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Maine Alumnus, Volume 54, Number 1, September-October 1972

General Alumni Association, University of Maine

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Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 54, Number 1, September- October 1972" (1972). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 298.

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Fall semester started Sept. 18 with over 8,000 students and over one thousand bicycles roaming the Orono campus The Maine Alumnus vol. 54 no. 1 September / October 1972


On alumni responsibility 3 A view from Stevens Hall 10

It was a very good year 4 Alumni & other voluntary giving 11

A little help from our friends 8 August commencement 12

Annual Fund Recognition Insert Campus capsules 14

Campaign outlook for ‘73 9 Sports 16

s sta# alumni representatives to alumni council the intercollegiate athletic Donald M. Stewart ’35, Publisher John W. Ballou ’49 Margaret A. Rode ’71, Editor advisory council William E. Bodwell ’50 Roger C. Castle ’21 Howard L. Bowen '24 Willard C. Farnham ’60 Leland F. Carter ’42 Vernon W. Tozer ’51 Raymond R. Couture ’51 J. Edward DeCourcy ’34 John R. Dyer ’41 Gordon I. Erikson ’43 photo credits annual alumni fund Peter T. Gammons, Jr. ’61 Dennis P. Hogan ’71 Bangor Daily News committee Lewiston Sun - Journal Waldo M. Libbey ’44 Gordon I. Erikson ’43 Mrs. Lewis B. Paine, II ’50 * ** Albert M. Pelletier John A. Walas National Chairman (Sarah Weeks) Russell S. Bodwell ’44 Mrs. Vincent E. Poeppelmeier ’40 Chairman, President’s Club (Alice Ann Donovan) Joseph A. Benedett ’55 Patrica A. Riley ’73 Russell S. Bodwell ’44 Mrs. Bernard P. Rines ’49 Chairman, Stein Club (Priscilla J. Thomas) Raymond R. Couture ’51 Peter A. Simon ’74 Chairman, Pine Tree Club alumni association officers Mrs. C. Donald Stebbins ’46 Dana P. Sidelinger ’36 (Louise E. Perkins) Albert M. Parker ’28, President Chairman, Century Club David E. Svendsen ’65 Ralph L. Hodgkins, Jr. ’59 Arthur Nicholson ’67 Carl R. Toothaker ’39 First Vice President Chairman, Maine Stay Club Mrs. John J. Turbyne ’34 Mrs. Edith (Talbot ’32) Ness Stephen T. Hughes ’69 Second Vice President Chairman, Honor Roll Club (Fem Allen) Mrs. Mildred (Simpson ’62) Jon F. Dawson ’67 Scott B. Weldon ’52 Stewart, Clerk Coordinator for Young Alumni Whitney L. Wheeler ’29 Herbert A. Leonard ’39, Kenneth F. Woodbury ’24 John F. Wilson ’33 Treasurer Coordinator for Matching Gifts Kenneth F. Woodbury ’24 Donald M. Stewart ’35, John F. Wilson ’33 Mrs. Philip R. Yerxa ’33 Executive Director Coordinator for Reunion Gifts (Eleanor West) Front Cover: The cover photograph of North Hall is a photo line conversion done by The Maine Alumnus, published five times a year in September-October, November-December, January- February Anril-May and June-Juiy by the General Alumni Association, Alumni Center, University of Maine, UMO photographer Jack Walas. The Orono/Orono Maine 04473. Editorial and Bussiness offices at Alumni Center, North Hall. Donald M. Stewart, publisher The General Alumni Association, Albert M. Parker .presidentt is an .^^^^^dn^Revenue classified as an educational and charitable organization as described in section 509(a)(l) of the Internal Revenue Alumni Center, dedicated on June 7, Code Total Uumbeiof co^es printed per year, 104,700. Average per issue, 20,940. Send changes of address 1969, is the entire first floor of the his­ to the business office six weeks prior to the next issue. Advertising rates on request. The Maine Alumnus is sent to members Vnd to those who contribute to the Annual Alumni Fund. Member American Alumni Council. toric North Hall, (see page 4) Second class postage paid at Orono, Maine 04473. Over and above these changes is one change in program that is especially dramatic. In the College of Education a system of program mod­ ules has been instituted this year in several of the basic, teacher-certification courses. The mod­ Director's ule approach allows a student to assemble his semester's work in a variety of ways, since at the completion of each module he will havSI several choices as to how to proceed. The system, Corner which is already finding some favor as a way of organizing curriculum in the public schools, has received a generally favorable response, ac­ "Even when a shortage of funds dictates that cording to the President's Report, from the stu­ the University shall not grow, still it must con­ dents in the College of Education and will be tinue to change." This is the opening sentence in continued and expanded. the President's "Report on the Biennium, 1970- Calling attention to the fact that teaching,“ 1972" published in August to sum up progress research, and public service are the triad of the made at the University of Maine at Orono. It institution's services, the report cites an Expanded is a document full of interest for alumni, and I Food and Nutrition Education Program as one will comment on it in this and future issues of of the most novel departures in the area out­ The Maine Alumnus. side of the academic programs. In this effort While the administration of the University has the Extension Service hires and trains full and worked to encourage the development of new part-time Nutrition Aides who work with Maine programs which will increase the efficiency of people who are receiving federal food allotments. operation of the academic departments, it has This program has showed over 32,000 Maine had at the same time to contend with many other families since 1969 how to build an adequate changes. First of these is the change in the fields and appetizing diet from the resources avail­ of knowledge which must be represented on the able to them. faculty as the university continues to grow in This program represents one of the new di­ response to the thrust of research. While this rections in the work of Cooperative Extension. renewal of faculty has slowed down, it has not While continuing to help farmers and their wives entirely stopped. and children through its traditional work, As with students they bring with them new Service has made new efforts to help its clients expectations as to what they feel will serve achieve a kind of independence of the Service. them best in their educational preparation for One manifestation of this is that the Aides, while life work. hired by the Extension Service, are only part- As with all universities, the needs for research time employees. As a consequence, they serve must change each year, by the very nature of their clients as representatives of the University, research, and with these changes come new but also bring them a neighborly, person-to- directions in the teaching procedures of the person kind of support. faculty. To meet all these changes the University In Kennebec County, Extension has developed must work with limited resources to employ the a Volunteer Coordinator Program in which the faculty in the most fruitful way possible. Service remains at one remove from the com­ Evidences of growth at the University are given munity while at the same time insuring that the in the five new programs which were approved community develops its own leadership. in the past two years. These new offerings at Orono are Master of Education in Special Edu­ While we were students at the University we cation, Master of Education in Student Personnel, became acquainted with many aspects of the Work in Higher Education, Master of Music, academic program. But alumni usually leave Master of Science in Oceanography, and Asso­ the University without a full recognition of its ciate of Science in Mental Health Technology. research and public service programs. One of In addition to these new opportunities offered the most important of these is described in the at Orono the University has changed by the con­ President's Report as being long recognized for tinuing process of redesigning courses by indi­ its usefulness and thoroughness in research vidual instructors. (continued on p. 15) 2 President Libby On alumni responsibility

The University seal proudly proclaims 1865 as is self-evident as part of the mutuality of interest the year of our founding. The 107 years from the between the University and those who were once beginning of our time to the present confers students here. Such criticism, however, accom­ the dignity of age upon us. While age alone plishes little if it simply makes sweeping and has little significance, it does develop insti­ negative generalizations about what is or is not tutional / identity, character and purpose. Time being done at Orono. The alumnus who writes has done this for us. that he "no longer will support the University The character of an institution, educational or because the faculty are all communists" demon­ otherwise, is expressed through those who have strates such narrowness of understanding that it been or are associated with it. The University of is difficult to know where to start an educational Maine at Orono's character has been shaped by process with him. The alumnus who condemns the thousands of students, the faculty, the ad­ the hair style or dress habits of students as the ministrators and the alumni who during the reason for turning his back on the University century of existence have made the institution fails to recognize that our students' habits and what it is—a fine one. standards are shaped by the home and com­ It is easy and accurate to describe the alumni munity long before they arrive at Orono. Here % of the University in glowing terms as to their ac­ again the General Alumni Association serves as complishments, their loyalty and their under­ the clearing house to receive and respond to standing. It is more difficult to describe the constructive suggestions. responsibilities of alumni and yet alumni status Finally, alumni have the responsibility for does carry with it responsibilities as well as bene­ being supportive—supportive not just through fits. the contribution of badly needed and highly welcomed dollars but supportive in the broader ^ror example, alumni have the responsibility sense of the programs of the University. For ex­ for understanding the progress, programs and ample, the bond issue in November is very im­ problems of the University. Too frequently under­ portant from the viewpoint of Orono. This bond standing is superficially based on inadequate or issue carries as one item the construction of a erroneous information. Sweeping generalizations classroom building to house business, English about faculty or students are easily made and and mathematics. This building is needed not for are usually inaccurate. No alumnus should be further expansion but for present programs. The expected to support the University blindly but difficulty of meeting current responsibilities can at the same time no alumnus should be willing be attributed in a large part to space limitations. to condemn without making an effort to under­ The 23,000 alumni of this University living here stand. Understanding grows from questions sin­ in Maine are a vital factor in securing approval cerely asked and conscientiously answered. The of this capital construction program designed to General Alumni Association is in a position to provide adequacy. Their support is a vital in­ find the answers to any questions raised. gredient for success. The General Alumni Association is also pre­ I, as President at the University of Maine at pared to offer programs either in Orono or on Orono/Bangor, assure alumni that I value their a community basis where alumni can talk with understanding, their criticism and their support. students, faculty or administrators. There is noth­ I recognize my responsibility to those who have ing this University is doing which cannot be ex­ been here. I welcome the interest and concern plained openly and thoroughly. of the thousands who identify with the Univer­ Alumni have the responsibility to be con­ sity and wish them well. I believe that our goals structive in their criticism. The right to be critical and hopes for the University are not dissimilar.

3 It was a very good year by Margaret Rode '71 To maintain open channels of com­ and the Association. Events planned For the first time, returning alumni munication between Maine's 44,000 by joint committees of area alumni, could enjoy the use of the newly fin­ alumni and the university is no small students and faculty served to wel­ ished swimming pool and also a baby­ task. And yet that is the major task come back Maine graduates to Orono sitting service for their children, which of the General Alumni Association. to renew old ties and to see the ever­ allowed mom and dad to enjoy the Our effort to keep Maine alumni in changing campus. activities. touch with Orono and hold the door The highlight for many alumni dur­ Later in the year, as a kickoff to open to alumni returning to campus ing the weekend was the presentation the summer season, the campus be­ takes on new dimensions each year. of awards. The annual Career Award came the site of an equally inviting During the past year the Associa­ Dinner was given to honor Kenneth C. return to UMO in its annual June tion created as much involvement as Foster '34, President of Prudential reunion. possible between the university "fami­ Insurance Company of America. The popularity of Reunion was ly" with its 835 faculty members and At the Alumni Luncheon the re­ boosted again last year with the sub­ administrative personnel, 8,500 stu­ cipients of the coveted Black Bear stantial involvement of students whose energy is contagious and whose spSfe dents and 44,000 alumni. awards were also honored. They were: The spirited festivities of UMO's Clifford G. McIntire '30, Russell S. speaks so very well for the under­ traditional Homecoming Weekend Bodwell '44, Mrs. Virginia Tufts Chap­ graduate body. All reunion events kicked off the year for the alumni lin '46 and Edward H. Piper '43. including housing accommodations

Historic North Hall was first on campus

North Hall, nestled in the far Northwestern corner for the Association, though. It has also been the scene of campus, is recognized as the oldest university building. of many campus, community and business affairs during It was originally known as the Goddard House or Frost the years. The lovely colonial lounge offers a friendly House prior to 1868. From 1 868 to 1 879 North Hall served atmosphere and plenty of room for functions. as the home for Dr. Merritt C. Fernaid, who served as In addition to the numerous alumni meetings and acting president during the University's first few years events held in the lounge, many other groups from the. and later was the second president. University community have used the lounge. Just a partial The building has served as the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, list includes: League of Women Voters, All Maine Women, home for the Sigma Nu Fraternity, a home management Newcomers Group, Black Bear Hall of Fame, Franco- house for senior girls in the School of Home Economics American Group, Military Review Reception, Maine Agri­ and a men's dormitory. And finally, before the Alumni cultural Engineers Association, Political Science Depart­ offices were moved from the Library in 1969, North Hall ment, Freshman Orientation, Chi Omega Sorority, Maine had served as the University infirmary since 1946. Extension Faculty Association and many private wedding The Alumni Center has been more than just office space receptions.

4 and class dinners were on campus these "student alumni" were invited successful that another tour with a following a popular innovation in the to a special luncheon with President campus administrator to distant clubs 1971 program. Libby and other administrative lead­ is being planned for early in March Despite a two-day rainstorm which ers. The program will be enlarged for 1973. dampened the body but not the spirit, more people to attend classes next Another UMO administrator, Direc­ the 1972 June Reunion Weekend was year. tor of Admissions James Harmon, held ^^plete with a Golden Anniversary Local Associations a meeting at the local association in Class of 1922, hospitable student Hollywood, California, and in Febru­ hosts, a very lively dance party, a One of the most vital and active ary, President Libby met with alumni "rap session" with President Winthrop projects of the alumni program at in Sarasota, Florida. C. Libby, and Alumni Service Emblem Orono is the coordination and ser­ Alumni were especially pleased Award to Mary-Hale Sutton Furman vice given to the local alumni associa­ with the Spring musical tours to local '38, and (attendance cups awarded to tions. With over 53 local associations associations. classes of 1922, 1932, and 1942. around the country, the spirit of UMO The 1973 Reunion is already being is kept alive for alumni away from The University Singers gave three planned and the date has been set. their alma mater. performances in-state at Lewiston, Keep your calendars open on June 8- Last year many local associations Portland and Damariscotta alumni 10 for Reunion. had UMO come to them, in addition clubs. The March tour was under the to their own internal events. From direction of Professor Vernon Opheim. Back-To-College Weekend Sarasota, Florida, to Hollywood, Cali­ The University of Maine Concert While the emphasis is on the social fornia, to Rochester, New York; people Band, under the direction of Gregg return to campus at Homecoming and from the University community trav­ Magnuson, toured Massachusetts, New Reunion, the Alumni office focused eled to speak with local associations. York, New Jersey, Connecticut and in on informing alumni of the chang­ John Madigan, director of student Maine in a week long tour in late ing scene at UMO at its annual Back- aid, made a tour to three local groups spring. Alumni clubs carried the ball To-College Weekend. in Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, New York, on concert arrangements, housing and Early last spring alumni were given and Rochester, New York. Many miles sales. a chance to go back to classes. Also, were traveled and the tour proved so The Association travels hundreds of

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President Libby rapped with incoming freshmen and members of the GAA undergraduate club at an “Off to Maine Reception last Spring at Lost Valley in Auburn. 5 *


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William E. Bodwell ’50, who generously donates a car to the GAA each year, hands over the keys for the 1972 car to Executive Direc­ tor Donald M. Stewart ’35. The car enables the Association to travel more and better serve the needs of the alumni. miles each year in working with its A discussion with President Libby as an informal way of meeting wifn local groups. To travel so much they on the state of the University was alumni, faculty, and administration have to rely on dependable transpor­ followed by lunch with UMO student over dinner. Students, faculty, ad­ tation. And they have it! William E. hosts and an exciting Maine/Bucknell ministrators and alufnni planned din-j Bodwell '50 who operates automobile football game. ners to which members of the uni­ agencies in Bath and Brunswick, for versity community and area alumni the last ten years has donated a late People to People were invited. The program was very model car for the Association's use Students to Alumni successful as dinner guests became acquainted and discussed their mutual each year. In addition to going to The GAA undergraduate club, "Peo­ local association events, the car has interests in UMO. Plans for the dinners ple to People: Students to Alumni", has I this year are being made for the fall. enabled the staff to attend football initiated and developed many vital Another "first" with the undergrad­ games and conferences that would student-alumni activities over the past uate program was the Spring Wel­ otherwise have been too expensive. year. In addition to working closely come to Young Alumni. Paul Bunyan^ It was an active and productive with the GAA staff as student hosts Day, Saturday, May 20, was selected year for the local associations. And during Homecoming and Reunion, already this year these alumni clubs as a day to welcome back to the Orono the core group of 40 students con­ ■ . • i £ have been participating in an active campus in-state alumni between the ducted three highly successful pro­ —» - __ Fall program. classes of 1960-70. The welcome was jects during the spring of '72. On September 30, local association intended to lay the groundwork for a * leaders from Maine met at UMO to "Spring Weekend for Young Alums' discuss the overall club program and Dinner for 12 Strangers being planned for 1973. The key? to offer suggestions for strengthening A "Dinner for 12 Strangers" series words for the Weekend are expected it in 1972-73. was initiated last May by the students to be "informal" and "inexpensive". 6 as the students plan "music of the duction to UMO on their home GAA Assistant sixties", concerts, spaghetti feeds, and grounds. The success of the program swim parties for Maine's young resulted in an increased number of Director resigns alumni. receptions around the state in the Paul G. Chretien '63, assistant direc­ spring of 1973. tor of the General Alumni Association Off to Maine Reception has resigned to become the Fi­ Throughout the year alumni come n. In its second year, the "Off to Maine back to campus, are visited in their nance Director of the Maine State Democratic Committee. Beginning deception for Incoming Freshmen" pro­ hometowns and keep in touch through November 1, he will be working out gram involved many more freshmen. their local associations. This past year of party headquarters in Augusta, Members of "People to People: Stu­ has seen much done towards keeping but will continue his residence at 212 dents to Alumni" reached new heights our communications open to our Bolling Drive in Bangor. in popularity as high school seniors 44,000 alumni. At the very beginning As the second man on the staff at already^accepted to UMO for this fall of our new year, with eager students, the Alumni Office he has made a host and their parents joined with alumni staff and expanded programs, we will of friends for the University at Orono, leaders,; campus administrators and have another even more active and for the Association and for himself present undergraduates as an intro­ meaningful alumni year. during the two and a half years he has served the Association, according to Albert M. Parker, president of the GAA. Gordon I. Erikson, national man of the annual alumni fund, re­ ports that Paul has indicated he will remain active as a volunteer worker for the annual fund after he leaves the staff. As executive director I want to ex­ press regret at his leaving. His has shown great ability and dedication in working on all aspects of the associa­ tion's program. I am sure I speak for his many friends here at Orono and for all those alumni who have had the pleasure of working with him in our alumni program when I offer him our very best wishes as he embarks on a new career. Donald Stewart '35 Executive Director

