Although I am a Subscriber for Several Publications of the Church, 1 Find Not One of Them That Might be Considered the Exjual of The Denver Catholic Register, and Look Forward to the Time When W e Will Have Such a Paper Printed Daily and With a National Circulation.—Joseph Kilfoyle, St. Joseph, Moi DEJN^R CATHOLIC REGISTER




Thomas Doesn’t Want - Paper Fiditors Take Up Cudgel in Behalf; Barred From Mails, but of Father Juily at Fort I M ANY JUBILEES CELEBRATED Deprecates It, Morgan. { WOULD HURT US, IS CLAIM SAY BOARD DISCRIMINATES Record of Church and School Building Shows Prosperity of Sayff W e’ll See Things in Differ­ Girls of Our Church Not Given Faith A ll Through This Section; Local Men Connected ent Light in After ^ Rights When Applying for Years. Jobs, Charge. W ith Vast National Catholic Enterprises

Thomas Madden of 48th and Steele Two Protestant editors have com­ streets, Denver, was among the numer­ mented on Father J. L. Juily’s fight to ous Catholics who wrote to Colorado make the Fort Morgan sc&ool board quit CHARITY AIDED; NEW ACTIVITIES PLANNED representatives in ^congress at the be­ discriminating against Catholic girls ginning o f this-.month, urging them to who apply foi positions as teachers. The Eight local deaths among priests has lectured at a local theater in the latter The Sisters of Loretto on June 2 held use their influence in having The Men­ following is . from the Morgan County been tlie record of this diocese for the part of February, was shown up by a elaborate exercises in honor of the ace and similar papers barred from the Republican, edited by R. P. Saunders, a last year. Two of these men have been Register writer as a faker. A complete golden jubilee of their arrival in Cola* mails, as being opposed to non-Catholic, exalted ruler of the Fort members of religious orders, while two expose of his “seance” was published in rado. ‘ • statutes. Senator. C. S. Thomas, reply­ Morgan lodge of Elks: priests of other dioceses have died while this paper, causing considerable of a Tlie Rev. C. H. Hagus o f Cripple Oredk ing .to him, deprecates The Menace, but “Fort Morgan is stirred to the bottqpi visiting here. The chronicle of the prin­ sensation. gave the baccalaureate, sermon to th»' says that, in his opinion, it would ag- with a religious controversy in her cipal evenly in the local Catholic world Stanley McGinnis, a Catholic, was high school there, being the first priert grjivate the situation to banish it from schools. The present board, composed within the last year shows that there named state immigration commissioner. ever selected for this honor. the post. His letter follows: of religious fanatics, gave instructions have been many anniversary celebra­ Ten thousand dollars’ worth of im­ The Rev. Salvador Persone, SJ., of “United States-Senate, to their superintendent not to consider tions. provements at the Trinidad church Trinidad, celebrated his fiftieth anni­ ‘‘December 12, 1914. the applications of Catholic teachers. It On Tuesday, January 0, Sister Mary reached completion in early March. versary as a priest on June 14. ■“Thomas Madden, Esq., Denver, Colo. is generally understood and supposed Josephine of Mt. St. Scholastica’s acad­ The Rev. John A. Belzer, assistant The Rev. A. J. Waters of St. Franeui “My Dear Sir: I am in receipt of a that in this country, where all religions emy, Canon City, celebrated, her golden rector of St. Leo’s, died on March 7 at de Sales’ parish, Denver, died at Du­ number of letters from men and women and creeds are on equality, that the jubilee as . a nun. Buffalo, N. Y. rango, Colo., on June 3. «f conflicling shades of religious and po­ Protestant, the Catholic and the Jew or John H. Reddin of Denver, supreme . The Rev. George I. Nolan, O.M.I., gave The Rev. Charles M. Ferrari, a pioneer litical belief, requesting me, on the one any other religion or creed was on equal master of the Fourth Degree K. of C., a remarlmble series of Lenten sermons Colorado priest, died on June 10, hand, to exert my best efforts towards footing; that discriminating against any was present in Baltimore on January 6 at the Denver cathedral, later giving Bishop Matz left in June for , the exclusion from the mails of an anti- person on account ol religion was a when a half million dollar endowment missions at Sheridan, Wyo., and several for his ad limina visit. Before he left Catholic paper called The Menace, and thing of the j^ast. The action of the Europe war broke out, and he had great Fort Morgan school board is un-Ameri­ was presented to Cardinal Gibbons by Colorado towns. other papers of similar im|>ort, and, on difficulty returning to America. can, unpatriotic and a disgrace to the the order for the Catholic university at The Spanish-speaking people of Ala­ the other hand, to stand for what they A number of priests driven out of Mex­ county and the state. Their narrow­ Washington. mosa, Colo., won a suit brought against ti-rm the freedom o f the press and free ico by the heartless persecution of the minded action in the employment of Sister Agnes, a sister of Vicar Gen­ the school board to compel that boiy to speech. To both sides ali^e I address Church there, found refuge in Colorado. teachers should receive a well-deserved eral Richard Brady of the Denver dio­ quit segregafing the Mexican children. this coftimunication. ' _ St. F’rancis’ Benevolent society of St. rebuke from the entire community.” cese, died at Enfield, Middlesex, Eng. Attorney Raymond Sullivan of Denver “I think the existing statutes are am­ Elizabeth’s parish was twenty-five yean Tlie following is from L. C. Paddock, She was a member of the Charity order. received gifts from the children in . ap­ ple for the protection of citizens and the old in' June. non-Catholic editor of The Boulder Cam- The 1913 financial report of the Ca­ preciation of the way he handled their public against the use of the mails for thedral showed that $44,570 had been side of the case. The Rev. James P. Coll, C. SS. R., for­ libelous and criminal purposes, and their merly' of Altman, Colo., was ordained “We regret' to read what we publish contributed to that parish. Robert H. Kane, then connected with violation can be followed in this, as In at Oconomowac, Wis., in’July, and the from Fort Morgain today, namely, that The work of organizing the St. Vin­ the district attorney’s office, suggested other matters, by inquiry, indictment Rev. Linus A. Lilly, SJ., of Denver, waa teachers are excluded from the schools cent de Paul society, which was started In a letter to The Register on March 26 and trial. ordained in St. Louis. The Rev. H. Cua- of ^hat city because of their religious in the latter part of 1913, was pushed that one way to handle the, divorce “I neither^pprove nor sympathize ningham of Kansas was ordained at St. belief. The long disputes between Cath­ ahead in early 1914 Four parishes have problem in Colorado was to ostracize with the course of this paper or with Francis’ hospital, Colorado Springs, oa olics and Protestants respecting the conferences now. divorcees. those who deny freedom in matters of July 15, by Bishop Cunningham of Con­ public schools are but an echo of a for­ The Arvada women opened a campaign David Goldstein, the convert lecturer religion or conscience. I also deplore cordia, Kan. mer and less liberal period. Of recent to erect admission church, to be served against Socialism, gave addresses here the existence of that element of human The Manitou church was twenty-fira j-ears, in soqjoty, in charity, in schools frpm the Holy Family parish, Denver. ar.d in surrounding towns, under the nature which, unfortunately, manifests years old on Jqly 25. and in politics, we have seen Protes­ Bishop Matz, in a letter to the priests, auspices of the K. of C. lecture move­ itself from time to time, in matters po­ Denver Irishmen in August decided to tants and Catholics •f orking together asked them to urge their people to come ment, a gigantic' educational campaign litical, against different forms of :^lig- send guns to Ireland for the iios of tka First I%otO|[Taph of Bishop N. C. Uatz Taken on Throne at the New for the common good. I'D this Christmas to the rescue of the Good Shepherd fostered by John U, Reddin of-Denver. ion and religious worship. It very nat­ Denver Cathedral. —Nast” Studio. Nationalist volunteers, who had to nma season we feel sure that all right-think­ home, which was in serious financial Fifty-four thousand persons received urally arouses all the vindictive ele­ to protect themselves against the threat­ The Right Rev. Bishop Nikolas C. the Cathedral, and always presides over ing people will not stop to consider difficulties. communion at the Denver Cathedral in ments of human nature and creates a ened civil war of the Ulstermen, angry Matz spoke at one of the masses in the the 11 o’clock solemn higli and creed as a bar sinister or as an objection St. Joseph’s academy at Trinidad the year ending March 1. condition of bitter perso|tdI antagonism, over the coming of home rule. Cathedral Christmas morning. He takes the vesper services when he is home on to association or participation in the opened a fund for the erection of a new The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred which is both unfortunate and injurious. The reports at the national K. of CL great interest in the solemn services at Sunday. control of school and city and state. We building. Contributions have been re­ “But to-prohibit from the mail by spe­ Heart in March celebrated the fact that convention showed there were 2,124 hope Fort Morgan will hasten to get ceived all year, and are still coming in. they had been in America twenty-five cial or additional legislation the publica­ Knights of Columbus in Colorado, in six­ into the new spirit of the times and The Las Animas Child and Animal years. tions now complained of would, in my BARNUM RECTOR CATHOLIC GIRL teen councils. learn that only as Americans are tol­ Protection society was organized in The Longmont, Colo., parish installed judgment, aggravate instead of allevia­ The Rev. Joseph Bosetti, who had gona erant and broad in their sympathies is Trinidad under Chthoilc auspices to care a new pipe organ, purchased from the ting the conditions sought to be cured, to Italy for the summer, sent word that NEW YEAR’S EVE REFUSED SCHOOL America to realize the highest aspira­ for neglected children. Knight-Campbell company. and thereby the controversy would be he was detained in his native country l o t tions of the patriot fathers. There was In a sermon at the Cathedral on Jan­ intensified in proportion as the effort to TE'DEUM TALKER JOB IS CHARGE In Holy Week at Rome, Cardinal Vin­ possible military service. He waa not no Catholic or Protestant thought in uary 17, the Rev. E. J. Mannix showed enact or afterwards to enforce such cenzo Yannutelli confirmed Miss Mar­ released until October. the ranks of those vVho saved the na­ that the Denver divorce record in 1913 legislation proceeded. I feel sure, there­ The Rev. J. J. Gibbons, rector of the Editor, Denver C'ajtholic Register: gery and Joseph Reed, convert children The Rev. Stephen Eisler, C. SS. R , of tion, much less in the ranks of those was worse than that of pagan Japan, fore, that- when the present crusade shall Presentation church, Barnum, will be A Mr. J. H. Albright, principal of of 'Verner Z. R cei, the Denver million­ St. Joseph’s, Denver, died at San An­ who, with Washington, established it. wliich was the worst among the nations. have disappeared, like those which have the speaker at the New Year’s eve serv­ public schools of Oak Creek, Colo., is aire. The Reeds were received afterward tonio, Texas, August 6. Fort Morgan is too prosperous a com­ A report of the Home Missions coun­ preceded it, the sober second thought of ice in th^ Cathedral tonight at 7:30. in Denver this week looking for a in private audience by Pope Pius X, and Many masses were sung in Colorado in munity to need advertisement for its in­ cil, a Protestant organization, issued in everyone will approve and, sustain this These Te Deum services, which have teacher. He asked two gentlemen if Verner Z. Reed presented a magnificent August on account of the death of Pope tolerance.” ‘ early February, said that Colorado was conclusion. Yours very truly, been arranged to thank God for the fa­ they knew of a teacher whom tliey bust of the pontiff to the Cathedral in Pius X. A magnificent diocesan cere­ 16.2 per cent Catholic and 16.1 per cent honor <5f the event. The bust, which “ G. S. THOMAS.” vors granted America in the year just could recommend to be his assistant. mony took place at the Cathedral. The Protestant. closing, are the first of their kind ever They knew of a mutual friend wlio was was set up several weeks ago, is reputed Denver Jesuits held a special service at held in a Western church. The pro­ KNIGHTS FORCED Sisters ilary Loretto and Mary Cas­ to be worth $15,0. CATHEDRAL FINANCIAL out of a position, whom they both rec­ the Sacred Heart church for the repose gram, arranged Tuesday evening, fol­ par, of the Good Shepherd order, cele­ REPORT R E A D / SUNDA/ ommended. Mr. Albright asked them Plans were approved in April for a of . their deceased general’s soul. Father lows : ^ brated their silver jubilee in Denver on ' y, what her- religion was. On being in­ INTO COURTS BY j $9,000 convent at Walsenburg. The_ Wernz died shortly after the pope. Processional.. February 7. The annual financial report of the formed she was a Catholic, he sliook I building has been completed. Fifty The thirty-ninth biennial state con­ Te Deum I.audamu8, solos and chorus. St. Patrick’s church, Pueblo, im­ Cathedral parish will ibe read next Sun his head and said the school board of IPAMPHLETS’ LIES thousand dollars has been spent in three vention of tlie A. 0. H. was held in Cen­ Soprano solo, Robert Chick. ported a set of vestments costing $3,000. day morning. The total receipts of the Tenor solo, James Burke. • Oak Creek would not stand for a Catho­ years for improvements at Walsenburg. tral City September 10, 11 and 12. Sister Jbiry Emerentia of St. Francis’ year were $46,525.97. The parish debt Bass solo, George Kerwin. lic as teacher there, and he himself Order Explains Law Suits in Lit­ The Rev. Frederick Bender, a pioneer An $18,000 -school building was de- Come Ye Who Seek, J. Faure, tenor hospital, Colorado Springs, celebrated is now $228,500. Since the dedication in would not consider her as an applicant. erature to Be Sent to priest, died on April 23 in Denver, and dicatediat Sheridan, Wyo., by Bishop Mc- solo, James Burke. He then started in on a tirade of the Protestants. her silver jubilee on February 8. October, 1912, $19,529.05 has been paid. Sermon, Rev. J. J. Gibbons. was buried in Cincinnati. (Continued on page 4) ■ Sister Teresa Mary, / for seventeen The report was made up Tuesday. Jubilato Deo, Perosi, duet and chorus. that would make a The Rev. Fathers Humfrey V. Darley, years a nurse at St. Mary’s hospital, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Guardian of Liberty blush. So this is The circular which 10,000 Denver non- Fre«4> + 4>4> + + 4i 4>i<> « 4> ♦ Adeste Fideles, Arr. by Novello, solo Catholics are to receive giving the truth Pueblo, died on February 6. BISHOP RAPS NEW YEAR’S ORGIES. the kind of a professor in charge of the .'‘licliael Casey were ordained by Bishop + LOCAL FRIENDS MOURN DEAD ♦ and chorus. public schools of Oak Creek, Colo.? about the Knights of Columbus’ oath Anthony Matre, national secretary of Modem methods of celebrating the de­ Adore and Be Still, Gounod, soprano Matz on April 30. ARCHBISHOP « J. E. McGILLEY. tells why the order was forced into the the Federation of Catholic Societies, cline and passing of the old year and solo by Ned Foley. War with Mexico was threatened, and ♦ Archbishop Riordan of San Fran- ♦ Tantum Ergo, Perosi. courts to protect itself against men who spoke in Denver and other Colorado cit­ the welcoming of the new are not in Robert Owens and the Ancient Order of ♦ cisco, who died Sunday, had many ♦ ies, initiating the federation’s protest Laudate Dominum, Gounod. U. S. Has Mexicans Released. \Jere maligning it. A half million of Hibernians in Colorado offered President + personal friends in Denver, includ- ♦ keeping with the spirit of Yuletide. They Recessional, “Holy Night.” The state department has succeeded in tliese circulars are to be distributed against Signor Nathan, the pope-hater, ♦ ing the Rev. William O’Ryan, Mgr. ♦ are not calculated to encourage temper­ The Fourth Degree Knights of Colura’-'' Wilson to raise regiments if they were prevailing on the Mexican barbarians to over America. The pamphlet gives a as Italy’s envoy to the ance and build up health and morals; no bus will attend the service in a body. needed. ♦ P. A. PIiiHips and Bishop Matz. ♦ release from prison the bishop of Tepio, complete history of the three cases exhibition. Nathan was subsequently benefit is derived and much harm can be The Rev. John Fitzpatrick of Omaha ♦ Father O’Ryah will write an'^appre- ♦ Right Rev. Dr. Segura, and. four of his brought against circulators of false withdrawn. done the young men and especially the Catholic Poet Dead. died at St. Joseph’s hospital, Denver, on ♦ elation of his work for next week’s ♦ priests. (Continued on page 8) Dr. Eddy, a famous spiritualist who young women, according to Bishop Eugene Geary, well known in New April 27. ♦ Register. A full account of the ♦ Thomas P. Lillis of Kansas City, who in York as a poet and newspapet man, died The state K. of C. meeting was held ♦ death is on page 2. 4i ^ a. sermon discussed the question. on December 12 in his flftv-sccond year. MORE HATE IN WORLD NOW THAN SINCE in Boulder in Mav. Bishop Burke of St. Joseph, Mo., Is FIRST PENTECOST, SHOWS FR. O’DWYER Queen’s Daughters Save F a m i l y Guest of Mrs. Dennis Sheeidy Here By DAVID T. O’DWYER, St. Patrick s, Denver. From Freezing; Great W ork in 1914 The beginning of a 'new year is a period of retrospect and anticipation. The advent of Ullo The Right Rev. Bishpp Maurice F. The Right Rev. John J. Hogan was will find us with the range of retrospect narrowed for the most part to the events of the last few During the week previous to Clirist- son, Miss Ross and Miss Anna Robinson Burke of St. Joseph, Mo., is in Denver the first bishop of St. Joseph, being months, and of our anticipations will be formed from them. The war and its issue occupy the raas a dozen poor families were helped were generous in singing beautiful folk \iaiting his niece, Mrs. Dennis Sheedy, chosen March 3, 1868. There were then thoughts of all men, and no intelligent reflection on such subjects can ignore our sovereign pontiflF, by a substantial basket from the songs for the childrer. A piano duet at 1115 Grant street. 3,000 Catholics there, under the direc­ Benedict XV. The Encyclical which he recently issued, as might be expected, deals largely with the Queen’s Daughters’ association. An im* was rendered by Miss Rosa Baroch and Bishop Burke rules a diocese with a tion of five priests. In September, 1880, war and its pauses, and one thing impresses the reader at first sight, namely, that the war is the re­ mediate call for coal was sent to the Miss Marguerite Detmoyer and a piano Catholic population of about 35,000. Bishop Hogan was transferred to the sult, to a great extent, of men attempting to advocate and promote the welfare of society on lines pure­ Queen’s Daughters and by their filling solo by Miss Eillene Templeton. After There are ninety.two priests under him. new diocese of Kansas City, and was ly natural, thus involving a disregard and contempt of the Church, whose duty it is to- provide for this order one sick family on the East the program the Queen’s Daughters dis­ Forty-seven churches have resident pas­ named administratQj»<^f St. Joseph. He social needs through the principles of Christ. The watchword' of the secular world for many decades Side was kept from freezing. tributed two hundred and forty boxes of tors and fifty missions have churches. resigned the administration of St. Jo­ has been the brotherhood of man, and antagonism to the Church has strongly, marked the efforts to The Catholic children at the state candy to the orphans. The diocese is well equipped with insti­ seph in 1893, and Bishop • Burke, who attain that ideal. The result has been that, despite all our attempts at enlarging and intensifying the home, who are the special charges of A .regular ; meeting of the Queen’s tutions, having a seminary, an orphan was then head of the Cheyenne, Wyo., charity that binds men, -vv'e have more hate in the w'orld than at anj' time since the first Pentecost. this organization, were all given good Daughters will be held on Sunday, Jan­ asylum, five academies, two colleges and diocese, was transferred to tlie Missouri Racial hate embitters the larger divisions of mankind, and the poison of class hate destroys the unity books and holy pictures. Most of these uary, 3, 1915, at 3 o’clock, at Immacu­ four hospitals. In population it is a see. / of race. The war, appalling chastisement though it is, is the reduction to the absurd of the policy that children received holy communion at St. late Conception school. Annual reports little less thaq a third as large as the Bishop Burke received an enthusiastic would manage the world Avithout Christ, and in the recognition of this lies our hope of the future. It Francis de Sales’ church at 8 o’clock, all will be made and election of officers will Denver diocese, which embraces all reception when he went to St. Joseph, is our great blessing as Catholics to have a ruler w'ho alone has the power to bring back to human life of them attending this mass. The piety be held. Colorado. and has done excellent'work there. He those elements, the loss of which has deluged the world -with blood. and zeal of these little youngsters is a St. Joseph was founded and named has succeeded in liquidating a large debt Nearer home, American Catholics are considering with dismay the condition of their coreligion­ gratification to the young ladies who WOMAN ATTRACTED TO by Catholics. I# 1830, Joseph Robidoux, on the Cathedral, erecting a $60,000 ists in Mexico. The horror of their lot is the result of a watchful waiting that seems to have degen­ so willingly bring them to mass each GHUROH BY RITUALS a member of our Oiurch, became the Cathedral parish school, opening new erated into apathy. • The president of the United States is not in touch with Catholic thought. As far Sunday in the year. proprietor of a trading post where the missions, organizing parishes, and en­ as we know, he has but one possible source of information on Catholic thought and feeling, and that An excellent program under the aus­ A Denver woman who was received city stands, and, alive to the opportuni­ couraging buHding activity. source, we ffiel, is not adequate. The president hopes for a democracy in Mexico and wishes in this pices of the Q ian ’s Daughters was given into the Catholic Church just before on' Sunday at the State Home for De­ Christmas was first attracted to our ties of the place, later begaia the for­ Bishop Burke 'was ordained to the generation to solve her problems through it. Democracy with something like ninety per cent of the mation of a town. He had surveys and pendent Children. Mr. George Peavey faith by the beautiful rituals. ‘T had priesthood on May 22, 1875, and was voters illiterate is a dream of absurdity that only a college professor could entertain. However bad plats made by Fred W. Smith, a Catho­ though the condition of Mexico is, and shameful the treatment of the Church there, may we not hope delighted the youngsters with his read­ read the Bible,” she explains, “ and had consecrated bishop of Cheyenne on Oc­ lic, who named the new town St. Joseph. that the interest and sjTnpathy of Catholics in the United States, recently so strongly roused, may ings A'Sd recitation. Exquisite violin become convinced that God must approve The plat was recorded on July 26, 1843, tober 28, 1887. He was transferred to bring about a better understanding between both countries, and that the persecution now raging may solos, rendered by Miss Josephine Mon­ most of this form of religious cere­ at St. Louis. St. Joseph on June 19, 1893. prove the price of peace T ^ i aghan, Were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Stin­ monies.”

