■> MM. KAROO* I/ading Wildcat latckfiekl am are Don "Dopey" rnwwm, ground gained this sedaon. He hus piled up a of X» The State i Sp^n f'Jutl'u" '•*""> wit) tako t'l tlm turf who total squad ran through an hour long-workout yes¬ a against a favnrH counteil four Til's against State last Kentucky cloven ut 2 this year, and George yards running and passing. terday afternoon in the stadium Itliinda, rifle-armed quarterback. Jay Rhodemyre, big eenter . Chandnois is the defensive ^tar of the MST faarkfield, after the blue and white clad WM. who was named "lineman of the week" by the Associated specialising in snaring enemy Aerials. However, the speedy cats had finished their drills. '"'"V,n h,,ml for »he Inter- Tress, is expected to spark the Kentucky line. right halfback has scored two touchdowns this fall, as has Munn concentrated on defensive rh wVfcw'" ** fffmTVT»t '"r ,h" frmpnniry Teaming with Guerre and left end Warren gum.- time, have lm-n sultl. Rh'slemyre to add muscle and destruction Huey. formations and on punt and kiefc-efT tst flpartana today. warm, favoring u wide and high-scoring contest. ☆ *tt ☆


ipny Will Crown Corps Sponsor Staff tfegins Indoctrii Airliner Crashes; rest Ball Queen Persons Dead i Show To Feature Three Michigan Residents Perish: r Of Mechanical Cow baggage Rimat fire Disaldes Ship t of the aemi-formal Harvest Rail, in the \V« RRYfR CANYON. . Oct. 24 PP)—A United Airlines • from 9 to 12 tonight. will I..- the crowning "f transport, carrying 47 imaaengers and a crew of " five, t Queen by Dean K. I,. Anthony, head <.( the in flamas a mile from Bryce Canyon in moun- re. The coronation Willi take place during southern Utah today. A witness said there were no Rlntarmissh.e.

. members of the court vy- I That ww the laat i are t the 52 killed in ln|l Ing for the title Marian the craft. Lam-sies, South Haven juri- The four*m|infrt craft, victims iarludsd Mr. snd trailing moke and flames fur at least !• C. G. Dshhn. al Sports, snd miles before it crashed, Lawrence P OToole. of Det- virtually disintegrated. The Dshlin, wore listed with The Urgent niece of the plane Rapids lor their riestlno- as a section of the tad. only IS from 20 ieet long. It was near the Europe,' inks reported to United account of the forward iiortion of the Inirned Soil Lake City shortly area. | continent drawn the trash that a lira was ■ Mediae BWMi i viait, will burning in the toil section of his craft A moment later All the bodies were mangled y Dr. Haas Manhardt. ho radioed and burned. Moat were onrecog- r if history sad niiatole. Monday evening Shortly before the crash the pi¬ t auditorturn. lot reported by radio that fire

. Lsonhsrdt had broken out in the plane's bag¬ I he a sincere effort to gage compartment. Ha said ha was turning bark and would land the emergency landing field here, gdjacmt to Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah, about 27) miles south of Salt Isake City. The craft Itarely cleared the Deaths Mount Famed Chorus precipitous wall of a branch of Name Bryce Canyon. Then it plowed in* As Fires Raze ROTCQTo to the sloping, sage-covered hill¬ Sing Here side. apparently At burned. New England Coronation Ball Tuesday Night

* I lie »•»' ■ • dent and Mrs. John Hannah.

- Dean and Mrs. E X. Anuvsiy. snd ( t all deportment hesdr nf the ot Amiculture Colleges Needed Tells Conclave

that a or university couM i

. trow too larft to serve the beet ,

solution the problem. ( llannan offered the suggestion j that education be taken u the hems. <* »• pwls Hs Hid the sducstorr thst ths junior Plus rysrsn rhould be «s- H*i. estsnded snd itrenfth- Hd H meet the need. Miialam d w

