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Taste of Arts & Style Pinnebrød: Robert Wangard August er det mykeste myke jeg kjenner, has the Norwegian bread denne skjelvende streng mellom with a twist sommer og høst, denne dugg av avskjed “Hard Water Blues” i mine hender. Read more on page 12 Read more on page 8 – Einar Skjæraasen Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 29 August 19, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Setting the tone for the election News How will political Many of Norway’s main high- solidarity after July ways are not up to standards set by U.N. agreements set up 22 affect upcoming in 1992. Among the breaches is municipal elections? the fact that Norway is build- ing new two-lane European highways without concrete step Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor barriers, and Norway is being criticized for setting standards below the negotiated levels. After the bombing of govern- (blog.norway.com/category/ ment headquarters and massacre news) on an island outside of on July 22 that claimed 77 lives, most Nor- Norway in the U.S. wegian politicians entered into an Norwegian Festival in New agreement which came to be called York City will be a celebra- avtalen om husfred, or, literally, tion of the life and accomplish- “the agreement for house-peace.” ments of Norwegian running This agreement stipulated that legend Grete Waitz. Grete’s politicians would avoid discuss- Great Gallop, the Norway Run, ing hot-button political issues and the Troll Stroll and associated wouldn’t criticize each other until activities takes place on the after Aug. 13, which is one month morning of Oct. 1. before the election. The purpose of (blog.norway.com/category/ Photo: Labor Party norway-in-the-us) CONTINUES PAGE 6 A group of politicians ready to debate Aug. 15. Sports In the Norwegian Athlet- Centennial status Example to the world cis Championships, Andreas Thorkildsen won the javelin Three bygdelags celebrate 100 years Minister of event and the King’s Cup with a throw measuring 90.61m, sea- Foreign Affairs son best in the world. Thorkild- sen himself has also the second Jonas Gahr best throw in the world this season, with 88.43m. Støre visits US (blog.norway.com/category/ norway-in-the-us) Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y Washington, D.C.

Norwegian Minister of Foreign What’s inside? Affairs, Jonas Gahr Støre, met with News 2-3 his American counterpart, Hillary Rodham Clinton, at the State De- Business 4 partment in Washington, D.C., on Research & Education 5 Photo: Urd Milbury/Royal Norwegian CONTINUES PAGE 12 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 New Nordic record for Holm Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Mona Holm sets a Obituaries & Religion 11 new record in the Arts & Style 12 hammer throw In Your Neighborhood 13 Photo: Gary Erickson Vestlandslag president Ann Romo and Dr. Verlyn Anderson. Norwegian Heritage 14 No r w a y Po s t Sports 15 Ga r y Er i c k s o n Sunburg, Minn. Mona Holm set a new Norwe- gian and Nordic record for women $1 = NOK 5.443 Vestlandslag president, Ann Hardanger lag, Rogalandslag in hammer throw at the Norwegian updated 8/15/2011 Romo convened the annual stevne and Sunnhordland lag, had perse- Championships at Byrkjelo on In comparison (meeting) in Fargo, N.D. this sum- vered for more than ten decades Aug. 13, with a throw measuring 7/15/2011 5.5545 mer, spotlighting a celebration of of growth and membership. With 70.43m. 2/15/2011 5.8261 centennial status achieved by three that history, each of these three lags This also qualifies Holm for 8/15/2010 6.2213 of its seven bygdelags (area asso- displayed an incredible durability the World Championships in a few ciations). Each western bygdelag, CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: Kondis.no 2 • August 19, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter – Landet taper på at så mange velger høyere utdanning Vi har rekordhøy gjeld... men 4 av 10 Alt for mange tar nordmenn vil låne enda mer penger En ny undersøkelse gjennomført av InFact høyere utdanning i for VG i forrige uke viser at hele 40 prosent Norge. Landet taper av de spurte mener at de tåler mer gjeld. Dette til tross for at gjeldsbelastningen i store penger på at Norge nå er høyere enn under den elleville nærmere en tredjedel jappetiden på slutten av 1980-tallet, viser tall fra Norges Bank. Ifølge tall fra SSB av unge mellom 19 og hadde norske husholdninger en samlet gjeld på 2192 milliarder kroner ved utgangen av 24 år studerer, mener juni. – Det er usedvanlig mye gjeld i norske professor husholdninger i forhold til vår forhistorie og i forhold til våre naboland, sier sjeføkonom i Terra, Jan Andreassen. Seks av ti tror gjeld- NRK skrisen i USA og Europa vil påvirke norsk økonomi, mens kun tre av ti tror krisen vil Det er studiestart i landet, og over få innvirkning på deres private forbruk. En 50.000 studenter er klare til å ta fatt på et nytt av fire mener en fordobling av renten vil ha studium og et nytt semester. alvorlige eller svært alvorlige konsekvenser I dag tar nærmere en tredjedel av unge for deres privatøkonomi. Nesten fire av ti i mellom 19 og 24 år høyere utdanning i aldersgruppen 25-39 år mener de kan ta opp Norge. Professor i sosiologi, Ottar Brox, mer gjeld. mener det er alt for mange. Foto: Pål Bugge/Innovation Norway (VG) – For mange kommer inn, og for mange søker høyere utdannelse fordi alternativene Professoren mener imidlertid ikke det studenter enn tidligere år, og flere søkere får Frp nede på 12,7 prosent i ny måling er forsømt. alltid er kunnskap som er målet med mer tilbud om studieplass. Fremskrittspartiet går ytterligere tilbake, – Hva er alternativene? utdannelse, og viser til et eksempel der en I alt har circa 74.500 fått tilbud om stud- spesielt blant kvinner, i en ny menin- – Det er lettest å illustrere med lærlin- fagforeningsleder for noen år siden ville ut- ieplass nå i høst. Dette tilsvarer omtrent 69 gsmåling utført for TV 2. Med 12,7 prosents geordningen som burde vært utbygd mye vide en treåring utdanning med et år for å få prosent av søkerne og er rundt 3.200 flere oppslutning ligger partiet an til det dårligste sterkere. Det er minst like god grunn for å høyere lønn. enn i fjor, opplyser Kunnskapsdepartementet. kommunevalget siden 1999. – Dette fortell- subsidiere lærlinger som å subsidiere stu- – Mer utfordrende oppgaver, mer veiled- Av knapt 108.000 søkere er omtrent 88.000, er meg hvor viktig det er fortelle velgerne at denter. ning og intensive kurs er alternativer. Mye av eller circa 81,5 prosent, kvalifisert for opptak vår politikk ligger fast og at det betyr noe for Forsknings- og høyere utdanningsmin- den høyere utdanninga kunne ha vært erst- til minst ett studium. Dette er en økning på velgerne hva de stemmer, sier Frp-leder Siv ister, Tora Aasland, er ikke enig med Brox. attet med opplæring på jobben, sier Brox. 3,6 prosent sammenlignet med fjoråret. Jensen om TNS Gallups måling for TV 2. Aldri tidligere har så mange søkt opptak Dette er oppslutningen for de andre partiene: Hun mener vi trenger folk med all type ut- English Synopsis: Professor Ottar Brox in Norway danning. til høyere utdanning, og aldri har det vært thinks there are too many students in higher educa- SV 6,8 (+ 0,8), KrF 6,0 (+1,3), Senterpar- sendt ut så mange tilbud om studieplass som tion, and believes trade skills should be more support- tiet 4,9 (-1,3), Venstre 6,2 (+0,3), Rødt 2,4 – Vi må utdanne folk på alle nivåer. Vi i år, viser tall fra Samordna opptak. ed. Minister of Higher Education Tora Aasland dis- (+0,2). De mindre partiene får samlet 2,2 trenger folk med fagbrev, men også de med agrees, saying that Norway needs to educate people De norske lærestedene vil ta opp flere prosents oppslutning, en tilbakegang på 0,5 høyere utdanning, sier Aasland til NRK. at all levels. prosentpoeng. (Adresseavisen) Verdens største E6 skal graves opp flere steder – Minst 1.500 vil besøke Utøya til helgen Om lag 1.500 personer ønsker å besøke vaffel på Karmøy? Veivesenet er i ferd Utøya når AUFs sommersted åpnes for overlevende og etterlatte til helgen. Inter- med å bytte ut gamle essen for de to besøksdagene fredag 19. og lørdag 20. august er svært stor, opplyser metallrør under E6 Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og be- redskap (DSB). – Anslagsvis 1.000 personer Af t e n p o s t e n har meldt sin interesse for å reise til øya lørdag. Fredag er antallet noe mer usikkert, Veivesenet er i ferd med å bytte ut gamle men vi regner med om lag 500 personer, sier metallrør under E6. I stedet blir det betong- avdelingsdirektør i (DSB) og ansvarlig for og plastrør, som skal tåle både tele og mer markeringene, Per Kristen Brekke. Ifølge flom. Mange steder har metallrørene allerede Brekke legges det stor vekt på individuelle klappet sammen på grunn av rust. Dette har behov når øya for første gang åpnes for ført til ekstra dumper i veien der stikkren- pårørende til helgen. I forkant av markerin- gene har politiet i Nordre Buskerud, Kripos nene går. samt mannskap fra Utrykningspolitiet (UP) - I en periode for ca 30 år siden valgte jobbet på spreng for å rydde øya for gjen- Foto: Privat/VG Veivesenet metallrør, siden de var rimelig- stander. – Noe av utfordringen med arrange- VG ere enn andre rør. Nå viser det seg at de ikke mentene til helgen er hvordan vi kan gjøre holder, og må skiftes ut, sier regionveisjef Foto: Jerry Porsbjer Panoramio dette på en verdig måte. Båttransport til og I anledning KFUK-KFUM-speidernes Torbjørn Naimak som er ansvarlig for veiene Over hele landet skal Vegvesenet fjerne gamle leir og 100 års-jubileum på Karmøy denne i Nordland, og . fra øya setter begrensninger på hvor mange stikkrenner av metall, og erstatte disse med be- som kan være med. De overlevende som uken med mottoet «Vaffel i vinden» har Joar Utskiftingen vil i årene som kommer tong- eller plastrør. skal besøke øya lørdag får kun ta med seg én Mortveit virkelig skapt liv og røre. gjelde hele landet. Ingen har oversikt over person over, sier Brekke. Han understreker Han har laget et vaffeljern med en diam- hvor mange steder man må stenge og grave for trafikken. at det vil bli flere anledninger til å reise til eter på 100 centimeter, og i det har han stekt over E6 mens arbeidet pågår. Vegdirektoratet har nylig gjennomført Utøya utover høsten. det han håper er verdens største vaffel. Joars Bare i nord antar Torbjørn Naimak at en undersøkelse om klima og transport. Her (NRK) jern veier 250 kilo. Han har brukt to måneder man må grave over veien flere hundre gang- er en av konklusjonene at dagens stikkrenner på å smi sammen kjempejernet. Førti liter er, over hele landet kan det bli flere tusen nye Vil strippe eldreomsorgen for uniformer må bli større for å kunne tåle klimaendringer. vaffelrøre har gått med til forsøket, og kjem- stikkrenner. I fremtiden regner man med mer nedbør, og Fremskrittspartiet vil at ansatte i eldreom- pevaffelen ble laget av 10 liter røre. -Vi velger betongrør i stedet. Slike rør at smeltingen om våren kan komme raskere. sorgen skal gå med vanlige klær på jobb for Til stede under rekordforsøket var en ble også brukt i veinettets barndom. I enkelte -Det er helt riktig at vi sliter med gamle å minske avstanden mellom eldre og pleiere. politimann som godkjente forsøket. Vaffelen områder kommer det til å bli brukt plastrør, metallrør som ikke er av forventet kvalitet, I en såkalt «frihetsreform i eldreomsorgen» ble målt til 98 centimeter i diameter. sier Naimak. forteller partiet at de ønsker å innføre en re- sier Svein Ryan som leder seksjonen for vei- – Jeg har sendt inn bilde og søknad til Veivesenet stiller strenge krav til hvor- kke tiltak for å bedre eldreomsorgen lokalt. teknologi i Vegdirektoratet. Guinness rekordbok, og håper den blir god- dan rørene skal legges, og at det skal fylles Modellen partiet ønsker å følge er hentet Ryan påpeker at utskifting av rør vil kjent. fra Danmark og ble etablert av Thyra Frank til med telefrie masser. pågå over en lengre periode. At man samti- – Vaffel er jo et fint symbol, med mange i 1989. Modellen er tuftet på at de ansatte Man øker også dimensjonen, for at stik- dig øker dimensjonen er et tiltak for å hånd- er gjester i de eldres hjem, som det heter i hjerter som henger sammen, sier Joar. krennene skal ta unna mer vann enn dagens tere forventede klimaendringer. English Synopsis: Waffle enthusiast Joar Mortveit of er beregnet for. forslaget fra Frp. English Synopsis: Karmøy is on the quest for make the world’s largest The Norwegian Roads Adminis- (VG) En rekke steder vil gravearbeidet skje waffle. He recently made one that was 98 cm (38.6 tration is replacing several thousand metal pipes along inches) wide, and submitted it to Guinness. om natten, for å unngå for mye forsinkelser Norway’s main highway E6 due to rust. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news August 19, 2011 • 3 News Back to Utøya Important lessons learned This week on Norway.com ranked 75th in the Anders Behring Breivik 22 July Commission world brought back to island The University of Oslo was ranked 75th in established to improve the Academic Ranking of World Universities to reconstruct the future preparedness for 2011, which is the same place they held in 2010. University of Oslo (UiO) wrote in a attacks for police statement: “With these results, UiO is in the Of f i c e o f t h e Pr i m e Mi n i s t e r top one percent of the world’s universities.” (Aftenposten) St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Norwegian American Weekly “The Government appointed the 22 July Cod’s surprising immune system Commission, which will carry out a broad Norwegian research has revealed that the and independent evaluation of the response Norwegian police brought Anders Beh- immune system of cod is very different from to the attacks on the government offices and other fish and from mammals – a discovery ring Breivik back to the lake island of Utøya on Utøya in order to identify lessons learned. Aug. 13 so that he could walk them through that may shed light on the human immune The objective is to ensure that Norwegian system as well. The discovery was made the site of one of last month’s twin terror at- society is prepared in the best possible way tacks that he admitted to carrying out. after scientists sequenced the entire cod to prevent and if necessary respond to any genome. Up to now, scientists have believed Wearing a bulletproof vest and a leash future attacks, at the same time as we hold that all higher animals (including fish) share held by a police guard, Behring Breivik on to core values in our society such as open- the same basic type of immune system as walked around the island for eight hours, ness and democracy,” announced Norwegian humans, assumed to have stemmed from a showing the police how he had stalked his Prime Minister Aug. 12. single common origin. Now it appears that victims, at times holding up his arms as if “This is in line with the announcement Photo: Office of the Prime Minister cod are lacking in that part of the immune pretending to take aim at fleeing members of we made July 27 in agreement with the other Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. system that normally combats infection from a political youth camp who were his targets political parties. The Commission’s mandate bacteria and parasites. “This was a very on the island of Utøya. surprising finding,” says Professor Kjetill S. and composition have been decided in con- that the leaders of the Conservative Party, the Breivik, 32, a self-described Christian Jakobsen, who headed the cod-sequencing sultation with the parties represented in the Christian Democratic Party and the Liberal crusader, was calm, cooperative and in con- . We have taken their points of view project. “Conventional wisdom holds that trol of his emotions. cod should be dead. Yet it is a very successful and input into consideration. I am pleased CONTINUES PAGE 6 “The suspect showed he was not un- species.” moved by being back on Utøya,” said police (Research Council of Norway) prosecutor Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby said. “But he did not show any remorse for his ac- Norway on the big screen Increased home sales tions.” Norwegian International Film Festival started Aug. 17 In the second quarter of 2011 the number of “Breivik understands that people think transfers of private homes rose by almost 13 of him as a demon,” his lawyer, Geir Lip- percent compared with the corresponding pestad, told Dagbladet. quarter the previous year. The number of But, he added, the self-styled “Crusader” transferred holiday homes increased by repeated to himself out loud on the journey two percent. The average purchase price per transfer was NOK 2.6 million (USD to the island with police: “It was necessary, 478,000). Oslo still has the highest average it was necessary.” price per transfer with NOK 3.8 million The decision to bring Behring Breivik (approximately USD 699,000). back to the island angered many Norwe- (Norway Post) gians, but police said it helped them fill in the blanks. New MIC Norway director appointed Hjort Kraby said Behring Breivik was On Oct. 1, Kristin Danielsen takes over allowed to walk and talk with little interrup- the helm of MIC Norway, following in tion in order to jog his memory and yield as the footsteps of current director Martin much information as possible. Revheim who steps down this autumn. Says “He provided us with a lot of new infor- Danielsen to Ballade.no: “Being director for mation which we didn’t have before, despite Photo: Norwegian Film Institute MIC Norway is without doubt one of the 50 hours of (previous) interrogation,” said A still from the new film “Sønner av Norge” (Sons of Norway), which will open in the Norwegian In- most inspiring and challenging positions Hjort Kraby. ternational Film Festival in Haugesund. on the Norwegian music scene today. MIC “We feel we now have a fairly good promotes all varieties of genres and styles at overview of how everyone died or was shot, No r w e g i a n International Fi l m Fe s t i v a l home as well as abroad. The music industry even though there are still details to fill in,” is also facing a number of challenges right said Hjort Kraby. The entire country will be reflected on short films and documentaries in a brand now – I really thrive when I can focus on Officials planned to turn control of the the big screen when the Norwegian Interna- new program. some of those challenges.” island back over to the Labor Party youth on tional Film Festival in Haugesund Aug. 17 – “We have a special responsibility to (MIC Norway) Aug. 19. 26. The festival is showcasing new, regional CONTINUES PAGE 15 Raise funds with the Norwegian American Weekly Share the Norwegian American Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time!

