Florence Saunders Boos CURRICULUM VITAE Department of English, 308 English-Philosophy Building The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 1427 East Davenport St., Iowa City, Iowa 52245 319-338-4383; 52242 fax: 319-335-2535
[email protected] http://english.uiowa.edu/faculty/boos Professor of English, University of Iowa FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION: Victorian poetry and non-fiction prose, especially Pre-Raphaelitism and the work of William Morris; nineteenth-century working-class literature and writings by women; broader social, artistic, feminist, and cultural contexts for British literature since 1750. AWARDS AND HONORS: • Vice-president and President-elect, Midwest Victorian Studies Association, 2009-2013; • President, William Morris Society in the United States, May 2004-December 2007;vice- president for programs, 2007-present; • Arts and Humanities Initiative Grant, 2006-2007 ($7000) • Graduate College Outstanding Mentor Award: Humanities and Fine Arts, 2003; chosen to give Graduate College commencement address, December 2005; • College of Liberal Arts Humanities Research Award, 1999-2000 ($5000); • Faculty Developmental Assignment, University of Iowa, 1997; Career Development Award 2003-2004; 2009-2010; • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, for workshop conducted by the Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, University of Iowa, Summer, 1992; • University of Iowa Council on Teaching Excellence in Teaching Award, 1990; • Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Iowa, 1990; 1975; • Fulbright Senior Lectureship, University