Congressional Record—Senate S2877
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March 31, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S2877 a number of different charities and veals the heart of a lion. Down 17 ing, has thrived uninterrupted for over causes, ranging from providing loans points with less than 10 minutes to two hundred years. for college students to assisting the play against a Duke squad that had In 1968, my wife, Sharon, along with sick and the elderly in getting to Sun- been ranked #1 for most of the year, a group of community-minded West day Mass. the Comeback Cats put together a fren- Virginians assisted a talented group of Other examples of service activities zied charge, outscoring the Blue Devils quilters to form Mountain Artisans, a in Minnesota include: a fund drive in 17 - 1 during a crucial stretch. What nonprofit group comprised of gifted support of the construction of Catholic made the feat all the more impressive quilt makers, to help in the preserva- schools conducted by Council 7604 in was that every player contributed. tion and exposure of this artful tradi- Eagan, Minnesota; the bowling team In the Final Four, the Cats squared tion of design and talent. Many West from Council 961 in St. Cloud, Min- off against the Stanford Cardinal, the Virginians considered quilting a part of nesota, which raised over $6,000 for Big West Coast power that spent the ma- the mountain state's heritage. My wife Brothers-Big Sisters; and the sponsor- jority of the season undefeated. Down and I are particularly fond of the ing of youth hockey by Council 3166 in by 5 at half, the Cats did what was nat- Mountain Artisans. When we were ex- Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. ural for them, they put together a pecting our first child, in the late Mr. President, I am pleased to report rally, eventually winning the contest 1960's, the group graciously decided to that the ``World's Largest Catholic in overtime. This victory was fueled by create a quilt for our first-born. With Family Fraternal Organization'' has a one of the most gritty performances in the assistance of the Sod Sewing Group commanding presence in Minnesota Final Four history, as senior Jeff from Sod, West Virginia, the quilt was and will continue to provide commu- Sheppard poured in 27 of the Cats 74 completed in mid-September of 1970. nities with an excellent example of how points. The beautiful quilt, which is known as to live a fulfilling life of maximum What could top this effort in the ``The Rockefeller Quilt'' was displayed at service to God and country. I am hon- finals? How about the greatest come- the Rockefeller home and today, ored to have this opportunity to ac- from-behind victory in the history of adorns the wall just outside my office knowledge and thank the Knights of the NCAA championship. Down 10 at in the Hart Senate Office Building in Columbus for all their work, and offer the half, and 12 early in the second Washington, D.C. my sincerest congratulations on the half, this selfless group of young men One master quilter I especially ad- 116th anniversary of their founding. · redoubled their efforts and chipped mire is Mortana McCormick of Sod, f away at the Utah lead. Steadily the West Virginia, who contributed to the tide began to shift behind three point creation of The Rockefeller Quilt. Ms. TRIBUTE TO THE KENTUCKY baskets from Heshimu Evans, and Ken- McCormick, a distinguished quilter, WILDCATS: 1998 NCAA NATIONAL tucky natives Cameron Mills and Scott has represented the State well and BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS Padgett. Refusing to wilt under the helped put our state on the ``interior · Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, 50 pressure of facing the hottest team in design and fashion'' map. She has con- years ago this month, the University of the nation, Kentucky hammered away tributed to fashion patchwork designs Kentucky accomplished a feat still un- defensively and converted on the offen- for Barbra Streisand and museum col- matched in college basketball history. sive end. In the end, Utah's game effort lections displayed in West Virginia and As every backyard all-star in the Com- was not enough and the Cats posted a internationally. Mortana McCormick monwealth can tell you, that was the 78 - 69 victory in seizing their second is just one of the talented artisan- year of the original Fabulous Five. national title in three years. quilters that call West Virginia home. You see in Kentucky, we have a habit In what has become habit for the I ask my distinguished colleagues to of naming our most special Wildcat Comeback Cats, the team drew on its join me in recognizing this long stand- teams, and 1948 may have been the strengths and refused to panic. Under ing tradition and art, and its many tal- most special of the bunch. That group, the masterful eye of Coach Smith and ented artists, including Ms. Mortana led by Alex Groza, Ralph Beard and the intelligent play of a host of stars, McCormick.