Job Opportunity at GAA With the resignation of our Assis­ tant Executive Director, an opening exists on the staff of the GAA. Open to all candidates but with preference for an alumnus or alumna. The As­ sociation welcomes applications from anyone qualified by experience or interest in the fields of fund-raising and association work. The position offers varied opportunities to a quali­ fied mature candidate. Applications in writing, with a de­ tailed resume of education, work ex­ Members of the Portland Club, University of Maine at Orono Women, held a coffee on perience and statement of personal August 8 for area alumnae at the home of Mrs. Peter Drivas. From the left are shown goals, should be directed to Donald Mrs. Peter Drivas {Dolores Amergian ’47), Mrs. Thomas McDermott {Marilyn Matthieu Stewart, Executive Director, General ’59) president, Mrs. Philip Yerxa {Eleanor West ’33) and Mrs. Bernard P. Rines {Priscilla Alumni Association, North Hall Alumni Thomas ’49). Center, Orono, Maine 04473. 1971-72 Fund Campaign A little help from our friends

The highly successful 1971-72 An­ Under Mr. Erikson's direction, the out the year with many programs. ' nual Alumni Fund resulted from a campaign was given a much more Programs involving the undergraduatjf personal, people-oriented appeal cou­ personal touch. All areas of the coun­ students brought an increase in young­ pled with an active year filled with try and people of all groups, ages and er alumni support to the campaign. tailored alumni programs. disciplines were represented by the Back-To-College Weekend, the Uni­ University of Maine alumni compare fund committeemen. versity of Maine Concert Band Tour very well with other universities in The 1971-72 campaign saw the and Singers Tour proved very suc­ alumni financial support. UMO alumni expansion of the phonathon into a cessful in bringing alumni closer to have led in the alumni giving cate­ region-wide operation in April. In their alma mater. gory for land grant Portland, Bangor, , New York An increase this year in corporate­ colleges in 1969-70 and 1970-71 as City and Washington, D.C., volunteers matching gifts of 30 per cent was a ‘ reported by the Council for Financial gave their time to phone 500 alumni. very promising sign for even greater Aid to Education. It was a unique approach which was potential in the future. There are over Under the capable leadership of met with much enthusiasm as well as 300 firms throughout the country who Gordon I. Erikson '43, more than 6,500 substantial funds. Not only were cam­ contribute to higher education by alumni participated and the 1971-72 paign funds a result of the phonathon matching employee contributions to but alumni had the opportunity to the university of their choice. The last - fund reached a fine total of $195,260, ■ another increase in keeping with the discuss their university. campaign saw 105 firms matching tradition of past years. This year's Alumni were brought into contact contributions for a total of $16,288. record high was 18.7 percent greater with the university and its students, Funds from alumni were given to than the previous mark. faculty and administrators through­ President Winthrop Libby's Discretion­ ary Fund which were directed towards the Onwards Program, travel expenses for a trip to the United Nations by political science students, a tutorial , program for Indian children and rna^\ other projects. The highlight of University Projects funded through the campaign was the creation of the Alumni Emergency Student Aid Fund. This fund made it possible for a group of students who were especially hard-pressed finan­ cially to further their education which had been put in jeopardy by a tui­ tion increase. The Association also made possible a $1,500 award to the Distinguished Maine Professor. A $750 contribution was also made to the Career Plan­ ning and Placement Office for equip­ ment to be used in their innova­ tive and nationally recognized video­ tape interview program. In addition, assistance was provided to the Graduate M Club in their quest for athletic scholarship funds through the newly created Black Bear Hall Roy “Biv” Holmes ’32 mans a line for the fund phonathon held last April. of Fame.


\ * •* V Vice Chairman Willard C. Farnham '60

President’s Club Harry R. Mayers ’30, Chairman Leon B. Levitan *38 W. Philip Churchill ’30 George P. Hitchings ’37 Richard A. Spencer ’50

Stein Club Russell S. Bodwell ’44, Chairman Scott B. Weldon ’52 Roger C. Castle ’21 Herbert I. Trask ’32 Thomas M. Hersey ’34 » • f John T. Maines ’40 MB »?< • 51PL Pine Tree Club Raymond R. Couture ’51, Chairmai Priscilla J. Rines ’49 Carl R. Toothaker ’39 Malcolm E. C. Devine ’31 Donald L. Mooers ’60

Century Club John R. Dyer ’41, Chairman Roger L. Pendleton ’48 Thomas J. Desmond ’33 Robert L. Olsen ’50 Charles E. Stickney, Jr. ’44

Maine Stay Club Roy N. Holmes ’32, Chairman Henry R. Butler ’20 Brian R. Harden ’69 Martha J. Weatherbee '54

Honor Roll Club Hilda A. Sterling’ 55. co-chairman Arthur Nicholson ’67, co-chairman The picture above was published last year in our Annual Fund brochure and alumni of L. Dewey Chase ’64 the University of Maine at Orono were asked to support the University Family, a family Margaret Savignano ’48 comprised of students, faculty, researchers and public servants. Your generous investment in Arthur C. Stickney ’69 this family affair realized $196,315, the largest campaign total ever recorded in the eleven Bruce C. MacFadyen ’67 year history of the Annual Fund. Moreover, the number of alumni participating in the fund increased also. We speak today on behalf of the many agencies and departments, students and organizations who benefited from your generosity in expressing a warm thanks for your loyalty and support. For the Alumni Fund Committee,

Gordon I. Erikson ’43 National Campaign Chairman 1971"72 Annual Alumni Fund Report

Class No. In No.Of % Parti­ Total Average Class No. 1 n No.Of % Parti­ Total Average Class Gifts cipation Gift Gift Class Gifts cipation Gift Gift

’’Senior Alumn i 127 52 40.9 $2,928.00 56.30 1941 500 118 23.6 $3,123.00 26.46 1910 33 14 42.4 995.00 71.07 1942 531 128 24.1 5,765.75 45.04 19H 38 15 39.5 1,774.34 118.28 1943 533 124 23.2 3,539.50 28.54 1912 53 18 34.0 490.00 27.22 1944 499 122 24.4 4,633.50 37.97 1913 55 17 30.9 613.50 36.08 1945 415 91 21.9 3,209.50 35.26 1914 55 23 41.8 1,197.50 52.06 1946 304 44 14.5 1,247.50 28.35 1915 73 31 42.5 3,298.50 106.40 1947 325 66 20.3 2,357.90 35.72 1916 98 27 27.6 955.00 35-37 1948 577 120 20.8 4,490.92 37.42 1917 135 25 18.5 4,322.00 172.88 1949 908 180 19.8 4,527.00 25.15 1918 126 46 36.5 967.00 21 .02 1950 1764 321 18.2 6,384.75 19.89 1919 121 38 31.4 1,015.50 26.72 1951 1341 208 15.5 4,085.00 19.63 1920 133 50 37.6 1,975.00 39.50 1952 1008 160 15.9 3,972.00 24.82 1921 135 54 40.0 3.761.00 69.64 1953 809 138 15.5 3,066.50 22.22 1922 147 70 47.6 5,615.00 80.21 1954 866 113 13.0 2,979.50 26.36 1923 273 64 23.4 2,097-50 32.77 1955 786 126 16.0 2,018.00 16.01 1924 212 68 32.1 3,043.88 44.76 1956 821 158 19.2 2,957-50 18.71 1925 227 67 29.5 2,567.50 38.32 1957 1009 152 15.1 2,785.25 18.32 1926 208 63 30.3 1,692.50 26.86 1958 1045 151 14.4 4,490.25 29.73 1927 223 93 41.7 4,723.50 50.79 1959 1204 156 13.0 2,460.50 15.77 1928 208 73 35.1 2,292.50 31.40 I960 1157 134 11.6 1,982.50 14.79 1929 260 77 29.6 3,400.87 44.16 1961 1219 151 12.4 2,516.00 16.66 1930 269 78 29.0 5,430.96 69.62 1962 1207 133 11.0 2,219.00 16.68 1931 288 85 29.5 5,251.70 61.78 1963 1185 152 12.8 1,814.23 11.93 1932 354 142 40.0 9,037.00 63.64 1964 1330 167 12.6 2,331.00 13.95 1933 383 108 28.2 2,964.08 27.44 1965 1525 169 11.1 2,258.00 13.36 1934 367 95 25.9 4,821.66 50.75 1966 1442 151 10.5 1,950.00 12.91 1935 362 76 21.0 2,512.50 33.05 1967 1540 179 11.6 3,784.49 21.14 1936 348 87 25.0 2,096.00 24.09 1968 1790 135 7.5 1,458.50 10.80 1937 347 83 23-9 2,290.00 27.59 1969 2166 181 8.4 2,311.50 12.77 1938 411 104 25.3 6,515.50 62.64 1970 2225 135 6.0 1,412.25 10.46 1939 374 84 22.5 3,053.25 36.34 1971 2418 62 2.6 1,043.00 16.86 1940 448 88 19-6 3,053.50 34.69 1972 1854 4 60.00 *ln addition to contributions to the Senior Alumni Fund, the Classes from 1910 to 1921 also maintained separate class funds.

Top Five Classes - Percent Participation I Top Five Classes - Dollars Contributed

1922 47.6% 1 1932 $9,037.00 1 1938 1915 42.5% $6,515.00 1 1950 1910 42.4% $6,384.QO 1 1942 1914 41.8% $5,765-75 1 1922 1927 41.7% $5,615.00 ’ ...... ( .....

Top Five Classes Since 1952 1

1958 $4,490.25 1 1952 $3,972.00 1 1967 $3,784.49 I 1953 $3,066.50 I 1954 $2,979-50 I Vital Statistics I * Total Contributions Unrestricted $131,464.00 Restricted * 2530 alumni increased their contributions in 1971-72 1 85 more contributors than in last year's campaign * 475 new givers Since the Annual Fund was established by the General Alumni Association in 1961, alumni have given $1,391,260 to the University of Maine at Orono. * Matching Gifts are important. We salute the 105 Matching Gift Companies who matched $16,288.00 of Maine alumni employees gifts. This represents a 30 percent increase over last year's figure. * The average gift increased to an all time high of $29.97. * More than $12,000 of the Annual Fund was restricted for athletics through the Graduate "M" Club, Black Bear Hall of Fame and the Athletic Grant in Aid and Scholarship Fund. * Most unrestricted dollars in one campaign. * Most ever President's, Stein, Pine Tree, Century and Maine Stay Club con­ tributors. * The increase of $31,000 was realized with the same budget as last year's * Above all, a record 18.7% increase in the alumni gifts to our University!

Contributions by Clubs President's Club $28,623.00 Stein Club $13,861.00 Pine Tree Club $ 9,108.00 Century Club $44,830.00 Maine Stay Club $53,819.00 Honor Roll Club $39,349.00 Friends and Organizations $ 6,721.00

President's Club Contributors Francis S. Andrews '42 M/M Gordon I. Erikson '43 '42 William P. Palmer, III '58 M/M Russell S. Bodwell '44 '45 Raymond H. Fogler '15 Albert M. Parker '28 Herbert E. Bragg '25 William P. Hamblet '31 M/M James M. Sims '32 W. Philip Churchill '30 Mrs. Harry A. Hartley (husband '27) Dwight L. Somers '34 Percival B. Crocker '21 M/M Wallace H. Humphrey '32 '33 Mrs. Richard Talbot (husband '07) M/M Lawrence W. Davee '22 Milton F. Kent '30 M/M Raymond T. Wendell '32 '38 Edmund J. Dempsey '17 Leon B. Levitan '38 Reginald B. Wilson '30 Thomas E. Lynch '38

