Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy The "Sv. Kiril & Methodij" University, , Republic of



(IAEA Regional Project RER/8/008)

Edited by Todor Anovski

Skopje, September 2001 Edited by: Prof. dr. T. Anovski Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


International Cooperation: ' International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) Regional Project RER/S/008

Published by: Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy The "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Phone: ++389 2 364 5S8 <\

Fax: ++389 2 365 389 : _„. \ I)P

Copyright: Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, 2001 'l".?!' " / Y : Scientific Series of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Skopje. Republic of Macedonia

CIP- KaxaJiorHsaniija BO ny6jiHKaiinja "Hapo/iHa II yniiBep'jHTeTCKa 6H6.TMO- "CB. KJIHMCHT OxpimcKH".CKt)njc

PROGRESS in study of Prcspa Lake using nuclear and related techniques / edited by Todor Anovski. - Skopje : Faculty of technology and metallurgy, 2001 . - 85 crp. Regional project RER/8/008. - ([jycuoTH KOH TCKCTOT, rpacj)HMKH npH-

ISBN 9989-650-21-7 . r 1 1. Anovski, Todor * Ufa TO ISBN 9989-650-21-7 k

Publishing of this report as well as the performed researches m Republic of Macedonia,,financially where supported by: Ministry for science and education. Ministry of environment, Ministry of agriculture, foi- ' estry and water management of the Republic of Macedonia and Fund foi watci icsouices of the Republic of Ma- t cedonia.

M3AaBan>ero Ha otJaa nyG.niiKannja H Hcrpa>Kyi3aH>aTa KOH ce Bpuiciui no PciiyfijrHKa ^ floHHJa.ce noMorHaTH on MHHHCTepcTBiiTa na PeiiyQjiHKa MaKefloHHJa 3a: nayxa H; o6pa3QBaHHe^3ajj'.' W; ! 'ieMJofleJine ujyMapcTBO H BOflocTouaHCTBO, 'ia jKHBorira cpeniuia H npocropHp ti.naHnpaH3e.in ofl;4>OHaot ' 3a BOflH na Peny6^HKa MaKeflOHHja. " T


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Three lakes: , Big Prespa and Small Prespa are on the borders between , Republic of Macedonia and , and are separated by the Mali i Thate and Galichica, mostly Carstificated mountains. ;- According to the existing hypothesis, Cvijic (1906), water from the Prespa Lake, shared by three neighboring countries, is drained through the Galichica and Mali Thate moun- tains and appears at the southern coast of Ohrid lake, close to the border between Albania and Republic of Macedonia, located cca 100m below the Prespa Lake, at an elevation of cca 695 meters above sea level (m asl). In the northern sector of the Ohrid Lake, in Stnma, rises the Crni Drim River traversing Republic of Macedonia and Albania. Prespa-Ohrid hydro-system is appearing as unique of this kind in the world. The preliminary investigations, Anovski et al., (1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997), Eftimi et al., (1997) represent an important contribution to the determination of the intensity of the hy- drological connection between the Prespa and Ohrid Lakes. Despite this many other problems are still opened. Some of them are the extent of the communication between Ohrid and Prespa lakes enabling more accurate prediction of the Prespa Lake level oscillation, the determination of the residence time of the infiltrated Prespa Lake waters and rather exhausting surface and groundwater quality investigation. In the past, periodical oscillations of the Prespa Lake level, which is more or less a natural phenomenon, were in the range from 2 to 8 meters, depending on the rainless or rainy seasons. This outstanding decrease of the water level disturbed the ecological balance of the lake and in the valley to a great extent resulting in serious consequences for fishing and tourist industry and other activities of the local population in the trans-boundary Prespa region. In addition to this, the industrial activities as well as the overuse of the herbicides in agriculture activities, raised the problem of pollution of the water masses in the Prespa Lake. On the basis of the above mentioned characteristics of the observed Prespa-Ohrid re- gional hydro system, it has been assessed that only through an international cooperation and by application of modern researching tools (Nuclear and Related Techniques) the existing problems and questions might be resolved for the benefit of the local population gravitating in the Lake's catchments areas. That is why, beside the hydrogeological investigations ( drilling and mapping of the geological formations), depth profile of the Prespa Lake as well as the wa- ter quality and water balance determination have been performed and a very useful data were obtained and discussed on the I—III IAEA Workshop organized within the realization of the Regional IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Project on the Prospecting of the Pre- spa Lake, held from 22-24 November, 1999 at , Greece; May 17-20, 2000, held in Skopje, R of Macedonia and 21-24 November, 2000, held in-Korca, Albania, a part of which are presented in this Report.

Prof, d-r Todor Anovski

Editorial Note: Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information and data con- tained in this publication, the Publisher do not assume any responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use. ПРЕДГОВОР*

Трите езера: Охридското. Голема и Мала Преспа кои се наогаат на границите мегу Албанка, Република Македонка и Tpunja раздвоени се со-вр- главно карстифицирани масиви на планината Галичица и Сува Планина. ; : Според постоечката хипотеза (LJJBHJHK. 1906 год) водата од Преспанското Ез- еро кое што е поделено мегу трите соседни земіи се дренира низ планините Галичи ца и Сува Планина и се nojaByea на іужниот брег од Охридското Езеро во близина на границата мегу Албанка и Република Македонка, лоцирано сса 100 метри под дно- то на Преспанското езеро, на надморска височина од 695 m. Во северниот дел на Ох- ридското Езеро Kaj Струга истекува реката Црни Дрим помішували низ Македонка и Албани]'а. Охридско-Преспанскиот хидро-систем е единствен ваков вид во светот. Претходните прелиминарии испитуваньа, Ановски et al. (1980. .1987. 1991 и 1997), Ефтими et al (1997) претставуваат еден значаен придонес во утврдуваньетр на хидролошката врска мегу Преспанските Езера и Охридското Езеро.. Покра} ова многу други проблеми остануваат сеуште не решени. Некой од овие проб- леми се поврзани со самата комуникациіа мегу Преспанските Езера ш Охрид- ското Езеро како што се определуван>е на транзитното време, квалитетот на повр.щинскит-е. и подземните води и др. чие решаваше ке овозможи многу ,по- сигурна прогноза на осцилациите на нивоата на овие Езера. ; , I Г Во изминатиот период осцилациите на нивото на Преспанското Езеро кои се повеке или помалку природен феномен беа во границите од 2 до 8 метри зависноод количеството врнежите. Ова йзвонредно големо опаганзе на нивото на водата во го- лема мера ja нарушува еколошката рамнотежа во езерото и неговата околина што•] се како сериозно се одразува и врз риболовот. туризмрт и другите активности на! ло- калното население кое гравитира кон Преспански регион. Ако на ова се додадат, и индустриските активности како и прекумерната употреба на хербициди во земрде- лието се зголемува проблемот на полуциіата на водните маси од Преспанското Езеро. Врз основа на споменатите карактернстики на наб;ьудуваннот Преспанско- Охридски регионален хидро-систем, се утврди дека само преку една мегународна соработка и со примена на модерни истражувачки методи (нуклеарни и други релевантни ' техники) постоечките проблеми и прашан>а би можеле да : се разрешат пред се 8о полза на локалното население од трите соседни seMJи. Затоа noKpaj хидрогеолошките истражуваньа (дупчен>а и мапиракье на геолёшките і формации) определуваньето на профилот на морфологи]ата на дното на Преспан- j ското Езеро, изотопските содржини, квалитетот и водннот биланс беа реализи-] рани и при тоа се добиени многу корисни податоци и сознани]а. Резултатите од \ изведените истражувакьа беа дискутирани на трите научни собири организирани; во рамките на реализациуата на регионалниот проект на Мегународната Агенщп'а j за Атомска EHeprnja (МААЕ) на тема: Проучуванзе на Преспанското Езеро] одржани од 22 до 24 ноември 1999 година во Атина, Грціп'а; од 17, до 20 Maj 2000' година во CKonje, Република македонка и од 21 до 24 ноември 2000 година во • Корча Албанка, дел од кои се презентирани во ова публикациіа. : І j; 1 Проф. д-р Тодор Ановски ]

Белешка на Уредникот: Иако е посветено големо внимание на точноста и сигурноста на ин- формациите содржани во оваа публіікаци]а, издавачот не презема.никаква одговорност од можни- те импикации при употребата на презентираните податоци . •: PROGRESS IN STUDY OF PRESPA ЬЙШ USING NUCLEAR AND RELATED TECHNIQUES

Todor Anovski, Laurence L. Gourcy, Ioannis Leontiadis, Jovan Zoto in cooperation with Amataj Sokrat, Andreas Andrinopoulos, Ljubomir Arsov, Periklija Beska, Fani Bogdanovska, Romeo Eftimi, Elizabeth Dotsika, Nikola Isajlovski, Molinar Kolaneci, Bianka Mangutova, Mirjana Maletic, Eftim Micevski, Josif Milevski, Veli Puka, Pece Ristevski, Alkiviadis Stamos

Abstract t)

One of the main objective of the IAEA1 - Regional Project RER/8/008 entitled Study of Pre- spa Lake Using Nuclear and Related Techniques was to provide a scientific basis for sustainable and Environmental management of the (Three lakes: Ohrid, Big Prespa and Small Prespa are on the borders between Albania, Republic of Macedonia and Greece, and are separated by the Mali і Thate and Galicica, mostly Carstificated mountains), see Fig. 1. In this sense investigations connected with the hydrogeology, water quality (Physics-chemical, biological and radiological characteristics) and water balance determination by application of Environmental isotopes (i.e. H,D,T,O-18,0-18 etc.) distribution, artificial water tracers and other relevant analytical techniques such as: AAS, HPLC, To- tal a and ^-activity, a and y-spectrometry as well as ultra sonic measurements (defining of the Lake bottom profile) through regional cooperation / Scientists from Albania, Greece and Republic of Ma- cedonia, participated in the implementation of the Project/ during one hydrological year, had been initiated and valuable results obtained, a part of which are presented in this report. This cooperation was the only way for providing necessary data for better understanding beside the other, of the water quality of the Prespa Lake and its hydrological relationship to Ohrid Lake too, representing a unique regional hydro system in the world.


Една од основните цели на Регионалниот Проект RER/8/008 на МААЕ (Меѓуна- родна агенција за атомска Енергија) под наслов: Проучувтье на Преспанското Езеро со примена на нуклеарни и релевантни техники е да се обезбеди научна основа за одржли- виот развој и менаџмент на животната средина на Преспанското Езеро (Три Езера: Ох- ридско, Голема и Мала Преспа се на границите помеѓу Албанија, Република Макеонија и Грција, раздвоени со планините Галичина и Сува Планина), види сл. 1. Во овој смисол истражувањата поврзани со хидрогеологијата, квалитетот на водите (физичко-хемиски, биолошки и радиолошки карактеристики) и определување на водниот биланс со примена на дистрибуцијата на природните изотопи ( Н, D, Т, 0-18, О-18 и др.), вештачко трасиранье на водите и други релевантни аналитички техники како што се: AAS, HPLC, Вкупна а и р-активност, а и у-ѕпектрометрија како и ултразвучни мерења (определување на мор- фологијата на дното на езерото) низ регионална соработка (научници од Албанија, Грција и Република Македонија, учествуваа во инплеметацијата на овој Преоект) за време на една хидролошка година, беа иницирани и значајни резултати добиени, дел од кои се прикажани во оваа публикација. Оваа соработка беше единствениот пат да се обезбедат потребните податоци за подобро разбирање, покрај другото и на квалитетот на водата на Преспанското Езеро и нејзината хидролошка врска со Охридското Езеро кои претставуваат единствен регионален хидро систем во светот.

і IAEA / International Atomic Energy Agency /. Vienna. Austria

7 . Përmbledhje

Një nga qëlhmet kryesore të Projektit rajonal RER/8/008 të ANEA-s (Agjencia Ndërkom- bëtare për Energji Atomike) me titull: Studitn i Liqenit të Prespës me aplikimin e teknlkave nukleare dlie përkatëse është të sigurohet baze' shkencore për zhvillimin dhe menaxhmentin e vazhdueshëm të mjedisit jetësor të Liqenit të Prespës. (Tri liqene: i Ohrit, Prespës së Madhe dhe të Vogël janë në kufi mes ShqipSrisë, Republikës së Maqedonisë dhe Greqisë, të ndara me malet Galiçicë dhe Malin e Thatë), shih fig. 1. Në këtë kuptim, hulumtimet e lidhura me hidrogjeologjinë, cilësinë e ujrave (kar- kateristikat fiziko-kimike, biologjike dhe radiologjike) dhe përcaktimin e bilansit ujor me aplikimin e distribuimit të izotopëve natyrorë (H, D, T, 0-18, 0-18 etj.), trasimin artificial të ujrave dhe telcnikave tjera përkatëse analitike siç janë: AAS, HPLC, a dhe |3 - aktiviteti i përgjithshëm, a dhe y - spek- trometria si dhe matjet me ultrazë (përcaktimi i morfologjisë së fimdit të liqenit) përmes bashkëpun- imit rajonal (në realizimin e këtij Projekti morën pjesë shkencëtarë nga Shqipëria, Greqia dhe Repub- lika e Maqedonisë) gjatë periudhës së një viti hidrologjik, u nisën dhe u fituan rezultate të mira. Një pjesë e tyre është paraqitur edhe në këtë botim. Ky bashkëpunim ishte mënyra e vetme të sigurohen të dhënat e duhura për kuptim më të mirë, përveç tjetrash, edhe të kualitetit të ujit në Liqenin e Prespës dhe lidhjes së saj me Liqenin e Ohrit, të cilët paraqesin një hidrosistem rajonal të vetëm në botë.

t'i Ένας από τους βασικούς στόχους του Περιφερειακού Προγράμματος RER της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής Ατομικής Ενέργειας-ΜΑΑΕ με τον τίτλο "Μελέτη της Αίμνης των Πρεσπών με τη χρήση ατομικών και συναφών τεχνικών" είναι η εξασφάλιση της επιστημονικής βάσης για την αειφόρο ανάπτυξη και τη διαχείριση του Περιβάλλοντος της Λίμνης των Πρεσπών (Οι τρεις λίμνες, δηλ. της Αχρίδας, της Μεγάλης και της Μικρής Πρέσπας βρίσκονται στα σύνορα μεταξύ Αλβανίας, πΓΔΜ και Ελλάδας και χωρίζονται από τα όρη Γκάλιτσιτσα και Σουβα Πλάνινα), βλ. εικ. 1. Με την έννοια αυτή, οι μελέτες που συνδέονται με την υδρογεωλογία, την ποιότητα των υδάτων (φυσικο-χημικά,. βιολογικά και ραδιολογικά χαρακτηριστικά) και τον καθορισμό του υδάτινου ισοζυγίου με τη χρήση φυσικών ισοτόπων (Η, D, Τ, 0-18, κλπ), ο τεχνικός προσανατολισμός των υδάτων και άλλες συναφείς αναλυτικές τεχνικές, όπως είναι η AAS, HPLC, η Ολική -α και β-δραστηριότητα, η α- και γ- Φασματοσκόπηση, καθώς και η μέτρηση με υπέρηχους (καθορισμός της μορφολογίας του πυθμένα της λίμνης) μέσω της περιφερειακής συνεργασίας (επιστήμονες από την Αλβανία, την Ελλάδα και την πΓΔΜ μετέχουν στην εφαρμογή του προαναφερόμενου προγράμματος) στο διάστημα ενός υδρολογικού έτους, ήταν τα βασικά και τα σημαντικότερα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, τμήμα των οποίων παρουσιάζονται στη συγκεκριμένη έκδοση. Αυτή η συνεργασία αποτέλεσε τη μοναδική οδό για την εξασφάλιση των απαραίτητων δεδομένων για την καλύτερη κατανόηση και, μεταξύ άλλων, για την ποιότητα των υδάτων της Λίμνης των Πρεσπών και της υδρολογικής της σχέσης με τη Λίμνη της Αχρίδας, με την οποία συνιστούν ένα μοναδικό υδρολογικό σύστημα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.


