518'54 412 P, M,AC 0 T,W,N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS Revenue beat areas (74) FC) 1/1/33 Kalipur (RV) • 546·98 283 P.O -(-5 kms.) W,N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (52) 1/1/34 Lamiya Bay-E(F)A NA 101 -(5-10 qms) -(10+ kms.) W,N -(10+km8.) -(10+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (26) 1/1/35 Bandhan Nallah-E NA SO -(5-10 killS) -(10-1·k1119.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(10·1-kms.) -(10+kms.) (P)A. (12) 1/1/36 Haran Nallah-E(F)A NA 25 -(5-10 kms) -(10+kms.) 0 -(10'1 kms.) -(10+km8.) -(I0+kms.) (6)

SMITH ISLAND 1/1/37 Smilh·E(F)A . NA 47 ~-(-5 kms) -(-Skms.) W -(10+km8.) -(10+km8.) -(lO+kms.) (19) 1/1/38 Balu Dera (Extr. NA 22 -(-Skms) -(-5kms.) W -(10+km8.) -(10+krns.) -(10+kms.) FC,) (12) 1/1/39 Sagar Dweep (RV) 890·68 192 P D W,N -(lO+kms.) -(10+km8.) NW (40)

TOTAL 11,819' 21 15,702 P(22),M(4), D(7),H(I), (3,321) H(1), PUC(I), CHW(I),CWC AC(7),0(13) (1),HC(I), FPC (I), RP(1), 0(3) 55


Approach Nearest town Power SW,plc Land usc (i,e, area under ditr."fllllt types of land use in hectares R'lmarks Location to & distance Supply food rounded upto 2 decimal places) including Code village (in kms.) ------.------any place No. Forest Irrigated Un irrigated Culturable Area not of by waste (in- available for religicus, ~our~e eluding cultivation historical gal' char & orarchaeo- groves) ,logical Interest

t t 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20

FP l)ort Blair (204) Rice NA NA NA NA NA N(Z) 1/1/23

FP Port Blai r (202) Rice & 329·36 183·46 12]' 74 177·41 N(4) 1/1/24 Wheat FP Port Blair (210) Rice NA NA NA NA NA N(2) 1/1/25

PRo Port Rlalr (200) ED Rice & 13-:\7 0'26 RO'67 N(5). M(1I). 1/1/26 KR Wheat C(8). T(4)

PRo Port Blair (195) ED Rice & 144'56 322·32 11'44 217'15 N(,). M(2) 1/1/27 KR Wheat PRo Port Blair (193) Rice & 64·38 86·72 61'12 51'64 N(3). M(1) 1/1/28 KR Wheat PRo Port Blair (192) Rice & 244·52 114·74 62·32 202'44 N(4) 1/1/29 KR Wheat PR. Port Blair (190) Rice & 3·01 78·85 N(4). M(1) ]/1/30 KR. Wheat NW PRo Port Blair (192) Rice & 225·76 118·08 71'5] N(4) 1/1/31 KR Wheat PRo Port Blair (194) Rice & 271'11 80·71 70·43 96'29 N(3) 1/1/32 KR Wheat

KR Port Blair (196) Rice & 356·81 126·57 63·60 N(3) 1/1/33 Wheat FP Port Blair (199) Rice NA NA NA NA NA N(I) 1/1/34

FP Port Blair (225) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/1/35

FP Port Blair (230) Rice NA NA NA NA NA .. 1/1/36

NW Port Blair (195) .Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(3) 1/1/37 Wheat NW Port Blair (195) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(2) 1/1/32 Wheat NW Port Blair (190) Rice & 823·92 30'29 36,47 N(3) 1/1/39 Wheat


5,138'40 . , 2,432' 59 699'91 3,548'31 N(84) , M(J~). C(8). T(4)



~- _--~------_------~

TEHSIL MAYABUNDER 'I DISTRICT ANOAMANS ( INDIA) o G l KlIom9~res 2_~ ~9 _ ~__ _ 4 6 8 Kllc>n.etr~~ r=-:::!.::L'::=_L==-'-c:--,- J __ :;c=:J p MI~~;; 2 0 2 .'l :.;: !c-J

E H s L 0 5(10"' I. '-._ ...... _ 4- ·_·_· ..... l PO. K'~HO"'''A()Ai'> ')'---'- Ka_ng 1"ung 1 0 2 o 3 +. N",~ .... GnAM 4 NORTH ANDAM.L>.N ISLAND o 7 °5

(J Lotouc". I. z


tr'l'terview \.

I I, I u.

r~'~-!,CI_,":)A~~ --.' ~y" ---=~..J I ~ i .-_'~- T:-HSiL Ht:fDOU/d'l7S~:: ... G!I i o I. ~~~~:~~~:"::'D('~;M;~ir;;~' ·1---i E(C).~ W.'d oOr·i.iL~TIO;; S!ZL:·I ( \ et:..ow 200; 200-499; ::;00- I i <:;;9; ,,~oo M:O ABOVE. 0,.;.; 81 p~~~ ~Fr;:-Ei po.s_.,r~ AN? I' T;-.... t:.Gr:f,..-,~l OFFi\..:"" •. PC, prJ I I• HOSPITAL, D~srEN~A'GY; ~~~ATEq- I I :~'~:\:?,'::~'~~CD(\~~~'::~~'~~~l' $;:; A ! POL:C': ST;TIO~L. PS ! ,~P::·"T'r:~: ~ "i:' '.1\0,;: \;V,~KEi. .:~ , '_'~::' "A~!rr ~', ;---l I c.nr:[ : I x -_._-_ ------Anderson I. +_ CIi/~,:NP'Ji-: () ',8 « 49

N·'t'-- t,p~rilY:r.;."t~ i:r,,·.·' 'j:il.i!~C r~~ b~t'fO !:no ..... n by .'1u:t,!:~r!'. yh,cl1 cor f(>spcpd t ... It'lil loc.,I1,(1_, .. ~'" n.,-ld·H ~f .-ad, ~,;F..I!"

T I R A N G A T I E H s L I .. j.-~.~- .•

SOI.d upon Survey of Ind,o mop w,th tne p.rmi ..icn of 1h .. 5\JfV~YOt CeMrGI Of Ina'G. The territorial wat.,., of' India .xt_eI Jnto the sao to 0 d,.ton,,,. of 1""1",> I'Io"tieol mH.. "'.O.\lr.. fro", it> •. Olllproprl ... bo •• lin •.


S1. Name of village Name of Island Population Sl. Name. of village Name ofJsland Population No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 4 5

t. Austin I (Reg. FC) . North Andaman R 32. Kannalang IX, E(FA) Middle Andaman 2~ 2. Austin TI, E(F)A 174 33. Kannatang. E(F)A . 25 3. Austin IV (FC) y :14. Kishori Nagar (RV) (incl. North Andamall 447 555 f;5 Revenue Beat FC (lnd 4. Austin IX(Extr. of Reg. FC) APWD Camps) ]94 ;. Austin Creek (Forest 35. Lataw (RV) Middle Andaman Corporation Camp) 95 115 16. lucknow (RV) 6. Aves Island (RV) Aves 2 lSI 204 . ",7. Luis Lit Bay (BPC) 7. Bajato, E(F)A Middle And~m[l11 :12 7 !7 3R. Madhyamgram (RV) North An(\nman 8. Bajato (BPC). 7 5 95 60 19. MaYilbunder (RV) (incl. Middle AI1Cl< m: 11 9. Bamboo NaJlah, E(F)A North Andam:lll 98 990 LFi09 Hq. Fe & 2 APWD C8mps) 10. Bamboo Nallah,E(F)A Middle AndDm~n Ullin!1:i hited 40. MohanpuJ' (RV) Nor!h Andrm: 11 193 208 11. Bamboo Nal1ah, E(F)A 2 4J. Nabrgnm (RV) (incl. 601 948 12.Bara Dabla,E (F)A North Andllman 55 APWDC8mp) 13. Basantipur (RV)(incl. Middle Andaman 91 223 42. Narayan Tikri, E(F)A 94 Badam NalJaha BPC & 43. Narkul Danga, E(F)A APWD Camps) 55 44. Nichint~pUT (RV) 14. Borang (RV) . North Anduman 24 88 112 4~. Pahalgaon (RV) (inc!. Rc<'! 1\1i(1(1 1(, A11l1~ 11': n IS. Buddha Nallah,(APWD Mil1dkAndaml!1l 2 626 1. PI\ Camp BPC, Tugapur I Quarry) Exlr. FC and 5 APWD 16. Buddha N3.11ah, E(F)A 149 Camps) 17. Chainpur (RV) (inc!. 236 336 46. Paikat Bay, E(F)A . Middle Andaman 46 Chainpur I & 1I BPC and 47. Paranghara (p,lr~ligh~t;l) Nort!- Anarmfll 117 104 Extr. FC) (RV) 18. Chainpul',E(F)A 19 4R. Paresh N<1g3r(RV) . Middle Andamall R4 2983 19. Chunglum Gum, E(F)A n 49. Pathi leveL HF)A North AndBtnan 3 20. Danpur(RV) (incl. APwn 99 175 50. POkadcra (RV) (inc!. Middle AndnnD11 4R5 999 Camp) 3 AI~wn Camps) 21. Devpur (RV) . , , ]68 280 51. Profullya NogH (RV) 161 291 22. Ganna Dabla,E(F)A North Andaman 30 52. Pudumadurai (RV) (incl. 175 132 23. Govindpur (RV) Middle Anc1f;m~11 189 481 Bajalo Fe) 24. Hanspuri, (RV) (incl. HOllS- 124 203 53. Rammgar (RV) North Andrm211 681 729 puri I & II BPC) 54. Rampur (RV) (inc 1. Pvt. Mi(I(],c And, m[ 11 325 351 25. Hara Tikri,E(F)A North And'il11~ll ~4 Exlr. FC & APWD Camps) 26. Hoari Bay, E(F)A 46 55. Stew3rl lsl2r(1 (f'(' 2 27. lntcTvic", 20 ]0 56. Tal B~gan. E(F)A North Andaman 352 28. Jagannath Den; (RV) No) 111 And8m811 116 169 57. Tugapur (RV)(incl. Tuga- Middle Anc1~ men 575 782 29. Kalighat (RV) (inc!. Reve­ 401 R~O 1,urBPC &APWDCal11P). nue. Beat FC & APWD ~8, T\lgapur 11 (Reg. rn 14 Uniu­ Camps) habited 30. Kanchi Nallah, E(F)A Middle A11Chl l1l(111 59. T\lgHpur V (Reg.l'C) 68 70 " 60. Webi (RV) 189 275 31. Karmatang (RV) 20R' ~5R "

61 62


District : Andamans

Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (ifnot availr bJcwithil1 thevillq;e 8 d, sh (-)is shewn in the column tion area of popu· and next to it in brackets, the distance in brefc rrrges viz. (-5 kms.). (5-JOkms.) code the village lation and (10+ kIDs.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . N°· (in and hectares) number Educational Medical Drinking Post & Dayordays communica· of house. water Telegraph of the market/ tions (Bus holds (Pot· hat. ifany stop, railwa y ;lhle) ~tation, waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 (} 10


1/2/1 Tal Bagan·E(F)A. NA 353(75) -(10-~. kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,N -(10-;- kms.) -(10+ kills.) -(10+ kms.) 1/2/2 Kishorinagar (RV) 1770.32 B5(98) P. () D W, TK, N' PO -(10-;- kms.) -(5-10kms.) (incl. revenue beat Fe and APWD Camp) j /2/3 Paranghara (RV) . 701.35 ]04(15) P,O -(-·5 krns.) W, N -(5-10 kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW

1/2/4 Nabagrrm (RV) 1316.11 948(214) P (3), 0(3) D W,TK,N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 krn~.) -(-5 kms.) (incl. APWD Camp) 1/2/5 Mahyamgram (RV) 466.32 60(12) P,O -(5-10 kms.) W,TK,N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) 1/2/6 Nichintapur (RV) . 369.31 112(20) p,O -(5-10 kms.) W,TK,N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 krns.) -(5-10 kms.) 1/2/7 Narayan Tikri·E(F)A NA 94(21) -(5-10 krns.) -(5--kms.) W,N,O -(-5 kms.) -(10+ krns.) -(-5 kms.) 1/2/8 Kalighat (RV) (incl. 502.02 880(212) P,M,H,O D,CHW T,W,N PTO Tuesday & NW Revenue beat FC and TK Priday APWD Camp) J/2/9 Jagannath Dera 1679.49 169(24) P,O D W,TK,N -(10+ kms.) -(10-:- krns.) -(10+ kms.) (RV) 1/2/10 Ramnagar (RV) 1241.44729(132) P(2),AC(4), D W,TK -(10-: kms.) -(10-1- kms.) -(10-: kms.) 0(2) 1/2/11 Bamboo NaIlBh·E(F)A NA 98(29) -(5-10 krns.) -(-5 krns.) W,N,O -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/2/12 Narkul Danga-E(F)A NA 55(18) -(-5 krns.) -(-5 kms.) W,N,O -(10+ kms.) -(10-1- kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/2/13 Pathi Level·E(F)A . NA 33(11 ) -(-5 kIDs.) -(-5 km5.) W,N,O -(10+kms.) -(10-\ km5.) -(-5 kIns.) 1/2/14 Borallg(RV). 32.32 24 (7) -(lO+kms.) -(10-1- kms.) N,O -(10+kms.) -(10-1- kms.) -(10+ kms.) 1/2/15 Austin IX (ExtT. of NA 85(25) P -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) Reg.FC) 1/2/16 Hoari Bay·E(F)A NA 46(11) -00+ kms.) -(10-;- kms.) N -(10-; kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(10-1 kn's.) 1/2/17 Ganna Dabla E(F)A NA 30(14) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(10-1 kIns.) -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) 1/2/18 Austin IV (FC) NA 9(5) -(5-10 kIns.) -(5-]0 kms.) F,N -(10-] kms.) -(10 -i kms.) NW 1/2/19 Bara Dabla-E(F)A . NA 55(11) -(10-1- krns.) -(5-10 kIns.) N -(10-', k.l1ls.) -(10+ kms.) -(5-10 kms.) 1/2/20 Hara Tikri-E(F)A , NA 54(19) -(5-10 kms.) -(5-·10 kms.) F --(to-; kms.! -(10-; kl11s.: NW 1/2/21 Mohanpuf (RY) 607.40 208(42) P D W,N,O -(10+ kms.) -(10-' kms.) -(lO+kms.) 1/2/22 Austin II.E(F)A NA 174(27) P -(10-: kms.) W,N -·(10-; kms.) -(10: k111S.) -(-5 kms.) 1/2/23 Austin I (Reg. FC) NA 8(2) -(5-10 kms.) -(10-1 krns.) W,TK -(10'; kms.) -(10-: kms.) -(10 kms.) 1/2/24 Austin Creek (Forest NA 194(59) -(10+ kms.) -(10-: kms.) W -(10-1 kms.) -(10-' kms.; -(10 km~.) Corporation Camp) STEWART ISLAND 1/2/25 Stewart island (FC) NA 3 (1) -(10+ kms.) -(10-+ Kms) N -(lO+kms.) -(10+ kIDs.) NW 63 VILLAGE DIRECTORY LAND USE

Tebsil : Mayabunder

Lan1 use (i.c. area under different types of land use in hectares Remarks Loca- rounded upto 2 decimal places) including lion ------any places of Code ,\9f)fO. Nuare,t town & Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not religious, No ach to distance (in kms.) Sapply food by soun:e waste (incl. available for historical or vi lIage gauchar & cultivation archaeologica I groves) inter~st

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NW Port Blair (225) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/1 KR -do_ (160) Rice 358' 33 153· lSI 1258·18 112/2

NW -do- (160) Rice 73·91 34·06 593·38 1/2/3 PR,KR .do· (165) Rice 403·00 43·67 869·44 IJ2/4

FP -do· (165) Rice 31·75 2'09 432·48 Jf2/5 FP -do· (165) Rice 61·8S 23·86 283·60 1/2/6 NW -do- (.!30) Rice & Wilcat NA NA NA NA NA Il2/7 PR,KR, -do· (165) Rice 158·69 106·05 237'28 T(l) 1/2/8 NW

NW -do· (165) Rice 1535·75 89·33 38'41 16·00 J /2/9

NW ·do- (165) Rice 648'33 443· 90 38·31 110'90 1/2/10

NW ·Lio· (220) · . Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA .. 112 fl1 NW -00- (225) · . Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/12 NW ·do· (225) .. Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/13 NW -do·, (170) · . Rice 32·32 J /2/14 NW -do· (170) · . Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/15

NW ·do- (280) .. Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/16 NW -do- (290) .. R.ice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/17 NW -do- (160) .. Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/18 NW -Lio· (280) · . Rice &Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/19 NW -do· (160) · . Rice&Wneat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/20 NW -do- (170) .. Rice & Wheat . . 110·09 59'72 437·59 1/2/21 NW -do· (170) · . Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/22 NW -do· (170) ., Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/23 NW -do. (225) .. Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/24

NW •do- (160) .• Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 64


District : Andamans

Luca­ Name 0[ villag.) Total Total Amenities available (if il0t :w;!iia~le within the village a dash (-) is shOwn in the tion area of pClpU­ coluror; and n;')xt te it i 1 br~ckets, the distance in br.)ad ranges viz, (-5 kms),(5- CO(k :he I~tion 10 kmq 8. Id (lO+km") of th5 nCil.lCSl pla.Cll w.Jcre the fRciJity is available is given) No. village and (in number Medical Drin.king Post & Day or days Communica­ hectareS) of house­ water Telegraph oj' the market! tions (Bus holds (pot­ hat, if any stop, railway able) stati0n, waterway)

2 4 5 6 7 8 10

AVES ISLAND 1/2/26 Aves island (RV) . 15.90 2(1) --(-5kms.) --(-5kms.) -(-5kms.) -(-5kms.) -(Iv-: kms.) NW INTERVIEW ISLAND 1/2/27 Interviews island NA (Police Outpost)


1 (2/28 Mayabunder (RV)(incl. :<5. SO 1809(475) P --(-:i km~.) 1, \Ii PTU Dally HS. M\ Hq.FCand 2 ApWD PHONL Camps)

: /2/29 Pokadera tRV)(incl. 1 :6.45999(231) M,H,PUC,O H,MCW,j-PC T. V-,' PHONE ~(-5 kms.) m; 3 APWD Camps)

1/2/30 Danpur (RV) (incl. IOR.56175(40) - (- 5 kill>. ) - (- .'i km,. - T, W. N - (- 5 kll1>.) ~(- 5 kill,.) BS APWDCamp)

1/2/31 Lucknow (RV) 176.43 204(25) I' --(~-5 knlh ) W, N - (5-10 kms.) ~(5~lO kms.) BS 1/2/32 Lataw (RV) 79.26 115(22) --(-5 k1l1s.) -(-5 kIDS.; W,N -(-5 killS.) -(5-10 kms.) as 1/2/33 Devpur (RV) 123.37 280(52) P D W,N P,O -(-5 killS.) BS 1/2/34 Webi (RV) 253.84 275(44) 0 --(-5 k111S.) ..., W, N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.)

1/2/35 Pahalgaon (RV)(incl. 1\56.84 136(280) 1', M ~ -(-5 k111S.) T,W,N PO Sunday & BS Rest Camp BPC, Thursday Tugapuf I Extr. FC and 5 APWD Camps) 1/2/36 Bamboo Nallah- NA UNINHABITED E(F)A 1/2/37 Tugapur (RY) (inc I. .lOS! .4: 7!l2(135) P(4) D W,N -(-:5 kl11s.) -(-5 killS.) -(-5 k111S.) Tugapur BPC & APWD Camp)

~ /2/38 Tugapur II (Reg. FC) NA UNINHABITED 1/2/39 Tugapur V (Reg. FC) NA 70(17) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) S -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) 1/2/40 Buddha NaJlah NA .2 (l) --(-5 kmb) --·(-5 k111S.) N --00-' kms.) -(10· kms.) -(-5 kms.) (APWD Quany)

1/2141 Buddha Nallah.E(f)A NA WJ(_32) - (5-iO knb., -(-5 kllb.) N -(10- k111'. ) -(.5-W kms.)-- (--) killS.) 1/2/42 Bamboo Nalloh-E(F)A NA 2(2) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 lOllS.) N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/2/43 Kanchi Nallah-E(F)A NA 12(7) -(5-10 kms.) -(to· kms.) N -00 ; kms.) -(l0- kms.) -(lO-i-kms.) 1/2/.44 Chuglulll Gum-E(F)A NA 230 ) - (5-JO kl11s.) -(5-;() k111S., W,S -(:0-. kms.) --(l0- kms.) -(10-: kms.) 1/2/45 BajaIO-E(F)A NA 32(7) -(-·5 kms.) -(--5 kms.) S -(iO: kms. ) -(10 ; kms.) -(10-r kms.) 1/2/46 PudUlm:dun>i (RYj 607.92 J 32(27) P D T,W,N -(10 :. kms.) -(10-:- ktru.) NW (incl. Bajato FC) 1/2/47 Bajato (BPC) NA 5( 1) -(-5 killS,) _(_11 knls.j N ~(S-10kms.) -(10-:- killS.) -(5~10 kms. 65


Tehsil Mayabunder

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares Rrma.rks Loca- rounded upto 2 decimal places) inc1uc'.ing Hon any places of Code Appro- N"ar.;st town & Power Staple Porest Irrigated U Ili rrigated Culturable Area not religious, No. acn to distance (in kms.) S'lpply food by sourCe "'ilste (inc!. available historical or vtllage gauchar & for archaeological groves) cultivation interest

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

NW Port Blair(170) .. Rice 13·15 2·75 1/2/26

NW -do- (200) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/27

PR, -do- (160) ED Rille & Wheat .. 10·75 21· 31 3·14 M(14), C(6), 1/2/28 NW N(~)

PR -do· (162) ED Rice 51'94 63·99 0·S2 M(S), N(5) 1/2/29

PR -do- (162) ED Rice 48'18 42·66 17'72 1/2/30

PR -do - (161) ED Rice 50·51 102·37 23·55 112/31 PR -do- (161) ED Rice 38·16 8·56 32·54 1/2/32 PR -do- (161) ED Rice 56·00 43·00 24'37 M(l). T(l) 112/33 PR -do- (161) ED Rice 101· 34 63·46 89'04 M(2) , T(l) li2/34 PR,KR, -do- (135) ED Rice 778'92 51·92 26'00 M(l) , T(1) 1/2/35 NW

V N 1 N H l\ BIT I, I) 1/2136

PR· -do- (137) Rice 180·50 146·00 124· 91 1(2/37

UNINHABITED 1/2/38 FP -do- (182) Rice & Wheatl NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/39 KR -do· (178) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 112/40

KR -do- (158) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/41 KR -do- (157) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/42 KR -do- (164) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/43 -do-; (190) KR Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA ]/244 -do- (120) Rice KR NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/45 pp -do- (162) Rice 48·76 525·73 33·43 1/2/46

KR -do- (170) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/47 66 1981 CENSUS AMENITIES AND

District : And.mans

(if Loca- NlIn~ ,,[village Total Total Amcniti0s available not availabk within the village a dash (-) is shown in the column lion area of popu­ and ncxt to it in brack'!is the distance in broad rang<.>s viz., (-5 Ions.), (5-10 kms.) Code :hc lation and (10 '- kms.) of the nearest pJace whcr~ the facility is available is given) No. vilJ~gc and ------_. ------.--Communica. (ill :1.Umb~r Educationa I Medical Dri.lking post & Day Or days hcctres) of house. wate! Telegraph of the market/ tions (Bus­ (. Pot

2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10

1/2/48 Chainpur (RY) (inc]. 377.37 336(59) P 1) W, N -(10+ kms.j -(10'- ktn.) -(10 + kms.) Chainpur I & II BPC &Extr. FC) 1/2/49 Chainpur·E(f)A . NA 19(12 ) -(10 -,- km.,. ) ~(~S killS.) S, N --(10 I kms.) -(10 'r' kms.) -(10-;- kJns.) 1/2/50 Hanspuri (RV)(incl. 50·US 203(40) P n W, N -(10 kms.) -(10-, km~.) NW Hanspuri I & II BPC) NW 1/2/51 Luis Lit Bay (BPC) . NA 7(1) -(-5 kms.) --(- :. killS.) N -(10; kms.) -(10-; kms.) 1/2152 R8ll1pur(RV)(illci. 412.,)0 35.1 (62) P -(5--JO kms.) T, W --(5-10 killS.) -(5-10 kms.) as pvt. Extr. Fe and APWDCamps) 1/2/53 Karmntang (RY) . 360. ')4 3S11(M) P(l) -(10 kms.) N. 0 ·~(llh- killS.) -(10-; kms.) NW 1/2/54 Karmatang TX-f(.f)A NA 23(8) -(5-10 1um,) -00- km,.) N --(5-10 kms.) -(5-]( kms.) -(-5 kIDS.) 1(2/55 Karmataq:,-E(F)A . NA 25(8) -(-5 kms.) -(10. kms.) N -(10-: kms.) -(IO,-i kms.) -(- kms.) 1/2/56 paikat Bay.E(F)A NA 46(23) -(10-; kms.) -(10: kms.) N -(10-,· IW1S.:: -(10-;- kms.) NW 1/2/57 Profullya NegBr (RY) 397.03 291(_7) P ~(10'; kms.) W, N -(-:. kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms:{ ] /2/58 BasanlipuT (RV)(incl. 186.29 223(47) P,AC --(10 i kms,;T, W,N-(-5 kms.) -(-jkms.) as Badam NallBha BPC and APWD Camp) 1/2/59 Govindpur (RY) . 286.73 481(107) P, AC -(5-10 kms.:'T, W,N PO -(-5 kms.) as 1/2/60 Paresh Nagar (RY) 185.34 298 (64) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.)T.TK. N -(-5 kms,) Daily BS

TOTAL 14830.6] 13954(3069) P(31),M(3), H(l),D(lI), H(2),PUC(1), MCW(l), AC(6), 0(13) FPC(1), CHW(1) 61


TehsiI : Mayaundber

Approach Nearest Powers Staple Land Usc (i. e. area under diffllrent typlls of land Usc in hcctarcs Rcmltrks Leca- to town & Supply food rounded upto 2 dt'cimD,1 placcs) induding tion village distance ------any places Code (in km.) Forest Irrigated Unini- Cul\urablo Area not of rejigicus, NL'. by source gated waste available historical (inc). for or archaeo- gauchar culti- logical & groves) vat ion interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

FP POrt Blair (170) Rice 61'45 242·01 73'91 1/2/48

NW -do- (188) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/49 !(R, -do· (17S) Rice 40'54 366'49 97'52 1/2/50 NW KR, -do- (160) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/51 NW PRo -do- (160) ED Rice 132' 57 117·09 162'84 1/2/52

KR -do- (160) Rice 60'51 142·75 165·68 1/2/53 KR -dQ-o (190) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 112/54 NW -do- (200) Ric'J & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/55 NW -do- (170) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/2/56 FP -do- (\30) «-ice & Wheat 54·06 297·44 45·53 1/2/57 PR -do- (130) ED Rice 37'14 127·05 22·10 1/2/58

PR, -do- (128) ED R.ice 83·65 68· 89 134·19 T(5) 1/2/59 KR PR, -do- (125) ED Rice 30·36 42·32 112' 66 T(5) 1/2/60 KR 2184·08 4241·66 2973·02 5431' 85 M(23),C(6)

T(14), N(IO)

7-310 R. G. India/NDJ85


69-70 71


KM -'I.,,~rf.n z 0 ., f!... " " to,IjU;';.tr-&3 In _I'T-x:+-:::__:=-L?:i=r==----CT =_j ""''''f 0 2 ,4"'II~ ..


z H""'JPIq (l/~ V \ z \ I / o 30 M(r D D LE ANDAMAN IS L ND Q \ :;f j o •n 4~ I ~~ ) °34 0 I'I",;Q 35

o z


0 Ee .::( t I en _.­ _._ .---- ~ --- .. . _' tISIL BOU~'-"-. -,,-~=:=._ FERRAilGUN.J fl51l HFAOQUMlT£i

Soadd UP(}(' ~;tU ",ey vt 1,,\.InJ fftup with the perl1UI:uOf'l of ft,. Surveyor a6".(01 ()f .ndlu f"<_ © Ci"~'J(,,", .. nt uf 11\11, .. Ccpyrillht,19I;1S. The territorial waters of India Ii_tend i"t.. J...... to a dl~tQ"";o ,,( "".,V.. "0 ... 111;;0'

ffidSB lTieU$U~~fJ.:J f) ••.dl'j tt.~ '-I !.Ji .... p"k,~ .... r.;~'~.;.: lIi.~


SI. Name ofvitlage Name ofIsland Population Sf. Name of viIlaia Name of Island pgpulatlon No. No. !"' 1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1. Amkunj (RV). Middle Andaman 113 190 37. Macarthy Valley (Forest Middle Andaman 77 105 2. BakuItala (RV)(incI.Hq. 1,140 2,409 Settlement Area) " 38. Mithila (RV) . 149 275 FC & APWD Camp) " 3. Bamboo Tikry (BPC) 37 39. Nimbutala (RV) (incl.) 617 1,243 4. Bangaon (RV) (incl. Reg. " Unin­ Beat Work FC) FC) " habited 40. Padmanabbapuram (RV) 254 338 (incI.R. R. O. barracks & .. 5. Between Chotalingbang & 14 APWD) Foul'Bay (Jarawa) (No " Name) 41. Panchawati (RV) (incl. .. 171 230 Beat Work FC) 6. Bharatpur (RV) 65 82 .. 42. Parnasala (RV) (incL 20 Unin_ 324 528 7. Boreham Valley (Forest " Tramline FC) " Settlement Area) habited 43. Parnasala n (Extr. FC) . 97 8. Boroinyol II (Reg. Fe) &; .. 239 44. Parnasala III (Reg. FC) . .." 102 (APWD) 4.5. Pinaldnager(RV). . .. 439 9. Boroinyo16 (Reg. FC) • 73 Unin. 46. Pitchar Nallaha (Coup) .. 127 .. habited Holders (Camp) 10. Cheralungr8 (Extr. FC) 125 47. Porlobjift No.9 (Reg. FC) .. 108 & (APWD) 1 J. Cheralungra II (Reg. FC) " " 162 48. Porlobjig No. 10 (APWD) .. 7 143 12. Chotllligbang(Jarawa) • " 8 & (BPC) 13. Cutbert Bay E(F)A " 49 49. Porlobjig No. 15 (FC). .. 142 270 14. Dasbaratpur (IW) . " 192 312 (APWD) & (BPC) 1~. Dharampur(RV)(incI.C.F.O. 311 395 50. Porloh Depot (FC) . Porlob 68 13 Na\1aha APWD Camp) " 51. Ramachandrll Nagar (RV) Middle Andaman 51 45 16. Dukenag3 r (RV) " 280 52. Rampur (RV) (incl. Range 326 707 17. Foster Va !ley (Forest " 48 77 HQ.FC) Settlement Area) 53. Rangat (RV) • .. 1,449 2.277 18. Foul Bay (J:uilwa) • " 9 54. Sa bad (RV) (incl. YeraUa .. 464 544 19. Golpahar E(F)A " 22 FC & APWD camps) 20. Harin8tzar (RV)(incI.Billy 1.152 55. Sagwan Nalla (Extr. & .. 183 Ground 4 APWD Camps) " Reg FC) 21. )aipur (RV)(inct. Koran­ .. 319 56. Santipur (RV) .. 304 <423 ganaltah APWD Camp) 57. Santanu (RV) • • .. 4~3 855 22. Janakpur (RY) " 307 388 58. Shaktill3rh (RV) (incl. .. 149 264 23. Jermy Valley (Foreit .. 37 Unin• APWDCamp) Settlement Area) habited 59. Shivapuram (RV)(incJ.3 .. 500 805 24. K'ldamtala (RV) (incl. 1,318 1,930 APWD Camps and Santanu Reg. HQ. FC) Betapur Range Hq. FC) 25. Kalsi(BPC) • 203 60. Shyamkund (RV) • " 127 228 26. Kalsi No.3 (BPC) 7 61. Sitapur(R V) . " 151 174 27. KalsiNo.4(BPC) • 8 62. Swadeshnagar(RV)(incl . .. 708 1,150 " pitcharNallaha 4APWD 28. KaisiNo.5(BPC) • " 9 Camps) 29. KalsiNo.6(BPC) . " 55 63. Thorakatang (Reg. & Extr. .. 30. Kalsi (RV) 222 144 FC) 31. Kamalapur(RV) 218 64. Tiruvanchiku1am (RV) •• 116 116 32. Kaushalyanagar (RV)(incl. " 714 613 65. Urmilapur (RV) (incl. 114 127 KaushalyanagarBPC & Reg. FC) " KalsiBPC) 66. Uttara (RV)(incl. Jetty • 510 656 33. Long Island (RV)(incI.Hq. 1,086 1,568 Dera APWD Camp) " Workshop FC) 67. Vishnupur (RV) 86 117 34. Latajig Bay(Agr. Camp) . 12 " " 68. Y/Jig No.9 (BPC) • " 8 35. Laukinallah E(F)A Middl~ Andzman 183 90 69. Y/Jig No. 11 (BPC) .. 31 36. Laxmanpur (RV) 174 ] 88 70. Yeratiljig (Extr. FC) .. 246 73 74 1981 CENSUS AMENITIES AND

District : Andamans

L0ca. Name ofvil!~ge Total Total Amenities av,dl1l ble (if not avaiJr He within the vilJ2ge a d(l8}:(-) is shown in tbe iton area of popu· colvmn and next to it in brackets, the distr'ncein br(',d r~nges viz, ,(-5 kms,),(5- Code. the village I£tion kms.)a'1d (10 +kms.)oftheneflrest piece where the facility is f;v'Ii];:blc is given)1 No. (in and hectares) number Educationa I Medicnl Drinking Post & D8yor dnys Communic of house· water Tdegraph of lhe market/ tion (Bus st holds (Pot. hat, if any railway sta able) !ion, waterway

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

MIDDLE ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 1/3/1 Jaipur (RV) (inc!. 214.24 319(58) P -(-5 kms.) T,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms,) BS Korrng nallaha ApWD c8mp) 1/3{2 KBmRi8pur (RV) . 139.24 218(35) P -(-5 kms.) N,W -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/3 PinkinagB r (RV) , 343.54 439(69) P -(-5 kms.) N,W -(-5 kms.) -(- 5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/4 Harinrg<'r (RV) (incl. 488.981152(l99)P(2),M,AC H,MCW, T,TK,N PO Daily BS Billyground 4 APWD FPC c3mps) 1/3/5 Laukina Ila·E(F)A NA 90(34) -(5-10 kms,) -(-5kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10-1 kms.) -(10'1 kms.) 1}3/6 Duken8g2r (RV) 280.22 280(44) P -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 koo.) 1/3/7 S3ntipur (RV) 295.04 423(67) P,O CHW W ~(5-10 kms.) -(-5 koo,) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/8 Pitchar Nallaha (Co. NA 127(39) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-SkillS, ) upholders c~mp) 1/3/9 Swadesh Nagar (RV) 341.691150(278) H, AC,P,M(2) 0 T,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 koo.) BS incl. Pitchsr Nallaha 4 APWD Camps) 1/3/10 Dharampur (RV) (incI. 302.65 395(73) P(2),M,O D W -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS CPO Nallaha APWD Camp) \ /3/11 Tiruvanchikul~rn(RV) 117.93 116(23) -(-5 rms.) -(- 5 kms) T,W -(-5 koo.) -(-5 kms.) BS,NW 1/3/12 Ramachandra Nagar 20.20 45(8) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 killS) W -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) NW (RV) 1/3/13 Thoraktang (Reg. & NA 1(1) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms) W -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS Extr. FC) 1/3/14 Shivapuram (RV) incl. 200.84 805(173) P, AC -(5-10 killS.) T,W PTO Daily BS,NM 3 APWD Camps and Betapuf Range Hq. FC) 1/3/15 Padmonabhapuram 133.21 338(67) P -(5-10 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms,) ·-(-5 kms.) BS (R,V.)(incL R.R.O. Barracks APWD) 1/3}16 Panchawati fRY) 325.45 230(59) p -OO-kms,) W,R PO -(5-10 kms.) BS inc1.Be"twork FC) 1/3/17 Amkunj (RV) 133.21 190(35) 0 CHW T,W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS 1/3/18 Nimbutal? (RV)(incl. 457.78 1243(259) P, M, AC,O CHW T,W,N, PO Daily BS Neatwork FC) 1/3/19 Dash~rD.tpur (RV) . 324.97 312(56) P,o, CHW W,N -(-5 kms,) -(-5 kms:) -(-5 kms, 1/3/20 Janakpur (RV) 276.45 388(65) P, AC, 0 -(-5 kms.) W,S,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS ) 1/3/21 Raugat (RV) . 210.262277(580) P(2), M, PUC, -(-5 qms.) T,WN PTO. Daily BS N,AC,O PHONE 75


Tehsil : Ranget

A~!,ro. Naarest town & Power Staple Land use (i. e. area under different types ofland use in Remarks Lcc~- ach to distance (in km.) Supply food hectare's rounded upto 2 decimai places) including tiOD village any places Code Porest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not of religicus, No. by waste available for historical source (including cultivation or archaeolo· gauchar & gical interest groves) -..-_. _.----11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

PR Port B:alr (113) ED Rloe & Wheal 40·00 55·36 9'48 109'40 .. 1/3/1

FP -do- (114) Rice 30·00 57'26 3·92 48·06 1/3/2 FP -do- (112) Rice 187·31 92'48 12·30 51' 33 1/3/3 PR ·do- (111) ED,EO Rice 100·00 171· 8; 211· 22 5·91 N(1). Mil) 1/3/4

KR.pp ·do- (lOS) R.ice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/5 KR,PP ·do· (109) Rice 169·94 56·05 14·07 40·16 .. 1/3/6 PP ·d'), (107) Ri~ 86·84 71·64 120'97 15·59 1/3/7 PR -do- (111) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(l),C(l) 1/3/8

Pa,Ka. .do- (107) ED· RiCtl & Wlleat 93·09 154·62 31'16 62·82 NO), CCI) 1/3/9

IUt -do- (106) Rice A Wheat 58·42 88·08 131·37 24·78 113/10

K.i. -do- (94) Rice &. Wheat 73·55 13·30 11·76 19·32 113111 n,NR -do- (96) Rice & Wheat 4·00 8·45 2·87 4·88 1/3/12

KR -do- (106) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/13

PR ·do- (92) ED,EO Rice 129'83 29-~6 8'23 33·22 .. 1/3/14

PR -do- (91) ED Rice 58·93 50·81 15·46 8·01 1/3/15

PR -do· (88) Rice & Wheat 246·89 29·55 20·83 28'18 1/3/16

PR -do, (89) ED Rice 96·94 25·02 3·68 7'57 1/3/17 PR,NW -do- (88) ED Rice & Wheat 299·49 96·56 44-85 16· 88 N(l), M(3),C(2) 113118

KR ·do· (94) Rice 262·29 35·88 19·25 7'55 113/19 PR,KR . -do- (92) ED Rice 181·77 60·63 21·15 12·90 N(I),M(2),T(5) 1/3/20 PR ·do- (94) BD,EO Rice & Wheat 62·26 77·00 14·58 56·42 N(4),M(lS),C(7) 1/3/21 ..j'" 76