Stein Club Contributors

Hazen H. Ayer '24 Kenneth C. Foster '34 Karl MacDonald '07 George D. Bixby '29 Mrs. John R. Furman '38 Roscoe C. Masterman '32 Foster B. Blake '22 Roy J. Gavin '34 Wesley C. Plumer '21 M/M John C. Bridge '57 Theodore P. Harding '38 Arthur B. Richardson '11 John D. Buckley '49 Malcolm D. Hardy '44 Harold J. Shaw '14 M/M Roger C. Castle '21 '23 Royal G. Higgins, Jr. '17 Mrs. Philip Sullivan '48 Mrs. Harry Sutton (husband '09) M/M Albert D. Conley '11 Louis O. Hilton '54 M/M Myron W. Zimmerman '50 M/M Donald P. Corbett '34 M/M Edward R. Ladd '39 '40 *M/M Clarence C. Little '24 1896 Clinton A. Plumly HONOR ROLL Howard B. Hiller Josephine Mann Gray Frank C. Richardson Estelle I. Beaupre Bryant L. Hopkins Ella May Hall CENTURY CLUB Everett F. Southwick ♦Harold V. Cobb Carl S. Johnson Ella Wheeler Harmon Lore A- Rogers Mary L. Cousins Flora Howard Mayo Mark R. Lawler 1910 Harold L. Dinsmore Joseph A. McCusker Frank W. Lord 1900 Howe W. Hall Stanley G. Phillips Hugh R. MacDonnell CENTURY CLUB Everett B. Harvey Linwood T. Pitman Kenneth G. MacQuarrie MAINE STAY CLUB Charles C. Ketchum Mary Leonard Kavanagh Miner R. Stackpole Lawrence E. Merrow Howard C. Strout Ernest Lamb George A. MacNeil Jessie Sturtevant Stinneford Faye Smith Merrow Nicholas P. Makanna Rudolph Stoehr Christine A. Northrup 1901 MAINE STAY CLUB Wilson M. Morse George K. Wadlin Carl W. Perkins John L. Collins Roy W. Peaslee Russell V. Waterhoi we Estelle Spear Robbins CENTURY CLUB Ralph C. Davis Mark Pendleton Ralph V. Sinnett ♦Herbert H. Leonard Albert K. Gardner Wayland D. Towner HONOR ROLL Edgar A. Stoddard Dimon E. Merrill Sherwood H. Willard Leroy N. Borry MAINE STAY CLUB Grace Gibbs Berry 1920 George H. Davis HONOR ROLL 1915 Arthur N. Blanchard Alfred B. Chandler Dorothy Mercier Furbish PINE TREE CLUB 190 2 Frank E. Merriam PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Benjamin E. Grant Stanley M. Currier Walter S. Merrill Raymond H. Fogler Foster D. Jameson PINE TREE CLUB * Herbert W Pickup Seth E. Libby CENTURY CLUB Arthur E. Silver Philip D. Simonton CENTURY CLUB Helen Greeley Libby Robert W. Averill Herman P. Sweetser Harry L. Bayer Nelson F. Mank Ray M. Boynton HONOR ROLL George A. Webster Harold H. Beverage *Gerald C. Marble Henry R. Butler Walter H. Eldridge George J. Wentworth John T. Melincoff Stephen R. Buzzell MAINE STAY CLUB Garth A. Noyes Doris Williams Donovan 1903 1911 Edward A. Dore Schuyler Page# Jr. Edward P. Hacker Harry W. Fogg Doris Savage Lawrence J. Hodgkins MAINE STAY CLUB STEIN CLUB F. Drummond Freese Charles A. Sawyer Lester R. Thurston# Sr. Ernest A. Porter Albert D. Conley Earl C. Goodwin Claire Partridge Shannon Walter S. Tolman Arthur B. Richardson Nehemiah W. Kneeland Charles L. Stephenson HONOR ROLL Mollie Hutchins Ragon William G. Wahlenberg MAINE STAY CLUB Harvey Whitney CENTURY CLUB Lewis B. Tolman Frances A. Wood Gerald H. Bessey Nelson E. Smith Clarence A. Whitney Verne C. Beverly 1904 Henry F. Worcester Leona Gilman Bowyer MAINE STAY CLUB 1918 Harry Butler CENTURY CLUB Ralph E. Patterson HONOR ROLL Lerone M. Damon Allen M. Knowles Leslie L. J. Wertheim Harold P. Bailey CENTURY CLUB Dwight M. French Earle M. Brockway Philip W. Lown Hazel Copeland French HONOR ROLL HONOR ROLL Winthrop B. Brown George C. Newell Marion E. French Roy S. Averill George D. Bearce Justin D. Graves Silas E. Merry Albert D. Case Ralph W. Buzzell Laura Hodgins Jackman MAINE STAY CLUB Wilbur A. Park Parker M. Cooper Harris G. Luther Harvard W. Blaisdell Theodore M. Stevens 1905 Irene Cousins John H. Philbrick Weston S. Evans Geneva Croxford Valentine Mona McWilliams Foster Hiram E. Harris Philip E. Philbrook Harry D. Watson F. Donald Gibbs CENTURY CLUB Seavey A. Piper Harry A. Randall Gertrude Cannon Gibbs Edward K. Hilliard Florence Taylor Royal Paul F. Slocum HONOR ROLL Francis Head Samuel B. Lincoln Myra D. Thurlow Ross H. Varney Minerva French Anderson Roger B. Hill Albert Vernll Ethel Scott Wallace Leslie Bannister James L. Morse MAINE STAY CLUB George J. Wentworth Lucretia Davis Weaver Corinne M. Barker Weldon H. Rolfe Clayton W. Bowles Benjamin B. Whitney Jedediah E. Weeks Marguerite Mills Beach Charles L. Foubert Mary Willard Wescott Bertram Tomlinson Iva Barker Bean George K. Huntington Oscar M. Wilbur W. Linwood Chase 1912 Earl L. Wing HONOR ROLL Eveline Snow Cross HONOR ROLL Voyle E. Abbott John J. Davis Walter B. Manson CENTURY CLUB 1916 Walter B. Aikins Newell W. Emery Freeman M. Sampson Warren H. Savary Malcolm E. Barker ♦Elizabeth Chase Hamlin William E. Schrumpf CENTURY CLUB F. Wilbert Bisbee Vinton 0. Harkness Thomas W. Borjesson Dorothy Holbrook 1906 Clifford A. Skillin MAINE STAY CLUB Thomas N. Weeks Helen Stinchfield Brooks Albert E. Johnson James L. Boyle Lucile Royal Chamberlin Lawrence P. Libby CENTURY CLUB Warren McDonald George H. Cheney Philip A. Libby Walter H. Burke MAINE STAY CLUB James P. Poole Charles L. Blackman Julian F. Greeley Alfred B. Lingley Harlan H. Sweetser Marie Blackman Gregory MAINE STAY CLUB Burke Bradbury Kathryn Gorden Myers Frederick B. Haines Jefferson L. Alexander Walter T. Brown Leroy N. MacKenney HONOR ROLL John M. Keep George H. Hill * Harold W. Coffin Gerard H. Nickerson Emily M. Bartlett Arthur W. Leighton Frederick J. Simmons Guy B. Condon Angela Getchcll Page Harry P. Burden Omar K. Edes ♦Donald M. Libby Florence MacLeon Ramsay Lewies J. Catheron Frank D. Libby HONOR ROLL C. Kent Lane Flavia L. Richardson Harold W. Coffin Fred M. Loring Gotthard W. Carlson Thomas G. Mangan Lena Pago Spaulding John P. Cronin Edith DeBeck Luce Albert J. Butterworth Myron C. Peabody Betty Mills Towner Walter B. Emerson Richard L. Silva Gladys Reed Merrill Elmer B. Williams ♦Luella Woodman Harvey Raymond L. Merritt 1907 Helen P. Taylor M. June Kelley Erlon L. Newdick 1921 Frank H. Lancaster I. Leavitt Newman STEIN CLUB HONOR ROLL Alton A. McPhetres Kathryn Dow Nichols PRESIDENTS’ tbUB Karl MacDonald Horace E. Boothbyt Jr, Rollins A. Seabury Robert G. Blanchard Harold L. Redding Percival B. Crocker Charles A. Soule Ruth Chalmers Rich HONOR ROLL Florence E. Greeleaf Arthur L. Sturtevant Hiram Rosenbloom Joe K. Goodrich Maynard F. Jordan STEIN CLUB E. Marguerite Farmer Soule Herbert H. Green Herschel S. Libby Roger C. Castle 1913 Clayton A. Storer Erwin H. Hussey David G. Ljungberg Wesley C. Plumer John A. Tenney Abel P. Wyman Joseph H. Moore CENTURY CLUB Lawrence E. Philbrook Ernest J. Turner » Clifton E. Chandler Helen Stuart Vrooman 1908 Marguerite Jones Riley CENTURY CLUB William H. Merrill Marion MacLaughlin Yost Alice Poore Rollins Leah Ramsdell Fuller C. Feme Ross Weymouth CENTURY CLUB Emily Vickery Sleeper Walter E. Hatch MAINE STAY CLUB Mary Wentworth Wilbur Howard L. Perkins Emilie Kritter Josselyn Elwood W. Jennison 1917 Muriel Young Maines Lucy H. Kilby MAINE STAY CLUB Harold A. Richards 1919 Eli A. Marcoux James P. Farnsworth PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Mary E. Russell Leta Weymouth Wood James A. Gannett Edmund J. Dempsey Ralph W. Wetherbee PINE TREE CLUB Earlo N. Vickery Samuel W. Collins MAINE STAY CLUB STEIN CLUB HONOR ROLL Perley L. Berry HONOR ROLL Royal G. Higgins# Jr. Lucius R. Bates CENTURY CLUB Margaret Blethen Elon L. Brown Frances Jones Bearce James H. Freeland Rena Campbell Bowles Robert E. Potter PINE TREE CLUB Ralph C. Blanchard Pauline Mansur Freeland Joseph B. Chaplin Leslie Sargent Hazel Lane Babcock W. Leon A. Dodge Harold K. Graves Arthur R. Chapman Raymond Floyd Charles M. Poor Dorothy Hart Cook 1909 Harold Hamlin Madeleine Eastman Cousins Ralph C. Hodges CENTURY CLUB MAINE STAY CLUB George S. Ginsberg CENTURY CLUB Percy E. Jackman George E. Hansen Marjorie Gooch Bengis Percy Howard Thurman C. Wescott Lawrence Merrill Maurice Jacobs Stacy L. Bragdon Florence Morrill Kelley Henry O. Pierce, Jr. William E. Nash ♦Dwight B. Demeritt# Sr. •Frank D. Law MAINE STAY CLUB Antoinette Webb Wheaton Stanley W. Stoddard Edmund Haskins Elmer A. LeBlanc Herbert P. Bruce George F. Sweet Albert J. Sears Harold E. Pratt Walter O. Harvey 1914 Forrest R. Treworgy Joyce Cheney Stevens Elliot M. Staples Fred D. Knight Frances A. Wood Vernon H. Wallingford Donald W. Stuart ♦Jesse H. Mason STEIN CLUB In memory of sister Jessie Prince Wallingford Allen M. Varney Harold R. Miller Harold J. Shaw Margaret Wood Locke Hester M. Wessenger Frederick D. Rogers HONOR ROLL Ralph H. Wood CENTURY CLUB MAINE STAY CLUB Chester N. Adams Paul E. Murray Warren B. Beckler Edwin W. Adams HONOR ROLL HONOR ROLL F. T. Norcross Earl R. Brawn Ralph L. Brown# Sr. Roscoe H. Barber ♦Bertrand F. Brann Ray M. Carter Estelle Sawyer Carlson Stephen W. Beeaker Walter L. Emerson MAINE STAY CLUB Elwood I. Clapp Hugo S. Cross Percy L. Blackwell Merton T. Goodrich C. Imogene Wormwood Ingalls Grace Bristol Coffin Clifford D. Denison Gordon E. Brewster# Sr. Cora Shaw Gunn L. Stuart Jones Charles E. Crossland William C. Ellsworth Horace C. Crandall Charles W. Kinghorn Warren S. Lucas Noel D. Godfrey Ernest L. Garland Raymond J. Curran Orrin L. Miller Philip W. Thomas ♦Elty C. Guiou John E. Goodwin James H. Davidson 4S Sarah Witherell Elliott Everett C. Cunningham Philip H. Taylor HONOR ROLL George A. J. Froberger Philip D. Davis Emily P. Thies Henry G. Howard George R. Acheson Harry L. Greenleaf Lynwood W. Fisher In memory of Doris Rideout Huestis Edmund H. Bartlett Edith Hoyt Humphrey Max C. Harmon Philip L. Gray Danitza Arangelovich Llewellyn W. Beedle Vernon F. Hobbs Stuart M. Johnson John L. Townsend Calvin M. Hutchinson Carl H Bischoff Edith Deoring Hughey William M. Kearns H. Richard Trask Marada L. Johnson Ruth Morse Burbank Roland C. Johnson H. Laton Jackson Iva Merchant Knight Aileen Bennett Tufts Hollis Jones Pauline Harthorn Littlefield Floyd J. Carr Elmer G. Kelso H. Bernice Wentworth Sidney B. Coleman Paul Lamoreau Ina Jordan Virginia Chase Perkins Ruth Savage Wiswell Francis M. Place Earle D. Crawford Doris Spencer Libbey Leon 0. Marshall Phillip E. Woods Julia Gilpatrick Manchester Milton J. Ricker Marjorie Myers Crawford Florence Poor MacDonald Verna Norton Marie Hodgdon Sawyer Albert H • Doerr Gay Ion H. McGowan 1925 Douglas E. Donovan Angeline Morneault Michaud Clarence L. Partridge Herbert A. Sullivan Effie Weatherbee Peters Oren F. Fraser Arthur H. Niles Ralph E. Thomas PRESIDENTS* CLUB Lucille E. Smith Charges E. Gero William H. Osborne Ruth Coombs Thomas Herbert E. Bragg Everard E. Hall Lyndall K. Parker Katherine D. Stewart William A. Wellington Harold B. Swicker Arthur S . Hillman Selden J. Pearce Roger Williams CENTURY CLUB Paul D. Tapley Charles H Hammond Henry A. Scribner Arthur E. Wilson Helene Douglas Daniels j. Fred Tingley Fred W Holdsworth John A. Snell Mabel Peabody Wilson Robert N. Haskell Esther Trainer Toole Jessie Wood Hussey Eugene L. Staples Frank w. Hussey Irving B. Kelley Forrest A. Taylor HONOR ROLL Mildred Brown Schrumpf Harold E. McKenney Florence Gushee Taylor 1922 Nelson B. Aikins Frederic A. Soderberg Gordon S. McDonald Daniel W. Torrey Ceylon R. Archer Claude H. Tozier Everett M. Lunt Henry 0. Trask PRESIDENTS* CLUB Janet Cole Armstrong Fred C. Newhall Iva Stanley Waring Lawrence W. Davee Harold F. Blackwood MAINE STAY CLUB James Nowland Charles M. Washburn Muriel Goodrich Davee Virginia Colbath Crandall Floyd N. Abbott Ralph R. Parkman I Lorenzo G . Currier Eli Aronson Sidney B . Peterson 1928 I STEIN CLUB William R Dow Chester A. Baker William B. Plate Foster B. Blake Julius 0. Garsoe Randall H. Doughty Kenneth 0. Plumer CENTURY CLUB f Stanley G . Hall Carl B. Eastman William 1W. Rich Hilda Graham Askanase PINE TREE CLUB Elizabeth A. Harkness Philip Ehrlich Arvilla Peabody Ross Anthony A. Beeaker Minnie Norell Collins Alfred G. Hempstead Paul F. Erskine Mary I Samways Wray C. Conro Milton E. Higgins Rev. Stanley Hyde Karl F. . Switzer Erdine Bessey Dolloff CENTURY CLUB Elizabeth M. Hitchings Arelene Ware Hyde Robert A . Tate Raynor K. Fitzhugh James E. Carlin David W. 1Hoyt Louise Quincy Lord Gerald S . Wheeler Harry R. Hartman Charles L. Eastman Elsie Perry Hoyt Doris Overend Patterson Irene Lerette Whitcomb Ralph A. Hill 0. Spurgeon English Lois Mantor Jackson Charles R. Phillips, Sr. Kenneth C. Wilson Clarence R. Libby R. Warren Graffam Vernon L. Johnson Edward I. Pierce Oscar L. Wyman Kenneth C. Lovejoy Fred Jordan Una Greenlaw Jones Verner F. Robinson Mabel Kirkpatrick Lovejoy Frederick F. Marston Margaret Manchester Morgan 1927 William P. Viles Catharine Sargent Marston Minnie Louis O’Brien HONOR ROLL Matthew Williams Conan A. Priest Howard H. Randlette William M. Allen PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Perry R. Shean Ruth Spear Rich I. Stanley Bailey Stella Hartley MAINE STAY CLUB Philip R. White Elizabeth Ring Hope Norwood Bannister In memory of husband Vincent H. Beeaker Elwood K. Wilkins Helena Bissonette Seamans Nan Mahoney Bradford Harry A. Hartley Leon A. Cheney John L. Seymour Charles P. Burbank Luke E. Closson* Sr. MAINE STAY CLUB Pearl M. Snow Raymond H. Burton PINE TREE CLUB Lawrence Cutler Achsa M. Bean Beatrice Cleaves Stevens Charles 0. Cambell George F. Dow George F. Dudley Jacob W. Bishop* Jr. Ervin Stuart Ann Ashley Carrington James E. Tarr Thelma Perkins Dudley Lucy E. Chamberlain Richard B. Stuart •Lindsay B. Chalmers Erma Stairs Foley Martha D. Chase Harriet Weatherbee True G. Davis Chase CENTURY CLUB Frances Fuller Giddings Hope Perkins Featherstone Evalyn Thomas Weaver Cecil J. Cutts H. Russell Beatty Herbert E. Hammons S. Leonard Ginsberg John C. Winslow Benjamin W. English Neil S. Bishop Ardron B. Lewis Harry E. Henderson Vaughn B. Everett Merrill H. Dooey Roger E. Lewis Leslie W. Hutchins 1924 Lynnette Walker Flewelling Kenneth S. Field Nelson L. Manter Robert W. Laughlin Iome Irving Gay Florence Kirk Field John B. McCobb Doris P. Merrill STEIN CLUB Alice Hill Hallock Albert D. Nutting William S. Reid Ardis Lancey Moore Hazen H. Ayer Anne Thurston Henderson Leone Dakin Nutting Harold A. Medeiros Thomas H. Murphy •Clarence C. Little Harriet Page Hume Russell E. Smith Moses Nanigian Estelle Nason Beatrice Johnson Little Robert D. Huston Samuel J. Templeton Howard R. Norton H. Otis Noyes Clifford V. Irish Earle R. Webster David H. Stevens CENTURY CLUB Parker W. Patterson Alice Shaw Kimball Margaret Preble Webster Philip H. Trickey John T. Quinn Frederick C. Brown Doris Dow Ladd H. Hollis Wooster Hyman L. Rammer James A. Chalmers Donald C. Lincoln Theodore J. Zak Ernest H. Ring Harold Durgin Arlme F. Lynch MAINE STAY CLUB Ian M. Rusk Anna Green Robison Donald N. MacLean Fred D. Armes HONOR ROLL Henry P. Turner Samuel L. Rosenberg John W. Mangan Sara Palmer Bogan William Balch Everett P. Welsh Philip A. Sargent Charles M. McEwen Clare H. Brown* Jr. Horace E. Bell Fannie Cutler Welton Kenneth F. Woodbury Edith Hanington Moberg Lewis J. Carpenter Lynwood K. Betts Howard L. Bowen Joseph M. Murray Richard G. Clark Harold E. Bowie HONOR ROLL •Olin W. Callighan Frances Kent Murray Marion Cooper Milton L. Bradford Edgar S. Brewer Bruce I. Davenport Hortense Bryant Nelson Harry F. Culbertson Hazel Lindsay Brainard William D. Connon Earl M. Dunham Velma Oliver •Edward M. Engel John C. Caldwell Bernice Young Cooper Alice Stanley Dunham Mansfield M. Packard Irene Wentworth Engel Elizabeth M. Collins Donald H. Cross Michael C. Gentile Mary Loomis Page Kenneth V. Hight Kenneth Cram Stanley J. DeVeau Helen Pulsifer Dana Guy E. Griffin Frederick H. Parsons Elwin B. Hodgins Theodore F. Hatch Elizabeth Peabody Parsons Mary Watt Horsman David W. Fuller Errol L. Dearborn Allen W. Goodspeed Robert W. Dow Benjamin G. Hoos Arthur N. Pendleton Carl H. Lewis Louis C. Horsman Bernie E. Plummer* Jr. Marlin V. MacLaughlin Harry A. Grant Marguerite Tibbetts Dyer Matthew Highlands Beulah Duran Ferren David Jacobs Rubena Comins Pressey John H. Mahoney Julian H. Merrill Albert H. Repscha George N. Martin Harold E. Ingalls Stanton Glover Norton H. Lamb Ethel Packard Harkness Carleton W. Merritt •Hoyt B. Savage J. Philip Moore Wallace W. Perkins Madalene Brackett Saxe Ada Peters Peters Robert C. Lane Wyman E. Hawkes Emma Thompson Ledger Melvin E. Healey Theron A. Sparrow Morita Pickard Springer Bernard T. Poor Carl W. Stevens Prescott E. Thornton Kenneth L. Proctor Robert J. McCann Milton A. Hescock Delbert L. Moody Stanley J. Johnson Ellen Myers Stevens Balfour S. Tyndall Wi lliam A. Purmton Charles A. Whitten Steen Whiteside Sherman H. Rounsville Frederick L. Moulton John D. McCrystle Laurence H. Murdoch Frances S. Nason Edith O’Connor Thaxter Raymond E. Tobey Wendell P. Noble Walter L. Perro 1926 Carroll P. Osgood HONOR ROLL Everett I. Waltz Lawrence D. Porter John A. Pierce J. Wesley Ames Eugene C. Winch Homer F. Ray CENTURY CLUB Edna Cohen Rapaport James G. Annett Raymond E. Wood Ruth Shepherd Slater Carleton H. Bunker Clara E. Sawyer Edith L. Beckett Frances Sawyer Wooster Gertrude Farnham Strout Francis G. Buzzell Dorothy Steward Sayward Ray H. Carter Vera J. Thompson John Chippendale Barbara Pierce Skofield T. E. M. Carville HONOR ROLL Gardner B. Tibbetts David H. Stevens Charles V. Catcll Albert D. Nutting Isabel Z. Ames Dorothy Trefethen Leone Nutting Robert P. Thaxter John Conti Dakin Henry M. Bearse Carleton A. Walker Theodore S. Rowe Gordon M. Walker Ruth Bessey Conti Thomas P. Bixby Hugh M. Williams Elizabeth Laughlin Wadsworth Elmer H. Ward Paul M. Croxford Everett E. Blackwell Hope Craig Wixson 1923 Merwyn R. Driscoll Earle T. Blodgett Clayton T. Bockus Maxwell M. Erskine 1929 STEIN CLUB Thomas E. Gay MAINE STAY CLUB James W. Chapman Paul E. Atwood Milton H. Clapp Virginia Averill Castle James L. Hayes STEIN CLUB Willis M. Barrows Lawrence P. Cogswell F. Gilbert Hills George D. Bixby PINE TREE CLUB Ethelyn Percival Howard Laurence L. Buck Helen Peabody Davis Crystal Hughes Dostie Fernaid S. Stickney Louise Messer Mayo Wallace H. Elliott PINE TREE CLUB •Spofford Giddings Lorinda Orne Eustis Ethel Bird McCrystle Myrtle Walker Dow J. Murray Hamilton Margaret Boothby Freeman CENTURY CLUB Dwight L. McKechnie Herbert Sargent Clarence B. Beckett Frank B. Morrill George 0. Ladner Dorothy Taylor Garvin Theodore Curtis* Sr. Charles E. Noyes Guilbert R. Little Marion Farrington Gero *Henry L. Doten Clayton P. Osgood Walter P. Morse Wyman P. Gerry CENTURY CLUB Cora Russell Doten Earl P. Osgood Anthony J. Pannoni Ruth Leman Grady Robert F. Chandler* Jr. Helen Humphreys Eastman Irene Guppy Parsons Rose Adams Plouff Ernest H. Grant •Burleigh M. Hutchins Avis Strout Jordan Belford A. Perkins Mary M. Roche Amy Adams Green Loomis S. Kinney Martha Sanborn White Ellen V. Pierson Ernest B. Scott Elroy H. Gross Thomas Martin Chester M. Sinnett Edward F. Stanton Joseph P. Guilfoyle Robert D. Parks MAINE STAY CLUB John A. Small Laurence G. Thurston Bessie Muzzy Hastings Sarah Hoos Sterns Doris Twitchell Allen Willard E. Strong Diong D. Uong Clara Peabody Hersum W. Jerome Strout George V. Blanchard Ruth Waterhouse Strong Beulah Osgood Wells Roy C. Hobson Elizabeth McCracken Wilhelm HONOR ROLL Louis J. Krieger Albert A. Dekin Geneva Chamberlain Roger C. Wilkins Perley E. Armitage Virginia Smith Lamb Alden F. Denaco Grace Quarrington Corey Ethel Cummings Woodbury Alice H. Bagley Ruth Hasey Lamoreau George M. Field Violet Morrison Curtis Wallace C. Woodworth Emory P. Bailey Donald MacKenzie Curtis A. Fisher Edwin M. Dane Bernard M.