We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization gets $20 of the profit (It adds up quickly!) • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Want more information? Contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to ; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • august 19, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (August 15, 2011) Potential for public innovation

Norsk Kr. 5.4443 Dansk Kr. 5.1585 Svensk Kr. 6.4033 Canadian $ 0.9827 Euro 0.6925 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo: Heidi Widerøe/Innovation Norway

Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway

Innovation is one of the most important duct integrates Enterprise 2.0 technology and strategies to differentiate from the competi- special networking concepts with a flexible tion. For most companies the question is not innovation process management framework. if they need to innovate, but how they are Innovation solutions are already used going to do it. The drivers for innovation are successfully by a number of public sector or- very diverse. The innovation objective may ganizations, including Oslo University Hos- Full Service Agency With Experienced be to fill in a new customer demand, comply pital, municipality, Arendal munici- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! with new legislation or to lower the produc- pality and Norsk Tipping. International users Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! tion cost of your product. of the solution include Aalborg University information will help you make wise travel Many executives are convinced of the Hospital in Denmark and Mass General Hos- Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! necessity of innovation, but have – according pital in , Mass. Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE to them – a good reason not to do it anyway. EDB ErgoGroup is one of the leading Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 It is true that it is difficult to initiate a culture Nordic IT companies, with some 10,000 em- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] of innovation. Another excuse is that it is so ployees. The company is listed on the Oslo Verrazano TraVel & leisure expensive to invest in research and develop- Stock Exchange and operates from head- 1 (718) 979-6641 ment (R&D) and to innovate, especially in quarters in Oslo with major activities in both MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE times of recession. They want to take their the Norwegian and Swedish market. In all, a t t o r n e y s a [email protected] d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w product or service to the next level, but they the company operates from 135 offices in 16 miss the needed expertise and resources. A countries around the world. common excuse is that we can’t hire new The young and fast-growing company Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, staff since there is a global freeze on hiring Induct wants to change the way organiza- commercial transactions and estate planning. in the company. tions think about innovation. Based on the This summer you could read in the Nor- work of Professor Henry Chesbrough of UC 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 wegian trade press that to strengthen inno- Berkeley, the author of the book “Open In- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 vation in the public sector EDB ErgoGroup novation,” Induct integrates technology for has entered into collaboration with Induct concepts with a flexible and customisable in- Software to deliver solutions for innovation novation framework for the management of to the public sector. The public sector faces innovation processes. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. major future challenges, with renewal and Alf Martin Johansen, chairman of the innovation playing an essential role in main- board and founder of Induct is looking for- Sales and Service taining welfare standards in the years ahead. ward to cooperate to pave the way for greater The collaboration agreement with Induct innovation in the public sector! Software will allow EDB ErgoGroup to de- Rasmus Falck is a well-known entrepre- liver innovation solutions from Induct as an neurship advocate in Norway. He has been integrated component in EDB ErgoGroup’s involved in initiatives like Connect, First product portfolio for customers in the public Tuesday, Forum for Entrepreneurship, Seed Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK sector. Forum, Venture Cup, Young Enterprise and phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Solutions from Induct will help EDB lately the Norwegian Business Angel Net- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 ErgoGroup to offer the best possible support work. He is the author of the publications to the public sector in achieving its objec- “Hva gjør de beste bedre?” (“What are the tives for renewal and innovation. Induct is best doing better?”) and “Norwegian Ven- a Norwegian-based company that delivers ture Capital Guide.” He received his MBA [email protected] integrated web-based services for customer- from the Wisconsin School of Business in 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 defined and open innovation processes. In- Madison, Wis. Business News & Notes SAS is the world’s most punctual airline German minister visits Statkraft Advertise in the Weekly! Scandinavian Airlines was the world’s most On Aug. 7, Dr. Philipp Rösler, German Fed- punctual airline in July, with 91.48 percent of eral Minister of Economics and Technology, Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: all flights arriving on time. For the past three visited Statkraft. Rösler and his delegation was years SAS has been Europe’s most punctual especially interested in Norway’s potential role Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for airline in the major airlines category, which as a provider of flexibile power generation to EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color includes airlines with at least 30,000 flights support Germany’s growth in wind- and solar • Free ad design a year. SAS’ Norwegian subsidiary Widerøe, power generation. Prior to his visit to Statkraft, • Support the only Norwegian- which is considered a minor airline, was Eu- he had been to one of Statoil’s platforms in American newspaper! rope’s most punctual airline overall, with 91.5 the North Sea with Norway’s Minister of Pe- percent. It was the first time two SAS Group troleum and Energy . The two airlines claimed the top spots at the same time. signed a joint ministerial statement focusing on For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] (Scandinavian Airlines) strengthened energy cooperation. (Statkraft) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research august 19, 2011 • 5 Research & Education The mental state of the polar explorer How polar explorers deal psychologically with their challenge has gathered far less attention than their physical ordeal