Distl'ict : Andamans

Loca· Name of villagG Total Tota) Amenities available. (i.f nOt available ",:ithin the village a dash (-) is shown in th e tion area of P:lpu. column al1.d next to It In brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz.,-5 kms., (5-10 Code the village lation kms.) and (lO+kms.) of the nearest place whllIe the facility is available is given)

No. (in and ~~----- hectres) number Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communi- of house­ water Telegraph of the market/ cations (Bus) holds (Port- hat, if any stop, r. rl. able) way station, waterway 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

KR,NW 1/3/22 Sitapur (RV) . 105.48 174(30) P,AC CHW W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (5 kms.) 1/3/23 Mithila (RV). 118.06 275(57) -(-5 kms~) CHW W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS 1/3/24 Rampur (RV) (incl. 565.76 707(155) -(-5 kms.) H,MCW, T,W,N, PHONE -(-5 kms.) BS range Hq. Fc) PEC S 1/3/25 Parnasala (RV) (incl. 240.45 528(102) P, AC, 0 CHW W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) Tramli~~ FC) 1/3/26 ParnasalaII(Extr. NA 97(28) -(-5 kms.) .. -(-5 Kms) W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 )Qns.) -(-5 kms.) FC) 1/3/27 Parnasala III (Reg.FC) NA 102(32) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,S,N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms ) -(5-10 kms.) 1/3/28 Kalsi No.3 (BPC). NA 7(1) -(lO+kms.) -(5-lOkms.) N -(10+kms.)· -(IO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) 1/3/29 Kalsi No.4 (BPC). NA 8 (1) -(lO-I·kms.)· -(5-10 kms.) N -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10+lans.) 1/3/30 KalsiNo.5 (BPC) NA 9(1) -(lO+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) 1/3/31 KalsiNo.6 (BPC) NA 5)(10) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) "-'-(5 -10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/32 Kalsi (BPC) . NA 203(49) -(-5 kIns.) o. -(5-10 kIllS.) N -(5-10kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) 1/3/33 Sagwan Nalla (Extr. NA 183(63) o -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) & Peg. FC) 1/3/34 Kalsi (RV) . 385.13 144(32) P,AC,O -;-(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 krns.) ~(5-10 kms.) -(5--10ksm.) 1/3/35 Urmilapur (RV) 219.54 127(19) -(-5 ~ms.) -(5-10 kms.) W,N -(5-10kms.) -(5-10 krns.) -(5-10 kn:s.) (incl. Reg. FC) 1/3/36 Laxmanpur (RV) . 391.65 188(31) P -(-5 kms.) W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 krns.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/37 Bakulta)a (RV)(inct. 595.25 2409(695) P, M, AC,O . D,CHW T,W,N PO Daily BS Hq. FC and APWD PHONE Camp) 1/3/38 Sabari (RV) (incl. 1140.71 544(112) P, AC,(2),O D,CHW W,N PO -(5-10 krns.) BS Yeratta FC and APWD'Camp) 1/3/39 Bharatpur(RV) 199.99 82(14) P -(-5 kms.) W,N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/40 Vishnupur (RV) 345.53 117(18) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/41 Shyamkund (RV) 457.41 228(44) P,AC CHW W,N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) 113/42 Shaktigarh (RV) 343.59 264(64) 0 -(-5 kms.) W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 krns.) BS (incl.APWD Camp) 1/3/43 Cherah.ingra (Extr.FC) NA 125(31) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/44 Kaushaly,lOq~ar (RV) 453.76 613(109) P, AC, 0 , D,CHW W,N PO -(5-10 Kms) (incl. Kaushalyanagar . BPCand KalsiBPC Camp) 1/3/45 Cheralungra II (Reg. NA 162(63) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS FC) 1/3/46 Boroinyol II (Reg. NA 239(65) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) BS FC&APWD) 1/3/47 Boroinyo16 (Reg.FC) NA UNINHABITED 77 VILLAGE DIRECTORY LAND USB

Tehslt : Blugat

Appro- Nearest town PQwer Staplu Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in Rema.rks in- Loea- aeh to & distance Supply food hectares rounc'ed uptO 2 d~cima) places) cluding any tion village (in ~ms.) ---.-- places of Code f'orest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not religicus, No. by waste available historical sOurce (including for culti- or archaeo- gauehar & vat ion logical groves) interest

--11 12 13 14 1$ tt) 17 18 19 20 ----- KR,NW Port Blair (95) Rice 52·33 44·68 7·01 1·46 1/3/22 PR -do- (96) 8D Rice 74·74 27·93 4·10 11' 29 1/3/23 PR -do- (98) 8D Rice" Wheat 473' $9 48·97 7·8, 35·35 C(1), M(7) 1/3/24 tR.FP -do. (100) Rice &Wheat 1,8'47 ,0'90 7·04 24·04 I 3/2$ lO\,pP -do- (95) Rice" Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/26

KR.FP -do- (l05) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/27 l'P -do- (104) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA t/3/28 PP ·do- (107) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/29 FP -do- (111) ltice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/30 fP -do· (115) .R ice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/31 lIP -do- (104) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/32 pP -do- (102) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/33

pp -do- (101) Rice & Wheat 171·38 14·76 175·17 23·82 1/3/34 pp -ao- (100) Rice 137·20 24.22 48·80 9·32 1/3/3

FP -do- (96) Rice 273·41 31' 21 66·84 20·19 1/3/36 PR,PP -do. (95) 80,80 Rice & Wheat 434·65 37·81 91·22 31'~7 N(4),M(2), 1/3/37 C(4) (TI)

PR -do- (100) Rloe 1006'97 60·65 41·14 31·9~ N(l),1'(1) 1/3/38

PR,KR -do- (102) Ric, 161·80 18·65 16·59 2'95 1/3/39 PR,K -do- (104) Rice 319·62 14·76 7·64 3.51 1/3/40 FR.FP.NW -do- (110) Rice 337·13 26·28 88·05 5·95 1/3/41 PI\,FP -do- (98) Rice & Wheat 253·35 16· 51 63·91 9·82 1/3/42

FP -do- (102) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/43 PR,PP -do- (100) Rice 168·46 76·39 172·65 36'26 N(2) 1/3/44

PH. -do- (102) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/45 PR,FP -do- (106) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/46

U N I N H A B I T E D 1/3/47 - _._--,. - - .. f1981 CEN$US AMENITlES AND

DIstrict : Andamans

Loca­ Name of village Total Total Am~nities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is shown in the tion area of popu­ column and next (0 it In brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz., (-5lans.), (5-l() Code the village lation kms.) and (IO+kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) No. (in and ------~------hectares) number Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communi. of house­ water Telegraph of the maket/ cations (Bus- holds (Pot- hat, if any stop, railway able) station waterway 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

---~------1/3/48 BangClon (RV)(incl. NA U N I N H A B I T E D Reg. FC) 1/3/49 Porlobjig No. 15(FC) NA 270(83) (10+kms.) -(IO-t kms.) T,N ..... (10+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (APWU) and (BPC) 1/3/50 PorlobjigNo.l0 NA 143(67) P -(IO+kms.) N,O -(10+ kms.) -(10-1 kms.) BS (APWD) & (BPC) 1/3/51 Porlobjig No.9 (Reg. NA 108(26) -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) N,O -(10-+ kms.) -(10-; kms.) -(10-t-kms.) . FC) & (APWD) 1/3/52 Y/Jig No.9 (BPC) . NA 8(1) -(-5 kms.) -(10-1 kms.) N -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS 1/3/53 Y/Jig No. 11 (BPC). NA 31(8) -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) N -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(5-kms.) 1/3/ 54 Yeratiljig (Extr. FC) NA 246(74) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) BS 1/3/55 Boreham Va lley (Fe. NA U N I NHABITED rest Settlement Area) 1/3/56 Forest Valley (Forest NA 77(11 ) P -(5-10+kms.) N -(10-+ kms.) -(10-1 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) Settlement Area) 1/3/57 Jermy Valley (Forest NA UN I NHABITED Settlement Area) 1/3/58 Macarthy Valley (Fo- NA 105(19) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,N -(lO-j- kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(5-10 kms.) rest settlement Area) 1/3/59 Kadamtala (RV)(incl. 1218.24 1930(388) P(2), AC,H,O, D, FP, C,CHW W,N PTO Thursday & BS Santanu Reg. Hq. FC.) 0 Sunday 1/3/60 Bamboo Tikry(BPC) NA 37(7) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,N -(-5 kms.) -(-:, kms.) -(-5 kms.) 1/3/61 Santanu (RV) 244.11 855(208) AC,O 0 T,N,TK, -(5 kms.) 'Tuesday & BS W Saturday 1/3/62 Uttara (RV) (incl. 554.05 656(110) P,M 0 W,TK -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS Jetty Dera APWD Camp) 1'/3/66 Gol Pahar-E(F)A • NA 22(5) -(IO -t-kms.) . -(10+ kms.) N -(10~ kms.) -(1b+kms.) -(10-+ kms.) 1/ 3/67 Cut Bert Bay-E(F)A NA 49(15) -(lO+kms.) -(10-tkms.) N -(l0~ kms.) -(10-1 kms.) -(10+ kms.) 1/3/68 Chotaligbnng (Jarawa) NA 8(8) -(10-tkms.) -(lO+kms.) Not -Ob-! kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) NW· known 1/3/69 Between Chotaligbang NA 14(13) -(lOt kms.) -(10tkms.) -(10-tkms.) -(lO-j- kms.) NW and Soul Bay (Jarawa) (No name) 1/3/70 Foul Bay (Jarawa) NA 9(7) -(llJ-j-kms.) -(10-j-kms.) -(IO+kms.) -(lO-j- kms.) NW PORLOB ISLAND 1/3/63 Poriob Depot. (FC) NA 13(9) -(10+ kms.), -(lO+kms.) W -(10-i kms.) -(-5 kms.) NW LONG ISLAND 1/3/64 La13jigbay(Agri. C[lIDP) NA 12(7) -(10-1- kms.) -(10-1 kms.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) NW

1/3/65 Long lslGnd (RV)incI.400. 33 1568(424) P, M,AC,O MCW H,CWC, W,T,S 'PO Daily -(10+kms). Hq. Workshop FC) FPC TOTAL . 12584.9424289 'PCB)M, (9), D(S), H(3). (5538) H(3), PUC(I) MCW(3),CHW (12,) AC,(17) 0(17) FPC(4), CWC(l). 0(4) 79 VILLAGE DIRECTORY LAND USE

Tehsil : Rangat

~_ ~ ---r ~_. ______--~~~----~.-- ~~- - -- -.>~~--

Appro. N~arest T.)w 1 PJN~r Staple L:lld me (i.~., area ullder diff..!rent types of land use in Remarks in· Loca· acll to & dLUnce SJpply food hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) eluding any tion village (in km.) -----_...... __ ... --_... _------places of reli- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not giotls, historical No. by source waste available Or archaeo- (including for logical gauchar & cultivation interest groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


PRo PP.Port Blair (119) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/49

PRo -do- (70) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/50

FP -do· (68) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/51

PRo -do- (65) Kice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/52 FP -do- (55) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/53 pp -do- (57) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/54 UNINHABITED 1/3155

pp -do- (63) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/3156 Wheat UNINHABITED 1/3151

pp -do- (56) • Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 113158 " Wheat PR, .do- (50)J ED, Rice 450·96 386·55 345·82 34·91 N(2) , M(2) 1/3/59 FP~ EO FP -do- (52) Rice NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/60 PR, -do- (46) ED, Rice 65·94 81'24 80·41 16'52j 1/3/61 FP EO PR,NW -do· .. (44) ED Rice 24;,69 138· S6 l15H)0 18·80 N(2),M(I) 1/3/62

PP -do· (54) ..• Rice NA NA NA NA NA •• 1/3/66 NW .do- (NA) .. Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/67 NW -do- (NA) .. Port, Sea food NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/68 and Jungle food NW -cIa- (NA) .. -do- NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/.9

NW .do- (NA) .. ·do .. NA NA NA NA NA 1/3/10 }If .do- (70) Rice NA NA NA NA NA .. 1/3/63 f

NW .-do- (60) ED Rice 262·59 90·53 16·81 30'40 1/3/65

7229'83 2364·70 2089'20 901'21 C(16) , M(37), N(19). T(8)



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..J " « (_') ~"rH,Ar0th.r I " . w " S(,,,I-h 9rdh~ I ANOAMAN ISLAi'W .,

« o ... '" ._.-' ...... _._._.- z JOIl)' eey$ I <{ ::< « o z "I( I~~;Ts~~~~~~:~~~~ ~t~OQU""lE"s 1 VII.LAC!S ( APwO C;'M'S r f'Cfell':/c{F"jA I wl'tH 'OI'ULI.tIOloi l,.tt, S"-lO\oj ~or.:.. L 200.499, ~OO'''''; 1000 A!'tO ABOVE. , \ UNINIoIAerrED EI"A IIII'IT~ LOCATION eeDE. IMPORTANT ReAO .• A.1'tE~ AltO $litEA)IiI.. •• . . .,. URBAN AREA WITH LCC.J.!,O" coot NO .. IMO$i)''i'Al, CliPENSAA'!', Me .. i "osr A"F!CE ! "h(,iI'l~A ::H::C.li,.t"...", "C"'.J..JL POL,CE nAflON PI ."",,orff,lillT V,'-l.. ... '.:.E M"_'"~'...;'i_H_" __._'__~.A __ II>fpth,;t,Uf I.< .. t'.~.f wlll ..... ~ ...... ~I ; .. r ..._'" \.,. I ..... , ...... _ ...... ~ •••

Based upon SUr'vey of Ind,o t")op .... dh I>he poirmission of the $i...n... yor "'.. nllra, ot Inti,o

The territor 101 waters of Ind,o e!<.16nd ,nlQ the 884 to ij .:1,.10(\('. of tWit,.,. r'lCHifl\q! IT-I'!,. m'wh,rut frlO1l'Tl th, .:aPFupr,:;.t.i 'C .... lo". , 8-310 R, G. IndiafND/85 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES Tehsil : Port Blair

SI. Name ofvilip,ge N~me ofIsland Population SI. Name of village Name of Island Population No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

J. Allaygarll (RV) Baralilng 57 60 29. Goyindft Nagar tRY) H;,;yelcd. 1.248 2. Adojig 326 :10. HarmrnderBrYiN!'.1 Little Andrman 672 ~. Mojig, F(F)A Unin­ :11. Hut Bay Areu , . 1; 7(i7 2,687 habited 32. JVthVjll~ge(Rahil1dl!T:f:r) 27R 4. Allslinab,d CRY) • South Alldamnn 472 487 :13. KanehangDrh mV) . HarVIlllJg Rl) JOI 5. Bada Nallaj(Bada Balu), lOR EtF)A 34. Kodiaghat-'Burl11[1 N:1]lrh. South Andrmrn E(F)A 6. Bc?donabBd (RV) 322 596 " 35. Krishna Nag~\J (RV) Havelock 467 7. Bejoygarh (RV) Bar!ltang 183 205 36. Lakshmanpur (RV) Neil 276 8. Bharatpur (RV) Neil 225 37. LalTikary(BPC) BBTfltrng 12 9. Bijoy Nagar (RV) Havelock 356 38. Loncgij Vfllty, E(F),A Unin­ 10. Birnlitan (RV) South Andaman 354 499 habited 271 329 II. Brichgunj(RV) " 39. Merk Bay (Agr. Omp). North PaSSil.'C 4 15 45 197 12. Brookshabad . " 40. Middle Strait (FC)&CBPC) 141 239 13. Bolcha,E(F)A • Baratang Uninh.lbilcd 41. Minnie B~y IRV) 1.5% 86 14. ButlerBayForest Camp Li It Ie Andamall 10 42. Munda Pahar, E(F)A 25 4IFDC 43. Mis Asia & Compsny(Asi" Little An(l~'m~n 33 15. Butler Bf'y Forest Camp 45 Timber Product Privote) 4-IIFDC 44. N(lyc.gr.lh(RV) Barat2ng 225 303 16. Butler Buy Fores! Camp 208 4 TlJ-fDC 45. Neil Kendra (RY) Neil 482 17. Butler Bay Forest Camp 3J 46. Netaji Nogar (RV) . Little Ar d~l11!ln 412 4-lVPDC 47. NiJampuL E(F)A 18. Calicut(RV) • • SouthAndaman 321 679 48. Nill1mpur (RV) 437 779 19. C;l idiyatapu (RV)(inc1. 1]6 246 " Mise.FC) 49. Paharg20n (RV) South And~l11an 369 1,393

20. Childiyatapu (Contruclor~ 170 50. Papita Dera (Extr. & Reg. 10 100 Camp FC) " FC) 21. Dollygunj (RV) • South Andaman 276 352 SI. Pawajig (Extr. FC) . Baralang 100 183 22. Dugong Creek (OS) Little Andaman 43 88 52. Pawajig (Contr2ct<1! s Fe) 31 276 23. Elephenstone Harbour North Passr!)e 49 140 53. Peel Island (No. J FC) Peel 13 (Depot Work FC) 54. Peel Islvnd (No. II FC) 40 :4. Forest Camp at 14 Km. Liule Andaman 76 5S.Pce]ls13t;d(N(l.lJllC) . 68 5-1 (FDC) " 25. Forest camp at 14 km. 53 56. Peel lshllld (N(). lY Fe) ., 124 5-I1(FDC) 57. Prother"pur (RV) South ANlr;n'f.11 552 996 26. Forest Camp at 14 km. 40 58. Radha Nagzr (RV) . Hl\\'elrck 191 . 5-Ill (FDC) " 27. Forest Cnmp ~ll 19 km. 4 59. Rnjutgarh (RV) 16R IR9 (FDC) 60. Ram NagM (RV) NeiJ ~RR 2R. Gar(lch[lll11[' (RV)(iJ!cl. Snfh Ar(lam~n 809 1,(144 Mise.Fe) 61. R~lmu Krishn: I'm (R\')~. Jill Ie Ar(1an~~l: 1,5: 1 85

ALPHABETICAl. LIST OF VILLAGES -Cone/d. Tehsii : 'Port Blair

SI. Name of vi II age Name of Island population SI. Name ofvillage Name ofJsland Population No ---- No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

62. Runglach!lng (RV, . Little Andaman 90 39 73. Shyam Nagar (RV). Havelock 338 74. Sitllpur(RV) . Neil IBq 6J. Ranglachang (FC) . ~ 75. South Bay (Lighthou&t Little Andaman 64. Rang3chang Makhapahar, HI) Camp) E(F)A 76. South Bay (OS) " 21 65. Rangachang (RV)(incl. South Andam~n (i4, 17. South Creek (Ext. curn BarMang '7~ Extr. FC, Burma Nallah, Reg. FC) Extr. FC, Makhapahar Misc. FC & Rangiachang 71'. South Creek. E(F)A. 1\0 Mi~c.FC) " 79. (AS) Srt:lif 21 41 66. Red Oil Palm (Nursery) Camp Little Andaman 57 80. Sllndergarh (RV) Bapl;mg 355 526 67. (No.1 FC) Rutland 250 81. Taylorabzd (RV) South AndamBn 190 520 68. Ruthmd Island (No.n FC) 21R 82. Udayagarh (RV) Barr.tapg 63 88 69. Rutland Island (No. JlI FC) 5 83. Vishnu NallBh2 (APWD). 71 70. Rutland Island (No. IV FC) 299 " 84. Vivekanand~pllr

District ! Andamans

Loca­ N~m: of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is shown in tbe tion area of popula- column aud next to it in brackets, the distauce in broad ranges viz., (-5 kms.), Code the tion (5-10 kms.) and (lO-'-kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is No. village and given) , (in number· --- hectares) of Educational Medical Drink- Post & Day or days Communi­ house­ ing Telegraph of the market i cations (Bus holds watet hat,ifany stop,railway (Pot­ station, water- able) \,ay)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NORTH PASSAGE ISLAND 1/4'1 Merk Bay (Agri. NA 15 -(IO-i-kms.) -(lO+kms.) W,N -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW Camp) (7)

114'2 Elephenstone Har­ NA 140 p -(10- luns.) W,N,O --(10~. "ms.) -(lO-'-kms.) NW bour (Depot Work (38) FC) STRAIT ISLAND 1/413 Strait island (AS) . NA 41 o [) W -(10-1- kms.) -(10-'- kms.) NW (11)

BARATANG ISLAND 114/5 Pawajig(Extr. FC) . NA 183 -(5-lOkms.) -(IO+kms.) W --(l0~ kms.) -(10-;-kms.) NW (59) 1 !4/6 Pawajig (Contrac- NA 276 -(5-10 km5,) -(IO..!.-kms.) w -(10 kms.) ~-(10- kms.) NW tors FC) (136) l/4!7 Paryila Dera (Extr. NA 100 -(lO-:-km5.) -(1O->kms.) W,N -(10 :-kms.) ~-(10-: kl11s,) NW Reg. P:::-j (32) Adojig 100· 78 326 p -(lO+kms.) N -(lO--kms.) -(lO-:kms.) -(lO,-lans.) (58) 1/4;9 Adojig-E(F)A NA UNINHABITED

1/4/10 Bejoygarh (RV) 71'43 205 p [) N,W -(10- kms.) -(10-! kms.) BS (39) I !4'11 Udayagarh (RV) 24'26 88 -(-5 kms.) --(-·5 kms.) N,W -(-5 ktns.) -(10-' kms.) BS (13) 114/12 Sankar NaJIaha NA 243 -(-5 kms.) -(10-;·kms.) N --(10 kms.) -(10 kms.) BS (APW-D) (84) 114/13 Vishnu Nallaha NA 71 -(-5 kills.) -(I0-:-1allS.) N -(to: kms.) --(10' kms.) BS (APWD) (25) I i4il4 Lorrogij ValleY-E NA U N NHABITED (F)A 1/ 4115 Bolcha-E(F)A NA UNINHAB TED

1/4116 South Creek (Extr­ tNA 373 p . -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) BS cum-Reg.FC) (79) 1/4/17 SouthCreek-E(F)A NA 60 --(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(10' kms.) -00-:- kms.) --(-5 kms.) (8)

1/4'18 Sundergarh(RV) 301·24 526 p --(-5 kms.) T.N.W --(~5 kms.) -(10·~ kms.) BS (103)

1 '4!19 Nilambur-f(F)A NA UNINHABITED 87


Tehsil : Port Blair

Ap- Nearest town P(;wer Staple Land use (i.e" area under different types of land use in hectares Remarks Loca­ proach to & distance Supply food rounded uplO 2 decimal places) including tion village (in km,) any places of Codz Forest Irrigated Un;rrigated Culturable Area not religious, No. by source waste (incl. available historical gauchar & for cultiva- or a rchaeolo- groves) tion gica! interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NW Port Blair(55) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA li4! 1 Wheat NW Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Ij4;2 Wheat

NW Port Blair (50) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/3 Wheat

NW Port Blair (52) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/5 Wheal NW Port Blair (54) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1}4/6 Wheat RK,NW Port Blair (52) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/7 Wheat PR Port Blair (45) Rice & 73,70 21' 74 5'34 1/4/8 Wheat U :'II N H A B f T E 0 1/4/9

PR,KR Port Blair l45) Rice & 66'69 3· HI 1, 56 1/4/10 Wheat PR.KR Port Blair (46) Rice & 15' 61 3'62 5'03 1/4/11 Wheat PR Port Blair (50) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/12 Wheat PR Port Blair (51) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4;13 Wheat U N N H A B I T E 0 1/4/14

U N N H A B T E 0 1/4/15

PR Port Blair (60) EO Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(1),T(l) 1/4/16 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (60) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/17 Wheat PR Port'Blair (46) ED Rice & 130, 74 108,87 3·68 57, 95 1/4/18 Wheat

U N J N H A .B I T E D 1/4/19 88


District : Andamans

Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dash(-) is shown in tho tion urea of popula- column and nexr to it in brackets, the distance in broad ra'lges viz., (-5 kms.), Code the tion (5-10 k111S.) and (IO-!-kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is No. vilJage and given) (in number ------.------h~ctares) of Educational Medical Drink- l'ost & Day or days Co:nmunjca- haase- ing Telegraph of the market! Hons (Bus holds Water hat, if any stop, railway (Pot- station. able) water-way}

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4 20 Kanchangarh(RV). 228·77 101 - (- -5 k!lb.) ·--(-5 krn s .) N,W ---(5--10 kms.) ·-(10-; kim.) BS (11 )

114':21 Nilambur(RV) 14~' 1'l3 779 H,M D T,W 1'1'0 ·-(IO-t- kms.) (212)

1/4.22 Middle Strait (FC) NA 139 p -(to i kms.) N -00-, kms.) -(10-[- kills.) NW & (BPC) (59) 1/4.,23 Abaygarh (RV) 36·49 60 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 .kms.) N,W --(-5 kms.) --(10-; kIm.) BS (9)

Ij4'24 R'mglachang (RV) 60-06 39 -(--5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N ~(5-10 kms.) -(lOi- kIDs.) ~-(-5 kIns.) (6) 1/4;25 Ranglachang(RC) NA 8 -(-5 k11l~.) ·-(5-10 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(lOi kms.) NW (2) 1/4/26 Nayagarh(RV) 338·00 303 P -(5-10 kms.) N,W -(5-10 kms.) -(10'1 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (57) 1'427 LaITikary(HPC) NA 11 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(l0-~ .kms.) NW (3) 1/4/28 Rajatgarh (RV) 147'09 189 -(IO-j-kms.) -(10-tkms.) N,W -(1O-j kms.) -(10-: kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (24) 1/4/29 Wrafter's Creek (RV) 83' 49 394 p -(10-:' kms.) N --(10+kms.) --(10+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (93) 114/30 Wrafter's Creek-E(F)A NA UNINHABITED

PEEL ISLAND 1/4/31 Peel Island (No. III NA 68 -(1O+kms.) -(10+kms.) W -(lO-;-kms.) -(10-i-kms.) NW FC) (21) 1/4'32 Peel Island (No. II NA 40 -(10+ kms.) -(10·+ kms.) W -(10-;- kms.) -(10+ kIDs.) NW FC) (13) 114,33 Peel fsland (No. I NA 13 -(-5.kms.) -(10,-kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10-: kms.) NW FC) (6) 1 '4.34 Peel Island (No. IV NA 124 ~(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(1O-i kms.) NW FC) (40)

HAVELOCK ISLAND 1/4/36 BljoyNagar(RV) 292·06 356 p -(lO+kms.) w -(lO+kms.) -(10-;-kms.) -(lO+kms.) (65) 114/37 G"vinda Nagar (RV) 359· 67 1248 H,M,P H,MCW,FOP T,W PTO Daily NW (275) 114/38 Shyam Nagar (RV) 311· 14 338 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (64) 1/4139 Krishna Nagar (RV) 363· 24 476 P(2) -(-5-10 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) ~,(5-10 kms.) -- (5-10 kms.) (77) 89


Tehsil: Port Blair

Ap­ Nearest town Power Staple Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in hectares Remarks L('ca. poach to & distance Supply fOOd rounded l'pto 2 decimal places) incitcing tion viHage (i 1 krn.) any places COde Forest Irrigated Ut1irrigated CulturabJe Area not of religious, No. by source waste (incl. available historical r;allchar & fOf cliitiya- or archaeolo­ groves) I iOll gical intere,1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR,KR Port Blair (44) Riee & 188'09 25'69 3' 08 11' 91 1/4/20 Wheat .'R Port Rbir (41) EU Rice & 1.<7' t<1 I . (>.~ 1'10 R' 2Y M(2)C(I) 1/4/21 Wheal f:P,NW Port Blair (:.2) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/22 Wheat

PR,KR Port Blair (46) Rice & 13·49 16'67 6'33 ~1/4/23 Wheal FP Port Blai r (51) Rice & 32'58 [9'10 8'38 1/4124 Wheal

Fp,NW l)ort Blair (51) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/25 Wheat

PR [>ort Blair (45) Rice & 222'20 70'69 45' II 1/4/26 Wheat

FP,NW Port Blair (55) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/27 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (48) Rice & 64'69 61'10 21'30 1/4/28 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (48) Rice & 57'11 6'27 20'11 . 1/4/29 Wheat

U N I N H A B [ T E D 1/4/30

NW,FP Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/31 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4132 Wheat .. NW,FP Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat .. 1/4/33 NW.FP Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat .. 1/4/34

FP Port Blair (56) Rice & 54'50 164' 74 72· 82 N(5) Wheat 1/4/36 PR,NW Port Blair (44) ED Rice & 187'41 172'26 N(l5),T(1) Wheat 1/4/37

PR Port Blair (46) ED Rice & 136'51 67'67 106'96 N(4) Wheat 1/4/38

PR Port Blair (48) Rice & 127'80 235'44 N(7) Wheat 1/4/39 90


District : Andamans

--~--~-' Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dasb(-)is sh{wn in the dun area of popuJa. column and nexl t~ it in br:ickclS, the cJistance in br, ad ranges viz. (-5 kms). C

1/4/40 Radha Nagar (RV) 391· 63 191 P - -(10 .'- kms.) W --(10 ; krns,) -(l0- kms.) -(10 kms,) (32) NEIL ISLAND 1/4141 Si tarlUr (RV) 5::>5'44 1159 --I -5 killS.) --(--5 kill".) \V ---(·~5 l

1/4154 Prothera ~r (RV) 463·36 996 M,P -(-5 kms.) T,W PHONE -(5-10kms.) BS (216) PTO /1/4/55 {RV) . 585·91 1644 M,P D T,W PHONE, -(10-+- kms.) BS (inel. Mise.FC) (362) PTO

1/4/56 Teylorabad (RY) 413· 05 520 P -(-5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) BS (121)

1/4/57 Calicut (RV) 421·50 679 P --(-5 kms.) W --(-5 kms.) -(10-; kms.) BS (127)

114158 BeadOllabad (RV) 616,25 596 P D W,N PTO -OO+kms) BS (131) 1/4159 Rangachang-Makha- NA 80 - (5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N --(10-t-kms.) -(lO+kms.) .-(lO-c_kms) paha(-E(G)A __._ (19) 91


Tehsil : Port Blair'

Ap. Nearest toW a Power -St~~--Land use (i.e. area under diffeNnt types of land L'se in hectares Remarks in- Loca- P-0QC'l to & dhtance Supply fnod rounded UplO 2 decimal place:;) eluding any, tion vIllage (in km. r ------places 01 relig:' Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturablc Art!a n(1l OUS, historical No. by SOurce waste (inelu- available or arehaeolo. di.lg gauchar for (culth a· gi.:al interest & groves tiell

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 .. -~- ~ ------.------... ~~------PP Port Bla;r (54) Rice & 148'51 77' 77 165'35 N(3) Wheat IA/40

rP Pon Blair(41) Rice & 21~' I~ 42'06 lOt(· 64 lil5'96 N(3) Whe,ll 1441 PI' I'Ml Blair (39) ED Rice & ~7' 61 4.~' 06 46' 30 IO'I)~ 1'1(4) Wheat 1,4,42

NW,FP Port Blair (41) ED Rice & g'70 60' 58 39-03 1'1(8) Wheat 1;4;43

FP Port Blair (38) ED Rice & 58'20 30,68 71-45 12'31 N(6) Wheat 1/4;44 Port Blai r (37) FP ED Rice & 21' 27 79-20 80'01 II' 59 1'1(3) Wheal 1;4:45

PR Port Blair (4) ED,EO Rice & 76'60 70'90 Wheat 18'00 N(15) 1;4,47 PR Port Bla:r(5) ED.EO Rice & 52'09 30' 56 Wheat 57'39 N(20),M(5) 1;4;48

PR Port Blair (7) ED.EO Rice & 63'44 63'47 Wheat 45'96 N(16),M(6) 1;4,49

fiR Pott Blair (S, 5) ED.EO Rice & 16'87 56'76 Wheat 2'71 96'56 N(18),M(5) J 14;50 PR Po),t Blair (5) ED,EO Rice & 66'13 31' 69 0'30 Wheat 34'03 N(10),M(3) ] /4,51 PR Port Blair (7) ED,EO Rice & 138'10 10'02 Wheat 262'21 4'33 N(10) ];4;52 PR Pon Blair t6) ED,EO Rice & 260'0t! 37'83 70-41 Wheat 63'02 N(15),M(2) 1;4,53 PR Port Blaiq7,5) ED,EO R[ce & g5'20 83· 10 6'70 Wheat 288·36 N(17),M(3), J;4/54 C(O PR Port Blair (J 0) ED.EO Rice & 82'72 161' 00 Wheat 20'68 366'51 N(25),M(4), 1/4;55 C(1) PR Pon Blair (12) ED,EO Rice & 109·31 143'00 2'90 Wheat 157'84 N(16) 1;4/56 PR Port Blair (11) ED,EO Rice & 155'87 122'48 91·90 Wheat 51·25 N(15),M(l), ];4/57 CCl) PR Port Blair(18) ED.EO Rice & 73'60 398'76 Wheat 11' 00 132· 89 N(15),M(l ). 1/4,58 C(2) PR Port Blair (22) Rice & NA NA NA \Vheat NA NA N~7) 1(4(59 92


District : Andamans

Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not aVailable within the village a dash (-) is sh(,wn in the tion ar~a of popuJa- column and next to it in brad ets, the distance in broad rangt's VIZ. (-5 kms), Code tlJe tion (5-10 kms) and (10-: kms) of tJ1\: neareSt place where the facility is available is No, village and given)

(in number ------~-----~~-~--~------. hectares) of [ducatil1nal Medical Drink- Post & Day or days Communica- housl:- ing Telegraph of the marketJ lions (Bus- holds wat~r hat, if any stop, railway (Pot. station, water- able) way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

l 460 Rangl.chJ.ng (RV) 587·15 645 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W PTO -(lO+kms). BS (inc!. Extfa. FC (U5) Burma Nallaha Extr. FC, Makhapahar Misc. FC and Ran- gachang MI sc. FC) 1 4 61 Kodiaghal-Bunna NA 132 -(-5.klm.) -(-5 kIllS.) N -(-5 kms.) -(lO-rkms.) llS Nallah-E(F)A (33) 1 H>2 Bim1itan CRY) 1997·83 499 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T ·-(-5 killS) -(lO+kms) BS (83) 1 463 Chidiyalapu CRY) 1373'17 246 P o-(--5 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS

(incl. Misl; 0 rC) (47)

14164 Bada Nallah (Bada NA 108 P --(10 krns.) N --(10+ km~.) -(10+kms.) -(-5 kms.) (Balu)-E(F)A (24)

1 -+ 65 Munda Pahar-E(F)A NA 25 -(-5 kms) --(10+ o~ms.) N -(lOikms.) -(lO-t-kms) -(-5 kms.) (11) I of 89 C;,iL1Y,ltapu (Con( r. NA 170 --(-5 kms.) -(10 i- .kms. ) N -(lO+kms) -(iOTkms.) -(-5 kms.) Camp&FC) (46)

LAND ISLAND 1.466 Rutland Island 9l'00 250 P -(10. kms.) W --00 c- kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (No.1 FC) (67)

1 ~. 67 Rutland Island NA 5 -C-S kms.) ~(lO+ktm.) N . -(10-, kms.) -(lO+kms) -(to-,· kms.) (No. III PC) (2) 1 -k68 Rutland Island NA 299 -(5-10 kms.) - (10 ~kms.) N -(10-;-kms) -(10+kms.) -(lO·'-kms,) (No. IV FC) (41) 1;-1-/69 Rutland Island NA 218 P -(10- kms.) N -(10+kms.) --(10+ kms.) -(10-: kms.) (No. Il FC) (51)

L1TTLE ANDAMAN JSL-\ND I ;4i 70 Ougong Creek (OS) NA 88 AC D W,N -CIO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW (34) 1/4171 Vivekanandapuram NA 960 P.O rO W,TK -(10-t-kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (RV) (190)

1(4i72 IVth Village (Rabin- NA 278 -(-S kms.) ~(-5 killS.) W,N -(10+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS dra Nagar) (49)

1 4/73 Forest Camp a( 19 NA 4 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,TK -(10+ kms.) -(-5 kms.) B~ KM (FOC) (2) l4,74 Ramlkrishnapur (R V) NA 1531 H.M,P 0 W,TK, -(IO+kms.) Daily BS (285) N

114i7~ Forest Cam)) at H NA 40 --(-5 klUs.) --(-S krns.) W -(lO-:-kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS KM 5·I1I (FDC) (24) 93


Tehsil : Port Blair

Ap. Nel~est town Pow~r Staple Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares Remarks in- Loca. preach (0 & dl ,lance Supply f,'( d rounded upto 2 decimal places) eluding any tlc,n village (in Km.) places (_freIigi- Code F<'res! Irrigated Unirdgated Culturabh: Area not OtiS, historical No. by S0t1fCC waste (inciu· available OJ archaeolo- ding gauchar for ctlitiva. gical interest & groves) tioll

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

PR Port Blair (22) Rice & 500·00 81'54 N(5),M(1) 1/4/60 Wheat

PR Port Blair (24) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(8) 1;4/61 Wheat PR Port Blair (13) ED.EO Rice & 1618'66 200'99 4'32 173' 86 N(18),M(2), 1;4/62 Wheat C(2) PR Port Blair (26) Rice & 1262'64 96'01 14'52 N(4) 1/4/63 Wheat RP,KR Port Blair (n) Ricc & NA NA NA NA NA N(3) 1;4/64 Wheat PR,K.R Port Blair (34) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(4) 1/4{65 Wheat KR Port Blair (23' 50) ., Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4(89 Wheat

FP,NW Port Blair (34) Rice & 36'30 55'70 N(3) 1/4/66 Wheat FP,NW Port Blair (36) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(4) 1;4;67 Wheat FP Port Blair (37) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(5) 1/4/68 Wheat FP Port Blair (38) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(4) 1/4/69 Wheat

NW Port Blair (104) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(l) 1/4/70 Wheat PR Port Blair (104) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(2) 1/4171 Wheat PR Port Blair (124) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 114i72 Wheat PR Port Blair (124) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4;73 Wheat PR Port Blair (122) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(4) 1/4/74 Wheat PR Port Blair (118) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/75 Wheat 94


District : Andamans

LOcq. Name of v:'!lagc ToaJ Total Aincnitks available (if not available within the village a dash(-) is shvwn in the tioll ar~a papula- column and next to it jll !Jraqers, th~ distance in broad ranges viz.(-5 kms), (5-10 Code (f the tiOll and kms) aed (iO+kms) of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) N0, yilla.s~ numb:r ------.-----.--.------.------~- -.-.-.-- ---...._.. (In h·:c!- ()f h')U5C [duc

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 476 Forest Camp at 14 NA 53 -(-5 kms.) --(-5 kms.) W -(lO-i-kms.) -(-5 kms.) as KM 5-11 (FDC) (25)

I 477 Porest Camp at 14 NA 76 -(--5 kms.) -~(--.) klll~.) W -(lO-rkms.) -(-5 km~.) BS KM 5-1 (FDC) (23)

\ t 7.) R ,Itier Bay fore,l NA lOt! -(~5 kl11:,.) ~(-5 kIm.) W ~(10. kIm.) -(~5 km,) ~(~.) "1m.) Camp 4-IlI(FDC) (38) 1 .l 79 Butler Bay fore,t NA 31 ~(-5 km~,) -(-5 km~.) W -(10 kills. ) -(-10 kIDs.) -(-5 kills.) Camp 4-IV (FDC) (3)