-^Berenson Dorothy H. McGaw William Foley Emil A. Davis MAINE STAY CLUB Lois A. Burr George E. McGillicuddy A. Norman Forbush Kenneth J. Dickerson Oscar L. Birch Kenton R. Condon Francis S. McGuire Mildred Smith Gagnon Margaret Denton Eaton M. Catherine Buck Booker Ralph A. Corbett Vivian VanTassel McKenney Carlton L. Goodwin Eloise Lull Eaton Kenneth R. Dudley John H. Crowell Howard L. Mendall Everett A. Gunning Richard Elliott H. Richard FitzMorris Bertha Carter Cushman Beatrice Spiller Nadeau William F. Hathaway Emily Thompson Elliott John L. Guice Charles A. Cutting Richard T. Page Stanley G. Hayter Millard FitzGerald Larry G. Hobbs Howard F. Donald Charles A. Roberts Merle T. Hilborn Warren S. Frohock Nicholas G. Hodgman Paulene M. Dunn S. Louis Scheffer Helen Stearns Hincks Phyllis Webber Fuller Dorothy Bradford Kelso Hazel Sawyer Everett M. Stetson Smith Elizabeth Rosie Jackson Arthur H. Garvin Abram J. Libby Judd Files Parker H. Spear Neal H. Landers Edwin L. Giddings Mary Robinson McClure Stanley C. Frost Nelson E. Spurling John M. Lane Allan W. Gordon Merton F. Morse Sally Pike Gleason Edward W. Strecker Marion Ewan Lapham Allan C. Hamilton Roderic C. O’Connor Elmer R. Higgins Polly Longley Sund Arthur R. Lufkin * Hazel Scully Henkle Merton S. Parsons Frank A. Knight Martha G. Wasgatt Francis J. McCabe Richard F. Higgins Mary F. Reed Johnson L. Lowell Smith C. McIntire Inez L. Howe Alfred P. McLean Harry W. Maxim 1932 Carl D. Hurd HONOR ROLL Lloyd McCollum Richard L. Mekeel Charles C. Ingalls Whitney M. Baston Elizabeth F. Murphy PRESIDENTS' CLUB Doris Baker Moody Kenneth B. Johnson Harold E. Bessey E. Christine Norwood Wallace H. Humphrey Abby Sargent Neese Rudolph B. Johnson G. Kenneth Burwood Helen McLaughlin Osier James M. Sims Albion V. Osier Elizabeth Hilliker LaFrance James C. Buzzell Edward E. Palmer, Jr. Anna Lyon Sims Hildreth Matheson Palmer Herbert W. Lewis Lucille Spencer Cleveland Ella Bolan Parr Raymond T. Wendell Harry Paul Kathryn Small Lufkin Everett F. Conlogue Ralph L. Perkins Ethel Hilton Poland Henry E. Marcho George E. Desjardines Eunice Barrows Powell PINE TREE CLUB Thomas H. Pride Forest K. Moors Kenneth W. Downing Horace A. Pratt Cedric L. Arnold Rudolph M. Quint Raymond F. Newell Charles E. Fogg Lydia Douglas Rollins Donald L. Lester John W. Roche Eugene C. Ogden Frank Foggie Doris LaPointe Round Winthrop C. Libby Philip Rubin Robert E. Pendleton Richard P. Gleason Edwin A. Smith Roscoe Masterman 0. Lawrence Rumazza Elizabeth Barrows Pendleton James E. Hale John T. Stanley Winston C. Robbins Thomas Russell Joseph I. Penley Ramona Poley Highlands Charles R. Stover Mollie Rubin Stern Caroline Cousins Selby Jane Barry Penn Allison K. Hill Lindsay W. Sutherland Herbert I. Trask Clarence Shapero Theodore W. Prescott Elmer G. Horton Edward R. Vose Guy V. Sinclair, Jr. Coleman C. Randall Charles S. Huestis John D. Walker Marion Lee Jaques Smith Evelyn Gleason Rawson Harold V. Kimball Kenneth R. Webber CENTURY CLUB Margaret Churchill Snyder Henry W. Raye John A. Lambert, Jr. Gerald York Thomas H. Baldwin Louise Beaulieu Van Stack Phyllis Black Raymond Alice Lincoln Leanhard David H. Hanaburgh Clayton J. Sullivan Helen Osgood Ripple Russell M. Look William W. Johnson Cornelius J. Sullivan Rose Snider Rodcnsky Caroline Collins Lowell 1931 Malcolm G. Long Loring R. Swain Mildred Johnson Rose John H. Lowell Thelma Gibbs Long Charles N. Sweetser Max Rubin Winfield Lowell PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Hugh H. Morton Oscar T. Thompson Marcia Adelman Rubin Victor B. MacNaughton William P. Hamblet Theodore E. Nutting Robert M. Vickery Jean C. Sabine Katherine Marvin MacNaughton Joseph P. Seltzer George F. Wadsworth Fred M. Sanborn Bcttina Brown Moulton PINE TREE CLUB Clayton J. Sullivan John J. Welten Pauline Siegel Segal Winfield S. Niles Malcolm E. C. Devine Ronald E. Young Ellen Frame Wright Joseph R. Stoddard George A. Noddin John C. Wight Robert D. Parks CENTURY CLUB MAINE STAY CLUB 1933 Robert A. Zottoli Maple I- Percival, Theodore R. Bickmore Donald T. Achorn Harold N. Powell Clovis Breton Margaret J. Armstrong PRESIDENTS' CLUB 19 34 George W. Rayo Ward B. Cleavos Doris Dunphy Bassett Virginia Berry Humphrey Guy H. Richardson George A. Farnsworth Frank J. Battles PRESIDENTS’ CLUB George E. Rose Jacob S. Holmes Austin D. Beechler PINE TREE CLUB Dwight L. Somers Lawrence Rosen Jennie Davidson Jackson Muriel Freeman Brockway Elizabeth Tryon Libby Marguerite Plummer Sheahan Katherine Lang Morrison Harold E. Bryant Louise Hill Robbins STEIN CLUB Catharine Osgood Skolfield Verne S. Snow Paul G. Butler Donald P. Corbett Archibald V. Smith William C. Wells Katherine Whitcomb Butler CENTURY CLUB Francelia Dean Corbett Gordon Smith Edwin R. Williams Evelyn Randall Churchill Martha Smith Baldwin Roy J. Gavin Carleton D. Staples Isabelle Robinson Croxford Lyndon O. Mayers Clyde C. Stinson MAINE STAY CLUB Jules A. Desjardins John J. Turbyne PINE TREE CLUB Ruth Daggett Storm Katherine Jackson Adkins John D. Dickson Wesley N. Wasgatt Kenneth C. Foster Harvard L. Sylvester Maynard Blaisdell Linwood S. Elliott Eleanor Cushing Wasgatt Sarah J. Thompson Richard C. Blanchard J. Robert Feeley Freeman G. Webb CENTURY CLUB Carl D. True Philip Brockway Josephine Carbone Feeney John F. Wilson Elizabeth Blethen Francis Ruby Carlson Williams Charles A. Brown Albert F. Gerry Irene Sanders Johnson Stanley G. Winch Erma F. Budden Mary Bean Gerry MAINE STAY CLUB Josephine Burrill Kiah Herbert G. Wiseman Philip L. Evans Arthur W. Hall Whiteley I. Ackroyd Henry J. McCusker Willard A. Farris Clayton H. Hardison Helen Hilton Bailey Carmela F. Profita Horace F. Flynn Marion Cunningham Harriman John T. Bankus Howard Stevens Charlotte Bowman Flynn George Bullen 1930 Harriette Cross Henninger Fern Allen Turbyne Jesse L. Fraser Hildreth Montgomery Hill Donald I. Coggins Merle Shubert Bishop Paul R. Goodwin Jerome H. Comins PRESIDENTS’ CLUB Arthur C. Holbrook Frederick R. BJqck Lawrence M. Gray Thomas J. Desmond w. Philip Churchill Roy N. Holmes Shirley Young Brawn Doris L. Gross Milton F. Kent Anna Buck Houston Robert B. Downing Edward R. Cooper Louise Durgan Hammons Reginald B. Wilson Albert H. Howes John P. Doyle Gilbert M. Cox Elmer C. Hodson Arthur T. Jack Arthur T. Forrestall Alice Dyer DeCourcy Merrill E. Kilby PINE TREE CLUB Robert F. Jenks John P. Gonzals J. Edward DeCourcy Elizabeth Livingstone Morse Harry R. Mayers Eleanor Meacham Jenks Doris Ballard Graffam Ina Flaschner Frank E. Patten Peter J. Kuntz Frank W. Hagan, Jr. John T. Gilman > Samuel Sezak Robert E. Lawrence Edward G. Haggett, Jr. Irving W. Harvey Ethel Thomas Sezak Beulah Sterritt Lord Blanche I. Henry Thomas M. Hersey CENTURY CLUB George A. Smith Alexander M. Martin Ruth E. Irwin Richard L. Hill Richard S. Bradford Arvo A. Solander Roy H. McCray Robert A. Ives Charles E. Holyoke Marthe DeGagne Gaffney Mabel Lancaster Stewart Myrtleen Snow McLean Raymond A. Jackson Andrew P. Iverson Robinson Mann Willis L. Stiles Wheeler G. Merriam Lloyd G. Kcirstead Peter C. Karalekas Clifford G. McIntire Mary Carter Stiles Stacy R. Miller Charles L. Lampson Elizabeth Myers Kennedy Mary Cromley Mulvey Eleanor Thompson Angela Miniutti William H. Linskey Judson P. Lord John M. Palmer Charles H. Tweedie William J. Murphy Ludger A. Lucas Joseph Massaro Edward Stern Gilbert E. Weeks Edith Talbot Ness James W. McClure Beatrice Cummings de Maunac Emerson A. Stymiest Phyllis Kneeland Whitten Priscilla Noddin James A. McLean C. Bruce Moyer Stanley C. Pease Carol Lord Means James H. Page HONOR ROLL Levi C. Placzankis MAINE STAY CLUB Richard H. Millar Kenneth L. Parsons Roger L. Annis Ralph N. Prince Louise Dates Ames Evelyn Plummer Miller Norman G. Pratt Franklyn F. Barrows Charles L. Puffer Kathleen D. Andrews Charles T. Moody Hayden S. Rogers William L. Bates Jesse E. Ray Jack S. Atwood Marjorie Moulton Murphy Abraham E. Rosen William M. Beal Dorothy Baker Roberts Niran C. Bates Carlton F. Noyes Robert C. Russ Carl A. Brooks Morris R. Robinson William W. Blaisdell Kenneth E. Smith Madelene Bunker Russ Roger J. Brown Albert J. Smith James F. Booker Laurice M. Stevens Claire S. Sanders Edward C. Bryant Dorothy M. Somers Elizabeth Mason Carter Girdler J. Swett Alicia T. Smith Paul G. Butler Horace A. Croxford Asa H. Stanley, Jr. Eleanor West Yerxa Irving K. Smith Eunice Copeland Chandler Lawrence R. Sweetser Harold M. Cutler Robert A. Zottoli M. Thomas Stantial Lester M. Clark Horace S. Estey Katherine W. Trickey Robert E. Sylvester G. Vincent Cuozzo W. Keith Foster Margaret Fowles Wilde Andrew E. Watson Clifton E. Curtis Paul C. Williamson Verrill B. Gilmore HONOR ROLL Mabel Robinson Watson Parker G. Cushman Merrita Dunn Anderson Hector Hebert Morton E. Danforth HONOR ROLL Harold J. Barrett Vera I. Hill Grace LeMoine Einik Kenneth G. Ames Marvia Pooler Barry HONOR ROLL Harland Knight Norman N. Espovich George H. Andrews Clarence F. Berry David K. Abbott Pauline Hall Leech Horace Flynn J. Milton Attridge Dorothy Blair Bohnson Doris Varnam Bacheller Franklin E. Pearce Frances Dow Friedberg Stephen A. Barry Guy A. Booker Claude Baker Jeanette Roney Pero R. Donald Goode John C. Bohnson, Jr. Clarence H. Bradbury June Wheeler Baker Royal A. Roulston Herbert Gunnarson Laura Merrill Burdt Frederick C. Burk William E. Beazley Charles Schlosberg George M. Hargreaves Lovell C. Chase Samuel H. Calderwood Mildred Haney Berdeen Thomas B. Smith Waldo E. Harwood, Jr. Geraldine Shean Chase Gertrude Dorr Cleveland Frederick R. Black Brenna Blaisdell Tracy Albert C. Heckman F. Bernard Clark Hester McNair Card Frances Dodge Booker ®aul Wadsworth Leslie R. Holdridge Marian Davis Cooper Dorothy Findlay Carnochan Robert B. Bradford William E. Candors, Jr. 1936 Thomas E. Houghton, Jr. Elizabeth Drummond Gleason Cecil E. Clapp HONOR ROLL William I. Kierstead Mary-Helen Raye Hardie Merton E. Cleveland CENTURY CLUB Josephine Campbell Allen Flora H. Lutz Waldo F. Hardison J. Rodney Coffin Lucille Fogg Baldwin Frederick M. Boal George W. McLellan Gerald F. Hart Robert L. Cram Donald G. Johnson Audrey White Beyer Frederick W. Parsons Marjorie Thompson Hart Roland Cyr Ruel J. Blackwell Eileen Brown Parker Elizabeth Dill Parsons Solvexg Heistad Hennings Stanley R. Doane Merrill R. Bradford Ruth Goodwin Stewart Charlotte Miller Ramirez George D. Hill Ernestine Moore Dow Cora Bailey Cannon Edwin P. Webster Richard M. Spear Antoria Rosen Houghton Theodore A. Earl Carlton C. Cressy Phyllis Hamilton Webster Howard J. Stagg, III Moses H. Lane Charles E. Finks Carleton Doak, Jr. Lowell N. Woston Alice R. Stewart S. Hale Lull Dorothy H. Fletcher Venora Stinchfield Dow Charles Stmchfield Hazel E. Lundy Elizabeth R. Freeman Maxine Harding Goode MAINE STAY CLUB Gerald E.Stoughton Arthur C. Moulton Norman H. Gray Richard E. Adams Merton R. Sumner, Jr. Norman R. Ness E. Lucille Bell Grange Lewis M. Hardison Robert A. Burns Audrey Bishop Thibodeau Leland V. Page Sybil Kent Green E. Merle Hildreth Geneva Epstein Cutler Ralph E. Wentworth G. Ronald Shaw William F. Griffin Marjorie Brackett Huot George M. Frame Emery N. Wescott James H. Siegel Thomas W. Hall James M. Jackson Roland M. Gleszer Henrietta Cliff Woodbury Arthur G. Smith Elizabeth Homans Hancock Fred B. Hamden John E. Johnson Eric H. Grant Josie Naylor Woods Bettina Bruce Smith Paul R. Langlois John P. Hennings Harland A. Young Alfred A. Swenson Donald B. Haskell Charles S. Hill Elizabeth Kimball Langlois Cathryn R. Hoctor Lester J. Tarbell Richard Holmes Mildred Poland Lord Donald A. Huff HONOR ROLL E. Parker Troland Theresa E. Johnson Alpheus C. Lyon, Jr. Roger D. Hutchins Robert V. Akeley Barbara McLeary Vannah Richard H. Marble Richard R. Lunt John F. Averill Marion Borden Jones Priscilla Haskell Libby Lucille Simpson Marcionctte Francis J. McAlary Francis W. Boyle HONOR ROLL Iris Allan Lowe Thomas S. Morse Karl R. Oxner Richard D. Braley Donald S. Adams Helen C. McCully Edith Bolan Ogden Margaret Sewall Page Edward F. Brarmann Sidney E. Ames Helen Bond McCutchan George M. Osgood Martha Palmer Parsons Helen Titcomb Brarmann Jean Kent Belding Roy L. Miller Helen Williams Palmer Charles J. Pennings •Samuel A. Brocato Marion Hatch Bowman Elwood D. Millett Freeland Ramsdell Lloyd Pratt Henry M. Brown Ralph W. Butler Donald J. Moore Charles H. Reed Margaret Harriman Pronovost Ruth C. Burnett Charles Y. Cam Donald H. Perrin Wayne S. Rich Lillian Tracy Punnton Barbara Bertels Byrnes Helene Diehl Cain Thomas S. Pinkham, Jr. Hayden S. Rogers Hall Ramirez Robert A. Cabeen George C. Calderwood John F. Raye Herbert M. Roylance Carolyn Lothrop Sabin Robert F. Corbett Nelson B. Carter Maurice E. Rucker Stanwood Searles Howard G.Steinberg Gertrude Titcomb Dawson Olive E. Conley Clement Smith George W. Warren John C. Stmchfield Lawrence Dennis Duncan L. Cotting Wendell W. Smith Muriel Covell Wilson James A. Wakefield Oliver F. Eldridge Marjorie Lynds Cotting Alice Campbell Wakefield Louise Hastings Eldridge •Lawrence F. Denning Leander M. Sprowl 1935 Harold M. Woodbury Ebben H. Finnemore Douglas Dingwall Frederic H. Stetson Dorothy L. Woodcock Cranston W. Folley Rose Whitmore Germick Edward W. Szaniawski CENTURY CLUB Eldredge B. Woods William N. Forman Joseph H. Hamlin Richard E. Thomas Donald L. Anderson Carl F. Golding Robert T. Harris Phoebe Dunbar Thompson Ernest M. Cram HONOR ROLL George R Grange Robert W. Harvey Albert P. Toner Everett C. Creamer Actor T. Abbott, Jr. John C. Greene Millie Dixon Haskell David W. Trafford Henry W. Fales Rena M. Allen William Haskell Helen Wong Huang Alice Pierce Weaver Richard V. Gaffney Chester D. Bacheller Robert C. Jones Robert S. Hussey Karl F. Wenger Phyllis Peavey Kimball Gerald G. Beverage J. Robert Lakin Madeleine Davis Johnstone Frank W. Myers Alfreda Tanner Black Samuel J. Levine Joseph H. Lewis 1940 Fred C. Roberts James A. Boardman Norma C. Lovejoy Dwight Lord Edna Mathews Roberts David S. Brown Robert J. Marcionette Charles H. Lowe STEIN CLUB Basil G. Staples Donald W Brown •Emily Elmore Macy Henry F. Lowe Margaret Hauck Ladd Donald M. Stewart Roger W. Burke Russell L. Morgan Raymond McGinley Robert L. Ohler PINE TREE CLUB Carl A. Whitman Roger T. Cameron Ruth Seavey McGinley Arland W Peabody Guy Susi Beryl Warner Williams Kenneth M. Chute Arland R. Meade John T. Maines George A. Clarke Donald Piper Evelyn Adriance Miles Mildred Sawyer Connors Andrew W. Poulsen Carl C. Osgood MAINE STAY CLUB CENTURY CLUB Alan C. Corbett Lucian Scamman Dorothy Mosher Peabody Henry C. Anderson Earle D Bessey Darrel B. Currie Lester H. Smith William H. Pearlmutter Winifred Coburn Anderson Robert H. Bonney Helen McKechnie Davis Roger Smith Geneva H. Penley A. Hamilton Boothby William H. Chandler Donald M. Fitch Mabelle Ashworth Smith Vinton M. Prince George D. Carlisle Richard C. Dyer Raymond H Gailey William P. Stillman Robert H. Plimpton James D. Crocker Harold A. Gerrish Elizabeth H. Giddings Helen Davis Sublett Doris J. Richardson Oursa N. Dagavarian John H. Jordan Barbara Colby Syster June Clement Scamman Ruth Todd Farnham Mildred Dolliver Gilley Robert H. Levis George R. Trimble Edward H. Silsby Samuel T. Favor In memory of Wiljo M. Lindell Robert M. True Elizabeth Mitchell Smith Warren W. Flagg Richard McKown '17 Richard G. Morton H. Elizabeth Ashby Underwood Norman H. Thompson Harry Helfand Richard 0 Gordon Alice Ann Donovan Poeppelmeier Norman M Jackson Robert Haggett Lucinda Rich Waterman Lorraine Gross Townsend Randolph H. West Arthur W. Richardson Eugene A. Jordan Edward C. Hanson Atwood O. Smart Paul I. Knight Ralph F. Hayes 1938 19 39 Pauline Jellison Weatherbee Samuel Levy Gordon R. Heath Edwin Young Sidney L. Look Estelle Blanchard Heraptha PRESIDENTS' CLUB STEIN CLUB M. Milton MacBride Thomas M. Hill Leon B. Levitan Edward R. Ladd MAINE STAY CLUB Marion E. Martin William P. Hinckley Thomas E. Lynch Harlow D. Adkins Frances Knight Norris Elinor Hill Hinman Grace Watson Wendell Margaret Maxwell Atwood PINE TREE CLUB Woodrow L. Palmer Arthur L. Jones Dorothy E. Babcock Anna Anderson Clapper Wilbert Pronovost Grenville E. Jordan, Jr. STEIN CLUB Gerard J. Burke Herbert A. Leonard John S. Sabin Carolyn Currier Lombardi Mary-Hale Sutton Furman Charles H. Clough Ashton P. Sawyer David T. Lull Theodore P. Harding Don E. Daley CENTURY CLUB R. Donald Stone Ruth Hinkley McLaughlin Virginia Barstow Derby Robert B. Bramhall Virginia Trundy Stone Harland F. McPherson PINE TREE CLUB Nathaniel M. Doten Kenneth L. Crabtree Raymond B. Thorne Frederick 0. Mills Margaret Williston Bebek Ronald A. Dyke Polly Davee Hitchings Carl A. Titcomb Kenneth B. Nash In memory of Myron S. Gartley Charles M. Holbrook Elmore L. Wood Alvah L. Nickerson Leslie Huvos Ralph T. Grant Vera Brastow Parks James F. O'Connor John B. DeLong Wayne Hoy Earle D. Reed HONOR ROLL William B. Pierce Elizabeth Armstrong Low Artemus E. Weatherbee Hope Greenlaw Akeley Thomas F. Reed CENTURY CLUB Malcolm Roberts Leslie M Berry Clarice Grant Rubin Merrill Eldridge Marjorie Deering Roberts MAINE STAY CLUB John W. Black John C. Sealey Robert L. Fuller Wayne F. Shipman, Jr. Marjorie Taylor Applegate F. Rodwell Blaisdell Leslie R. Seekins Arthur A. Hauck Winfield C. Smith Thomas L. Barker Lyman F. Brewer Dana Sidolinger Gladys Reid Hauck Mary Carter Stiles Barbara Corbett Barker Doris Lawrence Cable Albert T. Smith Richard E. Hayes Philmore B. Wass Wilfred E. Bettoney Margaret Young Carroll Dorothy Jones Smith Bartlett Kimball Willard A. Wight Austin H. Chamberlain Hope Whitman Dunn Chester w. Smith Cora Sharon Leukhart Barbara Welch Wilson Arthur J. Chick, Jr. Howard E. Etter Frederick N. Sprague Eloise Hutchinson Myers Kenneth E. Clark Vaughn B. Everett Virginia Nelson Sturgis Natalie E. Nason Edward Cohen Isobe1 Freeman Glen W. Torrey Josephine M. Profita HONOR ROLL Emily Dean Daggett, Jr. Albert H. Galbraith Ernest J. Reidman Richard W. Akeley Harland L. Dodqe Cecil Gilbert Catharxno L. Rowe Garfield M. Arthur J. Sherwood Edwards William 0. Gould 19 3 7 Robert P.Schoppe Eileen Flanagan Baragwanath Ralph W. Farris, Jr. Stanley D. Henderson Edward C. Sherry Betty Jones Benjamin Robert G. Higgins CENTURY CLUB Carl Toothaker Ralph W. Farris, Jr. Lincoln Brudno Dorothy Frye Kane Raynor K. Brown Ralph Viola Albert H. Friedman Mary C. Curran Arnold Kaplan Woodford B. Brown Walton E. Grundy Norman L. Danforth Roy I. Lawrence William E. Crowell MAINE STAY CLUB Harry H. Halliday Margaret Poaslee Danforth Margaret Avery Lawrence George Hitchings Elwood P. Additon Ruth Pagan Hamlin George Darveau Wallace W. Lord John F. Miller Elizabeth Gruginskis Additon Elmer C. Hart Edward E. Davis James W. Marcille Mary Flynn Schoppe Russell D. Bartlett William R. Hilton Virginia Pease Dogherty Stephen S. Marshall Hope Wing Weston Gilbert M. Brown Ethelyn Parkman Huff Jane Dyer Ellsworth Margaret Copeland Miller Hugh R. Cary M. Louise Rice Ladue Norman F. Fay Arthur G. Mintz MAINE STAY CLUB Ralph E. Clifford A. John Lippke, Jr. Lucie A. Pray Fletcher Louis Morrison Edwin H. Bates John W. Coffin Francis W. Lovering Gooden Gary Arlo E. Gilpatrick Louise Rosie Paine John A. Besson Miriam Hilton Coffin L. Carleton Merrill Margarite Hall Gledhill Philip G. Pendell Everett L. B rewe r Mabel Mayhew Couper Berenice Leighton Morrison William G. Goodrich Willis G. Pratt Paul W. Burke James R. DeCostcr B. Ross Nason Carolyn Calderwood Graham Orville C. Sadler Walter L. Butterfiold, Jr. Ernest H. Donagan Barbara Bailey Patterson Elnora Savage Grant Maurico L. Sanborn Norman D. Carlisle Mary Wright Donnmi Pauline Drummond Powell William H. Hatch Norman K. Smith, Sr. Ernest L. Dinsmore Roderick R. Elliott George R. Sawyer Lewid D. Hennessy Edward Stetson Alan D. Duff, Jr. Richard W. Gerry Jean Granger Sawyer Camilla Doak Huriord Richard S. Stoddard Ruby Black Elliott Ralph Gctchell, Jr. Barbara E. Seavey Howard L. Jellison Betty Davis Story Jerome A. Emerson Wallace F. Gleason Dorothea Vail 7S

