M-Congo - Reports to the Secretary-General from the Officer-Ln-Charge of the UN Operation in the Congo (S/4531 - S/5053/Add

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M-Congo - Reports to the Secretary-General from the Officer-Ln-Charge of the UN Operation in the Congo (S/4531 - S/5053/Add UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 9 Date 29/06/2006 Time 10:55:13AM S-0888-0006-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0888-0006-01 -00001 items-'m-Congo - reports to the Secretary-General from the Officer-ln-Charge of the UN Operation in the Congo (S/4531 - S/5053/Add. 13) - Volume 1, 2, 3 Date Created 21/09/1960 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0888-0006: United Nations Documents of the Secretary-General: U Thant - Arranged by Subject Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit co UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL A/4557/Add.l ASSEMBLY 10 November I960 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Fifteenth session Agenda item 85 THE SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC OP THE CONGO Addendm The attached corrigendum to document S/^557 - Part A - Second Progress , Report to the Secretary-General from his Special Representative in the Congo, Ambassador Rajeshvar Dayal, is brought to the attention of Members of the General Assembly. 60-28l?4 NATIONS Distr. GENERAL S E C U R I T Y COUNCIL 10 November 1960 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH PART A - SECOND PROGRESS REPORT TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FROM HIS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE CONGO, AMBASSADOR RAJESHWAR DAYAL Corrigendum ANNEX. Page-kSf Serial No. 58 For "Naika" read "Mweka" Page It8, Serial No. 62 For "Kaenda" read "Kalenda" Page k^j. Serial No. 70 For "Company fforoccan battalion11 read "Company 2nd Moroccan battalion" Page 50, Serial No. 95 Should read nltth Ethiopian battalion less three companies" Page 50 • After Serial No. 99 add "100 Ireland Section Kabianda" Renumber Serial No. 100 as Serial No. 101 60-28178 UNITED NATIONS Di str. GENERAL GENERAL A/4557 ASSEMBLY 2 November 1960 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Fifteenth session Agenda item 85 THE SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO The Secretary-General has the honour to submit to the General Assembly: A. Second Progress Report of his Special Representative in the Congo (the First Progress 'Report of the Special Representative was submitted to the Security Council as document S/U5J1 on 21 September 1960)j B. Exchange of messages between the Secretary-General and the Permanent Representative of Belgium, and between the Secretary-General and Mr. Tshombe, President of the Provincial Government of Katanga. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY SA557 2 November 19 60 COUNCIL ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/FRENCH . The Secretary-General has the honour to draw the attention of the Security Council to the Second Progress Report of his Special Representative in the Congo and to the exchange of messages between the Secretary-General and the Permanent Representative of Belgium and "between the Secretary-General and Mr. Tshombe, President of the Provincial Government of Katanga. English Page 2 PART A SECOND PROGEESS REPORT TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FROM HIS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE CONGO, AMBASSADOR RAJESHWAR DAYAL 2 November 1960 CONTENTS Page I INTRODUCTION 3 II. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS 6 III. THE QUESTION OF KATANGA 13 IV. THE QUESTION OF NEW BELGIAN RETURN 15 V. THE QUESTION OF THE MAINTENANCE OF LAW AND ORDER 19 VI. MILITARY OPERATIONS 27 VII. FORMER BELGIAN MILITARY BASES 32 VIII. CIVILIAN OPERATIONS 35 IX. CONCLUSION 1+2 ANNEX SA557 English Page 3 I. INTRODUCTION 1. The First Progress Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary- General of the United Nations in the Congo was submitted on 21 September 1960. This second report covers significant developments during the period from 21 September to the end of October I960, without trespassing on ground already covered by the first report, except in referring to earlier events in so far as they have conditioned subsequent developments. 2. The Special Representative would, however, point to the general conclusion in his first report, indicating the magnitude and intricacy of the difficulties facing OMJC. The urgent problems both in the field of law and order and in the field of civilian operations continue seriously to obstruct progress towards national unity and the establishment of a coherent government and administration which could assume responsibility, with the assistance of the United Nations, for the conduct of the affairs of the country. The basic conditions, prerequisite to such progress, namely some measure of stability in the Central Government, an integrated policy and the assurance throughout the country of a sense of security and freedom from disorder, are still tragically lacking, and in many respects the situation both in Leopoldville and throughout the provinces markedly deteriorated during the period under report. 