General remarks

Peace and Stability in the Region of South Eastern Europe, where tensions and fragile balances are still present, require new approaches in the creation of sound structures and constructive policies. One of the major issues today that may, as well, have serious security implications to the processes of good neighbor lines in the region, is the question of global environmental degradation and increased shortages of renewable recourses, especially international waters and water courses, joint river basins and joint lakes. Increased pressure on environment and natural recourses threaten nation's economic potentials and hence their internal political security. However, the consequences do not stop with the borders. Hence, common response and action in the preservation of natural recourses should be on the top of the agendas of all different regional initiatives and endeavors amfong the countries in the region. Apart from the governmental activities, common initiatives aimed at sub governmental, cross-border networking and cooperation among the various scientific institutions and NGO's concerned with the protection and preservation of the environment, and local communities, should be promoted. Exchange and cultivation of various forms of expertise, as well as continuous cooperation between local communities aimed at preservation of joint waters of interest falls within the basic aim of all Governments in the region. The Project aimed to contribute in building of a human and institutional network to that end. Preservation of the Prespa Lake, shared by three neighboring countries and of the Prespa-Ohrid hydro-system is of regional character. The role of Governments regarding this is important. However, the social response affecting the preservation of the Prespa Lake and various measures that can be undertaken by scientific community and different NGO's are extensive and can lead towards continuous improvement of the process of exploitation and conservation of the Prespa Lake, especially having in mind the Helsinki Convention2 by which, Lake Big Prespa and Small Prespa are considered as International Lakes.

2 Helsinki Convention, Helsinki, Finland, 1992 UDC: 556.3 (487.7)

Session I


Romeo EFTIMI1, Eftim MICEVSKI2, Alkiviadis STAMOS3

'institute for Nuclear Physics, , Albania 2Geohydroproekt, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia '1GME (Institute for Geological and Mineral Exploration) Athens, Greece GEOLOGICAL AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE PRESPA REGION


In the bordering area between Albania, Greece and Republic of Macedonia, three lakes, Big Prespa, Small Prespa and Ohrid Lake are situated. The Lakes Big and Small Prespa are at 850 m asl. Small Prespa (47.4 km2) and Big Prespa (253.6 km2) are linked by a small channel which traverses the alluvial isthmus that separates the lakes. The elevation and surface of Ohrid Lake are respectively 695 m asl and 348 km2. Korcha plain is situated south to Ohrid Lake at elevations about 830 to 870 m asl. The Prespa region is one of high mountains and steep torrents that surround the twin lakes of Big and Small Prespa with modest areas of low relief surrounding certain parts of the lakes. Mountain Mali Thate (2287 m), Galichica (2262 m) and Petrinska (1660 m) divide Big Prespa Lake from the Ohrid Lake. The highest point of north edge of the Prespa basin is Bigla Mountain (1657 m. Mountain with some peaks higher than 2000 m stands to the east and the highest point of the southeastern edge of the basin is Kalo Nero (2156 m). Ivani (1769 m) and Triklarion mountain stands to the south. Mountains of Devas (1373 m) and Vrondero (1456 m) are between Big and Small Prespa lakes. The only flat areas of Prespa lake basin are the alluvial plains of Pliocene and Quaternary age. The wide Resen plain is in northern side of Big Prespa, and some small valleys are in the eastern side of both Lakes Big and Small Prespa. Field and map evidence suggest that these lakes were once a single lake, Crivelli, A., J. et. al. (1997). It appears that Koula - Vromolimni isthmus has been constructed by sediments carried into the Lake by the torrent.


The main geological features of the area, which are closely related to the general understanding of the groundwater resources and their movement, are shown in the hydro geological map of the studied area, Fig.l. This map is compiled based on geological and hydro geological data of all three neighboring countries. A great variety of rocks concerning their age, genesis, and litho logy constitute this area. Intensive tectonic implications result in the modification of the primary rocks and in the formation of very different structures and of a heterogeneous relive picture. In regional terms, Prespa and Ohrid lake area belongs to the geotectonic unit called "West-Macedonian" in the Republic of Macedonia, "Mirdita" in Albania and "Subpelagonical" in Greece. The following three main rock complexes are identified in the study area: metamorphic and intrusive rocks, carbonate rocks and terrigene rocks.

Metamorphic and intrusive rocks

Metamorphic and intrusive rocks outcrop mainly in the northern and eastern edges of the Prespa basin. The metamorphic rocks are of Paleozoic-Triassic age. In Bigla Mountain

.13 they are represented mainly of phyllite schist, clayey schist and clayey phyllite, determined as Devonian series. The schistose series is disrupted, by intrusions of granite and granodiorite magma, and as well as of basic magma represented of gabbros and diabase. In the geological composition of Baba Mountain vary schistose and intrusive bodies of granite rocks are pres- ent. Quite significant are also the occurrences of gabro-diabasic masses, product of Jurassic- basic magmatism. The Varvios Mountain in the southeastern edge of Prespa basin has the same geological composition. ,; Galichica -Thate Mountain hors is built up of Paleozoic phyllite schist core of Devonian series. The schist on Prespa side of Galichitsa Mountain have varying thickness and outcrop along the coastline near village. These rocks outcrop on the western side of Galichica Mountain, along the Ohrid lake coastline, from Saint Stafa.n in the north, to Peshtani in the south. A small outcrop of these rocks can be seen near , also. Some small bodies of ultrabasic intrusive rocks, represented mainly of serpentine, are encouiUeteu,'a1s6.The serpentines occur only along the numerous faults like near Lubanishte village (Saint Naum Spring area) and near Bilishti* in Albania. Bigger serpentine bodies outcrop in Morava and Chervenka Mountains in Albanian territory.

Carbonate rocks

i| Carbonate rocks are represented mainly of gray-white thick bedded and massive limestone, and less dolomite and siliceous rocks. Carbonate rocks construct most of high mountain chain area with a sub-meridian orientation, between Ohrid and Prespa lakes. To this chain, in north-south direction, belong the mountains of Petrina, Galichica, Mali Thate, Ivan, Vrondero and Triklarion. The thickness of massive limestone in Galichitsa-Thate horst- cyncline reaches up to 550 m. The limestone is intensively karstified and many surface and underground karst forms facilitate the underground circulation and transfer of surface water. In the complexes of sedimentary carbonate rocks some deposits of conglomerates and conglomerate limestone are also included, which outcrop in the southernmost region of tjie studied area, near the Lake Small Prespa. The age of these rocks is determined as of the upper part of Paleogene and of the lower part of Neogene. \

Terrigene rocks

-i Terrigene rocks of very different lithology are developed mainly in the syiicline and valley areas. The oldest rocks of this group are some Paleogene flysch formations outcropping in the northern and northwestern periphery of.the studied area. Thick Paleogene and Neogene deposits like sandstone, conglomerates and claystone were widely deposited in Mokra-Korcha and Bilishti depressions in Albania. Pliocene sandstone-clayey deposits mainly of lacustrinet origin were accumulated in the depression areas of , and Resen as well as in the area of Alakamion River in Greek territory. It is believed that Pliocene deposits fill most ; of the bottom of Prespa Lake. Some small outcrops of Pliocene deposits are developed along the lake coastline, like in Stenje, Gorica, and Pill. I The youngest Quaternary formations have different origin, composition and thickness. Most of them are alluvial and marsh sediments represented of intercalation of clayey, sandy and gravelly layers. The maximal thickness of Quaternary deposits in Resen, Ohrid!, Struga'

14 0 and Pogradec plains is about 60-70 m, while in Korcha plain its maximal thickness exceeds 150 m. In the western margin of Galichica Mountain, parallel to Ohrid Lake coastal line, thick limestone slope debris is deposited. Some of slope debris is deposited above the metamorphic schist deposits. Wide areas of terra-rossa deposits are developed in high karstic plateau of Galichica-Thate Mountain. The area under study is part of inner Alpine-folding are effected by extensional tectonics since Pliocene epoch, Aliaj (1999), Arsovski (1997). During the Pliocene- Quaternary neotectonic time the mountain of the studied area embraced strong and progressive general uplifting, while the depression areas suffered mainly subsidence and partially uplifting. Most significant result of this tectonic stile is the formation of big horst and graben areas. In the central part of studied area there is the very eminent Galichica-Thate mountain horst. On both sides of this horst two big grabens are placed: Prespa Lake graben on the east, and Ohrid Lake and Korcha field grabens on the west. Significant tectonic occurrences are also the regional faults along the eastern and western edges of Galichitsa - Mali Thate mountain horst, generaly extending in North-South direction. The vertical shifting bordering Galichica - Mali Thate Mountain with the Ohrid Lake is about 1500 m. These rupture tectonics results in the high seismotectonic potential of the area of Galichica-Thate Mountain horst and of Ohrid Lake-Korcha graben region Aliaj, (1999); Arsovski (1997).


From the hydro geological point of view, the rocks of Prespa-Ohrid area are classified as porous aquifers, karstic and fissured aquifers, fissured aquifers and practically non- aquiferous rocks.

Porous aquifers

The porous aquifers are related to non-consolidated Quaternary sediments, mainly of alluvial origin. The porous aquifers layers represented of sandy and gravelly deposits usually are intercalated with clayey layers. Mostly, the groundwater is confined and in some places it is even free flowing. In valleys and plains of Struga, Ohrid, Resen and Pogradec the aquifer layers represented of moderately productive sandy aquifers. Particularly rich in good quality groundwater is Korcha plain the capacity of the new big diameter drilled wells is more than 150 l/s,Eftimi (1998).

Fissured aquifers

The fissured aquifers or porous-fissured aquifers are related to very big variety of rocks with different productivity. The ultrabasite serpentine rocks are classified as locally aquiferous rocks. Some Paleogene-Neogene sandstone-conglomerate deposits of Korcha- Mokra depression and of Vrondero Mountain are classified as extensive and moderately productive aquifers. Some other Paleogene sandstone-conglomerate deposits of the same depression are classified as low productive.

15 i The Pliocene deposits of Struga Resen and Pogradec depressions are also included in the same aquifer's group. These deposits are represented by intercalation of clay, sandstone, conglomerate and siltstone layers. As conformed by many water wells the thickness of these deposits is about 150-200 m and their maximal capacity is about ,3 to 5 1/s. The Paleozoic and Tnassic metamorphic rocks are classified as low productive aquifers. They constitute most of the northern and eastern part of Prespa Lake basin. As the contribution of these rocks is very, small, the draining them rivers like Golema, Briachinska, Stara and Alkimion come totally dray during the low" water season. / \ • ,'~ •' : • Some rocks like Paleogene flysch deposits, and some Pliocene and Quaternary clayey deposits, which have distinctly low permeability, are classified as non-aquiferous rocks. • 5

Karst aquifers ' \ '•}

The most important aquifer system of studied area, related to his enormous water-collection land water-transmitting capacity is that of karst rocks. This system has been developed in the jTriassic massive limestone of Petrinska, Galichica and Mali Thate Mountains located between Ohrid and Prespa lakes, and of Ivan, Vrondero and Varvios Mountains of the southern edge of Big and Small Prespa lakes. The total outcrop surface of karst rocks is about 810 km . In the bottom of Big and Small Prespa Lakes Pliocene clayey deposits mostly cover the limestone formations, Fig. 1.1 and 1.2 Because of the intensive karstification, the karst rocks in the most of the studied area have a distinctly high secondary porosity. Faulting an uplifting-downfallen process have contributed to a large extend to intensify the karstification. The small and large faults have been the preferred groundwater pathways, additionally enlarged by the water circulation. Big relieve differentiation of the area, thanks to intensive horst-graben tectonics, is responsible for the big hydraulic gradient of infiltrated water in the karst massive. Characteristic for the surface karst is the high concentration of such forms as swallow holes, dolinas, karst poljes, dead valleys and karst plateaus. The karst plateaus spread over the limestone massifs of the area, as most distinctive form of the surface erosion are considerd the testimony of the advanced karstification. Typical is the high plateau of Petrinska Mointain (northern edge of Galichits^) developed at the elevation about 1600 m asl. Other smaller karst plateaus are developed in Mali Thate Mountain at elevations about 1700-1800 m asl. An extraordinary karst form is the Samari dead valley in northeastern part of Galichica Mountain, at elevations about 1300-1400 m asl and the other smaller plateau of Mali Thate Mountain developed at elevation about 1800 ma.s.l. The swallow holes are considered as the most prominent karst phenomenon ^enabling .the interconnection of surface arid undground water. The most important kwallQWt!ho,^eis, that jof Zaveri, situated in the western periphery of Prespa Lake, near>;illage^ollonibvi|^i,|:r;,j^.ll.3. IZaveri swallow hole represents a small bay. opened to one side to' the lake. Two ,'ftaf pities of the bay are constructed of impermeable Pliocene formations, while the other side like to a vertical steep wall height about 20 m is constructed of massive limestone. In the foot of this rocky wall one can see the lake water loosing into the karstic channels of Mali Thate Mountain. The loss of the lake water into the karst massive can be observed at different Prespa Lake levels. As the topographic length from Zaveri swallow hole to Saint Naun is 16.2 km and the hieght difference is- 143-155 m, the average karst water hydraulic gradient between these points results about 0.009.

16 Underground karstic morphology is represented of karstik forms like canals and caves, vertical shafts etc. A lot of small and big caves can be observed at Prespa Lake level, particularly near of Stenie village. There are known 12 caves in Galichica which the length of the biggest one, that of Samoska Dupka, is 279 m. Treni cave, developed at the level of Small Prespa, is another big cave. A lot of small caves and vertical shafts are known in the high elevation areas of Galichica-Mali Thate karst massife, also. The permeability of the karstic massive at structure scale can be evaluated as very big, but speaking strictly in local scale it is very heterogeneous. According to the measurements made in the extracted cores'of three wells depth 50 to 70 m, drilled in Bej Bunar area, near well-known Biljana karstic spring, the average porosity of Triassic limestone is evaluated to be about 15-20 %, Kekich (1987). It is not clear if this value represents the total or effective porosity, which average values of some karst terrenes, is evaluated to be about 5 % (UNESCO, 1984). The capacity of Bej Bunar wells is very big, resulting in total 200 1/s. According to the results of three deep wells drilled in Vrondero - Kristalcpigi area, in Greek territory, the karst porosity is high but most of the karst interstices are filled with clayey material. As a consequence the capacity of the wells is low or they are practically dry. Another drilled well located near Gorica - Stenje borderline between Albania and Republic of Macedonia has taped the karst water practically at same elevation of Prespa Lake level and their capacity is more then 10 1/s. The outcrop area of karst rocks of Prespa - Ohrid Lake area can be considered the recharge area of the karst aquifer. However the most important recharge areas are related to high elevation sectors of karst massive, and particularly to the karst plateau areas. The thick snow cover of higher elevation area feeds intensively the karst water aquifer, which resources are spend during the groundwater recession period. Most of groundwater of the Galichitsa-Thate karstic massive is fed by three spring groups issuing in the following limited sectors: a) Biljana spring, Bej Bunar; b) Saint Naum, Tushemishti; c) Bilishti valley.

a) Biljana spring - Bej Bunar spring group is located in the North -Western edge of Galichitsa Maountain. The discharge of Biljana spring is about 1 to 2 mJ/s. Near to this spring are the above mentioned Bej Bunar wells with a total capacity of 20 1/s. Beside this, some unknown quantity of karst water is drained in this sector directly into the Ohrid Like.

b) Saint Naum - Tushemishti sector is the most abundant drainage sector of Galichitsa - Mali Thate karstic massif. It is located along the Ohrid Lake coast-line, in both sides of Albanian- Republic of Macedonia state border. Saint Naum Spring has 15 main issues the total discharge of which vary from 4.60 to 11.24 m7s showing an average discharge of 7.50 m3/s. In Tushemishti Village there are three groups of springs. The southern group is near the village Zagorchani and the spring-line length is about 750 m; the central group is constituted of numerous springs issuing within the Tushemishti Village, and the northern group of springs issus along the limestone coastline just near the border between Albania and Republic of Macedonia.. The average discharge of Tushemishti springs is evaluated about 2.5 m /s. An unknown water quantity is drained directly to the Ohrid Lake along the lake coastline of Saint Naum - Tushemishti spring, sector.

