The Bell

ASH WEDNESDAY - Wednesday 1st March

The Magazine of the and Parish of


SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Prayer 7.30am (said) HOLY 8am (said) 9am (sung, with the Parish Choir), together with Sunday School in Prebendal House, followed by tea/coffee 11am (choral, with the Cathedral Choir) 12.30pm (said, in the Lady Chapel) Evening Prayer 3.30pm (choral, with the Cathedral Choir) Holy Eucharist (BCP 1662) 5.30pm on the First Sunday of the month

WEEKDAY SERVICES HOLY EUCHARIST (* in Welsh) Mon 9.30am Tue 9.30am* 12noon Wed 9.30am Thu 10.00am* 11am Fri 9.30am Sat 9.30am On major Feast Days (or the Eve), there is usually an evening Eucharist; details are published in the magazine, music sheet & weekly notes.

EVENING PRAYER (sung in Cathedral School term-time – see Music Scheme/website for further details) Mon 5.15pm Cathedral School Choral Scholars (Girls) Tue 5.15pm Cathedral Choir (Boys) Wed 5.15pm Cathedral School Choral Scholars (Girls) Thu 5.15pm Cathedral Choir Fri 5.15pm Cathedral Choir (Men) Sat 5.15pm said


From the Very Reverend Gerwyn Capon and Vicar of Llandaff

Dear Friends, Lent can be seen as a season of the church where we speak of the denial of self in order to bring about change in ourselves! On the one hand we come to an acceptance of our mortality and our need for God, and on the other, confidence to know that in Christ, we are offered new life in the here and now. This leads to a real transformation in our outlook and attitudes – it gives us a sense of hope no matter the context in which we find ourselves. The word “Lent”, after all, is derived from the early English word, “Lencten”, the time when the days begin to lengthen, and the season sees new growth. Lenten transformation is about allowing ourselves to be shaped by God’s grace, just as the warming sun germinates and stirs nature into new life. If this is true, why has the church repeatedly affirmed the Lenten disciplines of self denial? At its most profound level, acts of self-denial serve as an emptying of ourselves, enough to allow God in turn, to fill us. They are a means to an end. They prepare us to be transformed, just a little more, into the full image of ourselves that God intends, an image that conforms more truly to His own. The early Church understood this when it developed the traditional disciplines of Lent – prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Firstly, prayer enables us to establish, maintain and strengthen our relationship with God. We will want to ask for the things we deeply need for ourselves and for others - healing, understanding, patience, humility, strength, insight, a better knowledge of God, an ability to detect his love and to reflect it in how we live. When we do this, we can begin to see the world as Christ sees it. This is the first, most foundational Lenten practice. If we do nothing else during Lent, the practice of daily prayer (preferably silent and contemplative – a few moments in the day, walking, sitting quietly somewhere – thinking about God and His presence around us). Lent is the perfect time to reignite our prayer life.


Secondly, fasting (what we typically mean when we talk of ‘giving something up’) is not about doing without something we like, but doing without something we need and the point of fasting is to recognize our dependence on God’s provision of life. Traditionally, fasting from everything except basic food, is done once or twice a week, from sunset to sunset on Mondays to Tuesdays and Thursdays to Fridays. Few of us do this now but I have several friends who adopt a vegetarian diet through Lent or use at least one day as a day of fasting. To feel your own need of something that is basic to life, does allow us to appreciate and focus on those in our world who have nothing, not of their own choice but out of circumstance. At its most basic level, Lent offers a time to reassess how we consume things without much thought - food, drink, clothes, the material things in everyday life. It sharpens the conscience and reminds us of the double standards that erode a proper sense of who and what we are, as we stand before God as part of one human family. Lastly, when we offer our own money to help others in need (almsgiving) we are aligning ourselves to God’s will. Almsgiving can be planned or spontaneous. Either way, it is one of the most countercultural things we can do; it runs away from the default position of human self interest and travels directly towards imitating the generosity of God, from whom we have everything in the first place. This could be a time perhaps to reassess what you give to the Cathedral – never an easy or comfortable question to ask! During this Lent, will God indeed prompt you to review your giving in such a way as to enable the Cathedral to breathe easier and begin to fund its ministry in a new way? Ever since my own ordination, I have chosen to give sacrificially to the churches in which I have served and do so now. I have found it a totally liberating thing to do – unconditional generosity finds its blessing in so many ways. In the end, whatever one does during Lent, it is between the individual and God. However, it is an opportunity to have an ambition and practice for ourselves, engaging in disciplines that remind us of God’s boundless grace, rather than gestures that try to make us the saviours of ourselves. The prayer for the blessing of the ashes on Ash Wednesday sums this up: Almighty God, you have created us out of the dust of the earth: Grant that these ashes may be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence, that we may remember that it is 4

only by your gracious gift that we are given everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Gerwyn