t Franklyn L. Jones Elizabeth Gammons Hazam William W. Case Clifford H. Sinnett Richard B. Innes Thomas F. Kane, Jr. Robert M. Irvine John H. Chadwick Charlotte Gifford Sinnett Martha Allen Irvine Alvalene Pierson Karlsson Shirley Mitchell Jergensen Richard H. Coffin Warren G. Strout Olive Bradbury Landry Arnold C. Lane C. Ernestine Carver Johnson Guy J. Crocker Walter L. Sullivan Melvin E. Libby John T. Littlefield Emily Hopkins Jordan Barbara Savage Cuetara Beverly Brawn Waller Phyllis MacNeil Robert W. MacDonald Phyllis Knapp Kimball Paul D. Danforth George R. Weidman Rena Ashman McClellan Hugh P. Mackay Jane Holmes Kinsley Richard B. Day Donald B. wheeler Clarence E. McIntire Dalmar S. McPherson Clifford W. Libby Virginia Stevens deLaris Virginia Goodrich McIntire Anne McManus Martin Robert J. Lovejoy Kenneth A Field HONOR ROLL Priscilla Hopkins Parsons Elspeth Johnson Mason John H. Maasen Richard N Fielding Rachel Alden Edward II. Phillips J. Emily Blake McMonagle Isabelle Garvin Maasen Raymond F Gay, Jr. Charles D. Allen Donald F. Presnell Robert S. Merrill Mathew McNeary William E Gifford, Jr J. Maynard Austin Deborah Drinkwater Rand Constance Young Millett Carl A. Newhall, Jr. Patricia Ryan Gifford Dorothy MacLeod Bedard Walter M. Reed, Jr. Margaret Steinmetz Mosher Archie W. Nickerson Sara Linnell Glidden Richard A. Bragdon Dolly Lamoreau Reed Marion FitzGerald Murphy John K. 0*Donoghue Beth Stone Gray Marcia McCarthy Brown John C. Schoppe Earle S. Pierce Edith Cousins Parker Titus S. Hale Lois Savage Burgess Robert D. Smith W. Edwin Potter William F. Parsons S. William Henderson Marjorie Verrill Cameron Gordon R. Staff Robert B. Robertson Charlotte White Potter William Hepburn Gilbert M. Carlson Daniel P. Storer Anthony J. Rogers Winston E. Pullen Barbara Perry Hess Victoria Mackenzie Chappell Hattie Ingraham Storer Robert W. Samuelson Elizabeth S. Reid Irwin R. Higgins John G. Dickerson John S. Suminsby James C. Shiro John A. Reitz Elizabeth F. Honan Norma Gray Dodge Gerald M. Tabenken Elizabeth Libbey Stallard Katherine Ward Shorb Harold J. Jordan William M. Dow George Thompson, Jr. Charles L. Weaver Eloise P. Simpson Cherrie Thorne Kaifer Edward G. Duckworth Owen H. Smith W. Stanley Keone Vernon C. Elsemore HONOR ROLL 1941 C. Virgil Starbird Lelia M. Libby Lewis G. Emery Holyoke P. Adams Phyllis Merserve Strout Alexander D. Loudon John A. Enman Ruth E. Allen PINE TREE CLUB Christine Tufts Taylor Caroline Wright Lovejoy John S. Everett, Jr. Charles R. Angel John B. Dearborn Myron J. Towle Bernard Lown Albion W. Fenderson Raymond H. Atwood Alice Christie Weatherby Ella Teague McCullough Dorothy Randall Gaddis Marcia Rubinoff Balter Byron V. Whitney Margaret Moulton McKee Maurice L . Geneva Herman W. Bonney CENTURY CLUB Roslyn B. Willey Thomas F. Moore Hamilton S. Giberson Florence E. Boone Leona Runion Bonney Mavis Creamer Wilson Rita Ross Moskowitz Benjamin F. Graham, Jr. Mary P. Boone Anna Verrill Chandler Alma Fifield Woodward Marion Hines Park Ralph E. Graham, Jr. Lyndon H. Bond John R. Dyer Angelo S. Zieno Stanley G. Phillips, Jr Margaret iChurch Grisham William P. Bronsdon George H. Ellis Gordon E. Ramsdell William K. Hadlock Priscilla Leonard Brooks Lawrence B. Kelley 1942 Martha Belknap Reed Phillip L. Hamm C. Jane Harley Brooks Robert N. Lundberg F. Victor Schmidt Frank C. Holden Sumner L. Burgess Stewart F. Oakes PRESIDENTS* CLUB Richard M. Sinclair Winston B . Ireland John M. Callaghan Robert T. Willets Francis S. Andrews Beverly W. Spencer Nora E. iJ ackson Charles V. Chapman Phyllis Smart Young Dorothy Brewer Erikson Ralph R. Springer Robert D . Jenkins Carolinn Adams Chase John Thorne Beryl Philbrick Jordan Elwood I. Clapp, Jr. STEIN CLUB John P. Irving J. Keiter Marian Cowan MAINE STAY CLUB Tracy Martha Pierce Zimmerman Forest W. Truland Ralph A. Klucken Albert D. Crockett, Jr. Henry W. Allen John Lewis Orman B. Doore Charles J. Arbor Helen Weymouth Wade PINE TREE CLUB Jay M. Lord Francis H. Farnum, Jr. Rockwood N. Berry Beverly D. Weatherby Winfield C. Hodgkins, Jr. Charles F. Welch Martha Cillcy Merrill Gerald R. Garvin Kenneth W. Blaisdell Peter S. Nelson Carl Glidden Dora West Blake Frank L. Wellcome, Jr. CENTURY CLUB George A. Norton Donald L. Goodwin Avery L. Bond Richard W. Whitney Gerald W. Bachman Betty Walker Paulson Edward J. Hackett William S. Brawn Kent M. Wight Leland F. Carter Shirley Ashman Yih Frank E. Pendleton, Jr. Hughene Phillips Hale Raymond W. Buck, Jr. Jane Rand Pendleton Robert Carlisle George 0. Chase Joan Chapman Zink James L. Haskell Wallace R. Francis Francesca Perazzi Eleanor Leh Hepburn Everett B. Chamberlain John R. Radley Lester D. Chipman Donald G. Griffee 1943 E. Joseph Hoy Stephen L. Robbins Pauline Cushing Clough Mary White Griffee Frederick S. Jones, Jr. Mary Springer Rutt Milford F. Cohen Mark W. Ingraham, Jr. PRESIDENTS * CLUB Kenneth C. Jordan Martin M. Scher George B. Cotton James F. Kenney Gordon I. Erikson Carleton E. Kilpatrick Gordon B. Smith Robert A. Cummings Donald E. Marriner Arnold R. Kimball Richard V. Duffey Howard W. Merrill PINE TREE CLUB Paul Smith Paul F. Kruse, Jr. George N. Fisher Barbara Emmons Payson Jennie Bridges McNeilly Daniel T. Snell George R. Leavitt Arnold R. Gilman Nello F. Ripanti Wendell H. Stickney Waldo M. Libbey James 0. Hamilton Robert F. Roy CENTURY CLUB Rachel I. Twitchell Peter B. Macomber Walter A. Hook Calvin B. Sewall Charles E. Bartley Helen Mullen Varnum George E. McLean Earle L. Ingalls James F. Smith Helen Hauck Bartley Clifford H. West, Jr. Frances Bruce McLeary Frank W. Ketchum Barbara Thompson Willets Ruth Bowers Chase Patricia Ramsdell West Frances Higgins Olexo Hartwell c. Lancaster Arthur R. Worster Frances Donovan Donovan Jeannie Patten Whitten Thomas E. Parmenter Ruth Benson Landon Florence Cousins Worster Edward C. Hall Herman Wing Patricia Cooper Perry Manuel V. Locsin Edith Huntley Merrill Edward Woodward Arietta Thorpe Rice Robert D. McPheters MAINE STAY CLUB Frances Wilcox Oakes Kenneth F. Wright E. Barbara Kreh Richards Paul N. Mosher Donald W. Bail John A. O'Brien Richard H. Youlden Carroll B. Richardson Margaret Jane Nichols Paul M. Beegcl Donald V. Taverner Elmer Saltzman Richard T. Nunan Arthur Bigelson Olive Rowell Taverner 1944 Earland K. Sleight George L. Nystrom Clifford A. Blake Allen H. Solomon Dorothy Wing Nystrom Harold V. Blood MAINE STAY CLUB PRESIDENTS* CLUB Lawrence W. Soule Helen Wormwood Pierce Jacqueline Greenwood Chandler Stoughton Atwood Russell S. Bodwell Layton Spaulding James R. Reilly Virginia Hayes Chipman James H. Bates Walter E. Spearin STEIN CLUB Harold F. Rheinlander James E. Church, Jr. Barbara Cole Bear Sibyl Stevens’ George C. Risman Robert E. Chute Priscilla Hardy Bennett Malcolm D. Hardy Rhoda Tolford Stone Kenneth Robertson Katherine C. Conlon Arthur W. Beverage Elizabeth Farris Storer Frank P. Shearer Carrol D. Davis Millard 0. Boss PINE TREE CLUB John D. Tschamler Isabella Crosby Shipman McClure Day Francis A. Brown Alvin S. McNeilly Priscilla Eaton Wallace Peter J. Skoufis Carl P. Duncan Donald F. Bryan Jean G. Hufnagel Catherine McCurdy Warren Sherman K. Smith Arlene Webster Earley S. Hobart Chandler, Jr. Clarke H. Wertheim J. Dudley Utterback John E. Fink M. Alicia Coffin Corea Virginia Smith Weston Barbara Orff Utterback Robert J. French John P. Cullman CENTURY CLUB Ellen Daggett Youlden Donald W. Weston Henry Gabe Grant F. Davis Frances Benson Bachman Robert M. Zmk ; Ruth W. Wight Harold A. Garfinkle Mark C. Devereux Leslie C . Brewer James 0. Williams William J. Garsoe Merrill L. Donahue Robert D . Buchanan 1945 T. Russell Woolley Victor Glider Helen Cushman Dyke Samuel W . Collins, Jr Ruth Green Wright John W. Glover, Jr. Frances Nelson Fink Douglas R. Cowan PRESIDENTS* CLUB Malcolm E. Hardy Henry Fogler Clare K. Fulton Barbara Higgins Bodwell HONOR ROLL Earl L. Hodgkins Mary Moynihan Fogler Frank P. Gilley Charles E. Adams Robert G. Holmes Warren L. Foss Oscar R. Hahnel, Jr. PINE TREE CLUB Elizabeth Grant Adams Maria Phillips Hurley Stanley Frost Henry Holland Julia Holmes Maines Richard A. Andrews William L. Irvine Alice Rhoads Frost Augusta Foster Law Leona Perry Andrews Laurence G. Leavitt William T. Gooding Eldon H. Luther CENTURY CLUB Roger 0. Benjamin Mary Cowin Leavitt Ruth Wilson Gooding Charles Pidacks Robert W. Bernard Leroy C. Brown Philip j. Libby Alexander Hardie, Jr. Ray D. Roley Robert M. Chase June Webster Brown Waldemar V. Littlefield David R. Harding Charles E. Stickney, Jr James F. Donovan Frederick E. Burden Marguerite Messer Merrill Fred Herbolzheimer, Jr. Robert C. Dutton John F. Byrne Clarence S. Nichols Phyllis Danforth Herbolzheimer Dorothy Currier Dutton Ernestine Pinkham Byrne Darrell B. Pratt Mary Carlisle Hilton Charles K. Foster, Jr. Joyce Ramsay Carter John H. Reed Martha Page Hodgkins MAINE STAY CLUB Barkley H. Goodrich Faulkner E. Chase Eleanor Ward Rheinlander Mary Parkhurst Lancaster Esther Randall Bacas Ralph A. Gould, Jr. Margaret Romero Coffin Helen Thorndike Robertson Virginia Foss Libby Josephine Blake Bail Opal Cox Gray Burton M. Colbath Myron Starbird Fletcher J. Long Irving S. Broder N. Richard Knudsen James S. Condon Elizabeth Barker Taverner Jay M. Lord Emma R. Broisman Sylvia Belden Pidacks Beatrice Gleason Danforth Priscilla E. Thurlow Margaret Libby Lutka Robert J. Buck Bernard Rines Donald B. Devoe John T. Watson Charles R. Merrill L. Bradley Bunker Geraldine MacBurme Roley Esther Drummond Dougherty Jane Page Wells Einar A. Olsen Richard M. Burrill Paul R. Dumas Erna Davis Wentworth George M. Pease Maxwell B . Carter, Jr. MAINE STAY CLUB Virginia E. Eddy Edward L. Wheeler Edward H. Piper Josiah E. Colcord Joan Shea Agnew Clarence E. Emery Raymond E. Wilson Helen Deering Piper Marshall Bi« Dagan Lora Doble Bates Sylvia Rubin Goldberg H. Elizabeth Caldwell Wilson •Philip Plaisted Albert D. Ehrenfried Betty Brown Blood Robert B. Goodwin Elinor Crowell Plaisted Elizabeth 1Taylor Evans Virginia Harvey Brett George C. Grant HONOR ROLL Bertis L. Pratt, Jr. George P.