Isvel such ISH SI. ^-^h^-LsfyJK.; ■MPSfc._2j5.-iS Baturdar. OctuUt, a, a THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Fife Two CHIN AND KAKV 5000 ttt-1 Fran Fakoae SHIS Campus Churches UiIdeals, H itches iUdw Show CHRIST. I HAM.!. KPISlllPAl COLLEGE ITSTtl Ui Abbott SoM Road. Fist Lansing. CJhmt Holy Communion will be rolel.rtiltal at 8 a n-.. Ch rtli sthaol Campaign 8:15 anil at II. Itrv. William flihsrh will del.v*r the '*rvc* M Cet Treatments Mnrninc Prayrr. "American Fi.lklort • will to 'V -il-ier: of Dr. Approximately 5,00# Spar- Richard Dorstiu'a mlilrc- to 'ha Ci.n'rrbury rlub at « »l i-jiu B« File HACtn* tana took adraataco rOUttll. I.ITIIERAN. Stata theatre. Ea t Lansing. «t_«R ONEandmoreyou weekdun'i tillhovemidtennsa teat "Saved fly Grain'.' i. the Ihcme nf Pastor William Yoini'i sermon t'ntliiuiitetl by lust Satur¬ changed plai yet? My. my! at 10 3D Toe l.ntbcrau Studenl Club will havr a to* v..iel at day's "water festival," MSC's Fred Waring'* One fellow who hasn't been 5:80. |i pi. in tha hnsemi-nt of the Itriianmnr Lutheran Cboiii. filled Its* CoBeae euddertam ft impart*? marching lumd is in wastinii his time is Netma Chem- CHRIST t.l TflERAS. 11(1 South Pennsylvania. laam. 10 a.m. yesterday to Mar the tu]i form for the pigakin pa¬ henala. Jackson senior. He has The ..nti.i'crsary of Christ l.uthar in will ho observed at th* Pennsylvanlan's national air Maw. 10:1.1 III Itav. F.L. WoWt will preach cn the tooar "Bnpansi- ntile today. slipped the rinii on Jeee Baa- nrdr's fln*er. The audience anjoyad the usual felliti " If'.Ii Cpinaiuniiiti will In- rcloLrnted a! this service. Aside from a few warped drum .ny TlttlT CHI'RCH HI CHRIST SCIENTIST. Jit M AC. Amiur. Eas- staks arid several water-loafed A pinnlnf took pla.-e recently Warinf shows, and the director's clarinets. the bond experienced between Secma CeWe. Battle Creek freshman, and "Natly" use of State hachrround. •Ti^luilion After heath" is the subject of the 11 *JU. soman. very little "ilam|>afe" last week. C RNTIAI. Marllnkene. Fight Hetw Abed Mf.TII«t>fHT. 2'M» We»t Ottaw.i. l-amuw. A i in mm' ami varied half-time Tht Youth Kuriini will n»rrt at a.m. Kit! news nuw. New initiates Hichlisht of thr prog.— - Mi -Qui Dm of Mope- wall program Is In the offering for the into CM llama sorority art: the . be the* subject of hi ('(tors' sermon at II. Junior FcUanrship Mtk fans this afternoon, beainnina Pennsylvania!!*' rendition ot at nm. Audrey Locflter, Detroit; 'the "Fight Son*- in which the 5 i-fi'l the C'ollcKq Arc (Irouji at 6. ; with the customary salute to the Una CTSTKR. 224 AblmM Road. Kast leasing. Carolyn linker. East Lansing; Rue audience participated. IINtfy opponents, the U. uf Kentucky. 1 Rev. Hovm* Miller will sprnk on "A hiving Faith ' at 11. fh.yal Oak; Frances Frank. Warini's Thursday ntaht prw- Cleveland. O.; rLYMUtlTII CO.N'fiRKfiATlONAla* 221 West Altaian. Iahuw F.lsa Oye*. Ofand ' jram. too. Rt¥. K. M. tilthKit Will | T.ich nu "The Protestant Faith in a New Ttie spirit of the approaching Rapids; Judy Heinvllle. Cam- with more then two hour*' ot top • I)5J" tot It. At 7 jJ.m. the College Age group WtU meet (or a to*«»k Halloween season will then pre¬ opolis. i entertainment. Prom their opening vail 111 Macklm stadium with tne Also; Nancy Hopa, Fast Laa- theme son*. "Sleep." to the rlos¬ WEKLEVAN METIJOnlST Muhiaan at North MatwAu. l^n-uta. playing of "O'd Illaek Mafic," siiiti; Marjurie Ketllewll, Cms ing "Battle Hymn of the Repub¬ "The Ihngnu.hv ol the \ -ant I'lilpif I- the test of th* Jeimrn while a witrh preients some aer¬ City: Tony LaPlnta. Detroit; lic," in which the audience leak at II am There Is a w-n