17 c) Bilishti valley spring sector is located in the western periphery of Ivan Mountain in the immediate vicinity 16 the villages Proger and Manchurishta. There are four main springs in this area. Vcntroku spring, the southernmost spring of this spring group, issues just near the Small Prespa Lake. This spring with a former permanent discharge of about 100-200 1/s is now dried up as a result of the sealing of the karst. pathways by clayey material transported into the lake by Devoll River. The Progeri and Manchurishta springs are still normally flowing. Golloborda Spring, the northernmost spring of the sector, suffered the Prespa Lake level lowering. For a period of about 10 years, from 1987 to 1997 this spring dried up, and after this period he restarted flowing again. The average discharge of the springs of Bilishti valley is roughly about 0.5 m7s. A very important fact that should be know is that in Prespa Lake coastal line is not known the presence of important karstic springs.

About the possible underground connection between Prespa and Ohrid Lake

Groundwater resources of Galichitsa-Thate massive and partially Prespa Lake itself are believed to drain in Ohrid Lake. The assumption about, the origin of the Ohrid Lake water according to J.Cvijic and to many hydrogeologists can be summarized as below: • Lack of surface water outflow from Prespa Lake watershed; • Small Ohrid Lake watershed can not feed Drini River; only the contribution from another watershed can provide the additional water resources • Big difference between two. lakes of about 150-158 m;. • Existing of swallow hole (like Zaveri water loss) in Prespa Lake coast line; • Presence of Galichitsa-Thate mountain karst massive between Big Prespa and Ohrid lakes able to transmit big water qualities.

Let us try to make the water balance calculation of'the part of karst massive contributing to the Saint Naum and Tushemishti springs. From this water balance should be excluding the northern part of Galichitsa Mountain which water resources are drained to Biljana-Bej Bunar spring arqa, Anovski et al. (1987), as well as the southern part of Thate Mountain which is drained to Bilishti valley spring area. As the result the total surface of the karstic massive feeding Saint Naum - Tushemishti springs is determined to be roughly about 340 km2. ••...'•./•• The correlation between precipitation, P (mm), and elevation of the site, /-/. (m), concerning the northwestern part of Greece, as determined by means of the monitoring in 15 stations over this area, is expressed by the following equation, for which the correlation coefficient r is 0.86 + 279,685 (1)

As calculated from the topographic maps, the mean elevation of Galichitsa-Thate massive is 1650 m. By putting this number into the equation (1) the mean yearly precipitation is found to be 980 mm. The percentage of the annual precipitation recharging the karst aquifers was estimated by the method of Kessler (1967), by means of the precipitation data of 5 precipitation stations over the southeastern part of Albania. The means of these values were 48 %, which is equal to 470.4 mm. According to lysometre measurements in Trias'sic limestone of area in Greece, the effective infiltration constitutes 55 % of the precipitation or 539 mm. Accepting the measured value of the infiltration as more reliable, the total groundwater resources of that part of the karstic massive, which drain to Saint Naum - Tushemishti spring area of Ohrid Lake, results to be about 1.72 x 108 m3 equal to 5.5 mVs. The calculatee karst water resources are equal to 56 % of average discharge of Saint Naum and Tushemishti springs. In fact the total drainage in the Ohrid Lake is bigger than the discharge of Saint Naum and Tushemishti springs. As stated above, an unknown water quantity is drained directly to the Ohrid Lake along the lake coastline of Saint Naum - Tushemishti spring sector.

19 20" 4 5

^pii i. Aclulio)

14 -BiaPiespa (central pain

1 -Lst.ocka Rivei IS • Resenska Rivei Station. :>ten|<

Shiliuu. YcicrrU>\ o

IS -St. Nauin SDiini

2.^ •Tlidieimait Suiins II 16 -Pieapttation Station . St. Nauni

Fig. 1. Simplified Hydrogeological Map of Prespa and OhridLake Area Mali Thate Mountain


Fig. 1.1. Hydrogeological cross-section I-I throuhg Mali Thate Mountain 1) Mainly Triassic limestones, Intensiveliy karstified; 2) Neogenic clayey-sandstone deposits; 3) Karstic water level; 4) Direction of karstic water flow; 5) Big karstic spring; 6) Driling well taping karstic water; 7) Mean karsric water level or lake water level

Galictuca Mouriain


Fig. 1.2. Hydrogeological cross-section II—II throuhg Galichica Mountain I) Mainly Triassic limestones, Intensivelly karstified; 2) Neogenic clayey-sandstone deposits; 3) Palleozoic and Triassic schist deposits, practically impermeable; 4) Karstic water level; 5) Big karstic spring; 6) Tectonic fault

21 =5S* S*".

fc "^ ^^«*-^^ Kaliansf h '- '. I sl»|ls|r I . ! SEaeSaia IS- liSoiica e Macifie' 7*;.^

¥ ......

Fig. 1.3. Geological map of Zaveri Sinkhole

22 UDC: 543.3 (497.7)

Session II


Todor ANOVSKI1, Ljubomir ARSOV1, Fani BOGDANOVSKA2, Elizabeth DOTSIKA3, Mirjana MALETIC1, Bianka MANGUTOVSKA1, Veli PUKA4, Alkiviadis STAMOS5

'Faculty of Technology and metallurgy Univ. of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 2Center for Application of Radioisotopes in Sc. and Industry, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 'Institute for Nuclear Science, "DEMOKRITOS", Athens, Greece ' ^Institute for Nuclear Physics, Tirana, Albania "iGMEOnstitute for Geological and Mineral Exploration) Athens, Greece


Hydro chemical data

Water is one of the most significant environmental factors controlling life, so, its good quality is of vital importance. Surface waters have the capability of self-protection, by destruction of different pollutants. The majority of the corresponding processes (biotic/abiotic) are oxygen consuming. So, when the quantity of the pollutants overpass a critical level, the aerobic self cleaning conditions cease to exist, the anaerobic ones predominate and the production of toxic and thus dangerous for the environment and the man itself5 substances becomes significant. Lake water is generally more sensitive to pollution due to its bigger turnover time. Several quality criteria determine the classification of waters concerning their suitability for different uses. Among the existing different water quality regulations we refer the ones of the European Commmunity (Journal of Greek Governement, sheet 438, 1980) and the of America, Clark et al., (1971). The data of the chemical analyses of water samples collected for the needs of the present project, as well as of some samples collected in the past, from the same sampling points, are included in Table 2.L The sampling point locations are shown in Fig. 1. The physicochemical parameters, such as temperature, conductivity, pH and disolved oxygen, were measured at the field.

Lake water

At the sampling point 10 (Southern part of the Big Prespa Lake), during March 2000, the temperature of the water in the surface was 6 °G, since at the depth of 25 m was 5 °C. This practically thermal uniformity is indicating an absence of any layering. The same conclusion may be drawn by the data concerning the dissolved oxygen content during the same period too, as it was kept at saturation over the whole column of the Lake water. This was not so during May 2000. During that period, the surface lake water was over saturated in dissolved oxygen, since from the depth of 10 m down to the bottom of the lake the dissolved oxygen was diminished, but was always kept over the level of 2 mg/1, which is the limit for a zone to be considered as anaerobic, according to Alliaud (1991). The oversaturation of the surface water zone may be attributed to the bigger production of seaweeds during the summer months, since for the decrease of the dissolved oxygen in the bottom zone its consumption by different pollutants may be the reason. Temperature profiles at the Central part of the Big Prespa Lake (sampling point 14), in December, 1999 and March, 2000 were also characterized by no layering. On the contrary, the temperature profile at July 2000 was indicating that a layering was already formed, while the one of October 2000 was indicating that the process of homogenization had already started. During December 1999 and March 2000, the dissolved oxygen content was kept at saturation over the whole water column, indicating the existence of a significant upwelling. As the tem- perature rised, the formation of a layering was started, followed by an oversaturation of the surface zone water, due to a bigger production of seaweeds, and a depletion in dissolved oxy- gen of the bottom one. The so depleted value still was over 2 mg/1 (3.2 mg/l) at July 2000, but

25 turned near zero at October, though the process of homogenization of the lake water had al- ready started. During October 2000, very low (0.88 mg/1) was the dissolved oxygen content of the water of the main river feeding the Lake from the territory of the Republic of Macedo- nia.(river Resenska) too. i The chemical profile of the lake water was practically uniform at all sampled points. The main cation in the whole column of the lake water was Ca+~, followed by Mg++ and Na+. The main anion was HCO3", followed by SO12. Also, according to french studies, Kelts and Talbot, (1990); Pourriot and Maybeck (1995), in the case of eutrophic lakes near the state of closing, dolomite is the settling compound. So, since in our case Mg++/Ca++<2, calcium carbonate is the settling compound and the lake is far from its closing state, i.e., the inflow to the lake still is significant compared to the outflow. , I The comparison of the recent chemical data with the ones of the past years is leading to the conclusion that there is not any significant differentiation in time. This fact is indicating the absence of an anthropogenic intervention so intense as to reduce the Lake water quality.

Spring waters

All the springs have low mineralized bicarbonate-calcite water, but three spring groups are distinguishable according to their quality.

• The first group includes Saint Naum - Tushemishti spring group. They have the following quality characteristics: temperature 10.2-12° C, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) about 150- 200 mg/1, calcium ion concentration is about 45-55 mg/1 and bicarbonate ion concentration is usually up to 200 mg/1. • The second group includes the springs of Devoll valley. Water temperature, and ion concentration is higher in this spring group, and distinctly in the Progri spring..The temperature of Progri spring is 15-16° C, TDS value is about 250-300 mg/1 while the calcium and bicarbonate ion concentration is respectively 70-80 mg/l and 230-330 mg/1. • Small Galichitsa spring, which is the higher elevation spring, has lower temperature and generally lower ion concentration, also.

On the basis of the existing chemical data and according both the water quality regulations of the European Community and the United States of America, the Lake and] spring water may be used all the.year even as drinkable, after a simple physical process and', i disinfections. According to Hem (1970) and on the basis of its total Hardness, the Lake water' \ in all points and over all the year may be classified as moderately hard, since the water of all sampled springs is classified as hard one (points 20, 23, 25 and 26) or even very hard (points,, 5 and 6). There is of course no question for its use for irrigation purposes, as well, as for fish I production. ' . . i

26 w Analysis of Pesticilfls

According to Pejcinovski et al. (1987), within the region of Preaspa Lake there are 6.500 ha of agricultural land consisting of about 2.650 ha orchards, 1.520 ha cereals, 400 ha vegetables and 1.900 ha fallows. The rest are meadows, pastures, reed, and forests. It is evident that the most important agricultural branch is fruit culture. It has been also shown that the total use of pesticides in Prespa region is not high and that the chemical programs for plant protection mainly consists of biodegradable chemical products with low environmental impact. The aim of this work is to show whether there is some influence of the most often used pesticides (less biodegradable) to the quality of water of the Prespa Lake and St. Naum springs.

Preparation of samples, Experimental conditions and results Gas Chromatography

The GC measurements* were performed simultaneous in two capillary columns (one unpolar type OV 1, and other semi polar type 1701). The standard solution and sample extracts were analyzed using electron capture detector. The examined pesticides and standard solution, as well as the corresponding gas chromatogram are presented on Table 2.2 and Fig. 2.1. For water sample measurements the special extraction procedure have to be performed: In 1 liter of water sample the internal standard of 200 ml IST2 [0.2 ng/ml tetrachlor-m-xylol + 0.2 ng/ml tetrachlornaphtalin + 0.2 ng/ml PCB 167 (polychlorbypheyl)] and 30 ml hexane were added. This mixture was mixing 3 min. by ultra mix and then it was put in the micro separator for liquid-liquid extraction. Using the glass wool washed with extraction solvent in micro separator, the pesticides from water phase were extracted in hexane. After separation the hexane with extracted pesticides from water solution it was evaporated to quantity of about 1 ml. This quantity was freezed at -18o C and the solvent extract was decanted from the ice (eventually rest water phase during the separation). Than the volume was adjusted to 1 ml filling up with hexane. From sample prepared on this way the GC measurements were performed. On Fig. 2.2. the chromatogram of water sample taken from Prespa Lake is shown. From comparative analysis of chromatograms registered in two columns (unpolar and semi polar), only a small amount of: HCB, PCB 138, lindan and S6 in Prespa Lake were found, listed on Table . The previously used very well known organochlorine insecticides as: o,p,- DDT, p,p,- DDT, o,p,- DDE, p,p,-DDE, o,p,-TDE, p,p,-TDE etc. have not been found. It can be concluded that the waters of Prespa Lake are relatively free from the above investigated pesticides. The small amount of S6, probably comes from sediment rocks.