I 4.80 Butler Bay Forest NA 45 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10 kms.) -(5-10.i-ms.) -(-5 km~.) Camp 4-11 (FDC) (6) l481 BUller Bay forest NA 10 -(-5.kms.) ~-(-5 kim.) W ~(I0- kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(-5kms.) Camp 4-1 (F DC) (3)

I 482 Netaji Nagar (RV) NA 412 P -(5-10 .kn1>.) W,TK. -·(~-JO.kms.) -(5-10kms.) BS (87) N I 483 Red Oi I Palm (Nul'- NA 57 -(-5 kills.) --(5-10 kms.) W,F,S, -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 ¥tn,.) BS ~ery) Camp (8) N I 4/84 Mis Asia & Com- NA 33 -(-5 kms.) -(-5.kms.) W -(-5 knlS.) -(-5 kms.) BS "any (Asia Timber (13) Product (Private) I 4 85 Hut Bay Area NA 2687 M,P 0.0 T,W,F, PTO Daily BS,NW (766) SN I 486 Hctrmender Bay (NS), NA 672 P,AC --(5-10 kms.) W -(5-10 kIllS.) -(5-10 kms.) NW (60)

I 4.87 South Bay (Light· NA 2 AC -(lO+kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(1O-1~ kms.) NW House Camp) (2) 1,4:88 South Bay (OS) NA 27 AC -(lO-:-kms.) W -(10~- kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (9) 12654'24 26695 H(4) , H(l), TOTAL (5916) M(8), D(10) , P(35) , FPC(l) , AC(4) , MCW(1) , 0(2) 0(1) 95


Tehsil : Port Blair ------Ap­ Nearest town POw~r S:ap1e Land lise (i.e. area under different types of land usc in hectares Remarks Loca- proach to & distance Supply food rounded upto 2 cecimal places) including any lion village (in km.) ------places ofreligi- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not OUS, historical No. by source waste (inelu- available or archaeolo. - ding gauchar for cultiva- gical interest & grove'i) lion

-----.---~~" - ~--.-~.--~-~- ~-~~--~~~~~~~- II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Port Blair (118) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/76 Wheat PR Port Blair (116) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/77 Wheat KR Port Blair (116) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/7R Wheat KR Port Blair (116) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA ] 14/19 Wheat KR Port Blair (116) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA J/4!RO Wheat KR Port Blair (104) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/81 Wheat PR Port Blair (118) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(1) 1/4/82 Wheat PR Port Blair (109) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(l), C(1) 1/4/83 Wheat PR Port Blair (104) ED,EO Rice & NA NA NA NA NA N(2),M(l) 114/84 Wheat PR.NW Port Blair (104) ED,EO Rice & NA NA NA NA NA C (1), T (1) 1/4/85 Wheat N(l6), M(9) , C(9), T(10) KR,NW Port Blair (104) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/86 Wheat

KR.NW Port Blair (104) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/87 Wheat

KR,NW Port Blair (104) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/4/88 Wheat 6132'80 2875' 12 876'51 2769' 81 M(47), C(19) T(13), N(341)









>- o

NOh.- ApprOllllmat4f location ef ",lloIIa~'

TfHSIL BOUNDARY I TEHSIL HEADQUARTERS To,n,u.,iI.- N GrUbl' ., tMPORUt.n f(OAO RIVER AND STREAM_ VllLACiESjAPWD CAMPSjFC/8PC/r!(FlA WITH POPULATION SIZ£: BELOW ZOO, 200.499; ~f;~~o~... ·~·[}() j, , . 500 -999; ",000 AND A.t~O"E UNINHABITEO VILLAGEI APWe CAMflS l8pe . " H. !.d. .Skln I. HoOdo I. ? .• !.Y .76 •II "WITH I-OCATJON CODE POST OFFICE. POST AND TELEGUAPH OFFICE •. n·.. __ ~,.,(\\c!, 1~~. \ .... OSPIH.l. DISPENSARY. PRIMA~V HEIoLTH ~coot L ~lJi"IilQY • CENTRE. MATEFlNIf'f A,..o CHU•. D WELFMtE CE~TRE HIGHER SECONDARY StHOOL -.-.-.-.~:,,-'-'-'-'''''._.' RWI.mon ~\.I. PO!...ICE STATION, ., .. __ ..."... VILlAGE MA.RKET/l-l.A'r

SClsed Upori $w".l' o( India mop witn the pli'rml~:'!ilon of the Sun.yo,. General of India ® Government of Indio Copyri;hf. ,VS5 ttl. territo,.ial ,,"ofers of Indio ox.t.nd mto 'he ': ..:Q to a distance 0' ' ..1", "outICO • • '11 mIO.IoIr.d (rOIl\ t.... apprO~lot. bO:;6 'Iinb 9--310 R.O. lnilalND/'~2 99 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES Tehsil : Ferrargunj

SI. Name of village Name of Population SI. Name of village Name of Population No. Island No. Island 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1. Alfpur (RV) • South Uninhabited 31. JIrkatang Camp No.7 South 425 Andaman (Exlr.FC) Andaman (Part) (Part) 2. Anlket (RB) • " 100 135 32. Jirkatang Camp No.8. .. Uninhabited 3. AnjaJi Nallaha {BPC) • (APWD) & (BPC) " 10 4. Badmash pahar (RV) It 108 144 33. Kadakachang (RV) (lncl. 159 215 Transit Depot FC) " 5. Balughat (RV) • to 12 26 34. Kalatang (RV) (fncl. 72 40 BambOOtlat (RV) (incl. 2.191 3,686 Extr. FC) " j Beat Check post PC) " 35. Knapuram (RY) 365 542 7. Beachaera E(F)A 85 151 .. " 36. Madhuban (RV) (incl. 47 39 8. Bindraban(RV) • 467 739 Elephant Training Lamp " FC) 9. Burataga (PC) .. 73 110 37. Malapuram (RV) 10. Caddlegunj (lW) • .. 283 392 " 193 330 38. (RV) (lncl. 773 1,097 11 . Chotta Dhoni Nallaha .. Uninha­ Misc. PC) " (BPC) & (APWD) bited 39. Manglutan, E(F)A. 12. Chouldarl (RY) . .. 621 1,177 " 216 13. Collnpur (RV) 40. Manjerl·Llne Dera, •• 49 .. 125 181 E{F) A 14. Craikabad (RV) • 140 141 .. 41. Manjeri (RV) •• 495 153 IS. Dhanlkharl (RV) • 116 342 42. Mannarghat (RV) (incl. 579 739 .. Misc. FC) •• 16. Dundaspolnt (RV) ., 267 368 43. Manpur (RV) (fncl. 224 530 17. Ferrargunj (RV)(ineI. 476 61~ Reg. FC) t. Mise. PC) •• 44. Mathura (RV) 18. Flat Bay (RV) •• 268 3$6 " Unlnha- 3 blted 45. Maymyo (Ry) .. 63 153 19. Govlndapuram (RV) .. 261 377 46. Maymyo, E(P)A .. 14 20. Guptapara (RV)(lnel. 287 458 47. Mi Ie TUek (RV) (incl. 111 227 Extr.FC) .. Beach Dera FC) .. 21. Hasmatabad (RV) . .. 95 203 48. Mile Tilek, E(F)A , . 35 22. Hasmatabad.E(F)A 38 49. Mile TlIek (A gr. Research 114 farm) " 23. Herberlabad (RV) .. 243 336 50. Mlthakhari (RV) 552 657 24. Hobdlpur (RV) .. 212 261 .. 51. Mohwa Dera (R V) II 7 12 25. Homfreygunj (RV) 188 243 " 52. Mount liarrlet (RV) 26. Hope Town (RV) . .. 7 2 " 479 594 53. Muslim Basti (RV) .. Uninha- 7 27. Jhlnga Nallaha (BPC) & , 120 blted (APWD) . 54. Namunaghar (RV) (fncl. 490 705 28. Jlr~atang No.2, E(F)A " " 15 Extr. PC) 29. Jlrkatang No.2 (RV) " 224 440 55. Nayashahar (RV) (fncl. ,. 144 201 (Incl. APWD & BPC) Extr. FC) Camp 56. Nayashahar E(P)A 90 30. Jirkatang Camp No.3 .. 34 13 " (FC) 57. North Bay (RY) . •• 67 210

100 101


Sl. Name of village Name of Population SI. Name of village Name of Population No. Island No. Island ------1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

58. Ograbralj (RV) South 559 801 69. Stewartgunj (RY) . South 455 592 Andaman Andaman (Part) (Part) 59. Panlghat. E(F)A 11 70. Temple myo (RY) " " 103 103 60. Pochang (FC) 256 188 71. Terur (A) (PBC) . " It 14 61. Poona Nallaha (BPC) & 18 72. Thur (RV) (lncl.(I),(II). 241 " BP Camps) (APWD) 73. TiIur (III) (BPC) • 62. Port Meadow (FC) _ .. 77 93 " 10 (Incl. 211 237 74. Tirur (IV) (BPC) 10 63. Port Mouat (RV) " " Extr. Depot FC) v- Tusonabad (RV) (incl. 497 751 140 Misc. Works FC) " 64. Potatang (FC) " 76. Viper Island (RV) . . Viper 11 7 65. Shoal Bay (RV) (incl. It 910 Shoal Bay No. to, Beat 77. Wandur (RV) (incl. Soutb 440 656 Work FC, Shoal Bay Misc. FC) Andaman No.8,9,10& 12APWD (Part) Camps) 78. WimberJygunj (RV)(incl. . 1,550 2,311 152 194 " 66. Shoal Bay No. 17(FC) . " Best Check Post Fe) 150 1.129 67. Shore Point (RY) " 79. wright Myo (RV) (incl. 423 649 68. Slplghat (RV) 360 472 Transit Depot FC) " 102


District : Andamans

Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available wi thi n the vi J1;; ge ::. dash(-) i ~ shcv.n in the tion area of popula- column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz, (-5 kms.), Code the viiI. tion and (5-10 kms.) and (lOt- kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is avai latJe is No. age (in number given) hectares) of house- Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communi ca· holds water Telegraph of the market! !lons (Bus- (Pot- hat. if any stoP. railway able) station, waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1/~/l Shoal Bay No. 17 NA 194 P -(-5 kms.) W.N PO -(10+kms.) BS, NW (PC) (66)

IJ~/2 Shoal Bay (R V) 787·46 ·910 P D W,N PO -(1O+kms.) BS,NW (Incl. Shoal Bay No. (211) 10 Beat work FC, Shoal Bay No. 8,9, 10 and 12 APWD Camps)

1/5/3 Kalatang(RV)(incl. 93·61 40 -(-5 km.) -(-5 k~s.) N~ -(-5 kms.) -(lOT-kms.) BS Extr. FC) (12) 1/5/4 Wright Myo (Ry) 108'02 649 PO -(-5 kms.) T -(to+kms.) -(lOT-kms.) BS (Incl. Transit Depot. (141) FC) 1/5/5 Madhuban (RV) 1299·53 19 -(5-10 kms.) - (10+ kms.) N -(lOT kms.) -(lOT-kms.) -(lOTkms.) (incl. Elephant tra- (22) inlng Camp PC) 1/5/6 Malapuram (RV) • 166'18 330 P -(10+kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(lOt- kms.) BS (56) 1/5/7 Mannarghat (RV) 469·08 739 P.O. -(-5 kms.) T PO -(5-10 kms.) BS (IncI.Mlsc.FC) (129) 1{$/8 Wimberlygunj (RV) 184·35 2311 P(2),H,O(2), PRC T,W,N PTO Daily BS (Incl. Beat checkpost (510) PUC,M PHONE FC)

11~/9 Stewartgunj (RV) 83'14 592 P (-5 kms.) T,W.N ~(-5 kms.) -(- 5 kms.) BS (93) 1/5/10 Mount Harriet (RV) 4·11 2 -(5- 10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(-5 kills.) -(5-10 kills.) -(5-10kms.) (2) 1/5/11 North Bay (RV) 337·33 210 - (5-10 kms.) - (5- 10 kms.) N -(5-lOkms.) -(5-10kms.) -(JO-t-kms.) (54) 1/5/12 Hope Town (RV) . 107·38 594 PO -(-5 kms.) T.W -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kkms.) -(-5 kms.) (144) 1/5/13 Paolght-E(F)A NA 11 -(-5 kms.) -(-5kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kIDs.) -(-5 kms.) (4) 1/5/14 Shore Point (RV) . 62·23 1129 0 -(-5 kms.) T -(-5 kms.) -{-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (373)

1/~/15 Bambooflat (RV) 359·27 3686 M,P(2), 0 H,MCW,O T,W PO Dally BS,NW (Incl. Beat check- (873) post PC)

1/5/16 Govlndapuram (R V) 109·03 377 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS (52) 1/5/17 Kanapuram (RV) 147·97 542 p -(-5 kms.) T -(-5 kms.) -{-5 kms.) BS (76) 103


Tehsil : Ferrargunj

Appro­ Ne3 rest town Power Staple Land use (i .e.area unde! different types of Ii nd usc in Remarks in- Loca- achto & distJnce Supply food hectares rounded upto 2 decima I places eluding any tion yillaae (in km.) places of Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area nat religious, his- No. by source waste available torkalor (including for cultiva­ archaeological gauchar & tion interest groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR,NW Port Blair (60) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/1 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (52) Rice & 514.08 206.63 66.75 1/5/2 NW Wheat

PR Port Blair (4S) Rice & 24.57 64.38 4.66 T(l) 1/5/3 Wheat PR Port Blair (45) ED Rice & 60.41 41.35 6.26 1/5/4 Wheat

KR Port Blair (43) Rice & 2.53 1297.00 1/5/5 Wheat

PR Port Bliar (42) ED Rice & 61.64 91.52 13.02 1/5/6 Wheat .. PR Port Blair (39) ED Rice & 237.55 207.39 24.14 1/5/7 Wheat .. PR Port Blair (36) ED Rice & 51.17 91. 53 41.65 M(S),C(4), 1/5/8 Wheat T(l)

PR Port Blair (38) ED Rice & 37.60 38.29 7.25 M(2) 1/5/9 Wheat

KR Port Blair (51) Rice & 3.02 1.09 1/5/10 Wheat ••

PR,KR Port Blair (49) Rice & 3J3.35 19.23 4.75 M(l) 1/5/11 Wheat

PR Port Blair (47) Rice & 49.04 24.53 30.93 2.88 1/5/12 Wheat

PR,KR Port Blair (43) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/B Wheat

PR Port Blair(43) ED Rice & 16.50 20.63 10.72 14.38 T(I) Wheat 1/5/14

PR,NW Port Blair (42) ED Rice & 51.78 238.72 0.20 68.57 M(5 ),C(4), 1/5/15 Wheat T(2)

PR Port Blair (40) ED Rice & 9.37 84.14 15.52 Wheat - 1/5/16 PR Port Blair (38) ED Rice & 42.93 92.12 12.92 C(1) Wheat 1/5/11 lU4


District : Andamans

L')ca­ N'lUl'J of village Total Total Amnities available (if not available within the village a dash(-) is shown in the tion area of popula­ column and next to it in brackets, th~ distancl.) in broad ranges viz. (-5 kms.), Code the vill­ tion and (5-10 kms.) and (lO-j-kms.) of the nearest plaCe where the facility is available No. age (in number is given) hect. of arcs) house. Educational Medical Drinking POSt & Day or days Communica­ holds water Telegraph of the market/ tions (Bus­ (Pot. hat, if any ~top, railway able) station, waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1/5/18 Kadakachang (Rv) 197·48 215 -( -5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T,W, -(-5 krns.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (incl.Transit Depot (41) TK,N FC) 1/5/19 Alipur (RY) 15·40 UNINHABITED

1/5/20 Mathura (RV) 152'17 356 P -(-5 kms.) 'T,W -(5-10 kills.) -(5--10 kms.) BS (64) 1/5/21 Bindraban CRY) 379·72 739 P,O(2) -(5-10 kms.) T,W -(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) BS (163) 1/5/22 Beach Dera-E(F)A • NA 151 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(Wi-kms.) BS (32) 1/5/23 Jhinga Nallaha NA 120 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(W>i-kms.) BS (BPC) & (APWD) (31) 1/5/24 Mile Tilek (RY) 65·61 227 P,O D T,W PO -(10-1- kms.) BS (incl. Beach Dera (46) FC) 1/5.125 MileTilek-E(F)A. NA 35 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 ktns.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(-5 kms.) (10) 1/5/26 Mile Tilek (Agr. NA 114 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(5--10 kms.) -(10-1- kms.) -(-5 kms.) Researcl) Farm) (44) 1/5/27 JirkatangNo.2-E(F)A NA 15 -(-; kms.) -{to i-kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(-5 kms.) (7)

1/5/28 Jirkatang No.2(RV) 37·78 440 P,O (-5-10 km~.) T,N PO -(lO+kms.) BS (incl. APWD & BPC (112) Camps) 1/5/29 JirkatangCamp No. NA 13 -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) N -(-5kms.) -(1O-ikms.) -(5-10kms.) 3 (PC) .. (3) 1/5/30 JirkatangCampNo. NA 425 P -(1Oi-kms.) N -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS 7 (Extr.PC) (114) 1/5/31 Jirkatang Camp NA UNINHABITED No.8 (APWD) & (BPC)

1/5/32 Buratag~(FC) NA 110 -(-5 kms.) -(10+ kms.) N -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (23) 1/:>/33 Pochang(FC) NA 188 P -(10-t-kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) NW (46)

1/5/34 Poona Nlllaha (BPC) NA 18 -(10 1- klll~.) -(10 f- kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) & (APWD) (3) 1/=>/35 Chotta Dhonl Nall- NA UNINHABITED aha (BPC)&(APWD) 1/5/36 P.:>tatang (FC) NA 140 -(10t-kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10-i- kms.) -(10+ kms.) (42) 1/5/37 Port Meadow (FC) NA 93 P -(10+kms.) N -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) NW (29) 105


Tebsil : Ferrargunj

Appro- Nearest teWH Power Sta.ple Land usc (i .c. arl.la under different types of land usc in Remarks in- Loca- ach to & distance SupplY food hectares rOllcded upto 2 decimal places eluding any tion village (inkm.) --___,------~------places or Code 1'or.;st Irrigated Unirrigated CuJturable Area not religious, his- No. by source waste available torlea) or (including for eultiv;to archaeological gauchar & (ion interest groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Port Blair (35) Rice & 1. 50 69.55 0.62 125.81 1/5/18 Wheat

U N I N H A B I T E D )//5/19

PR Port Blair (37) ED Rice & 94.00 50.00 8.17 M(2) ]/5/20 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair(35) ED Rice & 192.52 154.00 17.86 15.34 N(2) 1/5/21 Wheat PR Port Blair (38) Riee& NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/22 Wheat PR Port Blair (40) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/23 Wheat PR Port Blair (45) Rice & 30.11 16.32 19.18 N(3) 1/5/24 Wheat

KR Port Blair (42) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/25 Wheat KR Port BI,lir (43) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/26 PR,KR Port Blair (47) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/27 PR Port Blair (45) Rice & 37.03 0.70 Wheat 1/5/28

PR,NW Port Blair (45) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/29 PR PorI Blair (50) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/30

U N I N H A B I T E D 1/5/31

NW,PR Port Blair(60) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/32 NW,PR Port Blair (63) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/33 PR Port Blair (64) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/34

U N I N H A B I T E D 1/5/35

PR Port Blair (72) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/36 NW Port Blair (79) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/37 106


District: Andamans

Loca. Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is shown in the tion area ~opt;la· column and next to it in brackets, the distance in br('ad ranges viz.(-5 kms.), (5-10) Code of!he tlon krns.) and (10 I kms.) of the nearest plaee where the faeilityis available is given No. village and ------~------in heet- number Educati onal M~dical Drinking Pest & Dayor days Communica. ares) of house- water Telegraph of the market! tions (Bus stop. holds (Pot. hat, if any Railway station, able) waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

i/5/38 Ferrargunj (RV) 338·81 615 M,P,AC,O -(-5 kms.) T,W, PO. PHONE -(lOTkms.) BS (inc!. Misc. PC) (131) TK 1,5:39 Aniket (RY) 89·13 135 0 -(-5 kms.) W -(-.) kms.) -(10-j- kms.) BS (22) I 5/40 Namullaghar (RY) 1311· 83 705 P.O -(- 5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS (incl. Extr. PC) (156) 115,/41 DUlldaspoint (Ry) 167· 26 368 P.O -(-5 kms.) W PHONE - (lOT kens.) BS,NW (69) 115/42 Mithakhari (RY) 805·08 657 P.O D W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS,NW (122) 1/5/43 Caddlegunj (Ry) 364'67 392 P.O -(-5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kens.) -(10+kms.) BS (68) 1/5/44 lemple Myo (RV) 1394'19 103 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) T -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS (18) 115/45 Tirur III (BPC) NA 10 -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) N -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(-J kms.) (1)

115/46 Tlrur I (1\) (BPC) NA 14 -(~5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) N - (lO+kms.) -(lO-tkms.) -(5-10kms) (3) 1/5/47 Tirur (RV) (inc!. I, 79'77 241 P.O. -(-5 kIns.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(-5 kms.) IIBP Camps) (38) 1/5/48 fierbertabad (RV) . 88'78 336 r.o -(5-10 kms.) T,W PO -(lO+kms.) BS (52) 1/5/49 Anjali Nallaha NA 10 -(-5 kms.) -(lOT kIns.) N -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(-5 kms.) (BPC) (1) 1/5/50 Tirur IV (BPC) NA 10 -(-S kms.) -(lO-j-kms.) N -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(-5 kms.) (1) 1/)151 Colinpur (RY) 73·32 181 AC -(-5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) - (lOT kens.) BS (34) 1.'5/52 Manpur (RY) (inc!. 331'64 530 M.P -(-S kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS (103) / Reg. FC) 1/5/53 Tusonabad (R V) 262'27 751 r.o D T,W.TK ro -(10+kms.) BS (incl. Misc. work (134) PHONE PC)

1/S/54 Ograbraij (RV) 373· 87 801 M,P,O -(-S kms.) T,W PO -(lO+kms.) BS (137) 1'5!5) ,MuslimBasti(RY) 298·09 7 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(- 5 kms.) -(lOTkms.) -(-5 kens.) (1) 1/5/56 Hobdipur (RV) 512'20 261 r,o -(-5 kms.) T,W -(-5 kms.) -(lOT kms.) BS (38) 1/5157 Mohwa Dera (RY) 701'20 12 -(-5 kms.) -(-S kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10+ kens.) -(-5 kms.) (10) 1/5/58 Balughat (RV) 340'32 26 -(-5 kms.) -(- 5 kIns.) W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW (7) 107


Tehsil : Ferrargunj

Appro­ Nearest town PowlJr Staple Land usc (i. e. Hrea under different types ofland USe in hect- Remarks in- Loca. ach to & distance S JpplY food ares rounded upto 2 deci mal places) c1u ding any tien villag.: (in km.) ------~ rlaces cfreli. Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated CLln rable Area not giCt s, his[ori- Nc. by source waste (in- available cal of archaec, eluding for culti· logical interest gauchar & vadon groves)

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR.,KR Port Bhir(35) ED,EO Rice & 218.44 96.26 9.54 14.57 N(10),C(I) 1/,/38 Wheat M(2) PR Port Blair (34) ED Rice & 18.94 53.08 7.66 9.45 1/5/39 Wheat PR,KR Port Bliar(32) Rice & 1007.88 223.20 50.18 30.49 l/S 40 Wheat PR,NW Port Blair (27) Rice & 106.94 28.08 14.97 17.27 1/5/41 Wheat P~~,KR Port Blair(24) ED Rice & 484.43 219.52 77.00 24.13 N(2) 1/5/42 Wheat PR.KR Port Blair (33) ED Rice & 223.77 124.99 3.07 12.84 115/43 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (36) Rice & 1318.09 38.66 24.43 3.01 M(2) 1/5/44 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (35) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/45 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (35) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/46 Wheat KR Port Blair (40) Rice & 55.31 20.49 3.97 NO) 1/5/47 Wheat PR Port Blair (38) Rice & 25.86 49.87 3.59 9.46 N(20) 1/5/48 Wheat KR Port Blair (38) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/49 Wheat KR Por: Blair(35) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/50 Wheat PR, KR Port Blair (36) Rice & 25.31 36.39 0.19 11.43 N(2) 1/5/51 Wheat

PR,KR Port Blair (35) Rice & 224.88 63.78 30.08 12.90 N(3) 11 5/52 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (28) ED,EO Rice & 72.69 161.49 11. 71 16.38 M(1),C(l), 1/5/53 Wheat T(1),N(3)

PR,KR Port Blair (30) ED,EO Rice & 217.71 89.30 42.44 24.42 N(2),C(1) . Wheat 1/5/54 KR Port Blair (23) Rice & 224.87 58.69 3.92 10.61 Wheat 1/5/55

PR Port Blair (29) Rice & 389.59 98.85 10.36 13.40 M(1) Wheat f1/5/56 KR Port Blair (38) Rice & 575.82 121.24 4.04 0.10 Wheat 1/5/57 KR,NM Port Blair (34) Rice & 227.70 106.20 6.27 0.15 Wheat 1/5/58 108


District : Andamans

Loca- Name of village Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is shown in the column tion al"lla pGpula- and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. (-5 kms.), (5-10 kms.) and Code of the tion (lO+kms.) of the nearest placa where the facility is available is given No. village and in hect- number Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communica- ares) of house- water Telegraph of the marker/ lions (Bus stOp, holds (Pot- hat, if any Railway station, able) waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1/5/59 Port Mouat (RY) 334·29 237 H,AC -(-5 kms.) T,W, -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) BS (inc!. Extr./Depot. (44) TK,N FC) 1/5160 Bld Ulsh Pahar (RV) 98·46 144 ~(-5 kms.r -(-5 kms.) W.N -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms,) (27) 1/5161 Craikabad (RY) 39·49 141 ~(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T,W. -(-5 kms.) Dally BS (26) TK,N 1/5/62 Flat Bay (RY) 14·04 3 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W,N,C -(5-10 kIns.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (2) 1/5/63 Chouldari (RY) 1054·34 1177 M,P D T.W,N PTO. Dally BS (230) PHONE 1/5164 Maymyo (RY) 309·67 153 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T.W -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (33) 1/5/65 Maymyo-E(P)-\ NA 14 -(-5 kms.) -(10i-kms.) N -(lO-l-kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(-5 kms.) (3) 1/5166 Wandar (RV) (incl. 707·87 656 P(2) -(-5 kms.) T,W PO -(10-t-kms.) BS Misc. FC) (124) 1/5/67 Hashmatabad (R Y) . 248·25 203 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T.W -(-5 kms.) ·-(lO-I- kms.) BS (38) 1/5168 Hashmatabad-E(F)A NA 38 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T.W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS (7) 1/5/69 Homfreygunj (RV) . 183'38 243 P -(-5 kms.) T.N -(-5 kms.) -(S -10 ktns.) BS (47) 1/5/70 Dhanikhari (RY) 354·]3 342 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) T PO -(5-10 kms.) BS (72) 1/5/71 Sipighat (RY) 3SI·37 472 P.O CHW T,W.P -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (103) 1/5/72 Nayashahar (RY) 76·99 201 P -(-5 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (lncl. Extr. PC) (50) 1/5/73 Nayashahar-E(F)A NA 90 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) -(5 - kms.) (17) 1/5/74 Manglutan (RV) 716·54 1097 P.M D T,W, PO, Sunday & BS (incl. Mise.FC) (261) TK,N PHONE Wednesday 1/5/75 Manglutan-E(P)A NA 216 -(-5 km).) -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (42) 1/)/76 Gllptapara (RY) 121·77 458 P -(-5 kms.) T,N -(-S kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (in::l.Extr. FC) (89) 1/5/77 Manjed-Line Dera-E NA 49 -(-5 kms.) -(lOc-kms.) N -(10-1- kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (F)A (9) 1/5/78 Manjed (RY) 3399·11 153 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 krus.) N -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (49) VIPER ISLAND 1/5/79 Viper Island (RY) NA 7 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) - (-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) (1)

TOTAL 20728-98 28013 PUC(l), H(1). D(6). (6048) H(2),M(7), PHC(l) , P(38),AC(3). MCW(1). 0(23) CHW(l). 0(1) 109


Tehsil : Ferrarguni

~ppro- Nearest town & Power Staple Vmd use (i. c. area under dilic:rent types of land usc in hec- Rcmarksin- Loca- ach to distance (in km.) Supply fO(°d tares rcunded upto 2 decimal places) reluding any tion village places of reli- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigatcd Culturable Area nOt giGUs, histori- No. by source wastc (in- available calor archaeo- eluding for cul- logical interest gauchar & tivation groves)

11 12 13 14 }5 16 17 18 19 20

PR,KR, Port Blair (24) ED Rice & 153.77 177.85 2.67 1/5/59 FP Wheat

KR,FP Port Blair (23) Rice & 24.21 68.00 5.85 0.40 1/5/60 \<\-'heat KR Port Blair(22) ED Rice & 9.46 29.68 0.35 1/5/61 Wheat FP POlt Blair (22) Rice & 14.04 1/5/62 Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair(22} ED,EO Rice & 865.99 183.40 0.85 4.10 N(3),M(2) 1/5 /63 FP Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (27) Rice & 252.2'1 53.26 4.14 1/5/64 FP Wheat KR Port BI air (28) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/65 Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (27) Rice & 573.36 88.03 6.50 39.98 N(2) 1/5/66 FP Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (27) Rice & 165.86 30.44 51.95 1/5/67 FP Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (27) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/68 FP Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (26) Rice & 57.82 46.29 79.27 M(2),T(l) 1/5/69 FP Wheat PR,FP Port Blair (26) Rice & 205.54 63.50 85.09 1/5/70 Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (14) ED,EO Rice & 203.92 141.60 35.85 (M)I, N(2) 1/5/71 FP Wheat PR.,FP Port Blair( 19) Rice & 45.93 18.92 12.14 1/5/72 Wheat R Port Blair (20) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/73 Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (18) Rice & 546.94 113.55 56.05 N(2) M(l), 1/5/74 FP Wheat C(l) KR Port Blair (20) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/75 Wheat PR,KR, Port Blair (24) Rice & 53.82 45.20 22.75 N(2) 1/5/76 FP Wheat KR Port Blair (30) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 1/5/77 Wheat KR,PR Port Blair (28) Rice & 3332.40 52.60 14.11 Wheat 1/5/7 8

NW Port Blair (3) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 1/5/79

13298.87 4216.53 824.71 2373.47 M(30), N(59), C(13), T(7) ,



Kilometres 4 2- 4 8 !2 16 f\!lometres , l=:::Lr=--=1- ---I-~:::rt==5==l Miles 4 0 4 8 Miles

D S T R C T A N o A M A N s I I II {



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Not(':_ AP~ro.(lmd,~,," :.) .,1t.(j(; t.' ",il

<;ho ...... ~ by n!,rTlt);;r'$ ... ,,,!;: c. _.,: '" ,! ':_ locatIon C0de fIL,fl'lL-t:': vf e._.;: >-

« r DISTRICT ~-OUNDI\HY o I TEHS I L eOU~~DI\R'(, . ! IW>O~fANr HOAD, , ' 1 DISHi iCT:'E_HSIL hEADQU!'.lF c_f{C z I ~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~ ~~\i~~:~~/~j:~£: 11 ();JO Ar-JD ~BOVE ' ! pdST OFFICE. peST Af'-:D TELl''';:"u',V;--l flatti Molv I. , ' 0 : Hospn-AL; D1S.PEN_~A.RY; t.~~\TtKNITY « CHILli WELFARE CENTRE, , , I. H:GHER SECONDAR', SCHO::;'L. . ! D(LI~C'SlATi'J~~,~. ___:__:_~:_ __ '. ...._ .. -..,;o_._._._. _.._,~_._ \--- N A N c o w R y T E H s L L~ __

eased upor1 SI..Jt-vey of !ndi ...1 !"(!(_Jf'! with the fH~~f'lIt.S!On l)f t!·p ::':(Jr\'~Y0f': G~n~"'DI of Indin ct,) Government "f IndlC, Copyright, 1985,

The f.,."ltorial WC]+~r3 \,'1 ~r!d!,j axt2f1d mto th~ ,)i}O h':.1 !.l di:dunce of twel...-~ hawticcl mites \'fI~<:~"\~f I..:d I! Cnl ttl:;: dP;"f · .• pri::.Jte tltX.. ;- ;i:l"...... ~.i.o __ • 113



SI. Name of village Name of Population Sl. Name of village Name of Pcpulation Nu. lsiand No. island ------1971 1981 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 -.------.-.. -~---- -_------_- 1. Arong . ca[ 680 839 9. MaJacca Lar Nicobar 1,871 2,457 Nicobar 2. liiglapati (Jayantl) 1,058 1,219 10. Mus 1,286 1,420 " 829 3. Chuckchucha " 804 11. Perka .. 1,230 1,633 4. JAIl Camp . 39 12. Sawai .. 1,007 1,148 5. Kakan,l (im;1. APWD 6tl6 707 13. Small Lapati It 898 790 Camp) G. Kimois 629 641 14. 1,132 1,261 7. 520 524 15. Tapoirning • It 484 6 ... 7 S. Kinuaka 731 916 16. 471 " 463

10-310 R. G. India/ND/85 116


District : Nicobar

Loca- Name of Vi I hge Total To,al '\mentties ,lVaihble(ifno( available wi thin rhe village a dash(-) is shown in tion area :1Clpula­ the cJlumn and neXl to i [ in brackets, the dislance in broad r,lI1ges viz. (-5 kms.), Codc ofthc lion (5 -10 km>.) ,inti (I:) .- km).) of t:r c ne.lres I Dlac,; wh0re the f,;ci Ii ty I s available No. village and is given) In number (hec­ of house­ Educational Medical Drink- Post & Day or days Com­ tares) holds. ing Tdegraph of the mJ.rket muni­ w,lter hM,i r any cations (pot­ (Bus ,rhJc) stop. rai l\vay station. \Vater" way

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


:2 I i I Mus NA 14:20(168) p, M,AC.O, CHW,Q W PHONE -(I:) :-kms.) BS 2. I /2 Kinmai NA 524 (58) AC,O 0 W --(5-10 km-;.) -(10; kms.) BS _~ I I 3 Small Vipati · NA 790 (91) AC,O. CWC,CH\V,O W -(-5 kms.) -(10- kms.) BS 2; 14 Big Ulpad(Jayanti) NA 1219(185 ) H,M,P,PUC. MCW,CHW, W PO,PHONE --(10, kms.) BS AC,O MH,O 2· 1'5 Ta pui Illi ng · NA 6J7 «('(i) AC,O, CHW,O W PHONE -(10. klns.) 13S 2\() Cllu.:Kchllch.\ NA 804 (88) 1',I\,C,O CHW,O W PHONE ---(10 I kIn).) BS

~. 1:7 Kinuaka NA <)16 ('m P,AC,O CHW,O W PHONE -(10 i kms.) liS 2.1 8 Tamaloo . NA 1261 (95) P,A,C,O CHW,O W -(-5 knb.) --(10 r kms.) BS 2 \ <) Perka · NA 1633(2\1) AC.O CHW;O W -(-5 km") -(HH-kms.) BS .2 1 to Malaccl NA 2457 (518) MP,AC,O H,CHW, W,TK PTO,PHONE -(lOf-lkms.) BS MCW,FPC TB,O

2 j; II LAF Camp NA 39 (15) -(5-10 Kll1") D T PHONE -(10 i kIm.) BS

: I 12 K.:.\k:\tn(ll1cl.Al>WD :\fA 707 (!17) P,M,AC,O CHW,O W -(5-10 kIm.) - (10 i kms.) B:> Camp) 2 I 13 Kimois · NA 641 (98) P.A,C,O 0 W -(I0+kms.) -(10 ; kms.) BS 2 I 14 Arong (i 11'; I • Auk- NA 839 (88) P,AC,O D,CHW,O W -(IO+kms.) (10 --!-kms.) BS chang). 2 \ 15 Sawaij NA 1148(111) H,M,P,AC,O CHW, 0 W -(IO+kms.) -(10; kms.) BS

2;1 1 16 Tcetop NA 471 (64) P,AC,O -(-5 kms.) W -(10-: kms.) -(l0-; kms.) BS NW fOTAL NA 15486(2066) PUC(I), H(I),D(2), H(2),M(5), CHW(12), 1'(11). MCW(2), AC(l5), CWC(J), 0(15) PPC(I) , MHO), TB( I), 0(14) 117


.\.'Jfl\()'lch ·N.:!].r~~~~ PJWcC Stanle "Land usc(i .e. area under different types of land Remarks in- to tvIVQ & Su'J,Jly bvd us·~ in hectares ro,mded upto 2 decimal places) dingclug any Loca­ village distance ------places of reli­ tion (in km;.\ Forest irrigated Uilirri- Culturable Area not gious. histori- Code by source gated waste available calor archa- No. (includin;; for culti- eologic;::. gauchar) vation !nteyest and groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR P:m Blair (240) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA Church, M(8),C(2) 2/1/1 PR -do- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA C(2), M(2) 2/1/2 PR -do- (2-W) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(7) 2/1/3 PR -do- (24;» ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(3),N(2) 2/1/4

PR -:10- (240) ED Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(I),N(2) 2/1/5 PR -jo- (240) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(5), N(2),C(2), 2/1/6 T(l) PIt -:10- (24:» ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(3) 2/1/7 PR -do- (240) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(15) 2/1/'6 Pit -.b- (240) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(7) 211/9 NW -j_)- (240) ED,EO Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(19),N(4).C(7) 2/1/10

PR -do- (240) ED Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(2), N(2),C(4), 2/1/11 T(2) PR -do- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(8),N(2),C(1) 2/1/ 12

PR -do- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(5), N(2) 2/1jl3 PR -do- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(5), N(l) 2/1/14

?-:t,KR -do- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(5), N(!) 2/1/15 PR,NW -10- (240) Rice & Wheat NA NA NA NA NA M(l), N(I) 2/l1 J6

NA NA NA NA NA M(96) ,~(i9).C(21), TOTAL TO)

It -310 R. G. India/ND/85


TEHS(L NANCOWRY CAR N COB A R T E H 5 L _._._._._.-._._._._.-.-._._._._._._.-._._._._._.-" DISTRICT NICOBARS iINDIA}

e Kllom.t,. •• h MD ••

.~ n"o."_'. . "·!.~:Chouro I. fO. ',:~+ •. oi

&;1 Isle of Man I.

•. ~.iBvmpOkO·,

z w



". z .I! I.J.. Corcl reef.


Meroe ~. Trak I.