Gr o Mj e l d h e i m Sa n d a l University of

“For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be an adventurer. I travel in a ca- noe, by foot, on a dog sled or on skis. I enjoy living as part of nature, with the physical and mental challenges of such living. In nature my mistakes will have en immediate effect on my ability to live – and to survive.” The words belong to Eric Larsen. In 2009 he made the first American expedition to the North Pole without outside support, together with a friend. Expeditions in the polar regions can be dangerous. The participants are faced with severe tests such as challenging climatic Photo courtesy of www.yourexpedition.com conditions, a huge amount of physical stress Norwegian explorer Liv Arnesen and American explorer Ann Bancroft became the first women in history to sail and ski across Antarctica’s landmass — and the danger associated with deep crevass- completing a 94-day, 1,717-mile (2,747 km) trek – in February 2001. es. The participants live with a strong mutual dependency, cut off from their daily social how she was unprepared for the vast areas of he was conscious at the time that this was “She was an old, tough eagle who appeared network. Both mental and physical prepara- up to two meter high snowdrifts. They were not the case, the idea was of great comfort to when things got difficult and told me to pull tions preface such expeditions. Even then the impossible to pass on skis and she imagined him and supported him on the way to reach- through.” She also said that “sometimes expedition may encounter unforeseen diffi- days of struggle. Gradually she accepted the ing his . when I spotted three clouds, I imagined them culties en route, such as strong winds, cold- nature of the ground and instead focused on Yet another participant told of how she as my three female mentors who passed ness, injury and defective equipment. the aesthetics of the landscape. “If I curse felt the presence of her late grandmother. every snowdrift it will not be a nice trip and CONTINUES PAGE 15 Psychological resilience then it’s better to look for something posi- To many people it may seem baffling, tive.” selfish and outright irresponsible to invest energy, health, time and money to engage in Flow projects like this. In a section of the “Norwe- The ability to let yourself be absorbed gian Polar History,” Matti Goksøyr suggests by nature or create mental images appears Music Education that the modern polar expedition is similar to to help the polar explorer to master the situ- the power tests one finds in sport. The desire ation. In modern psychology this state of At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community to explore one’s own boundaries may be as mind is often referred to as “flow” – a term ensures challenge and support for every student much about psychology as physicality. created by the Hungarian psychology profes- When the participants in polar expedi- sor Mihaly Csikszentmihaly. tions invite psychologists to measure their This flow is accompanied by perceptual psychological performance, it may be as changes, such as severely reduced sensitiv- much out of curiosity on their own psyche ity to sensory stimuli (i.e. pain). Your per- as anything. Whereas psychologists are in- ception of time changes. One participant de- terested to learn more about how people scribes how he covered great distances “in manage to stay motivated over time, despite a flash” when he entered into a flow state. the dangers, hardship and major physical ob- Another participant told about seeking ref- stacles of polar expeditions. uge in a fantasy world where she constructed a complex wooden structure. When she fo- Overcoming fear cused on how to put the pieces in place the What are the characteristics of people outer discomfort and fatigue vanished. The who stay rugged and resistant when exposed hardest days of the expedition were the times to the stress of a polar expedition? she could not lead her mind out of discom- With the help of psychological instru- fort – when she was “mentally numb,” as she ments, through interviews and by access called it. to the diaries from polar expeditions, we can identify some features. When studying The presence of people changes in psychological responses over “Alone at last,” Liv Arnesen writes on time, we find that participants often have the first day of her expedition to the South Members of PLU’s University Symphony Orchestra prepare for a concert. high levels of anxiety at the start of an expe- Pole. But coping with protracted solitude can dition. In other words people attracted to po- be psychologically stressful during a lengthy lar expeditions are not immune to fear or de- polar expedition. CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS spondency, even though they probably have Psychological research shows, perhaps a higher threshold than most people. Instead not surprisingly, that homesickness increases they seem to use techniques so as not to be over time. Some polar explorers talk of how engulfed by fear. One such strategy may be they have felt the presence of people who to accentuate the positive over the negative have influenced them in life in the middle PLU of the icy wilderness. One explorer told of in stressful situations. www.plu.edu In her book “Snille piker går ikke til Sy- how he felt the presence of his long departed Tacoma, Washington 800-274-6758 dpolen” (Nice girls don’t walk to the South mother and how she protected him on the Pole), the polar explorer Liv Arnesen tells of most dangerous parts of the journey. Even as 6 • august 19, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion lessons learned… An opinion column about current issues in Norway (…continued from page 3) Join the conversation! Party supported the proposal. The Progress On the EDGE Party has chosen to take note of the proposal Why does Norway treat our “traveling people” as less valuable individuals? on grounds of principle,” said Stoltenberg. The mandate of the 22 July Commission By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. sets out that it is to examine the ability of the authorities and society as a whole to: I remember they came along the main Some of their historic traditions they insist payment and remunerations because of the • Disclose plans of attacks and pre- road during the first years after World War on practicing today are against Norwegian risks they took, but this was stopped for vent such attacks. II. They traveled with a large carriage rules. The fact that they lead a very differ- many years and too many of them died be- • Protect themselves against and re- pulled by two horses. All sorts of things ent lifestyle for most of us is enough to dis- fore the Norwegian society honored their duce the consequences of a future were on the carriage: cooking vessels, tools, criminate against them. important achievements. I believe we have attack. metal pieces and a bunch of people. They Norwegian history has little to be solved these cases by now. • Deal with the situation during and turned up after spring when the weather proud of when it comes to our treatment The worst stories about the tater group after such events, including taking was warmer and traveled from farm to of these people, who are originally said to (gypsies) is how they were used in brain re- care of the injured and relatives of farm, selling their brooms, kettles, beat- have come from India several centuries ago search and genetic research since they was those killed or injured. The Com- ers and other things they wanted to sell. In and now for the most part live in Romania regarded to be people of lesser value. This is mission is requested to take particu- addition, they begged for food, first of all and the Balkans. A small group settled in a shame for Norway and should never have lar consideration of the fact that so pork and potatoes, and a place to stay for a Norway and we have tried to force them to happened. But when they refuse to send many of those affected July 22 were night or two. My mother was quick to rush integrate into Norwegian culture and soci- their children to school, they are afraid that young people. in the house when she discovered them. ety, but with very little success. The result is the school will make them too “modern” The Commission is to be independent of We kids heard they stole things and were the fact that they are heavily discriminated and too “Norwegian.” I think we should use the Government and the Office of the Prime dangerous; they also took small kids with against. stronger pressure to make education com- Minister. It is to complete its work by Aug. them and performed witchcraft. We called Since Europe has developed an open pulsory. If this practice continues, we will 10, 2012, and report to the Prime Minister. them tatere (gypsies), and they called them- border system, some gypsy women from never be able to integrate them into Nor- The Commission is free to bring in exter- selves “travelers,” I do not know if they did Romania now sit as beggars on street cor- wegian society, and what do we do then? nal expertise as needed for its work and to anything illegal, but we were afraid of them ners in Oslo and other cities in Norway. Discrimination is a difficult issue. appoint its own secretariat. Importance has and against them. For many years, we had a negative attitude Today Norway is in a soul-searching toward the Sámi, our indigenous people in Steinar Opstad, born been attached to putting together a commis- process to understand and hopefully repair Norway, but this is now a solved case, in 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- sion with a broad range of expertise. all the injustices we did for so many years. my opinion. I understand that some Sámi way, is the retired Vice The Commission is to be chaired by Al- Famous Norwegian medical doctors devel- spokespersons disagree, but I believe the President of the Con- exandra Bech Gjørv. She is a lawyer at the oped a program to sterilize them since they majority of Norwegians have a positive federation of Norwegian law firm Hjort. Ms. Bech Gjørv has long were considered less valuable human be- opinion about the Sámi today. Business and Industry. experience from senior management in the ings and should not have any descendants. We also have a dark spot on our nation- During his career, he private sector, for example as Executive Vice At that time (and even today), we did not al reputation for how we treated the Nor- was an educator and communicator with President of Hydro. In this position she was allow the traveling rom people (gypsies) to wegian merchant sailors after World War II. positions as a journalist, editor, teacher, responsible for human resources, health, live their traditional nomadic life, travel- The sailors who were on Norwegian mer- and professor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. safety and the environment and corporate ing around in big cars and mobile homes. chant vessels when the war broke out and D. from the University of North Dakota. He social responsibility in one of Norway’s Their children seldom have any formal edu- were directed into Allied service did a very is the author of several professional books. largest enterprises. She has also headed the cation and the girls are often married (and important job during the war. After the war He is also the founder of the American Col- New Energy business sector in both Hydro have children) when they are 14 years old. was over, they were obliged to increased lege of Norway in Moss, Norway. and Statoil. In addition, Ms. Bech Gjørv has extensive international experience. The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an The other members of the Commission endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. are: • Former Chief of Police in Horda- setting the tone... (…continued from page 1) gumentative, and for fear of disturbing the to NRK.no. His girlfriend, Nicoline Bjerge land, Ragnar Line Auglend, Bergen grief, we have gone too far in the wrong di- Schie, who is a member of Arbeidernes Un- • Former Police Commissioner in rection,” said political editor Kyrre Nakkim gdomsfylking (Labor Party Youth), lived Copenhagen, Hanne Bech Hansen, the agreement was simply to forge a feeling in an interview with NRK. “It is undemo- through the Utøya massacre. He admits that Hillerup, Denmark of unity among Norwegian citizens, regard- cratic, it is wrong, and it is a completely dif- it has been difficult to focus on campaigning, • Researcher Laila Bokhari, Oslo less of political sympathies, and to allow ferent direction then what the Prime Minister but, “We have a hope that the elections this • Former CEO of NSB Einar Enger, Norwegians to grieve without a background promised when he said that we should have year will have an all-time high turnout, and Rakkestad of political chatter. As a result of the agree- more democracy and more openness.” a prerequisite for this is that we have a real • Lt. General Torgeir Hagen, former ment, Norwegian political leaders came The upcoming election will determine election campaign where we can show the head of the Norwegian armed forc- together in an inspiring show of solidarity, the make-up of local city and county coun- difference between the parties.” es’ intelligence services, Hamar with even , leader of Norway’s cils for the next four years. Election Day is Many don’t believe that this sort of • Professor Guri Hjeltnes, Oslo. , unexpectedly praising Prime Sept. 12, but many local communities will campaign is possible right now. Too many • Vice President of the Norwegian Minister Stoltenberg. Although she admitted also allow voting on Sept. 11 as well as the politicians are walking on eggshells, afraid Red Cross Linda Motrøen Paulsen, to disagreeing with most of his policies, she absentee voting that’s already underway. to say something wrong—even in answer to Stavanger stated that “he was my prime minister (dur- “It is very important that we manage to simple questions. When NRK asked Parlia- • Chief County Medical Officer Kar- ing the crisis) too, and he deserves praise.” take the same matters up for debate, as if noth- ment Representative Mette Hanekamhaug in Straume, Vadsø Now, however, with the municipal elec- ing had happened. If we push things under (Progress Party), for example, about how it These nine members will be supple- tions only four weeks away, the agreement the carpet, then the terrorist has won. So we was to see Jensen applaud Stoltenberg, she mented by a tenth, who will be a man with is being heavily criticized. “The Norwegian should focus on taking the same debates that answered, “I’m not sure if I can answer that police or rescue services expertise from one politicians do not dare to respond to impor- we would have done before July 22,” says because of husfreden.” Later, however, she of our closest neighboring countries. tant social issues. For fear of being too ar- Progress Party politician Lavrans Kierulf admitted to endorsing the action. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly a August 19, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, my food, but this was insulting and it made to help use the bygdeboker (farm and area CEO and Executive Director, NAF On Aug. 7, we met at House of Norway me mad. I do not know how people who are history books) from Norwegian churches. If Kim Nesselquist [email protected] at Balboa Park in San Diego, Calif., to get retired can afford to go to a restaurant and you are interested in searching for your roots, Managing Editor together with other Norwegians who might have a nice meal, which is very sad. A Mc- the stevne is a great place to start. Christy Olsen Field [email protected] have lost a relative on July 22, when Nor- Donalds burger at Aker Brygge is 125 kroner This year’s program includes the fol- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager way had their first massacre by a 32-year-old ($25), just outrageous. lowing presentations: Kelsey Larson [email protected] Norwegian man. We got together to say “I So be prepared to bring lots of money • “Scanning and Website at NAHA” love you” and by condolences to make a clo- when traveling to Norway. I know they have by Jackie Henry Assistant Layout Editor sure for the event. There was more that 100 a lot of money, but they are not letting the • “13 Ways to Write a Family History Harry Svenkerud [email protected] of us. It was also good to see Denmark and people enjoy any of it, holding on to it for fu- Without Writing a Book” by Carrie Contributing Editors join us for the loss of their neighbor. ture generations, they say... They sorely need Herfindahl I’m proud of the very able president of House to invest on their highways especially E6 and • “Preserving Your Family Heir- Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. of Norway, Eugenie King, who planned the let the people enjoy some of the oil money, it looms” by Shanna Kurth Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Sunday afternoon for us to get together The is the people’s money. • “The Kings of Norway” by Lavern Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. speaker for the day was Oddvar Hoidal, with On a lighter note, you will not find a Christianson Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland remarks by the Norwegian Consul Gordon prettier country anywhere in the world. • “My Bike Ride Through Norway” Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Kovtun. A special condolence to everyone by Sasha Aslanian Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. who lost a loved one. Hilsen, • “To Be Sure There Was Neither Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Oddbjørg Petzinger Lefse nor Knome” by Lori Anne Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. From yours truly, New Bern, N.C. Lahlum Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Bjarne Anthonsen • “Memories of Serving in the Un- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Bonsall, Calif. derground in Norway during World Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Dear Editor, War II” by Helge Nordby Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. The annual stevne for Romerikslag and There is a tour of the area on Thursday, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Dear Editor, Solorlag will be held Sept. 14 – 17 at the which includes a visit to the Freeborn Coun- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska I just came back from Norway and I’m Holiday Inn and Conference Center in Aus- ty Museum, lunch and a memorial service at Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. absolutely shocked over the cost of every- tin, Minn. Romerikslag members have roots Round Prairie Lutheran Church. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. thing. I was with American relatives (parents or present-day ties to the area that nearly For reservations and more information, John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. born in Norway) and must say I was embar- surrounds Oslo, Norway. The two lags have contact Joel Botten at (507) 388-1995 or jo- Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway ressed on several occasions. Paid NOK 400 members in over half the U.S. states, Nor- [email protected]. You can also contact Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway kroner ($80) for six coffees and six slices of way, England, Canada and other countries. Marci Hamilton at (763) 535-2642 or mham- cakes on an outside restaurant at Nesodden. The lags will share presenters and entertain- ilton917@.net, or Mary Gross at CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives On the island of Rødøy in Helgeland, I paid ment. (507) 641-5891 or [email protected]. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you NOK 150 ($30) for one plate of fish soup. In There will be a rich combination of pre- have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Oslo $40 for lasagna and $15 for a glass of sentations, films, music and traditional Nor- Sincerely, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for red wine, and these are not fancy restaurants. wegian foods. Workshops and personal assis- Eileen Gulbranson style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right I do not mind paying a reasonable amount for tance each day from genealogists is available Ellsworth, Wis. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions Introducing Kelsey Larson! and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the New staff member at the Norwegian American Weekly publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, There’s a new name in the masthead: Kelsey Larson! On Aug. 1, Kelsey joined the staff the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • of the Norwegian American Weekly as our full-time Subscriptions Manager and Copy Editor. Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Kelsey is originally from Cambridge, Minn., and she graduated with a bachelor of arts degree NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription in Norwegian and English-Creative Writing from Pacific Lutheran University in May 2011. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Kelsey has always been interested in her Norwegian heritage (her great-grandparents emigrated in 1912 from the small island of Averøy, near Kristiansund) and jumped at the op- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: portunity to take classes at PLU. This led to a year-long study abroad Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten experience in Bø, Telemark, Norway, where she studied Norwegian language, literature and culture. While living in Norway, Kelsey’s favorite things to do included eating melkesjoko- Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- lade, going for long hikes in breisås-skogen (breisås forest) with her friends, cross-country Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, skiing, and visiting relatives in Gjøvik and Lillehammer. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven We are so glad that Kelsey has joined our staff! To contact her, call (800) 305-0217 or NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Photo courtesy of Kelsey Larson email [email protected]. Kelsey at Vigelandsparken in Oslo, Norway. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • august 19, 2011 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Bread with a twist NORDIC DELICACIES Try something new on the grill this August “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!”