\)\ ' High Pressure Liquid Chromatography \y. The HPLC measurements were performed on Dionex chromatograph, with Hypersil III ODS 21 x 250 mm, 3 m colomn, connected with UV spectrometer. i:|| • _ :(|f * Acknowledgement: Authors woud like to express their gratitude to Dr Hartring Hagenguth, chief of the T|j Institute Baerishes Landesampt fur Wasserwirshaft - Munich, Germany, where a part of the analysis of ••ji pesticides in water samples were performed. m ill 27 The observed pesticides and their quantity arranged in 3 series of standard solutions: PSM-1, PSM-2, and PSM-3 are presented in Table 2.4. In each series the internal standard . benzanilid was added . The gradient program adjusted during the measurements is given on Table 2.5. '' Taking into account that very small quantities of investigated pesticides in water samples have been expected, all chromatograms were detected for 4 wavelengths: 210 nm, 225 nm, 245 nm and 275 nm on UV spectrum. In this way every possible interference and confusion between the peaks and spectra noisy will be annulated r The chromatograms of standard PSM-1, PSM-2 and PSM-3. measured at 4 wavelengths are given in Fig. 2.3 - 2.5. Only chromatogram for wavelengths of 210 nm decreases with time, as a result of high adsoiption at this wavelengths. ; ' •. •!•• • ; For water sample measurements the special extraction procedure have i to be \ performed: : • In 1 liter of water sample approximately 500 mg N'aCl and 15 nil benzanih'd (as the internal standard), with concentration of 10 mg/ml solution of CH3OH was added. ' ! Extraction was performed in the extraction colomn J.T.Baker 7519-02 SPE packed with 200 mg Styrene Divinyl Benzene Copolymer (SDB). The colomn was put in automatic extraction machine. The colomn was automatically loaded with water samples till the bottles with samples have been empty. The colomns with extracted products in theirs inside were dried automatically in a stream of nitrogen at room temperature. After drying the colomns were eluated with mixture 1 : 1 of CH3OH and CH3CN. The eluent with extracted components was put in extraction veals (volume about 3.5 ml). The veals were dried automatically with N2 and than, 3 times were filled up with 1 ml of CH3OH, ultrasonically treated to redissolve the extraction products sticked on the walls of the veals, and again dried automatically with N?. If the solvent with extraction products has some color, (usually brown-yellow), new extraction procedure is necessary to be performed. The previously used pesticides in Prespa region as: DDT and its various forms have not been found.. The chromatographic peaks of colored substances would overlap some other • peaks because they are most intense. Different than water samples of Prespa Lake in which we have found a small coloration (the brown-yellow color comes from the presence even of a small amount of lignin (degradation of wood) and humic acid (degradation of leaves) compounds which don't belong to the pesticide components, it was not the case with the water from St. Naum Spring. Characteristic chromatograms recorded for the water sample of Prespa Lake are given on Fig. 2.6. For wavelength of 210 nm it is evident existence of two peaks: one of internal standard, sharp and symmetrical and the other split into two or more unresolved peaks which belong to family of conazols. In magnificated picture of these, two peaks the reference peak exists on four chromatograms, the x-conazol is very small for wavelengths of 225 nm and disappears for wavelengths of 245 and 275 nm. The quantity of conazols was very small, just under sensitive limits of the method, and we didn't take into the consideration, to resolve the peaks and to quantify the amounts of each conazol (possible epoxiconazol, terbuconazol and propiconazol). In Ohrid Lake we didn't found existence of cdnazols. Generaly speacking, the Prespa Lake contains relatively clean waters, almost free from pesticides: AVery small amount, just on the limit of the sensitivity of chromatographic methr ods, of HCB -hexachlorbenzen, PCB -138 - 2, 2, 3, 4. 4, 5, - hexachlorobiphenyl, lindan- 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6 - hexa-chlorocyclohexan, have been found. The small amount of S6, probably comes from the sediment rocks present in the Prespa Lake. Concerning the water of the St. Naum

28 Spring, we may state thatifc has a high quality with absence of any of the investigated pesti- cides or degradation products of wood and leaves.

Radiological measurements

In atempt to determine the level of radioactivity (very important indicator for possible contribution of water from other neighbouring catchment areas to this of Prespa Lake) in various water samples from the Prespa-Ohrid hydro system, Total-cc, Total -p and y-spectrometry Analyses3 4, have been applied. The obtained results of the performed radiological analyses, are shown on Table. 2.6. It is evident that the level of radioactivity is within the expected values for the hydrosystems in which relatively fresh water is circulating. These, especially having in mind the developed carstification of Galichica and Suva Planina mountains. While the values for the Total - a activity is on the background level, Total - p\ do not exceed the MPL (Maximum Permeasible Level ) of concentration i.e. 1 [Bq/1] for water of the first category, values, confirmed by both Countries where determinations were perfonned. Gamma-spectrometric determinations have also shown, beside the .naturally- occurring radiois.otopes like, K-40, Pb-214, pb-212, Bi-214 etc, a presence of the artificial fission product, Cs- 137. An increased content of Cs-137 and Tl-208 in the sample of Prespa Lake water, sampled in December 1999, has been registered. As, these values were not confirmed with the next series of sampling, i.e. in July, 2000, the explanation for the previously registered increased values is still an open question. However, the presence of the artificial tracer Cs-137 , parallel to the health physics assessment, together with the other Physico - chemical data might be also used for hydrological water balance (Balancing the participation of the lake water into the St. Naum and other local springs ) of the observed Lake Prespa. In general, no indication that water from other catchment areas i.e. areas with increased natural radioactivity has been observed.

3 T. Anovski, "Application of Isotope Techniques in Research of Water Flow Pollution", Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, The " Sv. Kiril and Metodij" University, Skopje, 1984

L. Nikolovska et al., "Radioecology of Vaidar River", Fund of the Center for Application of Radioisotopcs in Sc. and Industry, Skopje, 1988

29 12 ' - • 16 20

Fig. 2.1. GC chromatogram of standard solution with investigated pesticides o

;o •



Fig. 2.2. GS chromatogram ofPrespa lake water sample with internal standard, recorded in unpolar column •6a -10 JO -A— r~ro x.JL. I

10.O- ( 1.. i










1: 210nm UV 3: 24Snm uv 2: 226hm UV 4: 275nm PSM-11:25 Fig. 2.3. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-1 measured at 4 waleienghts

32 Ktfi-

1; 210nm UV 3: 245nm uv 2- 225nm UV 4: 275nm ••PSM-2 1:50.

Fig. 2.4. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-2 measured at 4 walclcnghts

33 •40 -»

uv 1: .210nm UV 3: 245nm uv 2: 22Sam UV 4: 275nm PSM-31:25

Fig. 2.5. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-3 measured at 4 walclenghts

34 UV_V1S 1-2l0nm Sample Number: 24 UV_\nS_2-Z2Snm Sample Name: Lake "U3" I Comment: IW_V1S.4 • J7Snm -60.0 -50,0 •30,0 -2D.0 10,0 ' 2(1,0 30.0 Vial Number. 49 6.0 I • •—. -t.-i Inj.Time: 18:58 lnj.Dste: 07.112000 InJ.Vol. M: 50,0 DIFakL 2,0000 QNT-Methcxl: PSM-1 ••' 15.0- SEQ-Name: 08.11.00_PSM-1_-2

0,350 •••••'••':•"••.. 20,0- Channel Name: UV VIS 1 1 - |mo


X-conazo1-25,?95 26,00-


27,00- 65.0^ - Relerempeak

26,00- 80,0-

65,0- ii/,00-

' Tiin 70.0- 3C.00-

Fig. 2.6a. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prespa Lake compared with standard PSM-1 UV_VtS_1 - 210nm Sample Number: 24 W.V»_S- 225mn Sample Name: Lake "U3" Comment: UV_VIS_4 • 275nm Vial Number -60.0 •40,0 ', 10.0 20,0 30.0 49 ln].Time: 18:58 lnj.Date: 07.11.2000 lnj.VoL (fjl): 50,0 D8.F6M.: 2,0000 QNT-Method: PSM-2 SBQ-Name: 06.11.00_PSM-1_-2

Ftow(mVmin): . 0,350 x Channel Name: UV VIS 1 1 - [modified by Administrator, 5 peaks manually asdgned) 2- W_VlS_2-225nm 3- UV_VIS_3 • 248nm A- UV_V1S 4-275nm .12.0 10.0 23,00

24.00- ON


-25,795 23,00-




•29,700 30,00- WVL.-210 nm

Kig. 2.6b. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prcspa Lake compared with standard PSM-2 W_VB_1,210nm Number. 24 UV_V1S_2 • 225nm Sample Name: Lake "U3" Comment: •80,0 -6U.0 •40,0 •30.0 •20,0 10,0 0,0 10,0 20.0 . 30,0 Vial Number. 49 I _1_ ' I • • . I lnj.Time: 18:68 Inj.Date: 07.11.2000 fry. Vol. ((Jl): 50,0 DILFakt.: 2,0000 QNT-Method: PSM-3 15,0- SEQ'Neme: 05.11.00_PSM-1_-2 Flow (ml/min): 0,350 20.0- Channel Name: UV VIS 1 1 • [modified by Administrator, A peeks manually assigned] 2- • UV_,VIS_2-225nm 25.0- S - UVVISJ} - 246nm 4- UVJ/tSjl - 27$nm -12,0 -8,0 0.0 6.0 10,0 30.0- /1 !i 4

35,0- 24,00-

40,0- 25,D&-

45,0-- 25,795 26,00-


27,00- 55,0- • RP (=

28,00- 60,0-

29,00- es,o-

70,& 30,00- WVU210 nmf

Fig. 2.6c. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prespa Lake compared with standard PSM-3 TABLE 2.] Hydrpchemical data (for sample identification, see Fig. I of this report)

Sampling Date T pH Conductivity; Disol. O2 Ca Mg Na K Fe HCOr, CI SO4 TDS Total point Hardness °G US/cm I mg/i 1 20.02.90 7.4 8.2 476 66.8 21.5 23.5 0:35 259.0 6.0 61.3 2.0 317 255 28.04.90 10.6 8.2 441 34.4 36.6 19.5. 0.45 274.0 8.9 40.3 trace 300 235 30.01.96 5.1 432 64.2 17.1 11.5 1.00 256.2 5.3 37.0 1.2 230 17.02.00 - - 475 64.1 15.8 - - 262.3 10.6 31.0 - - 20.06.00 47.1 23.7 m 268.0 9.2 • _ _ 2 30.01.96 7.0 470 68.1 15.3 20.0 .50 289.1 5.3 30.9 1.6 327 3 30,01.96 7.3 522 77.8 18.3 17.5 0.10 336.7 3.6 23.9 1.2 : .365 17.02.00 455 62.1 10.9 262.3 7.8 20.0 : 20.06.00 66.1 13.4 281.0 5.7 4 17.02.00 - 572 84.2 17.0 - 353.8 9.2 25.0 - .. - .04.04.89 15.9 7.4 477 70.3 19.3 17.0 0.20 322.0 5.3 16.9 2.8 288 255 11.07.89 16.0 7.3 472 78.0 14.0 1.4 trace 232.0 . 37.2 1 1.9 trace - 250 20.02.90 15.8 7.4 468 81.5 16.1 5.3 0.15 321.0 5.3 26.7 . 2.0 254 270 28.04.90 15.9 7.6 461 80.6 14.5 9.0 no 314.0 7.1 1.1.9 trace 286 260

30.01.96 15.3 - • 496 83.3 14,5 12.9 trace 322.0 7.1 20.6 trace - 270

J 7.02.00 - 540 82.2 13.4 _ 355.5 8.5 7.5 - - -

20.06.00 - •- - 80.2 14.6 - -• 342.0 9.22 - • - • • •"- ... - 04.04.89 11.2 7.2 498 70.3 • 22:8 14.3 trace 342.0 .5.3 9.5 2.8 283 270 1K07.89 11,6 7:5 - 503 90.0 12.3 11.0 0.05 342.0 5.3 9.9 trace 266 . , 325 20.02.90 10.8 7.3 476 95.3 5.4 16.3 0.15 322.0 3.6 23.9 1.6 265 . 260 28.04.90 11.0 7.2 492 96.3 8.9 1.1.3 0.10 342.0 7.1 11.1 trace 303 .. . 275 -22.08.90 11.6 7.3 497 83.8 13.8 11.7 0.20 332:0 5.3 10.3 2.0 308 265 20.10.90 1.1.5 7.4 497 86.5 12.7 5.7 trace 323.0 3.5 8.6 1.6 314 265 30.01.96 11.0 523 100.2 1.8 22.8 trace 352.6 3.6 12.4 - - 260 17.02.00 - 562 104.2 7.3 - ' . 353.8 6.0 30.0 - - -

20.06.00 _ _ _ 92.2 6.1 - 360.0 9.2 .. - • 17.12.93 7.6 270 33.7 16.0 5.8 2.0 170.9 7.1 17.4 3.1 150 24.09.99 ••-7.9 345 36.7 17.0 3.9 2.0 173.3 8.9 16.8" 3.1 181 165 30.12.93 7.5 270 33.7 16.0 5.8 2.0 133.0 7.1 14.4 3.1 150 24.09.99 7.9 345 37.7 17.0 3.9 2.0 173.3 8.9 I6.8- 3.1 181 165 17.12.93 7.5 270 46.5 7.7 5.8 2.0 175.8 7.1 8.2 3.1 150 24.07.98 6.7 26.: 43.3 4.4 6 2.7 0.03 135.4 10.6 17.8 3.7 126 Sampling Date T PH Conductivity Disol. O2 Ca Mg Na K Fe HCO3 Cl SO4 NO., TDS Total point Hardness °C (iS/cm mg/1 9a 27.12.93 - 7.5 165 22.4 6.3 4.6 2.0 92.8 5.3 10.6 3.1 80 24.07.98 6.4 216 _ 30.5 7.3 6.0 2.4 109.8 7.1 22.1 3.7 114 105 (lm) 30.12.93 - 7.5 205 - 33.7 5.8 5.8 2.0 123.3 7.1 11.0 3.1 - 110 (lm) 29.03.00 6.6 7.6 245 9.4 34.1 6.1 4.6 2.3 122.0 5.3 13.4 3.1 - 110 (llm) 29.03.00 6.4 .7.6 192 9.3 32.1 4.9 4.6 2.3 120.1 3.5 11.5 3.1 - 100 (25m 1. 29.03.00 5.5 7.6 192 9.2 32.1 4.9 4.6 «** ""I 120.1 3.5 11.5 3.1 - 100

(lm) 10.05.00 17.5 8.6 200 9.6 _ - - - 102 - (llm) 10.05.00 13.9 8.6 198 9.1 _ _ - 102 - (25m) 10.05.00 13 8.5 206 8.0 _ _ 104 12 30.01.96 5.0 228 34.1 5.3 13.3 0.20 126.9 7.1 21.0 trace 208 28.02.00 7.5 215 34.1 6.3 4.6 2.3 122.0 7.1 12.5 0.0 110 13 30.01.96 4.8- 242 .33.7 6.0 10.4 0.15 131.8 7.1 12.8 trace 202 .18.02.00 - 262 50.1 8.5 152.5 10.1 23.0 - 20.06.00 20.0 9.7 110.0 11.3 ..... 14 (lm) 18.12.99 9.6 8.2 155 10.0 32.3 6.9 6.7 1.9 23.3 5.8 10.7 0.4 161.0 109 (5m) 18.12.99 9.6 8.1 155 9.6 _ _ - - - - (10m) 18.12.99 9.4 8.1 153 10.1 _ - - (15m) 18.12.99 9.7 8.1 154 10.0 _ - - - - (21m) 18.12.99. 9.7 9.1 156 10.0 _ _ _ - - (lm) 25.03.00 6.7 8.0 152 11.8 30.7 10.5 6.7 l.S 92.8 9.5 3.7 - 168.0 115 (5m) 25.03.00 5.1 7.9 152 12.1 ______- - - (10m) 25.03.00 4.8 7.8 145 11.6 _ - - - (17m) 25.03.00 4.7 7.8 145 11.6 _ _ - - - - - (lm) 01.07.00 22.5 8.4 235 10.5 31.4 16.0 7.4 145.4 9.5 13.2 - 139.0 • 118 (5m) 01.07.00 20.9 8.3 300 9.8 _ _ _ - - • (10m) 01.07.00 15.4 7.9 300 6.9 - - - - - . - (15m) 01.07.00 11.2 7.8 3.4 _ - - - - (19m) 01.07.00 10.7 7.0 3.2 - - - (lm) 07.10.00 17.0 - - 6.4 _ - - - - - (5m) 07.10.00 16.6 6.3 "' _ - - - - - ,.' 1 (10m) 07.10.00 16.1 - 3.2 _ - - - - -' • [ .'