The Archbishop’s Farewell. At the end of January we said a farewell to Archbishop Barry. The service on the 29th January was a wonderful celebration. He has been a strong supporter of the Cathedral throughout his time as our diocesan and as the Primate and it has been the Cathedral’s great privilege to help support him in his Diocesan and Provincial role. Barry’s has wanted to see our ministry thrive at the Mother Church of the Diocese and that has been both a joy and a challenge over the last few years. We are so hopeful that in retirement he will continue to be part of our Cathedral family and we wish him well as he prepares for a new chapter in his own life and ministry. Hilary shared Archbishop Barry’s love and care for the Cathedral and was such a supporter over the years - we continue to miss her a great deal. It is certainly right for us to acknowledge with gratitude the part she played too in our life at Llandaff. I should like as well to offer my own personal thanks to Archbishop Barry for supporting me as Dean and on behalf of us all, to express profound gratitude to God for his vision, scholarship and pastoral concern as our bishop. Above all perhaps, we thank Archbishop Barry for his unwavering friendship as a guide and fellow traveller in the Gospel.

Material for any issue of The Bell should be sent to the Editor, David Llewellyn, no later than the 6th of the preceding month. Material may be delivered to 40 Pwllmelin Road, Llandaff, CF5 2NJ or (preferably) emailed to [email protected]

A colour edition of ‘The Bell’ can be viewed on the Cathedral website: . [Ed.]


DIARY FOR MARCH 2017 Regular Sunday and weekday services are listed on page 2

Wed 1 ASH WEDNESDAY 7.30pm Holy Eucharist, with Imposition of Ashes Thu 2 Fri 3 Women’s World Day of Prayer Sat 4

Sun 5 FIRST SUNDAY of LENT 5.30pm Holy Eucharist ( 1662) Mon 6 Tue 7 Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions (203), Martyrs Wed 8 Ember Day 7.30pm Lenten Reflections, with Holy Eucharist Thu 9 Fri 10 Ember Day Sat 11 Ember Day

Sun 12 SECOND SUNDAY of LENT Mon 13 Tue 14 Wed 15 7.30pm Lenten Reflections, with Holy Eucharist Thu 16 Fri 17 Patrick (5th cent.),Bishop & Patron of Ireland Sat 18 Cyril of Jerusalem (386), Bishop

Sun 19 THIRD SUNDAY of LENT Mon 20 Tue 21 Thomas Cranmer (1556), Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Robert Ferrar (1555), , Teachers & Martyrs Wed 22 7.30pm Lenten Reflections, with Holy Eucharist Thu 23 Fri 24 Oscar Romero (1980), Bishop & Martyr Sat 25 The Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 5.15pm Solemn Eucharist

Sun 26 FOURTH SUNDAY of LENT (Mothering Sunday) Mon 27


Tue 28 Wed 29 Woolos (6th century), King 7.30pm Lenten Reflections, with Holy Eucharist Thu 30 , with the installation of the High Sheriff of Fri 31

DATES for your DIARY

The Lent Lunches will take place on Wednesdays 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th March and 5th April. All will take place in Prebendal House starting at 12:30 pm.

Annual Vestry Meeting - Wednesday 19th April 2017 at 7.00pm in the Nave.

Rainbow Fair - Friday 30th June 2017 (Further information to follow)


WEEKLY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Sunday School: 9am Prebendal House (Louise Beesley  029 2140 8013) Parish Choir: Monday, 6.15pm (juniors); First Sunday of month, 4.30pm (adults) (David G Thomas) Linen & Vestment Group: Tuesday, 10am Prebendal House Bellringers: Tuesday, 7.15pm - 9pm (Pat Moore  029 2115 4275) Parent & Baby/Toddler Get-together: Wednesday, 9.15am - 11.30am Parish Hall (Emma Griffin  07539 201137) Servers of the Sanctuary: Wednesday, 6.15pm, or at a pre-arranged time (John Kenyon  029 2056 7666) Bible Study Group: Meets every other week on Thursdays (Until further notice, contact Cathedral Office for information) Llandaff Parish Mothers’ Union: Meets every other week on Mondays (Mary Madsen) St Teilo Guild: Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month (Shirley Roberts  029 2056 3833) Brownies & Guides: 1st Llandaff Brownies: Wednesday 6pm C/W School Hall (Andrea Davies 07813 642104) 2nd Llandaff Brownies: Wednesday 6pm Parish Hall (Ellie Lyle 07973 931299) Flower Guild: (Barbara Treharne  029 2056 4655)