>- c

Cobra p Lu:,tlon Cocl .. ~I..",b.~ 45· PO 46· 'TO "'1 I"TO III 49. ''"0;'' f.,4 '"0;+

v N icobcr I.

rEHSIL BOUND""'" I_'_~'_I '!'t+4SIL H(".o-o.\JARTERS 'WI I-MPQAT"Nf 111'0,1,0 • CAMPBELL IIA'f .~ AIVEA AND STREAM __ VILL.lGE$!APWO C"''''''S/F'C WITH ) ! POPUL.4nON SlZE:- BELOW ZOO, 200.499~ I :500.999) 1000 AND AeOVE 0;.;: .• \~~~~t1::~:;:. ~~~~~~G:O~~;~E~~~::O:I~,~~E ~O; ~TD ·r HOSPIT..... ; CI'SPEN'SAffY; PA,,,,,,,,Ay HEAL,TH CEJtlTAE, M. ...n:RN'T'f' • CHtL,D WELf'AA",CENTRE HIGHEII SF.:(;ONOARY SCHOOL , POLICE Snf'ON IMPOFITANT \lILUGE MAIII(Er /H .. r Nllh:~ ""ro!(frnnetoe&tjoncr!'vlff""""'ubtell dn.'Wnb)'nlNll... "..,tI\dlcorrup •• dte t .... heatlonevllt!lu.,btr.futlt.\lltIl.&,"

~ N DAN 0 C N jI.~::::::::=::::::::=::::::=::;:::::=::=:===::======~~~~~l Ba,ed UPM Su-v.." of India map with the permi ••lon of the Surveyor General. of India. to Government of Indi~ Copyright. ] 9 85 :Tho ttlf'ritonol 'VIgters of India e-l'Iitend into tl1e sea to Q dis.to",:_ of tw~'''''. nau1icol ,!TIne) measur.d /r'Jm the -aDl:'lrt·J~,.i,.,t ...... f; ......


ALrH~;EnCAL LIST OF VILLAGES Tehllil : Nancowry

SI. Nlme of village Name of Population 81. Name of village Name of Population No. Island No. Jsland 1971 1981 ------1971 1981

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1. Akupa . 5 18 36. Dakyon Great Nicobar 24 2. Alexandera River Grea t N i cobar 19 37. Danlet. Great Nicobar 3 12 3. Alhiat . Choura 271 216 38. Darin (incl. APWD 198 Camp) 4 Alhitoth/Alhitolh • Katchall 25 54 39. Dogmar River Great Nicobar 10 5. Alipa/Alips Nancowry 8 7 . 40. Elahi/Ilhoya . Litle Nicobar 5 Unin· 6. AIJcaipoh!AlkrJpob. Katchall 8 180 hablted , 7. AlointWll . Kamorta 5 3 41. Enam Teressa 61 127 8. Atoora Teressa 36 63 42. GandhiNagar Great Nicobar 462 9. AlooraDi Teressa 100 172 43. Great Nicobar 339 10 . .t\)pintu/TWli Kamorta Uninha- 44. Hakomhala Katchall 17 S9 bited · 45. Halmatai Katchall 6 21 11. AIreak • Nancowry 100 5 46. Hindra Nancowry Unin- 12 12. Alsama Katchall 41 · habited U. Altaful. · Katchall 142 141 47. Hinnunga · Nancowry 91 64 Ii' Altheak · Nancowry 23 43 48. Hiotona · Nancowry 4 1 . Alukiah Kamorta 18 49. Bitlat Katchall S5 85 l&t /Anula Little Nicobar 5 9 50. Hockook (incl. Alabel) . Trinket 9 Unin- · habited 11:~ Atkuna! Alkun Katchall 8 20 51. Hokesiang Little Nicobar 11 18. Badduan Great Nicobar 31 ;.,., , 52. Hoin(inc1.Ikuia) Little Nicobar 4 2 " 19. Banderkari Kamorta · 45 44 53. Hoipoh Katchall 49 31 10. Beng'lli (incl. APWD Teressa 174 189 Camp) 54. Hontona KalchalJ 32 55. Hutnyak Katchall 35 22 21. Bera Inak/Badank • Kamorta 26 33 56. Inlock . Little Nicobar 23 22. B.ewai . Little Nicobar 2 7 57. Inlock/pattfa Little Nicobar S 23. Bompoka Bompoka S9 53 24. Bumpal 58. Immae. Kamorta Unin· Kamorta 8 9 · habited 25. Campbell Bay (incl. Hq. Great Nicobar 1,154 2,293 Nancowry FC & 2 APWD Camps) 59. Inroak . · 14 (flear jetty) 60. Inhingloi · Great Nicobar 15 26. Nancowry 179 64 61. Nancowry 34 27. Changua/Changup Kamorta 40 62. Jansin (incl. APWD Katchall 186 Camp) 28. Chanol • Kamotta 6 9 63. Jhoola (incl. APWD KatchalJ 300 263 29. Chengta~ilan Katchall 29 Camp) 3~. Chiengen Great Nicobar 15 64. J~ginder Nagar (incl. Great Nicobar 310 Narial Tikery FC and 31. Chongkamong Choura 160 151 APWD Camps) 32. Chonghipoh K'ltchall 25 12 65. Kakana Kamorta 177 248 33. C!:lonsiyala Katchall 22 66. Kalara Teressa 116 34. Chota Inak Kamorta 48 78 67. . Teressa 199 35. Chuk Machi. Teressa 58 68. K'lIminikumlKalmenkam Katchall 2

12--310 R. G. India/ND/85 124

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAG:':S-Contd. Tehlil : Nancowry

SI. j'jhme of village Name of PoPUlation 81. Name of village Name of Pc.pulation No. Island No. Island 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

G~). Ka:nGr!aIKalatapu (inc!. Kamorta 448 1,032 lO}. Mun3k (inc. Pon Kam:),ta 21 GIS Reg. FC &4 APWD (Moul) Camps) 104. Mus Na 1cowry 8 14 70. Kamriak KatchaIl 13 28 105. Mohreak{KohreBk?1 i(arnorta 24 71. Kan'lhinot Teressa 12 29 106. NJong . • Nancowry 22 11 7}.. Kw~tinpeu!Karahinpon Katchall 11 107. Neeche Tapu K~imorta 42 50 7.1. K'lP.lllga (inc. Reg. FC), Katchall 142 567 Nirro'an Nagar East Bay 108. Not Yet Named • Grent Nicol:>ar 31 (Marine) East Bay (Near Pulice Station) 109. Not Yet Named Greal Nicobar 18 Roller Jhopri & Kapa- nga APWD Camps) 110. Not Yet Named Great Nicobar Unin.. h<1bited 74. Karan Kamorta . 6 7 ] IJ. Not Yet Named Great Nicobar 22 75. Katahuwa Katchall 31 112. Not Yet Named (New Great Nicobar 14 Village) 76. Kiyang Littlo Nicobar 10 13 77. Koe Great Nicobar 16 22 113. Nyicalang Kamorta 15 78. Kokeon Great Nlcobar 20 114. Okiya/Chiya • • Kamorta 42 79. Kondul Kondul 127 143 115.0Iinchi L !tIe Nicobar Unin- habited 80. Knot Kamorta 8 11 116. Olinpow Kzrnorta 13 20 81. Kopen Heat. Great Nicobar 4 117. Ongulongho . Katch811 24 25 82. Kosintooth . Great Nicobar 6 118. Ot-Hit-touch (ualu Nancowry 1) 83. Kuikua Kamorta 19 Bastil) 84. Kuitasuk Choura 221 198 119. . Little Nicobar 8 20 85. Kulatap8ngia Katchall 83 120. Payak • Nancowry 16 17 86. Kumikia Katchall 77 121. Payuha Kamorta 16 15 87. Kupinga Katchall 101 B3 . 122. Pea Little Nicobar 8 Unin- 88. Laful . Great Nicobar 10 2 habited 89. Lapat 123. Pilpilow (incl. APWD Karnorta 164 181 ~ancowry 22 29 Camp) 90. Laxmi Nagar Great Nicobar 295 124. Pulobaha Little Nicobar 4 91. Linuanga Nancowry 13 11 125. Pulobha/Pul0brn Little Nicobar 2d 28 92. Luxi Teressa 59 109 \,. 126. Pulobed Great Nicobar IS 93. Makhchua Little Nicobar 14 28 127. Pulobhabi (incl. APWD Gleat Nicobar 42 71 94. Malacca Camp) Nancowry 115 119 95. Manjula 128. Pulo Baha Great Nicobar Kamorta 16 13 17 13 96. Mapayala '\ 129. Pulobed Great Nicoba1 Katchall ! 1 91 ~. Unin- . habited 97. Maru . Kamorta 20 17 130. Pulokunj' Great Nicobar 19 24 98. Masala Tapu Kamorta 31 23 99. MavatapisjMaratapia Katchnll 26 131. Pulornilo Pulomilo 80 90 100. Mi{de,a (incl. APWD Kltch'll! 132. PulloullojPuloulo • Little Nicobar Clmp) 322 1,117 40 133. Pulopanja Little NiCob'lr 47 71 101. Minlana/Minlan Little Nicobar 4 73 134. PulotaliajPuJo Tohio Little Nicobar 9 12 10!, Miyuk . • Teressa 70 123 135, Pulopucca Great Nicobar 8 4 125


SI. Name .of village Name of Population S)' Name of village Name of Population No. fsland -----_ No. Island ----,--- 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

136. Potatiya Great Nicobar 19 152. Tani Katchall 19 24 137. Pygmalion Point Great Nicobur 9 153. Tapani . Nancowry 16 6 138. Raihion Choura 245 186 154. Tapiang (Kihce) (inc. Trinket 37 Hua) 139. Ramzao Kamorta 52 40 155. (incI.KabiI2) Nancowry 74 116 140. Rangnath"n Bay Great Nicobar 18 'v~ 56. Trinket (incI.Labam) Trinket 102 274 "- 141. Reakomlong. Katcball 17 4 157. Trinket Channel Bay Great Nicobar ---~-~-"' .. '"~~"'<---.--"-- 16 , .. 142. Reakinchung Great Nicobar 9 158. Tillanchong • Tillonchong 27 143. Sa fed Balu Teressa 32 159. Tomae/Inme. Kaniorta Unin- 1.44. Safed Balu Trinket 36 66 habi ted 145. Sanaya Katchall 113 160. Upper Tapu Kam.orta 60 146. S::tstri Nagar Great Nicobar 233 161. Vijoya Nagar . Gre~t Nicobar 500 147. Shah Bay Great Nicobar Unin- 162. Vyavtapu KatchaJl 95 135 habited 163. W.B. Katchal (incl. KatchaU 61 148. Son.omkuwa . Katchall 5 Hindra) 149. Tahaila (incl. APWD Choura 432 367 164.7 K.M.Farm Great Nicobar C8mp situated at old 36 School building) 165. 17 K.M. LabourCamp • Great Nicobar 21 150. Tavinkin/Tavakin Katchall 21 .on East West Road 151. Tamae . Knmorta 4 Unin- 166. 27 K.M. Labour Camp Gre,at Nic.obar 24 habited .on East West Road


F.C.-:5'0rest Camp A"W L) -A:ldl lnn Pu.,iic W,lrk:i Department 126


Di~trict : Andamans

L,);;a­ Nam~ of villa~e T0tal To~al Am~niti,)s available (if not availa ble within the village a dash(-) is shown in the colum tion area popula- and n,!xt to it in brackets. the distance in broad ranges viz. (-5 kms.). (5-10 kms.) Code of the tion and and (lO+kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) ;\!o. village number ------(in h,)ct- of hou!.C- E~ucational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communicati- ares) holds water Telegraph of the marketr on~ (Bus-stop, (Pota- hat, if any railway sta- ble) tion, waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CHOURA ISLAND 2/2/1 Tahaila (incl. APWD NA 367 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) TK.,W -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) NW Ca:nps situated at old (59) School building) 2/2/2 Chongkamong NA 151 --(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W --(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW (24) 2/2/3 Alhiat • NA 216 --(-5 kms.) D TK, W -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (33) 2/2/4 Kuitasuk NA 198 p. AC --(-5 kIDs.) TK. W --(10+kms.) -(1O+kms.) NW (32) 2/2/5 Raihion. NA 186 --(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W --(10+km.l.) -(10+kms.) NW (34) 2/2/6 Aioorang NA 172 P -(5-10 kms.) W -(5+ 10kms.) -JO+kms.) NW (30) 2/2/7 Aloora NA 63 -(-5 kms.) --(5-10 kms.) W --(10I-kms.) -(1O+kms.) NW (17) 2/2/8 Enam NA 127 p. AC --(10+ kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (32) 2/2/9 Luxi NA 109 --(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kIDs.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.j NW (24) 2/2/10 Kalara . NA 116 -(-5 kms.) --(5- kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms .) -NW (23) 2/2/11 Chuk Machi. NA 58 P '(-5 kms.) W --(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (12) 2/2/12 Safed Balu NA 32 -(-5 kms.) D W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (8) 2/2{13 Miyuk. NA 123 P,O -(lO+kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (27) 2/2/14 Kanahinot NA 29 -(-5 kms.) --(5-10 kms.) W -(5-1Okms.) - (10+kms.) NW (5) 2/2{15 Kalasl NA 199 0 -(5-10kms.) W -(5-10kms. -(10+kms.) NW (35) 2/2/16 Bengali (incl. APWD N..A 189 P, AC,O D W PTO -(10+kms.) NW Camp) (51) BOMPOKA ISLAND 2/2/17 Bompoka NA 53 (10+kms.) -(10+kms.) W -(10+kmQ.) -(1O+kms.) NW (13) KATCHALL ISLAND 2/2/18 )hoola (incl. APWD NA 263 P,O -(10+km,.) W -(10t-kms.) -(10~ kms.) BS Camp) (37) 2/2/19 llnsin (incl. APWD NA 186 P -(-5 kms.) W -(10+ kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS Camp) (30) 2/2/20 Hitlat . NA 85 --(-5 kms.) --(-5 ktlls.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10-1-kms.) BS (12) 127 viLLAGE DIRECTORY LAND USE

Tehsil : Nancowry

Apl';',}- N~arest town & Power Staple Land use (Le. area under diftcrent types of land use in Remarks inclu- I ('ca- ach to distance (in km.) Supply food hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ding any places lion village of rellgicus Code forest Irrigated Unirrigated CulturabJe Area not hist(lrical or No. by source waste (Inclu- available archaeolo gica I ding gaucaar for culti- interest & groves) vaticn

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Port BJair(293) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/1 Wheat

KR Port Blalr(293) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/2 Wheat KR Port Blalr(293) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/3 Wheat KR Port Blair (293) Rice & NA NA NA NA. NA 2/2/4 wheat KR,NW Port Blair(293) .. Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/5 Wheat

KR Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/6 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/7 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/8 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/9 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/10 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/11 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/12 Wheat PP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/13 Wheat FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA ?/2/14 Wheat .. FP Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/15 Wheat NW Port Blair (315) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/16 Wheat •• NW Port Blair (323) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/17 Wheat

PR Port Blair (3S3) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(I) 2/2/18 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(1) 2/2/19 Wheat PR. Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/20 Wheat 128 1981 CENSUS AMENITIES AND

District : Andamans

Loca- Name of village Total Total Ame:1ities avail~bl~ (if not available :-vithin t_he village a dash (-) is shown in the column) tion area popula- and next to It In brackets, the dlst3nC(lln broad ranges viz. (-5 kms.),(5-10 kms. Code of the tion and and (10+kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is avai1~blc is given) No. village number --~ (in hect- of house- Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communication ares) holds water Telegraph of the market/ (Bus-step, (pot- hat, if any Railway station, able) waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2/2/21 Mavatapis/Maratapia NA 26 -(-5 lans.) -(-5 kIDs.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) BS (2)

2/2/22 Chonghipoh • NA 12 P,O D W -(10+kms.) -(10+km~.) BS (1) 2/2/23 Sanaya NA 113 -(-5 lans.) -(-5 kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(lO-i-kms.) (20) 2/2/24 Alkaipoh/ Alkripoh NA Ig0 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+km&.) (23)

2/2/25 Alhitoth/Alhiloth NA 54 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10tkms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (8) 2/2/26 Katahuwa NA 31 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (5) 2/2/27 Kumikia NA 77 -(-5 km5.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+ kms.) -(10+kms.) -(lOT kms.) (12) 2/2/28 Karnriak NA 28 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10-j-kms.) (2) 2/2/29 Hutnyak NA 22 -(5-10kms.) -(5-10kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.)' (3) 2{2/30 Ongulongho • NA 25 -(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) W -(10tkms.) -(10-j-kms.) -(lO+kms.) (3) 2/2/31 Chonsiyala NA 22 -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) w -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) . (2) 2/2/32 Hontona NA 32 -(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10--t-kms.) (6) 2/2/33 Kulatapangia NA 83 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) (11) 2/2/34 Vyatapu NA 135 0 -(10+kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) (24) 2/2/35 Hoipoh NA 31 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10-t- kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+ktns.) (6) 2/2/36 Mapayala NA 91 -(5-10 lans.) CHW W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) (14) 2/2/37 Chengtamilan NA 29 -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10Tkms.) (4) 2/2/38 Atkuna/Alkun NA 20 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+lans.) -(-5 kms.) (6) 2/-2/39 Tani NA 24 -(-5 kms:) -(-5 lans.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (5) 2/2/40 Kalminikum/Kalmen- NA 2 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 lans.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+lans.) kam (I) 2/2/41 Hakomhala NA 59 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(10 i-kms.) -(10+kmll.) (5) Reakomlong . NA 4 ;._(-5 kms.) -(-5 lans.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10 + kms.) BS 2/2/42 (1) 129


Tebsil : Nancowry

Appre- Nearest tewn & power Siaple Land usc (i.e. a.rea under different types of land use in Remarks including Leca· ach to distance (in km.) supply fcod hectares rounded upto 2 decImal places) any places of tion village religioLS, histc- Code Fl1rest Irrigated Unir- Cdturable Area rical or archaeo- No. bYsouree rigated waste (inclu- available logical interest ding gauchar for culti. & groves) vation

~ ...... ,...... --~ .... ~--~ .. <- ---- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 'M(2) 22/21 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(3) 2/2/22 Wheat PP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/23 Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/24 Wheat

PP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/25 Wh~at PP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/26 Wheat FP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/27 Wheat PP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/28 Wheat FP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/29 Wheat PI:' P,)rt Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/30 Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/31 Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/32 Wheat PP Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/33. Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/34 Wheat PP, Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/35 Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NAl NA 2/2{36 Wheat pa Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/31 Wheat ••

pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA N'A NA NA .0 2/2/38 Wheat pp Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/39 Wheat •• PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/40 Wheat ..

PR . Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/41 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2j2/4 ? Wheat 13Q


District : Andamans

Lcca- Name of village Total Tetal Amenities available (if not available within the village r d.:sh(-) i s shown in the co- tion area popula- lumn and next to it in brackets, the distance in bIe ad ranges viz. (-5 kms.), Code Of the tion and (5-10 kms.) and (IO+kms.) of the nearest place whcre the facility is av.:ikble is given) No. village number ----~------.----.--~------in heet- of house- Educational Medical Drinking Pcst & Day or days Communica- ares) hOlds water Telegraph of the market/ tions (Bus step, ,(Pot- hat, if any railway station, able) waterway

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2/2/43 Sonomkuwa NA 5 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10-1 kms.) -(10-jkms.) BS (2) 2/2/44 Tavinkin/Ta vakin NA 21 -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) W P,O -(10+kms.) BS (3) 2/2/45 Halmatai NA 21 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W P,O --(10+ kms.) BS (3) 2/2/46 Altaful • NA 141 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W PTO -(10 i- kms.) BS (33) 2/2/47 Ka va tinpeu /Karahin- NA 11 P -(-5 kms.) W PTO -(10+kms.) BS pon. (3) 2/2/48 Alsama NA 41 --(-5 kIDs.) --(-5 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) BS (5) 2/2/49 Kapanga (incl, Reg. NA 567 PM,AC, 0(2) PHC, CHW W PTO --(10+kms.) BS FC). (160) 2/2/50 Kupinga NA 83 AC -(-5 kms.) W --(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) BS (12) 2/2/51 Milderap(incl.APWD NA 1117 P,AC --(-5 kms.) W PTO -(10+kms.) BS Camp}. (301) 2/2/:>2 W.E. Katchal (Hin- NA 61 P,O D W --(10+ kms.) -(IO+kms.) BS dra). (14) "'/2/53 Alipa/Alips NA 7 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(-5 kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW (1) 2/2/54 Lapat NA 29 -(lO+kms.) --(-5 kms.) W --(10+ kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) NW . (3) 2/2/55 Hindra NA 12 --(10+ kills.) - (lO-t-kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+ kills.) NW (3) 2/2/56 Mus NA 14 --(-5 kms.) --(10+kms.) w --(10+kms.) -(10-t-kms.) NW (2) 2/2/57 Payak • NA 17 -(10+kms.) --(10-t-kms.) W --(10+kms.) -(10+ kills.) NW (2) 2/2/58 Neang • NA 11 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10-1 kms.) NW (2) 2/l/59 Tapong (incl. KabiIa) NA 116 P --(5-10 kms.) W -(5-10 kms.) -(10-1 kms.) NW (18) 2/2/60 Linuanga NA 11 -(-5 kms.) --(5-10 kms.) W -(5-10kms.) -(10-1 kms.) -(lO+kms). (2) 2/2/61 Altheak NA 43 --(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(-5 kills.) -(10i- kms.) -(10+kms.) (5) 2/2/62 Ot-Hit-Tough (Balu NA 11 -(-5 kms.) --(-5 kms.) W --(-5 kms.) --(10+ kms.) -(-5 kills.) BastiI) (2) 2/2/63 Malacca NA 119 -(-5 kms.) --(-5 kills.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.)· NW (21) 2/2/64 Champin NA 194 P,M,AC D,CHW W PO -(10-1 kills.) NW (27) 131 vtt..LAGE DIRECTORY LAND USE

Tehsil : Nancowry

Appro. Nearest town & pow~r Staple Land use (i.e. !!.rea under different lypees orland use in Remarks including Lcca ach to distance (in Km) supply food hectares rounded uptO 2 decimcJ places any pJaces of ti"" village ------religit us, histc. Code Forest irrig~t("d Unilrigated Cuhurable Area n< t rical ( 1 archaeo. No. by source waste (inck· available Icgicai interest ding gauchar for culti. & groves) vation

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pll Port Blair (353) ED Riee & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/43 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/44 Wheat PR Port Blair (333) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/4!> Wheat PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/46 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/47 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/43 Wheat NW,PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA M(1),C(3) 2/2/49 Wheat NW,PR Port Blair (353) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/50 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/51 Wheat PR Port Blair (353) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/52 Wheat

FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/53 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/54 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/55 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/56 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/57 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/58 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/59 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/60 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/61 Wheat

FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/62 Wheat FP Port Blair (360) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/fJ3 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) ED,EO Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/64 Wheat 132 ..J1981 CENSUS A MENITJES AND

District : Andamans

Amilnities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is sh( wn in the column Loca- Name ofviBa[e Total Tntal area popula- and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. (-5 kms.), (5-10 kms.) tion and (10+ kIDs.) of the nearest place wbere ttll facility is availablllis given) Code of the tilill and No. village number in hect- of house- Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day 01 days C(mmunica- ares) holds water Telegraph of the market/ tions (Buss top, pot­ hat, if any railway sta- able) tion, waterwa y )

9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NW 2/2/65 Hinnunga NA 64 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kIns.) W -(-5 kms.) -(10 ... km.) (9) 6 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N --(-5 kms.) --(10+kms.) NW 2/2/66 Tapani NA (2) 14 -(-5 kms.) -( -5 kms.) N --(-5 Fmg.) --(10+kms.) --(lO+kms.) 2/2/67 Inroak NA (3) 34 -(-5 kms.) --(-5 kms.) N -(-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) 212168 Itoi NA (5) 5 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(-s kms.) -(10+kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) 2/2/69 Alreak. NA (1) 4 -( -5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(5-10 kms.) -(10+ kins.) -(10+ kms.) 2i2/70 Hintona NA (1)

KAMORTA ISLAND 1 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 dms.) W --(lO+kins.) -(10+kms.) --(10+k.ms) 2/2/71 Uper-Tapu • NA (1) W -(lO+krns.) -(1O-t-krns.) -(10+ kms.) 2!2/72 Pilpilow (jnel. APWD NA 181 P D Camp). (29) 50 -(-s kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+kms.) --(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) 2/2/73 Neeche Tapu NA (7) 13 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W --(10+ kIDs.) -(10+kms.) --(10+kms.) 2/2/74 Manjula NA (2) 42 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W --(lO+kins.) -(10+ktns.) -(IO-t-kms.) 2/2/75 OkiyajChiya NA (7) 20 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+krns.) -(10-t-kms.) -(10+kms.) 212/76 Olinpow NA (4) 9 -(5-10 kms.) -(S-10 krns.) W --(5-10 Fms.) --(10+kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) 2/2/77 Bumpal NA (1) 7 -(5-10 kms.) -(S.-10 kms.) W --(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) Karan • NA 2/2/78 (2) " D W -(10+ktns.) -(10+ktns.) -(10+kms.) 2/2/79 Darin (incl. APWD NA 198 P Camp). (24) NA 17 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+ lans.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) 2/2/80 Maru (2) NA 9 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kIDs.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10+ kins.) --(lO-t- kms.) 2/2}81 Chano} (2) UNINHABITED 2/2/82 Tamae . NA j -(-5 knts.) -(-s kins.) W -(5-10 kms.) --(lO-t-kms.) -(10+ kms.) 2121~j Alointung NA (I) 44 -(-5 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(S-lO kms.) '-(lO-H1ns.) --(lO-t-kms.) 2/2/84 Banderkari NA (6) UNINHABtTED 2/2/85- Alpintu/Tung NA UNINHABITED 2/~/86 Tomae/Inme NA 133


Tehsil : Nanrowry'

Appro- Nearest tOWll'&' Pvw<~r Staple LB.nd usc (Le. arC:! under diffimmt tYpes of land use in R,.:marks; inclnding Loca- ach to distance (in km.) supply food hectares rounded UPIO 2 decimal places) any places of tion vj)Jage religi( us, histO- Code Forest Irrig~ted Unirrigatcd Cultura- Area net ricd or ll.rchaeo- No. by sOutce ble waste available logical interest (including for culti- gauchar vation & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/65 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/66 Wheat

NW Port Blair (360) Rice & N4. NA NA NA NS 2/2/67 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/68 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/69 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/70 " Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/11 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) ~ce & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/72 heat NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/73 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/74 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/75 Wheat NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/76 Wheat NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/71 Wheat

NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/78 Wheat NW Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/79 NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/80 NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/81

2/2/82 NW,PF Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/83 NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/84

U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/85 U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2186 --... 134 i981 CENSUS AMENIT Irs At-.n

District : AndamaDs

LlJCa. Na,ne Of valage Total Total ,Am)nitics available ~i'not available within the village a dash (-)is shown in the CO) tion area popula. lurnn and next to itin brackc's the distance in bread Tanges viz., (-5 kms.),tS-JO km. Code {.[ the lion and and (lO+kms.) of the nearest place where the facility is available is given No. village number ------(in hect· of houSc- Educational Medica) Drirking Pfst & D~y cr days CI mmunica. ares) holds water Telegraph cf the marketl ficns (Bls (pot. hat, ifany SlOp, railway able) station waterway)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2/2/87 Changua/Changup. NA 40 -(5-10 km~.) -(5-10 kms.) W -{5-10 luns.) -(lO-t- kms.) -(lC+krr.s.) (5)

2/2/88 Masala Tapu. NA 23 -{5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -{5-10 luns.) -(10+ luns.) -(10+ kms.) (3) 2/2/89 Alukiah NA 18 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -{-5 kms.) -(1'0+ kms.) -(10-j- kms.) (2) 2/2/90 Knot • NA 11 -(5-10 kms.) -(-5 kms.) o -{-5 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (2) 2/2/91 Immae. NA UNINHABITED 2/2/92 Payuha. NA 15 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) TK -(-5 kIDs.) -{10+kms.) -(1O+kms.) (2) 2/2}93 Munak (incl. Panjoo NA 66 -{-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) TK -{-5 kIns.) -(lO+kms) -(10+kms.) Maoul). (7) 2/2/94 Rarnzao NA 40 -{-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) TK -(5-10 kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (6) 212/95 Kamorta/Kalatapu NA 1032 P, AC H, TB, MeW T,W, PTO -{10;-kIDs.) -(10+kms.) (incl. Reg. FC & 4 (309) TK APWD Camps).

2/2}96 Chota Inak • NA 78 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -{-5 kIns.} -(lO+kIn~.) -(lOTkms.) (9)

2/2/97 Bera Inak/Badank . NA 33 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) N -(5-10 ~ms.) -(lOT kIns.) -(10+ kms.) (3) 2/2/98 Kakana NA 248 P D W -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(lO+k.ms) (39) 2/2/99 Nyicalang NA 15 -(-5 lons.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10+ kIDs.) -(1O+kIns.) -(10+ kms.) (3) 2/2/100 Mohreak/Kohreakap NA 24 --(-S kIDs.) -(--S lans.) W -(10+ lans.) -(10+ lans.) -(10+ kIns.) (3) 212/101 Kuikua NA 19 -(-S kms.) -(lO+kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kIns.) -(10-t-kms.) (3)

1'IUNKET ISLAND 1/2/102 Safed Balu • NA 66 -{10+ kms.) -(10+ kIDs.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) (3) 2/2/103 Itockook (incl. Ala­ NA UNINHABITED ble). 2/2/104 Trinket (incl. Laham) NA 274 -(lOT lans.) ~1OT kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) --(10+kms.) (16) 2/2/105 Tapiang (Kihoe) (incl. NA 37 -(lOT kIns.) -(10+ kms.) W -(10Tkms.) -(10+kms.) -(10;-kms,) Sua). (4) PULOMILO ISLAND 2/2/106 Pulomilo NA 90 p D W -(10Tkms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) (19) 135 VILLAGE DIRECTORY LANP {J$1;

Tehsll : Naneowiy

---- ... -.-~ ... A,prtl- N )arest town P,)wer Staple Land uSYsource waste (incl- available archaedQlical uding gauchar for culti- intelest & groves) vat ion

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/87 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/88 Wheat NW,FP P.:>rt Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/89 Wheat NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/9 0 Wheat U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/91 NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2:92 Wheat NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/93 Wheat NW,PP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/94 Wheat PR.KR Port Blair (360) ED Rice & NA NA NA NA NA C (2) 2/2/95 NW Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/96 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/97 Wheat NW, FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/98 Wheat

NW,FP POrt Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/99 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/100 Wheat

NW,FP Port Blair (360) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/101 Wheat

NW Port Blair (368) R.ice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/102 Wheat 2/2/103 U N I N H A B 1 T E D NW Port Blair (368) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/104 Wheat NW . Port Blair (368) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/105 Wheat

NW Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/106 WhA:OIt 136


District : Andamans

Loca­ Name of village Total Total Amenities available (ifnot available within the village dash (-)is shown in the co­ tion area pOpula• lumn and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. (-5 kms), (5-10 Code of the tion and kms.) and (lO+kms.) of the nellfest place where the facility is available is given) No. vllIage number ------___ in hect. ofhollse- Educational Medical Drinking Post & Day or days Communica. ares) holds water Telegraph of the marketJ ticns (Bus-stop (Pot. hat, if any ~ailway sta- able) tlOn, waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

UTILE NlCOBAR ISLAND 212/107 MinlanafMinlan NA 7 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(lO-I-kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) (2) 212/108 Anul/Anllla NA ~ -(-5 kIns.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10-t-kms.) (2) 2/2/109 Makhchua NA 28 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) W -(10-t-kms.) -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) (3) 2121110 Akupa . NA 18 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(10-t kms.) (3) 2/2/111 Inlock • NA 23 -(10-t-kms.) -(lO+kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) -(10-t-kms.) (3) 2.'21112 PulotaliaJpulo Tohio NA 12 -(10-1 kms.) - (10-1- kms ,) W -(l0-t-kms.) -(10-t-kms.) -(l0-t- km~.) (1) 2/2/113 Pulobaha NA 4 -(lOt-kms.) -(10+kms.) W -(lO-t-kms.) -(10.,-kms.) -(10+ kms.) (2) 2/2/114 Bewal 7 -(10+kms.) --(10t-kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(lO-tkms). -(lO-t-kms.) (1) 2/2/115 Klyang . NA 13 -(lOt- kms.) -(10-1- kms.) W -(10+ kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(10-t-kms.) (2) 2/2/116 Pulloullo/Puloulo . NA 40 -(10-t-krns.) -(lO-t-kms.) W -(10-t-kms.) -(1O+kms.) -(10+ kms.) (3) 2/2/117 Hoin (incI. Ikuia) . NA 2 -(10 t kms.) -(10+ kms.) W -(10+ kms.) -(10-t kms.) -(1O-t- kms.) (1) 2/2/118 Pea NA U N I N H A BI TED 2/2/119 Pulobha/Puloban NA 28 -(lO-tkms.) -(lO+kms.) W -(lO+krns.) -(10+kms.) -(10-t-kms.) (5) 2/2/120 Pattla NA 20 -(lO-r-krns.) -(lO-t-kms.) W -4W+kms.) -(lO+kms.) -(lO+kms.). (3) 2/2/121 Olinchl. NA UNINHABITED 2/2/12? Inloch·Pattla . NA 5 -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(lO-rkms.) -(lO+kms.) (2) 2/2/123 Pulopatlja NA 71 p -(lOt- krns.) W -(lOt-kms.) -(lO-t-kms.) -(lO+krrs.) (14) 2/2/124 Elahi/Ilhoya NA UNINHABITED 2}2/163 Hokesiang NA 11 -(10-tkms.) -(10-t-kms.) 0 -(lO+kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (1) KONDUL ISLAND 2}2}125 Kondul NA ]43 P D N -(10-1- kms.) -(lOT kms.) -(10+ kms.) (22) GREAT NlCOBAR ISLAND . 2}2/126 Pulobed NA 15 -(lO+krns.) -(lO-t-krns.) W -(lO-t-kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW (3) 137


Tehsil : Nanco'Wl'y

Appru. Nearest town & power Staple Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in Remarks including Loca. ach to distance(in km.) supply food hectares rounded upto 2 deci mal places) any places c f 1 jon viHa,p ------'~------religi ovs, his10- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Cuiturable Area not rical or archa( 0- No. by sourCe waste (inclu- available logical interest ding gauchar for culti- & groves vaticn

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

NW f,ll't Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/107 Wheat NW Port Blair (413) Rice & NA N NA NA NA 2/2/108 Wheat NW Fort Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/109 Wheat iW, FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/110 Wheat NW, FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/111 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/112 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/113 Wheat NW,Ff Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/114 Wheat NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/115

NW,FI' Port Blair (413 Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/]]6 Wheat NW, f'P Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/117 U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/118 NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/119 NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/120 U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/121 NW,FP Port BIl'ir (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/122 NW,FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/123

2/2/124 NW, FP Port Blair (413) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/163 U N I N H A B I T E D NW, FP Port Blair (428) Rice &] NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/125

~ . :;.



Distriet : Andamans

Loca- Name ofviJIage Total Total Amenities av~iJable (if nOt available within the village a dash (-) if shown in the cdumn tion area P?pula- and next to It in brackets, the distancei n broad ranges viz. (-5 kms), (5-10 kms) Code of the t10n and and (10+ kms.) of the neareSl place where the facilitY is available is given) No. villaBe number ;n h~ct- of Educational Medical Drinking Post and Dayor day Communi- ares) house- water Telegraph of the market/ cations (Bus holds (POt- hat, if any StOP ra;lway able) station, waterway) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.'2/127 Dogmar River'" NA 10 -(lOt-kms.) -(lOT-krns.) P.N -(l0-j-kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (3)

2/2/128 Pulo Kunjl . NA 24 -(IO+kms.) -(IOT-kms.) W -(IOT-kms.) -(10-j-kms.) NW (4) 2/2/129 Alexandera Rlver* • NA 19 -(lOT kms.) -(10-j-krns.) N,F -(10+kms.) -(10+ kms.) NW (4)

2/2/130 Kopen Heat NA 4 -(10+l<;ms.) -(10-j-kms.) W -(IOT-kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (1) 2/2/131 27 Km .Labour Camp NA 24 -(1O+kms.) -(10+ krns.) 0 -(10+ krns.) -(10+krns. -(10+kms.) on East West Road. (8) 2/2/132 17 Knl. Labour Camp NA 21 -(10+ krns.) -(10+kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+ kms.) NW on East West Road (8) 2i2/133 Kosintoofh NA 6 -(-5 krns.) -(-5 krns.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10-j-kms.) NW (2) ./ 2/2/134 Bodduan* NA 31 -(10-j-kms.) -(10-j-krns.) N,F -(10-j-krns.) -(10+kms.) -(10+krns.) ,/ (7)

2/2/135 Danlet NA 12 -(10+ krns.) -(10+krns.) W -(IO+kms.) -(10+ krns.) -(10+kms.) (3)

2/2/136 Koe NA 22 -(-5 krns.) -(- 5 kms.) W -(10+krns.) -(1O+kms.) -(lO+kms.) (4) 2/2/137 Dakyon* NA 24 -(1O+kms.) -(10+ krns.) N.F -(10+kms.) -(10+krns.) NW (5) 22/138 Pulobhabl (Incl. NA 71 P D W -(10+kms.) -(lO+kms.) NW APWD Camp). (14) 212/139 Potatlya NA 19 -(-5 kms.) -(-5 kms.) N -(1O+kms.) -(10+krns.) NW (2) 2[21140 Kokeon. NA 20 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 krns.) W.N, -(1O+kms.) -(10+ krns.) NW (2) 2/2/141 Pulopucca NA 4 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 krns.) N -(10+kms.) -(10+ krns.) NW (1) 2/2/H2 Inhingloi NA 15 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(10+kms.) -(10+ krns.) NW (1)

2/2/141 Pula Baha NA 13 -(to+kms.) -(5-10 kms.) W -(lO+kms.) -(10+ krns.) NW (3) 2/2/144 Pyomalion Point NA 9 -(lO+krns.) - (lO-rkms.) 0 - (lO+kms.) - (lO+kms.) NW . (3)

2/2/145 Chiengen NA 15 - (5- 10 kms.) - (5- 10 kms.) W,N - (lO+kms.) - (lO+kms.) NW (3) D,CHW - (lO+kms.) 2/2/146 ~astri Nagar. NA 233 P W PTO BS (79) NA 462 P D,RP W.N, PTO -(lO+krns.) BS 2/2/147 Gandhi Nagar (123) 139


Tehsil : Nancowry

Appro- Nearest town & Power Staple Land use (i.e. area under difiel'ent tyPes of land use in Remarks including Loca_ ach to distance (in km.) supply fOOd hectares round~d upto 2 decimal places) any places of tion village religious, histo- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated culturable Area not rical or archaec- No. by source waste available logical interest (including for cuJti- gauchar vation & groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

NW, FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/127 Fish & Pork NW Port Blai~ (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/128 Wheat NW, FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/129 Fish & Pork PR,NW Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/130 Wheat PR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/131 Whe~,t

PR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/132 Wheat NW Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2'133 Wheat FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA }

PR,KR Port Blair (43,) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA T(3) Wheat 2/2/146 PR, KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA Wheat 2/2/147

13--310 R. G. Inclia/ND/85 140


District : Andamans

Loca- Name of villag6 Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village a dash (-) is shown in the tion area of popu- column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. (5--kms.), Cod, the Village lation (5-10kms.)and(10+kms.)ofthe nearest place wherc the facility is available is given) No. (in and ------.------~ ------.- hectares) numbcr Education8.l Medic[d Drinking Post & D?y 0)' days of Communi. of house- water telegraph the market/ cations (Bus holds (pot- hat, if any stop, railway able) station water way 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---' --.- 2i 2/148 Laxmi Nagar NA 295 P(2) D,RP W -(5- 10 kms.) -(10+ kms.) BS (63) 2/2/149 NA 500 P. M, AC D,CHW W PO -(10+ krns.) BS (131) 2/2/150 Joginder Nagar (incl. NA 310 P,O D W -(-5 kms.) -(10+ krns.) BS Narial Tikry & AP- (101) WD Camp). 2/2/151 7 Km! Farm NA 36 -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 krns.) W,N -(5-10 kms.) -(10 i kms.) BS (11) 2/2/152 Oovlnda Nagar NA 339 P -(5-10 kms.) W,N,S -(5-10 kms.) -(5-10 kms.) BS (84) 2/2/153 Campbell BW (incl. NA 2293 P,M,H,PUC, H, FPC, W,HP PTO Daily BS Hq. FC & APWD (695) AC MCW, CWC Camp) (near Jetty) 2/2/154 Ranganathan Bay*. NA 18 -(10+kms.) -(10+ kms.) 0 -(10 . krns.) -(10-1 kms.) -(10-1 kms.) (5)

2/2/15:' Lafu1* • NA 2 -(lOt-kms.) -(10+ kms.) N,F -(10-1 kms.) -(10-; kms.) NW (1) 2/2/156 Shah Bay. NA UNINHABITED 2/2.'157 Trinket Channel Bay* NA 16 -(10 t- kms.) -(10+ kms.) N,F -(10~ kms.) -(10-1 kms.) NW (2)

2/2/158 Pulobed* NA UN IN HABITED 2/2/159 Not Yet Named* NA 31 -(10 j- km5.) -(IO+kms.) N,F -(10 1 kms.) -(10--1 kms.) -(10-1 kms.) (8)

2/2/160 Not yet named* NA 18 -(10+kms.) -(lOt-kms.) N,F -(lO+kms.) - (10-1 kms.) - (lO+kms.) (4)

2/2.'161 Not yet named * NA UNINHABITED 2/2/162 Not yet named* NA 22 - (101- km5.) - (10t-kms.) N,F - (10+ kms.) -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) (4)

2/2/164- Reakin Chung* NA 9 -(10 rkms.) -(1+kms.) N,F -(10+kms.) -(10+kms.) NW (4)

'-/2/165 Not yet named* NA 14 -(10-!- kms.) -(lO+kms.) N,F -(10+ kms.) -(10+ kms.) -(10-1- kms.) (New village) .. (4)

TILAN CHONG ISLAND 2/2/166 Titan Vhong. NA 27 -(10+kms.) -(IO+kms.) 0 -(10-1- kms.) -(IO+kms.) NW (2) TOTAL NA 14968 PUC(I), H(l), H(2), D(17), (3345) M(4),P(3i), CHW(5),PHC(1) , AC(IO),O(lO) TB(I) , RP(2) , MCW(2). ewc (1) FPC(1)

"'Shorn pem village. 141


Tehsil : Nancowry

Appro- Nearest town & Pow~r Staple Land USe (i.e. area under differ\Jnt types of land use in R,!marks in- Loc.l- ach to distanc.e (in km.) supply food hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) eluding any lion village ------'------places of rcli- Code Forest Irrigated Unirrigated Culrurable Area not gious historical N" by sourco wa~ta (in- available for or archaeolo- eluding cultivation gical interest gauchar & groves) _----_. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I'} 2 )

PR, KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/148 Wheat T(I) PR,KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA T(3) 2/2/149 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA TO) 212'150 Wheat

PR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA T(1) 2/2/151 Wheat FR.KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA T(2) 2/2/152 Wheat PR,KR Port Blair (435) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA T(5), M(7), 2/2/b3 Wheat C(9)

FP Port Blair (453) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/154 Fish & Pork NW FP Port Blair (435) P8ndanus. NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/155 Fish & Pork 2/2/156 NW, FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2i2/157 Fish & Pork 2/21/58 FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/159 Fish & Pork FP POft Blair (435) Palldanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/160 Fish & Pork 2/2/161 FP Port Blair (453) .. Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/162 Fish & Pork ~W, FP Port Blair (435) P3ndrnus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/164 Fish & Pork FP Port Blair (435) Pandanus, NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/165 Fish & Pork

NW Pott Blair (323) Rice & NA NA NA NA NA 2/2/166 Wheat NA NA NA NA NA T(16),M(15), TOTAL C(14)


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...... -.T - 147

APPENDIX n Land Utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census towns) Union Territory jDistrict : Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Sl. Name of town and taluk Land use (i .e. area under different types ofland use in acres/hectares rounded to the nearest unit No. within brackets Total Forest Irrigated by Uni rriga ted Culturable waste Area not avail- area source (including gauchar able for cultiva- & groves) tion

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

.______NIL 148

APPENDIX TIl List of villages where no amenities other than drinking water are available Andaman and Nicobar Islands

District : Andamans Tehsil DigJipur District: Andamans TehsiI : Mayabunder

Sl.No. Name of Village Location SI. No. Name of ViJlage Location Code No. Code No.