(15m) 07.10.00 14.7 _ 0.6 _ - - - - •'•''.-•

(23m) 07.10.00 12.4 - - 0.6 ------15 18.12.99 6.9 6.8 57 10.1 7.9 0.9 1.0 0.3 18.6 1.8 0.8 0.6 80.0 30 25.03.00 7.7 6.4 40 11.2 7.3 2.5 2.8 0.7 34.9 2.4 6.3 88.0 50 01.07.00 15.0 6.8 83 8.6 4.0 4.8 1.2 39.4 4.8 11.5 - 102.0 32 Sampling Date . T pH Conductivity Disol. O2 Ca Mg Na K Fc HCO.V CI SO4 NO, TDS Total point "C US/cm rng/l Hardness 16 18.12.99 7.2 6.8 57 9.3 9.2 0.9 2.8 0.9 - 13.9 3.1 7.2 1.1 87.0 23 25.03.00 7.1 6.0 35 11.1 8.6 Q.9 3.3 0.9 30.5 3.8 7.0 85.0 30 01.07.00 16.0 6.9 80 . I7.S 3.0 4.6 1.8 48.8 6.8 7.4 68.0 50 07.10.00 13.0 - - 7.6 -5 - - - - - . - - - - - 17 18.12.99 8.1 7.8 140 10.7 37.3 3.5 2.4 0.9 - 65.2 4.2 6.6 0.6 157.0 112

25.03.00 9.6 7.2 110 10.3 25.8 3.5 2.6 0.9 •- • . 96.5 6.5 11.9 - 175.0 92

18 18.12.99 8.6 7.1 138 ,8.1 27.2 7.0 7.9 1.5 _ 62.9 5.6 4.5 1.2 160.0 104 25.03.00 8.9 6.6 40 9.6 22.8 2.6 5.5 1.2 83.0 8.8 8.0 139.0 76 01.07.00 18.0 6.6 450 - 48.6 17.4 18.5 . 4.2 192.3 22.3 8.6 248.0 158

_ 07.10.00 15.0 - - 0.9 - .- - - - • - - -

20 .18.12.99 7.8 7.7 .171 10.4. 56.0 2.9 1.0 0.3 - 93.2 1.4 0,4 0.8 179.0 154 01.07.00 8.4 7.5 290 10.0 54.3 12.9 I-.3 <(>.() 1 170.7 8.8 • 9.0 196.0 156

07.10.00 9.2 9.2 - . 7.6 -. - • ------'-

23 18.12.99 10.8 7.5 215 - 58.1 6.f 2.8 0.9 - 106.9 2.7 7.0 0.3 IS3.0 171

•fcs 25.03.00 10.2 7.2 211 9.6 54.5 6.9 2.8 0.9 - 186.4 X.I 10.7 197.0 165 01.07.00 11.0 7.4 335 8.6 54.3 13.1 3.5 0.9 168.4 8.6 12.2 206.0 163

07.10.00 12.0 - - : 7.9 - - - -• - - . - .- - - 25 22.02.89 11.3 7.4 306 - 56.0 7.2 3.7 trace 200.0 7.1 2.9 trace 145 104 i 0.07.89 11.4 7.4 308 - 52.0 9.4 7.4 0.1 200.0 8.9 7.4 trace 173 185 28.04.90 M-:3 7.4 302 54.0 6.0 13.8 0.1 209.0 7.1 7.8 trace 188 160

18 10 90 II 0 76 305 • 46.5 7.2 13.6 0.1 191.9 5.3 1M trace 185 145

30 01.96 11.6 - - - 54.6 .7.2 11.3 trace 207.4 6.0 9.5 1.6 -

18.02 00 - 335 - 49.1 9.1 •-. - 201.3 5.7 15.5

20 06.00 - - r - 46.1 9.7 - • - - 207.0 7.1 - - - • • 26 06 04 89 11 5 7.5 . 304 50.1 6.4 12.9 no 201.0 5.3 5.3 trace 176 150 10 07 89 (I 5 7.6 302 51.0 7.0 11.7 0.1 204.0 5.3 -7.4 trace 174 155

21 11 89 11 5 7.4 500 _ 53.1 6.0 10.8 0.1 200.0 5.3 8:6 trace 188 155

28 04 90 11.5 299 - 54.0 6.0 13.8 0.2 209.0 7.1 8.2 trace 190 160

15 08 90 II 4 296 - 49.2 6.1 15.9 0.2 189.0 5.3 18.9 trace 164 145

18 10 90 IJ5" •*'- 301 - 41.0 10.5 15.6 0.1 185.0 5.3 19.3 trace 185 145 '

"... -! •

. - : " •• TABLE 2.2 Standard solution of pesticides for gc measurements Substance Purety % mg/20 ml aceton Quantity (jil) 1 (.il contains 10 ng 1,2,4 Trichlorbenzol 100 36.0 56 1,2,4,5, Tetrachlorbenzol 100 22.2 90 Pentachlorbenzol 100 21.3 94 Hexachlorbenzol 99 20.5 98 Pentachlornitrobenzol 97 23.5 87 a - Hexachlocyclohexan 97 18.8 109 p - Haxachlorcyclohxan 99 21.2 . ••• 94 ' Lindan 99 18.8 106 Aldrin . 97 20.9 99 Dieldrin 98 22.1 92 Endrin 99 32.2 86 p,p,DDE 99 32.2 86 p,p, DDD 99 22.7 . 88 p,p, DDT 99 23.4 85 o,p,DDT 99 27.0 74 Methoxychlor 99 20.8 96 Heptachlorepoxid 99 19.3 104 a-Endosulfan 99 21.4 93 P-Endosulfan 99 18.7 107

TABLE 2.3 Pesticides monitored in the water samples from higjux'spa lake and st.naum spring Name of the ob- Chemical composition Quantity served Compound (P-g/1) HCB Hexachlorbenzen 0.003 PCB 138 2, 2,, 3, 4, 4,, 5, - Hexachlorobiphenyl • 0.007 Y-HCH (Lindan) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Hexachlorocyciohexan 0.004 S6 Sulphur (Schwefel) 0.004 o,p, - DDT 1,1, l-trichloro-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane not detected P,P, - DDT 1, 1, l-trichloro-2. 2-bis(4-chlorophcnyI)ethane o,p, - DDE 1, 1 -dichloro-2-(2-chlotophenyl 1 )-2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene p, p,- DDE 1, l-dichloro-2,2-bis (4-chloiophenyl)cthylene o,p,-TDE 1, l-dichloro-2-(chloroplienyl)-2-(4-chlorophcnyl)clhane (= o,p,-DDD) P.P.-TDE 1, l-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophcnyl)ethanc (== p,p,- DDD)

Note: None of the above mentioned pesticedes has not been registered in the water samples from the St. Naum Springs


PSM - 1 PSM - 2 PSM - 3 Cone, Cone, Cone. Substance Substance Substance (u-g/ml) fig/ml) (Mg/ml) Desethylsimazii 5 .Ethidimuron 20 Kresoxim-metl 10

Metamitron 10 Imidacloprid 20 Hexazinon 10 Chloridazon 5 Metribuzin 20 RP(=Benzanili 10 Desethylataizin 10 Metalaxyl 20. Epoxiconazol 20 . • ;. •] Metoxuron 5 Referenspeak 20 Azoxystrobin 10 Carbetamid 10 Diuron 20 Chlorthalonil 10 Bromacil 20 Primicarb 20 Terbuconazo :: 40 : Simazin 10 Dimefuron 20 Flusilazol "20 Cyanazin 10 Triadimenol 20 • Propiconazol 40 Desethylterbuty 10 Linuron 20 ., Acloniefn 40

• • • i Metabenzthiazu 5 Ethofumesat 20 Carbendazim .o •

Chlortoluron 5 Flurochloridon 20 '•:'.'•

Pesrr.etrytv "*""" 10 Prosulfoacrb 20 Atrazin 10 Pedimelhalin 20 'I Monolinuron 10 Floroxipyr-MH) 10 Referencpeak 5 Isoprbturon 5 Metobromuron 5

Metazachlor 10 Sebuthylazin 5

Propazin 5 • . Tetrabuthylazin 10 Diflubenzuron 10 Metolachlor 20

42 TABLE 2.5 Gradient program for HPLC measurements

Diode Array detector Wavelength 1 210 nm Wavelength 2 225 nm Wavelength 3 245 nm Wavelength 4 275 nm 3 D-Field: Min. Wavelength 200 nm Max. Wavelength 350 nm Pump Flow (ml/min): 0,35 Presuure Lower Limit: 0 bar ; Presuure Upper Liniil: 350 bar Eluent A: Acetonitrilc* Eluent B: Buffer** Column Oven Temperature: 49°C Autosampler Injection Vol. (|J.l): 50

* Gradient grade from MERCK ** 1 I deionized water with 20 ml Acelonilrile and 150 ing Amoniimiaeelale

Gradient Program:

Time (min) % A % B 0.00 20 80 2.00 20 80 17.00 36 64 31.00 36 64 67.50 90 10 75.00 90 10 75.00 20 80 87.00 20 80

43 TABLE 2.6. Results ofradioactvnty determination

Order Sam- Observed Date of Spec fi i-R a d i o a c t i v i t y Total Total No, pling Object/profile Sampling — 0i-214(Bq/l) K-40(Bq/l) Beta(Bq/l) Alfa(Bq/l) Point Cs-I37(Bq/l) Ac-228 (Bq/I) 8 10 11 13 1 23 St.Naura Spring 18.12.99 / / / 0,64(0,005)* 0.045 (0.007) 0.22 (0.03) 5.72 (0.23) 0.02(0.01) BDL 2 23 St.Naum Spring 01.07.00 0,077(0,007) 0,061(0,008) 0,17(0,013) 0,03(0,003) 0,094(0,009) 1,35(0,04) 3 23-A Pump.Station 01.07.00 0,075(0,011) 0,18(0,016) 0,15(0,017) 0,3 (0,014) 0,063 (0,006) 0,18(0,02) 2,61 (0,078)

4 20. Galichica Spr. 18.12.99- 0.48(0.02) 0.57 (0.03) 1.79 (0:09) 0.14(0.01) 0.52 (0.05) 9.69 (0.35) 0.02(0.01) BDL 5 20 Galichica Spr. 01.07.00 0,079(0,01) 0,13(0,01) 0,125(0,016) 0,255(0,01) 0,18(0,019) 0,39(0,03) 2,88(0,08)

6 22 Biijana Spr. 01.07.00 0,092(0,011) 0,17(0,016) 0,17(0,017) 0,48(0,03) 0,05(0,006) 0,21(0,02) 2,86(0,08)

7 / • 0.1(0.02) BDI. 17 Istocka Riv. 18.12.99 / 1.22(0.11) 1.31 (0.18) /.•;•_ 0.47 (0.05) 2.33.(0.20)

8 18 Resenska Riv. 18.12.99 0.095 (0.009) 0.32 (0.025) 0.42 (0.06) 0.19(0.02) • / / 1.83(6.18) 0,06(0,011)

9 . 16 Kranska Riv. • 18.12.99 .. / 0.52 (0.034) 0.45 (0.054) / / / 1.70(0.18) 0,024(0,01)

10 15 Brajcinska R. 18.12.99 0.17(0.01) 0.67 (0.05) 0.77(0.06) 1.17(0.13) 0.095(0.014) / 5.51 (0.28) 0,02(0,01)

.11 14 Macro Prespa 01.07.00 0,019(0,005) 0,066(0,007) 0,075(0,008) 0,17(0,013) 0,02(0,003) 0,084(0,009) 1,20(0,03) 12 13 Macro Prespa 20.06.00 0,11(0.01)

13 6 Mancurisht Spr. 20.06.00 0,053(0,01)

14 3 Micro Prespa 20.06.00 0,047(0,01)

15 24 Tushemisht-1 20.06.00 0.062(0.009) *Data in Brackets are the errors of determination; BDL - Below Detection Limit UDC: 556.5 (497.7)


Todor ANOVSKI1, loannis LEONTIADIS2, Jovan ZOTO3

'Faculty of Technology and metallurgy Univ. of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia institute for Nuclear Science, "DEMOK.RITOS", Athens, Greece institute for Nuclear Physics, Tirana, Albania ISOTOPE DATA

All analytical isotope data concerning Prespa lakes since 1984 elaborated by all parts 1,: sharing the Lakes, are included in Table 3.1. The sampling locations are shown on Fig. 1. 18 The d O values of the Big Prespa Lake water were -1.8±0.25 °/oo at the sampling point 10, -1.5±030 %0 at the sampling point 14 and -0.8±0.28 700 at the sampling point 12, since the corresponding ones of the inflowing water (points 15 - 18) were varying between -9.0 and -10.4 °/00. The values at the points 10, 12 and 14 are indicative of a big enough turn- over time, having as a result the influence of the evaporation to the dl80 value of the Lake wa- ter to be so strong. At the same time, the values at the points 10 and 12 are suggesting that well mixing conditions are predominating at least at the main body of the Lake (statistically identical d18O values). It must be pointed out also that the dl80 values of the samples col- lected during 2000 from locations near the Albanian cost (-l,7±0.10 °/00 at the point 12 and - 1.8±0.07 700at the point 13) were closer to the ones of the rest body of the Lake (-l,8±0.25 at the point 10 and -1.5±0.30 700 at the point 14), than the corresponding values of the sampies collected from the same locations till 1996 (-0,8±0.25 and -1.0±0.16 °/00 correspondingly). This could be attributed to the fact that about 10 years ago the level of the Lake had reached its minimum value (more than 7 meters below the referent level), emphasizing so the influ- ence of the evaporation to the d O value of the Lake water. Concerning the Small Prespa Lake, one may distinguish two separate periods. Before l8 May 1991, the d 0 values of the lake water (-l,8±0.42 700 at the point 7 and -1.9±0.39 700 at the point 8) were practically similar to the ones of the Big Prespa Lake water. Since May 18 1991, the d O values of the lake water (-4.1 ±0.34 and -4.5±0.46 700 coprrespondingly) are indicative of less turnover time. In both cases the main income of water to the lake take place from the Albanian part, through the river Devoll. The water looks moving fast enough at its entrance in the Albanian part and slower at the main body of the lake, in the Greek part (point 18 1, d O value, -9.5±0.18 700; point 2, -8.9±0.34 700; point 3, -8.5±0.44 700; point 4, - 7.1±0.25 700; point 7, -3.1±0.44 700; point 8, -3.0±0.41 700 and point 9, -2.6±0.49 700). In the wider area between the lakes Prespa and Kastoria, according to Leontiadis and Stamos (1999), the relation between the d18O values of the spring waters and the mean alti- tude of the corresponding recharge areas (Mra), weighted by the surface and the annual pre- cipitation, is expressed by the following equation (2):

d18O = (-8.3±0.15)-(0.0010±0.0001)Mra r = 0.96168 (2)

The standard deviation of d'8O values estimated by equation (1), on the basis of Mra of 0 to 2000 m, varies between 0.07 and 0.008 700. The standard deviation of the Mra pre- 18 dicted to give spring waters having d O values between -10.7, and -9.2 700 varies between 115 and 140 m. The above equation looks to be valid for the near area of the Albanian territory too. This is suggested by the d18O value of the water of the spring Mancurisht (point 6, -9.8±0.1 °/oo)> while the predicted one by equation (1), on the basis of the Mra of the mountainous area expected to contribute to the recharge of the spring, is -9.7±0.24 70O. The same may be true for the near area of the Republic of Macedonia territory, too (actual d1 O value of the water of 1 the spring Galichica, point 20, -10.5 700, predicted d O value according to eq. 1, -10.3±0.24