I — jpg-:v:.- ■■V-... .v.'k-r, •V- - ■ t z n “ '■■■■ '. ' ■ .:':-'V.-v^^ ';;i-' '\ ' 4 -■'S' ^ • ;., ' • ■■ .l;'- '.’ ' ' ■'■ ' ^y DBNVBR CATHOLIC RBQiSTBB THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1914. m Marx said they would move. 4 * What a crazy kind of a movement it 4 :v : must be that is based upon theories Woman and Catholic Men Kept Emperor Who Gave First Xouch Prophecies of Socialism Shown i that cannot be demonstrate^ and pre­ dictions which have been so thoroughly Prisoners in Foul Mexican Stable of Freedom to Russia Murdered by Figures to Have Been Failure discredited that it is not .impossible to, maintain them except by resorting to Mexican Situation Reviewed by vicar general of the diocese. On the By IGNOTUS. marked a dividing line between the By John R. Maeder. ' slave. But what happened? Farms “fake” statistics! Yet this is the posi­ IGNOTtrS. 11th, at half past four in the morning, We may say that the political eman­ classes as that which gtill separated the The Socialists tell us that conditions, have grown smjiller,' not larger, and the tion in which Socialism findp itself. The Religious Persecution in Quere- some 20 soldiers, by order of the prefect cipation of Russia had its beginning in country gentry from the peasants, the instead of improving with the .passage number of farm owners has increased, tara—On July 28 the Constitutionalists, of police, took possession of the vice the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 by .system had very much to be said for it. of the years, are cdhstantly grow­ not decreased. In 1880, the number of the self-constituted liberators of Mexico consulate. The fathers were arrested Emperor Alexander II. The second The temstva had the right to levy, at ing worse. This is not only in accord­ farm owners was 2,984,360; ■ in 1910, it and avengers of Madcro, reached Quere- and taken as^ prisoners to the barracks great reform of Alexander II, which laid their own discretion, a rate for the pur­ ance with the Marxian theory, but it is was 3J)48,722, while in the pM t fifty r-> -' of “La Alameda” and later on, under a solid foundation for political liberty, poses of local government; and, though being preached by many a modern So­ years the farm wealth of this country j . ■»09^ taro. Kotwitlistanding the fact that the Fedcrals (or government trodps) had heavy escort, and on foot, they had to was the establishment of county and they had not yet any control over the cialist. Marx was absolutely positive has increased by more than 500 per cent. evacuated the city, these Carranzista.s proceed to the station of “La Griega,” town councils all over Russia proper. It bureaucratic officials in their district, that things were to go from bad to As to the financial development of kept up a desultory firing, which created some si.x leagues distant from the city was natural that a reforming autocrat that was, sooner or later, bound to come. worse, and would continue to work in the people of this country, there are that direction until conditions became ^uite a panic among the inhabitants, (the Spanish league used in, Mexico is should try to find a basis for local gov­ Meanwhile the justices of the peace, a facts that are just as interesting—facts 80 unbearable that the oppressed multi­ Querctaro has a population of 35,011. 2.63 miles). The remoteness of the lo­ ernment rather in tile country than in link between them the pwplp, re­ that prove tliat Marx was just as far tude would rise in/their might of num­ The diocese has two seminaries, with cality and the suddenness of the depart­ the towns, and rather in the class of placed the old absolq^ iisqu ires as tile from hitting the mark in this phase of bers and proceed to take back from the . 128 students. It numbers 101 parochial ure caused many to believe that they landed gentry than anywhere else. The arbiters of questicfii^'^.between'' peasant his prediction—for instead of finding it rich the possessions of which they had schools and nine Catholic colleges, which were going to be shot. Notwithstanding county councils (or temstva) were and peasant. By all accounts,’ these jus­ more difficult to make and save money, been robbed—“expropriate the expropri­ together contain 5,195^tudents. There the hardships of the trip, and the terrible established five years bafore the town tices carried out their ayork very consci­ the people have found it easier. uncertainty as to what was waiting for councils, and owing to tlte narrow-spir- entiously. ators,” as the Socialists express it. And is only one Protestan^ college, with 65 Banks Show Progress. Adhering to the old-units of adminis­ it was only a week or two ago that students, and two Protestant churches. them, the march turned out to be not itedness and backwardness of the mer­ St. Anthony's brancA, No. 890—Metla Marx Lewis, writing in the New York During the first 260 years of this The next day, July 29, a Wedneselay, so very disagreeable, owing especially to chants who werC/;4aken as the unit on tration, Alexander II itttirblisheil a tem­ 2d and 4th Tuesdays, St. Elizabeth haU. Call, and defending the orthodox theory country’s existence, the people saved mass was celebrated in but a very^ few the many proofs of affection the fathers which the latter was based, it was the stva assembly for each district and a Branch No. 298-—Meets 2d and ‘ 4th of surplus value, set forth the same con­ and banked about $392,781,800; today, Tuesdays in Charles building. churches. The chapel of the Three Falls received on the part of the Indians dur­ temstva or county councils who froni higher temstva assembly for each gov­ tention. Q ^ more than ten million people have Branch No. 316— Meets 2d and 4th ernment or province. It was not yet (a title taken from the three falls of ing their painful tramp and because of this time onward represented the cause Wednesday evening. Room 325 Charle* ‘‘When we understand this theory,” $4,600,000,000 in the savings banks our Lord on His rvay to Calvary) w-as the kind hospitality they,received on the cf constructive reform in Russia, ^^'llen thought necessary to recognize the ex­ Building. he said, “we can understand why it is alone. Or, to quote Fred G. R. Gordon, the only cluirch in which a high mass estate of Jesus Maria, w'here they spent Alexander II instituted the tehistva in istence of any middle class between the Branch No. 1094— Meets 1st and 8rd that the capitalist grows ever mightier, “ In 1860, the great working class had Tuesdays, 8 p. m., in hall No. 221 Charles was sung; but when coming out of said the night. Forthwith they returned to 1865, he was establishing a new principle gentry and the peasants. In the coun­ the working class relatively poorer.” saved throughout the 253 years of our building. chapel Father Arroyo was arrested and Queretaro, and on the 12th, by order of of government by the side of the old. It try districts, the rating which qualified St. Anne’s Branch, No. 864, meets U Is this true? Is it a demonstrable existence, the sum of $149,000,000; but taken to military headquarters. the governor, they were taken out of was from that time certain that, sooner for franchise amongst the gentry was a and 4th Fridays at 3700 Gilpin. fact that the struggles of the masses St. Joseph’s Branch, No. 611, meets For happening to view the marching jail and assigned to private houses until or, later, one must succumb to the c her. high one. Each assembly of the district are growing more and more intense— 1912, the working class saved and in 2nd and 4th Thursday in S i Joseph's of the Carranzista soldiers. Father Ga­ further orders. The Rev. Father Rein- The Emperor Alexander, who had or of the government had to be sum­ that poverty and misery are increasing vested in the savings banks alone more hall, 6th and Galapago. 060 succeeded in making his escape. learned bis ideas of humanity from his moned at least once a year. A meeting briel of the Church of Carmel and Father —that society is being divided into two than $239,000,000, and, in addition to Annunciation Branch, No. 820, meets Sousa of St. Francis’ church svere incor­ Various other priestsj were subjected tutor, the kindly poet Thukovsky, was would last for several days. During the this, they saved more than $100,000,000 1st and 3rd Monday, Annunciatisn hall, classes, the rich becoming more power­ 7:30 t). m to painful indignities, among them by nature a man of generous heart and intervals between the meetings a stand­ porated in the ranks and4aken with the ful while, the poor are being stripped in the building and loan associations, Father Arviza, who, owing to the fright ing committee or board acted as the ex­ soldiers to the barracks, of “La Cruz.’’ vague but noble aspirations; and some of evqjytliing except their chains? together with some $250,000,000 invested and hardships heaped upon him, was on think that he intended gradually to in­ ecutive of the assembly. The district as­ A t 2 o’clock they were eompelTed to pa­ Of course, if we start with the as­ in industrial insurance. Besides all this, the point of losing his mind. The parish crease the powers of the temstva until sembly chose its delegates for the gov­ rade ill the streets dressed as religious sumption that Marx was a great prophet the foreign working class received tliey became the foundation of a new ernment assembly. Peasants wlio might and mounted on horseback. On the sec­ priest of Jalpan and others also had to and tliat everytliing is bound to turn enough to enable them to live and still be willing to attend the district assem­ ond day, at the request of the Spanish suffer from the cruelty of the Carran- and reformed imperial governme/it. out the way he predicted we need go no send back to Europe no less than $350,- bly would not likely wish to serve at the vice consul, Father Gabriel was released, zistas. The temstva were from the first pecu­ further. By picking upon individual 000,000. In other words, the savings of more distant government towns, but while Father Sousa, together with a lay A number of ecclesiastics were sub­ liarly a Russian institution, so to sav cases, selecting instances hero* and there, the people, since 1860, have increased by they liqd, at least, the right to do so, brother and a seminarian, already a dea­ jected to a war tax and constrained to merely accepted) by the bead of the we may find some evidence to support more than forty fold, while the popula­ C. H. K. A and wfien they wished to exercise this con, was taken to Mexico along with the divulge which were the possessions of to the manner born, established (not these theories, yet the proposition is one tion has increased by only three fold. Sacred Heart Branch No. 1—Meets right / no regulations prevented them soldiers. the Episcopal chancellery (La Sagrada empire. Tliey were at first instituted that nee( I'O. bond ^ ctffltj is atiin..a

i r X

X ■ ? - .Sljll ■■■<^’ ■ • -r

Western Slope Priests Called GRAND JUNCTION OURAY ’S SINGS MASS AT Wyoming Sends Two Carloads of “ HAS 122 KNIGHTS MOTHERiS DEAD HIS BIRTH HOUR to Make Tremendous Sacrifices Flour to War Sufferers Lecturer Thomas* F. CallahaJi Mrs. Katharine Ryan, Parent of Father Persone, 82, Celebrates Promises New Features to In­ Rev. W. J. Ryan, Passes Christmas Sacrifice at Exact (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) Remaining in Carbondale until after­ terest Members in Lodge Away at Home in Los Anniversary of Coming Cheyenne, W yo., Dec. 30.—Governor ing to the appeal for the aid of the Glenwood Springs, Colo., Dec. 30.— Fa­ noon, he made another big jump to Meetings. Angeles. Into World. Carey, announced Thursday that he had non-combatants in the war that is de­ ther J. P. Carrigan of the local "Catholic Marble where he held services the same let the contract for two cars of flour to vastating Europe.” church is one of the busiest priests on evening and also on Wednesday morn­ (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) (W . G. Code, Staff Reporter) the Wheatland Rolling Mills company, the Western Slope these days. His large ing. After he had completed his paro­ Grand Junction, Colo, Dec. 30.—One of Ouray, Colo., Dec. 30.—Mrs. Katherine Trinidad, Dec. 30.—The Rev. Father to be sent to Belgian war sufferers. territory occupies a large part of his chial duties there he again returned to DOUGLAS, WYOMING, MAKES the most active lodges of the Knights Ryan of Los Angeles, mother of Father Salvador Persone, SJ., said the 5:30 sol­ attention and it certainly keeps him Glenwood Springs. During the short The purchase was out of funds ag- OUT WELL IN CHURCH FAIR of Ck)Iumbus on the Western Slope is William J. Ryan, pastor of the Catholic emn high mass Christmas morning. It bivsy to attend to it properly. tiSc he had passed through his home g re^ tin g $1,843.72 contributed by Lan­ located in this city. It now comprises church in this city, died in Los Angeles also commemorated his eighty-second Douglas, W yo., Dec. 30.—The Christ­ This is a sample of what he is doing der, Wheatland, Kemmercr, Evanston, town but had not had time enough to 122 members, whidi is believed to be last week following a lingering illness. birthday and the exact hour that he was Riverton, Star Valley, Sundance, Rock mas bazaar held by the Altar and Roe­ all the time, taken at random and com­ stop off. , ■ -- the largest in Western Colorado. Father Ryan had been constantly at her born. He was assisted by Rev. Father ary society of the Catholic church was prising only a part of his week’s duties: •This is but one example of how a Springs and a number of voluntary con­ Plans are under way at present, bedside for several weeks and although Good, S.J., as deacon and Mr. Abell, tributions made by citizens all over the a great success. The ladies spared Last Sunday he attended to his regular large number of the priests stationed in headed by Lecturer Thomas F. Calla­ her death was not unexepected, it was SJ., of the Sacred Heart college, Den­ neither time nor labor in making their duties in the Glenwood Springs church. the different parishes on the Western state to the governor. han, for something entirely new in the a ‘great shock to him and the scores of ver, as sub-deacon. The mass was sung bootlis attractive and the beautiful This occupied most o f the day. Bright Slope are enduring various kinds of way of interesting members more in her friends. by Mrs. Humme’s choir, and Rev. Father Aside from these cars, Wyoming will things placed there for sale made a and early Mmday morning he left for hardships in order that the light may sencT a car from Cheyenne, another from their lodge work. These plans will be Funeral services were held in Los An­ Lonergan, SJ., preached the sermon. very pleasing effect. The children’* Basalt, where he was called to attend be shown to the htuidreds of people in made two or three weeks and Laramie and Albany county, a third geles and the burial was made there, The church was filled and nearly all re­ booth, in charge of Mesdames Morton to a sick call. A quick jump was made the outlying districts who are sorely in will be announced in The Register. car from Sheridan and perhaps one other. after which Father Ryan returned to ceived communion. ' and McNamara, ^made $80;. the candy from Basalt during the afternoon to Car- need of it. Nowhere is there a more The local lodge has one of the most this city. She had often visited in Ouray Father Lonergan Addresses Knights. ‘“The people of the state have con­ table, Mesdames Sheehan and Peyton, in bondale, S distance of at least fifty devoted set of priests than those who efficient organizations in Colorado as and was well known here. Father Ryan At the 7 o’clock mass Christmas morn­ tributed most liberally to the benevolent charged, cleared $13.50; the bakery tabl« miles, where he held services Tuesday are located in Western Colorado at well as one of the most capable sets has the sympathy of the entire commun­ ing the Knights of Columbus attended in purpose of sending flour to the suffer­ in charge of Mrs. Baker took in $20 morning. present. of officers. • - • ity in his great loss. a body and received holy communion. ing Belgians,” said Governor Carey. “ In and the remainder of sales amounting in Father Ix)nergan, in a wonderful ser­ proportion to the wealth and popula­ all to about $3'25 were made by Mes- GIRL KILLED BY MANY WILL AID MIDNIGHT MASS SUNG AT 4 CHRISTMAS SERVICES mon, outlined the real meaning of fra­ tion of the state no other state in the dames Brady, Dunn and Pflaeging at WRAY ON CHRISTMAS EVE HELD AT TELLURIDE ternity or brotherhood, stating that if Union has been more liberal in respond­ the fancy work table. 'SLIDE OF ROCK it was brotherhood only in name it did MONTROSE FIGHT Fort Morgan, Colo., Dec. 30.—Father (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) not carry out its purpose. He showed Juily held several Christmas services Telluride, Colo., Dee. 30.—Special serv­ how the great nations of the world were Sarah O’Connell, Daughter of ez- Catholics Near and Far Send Christmas day. At midnight Christmas ices were held in St. Patrick’s Catholic now in a terrible war because they wqre 2 Divisions of A.O.H. Auxiliary Senator, Slain in Bed; Mother Father 0 ’Farrell Promise of eve a service was held at Wray, at 4 church Friday, Christmas day. They unwilling to concede one thing to one Sleeping With Her Not Help in $50,000 Libel a. m. a service at Akron, and at 9:30 were exceptionally well attended and another. Fraternal organizations have Decide to Merge Selves Into One Hurt. Suit. a. m. another one was held in Fort were under the charge of Father Felix been broken up or their good work hin­ Morgan. Schmidt. First mass was at 5 a. m., dered for the same reasons. (Ray J. Noone, Staff Reporter.) (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) second mass at' 8 a. m., high mass at St. Joseph’s Academy Donations. (Georgia Ardell, Staff Reporter.) on which hung the golden fruit. These Georgetown, Colo., Dec. 28.—A shadow Montrose, Colo., Dec. 30.—For the past Montreal Priest Speaks Chinese. 10:30. There were short evening serv­ Sister Angela of St. Joseph’s academy Pueblo, Dec. 30.—The two Pueblo di­ were sent from Chico, Cal., by Mr. W . H . was cast o f e r this place this morning week things have remained quiet in the E.xcellcnt work is being done( by ices and benediction but no sermon at reports gifts to the building fund. Miss visions of the A. 0. H. have agreed to Allison. when a rock slide, breaking loose from $50,000 libel suit filed by Father C. F. Father Montanar, a French ms.sionary, 7:30 o’clock. Irene Kane, $2.25; Frank Flynn, $2.25, consolidate and make one large division Dr. and Mrs. John G. M’olf extended the top of one of the mountains here, O’Farrell of St. Mary’s Catholic church among the Qiinesc in Montreal. He and Mrs. A. Miller Cayton, Raven, as an auxiliary to the local division of their hospitality at a Christmas dinner brought with it a call from this world of Colo., $3. against Prof. D. E. Weidmann, superin­ spent many years in China and under­ SPURGEON TO LAUNCH PAPER. the Hibernians. The meeting Thurs­ Friday when the hearts of the guests trials and sorrows to a merited eternal tendent of the public schools, for slan­ stands the Chinese language thoroughly. Christmas Visitors at HospitaL day evening was devoted' to the elec­ seemed filled with the spirit of the sea­ reward, to Miss Sarah O’Connell. San Rafel hospital entertained for der. Father O’Farrell has received let­ Otis L Spurgeon, the anti-Catholic tion eff officers and the consolidation of son. Sprays of holly and glowing poin- Miss O’Connell and her mother were ters from all over Colorado from Catho­ Christmas Mr. Abell, SJ., of the Sacred Irish Nathan Not Roman’s Nephew. lecturer, has decided to ventine in the the two divisions. setta beautified the table round which asleep, when a huge boulder crashed lics pledging him their moral and finan­ Heart college, Denver; his brother, Roy The statement having been circulated newspaper field, with a publication The officers for this division arc: these guests were seated: Mr. and Mrs. through their bedroom, striking Miss cial support. that Sir Matthew Nathan, the new un­ Abell, of Des Moines, N. M.; Sebastian called "The National Voice.” It comes Mrs. Margaret Harr, president; Mrs. B. Georgy Herrington, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. The response to the call issued by the Linehan of Cincinnati, 0., and Messrs. O’Connell’s head, killing her instantly. der-secretary for Ireland, is a relative out in January. He was once historical Cullen, vice president; Miss Agnes La Moure, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stewart, Her mother was thrown from the bed local Knights of Columbus for funds of Signor Nathan, the e.\-mayor of Rome, editor of a certain Missouri sheet. Williams and Tracev. ^ ■» Cowan, recording secretary; Mrs. T. Mul- Mr. A. T. Stewart, Jr., Mr. Hamiltoa across the room, and sustained minor from Catholics all over the United States who has gained so much notoriety by the downey, financial secretary; Mrs. M. Stewart, Jack Wolf, Jr., and little Stew* has been far beyond the expectations bruises. bitterness of his attacks upon the Catho­ Rawlins Priest Returns Home. Comerford, treasurer; Mrs. Foley, mist­ art W olf. of the committee in charge and already The deceased was born and raised here lic Church, the London correspondent of Father-Conrath has returned to Raw­ CATHOLICS AID ress-at-arms. Women Foresters Elect. a goodly sum has been raised. The best and would have attained her twenty- The Dublin Freeman’s Journal says he lins, Wyo., after a month’s vacation, Socials. Pueblo Corpus Christ! court No. 914, sixth year on January 1. A t present she talent obtainable will be employed by is in a position to affirm that the state­ spent with relatives and friends in Cin­ LABORING MEN One of the really delightful events of W. C. 0. F., held its regular meeting was employed as a teacher'in the public Father O’Farrell to clear the slander ment is without foundation. cinnati. the week was the dancing party held last Sunday afternoon, with a very good schools, where she had taught for the from his name and all K. of C. councils OF PITTSBURGH Tuesday evening at Sacred Heart hall attendance. Regular business was trans­ last two years. |are urged to send in any available funds by the young ladies of that parish. The acted and di^osed of and several names The heartfelt sympathy of the entire at once. Commission to Bring About Bet­ hall was beautifully decorated with were balloted upon. Two new members Professor Wiedmann is busily prepar­ Pueblo Benedictine Preaches at ter Working Conditions Named community is extended to her mother, Christmas twigs and holly and during were initiated. The installation of the ing his defense, but just what he is go­ by Diocese; Carries Out father, sister and brother who survive the evening refreshments were served. officers-elect will take place January J5. ing to base it on is hard to discover. Papal Wishes. her. Colorado Springs on Christmas Patronesses for the event were Mrs. There will be a short musical program Many of the Protestants in Montrose are By her constant smile and charming James M. Daily, Mrs. Charles R. W oess-jj>''f°''« installation ceremonies take backing him. Personally Father O’Far­ (A. F. of C. S. Service) __ n __:: rr____ .i_ manners. Miss O’Connell made friends ncr, Mrs. L. T. Morgan, Mrs. Henry place. Rev. Father Cyril Zupan, the rell has no fear of the outcome and is (Agnes Galvin, Staff Reporter.) by Mary Roche. Mr. Frank Ih'ior The diocesan commission of labor, re­ with everyone she met, and .though it Henkel, Mrs. Wilbur Pryor and Mrs. court’s chaplain, will assist. The fol­ going to push the case to a finish. gave a parody on “Ring Out, Wild cently establislicd in Pittsburgh by the will be imposible to find one to take her Colorado Springs, Dec. 30.—Christmas Ernest Abel. lowing officers were elected for the year Rt. Rev. Bishop Canevin, D.D., is in 1915: ' station in life, all realize that the All- was celebrated very beautifully at St. Bells.” Recitations were read by Misses The Monday Evening 500 club was line with the program constantly advo­ Wise Creator in His Infinite Goodness DOLL GUESSING CONTEST Mary’s Church. The church was hand­ Ella Harvey and Mary Roche. Christ­ plea^ntly entertained at the home of Chief ranger, Mrs. John Wuksinich; cated liy the social service commission and Mercy has plucked this fair flow­ AROUSES INTEREST IN FAIR somely decorated in poinsettas, green mas themes were read by Misses Marcia Miss Mayme Sullivan last week. Those vice chief ranger, Mrs. Joseph Egan; of the .-tmcrican Federation of Catholic er from earth, for the adornment of His bough, wreaths and ferns. The beauti­ Dunn, Emily Prendergast, Marie Land- finding diversion in the games were: financial secretary, Mrs. Joseph Russ;- Societies. Such a commission will advo­ vPelestial Court. (Western Slope Staff Reporter.) ful altars were also handsomely deco­ messer, Grace Fitzgerald, Mary Roche, Miss May Earney, the Misses Helen recording secretary, Miss Anna Snedee; cate the prilleiplcs endorsed by the fed­ ^Her constant, and a!pparently only, Glenwood Springs, Colo., Dec. 30.