June 27, 2021
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THIS WEEK IN BLACK HISTORY GEORGIA GILMORE A state historical plaque marks the Gilmore home. Of the many women who were instrumental in aiding the civil rights movement, Georgia Gilmore’s name deserves more mention. During the height of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Gilmore created a secret club and restaurant that supplied food and a meeting place for Black and white organizers. Gilmore was born February 5, 1920 in Montgomery, Alabama. A midwife and mother of six, she worked as a cook at a local eatery. In December 1955, Rosa Parks effectively kicked off the bus boycotts by refusing to move from her bus seat, which in turn inspired Gilmore, who was noted for shouting down bigots. After getting fired from her job for participating in the boycott and testifying against a driver, Gilmore and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who nicknamed her “Tiny,” crossed paths. The famed leader suggested that Gilmore convert her kitchen into a restau- rant to make ends meet, and she did so while supplying meals to the Memphis Improvement Association and boycott organizers. This became the inspiration behind the “Club From Nowhere,” serving full meals to MIA members and boycott participants, while also serving as a de facto meeting hub that both white and Black members could safely discuss their plans. The success of the club was so great that a rival group started by Inez Ricks called “The Friendly Club” began their own meal service and the groups had well-meaning competitions to see who could raise more funds. The monies made at the Club From Nowhere helped fund MIA and boycott efforts while also helping Gilmore keep afloat financially. Not much is written about her life after the boycotts ended but she was featured in the PBS documentary Eyes On The Prize. Gilmore passed in 1990 on March 3, near the 25th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday event. Sacraments To Whom Do We Go RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturdays 3:00 PM and by appointment. Adult Formation: Lovenia Watson.....................................778-1977 BAPTISMS: To arrange and prepare for the celebration of Baptism, Altar Servers: Bradley DeRouen …................218-8292 / 284-5970 please call the Pastor to schedule an appointment. Baptisms are usually Child Protection Coord:..............................................Andrea Toles celebrated on Sunday afternoon. Eucharistic Ministers: Beulah Decuir……………..............229-6076 FUNERAL: Please call the parish as soon as possible to make Gospel Choir/Adult: Daphne Alex…………………............936-4051 arrangements for the Mass of Christian Burial. Gospel Choir/Youth: Tara Winder ………………..............428-5981 VISITING THE SICK: If you or a family member are sick or in the hospital, please call the parish so that a pastoral visit can be arranged. Hall Rental: Juliet Betts…………………………….............775-7067 The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated in the Ministry Council/Chair: Georgia Jenkins…………............775-5824 parish before hospitalization. Please call also to arrange for a Pantry/Food and Vouchers: ………………………............774-3661 Eucharistic minister to bring Communion to the sick. If you would like to Sacristan: Rogers Jackson, Jr. .……………………..........362-0907 request prayers for someone who is sick, please call the parish so that Traditional Choir: Theresa Carmen................................ 921-7315 the name may be placed in the bulletin. Usher’s Coordinator: Walter Ennis………………..............775-7332 MARRIAGES: Preparation must begin at least six months prior to the wedding. Please make arrangements with the parish before scheduling This Week’s Prayer the reception. ANNULMENTS/CONVALIDATION: Please arrange a meeting with the God, thank you for never leaving me on my own. I am Pastor to begin the process of celebrating your marriage in the Church. never alone because You are always with me. You’re the NEW PARISHIONERS: Catholics who would like to be registered as perfect parent and You provide me with everything I need, parishioners of Immaculate Conception and receive stewardship envelopes should call the parish secretary or fill out a form in the whether I ask for it or not. The goodness of who You are is vestibule of the church. what propels me forward and draws me deeper into Your RCIA: Adults who desire to explore the possibility of becoming a strength and love. Amen. member of the Catholic Church should contact the RCIA (Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults) team. Preparation usually begins in September and Baptism or Reception is celebrated at the next Easter Vigil. TUITION ASSISTANCE: Some financial aid for tuition assistance to Catholic schools is available to registered members of the parish. This is a one time grant of no more than $1,000.00 to needy families to assist them during a time of financial crisis. Eligible families should write a letter to the Pastor who will evaluate the request with the Financial Advisory Committee. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH BATON ROUGE, LA THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 27, 2021 Happy Birthday Father Thomas F. Clark, S. J. WELCOME FATHER CHRIS KELLERMAN CHIZOMA AKUJOBI 6/27 THELMA DEAMER 6/27 Mass Readings This weekend we welcome newly ordained Father Chris Kellerman who will celebrate Mass for us June 27th - July 4th this weekend. We rejoice with Father Chris as he embarks on the journey of his priestly ministry. We ALAINA ROSS 6/27 Sunday thank God for him and wish him the best of all good things. MEGAN ABRAHAM 6/28 Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 30; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 MORGAN ABRAHAM 6/28 Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 DIALOGUE ON RACE LOUISIANA ORIGINAL SERIES SHIRLEY ENNIS 6/28 Monday A Dialogue on Race Louisiana Original Series will begin on July 1 and continue through August 5. WALTER LEE 6/28 Gn 18:16-33; Psalm 103 This is a six week facilitated dialogue on race based on history and facts. This is a positive and con- Gospel: Matt 8:18-22 structive way of bridging the racial divide by engaging in a dialogue with a random group of Baton JOLESLIE LOONEY 6/28 ANDREA NEWTON 6/28 Tuesday Rouge citizens. Each session is virtual via Zoom. If you would like to register go to: dorla.eventbrite.com to reg- Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul IHEANYI AKUJOBI 6/29 ister and preview other DORLA events. Acts 12:1-11; Psalm 34; 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18 JANISE NAVARRE 6/29 Gospel: Matt 16:13-19 INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY ASHTON THOMAS 6/29 Wednesday The July 4, Independence Day, holiday is celebrated this year on Monday, July 5. The JESSIE GRAY 6/30 Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Psalm 34 parish office will be closed that day in observance of the holiday. Father Clark is planning to be KAITLYN WALKER 6/30 Gospel: Matt 8:28-34 away from July 5 through 8. Therefore, there will be no daily Mass on those days. There will COURTNEY URBINA 7/1 Thursday be no Bible Study during the month of July. Gn 22:1b-19; Psalm 115 DERRICK BARNES 7/2 Gospel: Matt 9:1-8 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY TO THE BUILDING FUND ROBINSON JONES 7/2 Friday Thank you for your generosity to the Building Fund in honor of Father Clark’s 40th Anniversary STEPHEN EASTON 7/2 Gn 23:1-4,19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Psalm 106 of Ordination. Members of the parish donated $6,366.00. He is very grateful for all your expressions AARON MARTIN 7/2 of congratulations and support. Gospel: Matt 9:9-13 DESIREE CHAMBERS 7/3 Saturday SHERMAN DUGAS, SR. 7/3 VISIT OF THE MISSIONARY PRIEST Feast of Saint Thomas IMELDA GOINS 7/3 On the weekend of July 10-11, Father David Kelly of the Maryknoll Missionaries will be with us Eph 2:19-22; Luke 117 to tell us about the work of Maryknoll and ask for our financial support. A second collection will be GEOFFREY GRIFFIN 7/3 Gospel: John 20:24-29 taken up at all the Masses that weekend. Envelopes for the collection are available in the foyer. There JESSIE LUMBARD 7/3 Sunday will be a special link on We Share if you wish to make your donation on line. Ez 2:2-5; Psalm 123; 2 Cor 12:7-10 Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 RETREAT FOR BLACK CATHOLIC MARRIED COUPLES On the weekend of September 25-26, Father Josh Johnson and Dr. Mario Sacasa will lead a re- THE ROSARY GROUP Forms for new parishioners or changes treat for Black Catholic married couples at Saint Joseph Abbey Retreat Center. The retreat starts on The Rosary Group will be on vacation un- Saturday and ends at 1 PM on Sunday. Each couple is provided with a recently renovated bedroom til September. However, if a family needs are located in the vestibule of the church. with private bathroom to spend Saturday night. The suggested donation for the retreat is $300. To the rosary said for a funeral, call Father register, go to: https://faithandmarriage.org/events/september-retreat-2/ Clark and it can be arranged. Dear God, SOME THOUGHTS TO PONDER… I want to take a minute, Pray when you feel like worrying Give thanks when you feel like complaining not to ask for anything from you, Keep going when you feel like giving up but simply to say thank you, for all that I have. The richest wealth is Wisdom. The strongest weapon is Patience. The best security id Faith. The most effective tonic is Laughter. May God bless you with all of them today and for always. Amen. .