47 l8 •: The d 0 value of the water of the nearby spring Proger (point 5, -9.1 ±0.09 °/00) was in .• disagreement with its elevation (843 m), suggesting contribution to their replenishment of wa- ter leaking from the lakes. Assuming that the d'8O value of the constituent originating from the precipitation infiltrated in the rocks might be the same as the one of the spring Mancurisht, the contribution of the lake leakages to the recharge of the spring is estimated as 8.0±4.3 %, in the case of leakages from Small Prespa and 11.1 ±3.3 %, in the case of leakages from Big Pre- spa. ' ; •• ' Leaking of water of the lake Big Prespa towards Ohrid Lake is suggested on the basis of the dls0 values of the springs Tush-1 (point 24), Tush-2 (point 25) and Sv. Naum (point 23) too. By assuming that the d'8O value of the constituent originating from the precipitation infiltrated in the rocks might be the same as the one of the spring Biljana (point 22, -10.1 °/00), the contribution of the lake water to the recharge of the springs is estimated as 54.4±3.2 % for the springs Tush-1 and Tush-2 and 37.3±3.2 % for Sv. Naum. These figures are in good agreement with the corresponding ones presented by Anovski et al. (1980, 1987, 1991 and 1997); Eftimi and Zoto (1997). -

48 TABLE 3.1 Izotope data

Sampling Coordinates Sampling:" T ..,; : - dD dO-18 point (degrees-- min- -sec- •] date (TU) ' ; Of °i /oo loo Latit Long

1 404005 205915 23-Nov-95 •65.4 -9.4 30-Jan-96 -66.0 •9.5 25-Apr-96 -72.6 -10.3 03-Sep-96 -60.6 •8.8 28-0ct-96 . -61.2 •9.1 17-Feb-OO •65.0 -9.7 20-Apr-OO •63.3 •9.7

Mean value -64.9 + L5 -9.5 ± 0.18 Meanval. 1997-2000 -64.0 •9.4

2 404023 205924 29-Sep-95 -61.6 -8.9 23-Nov-95 -61.0 -9.1 30-Jan-96 -65.5 •9.2 25-Apr-96 -62.3 •9.1 24-Jun-96 -65.4 -9.5 03-Sep-96 •61.8 •9.2 28-0ct-96 •44.5 •6.5 20-Apr-OO •61.7 -9.3

Mean value , -60.5 ± 2.4 •8.9 ± 0.34

3 404044 202947 29-Sep-95 -56.2 •8.1 23-Nov-95 -63.5 •9.1 30-Jan-96 •64.9 •9.2 25-Apr-96 •59.1 -9.0 24-Jun-96 -52.7 •7.8 28-Oct-96 -39.3 •5.8. 17-Feb-OO -63.3 -9.5 20-Apr-OO -62.2 •9.3

Mean value •57.7 ± 3.0 •8.5 ± 0.44 Mean val. 1997-2000 •56.5 •7.6 t :! '4 404200 210300 29-Sep-95 -36.8 •6.8 23-Nov-95 •37.1 24-Jun-96 -42.3 •7.3 A it Mean value •38.7 ± 1.8 -7.1 ± 0.25

404231 205439 29-Sep-95 •61.5 •8.8 23-Nov-95 -64.8 -9.1 30-Jan-96 •64.1 •9.0 26-Apr-96 -57.2 -8.6 25-Jun-96 •63.1 •9.4 02-Sep-96 •61.9- •9.1 29-0ct-96 •62.1 -9.0 '17-Feb-OO •63.9 •9.4 21-Apr-00 •63.8 -9.4

Mean value •62.5 ± 0.8 •9.1 ± 0.09 Meanval. 1997-2000 •62.1 •8.9

6 404306 205332 29-Sep-95 -63.6 •9.7 23-Nqv-95 -64.7 •9.5 30-Jan-96 -67.4 •10.1 26-Apr-96 •69.2 •10.0 25-Jun-96 •68.4 •10.2 02-Sep-96 -70.1 -10.1 29-0ct-96 •66.4 -9.6 17-Feb-OO :58.2 •9.3 21-Apr-00 •64.4 -9.9

Mean value •65.8 + 1.2 •9.8 + 0.10 Mean val. 1997-2000 •66.2 •10.0 49 Sampling Coordinates Sampling T dD dO-18 point (degrees-rnin-sec--; date (TU) "I Latit Long

7 404481 210660 03-Oct'-89 18 -1.6 ll-Dec-89 •1.8 \. i 15-Feb-90 ••2.7^ -! • • )"'• 19-Apr-90 16 -27.1 " •2.2 I ; 19-Jun-90 -i.8.' • ; 09-Aug-90 -3.0 16-0ct-90. 13 -17.4 •0.4 . ' .'i 10-May-91 -5.4 16-Jul-91 13 •43.5 -4.9 /

15-0ct-92 11 •2.8 •••••• 16-Dec-99 9 -37.1 -4,2. ;• i 29-Mar-00 6 . -42.7 -5.1 .-: 10-May-OO 6 •4.7; : :

Mean value 12 ± 1.5 -33.6 ± 5.0 •3.1 ± 0.44 :

8 404754 210433 03-0ct-89 17 •1.6 • ••:• '' '•• •••! ll-Dec-89 •2.2 15-Feb-90 •3.9 19-Apr-gO 14 : -26.9 •2.1 19-Jun-90 •1.6 09-Aug-90 -0.9 ; 16-0ct-90 15 -13.4 -0.4 10-May<91 •4.4 16-Jul-91 12 - •4.9 ; • • 15-Oct-91 -4.1 ,. ,«••--> 15-0ct-92 11 •2.5: : 16-Dec99 9 -37.0 -4.0 29-Mar-OO 7 -38.4 -4.6 ll-May-00 10 -4.6 :

Mean value 12 + 1.2 •28.9 + 5.8 -3.0 + C.il

9 404900 210432 03-Oct-89 17 •1.1 : ll-Dec-89 -2.4 15-Fet>-90 •2.0 19-Apr-90 13 •23.8 -1.4 ; i| 19-Jun-9O •0.6 09-Aug-90 0.3 16-Oct-9O. 12 •15.1 0.0 10-May-91 •4.4 16-Jul-91 12 -37.9 -4.7 15-0ct-91 -4.0 - 15-Oct-92 13 •2.4 : 16-Dec-99 8 -37.8 •4.0 29-Mar-OO 12 •40.3 •4.5 ll-May-00 5 •4.7

Mean value 12 ± 1.3 -31.0 ± 4.9 •2.6 ± C.49

10 (surface) 405110 210100 03-Oct-89 29 -1.6 ll-Dec-89 -2.3 13-Feb-90 •1.9 ' 19-Apr-90 26 •''...: •16.2 -2.0 19-Jun-90 •1.2 09-Aug-90 ... -0.9 . 160ct-90 27 ..••... -14.6 -0.9 10-May-91 •4.6 '16-Jul-91 20 •25.6 -2.2 15-0ct-91 ' -2.0 ; 15-Oct-92 19 -0.9 19-Dec-99 8 • •21.2 •1.6 \ •29-Mar-OO 10 -23.6 •1.7 : ;. • •. • 10-May-OO 9 •1.8 ;•. ; ! :• .•••.

Mean value 19 ± 3.0 •20.2 ± 2.1 •1.8 ± 0.25;; Sampling Coordinates . Sampling T dD dO-18 point (degrees--min--sec--; date (TU) / °/oo °/oo Latit Long • -;c „. 10(llm) 405110 210100 19-Dec-99 11. -22.3 -1.5 29-Mar-00 ; 9 -24.2 -1.7 10-May-00 14 -1.8

Mean value 11 ± 1.5 -23.3 ± 1.0 -1.7 + o!o9 10 (25m) 405110 210100 19-Dec-99 8 -22.6 -1.5 29-Mar-00 11 -24.6 -1,8 10-May-00 11 -1.8

Mean value 10 ± 1.0 -23.6 + 1.0 -1.7 ± 0.10

11 404723 205432 25-Apr-96 -18.0 -0.9 24-Jun-96 -16.2 -1.4 02-Sep-96 -15.2 -0.7 28-0ct-96 -17.3 -1.0

Mean value -16.7 ± 0.6 -1.0 ± 0.15

12 404844 205617 29-Sep-95 -17.2. -0.5 23-Nov-95 -16.6 -0.3 30-Jan-96 -20.9 -1.0 25-Apr-96 -18.8 0.5 24-Jun-96 " -22.6 -1.6 02-Sep-96 -16.7 -0.7 28-0ct-96 -17.2 -0.9 20-Apr-00 -21.5 -1.7

Mean value -18.9 + 0.8 -0.8 + 0.25

13 405218 205547 29-Sep-95 -17.2 -0.5 23-Nov-95 -17.0 -0.4 30-Jan-96 -20.4 -0.9 25-Apr-96 -13.9 -1.1 24-Jun-96 -19.5 -1.2 25-Sep-96 -15.6 -0.7 . 28-0ct-96 -17.1 -0.9 18-Feb-00 -22.1 -1.8 20-Apr-00 -21.6 -1.7

Mean value -18.3 ± 0.9 -1.0 ± 0.16

18-Dec-99 -12.9 -1.2 25-Mar-00 11 -21.7 -18 14 405600 210200 Mean value 11 -17.3 + 4.4 .1.5 + 030 Mean val. 1984-1987 -24.8 -1.9

18-Dec-99 -64.0 -9.1 25-Mar-OQ -68.1 -10.4 15 405404 210930 - Mean value -66.1 ± 2.1 -9.8 ± 0.65

18-Dec-99 -61.2 -10.1 25-Mar-OO -67.0 -10 2 16 405520 210557 Mean value -64.1 + 2.9 -10.2 + 0.05

18-Dec-99 -62.2 -9.1 25-Mar-OO -60.2 -9 5 . 17 410247 210043 Mean value -61.2 + 1.0 -9.3 ± 0.20

. 18-Dec-99 ' -53.6 -9.0 25-Mar-OO -64.0 -9 9 18 410500 210006 - Mean value • ' -58.8 + 5.2 -9.5 ± 0.45

19 405702 205424 Mean val 1986 (weighted) -55.4 -8.5 5/ Sampling Coordinates Sampling T dD dO-18 point (degrees--min--sec--". date (TU) Latit Long

18-Dec-99 -65.2 •10.5 20 405739 204920 Mean value -65.2 -10.5 Mean val. 1984-1987 •70.3 •10.6

21 410600 205000 Mean val. 1986 (weighted) •55.1 -8.7

22 410700 204800 Mean val. 1984-1987. -68.5 •10.1

18-Dec-99 •50.6 •6.7 25-Mar-OO 17 -47.6 •6.8 23 405454 204445 Mean value 17 •49.1 ± 1.5 •6.8 + 0.05 Mean val. 1984-1987 •49.7 •6.9

24 405408 204328 22-Nov-95 -45.3 -5.4 29-Jan-96 -44.9 -5.7 25-Apr-96 -32.8 -4.3 24-Jun-96 -40.2 •5.4 03-Sep-96 •39.3 •5.0 28-0ct-96 •40.6 -5.4 19-Feb-00 •42.4 i5-7 21-Apr-00 -43.1 -5.6

Mean value •41.1 + 1.4 -5.3 ±0.17 Mean val. 1997-2000 •41.2 -5.1 I 25 405400 204328 22-Nov-95 :44.6 -5,6 29-Jan-96 -45.5 •5.4 25-Apr-96 -28.8 -3.5 24-Jun-96 -46.2 -5.7 II 03-Sep-96 -43.2 •5.3 28-0ct-96 •45.2 •5.6

Mean value -42.3 ± 2.7 -5.2 ±. 0.34

26 405454 204445 Mean val. 1986 (weighted) -52.9 -8.4


illm! 52 ••n UDC: 556.55 (497.7)

Session IV


Todor ANOVSKI1, Molnar KOLANECI2, Josif MILEVSKl3, Pece RISTEVSKI3, Alkiviadis STAMOS4

'Faculty of Technology and metallurgy Univ. of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia institute for Hydrometeorology, Tirana, Albania 3Republical Institute for Hydrometeorology, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 4lGME(lnstitute for Geological and Mineral Exploration) Athens, Greece HYDROLOGICAL ASPECTS AND WATER BALANCE OF PRESPA LAKES

Hydrological aspects

The levels of the Lakes Prespa follow an annual cycle with peak levels in May and June and the low water levels in autumn. Superimposed on this annual cycle are longer period fluctuations caused by particularly wet or dry periods.

•After the 1986 a continual and fast decreasing of water level in Big Prespa Lake, see Fig. 4.1 is observed. Up to this year the amplitude of level oscillation from the beginning of the regular observations (1952) was about 4 m with maximum of 852.91-m a.s.l. in 1963 and minimum of 848.91 m a.s.l. in 1978. After 1986 fast decreasing started and in one year a fal- ling of more than 1 m as a mean annual water level was observed. This decreasing is continu- ing up to minimal historic which was observed at the end of 1995 and the beginning of 1996. For the period from 1986 to 1995-1996 (10 years) a total decreasing of 5.39 m, was observed. Such trend of continual decreasing in a total of 2,54 m and stopping after 4 years, during the period 1974-1978, was observed, also. Before the extreme event of 1986-1996 the record of minimum level was observed in 1978 and the second rank list of the minimums was observed in 1962 with the difference only 0.90 m. Now, after this event the new minimum record is 3.42 m below the previously recorded minimum. This is a serious problem and constitutes a big threatens for the Prespa Lake ecosystem. Different specialists have discussed the causes of this catastrophic continuing falling of water level in Big Prespa Lake. Until now, three would be the main hypothesis about this interesting phenomenon:

1. Tectonic falling of the lake bottom 2. Widening of underground channels connecting the two lakes 3. Influence of meteorological parameters

For the first hypothesis, the geologic researchers must tell their opinion. Probably the two other hypotheses are closer to the reality. The widening of underground channels hy- pothesis can be proved by detailed analyse of discharge measurements in St. Naum and Tushemishti springs for the period 1986-1996, especially for the yearsl 989-1990. In Albanian part the discharge measurements made in Tushemishti springs during this period show net de- creasing of water flow, even the number of measurements is scarce. After 1996 seemed that the tendency is going to the normality concerning the spring discharges but not on water lev- els in Big Prespa Lake (little increasing). For the third hypothesis must accurately be analysed all meteorological parameters for the same period (1986-1996), even the diagram showing the distribution of the precipitation during all the observation period of Liqenas station doesn't agree with this idea. The fact that in Small Prespa Lake this phenomenon was pot observed (see Fig. 4.2), decreases the chance for this hypothesis to be true. However the phenomenon we are discussing is extremely complex and none of hy- pothesizes must have priority above the others. To simplify the question, the problem is to find out how disappeared more than 600 million m3 in Prespa Lake in order to protect this natural ecosystem, for which, all we are concerned.