· Wah Wah Jones not only earned Ken- the team accomplished its dream of f tucky's first NCAA men's college bas- bringing home the title. ketball championship trophy but went So, Mr. President, while we look TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN UNIVERSITY on to bring home a gold medal from the back fondly on the Fabulous Five of · Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I stand be- 1948 Olympics. 1948, I am content to take senior Jeff fore you today to pay tribute to a truly Flash forward Fifty years into the fu- Sheppard's advice to ``appreciate the outstanding University in my home ture, to see another edition of the precious present,'' and embrace these State of Missouri, Lincoln University. Wildcats, and equally high expecta- Comeback Cats as the greatest ``team'' Lincoln has played a large role in Afri- tions. Led by seniors Jeff Sheppard, to ever put on the Kentucky uniform. can American education in my home Allen Edwards, and Cameron Mills, the It is impossible to appreciate the in- State of Missouri, as well as across the 1998 Cats came into the season facing tensity and effort these young men put nation. an uncertain future. While expecta- forth as they met and exceeded every Lincoln was founded in 1866 by the tions are always high at Kentucky, challenge in their path during the 1997± Caucasian officers and the African this year's squad exceeded even the 98 season. American enlisted men of the 62nd and most optimistic fan's hopes. Mr. President, I ask each of my col- 65th United States Colored Infantries Under the expert leadership of first- leagues to join me in honoring the Uni- who fought for the Union during the year head coach, Tubby Smith, these versity of Kentucky, history-making Civil War. These men wanted to estab- Wildcats will be raising the school's coach Tubby Smith, athletic director lish a school that would devote itself to 7th NCAA championship banner to the C. M. Newton, and most importantly educating freed African Americans. By rafters of Rupp Arena. But Mr. Presi- each and every talented player on the soliciting funds and donating their own dent, there is so much more to this 1998 Championship Wildcat team.· salaries, they raised $6,000 within a few story than wins and losses. f days. With these funds, the soldiers While the '48 team was appropriately were able to open the doors of Lincoln known as the Fab Five, this year's na- HONORING MORTANA MCCORMICK Institute on September 17, 1866. In 1869, tional champions will go down in Wild- · Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I Lincoln began to receive $5,000 in aid cat history as maybe the most perfect rise today to speak to you on behalf of from the State of Missouri for teacher embodiment of the word ``team'' in the citizens of West Virginia. The West training. By 1940, Lincoln Institute had Kentucky's legacy of excellence. Time Virginia Department of Culture and become Lincoln University and had after time when the odds seemed insur- History has named 1998 ``The Year of evolved from a teacher training school mountable this team willed itself to the Quilt.'' In the Appalachian Moun- to a full University offering Graduate victory. tain region, and particularly in the instruction. In each of the decades Lin- A quick review of the final three great state of West Virginia, the tradi- coln has continually added programs, games of this year's tournament re- tion of native crafting, including quilt- expanded its facilities and opened its S2878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 31, 1998 doors to all applicants that meet its ture the pennant and the World Series ate completes its business today it entrance criteria. as well.· stand in adjournment until 10 a.m. on This past year the University has f Wednesday, April 1, and immediately come under the new leadership of Dr. following the prayer, the routine re- David Henson. Dr. Henson became the ORDER FOR STAR PRINTÐS. 71 quests through the morning hour be seventeenth President of Lincoln on Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I ask granted and the Senate resume consid- July 2, 1997. I am excited about con- unanimous consent that Senate bill 71 eration of Senate Concurrent Resolu- tinuing my close relationship with this be star printed with the changes that tion 86, the budget resolution. outstanding University by working are at the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without with Dr. Henson. He has held many The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. leadership positions during his 25 years objection, it is so ordered.