ROTAS for MARCH 2017

ALTAR LINEN March : Christine Edwards April : Beryl Baldwin


MARCH 2017 No flowers (Lent)


MARCH 2017 8am Alan Biss, Jill Cockram, Isobel Purcell, Robert Render

City School, Margaret Beecher, Chris Hackett, Bryan Hibbard, 9am David Johnson, Delyth Miller, Brian Robinson, Ruth Watt

12.30pm Cath & Paul Bradshaw

APRIL 2017 8am Barbara Treharne Huw Evans, Christine Kenyon, Diana Lambert, Zinnia Lewis, 9am Delyth Miller, Chris Taylor, Tim Taylor, Alan Williams, Barbara Williams 12.30pm Nell Khoo, Jean Jones

If you are unable to fulfil a duty, please arrange for a substitute.



CATHEDRAL WELCOMERS Many thanks to the many volunteers who give up their time to welcome visitors to the Cathedral. We still need, however, to increase our list of volunteer welcomers. If you are interested and would like to know more about what this entails and the training we give, please contact either Canon Graham Holcombe, John Bethell, Bill Norman or Katharine MacDonald. Katharine MacDonald  029 2056 9002

GUILD OF ST TEILO Our first meeting is on March 13th when we will have a visit to the Royal Mint, Llantrisant. Details were given to those attending the 4th February meeting. The second meeting will be held on March 27th when our speaker will be Mrs Kate Bates who will tell us "What it means to be a Head Teacher at a Church School". We look forward to seeing you at both of these interesting events. The meetings are held at The Parish Hall at 2 pm and are open to visitors at £2 per afternoon which includes Tea, Biscuits and a Friendly Chat. Pat Willmott (Assistant Secretary)  029 2040 8675

LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL FLOWER GUILD The Guild AGM took place on Wednesday 8th February, chaired by Canon Graham Holcombe. A report was given on the activities of the Guild during the past year. The present officers were re-elected and we welcomed nine new members and 2 new teams. We were sorry lose Margaret Beecher & Veronica Smith who have retired as team leaders. Thanks were given to them and all Team leaders for their work during the year. A social event will be planned for the coming year to help our funds. Our only source of income comes from subs & those who donate. These donations are much appreciated. We look forward to the year ahead. Barbara Treharne


THE CATHEDRAL SHOP We have Mothering Sunday cards, Easter Cards along with cards for all other occasions for sale, also our usual stock of gifts and a wide range of books for you to choose from. "This year's Lent book, now available in the Cathedral Shop for £4.99, is "Reflections for Lent 2017" which is published by the Church of England and includes contributions from well-known Anglicans, including the Rector of St Martin in the Fields; Libby Lane, the Bishop of Stockport; and Rev. Jeff Astley, Professor of Religion at Glyndwr University. We send all good wishes to Pam Barlow while she is in hospital and wish her a speedy recovery. We still have room for any volunteer who has a little time to spare. Many thanks to all who support us. Mary Madsen

WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER A service will be held in Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, Keystone Rd Fairwater on Friday 3rd March at 2- 30pm. The service has been prepared by the women of the Philippines and Llandaff will be participating in the service. This is an ecumenical service & all our welcome. Thank you. Barbara Treharne

LLANDAFF PARISH MOTHERS’ UNION The only meeting in March will be held on Monday 6th March, at 2.15pm when Canon Graham Holcombe will give a Lent talk. The next meeting will be held on 3rd April, also at 2.15pm, when there will be a talk on 'Quakerism'. All are welcome to attend any meeting. Mary Madsen


FRENCH ORGAN WORKS DURING LENT Performed by the Cathedral Director of Music

Stephen Moore, the Cathedral Director of Music, will perform important and influential Organ works by a French master on Sundays during Lent. Stephen will play the Trois Chorals of César Franck after 3.30pm Choral Evensong on Sundays 5, 12 and 19 March.