1966 John M. Spizuoco Lois E. Kierstead Charlotte Weaver Cross Sheilya A. Cookson Jeannine Roy Standish Michele Taylor Kimball Eleanor Chaplin Dann Wayne J. Cote CENTURY CLUB Gladys L. Steputis Sadajiro Koizumi Cathy A. Dearborn Ann P. Curtis June Ranta Stewart Stuart A. Kopel Gordon I. Erikson, Jr. Philip E. Downs James E. Day Roger C. Storms Richard A. Larose Donna Porter Erikson Josiah H. Drummond, Jr. George E. Dersham, Jr. Jill Lomasney Thibeau Alexander C. Leonard, Jr. Kenneth A. Murray Leon Dupuis Deborah Donald John Toffling Sylvia Lesperance Phillip R. Durrell Karla Harris Downs Joyce Wright Toffling MAINE STAY CLUB George E. Lockwood, Jr. Ronald E. Dyer Doreen D. Doyle James R. Tompkins Gary P. Farmer Suzanne Hatch Longley Leonard Eiserer Csaba M. Farkas Bruce A. Van Dyck Carol Brown Halsted Laurelle Greiner Lowe James Eldridge Mary-Ellen Reeks Veno William J. Fenton Joseph D. MacDonald Pauline E. Lowell Pamela Tabbutt Elwell Jane Vrooman Stephen Fulton Kathleen Clemons Matangelo Betty Dale L. Malzman Larry L. Emery Judith Klain Haskell Nancy Faria McGraw Robert J. Weir Bonnie L. Marcotte Teresa Kadi Farkas Vivian Z. Whitman Davelyn H. Hayes Charles E. Milmine Marvin J. McBreairty Linda Jackson Fisher Pamela Livesay Whittaker James A. Helms Douglas S. Perry Danny P. McDougold Thomas/B. Flaherty Stanley E. Herrick, III Christine C. Peterson Bette Rowe Withers Thomas R. Miller Paul R. Fontaine Charlotte Kantola Horrick Sharyn Tapley Schnepel Constance Felch Wood Dorothy Chipman Miner Richard A. Forbes Katherine M. Holmes Jane Walker Woodruff Duncan T. Moore Helen A. Fortin Donald L. Tebbets Cynthia Johnston Karen A. Moriarty Michael P. Friedman Carol A. Utterback Sarah Jane Kilcrease 1969 Martha L. Morrison Richard B. Fuller Randall S. Leighton HONOR ROLL Bernard J. Normand Lynne Horer Gass Patricia LeMay Eiserer Andrew D. Abbott, Jr. CENTURY CLUB Linda Bradley Osborn Paul M. Grindall Richard Little John M. MacBrayne, III James C. Otis Andrea Allain Kathy Saunders Gleason Ellen Cronin Little Carroll Johnston Pasquill Jon K. Gluck Douglas L. Archer William H. Mackenzie MAINE STAY CLUB Alan Patter8hall Linda Holbrook Archer Katherine Spurlmg Gooch Robert T. Marchildon Mary Seeley Ames M. Barbara Perry Harold M. Archibald Roberta Hess Goodrich Brian W. McGorrill Pamela L. Beal PaU)l w. Barbour Suzanne Bradstreet Pineo Susan Pongonis Gordon Brian S. Morrison Dianne Pendleton Bean Karen A. Priddle Joseph T. Barth Brenda L. Greenwood Jeannine Carberry Moulton Deborah G. Chandler David L. Rabasca Dianne Hadley Barth David A. Grover w. Ronald Nickerson Richard J. Curry, Jr. Virginia A. Berglind Richard J. Rabbe Barbara B. Hall Paul E. Pangburn Emerson L. Gorham, Jr. Nathan J. Rand Paul A. Bilodeau Alan P. Hallee Linda Livada Pattershall Effie Dodge Griffin Gusta Borjeson Bondeson Nancy Sargent Rasmussen Suzanne Burdge Helms Amelia A. Payson Charles F. Halsted, III John H. Boody Ruth Ann Reed JoAnn Mathews Higgins Janet E. Russell Elaine Lancaster Kendrick Janet Reed Boody Sybren Y. Reitsma Catherine R. Hunt Elizabeth N. Sandell Marilyn L. Ladner Roger W. Brace, Jr. Michael Rice David E. Irish Peter G. Smith William M. Lott David G. Broadbent Carol Gates Rice Constance Casson Kalloch Russell W. Spinney Andrea Hayes Lott Martha Berglind Burnham Paul T. Richards Bearl S. Keith Linda D. Stone Michael J. Matangelo Paula Delano Campbell John L. Richardson Rosanne Labree Andrew T. Straz Peter C. Naiden Dennis J. Carey Mary J. Rinfret Catherine Ouellette Lacadie Linda Dore Straz Susan Harper Naiden Barbara Devoe Cary M. Patricia Robey Anthony Lacertosa, Jr. Sally Strickland Raymond F. Nelson, Jr. Jane Chandler Millie Cannon Rogers Kenneth R. Landry Reno J. Thibodeau Douglas E. Phillips Lorraine Labbe Corey Mary Squiers Roscnthall Thomas F. Largay Kathryn J. Thompson Nancy Crane Reeves Peter L. Cowan Stephen Ross Dorothy L. LeVasseur Lynne Murphy Turner Ezra H. Ripple William J. Coyne Steven Sargent John P. Libby Peter S. Washburn Roger I. Rioux Barry W. Crouse Charles M. Saunders Nils C. Lindholm George Wiest Kristine Dunklee Rioux Patrick L. Daigle Michael J. Shinay Arleen J. Lippincott Barbara Fagerlund Roberts Michael H. Dann Candace Hilton Smith Shiao Huei Lo Judith Taylor Dann Francis Sheehan Linda Bedette Smith William E. Lowe Jean Littlefield Smith Lloyd R. Davis Pamela Smyth Gerry L. Marcus 1972 Sally Patterson Davis Arthur C. Stickney Lawrence H. Spiller, Jr. Victoria Henderson McBreairty Lester E. Denison Marguerite Golden Tebbets Roy b- Spugnardi Cheryl A. McCall MAINE STAY CLUB Thomas C. Dinsmore Parker H. Tyler Mary Harmon Spugnardi Dawn M. McLean Robbie D. NcNelly Thomas H. Eaton Sharon Blanchard Tyler George E. Stanton Ann McLellan Joanne Burr Edel Beverly Bennett Steele Susan Rocheleau Moore HONOR ROLL Barbara Hill Edge HONOR ROLL John C. Studenroth Richard Myshrall Roxanna Hiram Gerrish Ronald D. Aarons Mary Louise Edwards Gail Peters Swenson Michael W. Oliver Dorothy Benjamin Oliver G. Richard Ellis Edward E. Ainsworth Ronald D. Tailman, Jr. Gretchen Chapin Olson Rodney A. Farris Susan Merken Alpert Linda Jenkins Taylor Michael Pelletier Ruth Lincoln Anderson Robert A. Thayer Diana Marcotte Pelletier George A. Ferguson FRIENDS Kathleen Holton Fogler Helen Fogler Austin Linda Patten Thayer Linda R. Pellicani Douglas R. Banks Jonathan F. Tibbetts Barbara J. Fraser Linda Perkins PRESIDENTS' CLUB Carol Barbour Eunice Gill Tompkins Robert R. Frazier Terry Webber Pettengill Mrs. Richard F. Talbot Elizabeth Barden Richard L. Turner Susan Clifford Frazier Donald S. Pipei In memory of husband Meredith Ann Barker Diane Richardson Turner Janet L. Frederick George R. Pozzuto Richard F. Talbot '07 Keith B. Frisbee John P. Barry Rosie Warren Ruth E. Rehr Susan Steyaart Frost Donald C. Bean Grant P. Watkins Robbie-Jean Smith Rice Mary P. Bedard STEIN CLUB John R. Gilbert James Weaver Brenton L. Robinson Margery Hale Sutton James A. Goble Doris A. Belisle Virginia Farwell Weaver Penelope Humphrey Sargent Eunice L. Bemis In memory of Richardi R. Gordon F. Mark Whittaker A. William Seepe Charles E. Stickney *10 William R. Greer Deborah R. Berg Barbara J. Wilkinson Alberta VanHorn Shute Gregory G. Hanson Gerard R. Blais William L. Woodward James H. Simerl Anonymous For Research and Richard B. Hanson Michael J. Brown Gloria Schneps Zwirn Martha Young Simerl Equipment Lynn Haugen Ellen Tittermary Brown Enola E. Sinclair Jeffrey L. Hengsbach Donald H. Burke 1970 Kenneth Smaha PINE TREE CLUB Donna Shaw Hinckley Paul R. Butters Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Blum Lloyd L. Hunt Marguerite Bergeron Butters MAINE STAY CLUB John J. Spofford Roy F. Jeffrey Vera A Callahan Lauris C. Ames T. Douglas O. Stevenson Lawrence Johnson, Jr. Paul L. Caron Anne Blanchette Nancy Knowles Sylvester CENTURY CLUB Mrs. Georgina DuGay Daniel Keneborus Robert-K. Chabot Thomas Hunter, Jr. Gary F. Thorne In memory of father John Kimball William L. Chubbuck Verne Ingersoll Natalie Harding Timberlake George E. Sturgis 1877 Bernard S. Labbe Linda Rand Clark Diane Burtill Kellie Mary Totman Mr. & Mrs. Iver J. Erikson John A. Lacadie Gary W. Collins Carol R. Lambertson R. D. Treadwell David A. Hughey Dorothy McGrath LaFrance Sharon Pratt Collins Josephine A. Leeman Stuart H. Treworgy Mrs. Edward D. Hunt Valarie C. Lamont J. Peter Crane Victor A. Mortenson, Jr. Georgene Tsetsilas In memory of husband Priscilla Beaulieu Larose Bruce J. Dahms Arthur J. Nemon Edward A. Vandyke, Jr. Edward D. Hunt '30 Gilbert E. Lavallee Daniel A. Dodge Richard M. Reeves Wendy L. Verney Marvin I. Lamer Theodore A. Libby Sheila Hennessey Dodge Melvin S. Roberts George D. Vose Fred J. Nutter David H. Mardon John F. Doran, Jr. George E. Rollins Cornelia T. Webb I. Rosenthal Charles W Martin, Jr. Barbara Cable Duncan Sandra L. Spearen Jane Carter Weir Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wallace Paul F. McGuire Kay Paradis Eaton Wendy L. Sta fford Janet A. White Harold S. Westerman Linda Parker McIntire Linda Sue Farrar Donald I. Tardiff Leigh J. White Joyce McPherson Dennis E. Folsom Shirley Anderson Tardiff Rosemary J. Winslow Guy Michaud Donald Foote James E. Vila Allison Ladd Woodward MAINE STAY CLUB Eugene D. Morin Herbert R. Fountain Stephen J. Zinniski Percy F. Crane Leonard I. Nemon Robert A. Gardner HONOR ROLL Sharon Dean Catherine Scott-Craig Newell Jo-Anne George Julie F. Anson 1971 Lyle C. Jenness Charles T. Nichols John N. Arnold Richard D. Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Johnston Barbara Jordan Niekerk Constance Hardy Gordon Joan C. Atkinson CENTURY CLUB Edward M. Switzer W. Kent Olson Francis J. Griffin Pluma E. Backman Rodney G. Sparrow Ann O'Donnell Paiement Judith E. Grout Gordon Barton Peter F. Paton Brain R. Harden Bonnie Rousseau Barton MAINE STAY CLUB HONOR ROLL Anne E. Pearson Priscilla Thomas Harding Edna M. Bayliss Cheri Hobbs Leonard Robert I. Adriance Constance Merrifield Perry W. Robert Harding Richard A. Bilodeau Marcia Pauls In memory of wife Theodore Pettengill Frederick J. Bishop Charles V. Stanhope Bradford Harmon Florence Buck Adriance '04 Goorge J. Platter Charlotte A. Harrington Susan Blotner Boyd w. Wasgatt Mrs. Rose W. Alpert John Plourde Johnna Blethen Brazier Gretchen L. Harris In memory of husband Justin H. Poland David W. Breeden HONOR ROLL Richard C. Hawkes Isadore L. Alpert '34 Kathleen M. Quinn Lynn A. Herman Glenn E. Bushel Dale R. Barker Pearly Beaulieu Donna Paton Richards Alan C. Butler Spencer T. Bernstein Steven Hitchcock Clarence E. Bennett Chris A. Robbins Albert E. Hodsden, III Herbert F. Cary, Jr. Kathy Adams Bessey Donald Bizier Larry Roberts Sandra Chaloult Michael E. Boissonneault Judith A. Hodgen Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bowman Sylvia Snowman Roberts Stephen Q. Champlin Carol A. Bondy Barry M. Hollis Prof. Edward F. Carr Carl H. Rasmussen Mary Moore Clark Margaret A. Bradley Richard A. Holmes Students at Chadbourne Hall Jacquelyn Bagley Reith Lois E. Clifford Christopher A. Brand Alan E. Howard Donald A. Day Rita Rosen Maureen T. Cochrane Rachel L. Burgess Stephen T. Hughes Mrs. Earl G. Douglas David H. Coltin Elizabeth A. Chadwick Joan Emery Ross Linda Wood Hunt In memory of husband Susan Shubert Nancy Willey Irish Dianne L. Cote Margaret T. Clancey Judith Davis Clemen Earl G. Douglas '41 Thomas G. Skolfield David F. Jury Sara J. Cox Rebecca B. Clifford James A. Dunphy Susan Rowell Souza Carla Lake Jury Harold W. Crosby, Jr. 15S George Emmott Claude Stampa Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Gordon ASSOCIATIONS Maurice J. Fineson William L. Soule Mrs. John F. Gorham Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graffam Mrs. Theodore H. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hamilton STEIN CLUB Charles Handelman In memory of M. Beatrice Harrington Southern Penobscot Alumnae G. F. Hutchings Association Charles E. Stickney *10 Highway Computer Services The Black Bear Club of Rhode Island Addie M. Weed Fay E. Ingersoll Faculty of the School of CENTURY CLUB West Commons Complex Intramural Athletic Association Human Development Androscoggin Valley Association Mrs. Jacob White Students of Knox Hall Ethel M. MacLeod Finger Lakes Alumni Association Mrs. Keith E. Young Mrs. Herbert Knowlton Edward S. McLaughlin North Shore Alumni Association In memory of husband Orono League of Women Voters Portland Alumnae Association **L7** Club of Portland Keith E. Young *43 Maine Physical Plant and In memory of Purchasing Dept. CLASSES - FRATERNITIES - SORORITY Ralph G. Oakes *18 James E. Mitchell Ralph E. Leonard In memory of Henry L. Doton *23 National Association of Class of 1931 Mrs. William H. Muir Mr. & Mrs. Bert C. Ahrens Educational Buyers Class of 1939 Emily E. Mulcahy Mrs. Martha Y. Atherton Mr. & Mrs. William B. Oliver Class of 1967 Mrs. Alexander Munro Mrs. Edward Birkenwald University of Maine Portland-Gorham In memory of husband Neal W. Bodwell Virginia Wagstaff Alpha Gamma Rho Alexander G. Munro *41 Bureau of Public Improvements Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Webster Alpha Phi Mrs. Robert Palmer* Sr. Frank Capozza Kenneth W. Whitney Beta Theta Pi Mr. & Mrs. E. Tyler Proctor Mrs. Ronald W. Clifford Roland A. Willett Delta Upsilon Students of Somerset Hall Couri Pontiac, Inc. Delta Tau Delta Mrs. George E. Springer Gertrude E. Ebbeson Kappa Sigma In memory of husband James V. Elliott Family Phi Etta Kappa George E. Springer *10 Edward C. Flaherty •Deceasod Tau Kappa Epsilon