— rated, thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Louis Sadie McOartin, lYank Prior, Juniors and Gladys Mallahan, Miss Cecelia Mc- treasurer, Mrs. Mary Snedee; trustees, eration, namely: Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. F. Raspert, aim in life, was to be of comfort and as­ “What is her name?” That is the title N. Depeyre, Mrs. A. W. Peltz, Mrs. J. J. Eileen O'Conner, Helen Sheehan, Flor­ Minn, Miss Bessie Dixon, Miss Anna 1. To render social service based not and Mrs. Mary Blatnik. Conductors and sistance to those around her, and her of the rmique doll guessing contest which Altcn and Mrs. John Roche of the Altar ence Grass, Cecilia Ripley, Adelaide Mc- Tully, the Misses Katherne and Bessie so much on charity as upon justice. sentinels to be appointed by the chief very presence in any walk of life was has been keeping all Glenwood on edge Society, and Mrs. FYank Peck, Mrs. R. Collough, and James McCaffery. The McGann, Mias Belle Bishoff, Miss Vera 2. In particular, to encourage confer­ ranger-elect. Dr. Joseph F, Snedee has as a ray of sunshine to cheer and for the past week. The guessing contest Mullen and Miss K. Bums of the Im­ guests of the afternoon were Rev. Father Prendergast, Miss Vivian Kelley, Miss ence of Catholic employers and confer­ been elected medical examiner. please. Though her sudden death has is to arouse interest in the local Catho­ provement Society. At the 5 o’clock Raber, Sisters Mary Bennett, Mary Men- Rose Sheeran, Miss Mary Sullivan, Mrs. grieved all who survive her in the com­ lic church fair, and has attracted the mass Rosewig’s Mass in F was sung by adore, the sophomores, the freshmen. ences of trade unionists, first separately Tear, Mrs. J. A. Maloney and the hostess. and then jointly, with a view to concil­ Noted Educator Asks Religious Study munity, the one consolation left is the widest attention of any guessing con­ the High Mass choir. The music at the Sister Mary Edmond is the senior-junior Mr. and Mrg. R. M. Allison celebrated iation and agreement in advance of all knowledge that she is now singing the test held in Glenwood Springs in years. 8 and 9 o’clock masses was also beauti­ teacher. Christmas with an old fashioned tree Dr. John H. Finley, New York state praises of her Creator, and able to seek The doll is handsome, dressed by Mrs. fully rendered. A t 10:30 o’clock Rev. Children of Mary Sodality Elect. lalior strife. on which were gifts for members of commissioner of education, joined the eternal aid, in affording com fort and H. Smith, one of the most devoted par­ Father Pryor of the Benedcitine Fathers The Children of Mary Immaculate held 3. To offer mediation and arbitration their family. The home was gay in ranks of those who favor religious In­ consolation for those affl’icted through ishioners in the Glenwood parish, and at Ihiehlo preached at the solemiuAigh their regular monthly meeting Iasi Sun- in the event of indii.strial disputes. decorations of sprays of orange trees struction in the public schools at a din­ her sudden departure from this life to has been on display in front of the^ mass. Farmer’s Mass in B-flat was afternoon to elect the officers for The main objects of the Pittsburgh ner given at the Waldorf-Astoria for the her heavenly home. Orpheum theater for several days. Mrs. beautiiuUy rendered by the choir, Mr. 1915. Miss eiary Whitney was elected commission of labor are to improve the PUEBLO CHURCH DIRECTORY. Right Rev. Patrick J. Hayes in honor spiritual and material condition of the of his recent elevation to succeed Car- Miss O’Connell is the daughter of ex- Smith also dressed a smaller doll which Carl Zittel presiding a t the organ. The president. Miss Evelyn Rush vice presi­ Catholic Mission, Salt Creek—Mass State Senator Barney O’Connell. Two will be given to the child under eleven soprano solos were sung by Mrs. Wm. dent, Miss Elsie Burrows secretary. workingman, to remove certain abuses first and second Thursday each month ' Farley as bishop auxiliary of New at 9 a. m. Rev. S. M. Giglio, pastor; York. houses were ruined in the slide. yeara guessing the name of the larger Metz; tenor solos, Mr. James E. Dolan; After a short program, dainty refresn- such'as excessive and unnecessary hours residence, 226 Michigan. ______doll. alto solos, Mrs. Frank A. ITior; bass menta were served. of work on Sunday, and especially to St. Boniface, 522 North Summit— ' ... , carry out the spirit of the encyclicals of ‘ BLACK POPE’ SOON TO BE CHOSEN. The grand opening wjll be held on solos, Mr. Joseph Semidt. Personal. Mass,„ c.Sundays, ___Q 8 and lo 10:30 in a. _ m.; ves-. 1 Altar Boy •' Sets Pnest Afire. New Year’s eve and lit/ is sure to at­ Kelleher— Gleason. Mr. James Dolan, Jr., left Sunday for I’oiie Leo X llI and Pope Pius X. Both pers, 7:30 p. m .; Sunday school, 10 a. I An altar boy's candle touched the sur- Jesuit General Will Be Named at Con­ tract a large amount of attention. The wedding of Mr. Jerome Kelleher Trinidad, after spending the Christmas of these popes have strongly insisted on m. Rev. Ferdinand Hartung, rector; ; pijcg of Rev. Matthew A. Dclanev while residence. 522 North Summit. ', i i • t r " ■ • vention in Spain. the urgent necessity of clergy and laity to Miss Margaret Gleason was quietly holidays with his mother, Mrs. Anna Do­ St. Francis Xavier’s, Spruce street I*'’’-'’ CANADIAN BISHOP MADE NOBLE. solemnized Monday morning, December lan,. in this city. .\Ir. Dolan has been trying to deal with the crying problems and Logan avenue; Rev. A1 Dreane, Bernard church, New \ork, and set The heads of the Jesuit houses in the 2 i at St. Mary’s by Rev. Father Raber. appointed assistant manager of Ar­ of the day, such as the enormous dispro­ S. J., pastor; residence, residence 226 it on fire. The priest finisliod mass and English province are meeting to select Pope Grants Unusual Honors to Aged Ime bride is one of the prettiest and mour’s in Trinidad, and his many friends portion between tlic e.xcessivc wealth of Michigan street, telephone Main 1542. ' then saw a doctor. First mass, 7:30 a. ni.. second m a s s , ! ______their deputies to attend the general con­ Hamilton Prelate. most popular girls of our parish and will will be glad to hear of his good fortune. the capitalists and the grievous jiovcrty 9:30 a. m.; benediction after second! r> u t^- " gregation of the society for the election leave a host of “broken hearts” and ad­ Mr. Carl Zittel left Sunday night for of' the workingman, the greedy rapacity mass; baptisms, 2 p. m.; Sunday school,, New Mexican Brother Dies. of a father general in succession to Fa­ Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 30.—Congratula­ miring friends, upon her removal to her Toledo, Ohio, to spend New Year’s with (ften (li.splayed by the employer and the 2:30 p. m. ' At Dc La Salle institute, I>as Vegat, ther Wernz, whose death synchronized tions are being showered upon His Lord- new home in La Junta, where Mr. Kel­ his daughter. Miss Anna, and son, Mr. tendency of the employe to violent, Sacred Heart rhurch 1013 Grand ave- y . M., Brother Liguori Edward, a young nue; Rev. T. J. Wolohan, pastor; resi- , , ship Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Dowling, D. D., with that of Pope Pius X. The general leher holds a responsible position with Charles. During his absence Miss Kath­ and therefore mineoessary. means to ob­ dence, 414 West Eleventh street; ’phon. ' dinstian Brofher, passed to congregation for this purpose is usually bishop of Hamilton and dean of the Ca­ the Santa Fe railroad. After the wed­ erine Edinger of Maiiitou will preside at tain his lawful rights. Main 1389—Sundav services, low mass at his eternal reward. He was a St. Louis held in Rome or wherever the pope may nadian hierarchy, upon the recent honor ding ceremony a sumptuous wedding the organ at St. Mary's. The oommission intends to start in 8 o’clock, and high mass at 10 o’clock, ^ boy. The funeral was held at Santa Fe. Evening services, 7:30. Weekday mass, ' ______appoint, but on this occasion the congre­ oonferred upon him by Pope Bendict XV, breakfast was served at the home of the Mr. Tom Kelleher of Sacred Heart parts of the diocese short sy.stematic 7 30. gation will perhaps be held in Spain ow­ on the occasion of the -fiftieth annivers­ re-adings and discussions on economic bridegroom’s father and mother, Mr. anjLUoUege is spending his holidays with St. lycandcr’s church (college chapel), ary of his ordination and twenty-fifth ing to the difficulty that would prob­ Mrs. Patrick Kelleher, on North Nevada relatives in this city. and social subjects, first these read­ College street: first mass with short of his episcopacy. ’The papal brief re­ ably he experienced in holding it in avenue. The bridal couple will take a Mrs. John Kilgallon has been quite I’d ings and discussions will be of a very sermon, 7 o'clock; children’s mass at Christmas ceived by him announced his enrollment 8:.30 o'clock: high mass and sermon at Rome. The French provincial who would at her home on North Walnut. practical and elementary character, adtd short wedding trip through the state in o’clock; evening service at 7:30. have been entitled to attend has, been among the assistant bishops at the pon­ stringently limited in duration. In this and after January 15 will be at home to Dr. and Mrs. John Bass of Denver St. Mary’s, Park and B streets (Slov­ killed in the war. He was serving as a tifical throne, his appointment as do­ Photos their friends in La Junta. spen^ Christmas with Mrs. Bass’s sister, way it is hoped to build up among the enian); Rev. Cyril Zupan,'O.S.B., pastor, sergeant in one of the French rejpments. mestic prelate and creation as a noble, Printer* Home Reception. Mrs. Thomas Richard Fahey. Catholic workingmen a school of thought residence 806 East B street; telephone SHOULD BE TAKEN NOW together with the decoration of the titles Main 1485—First mass, 8 a. m.; high Superintendent and Mrs. John E. Daly M. M. De'a of Colorado City spent which will bring about unity of action. Can be finished in a few days— mass, 10 a. m. Evening devotion and Polo Player Gets Irish “Plum.” and insignia of these offices, and the Eventually the movement may even delightfully entertained Christmas even­ Christmas with his brother, John Dea, in benediction, 7:30. Sundav school, 1:30. in ample time for Christmas. Ba^on Wimborne is, according to the granting of the right to the privileges ing at the Union Printers’ Home with an D(;nvc^ spread throughout the states of the Weekday mass. 8 a. m. Dublin Freeman’s Journal, slated to suc­ and honors accorded to same. Bishop St. Patricks church, comer Michigan Studio Open Every Week-Night informal program. One of the many at­ Miss Florence Devine spent Chris.mas Ui>ion and may lead to a great educa­ ceed the Earl of Aberdeen as lord lieu­ Dowling was bom in Limerick, Ireland, and Rontt, Rev. J. B. Schimpf, S. J.. tractions of the evening was Harry ’.vith her parents in Divide. tive and organizing movement on the and All Day Sundays tenant of Ireland. Wimborne is not seventy-four years ago, being ordained pastor; Revs. A. Brunner, S. J., J. M. Thompson, a professional vaudevillian Among the many teachers home for part of the great mass of Catholic Montenarelli, S. J., assistants. Massgs known to be anything but a good polo in this city in 1864 and consecrated going under the title “ The Original May­ the holidays, are Miss Rachael H ill'j and workingmen. on Sunday; low mass at 6 a. m.; Sodw- er. bishop in 1877. , ity mass at 7:30, followed by Sunday Elite Studio or of the Bowery.” Following is the pro­ Miss Clara Hyde, who have been teach­ MINISTER LAUDS CATHOLICS. school at 8:30; high mass at 9; low C. B. Austin gram: ing in the eastern part of the state. mass at 11; baptisms at 2 p. m. Ves­ pers, sermon and benediction at 7:30 Piano duet, Overture “Poet and Peas­ Miss Bessie Brockman is spending National Moderator Says There’d Be Masonic Bldg., PUEBLO Colorado Springs ant” (Suppe), F. A. Prior and F. W. some time in Denver. p. m. on week days, masses at 6 and Bedlam in Month Without Us. 8 a. m. Expert Kodak Finishing for Prior, Jr. Replying to the question: “ Is not the Our Ijidv of Mount Carmel (Italian), CURE D’ARS’ REl iCS FOR AMERICA Amateurs. Mail Orders Solic­ Tenor solo, “The Holy Oty,” James E. efirner of Park and B streets; Rev, 8. Office Tel. Main 440 House Tel. 519A Catliolic Church a hindrance rather than ited. Lowest Prices. FRANK F. CRUMP, Dolan. M. Giglio, S! J., pa.stor; residence. 228 126 N. Cascade Ave. an uplift to civilization?'’ propounded Monologue, Harry Thompson of New Sisters of St. Joseph at Nazareth Get Michigan street; telephone Main 1542— to him during a discussion gt the weekly First mass, 8 a. m.; second mass, 10 a. m The Hallet & Baker York. Precious xiememt-rarices. forum of the First Congi'egational Baptisms after masses. Marriages at tht ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Florist Undertaking Co. “Valse Brilliante” (Bingmuller), Miss church, Jersey City. Dr. Neheiniali Boyn­ beginning of masses. Sunday school a f­ 511 E A ST COLUMBIA. UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Anna Prior, F. A. Prior. There has recently come from Kome ton, moderator of tlie national council of ter the last mass. St. Anthony of Padua (Slovak), corner Dr. Watkin% Phone Main 500. Colorado Spiiaga. Fancy Dancing—Miss Irene Prior. to the academy of the Sisters of St. Jo the Congregational churches in the Colorado Springs, Colo. D and Park streets; pastor. Rev. P. Hy­ Soprano solo, “There’s Where My seph, Nazareths' Mich., a vial of the United States, aroused much enthusiasm acinth Szydlowski, O.S.B.: residence Thoughts Are Tonight,” Miss Mary blood of the Venerable Cure of Ars, with when in reply ho said that the Catholic same—First mass. 8 a. ui.; hiah J ass, ) Pueblo, Colo. Phone Mam 1537 o THE BEST MILK. CREAM. Prendergast. some of his hair, clothing and furniture Church is making and has been making 9:30 a. m.; evening service?, 7:'M. week — o day masses at 8 a. m. . BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK Baritone solo, “Till the Sands of the of his room. The clothing and hair one of the greatest contributions to civ­ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OenTorod to '^U parta of tbo city. Desert Gorw Cold,” Joseph M. Schmidt. have been shaped into floral designs and ilization in the liistory of the world. ------»------Piano duet, “Invitation to the Dance,” surround the vial of his blood. It is by “If you should withdraw from the city The SInton Dairy Co. Miss A. Prior, F. A. Prior. far the most extensive relic of this of New York to


~ ^ n r ing in the position he left. If he is shot, the government ioned and formed in the one body we should love one, another with that love f e : '; . The Denver Catholic Register should take care of his family, seeing that, for a number of which one member in the same body Room for More Catholic Papers; years, they get the equivalent, or close to the t the postoffice at Denver, Colo. / bears towards another. his wages. If he is maimed, he^should be properly taken The Spirit of Fraternity Absent. All We Have Badly Needed, Claim But i'ar otherwise do men act today. r PnbUshed Weekly by care of. We know this would bring a tremendous indebtedness Never jperhaps was human brotherhood more spoken of than at present; it is Editor, Denver Catholic Register; i allow these infamous papers to scatter The Catholic Publishing Society ^nc.) on the country. But future generations that enjoy tlie even pretended, though the words of the The beginning of a new year finds broadcast over the land tales of Crimea 1828 Curtis Street ' fruits of a war should be willing to stand some of its taxa­ gospel and the work lof Christ and His most men eng^ed in the task of, taking and infamies that were they true would Telephone Main 5413. Denver, Colo. tion hardships. Church are forgotten, that this fra­ an inventory of their worldly good.s, and cry to heaven for vengeance? Can w e ternal zeal is one of the most precious in harmony with that custom it seems allfiw them to continue without opposi­ HAD INDIGESTION, MAYBE. featiues of modem civilization. But the that the occasion is opportune to say a tion in the moulding of public opinion truth is that never was human fratern­ few words in regard to the Catholic into casts which will do us no end of An exchange casts asperions on those Catholic newspa­ •tTBSCSIPTION PRICE—$2.00 a year, delivered anywhere in the United States. ity so little practiced as it is today. press. harm ? $2A0 to foreign countries. Payable strictly in advance. pers which carry an abundance of what it calls “ provincial” Race hatred is most bitter. Nations are In taking a rather cursory glance over The answer is too plain. If we allow U M lT T A lf CES—No receipt is sent to subscribers. For safety send remittances divided more by rancor than by natural the Catholic field we find many excel­ our enemies to steer the bark o f ,^Ameri- by money order or check. items, seemingly being of the impression that they are not CMAHGE OF ADDRESS—In requesting a. change of address, give old as well as real “ newspapers.” If the editor will take the trouble to boundaries. In one and the same coun­ lent newspapers and magazines which can sentiment, it is easy to see whither new address. try and within the walls of the same are waging a gallant fight in behalf of the course will lay and also what strug­ read the leading American dailies he will find that all OOlQfUinCATIONS intended for publication in a current issue should/be in this city different classes of the citizens hate the Church militant. gles await the Roman Catholics in that office not later than Tuesday evening, and should invariably-^ be accom­ carry an abundance of local or, as he calls it, “ provincial” one another, and amongst individuals On the resource side of the inventory port to which our enemies would fain panied by name and address of sender as a guarantee of good faith. news. The more local news there is in a paper, the more it everything is governed by selfishness as we place^in lasting characters their bring the ship. It is truly a bad policy is read, not only at home but in other states. As a usual by a supreme law. bright names, and perhaps we are wont to trust too much to the charity and THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 31, 1914. thing, the man who despises “ pr.ovincial” itends in his week­ The Holy Father’s Chief Aim. to linger awhile in the effulgence there­ kindness of one who hates you. You see, venerable brethren, how nec­ of; but in all candor we must say that But perhaps you, like some other ly paper generally has a pair of shears as his ablest assistant essary it is to make every .effort so that the liabilities side of the account-is by Catholics, dismiss the question with a editor. the charity of Christ may prevail far the larger, for there is room for kugh and say, “ Oh, these anti-Catholic q q amongst men. This will certainly be many new champions of the glorious papers do little or no harm.” A HYPOCRITE UNMASKED. our aim always as the special object of cause and also for greater prosperity for How false that view -is we soon see our pontificate. Let • this also, we ex­ those already in ,the field. Great indeed when we consider that there are thou­ On Saturday, December 12, the auburn-headed individ­ hort you, he your work. We shall not is the work that has been done, and sands, yes, tens of thousands, in the ual who writes most of what appears in these columns-wrote grow weary of urging upon men to give great also is the work remaining. United States who look upon these pa­ / an editorial advising early shopping. On Thursday evening, effect to the teaching of the Apostle St. The Catholic press 'in the United pers with as much regard as we do upon j December 24, at 5 :30, to be precise, he did his first holiday John, “Love one another” (I St. John iii, States is, it seems to me, an absolute the Inspired Book. They are certain I shopping, finishing that arduous task some hours later. lie 23). The pious institutions which abound necessity. In this land all things are that everything printed in them is true in our time are certainly excellent and judged before the bar of public opinion, and that they are doing a great and wonders how many more newspaper hj-pocrites there are in commendable, but they are only really and their success or failure depends upon good work. America. advantageous when they tend in some the verdict of the people at large; and You say that they are i^orant. Yes, OFFICIAL NOTICE way to foment in hearts the love of hence the need of a press which is loyal that is easily seen, but then the ques­ The iMnver Oatholie Register is published by the Catholic Publishing God and of the neighbor; otherwise they to the interests of the Church and which tion comes, Whose fault isiit that they Beeiety, an ineorperated erganisatien controlled by the Diocese of Denver. First Encyclical of Benedict XV. have no value, because “He that loveth is competent to portray her glories to are in that state? Whose fault is it This publieatiea is, therefore, declared to be the official newspaper for the no! abideth in death” (I John iii, 4). the masses of the people. hut our own? Knowledge of the Church Oathelie Church in Celerade. The clergy and laity are urged to use these recall the last words of our predecessor, Want of Respect for Authority. One of our great statesmen once said is not inborn, and we who prize oxrr eelumns for the promulgation of information and news of interest to the a pontiff of illustrious and holy memory,, We have stated that another cause of that “I^uhlic opinion to be correct must membership in this Church above all else Oatholies of Colorado, and we earnestly recommend that every Catholic and to commence our apostolic ministry the general perturbation consists in this, be enlightened.” Ah, truly, if it is to should see to it that our less fortunate home subscribe for at least one copy. This paper belongs to the Catholics of by repeating them, and so we warmly that the authority of those who are in be correct it must indeed be enlightened; brethren are not left in darkness. the Diocese of Denver, and we hope they will take pride in making it a beseech rulers and governments to con­ power is no longer respected. From the and how is> public opinion to he enlight­ If the Church in the states is to con­ sredit to’themselves and the Church. * sider the tears and the blood already time when all human power sought to ened concerning Catholic affairs without tinue her present splendid growth, she ^ +N. C. MATZ, shed and to hasten to restore to the emancipate itself from God, the Creator the aid of a strong Catholic, press? Our must have as her aid the press. She Bishop of Denver. people the precious blessings of peace. and Father of the universe, and to at- enemies will indeed enlighte'ft' public must meet false publicity with true; May the merciful God grant that, as on tribute its origin to man’s free will, the opinion, but their brand of light is not she must go out to the masses and tell the appearance of the Divine Redeemer bonds between superiors and inferiors very complimentary to us, originating them of her history, her activities and upon the earth, so at the beginning of have become so weak that they seem as it did in a place which is noted for her hopes; she must put to flight the Official. our duty as His Vicar the angels’ voices almost to have disappeared. An immod­ heat rather than light. darkness of error arid'-'malicious false­ VACANT RECTORSHIP. may proclaim “ Peace on earth to men erate spirit of independence, combined W e find an added need for the Catho­ hood and set up in their placelhe4iea^n of good will” (Luke ii, 14), and we pray light of'truth. ROME NEWS. with pride, has spread everywhere, in­ lic press in the fact that papers like the Denver, Colo., December 23, 1914. that they may listen who have in their vading even the family,, whose author­ Menace are doing all in their power to But she cannot accomplish this great To our venerable brethren, the Patri­ hands the destinies of states. Assuredly ity so clearly arises from nature, and, divert public sentiment into channels To the Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of Denver: work alone. We, her children, must aid archs, Primates, Archbishops, Bisli- there are other w;iys and other methods what is more deplorable, it does not which will do damage to our cause. her. We, her children, must support the The Irremovable Rectorship of the Annunciation Church, ope and other Ordinaries in peace by which justice can be done to injured even stop at the steps of the sanctuary. They see the value (I might almost Catholic press, which is to be her flash­ Denver, having become vacant on December 21, 1914, by the and communion with ttie Apostolic rights. Let the belligerents, laying Hence the contempt for laws, the insub­ say the infinite value) of public senti­ ing sword in the fray. We, her children, resignation of the Right Reverend Mgr. Richard Brady, a See. down their arms, have recou'se to these, ordination of the masses, the saucy crit­ ment, and consequently they are doing must become imbued with that splendid Concursus to fill this vacant charge will be held in accordance BENEDICT XV, POPE. animated by good faith and intention. icism of the commands of authority, the their utmost to influence that sentiment spirit of sacrifice 'wlhich looks not at with the prescriptions of the Council of Trent and th^ Third Venerable Brethren, liealth and the It is through love of them and of all numerous ways discovered for eluding against the institution they hate so ve­ present inconvenience, hut with proph­ Plenary Council of Baltimore. apostolic benediction. When by the in­ nations and not from any motive of oim discipline and the frightful crimes of hemently. etic eye sees ahead the glories of victory scrutable design of Divine Providence, own that we speak. I.