lit), service at i JO l-m. Yo.n neopk- ial demcnstrations on her broom. Cathcrino MacKinnon, St. Johna; pert, the show wot mode up ot Margaret Place. Wheeling W. the finest a featured attraction nf the Va.; lir-JUtc. ploying, tad Marianne Weaver. East t eaelna; • how will find the hand members nattd*. "Conceding that you ua underpaid, Bnodgross mischievously cfeotitin* a man- Dorothy Ho|>c, East Lanaiua. Doha Tea Delia fraternity his The Pennsylvaninas' brilliant fooling of In Juslico worth mow than money to you . j rover involvmit a traditional Hal. a fruup "f nrw pledge*. Now orchestral and choral arrange¬ _ the fraternities — tiKsr ciH'rch or the iretiiren. i Iloween prank with a. nmv ohso* ' wearinf pins lire: Bill Bokrr, De¬ ments scare evidenced by such sororities having parties this •f Churrhe- will e h-tr. rtiocture which, in mori troit; mil llarr, Ml. Pleasant; favorites as "Night and Day.'" end is Alpha Owueroa Pt, ! primitive times, ocrupied a sacrpi Itollie Dart. Fast ImnsinK; Teas "dwioke Gels in Your Eye*." and n hoMiag a rwuliml pwtf ,mutton in every hack yard. ritroiirek, ; John Colbert "Dry Bones," a spiritual. lor t A plea for the Greater Lansins Fscannba; Everett GrondaUoua Wiring's great variety it Teu's arc h 'Community Chest will lend a jr.. Muskefon. Heights, Bddm lions and soloists (ace the pra- toauM. A wiener Church emus n-ite to the proeeedtne.s U/kownki, Chicafo. Igram Ike highest degree at taper- t'jn win bBaw a — which will close with the trecl¬ Also Ees Johnson, Minneapolis. est, and the preciden at Me Doha IMs PM tnaaratty H ine t . the State rooters. Minn.; Itnice laiin, Groase Points I elans and singers leave little la held Of a wiener meet and a rec¬ Play Opponent. Nine fiene McKay, Aufusta; A1 Rutter. lie desired in the way ot musical ord dance, wlti'j Alpha Chi ' Sig-j Hill! 'l' »*"U||, 11.111(5 DUDCIS, M* have planned a radio parly. Inri.h'i Falcone sir.toil i-cster- Directorj ciituiba; Turn S»ont'h«iu*e, High- da> that lie lia.1 reeetdly reeelveil biiul P.irk; Irwin Sloncr. Owauu; .i.'piiiii. .' I" why the hand WATCH rw 1MB , October 26. 1947 THIS HlCttlOAN 3T A T K- NEWS iten Jayvees Swamp Ionia Reformatory, 59- Man or Beatf Spartan 'B' Grid^ers Wildcat Veterans 'main Unscored On Scores ' Forty Points Upset Is Bright In Last Half In Tennis Matches By BOT BOUNNO Gerry Teifer pulled one of the major upoeta of the Intm- Michifan State'* Jayvee nitiritl tennis toiirnnment Inst Wednesday by defeating Verg- tridder* emaehcd on towards c»e Kurien. 6-1. 6-."., to reach the Flclscltmatt mid five other netmen moved % aaaaon yaaterday. aa they ' j to the iiuarter-finals. Kleinch-M trampled leala Stat. Reform.-■ man atlvancetl easily hy tlo- s top^into tt. own duaty field »M>.! f;,.,ting ,„lvc c.0> The canton boost* the Spartans Brundllgc> Normal Bows Stalwarts at M» Kaataekr • 6-1. total to 111 points scored, against are Loom* ProWoo I left I aa lew 4T their opposition's sera in throe I U ck Kcrley deed oui Jack 1)11. 4he gas's aeeeoee ef IN p femes this year. I'm. 2-n, 6-4. Alter liciug To Hillsdale YantUa lo lbs odlotl of Iho I <1^1- fit yards down 2-4 in the second set Ker- Th. deny, day field .1 ! eliminate Cloun aboard a United Airlines DC-6! day with the !.*>» Angeles Rim. to 114 total a SI* net. > yard I Murphy. _|,l.iyir from Montreal, plane which crashed today at: lluikett, former three • sport rine line play made field days;,' ' ' 1! Itryee Canyon, Utah, with no athlete ut Louisiana State unl- possible for halfbacks "Bud" reoehed round four j survivors, airline officials stud, versity led the National Football Crane, Don Sherrnd, and Marty 11 'lefeiit.u :- Jtharad Malt'ai. t