3. At the heart of the present confusion and disintegration in the Congo is the complete lack of progress in the way of a political settlement, clearly a matter for the Congolese people themselves, which could provide a stable and recognized government and allow the assistance provided by ONUC to be increasingly and more effectively applied. The various contenders for political power are still at a complete stalemate, and no effective, constitutional Central Government exists to give direction to the solution of the nation's urgent problems. All that can be said is that the most vocal contenders for power have gradually tempered their extravagant claims to sole authority or at least their threats of force or other forms of intimidation to assume full power, and that steady pressure applied by OWUC, against arbitrary acts and violence, has prevented worse disorder. An analysis, in the light of recent developments, of the various conflicting claims and the lack of effective progress towards a political settlement is given in chapter II of this report. \ English Page k h. Not only is an effective Central Government non-existent, "but the political chaos has spread in a large measure to the provincial governments, often beset by inner strife, and by lack of continuing and purposeful support and collaboration from a Central Government. Repeated arrests and changes of provincial leaders, arbitrary assumption of political authority with the backing of units of the ANC, absence of effective machinery and qualified staff in the provincial ministries, virtual bankruptcy and lack of prospective revenues - all these reflect the political disorganization in the provincial capitals. 5. The single most disturbing, even alarming, development since 21 September 1960, has been a steady and often rapid breakdown of law and order. The greatest contributing factor to this breakdown has been the further indiscipline of the ANC forces, which have increasingly been guilty of illegal and arbitrary acts of all sorts. This indiscipline constitutes at the present time one of the greatest menaces to the objectives of the United Nations operations in the Congo. The illegal and violent acts of the AWC in the past few weeks have occurred both in Leopoldville and in the various provinces. A more detailed analysis of these sombre developments appears in Chapter V below. 6. The financial and economic situation of the Congo has also grown steadily worse. The depletion of foreign reserves, the virtual absence of orderly tax collection, the inability to pay salaries of public servants, has reached a stage where only quick and drastic remedial measures can prevent total collapse. 7. In the last few weeks there has been increasing evidence of the return of Belgian nationals into many phases of public life in the Congo. While the reactivation of economic enterprises and the participation in bona fide humanitarian pursuits is of benefit to the country, unfortunately there has been a substantial incursion of those elements which appear to seek a dominating influence in the councils of administration and to exclude or obstruct the application of United Nations technical assistance and influence. Some Belgian nationals are believed to have been actively arming separatist Congolese forces, and, in some cases, Belgian officers have directed and led such forces, which, in certain areas, have been responsible for brutal and oppressive acts of violence. Advisers of Belgian nationality have "been returning to governmental ministries both in Leopoldville and the provinces, partially through what seems to be an s/4557 English Page 5 organized recruiting campaign in Belgium. The motives and activities of a significant portion of these returning officials appear to be clearly at variance with the principles of the General Assembly resolution and with OMJC's basic objectives. These developments are analysed in greater detail in Chapter IV below. 8. Attention must be drawn to the fact that the appeal addressed in the General Assembly resolution (A/EES/lV7VRev.l(ES-IV) ) of 20 September 1960 "to all Congolese within the Republic of the Congo to seek a speedy solution by peaceful means of all their internal conflicts for the unity and integrity of the Congo"; unfortunately remains largely unheeded. 9. The people of the Congo are vigorous and fully conscious of their recently won independence. They would like to see their country advance on the road to stability and progress and to utilize to the full its enormous natural resources and the talent and labour of the people. The difficulties encountered by the United Nations operations in the Congo are often the result of past experiences and the conditioning of the people during the years of colonial administration. One may express the hope that the spirit of independence will induce a change in attitudes and increase the national consciousness in regard to the grave responsibilities facing the new nation. With the single-minded devotion of the leaders and with such assistance as the United Nations can render., the sovereign independent Eepublic of the Congo should be able to raise itself in a measurable period of time to a position of economic independence and political and social well-being. s/^557 English Page 6 II. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS 10. The First Progress Report outlined the "basic problem facing CNUC in the political field.
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