Matching Gift Contributors

Over 300 corporations and firms throughout the country have matchings gift programs supporting institutions of higher learning. In 1971-72 a total of 105 companies contributed to the University of Maine Alumni Fund.

Abbott Laboratories W. T. Grant Northeast Utilities Service Co. Aetna Life Insurance Company Great Northern Paper Co. Norton Company Allied Chemicals Corporation Gulf Oil Corporation Occidental Petroleum Charitable Allis-Chalmers Foundation John Hancock Mutual The Olin Plan American Airlines Alonzo J. Harriman Associates* Inc. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. American Can Harris Intertype Foundation Paul Revere Life Ins. Co. Ams tar Hartford Insurance Co. Peat* Marwick* Mitchell Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation Hercules Inc. (Powder Co.) Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. The Badger Company Hewlett Packard Co. Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Bankers Life Honeywell* Inc. Polaroid Corporation Brockway Glass Company Hopedale Foundation Prudential Ins. Co. Carrier Foundation* Inc. Hughes Aircraft Co. Putnam Management Co., Inc. The Chase Manhattan Bank Humble Oil (Esso) Riegel Paper Corp. Foundation Combustion Engineering* Inc. Improved Machinery St. Regis Paper Conn. General Life Ins. Co Ingersoll-Rand Co. Sanders Associates* Inc. Corning Glass Works International Business Machines Joseph E. Seagram & Sons* Inc. Continental Can Co.* Inc. International Paper Co. Scott Paper Company Continental Oil International Tel. and Tel. The Service Bureau Corp. CPC International* Inc. Itek Corporation The Singer Company Diamond Shamrock Johnson and Johnson Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation Dow Chemical The Kendall Company Stauffer Chemical Co. Draper Corporation Kerr-McGee Foundation Stone & Webster* Inc. Ethyl Corporation Lebensfeld Foundation Sybron Corporation Equitable Life Assurance Society Ludlow Corporation Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Pactory Mutual Eng. Corp. Massachusetts Mutual Life Texas Instruments Foundation Farm Credit Banks Martin-Marietta Corp. Textron Federated Department Stores* Inc. Merck Company Travelers Insurance Fiduciary Trust Company Mobil Foundation United Aircraft | Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. United Fruit General Electric National Biscuit Co. U. S. Rubber (Uniroyal) General Foods National Lead Foundation* Inc. Upjohn General Mills National Steel Charitable Trust Washington National Ins. Co. Getty Oil New England Gas & Edison Light Co. Westinghouse Electric B. P. Goodrich New York Times Whirlpool Corporation Gould Inc. North American Rockwell Zerox


16S Campaign outlook for '73

> More men and women in motion University students will be heading Maine alumni to further increase for Maine around the country will up the campaign phonathon this year matching gifts contributions. distinguish the new annual fund cam­ in an effort for greater participation Jon F. Dawson '67 will be the co­ paign for 1972-73. between young alumni and future ordinator of Young Alumni and will Working from a base of success with alumni. The phonathon will be ex­ advise Chairman Erikson on new ap­ the 1971-72 campaign, National panded in numbers and will be con­ proaches for soliciting young alumni. Chairman Gordon I. Erikson has fur­ ducted directly from the Orono cam­ He will also review materials for direct ther brought about a more personal pus. mail, recruit assistance and help in and specialized campaign. Mr. Erik­ For the first time specific areas of phonathon activities. son has decided to again lead the fund-raising have been assigned to With these specialized coordina­ campaign as he so successfully did coordinators. tors a great increase in efficiency in 1971 72. Fund coordinator for Reunion Class will be realized along with much The establishment of regional com­ Gifts will be John F. Wilson '33. He more concentrated efforts in each mitteemen all over the country will will work with Class Agents to estab­ area. bring the university much closer to lish goals, suggest special funds and The five fund clubs for the 1972-73 its alumni. Over 40 alumni commit­ coordinate reunion gift reporting. campaign will be headed up by the teemen will be canvassing the United Coordinator of Corporate Matching following active alumni members. States throughout the campaign year. Gifts will be Kenneth F. Woodbury President's Club ($1000 and up), They will also be responsible for '24. He will cultivate company rep­ Russell Bodwell '44; Stein Club ($500), assisting the alumni staff in screening resentatives in large corporations Joseph A. Benedetto '55; Pine Tree prospect lists. employing a significant number of Club ($250), Raymond Couture '51; Century Club ($100), Dana P. Side- linger '36; Maine Stay Club ($30), Arthur Nicholson '67; and Honor Roll Club (up to $30), Stephen Hughes '69. Funds from the new campaign, which are forecasted at another record breaking high, will again be used for many campus projects for which university funds are not available. The majority of restricted alumni funds ($64,673) last year went to Class Scholarships and Loan Funds and named Scholarship funds. Also, over 40 departments, clubs and as­ Oh sociations received earmarked funds. Again for the 11th year, the As­ sociation will present the 1973 re­ cipient of the Distinguished Maine ' ■ .U / 35 1 [f 11 « 3 Ki « Professor Award with $1500. La x Ki v fl k Sv # .* From the unrestricted alumni dol­ lars, the Coordinating Committee on University Projects will decide what projects are of greatest need on cam­ pus. The committee consists of Alumni Council President Albert M. Parker '28, five faculty/administrators and five alumni. 9 A view from Stevens

The College of Business Administra­ Various supervisory and executive A new facility would greatly al­ tion is the newest major academic unit development programs have been leviate these problems as well as at the University of Maine at Orono. undertaken upon request by business provide modern facilities for the use of both professors and their students^® However, the history of business ad­ firms throughout the State. In addition, ministration instruction at the Uni­ seminars for management officials A computer room which would pro­ versity is quite extensive. With its are annually held on the Orono Cam­ vide direct access to the University origin as a department of business, pus. computer, and a behavioral science economics, and sociology, a school of The College of Business Adminis­ laboratory which would permit stu­ business administration was estab­ tration is currently housed in South dents to participate in role playing lished in 1958. It functioned as a divi­ Stevens Hall, together with the de­ simulations of real business situations, sion of the College of Arts and Sci­ partments of anthropology, economics, such as interviewing, collective bar­ ences. However, the major emphasis and sociology. Also housed in this gaining, etc., would greatly enhance and thrust of its undergraduate pro­ small wing of the Stevens Hall complex the teaching program of the College. gram continued to be largely econom­ are the anthropology museum, an ar­ From a relatively small begin­ ics rather than business oriented. cheological laboratory, and the North­ ning, the College has developed rap­ Therefore, it soon became apparent east archives of folklore and oral idly over the past several years. With a that if the University was to fulfill history. The overcrowded conditions teaching staff of 18 members, includ­ its teaching, research, and public worsen every year. Lack of adequate ing two partially endowed profes­ service responsibilities to the state in office space not only hampers pro­ sorships—the Nicolas Salgo and the the vital field of business adminis­ fessors in the College in carrying Maine Bankers Association professor­ tration, a separate and autonomous out their research activities, but also ships—the College ranks as one of college had to be established. This makes it difficult for them to prepare the better small colleges of business was accomplished in 1965. their lectures and classroom materials. in the Northeast. This has resulted From an initial enrollment of In addition, most professors do not in a fine academic program to prepare slightly more than 200 majors in the have private offices in which to coun­ our graduates for major roles in the fall of 1965, the College of Business sel, advise, and discuss academic mat­ business leadership of the State of Administration has grown rapidly. ters with their students. Maine and the Nation in the future.

More than 550 students, including • • A new and adequate physical facility 56 full-time candidates for the Masters The November 7 bond issue for is an absolute "must" to maintain the in Business Administration degree, capital construction at the Uni- quality of education built by many are enrolled in the fall semester of versity of Maine will include a pro­ years of hard work in the College of the 1972-73 academic year. Although posed $1.9 million English, Business Business Administration. heavily committed to the undergrad­ and Mathematics building for the uate and MBA teaching programs, Orono campus. Stanley Devino, the staff of the College still finds time dean of the college of business to engage in research activities. With administration, illustrates therf]l 5-XA* •• the exception of those who are still for more space in his college, ffrlese working on the Ph.D. degree, nearly same conditions exist for every staff member is conducting disciplines on the UMO ca publishable research. r • A very important activity of the "A College is in the area of public service.


10 Alumni & Other Voluntary Giving to UMO

Office of Development General Alumni Association The Department of Development receives chari­ In addition to support of the alumni office, table contributions in the following ways: alumni giving through the Annual Alumni Fund Scholarships, loans and awards each year provides scholarships and loan assis­ Fellowships, faculty awards tance. Alumni class funds are endowed in the Contributions to Departments University of Maine Foundation* and in the UMO Matching Grants Endowment Pool,* both of which contribute for University of Maine Foundation the most part to student aid. Pooled Life Income Fund In addition, the Association provides funds

Miscellaneous1 Contributions for university projects on the Orono campus. This past year contributions totaled $540,223. In the eleven year history of the Fund $1,391,260 One of their greatest strengths is wills and be­ has been raised. For the 1971-72 campaign a quests that people leave the University at Orono. record total of $195,260 was realized.

Pulp and Paper Foundation 4-H Foundation The University of Maine Pulp and Paper XT The Pine Tree State 4-H Foundation is an or­ Foundation receives substantial contributions ganization which raises money in Maine for to its educational program from alumni and youth activities. During the past 10 years the friends in the paper industry. The annual report Foundation has contributed funds through the for 1971 shows $122,750 income from industry Cooperative Extension Service for youth programs member dues and over $10,000 from alumni around the state. It is a volunteer support group and friends. Other major contributions are the of citizens. Income from this past year has in­ gifts of named scholarships of a minimum of cluded county contributions, dairy show, capital $10,000 and a maximum of $25,000. A total fund activities, and income from investments of 28 such scholarships have been given. The for a total of $36,813. support is used primarily for UMO students of pulp and paper technology.