55 Water balance General remarks Exchanging of hydro meteorological data between the three neighboring countries and cooperation between professional institutions is the only possible way to define a real water balance of Prespa Lake. The previous studies made on water balance in each country are good ,* base and will serve as reference points for the present and future water balance estimations. if According to the present observation on a professional basis it can be seen that the distribu- '| tion of hydrometeorological elements is not uniform in the region. It seemed that in Albanian •! part (western part of Big Prespa Lake) the amount of rainfall is higher than in the other parts. | The range of precipitation in the field area of this region is between 600 mm and more than » 900 mm. The difference will be also for temperature and so on. The distribution of rainfall for j Liqenas (Pustec) station covering the period 1951-1997, is given in the Fig. 4.3. '} Another important element of water balance is inflow and outflow in this lake system. } Prespa Lakes system has a complex and specific hydrographical network. . iK Concerning the water inflow from Albanian part, there are no natural surface inflows ; » into both lakes:. Ini^nall Prespa in Greek territory there are small temporary streams that in- 'j flow into the lake There are several rivers flowing into Big Prespa Lake: Agios Germanos \ River in Greek territory and Golema, Kranjska, Brajchinska and Istocna River in Republic of I Macedonian territory. ' '; V << There are no natural outflows by surface way in all Prespa Lakes. However, there has ij- been considerable human modification of the hydrology of the. area, which has to be taken in '* consideration. So, in 1976 in Small Prespa was created a channel through which a water from Devolli River has been is turned in during the wet and withdraw water from the lake desti- nated for irrigation during the dry period. The data of these artificial inflow and outflow are not well evidenced in all cases and as result the values of these elements won't be so reliable. Different than Small Prespa Lake, were artificial inflow/outflow is occurred, the only outflow from the Big Prespa Lake by the underground way towards to Ohrid Lake (located on an ele- A vation of cca 150 m below the Big Prespa Lake) in Tushemishti and Driloni springs in Alba- nian part and Saint Naum springs in the part of the Republic of Macedonia, can be observed. The water balance is calculated for each lake separately because they are considered independent hydrologicaly speaking. The canal linking Small and Big Prespa will serve once as for outflow from Small Prespa and after as for inflow to Big Prespa. ;

Water balance of Small Prespa Lake(calculated for long-term period)

Sinall Prespa Lake with a surface area of cca 47.4 km2 (essentially in Greek territory) has a catchment area of cca 189 km2. . .

A) Inflow: Precipitation, surface and underground flow ••

The inflow elements for Small Prespa Lake are as following: a) contribution of precipita- tion (direct on water mirror), b) runoff from catchment area, c) underground inflow, d) artifi- cial inflow from Devolli River (Albania) !. !; ^

• Precipitation on surface lake . -,; •'• \\' \ ••/.[ The only rain gauge station within the basin of Small Prespa is Koula that is situated ;; near the isthmus between two. lakes in Greek territory. In this case another rain gauge station

56 (Bilishti) is used, a littleout of catchment area of Small Prespa in Albanian territory. The long-term averages of rainfall of each station are respectively 572 mm (Greek data) for Koula and 666 mm for Bilishti (Archives of Hydrometeorological Institute). The all over averages of rainfall on surface area of lakes is accepted 620 mm, which means an amount of 29.4-106 m3 of rainfall water coming in the Small Prespa Lake.

• Runoff from catchment area 5 The catchment area of Small Prespa Lake (189 km2) dominates with limestones and dolomites on the western and southern sides, while on the eastern side granites and gneisses predominate. For our purpose it is better to use the definitions infiltrated area (karst) and non- infiltrated area. According to the Greek data and performed studies at IGME(Institut for Ge- ology and Mining Exploration, Athens, Greece), infiltrated area in the catchment area of Small Prespa is around 140 km2 and the runoff (surface flow) is no more than 10% of the pre- cipitation. For the rest a specific discharge of 8 l/s/km2 has been applied. The most difficult problem was to calculate the average precipitation for the whole catchment area of the Small Prespa Lake. This was especially having in mind that the number of existing stations and rain gauges located on the plain around the lake in the catchment area are not enough. As there are not meteorological stations or rain gauges in the surrounding high mountains, the existing sta- tions cannot be representative for the whole catchment area. In'this case a value of 742 mm was taken and adopted from other studies5 After calculations there are 10.4-106 m3 of water coming from infiltrated area and 12.4-106 m3 of water from the rest area. In conclusion, the total amount of water coming from whole catchment area of Small Prespa is 22.8-106 m3.

• Inflow by underground way Is not important (to be neglected).

• Artificial inflow A channel, which can input water from Devolli River into the lake during wet period (October-May) and withdraw water from the lake during dry period (June-September) for irri- gation was constructed in Albanian territory in 1976. According to the data taken from Direc- torate of Water Management in Ministry of Agriculture results in an average volume of 55- 60-106 m3 of water per year, which flow into the Small Prespa lake.

B) Outflow, evaporation, surface or groundwater outflow, irrigation

The outflow elements for Small Prespa Lake are as it follows: a) evaporation from open water surface, b) surface or groundwater outflow, c) outflow by irrigation.

-.-'• Evaporation The evaporation from open water surface is an important element and many research- ers have dealt with it. In the same time the results of the calculation are different among them- selves. For that reason in this study Penman Formula for open water evaporation which is a unique formula and worldwide used is applied. Also the data of the evaporation pan in Koula station and evaporation pan in Vegoritis Lake in the east of Prespa Lake in Greece are used. a) Open water evaporation from Prespa Lake

5 Lake Prespa, Northwestern Greece: A Unique Balkan Wetland. (Developments in Hydrobiology 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers)

57 b) Equation of Penman Combined approach (Mass transfer method + Energy balance approach) :

c sRN +c/}pls{ea-ed)Ira • _ tQ=-— : : (J) L s + y where: Eo open water evaporation mm d" C constant to convert units from kg.m'2.s'1 to.mm.d"1 /?A' net radiation at earth's surface in W.m2 L latent heat of vaporization ( L = 2.45*106J.kg'!.) s slope of the temperature-saturation vapor pressure curve (kPa.K"1) cp specific heat of air at constant pressure (cp= 1013 J.kg~'.K"') • 3 pa density of air (pa = 1.2047 kg.m' at sea level) ' : e(i actual vapor pressure for the air at 2 m height in kPa " ~ea' saturation vapour pressure for the air temperature at 2m height in kPa y psychrometric constant (y= 0.067 kPa.K"1 at sea level) i /•„ aerodynamic resistance in s.m'1 • The required data for Penman formula (3), are as follows (monthly averages; where appropriate 24 hour): • latitude j • altitude ' • sunshine duration ; • relative humidity • • • minimum air temperature • maximum air temperature ; • wind speed at 2 m height . •

Results of calculations and monitoring of open water evaporation (per year): ? • Equation of Penman 1180 mm (Albanian data)^ • Evaporation pan (Koula station) 1090 mm (2 years of data)^ • • Evaporation pan Vegoritis Lake 1113 mm (8 years of data)^ i

^ ' • • The average of these three values, 1128 mm, or expressed in volume that means total volume of 53.5-106 mJ of water evaporated from water mirror of Small Prespa Lake is ac- cepted as a final estimation of evaporation.

• Outflow by surface or groundwater way

a) Outflow by surface way

There is no surface outflow in the Albanian part, meanwhile in Greek territory there is the canalal linking Small and BiBigj Prespa from which outflows a total annual volume of 41 • 106 m} of water (last ten years data)8.

" For this phase of study only Albanian data are used. It is unknown the type of the pan used for the monitoring. 8 Greek Data (IGME)

58 b) Outflow by underground way

From Small Prespa there isn't any outflow by underground way.

• Irrigation Albanian part 10 106 m3 (annually for last ten years) Greek part 5 106 m3 (annually) Total 15 106m3 of water

Summary results of the performed water balance is given in Table 4.1. ater balance of Big Prespa Lake

Big Prespa Lake with a surface area of 253.6 km has a catchment area of 1058 km"

A. Inflow: Precipitation, surface and underground flow, irrigation

The inflow elements for Big Prespa Lake are as follow: a) contribution of precipitation (direct on water mirror), b) runoff from catchment area, c) surface or underground inflow

• Precipitation on the surface lake The contribution of the precipitation according to the available data (long-term aver- ages) for all meteorological station around the cost of the lake is as follows:

0 Albania Liqenas 849 mm south-west side Gorice 910 mm west- side

0 Greece Koula 572 mm south-east side o R of Macedonia Asamati 614 mm north-east side 596 mm east side Stenje 868 mm west side Average of all surface area 735 mm

A value of 186.4-106 m3 was obtained after the performed calculations for the total amount of the water falling as precipitation on the water mirror of the lake only.

• Inflow from catchment area (runoff)

The catchment area of Big Prespa Lake is not uniform (rainfall distribution speaking). In the west part of this catchment area the precipitation are higher than in the east part, show-

59 ing a value in the range of 800 - 950. mm /year for all catchment area. The problem of distri- bution of the meteorological stations in whole catchment area (especially in surrounding mountains) of Big Prespa is the same as for Small Prespa. The calculation of the inflow from the catchment area was evaluated according to the land characteristics and in the same time the flow rate measurements in some stream flows in Greek territory (Ag. Germanous river) and Republic of Macedonian territory (Brajcinska, Kranska, Resenska and Istocka rivers) are taken into consideration. The whole catchment area was divided in three sub areas in the base of land characteristics concerning infiltration capa- bility. The value that has been founded for the specific discharge of the east and southeast sub area (in total amount of 487 km2) was 13 1/s/km" i.e. 199 106 mJ as a total inflow volume. . The calculation of the inflow for the west and south-west sub area (in total surface of 327 km2) was based on. the specific characteristics and hydro geological approach (Karst for- mation), assuming a value of 10 %-of the total rainfall which in this case is 950mm/y and the value of 31-106 m3, was received. For the remaining catchment area of 244 km2 and the previously adopted value of 9 1/s/km2..an amount of 69-10SnJ has been obtained. On the basis of the a.m. calculation the value of 299 1G6 nv has been received.

• Surface or groundwater inflow

The surface inflow in this paragraph is intended to be the amount of water coming from the Small Prespa Lake through the channel linking both lakes. It is the same water, which in the case of Small Prespa was considered as outflow and now for the Big Prespa is considered as inflow, so this amount is 41*106m3. Concerning the underground inflow, according to the performed study on south part of the catchment area of the Big Prespa in Greek territory, the underground inflow of 8-106 mJ has been estimated^ In total there are 49-106 nv of water coming by surface and ground- water way.

B) Outflow: evaporation, outflow by surface or groundwater way,irrigation

• Evaporation

Concerning the evaluation of the open water evaporation in Big Prespa Lake the sce- nario is the same as for the Small Prespa Lake. i

- Estimated value based on Penman Equation with Albanian data (Fig. 4.4) s 1180 mm. - Greek Evaporimeter pan 1100 mm - On the basis of the Environmental Isotope Study (balancing the 5 I8O and 5 2H values) performed in the past by Republic of Macedonian researchers, Anovski et al. (1987) for Big Prespa Lake, a value of 1000 mm has been received for the open water evaporation. .\\ Taking into account the average value of 1100 mm, total outflow due to the evapora- tion is estimated 279-106 m3/

9 Greek Data (1GME)

60 • Irrigation }'

In the Albanian part and Greek part the water of Big Prespa Lake used for irrigation is not important. In Macedonian it's used 10-106 m3.

• Outflow by surface or underground way

There doesn't exist outflow by surface way in the Big Prespa Lake. Meanwhile the outflow by underground way is very important for the Big Prespa Lake. This outflow is through the well-known Zaveri abyss (very interesting and the only known because is visible) in Albanian part of Big Prespa Lake and the St.Naumi springs (Republic of Macedonian part) and Tushemishti springs (Albanian part) and some other underwater springs in Ohrid Lake. According the Hydro meteorological Institutes in Republic of Macedonia and Albania the long-term averages of the discharge of St. Naumi and Tushemishti springs are respectively 7.5 m3/s and around 2 m7s. For the underwater springs in both countries it is not possible till now to estimate their discharges. Referring to the conclusions of the isotopes studies carried out in the frame of this Pro- ject, the percentages of the waters of Big Prespa Lake contributing in the total water discharge of St. Naum and Tushemishti springs, have been obtained. According to these conclusions it resulted with 40% of the discharge of St. Naumi springs belongs to the waters coining from Prespa Lake, while for the water in Tushemishti springs the participation of Prespa Lake wa- ter is estimated to be 54% of its total discharge. The total contribution of the Prespa Lake wa- ter to the both springs Tushemishti and St. Naum) is estimated to be cca 4,08m3/s or in a total volume of 129-106 m3, what is in a good agreement with the data obtained on the basis of the performed Environmental isotope balance, T. Anovski et al. (1987), related to the participa- tion of Prespa Lake water to the St. Naum Spring as an amount of 25% of the total drainaged water through Galichica mount.

Note: In this amount of water the contribution of the underwater springs in Ohrid Lake (un- known at the moment) is not included. Summary results of the performed water balance is given in Table 4.2.

61 H m. a.s.l.

854 Max. historical level 853 852.91 ma.s.l. (1963)

t\J Mean - - - Min Max. Ampiltudd 7.45 m —-Max 847 846 Min. historical levef 845.46 ma.s.l,(1996) 845 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Years

Fig. 4.1. Water tevei of the Big Prespa Lake at Likenas (Pustec) H cm

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 " 2000


Fig. 4.2. Water level of the Small Prespa Lake at Tren R mi71 ] ', 1600

•\OC\C\ •


MBM 1000- *MM — ••Ma

•M 800-



• - i inn .


0- 1951 1956;--' -. 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996

Fig. 4.3. Rainfall at Likenas (Pustec) 1951-1997 Evaporation from Prespa Lake Penman Formula Evaporation mm


200 - -

ON <

150 -•

100 -


Fig. 4.4. Monthly evaporation by Penman formula (Albanian data) TABLE 4.1

Summary Results of Water Balance for the Small Prespa Lake

Elements Inflow Outflow l06nv; 106m3

Precipitation 29.4 •'.'•• — ' ' ' i ' • ! Runoff (catch. Area) 22,8 Surface flow 55 - 60 41 :

Groundwater —. — • Evaporation - 53,5

Irrigation - •:; is. . • :, • .. TOTAL -110 -no


Summary Results of Water Balance for the Big Prespa Lake

Inflow Outflow ; Elements '•••'.|ji; .' i 6 5 •• ioV 10 m •[

Precipitation (lake area) 186 - • : :

Runoff (catchment area) 299 - .

Surface flow 41

129 (known springs) Underground flow* 8 116 (unknown, sublacustric springs)

Evaporation . • • - 279

Irrigation • .- 10 . . ..

TOTAL • ,534 534 ,"•.•••

66 UDC: 556.55 (497.7) 556.3(497.7)

Session V



'lGME(lnstitute for Geological and Mineral Exploration) Athens, Greece 2FIuid Project, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia •'Hydrometeorological Institute, Tirana, Albania CHARTING AND PROFILING THE BOTTOM OF BIG AND SMALL PRESPA LAKE

!' Following the conclusions of the Korcha meeting in 1997, for hydr6graphical, hydro- logical and ecological consideration, charting and profiling the bottom of the Prespa Lakes was declared as essential. Connection between hydrological movements and hydrogeologycal structure of the bottom was widely accepted by the researches from Republic of Macedonia, : Greece and Albania, as important input characteristic in many different approaches of referent scientific fields. Producing the chart of the bottom of the lakes consider to be.the-imperative ! in unique methodology and territory. i The research was offered as combination of fieldwork and final results assuming, dur- ing the period of two years. Important objective of the project has to be the distinguishing af- i ford;in cooperation between the researches of three neighbouring countries.