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www.scanspecialties.com Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! Pinnebrød is a classic of Norwegian fri- It can be made in many different ways and luftsliv (outdoor life) culture. It is easy and can also be cooked on the grill, which is, of fun to make over a campfire, and as a coun- course, another staple of Norwegian summer selor at the Norwegian language camp Skog- life. Here is a gourmet variation with chorizo Calling all fjorden in Bemidji, Minn., I enjoyed mak- sausage and basil. ing this treat almost as much as the kids did. Lutefisk fans! Pinnebrød with Chorizo Sausage

7 oz chorizo 5 Tbsp sugar Several leaves fresh basil 1 tsp salt 4 cups flour 6 Tbsp oil Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up this fall? 2 tsp baking powder ¾ cup lukewarm water Contact us with the event information for our event calendar! Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. Blend the dry ingredients. Dilute with water and oil until you have a smooth dough. Finely chop the chorizo and basil and mix it well into the dough. Divide the dough into four The Little Viking Gift Shoppe parts. Twine them around a stick. a touch of Scandinavia in southern California Fry the bread on the grill or fire until it is cooked through and release the stick. You can also twine the dough around a sausage on a spit and make what is called pølse Come see our new shop in Temecula! i slåbrok or “sausage in a dressing-gown.” This recipe is great for playing around with different variations of flavors: for example, ScanfestAD2011.qxd:LayoutFine gifts and1 collectibles, 6/30/11 cooking 7:36 supplies, AM Pageclothing, 1 and more! substitute (or supplement!) the sausage and basil with olives and sundried tomatoes, or sim- Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. ply roll the dough in sesame seeds before grilling. San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 Adapted from MatPrat.no

27 ANNUAL SCANDINAVIAN FEST Congratulations, Marina Market! The Sunday of Labor Day Weekend Scandinavian food SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 importer quoted in Wall The fields & groves of NJ VASA PARK Street Journal about 1 Wolfe Road, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 Nordic foods Great Family Fun Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e All this for ONE PRICE in ONE DAY! Nordic foods are on the rise! Andrea OVER Rain or Shine Rowe, vice president and owner of Marina Market (and friend of the Norwegian Ameri- FOR MORE INFO, entertainment & vendor lists, and 15 Food Vendors can Weekly), was recently quoted in a Wall Photo: Marina Market program updates, or to order advanced-sale 45+ Craft and Street Journal article titled “Brown Cheese Got lutefisk? Marina Market in Poulsbo, Wash., discounted Tickets from the secure “Tickets” link, visit: and Birch: Nordic Foods’ Appeal Grows” in boasts an impressive stock of Scandinavian foods, Gift Vendors the July 21 issue. including Lutefisk TV dinners and over 350 types www.scanfest.org of licorice. 50+ Performers, Rowe was interviewed about the popu- ADVANCEDSALE: $11 larity of brunost (Norwegian brown cheese) 4 Stages, Admission at the Gate: $14 • Seniors $13 and cloudberry preserves, which are big sell- Fäviken restaurant in Sweden). Children Under 12 – FREE ers at Marina Market. Others interviewed for Marina Market is a food importer and 30 Performances the article include Marcus Samuelsson (co- wholesaler in Poulsbo, Wash., committed Kids’ Activities, FREEADMISSION in owner of Aquavit in New York City), chef to providing the largest selection of Scan- Authentic Nordic Regional Folkdress. René Redzepi (the chef at Noma in Copen- dinavian, European, and Dutch foods to the Talks, Vikings, –OR– mail check with name, address, phone to: hagen, which was voted the top restaurant in Puget Sound and the Internet. For more in- ScanFest '11 Tickets • P.O. Box 304 the world), and Magnus Nilsson (who has formation, visit www.marinamarket.com. Artisans, Dancing… Canadensis, PA 18325 gained international attention for his food at norwegian american weekly august 19, 2011 • 9 travel Celebrating 50 years of torsk Members of the Chicago Torske Klub traveled to Svolvær to see the home waters of their favorite fish: cod

Ke n No r d a n Batavia, Ill.