2 3 2 3

1. Ganesh Nagar, E(F)A. 3 18. Chuglum Gum, E(F)A 44 2. Santhi Nagar, E(F)A 4 19. Bajato, E(F)A 45 3. Gandhi Nagar, E(F)A. 5 20. Bajato (BPC) 47 4. Haridas Kattai, E(F)A 6 21. Chainpur, E(F)A 49 5. Shyam Nagar, E(F)A . 8 22. Karmatang IX, E(F)A 54 6. Burmachad, E(F)A 9 23. Karl1mtang, E(F)A 55 7. Radha NagH, E(F)A . 11 8. Paschim Sagar, E(F)A 14 District : Andamans T ebsil : Rangat 9. Lakshmipur, E(F)A 16 1. Laukinal1a, E(F)A 5 10. Sita Nagar, E(F)A 23 2. Pitchar Nallah (Coup Holeler's C

APPENDIX I1I-Contd. District Andamans Tehsil : Port Blair District Nikobars Tehsil : Nancowry

Sl. N.J. Name of VilIage Location SI. No. Name of Village Location Code No. Code No.

2 3 2 3

9. Rutland Island (No. III FC) 67 5. Kumikia 27 10. Rutland Island (No. IV FC) 68 6. Kamriak 23 11. Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-11I (FDC) 78 7. Hutnyak 29 12. Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-IY(FDC) 79 8. Ongulongho 30 13. Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDC) 80 9. Chensiyala . 31 14. Butler By Forest Camp 4-1 (FDC) 81 10. Hontona 32 11. Kulatapangia 33 District : Andamans Tebsil : Ferrargunj 12. Hoipoh 35 1. Madhuban (RY) (incl. Eleph8nt Training :, 13. Chengtamilun 37 Camp FC). 14. Atkuna/Alkun 38 2. Mount Harriet (RY) 10 15. Tani 39 3. North Bay (RY) 11 16. Kalminikum/Kalmenhm 40 4. Panighat, E(F)A 13 17. Hakomhala 41 5. Mile Tilek, E(F)A 25 18. Linuanga 60 6. Mile Tilek (Agr. Research Farm) 26 19. Altheak 61 7. Jirkatang No 2, E(F)A. 27 20. Ot-Hit-Touch (Balu Besti]) 62 8. Jirkatang No.3 (FC) 29 21. Inrouk 67 9. Poona Nallah (BPC) & (APWD) 34 22. ltoi 68 10. Potatang (FC) 36 23. Alreak 69 11. Tiruriii(BPC) 45 24. Hintona 70 12. Tirur i (A) (BPe) 46 25. Uper-Tapu. 71 13. AnajaJi Nallah (BPe) 49 26. Neechu T"Pll 73 14. Tirur iv (BPC) 50 27. Manjula 74 IS. Muslim B,sti (RY) 55 28. Okiya/Chiya 75 16. Mohwa Dera (RV) 57 29. Olinpow 17. Badmash P~h[1)' (RY) 60 30. Bumpal 18. Flat Bay (RV) 62 31. Karan 78 19. Maymyo, E(F)A 65 32. Maru 80 20. Nayashahar, E(F)A 73 33. Chanol 81 21. Manglutan, E(F)A 75 34. Aloi] tung 22. Manjeri Line Dera, E(F)A 77 83 35. BanderkBri. 23. ViPer Island (RY) 79 84 36. Chanflla/Ch~l1gup 87 37. Masala Tapu 88 District : Nicobars TebsiJ : Nancowry 38. Alukiah 89 1. Sanaya 23 39. Knot 90 2. AlakaipohjAlkripch 24 40. Payuha 92 3. Alhitoth/Alhi]oth 25 41. Munak (incl. Panjoo (MaruI) 93 4. Katr,huwu 26 42. Ramzao .------15U

APPENDIX III-Cone/d. District Nicobars Tehsil Nancowry District: Nicobars TehSii : Nancowry

SI. No. Name of Village Location S). No. NameofViJlage Location C

2 3 2 3

43. Chota lnak 96 59. Kiyang 1~ 44. Bera Inak/Betank 97 60. Pulloulla /Puloulo 11) 45. Nyicalang 9 61. Hoin (incl. lkuia) 117 46. Mohreak/Kohreakap 100 62. Pulobha/Puloban 119 47. Kuikua 101 63. Patti a 120 4S. Safed Balu 102 64. Inlock-Pattia 122 49. Trinket (inc!. Laham) . 104 65. Hokisiang 123 50. Tapiang (Kihoe) (inc!. HUa) 105 66. 27 Km Labour Camp on East-West Road 131 51. Minlana/Minlan 107 67. Badhuan 134 52. Anul/Anula lOS 6S. Danlet 1 35 53. Makh Chua 109 69. Koe 136 54. Akupa 110 70. Ranganathan Bay 154 55. Inlock 111 71. Not Yet Named 159 56. Pulotalia/Pulotohio 112 72. Not Yet Named 160 57. Pulobaha 113 73. Not Yet Named 162 5S. Bewai 114 74. Not Yet Named 165 lSI APPENDIX IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges District : Andamans TehsiJ : DigJipur T hsil : Port Blair

Range of Scheduled Location Name of village Range of Scheduled Location Name of VlJiage Tribes population code no. Tribes population code no. (Percentage) (Percentage)

2 3 2 3

0-5* 2 East Island (Police Post & 0-5* 37 Govinda Nagar (RV) Lighthouse) 52 Brookshabad (RV) 26 Diglipur (RV) (including Dig- ]ipur ExtT. FC, DiglipUTTJ- 55 Garacharma (RV) (including Beat Work FC and 4 APWD Misc. FC) Camps) 75 Forest Camp at 14 Km 5-III 29 Kera)apuram (RV) (FDC) 6-15 85 Hut Bay Area 16-25 Narcondam Island (Police 6-15 Post) 16-25 26-35 26-35 36-50 36-50 51+ 51+ 3 Strait Island (AS) *Excludes villages with no Scheduled Tribes population. 70 Dugong Creek (OS) Tebsil : Mayabunder 86 Harmendar Bay (NS) 88 South Bay (OS) 2 3 0-5* 28 Mayabunder (RV) (including Hq.FCand2APWD Camps) Tehsil : Ferrargunj 29 Pokadera (RV) (including 3 APWD Camps) 33 Devpur (RV) 1 2 3 6-15 0-5* 8 Wimberlygunj (RV)(including 16-25 Beat Check Post FC) 26-35 14 Shore Point (RV) 36-50 15 Bamboo flat (RV) (including 51+ Beat Check Post FC) *Excludes villages with no Scheduled Tribes population. 17 Knapuram (RV) 26 Mile TiIek (Agr. Research TebJil : Rangat Farm)

1 2 3 6-15 34 Poona NaUah (BPC) & (APWD) 0-5* 41 Dundas Point (RV) 6-1, 16-2; 45 TiTur iii (BPC) 26-35 49 Anjali Nallah (BPC) 36-50 16-25 68 Chotaligbang (Jarawa) 51+ 26-35 69 Between Chotaligbang and Foul Bay (Jarawa) (No name) 36-50 70 Foul Bay (Jarawa) 51+

*Excludes villages with no Scheduled Tribes Population. 152

APPENorx rV-Contd. District : Nicobars Tehsil : Car Nicobar Tehsil : N ancowry

Range ofSchedu1ed Location Name of Village Range of Scheduled Location Name ofVilla!":e Tribes population code no. Tribes population code no. (p.~rcentage) (Percentage)

2 3 2 3 51+ 2 Chongkamong 0-5 3 Alhiat 6-15 4 Kuitasuk 16-25 5 Raihion 26-35 6 Aloorang 36-50 7 Aloora 51+ Mus 8 Enam 2 Kinmai 9 Luxi 3 Small Lapati 10 Kalara 4 Big Lapati (Jayunti) 11 Chuk Machi 5 Tapoiming 12 Safed Balu 6 Chuckchucha 13 Miyuk 7 Kinuaka 14 Kanahinot 8 Tamaloo 15 Kalasi 9 Perka 16 Bengali (including APWD 10 Malacca Camp) 12 Kakl1na (including APWD 17 Bampoka Camp) 18 Jhoola (including APWD 13 Kimios Camp) 14 Arong (including AukchDng) 19 Jansin (including APWD Camp) 15 Sawai Hillat 16 Teetop 20 ,------21 MavatapislMaratapia Tehsil Nancowry 22 Chonghipoh 23 Sanaya 2 3 24 Alkai poh/ Alkri poh 152 Govinda Nagar 0-5* 25 AlhitothjAlhi loth 153 Campbell Bay (includingHC. Katahuwa FC & 2 APWD Camps near 26 jetty) 27 Kumikia 166 Tillan Chong 28 Kamriak 6-1~ 51 (including APWD 29 Hutnyak Carnp) 30 Ongulongho 95 Karnorta/Kalatapu (including Reg. FC & 4 APWD Camps) 31 Chonsiyala 16-25 32 Hontona 26-3~ 46 Altaful 33 Kulatapangia '49 Kapanga (including Reg. FC. 34 Vyavtapu Nirman Nagar. East Bay (Ma­ rine).. East Bay (near Police 35 Hoipoh StatIon), Roller Jhopri & Kapanga APWD Camps) 36 Mapayala Chengtamilan 36-50 37 SH 1 Tahaila (including APWD 38 AtkunalAlkun Camps situated at Old School Tani building) 39 153

APPENDIX IV-Contd. Tehsil : Nancowry Tehsil : Nancowry

R.ange of S::heduled Location Name of Village Range of Scheduled Location Name of village Tribes population code no. Tribes population code no. percentage percentage 2 3 2 3 -~---

51+ 40 Kalminikum!Kalmenkam 51+ 75 Okiya/Chiya 41 Hakomhala 76 Olinpow 42 Reakomlong 77 Humpal 43 Sonomkuwa 78 Karan 44 Tavinkin/Tavakin 79 Darin (including APWD Camp) 45 Halmatai 80 Maru 47 Kavatlnpeu/Karallinpoh 81 Chanol 48 Alsama 83 Alointung SO Kupinga 84 Banderkari 52 W.B. Katchal (Hindea) 87 Changua/Changup S3 Alipa/Alips 88 Masala Tapu 54 Lapat 89 Alukiah S5 Hindea 90 Knot S6 Mus 92 Payuha 57 Payak 93 Munak (including Ponjoo (Moul» 58 Neang 94 Ramzao 59 Tapong (including Kabila) 96 Chota Inak 60 linuanga 97 Hera Inak/Badank 61 Altheak 98 Kakana 62 Ot-Hit-Touch (Balu Bastil) 99 Nyicalang 63 Malacca 100 Mohreak/ Kohreakap 64 Champ in 101 Kuikua 65 Hlnnunga 102 Safed Balu 66 Tapani 104 Trinket (includ Ing lahml 67 Inroak 105 Tapiang (Kihoe) (including 68 Itoi Hua) 69 Alreak 106 Pulomllo 70 Hintona 107 Minlana/Mlnlan 71 Uper.Tapu 108 Anul/Anula 72 Pilpilow (including APWD Camp) 109 Makhchua 73 Neeche Tapu 110 Akupa

74 Manjula 111 Inlock 154

APPENDIX IV-Concld. TehsH : Nancowry Teltsil : Nancowry

--...... ~-- Ra 1ge of S~heduled Location Name of village Range of Scheduled Location Name of village Tribes population code no. Tribes population code no. percentage percentage

----".~.- 2 3 2 3 --.-~ .. 51+ 112 Pulotalia/PuJo Tohio 51 136 Koe

113 Pulobaha 137 Dakyon

114 Bewai 138 Pulobhabi (including APWD Lamp) 115 Kiyang

116 Pulloullo/Pu)oulo 139 Potatiya 117 Holn (Including Ikula) 140 Kokeon 119 Pulobha/1?uIDban 141 Pulopucca 120 Pattla 142 Inhingloi 122 Inlock/Pattia 143 Pulo Baha 123 Pulopanja 145 Chlengen 154 Ranganathan Bay 125 Kondul 1,)5 126 Pulobed LafuJ 127 Dogmar River 157 Trinket Channel Bay 128 Pulo Kunji 159 Not Yet Named 160 Not Yet named 129 Alexandera River 162 Not Yet named 130 Kopen Heat 163 Hokesiang 133 Kosintooth 134 Badduan 164 Reakin Chung 135 Danlet 165 Not yet named (New Village) SECTION II TOWN DIRECTORY

15) 14-310 R. G. IndiaIND/85 156

1981 CENSUS--TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT I Status and Growth History

\ I SJ. Clnss,name and civic administration Loc2ticp Cede N,mc ofTehsiJ"/ Arcn in Number of House­ No. status of town No. Sq.Kms holds including house less houses (in 1981 Census)

2 3 4 5 6 ------III,PortBlair(M.B.) I Port Blair 14'14* 11,368

Population and growth rate of the town at the Census of Density Sex Ratio (1981 1901 1911 1921 1931 194J 195J 1961 1971 1981 Census) J961 1971 1981 Census Census Census

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

7,789 14,075 26,218 49,634 3,510 573 558 720 (; 80.70%) L 86.27%) (+89.31 %)

*The area figure of Port Blair M.B. is prC'visicna1.

1981 CENSUS-TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT II Physical Aspects and Location of Town, 1979

SI. Classnnd nameof town Physical Aspects No. Rainfall Temperature (in centigrrde) (in mm.) Maximum Minimum

2 3 4 5

III, Port Blair . 2920.6* 29.9* 22.2*

Name of and road distance (in Kms.) frem Name of~nd road distance (in Kms.) frem State HQs District lIQs Tehsil HQs Ncc, rest city with Railw8Y St

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Port Blair Port Blair Port Blair (0) (0) (0) Madras (1,190) Madras (1,190) Port Blair (0)

*Data as supplied by the Region8 I Mrteorelq:ica 1 Cf)1lre. 0 lcuH,. 'n (' dnt) is br ~ed en the peri( die ~verr gc fer l,st I( n years(J970-79). 157

1981 CENSUS-TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT III Municipal Finance, 1978-1979

SI. Class and name of town Civic Ac1minis- Receipt (in R~. '00) No. tntion Status ------(in 1980) Receipt Revenue (~crive(l frem Government Lorn through municip:] propel-lies taxes etc. and pow,,· 'part from U'X t10n

2 3 4 5 6 7

III, Port Blair M.B. 36,560 1,754 7.500

Receipt (in Rs. '00) Expenditure (in Rs. '00) Advance Other sources TotD! Gener81 Public Public he: lih Public Public Others Total (specify) receipt 8dminis- srfety and conve- works insti- (specify) eX pen- tration niences tutions diture

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

45,814 2,374 14,078 10,327 86 19,408* 46,273

*Break up for each category is :- (i) Water supply : 15,176; (ii) Streetlight: 1,379; (iii) Octroi tax: 535; (iv) Property tax :64; (v) Conservsncy tax: 577; (vi) Watertax : 124; (vii) Supervision: 229; (viii) Vaccination: 92; (ix) Burning ghat: 229; (x) Ca Hie pond: 241 and (xi) Public Garden: 762.

1981 CENSUS-TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT IV Civio and Other Amenities, 1979

S1. C!assand name of town Civic adminis­ Population Scheduled Ccstes Rord length System of No. tra tion status & Scheduled (in kms.) sewerage (in 1980) Tribes popula­ tion

2 3 4 5 6 7

III, Port Blair M.B. 49,634 271 61.4 O.S.D.

Method of Protected W:1ter Supply Fire Elec',rific"ticn (Number of connections) No. of lie trines disposal fighting of night Source Sys'em of service Domestic Industrial Commer- ROed Others Water Service Others soil of stor8ge cial lighting borne supply with capacity points in litres (in brackets)

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1,145 4,054 B, ST T SR(68.15 Yes 6,144 108 1,963 1,843 lakhs) 158

1981 CENSUS-TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultur.il Facilities, 1979

SI. Class and name POPula- Medical facilities Educational facilities No. of town tion Hospitals/ Beds in Arts/Science/ Medic?l Engineering Polytcch- Reccgnised dispensaries/ medical Commerce Colleges Colleges nics shorthand, T.B.clinics institutions colleges (of typing and etc. noted in degree level vocational col.4 and above) training i nstituti ons

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _.. _------1 III, Port Blair 49,634 H(2) 262 1 (ASC) Madras Madras Madras Madras D(6) (including (1,190) (1,190) (1,190) (1,190) TH(l) 50 beds of FPC(2) T.B. Hospi- tal)

Euucational facilities Working Number of recreational and cultural women's facilities Higher Secon- Secondary/ Junior Se- Primary Adult Iite- hostels dary/Interme- Matriculaticn cond8IY & Schcols HCY clzs~es/ with No. St~dia Cinema Auditoria/ Public diate/PUC (Pre- Middle centres! of seeils Drama/ libraries University Schools Others Community including CoJlege)/Junior (specify) Halls reading College, level rooms

11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 l8 19 20

6 9 15 20 8 1(31 ) 3 6 PL(2) RR(3)

1981 CENSUS-TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979

SI. Class an name Names of three most import8nt Names of three most important No. of town commodities imported commodities exported 1 st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------IJI,PortHlair Cerec.ls & Construc1 ion Glocery rnQ Timhr (in- Plywood & Copra and all kinds of materi"h textile cluding SOWN match arecanut edibles timber) splints

Names of three most import3nt commodities imanuf,'ctured Number of banks Number of agri- Number of non- cultural credit a gricult urz] credit 1st 2nd 3rd societies societies

9 10 11 12 13 14

Plywood & Wooden furnitures Shell Crlf1 6 8 match splints PART B STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


No. of Total Papulation (including Institu' Occupied No. of tional and Houseless population) Sl. UTI D' stric~ ITch, i I 'Is Ian dlT ~,wn Total ArCil in Residential Households No. RUral Km2 Houses Urban p M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

. ANDAMANINICOBAR ISLANDS . T 8,249'00 39,991 40,671 188,741 107,261 8} ,480 R 8,234'90 28.799 19,303 139,107 78,401 60,706 U 14.10* 11,192 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774

" 1 AlFiaman District • T 6,408·0t 34,682 35,260 158,287 90,446 67,841 R 6,393'9t 23,490 23,892 108,653 61,586 47,067 U 14·10* 11,192 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774

1. Diglipur Tehsil . T 884·00 3,246 3,321 15,702 8,509 7,193 R 88400 .1,246 3,321 15,702 8,509 7,193 U

Narcondam Island T 6·80 1 17 17 R 6·80 t 17 17 U

East Island T 6·10 17 17 72 57 15 R. 6.10 17 17 72 57 15 U

North Andaman Island (Part) T 776'50 3,157 3,232 15,352 8,290 7,062 R 776· 50 3,157 3,232 15,352 8,290 7,062 U

Smith Island T 24·70 71 71 261 145 116 R 24·70 71 71 261 145 116 U

2. 1{ayabunder Tehsil • T d,348'00 13.033 3,069 13,954 7,792 6,162 R ;),348·00 3,

North Anuamanlsland (Part) T 599·50 1,094 1,103 5,076 2,792 2,284 R 599'50 1,094 1,103 5,076 2,792 2,284 U

Stewart Island T 7'20 1 1 3 3 R 7'20 1 1 3 3 U Aves Island T 0'20 2 2 R 0·20 2 2 U

Interview Island~. T 133'40 1 1 10 10 R l33'40 1 1 10 10 U

Middle Andaman Island (Pilrt) T 527·00 1,936 1,963 8,863 4,985 3,878 R 527'00 1,936 1,993 8,863 4,985 3,878 U

3. Rangat Tehsil T 1',070,00 5,465 5,538 24,289 13,756 10,533 R 1,070'00 5,465 5,538 24,289 13,756 10,533 U

"Area figures of Port Blair (MB) is Provisional.

t i\r<)'l figures of Inth the districts of Andamans & Nicobars are provisional. NOTB-(l) The figures given in the peA as well as in olhertlbles are exclusive of Jarawas and sentinelesctribes of Andamans district except31 Jtrll,ll, ,v'1) \'1),'<) .)1'1;)1;;,at01 fo:' thJ fie·,t tim~. JlrJ.W1S and senetinelese could not be contacted and IBnce to infof'n1.Cic)l1 ')0rU1ining to them could be collected at the 1981 Census as in the past. 161

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Total Main Workers (I-IX)

p M F P M F P M F P M F

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 22,361 11 ,586 10,775 97,321 62,983 34,338 62,680 58,549 4,131 22,090 11,387 10,703 64,793 42,292 22,501 44,882 42,182 2,7()0 271 199 72 32,528 20,691 11,837 17,798 16,367 1,431

1,189 745 444 83,396 5:5,058 30,338 53,186 50,171 3,015 918 546 372 52,868 34,367 18,501 35,388 33,804 1,584 271 199 72 35,528 20,691 11 ,837 17,798 16,367 1,431

12 12 7,269 4,640 2,629 4,721 4,481 240 12 12 7,269 4,640 2,629 4,721 4,481 240

3 3 17 17 17 17 3 3 17 17 17 17

3 3 38 36 2 48 48 3 3 38 36 2 48 48

6 6 7,085 4,508 2,577 4,577 4,337 240 6 6 7,085 4,508 2,577 4,577 4,337 240

129 79 50 79 79 129 79 50 79 79

8 4 4 5,701 3,753 1,948 4,423 4,149 274 8 4 4 5,701 3,753 1,948 4,423 4,149 274

1,704 1,161 543 1,600 1,520 80 1,704 1,161 543 1,600 1,520 80

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

8 4 4 3,983 2,578 1,405 2,808 2,614 194 1,405 .. 8 4 4 3,983 2,578 2,808 2,614 194

31 21 Ii) 12,094 7,896 4,198 7,725 7,445 280 31 21 10 12,094 7,896 4,198 7,725 7,445 280

(2) Area fiUgresof Union Territory, Districts and Tehsils include Area of uninhabited islandsl islets/rOcks. (3) Area fiugres for tehsi Is are as supplied by the Revenue Authori lies (Assi stant Commissioner (Settlement). There is a total difference of(-) 68·00 Sq. Km. in the area figures of district of Andaman anc! ( r) 112·00 Sq. Km. in case of Nicobar, disrrict, when the district figufes of S'JrveyorGeneral, India arC comparcd WIt!l the total of tehsil figures supplied by th~L R~venue Authorities. These diffrcnce in area figures at Union Terrirtoy and district levelsare due (0 the revision of are~ figures by Surveyor Genera} ,India. The revision at the tehsil level is yet to be done by the Revenue Authorities. 162


MAIN WORKERS SI. lJT/ District/Tehsil/lslandtTown Total Are., in No. Rural Km' Cultivators Agricultural Labourers Urban p M F P M F

2 3 4 22 23 24 25 26 27

ANDAMAN/NICOBAR ISLANDS T 8,149'00 10,274 9,762 512 2,337 2,244 93 R. 8,234'90 10,232 9,721 511 2,303 2,212 91 V 14'10* 42 41 34 32 :;

i. A'1d:l.man District l' 6,4')S-OO'l 9,956 9,463 493 1,271 2,179 92 R 6,393'90 1 9,914 9,422 492 2,237 2,147 90 V 14,10* 42 41 1 34 32 :; 1. Diglipur Tehsil • T 884'00 2,459 2,380 79 326 318 8 R. 884-00 2,459 2,380 79 326 318 8 V Narcondam Island T 6-80 R 6·80 U

East Island T 6'10 R 6'10 U

North Andaman Island (Part) T 776·50 2,419 2,340 79 325 317 8 R 776-50 2,419 2,340 79 325 317 8 U

Smith Island T 24·70 40 40 1 R 24'70 40 40 1 U

2. "\{1yabunder Tehsil T 1,348'00 1,837 1,679 158 299 291 8 R 1,348'00 1,837 1,679 158 299 291 8 U

North Andaman island (Part) T 599'50 903 842 61 162 161 R 599·50 903 842 61 162 161 U Stewart Island . T 7'20 1 R 7·20 1 U

Aves Island T 0'20 R 0·20 U

Interview Island. T 133'40 R 133'40 U

Middle Andaman Island (Part) T 527·00 933 836 97 137 130 7 R 527·00 933 836 97 137 130 7 U

J. Rangat Tehsil T 1,070'00 1,936 1,853 83 388 378 10 R 1,070'00 1,936 l,8S3 83 388 378 10 U 163

CENSUS ABSTRACT .MAIN WORKERS Household Industry, Manufac- Other Workers [III, IV, V(b) Marginal Workers Non-workers turing, Processing, Servicing and VI to IX1 & Repairs [v(a)] ------_. ------P M F P M F P M F P M F

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

1,826 1,431 395 48,243 45,112 3,131 6,932 2,279 4,653 119,129 46,433 72,696 1,108 1,330 378 30,639 28,199 1,720 6,623 2,035 4,588 87,602 34,184 53,418 118 101 17 17,604 16,193 1,411 309 244 65 31,521 12,249 19,278 365 322 43 40,594 38,207 2,387 3,824 1,287 2,537 101,277 38,988 62,289 247 221 26 22,990 22,014 976 3,515 1,043 2,472 69,750 26,739 43,011 118 101 17 17,604 16,193 1,411 309 244 65 31,527 12,249 19,278 51 48 3 1,885 1,735 150 268 19 189 10,713 3,949 6,764 51 48 3 1,885 1,735 150 268 79 189 10,113 3,949 6,164

17 17 11 17 .. 48 48 24 9 15 48 48 24 9 15

51 48 3 1,782 1,632 150 263 16 181 10,512 3,811 6,635 51 48 3 1,782 1,632 150 263 16 187 10,512 9,817 6,635

38 38 5 3 2 177 63 114 38 38 5 3 2 177 63 114

29 28 2,258 2.151 107 449 87 362 9,082 3,556 5,526 29 28 2,258 2,151 107 449 87 562 9,082 3,556 5,526

10 9 525 ,08 17 89 26 63 3,387 1,246 2,141 10 9 525 508 11 89 26 63 3,387 1,246 2,141

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

10 10 10 10

19 19 1,119 1,629 90 360 61 299 5,695 2,310 3,385 19 19 1,719 1,629 90 360 61 299 5,695 2,310 3,385

54 ~3 5,347 5,161 186 861 255 606 15,703 6,056 9,647 54 53 5,347 5,161 186 861 255 606 15,703 6,056 9,647 164

STATE PRIMARY No. of Occupied Sl. UTI District/Tehsil/Island/Town Total Area in Residential No. of Total Population (including Insttiu- No. Rural Km2 Houses Households tional and Houseless Population) Urban P M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9

Middle AndamanIsland (Part) T 1,008' 50 5,038 5,098 22,696 12,798 9,898 R 1,008.50 5,038 5,098 22,696 12,798 9,898 U Porlob Island T 13·10 7 9 13 11 2 R 13·10 7 9 13 11 2 U Long Island T 17·90 420 431 1,680 947 633 R 17·90 420 431 1,680 947 633 U 4. Port Blair Tehsil T 2,021·00 16,921 17,284 76,329 44,701 31,628 R 2,006· 86 5,729 5,916 26,695 14,841 10,854 U 14·14* 11,192 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774 . T 22·00 42 45 155 88 67 R 22·00 42 45 155 88 67 U

Strait Island T 6·00 11 11 41 29 12 R 6·00 11 11 41 29 12 U

Baratang Island . T 297·80 1,006 1,112 4,575 2,676 1,899 R 297·80 1,006 1,112 4,575 2,676 1,899 U

Peel Island T NA 80 80 245 208 37 R NA 80 80 245 208 37 U

Havelock Island T 113· 90 S10 513 2,600 1,348 1,252 R 113' 90 510 513 2,600 1,348 1,252 U Neil [sland T 18·90 321 328 1,500 886 674 R 18'90 321 328 1,560 886 674 U South Andaman Island (Part) T NA 13,221 13,407 59,167 34,306 24,867 R NA 2,029 2,039 9,533 5,446 4,081 U 14,14* 11,192 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774 Rutland Island . T 137·20 161 161 772 663 109 R 137·20 161 161 772 663 109 U Little Andaman Island T 731·60 1,569 1,627 7,214 4,497 2,717 R 731· 60 1,569 1,627 7,214 4,497 2,717 U

Pvrt Blair (MB) U 14' 14* 11,192 11 ,368 49,634 28,860 20,774 28,013 15,688 \ 5. Ferrargunj Tehs i I T 1,017'00 6,017 6,048 12,325 R t ,017' 00 6,017 6,048 28,013 15,688 12,325 U 165


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates MAIN WORKERS Total Main Workers (I-IX) p M F P M F P M F P M F

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

31 21 10 11,179 7,289 3,890 7,095 6,825 270 31 21 10 11,179 7,289 3,890 7,095 6,825 270

5 3 2 9 9 5 3 2 9 9

910 604 306 621 611 10 910 604 306 621 611 10

1,087 664 423 45,595 29,516 16,079 27,611 25,791 1,820 816 465 351 13,067 8,825 4,242 9,813 9,424 389 271 199 72 32,528 20,691 11,837 17,798 16,367 1,431 59 38 21 50 48 2 59 38 21 50 48 2

27 15 12 15 13 2 27 24 3 27 15 12 15 13 2 27 24 3

2,050 1,377 673 1,643 1,515 128 2,050 1,377 673 1,643 1,515 128

85 79 6 196 196 85 79 6 196 196

5 3 2 1,227 765 462 684 647 37 5 3 2 1,227 765 462 684 647 37

753 501 252 496 484 12 753 501 252 496 484 12

278 203 75 37,714 23,996 13,718 20,870 19,326 1,544 7 4 3 5,186 3,305 1,881 3,072 2,959 113 271 199 72 32,528 20,691 11,837 17,798 16,367 143 178 155 23 611 611 178 155 23 611 611

777 443 334 3,514 2,592 922 3,034 2,940 94 777 443 334 ' 3,514 2,592 922 3,034 2,940 94

271 199 72 32,528 20,691 11,837 17,798 16,367 1,431 51 44 7 14,737 9,253 5,484 8,706 8,305 401 51 44 7 14,137 9,253 5,484 8,706 8,305 401 166


MAIN WORKERS Sf. UT; District/TehsiJ/Island/Town Total Area in No. Rural Km' Cultivators Agricultural Labourers Urban (1) (II)


2 3 4 22 23 24 25 26 27 Middle Andaman Island (Part) T 1,008· 50 1,931 1,848 83 388 378 10 R 1,008· 50 1,931 1,848 83 388 378 10 U Porlob Island T 13·10 R 13·10 U Long Island T 17·90 5 5 R 17·90 5 5 U 4. Port Blair Tehsil T 2,021·00 2,226 2,107 119 532 498 34 R 2,006·86 2,184 2,066 118 498 466 32 U 14·14* 42 41 34 32 2 North Passage Island. T 22·00 R 22·00 U Strait Island T 6·00 R 6·00 U Baratang Island . T 297·80 337 267 70 100 73 27 R 297·80 337 267 70 100 73 27 U Peel Islands T NA R NA U

Havelock Island T 113· 90 365 349 16 11 10 R 113· 90 365 349 16 11 10 1 U Neil Island . T 18·90 243 237 6 110 110 R 18·90 243 237 6 110 110 U South Andaman Island (Part) T NA 610 604 6 240 236 4 R NA 568 563 5 206 204 2 U 14·14* 42 41 34 32 2 Rutland Island • T 137·20 56 56 R 137·20 56 56 U

Little Andaman Island T 731·60 615 594 21 71 69 2 R 731·60 615 594 21 71 69 2 U Port Blair (MB) . u 14·14* 42 41 34 32 2 5. Ferrargunj Tehsil T 1,017·00 1,498 1,444 54 726 694 32 R 1,017·00 1,498 1,444 54 726 694 32 U 167

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS Marginal Workers Non-workers UJusehold Industry, Manufac­ Other Workers [HI, IV, V(b) turing,Processing, Servicing and VI to IX] & Repairs [v(a)] ------P M F p 1\1 F P M F p M F

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 45 4,730 4,554 176 851 252 599 14,750 5,721 9,029 46 4~ 4,730 4,554 176 851 252 599 14,750 5,721 9,029

9 9 4 2 2 9 9 4 2 2

8 8 608 598 10 10 3 7 949 333 616 8 8 608 598 10 10 3 7 949 333 616

160 137 23 24,693 23,049 1,644 1,314 560 754 47,404 18,350 29,054 42 36 6 7,089 6,856 233 1,005 316 689 15,877 6,101 9,776 118 101 17 17,604 16,193 1,411 309 244 65 31,527 12,249 19,278 50 48 2 2 2 103 40 63 50 48 2 2 2 103 40 63

27 24 3 3 3 11 5 6 27 24 3 3 3 11 5 6

7 5 2 1,199 1,170 29 399 84 515 2,533 1,077 1,456 7 5 2 1,199 1,170 29 399 84 515 2,533 1,077 1,456

196 196 49 12 37 196 196 49 12 37

308 288 20 54 II 43 1,862 490 1,172 308 288 20 54 11 43 1,862 690 1,172

5 4 138 133 5 9 5 4 1,055 297 658 5 4 138 133 5 9 5 4 1,055 397 658

129 III 18 .• 19,891 18,375 1,516 717 395 322 37,580 14,585 22,995 11 10 2,287 2,182 105 408 151 257 6,053 2,336 3,717 118 101 17 17,504 16,193 1,411 309 244 65 31,527 12,249 19,278 555 555 5 5 156 47 109 555 ~55 5 5 156 47 109

19 17 2 2,329 2,260 69 125 60 65 4,055 1,497 2,558 19 17 2 2,329 2,260 69 125 60 65 4,055 1,497 2,558 , 118 101 17 17,604 16,193 1,411 309 244 65 J!,527 12,249 19,278 71 56 15 6,411 6,111 300 932 306 626 18,375 7,077 11 ,298 71 56 15 6,411 6,111 300 932 306 626 18,375 7,077 11,298 168


No. of Occupied SI. urI District ITeh~ i Ills land/Town Total Area in R.esidential No. of Total Population (including Institt.:- No. Rural K1l12 Hou~% HoU';eholds tional and Houseless Population) Urban ------p 1\1 F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

South Andarnan Island (Part) T NA 6,016 6,047 28,006 15,681 12,325 R NA 6,016 6,047 28,006 15,681 12,325 U

Viper Island T 0·50 I 7 7 R 0·50 1 7 7 U

2. Nlcobar District T 1,841· OOt 5,309 5,411 30,454 16,815 13,639 R 1,841·00t 5,309 5,411 30,454 16,815 13,639 U

1. elr Nicob'lr Tehsil T 129·00 2,063 2,066 15,486 8,031 7,455 R 129·00 2,063 2,066 15,486 8,031 7,455 U Clr Nic00lr Island T 126·90 2,063 2,066 15,486 8,031 7,455 R 126·90 2,063 2,066 15,486 8,031 7,455 U