Sheered, playing hut first » -I. lull ihe JV'k, s'narod a pass from quart-, Hi'iu e t Lo Suei rrhook. Bob Swett for one (ally , Save at and roved eight yards around eud i for another. Koll.v continued his great work, st right half scoring twice on run*1 of IS and • ynrdd. ROBMSON FUHHTUK Scores YEA TEAM! ■Wind la Sparkplug S. Cedar—2 ail. SMtlh uf !• la Bwett. fullback Gordon Thomas, Fuuwlag city liaula sd halfback Paul Garrett also1 Flash drove scrms the Ionia goal hue. j STI'lllfl CTH'CHKS HKII SPRINGS Card Club Has Sparking the Spartans in the 19.50 it 11.50 first half of tt* fray Sherrod ch- i |> nused a 70 rid Tilts Plans yard drive midway, thrum* Inncrapriag MATTRESS ReadyFor Kin the opening stanra by takingK Mtir.' a rangy nix- HHKAKFAST SKTS Swell's pass for the mitral 24.50 With a whiplash arm. quarter, afte nilalters 19.511 singlehandtrily car- lash i aril club yill Slake its first big Crone intercepted an Ionia pa? [lUnlei m Ihe Slate *1 continuous rush-' I to a 20-0 vie-:ileal "( the m the 56-vanl Itae of Marklin field ■It,: t. rvrningti rill Trn I'hfinr 2-aOM, as hy Shrrrod and Kelly took the Opm r guonact It lo highlight! s were To Test Wini' I.slay after stopped cold by the boll down to the enemy r| a night's touch fuotbal! I ..nun Hillsdale ||,,ni>. line and Swett dove ov in Albright's The Kent Will lent- will second marker. tlie Normal i 1 lathered in two of . , it l.l.« k "III!" LOf M Rated Marty Kelly's !ft y nd lt-li t'orf! .duwtt flings, .me ' aropnd left etui an«l Kd WHEN YOUR CLOTHES NEED A'itvrn'ILn an Rrrltng (U yards, and l>ale,«"ell .•til.i th fiekl ylocemcnt made the i -s on | ored the other. as the half ended. % X j Spartans Eaay Victors II Slate started rolling n Over behind the stellar Gophers of center Dave Schiably, Atom*. these r the lotua forw and Kelly both tallied i LLOYD'S early minutes of the third qui CLEANERS J 323 E. GRAND RIVER AVR. I