For 50 years the men of the Chicago Torske Klub have met every month (except in June, July and August) to enjoy an after- noon meal of torsk (cod fish), song, drinks and good friendship. The club, modeled after similar clubs in Norway and the U.S., began small in 1960 and in recent years has grown to more than 125 members. Each month, fresh torsk is flown in from the North Atlan- tic and prepared in a traditional way, boiled, with potatoes and carrots. Members always comment, “It does not get any better than this.” In August 2010, the club began their year-long celebration with a gala event that included an elegant meal, well wishes from local, national and Norwegian dignitaries, as well as several stories and memories from members, which included a fine book pub- lished with historical pictures. In July 2011 the club capped the cele- bration year with a trip to Svolvær, Lofoten, Norway to see the waters where the torsk Photo courtesy of Ken Nordan they enjoy originate, experience the beauty Torske Klub member from left: Mike Horton, Ken Larson, Lodve Solholm (Governor of Møre og Romsdal), Lowell Olberg, Ken Nordan, Don Hoganson. of the North Norwegian landscape, and see how the hearty Norwegian fishermen lived and worked. on its fishing trip. call (630) 445-1263. Membership is open to Norwegian heritage is not required, but The small group of travelers (about 18 The Lofoten Islands, which includes men in northern Illinois, northwest Indiana it doesn’t hurt either! members and guests) visited Å, a small tradi- Svolvær, is steeped in Viking history as well and southern Wisconsin. tional fishing village located at the southern as fishing. This history is displayed at anoth- end of the Lofoten archipelago which spe- er fine museum at Borg. This author particu- cializes in stockfish, a form of dried cod en- larly enjoyed the recreated Viking longhouse A Piece of Norway in America joyed worldwide. and the Viking ship (a copy of Gokstad ship) Å has two fine museums: the Lofoten moored at the nearby brygge (wharf). Live Stockfish Museum and the Norwegian Fish- demonstrations of Viking art, craft work and ing Village Museum. The group visited these cooking, coupled with a well-displayed and museums which gave them a very nice un- well-explained archeological museum pro- derstanding of the life, traditions and work- vided viewers with a very interesting and ing conditions of a North Norway fisherman. close look at life in Viking Norway. The group also spent several different days Everything considered, the Lofoten trip out on the Lofoten waters fishing and sight- was a great success and will give members seeing, and had the opportunity to spend the of the Torske Klub a better understanding long days of the midnight sun, hiking, bik- of the life of our Norwegian cousins, lasting ing, and visiting art galleries. The hotel over- memories and appreciate the hard work that looking the harbor in Svolvær was very nice is needed to bring fresh torsk to our dinner and provided several meals based on local plates each month. foods, including the fish caught by the group For more information about the Chicago Torske Klub, visit www.torskeklub.org or

Musical Instrument Museum Phoenix, Ariz.

Reader Louise Hanson of Rochester, Minn., writes, “The Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, Ariz., features countless displays of instruments from around the world. The display and video here features instruments from Norway. For more informations:www.themim.org www.nordichomeinteriors.com Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Minneapolis, MN Phone: (612) 339-0000 Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 10 • august 19, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Wildflowers Photo of the Week Puzzle by Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Herb Nelson Einar the Lutefisk Chef! For the past 25 years, Norwegian native Einar Johansen has prepared lutefisk for the Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis’s lutefisk and meatball din- ners in Edina, Minn. The club feeds the good fisk to 700 diners every dinner! For more information about this fall’s lutefisk dinner, see the event listing on page 12.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Roald Amundsen South Pole Expedition Centennial Ole and Lena From the journal of 1911 – 2011 America’s favorite Norwegians! From the journal of

Lena has a clever method of getting Ole to do something... she just sug- gests that maybe he’s too old to do it.

From Red Stangland’s “Ole & Lena Jokes Book 3”