2. Nlncowry Tehsil T 1,824·00 3,246 3,345 14,968 8,784 6,184 R. 1,824·00 3,246 .3,345 14,968 8,784 6,184 U Choura Islands • T 8·20 182 182 1,118 576 542 R 8·20 182 182 1,118 576 542 U Teressa Island . T 101· 40 264 264 1,217 638 579 R 101·40 264 264 1,217 638 579 U

Bompoka Island T 13·30 13 13 53 29 24 R 13·30 13 13 53 29 24 U

Katchall Island. T 174·40 740 779 3,702 2,091 1,611 R 174·40 740 779 3,702 2,091 1,611 U Nancowry Island T 66·90 109 109 711 441 270 R 66·90 109 109 711 441 270 U . T 188·20 458 484 2,256 1,292 964 R 188·20 458 484 2,256 1,292 964 U T 36·30 23 23 377 20S 172 R 36·30 23 23 377 205 172 U ' .. Pu\omilo Island. T 1·30 19 19 90 61 29 R 1·30 19 19 90 61 29 U 169


MAIN WORKERS Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Total Main Workers (I-IX)

p M F P M F P M F P M F

10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

51 44 7 14,733 9,249 5,484 8,699 8,298 401 51 44 7 14,733 9,249 5,484 8,699 8,298 401

4 7 7 4 4 7 7

21,172 10,841 10,331 11,925 \7,925 4,000 9,494 8,378 1,116 21,172 10,841 10,331 11,925 7,925 4,000 9,494 8,378 1,116

13,514 6,821 6,693 6,210 3,811 2,399 4,006 7,409 597 13,514 6,821 6,693 6,210 3,811 2,399 4,006 7,409 597

13,514 6,821 6,693 6,210 3,811 2,399 4,006 3,409 597 13,514 6,821 6,693 6,210 3,811 2,399 4,006 3,409 597

7,658 4,020 3,638 5,715 4,114 1,601 5,488 4,969 519 7,658 4,020 3,638 5,715 4,114 1,601 5,488 4,969 519

1,114 572 542 115 96 19 30 28 2 1,114 572 542 115 96 19 30 28 2

1,165 592 573 172 136 36 415 335 80 1,165 592 573 172 136 36 415 335 80

50 26 24 5 5 21 19 2 50 26 24 5 5 21 19 2

2,084 1,100 984 1,277 912 365 1,307 1.203 104 2,084 1,100 984 1,277 912 365 1,307 1,203 104

620 359 .261 312 226 86 336 248 88 620 359 261 312 226 86 336 248 88

1,269 658 613 843 598 245 752 694 58 1,269 656 613 843 598 245 752 694 58

376 204 172 52 39 12 103 94 9,; 376 204 172 52 59 12 103 94 9

78 49 29 41 23 8 44 35 9 78 49 29 41 23 8 44 35 9 170


MAIN WORKERS Sf. UTI Di strlct/Tehsil/Island/Town Total Area in No. Rural Km' Cultivators Agricultural Labouren Urban ------(I) (II) p M F P M F

2 3 4 22 23 24 25 26 27

South Andaman Island (Part) T NA 1,498 1,444 54 726 694 32 R NA 1,498 1,444 54 726 694 32 U Viper Island T 0·50 R 0·50 U

2. :~icobar District T 1,841·00* 318 299 19 66 65 R 1,841'00* 318 299 19 66 65 U I. Car Nicobar Tehsil . T 129·00 3 3 R 129·00 3 3 U

Car Nicobar Island T 126·90 3 3 R 126·90 3 3 U

2. Nancowry Tehsll T 1,824·00 315 296 19 65 64 R 1,824·00 315 296 19 65 64 U Choura Islands • T 8·20 R 8·20 U . Teressa Island . T 101·40 R 101·40 U Bompoka Island T 13·30 R 13·30 U Katchall Island . T 174·40 R 174·40 U Nancowry Island T 66·90 R 66.90 U Kamorta Island. T 188·20 R ·188· 20 U Trinket Island T 36·30 R 36·30 U Pu\omilo Island T 1· 30 R 1· 30 U 171

CENSUS ABSTRACT MAIN WORKERS ----- Marginal Workers Non-Workers Household Industry, Manufac- Other workers [(III, IV, V (b) turing, Processing, Servicing & and VI to IX] Repairs [V(a)]

---~ p M F P M F P M F P M F

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

71 56 15 6,404 6,104 300 932 306 626 18,375 7,077 11,298 71 56 15 6,404 6,104 300 932 306 626 18,375 7,077 11,298

7 7 7 7

1,461 1,109 352 7,649 6,905 744 3,108 992 2,116 17,852 7,445 10,407 1,461 1,109 352 7,649 6,905 744 3,108 992 2,116 17,852 7,445 10,407

L2CJ3 1,017 276 2,709 2,388 321 1,982 591 1,391 9,498 4,031 5,467 1,293 1,017 276 2,709 2,388 321 1,982 591 1,391 9,498 4,031 5,467

1,293 1,017 276 2,709 2,388 321 1,982 591 1,391 9,498 4,03] 5,467 1,293 1,017 276 2,709 2,388 321 1,982 591 1,391 9,498 4,031 5,467

168 92 76 4.940 4,517 423 1,126 401 725 3,354 3,414 4,940 168 92 76 4,940 4,517 423 1,126 401 725 3.354 3,414 4,940

5 5 25 23 2 402 227 175 686 321 365 5 5 25 23 2 402 227 175 686 321 365

414 335 79 171 34 137 631 269 362 414 335 79 111 34 137 631 269 362

21 19 2 7 7 25 10 15 21 19 2 7 7 25 10 15

14 14 1,293 1,189 104 172 29 143 2.223 859 1,364 14 14 1,293 1,189 104 172 29 143 2,223 859 1,3M

336 248 88 5 5 370 193 177 336 248 88 5 5 370 193 177

to 9 742 685 57 266 37 l79 1,238 511 72 10 9 742 685 57 266 37 179 1,238 511 727

103 94 9 274 III 163 103 94 9 274 III 163

4 4 40 35 5 5 5 41 26 IS 4 4 40 35 5 5 5 41 26 15

15-~ 310 R. G. India/ND/85 172


No, of Totai Occupied :iI, UTI District/Tehsii'Isla)ld Town Rural Area in Residential No. of Total Population (including Instltu. No. Urban Km' Houses Households tion.al and Houseless Population) ---- p M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Little Nicobar Island. T 159'}0 48 48 298 155 143 R 159·10 48 48 298 155 143 U Kondul Island T 4-60 22 22 143 76 67 R 4-60 22 22 143 76 67 U . T 1,045'10 1,366 1,400 4,976 3,193 1,783 R 1,045'10 1,366 1,400 4,976 3,193 1,783 U T[llanchong Island T NA 2 2 27 27 R NA 2 2 27 27 U 173


------~~- Total Mai 1 Worker~ Schedltled Castes Scheduled Tribes Liter. .lleS (I-IX) ------P M F P M F P M F P M F

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

298 155 143 26 18 8 194 107 87 298 155 143 26 18 8 194 107 87

129 65 64 49 36 13 46 45 129 65 64 49 36 13 46 45

474 241 233 2,803 1,995 808 2,213 2,134 79 474 241 233 2,803 1,995 808 2,213 2,134 79

20 20 27 27 20 20 27 27 174


MAIN WORKERS SI. UT(Djstrict(T~hsiJ/hlandl fown Total Area in 0--- No, Kura. Km2 Cutivators Agricultural Labourers Urban (I) (II)


2 3 4 22 23 24 25 26 27

Little Nicobar Island. T 159·10 R 159.10 U Kondul Island T 4·60 R 4·60 U O(!at Nicobar Island T 1,045·10 315 296 19 65 64 R 1,045·10 315 296 19 65 64 U

'j i J I anchong Island T NA R NA U 175


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Workers Non-workers Household Industry, Manufac- Other Workers [III, IV (b) turing, processing, Servicing & and VI to IX] Repairs [V(a)]

P M F P M F P M F P M F 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

102 40 62 92 67 25 8 2 6 96 46 50 102 40 62 92 67 25 8 2 6 96 46 50

46 45 34 8 26 63 23 40 46 45 1 34 8 26 63 23 40

32 24 8 1,801 1,750 51 56 14 42 2.707 1,045 1,662 32 24 8 1,801 1,750 51 56 14 42 2,707 1,045 1,662

27 27 27 27


177 178

VILLAGE PRIMARY District Andamans

Loca­ Name of Vi118ge Area of No. of No. of Toull populrJion (inclu- Scheduled Scheduled Liter~ tes tion village in Occupi- House- ding Institution,.1 & Castes Trites Code hectares ed Resi- holds HouseJess PopuJ"tion) No. dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

NARCONDAM ISLAND 1/1/1 Narcondam island (police post) NA 17 17 3 17 EAST ISLAND 1/1/2 East island (police post & Light house). . . . . NA 17 17 72 57 15 36 2 NORTH ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 1/1/3 Ganesh Nagar, E(F) A NA 101 101 464 259 205 83 33 1/1/4 Santhi Nagar, E(F) A NA 57 57 281 133 148 25 6 1/1/5 Gandhi Nagar, E(F) A NA 115 115 539 28) 258 105 56 1/1/6 Haridas Kattai, E(F) A NA 13 13 77 37 40 16 8 1/1/7 Shyam Nagar, (RV) 724.10 33 35 178 95 83 62 34 1/1/8 Shyam Naga r, E(F) A NA 6 6 20 12 8 3 2 16 4 1/1/9 Burma Chad, E(F) A NA 29 29 88 61 27 1/1/to Radha Nagar (RV) 925.35 19 19 87 47 40 30 17 1/1/11 RadhaNagar,£(F)A NA 61 66 233 134 99 47 17 1/1/12 Swarajgram (RV) . 705.16 93 94 493 259 234 181 115 152 60 1/1/13 Mllangr~m (RV) . 762.82 118 118 512 294 218 1/1/14 Paschimsllgar,E(F)A NA 164 166 837 431 406 124 59 1/1/15 Lakshmipur(RV)(incl.reg.FC and 5 APWD Camps). . 704.10 117 155 696 396 300 186 83 1 ] 1/1/16 Lakshmipur, E(F) A NA 5 5 29 18 5 1 1/1f17 Deshbandhu Gram (RV) 372.16 67 67 393 206 187 110 61 309 181 1/1/18 Madhupur (RV) 714.56 166 166 963 521 442 143 52 31 1/1/19 Krishnapuri (RV) . 489.88 41 41 281 138 45 33 1/1/20 RabindrapaJli (RV) 121.45 33 33 180 88 92 389 235 138 1/1/21 Subhash Gram (RV) 356.93 144 144 833 444 l/t/22 Sitanagar (RV) (incl. 5 APWD Camps) 993.67 228 228 1,079 557 522 316 195 16 14 3 5 1/1/23 Sitanagar,E(F)A NA 6 6 30 213 138 .1/1/24 Khudirampur (RV) 811.97 124 125 692 357 335 11 3 3 1/1/25 KhudirlJmpur,E(F)A NA 5 5 24 13 1/1/26 Diglipur (~V~ (inc]. Diglipur Extr. FC, Dlghpur II-Beatwork FCand4APWDCamps) 100.30 525 542 2,138 1229 909 5 806 429 Ramakrishnagr[:m (RV) (inc]. 1/1/27 522 329 APWD Camp) . . . 695.47 296 299 1,515 804 711 203 143 97 1/1/28 Vidyasagar Palli (RV) 263.86 84 84 429 226 229 217 171 170 1 il/29 KeralapurBm (RV) 624.02 94 95 446 179 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil : DigJipur

MAIN WORKERS Loca­ tion Total Main Workers Cu!!ivafCrs Agricu1lUI[ I He use J;cld Other Workers Mngjn8) Non Ilcrhrs Cede (I-IX) (1) Labourers Industry, Mrnu­ (III, IV, V(b) Workers No, (II) facturing, Pro­ and VI to IX) cessing, Servic­ ing, & Repairs [V(a)]


------15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

17 17 " 1/1/1

43 48 .') 15 1/1/2

133 128 4 126 205 1/1/3 78 7 77 6 1 27 55 114 1/1/4 146 2 141 2 2 3 135 256 1/1/5 18 18 19 40 1/1/6 50 42 5 3 4 45 79 1/1/7 8 8 1 4 7 1/1/8 51 49 14 10 13 1/1/9 26 20 2 4 2 21 37 1/1/10 61 3 54 3 3 4 22 44 51 52 1/1/11 132 2 103 28 2 127 231 1/1/12 163 7 86 19 2 58 5 6 4 12~ 207 1/1/13 242 20 230 20 9 3 189 386 1/1/14 212 3 69 22 121 3 184 297 1/1/15

9 5 2 2 9 10 1/1/16 84 2 79 1 4 2 122 185 1/1/17 263 12 175 2 32 6 50 9 3 12 255 418 1/1/18 70 4 66 4 1 3 2 68 137 1/1/19 47 4 46 4 2 2 39 86 1/1/20 214 7 134 19 61 6 2 228 382 1/1/21 303 8 160 11 132 7 21 254 493 1/1/22

6 6 10 14 1/1/23 181 31 144 21 21 3 2 16 5 3 12 173 292 1/1/24 6 6 7 11 1/1/25 682 54 25 4 28 606 49 4 2 543 853 1/1/26

373 30 121 2 95 157 28 23 10 408 671 1/1/27

104 11 47 6 21 36 5 6 4 116 188 1/1/28 119 15 62 2 3 54 13 110 202 1/1/29 180

VILLAGE PRIMARY District : Andaman

Loca. Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total population (includ. Scheduled Scheduled Literates don Village in Occclpi. House. ing InstitLtional & Castes Tribes Codl: hectares ed Resi. holds Houseless Pcpulation) No. dential Houses

------_---- P M F --M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1/1/30 Aerial Bay (RV) (incl. Range Hq. FC) 81.86 118 118 416 256 160 183 74 1/1/31 Durgapur(RV)(incl.4 APWD Camps) 415.35 125 130 528 290 238 133 91 1/1/32 Shibpur (RV) (inc!. Revenue beat area FC) 518.54 74 74 412 206 206 124 6S 1/1/33 Kajipur (RY) 546.98 52 52 283 141 142 71 32 1/1/34 Lamiya Bay, E(F) A NA 26 26 101 66 35 13 3 1/1/35 Bandhan Nallah, E(F) A NA 12 12 50 31 19 15 6 1/1/36 Haran Nallah, E(F) A NA 6 6 25 15 10 6

SMITH ISLAND 1/1/37 Smith, E(F) A NA 19 19 47 32 15 9 3 1/1/38 Balu Dera (Extr. FC) NA 12 12 22 13 9 7 1/1/39 Sagar Dweep (RY) 890.68 40 40 192 100 92 63 46

Note: RY-Revenue ViJl?ge, E(F) A-Encroached (Forest) Area, FC-Fortst Omp, APWD-Ardemf,n Public Works Department. 181

CENSUS ABStRACT Tahsil : Diglipur

MAIN WORKERS Loca- ---_------_.------tion Total Main Workers Cultivators Ag dc! It Househ01d Other Workers Marginal Non-workers Ccde (!-IX) (I) L'\bourers IndustrY, Manu- (III, IV, V(b) Workers No, (II) facturing, Pro- and VI to IX) cessing, Servi c- ing, & Repairs [V(a)]


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1*

156 2 2 3 14 137 2 4 3 96 155 1/1/30

167 7 49 4 116 2 123 231 1/1/31

105 6 71 2 15 19 4 2 100 198 1/1/32

65 2 60 5 2 76 140 1/1/33 37 31 6 16 29 19 1/1/34 15 15 16 19 1/1/35

11 11 3 4 7 1/1/36

23 23 9 15 1/1/37

12 2 10 9 1/1/38 44 38 5 3 2 53 90 1/1/39 ------.

=====...... :: ... =-~"'"_;:_=::.-:.:.- =-======


183 184


.. -._-- ---"------~------LOCD- Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Scheduled Scheduled Literates tion Village in Occupi- House- ing J nstitutioDlll & House- Caites Tribes Code hectares ed Resi- holds less Populaticn) No. dential Houses -_-_ P M F M F M F M F ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


1/2/1 Tal Bagan, B(F) A • NA 75 75 352 186 166 33 21 1/2(2 Kishorinagar(RV)(ircl.Revenue beat FC and APWD Camp) 1770.32 98 98 555 297 2,)8 129 71 1/2/3 Paranghara (Parn;gh~l~) (RV) 70], 35 15 15 104 53 51 26 17 1/2/4 Nabagrllm (RV) (incl. APWD Camp) 1316.11 214 214 948 520 428 212 103 1/2/5 Madhyamgrarn (RV) 468.32 12 12 60 31 29 17 11 1/2/6 Nichint~pur (RV) . 369.31 20 20 112 58 54 19 9 1/2/7 Narayan Tikri, B(F) A NA 21 21 94 52 42 24 13 1/2/8 Kalighat (RV) (incl. Revenue beat FC and APWD Camp) . 502.02 203 212 880 507 373 292 119 1/2/9 Jagannath Den: (RV) 1679.49 24 24 169 92 77 24 10 1/2/10 Ramn8gar (RV) 1241.44 132 132 729 368 361 143 83 Bamboo Nallah, E.(F) A NA 29 29 1/2/11 98 52 46 10 6 1/2/12 Narkul Dang

INTERVIEW ISLAND 10 1/2/27 Interview Island (police outpost) NA JO 10 NOTE: RV-Revenue Village, F(F) A-Fncrcactcd (Ferest) AreD , FC Fenst Cfrnp, BPC-Bush PeJice APWD-Andaman Public Works Department. Camp 185

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil I Mayabunder

MAIN WORKERS Loc~· tion Total Main Workers Cultivators ,Agricultura J Household In­ Other Workers Marginal Non-workers Ccc1~ (I-IX) (1) Labourers dustry, Manu­ (III, IV, V(b) Workers Nc (II) facturing, Pro­ and VI to IX) cessing, Servic­ ing & Repairs [V(a)]


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

98 2 93 2 5 88 164 112/ 1 160 3 74 67 19 3 137 255 1/2/2 26 9 15 2 27 50 1/2/3

278 10 165 6 25 88 3 6 17 236 401 1/2/4 18 1 16 1 1 13 28 1/2/5 21 4 17 2 4 2 7 9 30 41 1/2/6 32 30 2 20 41 1/2/7 260 1/2/8 5 47 2 29 2 182 2 2 6 245 362 43 25 16 2 49 76 1/2/9 185 7 163 5 22 2 8 3 175 351 1/2/10 29 1 27 23 45 1/2/11 20 20 8 27 1/2/12 12 11 4 17 1/2/13 8 8 5 11 1/2/14 27 3 24 2 24 32 1/2/15 11 11 13 22 1/2/16 4 10 4 10 6 10 1/2/17 5 5 2 2 1/2/18 14 14 15 26 1/2/19 24 9 24 9 10 11 1/2/20 54 3 47 5 3 25 47 79 1/2/21 34 23 27 23 6 57 60 1/2/22 3 3 2 3 1/2/23 154 7 5 142 3 10 27 1/2/24

3 2 1/2/25

2 2 1/2/26

10 10 .. 1/2/27 186

District I Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARY

Loca· Nam~ of Villag'; Area of No.of No. of Total Population (inciud. SC:leduled Schcdded Literates tion Village in Occupi· House· ing Institutional & 'Hoase- Castes Tribes Code hectares cd Resi- holds less Population No. dentia) Houses

------_ P M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MIDDLE ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 1/2/28 Mayabunder(RV)(incI.Hq.FC and 2 APWD Camps). . 35.80 465 475 J 809 1085 724 666 317 'v' 1/2/29 Pokadera (RV) (incl. 3 APWD Camps) . . . . 116.45 223 231 999 593 406 350 195 1/2/30 Danpur (RV) (inc!. APWD Camp) . 108.56 40 40 17 107 68 65 33 1/2/31 Lucknow (RV) 176.43 24 25 204 102 1(,2 54 42 1/2/32 Lataw (RV) . 79.26 22 22 115 56 59 23 25 1/2/33 Devpur (RV) 123.37 50 52 280 156 124 2 4 87 4 1/2/34 Webi (RV) 253.84 44 44 275 138 137 71 71 1/2/35 Pah8]g2cn (RV) (inc!. Rest Camp BPC, Tugapur I Extr. FC and 5 APWD Camps) 856.84 275 280 1136 643 493 313 154 1/2/36 Bamboo NaUah, E(F) A NA U N I N H A B T E D

~..,{ 1/2/37 Tugapur (RV) (inc!. Tugapur BPC and APWD Camp) 1051.4] 135 135 782 421 361 120 55 1/2/38 Tug?-pur II (Reg. FC) NA U N I N H A B I T E D 1/2/ 39 Tugapur V (Reg. FC) NA 17 17 70 40 30 22 19 1/2/40 Buddha Nallah (APWD Quarry) NA 1 1 2 1 1/2/41 Buddha Nall,h,E(F)A NA 32 32 ]49 74 75 31 19 1/2/42 Bamboo NaIJah, E(F) A NA 2 2 2 2 1/2/43 Kanchi Na1l2h, E(F) A NA 6 7 12 8 4 2 2 1/2/44 Chuglum Gum, E(F) A . NA 13 13 23 12 11 9 2 1/2/45 Bajato, E(F) A NA 7 7 32 18 14 6 2 1/2/46 Pudumadurai(RV)(incl.Bajato BPC). . . . . 607.92 27 27 132 64 68 46 33 1/2/47 Bajato (BPC) NA 5 5 5 1/2/48 Chainpur (RV) (incl. Chainpur I & II BPC and Extr. FC) . 377.37 59 59 336 167 169 103 50 1/2/49 Chainpur, E(F) A . NA 12 12 19 19 4 1/2/50 Hanspuri (RV)(incl. H::mspuri I & II BPC) . . . 504.55 40 40 203 113 90 48 23 1/2/51 Luis Lit Bay (BPC) NA 1 7 7 7 1/2/52 Re.mpur (RV) (incl. Pvt. Extr. FC and APWD Camp). . 162.84 62 62 3.1 202 149 124 69 I /2/53 Karmat~mg (RV) 368.94 64 64 358 184 174 85 73 1/2/54 Karmatang IX, E(F)A NA 8 8 23 13 10 6 4 1/2/55 Karm2tang,E(F)A NA 8 , 8 25 17 8 6 1/2/56 Paikat Bay, E(F) A NA 23 23 46 26 20 3 1/2/57 Profullya Nagar (RV) 397.03 57 57 291 160 131 57 20 1/2/58 Basantipur (RV) (inc!. BDdam NaHaha BPC & APWD CDmp) 186.29 47 47 223 123 100 66 32 1/2/59 Govim,pur (RV) 286.73 107 107 48J 265 216 32 84 1/2/60 Paresh Nagar (RV) 185.34 64 64 298 164 134 66 36 -.-~~ ._ .. , ~ - ...... NOTE; RV-Revenue Village, E(F)A-Encrcrched (Fe TeSt; AleE ~ FC-Folesl Cwr, BPC-Bu;;J1 Poke C

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsill Mayabunder

.MAIN WORKERS Loca­ tion Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural HOusehold in­ Other Workers Marginals Nor.-workcrs Cede (1-IX) (I) Labourers dustrY, Manu­ (III, IV, V(b) Workers I'll). (II) facturing, Pro- and VI to IX) cessing, Servic­ ing & Repairs [V(a)]


15 16 17 18 J9 2·j 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

687 33 4 8 675 33 7 10 391 (i81 1/2/28

323 30 30 17 10 266 28 3 19 267 357 1/2/29 57 13 10 34 1 50 66 1/2/30

41 7 37 6 4 60 95 1/2/31 31 26 2 3 20 25 39 1/2/32 70 7 24 3 18 28 3 14 86 103 1/2/33 73 6 53 7 13 6 47 65 84 1/2/14 1/2/35 342 10 29 3 15 297 7 8 17 293 466

U N I N H A B I T E D 1/2/36

154 9 120 6 15 2 19 5 2 262 350 1/2/37 U N I :\l" H A B I T E D 1/2/38 16 16 24 30 1/2/39 I 1 1/2/40

39 25 20 25 19 35 50 1/2/41 2 .. 1/2/42 8 3 8 3 1/2/43 9 ~ 3 7 1/2/44 8 5 8 5 10 9 1/2/45

40 2 11 24 68 1/2/46 5 5 .. 1/2/47 88 4 58 9 3 21 4 75 165 1/2/48 19 19 .. 1/2/49 64 3 55 3 8 6 45 43 42 1/2/50 7 7 .. 1/2/51 83 16 36 15 16 31 19 24 100 109 1/2/52 97 92 5 85 87 89 1/2/53 7 9 6 9 1 6 1 1/2/54 10 6 10 6 7 2 1/2/55 19 12 19 12 7 8 1/2/56 66 45 .. 21 94 131 1/2/57

54 21 9 24 69 100 1/2/58 114 7 41 1 72 7 6 145 209 1/2/59 80 24 8 48 2 11 82 122 1/2/60

16-310 R. G. India/ND/85


189 190

VILLAGE PRIMARY District : Andamans

Loca­ NJ.me of Village Area No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled tion of vil­ Occu­ House­ (including Institutional Castes Trites Code lage in pied holds & Houseless Population No. hectares Resi­ dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

MIDDLE ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 1/3/1 Jaipur (RV) (incl. Korangnallah APWD Camp) 214'24 58 58 319 163 156 1/3/2 Kamalapur (RV) . 139·24 35 35 218 124 94 113/3 Pinakinagar (RV) 343·54 69 69 439 220 219 1/3/4 Ha inagar (RV) (inc!. Billyground 4 APWD Camps) 498·98 199 199 1.15L 589 ,63 1/3/5 Laukinalla, E(F) A NA 30 34 90 53 37 1/3/6 Dukenagar \R\') . 280'22 44 44 280 149 131 1/3/7 Santipnr (RV) 295·04 66 67 333 231 192 1!3/8 Pitchar Nallaha (Coup holders Camp) N.A. 39 39 127 108 19 1/3/9 SWldeshmgar (RV) (incl. Pitchar- nallaba 4 APWD Camps) 341·69 277 278 1.150 651 499 1/3/10 Dharampur (RV) (inc!. CFO Nallaha APWD Camp) 302·65 72 73 395 214 181 113/11 Tiruvanchikulam (RV) . 117·93 23 'B Jl6 64 52 1/3/12 Ramachanara Nagar (RV) 20·20 8 8 45 22 23 1/3/13 Thoraktang (Reg. & Extr. FC) N.A. 1/3/14 Shivapuram (RV) (incl. 3 APWD Camps and Betapur Range Hq. FC) 200·84 173 173 805 432 373 1/3/15 Padmanabhapuram ( RV) (incl R.R,O. barracks APWD) 133·21 67 67 338 192 146 1/3/16 Panchawati (RV) (inc.. Beatwork FC) 325'45 59 59 230 134 96 1/3/17 Amkunj (RV) 133·21 35 35 190 III 79 1/3/18 Nimbutala (RV) (incl. Beatw()rk FC) 457·78 258 259 1.243 729 514 1/3/19 Dasharatpur (RV) 324·97 55 56 312 177 135 1/3/20 Janakpur (RV) 276·45 65 65 388 198 190 1/3/21 Rangat (RV) 210'26 556 580 2.277 1.386 891 1/3/22 Sitapur (RV) 105·48 30 30 174 88 86 1/3/23 Mithila (RV) 118, 06 56 57 275 153 122 1/3/24 Rampur (RV) (incl, Range Hq. FC) 565·76 155 155 707 369 338 1/3/25 Parnasala (RV) (incl. Tramline FC) 240·45 102 102 528 264 264 1/3/26 Parnasala II (Extr. FC) NA 28 28 97 56 41 191


MAIN WORKERS Mqrgil1~1 Non­ Loc?­ Literates Workers workers tion Tolnl M:lin CultiKtors Agricultur~ I Household Other Wcr­ (:ode Workers (1) L'iDourers Industry, kers (m, No. (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, IV, V (b) processing, and VI h Servicing & IX) Repairs [Veal] --.---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

113 72 74 41 14 18 4 89 152 1/3/1

91 49 45 2 43 2 79 92 1/3/2 135 79 92 77 11 3 128 217 1/3/3

408 289 278 18 149 10 37 7 85 8 24 103 287 442 1'3 /4 19 7 36 11 32 11 4 17 26 1/3/5 68 28 ,.5 2 33 3 29 8 3 76 126 1/3/6 145 72 122 4 89 10 2 5 18 15 66 94 122 1/3/7 39 4 101 101 7 19 1/3/8

295 177 341 55 57 38 3 5 6 275 11 41 95 269 349 1/3/9

155 106 86 7 41 4 41 6 23 40 105 134 1/3/10

41 28 26 7 3 16 7 13 31 39 1/3/11 17 14 8 2 5 8 13 14 1/3/12 . . 1/3/13 280 203 188 7 4 6 4 174 7 2 242 365 1/3/14

llS 100 112 7 20 5 2 85 7 12 80 127 1/3/15

64 29 78 17 60 17 56 79 1/3/16

75 39 56 20 13 23 55 78 1/3/17 432 217 412 8 90 3 3 316 8 4 11 313 495 1/3/18

62 37 82 6l 4 2 15 1 10 94 124 1/3/19 63 38 85 2 35 27 1 22 3 22 110 166 1/3/20 960 428 720 45 58 22 10 630 45 33 9 633 837 1/3/21 48 30 44 4 22 16 6 4 44 82 1/3/22 70 35 75 2 31 4 40 2 5 2 73 118 ]/3123 256 182 180 19 34 4 142 19 189 319 1/3/24 138 99 116 46 70 148 263 1/3/25

27 15 32 24 41 1/3/26 192 VILLAGE PRIMARY District: Andamans

Loca­ Name of Village Area No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled tion of ViI- Occu­ House­ (including Institutional Castes Tribes Codl! lage in pied holds & Houseless Population No. hectares Resi- dential Houses


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

113/27 Parnasala III (Reg. FC) NA 32 32 102 58 44 1/3/28 Kalsl No.3 (BPC) NA 1 7 7 1/3/29 Kalsi No.4 (BPC) NA 1 8 8 1/3/30 Kalsi No.5 (BPC) NA 1 9 9 1/3/31 Kalst No.6 (BPC) NA 10 10 55 32 23 1/3/32 Kalsi (BPC). NA 59 49 203 117 86 1/3/33 Sagwan Nalla (Extr. & Reg. "-'C) NA 63 63 183 103 80 1/3/34 Kalsi (Ry) . 385'13 32 32 144 82 62 1/3/35 Urmilapur (RV) (incl. Reg. FC) 219·54 17 19 127 65 62 1/3/36 Laxmanpur (RV) 391·65 31 31 188 101 87 1/3/37 B:.tkultala CRY) (incl. Hq. FC and APWD Camp) 595·25 681 695 2,409 1,591 818 1/3/38 Sabari (RV) (incl. Yeratta FC and APWD Camp) .1,140'71 112 112 544 301 243 1/3/39 Bharatpur (RV) . 199'99 14 14 82 45 37 113/40 Vishnupur (RV) 345·53 18 18 117 64 53 113 115 1/3/41 Shyamkund (RV) 457·41 44 44 228 1/3/42 Shaktigarh (RV) (inc). APWD Camp) 343·59 54 64 264 133 131 75 50 1/3/43 Cheralungra (Extr. flC) NA 31 31 125 1/3/44 Kaushalyanagar (RV) (inc!. Kau- shalyanagar BPC and Kalsi BPC Camp) 453·76 109 109 613 309 304 162 102 60 1/3/45 Cheralungra II (Reg. FC) NA 63 63 65 239 134 105 1/3/46 Boroinyol II (Reg. FC) ; & (APWD) NA 65 U N I N H A B I T E D 1/3/47 Boroinyol 6 (Reg. FC) NA N I N H A B I T E D 1/3{48 Bangaon (RV) (incl. Reg. FC) 81·83 U 1/3/49 Porlobjig No. 15 (FC) (APWD) & (BPC) . NA 83 83 270 149 121 67 67 143 98 45 1/3/50 Porlobjig No. 10 (APWD) & (BPC) NA FC) & 1/3/~1 Porlobjig No. 9 (Reg. (APWD) NA 26 26 108 57 51 1 8 8 1/3/52 Y/Jig No.9 (BPC) NA NA 8 8 31 18 13 1/3/53 Y/Jig No. 11 (BPC) NA 74 74 246 141 105 .. 1/3/54 Yeratiljig (Extr. FC) Boreham Valley (Forest Settlement 113/55 A B T E D Area) . NA U N I N H 193


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Loca- Literates W0rkers wcrkers tion Total Main Cultivators Agricultura I Household OtherWor- Code Workers (1) Labourers Industry, kers (III, No, (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, IV, V (b) Processing, and VI to Servicing' & IX) Repairs V(a) ----- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

12 11 32 32 26 4. 1/3/27 7 7 7 " 1/3/28 8 8 8 " 1/3/29 9 9 9 " 113/30 23 12 10 10 22 23 1/3/31 44 27 49 49 8 27 60 59 1/3/32 45 25 68 66 13 35 66 1/3/33 48 28 52 31 21 11 30 50 1/3/34 36 25 35 29 6 11 30 51 1/3/35 60 32 44 27 3 14 13 31 44 56 1/3/36 987 327 1,118 19 32 7 10 2 " 1,074 11 28 26 445 773 1/3/37

150 82 149 63 16 70 20 23 132 210 1/3/38

18 12 19 14 :; 2 26 37 1/3/39 37 16 33 22 7 4 31 52 1/3/40 65 41 -'9 3 23 18 18 2 15 53 97 1/3/41 55 36 73 27 45 60 131 1/3/.2

35 18 31 31 3 41 50 1/3/.3 169 110 152 3 92 24 36 3 157 301 1/3/44

32 16 69 68 33 50 1/3/45 59 27 65 65 69 104 1/3/46 1/3/47 U N I N H A B I T E D 1/3/48 51 25 92 92 57 121 1/3/49

52 10 82 82 16 45 1/3/50 10 26 26 31 51 1/3/51

8 8 8 1/3/52 11 8 8 8 10 13 1/1/53 39 17 77 77 2 64 102 1/3/54 U N I N H A B T E D 1/3/55 194

vILLAGE PRIMARY District: Andamans

Loca- N"me of Village Area No. of No. of Total j::opulation Sehedukd Schduhd tion of vil - Oeeu- House- ('neluding instilution"i CosIes Trices Code lase in pied holds & Hcuse1ess Nc. hectares Resi- Population dential Houses

P M F M F 1\1 F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1/3/55 Foster Valley (Forest Settlement Area) NA 11 11 77 40 37 . 1/3/57 Jermy Vally (Forest Settlement Area) NA U N N H A B T E D 1/3/58 Macarthy Vally (Forest Settlement Area) NA 19 19 105 47 58 1/3/59 Kadamtala (RV) (inel. Sautanu Reg. Hq. Fe.) ;,218.24 388 388 1,930 1,021 909 1/3/60 Bamboo Tikry (BPC NA 7 7 37 18 19 1/3/61 Santanu (RV) 244.11 208 208 8SS 469 386 1/3/62 uttara CRY) (incl. Jetty Dera APWD ,:_~amp) 554.05 110 110 6S6 345 311 NA 5 5 10 1/3/66 Gol Pahar, E(F)A . 22 12 NA 15 49 29 20 1/3/67 Cut burt Bay. E(F)A 15 NA 8 4 1/3/68 Chotallgbang (Jarawa) 8 8 4 1/3/69 Between Chottalibang and Foul Bay (Jarawa) (No name). NA 13 13 14 12 2 NA 7 9 5 4 1/3/70 Foul Bay (Jarawa) . 7 PORLOB ISLAND NA 7 9 13 11 2 1/3/63 Porlob Dept. (FC). LONG ISLAND NA 7 7 12 7 5 1,3/64 Lalajigboy (Agri. Camp) . 1/3/65 Long Island (RV) (inel. Hq. Work shop FC) 400.33 413 424 1,568 940 628

Note; RV-Revenue Village E(F)A-Encroached (Forest) Area, FC-Forest (amp, BPC-Bush Police: Camp. APWD-Andaman Public Works Department. 195


MAIN WO.R.KERS Marginal Non-workers Loca- Literates Workers tion Total Main Cultivat'Jrs Agricultural Household Other Work- Code Workers (I) Labourers Industry, cers (III, IV, No, (I-X) (II) Manufacturing, V (b) and Processing, VI to IX) Servicing & Repairs V (a) --- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

24 13 14 14 2 6 24 30 1/3/56

U N ~ H A B T E D 1/3/57

19 15 16 3 15 3 6 3 25 52 1/3/58

589 312 503 20 254 4 63 185 16 4 2 514 887 1/3/59 14 12 7 7 11 19 [/3/60 268 147 245 3 61 18 166 3 224 382 1/3/61

183 94 168 5 111 23 34 5 177 306 1/3/62 3 2 6 6 4 ] 1 1/3/66 6 2 16 16 13 19 1/6/67 4 4 4 4 .. 1/3/68

11 2 11 2 1/3/69 5 3 5 3 1 1/3/70

3 2 9 9 2 2 1/3/63

4 1 7 7 5 1/3/64

600 305 604 10 5 8 591 10 3 7 333 611 113/68


197 198

District : Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARy

Loca­ Name of Yillage Area No. of No. of Total population Scheduled Scheduled tion of Vil­ Occu­ House­ (including Institu­ Castes Trites Code lage in oied holds tional & Houseless No. hec­ Resi­ Population) tares dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

NORTH PASSAGE ISLAND 1/4/1 Merk Bay (Agri. Camp) NA 7 7 15 10 5 1 !4/2 Elephenstone Harbour (Depot- work FC) NA 35 38 140 78 62

STRAIT ISLAND 1/4/3 Strait island (AS) NA 11 11 41 29 12 15 12

BARATANGISLAND 1/4}5 Pawajig (Extr. FC) NA 50 59 183 104 79 1/416 Pawajig (Contractors FC) NA 44 136 276 243 33 114'7 P.1;Jita Dera (Extr. & Reg. FC) NA 32 32 100 57 43 1/4/8 Adojig NA 56 58 326 179 147 1/4/9 Adojig, E(F)A NA U N I N H A B T E D 1/4/10 Bejoygarh (RV) 71· 43 39 39 205 120 85 1/4/11 Udayagarh (RY) . 24'26 13 13 88 45 43 1/4112 S'lnkar Nallaha (APWD) NA 84 84 243 151 92 1/4/13 Vishnu Nallaha (APWD) NA 25 25 71 41 30 1/4/14 Lorrogij Valley, E(F)A NA U N N H A B I T E D 1/4/15 Bolcha, E(F)A NA U N N H A B I T E D 1/4/16 S:mth Creek (Extr.-Cum-Reg. PC) NA 79 79 373 206 167 1/4/17 South Creek, E(F)A NA 8 8 60 33 27 1/4/18 Sundergarh (RV) 301·24 103 103 526 291 235 1/4/19 Nilambur, E(F)A NA U N N H A B I T E D 1/4/20 Kanchangarh (RV) 228·77 11 11 101 49 52 1/4/21 Nilambur (RY) 148·83 212 212 779 474 305 114122 Middle Strait (PC) & (BPC) NA 59 59 239 120 119 1/4/23 Abaygarh (RV) 36'49 9 9 60 27 33 1/4/24 Ranglachang (RY) 60·06 6 6 39 20 19 1/4/25 Ranglachang (PC) NA 2 2 8 5 3 1/4/26 Nayagarh (RV) 338·00 54 57 303 175 128 1/4/27 Lal Tlkary (BPC) NA 3 3 12 9 3 1/4/28 Rajatgarh (RV) 147·09 24 24 189 99 90 1/4/29 Wrafter's Creek (RY) . 83'49 93 93 394 228 166 1/4/30 Wrafters Creek. E(F)A NA U N I N H A B I T E D