<:t them not, then, those wlio profess anarchy and do not And now the questions come: Can we and the triumphs of peace. J. J. S. Those of the Reverend Clergy of the diocese who are eli­ without any merit on our part, we were permit our friendly and paternal voice hesitate to destroy the lives and prop gible to enter the Concursus (vide Concil. Plen. Balt. III. Cap. la’sed to the chair of the Blessed Prince to be raised in vain. ertTes of others. VI. n. 43) if they desire to be candidates should notify us not of the Apostles, considering as addressed A War Against Society. God the Author of All Power. later than January 11, 1915. ’ Letters should be mailed to our- Punz and Things Local Digest, 1914 to ourselves in the same voice in which But it is not merely the sanguinary In face of this criminal mode of think­ address and he marked “ ^Personal.” Our Lord spoke to St. Peter the words, war which darkens passions and trou- ing and acting by which the constitu- If time is money, it doesn’t pay to (Continued from page 1.) + N. C. MATZ, “Feed My lambs, feed Aly sheep” (St. hies and embitters our spirit. There jtion of liuman society is perverted we, lose time finding fault. Govern of Cheyenne on August 29. St. Bishop of Denver. John xxi, 15-17), we immediately turned is another furious war which eats at I raised up by God to guard truth, can- Leander’s beautiful new school at Pu­ our eyes, with the deepest feeling of the entruils of modern society—a war not but lift our voice and remind the Beauty, being only skin deep, should eblo was opened ii} September and blessed charity, to the flock eiitrusteil to our which terrifies evtil-y person of good people of that doctrine which no human not be too thin-skinned. .September 27. care—an immense flock, in truth, be­ decree can change, “There is no- power A BETTER WAY. sense, because whilst it has accumu­ The Rev. Cuthbert Poirier of Fruita, cause under one aspect or another it lated and will accumulate ruin amongst but from God and those that are or­ Dennis Hession, who died a few days ago^at Humboldt, The only thing some people are tire­ who went to Montreal to visit, was com­ embraces all men. For all for whom the nations, it contains in itself the dained of God” (Romans xiii, 1). God, la., left $106,500 to the Church, divided as follow s: For a less in is making other people tired. pelled to remain there because of the Jesus Christ offered His blood as a therefore, is the author of all power ex­ seeds of tlie present disastrous struggle. many vacancies caused by the return of memorial church, $45,000; for a parish school building, $20,- price were freed by Him from the From tlie moment when the rules and ercised on earth, whether it be sovereign We would never suspect how nice some priests to Europe to take part in the 000; for a pastoral residence, $6,500; for the maintenance slavery of sin; no one is excluded from practices of Christian wisdom ceased to power or subordinate authority. From people are if they didn’t tell us. war. the benefits of this redemption. Where­ be observed in states—rules and prac- j this St. Paul derives the duty of ohey- of the school, $35,000. The bequest has been praised by St. Rita's shrine at the Holy Ghost fore the Divine Pastor states that whilst tices which alone guarantee the stability j ing—not indeed in any way whatsoever, Catholics all over. America as one of the most beneficent in Quite naturally it's after a fellow has churcli waf blessed on September 19. a part of the human race is already and peace of institutions—tliese states' hut at the dictate of conscience—th« been barreled that he feels all bunged The Rev. Father Wolstan, O.F.M., for­ the history of our country; and justly. within the fold of His Church, He will necessarily began to tremble at their | commands of those who are invested up. merly of the Franciscan church, here, But, how much more could have been done with this lovingly compel the others to come in: foundations, and there followed such a ! with power, except in the case in whiclj ------• went from Montreal to England to act “ And other sheep I have which are not change in ideas and customs that, if opposition is offered to the divine laws, money if it had been left for the establishment of a Catholic Many a fellow couldn’t keep a wo­ as a chaplain in the war. ^ i of this fold; them also I must bring God does not soon intervene, it appears ♦Wherefore be subject of necessity not newspaper! Humboldt is still only a mission town, with man’s love, even in a cold storage ware­ A new grotto at St. Pirtrick’s church, and they shall hear My voice” (St. John as if the dissolution of human society is only for wrath, hut also for conscience not enough Catholics to have a resident pastor. Undoubt­ house. Pueblo, was finished in the first week of X, 10). We shall not conceal from you, at hand. The disorders that have arisen sake” (Romans xiii, 5). And ia con­ October. edly the opening of the parish school and the erection of a venerable brethren, that the first senti­ are the want of mutual love amongst formity with this precept of St. Paul, It’s a poor rule that doesn’t work both The Canon City church rounded its beautiful church will bring many settlers to the place. ment we experienced in our soul, and men, contempt for authorit}’, injustice in the Prince of the Apostles also teaches, ways, but it is a poorer one that won't t’wenty-third year in October. which wai^ assuredly excited there by the relations between the different “Be ye subject therefore to every hu­ But, when you analyze bequests, can as much good he done work either wav. The Cathedral $10,000 campaign to the Divine goodness, was a certain in­ classes of society and material welfare man creature for God’s sake, whether it by endowing parishes directly as by the endowment of Cath­ helj) pay off the parish debt came to a I - credible impulse of zeal and love for made, the only object of man's activity he to the king as excelling or to gov­ olic works? Not for a moment do we wish to appear in the When a man insists that he feels as close November 1, after three months’ the salvation of all men, and in accept­ (as if there were not other and much ernors as sent by him” (I St. Peter ii, young as he ever did, it’s a pretty good e‘'’ort light of criticising the direct endowment of parishes. But ing the pontificate we formed the same more desirable blessings to he gained). 13-14). From this premise the same sign that he is growing old. The Rev. Charles C. Berkeley of Bal­ it is a fact which nobody can deny that the best parish is the desire that Jesus Christ expressed when These, in our opinion, are the four causes Apostle of the Gentiles infers that he timore died at Colorado Springs. He was about to be crucified: “Holy Fa­ why human society is so greatly dis­ who rebels against legitimate human parish with a debt on its shoulders. When people have to Sillieus—“So you never give advice, Hie Rev. Fridolin-Homick, O.S.B., of ther, keep them in Tliy name whom turbed. It is necessary, then, that en­ power rebels against God and earns make sacrifices for their faith, they love it better. eh?” Cynicus—“Never, unless I’m pretty Pueblo, died in that city and was taken Thou hast given Me” (St. John xvii, 11.) ergy be exercised generally for the pur­ eternal punishment: “Tlierefore, he that sure it won't be followed.” to Pennsylvania for interment. The Hession fortune, if left for the establishment of a pose of removing such disorders and re­ resisteth the power resisteth the ordi­ A Sad Spectacle. The Rev. Frederick Kleinbrecht of Catholic newspaper, would give $4,260 a year at 4 per cent storing Christian principles, if the ob­ nance of God. And they that resist Now when from the height of this Aspen resigneeople Philadelphia Record. us the miserable condition of civil so­ Jesus Christ came down from heaven ish there, with Father Pecorella as rec­ paper to 4,000 families every week—for life! Of course it remember this and consider whether it ciety we are affected with acute sor­ in order to restore amongst men the Blobbs—“Somehow or other that girl tor. would he necessary to have advertising revenue added to row. And how could we, as the com­ reign of peace which had been troubled is a wise and salutary design for public powers and states to divorce -them from doesn't ring true.” Slobbs—“Of course A Thanksgiving day service attended this sum in order,to keep the paper going, but if 4,000 papers mon father of all men, not he sorely by the envy of Satan, and He desired the holy religion of Christ which is such not; she is a telephone girl.’’ by Governor Elias M Ammons and nu­ were furnished’to the families within a limited area it would troubled at the sight of Europe, and, to establish it on no other foundation a sterling support of authority. Ivct merous city and state officials was held not be difficult to get the advertising. indeed, of the whole world—the most than that of love. Hence the frequent them reflect well whether it is a wise Muggins—“Wigwag is forever talking Denver Cathedral on Thursdaj, terrible and most painful spectacle per­ use of these words: “A new command­ The Catholic Church simply has to discover some better November 26. It was plan'hed by the haps that has ever been presented in ment I give unto you: that you love policy to separate the doctrine of the about how square ho is.” Buggins— Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin. method of caring for her press. She cannot hope to hold the course of history? Those days one another” (John xiii, 34); “ This is gospel and of the Church from public ‘Well, I don’t see any corners sticking instruction. Sad experience shows that A campaign to aid the Good Shepherd her childre^oailess she does. The priest or prelate who which Christ predicted seem in fact to My commandment that you love one an­ out of him, at that.” where religion has been banished there home closed November 13, with $81,- does not recognize the press as the most powerful instru­ have come: “You shall hear . . . of other” (John XV, 12); “These things I human authority is despised. In fact, in human 319.50 subscribed or pledged: wars and rumors of wars. . . . f'or command you that you love one an­ W hat ignorance there ment in the world today is asleep. We can awaken our there happens to society what occurred On December 9 the Rev. C. F. O’Far­ nation shall rise against nation and other” (John XV, 17); as if all His mis­ mind^.—Ovid. laity to the necessity of building churches, hut it is impossi­ rell of Montrose instituted a $50,000 li­ kingdom against kingdom.” (Matt, sion and His work were restricted to to our first father when he failed In bel suit against Prof. D. E. Wiedmann, ! ble to make the average man or woman see the terrible xxiv, 6-7.) The fearful apparition of making men love one another. And what his duty. As in his case, scarcely had “ A relative of mine that I never saw the will rebelled agaiqst God when his superintendent of schools, who had re­ necessity of circulating more Catholic literature. war is prominent everywhere and noth­ powerful arguments did He not adopt before came to the last night.” passions broke loose and disdained the “ Never saw before eh! ^Vhat’s his peated a rumor charging the priest with A professor of journalism in a leading American univer- ing else engages men’s attention. Great for this purpose? He bids us all look authority of the will, so when those who immorality. and flourishing nations are on the bat­ up to heaven, “For One is your Father name?” “He hasn’t got any yet, but we ~sity was recently shown a copy of The Denver Catholic Reg­ rule over the people despise divine au­ A new pipe organ was installed .in tlefields. Can we wonder that as they who is in heaven” (Matt, xxiii, 9). He intend to christen him William.” early December in St. Patrick’s church. ister pleading for the establishment of diocesan press en­ are well supplied with those horrible teaches all without distinction of na­ thority the people, in their turn, mock at human,authority. There remains no La Junta. dowments. ‘ ‘That paper has Absolutely the only solution means of destruction which the military tion or tongue tlie same formula of You love nothing when you love an doubt the single expedient of having re­ The K. of C. $.50,000 probe of the anti- for the problem of the Catholic press,” was his comment. art has invented, they fight against one prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven’’ ingrate.—Plautus. course to violence to put down rebellion, Catholic movement reached Colorado. another with awful 1^'tchery? There is (Matt, vi, 9). Nay, He assures us that • As Pius X j^emarked, we will build churches and liold Father M. F. Callanan of Durango re-; no limit to the ruin and slaughter; every this Heavenly Father in conferring bene­ hut of what Use is it? The body, but Mamie—“Artie, where are we going on missions in vain dnless we have the backing of a sincere ported that from November, 1913, to De­ day the earth is drenched with fresh fits of nature does not even make dis­ not the mind, is repressed by violence. our honeymoon?” Artie—-“Around the Catholic press. blood and is covered with the wounded tinction of merits; “Who maketh His (To be continued.) world, darling. They’re going to give it cember 1, 1914, the parish debt had been and the dead. And who would say that sun to rise upon the good and the bad in seven reels at the com er picture reiluced from .$4,300 to $1,700. - such men, armed one against the other, and raineth upon the just and the un­ LENT RATHER EARLY 1915; show.” Churches at Peetz and Messex are PAT FOR SOLDIERS. ready for dedication. St. Catherine’s, come from the same progenitor, that just” (Matt. V, 45). He declares, more­ STARTS ON FEBRUARY 17 The Liverpool Catholic Times makes a sensible com­ they are all possessed of the same na­ over, that we are all brothers, “And all Mr. Manley—“ Well, my dear. I've had Denver, will be dedicated in January, ment when it says that England can get more recruits than ture and that all belong to the same you are brethren’’ (Matt, xxiii, 8), and Those who wish to enjoy a festive my life insured for $5,000.” Mrs. Manley Stone, Colo., contemplates* building a she needs if she will pay the soldiers’ dependents a decent human society ?- Who would take them His own brethren, “That He might be' time in the post-holiday season will —“How very sensible of you! Now I church. Petersburg had a church dedi­ to he brothers, the sons of one Father the first-born amongst many brethren” have to crowd it all in before the mid­ shan’t have to keep - telling you to be cated several months ago. Other build­ maintenance. In scores of English families a man who is dle of February if they wish to -avoid who is in heaven ? Whilst on every (Romans viii, 2ff). Then—a consider­ so careful every place you go.” ing activity is noted in the state mission- patriotic enough-to’ go to war has to be cruel enough to breaking the usual Xycnten abstemious­ i ' side furious battles are being fought ation which ought to stimulate us to arv fields. Palisade dedicated a church. ness. Lent arrives somewhat early this CONN O’BYRNE’S BROTHER DEAD. leave his wife and children facing possible starvation at with vast forces, nations, families and fraternal -love towards even those whom Barney O’Byrne, brother of Cornelius home. The same conditions prevailed in our Civil war for a individuals are oppressed by sorrow; day our native pride despises—He wishes year, beginning February 17. Easter MANY COMMUNIONS IN O'Byrne, the lawyer, died at St. Jo.seph’s by day the number of widows and or-' that the dignity of His person should he falls on April 4. DENVER ON CHRISTMAS time. They^^ave prevailed in every other war the world hospital Saturday of miners’ consump­ phans increases immensely. Commerce recognized in the humble^. “ As long as has ever seen.' If the United'States opened battle on any tion. He was horn in County Donegal, A record-breaking number of commun­ languishes owing to the interruption of you did it to one of these. My least CONVERT WOMAN GETS Ireland, 54 years ago, and came to Col­ ions was one of the features of Denver's other nation tomorrow,^ there would be hundreds of young communications, the fields are empty, brethren, you did it to Me” (Matt, xxv, INSTRUCTION BY MAIL orado in 1880. He was stricken while celebration of Christmas. So many per­ men eager to fight for her who would be unable to do it the arts are neglected, the rich are in 40). And when about to leave this life working, in Arizona last winter. The sons went to confession in the large because of economic necessity. ^ poverty, the poor in squalor and all are He earnestly prayed the Father that all A southern Colorado woman who was received into the Catholic Church several funeral took place from M. A. Burke’s churches last Saturday that the priests A fMnily cannot live in war times on one-fourth its reg­ in grief. those who believed in Him should be years ago was given her full instruction parlors Sunday afternoon. Interment experienced difficulty in hearing them. "I V Appeal to Rulers and Governments. one by the bond of charity, “As Thou ular income., It is siUy to argue patriotism when starvation at Mount Olivet. Mass was offered for There will he numerous communiohs.. Moved by such grave evils, at the very Father in Me and I in Thee” (John xxvii, by a Denver priest through correspond­ him at the Holy Ghost church Sunday New Year’s Day also, because^ it is the for our loved ones is the grisly alternative. A man march­ first step as it were of the sovereign 21). Finally, He hung on the cross and ence. She had no faith at all in our first FYiday of the month. ing forth to war should be paid exactly what he was receiY- pontificate, we considered it our duty to shed His blood for us all so that fash- creed at the beginning. morning.


IN DENVER PARISHES R ectory is M ade H eadquarters for ets and Mrs. Patrick Judge won sec­ ond prize, a pair of sapphire rosary Santa Claus at Silverton Christm as All Seats Taken at beads. Mrs. Dearborn and her daughter. Mary, (Special to The Register.) thrown all over the church had a very 5 O’clock Christmas of Nebraska, are the guests of Mr. and Silverton, Colo., Dec. 30.— Three pleasant effect, and people of every de­ Mrs. Kirby. nomination could be seen visiting the masses were said at St. Patrick’s church Mass at St. Joseph’s Mr. Tom LydoM was buried from the church and crib all day long. Prayer B ooks, R osaries, Candlesticks, G rij^ xes, Christmas day. The first mass was said church on Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. A Christmas tree party was held at (Redemptorist Parish.) He was the son of Mrs. Thomas Lydon, at 8 o’clock, the second at 9 and the St. Patrick’s Christmas eve, the first in Vestm ents, Chalices, Statuary, Catholic Books The beautiful Christmas services held 2957 Short Larimer street. third at 10 o’clock. The new children’s many years. The tree had^en prepared in St. Joseph’s church were up to its Next Sunday will be communion Sun­ choir sang at the 8 o’clock mass. There and decorated by the Sunday school usual high standard of e.xcellence. The day for the Married Ladies’' sodality. were sixty of the little ones in the teachers. Misses Anna Sullivan, May We Are the Only Church Goods House in Denver Who Are Direct . it-- choir, under the able direction of Rev. Mr. John O’Brien has returned from choir, and the large congregation pres­ McGuire and Lena Coughlin. There were Importers, as the Custom House Records Will Show. H. J. Guenther, C. SS. R., rendered Zin- a trip East. ent at this mass showed that the people seventy-two gifts distributed by Mr. Ar­ garelli’s famous mass in impressive were interested in this new move, and thur Larenzou, who took the part of No advance in prices on account of the war. stj’le. The offertory selection was the CHRISTMAS ‘ CUPID’ IN the choir afterwards received many con­ Santa Claus. There were no names writ­ time-honored, but ever-welcome Venite- ' ST. PATRICK’S PARISH gratulations*: for the able manner in ten on the packages containing the gifts, Adoremus of Professor Gilsen. Much w'hich the children acquitted themselves, but the children came one after the other W e are receiving regular shipm ents from E u r^ e, notwithstanding credit is due to the talented young or­ (St. Patrick’s Parish.) notwithstan^g the short time they had in the order in which they entered the conditions there. M ail orders receive prom pt attention. ganist, Miss Frieda Casey, for her skill­ Dan Cupid, disguised as Santa Claus, for practice;’ The Rev. D. A. Barry, pas­ residence, approached the tree and took ful and masterly playing. . In spite of made several visits in the parish on tor, is indeed proud of the children of hia or her choice. Among the packages the early hour every seat was taken at Christmas. Our eyes were fairly dazzled St. Patrick’s, and will do everything in wah a picture of the pastor and a dollar the .7 o’clock solemn high mass, which at the array of “sparklers” that graced his power to make things attractive and bill; it was drawn by Martin Slobonik, The Jas. Clarke Church Goods House was celebrated by the pastor. Very Rev. the fingers of a number of our young pleasing to them. He is highly pleased who is seven ^’ears old. tVhile the chil­ l^ugust J. Guendling, C. SS. R., assisted ladies. to report the good attendance of the dren were making a short visit to the Phone Champa 2199 1645-47 St. Denver, Colo. by Rev. B. Kalvelage, C. SS. R., and Rev. Miss Josie Smith is visiting in La children from the Italian element. A crib, Santa Clans entered the Christmas E. J. Madsen, C. SS. R. Low masses fol­ Junta, Ck)lo., with her cousins. high mass was said at 10 o’clock. Spe­ tree room, 'and put on his best attire. lowed each other continuously till 10:30 Sunday will be communion day for cial music had been prepared by the In the meantime the children retimned a. m., when the second solemn high the women. large choir, directed by Mr. William from the rrib, the curtain was draiVn, mass was chanted by Rev. E. J. Madsen, The masses on New Year’s w at Eunis, Miss Karnes presiding at the or­ and Santa Claus with hia gifts and dec­ I C. SS. R., with Rev. P. Kierdorf, 6, 7:30, 9 and 10:30. gan, The church was almost filled at orated tree appeared on the sc6ne. A We wish to extend to our Rev. Patrons, C. SS. R., as deacon, and Rev. B. Kalve­ Mr. William Detmoyer of Smuggler, this mass also, many of those present united cheer went up from the surprised y lage, C. SS. R., a^s subdeacon. The serv­ Colo., is spending the holidays at home. being new comers. Benediction of the children. After the distribution of the ices were brought to a fitting close by The Young Ladies’, sodality dance was Most Blessed Sacrament followed the gifts by Santa Claus, a short program Friends and Readers of The Register the solemn Benediction of the Most a great success both socially and finan­ mass. The beautiful decorations and the followed, the children only taking part 1 Blessed Sacrament. cially. The members wish to thank all gorgeously illumined crib gave a very in this program directed by the Sunday Next Sunday at the 7:30 o’clock mass who contributed in any way to its pleasant atmosphere to the simround- school teachers. the Married Ladies’ sodality will receive success. ings. Red lights were concealed within Everybody present was pleased, and their monthly holy communion. St.’ Patrick’s conference of the St. the manger of the crib; a glass was surprised at the same time. Ice cream, Next Sun(Uy after the evening serv­ Vincent de Paul society will meet next placed before or in front in such a way cake and hot lemonade were afterwards A HAPPY, A HOLY AND A ices , the officers of the various sodali- Monday evening in the school hall. that the reflection from the red lights served. tie^ for the aoming year will be installed. ^M rs. Elizabeth Kreiling passed to her YOUNG WOMEN PLAN PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR eternal reward last Monday morning, PARTY AT ST. FRANCIS’ fortified by the last rites of the Church. M anyChancesforIndulgencesD uring R. I. P. (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish) January, M onth dfJesus^H oly N am e Mr. Matthew Downey ^of 1016 Navajo The Young Ladies’ sodality will re­ street, died at Pocatello, Idaho, last Sat­ ceive holy communion at the 8:10 mass (Sacred Heart Parish) he henceforth in the whole Church the urday. Funeral was held from St. Jo­ Sunday. "Uie sodalists will hoid a Next Sunday will he eommiiriion day feast of the Holy Name of .lesus. instead seph’s church Thursday morning at 9 Christmas party at the home of Miss for the smaller children or Holy .Angels’ of the second Sunday after Epiphany. o’clock. Rev, H. J. Guenther, C. SS. R., Grant, 438 South Emerson, Monday eve­ sodality. Hence, attention. Holy Name people; officiating. ning. There will be a potluck supper. In the afternoon, meeting of tlnj Jlar- The month of January is officially ded­ The Holy Name society will hold an ried Ladies’ sodality, nb Loyola ehapel. icated to the H^ly N ume of Jesus; tliere FATHER McDo n o u g h h o s t open meeting Wednesday eveping, Jan­ 3 p. m., when the installation of the are 300 days’* indulgence, each day, for TO CATHEDRAL PRIESTS uary 6, in the hall, for all members of new officers will take place; at 4 its public devotion, and 100 days, every the parish. o'clock, meeting of the .41tar society. day, for its private devotion; and be­ (Park Hill Parish.) JAMES B. C O TTE R & CO. Friday, .Tanuary 1, 1015. feast of the sides, a plenary indulgence on the last The clergy of the Cathedral parish, ALTAR AND ROSARY WOMEN Circumcision of Our Ix)rd and New (.ay of the montli, after daily attendance B ooksellers, D ealers, Im porters five in number, were entertained at din­ Exclusive W estern A gents OF CATHEDRAL TO MEET at public devotions (Leo X fll. 1901). ner Monday evening by the Rev. J. Year’s day (a holy day of obligation, and hence no abstinence), is a day ot Wednesday, January 0, feast of the 1469-71 Logan S t, opp. Cathedral, D enver, Colo. Frederick McDonough at his rectory. (Cathedral Parish) several celebrations. It is tlie first ITi- Epiphany of Our Lord, a day of special H. D. Carbary and William Foley The Altar and Rosary society will day, and there will he the usual Sacred devotion, with plenary indulgence. On spent Sunday at Pueblo. meet on January 8, with Mrs. George T. Heart devotions, namely, exposition of tliis day, after the gospel of the mass, ter early AVednesday eVening. Miss 1 The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kearns, 1325 York. All the members the Blessed Saorainent. from G a. m. un­ the movable feasts of the new year are Eleanor Kltin played ^march and a EDUCATIONAL. C. C. Colling was recently baptized by are requested to be present. Dues can til after the high mass at 9 a. m., amt aniHui, ced, in this wise: troop of happy youp^ters formed in Father McDonougli, being named Mary be paid at this time. rhe ONLY S c ^ We have 8 official leaj,nie devotions with benediction in the “Be it known to you, beloved breth­ line in the reception room and passed Elizabeth Catherine. The Cathedral was decorated with in Denver that ITiTRt and 11 unofficial evening; next, being the historic, day ren. that, as through the mercy of Go>. out through the hall, into the dining [flODWORTH Father McDonough is having an open Christmas trees for the holiday season. eix-official when the name of Jesus was given to we have rejoiced at the nativity of Our room where the tree was placed, and jualifies for Court ^Vzo fire place built in his study. A beautiful crib was placed before the Court,I Reporter* our .Savior, and, according to the new Lord Jesus (Thrist, so we likewise an­ seated themselves at its foot. Santa Sacred Heart altar. Reporting. in Denver. nounce you the Joy of the resurrection was not long in appearing, and on this $100 FOR ORPHANS IN calendar, a feast of the first class with of tlie same Our Savior. occasion he brought with him an at­ Reporter’* Course and Books $ 7 5 Thorough Graham Shorthand! ANNUNCIATION PARTY FIVE MASSES NEW YEAR’S solemn octave, in all the Jesuit churches, “ The 31st of January will be Septua- tendant, whose presence added much to AT ST. ELIZABETH’S CHURCH a plenary indulgence is granted for the feast itself or any day of the octave. gesinia Sunday. the program. Sunday school teachers (Annunciation Pariah.) Phone Main 3786 I n s u r a r t C C C all the Fire DeparDepartment “ The' 17th of February. .\sh We Monday evening of last week, their The Denver Marble and Granite Co LOST—An amethyst rosary with gold Mr. and Mrs. George Mangini, of the guests being the Rt. Rev. Bishop N. C. chain in St. Francis de Sales’ church or 1224 Lawrence St. Sacred Heart parish, are the parents of Matz, former Governor and iirs. Jesse F. near there. Please return to 741 South DENVER, COIX). EMPLOYMENT AGENCY a baby girl, their first. Mr. Mangini is McDonald, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Delc- Williams or plione S. 2267. Reward. ..M a in 4118. 1588 Larlnm . one of the publishers of The Liberty hanty. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Bums, Mr. DeuTer, Oole. FOR RENT— Oii.q|pfi- two furnished SYMPTOMS OF Established tSSO Mr*. J Whlte'_ Pm» Press. and Mrs. S. I. Monarch, Mr. and Mrs. rooms in Catholic family for two or EYE TROUBLE Pow ers-Behen Co. The Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector Charles Tabelerj- Jean Snedaker and tlir(-e Catholic young men. Breakfast Headache. Dlzzlnese, of the Cathedral, wrote one of tlie and evening dinner if desired. Inquire at Pains at Base of Brain War Declared to Be a “Mission.” Frederi(dv Hunt Jr. *■. ' Neuralgia. Fainting, R.33 fe-st 17th avenue. Sixteenth,'at* California 5 Christmas greetings which appeared in Mr. and Mrs. 'J . A. Osner ^nd Miss We Abiolutily Onarant*! Our OlaiM! A military chaplain says: “The Eimo- The Rocky Moimtain News and TTip Laura AA'ernert will sail for Honolulu SOLD PZLLBD OLA*SXS, $3.00 pean war is a mission.” A French army Denver, Colo. Q Get subscriptions for The Reg­ Denver Times last Friday. this week. They will not return to Den­ ister. Big commission. Refer­ Schwab, Modern Opticians chaplain writes: “ A new France is ap­ Judge and Mrs. Caldwell Yeaman en­ ver until spring.*t ences necessary. Ph. Main 5171. 921 15th St pearing in the crucible of tribulation.” '


of president, although he soon announced The Panama Canal waa formally opened •zperiments conducted by Prot Robert tederaoy in the national cemetery at his purpose of turning over the executive for world traffic on August 16. The steam­ Kennedy of Glasgow, Scotland. In May Arlington was unveiled June 4. er Ancon, belonging to the Panama rail­ function to a provisional substitute and a two-wheeled gyroscopic motor car cre­ On June 16 England captured the In­ road. passed from ocean to ocean In ten ORY OF YEAR MARKED blmself becoming a candidate. ated considerable excitement In London. ternational polo championship at hours. In September the railroad rate On September 23 Villa declared war up­ It la the Invention of Paul Schilowsky. Meadowbrook, N. T. It was made pub­ case showed Increased activity. The roads on the provlsipnal. president. The consti­ An Innovation known as "twilight sleep" lic on June .24 that Mrs. Morris K. Jesup tutionalists held a meeting at Mexico east of the Mississippi and north of the Is announced to have worked such a had .bequeathed $8,600,000 to public In­ City on October 4 and refused to accept Potomac again petitioned the Interstate change in obstetrical methods that child­ stitutions. The American Museum of Die EriesslaKe. commerce commission for permission to BY SENSATIONAL EVENTS their chleffs resignation. At a conven­ birth has been robbed almost entirely of Natural History was a beneficiary to Mehr und mehr muss es der W elt ein- tion of the party held at Aguas Callentes advance freight rates 6 per cent, and the Its terrors. The new system developed at the extent of $5,000,000. That also, , on October 14, Carranza again presented commission consented to reopen the case. the Woman’s hospital of Freiburg, Ger­ leuchten, dass Deutschland unbesieglich was the day on which the reconstruct-’ his resignation and a few days later Villa The commission granted the ^ increase, many, Is described as a slight slumber ed Kiel canal was opened by the Ger­ 1st. Der Krieg ist jezt fiinf Monate alt, promised to support a provisional presi­ with certain exceptions, on December 18. Induced by an Injection of a combination man kaiser. The International Eucha- . Most Momentous Twelve Months of Modern Times dent named by the convention. At that, A, delegation of railroad presidents vis­ und v&hrend all dieser Zeit sind weder of two drugs, scopotamin and morphlum. rlstlc congress opened at Lourdes, Gen. Eulalto Outlertes was appointed by ited President Wilson at the 'White House On January 28 the first wireless mes­ P ra n ce, J u ly 22. €ie verbiindeten Engl&ander, Franzosen Reviewed-Great European War, Mexican the convention, but Carranza refused to and laid before him the unsatisfactory sage without relaying, transmitted be­ On September 3 Cardinal Giacomo und Belgier, noch die Rttssen imstande recognize him. The new president ap­ situation which confronted American tween Hanover, Germany, and Tuckerton, della Chlesa, archbishop of Bologna, pointed Villa commander in chief of the roads. The president was sympathetic, on the lower New Jersey coast, came In was elected popfe to succeed the late gewesen den Deutschen auch nur eine. Troubles and Other World Happenings. government forces and ordered him to but expressed his confidence in the inter­ one leap a distance of 4,062 miles. On Plux X. The new pontiff assumed the geringc Niederlage beizubringen. proceed at once against Carranza. As state commerce commission to regulate Februery 17 the expedition led by Capt. title of Benedict X'V. The government o Villa and his meh neared the capital, the matter satisfactoTlly. J. Campbell Besley returned to New York crop report, made public October^S. an­ Deutschland hat mebrere sehr Starke Carranza and his soldiers withdrew. On September 23 Secretary McAdoo after six months' exploration in a hither­ nounced a record wheat harvest of feindlicbe Festungen erobert, man denke The year of our Lord, 1914. is unique. British fleet sailed under sealed orders Au­ On November 23 the American forces aroused great Interest in banking circles to unknown Andean region. The party 892.000. 000 and a normal corn crop of , It does not fall Into the procession of the gust 4, and a big naval battle In the were withdrawn ' from Vera Cruz and by announcing his Intention to wlthdrkw nur an Luttich, Antwerpen, Maubeuge, discovered a ^ost Inca city and brought 2.676.000. 000. The world's championship • years with the accustomed swing. That North sea was confidently expected by soon afterward Carranza and his follow­ government patronage and assistance back a valuable collection. Later In th4 series was won October 13 by the Bos­ und neuerdings Lodz in Polen. Demge- which has transformed It Into a horror the waiting world. It soon became ap­ ers took possession of the seaport. Villa from national banks known to be hoard­ same month the antarctic expedition 1^6 ton National league baseball team. ing currency or demanding excessive In­ geniiber kann nur Russland sich ruhmen without precedent In breath and malig­ parent that Great Britain’s purpose was and Zapata united in support of the by Dr. Douglas Mewson arrived at Ade­ On October 14 one of the most com­ nity Is war—war which Is devastating the to deal a fatal blow at German commerce, Gutierrez Interests, and the prospect of terest. • laide, Australia, after two years spent In prehensive financial schemes on record ■ isine osterreichische Stadt, Lemberg in old world and fixing Its sinister impress safeguard that of Belgium, France and Its peace In the immediate future Is far from In October the court dismissed all but scientific exploration. On April 10, Dr, formulated by bankers at New- York Galizicn, genommen zu haben. Die deut- on the new. own and render the enemy’s fleet Inopera­ encouraging. one of the government’s charges In Its Alexis Carrel. Nobel prize winner and city involved the raising by the banks . It came swiftly and with a tyrlflc tive by holding it in the Baltic. A week On December 16. 3,000 United States suit to dissolve the Atlantic steamship eminent for his contribiitlona to exact sci­ of a fund of $150,000,000 which was to Bchenft Triippen kampfen in Feindes clash. On July 23, the Austro-Hungarian later, the port authorities of New^ York troops were sent to Naco to stop continued trust. Final argument In the suit to dis­ ence, announced that he had operated,, be loaned upon warehouse receipts for Land, und alle Anstrengungen der Geg- government sent an ultimatum to Servla were notified that the Atlantic lines were firing by the Mexican factions Into United solve the Steel trust was mode at Phila­ successfully on the heart of an animal by cotton. On the last day of October the demanding tho punishment of the per­ unobstructed, and a few days afterward States territory. The struggle between ner in Deutschland einzudringen blieben delphia, and the discussion of increased suspending the circulation of blood sev­ Panama canal was closed for traffic a sons concerned In the assassination of the Pacific lines were pronounced “open the combatants In northern Mexico con­ railroad freight rates was resumed before eral minutes. On May 19, ex-Presldent second time on account of an earth ^olglos. Auch zur See hat die eng- the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and In­ and safe.” Sixty British war vessels tinues unabated. the interstate commerce commission. , Roosevelt returned home after an explor­ slide Into Culebra cut. lische Flotten-Uebermacht bis jetzt kei- stant suppression of all anti-Austrian guarded the exit of the Kiel Canal and Longest CongrettlonkI Session. At the elections held on November 3 the ing trip of eight months through the Bra­ On November 6 the Chicago stock­ propaganda In that country and giving prevented the thirty German battleships } ' Democratic majority In the house of rep­ zilian wilderness. He announced the dis­ yards were closed on account of an Ben Vorteil fiir England zu verzeicKhen, 48 hours for consideration. The Belgrade anchored ther* from coming out. Within The first regular session of the Sixty-' resentatives was reduced from 147 to 26. covery of a river, which was christened epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease init Ausnahme der Absperryng des at- government agreed to the Austrian de­ a few days, more than thirty of the great third congress was the longest since that although the Democratic majority In the Rlo Roosevelt, and afterward rechrlstened which had already led the federal au­ mand with a single exception—that which German ocean liners were Interned in great law-making body came Into exist­ senate was Increased from 10 to 16. Con- RlO Teodoro. On November 4, at the Brit­ thorities to establish quarantine In lantischen Ozeans. would have empowered Austrian officials neutral waters and a number of German ence—from December 1. IMS, to October stttutldnal amendments giving the suf­ ish embassy In Rome, Prof. Domenico eight states against the shipment of Die Plane des deutschen General-Sta­ to take a leading part In the punishment merchant ships were captured or de­ 24, 1914. After the holiday recess both frage to women were carried In Nevada Argentieri, an Italian priest of the Abruz- cattle. Later this prohibition was ex­ stroyed. branches were addressed by President and Montana and prohibition triumphed tended to several other states. The so- tes scheinen die Niederwerfung Russ- of the murderers, and asked for further zl, made good his claim to have devised Information on this point. By the middle of November more than Wilson upon the regulation of corpora­ In Washington. Oregon, Arizona, and a small portable wireless telegraphy ap­ called “house of governors” met In Its lands als erstes Ziel zu betrachten, und The reply was not satisfactory to Aus­ four hundred war vessels and merchant­ tions. In his address the president recom­ Colorado) In Missouri the so-called "full paratus capable of receiving messages seventh annual session at Madison, mended the formation of a trade commis­ Wls., November 10. dieses Ziel ist nicht weit von.Verwirk- tria. She promptly declared war on Ser­ men on all sides had been captured or In­ crew’’ law passed by the legislature was from hlgh'-power stations at a distance of vla and began to move troops toward terned In neutral ports.# The Emden In sion, the doing away with Interlocking di­ rejected. 1,250 miles. On Jandary 2, at Dayton, After a period of sbspenslon coTerlng lichung. I'ngefahr 700,000 russische un- rectorates and holding companies, and an 15 weeks, brought ^bout by the war, the border. The Serbs began active mob­ the Pacific and the Karlsruhe In the Politics In Other Lands. Ohio. Orville Wrlght'ggav© a public de­ verwundcte Gefangene befinden sich in ilization and removed their capital from South Atlantic, two German raiders, antitrust, law. On January 24 the senate monstration of the automatic stabilizer, the cotton exchanges of New York and Belgrade to Nish, In the Interior. In­ preyed successfully upon allied and neu­ passed a bill authorizing the government On January 27 MIcJlel Oreste, president his new aeronautical Iflventlon. On Feb­ New Orleans opened for trading on No­ den Ilandcn der Deutschen und Oester- stantly the eyes of all the civilized world tral commerce until the former was put to construct a railroad In Alaska. On of Haiti, warned of the approach of a ruary 7. the German aviator Ingold made v e m b e r 16. T h e N ew Y o r k s to c k e x ­ reicher, und die russischen Verluste on were' turned toward Russia. out of action. During the past three February 18 the hou|e passed the bill. large body of revolutionists, abdicated has­ a record of more than a thousand miles, change, which was closed at the break­ months the Germans have destroyed a During this month, also, the adminis­ remaining aloft sixteen and a half hours, ing out of hostilities, was reopened for Toten und Verwundeten werden auf un- The day after Austria declared war tily and took refuge on a German cruiser. on Servla, the Russian minister of for­ number of British cruisers by means of tration Introduced a measure into both On February 8 Orestes Zamor was elected thus breaking all previous jecords. In restricted trading November 28. A red- gef&hr 800,000 geschatzt. Alle diese eign affairs warned the German ambas­ torpedoes. In an action oft the coast of houses to establish a rural credit system president oflHaltl, and on the same day April a new aeroplane height record was letter event In the history of American athletics was the formal opening of the Mannscliaften waren regulare Truppen, sador that if Servla were Invaded Rus­ Chile, a squadron -of five German war­ by means of co-operative banks. On Feb­ Jose Vicente Concha was elected presi­ made by LInnekogel, at Johai^lsthal. He sia would not be able to remain neutral. ships sank the Monmouth and Good Hope ruary 9 a bill was Introduced Into both dent of Colombia. reached an altitude of 20,564 feet. In May, great Yale bowl, seating 60,000 persons, November 21. The annual Yale-Har- so dass Russland jetzt meist untrainier- Great Britain proposed to Germany. with all on board. On October 27—al­ branches which provided that the govern­ Early In the year the Chinese adminis­ a Zeppelin dirigible flew for thirty-six vard football contest resulted In a Har­ tc Triippen ins Feld stellen muss. Dass France and Italy that a council should though It was not known to the publlo ment might mine or lease on a royalty trative council re-established Confucian­ hours without stop over Germany, at an be arranged to mediate between the two for a fortnight afterward—the British basis certain coal lands In Alaska. average of about fifty-two miles an hour. vard victory. 36 to 0. diese knum den deutschen Truppen eben- ism as the state religion of the republic. disputants. Germany declined to become auper-dreadnaught Audacious was sunk On March 5 the president delivered an­ At the opening of parliament February 10 On July 14, a German aviator at Berlin Among the Eminent Dead. by a mine off the coast of Ireland. Short­ ascended In a monoplane to a height of biirtig sein konnen ist kaum eine Frage, party to such an arrangement. The czar other address to congress in the house King George urged mutual concessions In The record of those who have passed ly afterward, the British admiralty de­ 26,000 feet, and thus broke the record. The und dies erklart auch die grossen Erfol- urged the kaiser to use his Influence with chamber, in which he urged the repeal the Irish home rule controversy. On out of the world’s activities during the the Austrian emperor. According to the clared the North sea a closed military of tHe provision in the Panama Canal act March 6 the home rule bill was introduced flight from Norway to Scotland was made year is of unushal length, and It contains ge der Deutschen und Oesterreicher in German account, the kaiser complied area. of August, 1912, exempting vessels en­ for Its third passage through the com­ by Gran, July 30, In four hours and ten the names of many who had achieved dis­ m inutes. Polen, wo die Russen beinache zweimal with this request to the best of his abil­ On December 8 the German cruisers gaged in coastwise trade from the pay­ mons. On May 26 the bill passed the com­ tinction. ity. When he discovered, however, that Scharnhorst, Gnelsau, IjClpzlg and Nuern­ ment of tolls. With a senate amendment mons for the third time. On September The use of aircraft In the war has not BO viele Truppen im Felde haben. Among the famous men who died In mobilization was going on actively In berg, under Admiral von Spec, were sunk to the effect that the United States re­ 18 King George signed the home rule and been greatly sensational, but It has been January were Dr. S. Weir Mitchell of Da die deutschen in dem Feldzug in Russia, he wired the czar that his course by a British squadron under Vlce-Adml’-al linquished no rights under treaties with Welsh disestablishment bill! and the par­ sufficient to modify warfare to an appre­ Philadelphia, scientist and novelist; was making mediation impossible. Sir Fl-ederick Sturdee, off the Falkland Great Britain and with Panama, the tolls ciable extent. Most of the aeroplanes of Polen notwendigerweise soviele Truppen liament was prorogued. Dr. Edward Spltzka. alienist and neu­ Two days later the kaiser proclaimed Islands. The German cruiser Dresden es­ repeal bill became law. • On March 17, as the finale to a bitter the belligerent nations are not fighting rologist; .Count Yuko Ito, admiral of wie moglich gebrauchten gegen die rus- martial law throughout the country and caped. badly damaged. December 16 a On April 20 the president again ad­ political and personal controversy, the craft, but the dirigibles of the Zeppelin the Japanese fleet; Shelby M. CuIIom, Bische Ueberbzahl, waren sie gezwungen sent a twenty-four hour ultimatum to German fleet bombarded the English coast dressed congress, giving the facts In the .wife of the French minister of finance, type belonging to the German war equip­ 30 years United States senator from the Muscovite government demanding an towns of Hartlepool. Whitby and Scar­ Tampico affair and asking authority to bime. Calllaux, shot and klUpd the editor ment are regarded as battleships of the , author of the Interstate com­ Hire Verteidigiingslinien in Frankreich Instant abandonment of all war prep­ borough. killing 150 and wounding 300 citi­ use force in compelling a settlement. Both of Figaro, Gaston Calmette. Her hus­ air, and terrible results have been ex­ merce law; Paul Deroulede, French poet und Belgien durch Truppen-Transporte aration. At the expiration of this ulti­ zens and causing much property damage. houses passed the necessi^ry measures band resigned his office at once and a pected when this formidable sky squadron and political agitator; the venerable matum, August 1, the kaiser gave the Three British merchant vessels were sunk without delay. On June 6 the three should get Into action. Thus far, most of nach Russland zu schw&chen. Die Fran­ new cabinet was formed. The trial of James Addams Beaver, Civil war hero order for mobilization to begin and on by mines laid by the bombarding heet. measures prominent In the president’s an­ Mme. Calllaux resulted In her acquittal these military