Title Interactive olfactory surfaces: The Wellness Collection: a science fashion story Type Thesis URL http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/5408/ Date 1997 Citation Tillotson, Jenny (1997) Interactive olfactory surfaces: The Wellness Collection: a science fashion story. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art. Creators Tillotson, Jenny Usage Guidelines Please refer to usage guidelines at http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/policies.html or alternatively contact
[email protected]. License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives Unless otherwise stated, copyright owned by the author Interactive Olfactory Surfaces The Wellness Collection - A Science Fashion Story Dr Jennifer Ruth Tillotson BA (Hons) Fashion Communication & Promotion, Central St Martins London, 1991 A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the Doctor Of Philosophy Degree of the Royal College of Art Kensington Gore London SW7 2EU School Of Fashion & Textiles Research April 1997 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. Abstract i Abstract "Physics Is A Function Of Size. " The aim of the research is to create a new interactive communication system by 're-cabling' fabrics for releasing fragrances in 21st century fashion design. A new development, taking inspiration from biology, conjures up Multi-Sensorial Fabrics - based around the sense of smell. Using the theory that 'Smell Is Nanotechnology' and that biology works by nano-machines, biological actions can be miniaturised (such as 'sensing' in the animal world) to create an integrated system called THE WELLNESS COLLECTION. Fragrances (and eventually medication, monitoring devices and digital information) will be actively 'pulsed' electronically through a cabling device system which will 'mimic' the human senses and in particular the scent glands in our bodies and be literally incorporated into the fabric structure.