PEEL ISLAND 1/4/31 Peel Island (No., III FC) NA 21 21 68 61 7 1/4/32 Peel Island (No. II FC) NA 13 13 40 25 15 1/4133 Peel Island Nol I PC) . NA 6 6 13 13 1{4/34 Peel Island (No. IV PC) NA 40 40 124 109 15

~--~-~---~- -_.------_"" --- NOTE: RV-Revenue Village,E(F)A-Encroached (Porest) Area, FC-Porest Camp, BPC-Bush Pol.lce Camp, AS-Andamanese Settlement, APWD-Andaman Public Works Department, FDC-Forest Development CorporatJon, OS -Once SettJcmfflt NS-Nicobarese Settlement. 199


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non­ Loca­ Literates Workers workers tion Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Code Workers (I) Labourers Industry, (III, IV, V(b) No. (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, and VI to IX) Processing, Servicing & Repairs [V (a)]

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ----_._------13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ------

4 1 7 7 3 5 1/4/1 34 20 41 2 41 2 2 37 53 11U2

13 2 24 3 24 3 3 5 6 1un

34 15 60 60 44 79 1/4/5 107 2 228 228 15 33 1/4/6 25 8 44 1 43 13 43 1/4/7 77 40 78 8 54 6 4 2 18 2 8 53 93 R6 1/4/R U N N H A B T E D 1/4/9 49 28 50 29 13 8 11 14 59 71 1/4/10 36 12 14 12 2 7 14 24 29 1/4/11 78 30 102 102 3 46 92 1/4(12 25 10 26 26 15 30 1/4/13 U N N H A B T E D 1/4/14 UNINHAB T T E D 1/4/15 65 94 34 1 26 93 8 19 112 114 1/4/16 4 16 12 8 12 8 1 16 14 1/4/17 102 137 3 45 7 85 3 8 44 146 188 1/4/18 U N N H A B I T E D 1/4/19 29 27 21 13 18 11 2 1 13 27 26 1/4/20 313 117 272 11 2 269 10 15 54 187 240 114/21 53 30 62 62 58 119 1/4/22 21 18 12 8 2 2 2 13 13 20 1/4,23 12 8 11 6 2 3 8 9 11 1/4/24 3 2 2 3 3 1/4/25 83 55 115 28 24 33 26 58 4 12 56 88 1/4/26 8 9 9 3 1/4/27 65 42 53 17 34 14 10 9 3 5 8 41 65 1/4/28 95 59 109 2 26 2 81 19 62 100 102 1/4/29 UNINHAB T E D 1/4/30

29 58 58 3 7 1/4/31 4 2 21 21 4 15 1/4/32 4 13 13 1/4/33 42 3 104 104 5 15 1/4/34 200

District Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARY

Loca­ N8me of Village Area No. of No. of Tetal P(pulation Scheduled Scheduled tion of ViI­ Occu­ House­ (including Institu­ Castes Tribes Code lagein pied holds tional & Houselesg No. hee­ Resi­ Population tart~s dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

HAVELOCK ISLAND 114/36 Bejoy Nagar (RV) 292'06 65 65 356 180 176 1/4/37 Govinda Nagar (RV) 359·67 272 275 1,248 655 593 3 2 1/4/38 Shyam Nagar (RV) 311'14 64 64 338 184 154 1/4/39 Krishna Nagar (RV) 363'24 77 77 467 227 240 1/4:40 Radha Nagar (RV) 391·63 32 32 191 102 89

NEIL ISLAND 1/4/41 Sitapur (RY) NA 30 30 189 98 91 1/4/42 Bharatpur (RV) NA 45 46 225 127 98 114/43 Nei I Kendra (RV) NA 140 146 482 298 184 1/4/44 Lakshmanpur (RV) NA 44 44 276 145 131 1/4/45 Ram Nagar (RV) NA 62 62 388 218 170

SOUTH ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 114/47 Minnie Bay (RV). 16"50 24 24 86 50 36 114/48 School Line (RV) 140·04 65 65 349 189 160 1.4149 Dollyganj (RV) 172-87 62 62 352 196 156 1/4/50 Pahargaon (Ry) _ 172-90 329 329 1,393 803 590 1/4/51 Austinabad (RV) . 132-15 97 97 487 270 217 1/4152 Brookshabad (RV) 414'66 52 52 197 124 73 3 1(4/53 Brichgunj (RV) 431-34 55 55 329 190 139 114154 Protherapur (RV). 463-36 216 2J6 996 553 443 'j 114!55 Glracharma (RV) (incl. Misc. FC). 585'91 358 362 1,644 892 752 3 114/56 Teylorabad (RV) . 413·05 120 121 520 299 221 1/4/57 Cali cut (RV) 421·50 126 127 679 380 299 1/4/58 B~adonabad (RY) 616'25 131 131 596 357 239 114'59 Rqngachang-Makhapahar, E(F)A . NA 19 19 80 50 30 1/4!60 Rangachang (RV) (including Extr. FC, Burma Nallaha Extr_ FC, Makhapahar Misc. PC and Rangachang Misc. PC) 587·15 135 135 645 371 274 114'61 Kodiaghat-Burma Nallaha, E(F)A NA 33 33 132 71 61 1/4162 Bimlitan (RV) 1,997'83 83 83 499 282 217 1/4 163 Chidiyatapu (RV) (incl. Misc. PC) 1,373'17 47 47 246 153 93 1/4.'64 Bada Nallah (Bada Balu, E(F)A NA 24 24 108 62 46 1/4/65 Munda Pahat. E(F)A . NA 11' 11 25 13 12 1/4189 Chidyatapur (Contractor's Camp & PC) • NA 42 46 170 141 29

RUl'LAND ISLAND 1/4/66 Rutland island (No. I PC) NA 67 67 250 174 76 1/4!67 Rutland island (No. III PC) NA 2 2 5 5 1/4168 Rutland isaland (No. IV PC) NA 41 41 299 294 5 1/4169 Rutland island (No. II PC) _ NA 51 51 218 190 28 201

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil : Port Blair

Marginal Non- ______MAIN WORKERS Workers Workers Literates Loca­ Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers tion Workers (I) Labourers Industry, (III, IV, V(b) Code (I-IX) (II) Manufacturing, and VI to IX) No. Processing, Servicing & Repairs [V(a)] ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

]3 ]4 16 17 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 2j 26 27 28

90 63 77 4 70 3 7 3 103 169 1/4/36 377 226 336 20 107 4 10 2]9 ] 5 5 12 3]4 561 1/4/37 101 58 8) 4 51 2 34 2 5 26 94 124 1/4/38 139 84 ]02 5 80 4 22 2 124 233 ]/4/39 58 31 47 4 41 3 6 55 85 1/4/40

40 18 47 40 5 2 50 91 ]/4/41 66 40 74 46 17 11 53 98 1/4/42 193 8] 195 6 7 77 2 ]09 5 2 4 10] ]74 1,4/43 67 39 62 2 49 2 8 5 83 129 1/4144 13) 74 106 4 95 4 3 8 2 110 166 1/4/45

34 21 26 26 2 22 36 1/4/47 124 85 97 12 4 93 12 3 89 147 1/4/48 ]40 88 100 4 22 4 74 4 9 6 87 146 1/4/49 479 252 454 12 9 17 428 11 24 49 325 529 1/4/50 143 9] 154 4 14 3 137 4 2 3 114 210 1/4;51 61 17 82 2 80 2 42 71 1,4/)2 147 80 93 13 12 6 75 13 2 95 126 1/4/53 39] 258 288 16 15 11 ] 261 16 17 22 248 405 1/4/54 543 3)9 407 26 24 6 7 370 2) 50 49 43) 677 1/4/55 V 151 70 162 3 63 2] 78 3 14 24 123 194 1/4/56 257 162 189 8 64 33 2 91 5 5 21 186 270 1/4/57 184 76 198 6 80 3 )0 67 3 15 66 144 167 1/4/,S 27 7 26 24 2 24 30 1/4/59 225 128 197 7 38 20 139 7 4 2 170 265 1/4/6()

54 23 42 37 2 3 1 9 28 52 1/4/61 168 97 162 1"9 7 46 2 2 118 215 1/4/62 76 40 104 21 14 69 2 49 91 1/4/63 34 2] 42 24 9 9 20 45 1/4/64 3 1 9 2 7 3 12 1/4/65

64 5 127 127 14 29 1/4/&9

76 16 139 51 88 5 30 76 j/4/66 5 5 J/4/67 39 292 292 2 ) 1/4,68 40 7 175 175 15 28 1/4/69

------.------~---."'--. -~- 202

District Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARY

Loca- Name of Village Area No. of No.d Total Population Scheduled Scheduled tion of Vil- OCCll- Hou,c- (includiIlY Ins(itu- Castes Tribes Code lage in pied holds tional & Houselcss No. hee- Resi- Population) ta'TS dentjal Houses

---_-- P M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 9 10 11 12

LITTLE ANDAMAN ISLAND 1/4/70 Dugong Creek (OS) NA 34 34 88 50 38 37 36 1/4171 Vivekanandapuram (RV) NA 190 190 960 525 435 IJ4/72 IVth Village (Rabindra Nagar) NA 49 49 278 142 136 1/4 173 Forest Capm at 19 KM (FOC) NA 2 2 4 4 1i4174 Ramakrishnapur (RV) . NA 280 285 1,531 840 691 11475 ForestClmp at 14KM 5-III(FOC) . NA 5 24 40 40 2 114/76 Forest Camp at 14 KM 5-lI (FOC). NA 10 25 53 52 J 1/4177 FJrest Clmp at 14KM 5-I(POC) . NA 8 23 76 67 9 1/4,,78 Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-III(FOC) NA 38 38 208 183 25 1/4/79 Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-IV(FOC) NA 3 3 31 31 114/80 Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-11 (FOe). NA 6 6 45 45 114181 Butler Bay ,Forest CRmp 4-1 (FOC). NA 3 3 10 10 1/4/82 Netaji Nagar (RV) NA 87 87 412 250 162 1/4(83 Red Oil Pdlm (Nursery) Camp NA 8 8 57 48 9 1/4134 Mis A~ia & Com:Hny (A<;ia Tim- ber) Product (Private) . NA 13 13 33 23 10 1/4/85 Hut Bay Area NA 762 766 2,687 1,780 907 5 4 1/4/86 Hlrmender Bay (NS) NA 60 60 672 388 284 386 284 1/4/87 South Bay (Light House Camp) NA 2 2 2 2 1/4/88 South Bay (OS) • NA 9 9 27 17 10 13 10 203

CENSUS ABSTRACT Teh!iil : Port Blair

MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non. Loca. Literates Workers workers tjon Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Workers Code Workers (1) Labourers Industry, (III· IV, V(b) No. (I-IX) (TI) Manufacturing, and VI to Processing, IX) Servicing, Repairs rV (a)} _~ _____ o~ ___ _..._,~

___ ' __ ~_'F"_' -~~~"--~-~ ~-~------. - ._- .. _--_._--,_--_ . M P M F M F M F M P M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ------

28 ; 42 29 42 29 R 9 1/4/70 321 13:'\ 249 5 173 :I 26 2 .tg 2 '176 428 1/4/71 99 % 84 14 75 14 (l _1 57 121 1!4112 :1 4 4 114/73 ') 504 237 401 246 4 :14 ~ 11 R 4 2K 40 411 642 1/4/74 2S 40 40 1/4/7:, 27 52 1 51 1/4/76 36 2 66 1 65 5 1 4 1/4/77 99 5 166 25 141 17 25 1/4/78 II 31 10 21 .. 1/4/79 32 45 45 , . 1/4/80 3 10 10 .. 1/4/8] .168 72 136 62 74 3 Iii 162 1/4/82 29 4 48 48 9 1/4/83 21 8 22 4 22 4 6 J /4 84 1,052 348 1,285 33 3 12 2 1,269 31 22 13 473 861 1/4/85 129 49 242 242 6 4 140 280 1/4/86 2 2 2 J /4/87 3 15 15 2 10 1/4/88

17-310 R. G. India/ND/85


205 206

District: Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Code Village Occu- Housa- (including Inst!- Castes Tribes No. in pied holds tutional & House- hectares Resi- less Population dential Houses

- --_...... -.....------J> M F M r M p

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SOUTH ANDAMAN ISLAND (PART) 1/5/1 Shoal Bay No. 17 (PC) . NA 66 66 194 120 74 115/2 Shoa I Bay (RY) (incl. Shoal 'Bay No.10 Beat work PC. Shoal Bay No.8,9,lO&12APWD Camps) . 787'46 211 211 910 526 384 U:U Kalatang (RV) (inc!. Extr. FC) 93'6J 12 12 ,,0 26 14 1/514 Wright Myo CRV) (incl. Transi I Depot.PC) 108'02 141 141 649 355 294 1/:'/5 Madhuban (RY) (incl. Elephant Training Camp PC) . 1299' 53 16 22 39 28 11 1/5/6 Malapuram (RV) 166'18 56 56 330 178 152 115/7 Mannarghat(RV)(incI.Misc.PC) . 469·08 129 129 739 388 351 1/5/8 Wimberlygunj (RV) (incl. Beat Check-Post PC) 184·35 510 510 2,311 1,286 1,025 1/5/9 Stewartgunj (RV) 83'14 93 93 592 300 292 1/5/10 Mount Harriet (R \') 4·11 1 2 2 2 1/5/11 North Bay (RV) 337'33 49 54 210 114 96 IJ5/12 Hope Town (RV) 107·38 144 144 594 340 254 115/13 Panighat, E(P)A NA 4 4 11 9 2 115/14 Shore Point (RV) 62'23 370 373 1,129 706 423 1 1/5115 Bambooflat (RV) (incl. Beat Check- Post FC) NA 870 873 3,686 2,146 1,540 IJ5/16 Govindapuram (RY) 109·03 52 52 377 187 190 1/5/17 Knapuram (Ry) . NA 76 76 542 294 248 115/18 Kadakachang (RV) (inc!. Transit Depot. FC) NA 41 41 215 116 99 1}5/19 Alipllr (RV) 15'40 U N 1 N H A B I T E D 1/5/20 Mathura (RV) 152'17 64 64 356 192 164 1/5/21 8indraban (RV) 379·72 163 163 739 402 337 115/22 Beach Dera. E(P)A NA 32 32 151 75 76 1/5/23 Jhinga Nallaha (BPC) & (APWD) . NA 31 31 120 67 53 1/5'24 Mi Ie Ti lek CRY) (incl. Beach Dera FC) 65·61 46 46 227 130 97 1/)/25 Mile Tilek, E(F)A NA 10 10 35 19 16 1/)/26 Mile TlI~k (Agd. Research Parm) . NA 44 44 114 74 40 1/5/27 Jirkatang No.2, E(P)A NA 7 7 15 11 4 1/5/28 Jirkatang NQ. 2 (RY) (Incl. APWD & BPC Camps) NA 112 112 440 246 194 IJ5/29 Jirkatang No.3 (FC) NA 3 3 13 8 5 1/5/30 Jirkatang Camp No.7 (Extr. FC) NA 114 114 425 247 178 1/5/31 Jirkatallg Camp No.8 (APWD) & (BPC) NA ,U N I N H A B I T E D 115/32 Burataga (PC) NA 23 23 110 57 53 :2 1/;/33 Pochang (PC) NA 46 46 188 90 98 1/5/34 Poona Nallaha (BPC) & (APWD) . NA 3 3 18 18 1/5.135 Chotta Dhoni Nallaha (BPC) & (APWD) NA u N N H A B I T E D

NOTE: RV- Revenue Village, E(F)A- Encroached (Forest) Area. PC- Porest Camo, BPC--BllSh Police Camp, APWD-Andaman Poblte Works Department. 207

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil : Ferrargunj

Literates MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Location --- Workers Workers Cede Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Other r-,.c, Workers (I) Labourers Industry, Workers (I-IX) (II) Manufactu- (III, IV, ring, Pro- V(b) and ceasing, VI to IX) Servicing & Repairs [V(a)] M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ----M F 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 28

51 23 71 71 4\1 74 1/5/1 296 189 301 4 10 42 189 3 2 12 222 368 1/5/2

17 .. 15 15 11 14 1/5/3 247 150 192 6 S 1 17 2 168 5 4 13 159 275 1/5/4

10 1 21 21 7 7 4 1/5/5

109 72 71 4 9 3 6 56 13 6 ')4 142 1/5/6 261 174 136 7 21 a ,2 157 ;, 12 19 190 325 1/5/7 1/5/8

867 543 ~89 53 23 1 31 6 4- 3 531 43 39 68 658 904 150 89 108 r.. 7 I 3 100 2 4tl 60 152 226 I/S/9

2 2 " 115/10 28 l! 76 1 76 I 38 95 1/5/11 217 115 172 8 4 16 151 7 5 23 163 223 1/5/12 4 2 7 7 2 2 1/5/13 399 152 512 11 3 509 10 8 2 186 410 1/5/14 1,161 605 1,212 45 23 24 19 1 1,146 43 24 32 910 1,463 1/5/15 128 108 82 2 19 63 2 5 13 100 175 1/5/16 18~ 123 108 4 39 8 61 3 42 73 144 171 1/5/17 79 50 65 2 11 6 48 2 11 51 86 1/5/18 U N 1 N H A B I T E D J/5/J9 132 92 88 '+ 16 10 61 4 26 104 134 1/5/20 247 162 210 36 26 13 17 2 6 161 20 192 301 1/5/21 27 34 34 4 1 33 4 4 21 37 51 1/5/22 35 21 40 40 27 53 1/5/23 84 47 64 3 13 5 2 44 3 12 65 82 1/3/24 10 4 14 14 2 3 16 1/5/25 29 8 57 56 17 38 1/5/26 9 1 10 1 1 3 1/5/27 1/5/28 165 107 132 4 5 2 121 2 113 192 1/5/29 3 3 3 3 5 5 1/5/30 122 71 131 131 1 10 115 167 1/5/31 U N I N H A B I T E D 25 18 23 23 34 S3 1/5/32 45 26 45 45 1 1 34 44 63 1/5/33 17 18 18 .. 1/5/34 U N I N H A B I T E D 1/5/35 208

District: Andamans VILLAGE PRIMARY'

L",cation Name of Village Area of No. c:f N .of Total P< pulation Scheduled Schecuijed C"de Village Occu­ Heuse­ (including Insti­ Castes TJibes No. in pied holds tutional & HC'use- hectares Resi­ less Population dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1/5/36 Potatang (FC) NA 42 42 140 98 42 1/5/37 Port Meadow (FC) NA 29 29 93 50 43 115/38 Fcrrargunj (RV) (Inclc. Misc. FC) 338·81 131 131 615 348 267 1/5/39 Aniket (RY) 89·13 22 22 135 75 60 1/5/40 N 111nn.lghilr (RV) (incl. EJ;tr. fC) 1311·83 156 156 705 399 306 1/5/41 Dundaspoint (RV) 167·26 69 69 368 218 ISO 36 6 1/5/42 Mithakhari (RV) . 805·08 119 122 657 372 285 1/5/43 Clddlegunj (RY) 364·67 68 68 392 208 184 1/5/44 Temple Myo (RV) 1384·19 18 18 103 54 49 1/5/45 Tirur III (BPC) NA 1 1 10 10 1/5/46 Tirur I (A) (PBC) NA 3 3 14 10 4 1/5!47 Tirur (RV) (incl.l, II DP Camps) . NA 38 38 241 138 103 1/5!48 Herbertabad (RV) 88·78 52 52 336 180 156 1/5/49 Anjali Nallaha (BPC) NA 1 I 10 10 1/S/S0 Tirur IV (BPC) NA 1 1 10 10 1/5/51 Colinpur (RV) 73·32 34 34 181 77 104 1/5/52 Manpur (RY) (incl. Reg. FC) 331·64 103 103 530 282 248 1/5/53 Tusonabad (RV) (incl. Misc. Work FC) 262·27 134 134 751 403' 348' ~. 1/5/54 Ograbraij (RV) 373·87 136 137 801 420 381 1/515!> Muslim Basti (RY) 298·09 1 1 7 5 2 1/5/56 Hobdipur (RV) 512'20 38 38 261 135 126 1/5/57 Mohwa Dera (RV) 701'20 4 10 12 11 1 1/5/58 Balughat (RY) 340·32 7 7 26 17 9 1/5/59 Port M:JUat (RY) (inc!. Extr.! Depot.FC) . 334,29 44 44 237 139 98 115/6D Badmash Pahar (RV) 98'46 27 27 144 77 67 1/5/61 Craikabaci (RY) 39·49 26 26 141 77 64 1/5/62 Plat Bay (RV) NA 2 2 3 2 1 1/5/63 Chouldari (RV) 105'4·34 230 230 1,177 634 543 1/5/64 Maymyo (RV) 309·67 33 33 153 95 58 1/5/6) Maymyo, E(l<)A NA 3 3 14 7 7 1/5/66 Wandur (RY) (incl. Misc. FC) 707·87 121 124 656 340 316 1/5/67 Hashmatabad (RY) NA 38 38 203 113 90 1/5/68 Hashmatabad, E(Jo)A NA 7 7 38 16 22 1/5/69 &omfreygunj (RV) 183·38 47 47 243 124 119 1/5/70 Dhanikhari (RV) 354'13 72 72 342 214 128 1/5/71 Sipighat (RV) NA 103 103 472 278 194 1/5/72 Nayashahar (RV) (Inc!. Extr. FC) NA 50 50 201 111 90 . 1/5{73 Nayashahar, E(F)A NA 17 17 90 48 42 1/5/74 Manglutan' (RY) (inc!. Mi sc, FC) 716·54 261 261 1,097 620 477 1/5/75 Manglutan, E(P)A NA 42 42 216 107 109 1/5/76 Guptapara (RV) (incl. Extr. FC) NA 89 89 458 252 206 1/5/71 Manjeri·Llne Dera, E(P)A NA 9 9 49 46 3 1/5/78 ManjerJ (RV) . 3399·11 49 49 153 94 59 VIPER ISLAND 1/5/79 Viper island (RY) NA 7 7 209

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil : lierrargunj Literates MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non. Lccation ------~ Workers Total Main workers Cede Cultivators Agricultural Household Other No. Workers (J) Lab(1urers Industry, W(1rkers (I·DO (II) Manufactu- (III. IV, ring,_ Pro- V(b) and cesslng. VI to IX) Servicing & Repairs [V(a)] M F M ------F M F M F M F M F --M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

39 11 60 60 38 42 1/5/36 22 21 30 30 20 43 115(37 256 155 164 7 83 81 6 2 182 259 1/5j38 60 33 25 5 10 1 15 4 2 48 54 Ij5/39 241 127 218 9 50 2 23 2 145 5' 1 180 297 1}5J40 139 99 141 16 9 1 7 125 15 77 134 1:5 '41 196 11.5 190 3 62 1 37 91 2 8 174 282 1/5/42 130 78 85 5 41 4 3 40 1 4 1 119 178 1}5/43 30 28 30 22 3 5 5 16 19 33 1/5/44 10 £0 10 1/5/45 9 I 9 " 9 1 4 115/46 64 85 43 35 1 28 14 103 1/5/47 130 81 84 46 11 24 99 155 1/5/48 10 10 10 115149 9 10 '. 10 1/5/50 38 37 38 2 23 3 12 39 102 1/5/51 187 121 165 6 57 ~7 91 !) 3 114 241 .1241 J165 1/5/52 212 17 50 15 146 16 191 331 1/5/53 ,.- 162 229 199 2S 45 57 6 4 91 21 4 18, 217 338 115154"_' . 1 1 1 1 4 2 1/5/55 82 78 67 44 10 13 2 68 124 1/5/56 6 11 11 1 1/5/57 6 16 1 15 1 9 1/5/58 92 58 85 13 15 2 30 8 40 3 54 85 1/)/59 33 39 51 8 15 3 13 4 10 1 7 38 52 1/5/60 53 36 41 4 12 4 25 4 2 36 58 1/5/61 2 .2 1 1/5162 321 202 328 25 89 2 79 .2 160 21 3 306 51S I/S/63 54 25 46 15 9 22 4 4 45 54 1/5/64 1 2 4 1 6 "I 1/5/65 171 III 16~ 8 96 4 16 53 4 36 79 139 229 1/5166 66 3S 59 2 18 1 10 30 10 20 44 68 1/5/67 16 1 12 1 10 5 22 54 1/5/68 83 69 2 33 6 30 2 55 117 115 55 132 3 115/69 33 11 88 3 82 125 1/S{70 182 96 147 4 67 10 70 4 131 190 1/5[71 76 46 73 3 42 IS 16 2 38 87 23 14 14 1/5/72 8 2 4 3 4 31 38 1/5/73 371 203 362 23 80 8 30 3 4 248 12 21 258 433 1/5/74 51 13 13 13 94 109 1/5175 147 90 131 7 37 62 32 5 121 199 115/76 19 4.2 42 4 3 1/5/71 045 20 62 15 13 34 32 S9 1/5/78

4 7 1 .. 1/5/79


211 212

VILLAGE PRIMARY District : Nicobar Island

L0cltion N tlne of Vi I lage Area No. of No. of TOlal Population Scheduled Scheduled Code of Occilpied House- (inciudinglnstitutional House- Castes Tribes No. Vill- Residen- holds less Fopulation) age in tial hectares Houses ------P M F ------M F -----M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


2/111 Mus NA 168 16tl 1,420 713 707 685 695 2/1/2 Kinmai NA 58 58 524 273 251 271 249 2/1;3 Small Lapa(i NA 91 91 790 395 395 394 395 2}lj4 Big Lapati (Jayanti) NA 185 185 1,219 637 582 452 414

2/t}5 Tapoiming NA· 66 66 61.7 302 315 _ . 302 315 2/1/6 Chuckhucha NA 88 81:l 804 437 367 375 361 2/1/7 Kinuaka NA 93 93 916 438 478 431 472 2/1/8 Tamaloo NA 94 95 1,261 634 627 622 623 2/1/9 Perka NA 2tL~· ,: 2H! ~,6~3,\ " 785 .848 747 824 2/1/10 Malacca NA :r 5i7 ' 518 '24~T, _' 1 ;411 1,046 654 593 2/1/11 IAF Camp . NA 15 15 39 18 24 2/1/12 Kakana (incl. APWD NA 117 117 707 393 314 385 311 Camp) 2}1113 Kimois NA 97 98 641 316 325 311 325 2/1/14 Arong (incl. Aukchang) NA 88 88 839 442 397 415 380 2/1/15 Sawai NA III 111 1,148 592 556 568 538 2/1/16 Teetop NA 64 64 471 245 226 208 198 213

CENSUS 'ABSTRACT Teh,n : Car Nicobat

MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-workers Location Tutal Mlin CultiYltors Agricultural Household In­ Other Workers Workers Code Workers (1) Labourers du~try Manufac- (Ill, IV, V(b) No. (I-IX) (II) turing, Process­ and VI to IX) ing, Servicing & ---- Repairs'----- [V(a)) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

379 286 201 31 23 '} 178 22 113 HiS 399 491 2/1/1 144 105 123 4 31 92 4 19 9,) 131 157 2/1/2 207 136 179 47 34 178 13 5 5<> 211 298 2/1/3 377 253 288 18 33 2 255 16 25 163 324 401 2jl/4

152 79 144 21 71 18 D " 3 30 155 264 2/1/5 194 96 216 55 96 64 119 9 1 221 311 2/1/6 187 128 195 106 61 97 134 9 .l4 73 2:>9 299 2/2/7 202 131 214 36 70 32 144 ,. 96 244 324 347 2(1/8 251 199 370 16 139 3 230 13 8 24 407 808 2,1/9 773 410 600 49 35 3 565 46 128 160 683 837 2/110 13 13 14 14 4 20 2/1/11 160 63 170 95 101 4 69 91 24 30 199 189 2/1/12

151 115 170 44 65 28 104 16 25 123 121 158 2/1/13 199 123 130 4 98 32 4 III 212 201 181 2/1/14 287 166 276 66 110 165 66 3 316 487 2(1 15 135 96 119 4 83 36 4 3 126 219 2/1 (16


215 216

District : Nicobars VILLAGE PRIMARY

Loca­ N lme of Vi llage Alea No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Literates tion of Occu- House- ing Institutional & HOllse- Castes Tribes Code Village pied holds less population) No. in hec- Resi- tares dential Houses

P 1\1 p M p M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

CHOURA ISLAND 21211 Tahaila (incl. APWD NA 59 S9 367 187 180 187 180 25 5 Camps situated at Old School building). 2i2,2 Chongkamong NA 24 24 151 81 70 81 70 18 6 2/2[3 Alhlat . NA 33 33 216 118 98 115 98 21 4 2;214 Kuitasuk NA :12 32 198 101 97 100 97 22 4 2i2/5 Ralhfon NA 34 34 186 89 97 89 97 10

TERESSA ISLAND 2/2/6 . Aloorang NA 30 30 172 85 87 85 87 20 5 2/2/7 Aloora. NA 17 17 63 29 34 29 34 6 1 2/2/8 Enam • NA 32 32 127 66 61 65 61 19 5 2/2/9 Luxi NA 24 24 109 58 51 58 S1 9 2/2/10 Kalara. NA 23 23 116 65 51 65 51 5 2 212/11 Chuk Machi NA 12 12 58 32 26 30 26 13 3 2/2/12 Safed Balu NA 8 8 32 16 16 16 16 3 2/2/13 Miyuk. NA 27 27 123 57 66 50 64 16 9 2/2/14 Kanahinot NA 5 5 29 19 10 19 10 1 2/2115 Kalasi. NA 35 35 199 99 100 99 100 5 212/16 BengaJi(incl.APWD Camp) NA 51 SI 189 112 77 76 73 39 11

BOMPOKA ISLAND 2/2/17 Bompoka . NA 13 13 53 29 24 26 24 5

KATCHALL ISLAND 2/2/18 Jhoola (incl. APWD Camp) NA 37 37 263 155 108 143 102 70 24 2/2/19 Jansin (incI.APWD Camp) NA 30 30 186 104 82 82 68 29 16 2/2/20 Hitlat . NA 12 12 85 41 44 37 44 19 13 212121 MavatapisjMaratapia NA 2 2 26 17 9 16 9 11 3 2/2{22 Chonghipoh . NA 1 12 6 6 4 {} 3 5 2/2/23 Sanaya NA 20 20 113 60 53 50 49 33 19 2/2/24 Alkaipoh/Alkrj[>oh NA 23 23 180 90 90 90 90 39 26 2i2/25 Alhitoth/Alhiloth NA 8 8 54 32 22 32 22 13 4 2/2/26 Katahuwa NA ~ 5 31 IS 16 15 16 1 1 2/2/27 Kumikla NA 12 12 77 36 41 36 41 5 2/2/28 Kamrlak NA 2 2 28 14 14 14 14 3 1 2/2/29 Hutnyak NA 3 3 22 11 11 11 11 2/2/30 Ongulongho . NA 3 3 .25 15 10 15 10 . 2!2/31 Chonsiyala . NA 2 2 22 14 8 14 8 3 1 2/2/32 Hontona NA 6 6 32 19 13 19 13 5 1 2/2/33 Kulatapangia NA 11 11 83 45 38 45 38 11 5 2/2/34 Vyavtapu NA 24 24 135 78 57 12 57 3S 13 2/2/35 Hoipoh NA 6 6 31 15 16 15 16 4 2 2/2/36 Mapayala NA 14 14 91 42 49 42 49 15 4 212/37 Chengtamllan NA 4 4 29 14 15 14 15 5 2 217

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil : Nancowry

MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Location Workers workers Code Tot'll t\hin Cultivators Agricultural Household Indus- Other Worken No. Workers (I) L3.bourers try, Manufacturing. (IIl,rv. V(b) (I-IX) ,(II) Processing. Servi· and VI to IX) cing &. RepaIrs [V(a)] ~'1" ... -~- F "->. ------_.------M P M If M M P M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 2() 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1

12 5 7 83 56 92 124 212/1

4 4 29 28 48 4.1 2/2/2 7 7 45 34 66 63 2/2!3 4 4 36 28 61 69 2/2/4 1 34 29 54 68 2/2/5

43 41 43 41 2 42 44 2}2}6 17 17 18 11 16 2/2/7 3S 2 35 2 6 21 25 38 2/2{8 36 2 36 2 3 14 19 35 2/2}9 22 2 22 2 17 34 26 15 2/2/10 Hi 16 16 26 2/2/11 10 t 10 I 1 9 S 6 2/2/12 29 \ 29 1 6 30 22 3S 2/2/13 10 1 10 3 9 6 2/2/14 47 n 47 17 1 52 82 2{2{IS 10 13 70 12 5 42 59 212116

19 2 19 2 , 10 15 2/2/17

76 76 3 4 76 104 2{2/18 49 49 55 81 2/2/19 17 3 l'7 3 24 41 2/2/20 9 9 2 8 7 2/2/21 S 5 2 1 4 2{2{22 30 3 30 3 2 30 48 2/2/23 48 1 48 1 5 42 84 2/2/24 14 14 11 17 11 2{2/2S 9 3 9 3 5 6 8 2/2/26 21 2 21 2 14 14 25 212/27 6 6 6 8 8 212/28 5 5 6 10 2{2129 9 9 2 7 4 3 2{2{30 10 5 10 5 4 3 2/2/31 11 11 1 8 7 4 212/32 24 3 3 21 3 2 5 19 30 2/2/33 45' 9 9 36 9 3 4 30 44 2/2/34 S 5 3 10 13 2/2/35 19 19 2 15 21 34 2/2/36 S 5 6 9 9 2{2/37 218

Vn,LAGE PRIMARY District Nicobars

Loea. Name of Village Area No. <'f No. of Total Pcpulation (inchJd· Schedllled tion of Scheduled Literates Occu. Heuse. ing Illstifutional & House- castes Triltes Code Village holds less pOpulation) No in hee- ~l- tifes dential Hou~es

------~~ P M F M F M F tv( r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2/2/38 Atkuna/ Alkun NA 6 6 . 20 10 10 10 10 5 1 2/2/39 Tani NA S 5 24 12 12 12 12 212/40 K'llminikum!Kalmenkam NA 1 2 1 1 J 2/2/41 Hakomhala . NA :'. 5 59 38 21 38 2] 7 4 2/2/42 Reakomlong . NA J 4 :\ 3 212/43 Sonomkuwa . NA 2 :2 5 1 4 I 4 2/2/44 TavlnklnlTavakin . NA 3 3 21 14 7 13 7 4 2/2/45 Halnalai NA 3 3 21 13 8 13 8 6 2/2/46 Altaful. NA 33 33 141 90 51 2S 25 44 11 2/2/47 Kavat Inpeu/Karahlnpoh NA 3 3 11 7 4 5 4 2 1 2/2{48 Alsama NA S 5 41 18 23 18 23 4 4 212149 Kapanga (lnel. Reg. PC. NA 160 160 567 340 227 91 90 169 75 Nirman Nagar East Bay (Marine), East Bay (near Police Station), Roller Jhopri & Kapanga APWD Camps) 2/2/S0 Kuplnga NA 12 12 83 46 37 43 33 16 6 2/2/51 Ml Idera (i nel. APWD Camp)NA 262 301 1,117 648 469 37 33 340 120 2f2/~2 W. B. Katehal (Hindra) . NA 14 14 61 29 32 26 32 8 NANCOWRY ISLAND 2/2/53 AUpa/Alips NA . 7 4 3 4 3 212/54 Lapat NA 3 3 29 16 13 16 13 3 2/2155 Hlndra NA 3 3 12 , 7 5 7 2 212156 Mus NA 2 2 14 6 8 6 8 2 2/2/57 Payak . NA 2 2 17 11 6 11 6 2/2158 Neang. NA 2 2 11 5 6 j 6 21.;;/59 Tapong (incl. Kahlla) NA 18 18 116 6~ 51 56 51 35 22 2/2/60 Llnuaoga NA 2 2 11 5 6 5 6 212/61 Altheak NA 5 5 43 24 19 24 19 19 11 2/1162 Ot-Hlt-Toue!) (Balu Basti) NA 2 2 11 7 4 7 4 4 1 2/2163 Malacca NA 21 21 119 63 56 63 '6 44 25 2/2/64 Champin NA 27 27 194 154 40 81 31 83 16 2[2/65 Hlnnunga NA 9 9 64 23 41 41 23 27 7 Tapani. NA 2 2/2/66 2 6 4 2 4 2 2/2/67 Inroak . NA 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 212/68 Itol NA 5 5 34 19 15 19 15 4 2/2/69 Alreak. NA 5 3 2 3 2 2 2/2/70 Hlntona NA 4 2 2 2 2 KAMORTA ISLAND 212}7l UperTapu NA 1 1 1 2/2172 Pilpilow (incJ.APWD NA 29 29 181 100 81 94 Camp). Rl « 25 212m Neeche Tapu NA 7 7 50 23 27 23 27 6 3 219

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil : Nancowry

MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non-wl'rkers Location Workers Code Total Main Cultivators Agri cultt'ral Household Indus- other we rkers N,'. Workers (I) Labourers try, Manufacturing, (Ill, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) p~ocessing, Seryi- and VI te IX) clng & Repairs [V(a)]


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

7 7 7 3 3 2/2/38 8 8 4 12 2/2!3,) 1 2/2/40 18 2 18 2 20 19 2/2/41 1 1 3 2/2/42 I 3 2/2/4:> 5 5 9 6 2/2,44 8 8 ) 7 2!2/4S 62 2 60 28 50 2/2/46 4 4 3 4 2/2/41 7 7 11 23 2/2/48 204 11 204 11 136 216 2/2/49

24 24 22 37 2/2/50 418 57 418 57 9 18 221 394 2/2/51 18 18 5 17 6 15 212152. :

2 1 2 1 2 2 2/2/53 13 5 13 5 3 8 2/2/54 4 4 4 4 3 212/55 5 7 5 7 1 2/2/56 6 5 6 5 5 2/2/57 4 3 4 3 3 2/2/58 34 26 34 26 31 25 2/2/59 4 4 4 4 1 2 2/2,60 12 7 12 7 12 12 2/2/61 6 4 6 4 1 2/2/62 33 8 33 8 30 48 2/2/63 98 5 98 5 5 56 30 2/2/64- 12 12 29 23 2/2/65 3 3 1 2 2/2/66 4 2 4 2 3 5 2/2/67 6 5 6 5 13 10 2/2/68 1 2 2/2/69 2/2/70

I 1 2/2/71 55 3 54 3 45 78 2/2/72

10 3 7 13 27 2/2/73

18-310 R. G. India/ND/85 220

VILLAGE PRIMARY District Nicobars

L0ca­ NRme of Village Arca No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Literates tion of Occu- HOdStJ­ ing Institutional & House­ Castes Tribes Code Village pied holds less Population) No. irl hec­ Resi­ "ares uential Houses

p M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] 1 ]2 13 14

212174 Manj'da NA 2 2 13 6 7 6 7 212j75 O:';iy" Chiya . NA 7 7 42 23 19 23 19 8 2/2/76 Olinpow NA 4 4 20 11 9 11 9 2/2/77 Bumpal NA 1 9 6 3 6 2/2/78 KBJan NA 1 2 7 2 5 2 5 2/2 179 Darin(inrl. APWD Camp) NA 24 24 198 109 89 98 87 47 14 2/2(80 Maru . NA 2 2 17 6 ]1 6 11 1 1 2/2 181 ChanG I NA 2 2 9 4 5 4 5 1 2/2/82 Tama". NA U N I N H A B T E D 2/2:83 Aloinlung NA 1 J 3 ] 2 1 2 2/2/84 Banderkari NA 6 6 44 19 25 19 25 4 2/2!85 Alpintu,Tung NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2/286 Tom:e:lnme. NA lJ N N H A B 1 T E D ~'2!87 ChanguaiChangup NA 5 5 40 20 20 20 20 1 2::~,!88 Masala Tapu NA 3 3 23 13 10 13 10 2:2.'89 Alukiah NA 2 2 18 6 12 6 12 2/2/90 Knot NA 2 2 11 5 6 5 6 212/91 Immae. NA U N I N H A B T E D 2/2/92 Payuha NA 2 2 15 7 8 7 8 2/2/93 Munak (incl. Ponioo NA 7 7 66 30 36 30 36 10 5 (Moll I)). 212/94 R2mzao NA 6 6 40 19 21 19 21 3 '22'95 Kamorta! KalalapTI (incl. NA 283 309 1,032 668 364 53 17 401 160 Reg. FC and 4 APWD Camps). 22'96 Chow Inak . NA 9 9 78 38 40 38 40 7 212 197 B('ra 1nak'Badnak NA 3 3 33 19 14 19 14 22 198 Kakana NA 39 39 248 130 118 126 116 56 32 22'99 NyicaL'ng NA 3 3 15 9 6 9 6 2 2/2/100 :V1chreak!Kohrcakap NA 3 3 24 11 13 11 13 4 2 NA 19 10 2/2'101 Kuiku:; 3 3 9 9 10 1 TRINKET ISLAND 2,'2!102 Safed BJlll . NA 3 3 66 37 29 37 29 3 2i2/103 Hockook (incl. A.label) NA U N N H A B I T E D 212104 Trin\~t (incl. Laham) NA 16 16 274 150 124 149 ]24 32 ]2 NA 4 4 37 18 19 18 19 4 1 Hua).