*The University of Maine at Orono Endowment Pool receives its money from individual, private, cor­ porate and alumni class sources. The total amount of funds invested in the pool amounted to about $5.8 million in 1971-72. The income from the investment is used largely for student aid. • s z *The University of Maine Foundation serves the state-wide university system. However, Orono re­ ceives nearly 100% of the funds received. Again, as in the case of the income from the Endowment Pool, the funds are directed towards student aid.

11 Violinist Joseph Fuchs performs a musical address with Artur Balsam at the 146th summer commencement.

continuing their education while still bearing the responsibilities of familie^ Musical address and jobs. Honorary degree recipients have been honored at commencement cere­ monies since the University's early keynotes August beginnings in 1865. More than 450 distinguished educators and states­ men have been added to the rolls of commencement UMO as honorary graduates. This summer four honorary degrees were conferred. They were given to Beryl Warner An innovative "musical address" to the graduates given by President Williams, Doctor of Pedagogy; Joseph given by honorary degree recipient Winthrop C. Libby was dropped to Fuchs, Doctor of Fine Arts; Gerald Joseph Fuchs characterized the 146th shorten the exercises. Warner Brace, Doctor of Humane UMO Commencement on Aug. 18. However, Pres. Libby cited in his Letters; and Willie Lee Rose, Doctor of Fuchs, a violinist, performed with introductory remarks the dedication Humane Letters. pianist Artur Balsam. Both are faculty of the graduafng group of over 400. Mrs. Williams is dean of the Center members of the UMO Summer Cham­ He pointed out that they differed from for Continuing Education at Morgan ber Music School. most classes in that many of the State College in Baltimore, Md. She This original addition to the pro­ students had to earn their degrees is a 1935 UMO graduate and is an gram gave the exercises a special through summer sessions and con­ active member of the General Alumni quality uncommon to very large, mass tinuing education programs. He com­ Association. The Association hosted graduations. The traditional charge mended them on their dedication in Mrs. Williams' return to her alma 12 mater and native city of Bangor for by his talents in designing sailing She was honored for her perception the commencement exercises on Friday yachts and painting with watercolors. shown in all her works as writer and evening. She and members of her fam­ In his role as educator, Brace has historian. She is the director of gradu­ ily arrived in Bangor Friday and were taught at , Harvard, ate studies at the University of Vir­ met by Executive Director Donald M. Radcliffe, Dartmouth and Mount Hol­ ginia and has belonged to many his­ Stewart '35, Frank Myers '35, associ­ yoke College. torical associations. Known best for ate professor of education and Ed Willie Lee Rose was awarded the her historical work, she is presently ‘Hackett '52, director of summer ses­ degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. studying American Slavery. sion and continuing education. During a luncheon after her arrival she discussed her work in adult educa­ tion and recalled some of her days I at Maine. She was an honors major in mathematics as an undergraduate. She recalled that she was the only black student at UMO for her first two years. » Mrs. Williams is active in church and civic affairs in Maryland and belongs to the NAACP, the National Council of Negro Women and the College English Association of Uni­ versity Women. In his citation con­ ferring her degree, Pres. Libby said, "Your professional career has been an integral part of your life-long effort to improve education, housing and employment for black people." Joseph Fuchs received the honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts not only for his outstanding professional career £js a performing musician, but for his work in teaching music to others. Since 1969, when Fuchs helped found the UMO Summer Chamber Music School, he has spent four summers teaching on campus. Fuchs graduated from the Institute of Musical Art, presently the Juilliard School. After three years touring Eu­ rope, he returned to the United States as concertmaster of the Cleveland Orchestra. As concertmaster for 13 years and faculty member of the Juilliard School in New York for the past 25 years, Fuchs has followed a distinguished career in music. Gerald Warner Brace, author and educator, was honored for his writing and in particular, for his works con­ cerning Maine. Brace wrote numerous Mrs. Beryl Warner Williams ’35, UMO honorary degree recipient, and her husband novels portraying the Maine spirit, Roger K. Williams are welcomed on their arrival to Bangor by GAA Executive Director capturing the speech patterns and Donald M. Stewart ’35. Also present to greet Mrs. Williams were Edward. Hackett ’52 (far rhythm. His literary artistry is equalled left), director of continuing education and Associate Professor of Education Frank Myers 35. 13 A large memorial exhibition of The Annual Summer Seminar of Carl Sprinchorn's work will be dis­ the New England Grain and Feed ^^^hmpus played in October and November in Council was held at UMO Sept. 13-14. Carnegie Hall's Artists of Maine Gal­ Of major interest to the poultry in­ lery. The university has been made the dustry and contract farmers was a ppsules custodian of the large number of discussion of the Sisk Bill which, if Sprinchorn paintings until final dis­ passed by Congress, would require position is decided. poultry companies to arbitrate con­ Sprinchorn lived near Patten for tracts with their growers. many years and until his death a year ago. The exhibition is being The professional staff of UMO was The agricultural engineering de­ sponsored by the Arthur R. Lord Fund the subject of President Winthrop C. partment and Forest Resources have and the Patrons of Fine Arts. Libby's State of Affairs address Sept. developed a joint program leading 14 at the annual faculty breakfast. to a bachelor of science degree in for­ He initiated many proposals for the UMO Associate Professor Charles est engineering. The course will bene- , upcoming year concerning the devel­ R. Russ has co-authored a textbook for fit the state's wood-using industries opment of common understanding by upper-level college students. The book, and also the ecology movement. Grad­ the professional staff of the more "Inorganic Chemistry", was written uating students will be trained en­ pressing problems confronting all of during a Maine summer in the woods gineers in the design and develop­ the university. Approximately 100 new by Russ and his graduate school ment of timber harvesting machinery. professional staff members were in­ friends; Gregory Demitras, James F. Director of Forest Resources, Dr. Fred troduced after the President's address. Salmon, James H. Weber, and Gerald B. Knight, stressed that graduates will S. Weiss. Each wrote a chapter during also be foresters, well oriented in Paul Mosher, Extension potato spe­ the winter and then they all met in environmental considerations. cialist at UMO, has been elected presi­ Maine to criticize. The book was print­ dent of the Potato Association of ed this summer by Prentice-Hall and America. Also, Associate Professors promises to be a "best seller" in its Dr. Ronald F. Banks, Assistant to the Hugh Murphy and Edward Johnston field. President, was elected chairman of the were appointed secretary and treasur­ Maine State American Revolution Bi­ er. The appointments were announced centennial Committee on August. The Chancellor Dr. Donald R. McNeil at their recent annual meeting in Committee will plan how the State o.JL was awarded an honorary degree of Idaho. Maine will recognize the 1976 Cele^* Doctor of Laws at Colby College's bration of the country. Dr. Banks was 151st commencement exercises on Dana R. Baggett, Director of the previously appointed by Governor June 4 at Waterville, Maine. Dr. Mc­ Bureau of Public Administration, was Kenneth Curtis to head the Planning Neil was recognized by the private the only participant from the North­ Committee for the Bicentennial. institution for his work as the head east at an August seminar for training of the complex operations of the state and development managers in state university system. He was one of and local governments in Aspen, The UMO Development Council has eleven honorary degree recipients. Colorado. Baggett is a 1955 UMO elected Galen Cole of Bangor1 as chair­ graduate and has been director since man for two years. Also from Bangor, 1965. Four Maine communities are the Mrs. Merrill Bradford was appointed sites for a course on supervision in vice chairman of the group. The Beverly E. Cherulnik of Bangor, public service given by the Bureau of Council is an advisory board to the a doctoral candidate in clinical psy­ Public Administration at UMO. The UMO/B development office and mem-, chology at UMO, has been awarded course was created specifically for bers are elected by President Winthrop a $5,000 grant by the Polaroid Foun­ state and local government super­ C. Libby. dation, Inc. The grant was given in visors to improve their knowledge of » memory of the late Rodman F. Flinch- supervisory methods and increase baugh, a former personnel officer their skills in coping with problems A new two-year program leading who had been particularly interested through group study and discussion. to an associate degree in plant and in UMO students. Mrs. Cherulnik re­ The course will be utilizing funds ob­ soil technology will be available this ceived the award for the second con­ tained under the Intergovernmental fall at UMO and Southern Maine Vo­ secutive year. Personnel act of 1970. cational Technical Institute. This pro- 14 r

gram in landscape and nursery man­ by July 1974 resulting from their tech­ with high honors. Out of the 97 stu­ agement in conjunction with SMVTI nical services throughout the state. dents taking the EIT exam, only 13 will include on the job training for F. Philip Dufour is director of the Orono failed to pass. Comparing this per­ credit between the first and second based project. New marketable prod­ centage of 13.4 with the national years. The first year of the program ucts and new or enlarged businesses average for failure of 30 per cent, will be given at both institutions while and industries in Maine have resulted Dean Eldred Hough of Technology ^he second year will be carried at from their research and services* commented, "This is a truly impres­ UMO due to advanced facilities and sive record." Over 12,000 students specialized faculty. all over the country took the exam Maine's first community develop­ which is required of all graduating ment program at the master's level A $3,000 fellowship from the Na­ engineering students. will accept its first students this fall. tional Wildlife Federation has been As part of the College of Life Sciences awarded to Arnold A. Dunning, a A brighter future for UMO gradu­ and Agriculture's department of agri­ UMO graduate student from Bangor. ates seeking employment is seen, ac­ culture and resource economics, the Dunning is one of four students in the cording to the annual report compiled new program will replace the former country to receive the award which by the Office of Career Planning and graduate program in rural sociology. is given in conjunction with the Ameri­ Placement. In 1972, 42 per cent of Both a master of science and a master can Petroleum Institute. The fellow­ the degree-receiving students who reg­ of community development degree ships are awarded to students work­ istered with the office obtained em­ will be offered. ing in an area related to oil pollution. ployment. This compares favorably with only 32 per cent in 1971. A total The last annual report of the Uni­ UMO engineering students of the of 1,112 graduating students were versity of Maine Technical Services College of Technology passed their served by the placement office during predicted significant product spin-offs Engineer in Training examinations the past year.

success, so the University finds that has been the initiation of seminars Director's Corner innovative changes, bringing about co­ taught by several members jointly (continued from p. 2) operative teaching and research in which they reviewed recent work and training of staff for municipal groups extending across departmental in the field of ecology. fj>d state government. This is the and college lines, can result in pro­ Another interdepartmental group ureau of Public Administration, an grams in tune with the needs of the was formed for the study of the impressive program for furthering the students and the state. After a period Quarternary Period of the earth's professional development of municipal in which specialization of knowledge geological history. Like the ecology managers in the State of Maine. has seemed to be the driving force, group this brought together repre­ There has been a new stirring in the a counter current seems to have de­ sentatives of various disciplines, such research interests with a program to veloped, bringing departments to­ as geology, anthropology and arche­ encourage faculty members to seek gether. ology. outside grants for their own research. At Orono this has brought an alli­ While most of us are accustomed While the University received as much ance of the Zoology Department in to sum up our progress in terms of as $5.2 million in funding for research the College of Arts with the Biologi­ annual change, the university's pro­ and public service, the amount of cal Sciences Division in the College gress tends to come full circle in bien­ such support for individual grants of Life Sciences and Agriculture. The nial periods. This is due in large part to submitted by faculty members had result has been the development of the biennial character of the State been on the low side for a University a proposal for a Bachelor of Arts Legislature, whose grants are central of this kind and size. Now, with ad­ degree in Biology to be offered in to the operation of the school. ministrative encouragement for the Arts and Sciences as a companion The obvious truth is that in a period writing of new proposals, there has to the Bachelor of Science Degree when the university funds have been been a rise in the rate of grant sub­ already offered in Life Sciences. restricted, faculty and administrators missions which is just beginning to A teaching and research group in at UMO have been busy stretching show results in terms of new awards ecology has resulted from the joining limited resources in an effort to help to support research. forces by faculty members from Bot­ this University keep in tune with the Just as industry has found that new any, Forestry, Wildlife, Oceanography, times and responsive to new needs alignments of departments can bring Entomology, and Zoology. The result of students and the citizens of Maine. 15 High School, where he was head foot­ SPORTS ball and wrestling coach. FALL SPORTS CALENDAR In addition to Wilson's freshman VARSITY FOOTBALL Football coaches football coaching duties, he will also Sept. 23 — at Massachusetts appointed be recruiting and counseling freshmen 30 — Bucknell athletes and working with the recrea­ Oct. 7 — Rhode Island A double appointment to the foot­ tional and intramural athletic pro­ 14—at New Hampshire ball coaching staff made by President grams. 21 — at Connecticut Winthrop C. Libby promises for an ex­ 28 — Lafayette (Homecoming) Nov. 4 — Vermont citing fall. 11 — at Delaware On Sept. 1 Carl H. Merrill will be VARSITY SOCCER the assistant football coach, fresh­ Sept. 27 — Bates man basketball coach and lecturer; 30 - MMA/UMPI and Timothy P. Wilson will head the Oct. 7 — New Brunswick freshman football coaching and will 14 —at New Hampshire 18 —at Colby/ Keene State also lecture. 21 — MIAA at Bowdoin Merrill is a former football, base­ 28 — Yankee Conference

ball star and graduate of UMO. While i with the Bears he played quarter­ VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY Sept. 23 — back and defensive back on the foot­ 27 — at Colby ball team and was an All-Yankee 30 — at Massachusetts Conference and All-Maine catcher 3- Bates on the baseball team. 7- Rhode Island Since his 1966 graduation in physi­ 10- Bowdoin Timothy P. Wilson cal education Merrill, also called 14-at New Hampshire 18-at Bates "Stump", has played five years of He was active in varsity football 21 - at Connecticut professional football with the Phila­ at his alma mater, Slippery Rock State 25- Colby delphia Phillies. College, Pa., and continued in ath­ 28- Vermont He recently resigned a football letics after his graduation in 1962 31 — at Bowdoin coaching position at Gardiner High with the Peace Corps in Thailand. School to join the football staff fol­ lowing the resignation of Alton Bears win first two contests "Bump" Hadley. Merrill has a very complete back­ A gridiron season's opener against Another successful replacement for ground in coaching and teaching Boston University ended in victory Maine was Steve White who came through his off-season's activities dur­ for the UMO Black Bears as they top­ into play for halfbacjc Bob Fanjoy ing his pro-ball tour. pled the Terriers 25-7 at a night game who had twisted his ankle. White ran in Boston on Sept. 15. 50 yards and scored two touchdowns. Although taken back by a Boston With this exhilarating victory under touchdown in the first minute of play, their belts the Black Bears set out for Maine's quarterback senior Ron Cote another contest on Sept. 23 against and sophomore replacement Rich Prior the Massachusetts Redmen at Amherst. led the Bears to Maine's most impres­ sive opening game victory since their 1965 season. Soccer Ron Cote was named the outstand­ UMO soccer also started the sea­ ing back in the Maine-B.U. contest. son with a victory as the Maine booters He drove the Bears to their second edged the Jersey City State College touchdown during the third period squad 2-1. but suffered a neck injury which re­ Bill Sproul scored both goals for moved him from the remainder of Maine within a short five minutes. play. His replacement, Rich Prior, was Maine had 27 shots on goal while Carl H. Merrill also able to score a touchdown for Jersey City could only manage 16 Tim Wilson will be joining the staff Maine and further drive the Bears 71 with the strong UMO goalie Jeff after a successful career at Dexter yards in eight plays. Armstrong recording ten saves.

16 wk* <+*



l‘uine join the old guard ... HOMECOMING 1972

9:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 Annual Alumni Fund Committee Pre-Game Activities Meeting Alumni Field 12:00 Noon North Hall Alumni Center 1:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. REGISTRATION Annual Field Hockey Game 1972 HOMECOMING lo 6:00 p.m. Alumnae vs. Students FOOTBALL GAME North Hall Alumni Center Women’s Athletic Field Reserved ticket pickup for Career Maine Black Bears vs. the Leopards 10:00 a.m. of Lafayette College Award Dinner and Annual Alumni Graduate “M” Club Meeting Luncheon. Reservations are encour­ Postgame Field House “Goal Post Huddle” Coffee Hour aged for both events. Varsity Soccer-Maine vs. Vermont Information on campus tours, stu­ Field House 10:00 a.m. Alumni and Friends welcome. dent-sponsored events, and Satur­ to noon day baby-sitting service. 6:00 p.m. Alumni Poolside Activity to 8:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Alumni and guests Alumni Council Meeting Pre-Theatre Candlelight Dinner 11:00 a.m. Memorial Union North Hall Alumni Center Varsity Cross Country 6:30 p.m. Tickets at Registration Yankee Conference Championship 8:15 p.m. ALUMNI CAREER AWARD 11:30 a.m. The Maine Masque Theatre RECEPTION AND DINNER “A View From the Bridge” Hilltop Dining Hall Hauck Auditorium ANNUAL ALUMNI Tickets at Registration LUNCHEON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 Memorial Gymnasium While on campus visit the Artists of Maine Greetings from President Winthrop Gallery of Carnegie Hall and see the 8:00 a.m. C. Libby. to Gametime Presentation of 1972 Black Bear memorial exhibition of works by Carl Sprin- REGISTRATION Awards. chorn, one of the 20th Century’s important North Hall Alumni Center Recognition of Gold and Silver artists. See above information. “M” Award Recipients.