19th July, 20Zl The Member Secretary, Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry -3) Ministry of Environment and forests and Climate Change, Room No. 302, Vayu Wing, 3'd Floor Indira P ary av ar an Bhavan, Jorbaug Road, New Delh - 110003 Subject: Clarification for our proposed new project for manufacturing of active pharmaceuticals ingredients by Ipca Laboratories Limited at village Hingni, Tal. seloo, Dist. wardha, Maharashtra. (proposal No. IA/MHIIND2 I 20 6 | 20 I 202 t\ Reference: ADS generated on Parivesh portal on 16.07.2021 Respected Sir; With reference to the above subject, our proposal was discussed in the l2th meeting of EAC (Industry III) on 17'h June 2021 for reconsideration of EC under Category B-2. The EAC, after detailed deliberations, recommended the project for grant of environmental clearance, we are very thanl< 1 to the committee for the same. After recommendation of E,C, ADS was generated on Parivesh portal on 16.01.2021. Please find below our clarification on the ADS: ADS point: "The matter has been further examined in the Ministry and the undersigned is directed to request to clarify with supporting document (maps, etc.) that how proximify to Protected forest (within 5 km) will qualify for applicability of General Condition as per EIA Notification 2006. Please submit the details lpca Laboratories Ltd. www.tpca.com 142-AB, Kandivli,lndustrial Estate, Kandivli (West), Mumbai400067 (Maharashtra), India I t +91 226647 4747 Regd. Office: 48, Kandlvlfindustrial Estate, Kandivli (West), Mumba i 400 067 (Maharashtra), lndia I T: +g1 22 6647 4444 E:
[email protected] Cl N: L24239MH1 949P1C007837 ooltpca Clarification on the ADS: The proposed project is located at Village Hingni, Tal.