United States Patent (19) ESSSÉÉ
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,469,452 Sharpless et al. 45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 1984 54 NDCATOR SYSTEMAND MEANS FOR 3,946,611 3/1976 Larsson ............................... 374/106 RREVERSIBLY RECORDING A 3,946,612 3/1976 Sagi et al. ........................... 374/106 TEMPERATURE LIMIT 3,974,317 8/1976 Sharpless ... ... 252/299.7 3,996,007 12/1976 Fanc et al. .......................... 6/206 (75) Inventors: Edward N. Sharpless, Somerville; 4,042,336 8/1977 Larsson ............................... 374/106 Joseph Lichtenstein, Colonia, both of 4,066,567 1/978 Labes .......... ... 252/299.7 4,137,049 1/1979 Couch et al. ........................ 116/206 4,154,106 5/1979 Inoue et al. ......................... 374/106 73) Assignee: Whitman Medical Corporation, 4,232,552 11/1980 Hof et al. ............................ 374/106 Clark, N.J. 4,285,697 8/1981 Neary .......... ... 252A408.1 (21) Appl. No.: 368,379 4,299,727 1/1981 Hof et al. ............................ 374/106 22 Filed: Apr. 14, 1982 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 59566 4/1978 U.S.S.R. ........................... 252/299.7 51 Int. Cl. ....................... C09K 3/34; G01N 21/06; 703560 12A1979 U.S.S.R. ........................... 252/299.7 31/22; CO1K 3/00; C01K 11/16 52 U.S. C. .................................... 374/160; 116/206; OTHER PUBLICATIONS 116/207; 116/216; 116/217; 116/219; "Use of Liquid Crystals as Vapor Detectors', Mol. 252/299.5; 252/229.7; 252/408.1; 252/962; Cryst. Liq. Cryst., vol. 27, E. J. Posiomek, et al. 374/102; 374/106,374/141; 374/161; 374/162; 436/2 Primary Examiner-Teddy S.
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