adjuncts have been used for and ex-governor of Pennsylvania, and zosen und Englander glaubten nun stark the same day Count von Pourtales, the At the close of the year operations in titrust legislation—the creation of a trade on July 28. On March 14 a treaty of peace scouting purposes, and as such they have Simon Bollver BuekTOr, whose name German ambassador at St. Petersburg, the west seem practically at a standstill. commission, the Clayton bill, and the rail­ proved to be especially effective. The genug zu sein durch einen allgemeinen between Turkey and Servla was signed at ■ and fame have been familiar to the Amer­ started homeward. December 17 ^he Germans reported a vic­ road capitalization bill—were passed, but •Constantinople, a sequel to the Balkan rapid advance of the German forces Into ican public for more than halt a century— Angriff die geschwachten deutschen Lin- Meanwhile the moblllzatloni of the en­ tory In Poland. It was not until August that the senate war. On May 1 the new Chinese consti­ France at the beginning of hostilities was as a lieutenant general In the Confederate ien zu durchbrechen, aber sie wurden tire French army was begun. Martial As a result of the immediate paralysis adopted the measure creating a federal tution was published. It abolished the made possible by these air scouts, which army, governor of Kentucky, candidate law was declared and, August 4, the Ger­ In the financial world due to the sudden trade commission. The Clayton antitrust premiership and gave Increased power to served to point out the way with infalli­ for vice-president on the Gold Democratic Behr enttauscht, denn der Angriff war man ambassador announced that the war embroilment of the European nations, bill did not become law until October. the president. On May 6 Prince Alexan­ ble accuracy. In the attack on Louvain ticket In 1896. erfolglos. So hat sich die Lage im Wes- between his country and France was on. Americans abroad were subjected to August 4 both houses unanimously der of Teck, Queen Mary’s brother, was and other Belgian cities German aircraft February’s contribution to the list England had asked both France and great inconvenience and not a little actual adopted an amendment to the federal re­ i appointed governor-general of Canada, rendered effective service by directing ar­ Includes Alphonse Bertlllon, whose ten wenig ge&ndert; die deutschen wer­ tillery fire by means of searchlights and Germany, If they would respect the neu­ hardship. Much relief was afforded the serve act, by which the secretary of the j ■ On May 15. Colonel Benavides, leader clever system of measurement made burning material dropped among the Bel­ den sich wohl nur auf Verteidigung be- trality of Belgium in case of war. The Belgian sufferers and large sums of treasury was given power to issue addi­ I of the Peruvian faction which expelled him the terror of criminals; Theodore gian troops. That the Zeppellp former had ansvered In the affirmative. money for the purpose were raised all tional bank currency in such amqunt as , President Bllllnghurst. was elected pro­ L. De 'Vlnne, whose artistic efforts Bchranken his die russische Armee be- over the country. are capable of doing great damage was The latter made no direct reply, and Bel­ would he necessary to protect the busi­ visional president. Thrpe days later a revolutionized printing; Henry M. Tel­ made evident at the siege of Antwerp. zwungen ist, und das wird wohl noch gian mobilization began at once. The American Red Cross sent tho relief ness situation and avoid financial panic. ! group of senators and deputies declared ler, United States senator from Colo­ On August 2 a German army marched ship Red Cross to European waters, Monate nehmen. On. September 4 the president once more j Roberto Legula provisional president. The Casualties on Land and Sea. rado for 30 years, Secretary of the I.i- Into the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, with a full equipment of physicians addressed congress, polntln.g out the need ! Peruvian supreme court, however, recog­ terlor under President Arthur; 'Vis­ whose neutrality had been guaranteed nurses and supplies, on September 12. of raising additional revenue to meet the nized Benavides. On July 21 Ahmed Mlr- Early In January the second phenom- count Siuzo Aoki, first Japanese am­ W ic sehr England iiberall, wo sich by the powers In 1867. A day later, the Chaotic Conditions In Mexico. deficit causd by the decline in Imports za, sixteen years of age. was crowned en'kl storm of the season added largely to bassador to the United States, and the German government sent a note to the the destruction of property along the earl of Mlnto, former governor-general ihm nur . Gelegenheit bietet, darauf be- Early in the year foreign nations began due to the European war. ^ shah of Persia. On August 26 the French Belgian government demanding passage ocean front of New Jersey and Long Is­ of Canada. In March Cardinal Kopp, at to be critical of the administration’s The closing days of the congress pas^d cabinet was reconstructed on a commit­ dacht ist, in frcmden Landern Deutsch­ for German troops through the country land. On January 11. a Japanese vol­ the head of the Roman Catholic hlerachy ”hands-off” Mexican policy and to Insist In an active effort conducted by members tee of national defense basis. Rene VI- and promising ample compensation for cano on Sakura Island burst suddenly In- land zu verkleinern, zeigen u. a. auch that the Job of pacifying Mexico belonged from the cotton-growing states to obtain vlanl. Socialist, remained premier. of Germany; the venerable Thomas Bow­ all damage at the close of the war. This t^activlty and destroyed three towns and man, senior bishop of the Methodist logically to the United States. Vlcto- legislation for the retail of the growers On September 10 Turkey notified the die in England h irgestellten Schulatlan- was In the form of an ultimatum and killed more than a thousand persons. Dur­ church, and two Protestant Episcopal rlano Huerta had held the provisional of the staple. outside world that she had done away specified twelve hours as a time limit. ing a performance at a moving picture bishops—John Scarborough of New ten, die in "Men < hinesischen Schulen im presidency for a year and boasted In his On October 24 thp first regular session 'with the arrangement whereby foreigners. The reply was that Belgium would de­ theater at Surabaya, Java, 75 women and Jersey, and ■W'llllam 'Woodruff Niles of cups that he would hold his office longer of the Sixty-third congress came to an In that country have been exempt from Gebrauch sind. In diesen Atlanten ist fend her neutrality by force of arms If children were burned to death. The New Hampshire passed away. America than President Wilson would remain In end. local Jurisdiction In civil and criminal Deujschland nu ganz klein verzeichnet It w ere necessary. steamer Monroe, from Norfolk to New also lost George Westlnghouse, whose the White House. Meanwhile the bandit rases and under which many special priv­ American Goveimment and Politics. York city, was rammed by the Nantucket air brake Is reputed to have saved und als einzigc Stadt Heidelberg einge- Great Britain Declares War. chief Pancho Villa was steadily gaining ileges have been enjoyed by citizens of during a night fog off Cape Charles, Jan­ more lives than were sacrificed in the ground in the north. The fiercest battle On January 2 Secretary McAdoo and. other countries residing In Turkey. tragen, wahreid England gross gezeich- At this move of Germany. Great Brit­ Secretary Houston beghn a series of uary 30, and 41 persons were lost. On Napoleonic wars. April .narked the of the revolution, which was fought for Two days later a note was presented to ain began active mobilization of her hearings to determine where the new fed­ March 14 more than a thousand persons passing of the dowager empress of Ja­ net und mit Stadten wie iibersat ist. almost two weeks, ended In victory for the Turkish government by Great Britain, forces and all the naval reserves were eral reserve banks were to be established. lost their lives during a storm which pan, the well-beloved Haruko; George the rebel forces. France, Russia and Italy. In which It was Einea ahnlicher. Verfahrens befleissigt called out at once. War against Germany The federal reserve bank system went in­ flooded several towns In Southern Russia, Alfred Townsend, known widely as a There was an appalling loss of life In affirmed that the special rights of aliens ■ich England in Indien schon langc. was declared on August 4, a war budget to effect November 16. On January 19 qnd about'the same'time many persons war correspondent; George F. Baer, this long continued fight, and more than can be abolished only by the powers that of 1800,000,000 was voted, and within a few the Washington authorities and the New were killed by an earthquake at Akita, president of the Reading railroad, and Aber man begniigt sich nicht damit, were parties to the original contract. days a British force of 120,000 men had four thousand fugitives crossed the Rio York, New Haven and Hartford railroad Japan. Samuel R. Crockett, who created "The Austria and Germany presented a sepa­ Deutschland als ein fast unbewohntes been landed In France. On August 6 Aus- Grande and took refuge in American ter­ officials came to an agreement by which On March 21 the sealing steamer Stlcklt Minister,” trla-Hungfary declared war on R^issla ritory. Here they were cared for by the rate protest. MaJ. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, hero of Land darzustellen. Mitunter lasst man the railroad relinquished its trolley lines, Newfoundland stranded on an Ice floe and her troops crossed the Russian bor­ United States authorities. its control of the Boston and Maine, and On September 28 the Albanian senate, In the Strait of Belle Isle and 77 of the Civil war, died early In May. Among es samt seinem Bundesgenossen Oester- der. The Montenegrins Joined the Serbs On February 3 President W’llson re­ most of its steamship lines, in order to which had driven its recently elected ruler her crew were frozen to death. .The the other famous men and women who against Austria and Bosnia was Invaded. voked an order by his predecessor in of­ —Prince ■William of Wled—out of the reich ganz verschwinden. In einem be- avoid fiirt^ier conflict with the Sherman same day the steamer Southern Cross died during the mwth were Lillian On August 10 the French government fice Jo put a stop to the shipment of arms antitrust law. President W'llson nomi­ country, chose a Turk for king—Prlnco and her crew disappeared. On April Nordlca, daughter o%a Maine farmer, reits in mehreren Auflagen erschienenen proclaimed war against Austria, and two and ammunition into Mexico by citizens nated John Skelton Williams, then assis­ Burhan-Eddln, son of the deposed Abdul 28 an explosion in a mine sliaft at who became one of the world's most Lehrhuch des kantonesiachcn Dialcktes days later England followed , her exam­ of the United States. On April 14, Presi­ tant secretary of the treasury, to be Hamid of Turkey. The Europeai powers Eccles, W. Va., caused the death of 180 successful opera singers, especially fa­ ple. - Japan announced her Tttentlon to dent W’flson Instructed Secretary Daniels comptroller of the currency and ex-officio protested, but their wishes were disre­ miners. Early in May Sicily was vis­ mous in W agnerJ^ roles; Francis Kos­ heisst es (in englkscher Sprache wort- side with her British ally. ^ to assemble an imposing naval force at member of the new federal reserve board. garded. On October 4. after four months’ ited by a series of shocks which did suth, son of the great Hungarian pa­ lich: “England gchort zu Europa, wie Scandinavia and Holland asserted their Tampico, on the Mexican coast. This On January 27 the president signed an exile, Essad Pasha, accompanied hy an great dirmage along the eastern coast. triot; Charles Scadding, Episcopal neutrality, but at once put all th^r mili­ was due to the refusal of the Mexican armed force, entered Albania and took bishop of Oregon; Sir Joseph W. Swan, Frankreich, Spanien, Portugal, Italien, important order which established a per­ The steamship Empress of Ireland was tary resources Into requisition for de­ president and Ills .military aids to salute manent civil government In the Panama possession of the government. On tho struck by the Norwegian collier Stor- Inventor of the incandescent light; Holland, Russland und die Tiirkei, alle fense. Portugal announced her Inten­ the American flag as an essential feature Cana) Zone, to go into effect April 1. A day following the death of King Charles stad In the St. Lawrence river, May 29, Paul Mauser. Inventor of the rifle tion to fulfill her treaty obligations with of an apology for an unwarranted arrest of Roumanla his nephew, Ferdinand, took diese liegen in Europa.” few days later he nominated Col. George and sank almost immediately, more bearing his name; William O. Bradley, Great Britain, but she did not become a and Imprisonment of several American W. Goethals to be first governor. On the oath of office as sovereign. than a thousand passengers losing theli* United States senator from Kentucky, belligerent at once. Spain professed ab­ bluejackets who had landed on Mexican February 11 the government brought suit On October 13 a rebellion broke out near lives... May 30, Capt. Robert A. Barlett of and the duke of Argyll. Die Frankfurter Zettung meldct aus solute neutrality, but began immediate soil to obtain a supply of gasoline. at Salt Lake City to compel the Southern the border of German Southwest Africa, 1 the Stefansaon arctic expedition returned Adlal E. Stevenson, vice-president of mobilization of all her forces. Turkey de­ Although the episode was the result of Pacific railroad to relinquish its control but was frustrated by the loyalty of the the United States during the second Athcn: V’on vcrschiedenen Geschafts- to St. Michael. Alaska, with the news that clared for neutrality, but mobilized her a misunderstanding In which all the par­ of the Central Pacific. Boers of the Union. On October 3 A. Rus­ the Karluk sank, January 11, after havliig Cleveland administration, dled'^Tune 18. hhusern und Banken werden Klagen laut army and began to advance toward Bul­ ties concerned shared about equally, it In March government proceedings were tem Bey, Turkish ambassador to the Uni­ been crushed by Ice, and that her crew Grand Duke Adolph Friedrich of Meck- garia. It was not until the last of Octo­ was manifest that Huerta was in no mood ted States. left Washington, where he lenburg-Strelltz. George II, grand duke dass Briefe nach Deutschland, besonders begun against two railroads: The inter­ was marooned on Wrangcl Island. On ber that she made her initial demonstra­ to comply with any request of the Wash­ state commerce commission accused the had incurred criticism by his frank views September 7, eight members of this crew of Saxe-Melnlngen. and Archduke an Banken und Geschaftsfirmen, zuriick- tion in the Black sea against Russia. ington authorities, however politely and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road of American affairs. were found by a rescuing party. On Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Greece, as well as the minor Balkan even dellfately made. He refused to or­ Austria-Hungary, the victim of an as­ geschickt werden mit dem Vermerk auf with overstatement of Income and other Industrial Trials and Triumphs. June 19 more than two hundred miners states, was In a condition, of armed ex­ der the salute, and the naval demonstra­ financial Irregularities, and suit was were losft by an explosion in a coal mine sassin, are some of the men of royal der Riickseite: “Opened-by Onsor,” und tion followed. pectancy. As for Italy, sworn ally of brought against the Lehigh Valley road T he F ord Motor company at the begin­ near A ltcrta , Canada. A fine at Salem, blood who died in that monthi Joseph dem auf der Vorderseite mittelst Kaut- Germany and Austria in the so-called ■ Congress passed a resolution sustaining under the charge that it was monopoliz­ ning of the year adopted a profit-sharing Mass., June 25, destroyed half of the city, Chamberlal^. long eminent as a British Drelbund, she took advantage of the fact the president in the position which he ing the anthracite coal Industry through statesman, died early in July.; Among Bchuckatempel nufgedriickten Vermerk plan by which $10,000,000 Is to be distrib­ including several thousand ^homes and that her partners were not engaged In a had taken. On April 21 Admiral Fletcher subsidiary companies. In this month, also, uted annually among the 26,000 wage-earn­ many large Industrial establishments. In other distinguished men who died that “Undeliverable.,” Es handelt sich dabei defensive war to remain neutral despite seized the custom house at Vera Cruz. the department of Justice announced that ers of that concern. The great South Afri­ this month, also, American consuls in va­ month w^re Horace H. Lurtoh. associ­ strong pressure from Berlin and Vienna. The Mexicans resisted the occupation of ate Justice of the United States Supreme um einen flagranten UebergrifI der eng- a plan for breaking up the transportation can railroad strike came to an end. On rious Chinese cities reported that floods In At the outbreak of hostilities, a censor­ the custom house and the result was a monopoly practiced by the New York, January 19 a strike of the Delaware and southern China had destroyed the, crops court; Melville E. Ingalls of the "Big lisclten Schiffe in der Adria, welche, die ship which is the most effective -^ver fight, in which 16 Americans were killed New Haven and Hartford had been ar­ Hudson ralllroad men, as a protest against and made 2,000,000 persons homeless. On Four" nillroad system; Augustus Smith, known was established In all the warring and 71 wounded. General Maas. In com­ oldest graduate of Yale university, and Politik ihrer Regierung befolgend, die ranged satisfactory to all parties. the discharge of two employees, was set­ September 1£ the Francis H. Leggett countries. About all that was actually mand of the garrison, withdrew and left Early in April the gbvernment met with tled within sixteen hours by the federal collided with an unknown vessel off Paul Recius, brilliant French scientist. Handels- und Geldbeziehungen zwischen revealed was that the kaiser’s forces the Americans in possession. defeat in its attempt to prove that the board of mediation and conciliation. the Oregon coast and 72 of her passen­ Two names among the August dead stand 'out with especial prominence— Griechenland und Deutschland unterbin- made their way through Belgium with a Nelson O’Shaugnessy, the American rep­ Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road Two great labor controversies had been gers and crew were lost. In October tremendous loss of men and property, resentative, was given his passports and and the coal-mining company of thd same left over from the preceding year—one in an earthquake in Turkey destroyed Ellen Louise Axson Wilson, wife of the president of the United States, and den wollen und die Willkiif- der Oeffnun- the Belgian defenders of the little king­ requested to leave the country. Brig. name existed as an illegal and monopolis­ the Michigan copper mines, which began more than 3,000 persona in a few min­ fen vonT^ostsheken auf neutralen griech- dom exhibiting a power of resistance and Gen. Frederick Funston. commander of tic combination. On April 2 the commit­ July 23. 1913, and another In the Colorado utes. Pope Pius X, head of the Roman Catho­ lic church. John Philip Holland, in­ a stubbornness which amazed the world. the American forces at Vera Cruz, was tee appointed for the purpose announced coal fields, where 14,000 men had been on Edison’s great electrical plant at ischen Schiffen begangen haben. ventor of the submarine; Gen. Powell The forts at Liege halted the German ready to enter on a vigorous campaign. that it had selected twelve federal re­ strike since September 23 of the prevlou.s Orange, N. J.. was destroyed by fire on Clayton, ex-governor, ex-senator and legions for a week. But the odds were Before hostilities were carried further serve districts, with their central bank­ year. Violence ensued and federal aid December 9. for half a century the most prominent too great. By the end of August the ter­ the diplomatic representatives at Wash­ ing cities, under the new currency law. was demanded. On April 20 the striking Sekretar Bryan antwortet endlich. Der Notable Events. Republican of Arkansas; Robert Mc­ rible German war machine had literally ington of Argentina, Brazil and Chile sent On June 8 the American Thread com­ miners clashed with the state militia near Intyre, bishop of the Methodist ghurch; hochw. R. II. Tierney, S. J.i Vorsitzen- mowed Its way through Belgium, and by in to the office of the department of state pany, which was proved to be a combina­ Trinidad. Colo., and twenty-five persons Early In January the firm of J. P. Father Francis Xavier Wernz, general September 4 had reached a point within a formal tender of their services ns medi­ tion of manufacturers which practically were killed or burned to death In a fire M org a n Co. announced the -with­ der cines s. Z. in Baltimore wAhrend der & of the Jesuits, and Margaret Newton twenty miles of , which was In ac­ ators. President Wilson accepted the of­ controlled the output, forestalled the ac- which followed. President Wilson ordere-' drawal of its members from director­ Konvention der Fdderation katholrscher Van Cott, known everywhere as an tive preparation for a siege. The seat of fer and both Huerta and Carranza ac­ tlbn contemplated by the department of federal troops to the scene. It was not ships in 27 large corporations, thus evangelist, were also among the fa­ Vereine ernannten Komitees, hat von government was removed to Bordeaux. cepted the proffered mediation. Justice by dissolving. In June, also, the until September 15 that the strikers and complying with the government's new mous dead of August. Suddenly, on September 4, the German The mediatory conference was held at U r^ d States supreme court affirmed the their employers accepted President Wil­ regulatlpn condemning interlocking di­ Bekret&r Bryan auf seTne Beschwerden The September list Includes the names army of the right turned eastward. Since Niagara Falls, Canada, and opened on power of the Interstate commerce com­ son’s offer for a settlement of their dis­ rectorates. On January 9 Harvard uni­ of Edward J. Hall, the "father of the hin endlich eine Antwort erhalten. Bryan that time, the kaiser’s forces have been May 20. On June 12 the conference had mission to fix rates, and held that pipe pute. but his plan was rejected. On the versity and the Massachusetts Institute long-distance telephone.” Mrs. Frank retiring slowly, fighting with a persis­ agreed upon a plan accepted both by lines are common carriers and must carry last day of November the president named of Technology arranged to combine verspricht, dass kelne Regierung in Mex- Leslie (Baroness Bazus). who revived the tency never before recorded In the his­ President Wilson and Huerta. Then a products at rates fixed by the commission. a commission of three, headed by Seth their engineering departments. On tory of modern war. practically defunct publishing business iko anerkannt werden wiirde, welche deadlock arose over the choice for presi­ On June 15 the president made public Low, to deal with the strike. Shortly af­ February 10 Andrew Carnegie gave Russian mobilization by the middle of dent—the American delegates declined to left Ijy her husband and bequeathed $1,- a charge that big business Interests had ter the strike was declared off. J2,000.000 toward the propaganda car­ nicht vbllige religiose Freiheit garan- August was practically completed and 000,000 to the woman suffrage movement, accept the name of. any nonconstitutional- been trying to force to adjourn. On April 1 all the coal mines .of Ohio ried on by the Church Peace union. On and Rear Admiral Herbert 'iVlnslow, Uni­ tiere. Das klingt komisch im Lichte der the czar’s armies'were In rapid advance ist. He declared that he should do everything were closed down on account of the fail­ April 13 the International Surgical ted States navy, retired. On October 10. Tatsache, dass Villa, der Bluthund und toward the German and Austrian fron­ Meanwhile, the constitutionalists were In his power to keep congress In session ure to unite on an agreement aa to a congress met at New York city. Water tiers. Great' 'forces opposed the Slavic making unmistakable advance toward the the aged kfng of Roumanla, Charles I, until the proper business legislation had basis of payment to supersede the on» was let Into the new canal across Cape Nero -des 20. Jahrhunderts, von jeher eih advance and many bloody contests fol­ capital. Their success was so pronounced who maintained the neutrality of his been enacted. already In use. On the following day th.' Cod on April 21. This canal shortens the lowed In rapid succession, until late in that It was evident they would soon be in kingdom to the very last In spite of pow­ ganz besonderer Schiitzling Bryans ge­ In July the commission found that the Yorkshire coal miners, to the number of distance by water between Boston and the autumn, the greatly outnumbered control of the government. erful opposition, died at his capital. The former management of the New Haven 170,000 men, went on strike to sup Hirt New York by seventy miles and cuts out wesen ist. Wir konnen die Versprech- Teutonic allies began to show signs of On July 1 the conference came to an Right Rev. Charles William Smith, Meth­ road was criminally wasteful and negli­ their de»nand for a minimum wage. June the danger of rounding the cape in stormy derllning offensive ability. end without definite result, and four days odist Episcopal hishop of St. Louis, died ungen Bryans deshalb unmbglich ernst gent President Wilson directed the at­ 12 a strike among the West Virginia coal weather. The canal was formally opened The Japanese confined their military later Huerta was re-elected president by torney general, July 21, to begin civil and on' the last day of the month. nehmen. miners, which had been on since the pre­ July 29. operations entirely to Asia. They Im­ his partisans. On July 15 the dlrj^tor re­ criminal proceedings against the New Among the eminent dead of Novem­ vious September, was declared off, the President Wilson's youngest daugh­ mediately proceeded against the German signed the presidency and took passage York, New Haven and Hartford road, and ber are Lieut. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee, k . - • miners waiving recognition of the union ter, Eleanor Randolph Wilson, was forts at Kiauchau, China, which were for Eurppe. leavlr\^ the executive author­ two days later the sult.«otalt>. Matre Gives Painting'to College. the reception of wireless telegrams. terms of the will of Miss Caroline Lefort Fboa* Kaln 8S*t. ' Denver, Colo. 1055 BLSVENTH STSIXT. fo r all Purposes I Phone Champa 2648.^ Campion college. Prairie due Chien. of Franklin, La. Lantein Slides ta* POTXmTBXPTK ST. Hours, 9— 12 a. m. 1—$ p .; Wig., has been presented with a beauti- $300,000 Seminary for St. Louis. " b u y y o u r f u e l a n d riiD or a t . t . IuLOIXS’ PIJITa DR. J. J. MEEHAN A n > COATS $ 1 .0 0 , ful large oil painting of the Blessed Ed- Ground has been broken in Normandy The American Fuel and C U A nD ABB PBX88XO Murphy’s Root Beer ^ mond Campion, by ivrr. Anthony Matre, park for a $30,000 central house and Feed Co. The Triangle K.S.G. The picture was painted by seminary for the Daughters of Charity of Myrtle Hlaket J. C. STORTZ, Prop. Dentist Cleaning & Dyeing’ Co. 1634 and 1726 Curtis St. Chevalier Taylor of London from tlie St. Vincent -de Paul of the St. Louis P H O N B COAL, WOOD, HAY AND GRAIN SUITE 501, MACK BLl^ PH. M. J. B. F lyn n . M gr. Phone Main 6390. Denver, Colo. im. $M3 rO URTBBBTM k OOUXT PLACB historic picture of the martyr. I province. 16th and CAUFOKKIA. Phons Mala S8»f. JAMES S^YEENEY. •wv'ttUi Av*. A r^ klh i •« Phone Main 2483 4201 Josephine st THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1914. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER

there should be more steeds stamping He ralsed^hS heacT a little flushed In tSF observance. .Clmrch Directory and 10:30 a. m.; benediction after last in those stalls one day, good horse- and with eyes brilliant, lighted a “My! Ain’t It scrumptious here mass; week-day masses at 6 and 8 a. m. ST. LEO’S—Tenth and Colfax; Rev. candle, sealed the letter with the ring now!” said Cozy Cabell, hanging yel­ Wm. O’Rysn, pastor. Sunday masses at he wore and dispatched it , . low lady-slippers over her ears. *T CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACU­ LATE COMCEPTION—Colfax and W 6, 7, 9 and 10:30 a. m.. week-day masses Thereafter he sat looking into the wish we could play here always.” gan. Rt. Rev. N. C. Matz, Bishop of Den­ at 7:30 a. m. and 8 a. m.'; first Fridaya, growing dusk, watching the pale “Mr. Valiant will let us,” said Rick­ ver. Mgr. P. A. Phillips, Chancellor. masses at 6:30 and 8 a. m .; Watch Hour ey. “I asked him.” lamps of the constellations deepen to Residence, 1536 Logan. Rev. Hugh L. and Exposition of the Blessed Sacra­ "Oh, he will,” responded Cozy gloom­ giVen gilt against the lapis-lazuli of McMenamin, rector; res., 1854 Grant. ment, every Fridsy at 7:30 p. m. the sky, and listening to the insect ily, “but he’ll probably go and marry Sunday masses at 6,7:30,8:30, 9:30 and SACRED HEART—2760 Larimer si.^ noises dulling into the woven chorus somebody who’ll be mean about it” 11. Vespers at 7:30 p. m. Rev, Antony* Schuler, S. J., pastor; Revs. “Everybody doesn’t get married,” ^ flA L L E i m m K iv r s POSTUnECLCR} of evening. Uncle Jefferson was long ANlTUNaATION — 36th and Hum­ AlOTsius Bnicker, S. J., F. X. Gubitoai, in returning, and he grew impatient said one of the Byloe twins, with mas­ boldt; Rt.' Rev. Mgr. Richard Brady S /J .; I'T'S^Kowald, S. J .; Cbas. McDou- Anally and began to prowl through the culine assurance. “Maybe he won’t ” pastor. Sunday masses at 6:30, 7:30, 9 nell, S. J., a ^ sta n ts. Sunday masses at im iSTKATrD ^ LAURIN STOUT dusty corridors like a leopard, then "Much a boy knows about it!" re­ 6, 7, 9 and (high mass) 10:30. W w k day masses at 6, 7 and 8. oobo w m uj to the front porch and Anally to the torted Cozy scqmfully. “Women have V3frKK/frna er »-/ . ca cool polished banister, a s she passed ve-e-ery glad. It wasn’t a mean old Loyola Chapel—2650 Ogden st.; masses driveway, listening at every turn for to, and some one of them will make (Continued from last week.) through the lower hall, a hound on the paper dollar, all dirt and creases; nor at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 and 9.30. Week day the familiar slouching step. him. (Greenville Female Seminary porch, scenting her, stirred, thumped 'a battered whitey silver doUar; but masses n t 6:30 and 8 Benediction, etc., Shiney made Some reply that was Simms, if you slap that little nigger his tall on the flooring, and whined. ■When at length the old negro ap­ it was a bright round gold dollar, right at both churches, on Sundays and Fri­ lost In the whirring wheels. The oth­ again. 111 slap you!)” Groping her way to .the dining-room, peared, Valiant took the note he out of the mint. Little Mary and little days at 7:30 p. m. er’s words seemed almost an echo of Greenle rolled over on the grass and she lighted a candle and passed brought, his heart beating rapidly, Susy could hardly sleep that night for ST. PATRKjK’S—Pecos and West 33d what she herself had been thinking. tittered. "Miss Mattie Sue didn’,” she through a corridor into a low-ceillng- and carried it hastily In to the candle­ thinking of what they could buy with nve.; Rev. D. O’Dwyer, pastor. Sunday “Maybe she married after a while, light. He did not open it at once, but said. “Ah heah huh say de yuddah masses at 6, 7:30, 9 and 10:30; evening ed chamber employed as a general re­ those gold dollars. too. A woman must make a life for sat for a full minute pressing it be­ day et wuz er moughty good feelln’ services at '7 :30f week-day masses at 8; ceptacle—a glorified garret, as Mrs. “Early next morning they went herself, you know. If she lives here, tween his palms as though to extract ter go ter bald Mlstis en git up Mars- first Fridays, mass at 7:^. Dandrldge dubbed it down-town, hand in hand, to the store, It will be sad for her, this opening of from the delicate paper the beloved ta h j” ST. FRANCES DE SALES’ — South It showed a strange assemblage! A and little Susy bought a bag of goober- the old wound by John’s coming. . . thrill of her touch. His hand shook “Well,” said Cozy, tossing her head Sherman and Alameda; Rev. J. J. Don­ row of chests, stored with winter peas, and sticks and sticks of striped And looking so like his father—’’ slightly as he drew the folded leaves till the flower earrings danced, “I’m nelly, pastor. Sunday • masses at 7, 8, clothing, gave forth a clean pungent candy, and a limber jack, and a gold 9:15 and 10:30; evening services at Katharine paused. There was a kind from the envelope. How would it be­ going to get married if the man hasn’t smell of cedar, and at one side stood For an Instant He Stared Unbeliev­ ring, and 4^ wax doll with a silk dress 7:30; week-day masses at 7; first Fri- ’ of exhilaration in this subtle baiting. gin? “My Knight of the Crimson got anything but a character and a an antique spinet and a worn set of ingly. on that could open and shut its eyes—’’ days, mass at 6:30 and 7:30. Shirley stirred uneasily, and in the Rose?” or “D ep Gardener?” (She had red mustache. Married women don’t horsehair furniture. “Huh!” said the captious Cozy. ST. ELIZABETH’S (German)—Curtii glimpsing light her face looked trou­ flesh bought with souU(j walnut tim­ called him Gardener the day they had have to prove they could have got Shirley had turned her miserable “Yoy can’t buy a wax doll for a dollar. and Eleventh sts.; Rev. Father Pius, bled. Katharine’s voice had touched ber from the hillside. How he and set out the roses) or perhaps even a husband if they had wanted to.” eyes on a book-shelf along one wall. Shirley would go galloping over those My littlest, littlest one cost three, and 0. F. M., pastor. Sunday masses at 6, 7, pathos, and in spite of her distasted of “Sweetheart?” It would not be long, “Let’s play something,” proposed The volumes it contained had been gleaming roads, in that roseate future she didn’t have a stitch to her back!” 8, 9 and 10:30; evening services at 7:30; the subject, Shirley had been entering only a mere “Yes” or “Come to me,” Rosebud Meredith, on whom the dis­ week-day masses at 6, 7 and 8 a. m .; her’^ther’s, and among them stood when she belonged to Mm! “Shut up!” said Rickey briefly. into .the feeling of that supposititious perhaps; yet even the shortest missive cussion palled. “Let’s play King, Friday evenings, Stations of the Cross a row of tomes taller than their fel­ Uncle Jefferson, from the door of “Dolls were cheaper then.” She looked woman. had its beginning and its ending. King Katiko.” and Benediction, at 7:45. lows—the bound numbers of a county the kitchens, watched him swinging at the row of little negroes, goggle- The judge, on the front seat, was He opened and read. “It’s Sunday!”—this from her small­ ST. JDSEpHiS—Galapago and West newspaper, beginning before the war. about in the sunehine, whistling the eyed at the vision of such largess. telling a low-toned story over his For an instant he stared unbeliev­ er and more righteous sister. “We’re Sixth ave.t Very Rev. August J. Gund- The back of each was stamped with “Indian Serenade.” ^ - “What do you think little Mary did shoulder for the delectation of Nancy ingly. Then the paper crackled to a forbidden to play anything but Bible ling, C. _SS. R., pastor. Sunday masses at the year. She was deciphering these with her gold dollar? She loved dolls and Betty, but Shirley was not listen- “Young mars' feel Vay up in de ball in his clutched hand, and he made games on Sunday,' and if Rosebud 6, 7:30, 9 and 10:30 a. m.; evening ser­ faded imprints. “Thirty years ago,” clouds dls day,” he said to Aunt and candy, too, but she had * heard » Ing. Her whole mind was full hf what a hoarse sound which was half cry, does. I’ll tell." vices at 7:30 o ’clock; week-day masses about the poo-oo-r heathen. There was Kdtharine had been saying. She was she whispered; “yes, here it is.” Daphne. “He wake up ez glad ez then sat perfectly still, his whole face at 6 and 7. “Jay-bird tattle-tale!” sang Rosebud a tear in her eye, but she took the dol­ picturing to herself this woman, her She set down the candle and ef he done ’fessed ’llgion las’ night. ST. DOMINIC’S— Grove st. and W est shuddering. What he crushed in his derisively. “Don’t care if you do!” lar home, and next day when she went dragged out one of the huge leather­ Well, all de folkses cOrt’n’y ’joyed 25th ave.; Rev. P. B. Doyle, O. P., pas­ secret hidden all these years, hearing hand was no note of tender love- “Well,” decreed Rldkey. “We’ll play to Sunday-school, she dropped it in backs. Staggering under the weight, deyselves. 01’ Mistah Fargo done bat tor. Sunday masses at 6, 7:30, 9 and of John Valiant’s coming to Damory phrases; it was an abrupt dismiseal. Sunday school j,then. It would take a the missionary-box. court, learning of this likeness, Shrink­ she rested its edge on the table and ’bout forty uh dem jumbles. Ah heah The staggering contretemps struck saint to object to that. I’m superln- 10:30. Week-day masses at 7; first “Little children, what do you reckon ing from sight of it, dreading the<7pain- began feverishly to turn the pages, her him talkin’ ter Mars’ John. ‘Reck’n yo’ the color from his face and left every Fridays, masses at 6 and 8. became of that dollar? It bought a ful memory it must thrust upon her. eye on the date line. She stopped mus’ hab er crackahjack cook down nerve raw and quivering. To be “noth­ HOL'Y GHOST—Curtis, near 20th; big satchelful of tracts for a mission­ “Suppose”—Katharine’s voice was presently with a quick breath—she heah,’ he say. Hyuh, hyuh!” ing to her, as she could be nothing to Rev. Garrett J. Burke, pastor. Sunday ary. He had been a poor man with masses at 7:15 and 9:30; week-day dreamy—"that she and John met sud­ had reached May 15th. The year was “G’way wld yo’ blackyardln’i—" him?” He felt a ghastly inclination to six children and a wife with a bone- masses at 8. denly, without warning. What would th^t of the duel: the date was the day sniffed Aunt Daphne, delighted. "Don’ laugh. Nothing to her! felon on her right hand—not a child ST. JOHN’S-^Fifjh and Josephine sts); she do? Would she say anything? following the Jessamine anniversary. need ter come eroun’ honey-caffuddlin’ Presently, his brows frowning heav­ m e !” ------old enough to wash dishes and all of Rev. Charles J. (3arr, pastor. Sunday Perhaps she would faint. . ./ .” Fearfully her eye overran the columns. ily, he spread out the crumpled paper them young enough to fall to the fire— masses at 8 and 10 o’clock; weekday Shirley started violently. Hen hands, Then suddenly she put her open “DaOs whut he say,” insisted Uncle and reread it with bitter slowness, hand on the page as though to blot Jefferson; "he did fo’ er fac’!” so he had to go and be a missionary. mass at 8. Sunday evening services . as they drew her cloak uncertainly weighing each phrase. “Something at 7:30 o’clock. Sheldrew her hands from the suds He was going to Alabam—to a canni­ llbout her, began to tremble, as if with out the words, every trace of color which she had learned since she last and looked at him anxiously. “Jeff’eon, bal island, and he took the tracts and ST. JAMES’—Thirteenth and N ew port cold. Something fell from them to the stricken from cheek ^a&d^row. But saw him, .which lay between them.” the line seemed to glow up through yo’ reck’n Mars’ John gwineter fotch sailed away in a ship that landed him sts., Montclair. Rev. James M. Walsh, bottom of the surrey. She had pot. known it, then, last night, pastor. Sunday mass' at 9 a. m.; the very flesh: “Died, May 14th; Ed- dat Yankee ’ooman heah ter Dam’ry on the shore. And ^’hen the heathen Through her chiffon veil Katharine when they'had kissed beside the sun­ benediction at 7:45 p. m .; Communion (Ward Sassoon, in his twenty-sixth Co’ot, ter be ouah mlstls?” cannibals saw him. they were ve-e-ery noted this with a slow smile. It had dial! She had loved him then! What mass first and third Sundays at 7:30. /Vear.” “Humph!” scoffed her spouse. “Dat glad, for there hadn’t been any ship­ been easier than she had thought She could there be that thrust them irrev­ HOLY FAMILY—Utica and West 44th highfalutin’ gal whut done swaller de wrecked sailors for a long'time, and said no more, and the carriage rolled The book slipped to the floor with a ocably apart? ave.; Rev. L. Fede, S. J., pastor. Sun­ ramrod? No suh-ree-bob-tail! De they were vee-ery hungry. So they on, to the accompaniment of giggles crash that -echoed through the room. Without stopping to think of the day masses at 8 and 10 a.' m.; bene­ oldah yo’ gits, de mo’ foolishah yo’ tied up the missionaiy and gathered over the judge’s peroration. As it It was true, then! It was Sassoon’s darkness or that the friendly doors of diction after late mass; week-day mau citations is! Don’ yo’ tek no mo’ a lot of wood to make a fire and cook neared the Rosewood lane she leaned death that her mother mourned. The the edifice would "he closed, he caught at 7 o’clock. trouble on yo’ back den yo’ kin keek hlnr., toward Shirley. man in whose arms she had stood up hie hat and went swiftly down the MT. CARMEL (Italian)—Navajo and such a little while ago by the old dial off’n yo’ heels! She aln’ gwineter run "You have dropped your fan,” said drive to the road, along which he (To be continued.) West 36th ave.; Rev. J. Piecoli, 0. S. M., dis place, er ol’ Devil-John tuhn ovah she “—and your gloves, too. . j , . of Damory Court was the son of the plunged breathlessly. The blue star- pastor. Sunday masses, 6, 7:30, 9 and in he grave!” I might have reached them for you. man who had killed him! spangled sky was now streaked with 10:30; benediction after the last mass, Sunset found Valiant sitting in the and on third Sunday procession in hon­ Why, we are there already. How short “Oh, God,” she whispered, “just clouds like faded orchids, and the Directory of music-room before the old square pi­ or of Our Lady of Sorrows, and bene­ the drive has seemed!” when I was to happy! Oh, mother, shadows on the uneven ground under mother! You loved him, and your ano. In the shadowy chamber the Attor neys-at- Law diction at 3 p. m. Week-day masses “Don’t drive up the lane, Llge,” his hurried feet made him giddy. at 7 and 8. heart broke when he died. It was keys of mother-of-pearl gleamed with said Shirley, and hef voice seemed Through the din and hurly-burly of his OF COLORAIKX Valiant who broke it—Valiant—Val­ dull colors, under his fingers. He He Bent Over, Suddenly Noting the ST. MARY MAGDALENE—West 26th sharp and strange even to herself. thoughts he was conscig^s of dimly- and Depew, Edge water; Rev. J. Mk.D s iant. Hie fath<^.!” struck at first only broken chords, that Scent; It Was Cape Jessamine. “The wheels would wake mother.” moving shapes across fences, the JAMES J. MeFEELY, Saulniers, -pastor. Sunday masse^at She slipped d^wn upon the bare became flnallythe haunting barcarole Katharine bade her goodby with care­ sweet breath of cows, and a negro pe­ teudent and till's stump's my desk. All Attorsey-at-Law, 7:30 and 9:30 a. m .; week-day masa at floor and crouched there shuddering of “Tales of Hoffmann.” It was the ful sweetness, as the judge bundled destrian who greeted him in passing. you children sit down undei^that tree.” 426 Foster Building, 7:30 a. m. and agonized, her disheveled hair wet air that had drifted across the garden her down in bis strong friendly arms. He was stricken suddenly with .the They ranged themselves in two Sixteenth and Champa ST. PHILOMENA’S—Corner 14th and with tears. Was her love to be but when be had stood with Shirley by “No,” she told him, “don’t come with thought that Shirley was suffering, rows, the white children, in clean Sab­ Phone 429i Detroit. Rev. M. W. Donovan, pasfbr. the thing of an hour, a single clasp— the sun-dial, in the moment of their me. It’s not a bit necessary. Em- too. It seemed Incredible that he bath pinafores and go-to-meeting Sunday masses at 6, 8 and 10 o ’clock and then, forever, nothing? His fa­ first kiss. Over and over he played maline yill be waiting for me.” should now be raging along a country kr.lck.erbockers, in front and the col­ MORRISSEY & S(X)FI1LD Week-day masses at 8. Confession on ther’s; deed was not his fault. Yet it, im provising dreamy variations, till Attomeyi at Law, Saturday, .1:30 to 6:30 p. m., 7:30 ;to He climbed into her vacant place as road at nightfall to find something ored ones, in ginghams and cotton- how could she love a man whose every the tender melody seemed the dear 305-07 Symei Building, 9 p. m. ' the girls called their good nights. that so horribly hurt them both. prints, in the rear—the habitual ex­ feature brought a pang to that mother ghost of that embrace. At length he Phone Main 4310 Denver, Cok I ST. LOUIS’ — South Sherman and “We’ll all sleep late enough in the It was almost dark—save for the pression of a differing social station. she loved more than herself? So, went into the library and in the crim­ Floyd, Englewood. Rev. Louis F. !^gus, morning, I reckon,” he said with a starlight—when he saw the shadow of “Oh!” shrieked Miss Cabell, “and I'll over and over, the wheel of her soning light sat down at the desk, DAN B. CAREY, pastor (residence, 1959 WaBhington). laugh, “but it’s been a great success!” the square ivy-grown spire rearing be Mrs. Merryweather Maeon and • •**•*** thought turned in the same desolate and began to write; Attoniey-at-Law, Sunday masses at 8 and 10 a. m. stark from its huddle of foliage teach the infants’ class.” groove, and over and over the parox­ “Dear Bluebird of Mine: Z16-I20 C orm ada Bid#., « ST. JOSEPH’S (Polish)—Pennsylvania Emmaline was crouched in a chair against the blurred background. He “There isn’t any infant class.” said ysms of grief and longing submerged “I can’t wait any longer to talk to Phone Main 4951 Denver, Colo and 46th ave.; Rev. Theo. Jarzynski, in the hall, a rug thrown over- her pushed open the gate and went slowly Rickey. "How could there be when pastor. Sunday masses at 8 and 10; her. you. Less than a day has passed knees, in open-mouthed slumber. Phe up the worn path toward the great there aren’t any infants? The lesson WILLIAM H. AN DREW , week-day mass at 8. Noiselessly as she had descended, since we were together, but it might started up at the touch of Shirley’s iron-bound and hooded door. Under is over and I’ve just rung the bell for Att«raay-at-lAW, ST. CATHERINE’S, Harkness Heighti she crept again up the stair. As she have been eons, if one measured time hand, yawning widely. the larches on either hand the outlines silence. Children, this is Missionary IIS Chari— BalUlaa, —West 42d avenue and Boulevard “F” passed her mother’s door, she paused by heart-beats. What have you been “I ’dare to goodness,” she muttered, of the gravestones loomed pallidly, Sunday, and I’m glad to sue .so many Tel. Main 1369 Denver, Colo Rev. W. W. Ryan, pastor. Sunday a moment, and laying her arms out idoing and thinking, I wonder? I have “I was jes’ flxin’ t’ go t’ sleep!” and from the bell tower came the faint happy faces here today. Cozy." siie masses at 8 and 9:30. Daily mass at across it, pressed her lips to the dark spent those eons in the garden, just JOHN H. REDDIN, 7:30. Parochial residence, 4150 Hooker. /• "I—Pm so tired, Emmaline. Take inquiring cry of a small owl. Valiant said relenting, “you can b;' (iia organ­ grain of the wood. wandering about, dreaming over those Attorney and C on a u ler at the crown. Its heavy.” stood looking about him. What could CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SAC­ wonderful, wonderful moments by,the ist if you want to.” 612-614 Ernest and Cranmer Block, RAMENT—Park Hill, Mountview boule­ The negro woman untangled the he learn here? He read no answer to sun-dial. Ah, dear little wild Ijeart “ I w on't.” said Cozy .''r.'.i'-i'jy "If 1 Seventeenth and Curtis Streets, vard and Elm. Rev. J. Fred McDon­ glittering' points from the meshing CHAPTER XXVIII. the riddle. A little to one side of the born of the flowers, with the soul of can’t be tablc-clotli i w oi L be ulsh- Phone Main 567 Denver, Colo ough, pastor. Sunday masses at 8 and hair with'^ careful fingers. “Po’ li’l path something showed snow-like on rag.” The Awakening. a bird (yet yOu are woman, too!) that 10 a. m. chickydee-dee!” she said lovingly. the ground, and he went toward it r. M. MORROW, CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION The sun had passed the meridian old disk is marking happy hours now “All right, you needn’t,” retorted Nearer, he saw that it was a mass of Attorney-at-LaLw, —Bamum, West 7th avenue and Julian next day when Valiant awoke, from a for m e! Rickey freezingli'. “pit up, Greenle. flowers, staring up whitely from the 621 E. & C. Building, street, Rev. J. J. Gibbons, pastor. Sun­ sleep as deep as Abpu ben Adhem’s, “How have I deserved this thing People don’t lie on their backs in semi-obscurity from within an iron Phone Main 1649 day masses at 8 and 10 a. m. yet one crowded with flying tiptoe that has come to me?