Fieldwork , . •

According to the Contract dated in 1999, between IAEA and Fluid Project, the chart- ing and profiling the bottom of the Small and Big Prespa Lake was provided at the end of 2000. The fieldwork was organized in two steps: Macedonian team field work, and interna- tional team fieldwork.

First part

Republic of Macedonian team fieldwork was organized during the summer 2000, from 12 to 24 of June. Methodology of the charting was obtained using standard equipment for GPS navigation and Sonar imaging of the depth in a point. The equipment that was used be- longs to the Fluid Project. During the fieldwork, more than 2 000 points were collected. Following the experienced ideas as well as current results, more than 40 samples of stratigraphy and coring were applicated, using the equipment for underwater sampling widely supported by divers. ""'.-.' • The fieldwork was performed on the whole territory of the Big Prespa Lake that be- longs to Republic of Macedonia.

Second part

According to the plan for implementation of separate parts of this project, established during the working group meetings in Athens (November, 1999) and in Skopje (May 2000) an international team was formed. The fieldwork with international team was provided from the 25 October to 3 November 2000 in Oteshevo, Prespa, Republic of Macedonia as a duty sta- tion. Within the team consisted of Nikola Isajlovski, from Republic of Macedonian part, Mol- nar Kolaneci, from Albanian part and Andreas Andrinopoulos, from Greek part, several co- workers colaborated as well.

69 Cruising was provided every day excluding 28 October because of the strong wind. Equipment for navigation and bathymetry was installed on the vessel Alisa, driven by ; the motor engine. •, • Ficldwork consisted of the following activities: • Installation and calibration of the equipment: : GPS system and roof mounted external antenna Reystar Multi beam Echo sounder Knudsen with the side mounted probe. . i- :* • Collecting the data from the cross section established in previous consultations and daily planing. • ' ' ..;. j '•'/;• • Pre-preparing the collected data in MS Excel database. . .;•• !

Following the supplement corespondance, the team was supplied with appropriate ; permissions for the field research on the territory of the dialed countries, that were shipped by the authorities of the three countries before the start of fieldwork, , According to the working plane, three days were dedicated to the Macedonian part of Big Prespa Lake. Using two separate combinations of navigation and bathymetry units, this part was covered by 3.950 points. Two days were dedicated to the Albanian part of the Big Prespa Lake, and 823 points were collected. During the researching on the territory of Repub- lic of Greece, the team was interrupted on 31 October by the Greek Police vessel. According to the request of the Greek Police authorities further exploration was stopped. The permission that the Greek part of the team have supplied was not valid for this orders of implementation the project. . ;, Breaking of the procedure and methodology of the research, it caused devotion of the team in two groups. The group of three members of the Greek team provided the data collect- _ ing on the therithory of Greece, during the next two days. The rest of the international team ; continued to provide data collecting on the Macedonian and Albanian part of the Big Prespa;; Lake. ; ;


The international team for fieldwork had the working meeting during the 16 — 17 No- vember, 2000, placed in official offices of IGME, Athens. During this meeting, all referent data and calibrated specifications of the equipment were commented by the members of the team. The preliminary results, performed by software application, showed the next steps in eliminating the possible errors in navigation and bathymetry. ' The important problem occurs in unification the data collected in different methodolo- gies and equipment specifications. Preliminary results, see Fig. 5.1, supplemented in the draft chart of the bottom of the Big Prespa Lake was presented during the Korcha Workshop from 21-26 November 2000.

Providing the procedure of eliminating systems errors on the plotting charts of position and batymetry data, the international team has the following remarks: :

1. The project was provided using two different types of equipment, that understand different methodology. Errors in producing the final results should be eliminated in the future work. -.•'., " .

70 2. From the present constellation of collaboration between countries in the region, seems impossible to cover the whole territory of the Big Piespa Lake using the standard methoddlogy of cross section for the complete coverage of the bottom. Possible wholes in the collected data should be aprocsimated or corrected with the ; fieldwork in addition. The most common problems are boundaries between the '''-' borders area. ' 3. The most deepest part of the Big Prtespa Lake was measured 52 m under the lake Level. The configuration on that part of the bottom in surrounding, shows the ,common possibilities for strong tectonics. \ 4» ,Two characteristic structures, named as trenches were found, and recognized as at- |Y||Mjf tributed points in possible further researching. Yf,f\$ |the Western trench, along the west coast that starts from Stenje bay and leads to f" ])i the island of Republic of Macedonian part of the Lake, is about 7 km long, 0,9 km ' * wide and 35 m deep in average, see Fig. 5.2. The both sides of the trench are very • [' sharp, especially the west side. Not any sediment deposits were found during the diving observations and sampling. The bottom of the trench is covered with the week slide of sediments. The current along the trench is strong during the summer thermal stratification. - Eastern trench, along the East part of the Lake is about 12 km long, 1,5 km wide and 23 m deep in average. Sides and bottom of the trench are covered with weak deposits slides, not expected in this configuration. • ::•.:5.' Strong sedimentation.area was recognized on the east part of the Lake, were the several rivers inflow the lake. Providing the procedure of changing the accuracy of sonar transducer probe, light subbottom profiling shows the stratification in de- posit slides. This strong sedimentation forced in east part, increased the turbidity movement along the wide territory of the lake. 6. The south part of the Lake, that belongs to Republic of Greece, showed unex- pected structure of the bottom configuration. Sharp faults were found very close to • . the coast and specially in the area of the coast that devided Big and Small Prespa Lake. The opinion of the researching team is that strong tectonics movement pre- ; dieted and caused the successive faults on the bottom. 7. Researching of the bottom have to be continued in the certten areas very close to the boundaries and the cross-sections that are necessary for coverage of the bottom image. 8. Common procedure of collecting data has to be provided with uniform methodol- ogy on the whole area. 9. Implementation of the results in current computing is necessary to produce for- mula for calculating the surface of the lake mirror, and also the quantity of the wa- ter in the Lake in every moment For this reason, it is more that important to unify the batigraphy and topography images of the respective charting sources.

7/ 40.95




*" ."

20.95 21 • 2105 21.1

Fig. 5.1. Morphology of the Big Prespa Lake Bo.tom

72 Fig. 5.2. Western Trench along the Profile Stenje-Island, Golem Grad UDC: 556.55 (497.7) 556.3 (497.7)

Session VI


Todor ANOVSKI1, Laurence L. GOURCY2

'Faculty of Technology and metallurgy Univ. of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 2IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), Vienna, Austria A) CONCLUSIONS

Both the temperature and the dissolved oxygen data are indicating that during 2000 the layering of the Lake water is starting to be formed at the beginning of May and it is at its end at the beginning of October (see Table 2.1). In all Lake water samples, but the ones from point 14 of October 2000 at depths 15 and 23 m, the dissolved oxygen content is over the limit of a water to be considered as anoxic (2 mg/1), according to Alliaud (1991). During the last decade, not any significant differentiation of the chemical composition of the Lake water in yearly level is observed. This fact indicates the absence of an anthropo- genic intervention so intense as to reduce the Lake water quality. All springs have low mineralized bicarbonate-calcite water, but three spring groups are distinguishable according to their quality.

- The first group includes Saint Naum - Tushemishti spring group. It has the following quality characteristics: temperature 10.2-12° C, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) about 150-200 nig/1, calcium ion concentration is about 45-55 mg/1 and bicarbonate ion concentration is usu- ally up to 200 mg/1. - The second group includes the springs of Devoll valley. Water temperature, and ion concentration is higher in this spring group, and distinctly in the Progri spring. The tempera- ture of Progri spring is 15-16° C, TDS value is about 250-300 mg/1 while the calcium and bi- carbonate ion concentration is respectively 70-80 mg/1 and 230-330 mg/1. - Small Galichitsa spring, which is the higher elevation spring, has lower temperature and generally lower ion concentration, also. The performed radiological (Total-a, Total -p and y-spectrometry Analyses) and GC (gas chromatography)/ HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography) analyses of pesticides content of the investigated waters has confirmed absence of any radioactive or significant pesticide pollutant( see Table 2.2 - 2.6). According the existing quality water regulations, the lake water as well as the water from the observed springs, can be used even as drinkable after a simple physical treatment process and disinfection. . Balancing the distribution of environmental isotopes has been shown as an efficient hydrological tool especially in investigations of regional character like it was in our case (Summary results are shown on Table 3.1). Assuming that the d18O value of the constituent originating from the precipitation in- filtrated in the rocks might be the same as the one of the spring Biljana (point 22,-10.1 700), the contribution of the lake water to the recharge of the springs is estimated as 54.4±3.2 % for the springs Tush-1 and Tush-2 and 37.3±3.2 % for Sv. Naum. The main hypothesis concerning the fast and continuing decrease of Big Prespa Lake level remain the hypothesis of the widening of underground channels connecting Big Prespa Lake with Ohrid Lake. For the other hypothesis of the meteorological parameters influencing in the level oscillation needs more data especially for the snow. The water balance of Small Prespa Lake shows a good equilibrium between inflow and outflow elements for the long-term period (see Table 4.1), even some of these elements require more accurate estimations. The water balance of Big Prespa Lake demonstrates that the most interesting and in the same time the most difficult element of the outflow by underground way is not yet defined

77 properly (see Table. 4.2.). Also in this case the same elements require more accurate estima- tions. :-} Researching of the bottom have to be continued in the certten areas very close to|he boundaries and the cross-sections that are necessary for coverage of the bottom image. \ Common procedure of collecting data has to be provided with uniform methodology • ; on the whole area. . : Implementation of the results in current computing is necessary to produce formula for calculating the surface of the lake mirror, and also the quantity of the water in the Lake in • every moment. For this reason, it is more that important to unify the batigraphy and topogra- ' phy images of the respective charting sources. < :


The following activities are envisage to be realised within the coming period of two years:

1. Physico-chemical Analyses of Small and Big Prespa Lake water (In order to determine the trophic level of the Lake water, special attention should be paid to the determination of Ni- trogen and Phosphorous as well). /

2. The level oscillation Detailed analyses for monthly data of the discharges of the St. Naumi and Tushemishti springs and of precipitations for all meteorological stations in the catchment area of Prc spa Lakes (for the period 1986-2000) r

3. The water balance : 3.1. The extension of meteorological network (especially rain gauge stations) in the high mountain of the catchment area in both lakes (for the determination of mean precipi- tation in whole catchment area). 3.2. The amelioration of the conditions of the measurements of the discharges in St. Naumi and Tushemishti springs and eventually in the rivers in Macedonian part. 3.3. The determination of the exact data and the source for some elements of water bal- ance (irrigation, flow rate of main springs as well as of the channel linking the two Prespa and the canal linking Devolli River with Small Prespa).

4. Hydrogeological investigations (Prospecting of the area of interest), Field work in a duration of three weeks (second half of the 2001)

5. Depth profiling by using of ultrasonic measurements with a high density(500 x 500m), to be organized during the September, 2001. .

6. Tracer experiment by injection of artificial tracer in one sinkhole at Zaveri locality and its observation in several springs along the South-Eastern coast of the Ohrid lake (2002).

78 The above mentioned goals of the project would be achieved through the following ac- tivities: , ,:

• Technical approach ' - collecting of samples, analysis and exchange of measurement and other relevant data between the participating laboratories, giving an accurate insight in its hydro- logical balance and water quality status which is very important for the future of the region (permanent activities); more precise verification of the hypothesis for existing of underground communi- cation between Prespa and Ohrid lakes (data about the intensity of the underground hydrological communication between the above mentioned lakes are foreseen to be received); expert knowledge exchange acquired before and during the project through profes- sional meetings and contacts( permanent activities); study on planning and land-use with special attention to the tourist, fishing and other industries ,size and location, (permanent activities);

• Building of public awareness building awareness in the local population about the preservation and sustainable development of the area (permanent activities); - animation and information of the public by informal body consisting of representa- tives of all the participating countries in the project, through open meetings and discussions about the status of the Prespa lake and the needed activities (optimal use of the water and plant protection substances) for its better protection and more rational usage, promoting on that way an extensive inter-citizen collaboration, good neighborliness, tolerance and stability of the region as a whole ( permanent activities); publishing of multi-lingual bulletin about the progress of the project and informa- tion relevant to the public interest which will also be opened for contribution of in- dividuals outside of the working team; - construction of a WEB-site which would give possibility for immediate insight in the status and progress of the project;

• Tracing of future activities planning of the full project in a way that the main activities (hydrological investi- gations, water quality assurance, planning and land-use, data and knowledge ex- change, public information and inter-citizen cooperation, etc) will continue after the end of this project; identification of the future sponsors for continuous realization of the planned ac- tivities for the benefit of all the local population.


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List of Figures

FIG. 1. Symplified Hydrogeological Map of Prespa and Ohrid Lakes

FIG. LI. Hydrogeological cross-section I -1 through Mali Thate Mountain

FIG 1.2. Hydrogeological cross-section II-II through Mali Thate Mountain

•;.•. FIG. 1.3. Geological map of Zaveri Water Loss

FIG, 2.1. GC chromatogram of sample with internal standard, recorded in unpolar column

I; FIG. 2.2. GC chromatogram of standard solution with investigated pesticides

'.• FIG. 2.3. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-1 measured at 4 wavelenghts

• :... FIG.. 2.4. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-2 measured at 4 wavelenghts

• FIG. 2.5. HPLC chromatogram of standard solution PSM-3 measured at 4 wavelenghts

1 5 I FIG. 2.6a. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prespa Lake compared with standard PSM-1 FIG. 2.6b. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prespa Lake compared with standard PSM-2

FIG. 2.6c. HPLC chromatogram of water sample from Prespa Lake compared with standard PSM-3

FIG. 4.1. Water level of Big Prespa Lake at Liqenas

FIG. 4.2. Water levels of Small Prespa Lake at Tren

\ FIG. 4.3. Rainfall in Liqenas (Pusteci) 1951-1997

FIG. 4.4. Monthly evaporation by Penman formula (Albanian data)

FIG. 5.1. Morphology of the Big Prespa Lake Bottom

:'• FIG. 5.2. Western Trench along the Profile Stenje-Island, Golem Grad

83 List of Tables











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?>? PI

84 PARTICIPATING SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS I i . \ 1. FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND METALLURGY, SKOPJE, REPUBLIC OF % \ MACEDONIA, in cooperation with: : f'*1-- ' • • ' • • i cf -Center for Application of Radioisotopes in Science and Industry from Skopje, ),' Republic of Macedonia I \ - Geohydroproject - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia fj'[ - Hydro-meteorological Institute-Skopje, Republic of Macedonia , - Hydrobiological Institute -Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - Fluid Project - Skopje , Republic of Macedonia

is' Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Todor Anovski,

Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, / Dept. of Physics / Univ. "Kiril i Metodij" |, P.O.Box 580, 1001 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Tel:++389 91 364588 Fax:++389 91 365389 E-mail: anovski@ereb 1 .mf.ukim.edu.mk


- Institute for Hydrometeorology, Tirana, Albania

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Jovan Zoto

Tel:++ 355 42 62596 Fax:++355 42 62596 E-mail: [email protected]


- IGME (Institute for Geological and Mineral Exploration), Athens, Greece.

Project coordinator: Dr. loannis Leontiadis

•'j NCSR "Demokritos"

Tel :+30-l-6536873 ; Fax:+30-1-6511766 E-mail: [email protected]

85 Errata: d18O or dD elsewhere in this puplication should be readed as 518O i.,e 5D.