Franck set about composing the set of Chorals at the suggestion of his publisher Auguste Durand. He began them whilst on summer holiday at Nemours and completed them on return to Paris – the third and last being dated September 30 1890. On October 2 he played them on a piano for his organ class at the Paris Conservatoire with one of his students taking the pedal part. Franck had been recovering from an accident the previous May which had left him seriously weakened and a chill taken at the beginning of October soon developed into pleurisy. Despite this, he insisted on returning to the organ loft of Sainte-Clotilde on October 20 to determine the registration of the Chorals before returning home to his bed, dying on the morning of November 8. The Chorals have nothing to do with Gregorian chorales or German hymns, as Bach would have understood them, rather that Franck employed chorale-like melodies to serve as the basis for each of the three, before developing them during each piece. Franck tried to explain to his students that “You will see, the choral is not the thing itself – the true choral becomes clear in the course of the work.” The first, E Major Choral, provides a difficulty in equating exactly what Franck has taken from pre-existing choral models. It opens with a broad melody that can be analysed into seven thematic cells, of which only the last – a six bar phrase – resembles what J.S Bach would have considered a “choral”. The work then proceeds through an ever more fantastic and chromatic series of variations, in which one or more of the cells is involved. The compositional and harmonic language becomes more adventurous until the Bach-like fragment is proclaimed Tutta forza and exultant. Choral II is much simpler than the first. There is an easily identifiable theme used almost throughout the entire work which appears with different harmonies and melodies. The development of the theme is

12 interrupted several times, most notably, by a section with a new theme which is combined later with the main theme; by a soft, slow section with wonderful harmonies and melodies which appears in the middle and end of the piece; and by two loud, virtuosic sections, the last of which leads to the last statement of the theme. It is, perhaps, surprising that Franck ended this choral quietly by stating again the slow, soft section. Franck's manner of ending the piece seems "right" and natural, even though it's out of the ordinary. The third and final Choral is by far the easiest to understand. There are main "ideas" in operation: fast moving notes which outline chords and slow moving chords which present the choral melody. These are combined in the last magnificent section of the piece. (As in the other two chorales, Franck has unified two different entities by combining them.) The third main idea occurs in the middle of the piece in a section which uses a very tender and beautiful melody, and again, like in the first and the second, the main "choral" theme is stated triumphantly at the end.

All of these organ works are extended in nature, and so if you do not wish to stay and listen at the conclusion of each service we ask that you leave quietly so as not to disturb those who do. Stephen Moore

LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY A VERY SPECIAL CONCERT On Saturday April 8th the Llandaff Cathedral Choral Society will be giving a performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion. This magnificent work is the "big brother" of the St John Passion, but is less often performed because of the large forces which it demands. This is therefore a rare opportunity to hear what is possibly Bach's greatest masterpiece, and to do so in the stunning setting of Llandaff Cathedral. This performance marks the 10th anniversary of the appointment of our Principal Conductor, Dominic Neville, and promises to be a really memorable occasion. More details will follow shortly, but meantime please put the date in your diary, and we very much hope you will be able to join us for this very special event. Sue Smith 13


There are many opportunities for volunteers to be involved in the daily life of our Cathedral - HOW COULD YOU HELP? Even an hour can make a difference and training and support is available to you. The following are just a few examples, but if you would like to help in any other way, please talk to the churchwardens or clergy. GUILD OF GUIDES AND WELCOMERS Could you make their visit special by offering a little time to welcome and guide them around? Training given. Contact Bill Norman  029 2021 2056 CATHEDRAL SHOP Could you assist in the Cathedral Shop? This is a great place to meet and welcome visitors, and to help make money for the Cathedral too. Contact Pam Barlow  029 2065 2519 GUILD OF SERVERS Please come and have a chat with the Head Server after a service, or telephone. Contact John Kenyon  029 2056 7666 FLOWER GUILD The Flower Guild needs volunteers to help beautify our Cathedral Contact Barbara Treharne  029 2056 4655

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CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 14-20 May 2017 As I write, it is January; and, just as in 2016, the sky is leaden and on the days when the temperature rises above freezing, the rain falls. But as you read, we shall be in March, the days will be longer, and - who knows - the weather may be warmer and less wet. But what is certain is that the month of May will be approaching, bringing Christian Aid Week around once again. The result we achieved in 2016 was amazing: in total we raised over £10,800, - the only church in to have raised more than £10,000 in Christian Aid Week. Many, many thanks to everyone who made this stunning result possible. Last year the house-to-house collection raised over £7,700, which by itself was £600 more than the whole total raised in 2015! It is SO worth doing, not least because some of the money comes from people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to give. But house moves, increasing age etc. mean that our band of collectors diminishes a little each year, and once again we need some new collectors. IT’S NOT A BIG COMMITMENT – ONLY ABOUT 3 HOURS IN CHRISTIAN AID WEEK ITSELF. It can be done in the evenings, so is compatible with working, and you will be supplied with everything you need for the collection. Please consider if you could offer your help. For more information or to sign up, please contact Sue Smith at [email protected] or on 20569234. THANK YOU! Sue Smith


at Llandaff Cathedral, Saturday 29th April 2017 A day of Latin for beginners with George Sharpley