23. august Arthur C. Knutson Pipestone MN Norman Eide Cottonwood CA Lind V. Pederson Alexandria MN Thorleif Tollefson Hoquiam WA Clara Peterson Madison MN 24. august Grace Hanson Seattle WA 19. august Hector O. Gustad Irene SD 19 august – lørdag August 19 – Saturday Hannah M. Overlie Tacoma WA Trygve Oas Forsyth MO –38° å NElig bris kl 8 fmd. Løiett Minus 38°C and NE’erly breeze at 8 Donald Andersen Centerburg OH Grethe Jensen Ventura CA Glenn A. Johansen Orinda CA utåver dagen. –45° i aften. Stille å klart. am. Slackened during the day. –45°C this 20. august Alvhild Wignes Haugesund Norway Sydlys. Ble færi me alle sleerne i emd. Vi evening. Still & clear Southern Lights. Christine Gjevre Fairdale ND Glenn Alan Johansen Orinda CA arbeider fra tilie måren till sildie aften me Finished with all the sledges this evening. Gunder Oliml Minot ND Chester Harold Aubol Thief River Falls MN utstyre. Sætter avste så fortt vi kann. We work from morning to early evening Allis Dahl Johansen Pompton Plains NJ 25. august with equipment. Will depart at soon as we Lillian Haugland Damato Stuart FL Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo can. Sylvia Sorensen Hausvik Pine Bush NY Olav K Seljaas Salt Lake City UT 21. august Jeffrey E Ganung Berkeley CA Want to see your birthday in the Olga Moe Astoria OR Norwegian American Weekly? Norwegian Proverb of the Week Judith A England Cathedral City CA Andrew Engebretson Balsam Lake WI Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ “Å slå to fluer i en smekk.” 22. august norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Mrs. Ted Hagfors Minneapolis MN least one month in advance. Translation: “To hit two flies in one smack.” Mrs. Ed Offner Tacoma WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Greta Scales Oregon City OR away? Please notify us so we can remove Share your favorite Norwegian proverb with us! Email [email protected] or write to us at Kåre Sneve Oppdal Norway them from the list. Takk! Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. norwegian american weekly a August 19, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Bjorn Snefjella Svendsen Why not me? April 14, 1924 – July 22, 2011 We have a son who now is in God’s innocent blood. tender care after battling cancer for the “Again I looked and saw all the op- longest year in his and our lives. On a pression that was taking place under the dark day, one of us asked in desperation sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed – and and sadness: “Why should this happen to they had no comforter, power was on the you?” His answer was quick and ready: side of the oppressor... and I declared that That’s the wrong question. Don’t ask ‘why the dead who had already died were hap- me,” ask ‘WHY NOT ME?’” pier than the living. But better than both The mass-media today brings us up is he who has not yet been, who has not to date on the most heinous crimes com- seen the evil that is done under the sun.” mitted against innocent victims. There is (Ecclesiastes 4; written 977 B.C.) hunger, war crimes, murder and destruc- Mark Twain said, “There are times tion. Children and women, young and old, when one would like to hang the whole hu- no age escapes the gruesome atrocities man race and end the farce.” However, in committed by other human beings. Look- the western culture, we are still enjoying a ing back, we remember the Holocaust in fair amount of security and material bless- World War II, with six million Jews killed ings. I have a home, a bed, some friends in the gas chambers. But these horrible – they don’t. For THEM, every day is a events are not characteristic of our gen- living hell... So I am asking: Why them? Bjorn Snefjella Svendsen passed away ing a gravel pit near La Conner, Wash. eration only. Since Cain killed his brother Why NOT me?” July 22 with his family and his faithful cat, After a return trip to Norway, he and Able, human history has been colored by Suzy by his side. He was born April 14, Malfrid settled in Conway, Wash. With the To all who died July 22: 1924, in Mo i Rana, Norway, thirty miles arrival of their second son, Arne, they pur- south of the Arctic Circle to Svend and Mar- chased a new home on Sunset Lane in West Dere vil alltid forbli i våre hjerter. it Snefjella. Bjorn was the youngest of six Mount Vernon, Wash., where they remained You will always remain in our hearts. brothers, followed by his only sister. for many years. Bjorn’s youth was disrupted by World While in Stanwood, Wash., Bjorn joined War II, with the invasion and subsequent the Pacific Coast Norwegian Male Chorus Funeral Home occupation of Norway by Germany. After where he pursued his love of socializing with SOlie and Crematory the defeat of Norwegian and Allied troops fellow Norwegians. He was a member of the in , Bjorn’s home became chorus in excess of 55 years and did not miss Honoring • Caring • Serving a focal point for the Norwegian resistance a convention until this summer when his 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 in Mo for the duration of the war. In 1943, health precluded his attendance. one of the radio transmitters smuggled by his Bjorn enjoyed frequent visits to Nor- family was discovered following the shoot- way but he always returned to Mount Ver- ing death of its operator and two German non and his adopted country to pursue his The Scandinavian Hour soldiers. At that time it was necessary for business opportunities and his love of trout Celebrating over 40 years on the air his brothers and him to escape to Sweden to and salmon fishing, crabbing and shrimping, avoid capture or worse. Bjorn’s final act be- hunting ducks, pheasants, deer, and elk. He KKNW – 1150 AM fore leaving was to take the other radio and and Elmer also hunted moose in B.C. He was some weapons to the local pier in his dad’s a true harvester of Mother Nature’s bounty. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST horse-drawn wagon past the troops occupy- He particularly enjoyed picking wild black- ing the town. He subsequently destroyed the berries in the Cascades. He tried to time his Streaming live on the internet at: radio, rendezvoused with his brothers and visits to Norway to coincide with the wild www.1150kknw.com fellow conspirators, and then skied over the berry seasons and the fishing of smallsei . He mountains to Sweden. also enjoyed boating, not just for the fishing While in Sweden he worked in a logging and crabbing but also to share the good times camp. Towards the end of the war he joined with family and friends. SAVING MONEY IS ONLY HALF THE CHALLENGE. the Norwegian Military Police forming in But more than anything, he enjoyed so- MAKING IT LAST, THAT’S ALL IN Sweden. At the conclusion of World War II, cializing with family and the many, many Bjorn held the rank of corporal, and had a friends he had all over the world. Where ever POW camp of Russian prisoners surrendered he was, he never met a stranger. HOW YOU SLICE IT. to him by a German general. After this, his Besides the Male Chorus, he was a life- army duty was over. He returned to Mo long member of the Sons of Norway. He also You invested carefully. But how you distribute your where he was employed as a truck driver. was a member of the American Legion and retirement income is just as important. With In 1948 he married Malfrid Bjornaali. the Moose Lodge. high industry rankings and more than 100 years As opportunities were limited in post-war He is survived by his children Stein and of experience, Thrivent Financial understands Norway, they decided to emigrate to another Jana Svendsen and Arne Svendsen of Mount both the ins and outs of retirement investing. country to seek their fortune. They were go- Vernon: grandchildren Svend and Caitlin From tools that protect your money to ing to move with their young son, Stein, to Svendsen of Mount Vernon, Kjersti and Jus- products that provide a lifelong income Brazil, but were convinced to move to Se- tin Lopez of Kirkland, Wash.; his three great- stream, put our careful, disciplined approach attle, Wash., where Bjorn had two uncles. grandchildren Anders, Connor, and Keely; to work for you. Bjorn left Norway first in the begin- and many cousins, nieces, and nephews in To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/howyousliceit ning of 1951 and traveled by bus across the Norway. U.S. to Seattle. He found work in a sawmill Bjorn was preceded in death by his par- in West Seattle. He later moved to join the ents, Svend and Marit Snefjella; his brothers, Norwegian community in Stanwood where Benjamin “Bebe,” Svein, Steinar – a casual- he also worked in a sawmill. He was joined ty of World War II, Ole and Tore; and his be- Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available by his wife and son in November 1951. loved sister, Hanna “Dokka” (Doll). He was in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned After he had established himself in the also preceded in death by his special friends subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of community, he and Elmer Ericksen decided Judy Schmidt and Betty Jo Hanson. Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. to start their own sawmill business known as We are deeply indebted to Bjorn’s won- • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT the Ericksen and Svendsen Mill Company, derful caregiver, Kerri Brooks for all the spe- AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE commonly called the “Tic and Tin Mill Com- cial care and comfort that she provided our For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. pany.” The company still exists today operat- dad in his last year. 26349NAW N5-11 Appleton, WI • Minneapolis, MN • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201101755 12 • august 19, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style He’s got the blues Calendar of Events Robert Wangard’s What’s going on in your neighborhood? second book “Hard Water Blues” is a California Bible Camp, located at 9916 Lake Ave. S., collection of short stories “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” premiere Spicer, MN 56288. Cost for the day is $25 Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 which includes all meals. For more infor- with Scandinavian crime North Hollywood, Calif. mation, visit www.nordfjordlag.org or call fiction flair The World Premiere of Phil Olson’s musi- Ernest Anderson at (320) 634-4551. cal comedy “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” will be presented Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 at the Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners Secret Rose Theatre at 11246 Magnolia October 8 Ke l s e y La r s o n Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Clara Edina, Minn. Copy Editor is 8 1/2 months pregnant when a freak The Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis snow storm hits Bunyan Bay. She goes into presents its fall Lutefisk and Meatball Din- labor and her husband, Gunner, will have ners on Oct. 8 at the Lutheran Church of From the pen of Robert Wangard, au- to deliver the baby in the bar. For details, the Good Shepherd, located at 4801 France thor of Norwegian crime thriller “Target,” call (323) 822-7898 or DontHugMe.com. Ave. S, Edina, MN 55410. Serving Times: comes a collection of harrowing stories en- 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Admission is $18 titled “Hard Water Blues.” Just as “Target” Nordic Cup Golf Tournament per person, and tickets are required. Order did, these stories seem to channel the haunt- October 3 your tickets early by mailing a check – made ing genre of crime fiction that is so popular City of Industry, Calif. payable to the Norwegian Glee Club – to in Scandinavia at the moment: authors like the Norwegian Glee Club, PO Box 23053, Save the date! The Nordic Cup charity golf Norwegian Jo Nesbø and the late Swedish Richfield, MN 55423-0053. Deadline for tournament benefits the Norwegian Sea- Steig Larsson come to mind. ordering tickets is Oct. 5. Questions? Con- men’s Church in San Pedro and SCAN Not only does the genre ring of Scan- Photo: Robert Wangard tact Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793 or “Hard Water Blues” by Robert Wangard is a col- (Scandinavian Center at Nansen Field) and dinavia, but the protagonist from “Target,” takes place Oct. 3 at the “IKE” golf course Robert Olson at (612) 866-0687. Check out lection of short stories with a Scandinavian con- Pete Thorsen, appears in about half of the in Industry Hills at Pacific Palms Resort our website: www.norwegiangleeclub.org. nection. stories in “Hard Water Blues.” in City of Industry. The net proceeds of $12,000 from Nordic Cup 2010 were split New Jersey Pete Thorsen has a strong Norwegian to sign up for a fiction writing class, and he evenly between the church and SCAN, and ScanFest 2011 background and is proud of it, and it shows knew right away he was hooked. He has now was a tremendous financial help for both September 4 up in several of the stories, especially one en- left his life as a lawyer behind – except when organizations. Admission: $150 per person Budd Lake, N.J. titled “Leif Erikson’s Ghost.” In this story, a he draws on his experiences for Pete’s char- (including lunch and dinner). For informa- Come to ScanFest! It’s an all-day celebra- vicious crime seems to leave hints of ancient acter – and writes full-time. tion, contact Paal Berg at (562) 716-9414 tion of Scandinavia at its best – where you’ll Viking ghosts. In other stories, something as He is working on his third book, “Mal- or [email protected]. discover the customs, history and the eth- simple as Pete’s favorite brand of vodka (a ice,” forthcoming in 2012, which also fea- nic variety of the six Nordic nations: Den- Swedish variety, Thor’s Hammer, in “Fats is tures Pete’s Norwegian heritage as a back- Illinois mark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway Dead”) or how he decorates his office (an old drop to the story. The first chapter is included 32nd Annual Scandinavian Festival and Sweden. Visitors and vendors alike are Viking battle axe hangs on the wall in “Fly in “Hard Water Blues.” September 11 invited to catch a Scandinavian moment— Like a Bird”) are constant reminders of the “I didn’t completely stop writing short to enjoy our return to the refreshing out- South Elgin, Ill. way heritage can affect day-to-day life. stories while I was learning the nuts and doors at the 27th annual festival in rustic Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP presents the “‘Hard Water Blues’ doesn’t stand alone bolts of novel writing,” said Wangard on his 32nd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival on Vasa Park. $14 for adults, $13 for seniors, completely,” Wangard said in an interview website. “I frequently have two works go- Sept. 11, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Come Celebrate free for children (12 and Under). Free entry that appears on his website, referring to the ing at the same time. By the time I was into Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and with authentic folk dress! Call (610) 417- book as a “semi-sequel” to “Target.” “Harry Sweden with traditional food, crafts, games, 1483 or visit www.scanfest.org. my second novel, I had a collection of short McTigue is in some of the stories as well,” stories that I decided to publish as an anthol- gifts and entertainment. Featuring Sun City he said of one of the other main characters Concert Band, Nordic Folk Dancers, Ole Pennsylvania ogy.” from his previous novel. Other stories in “Hard Water Blues” in- & Sven, Bjornson Male Chorus, DeKalb Bernt Balchen Scandinavian Fair A Midwestern setting figures heavily Footstompers & Sweet Tunes for Dancing clude “The Novelty of Deceit,” in which a September 10 in many of the stories in Wangard’s anthol- by the Sun City Dance Band. FREE PARK- Lackawaxen, Pa. successful businessman receives some suspi- ogy; the title, “Hard Water Blues,” comes ING! Admission: $10 for adults and free Join us for the 9th Annual Scandinavian cious emails that lead to an unwelcome visit not from the idea of mineral-rich water but for children 12 and under. VASA Park is Craft Fair, sponsored by Sons of Norway from someone in his past; “The Night They located at Route 31 along the Fox River, in Bernt Balchen Lodge #566. From 9 a.m. rather from the frozen-solid lake in one of Closed Baker’s Bar,” in which a hapless soul South Elgin, Ill. For information, call (847) to 4 p.m. at the Central Volunteer Fire De- the stories. Robert Wangard, like his protag- disenchanted with his life finds more excite- 695-6720 or visit www.scandinaviandayil. partment on 574 Westcolang Road, shop onist, was born into a Norwegian-American ment that he bargained for; and “Dominic’s com. around our wide range of Scandinavian family on both sides and grew up in rural Art” in which a private Norwegian-American vendors: rosemaling, needlecrafts, gifts and Wisconsin. “When our relatives came to vis- investigator is confronted with corruption at Minnesota specialty items, food and baked goods, flea it us in northern Wisconsin, I remember the an art gallery. Several other stories also fea- “A Don’t Hug Me County Fair” market. There is something for everyone! older men sitting around and telling stories,” ture Pete Thorsen and occasionally his friend September 8 – October 16 Free admission. Call (570) 685-1477. said Wangard. “In retrospect, that experience Harry McTigue. St. Paul, Minn. always stuck with me and I credit it in part “Hard Water Blues” is an exciting read, The Twin Cities Premiere of Phil Olson’s Washington with my love of writing fiction.” He currently with each story introducing complicated and musical comedy, “A Don’t Hug Me County Puget Sound Ski for Light Fundraiser divides his time between a suburb of Chica- sometimes tragic new characters and ending Fair” will be presented Sept. 8 – Oct. 16 September 17 go and Crystal Lake in northwest Michigan. in what is often a much unexpected twist. The at Cabaret Theater at Camp Bar at 490 N. Seattle, Wash. Wangard had a successful career as a lawyer book’s summary is apt in declaring “‘Hard Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101. It’s County Join us for the annual Puget Sound Ski For in Chicago, a characteristic he also shares Water Blues” will make you laugh, cry, and Fair time in Bunyan Bay, Minnesota, and Light Fundraiser Dinner at Leif Erikson with Pete Thorsen, but one day he decided double-check your windows and doors!” it’s the Miss Walleye Queen competition. Lodge! Featuring open fire-cooked salmon The winner gets her face carved in butter at and cod, and entertainment by Nordic Re- the State Fair! For reservations, call (800) example to the… flections and friends. Happy Hour starts at (…continued from page 1) “The response we have seen in the after- 982-2787. Visit DontHugMe.com. 6 p.m., and dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Ad- math of hate and evil has shown the values mission: $20 per person, which benefits the and strength of the Norwegian people,” said Nordfjordlag Stevne Aug. 12. The meeting was part of the regular cross-country ski program that provides a Clinton. September 18 bilateral contact between Norway and the pleasurable winter experience for the blind “Norway is an example to the world,” Spicer, Minn. and disabled individuals. Please join us for U.S. The situation in Libya and Syria, the she added. A yearly gathering of people with ances- a terrific celebration! Questions? Call- Er conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, In addition, Minister Støre has attended try or connections to Nordfjord, Norway. ling Berg at (206) 362-0629 or Leif Erik terrorism, and the international involvement This year’s gathering will be at Green Lake Lodge at (206) 783-1274 for reservations. in Afghanistan were among the main topics meetings at the White House and with Amer- of discussion at the meeting. ican policy institutes. The Minister's visit has In a joint press conference after the generated an unusually large interest among Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 meeting, Secretary Clinton expressed her the media and Stoere has been busy inter- to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! grief and disbelief following the terror at- viewing with Norwegian and American me- Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. tacks in Norway. dia outlets between his bilateral meetings. norwegian american weekly a Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us August 19, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood East Coast update News and notes from the Norwegian- American community on the East Coast

Be r i t Me s a r i c k Williamsburg, Va.