—sad bungler Sunday-school.” railing. He bent over, suddenly noting dreams. The one great fact of Shir­ that I have been! Sometimes it seems Greenie yawned dismally, and right­ the scent; it was cape jeesamine. ley’s love had lain at the core of all too glad and sweet, and I am suddenly ed herself with injured slowness. “Ah With the curious sensation of almost these honied images, and his mind desperately afraid I shall wake to find diffuses ter ’cep’ yo’ insult, Rickey The Miles & Dryer Printing Co. prescience plucking at him, he took a was full of it as his eyes opened, wide myself facing another Aull morning Snydah,” she said. “Ah’d ruthah lose box of vestas from his pocket and all at once, to the new day.' in that old, useless, empty life of mine. mah 'ligion dan mah laz’n^as/’ En Ah 1744 Lawrence St. struck one. It flared up illuminating He looked at his watch and rolled I am very humble, dear, before your 'splses yo’ spissable dissl^ftion!” a flat granite slab in which was cut from the bed with a laugh. “Past love. “Let us all rise,” continued Rickey, Catholic Work a Specialty. Estimates Given on Work a name and inscription; twelve!” he exclaimed. “Good heav­ “Shall I tell you when it began with unmoved, “and sing ‘Kingdom Com­ from out of the city. Telephone 2851.11 ens! What about all the work I had me? Not last night—nor the day we EDWARD SASSOON. ing.’ ” And she struck up lustily, laid out for today?” planted the ramblers, (Do you know, “Forgive us our trespasses." beating time on the stump with a Presently he was splashing in the when f your little muddy boot went The silence seemed to crash to eartif stick, and the rows of children joined lake, shooting under his curved hand trampling do.wn the earth about their like a great looking-glass and shiver in with unction, the colored contingent W . P. HORAN unerring Jets of water at Chum, who roots, I wanted to stoop down and Into a million plecee. The wax dropped coming out strong on the chorus; Funeral Director danced about the rim barking, now kiss it? So dear everything about from his fingers and in the superven­ venturing to wet a valorous paw, now you was!) Not that evening at Rose­ ing darkness a numb fright gripped I De yerf shall be full ob de wunduhful 1US-1627 CLBVKLAND FLACB, story scrambling up the bank to escape the wood, with the arbor fragrance about him by the throat. Shirley had laid .4.8 watahs dat covah de sea! F M O N i lir a DENVER, CDLft watery javelins. us. (I think I shalj always picture you these there, on the grave of the man Valiant came up the terraces with with roses all about you. Red roses his father had killed—the cape jessa­ The clear voices in the quiet air his blood bounding to a new rapture. the color of your lips!) No, it was not mines she had wanted that day, tor startled the fluttering birds and''’bent FOR GOOD WORK CALL UP Crossing the garden, he ran quickly then that it began—nor that dreadful her mother! He understood. a squirrel to the tip-top of an oak, to the little close which held the sun­ hour when you fought with me to save ♦ • • * » • from which he looked down, flirting dial and pulled a single great passion­ my life—nor the moraing you sat your It came to him at last that there his brush. They roused a man, too, flower. He stood a moment holding horse in the box-rows in that yew- was a chill mist groping among the who had lain in a sodden sleep under l l T h e Year Was That of the Duel: the green habit that made your hair look Colorado Laundry it to his face, his nostrils catching its trees and that he was very cold. a bush at a little distance. He was Date Was the Day Following the faint elusive perfume. Only last night, like molten copper. No, it began the He went back along the Red Road ragged and soiled and his heavy bru­ P h o n e 7 4 1 2207 LARIMER Jessamine Anniversary. , under the moon, he had stood there first afternoon, when I sat in my mo­ Btumblingly. Was this to be t)he end tal face, covered with a dark stubble r\ with Shirley in his arms. A gush of tor with your rose in my hand! It of some daye’ growth, had an ugly "Reck'n she flop ali th’ feddatis outer of the dream, ikhich he had fancied the unbelievable sweetness of that mo­ has never left me since, by day or by scar slanting back from cheek to hair. JAMES A. FLEMING, her wings. Gimme that o’ tin crftwn would last forever? Could it be that ment poured over him. His face Without getting up, he rolled over to —I like ter lam’ it out th’ winder! night. And yet there are people in she was not for him? Was it no hoary softened. command a better view, and set his Come on, now; we go upstairs soft this age of airships and honking high­ lie that the sins of the fathers were Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance Standing with his sandaled feet eyes, blinking from their slumber, on so’s not ter ’sturb Mis’ Judith.” ways and typewriters who think love- visited upon the third and fourth gen­ deep in the white blossoms, the' sun eration ? the children. 1536 Stout Street, Room 222 In the silvery-blue bedroom, she at-first-sight is as out-of-date' as our on his damp hair and the loose robe PHONE 3131. DENVER, COL«. deftly unfastened the hooks of the little grandm others’ hoops rusting in When he re-entered the library the “We will now' take up the collec­ clinging to his moist limbs, he gave heavy satin gown and coaxed her mis­ the garret. Ah, sweetheart, 1, for one, candle was guttering in the burned tion,” said Rickey. (“You can do it, himself to a sudden day-dream. A tress to lie on the sofa while she un­ know better! wings of a night-moth. The place June. Use a flat piece of bark.) Re­ wonderful waking dream of joy over- pinned the masses of waving hair till “Suppose .1 had not come to Vir­ looked all at once gaunt and desolate member that what we give today is THE W. H. STEWART AGENCY CO. flooding years of ambitionless ease; they lay in a rich surge over the ginia—and known you! My heart and despoiled. What could Virginia, tor the poor heathen in—in Alabama.” of the Damory Court that should be cushion. Then die brought a brush jumps when I think of it. It makes what could Damory Court, be to him The bark-slab made its rounds, re­ GENERAL INSURANCE in days to come. one believe in fate. Hpre at the Court without her? The wrinkled note lay ceiving leaves, acorns, and an occa­ and crouching down beside her, began • •*•**« Phon* Main 676 - * EatablUhaA i » 'P * with long gentle strokes to smooth out 1 found an old leaf-calendar—it sits on the desk and he bent suddenly with sional pin. Midway, however, there When he came from the little close a sharp catching breath and kissed it. arose a shrill shriek from the bearer the silken threads, talking to tier the at my elbow now, just as I came on it. 728 Gas & Electric Building there was a hew mysteir in the sun­ There welled over him a wave of while in a soft crooning monotone. < The date it shows is May 14th, and and the collection was scattered broad­ shine, a fresh and joyous meaning in rebellious longing. The candle spread Under these ministrations Shirley its motto is: 'Every man carries his cast. “Rosebud Meredith,” said Rick­ the intense blue overarching of the lay languid and speechless, her eyes fate upon a riband about his neck.’ to a hazy yellow blur. The walls tell ey witheHngly, "it would serve you DUFFY'S away. He stood under the moonlight, ok>sed. The fear that had stricken Imponderable sky. Every bird-note I like that. right for putting that toad in the plate “That first Sunday at St. Andrew’s, with his afms about her, his lips on if your hand would get all over warts! her heart by turns seemed a cold hand held its own love-secret. A wood- thrush sang it from a silver birch be­ I thought of a day—may it be soon!— hers and his heart beating to the I’m sure I hope it will.” She rescued S T O R A G E and m o v i n g pressing upon its bs|Lting and an algid side the summer-house, and a bob- when you and I might stand before sound of tbe violins behind them. the fallen piece of bark and an­ vapor rising stealthily oyer it. But that altar, with your people (my He laughed—a harsh wild laugh that nounced: “Taa collection this after­ her hands were hot and her eyelids white whistled it in the little valley Phone Main 1340 Office, 601 Fifteenth S t beyond. Even the long trip-hammer people, too, how) around us, and I rang through the gloomy room. Then noon has amoirnted to a hundred dol­ burned. Finally she roused herself. of a far-away woodpecker beat a ra­ shall hear you say: ‘I, Shirley, take he threw hinself on the couch and lars and seven cents. And now, chil­ “Thank you, Emmaline,” she said diant tattoo. thee, John— ’ And to think it is really burled his fac'e in his hands. He was dren, we will skip the catechism and In a tired voice, “good night now; Pm He paused to greet the flaming pea­ to come true! Do you remember the still lying there when the misty rain- I will tell you a story.” - going to sleep, and you must go to text the minister preached from? If was wet dawn came through the shutters. Her auditors hunched themselves H4.’ H li:ij bed, tdo.” cock that sent out a.: curdling screech, in which the tentative potterack! pot- 'But all men perceive that they have nearer, a double row of attentive white But alone in the warm wan dark, terack! of a guinea-fowl tangled itself riches, and that their faces shine as CHAPTER XXIX. and black faces, as Rickey with a pre­ Shirley lay staring open-eyed at the softly. "Go on,” he Invited. “Explode the faces of angels:’ I think I shall liminary bass cough, began in a drawl­ ceiling. Slowly the terror was seizing all you want to, old Fire-Cracker. go about henceforth with my face The Coming of Greef King. ing tone whose mimicry called forth 5 c upon her, the dread, noiseless and in­ Hang your purple-and-gold pessimism! shining, so that all men will see that It was Sunday afternoon, and under giggles of esetasy. tangible, folding her in the shadow of You only make the birds sound I have riches—your love for me, dear. the hemlocks, Rickey Snyder had gath­ “There were once two little sistera. itf numbing wings. Was her mother sweeter. Perhaps that’s what you’re “I am BO happy I can hardly see the ered her minions—a dozen children T^o went to Sunday-school and loved the one over whom that old duel had ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW for—who knows?” words—or perhaps it is that the sun from the near-by houses >Uh the tneir teacher ve-e-er^ much. They been fought? She remembered the He tried to work, but work was not has set I am sending this over by usual sprinkling of little blacl^ from were always good and attentive—not cape jessamines. Was the date of for that marvelous afternoon. He Uncle Jefferson. Send me back just the kitchens. There were parents, of like that little nigger over there! The that duel—of the death of Sassoon— wandered about the gardens, planning a word by him, sweetheart, to say I course, to whom this mingling of color one with his thumb in his mouth! One BUTTER-NUT BREAD the anniversary her mother kept? this or that addition; a little lo^er may come to you tonight And add and degree was a matter of conven­ was little Mary and the other was More Slices She sat up in bed, trembling. Then M ade W ith Milk samep^ sweep to the pansy-bed—a clump of the three short words I am so thirsty tional prohibition, but since the ad­ little Susy. They had a mighty rich ’"^he rose, and opening the door with bull-rushes at the farther end of the to hear over and over—one verb be­ vent of Rickey, in whose soul lay a uncle who lived in Richmond, and caution, crept dawn tlje stair, sliding lake. He peered Into’ the stable: a tween two pronouns—so that I can Napoleonic Instinct of leadership, this once he came to see them and gave her hot haujL bfifore her along the saddle horse stood there now. but kiss them all at once!” was more honored in the breach than them each a dollar. And they were - /


SOMETHING NEW Georgia Ardell, Register Reporter DIES OF SHOTS FR.CARR’S PARISH SOCIAL DOINGS • Library Spectacles for Comfort in Reading FROM MEXICANS PATRONAL FEAST ON NEITYEAR’S The big round lenses mean relief to tired eyes. The lyloware (imitation 5,. shell) frame is so much lighter than any metal frame. at Pueblo, Will be Bride in June H. R. O’Driscoll, Denver Mining You will welcome these big roomy glasses just as you do your St. J o ^ Evangelist’s Day Kept Knights of Colnmhv en smoking jacket and slippers. Let us show you how light and easy fitting Pioneer, Succumbs to Wounds , Last Sunday; Most Beloved House; St. Vincent they realiy are. Mrs. Josephine Ardell, of Pueblo, Colo., livest wire those publications have ever Received in March, 1911, of'Christ’s Twelve ^ Ball Great Bocidt^ had on their staffs. For some time, she last week announced the engagement of From Bandits. Apostles. ° Event. ! TbeSwigert Bros. Optical Co her daughter. Miss Georgia Ardell, a has been connected with the latter paper. She has handled The Register's Pueblo H. E. U'Driscoll, a pioneer Denver The Feast of St. John the Evangelist, WtaoM Bepntation and Equlpmaat CHts sUiff reporter for The Denver Catholic New Year's Day will be celebrated in news department for several years, with mining man. died Decemlrer 23 at Mercy 'T on the Highest Grade of Serrloe. Seroted BzOlnslTely to patroii of Si. John’s church at Fifth and a special way in Denver. The Knights Register, to'Robert L. Zeiger, son of Mr. eminent satisfaction to the patrons of hospital from the effects of bullet the Tlttiag and Mannfao- Josephine, fell on Sunday. of Columbus will maintain open house 1550 California 51. Denver tnring o f Olasnos. and Mrs. T. R. ;Zciger. The wedding this paper. wpunds 'he received in March, 1911, St. John, the youngest of the apostles at their home. Fourteenth and Glenarm, will take-place in'June at St. Patrick’s Mr. Zeiger has been associated with when protecting property which was in age, was called to follow Christ on and numerous Catholics will be inter­ church, Pueblo, and the two will live his father in the Pueblo Whosale Drug raided by Mexican bandits. He was the banks of the Jordan during the first ested in the receptions t o be hajd by there. Mr. Zeiger is one of the promi­ companj". He attended the Centennial shot four times and left for dead, when days of Our Lord's ministry. He was many other associations in the city. The I W e O ffer for Sale 6^0 First M ortgage R eal :: nent yoimg-men in the southern city. high school at Pueblo, and graduated a' friendly Mexican secreted, him until one of the privileged few present at the most elaborate celebration in Denver, He is a recent convert to the Catholic from the Golden School of Mines. He the,)’ could get him to Durango, where' Transfiguration and the agony in the however, will be the annual New Year’s : Estate Loans; also H igh-Grade Incom e Church. is a member of the Sigma Nu and the he was placed in a private hospital. He garden. A t the Last Supper his lead ball for St. Vincent's orphanage, which !Mi8s Ardell is admittedly the beat Gamma Eta Kappa fraternities. Miss never fully recovered from the effects rested on the bosom of Jesi^, and in the will take place at the Brown Palace Bonds Netting from S ^ o t o 6 ^ 0 , newspaper woman in Southern Colorado. Ardell is a graduate of the Pueblo *(7en- of the wound.s. and eomplication.s set in hour of the Passion, wh«i others fieef or hotel. This reception Ss recognized as She waa connected with both the Star- tral high school and the State normal whicli resulted in his death. Mr. O'Dris­ denied their Ylaster, St. John kept hi» one of the most elite anwiial affairs in Journal and the Chieftain in her home coll wa.s interested for several years in ) school at Greeley. She has been con­ place by the side of Jesus, and at the the city. ' city, and it is conceded that she ia the nected with the Pueblo public schools. mining projects in the Central City min­ last stood by the cross -with Jlary. From ing di.strict, afterward going to Mexico, The H ibernia Bank and Trust Com pany :: the cross the dying Savior bequeathed preserved .front hurt. Afterwards he where he was connected with the San His Mother to the care of the faithful was banished to the isle of Patmos, 15th & Champa Sts. Denver, Colo. :: Louise Mining company ai»d the Van- Apostle, “ who hour took her tanas Miuirtg company, an English cor­ where he received the heavenly visions Beautiful M u sic at D o m in ica n to his ow n;” thus fitly, as St., Austin described in the Jl^iocalTqise. He died at »f****»»** The past successes of the Co­ He has liad three yciirs' study in sale murder gning on in Eutope at the with services'' at St. Elizabeth’s church lonial club a.ssure the artistic triumph Italy, under some of tlie most prominent present time.. Civilization is making gi­ TAILOR at 1. Interment at Fairmont. of the coming show. masters, and is pqualTy proficient in' gantic strides- forward these days. W e 617 SSTElTTEEirTE ST,, Ssnyer. WATSON.—Mrs. Anna Watson of Italian, IVcnch and English composi­ used to be shoeketl at dances on Clirist- Phone Maine 1347. Oipaha was buried last Thursday after­ Kreiling, were held lVe,dne.sday from the tions. His rendition of Irish ballads mas. Now, lo behold! we cap swallow a SEASON’S STYLES NOW READY. noon at Mount Olivet cemetery, Denver. ChinaPaintin^ Mrs. W. R Laney residence, 443 Inca, at 8:30, with mass- is a treat, and he has had wide exper­ prize fight and! flunk nothing of it. Special price! for cardonrd pparties «rtle» iSpecial and The members of St. Anthony’s court, at St. Joseph’s at 9. Interment Mount ience both in Europe and the • United .1. R. V l'lN N , Puebloj. Coloi. olnba. £eaaona, 75 oenta for tkree W. C. 0. F., attended. Olivet. ^ States. 31r. Burke lias been one of the 4404 Alcott St. honra, Inelnding' firing, n rlu ff' and The A. W. Clark Drug Co. SANZA.— Sirs. VinceiTza Sanza of 3713 FUone Oall'np 783. ordeca promptly atteaded to. TWO STORES: MULUXS.-Th» funeral of Kate Mul­ .soloists in Father Bo.setti s choir at the Inca was buried Saturday morning, with CATHEDRAL ORGANIST Corner 8th Ave. and Jason St. lins, AA’ife of Thomas Mullins, took place Cathedral for the past several weeks. mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel WEDS CHRISTMAS MORN 3rd Ave. and Elati St. from the residence, 1429 Elati street, church at 9. Interment at Mount Olivet. yesterday morning at 8:30, with serv­ Put scant, if any, notice to such prose­ Maiiajlm C. M aits, organist at the EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS MULLIN.—Alice C. Mullin of 1373 ices at St. Leo's church at 9. Interment cution, although the libels were against Cathedral and l»i*der of the Blessed' Particular-Attention Given to Order Work Grant, sister of Emma Mullin, was Mount Olivet. The members of branch the Catlrolic Church and primarily Sacrament church; ahoir, chose Christmas Mrs. K. Cullen Take Lawreace 5t. PHONE WM. E. RUSSELL, buried _ frbm Horan’s funeral chapel, 902, L. C. B. A., attended. Mrs. Mullins, against the Knights of Cdhuabus—330,- Car to Colfluc Ave. M. 7272 1462 Lipan St. morning as his wediding day. Miss A g­ Dealer la Tuesday morning at 8:30, with requiem aunt of the former Judge JtUia I. Mul­ 009 men. a nes DeGourcey, a; prominent young:merm-- mass at the Cathedral at 9- Interment lins, and a resident of Denver for nearly “We RufiTiiit then the following ac­ Coke, W ood ber of the Cathedral parish, w'as- the- in Mount Olivet cemetery. forty years, died suddenl}- at her home, count of actions taken to expose this & Charcoal bride. The ceremony was rather quiet, DONAFJRO.—Virginia Donafiro died from heart trouble. She was 59 years libel', and Offloe, asta W elton’B l being jjerformed in tlie ■ chapel’’ of the The Place of Bargains— Lavit Bros. Furnitnre Ch. December 17, aged 54 years. Requiem old and is survived by her luisband and “ (a; W r urge our non-CatlloKe friends You lose If you do not inspect our stock first! Phonaa Main 586 aad 687. Infant Savior at tire Cathedral by the Tards, 4th and Darlmer Sta mass was celebrated for her in Our Lady three daughters, Marie, Katie and Mar­ to read it and ask us any questions that ^ Finuiw ujtB sTovflu. B urass, Bva*. c a b f e t s , T o g g a s . Rev. Joseph Bosefcfci, choir master,, im­ NEW AND SECONDHAND. of Mount Carmel church December 20, garet. ' Mrs. Mullins was active in char­ may further enlighten them; n o n e Champa 3674. - 1439 It. Phones: Gallup 178, Gallup 183. mediately after the- o'clock mass. Mr. and the funeral was held from the resi­ ity work. We ask our members to circu­ Highest prices paid for uaod- furniture. and Mrs. Marks had their wedding dence at 10. Interment in Mount Olivet. DUFFY'.— YIrs.. Mary Duffy died Tues­ late this pamphlet among non'-Catholics, breakfast at the residence of the Bsy.. J. B. Garvin & Co. HEIME.—-The funeral of Elizabeth C. public libraries, colleges, normal schools day of last week, aged 74. The funeral J. Frederick McDonough, rector of Park Heime, mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Greene, was held from Sullivan’s, Thursday a f­ and high schools, and especially to the VypemMtnc at the Coat of Imitetton. TelephOM Main 8888. I Hill. Mr. Marks is- with the Amertean DRUGGISTS Mrs. Josephine Egger, both of Grand ternoon, with services at St. Patrick’s neighborhood public press and' to bigoted i s 8401 W. 33d Ave. Denver, Colo. I Radiator company. DENIKER MULTIGRAPHING COMPANY Junction, and Mrs. Teresa Brugger, of at 2. Interment Mount ©livet. Two publications. 606 MININC EXCHANGE BUHJMNG Phone York 676. E. F. Schindler Denver, was held from Brown-Hartford- sons, Tim and John Duffy,, survive. “Congressional Record. Bruner’s, December 19, with services at “Before giving the history of the va­ PUEBLOAir WEDS HERE ,, BOSZi: E. XEEAICHB; MSPr- Catherine • Anna Stutsman of 3tT STEI«OGRAPHIC WORK, ADDRESSING, ETC. Elgin Ci^eamery St. Eliz4il)eth’s church at 8:30. Interment KNIGHTS TELL IN LITERATURE FOR rious prospcntions and activities above 1 MUL OxMm, Battw; Bgn, Zoa Oraam. in Mount Olivet. referred' to for criminal libel' in printing Cliarles church, Peru, Ind., and Ludwig VOTE—Cut out this advertisement. It PROTESTANTS ALL ABOUT or publishing o r defaming by means of Joseph Graff o f St. Patrick’s, Pfteblo, entitles holder to One Quart of Butter' KREILING.—The funeral services of OATH FIGHTS. milk free with the purchase of one were married at the 8 o'clock mass in pound of butter. Elizabeth Kreiling, wife o f Charles D. the alleged oath, we want to answer the the Cathedral yesterday by the- Rev. DENNIS J. SULUVAN 6so E. 17th Ave. Denver, Colo. (Continued from; page- 1.) foul'charge intimating that the Congres­ he*> riacketbal Geo. Hackethal. sional Record of the United’ States is; Hugh L. McMenamin. Flowers for Alt Occasions SOME VADVABDE SECBETS BE- oaths, starting with the foltawing pre­ ^ Fnneroi Designs VXaLliED— How to home cure beef; how THE MODERN PARLORS OF amble: authority for its genuineness. on short ootice to keep lemons fresh for three months: Practical Florist m how to keep flowers fresh for weeks; HACKETHAL BROS. “The Knights of Columbus were in­ “YTnch has been printed Ky those cir­ A Card o f Thanks. I enjoy the confidence of my patronsj if not convenient to call phone in your how to keep eggs and butter fresh for culating the bogus ‘oath’ tending to mis­ wants. They will be personally attended to. six months; how to make hens lay all corporated in 1882 under a special char­ To the many kind friends and! bene­ through the moulting and winter sea­ ter granted by the general assembly of lead the public into the belief ;;that in factors of the orphans atf- St. Clhra’s son; the easiest way to keep setting the sisters ;in charge wish to a.xpress SulllYan’s Bird Store -] s^ne way congress had found it to be hens, pigeons and poultry free from Connecticut. They are a fraternal ben­ their heartiest tliaiiks for the many fa­ vermin; how to hatch three t i m e s as trrw. So thej’ have referred' to the Con­ Phone IVEstin 2488 ? ' 5 3 4 Fifteentfe St. many pullets than cockerels; 'how to efit society composed of Catholic men vors received during the past year. For rot any stump in five weeks so that it who under said cliartcr. La addition to gressional Record of February 15, 1913, without their help it would bo- impos can be torn to pieces with a pick axe: how to banish mosquitoes; all for 26 providing an insurance system which is for proof of the genuinaness of this sible to provide for the 300 childten in cents, which is my complete charge for cliarge. Spe<‘ial thanks are expressed ^pientifiically sound and admittedly the ‘fibel.’ the above and other inside valuable in­ herewitli to St. Clara’s Aid society. formation that will help you wonder­ best, endeavor ‘to promote such social “ The Fact. fully. 1 do not sell preparations: satis­ May (iod bless all and may the com­ faction guaranteed. Prof. W. C. Wood­ and intellectual intercourse among its “In the Congressional’ Record of Feb­ ing year be one of blessing and pros­ WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ward, pox 115, Clementon, New Jersey. members as shall be- desirable and ruary l.">, 1913, pages 3215 et seq., ap­ perity is the Mrish of the Msters and

■ \) ‘y . '