Spend a day sampling classical Latin, with insights into lives of the writers; discover the Latin words behind English and Welsh ones, see how the language works, and hear Latin poems, all in a day!

One of the brightest lights of our emergence from the so-called Dark Ages was the introduction of Latin in the of Europe. From this grew schools and universities, most of which have long since parted with their founders. Latin was the lingua franca of medieval Europe, when monks and churchmen were trained to write Latin in order to produce the religious, administrative and legal texts required of the time. And when the day job was done, they turned to the earlier classical writings of Virgil, Ovid and others who reflected values of a quite different world; but they were too good to ignore. Stories of mischievous gods and whimsical goddesses were accepted as allegories. And now Latin is to be presented again in these wonderful settings! Not only were churches responsible for teaching classical literature, they also preserved the books in their historic libraries.

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THE ARCHBISHOP’S FAREWELL - Sunday 29th February 2017

with The Dean and Cathedral staff

Bishop Barry preaching and presiding at the Farewell Service

Following the Blessing, placing his Crozier on the Altar 21


Very Reverend Gerwyn Capon Dean

Venerable Peggy Jackson of Llandaff Vacancy Archdeacon of Margam Venerable Christopher Smith Archdeacon of Morgannwg

Canon Stephen Ryan Treasurer Canon John Rowlands Chancellor Canon Philip Masson

Canon Graham Holcombe St Teilo Canon Steven Kirk Fairwell Canon Nigel Cahill Fairwater Canon Jenny Wigley St Andrew Canon Mark Preece St Dyfrig Canon Stewart Lisk Caerau Canon Ruth Moverley St Cross Canon Michael Komor Llangwm Canon Peter Cox Warthacwm Canon Edwin Counsell St Nicholas

Chapter Clerk Vacant Chapter Clerk Emeritus Sir Donald Walters CATHEDRAL OFFICE Administration :  029 2056 4554 (10am to 4pm) Fax : 029 2056 3897 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

HEAD VIRGER Jonathan Hoad



Kate Bates Helen Bush Christopher Conners David Davies Mark Edwards Dylan Gwyer-Roberts Susan Gwyer-Roberts Jonathan Hoad Tannwen James Arthur Impey Rhys Jenkins Benjamin Jenkins John Kenyon Ian MacDonald Katharine MacDonald Helen Patterson Christopher Preece Joshua Riddick Sam Smith Richard Swain Oliver Wannell Ruth Watt


HEAD SERVER John Kenyon :  029 2056 7666

ORGANISTS & CHOIRMASTERS Director of Music Stephen Moore Organist & Director of the Parish Choir David Thomas

CHURCHWARDENS Dylan Gwyer-Roberts :  029 2055 5098 Katharine MacDonald :  029 2056 9002


PCC SECRETARY Louise Beesley

SUNDAY SCHOOL AND YOUTH GROUP Contact via Louise Beesley or Lyn Davies



Dean & Vicar The Very Reverend Gerwyn Huw Capon The Deanery, The Cathedral Green, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2YF  029 2056 1545

Residentiary Canon The Reverend Canon Graham Holcombe 1 White House, The Cathedral Green, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2EB  029 2056 9521


New worshippers in the Cathedral are invited to make themselves known to the clergy

All enquiries about Baptisms and Weddings (& Banns of Marriage) should be made to the clergy, in the first instance to: Canon Holcombe  029 2056 9521

In order to carry on the work of the Church in and through this Cathedral Parish, not least the upkeep of this magnificent building, we rely substantially on your generous giving. A significant proportion of our funds is raised through Christian Stewardship among our regular worshippers. If you are a tax payer, we invite you to give by means of GiftDirect or another form of Gift Aided donation. This means we can claim the tax back and so your donation increases by 25%. We are enormously grateful to all who do this as an expression of their gratitude for God’s great goodness. For more information, please contact the Stewardship Secretary: Helen Patterson  029 2061 9166