Lancashire and Blackpool Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2014 - 2017 2 For more information about the Lancashire and Blackpool Flood Risk Management Strategy please contact: Flood Risk Management Teams Lancashire County Council PO Box 78 County Hall Fishergate Preston Lancashire PR1 8XJ
[email protected] Blackpool Council Town Hall Blackpool FY1 1AD
[email protected] 3 (Lancashire County Council and Blackpool Executive Summary Council are the Lead Local Flood Authorities and throughout this strategy will be referred This Lancashire and Blackpool Flood Risk to as ‘the councils’). Our close proximity to Management Strategy has been jointly each other means that in many instances we produced by Lancashire County Council and work together to manage developments, wider Blackpool Council to show how we intend to strategic infrastructure and issues such as manage the risk from local sources of flooding flooding and water quality. initially over the next 3 years and with revised Due to the cross border nature of flooding editions every 6 years. Local sources of and the on-going relationship we have, flooding, are those from ordinary watercourses there are many benefits in working closely (small streams and channels), pluvial (surface with each other to manage local flood risks water runoff as a result of heavy rainfall) and and a decision was made to produce a joint groundwater (where water held beneath the document, the Lancashire and Blackpool ground reaches the surface). Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (the ‘Local Strategy’). This strategy ensures a Water does not follow administrative catchment based approach and promotes boundaries.