PULo~m.O JSLAND 2!2.IO!) Pulomilo . NA 19 19 90 61 29 49 29 33 8

UTTLE NICOBAR TSLAl~D 2'2/107 Minbn:lIMinlan !'.A 2 2 7 3 4 3 4 2'2108 Anu! An~Jla 2 2 9 3 6 3 6 2121109 Makhahu NA 3 3 28 11 17 11 17 221

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tehsil : Nancowry

MAIN WOR.KERS \!lrginal Nun- Lu;ation Workers wOTl

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

5 3 5 3 ,~ 2274 10 10 I ]2 19 2275 6 6 1 7 4 2 2:'2,76 2 2 3 3 2/2!77 2 2 2 3 2/2.78 44 44 31 50 34 38 2!2;79 3 3 7 2 4 2,2;80 2 2 4 2 2J2/8l U N I N H A B T E D 2/2.182 1 2'2,83 7 7 10 12 15 22,84

U N N H A B I T E D 2i2/85 II N N H A B T E D 212/86 6 6 7 14 13 :: 2 87 8 8 8 8 5 2 2/2/88

~ -' 4 5 4 S 7,'2: 89 3 3 3 3 2 2 ::;2;90 U N N H A B T E D 2/2!91 4 5 4 2 4 212;92 14 4 14 4 7 16 25 2,2,93

10 , 10 6 5 9 10 22/94 ,410 12 2 408 12 17 241 352 2/2/95

14 14 10 17 14 23 22,96 4 4 3 9 ]2 ) 1'2,'97 51 10 51 9 21 47 58 61 :: 2 98 5 .." 3 2 2 2 4 ). 2 99 5 4 6 13 2.'2 100 6 6 3 10 2i21101

13 13 24 29 ~::!/I02 U N J N H A B 1 T E D 22,'103 75 9 75 9 75 115 22/104 6 6 12 19 2.2 105

35 9 4 35 5 5 26 15 2:2/106

2 4 4 2 2/2'107 3 6 6 3 2/2'108 10 9 2 8 8 1 8 2/2/109 222

VILLAGE PRIMARY District Nicobars

Loca­ Name of Village Area No. of No. of Total pop:Jlation (includ­ Scheduled Scheduled Literates tion of Occu­ House­ ing Institutional & Houst!­ Castes Tribes O'ce Village pied holds less Population) No. in hec­ Resi- tares dential Houses


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2'2'110 Akupa. NA 3 3 18 13 5 13 5 212/111 lnlock. NA 3 3 23 14 9 14 9 22 i 12 Pulotalia'Pulo Tohio NA 1 I 12 6 6 6 6 2 '2 113 Pulobaha 'NA 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 2/21114 Bewai . NA 1 I 7 4 3 4 3 2'2'115 Kiyang NA 2 2 13 7 6 7 6 3 2 2 116 Pulloullo'puloulo NA 3 3 40 19 21 19 21 212,117 Hoin (incL Ikuia) . NA 1 I 2 2 2 2:2/118 Pea NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2 '2' 119 Pulobha/Puloban NA 5 5 28 14 14 14 14 2:21120 Pattia . NA 3 3 20 9 11 9 11 1 2i2 121 :Jlinchi NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2'2' 122 I!llock/Pattia NA 2 2 5 3 2 3 2 2/2: 123 Pulopanja NA 14 14 71 37 34 37 34 13 8 1/2'124 Elahi/IJllOya. NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2'2 163 Hoke~dang NA 11 7 4 7 4

KONDUL ISLAND 2/2' 125 Kondu 1 . NA 22 22 143 76 67 65 64 36 13 GREAT NICOBAR ISLAND 2:2'126 Pillobed NA 3 3 15 9 6 8 6 2 2 2 127 Dogmar River NA 3 3 10 . 5 5 5 5 22'128 Pulo Kunji . NA 4 4 24 10 14 10 14 2 212'129 Alexandera River. NA 4 4 19 7 12 7 12 2/2/130 Kopen Heat. NA 1 4 3 3 2/2131 27 Km Labour Camp on NA 8 8 24 24 12 East We~t Road . 212 132 17 Km Labour Camp on NA 5 8 21 21 9 East West Road 2:2 133 Kosintooth NA 2 2 6 2 4 2 4 22134 Badduan* NA 7 7 31 19 12 19 12 212'135 Danlet. NA 3 3 12 7 5 7 5 3 221136 Kot' NA 4 4 22 9 13 9 13 2/2;137 Dakyon* NA 5 5 24 13 11 13 11 2'? 138 Piliobhabi (inc!. APWD NA 14 14 71 33 38 33 38 20 9 Camp).

'2'21139 Potatiya NA 2 2 19 10 9 10 9 4 2/2'140 Kokeon NA ? 2 20 12 8 12 8 4 2'2,'141 Pulooucca NA 1 4 2 2 2 2 2T142 inhingloi NA 1 1 15 5 10 5 10 3 2 2/2/143 puloBaha NA 3 3 13 7 6 6 6 2 2'2/144 pygmalion P('int NA 3 3 9 6 3 r 2/2 /145 Chiengen NA 3 3 15 10 5 9 5 I 2i21146 Sa5tri Nagar NA 79 79 233 140 93 lOt 56 223

CENSUS ABSTRACT Tebsil : Nancowry

MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non-workers Location Workers Cede Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Household Indus- Other Workers No. Workers (1) Labourers try, Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Processing, Servi- and VI to IX) cing & Repairs [V(a)] _.-=----- ,..--~----"'~ ----_ ----M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

13 5 7 5 6 .. 2/2/110 14 8 3 8 11 2/2/111 3 4 4 3 3 2/2/112 3 1 3 2/2/113 3 2 :I 2 2/2/114 5 3 5 3 2 :I 2/2/115 9 8 9 x 4 10 9 2/2/116 1 .. 2/2/117 U N N H A B I T E D 2/2/118 12 8 12 8 2 6 2/2/119 6 7 6 7 3 4 2/2/120 U N N H A B T E D 2/2/121 2 2 2 2/2/1?2 18 18 17 18 18 15 2/2/123 E D 2/2/124 3 2 3 2 4 2 2/2/163

45 45 8 26 23 40 2/2/J25

4 2 5 6 2/2/126 5 5 2/2/127 5 5 5 14 2/2/128 7 12 2/2/129 2 2/2/130 24 24 2/2/131

21 21 .. 2/2/132

2 2 4 2/2/133 19 12 2/2/134 3 3 3 3 4 2 2/2/135 5 5 4 13 2/2/136 13 11 2/2/137 19 6 13 7 14 31 2/2/138

4 6 4 6 6 3 2/2/139 7 7 6 5 2/2/14() 2 2 2 2/2/141 S 5 2 8 2/2/142 4 4 3 6 2/2/143 3 :I 3 3 2/2/144 5 2 4 2 1 5 3 2/2/145 7 3J 8 50 7 51 86 2/2/146 ---89 224

VILLAGE PRIMARY Oistrict : Nicobars

Lora- Name of Village Area No. of No. of Total Population (includ- Scheduled Scheduled Literates tion of Oeeu- House- ing Institutional & House- Castes Tribes Code Village pied holds less Pcpulation) No. in hee- Resi- lares dential Houses

P M F M F M F ---M F

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2/2/147 Gandhi Nagar NA 123 123 462 170 192 178 88 2/2/148 Laxmi Nagar NA 63 63 295 193 102 139 66 2/2/149 Vijoy Nagar. NA 131 131 500 301 199 230 137 2/2/150 Joginder Nagar (inei. NA 101 101 :HO 233 77 131 39 Nadal Tikery FC&APWD Camp). NA 36 22 2/2/151 7 Km. Farm. · 11 11 14 15 4 2/2/152 Govinda Nagar · NA 84 84 339 223 116 1 2 150 49 2i21153 ClmJb(l1l BlY (inc!. Hq. NA 664 695 2.293 1.532 761 15 5 989 35~ FC & 2 APWD Camps) (Near jetty). 2/2/154 Ranganathan Bay* · NA 5 5 18 10 8 IO 8 2/2/155 Lafu)"" . NA 1 1 2 1 1 1 2/2/156 Shah Bay"" NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/157 Trinket Channel Bayll- NA 2 2 16 8 8 8 8 2/2/158 Pulobed"" NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2121159 Not yet NamedII' NA 8 8 31 16 15 16 15 2/2/160 Not yet NamedII' NA 4 4 18 8 10 R 10 E D 2/21161 Not yet Named* NA U N I N H A B I T E D 2121162 Not yet Named* · NA 4 4 22 12 10 12 10 2/21164 Reakin Chung* NA 4 4 9 5 4 5 4 '212/165 Not yet Named (New NA 4 4 14 7 7 7 7 Village)*. TILJ.AN CHONG ISLAND 1.121166 Tillan Chong NA 2 2 27 27 20

NOTE: *Shom-Pen Villages. 2)-_J

CENSUS ABSTRACT Teh!;il : N8ucowry .. ------_ .. _------MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non-Workers Location Workers Code Total Main CUltivators Agricultural Hcusehold Indus- Other Wcrkers No, Workers (I) Labourers By, Manufacturing, (III, IV, V(b) (I-IX) (II) Processing, Servi- and VI to IX) cing & Repairs [V(a») ------~------~~-~---~- ~---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g

145 70 12 63 2 124 190 2/2/147 126 19 33 14 3 89 5 :'i 14 62 69 2/2/148 193 11 79 5 5 109 6 5 6 103 182 2/2/149 193 3 24 13 155 ] 40 74 2/2/150

15 15 7 14 2/2/151 144 1 40 16 88 1 2. 78 III 2/2/152 1,080 17 17 6 2 } ,055 17 2 450 743 212/153

6 4 6 4 4 4 2/2/154 1 1 1 1 2/2/155 U N I N H A B T E D 2/2/156 5 5 1 3 7 2/2!lj1 U N I N H A B I T E D 2/2/158 8 8 8 15 212/159 6 6 2 10 212/160 E D 2/2/161 5 5 7 10 2/2/162 4 3 4 3 1 I 2/2/164 7 7 2/2/165

27 .. 2/21166 -.--


227 228


Location Name of Town/Ward Area No. of No. of Tota) P.:>pulation (including Scheduled Scheduled Code of O.;:cupied House- In<;titutional and Houseless Castes Tribes No. Town l Residential holds Population) Ward Houses ------.-- P M F M F M p

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

PORT BLAIR (M.B.) 14'14* 11,192 11,368 49,634 28,860 20,774 199 72 1/1/1 Ward No. I NA 1.284 1,301 5,819 3,278 2,541 8 J/l/2 Ward No.2 NA 575 589 2.730 1.687 1,043 5 111/3 Ward No.3 NA 1,395 1,403 5,534 3,159 2,375 2 Iflj4 Ward No.4 NA j ,269 1,295 5,709 3,262 2,447 9 4 ,1/15 Ward No.5 NA 1,297 1,302 6,062 3,557 2,505 14 4 111/6 Ward No.6 NA 404 404 1,944 1.304 640 1/1/7 Ward No.7 NA 422 487 2,094 1,347 747 L! I i1/8 Ward No.8 NA 1,2

NOTES :-M.B.-Munlcipal Board. *Area figures for Port Blair (M.B.) is provisional. 229

CENSUS ABRTRACT Teltsil ~~ Port Blair

MAIN WORKERS Literates Marginal Non-workers Loca- Total Main CultiVltiors Agricultural Household In- Other Workers Workers ti<'n Workers (0 L'lb:Jurers dustry, Manufac- (III, IV, V(b) Code ([-IX) ([I) turing, Process- and VI to IX) No. ing, Servicing & Repairs [v(a») ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F. M F

~--,-.-.. --.---- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

.2 ),691 " ,837 16.367 1,431 41 32 2 101 17 16,193 1,41 I 244 65 12,249 19,278 2,251 1,397 1,653 141 4 2 8 1.639 14() 45 6 1.58() 2,394 111/1 1,090 507 1,077 25 1,076 24 II 2 599 1,016 1/1/2 2,133 1,348 1,761 134 7 l) .2 1,745 131 13 6 1,385 2,235 J /1/3 2,480 1,514 1,851 311 3 9 4 1,835 310 24 6 1,387 2.130 1/1/4 2,635 1,423 2,160 179 9 3 23 6 2,125 173 27 7 1,370 2,319 1/1/5 1,032 438 882 40 10 872 40 422 600 1/1/6 1.147 545 845 80 2 843 80 11 2 491 665 1/1/7 2,098 1,404 1,557 180 2 5 27 3 1,523 176 20 22 1,242 1,996 1/1/8 2,844 1,6S8 1,985 202 12 3 7 1,963 200 26 g 1,568 2,376 1/1/9 914 487 603 56 6 597 56 52 3 542 784 1/1/10 2,067 1,t16 1,993 83 3 2 13 2 1,975 81 15 3 1,663 2,165 1/12/1 URBAN!VBLLAGE PRiMARY CENSFS ABSTRADS APPENDlX Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population

(Urban Block-wise) Urban Block.wise)

Location N81l1e of Townl Toral Scheduled Scheduled Location Name ofTownj Total Scheduled Scheduled C)d~ No. Wlrd(Urban Popula- C'lstes Tribes Cede No. Warcl/Urban Popula. Castes Tribes Block (ion Bk'ck tion

2 .1 4 5 2 3 4 5

..~--~-- -_._-_ 279 24( 1/1 Port Blair 49,634 241; 1116 Ward No.6 1,944 M.B. 24/J/I/6 (43) Block No. 43 591 24j;/Ifj Ward No.1 5,8J9 24/i(l/6 (44) Block No. 44 490 24/1/1/1 (I) Block No.1 690 9 24j) ]i6 (45) Block ~o. 45 40: 24/1/1/1 (2) Block No.2 527 2.~/ J ;' I 16 (46 ) Block No. 46 462 24/J /1/; (3) Block No.3 666 24/] il/7 W<1rd NO.7 2.094 24/:/10 (4) Block No.4 575 24/;1117 (47) Bleck No. 47 70) 24,1: 11/1 (5) Bleck No.5 667 2411(117 (48) Block No. 48 950 24/ J /1/1 (6) Block No.6 951 24!J1I17 (49) Block No. 49 443 24/J/I/] (7) Block No.7 499 11 24 1J /1/8 Ward No.8 5,017 24)2/J/1 (8) Block No.8 543 44 24/: II Iii (50) Block No. 50 701 24(1/1/1 (9) A!ock Nc. 9 701 1 24!J/l/x (51) Block No. 51 617 24/1/1/2 Wn~'c\ No. '2 2.730 5 24/1 I} IR (52) Block No. 52 68i 24/:/1/2 (10) Ij!ock Nc. 10 :'4; 24 1J !I'S (53) Block Nl". 53 747 24/1/1/2 (1:) Block Nt'. lJ 46:'1 .'i 15 24 i 118 (54) BlOCK No. 54 619 24/1/1/2 (12) Block. No. '12 5S(l 8 24;J/118 (55) Block No. 55 624 24/1/1/2 (13) Block No. J3 529 17 24/ I (ris (56) Block No. 56 1,022 24/1/1/2 (14) Block No. 14 645 3 224/;'/1/9 Ward No.9 6,165 24/1/1/3 Ward No.3 5,534 90 2 24/l/1/9 (57) Block No. 57 354 24/1/1/3 (15) Block No. 15 949 24/1/1/9 (58) Block No. 58 615 24/1/1/3 (l6) Block No. 16 633 9 24/1/1/9 (59) Block No. 59 845 24; l!I/3 (17) Block No. 17 (\65 1 24/1/I19 (60) Block No. 60 577 2·1(; 1m (18) Blf'ck No. :8 5S9 36 24/1! 1/9 (6]) Block No. 61 64,1 24I j/I/3 (19) Bleck No. }9 677 24/iil/9 (62) Block No. 62 674 '24/ :/1/3 (20) Block No. 20 628 24/1/1/9 (63) Block No. 63 585 24/l /1/3 (21) Block No. 21 684 11 24/ J IIf9 (64) Block No. 64 633 24/1/1/3 (22) Bleck No. 22 699 4 24/1/]/9 (65) Block No. 65 666 24/ j /1/4 Ward No.4 5,709 13 12 24/J/1/9 (66) Block No. 66 575 24/: /1/4 (23) Block No. 23 394 5 l7 224/i/1(;0 W3rd No. 10 2,040 24/1/1/4 (24) Block No. 24 55; 78 Block, No. 67 433 24/1/1/4 (25) Block No. 25 504 24/l/f/IO (67) 21 24;;/1/10 (68) Block No. 68 56) 24/i/I/4 (26) Block No. 26 668 48 24/l /1/; 0 (69) Block No. 69 634 24/J/I/4 (27) Block No. 27 579 9 24/1/1/]0 (70) Block No. 70 182 24;; /1/4 (28) Block No. 28 673 Block No. 71 24/,/1/4 (29) Block No. 29 634 24/ liJ /l 0 (7l) 226 WaHl No.11 6,520 24/;/1/4 (30) Block No. 30 62; 24/1/Ii: \ Block No. 72 336 24/1/1/4 (31) Block No. 31 547 24/1/]/11 (72) Block Nc\. 73 493 24/]/1/4 (32) Block No. 32 538 24/1/1111 (73) 24/1/1/;j (74) Block No. 74 670 24/1/1/5 W"rd No.5 6,062 24/1/1/11 (75) Block No. 75 392 24/1/1/5 (33) Block No. 33 705 24/1 Block No. 76 573 24/1/1/5 (34) Block No. 34 605 JI/Il (76) Block No. 77 624 24/1/I/ 5 (35) Block No. 35 660 24/1 !Ii 11 (77) 24/1'115 (36) Block No. 36 639 241 J JI/l j (78) Block Nl'. 78 337 24 /1/1/5 (37) Block No. 37 684 24/J/J/l1 (79) Block No. 79 655 Block No. 80 533 24/1/1/5 (38) Block No. 38 544 24/1/Jjll (80) Block No. 81 506 24/1/1/5 (39) Block No. 39 616 I J 24/1/1/11 (81) Block No. 82 407 24/1/1/5 (40) Block No. 40 505 24/1/1jll (82) Block No. 83 599 24/1/115 (41) Block No. 41 533 240/1!Jl (83) Block No. 84 395 24/1}1/5 (42) Block No. 42 57J 24/ JII! II \84}

_-.J ~_~~ __ .~-~_~ __ ~-=-- -<~ ~--- ,,_..,..--~ ~ ~~. ------,-~~-~.- ~ ~ ~-.--~----~~ ~.,- -~=--.--~~' - .... -~ -_" ~--~ - 230 ANN~XURE Extents of Enumeration Block, Port Blair Municipal Board ------.------Block Description Block Description No. No. ---_._------2 2

Chatham Island, B. No.1 to 15 12 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, B.No. 197 (0 232. Chatham Road, Street-I, B. No. 1/1 to 1/19 -<10.- Slreef-17, B.No. 17/34 (0 17/73' --do.- Street-lA, B. No. l/ft/l & !Ai2 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Street-16-B No. 16/37 to 16/67 O -do.- Street-1B, B. No. IB/I to IB/I -do.- Streel-I7, B.No. 17/1 to 17/33. Chatham Road, B. No.1 and 2. 14 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Slreet-14,B.No. 14/381014/65 Jawaharlal Nehru R02d, B. No. I ~J1c1 2. -do.- Street-16, B.No. 16/J9 to 16/36 -do.- Street-], B. No. 1/1 to 1/14 Panipath Road, B.No. 17 to 28. Foreshore ROHd, B. No.1 to 3 JawaharJal Nehru Road Slrec!-4, B. No. 4/1 (04/11 15 Navy Hospital Road, B.No. 46 to 83 and 114 (0130. -do.-~ Street-5, B. No. 5/1 to 5/5. M.E.S. Road, B.No. 1 (0 9. -do.- Street-I, B.No. III to 1/43. 2 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Street-3, B. No. 3/1 (03/22. -do.- Street 2A, B. No. 2Aj 1 to 2A/19 16 AIR Road to PanipathRoad Street-I, B.No.l/1 (0 1/61 Foreshore Road, B. No.4 to 27. Navy Hospital Road, B.No.131 to 151. --do.- Street-I, B. No. Iii to !fl5. 17 AIR Road to Panipath Road, B.No. 11 to 38. Navy Hospital Road, B.No. 152 to 154. 3 Haddo Barrack Road, B. No.1 to 109 and J 14 to J 17 -do.- Street-], B. Nt'. 1/1 10 1/7. Navy Hospital Road, B.No. 1 (045. Navy Hospital Road, B.No. 84 to 113. 4 Jawaharlala Nehru Ro,ld B. No.3 to 12. AIR Road, B. No. 36 to 40. -do.- Street-2, B. No. 2jl to 2/45. AIR Colony Road, B.No. 1 to 47. Jawaharlal Nehru Roed, B. No. 165 to 196. AIR Road to Panipath Road, B.No. 1 to 10. -do.- Streel-16, B. No. 16/1 to 16/6/2. \9 Kali Mandir Road, B.1'

231 232


Block Description Block Description No. No.

1 2 2

26. MlUlana Azad Rond, B.No. 85 to J ;2. Shastri Road Strcet-2, B.No. 2/ J. Church Road, B.No. 10 to 20. -do.-- Street-3, B.No. 3/2 to 3/9. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, B.No. 68 to 72. ~9 R~jendra Prrs;,d Rocd, B.No. 3 to 11 and 72 to 79. Mahatn~a Gandhi Road, B. No. ] to J 5. Tagore Road, Street-I, B.No. 1/28 to 1/76. --do.--· Street-I, B.No. 1/1,1/2 & 1/5. Municipal Board Road, B.No. 1 to 23. 27 Maulana ALad Road, Stl'cet-4, B.No. 4/6 to 4/J2. R~jcndra Prasad Road Street-2, B.No. 2/1 & 2/15. -do.- Street-7, B.No. 7/1 to 7/22. 40 Municipal Board Road, B.No. 24 to 30 & 33 to 52. Maulana Azad Road,B.No.IJ3101J9. ---do.- Street-J, B.No.l/1 to 1/18. --do.- B.No. 6R 8nd 69. --do.-- Street-2, B.No.2/1 to 2/18. Maulana AZ8d Road Strcet-5. B.No. 5/ I to 5/!'.. G. B. Panl Road Street·l, B.No.l/39 to 1/44. 2~ Maulana Azad Road, B.No. 120 to 163. G. B. Pdnt Hospital Road,B.No.l to 5. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, B.No. 511658. -11 Rajendra Prasad Road to Sahid Road, B.No. 54 to -do.- Strcet-9, B.No. 9/1 to 9/20. 71. Church Rood, B.No. 5 to 9. -do.- Street-I, B.No. 1/1 to 1/38. 29 J[!wdharJaJ Nehru Rand, B.No. 59 to 67 and 70 to 76. 42 R·lj.;nora Prasad Road to Sahid Road, RNo. 21 -do.- Street-12, B.No. 12/1 to 12/20. to 53/1. ·-do.- Strcet-II, B.No. 11/21 to 11/53. ~ahid Road, B.No. 2 to 8. Church RO:'d,B.No. J lo4and21t027. ·n 5!ns!ri RO:ld, B.No.40 to 50. KaIi M,lIlliir Road, B.No. : to 3. ·--c1o.- Street-3, B.No.3 /1,3110and3/11 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 72 to 89. • 30 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Street-l1, B.No. 11/ j to 11/20. -do.- Street-5, B.No. 5/1 to 5/10. -do.- Street-lO, B.No. 10/1 to JO/7. Rajendra Prasad Road, B.No. 1,2 and 80 to 83. Shantipath Road, B.No.l to 20. Municipal Board Road, B.No. 53 and 54. 31 ShantipathRoad Strcet-l ,B.No.l/1 to 1/119. -do.- B.No. 121 to 136. [44 Babuline Road, B.No. 10 to 21. -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/3 to 2/lo. 32 Shantipath Road, B.No. 137 to J43. -do.- Street-3, B.No. 3/1 to 3/13. -do.- Street-I, B. No. 1/120 to 1/201. Shastri ROat1 Street-3, B.No. 3/2 to 3/9. Kali Mandir Road,B.No.4t09. 33 Lighthouse to Marine Gatc Road, B.No. 12. 4;' Babuline Road, B.No. I to 9. Marine Hill Road, B.No.l to 40. -do.- Street-I, B.No. 1/1 to 1/15. -do.- Street-I, B.No.I/1 to 1}16. -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/1 and 212. Rajendra Prasad Road Street-4, B.No. 4/J51O 4/25. Shastri Road, B.No. 31 to 39. -do.- Street-5, B.No. 5/13 to 5/33. 46 Mahatma Gandhi Road B.No. 61 to 71. 34 Rajendra Prasad Road Street-5, B.No. 5.13410 5/58. Shastri Road, B.No. 1 to 26 and No. 30. Rajendra Prl'sad Road to Sahid Rmld, B.No. Ito 20. -do.- Street-1, B. No.1 /1 to 1/4. -do.- Street-2, B.No.2/1 &2/JO. 35 Rajendra Prasad Ror,d,B.No.24,25:md 3410 71. 47 Mahatma Gandhi Road,B.No.47 to 60and 93 to 126. 36 Rajendra Prasad Road, B.No. 26 10 33. -do.- Street-3, B.No. 3/13 and 3/14. -do.- Street-4, B.No. 4/1 to 4/J3 and -do.- Strect-4, B.No. 4/1 to 4/12. 4/26 to 4/34. Netaji Road, B.No. I, Supply Line Road, B.No. 1 -do.- Street-5, B.No. 5/1 to 5/12. to 3&49t074. 37 Rajendra Prasad Road, B.No. 18 to 23. Road betw.:en M.G. Road and Fire Brigade, B.No. l' 2, 6, 7, 41 and 42. -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/2 to 2/11. R. N. Tagore Road, B.No. 6 and 7. -do.- Street-3 RNo. 3/1 to 3/22. Road From Sectt. to Murugan Temple, B.No.2 to 16. 38 Rajendra Prasad Road, B.No. 12 to 17. -do.- Street.], B.No. 1/3 to 1/14. Shastri Road Street-2, B.No. 2/2 to 2/9. Shastri Road ID Babuline Rond SI1<..,<:1-3, B.No. 3/14 l~r>;Jd befwl.'rJl R.N. Tagore Rd. to Sbastri Road to 3/25. B.No. 1 to 21. • 233


Block Description Bleck Description No. No.

2 2

48 Shastri Road, B.No. 27 to 29. 58 Mahatma Gandhi Road to Fire Brigade Road uplo Gurudwara Line Road, B.No. 22 to 34. Adibasera (Via) Supply Office, B.No. 2, 3, 4 and Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 16 to 46. 8 to 40. -do.- S!reet-2. RNo. 2/1 to 2/22. SeclUo Murugan Temple Road, B.No.17 to 32. -do.- Street-3, B.No. 3/1 to 3/12 and Supply Line Road, B.No. 44 to 48. 3/15 to 3/25. -<10.- Street-I, RNo. 1/1 to 1/24. R. N. Tagore Road, B.Ne'. J to 5. Netaji Road, B.No. 2 to 8. -do.- Street-1, B.No. 1/1 to 1/27. Link between Telephone Exchange to Girls, School (Via) OSO, APWD B No 1 49 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No.127 to 169. to 29. ' . . -(10.- Street-6. B.No. 6/1 to 614. Vivekananda Road, B.No.20. 5arojini Road, B.No. 1 to 16B. 59 G. B. Pant Road, B. No.6 to 45. Road from Sect!. to Murugan Temple B.No. I. Kama raj Road, B. No. 97. S3hid Road, B.No. I. G. B. Pant Road Street-I, B.No. J/l to 1/38 and 50 Sarojini Road, B.No. 17 to 4H. 1/45 to 1/48. Mahatma Gar,dhi Road, B.No. 170 (0181. Municipa I Board Rd., B.No. 31 and 32. -do.- Streel-7, B.No. 7/1 (0 7/34. Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 90 to 92. Kamaraj Road, B.No. 13 to 16 and 24 to 32. Mah'lbir ~ingh Rd., B.No. 1 (0 5. Kamaraj to M. B. Road, B.No. 27. Supply LineRd.,B.No.4t043. 51 Shantipath Rond , B.No. 144 and 14,. 60 Mahavir Singh Road to Shadipllr Road, B.No 1 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 354 (0 37J. to 85 and J 90 to 192. . Vivekananda Rd. Street-3, RNo. 3/1 to 3;;5. -do.- Street-9, B.No. 9/1 to 9/4 and 9/44 to 9/138. Mahavir Singh Road, B.No. 6. 52 Mahatm3 Gandhi Road,B.No.182to195. 61 Mahavir Singh Road to Shadipur Road, B.No. 86 -do.- Street-7, B.No.7/35 to 7/40. to III and 176to 189. Kamaraj Road to M.G. Road, B.No. 1 to 26 and -do.- Street-J, B. No. lI1 to 1/64 and 28 to 51. 1/88. . 53 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 196 to 211 and 349 62 South Point to Shadipur Road, RNo. 112 to 135. to 353. -do.- Street-I, B.No. 1/65 (0 J /87 -do.- Street-8, B.No. 8/1 to 8/13 and 1/88 A, 1·89 ~o 1/172, 1/174 ~l1d 8/39 to 8/54. 1/175. ' -do.- Street-9, B.No. 9/5 to 9/43. 63 Vivekananda Rd., Street-4, B.No. 4/1 to 4/8. 54 Mahatma Gandhi Road Street-8, B.No. 8/14 to 8/38. -do.- to Kamaraj Road Street-I, -do.- Street-6, B.No. 6/1 (0 6/2l1. B. No. 1/1 to 1/42. -do.- Street-5, B.No.5/1 105/6. Kamaraj Road, B.No. 23 and 24. South Point Road, B.No.I50 to 175. Mahatma Gandhi Road fo Kamaraj Road, B.No. -do.- Street-4, B.No.4/1 to 4/36. 16 to 21. 55 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B. No. 212 to 220. 64 Vivekananda Rd. B.No. J 1019 and 21 to 43. -do.- to Kamaraj Road (ii), B. No. I. -do.- Street-l, B.No. ]/1 10 1/18. to 15 and 22 to 41. -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/1 to 2/10. Kamaraj Road, B.No.22. Sectt. to Mllfugan TempleRd.B.No.33t052. Kamaraj Road(iii), B.No. J to 5. Vivekananda Rd. Street-4, B.No. 4/9 to 4/1 J. 56 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B. No. 221 to 236 and 328 Dilthaman Tank Rd. B.No.l,2and3. to 348. --<10.- Street-2, B.No. 2/1 to 2/4. Mahatma Gandhi Road to Kamaraj Road (iii), B -do.-· Street-I, B.No. 1/1 to 1/7. No. 6 to 25. Minnie Bay to Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 10, i to 10/21 (except Vijay Bash). 65 Dilthaman Tank Rd. B.No. 4,5 and 6. -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/5 to 2/6. 57 Police Line Road, B.No. 1 to 32. South Point Road Street-3, B.No. 3/1 to 3/54. Kamaraj Road, B.No. 1 to 12. -do.- B.No. 142 to 149. Ro,\d from Seclf. to Murugan Temple, B,No . ..,,~ to 96. Shadipur Road, B. No. 1 to 41. 234


Block Description Block Description No. No.

2 2

66 South Point to Shaoipur Rd., B.No. 136 to 141. 76 Minnie Bay, B.No. 287,290,291,294,29.),307 to 315 -do.- Street-2, B.No. 2/1 to 2/100. and 343 to 411. -do.- Street-I, B.No. 1/173 and J/176 77 IVlinnie B~y, B.No. 268 to 272, 300 to 305, 412 to to 1/204. 527 and ,)58 to 562. 67 Dudh Line, B. No. : to 59. 78 Minnie Bay, B.No. 273 to 286,288,289, 292,293, 296 to 299and 306. 68 Naya Gaon, B.No. 1 to 94. \1innie Bay, B.No. 1 to 12. Naya Gaon, B.No. 95 (0 202. 69 79 Minnie Bay. B.No.13to60, 63,64.66 to 129. 70 Corbyns Cove. B.No. J to 39. SO Minnie Bay. B.No.61,62and65. 7: Lamba Line, B.No. 259 to 286. --do.- RNa. 219, 220 and 149 to 167. Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 237(026,. --do.-- B.No. 528 to 557and 563 to 583. 72 School Line, B. No.1 to 45. 81 Minnie Bay, B.No. 130 to !60, ISS to 2J8 and 221 Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 266 to 268. to 248. 73 Lamba Line Road, B.No.120to 258. 82 Minnie Bay. B.No. 161 (0 J87, )84 to 604. 624 to 639 and 653 to 666. H Mahatma Gandhi R0ad, B. No. 269 to 30 J. Lamba Line, B.No. 32 to 119. 1\·1innic 8ny, B.No.605t0624, 640 !0652and 667 !o 740. 75 Lamba Line, B.No.l to 31. 84 Minnie Bay, B.No. 741 to 8J3. Mahatma Gandhi Road, B.No. 302to 327 . .. __ ------PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES

235 236


SI. No. of- Total Scheduled Tribes Literates Total Main Workers No U.T.IDistrict; Total/ House Population (I -JX) Tehsi I fTown Rural! holds ~~--~-~.--~,- Urban with S.T. P M F P M f P M F members

-.-.~------,,- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

A & N Island~ T 2,945 22,361 11 ,S86 10,775 6,957 4,453 2,504 5,888 4,912 976 R 2.889 22,090 11,387 10,703 6,760 4,286 2,474 5,759 4,786 973 U 56 271 199 72 197 167 30 129 126 1. ,<\ndaman District T 217 1.189 745 444 451 363 88 550 504 46" R 161 918 546 372 254 196 58 421 378 43 U 56 271 199 72 197 167 30 129 126 3 1. Diglipur Tahs! I T 8 12 12 11 11 12 12 R 8 12 12 11 11 12 12 U 2. Mayabunder Tahsi I T 3 8 4 4 4 4 3 3 R 3 8 4 4 4 4 3 3 U 3. Rangat Tehsil T 28 31 21 10 29 20 9 R 28 31 21 10 29 20 9 U

4. Port Blair Tehsil T 163 1,087 664 423 414 328 86 466 430 36 R 107 816 465 351 217 161 56 337 304 33 U 56 271 199 72 197 167 30 129 126 3

Port Blair (M.B.) U 56 271 199 72 197 167 30 129 126 3

5. Ferrargunj Tehsi I T 15 51 44 7 22 20 2 40 39 R IS 51 44 7 22 20 2 40 39 U

2. Nicobar DMrict T 2,728 21,172 10,841 10,331 6,506 4,090 2,416 5,338 4,408 930 R 2,728 21,172 10,841 10,331 6,506 4,090 2,416 5,338 4,408 930 U

1. Car Nicobar Tehsi I T 1,510 13,514 6,821 6,693 4,897 2,940 1,9;7 3,239 2,693 546 R 1,510 13,514 6,821 6,693 4,897 2,940 1,957 3,239 2,693 546 U

2. Nancowry Teilsi I T 1,218 7,658 4,020 3,638 1,609 1,1S0 459 2,099 1,715 ?R4 R 1,218 7,658 4,020 3,638 1,609 1,150 459 2,('99 J ,715 384

I',I 237


------~- ---~---. MAIN WORKERS Marginal Workers Non-workers Cultivators Agricultural Household Industry, Other Workers sr. (I) Labourers Manufacturing, Pro- (Ill, IV, V(b) & VI tn 1'\0. cessing, Servicing and IX) (JJ) Repairs [V(a) ] ------P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

5 5 3 2 1,45'; 1,103 352 4,425 3,802 623 3,029 955 2,074 13,444 5,719 7,725 5 5 1 1,45, 1,103 3;2 4,298 3,677 621 3,028 954 2,074 13,303 5,647 7,656 2 127 125 2 I 141 72 69 2 547 502 45 13 5 8 626 236 390 1. 420 377 43 12 4 8 485 164 321 2 127 125 :2 141 72 69 11 11 I. II II

3 :1 5 4 2. 3 3 5 4

29 20 9 2 29 20 9 2 3.

2 464 429 35 12 5 7 609 229 380 4. 337 304 33 11 4 7 468 157 311 2 127 125 2 1 141 72 69

2 127 125 2 1 141 72 69 40 39 1 1 10 5 5 5. 40 39 1 1 10 , 5

4 4 1,455 1,103 352 3,878 3,300 578 3,016 950 2,066 12,818 5,483 7,335 2. 4 4 1,455 l,t03 352 3,878 3,300 578 3,016 950 2,066 12,818 5,483 7,335

2 2 1,293 1,017 176 1,943 1,773 270 1,970 587 1,383 8305, 3,541 4,764 2 2 1,293 1,017 276 1,943 1,673 270 1,970 587 1,383 8,305 3,541 4,764 1. 2 2 162 86 76 1,935 1,627 308 1,046 363 683 4,513 1,942 2,571 2. 2 2 162 86 76 1,935 1,627 308 1,046 363 683 4,513 1,942 2.571

GlPN-S2-~1O R. n. India(ND)IF;5-9+87-~5().