WITCHCRAFT and the Gay Counterculture
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WITCHCRAFT and the Gay Counterculture 172 171 Scott, George, Phallic Worship, Mental Health Press, Westport, Conn. , n. d. Scott, W. S. , The Trial of Joan of Arc, The Folio Society, London, 1956. Showerman, Grant, “The Great Mother of the Gods,” Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Philology and Literature Series, v. 1, No. 3, 1898-1901. Steiner, Stan, The Islands, Harper, NY, 1974. Stone, I.F., ‘The War Machine Under Nixon,” The War Economy of the United States, ed. by Seymour Melman; St. Martin’s Press, NY, WITCHCRAFT 1971. Strabo, Geography, v. 2, Loeb ed. , Harvard U, Cambridge, Mass., 1960. AND THE Summers, Montague, The Geography of Witchcraft, Citadel, Secaucus, NJ, 1965. GAY COUNTERCULTURE Summers, Montague, The History of Witchcraft,Citadel, Secaucus, NJ, 1971. Summers, Montague, A Popular History of Witchcraft, E. P. Dutton, NY, By Arthur Evans 1937. Symonds, John, A Problem in Greek Ethics, Areopagitica Society, London, 1908. 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Kott, Jan, Shakespeare Our Contemporary, Doubleday, NY, 1966. oh mother of life Latin Dictionary, ed. by Lewis Short, Oxford, NY & London, 1966. begotten from your womb of light Lauritsen, John and David Thorstad, The Early Homosexual Rights we rise now out of the masculine death Movement, Times Change Press, 1974. that is jehovah’s enslavement Lazonick, William, “Karl Marx and Enclosures in England, “ The Review in teh fullness of sweet woman’s blood of Radical Political Economics, vol. 5, no. 2, 1974. and fairy rage - Lea, Henry, A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, v. 3, Harbor our touch bossoms. Press, NY, 1955. Lea, Henry, Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft, v. 1, U. of Penn like the tides of earth we are strong sylvania, Philadelphia, 1939. to come again. Lea, Henry, Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft, v. 2, T. Yoseloff, NY, 1957. i believe in the goddess Lea, Henry, “The Innocence of the Templars, “ The Guilt of the Templars the movement for life. by G. Legman, Basic Books, NY, 1966. thorned by our genderless Legman, G., The Guilt of the Templars,Basic Books, NY, 1966. Lerner, Robert, The Heresy of the Free Spirit, U. of California, Berkeley, brightening for our powerless 1972. and suckling our struggle. Lethbridge, T. e., Witches, Citadel, Seacaucus, NJ, 1968. by the rose of my chakras Levy, Jean-Philippe, The Economic Life of the Ancient World, U. Chi- i tap the androgyne. cago, Chicago, 1964. with you our love is revolt Licht, Hans, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, Barnes and Noble, NY, 1952. Lightbody, Charles, The Judgments of Joan, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass. , with you we are each 1961. atoms of significance. Loos, Milan, Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1974. Diana my lover of amazons Macciocchi, Maria, Daily Life in Revolutionary China, Monthly Review my triumph of faggot witches Press, NY, 1972. 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