The summer months are hot and humid The members of Sons of Norway Noreg along parts of the East Coast, and activities lodge 3-466 in Marlboro, N.J., enjoyed a among most Scandinavian groups are cur- Strawberry Festival in July, and a Prime Rib tailed to picnics and other informal events. dinner in August. The lodge Ladies Auxil- However, special services and memori- iary presented this year’s $500 scholarship als have been dedicated to Norway and the to Haley Siegel, a Marlboro High School se- people touched by the terrible happenings in nior, heading to Michigan State University Norway on July 22. to study special education. Photos: Gary Erickson In Washington, D.C., the Norwegian Scandinavian Fest 2011 on Sunday, Left: Consul General Gary Gandrud brought greetings from HM King Harald for the stevne partici- Church Service had a special memorial Sept. 4 is the 27th annual Fest in Vasa Park pants. Right: The high school-aged Hardanger Folk Dancers from Norway provided entertainment. service on Aug. 6 in the Emanuel Lutheran at Budd Lake, N.J., taking place rain or shine church in Bethesda, Maryland, where Nor- 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Fest offers a variety centennial... wegian Ambassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen of activities for all: food, vendors, entertain- (…continued from page 1) eas of centennial record. spoke. ment, re-enactors, wife-carrying contest, Dr. Terje Hasle Joranger, Associate Pro- The Sons of Norway headquarters in Vikings, folk dances, and a special activities of Norwegian cohesiveness so unique to this fessor at Sogn og Fjordane University Col- Minneapolis, Minn., received many letters tent for the kids. For tickets and directions ethnicity. lege, in Sogndal, Norway, spoke on the first of sympathy from members and friends. call (610) 417-1483 or visit ScanFest.org. Centennial status puts a dramatic excla- Norwegian emigrants, the “Sloopers,” their Sons of Norway felt they were a testament The Nordic Dancers of Metropolitan mation point behind a specific geographical emigration from Stavanger in 1825, and their to the senders’ dedication to Norway, its cul- Washington starts its season on Sept. 7, meet- area in Norway, emphasizing its emigrants’ impact on later emigration. He referred to ture and its people. ing at Highland View Elementary School in ability to perpetuate in this country. An emi- Nordhordland and Hardanger as the cradle One Sons of Norway lodge, Bernt Bal- Silver Springs, Md. grant population may have been lost and of Norwegian emigration to America. chen Lodge 3-566, in Rowland, Pa., had a Vesterheim, the Norwegian-American transplanted in America, but that area-spe- Dr. Rasmus Sunde, Professor of His- busy summer. On July 4, the lodge marched Museum in Decorah, Iowa, is bringing cific population subsequently, tenaciously tory at the University College in Sogndal in the local parade, followed by a picnic. Rosemaling classes to Land of the Vikings maintained unique identity, customs and ,presented on the old world emigration plan- The lodge reading circle also met in July, (LOV), the Sons of Norway Third District relationships which were far removed from ning required of the emigrants. Sunde said, discussing Lauraine Snelling’s book “No recreational area in Pennsylvania. The three- the original bed of cultivation. Too, that “The first step on the long journey took the Distance Too Far,” about Norwegian immi- day class for beginners starts Sept. 12, and population has now done so for a period of emigrants from their homes along the fjords, grant life in the Dakotas in the early 1900s. the four-day class for all levels starts Sept. time nearly twice the average life span of a along the western part of Norway, to Ber- On Aug. 18 the lodge members gathered 15. Lois Muller, a Vesterheim Gold Medal departing emigrant who stood in Norway on gen. They traveled by boat, often on a local for the annual picnic in the Promised Land winner, will teach the classes. Call (563) the sillstone of that era. type of cargo boat, or sailboats with regu- State Park. Preparations are ongoing for the 382-9681 for more information. More than 350 stevne attendees took lar routes,” Sunde continued, “Travel was lodge’s Scandinavian Fair on Sept. 10. part in a schedule of events that included expensive with travel fare from Bergen to banquets, workshops, and informative lec- America costing $50 per adult, and frequent- nd tures. Reinforcing the idea of people gath- ly advanced by someone in America, typical- You are cordially invited to the 32 annual ering together from similar home areas was ly a small farmer. Travel cost debt was com- best exemplified by the inclusion of more monly satisfied by the emigrant exchanging than 80 Norwegian citizens who traveled a year’s labor for the cost of one ticket.” from the three centennial areas in Norway Dr. Arne Brekke, recipient of the St. Olav to experience this stevne. Within their midst medal and former professor at the University they brought 20 young, high-school-aged of North Dakota in Grand Forks, N.D., and folk dancers, The Hardanger Folk Dancers, owner of Brekke Tours and Travel, present- who performed after a banquet. ed on genealogy in general, and specifically President Romo introduced Minneapo- upon the concept of bygd or geographical lis’ Norwegian Honorary Consul General areas, and use of bygdebøker, books detail- Gary Gandrud, who then presented welcom- ing the history, genealogy and industry of a ing comments. Referring to the three centen- particular Norwegian geographical area. nial lags, Consul General Gandrud opined, “Most immigrant descendents don’t “A hundred years is an amazing accomplish- know what their ancestors did. A bygdebøk ment. I think the future of Norway’s strate- will fill you in about what they did before Scandinavian Day Festival gic relationship with the U.S. is based upon they went to America,” Brekke advised. the activities that you undertake... things that Dr. Verlyn Anderson, recipient of the you do at stevner are invaluable.” St. Olav medal and former professor at Con- Sunday, September 11, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Gandrud ended his welcome by reading cordia College, Moorhead, Minn., presented a greeting from Norway’s king, much to the on land ownership, land inheritance patterns VASA PARK, Route 31 along the Fox River, South Elgin, Illinois surprise and pleasure of the attendees, “... here and early Norwegian immigration. Hu- 7 miles South of 1-90 Northwest To l l w a y & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave addressed to the Norsk General Consulate’s morously, folkways affected younger sons’ • Come celebrate Denmark, DeKalb Footstompers and Consul General, Gary Gandrud, Minneapo- land ownership, having to come other than lis, ‘I thank you for your kind greetings and by direct inheritance from their father, be- Finland, Iceland, Norway and sweet tunes for dancing by the send my very best wishes to the staff at the cause the farm went to the oldest son even Sweden! Sun City Dance Band Consulate General, and to the Norwegian- here in America. One manner involved mar- • Enjoy traditional food, crafts, • FREE PARKING! Americans that you are seeing in the Mid- rying another farmer’s only daughter. She games, gifts and entertainment • Admission: $10 for Adults, free west,’ signed ‘Harald,’” quoted Gandrud. was not allowed to inherit her father’s farm, • Featuring Sun City Concert for children 12 & under Lag presidents Donald Teigen (Hardan- but her husband could. Therefore, a young ger lag), Lawrence Thompson (Rogaland- bachelor wasn’t so concerned about how at- Band, Nordic Folk Dancers, Ole • Join in the fun, rain or shine! slag) and Warren Eidness (Sunnhordland tractive a single, only daughter might appear. & Sven, Bjornson Male Chorus, lag), assembled an eminent team of four “Han giftet gård! He married the farm!” An- speakers. They presented on fascinating as- derson proclaimed in a clarifying revelation. pects of immigrant history related to the ar- www.scandinaviandayil.com Scandinavian Park, inc. nFP Birthdays – Anniversaries – Weddings – Reunions – Graduations – Festivals – Picnics – Concerts Let us help with your next fundraiser! ScanPark Hotline: (847) 695-6720 • E-mail: [email protected] See page 3 for details. visit us online: www.vasaparkil.com 14 • august 19, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Words of the heart The boys from Vangen: Norwegian-American octogenarian Elda Written by Leif Halse Soderquist publishes Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in anthology of her Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The poetry Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! Ri c h a r d Lo n d g r e n Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Elda Soderquist, octogenarian Norwe- gian-American from Thousand Oaks, Calif., came up with a special way to participate in the July reunion of her Thompson family in HVEM HOPPER LENGST? WHO CAN JUMP THE FARTHEST? Minnesota. Photo courtesy of Elda Soderquist One day at school, the teacher says they She thought of the varied poems she has In Elda Soderquist’s book of poetry, the section En dag på skolen forteller læreren at det about retirement features this photo of her and will be holding a school ski-jumping compe- written over the years and planned a selec- skal holdes skole-skirenn neste dag. Samti- her husband Ron in Norway. A pastor before tition the next day. At the same time, he shows tion to publish as a small book to share with dig viser han fram et vakkert sølvkjold som he became a full-time counselor, Ron preached them a beautiful silver shield the sports club her family. Several of the poems, as well as idrettslaget har satt opp til premie. Det er et along with the local pastor when they visited a has put up as a prize. It is a traveling trophy, accompanying photos, describe her family vandreskjold, og den beste hopperen i skol- historic stavkirke. and the best jumper in the school competi- erennet skal få navnet sitt inngravert på sk- she grew up with, and her own family now. tion will get his name engraved on the shield. In reflecting about her mother, for in- joldet. Mange ser bort på Larris, de venter book. Many look over at Larris, expecting that he vel at han skal vinne hopprennet. stance, Elda recalls the warmth of their will win the jumping competition. Her poetry varies—from short to long, Larris er svær til å hoppe på ski, det vet home: Larris is remarkably good at ski jump- from gentleness to harshness, from happi- alle. Men nå later han som han er blyg. Med ing, and everyone knows it. But now he pre- ness to sadness, from serene to sensual. en liksom beskjeden mine sitter han og ser Working in the kitchen, tends to be shy. With the outward appearance Consider this short piece titled LOVE blygt ned. Han tenker med seg sjøl at han Remaking old clothes into something of modesty, he sits and looks down humbly. LIKE A FLOWER: nok skal vinne. I friminuttet kliver han opp i new and clever. But he’s thinking to himself that he will et tre borte ved skolegjerdet og skal vise de Sewing a dress late at night. surely win. At recess he climbs up in a tree Love like a flower grows apace andre guttene hvordan han skal ta «svevet.» Filling the wash boiler and cutting up near the school fence, and he shows the other And opens to the One Skidagen kommer med strålende vinter- soap. boys how he is going to do the “glide.” Whose warm caress and gentle smile vær. Bakken ligger jevn hardtråkket, og fra Baking cinnamon rolls in a huge pan, The ski day comes with perfect winter Envelop like the sun. framkanten av hoppet vifter et stort norsk which we ate up in nothing flat. weather. The slope has been smoothed and flagg. Rundtom står skogen med snø på trea. Four o-clock lunch in the shade East of packed down, and on the corner of the jump Her love of travel gets attention in visu- Gutterennet er åpna. I første omgang hop- the house. a big Norwegian flag is waving. Around als and verse, as she highlights her visits to per Larris 24 meter. Nest etter han kommer Canning corn and peaches and them is a forest with trees covered in snow. 36 countries. Steinar Vangen og hopper 21 meter. Folk er rhubarb. The boys’ ski-jumping competition begins. Her husband Ron accompanied her on spente på resultata. Butchering and frying meat balls at the In the first run, Larris jumps 24 meters. Next most of the travel, and she thanks him for his hungry black cook stove. after him comes Steinar Vangen, who jumps enthusiastic companionship. But she went Feeding the threshers and the wonderful Translated into English by Alexander Knud 21 meters. People eagerly await the results. on her own with a group visiting India, and pie you could make. Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen the cover of her book shows her in front of Fixing supper of mush or pancakes or the Taj Mahal. Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. bread and sour cream… When she and Ron visited one of the www.astrimyastri.com All of which I hated… then. places of her roots in Norway, Ron, a pas- Teaching me to sew on the treadle tor before becoming a full-time counselor, machine with extreme patience. preached along with the local pastor in a his- Singing songs with me and reciting Astri, My Astri: Norwegian Heritage Stories toric stavkirke. Written by Deb Nelson Gourley poetry. In her preface, Elda thanks Ron for in- A collection of 16 Norwegian heritage stories published in both spiring and encouraging her as she embarked English and Norwegian in the same book. The non-fiction stories touch In one section of her book, Elda thanks anyone who has an interest in Norwegian heritage and culture.The book on her poetry publishing. Besides, he typed her mother for encouraging her interest in takes one on a journey from immigrating in the 1840s to the discovery of her selection of poems that became the basic an immigrant trunk more than 100 years later. Included topics: Minnesota literature and poetry. Her country School Sioux Uprising of 1862, great flu epidemic of 1918, Sami above the document for her new book. District No. 106 near Madison, Minn., also Arctic Circle, World War II heavy water assault, woodcarving, rosemaling Her friends at Holy Trinity Lutheran and bunader, Syttende Mai, stave churches, founding of a Norwegian left an imprint for learning and writing. That Church in Thousand Oaks also encouraged Lutheran church in America and the life of Snowshoe Thompson. past has helped prepare and sustain Elda as her – where, appropriately, she serves as • 16 Norwegian Heritage & Culture “TRUE” stories she wrote and wrote. chair of the library committee. And there, for • Bilingual English & Norwegian in the same book At one time, when commuting from the • Hardcover, 280 pages including 24 in full color instance, she got assistance from graphic- school where she taught in California, Elda • Over 350 pictures/charts/maps designer Richard Londgren in preparing her • $24.95 with FREE shipping in the USA recalled getting so excited about words of 108-page book. Then Gorham Printing, a poetry that came to mind while driving, she Astri My Astri Publishing book-printing specialist in Centralia, Wash., Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com could hardly wait to get home and record the 602 3rd Ave SW Email: [email protected] rushed the production to make sure copies lines of another poem. Like many writers, Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 arrived in Minnesota for sharing at Elda’s she quickly jotted down ideas for future po- family reunion. ems whenever they tickled her fancy. Norway.com To learn more about Elda’s book of po- Royal Norwegian Consulates The sections of the anthology feature etry, e-mail her at [email protected]. Organization of the Week in North America a variety of Elda’s experiences and insights Now, with satisfaction, she can conclude over many years, with themes including her Tampa, Florida her current poetry endeavor with a thought early life, years as a teacher, then graduate Norwegian American from the past as recorded in her book: Chamber of Commerce Honorary Consul school, a career as a therapist, then retire- Arthur Renfro Savage Upper Midwest Chapter ment, plus eulogies and further thoughts The Norwegian Services Royal Norwegian Consulate about her family. Minneapolis, MInn. snuggled beside Grandma’s black coat, 701 Harbour Post Ave. She includes comments and photos fea- singing the words lustily, Tampa, FL 33602 For more information, turing some of her siblings. But she had 10 waiting for the prest to say, Phone: (813) 247-4550 check out our new website: brothers and sisters, so she admitted that she “I Jesu navn, Amen.” www.naccumw.org Fax: (813) 247-4256 couldn’t write about all of them in her small E-mail: [email protected] Proud to bring you the For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations Norwegian American Weekly norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports August 19, 2011 • 15 sports Important victory for Norway Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League National soccer team defeats Czech Republic 3 – 0 results Standings 8/3 Brann 3 – 2 Viking Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. FK 19 38 8/4 Start 1 – 2 Molde 2. SK Brann 19 33 8/5 Fredrikstad 1 – 2 Stabæk 3. Tromsø IL 18 32 8/7 Vålerenga 1 – 1 Sognda; 4. Lillestrøm SK 19 31 5. Strømsgodset TF 17 30 8/7 Brann 0 – 0 Strømsgodset 6. FK Haugesund 19 29 8/7 Ålesund 0 – 1 Odd 7. Stabæk Fotball 17 29

