CHARLOTTE BUNCH Center for Women's Global Leadership, Douglass College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 160 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8555 USA Tel: (1-732)932-8782, Fax: (1-732)932-1180 E-mail:
[email protected], Website: PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Women at the Intersection: Indivisible Rights, Identities, and Oppressions, edited with Rita Raj and Elmira Nazombe, NJ: Center for Women’s Global Leadership, 2002. Holding On to the Promise: Women’s Human Rights and the Beijing + 5 Review, edited with Cynthia Meillon, NJ: Center for Women’s Global Leadership, 2001. Los Derechos de las Mujeres son Derechos Humanos: Cronica de una Movilizacion Mundial, edited with Claudia Hinojosa and Niamh Reilly, Mexico City: Edemex, 2000. Published in French as Les Voix des Femmes et “Les Droits de L’Homme”: La Campagne internationale pour l’affirmation des droits humains des femmes. NJ: Center for Women’s Global Leadership, 2000. Demanding Accountability: The Global Campaign and Vienna Tribunal for Women’s Human Rights, with Niamh Reilly. NY: UNIFEM, l994. Passionate Politics: Feminist Theory in Action. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1987. International Feminism: Networking Against Female Sexual Slavery. Report on Global Feminist Workshop Against Traffic in Women, edited with Barry and Castley. NY: International Women’s Tribune Centre, 1984. (Also published in French by Nouvelles Questions Feministes, Paris, 1985; and in Spanish by CIPAF, Santo Domingo, 1985.) Learning Our Way: Essays in Feminist Education, edited with Sandra Pollack. Trumansburg, NY: The Crossing Press, 1983. Building Feminist Theory: Essays from Quest, edited with Flax, Freeman, Hartsock, and Mautner.