Our Inlnnlurtary SprcimU !

• Mars-suns •LIMES DUSKS

• mm MMf Ctcaard oat Hunt t

IWkAl ggtnrdgy, Octotor ar, |

■' T B F MICHIOAW STATF NFWS tap Four An.I IV»i.I«-m Hannah Cmnplif* nulling For Ruhr Famed British County Staffs j'y Revamped ISA Plans Lalior Leader Slate Annual Spartan Spirit Aflame In Big Pep Rn\ Kentcky Wildcat mrnkl in".** than 3,flOt) students staged dent Jnhn A. Hannah, turned up aa pickpocket,! a pre-game pep Social On rally last night. Bill Revcreau* as tw in- traffic violators, and Conference uiii w A Monday Speaks Here It started With speeches by vlded humor, while ■•proper" dbiclplinary lVti Jennie Up, well known in both More than lift county exten¬ *1 ■•Biggie'' Mnnn an.. members of Cat-tan. day. 1 An npflt Europe ami Atm-iiea as "Ihe con¬ sion workers from Michigan's Hit house will !»• held Mon.luy uit'lil (lei. 27. HtOfl liy the t.-am, to By popular request vl science of the British labour counties will join with 100 mem¬ Kangaroo rourt ar- and Jimmy l™ the Independent Student fpndg'liitliili ill Ihe Tower rieilii of voire, calling "We Party." will sl»eak in the Union's bers of the staff next week for lion against thr Wild- remtlnuance .. student want j the Union. Kill Hull, membelxhi|i i lieirnmn. . lutes I hut a^rit U President Hannah put in Suartan toom Stnday at B:30 p.m. the nmftuil conference of exten¬ , cats, an.1 climaxed the rally hy it has prevailed the last few door appearance. (.■Mowing I he pl'nitruni in the Tower doom, it undid tfet- Culled one of Britain's nut- sion personnel. They will dis¬ an impromptu speech from Prcsi- games. __ cuss : theme of tngct her will he hehl ill thiS" .... ~ stamlMg wofnnti loaders, she is {arm and home nrffanixiit ion rtnims with SiH tiil Ihmcr (.Inn* the co-editor nt the la*ndon Trie planning. 'iffy biinr and a Dttbour member of Director ft. J. Baldwin, who fwhrmnts In-inR mi- has headed Ihe Michigan Exten¬ Hip parliament from Crannoek. |»rnfrmm will lix/H'rimi'iil Ih'fgim She is .touring the country sion program since its start in FfiMfli by Dflc Fitui" llv (Preliesis I Huh under the rponsorshifi of ^meri< 1908, will preside at the opening cans for Democratic Action, na- general session Tuesday. October ftxjdai tir.nal affiliate of Students for 28 in Fairchild theater. Dr. John rf wilh ' Democratic Action. The New A. Hannah will give the opening I The i York Herald Tribune Forum is address. "ring her apfiearances. Wnty extension workers are head Ue. last this mbeis of the college staff and hugging cloche K 1!M2 when she located in the county seats ducted a speaking tour. th oughout the state. Agents will banded with a narrow She began her career as a rrive early Monday for special hool teacher in her native Scot- l-rcrviep training periods. Spec- j wd-Uf-.. i nd. Fleeted as a member of it sessions for the women agents grograin ribbon . . . veiled in a mural k irlinment at the age of 24, she •ill be held, while men special-1 . . . ci me well known as a journal- ts will receive instruction in contrasting dark color choose Frank llaggerty. 12. leads the is' and writer. .estock judging and Rrooming. funeral of Hrother fillhert who yours in grey, black, If discovered thr baseball prow* brown, frost, red or born j tin nil. tiegiin i trot wo tauftht t ess of Ita he Ruth. Frank, an kelly ardent fan. offered to represent TONMHT 1947, the new »(.n the lia*eh*ll star at the srrvires ft rnton ttft| to Mudw1 to advanced dnne- in l.owell. Mass.. during the .1.00 to thr (icimistKitioi ■ Hahe's lllnese. 1. Joe nc(-P|itiirti »• in March s. Hall on Nov. 'ljf. Cappo Following this III tee Mill tic o term iitdI grout* joined ad by the Orchesis ■ml hiss ORCHESTRA *8A, thr ehnrtrr m< Tuft tt ill Sii'l,- Tom Crowley, .lean I*. Sinniimlioii HARLETT Yn most be rnhie Wiildron, ,fnr: Nn aft HmH BUS SI to tutor win „ n Fear In Mksm Hoffman. Our killed taproom Col.ttMHUS. O.. Oct. 24 (Al — R TO DOOR Ru»ek. fluted States Senator Ifohett A. IRA now oneriites \h Tiiiikrr IturiiH f limns n [lift today' u|>em»d a cellophanc- limit MONTFHKY, t'olif., flat. 24 oV rayped surprise |*mknge — an ! Evrry FH., Sal^ Sun. ire i IH'lltl I vilirs n college unit your corduroy rami a I- The or» o|M'iMti a ride tin late the handling rides and the off LGHBiES , suit is a •turirntx At firmriit no I "Thr Spartan WMl Hen to make campus natural | tat Ion of an maun llasl ideal for crisp football a featme id today's g»n Frwin Hoffman. Item week ends and just bor Junior and a landsea teetnie major, is the fit* the thing for classes and ISA until next spiiiu: ti

Faculty advisors at. casual wear . . . man Kiiuue, hash eolleRe nd I nd I'om tailored in red, brown, written und km boxN- ntllpfc. _ black and dark blue

snci 10 to It Series Study

H ill Be Made 16.95 On ISeir Show iintr:

< Can n rtuliu *|iiir. sh.m

» AJt - ll pjg. ■ a—an-su->,

i" yow JraiiM brown and white bUck and whits i