8/7 Viking 2 – 1 Tromsø 8. Rosenborg BK 17 26 9. Fredrikstad FK 18 23 8/7 Lillestrøm 3 – 1 Sarpsborg 10. Ålesunds FK 17 23 8/7 Rosenborg 3 – 1 Molde 11. Viking FK 19 23 12. Vålerenga Fotball 17 22 8/8 Start 1 – 4 Haugesund Photo: Aleksander Andersen/Fotball.no 13. Odd Greland 17 19 Moa scored two of the three goals against the Czech Republic. To read more about football in Norway, 14. Sogndal IL 18 17 visit No r w a y Po s t www.uefa.com 15. Sarpsborg FK 18 16 the first for Norway midway into the first 16. IK Start 19 14 Norway thrashed the Czech Republic half. national soccer team with 3 – 0 in a friendly John Arne Riise made it 2 – 0 after 72 at Ullevaal in Oslo Aug. 10. The victory was minutes, and Moa scored his second goal for new nordic record… Norway’s first win over Czech Republic ever. (…continued from page 1) ters further than my longest throw in a com- on a a minute before the end. Norway led 1-0 after the first half. petition up to now,” Mona Holm said. After the game, goal hero “Moa” told Players and fans alike saw the match as weeks as well as the London Olympics next She had established the previous Nor- newspaper Aftenposten that he had had an important dress rehearsal for the crucial year. wegian record, at 67.96m. “probably my best game for Norway.” European Championship qualifying games “I could hardly believe it. It is three me- Norway coach Egil “Drillo” Olsen was against Iceland and Denmark in September. satisfied, particularly with Moa’s first goal. Mohammed Abdellaoue (Moa) scored “He showed class,” Olsen said. mental state… (…continued from page 5) The Extreme Laboratory Studies of explorers provide us with away a long time ago. The clouds looked good images of how constructive and sup- like the three of them. Then when the clouds portive inner conversation and use of mental returned, I started believing that they were images can motivate and make people cope looking after me.” with difficult situations. The experience from When an expedition is made up of sev- polar expeditions can come in useful also for eral people, the other participants act as train- personnel working on training programs in ers and coaches. But at the same time this other extreme environments. For example, interdependence may create tensions within the big aerospace organisations use studies the group. of polar exploration when they design their Two thousand years ago the Stoic phi- own training programs for astronauts who losopher Epictus claimed that people are not are going on long-term operations in space. bothered by events in themselves, but by the The focus has often been on the physi- Sons of Norway Building, B-20 way you view the events. This assumption cal strain when polar pioneers have been the Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street underlies the cognitive therapy that has be- object of worship throughout history. Less (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 come a sought treatment for mental patients. attention has been given to how their men- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] tal stress has contributed to psychological One key element is helping the subject to By appointment please identify and change rigid thought patterns. research. The Swedish Meatballs on the big screen… Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 (…continued from page 3) draw attention to the film production of the E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 entirety of our stretched-out country,” Festi- (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] val Director Gunnar Johan Løvvik says. “We will therefore establish a brand new festival program where new short films and Find your perfect troll! documentaries from all the parts of our coun- try can be screened,” Løvvik says. Norwegian films leave a strong mark on this year’s main program, where almost one fifth of the entries are Norwegian. Despite the ...a delicious musical experience! heavy Norwegian presence, there is no doubt www.theswedishmeatballs.com that most of the films in the programme are international. A wonderful diversity is what Program Director Håkon Skogrand calls it, Let us help with your next fundraiser! when describing the main program, where Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, 13 countries are behind the 22 titles of the and benefit your organization at the same time! program. We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian The Norwegian International Film Fes- organizations: tival, Norway’s major festival for film and • For every new subscription you sell, your organization cinema, is takes place mid-late August ev- At the Troll’s Cove, we have trolls gets $20 of the profit ery year. HRH Crown Prince Haakon is the of all kinds and sizes. Check out our • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, Patron of The Norwegian International Film inventory online and in our shop! or however you like Festival. Liv Ullmann is the festival’s Hon- • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian orary President. Visit us online at heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about For more information, visit www.film- www.thetrollscove.com Norway and the Norwegian-American community web.no/filmfestivalen/2011. or our shop in Waupauca, WI For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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